Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Fll Donill ! BOTH HOr
The Real Winter Coat Made of Seal Plush
Lovely' Winter Conts, heavy and warm, made of the
Famous' Seal t'lush. Cut on the same patterns as the six
and seven hundred dollar Alaskan Real Coats, 54 and 5G
inches long.
Prices-935.00, $15.00 and $G0.00.
Special Prices on Dressos for Little Women
$25.00, ,$30.00 and $35.00 Dresses for $1G.50.'
. A-1 ' Genuine Lynx Furs
t We show n greater variety of Heal Lynx than any other,
store in the city.
Keal Lyn Sets from $-10.00 up to $125.00.
' Second Floor.
B - U -
nd the. jwltchmen. that the controversy
be submitted to arbitration under the terms
o fthe Erdman act. To this propoial the
managers' committee ave a wlllliiK con
srnU but the swltrtimen absolutely de
clined It. The managers' committee believes
that. the public Ihtertet should not suffer
because o a disagreement where a proper
method to settle the" dlffprencs la offered
through the treflalTn of a disinterested third
party under the tetrhL of a federal law."
" tats-mr-nt i( fTTltrhiiien.
Fpeaklng "for ,.lhc" 'switchmen tonight,
iTesident' Hal( mid-:
"We have. n further communication
from the rnllroad offl'-lals. 'The swltch
rmn have ben fair In their requeita.
"We, want an advance of 6 centa an hour
tn pay and tha elimination of overtime and
?unday work as far as possible and the
request for double pay for overtime Is In
the nature of a penalty rqore than any
thing cite an we want to discourage over
time, Sunday and holiday work. We alao
ask' for a modification of the physical re
quirements, and age limit rule. Examin
ation for employment on railroads are now
-as rigid as. those required for service In
the regular army.
"J have' never . seen a time when the
men were so thoroughly organized and
ready for concerted action as In tha prea;nt
Instance. This .strike will result In the
most complete lleup of railroad traffic in
the territory effected that has ever been
known, not tren exctptlng the great
of 1H94. Frorh now on not a switch engine
will 'move In' the. territory between thq
head of the lakes and the Pacific coast.
"Tried to- Avoid Strike.
The' switchmen' greatly regret the ac
tion that they have been forced to take.
We did not wish a strike and used every
reasonable means to avoid one. And I am
quite positive that If we had to deal only
with the officials of . the Northwestern rail
roads. Instead of wtlh. the general commit-
; The Midwest Life
Nine persona out of oycry one hundred
who apply for life Insurance are-permanently
declined. krlflh' 'statement' IstrtuW
t;UfHn Vhi trecped" of American companies
t .AMwfittf 'lift hA fttvlt Inf ,K. nM t
. in i j , . " " f . . ' v. " . 1 1 1 1 ti in
surance In force . In the United States.
iieven oui 01 1 1 f ry nunareo. are tem
porarily declined, but two of this number
finally are, approved fur some kind of a
policy, not always the kind originally ap
t plied for.. The great majority of the nine
jFr cent. .Who are permanently declined
could have " passeiT satisfactory ex
amination St an earlier'date In their lives.
They simply put off signing an application
too long!" The Midwest Life Issues all of
' the standard forms of policies on sound
lives. Tuke out a policy In thla company
whlie you are In good health and can get
cne. Tndoy Is tho accepted time, toinor
1 row may be the excepted time. The home
' office, ct The -Midwest Life la 1007 O
. Street. Llneoln.
S "
i Leather
$ v ks 1J
rAZ?r.a- i . "No other nation has such clever
w y ."UL. ei - ,
OnD leather workers as England p
and no other English maker g
S turns out leather goods to equal "Cross." We
have the exclusive Omaha selling on the entire
3 "Cross" line and herewith are cited a few of the 5
holiday novelties that are
U3CCf.1f.13;., UKIQUE,
skin or iihT'kco, i to 43
KID BEI.TS Ot-nulne kid, for la
Ulet' wear, at . 93
BTTCJCtZI Ladles' fancy belt
buckles. $1 to $2.80
styles, f,.ti to $14.50
KOTBSOK CAgXS In an array at
t.fruie ti &u to 5
l-It a?OXlXBS In an assort-mi-ut
at i. lUen. also at ..$2-60
. Htlriup ai(n $3.7 5- to ...$4.SO
WUjTI!a CABES For ladles, at
to ta-w
rSOTO CABS For travelers
Tat 2.75 to . t7
CABBIAOB BAG For laoles,
finest morocco, at from III 50
...f 14.80
rim r 1 jin rf-,wM aTnu, mm r-m. r
Send for New Illustrated Fall Catalogue.
