2vfE TiEE: (WfATTA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER HO. 1000. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Offerings in Wfceat Slowly Taken, Owing to ftfe Market lone. WEAK CHARACTER IN BUYING Rains Over Com licit and fieneral Hellish Conditions (a nap Inactiv ityWinter Kami Urpuriril n .Encellent Condition. OMAHA. Novfmtier , 1 Much more favorable reports from Argen tlna and an Improve merit in tne general w hi'iti movement, coupled with reports of excellent conditions in the winter wheal belt, softened the whent market todity and ell offerings wcro only slowly taken. Curn was easier with wheat, despite tie rail, over the corn belt and bullion on tlltions generally, excepting the demand, which continued Blow and -.naetive. Wheat wan ncrvum and broke airaln; buying wan of a weak character ami god receipts brought out tnuie selling ot long wheat. Conditions on the winter whent ciop are excellent and n bearish sentiment xists Id remird to future options. Corn weakened and values dropped on loavy selling of long corn. Holders ton. advantage ot the (ally demand and Kot Mil of their lines. Weather conditions are Mill unfavorable, but a good movement is ixpccted to ease the ci.sh stuff. Primary wheat receipts weie l,322.0r) bu. and shipments were i.f).fO bu., against leielpts lust year of 1,481.000 bu. and ship ments of U07,0iU hu. Primary corn reedpta were I7.00 bu. and shipments were 4.14. OuO bu., against receipts last year of 608,000 bu. and shipments of 225,000 bu. I learancrs were COOO bu. of corn, 3,0un b'J. of oata and wheat and flour equal to 4oti. 000 bu. Liverpool closed $r1iA higher on wheat and f lower on corn. Loral range of options: Ai tlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Sal'y. Wheat Pec... May... Corn 1 IPC.,., May... Oa is 1 c... . May... 1 Oos' 1 vWl S'.'7 97l 1 rH 1 00 1 00 l IU- 1 Oj .a to-' iv &8;, otfD J7W 37', 374,1 37Vs 37 40 40 3!)', I &)'s 40 I Omaha rnan rncr-s. WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.02fil.01; No. 3 hard. Wcii(1.01; No. 4 hard. U4'.i8c; No. 2 spring. (l.oiftl.03; No. i spring, wcii(1.01; No. 4 spring, iMi'j'c. COHN No. 2, i)i;a69Hc; No. 3, B7fi:9Vic; No. 4, D4'uf,9Vic; no grade, 50i54e; No. 2 yellow, 64rua:Vtc; No. 3 yellow, irtJi.Vjvtc; No. 2 white, (imUCOVic; No. 3 white, tswOc. OATS No. 3 mixed, 37c; No. i yellow, 37V0.K,!4c; No- 3 white, 3.s'ic; No. 4 whlta, iii'Uc, standard, 3V,iC. iivK-No. 2, 70c; No. 3, 68itC3c. Larlot ItecetyTs. . Wheat Corn. Oata. Chicago 91 20H 102 Minneapolis 67 Omaha 1:1 7 is Lmiulh Soil CHICAGO bHAlN AND PROVISIONS Fratores of the Trndlnar and Closing: Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 29 Weak cables and liberal receipts In tne norinwest Inspired considerable liquidation of wheat toda, ie suiting in net declines at the close of a shade to 'c. Coarse gram also was heavy, Lut provisions were strong. Liquidation' of liecemher holdings, which was a feature of trading the lauer part of the previous week, nan again In evi dence In the wheat pit, but In audition to the selling pressure on the neai by monthB there was also free proi'it taklng In the day op, Ion. December showed the greatest weakness early in tne session and at one time the price of ti.ai delivery wus lVc below the btst mart of the day. The range for December was between 1.06Val.0iV and fox May (1.0.. -a til.CoH and IL.uti'ftl.uu1. Final quotations on December were 1.067, and on May (l.Or.l.ui. News of the day was bear ish. Helling of December by cash Inteiesis caused weakness In the corn market. The selling was baaed mainly on increased re ceipts and on prospects of still larger ar rivals. Mlack demand for the cash grain by eastern shippers was also a weaken ing Influence. The market closed at tho lowest point, with prices Sirc to itlc below the final figures of the previous ses sion. Oats displayed moderate firmness early In the day, but finally yielded to the weak ness of wheat and corn and closed a shade to lower than Saturday's final quota tions. Fair demand by cash Interests was responsible for the early tlrmness. 1'rovlslons closed Wtphic higher. I. na leading lulurtrs rungeu as lollows: -1 Articles. J Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. 1 . Wheat Deo. May July C orn Deo. Muy July Oats I o. May July Pork Jan. May Laid Jan. May I'.ibM ' Jan. May 1 0fl 1 05'J 1 XV4 1 06 1 OtlU, 1 OliWVil OfiNk 1 06 106 1 06 I7Va ;97V!UHl 97,l 97-97H' i B9i 61j 61 iiv&4 lv4 6i',j tilH 60 tO.,61 !