Itr.ACM ir.b PlfTH, Ind. A-13M
jy - 09
tee, we would have reached an amicable
agreement.-' We realise the inconvenience
which a strike at theis time will cause to
the public, but the responsibility does not
He wtlh the switchmen, as they only asked
for that which was Justly theirs."
After the strike had been Inaugurated
President Hawley gave out this statement:
"We have advised every member that
from the moment the strike begins, he
must keep away from the company's prop
erty, obey the law, commit no act of vio
lence nor do anything that will reflect dis
creditably upon himself or the organization
conducting the strike.
"We also Insist upon the strikers strictly
abstaining from any Intoxicants and while
this In a great sense may seem unneces
sary, owing to the remarkable degree of
Bobrlety obterved by members of the
SwItchmen'B unlon yet we feel that It is
ttn-lr duty to have a clear head at such
a time."
John B. Hudson.
John B. Undhon, a Southern Pacific fire
man, living at Eagle, died Monday night
at St. Joseph's hospital, following a two
weeks' Illness. He was 28 years of age and
is survived by his wife. The body was
taken to Eagle Tuesday afternoon for
i Gertrude Edmonds.
Gertrude Charlotte, 4-year-old daughter
of Mr itnd Mrs. Charles Edmunds, 1209
South Fourteenth street, died Tuesday
rrxtning of pneumonia. The funeral will be
held Thursday afternoon from the home,
with Interi;- nt In Laurel Hill cemetery.
Charles S. Smith.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30. Charles Stewart
Smith, ffTfe" of the last of tire o'd line mer
chant princes who laid the fo.. .ilatlons of
their fortunes before the civil war, dlnd
today, aged 77 years.
Diamonds FRENZER lGth and Dodge.
' Implement Healer at Sloax Falls.
SIOCX FALLS, S. D Nov. 90. (Special.)
One of the greatest conventions of the
year In. South Dakota will be the eleventh
annual 'Convention of , the Retail i Imple
ment Dealers' ussotl&tlon : of--ouh , Da
kota, southwestern Minnesota and', north
western Iowa, which Will be tield Irr Sioux"
Falls on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs
day, December 7, 8 and 9.
The Dacotah club and the Elks' club will
be open at all tlmea during the convention
for the use of the Implement dealers who
attend the convention. The exhibit of mod
ern farm machinery and vehicles to be
made by the local houses during the con
vention will be the greatest exhibit of the
kind In the history of South Dakota. Sev
eral hundred dealers from the trl-state ter
ritory covered by the association will at
tend the convention, and In addition there
will be many others' present.
Tho opening session will be held at the
City Auditorium, while the remaining ses
sions will be held at Elks' hall.
Goods i
mace the most use-
Pill MOM1AV.f?f,, srrtA
- ! s
li i&LFllUiy v
Gifts of all
most timely now.
QI.OTEB Hand sewn gloves for
men and women, fl.50 and $3.00
nSWIl BOXES For men. In
morocco and pigskin, a large line
at to $9.60
BIEX BOEDB For men. la
Skin, ll.&u to $3
KAXOB OASES The roll up style,
at 2 7 to ...$3.75
TOILET CASES Men's toilet
cases for traveling use, at $11. a0,
$14 10 and $aJ0
at, each
OOIJf rUBBES For men,
and alio up to
at $1
t from
rocco styles for men, i
II 75 upward to
x roars
BAGS At from
1 11.60 upwards
to $80.60
Farnam St.s
i ii ii
Sweeping Reform in Navy Adminis
tration Ordered by Secretary.
'""' Will Forestall Attempt to
Reform Department br Legisla
tive Artlon Vletorr for
Line Officers.
WASHINGTON. Not. 30-Ry Inaugura
ting his comprehensive plan to reform In
the Navy department tomorrow Secretary
Meyer will forestall probably all attempts
st congressional reformation of the depart
ment for the present. At the present time
he will ask only that the bureau of equip
ment be abolished, which can be acoom
pllshed by congress alone.
A year hence If his reforms are found
to be as satisfactory In practice as they
appear on paper, he will ask congress to
make permanent the changes by enacting
them Into law.