&' in 39M.I 42 39l, 394 39H 41!i411M 42 39?s!39;,40 40 21 fi7V4 22 00 I 21 60 20 90 21 UVil 20 140 ,44 UV 4u 21 70 (1 00 40 I 22 06 21 25 12 75 12 35 12 60 I 12 27Vi I 11 7H 11 72Vi 11 87HI U 70 12 35 11 76 11 2 10 4 11 55 I 11 20 11 12m 10 85 11 50 I 11 15 10 97Vi 10 h2M No I Cash quotations were as follows: FLOL'H Firm; winter patema, j5.15fi5.70; winter straights, o.0ui5.40; spring straights, $4.Hvr(4.(0;. bakers, (3 006.25. HYK No. 2, 74V75c;. HAHLKYh-Feed or mixing, 49552c; fair to choice ViuaMing, iDSMa SiSKl Kiax, No. 1 sohthwestnrn, $1.72; No. 1 northwestern,' J1.S2. Timothy, (3.75. Clover. J boy 14.U). 1'ltOVl.sIo.NtJ Meas pork, per bbl., Jl'3.75 624.09. lihrd. per 100 lbs., $13.56. Short ribs, bides-Clooee-).-II l.7r.i12.uO; short clear sidv-s tboxed). $ 11. 75'u 12.00. Total clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 4U6.00U t,u. Primary receipts were l,3i.ix)0 bu.; coiupartd with 1.4l,ouo bu. the corresponding day a year ago. The visible supply of wheat In the limed States In creased l.TSA.OuO bu. for the Week. The amount of breadbtuff on ocean passage liuitasM 2O0,(M) bu. liaiirratud receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 91 cars; corn, 46 cars; oats, 17i cars: hogs' Zi.W head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red $1201.21; No. 3 red, ll.loyl 1H; No. 2 haid" $1.07VK-1-Os; No. I hard. Illusion; No. i northern "prlng. $1 loa; No. 2 northern spring' $1.0,ol.O7; No. 3 spring, $l.ojul.0b. Corn: No. ( cash, new, tec; No. 4 new, &6tl6,,; No. t yellow, new, tee; 'No. i, yellow, new, tfVJ7c. data: No. 2 whit-! 42'c; No. S white. 40-f(4O'4c; No. 4 whiie, 39u)c' standard, -42c UliTTKH Steady ; creameries, 2iVU31Uj dairies. 24a 2kc KUUS Kecelpta, 6.6'JS cases. Market steady; at mark, cises included. 20tl25c; firsts, c; prime firsts. &ec. CI1EESK-Steady; dailies jrsi'. iv twins, 164l6Vto; Young Americas. 1616'oi long horns, i'-o. POl'LTRY' Sty; turkeys, 13c; chickens, 104c: sprtnga, Ho. VEAL-bteady; -60 to 60-lh. weights. 7. 84c; 60 to Sfc.lb. weiglits. 8V.j9tc; "to 110-lb. weights, 9V.UV POTATOES Steady , choice to fancv, 4.Y2' 4Vc; fair to good. to!40c. Chicago llecelpts Wheat. 91 cars; corn, Iu8 cars; oats. 102 cars. Ksti mated Tomor rowWheat, W cars; corn, 426 cars; oats, 177 cara. Liverpool Uraln Market. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 29. WH EAT Close, fi-in; No. 1. western winter. 8s Id; futures sieady; December, s l',d; March, 7s sd Mry. 7s 6d. CORN Firm; new American mixed, via Galveston,' !w 10V!: futures quiet; Decem ber plate,' 6a 5d; December mixed, nomi nal. PEAS Canadian, steady, 7s d. FLOL'K Winter paunts firm, 33a M. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Niiv." .-CORN-Iwer; No. I white, new. 67c; No. 3 yellow, new, 87vc; No. t old. C2c; No. 3 new, 67c; No. 4 new, 65c; no grade. 6Ui61e. OATS Strong; No. S white, 40c; No 3 white, tiiata'.io; N 4 white, V; stand ard. 40e, ' v.Dalain Grain Market. DPLVTH. Nov. 29 -WIIEAT-No. 1 norihem, $106; No. t northern, $1044 lieeetober. $1024; May, fl.CCA,. OATS 3S'c Visible Sapplr el Grain. KFW YOlUi. Nov. "S. Tha visible aup aJy uf grain io the United States Saturday, November 27, as compiled by the New Tork Produce exchiuiKe, wus as follows: Wheat, 2.4ls,iiu hu. ; Increase, 1.7M.000 bu. Corn. SL'.DHi bu.; Increase, fif,7 , bu. Oats. 1.1. IM;.i(i bu.; decrease, (.13. flu) bu. Rve. 1K0 bu.; Increase, sr.. Quo bu. Parley, (.22.000 bu ; decrease. 71.(di bu. The visible supply of i" ' anada last Saturday was 9.KO,- "u bu , a necreaae or 1.H14.U0V bu. WE A Til EH IN THE 4iIlI HF.l.T Rain Possibly Tae-sday, When It Will Be Warmer. OMAHA. Nov. 29, IjOO. Ueneral y cloudy weather prevails from the iiocay mountains, tast over the central Biieys to the Atlantic, coast. Kaina are tuning on the north Pacific coast; snows are general on the middle Kucky mountain opt and scattered rain are tailing In tne central vaiies and eastern statea. Tem peiatures are R.neraly higher In the At lantic statea. iiiey are lower In the lake lefciou and central valleys, but are higher uiioushuut the west and northwest and will be higher In this vicinity by Tuesday, ...v.. mmum and prooaoiy luesaay. Keoord of teinperalui e and piecipintlon compured with the corresponding day of the Itiht three years: ... , iwj. 1907. law. Minimum temperature.... 34 84 2s 37 tiecipltatlon 00- .16 .00 .01 Normal temperature for today, 82 degrees. Kxcess In precipitation since March 1, 3.45 inches. J leiiciency corresponding period In 1308, 4. Oft inches. lietniency corresponding period In 1907, 6.7i li:'.!ies. L. A. WKLSil, Local Forecaster. St. Loam Ueneral Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 29. WD EAT Lower; trark, No. 2 red, cash, $1.19g1.2o; No. 2 hard, ll.WyLlo; December, 1.07''jl.0ii; May, $l.uti'. i:oll.N Futures weak, track. No. 2 canh, 6k.-; No. December, 6Sc; May, 00'c. OATS Weak; track. No. cash higher; 2 white, soc; 2 cash, 41c; No. 2 white, 43c; December, 39&3vo; May, i vge. KVK-Hlgher. Tic. FLOl'H L'nchanged, red winter patenta, $B.;w'u5.S0; extia fancy and straight, $3.00 5.45; hard winter clears, $3.90u4.0O. S l; I T I m o 1 1 1 y ,' 1 2. 7 b'u 3. oO. COKNM KAl $.1.00. HUAN Weak, sacked east track. $1.01. HAY Strong; timothy, $13.MKU 17.50 rie, $ll.,'iOijl2.ii0. llAiiiil.Ntl 6 9-lfic. HKMI' TWIN K 7c. pral- PROVISIONS Pork, $23.75. Lard, higher; Dry salt meats sieadv higher; Jobbing, prime steam, $14.00. boxed extra shorts, $13 00; clear ribs, m.00; short clears, Huron, eteidy; boxed extra short, clear ribs. $14. 25; short clears, $14.5u. 1'OILTUY-Weak; chickens, springs. 12c; turkeys, 15c; ducks, $13.25. $14 25; W-fcc; 12Vtc; geese so. , IIUTTEU Higher; creamery, 27S33c. KOUS Steady, 26c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls lO.SHC 14.6H) Wheat, bu 67,000 64,iW Com, bu IOX.OiiO 32 000 Oats, bu 60.H00 36.700 Knnsna City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. in. WHEAT-lc lower; No. 2 hard. $1.02511.07: No. 3, $1.00$ 1.06; No. 2 red. $1.20411.24; No. 3. Jl.lRrfJ 1.22; December, $1.004, sellers; Mav, $1.01Vo l.Ol'fc. sellers; July, 93'i'5'93C bid. COHN I'nchanged; No. 2 mixed, SSVfcc; No. 3, ESc; No. 2 white, 59c; No. 3, 58H 59c; 1 lecember, 57ti57'7c bid; May, 60Va 60c. sellers; July, 60ic, sellers. OATS-No. 2 white, 4042c; No. 2 mixed, 3Wi)c. HYK 6Sfi70c. HA Y I'nchanged to 25c lower: choice timothy, $11. 50ft 12.00; choice . prairie, $9.50; choice alfalfa, $16.50(516.75. Hl'TTEK-Creamery, extras. 32c; firsts, 2PM.C; seconds, 27c; packing stock. 22c. EQOS Extras, 29c; firsts, 27c; seconds and dirties, 17c; current receipts, 2ttc; south erns, loss off. 14c. Reeelpts.Shlpments. Wheat, bu 95,000 92,0u0 Corn, bu 37.000 33,000 Oats, bu 35,000 24,000 Options at Kansas City: Articles, Open. High. Low. Close. Wheat December May Corn 1 ecember May l ooh i no-vJ i oru4 i 0014A 1 02 v 1 02" 1 01l OlA 60T4 ;J0TfctU 60HI 60V4A Minneapolis Graln-Jk(arket. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 29 WHEAT De cember, $1.03, May. $1.0D1; cash, No. 1 hard, $1.06iiil.0614; No. 1 northern, $1.054 l.tlR: No. 2 northern, $1.05!4ii 1.05 ; No. 3 northern, S1.02rfi 1.03V-. FLAX Closed at $1 R1H- CORN No. 3 yellow, CSfTS9Vie. OATS No. 3 white, S8V"u3fie. RYE No. 2, (WV147O140. H RAN In 100-pound sacks. $19.50. FLOL'R First patents, $Ti.30fj5.fi0; second patents, $5.104i5. ?0; first clears, $4.26(64.46; second clears, $3.204?3.40. Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 29. HT'TTKR Firm, 11MiC higher; extra western cream ery, 34'tc; extra western creamery nearby prints, 36c. EGGS Firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, 37c at mark; Penn sylvania and other current receipts In re turnable cases, 35c at mark; western firsts, free cases, 37c at mark; western firsts, cur rent receipts, fre'cases, 34B3Gc at rnark.'- C1IEESE-Firm; New York full creams choice, 17c: New York full creams, fair to good, lfi'iS'c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. O., Nov. 29. SEEDS-Clover, cash, $8.85; November. $S85; December, $8.85; March, $n.05; rejected, $7 80ui7.90; no established grade, $7.00. Timothy, prime, $t80. Alslke. prime, $7.96: November, $7.96; December, $7.95; March, $8.10. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAI'KE, Nov. 29 WHEAT No. 1 northern. $1.10H; No. 2 northern, $1.07'j3 1.0S; Mav. $1.05 bid. FLOP K Steady. OATS 42c. UARL1CY Sample, 664T66e. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points in sym pathy with the partial advance of V4 franc at Hovre. Trading was quiet, but there was a scattering demand from outside and trade sources which was sufficient to main tain prices In the absence of Important offerings and the market closed steady, net unchanged to 6 points higher. Sales were reported of 8 250 bags Including De cember at 6.35c: March, 6.55i6.50c: Julv, 6 75c; and September, 80c; spot, quiet; Ulo No. 7, 8S0: Santos. No. 4, SiSc; mild, dull; Cordova, 94ill1c. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 29. COTTON Spots were quiet; low ordinary. 19 10-16c, nominal; ordinary, llt,e, nominal; good or dinary, 12 1.1-liSc; strict good ordinary, 13 13-Kc; strict low middling. 