Legislation Is particularly desired In order
to allow the secretary to name any of
ficers he may desire as his four aids, one
for operations of the fleet, a second for
material, a third for personnel and a fourth
for inspection. At present he Is limited
to the higher ranking oflcers. A law Is
desired to permit the secretary to detail
any officer to this duty who may ahow
unusual fitness for the place.
Llitle else than the effect of the re
forms was discussed at the Navy depart
ment today.' They are regarded as a atrlk
Ing victory for the line officers.
Secretary Meyer Intends to appoint
youngor men to the, positions of com
mandants and captains In the navy yards.
Their tenure of office will be three years
at least and instead of making It an "easy
snap" for officers who want to round out
their careers, the commandants in the
future will be men who will later go out
In cimmand of ships.
Court Holds Making Dope Sticks for
Self Is Not Manafae.
tnre. f
MITCHELL, P. D., Noy. 30. (Speclal.)-
The law passed by the last legislature with
reference to the manufacture of cigarettes
has been the means of turning a large
amount of money In the way of fines Into
town treasuries, particularly this city.
where the law was enforced by the police
department to a remarkable extent. Any
person whom the police discovered rolling
a dope stick was arrested and taken before
the Justice of the peace, where he got a
fine of $10. The police department Inter
preted the law to mean that a person who
rolled a cigarette for his own use was
manufacturing It. Judge Frank B. Smith
of this circuit holds a different opinion on
the manufacture. James Carney was ar
rested on the charge of manufacturing
cigarette and got the customary fine lh
police court. He appealed to the Circuit
court and his case was heard today. His
attcrney, H. E. Hitchcock, argued that the
mere rolling of a cigarette for one's per
sonal use was not in the nature of manu
facturing for sale. The court held tho
same view' and the prisoner was' dis
charged. There will be no more arrests
In Mitchell when a pereovft-olls a,- cigarette
for his own use. ; -
Iowa JWan Hm Heart' on . night
Bide and Liver on.
' Left.
IOWA CITY. Ia., Nov. S0.-(SpeolaI.)-Wlth
his heart on his right side : and
the appendix and liver on the left side
Kdward Martin, a farmer, , 4fi years
old from Lone Tree, furnishes one
of the most puzzling cases to ever
enter the University of Iowa clinic.
Only once before in the history of the
Institution has there been a similar case
In the local hospital and the physicians
state that they are a great rarity and
that few people have ever lived with their
Internal organs inverted.
One of the strange features of the pres
ent case Is that Martin for years did not
know that he was a freak. One day he
had a pain in his right side and he went
to a doctor. A satisfactory diagnosis was
not leached until the physlclon hade -made
a thorough examination. Last month'Mar
tln was afflicted with liver trouble to such
an extent that treatment In the University
of Iowa hospital was necessary and he was
brought to this city. Examination In the
clinic ' revealed the strange condition of
the man's physiology and was taken as a
subject before the classes so that the stu
dents might view the phenomenon!.
Th doctors state that Martin will live
to aripe old age.
Kansas City Man Adds to Fond
to Secure San ford
TA BOR, la., Nov. SO (Special.) Henry
Laird, a wealthy capitalist of Kansas City
who spent Thanksgiving week here visit
ing his brothers, H. R. Laird and F. M.
Laird of Tabor, made a cash gift of
$1,000 to Tabor college, before leaving town.
Mr Laird is fully acquainted with the
history and purpose of the college having
been one of Its early students. He has con
tributed liberally toward various - objects
of benevelonce especially In Ills own city.
During the civil war as a young man he
made several trips as a driver of freight
ing teams across the plains from the Mis
souri river to Denver and when the In
dians became troublesome during the war
he rendered efficient service against them
as a member of the Nebraska militia.
Mr. Laird's gift, with the of Mrs. Pan
ford's of Atlantic made a total for the week
of $6,000 for the endowment fund of Tabor
college, beaodes several hundred dollars
In small donations.
Abdomen Penetrated by Bottle.
SIOUX FALLS, S. 1).. Nov. 30. (Special.)
One of the bravest little fellows In the
state Is the 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Moser, who reside on a farm In Bon
Homme county. He remained all day In
school, with scarcely a complaint, while
his abdomen was penetrated to such an
extent that the Intestines were exposed.
While carrying with him to school a bottle
of coffee he fell and the bottle was broken,
one of the Jagged pieces of glass penetrat
ing through his clothing aniKlnto his ab
domen, exposing the Intestltes. Neither his
older brother, who was with htm, or the
teacher or the other puptla were aware of
the seriousness of the Injury and he was
kept In school all day. When he returned
home In the evening his parents discovered
his condition and summoned a physician,
who found It necessary to give the little
fellow an anesthetic In order to care for
and sew up the wound. ,11 now Is recover
ing nicely from his unusual Injury.