14c; middling, l"'c; strict middling. Uc; good middling, 14c; strict good middling, 14 ll-16c; mid dling fair. 14 13-16c: middling fair, to fair, 15 3-16c; fair, 16 9-16 nominal. RecelDts. 14.427 bales: stock. K14.S55 bales. ST. LOPIS. Nov. 29 COTTON I'n changed; middling. 147c; no sales; receipts, 4.i''5 bales; shipments, 4.000 bales; stock 84.875 bales. Wool Market. LONTON. Nov. 29 -WOf)L-The offerings at the wool auction sales todav were 11,944 bales. Fine merinos were in brisk demand and France and Belgium secured tho bulk at hardening rates. Scoureds fre qumtly realised 2s 1'id. Home traders took most of the cross lueds at firm rates. Only a few lots were taken by Americans. Toduy's sales follow: New South Wales, 2 7) bales; soured. Is 14l u3s lVvd: greasy, 7d.'uls 2d; Queensland, 2.900 bales; scoured, Is 24d'(i2s l'-jd: greasy. 74dfils 2d. Victoria, 90U bales; scoured. Is Will, greasy, lld Is Id. South Australia. 7w bales: scoured. Is K'-td'tls 9d; greasy, 7d'.jls Id; West Aus tralia. 2.100 bales; greasy, SVid'Tls Hd: Tas mania. 100 bales; greasy. SdullHd; New V.- aland. 1.900 bales; greasy, tSVVfila 2d: C'ape of Oood Hope and Natal, 6u) bales; scoured. 9d' Is 7'tdJ greasv, 6Ulld. ST. LOPIS, Nov. 29 WoL Unchangd; territory and western mediums, 24&29cr fine mediums, 22 28c; fine, 14'8 20c. MetsI Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29 METALS Stand ard copper was aeak: local dealers nuola Lake copper at $H 25ft 11.75: ele' trolvile ; Sl.tvtfi IS !w; casting. $13 001 13 374. The Lon don market was lower, spot btlng quoted a; 58 5s and fu urea at A.'f.' 7s 6d. Ths tin : market was weak. LmiJiin market lower spot. 1141 7i 6d: futures. 1:143 Ts. Lead was quiet locally, spot being quoted at $1,374 I ti 4.424- The London market was unchanged (at 13 la S1. Spelter was unlet loeslU- 8Kjt being quoted at $6 J0'i6 45. The London market was unchanged at 23. English Inn was lower at 50a 30d for Clev.land warrants. The market waa unchanged lo cally. ST. LOPIS, Nov. 9 METALS Lead firm at $4.2i4- Spelter, firm at $6 J4. Bee Want Ada aia Itususui boosUra. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market is Unable to Resist Number of Reactionary Influences. OIL, SUGAR AND COPPER Court Derision and Hrceat Inveatlun tlona Still Affect These Issues I "favorably T radera A n I Ing rreslilenf'a Message. NEW YORK. Nov. 2j A struggle ngalnst the forces of reaction was perceptible In the stock market speeulation today, whleh w as overshadow ed, however, by the ow er ing prospect of the approaching session of congress and fears of the legislative pro gram on the trust problem. Suggestions of a reopening of the tariff revision ques tion also had their effect. In the light of the Standard Oil de cision, further procedure in the direction of combinations Is made a matter of grave consideration. The copper group continues to reflect most closely the mutation of feeling on the subject, owing to the ad vanced stage to which the project for a consolidation of copper producers had rr ached and the apparent continuance of efforts to find a way to carry out the project uithout contravention of the prin ciples laid down In the new Interpretation of the anti-trust law. A violent decline In the price of copper warrants occurred In the London market today. The demand from consumers Is restrvilned ag.tln today and the who'o situation suffers. The vicissitudes of the prosecution of the American Sugar Re fining company were reflected In the fresh liquidation In that stock today down to 1I6H. the lowest price level of the year. This wss accompanied by reports of un desirable prominence to be given the com pany's affairs In the forthcoming presl dentl.il message, with the chances of a congressional Investigation. Another restraining Influence on the speculation Is the belief that the time for relaxation of the money market may be deferred. The continued withdrawals of gold for shipment, both to South America and to Canada, are significant of the con tinued control of the local gold supply by London bankers. This Is ascribed partly to the maturing of loans from foreigners to New York borrowers, which are called for payment Instead of to be renewed. The official announcement of measures designed by the Hrltlsh govern ment to core for revenue requirements nfter the coming rejection of the budet by the House of Lords Is awaited with Interest and some Bnxlety In all financial markets. In our own money market fu ture requirements are becoming defined. New York City will sell $12,500,000 cor porate stock on December 20. the first Installment of subscription to Pennsyl vania stock will call for $24,800,000 on De cember IS; on December 20 the New Haven stock subscriptions will call for $12.500000 Installment, while for January the $44. 6W, 000 of New York Central stock and $10,230, 000 on account of Missouri Pacific con vertible bonds must be provided for, be sides other smaller issues already an nounced and more expected. The strengthening effect of Wabash "deal" rumors, the Rock Island's sale of St. Louis & San Francisco and the repe tition of Reading "melon" rumors proved unavailing In face of these factors of discouragement. Honds were steady. Total sales, par value, $4,155,000. Vnlted States 4s, coupon, declined t and the registered H per cent on call. Sales and range of prices on the Stock exchange today were as follows: BleS Hill). Lw. Vlow. Atlls-Chalmers pfd ... Amalsamatd Copper . Amertran Aajrlrultural Am. l)Ht Sugar Am. Can pfd Am. C. A F Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. ft L. pfd Am. Ic Securities Amrlcan Llnsod .... Amarlran Llnaeed .... American LocomotlTs . Am. B. & R Am. 8. R. pfd 2"0 534 I" "l lR.40n J714 fS4. 84 tin) au 4H 474 454 46 S.HW 4'.4 , CHID KX 8:14 834 1, 5"X) 72H Ti 71 1.600 (7 4 64 4 44 800 $T4i 100 144 284 H4 26 14 14 100 144 144 MOO Hi 64 64 80.100 W 54 1.8'X) 1114 1104 ll'4 Am. Sugar Refining Am. T. A T Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atohlaon Atchison pfd Atlantic Coast Une Baltimore & Ohio Dal. Ohio pfd Hethlehem Steel Urooklrn Rapid Tr Canadian Pacific Central leather Central Leather pfd Central of New Jereey Chesapeake A Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago Great Western ctfa Chicago A N. W C, M. St. P C, C. C. A St. L Colorado F. & I Colorado & Po Colo. A So. 1st pfd Cplo. A So. 2d pfd lO.iO 1244 1IC4 1164 OKI 1414 1404 144 1.600 69 kf-4 SKi4 100 34 84 .14 12O0 48 44 4 11,800 119 118 118 OO I044 ll'4 11144 IIK H4 134 1334 1.1110 116 116 116 91 334 T7 200 344 4 4,100 784 77 177 1744 1764 4,4il0 46 46 464 6"0 104H, 1CH 10S4 600 312 3116 il' 8. 600 86 8,4 864 2.10O 66 68 156 200 20 20 1 2.400 IS 4 177 1.7-H 13.800 166 l.VV, 1634 75 744 47 48 63 64 81 81 4 14.. 141.4, 2'4 4 14 10 l.eoo 44 P0 u 400 814 Consolidated Uai 12,000 149 Corn Products 1.7"0 21 uei. se riuaeon, ex-aiv 1.0m ik Denver A Rio Orande... 1). A R. O. pfd Platl Iters' Securities Erie Erie let pfd Erie 2d pfd ,. Oeneral Electiio Great Northern pfd Ureat Northern Ore ctfs Illinois Central lnterborough Met Int. Mel. pfd International Hanreeter Int. Marine pfd International Paper . International Pump Iowa Central Kansas City go K. C. So. pfd Iulavllle A N Minn. A St. It W.. St. P AS S. M... Missouri Pacific M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National Blacult National Lead N. R. R. of M. 1st pfd.. New York Central...... N. Y., O. A W 1,800 48 474 47 81 86 1.600 33 4 3:4 324 8") 47 4' 4 444 100 34 384 1.100 161 1!,4 169 6.000 143 142 141 1.6O0 804 784 784 1454 MOO 111 1224 K4 3.C-H) 6.". 4 644 644 HM 107 104', 11MH 1.60U l4 200 16 600 60 4 244 IM4 1144 144 to 48 200 274 27 27 l.e) 44 43 43 704 800 1614 I604 1604 UK) 62 62 614 2"0 134 4 134 184 . 1.6K) 704 694 . 11,900 48 464 46 734 200 115 114 114 . 1,400 884 8? 4 .814 165 . 11.600 ;2X4 126 126 . 3,l"0 46 46 46 6-aJ 86 96 944 100 78 78 77 . S.o0 1444 143 143 . 1.4(10 47 43 44 . 23.600 131 1304 l.KH, . 2,000 114 113 11114 1O0 84 4 94 94 4 700 6 61 61 4O0 192 1014 li 600 60 49 49 .160,airt 171 s )i7 7') 4I4 444 4614 4"0 10ii4 14 luf, . 1I.6O0 41 8K4 ;i94 Norfolk A W North American Northern Pacltlo Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ....:, People'! Gas P.. C, C. A St. L Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car.... Railway Steel Spring... Reading Hepubllo Steel Republic Steel pfd Hock laland Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A 8. F. Cd pfd.. 8t. Louis S. W St. L. S. W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield S. A I.. Southern Pacific Southern Railway 80. Railway pfd Tenneaeee Copper Teaae A Pacific T.. St. L. A W T.. 81. L. A W. pfd.... I nlon Psclflo I nlon Pacific pfd I'. 8. Realty I'. S. Rubber I'. 8. Steel V. 8. Steel pfd I tab. Copper V'a -Caxo. Chemical ... Wabash. Wabaeh pfd Western Maryland ctfa.. V eatinghouee Electric . W'estern I'nlon W heellns A U K . .ki 844 60 664 2"0 84 . t.GOO 744 83 8.H4 65 66 82 22 4 72 744 ... 12.4O0 l:'84 1274 1274 ...240.O.X) 87 80 0 69 X4 684 400 404 17 4 3i 6l0 344 S44 344 200 634 634 614 2"0 69V, 9 68 ... 60, 4nO Jici l!), jsj. frO 103 I014 JO 44 81 too a 4 61 bo ... 