Thrllllnar riant with Lynx.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D.. Nor. SO. (Spe
cial.) "Tom" Worsley, a homesteader liv
ing In the newly settled Tripp county,
while out hunting the other day had an
exciting encounter with a gigantic lynx,
otherwise known as a bob cat. It was not
long after he espied the fierce animal that
It was within range, and he let drive at
Inflames the Joints, stiffens the musoles,
and In Some rases, If neglrted, causei
sufferings that are almost unendurable.
Thousand of grateful people have tes
tified that they have been radically and
permanently cured of this painful disease
by the great constltilonal remedy.
-Hood's Garsaparilla
which neutralises the acid in the blood on
which the disease depends and expel It.
- In usual, liquid form it In chocolated
tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses $1
It with his repeating rifle. The bullet
failed to hit a vital spot, only wounding
the animal, which was. rendered furious
with the pain of Its wound. It Instantly
started for Worsley, who endeavored to
fire another shot at It, but as Is usual In
emergencies, the rifle became clogged and
refused to work. He had Just time to club
the weapon when the animal was upon
him. He struck viciously at the animal
but the gun slipped out of his hands and
fell some little distance away. In an In
stant the lynx had commenced to tear and
claw him, both with Its claws and teeth.
At this critical Juncture Worsley auO-
ceeded In opening a large Jack-knife, the
blade of which he plunged Into the heart
of the lynx time and time again until tha
animal lay dead before htm. The lynx was
very large, weighing seventy pounds.
Ten Before CouVt
for Embezzlement
Six of These Plead Guilty When
They Are Arraigned in
. Indianapolis.
INDIANAPOLIS, Nov. SO. Eight former
employes of banks under Indictment on
the charge of embezzlement, and two other
men, charged with complicity In embezzle
ment, were arraigned In the United States
district court today.
William H. Marker and Noah R. Marker,
charged with the embeszlement of $300,000
from the First National bank of Tipton,
Ind.; Oscar F. 'Cochran, a former book
keeper of the American National bank of
this city, charged with embezzling $7,000,
and Paul C. Oalt, charged with complicity
In the embezzlement of $40,000 from the
Capital National bank of Indianapolis, all
pleaded not guilty.
Those who pleaded guilty and the sums
they embezzled, respectively, were:
Max C. Emmerich, bookkeeper, Indian
apofvfc, $40,000.
Harry C. Prlnaler, complicity with Erh-
merlcb. i '
E. N. Detser, tell. Fort Wayne, Ind.,
J. H. Phillips, bookkeeper. $15,000.
Frank H. Nlcolal, assistant cashier,
Auburn, Ind., $8,000.
Normiit Hamilton, clerk. Indianapolis
theft of $500. t
(Continued from First Page.)
the reat WRestern fifty each, and the
Wabash ten.-' " "; ' - '""""
George- EM local representative of the
Brotherheod -of Railway Trainmen, said
last night that tUia-order from St. Paul
would, affect ilnrt few. rhen In the local
yards. Only MsHmalfc-. pec , cent, of them
belongs to the.Swltchmen.'s union, he de
clared, i" " ! '!. i.
"All Working," Ware.
Charles Ware,. uperlntendent.of the Ne
braska division of the 'Chlon Pacific rail
road, whin informed' of-the action of the
switchmen at Sft Fairt, said:
"Our men are" all working tonight. So
far as we know there are but a small num
ber whd will b affected by the etrjjte
order. We have received no word aayet
from Mr. Mohlef, who represents our road
at tha conference' In St. Paul, and our un
derstanding la that the Swltchmen'a union
Includes the men' working north and north
west of Chloago." -
All tha men are working in Council
Bluffs," said Lon Kendall, general yard
master for the Union Pacific. "If a strike
order la Issued to the trainmen It will have
to emenate from Chicago and not from the
St. Paul offloes." "
Mr. Mohler's presence In St. Paul Is be
cause of the Harrlman Intereeta. The
Oregon Short Line, the Oregon Railroad
Navigation company and the Bouthern Pa
cific railroad are all affected by the strike,
but the Union Pacific switchmen are' for
the moat part, members of the other orga
nisation," said an pfficlal of tha Union Pa
cific. "Mr. Mohler haa made two trip to St.
Paul during the recent trouble. His first
trip was to confer with 'the western man
ager and representative of the union, but
they could raachno agreement. Chairman
Knapp of the Interstate Commerce com
mission and Charles P. Nelll, federal labor
commissioner, wore then called Into con
sultation In an ffort to arbitrate the Is
R. II. Olmsted Named to Bncoeea
T. M. tlnlaralc- at Rosemoat,
Webster County.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WARrTTNGTON, V. C, Nov. S0.-(9peclal
Telegram.) Robert H. Olmsted has been
appointed postmaster at Rosemont, Web
ster county, Nebraska, vice T. H. . Qulggle,
Rural carriers appointed are: For Iowa
routes Earlham, Route S, George l. Mur
phy, carrier; George B. Stanley, substitute.
Fredericksburg, Rout 4. Arthur W. Lln
dernian, 'carrier; Alfred Bee, substitute.
Iowa City, Route S, Wesley C. Lants, car
rier; no substitute. Maxwell, Route 1, Ab
raham C. Enfield, carrier; Lizzie E. En
field, substitute.
Belle-red EnJIre Ganar that Operated
la JVordon, 8. U., is Sow Un
der Arrest.-
WATERTOWN, 8. D., Nov. SO. It I be
lleved the member of the gang that blew
the safe In the Norden bank three weeks
ago and obtained more than $2,300 tn cash
are now under arrest, the last on of the
four to be apprehended having been placed
In the Codington Jail last night. The man
Is known as Frank Michael, alias "the Ar
kansas Kid." -
The other alleged member of the gang
are being held by tha Sioux City police
until paper can be made out extraditing
them to South Dakota.
Port. Arrtrad. ' Sallad.
NKW YORK Krosnlsnd
NSW Vuhn Holm.
PLYMOUTH K. Wllh.lm II.... '
boa To N IToiiin AX ....... PratorUS
uvihi'ool c.hii Yucmun.
ULAS'low Nunldlan Oouuiss.
QLAfcOOW B'bwlta.
ULAH.oW OilfarnlAa
LoNIN Strdiuun
tAlTinnlB Itiumm Irena.,..
AMVittif ztuuat Iul....
Kicaragnan President Makes Over
tares to Revolutionary Party.
French t'ltlsens File Formal "torn
plaint They Move Ileen Bobbed
and Threatened by ,a-
tlonal Troops.
WASHINGTON, Nov. SO President Ze
laya has made overtures to the revolution
ists Intimating his willingness tn retire
from the presidency of Nicaragua provided
congress be allowed to select a provisional
president In his stead.
The news eomes from the United States
consulate at Blueflelds and was asnt late
Sunday night.
The dispatch says that a recognized rep
resentative of Zelaya hns telegraphed an
adroitly worded dispatch to the revolu
tionists to the effect that It is rumored
that Zelaya, recognizing the weakness of
hi position, may retire, he first convening
congress, all of the delegates to which are
named and controlled by him, with a
view to the selection of a provisional presi
dent, i
General Estrada has sent the following
"The government of Oeneral Estrada,
completely assured of an ultimate triumph
and much stronger than Zelaya, who, with
his accomplices, owe reparation to the
country, and Estrada being the unanimous
choice for president of the liberal party,
aided by the conservatives, will not ac
cept any terms other than the recognition
of the provisional government established."
The transport Buffalo was reported today
as having arrived at Panama. It will be
her mission, In case of a demonstration
against Zelaya In Nicaragua, to take
marines from the Isthmus of Panama to
Corlnto on the Pacific coast of Nlra
ragua. Order for the movement of the marines
to Nicaragua have not been Issued by the
Navy department, nor will they be until
the State department gives the word.
Execution Was Illegal.
General Frederick Grant's reported utter
ances regarding the killing by President
Zelaya of the two Americans, Cannon and
Groce, probably will not be a subject for
action by the secretary of war. I
Legal officials of the government, how
ever, well versed In international law take
a view of the matter entirely at variance
with those of General Grant and hold there
could be no legal or other Justification for
the killing of Cannon or Groce.
The convention held at The Hague July
20, 1900, In respect to the laws and customs
of war on land, to which, It Is said, Nicar
agua subsequently declared Its adhesion.
provide that all armed forces of bellig
erent parties shall have the right to be
treated as prisoners of war and to be
equally treated.
Diamonds FRENZhiR 16th. and Dodge.
Announcement of IMsassoelatlon of
Rock Island and St. Louis A San
Franelsco Expected Soon,
NEW YORK, Nov. 30. Plana for the dls-
assoclatlon of the Rock Island and the St.