1.666 88 86 86 1.800 IMS 1SS4 1234 15, t") 6"4 1.100 484 674 6s 47 47 4 4 4.900 214 20 14.SO0 66 63 64 30V 83 814 1.7u0 , 844 834 6 1.200 78 77 4 7 7 4 Wisconsin Central Tot.i .h. ; rz. . - -" u j , iii,j4w anarea, London Stock Market. LONDON. Nov. S.I. American securities opened weak and lower today. Later a few buying orders caused the market to harden. At noon the market was quiet and orices were S below to above Satur day's New York closing. London closing stocks: Console, money. .. .62 11-16 Louisville AN. 155 do aecount tJen.).. 8J4 14., K. A T " Atnal. Copper 6S4 N Y. Central. ... ".' w Anaconda 9 ' Norfolk AW... i . u(, pin ,. do Pfd 107 Ontario A W Baltimore A Ohio. ...119 Feiinrylvanla ... Canadian Parlflo 1114 Ksnd Mines Cheeaieeke A 0 8ka Heading .l. hl.nn . . . . . .. . 9-. ... 48 ... 674 ... 8 ... 7 4 ... 324 ... 7i4 .. 122 ...2 44 ...l"8i ... 9.1 ...1274 ... 21 ... 664 (llloio u. w. '4 Southern Ry 164 do pfd 14 Southern Pacific 4&1 L'nlun Pfir hi.. Mil. A St. P. lie Beere Inver A Rio O.... do pfd Brie do let pfd... da 2d pfd ... 86 do ptd ,. 33 II. 8. Steel . 48 do pfd . 41 Wabash leu Oread Trunk. Illinois CtnirBl IU a..un,-b a'. ukZviy- "le"dy iadper "ounce. . he 4. i' 1 1 veiii. 'ihe rate of discount In the open market for short bl la la 44 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 per cent; Treaaarjr Statement. WASHINGTON, Nov. -The condition of the treasury at the betrlnnlng u( bual nena today waa aa follows: Trust Funds Gold coin. $2 9R2 8JS; allver dollara. $4xi.JS1.0u0; allver dollars of 110, IS.hni flno: silver certif Icatea ouutandiim $4M&i.oua Genera: Fund Standard atlvar dollara In genenl fund. $n.347,572; current llahllllles. $ili (i,03t;: working bilsni-e In treasury offices. $27.17.7; In bsnks to credit of treasurer of the l ulled States. $.15.t,25.n:; subsidiary sliver coin. $16. 119. JOB; minor coin, $1 .:i.o7. Total balanre In general fund, $i2.;!.T2 21S. New York .V.onry Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 29.-MONEY On call, firm; 44tf5 per cent; ruling rate, 4 per cent; closing bid, 44 per cent; offered at 5 per cent; time losns sllghtlf easier; sixty days, 4'o5 per cent; ninety days, 4 per cent; six months, 44')4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER f-a54 per cnt STERLING EXCH AN JE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills, at $4 M' 4 8410 for sixty-day bills and at $4 K7H0 for demand; commercial bills, $1 8.l;)4 f3V SILVER Rar, He; Altxlcsn dollars, 43c. lto.NDs Government, weak; railroad Ir regular. Quotations on New York bonds were as follows: l 8. ref. 2s rg MO III. Cen. 1st ref. 4s.. f4 U. 8 ref. 2n cuuponl'io Int Met. 44s M. M. 44 . r.2'. j. n. 3, reg..,. do coupon V. 9. 4. reg An t-oupna Allls-Cnal. 1st is Am. A a. cis 1014 Int ti 10l4Jpan 4a 11 do 4 4s li4K. C. 80. 1st 3s.... S14I.. 8. deb. Is U31... i4 944 4 V'ISL A N. unl. 4. Am. T. & T. c. 4B. .104'iM.. K. A T. Int 4. , k4 Am. Tobacco 4s. . . i4 do 44s . .V! Mo. Psr-tflc 4s .. KJ4 N. R. R. of M 44' .. N. Y. C. g. 34s . ll s do deb. 4s ..1W4N. Y.. N. H. A H . . o1 r, tie .. '4N. A W. 1st c. 4s... . . Ml 4 do ct. e .. Ml i No. I'Hctflr 4s . . v4 do as ,.107-O. S. L. rfdg. 4a . Penn. rv. . mi.. .1244 Mo on. 4s do Us Armour A Co. 44e AlMon gen. 4a (In ct, 4s do cv. he At. c. L. let 4s ... Ilsl. A Ohio 4s d. 34s do S. W. S4 lira. Tr. cv. 4s Cen. of (Is. 61 Cen. 1mither ."is C of N. J. g. r.s... Chei. A Ohio 44e. do ref. bs Chicago A A. 4a. . C, il. A q. . In.. do gen. 4s '4 134 t4 n 4 j4 2 i. 954 li.4 ..1034 Reading gen. 4s... .104 St. L. a 8. P. fg. . Li do gctl. rR K. St. L. 8. W. c. 4a ... i4 4s. 844 ... Bu 4 ... 7 i4 do lit gold 4s. ... i'J4 C. M. A 8. P. C. R. I. A P do col. 6a.. (In rfg. 4s.. Colo. Ind. rs Coin. Mid. 4s 34s i4 SvHboard A. U 4s 8.1 4.. ,74 "Bo. Pacific col. 4s. Ill ....loov, do ct. 4s !!' do st ref. 4s.. S3- do gen. 4a . 1"2 . a4 K14 I'nlon Pacific 4s .V12 CAB A e. 44. a S.4 do cv. 4s do 1st ref. 4e.. I). H. cv. 4s . 1"2 . 74 I). A H. a. 4a... do ref. 5a IHstlllers' .is .... Krle p. 1. 4s do gen. 4s do cv. 4s, ser. , do series U flen. Klec. cv. : Bid. offered. M V. 8. Rublier 6s... 4 V. 8. At eel d fia. ... 74SVs.-Carn. Chem. 6s M4Wahash let As do 1st A ex. 4a..,, Sl:Wetetn Md, 4s 71 '4 West, lllec. cv. Da. . 4S4Wi. Central 4s .104 -104 . M4 .1I24 . 84 . tlH . 44 Boston Stocks and Bonds. IIOSTON. Nov. 2S. Money, call loans, I ifi per cent; time loans, 56 per cent L'loKlna- quotations weie us follows: Atchlaon adl. 4s 3 Arlona Com. .. do 4s i4 Atlantic Atchlaon R. 11 118 Butte Coalition do pfd I'i44(.'al. A Arlona. Boston A Albanr J28 Cal. A Hecla.. Flti hburg pfd Ill) Centennial N. Y., N. H. A H...lfi Copper Kange Inlon Pacific WI)aly Weat .... Am. Arse. Chem 474 Kranklln do pfd 12 Oreene Cananea Am. Pneu. Tube e Isle Koyala .... . 