Louis & San Francisco railroad are said
to be progressing satisfactorily and notice
of the sale of the latter company to B.
Yoakum and Edwin Hawle Is ex-
peoted soon. It Is stated today -that tha
Rock Island tollateral truBt bonds which
were Issued against the stock of the St.
Louis & San Francisco company were be
ing rapidly abrorbed to bring about their
Gold Exports Hundred Million.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.-Gold exports. this
year reached the $100,OJ0.O0O mark with to
day's engagements. The total now stands
at $100.5O0,06K), of which nearly half or
$48,800,000 has gone to Argentina. $9,100,000
to Brazil, llS.aoo.OOO to Paris, $13,750,000 to
l.eridon, lll,toO,000 to Japan and $4,000,000 to
Diamonds FHENZER 15th and Dodge.
The Weather.
For Nebraska Rain, cooler. '
For Iowa Unsettled, with showers.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday:
Hour. Deg.
5 a.m 43
6 a. m N 43
7 a. m 44
8 a. m 44
a. m 2J
10 a. m 40
11 a. m 46
12 m 4H
1 p. m 47
i p. m 4T
S p. m 48
4 p. m 4k
6 p. m 4ij ,
6 p. m 47 ,
7 p. m 47 1
8 p. m 4V
9 p. m 47
Gentle Dentistry
People com to my office,
hoping to find Painlessness
In Dentistry. They find tbat
and more, viz. Cleanliness,
Gentleness, Ability and Rea
sonable charges.
Dr. J. B. Fickss
1210-217 Hoard of Trade.
Dotb Pbonea.
IClb and Faruani St,, a. W.
South End !6ttST.
WUl Deliver Hi Or at Lecture en
AT .
AdnUssloa $1.00
With the two remaining Emerson
Lecture fl.60
iiiiii'iiwiiiiffl rwmtmiri"" vxtimmtmP
S jgjy FAR1VAM ST.
On Women's Suits
Every suit in our out ire stock
now marketl far below regular
prices. Look them over while
Selections are choice.
Up to 25.00 Suits, now $15.00
Up to $40.00 Suits, now $25.00
Up to $(10.00 Suits, now $35.00
Up to $75.00 Suits, now $45.00
Stylish Coats $25
Worth $30, $35, $40
Our showing of women's coats
is most complete, successfully
meeting every demand for better
looking, better wearing and bet
ter fitting garments An excep
tionally large collection of fine
coats, worth $30.00, $35.00 and
$40.00; on sale at
lini'nrra nnrl
1 m
1 4 Mm
vt m
There la Only Ono
That la
Always - remember the full name.
for tLU signature on every box.
Our regular 40c Cream & Nut
Caramels, Wednesday only, per
pound box .25c
filyers-Qillan Drug Co.
16th and Farnam Sts.
We Make All We Sell
Omaha Trunk Factory
W also earrr fin Ita ef X.att: ot
Soar. 105B iao araraaia A-los
r,sv. iiuf Bin aw
r W ' !
!xLa "KtSn
Fur Sets, $1 5
Worth $25 and $30
These are of rich black Russian
Lynx, made with " extra Jargo rug
muff and large shawl, collar with
oiii- . i . -l
are specially
We also show hundreds of sets in
mink, fox, lynx,, squirrel and wolf,
at specially low prices We can
easxly save you 25 on your fur
purchase. (
Just received, six gen
ine Black Lynx Sets. The
best quality of Liepsig
dyed skins, extremely;
beautiful and exclusive
valued at $150.00 each. I
will take orders fpr three
days for these sets, for
2 bo
nnYD'fi Tonight
r- Commencing- Tomorrow
rirst Half Weeki -JTsclnr ta Music"
Starting Tkurs. 1 "The Man on til Box.'1
Err., 860 and 380) Mats., All seats, .o.
Sunday (0 days) The Behmaa Bhow, E
iravaaaasa and Taaderiil at Jep. rrloes.
iso. tea. re
Thursday '! KOrUVI"
Mat Every Day, i:18 Every Night, l:l.
This Week: llyains 4 Mclntyre, Cur ion. '
James Tnunf, W'urld A KlngHton, Mm.
F'anita. The Arllnnton Knur, Duulas A
luunlas, the Klnudroin ar4 ths Onheum
Concert Orchestra. Frloea 100, 8Se sum aoa
AU Weak. Hats. Tues., Thurs., Bat.