444 . 11 - 7 .104 .647 . 374 . 82 - 4 . IS . 114 . 264 . 4 Amer. Sugar .... do pfd , Am. T. & T Amer. Woolen .. do pfd Dom. I. A 8 Oeneral Klectrlc Mass. Electric .. do pfd Mass, (laa ...111 Mlchiann .I) Mohawk ....4i) Nevada ... S4 Old Dominion ....03 Parrot . .. 68 Osceola , ...15 Qillncy ... 10 Shannon ... 7"4 Tamarack .... . 14 . Z . 624 . s4 .168 . lf4 78 Trinity . 10 I'nlted Krult lfr) l'nlte.1 S. M 7 do pfd 3li V. 8. Mining 644 U. B. Ull 8 Vlrtorla 44 u. S. steel 864 W inona 84 uo piu ljve vvoiverine 146 Adventure 6 North Dutte U Amalgamated 84 4 Local Securities. Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns, jr., 014 iNe' xorK iire uuuaing Pld. Asked. Beatrice Creamery CO burrough Adding Machine City ot Omaha 4s, 1118 City of Omaha 4s, 1824 Columbus, Neb., K. L 6s. 1826... Cuba (Rap. of) Int. 6s, 181 Detroit Billion 6s, 1983 German Fire Ins. Co Oate City Malt Independent Tel. 6s. Omaha Imp. Jap. Gov. 44a, lfte K. C. M. A O. 4s, bonus Nebraska Tel alock 6 per sent.... Omaha Oaa 6s. 1H17 Omaha E L. P ts, 1831 Omaha A C. B. Bt. Rv. f. 1828... .. 87 1 .. 183 .. W04 .. l(fc .. 844 .. $6 .. 100 . 1W4 MH .. 834 .. 86 .. 84 ,. 88 .. 4 100 1"Q 86 65 10:4 103 100 26 634 81 1004 88 101) 100 84 88 84 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. p:4, i per cent 634 Omaha-Nevada Mining Co Sioux City Traction 6s. 11 Blft A Co. 6k, 1J4 St. U I. M. R. A O. 4a, 1833 Trl-Clty R. A L . 6a, im IJnion 8. Y., Omaha n. c., ex-dlv 834 loo 874 74 944 844 1V1 884 884 88 4 New York Minister. Stocks NEW YORK. tfov. 2S. Closing- quotations uii iiiiuMig noons were, as lollows: Alice sou 'Leedvllle Con ., .. I ,. ..336 ..225 ..166 . .lt) ..129 Brunswick Con. .i.. S Com. Tunnel stock. 28 Little Chief. Mexican Ontario Oi.hlr Yellow Jacket Standard do bonds 20 Con. Cal. A Va fto Horn Silver 70 Iron Silver 166 OMAHA eKNEKAi, MARKET, Staple and Fancy produce Prlcea Far. Dished by Bayers and Wknleaalera. BUUiR-Creamery, No. 1, dellvoted to " iwuau uauu 111 i-io. cartons, xic; No. a, 111 i-iu. iuub, ui-o: iso. i, in 1-10. car tons, bOc; In 60-lb. tubs, &,a.c; packing eiui.Si , saucy uail .v, IUD9, XaCi M ai - s.ct ciiaoaes every 1 ueaaay. KGUei r'resu eelllnn slock, candlsd em l'OULTKY-Uretstu broilers, ic; springs. v, oeiia, ill., wum, uv, uncus, 41)fcc; geee DVic; turkeys, lilc; pujeona, per doa., $1.25 Alive, broilers, under 2 pounds, 13c; over 2 pounds, 10c; hens, 10c; cocks. 6c ducks, full feathered, c; geese, full ieamerea, c; turaeys, under 8 pounds, 18c over e puunus, 10c; guinea lowis, 2s per dux., plgeoua, 60c per dot. uYtJ'i'&Ksi Selects, small cuns, 22c; large toe; giti'oiia, fi.oo, iotk counts, small Mc; large. 46c; gallon. U.S5; Ualtimore! ataiidards, amall, 22c: liiige, 3,c; gallon. ,l..io. L-ldll T.' .. V. . . I. . . ;iao ciciiii vsusm, i(ims( ail sxe oressea: iiunoui. uc; ounaio, 6c; trout, 15c; bulllieaos, 14c; catfish, i7c; orappies. aunflsh, i)iulc; black bass, 26c: whlielisn Im; pike, 1-c; salmon, lio; pickerel lie' frog legs, -lie. Fresh froaen wlilteflsh. No! I, Uc, pickerel, dfessed and headieaa, S; pike, diesbed. Lie; redsiiappera, lis; Span ish mathciei, lat-i native mackerel. each, FRUITS Grapes. New Tork Concord, as sociation pack, per basket, 21c; luu-basket lota, per basket, 2Cc; California, extra fancy Flaming Tokays, per large crate, II. 76; I-cruia lota, per crate, (l.Ui, 5-crate lots, per crate, extra choice Malagas, per hbl., $0.60; extra choice heavy Malagas' per bbl.. Hi.UO; airictly fancy Malagas, per bbl., SO.W, siricily fancy heavy Malagas, per bbl., .TOO; extra fancy limed jjranes' per bbL, I7.&0; extra fancy extra heavy tinted, per 0D1., asou extra fancy pin La Botilimii U, per bbl., Hlw.00. Cianbarries: Wiuconsln, Antler brand, extra fancy J i-11 bo, per bbl.. llO.t.0; VVlscoiiain, poppy I rand, liell & Cherry, per bbl., H.bO; Wis coneln, field run, per bbl., ..uu, fancy Cape Cod, (7.60; choice Cap Cod, JT.Ou; choioa Cape Cod, box, Apples. Lxtra Colo rado Jonathans, per box, U m; extra choiue Culoradu Jonathans, pur box, U.ii; choioa Jonathans, per box, 12.00; Missouri lien, No. 1, lien Lavis, per bbl., Ibo; Missouri lien, No. 1, Wlnesaps, per bbl., 11.00, Mis souri lien. No. 1, Gutio, per bul.. ).i.7; New York extra fancy Red x:dwina, per bbl.. Hi; New York extra fancy Greenings, per bbl., 4.60; New York faru.era pack, Bald wins, per bbl., i.75; New Yora farmoia pack, Gieeuiiiga, per bbl., Ula. Poara: California, extra fancy Kastie liueria, per box, (.'.60; Michigan Kieffera, per J-bu. bbl., 14 00. Oranges: Kxlra fancy Vaienclas, liti! 160, ITS, 2oU and 216, per bux, (4.60, 260 and i.S, per box. (1.60; extra fancy Florida, 1J6. 160. 170, nuu, 210, per box, .J.2i. Lemons: Lxtra fancy, J00 and HoO, per box, (6.00; choice, 300 and SoO, per box. (6.60. Grape fruit: Florida. 04. 04 and 80, per box. (4.-41. Bananas: 1.x Ira fancy 1'uri Limon, per lb., 4c; 6-bunch lota, per lb., Slc. Honey: Colo rado, per crate, (J if-. UEtF CU'ii Klbs: No. 1. 15c; No. 2. 12c; No. S. c. Loin: No. 1, 17c; No. 2, 13c; No. 3, 4c Chuck: No. 1, 6c; No. 2, 64c; No. 3, 4e. Hound: No. L fcc; No. 2, 6,c; No. 2, b4c; 1'lttte: No. 1, 64c; No. 2. 4,e; No. 3. 44c. VF.GK1 AISLES Sweet potatoes, Virginia Red b'tar, per large bbl., (1.60; 6-bhl. lor, per bbl.. (260. Celery: Kxtra fancy Michi gan, per dos., 66c, extra fancy Muskegon, per flat box. (1.26. Head lettuce: Fer ham per, (2 60. Rutabagas: Canadian, per lb.. IVto- Cabbage: Wisconsin, genuine Hol land aeed, pur lb., 14c; l.Oou-lb. lota or more, 14c; red, per lb.. 24c California tomatoes: Fer crate, 1.6u. Oniona: Indiana Red Globe, per bu., (1.U0, Idaho yellow, per bu., (1.00; Spanish, per crate. II 60. Fota toes: Colorado, per bu., 7uc. Fii;s: New, Imported, 7-ciown, per lb., 16c; 4-ciown. per lb., lXc; 12 12-oa. pkga., per box, Wc: 60 -01. pkgs., per box. (2 uu. CUFIi-Mott a. per keg, (3.60. N l.'TK A Imonds: Hrake seedlings, pal lb.. 16c; ftlberla, large, per lb., 14c. Fecana: Louisiana, per lb , 174c; Jumbo Texaa, per lb.. 16c; medium Texaa. per lb . 124c. Cali fornia walnuts: No. 1, soft shell, per Itx. luc; No. L. soft shell, per lb.. 11c. Feanuta: Raw, per lb., vc; Jumbo, raw. per lb, 7c; roaaled. per lb., be; sailed, per box. II S. LA.TKS 30 1-lb. pkga.. per box. (2.25; new Hallowe'en, per lb.. 7c; sugar wainui. per box, (1 26; fard. per lb., 10c. UllUtu. greeu. luv, io. I cured. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Week Starts Out with a Liberal Run of Cattle. HOGS CONTINUE ON THE UP GRADE Moderate Ran of heep and I.amhs, with Klllrra fteady to tronger and Feeder Steady with Last Meek. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Nov. 29. 1909. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ftitlmate Monday 7.300 2J 4.4X) Kims day last week 8.137 Same day 2 weeks bro.. 9.129 b.VS 2 (MO 2.Kx 7.M 7.U4 8. Ml 14.H18 464 23 89 9. B37 S-ime day 3 weeks nno..ll,394 Maine daya 4 weeks ag.h.lO.ST'T Same day last year 4.KA6 The following table shows the receipts of cattle. hos and sheep at Houth Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: VOU l'j" In- lec Cattle l.fl2o.2M 942.903 82,317 Hoks 1.W1.412 2,2(t.4:U 21S.019 Sheep 2.122. S7S l.7.Sotl 66,243 The following tauie shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, w'th comparlaons: Date. I ia. il90S.liW7.190t.lM6. 1904. 1903. Nov. 18... Nov. 19... Nov. 20... Nov. 21... Not. a.. Nov. U... Nov. 24... Nov. 25... Nov. 26.. Nov. 27.. Nov. 28.. Nov. 29.. 7 98 5 69 4 831 I 4 6S 4 H7 4 39 7 44 5 70 4 041 6 02 4 63 4 46 1 W4 6 S) 4 631 02 4 68 4 46 I 6 76i 4 4rii ti Ull 4 IMI 4 f.4 4 46 7 884 4 321 18 4 64 4 f.l 7 88 '4 1 5 S7 4 08 S ll 4 1 4 4 4 81 7 974 6 70 6 62 1 3 95; 6 06 4 6 I HU 4 72 4 481 4 18 I 4 63 4 67, I 4 20 4 72 4 49, 4 24 4 83 4 47 8 OSHl I 4 07 1 6 00, B VJ4 0 on, 4 K 6 02 5 67 1 4 36 07 Sunday. Holiday. llecelpts and disposition of live atock at the Union .-stock Yards, South Omaha, JNeb. : RECEIPTS. Cattle.Hogs.Sheep.Hrs. C, M. & St. P.. Wabash U. R Mo. F. Ry U. F. R. R M C. & N. W. (east) .. 10 C. N. W. twest).. 63. C, St. P., M. & O.. 7 C, H. & Q. teast).... 6 C, B. & y. twest).. 99 C, R. I. & P. least).. 4 C, R. I. & F. twest). 6 Illinois Central Ry. .. 5 Chicago Gt. Western 4 10 14 1 15 1 2 29 Total receipts S28 40 12 DISPOSITION Cattle.Kogs.Sheep, Omaha Packing Co. 634 823 604 634 471 Swift and Company .... Cuouhy Packing -Co Armour and Co St L. Ind. Pkg. Co.. Cudahy, S. St, Paul.... Armour, from Denver .. W. B. Vantsant Co Benton, Vansant & Lush Stephens iiros 1.21S 1.663 l,0a9 706 3o0 839 364 2j3 , 102 1 viu Hill at Son 203 F. H. Lewis 123 J. 14. Root & Co 21 J. H. Llulla 164 L. F. Husz 3 L. Wolf 15i McCreary & Curey 70 S. Wertheiinor 36 H. F. Hamilton 344 Sullivan Bros 43 Lehmer Lros 14 Smith & Polsley 0 Mo. & Kan. Calf Co.. 44 Christy. Cllne & Co.... 4n Other buyers 533 3.053 . Totals 7.728 3,024 6.080 CAT'l LE Receipts of cattle were falny liberal this morning, 295 cars being re ported In. The market conditions, however, were none too favorable, owing to the lact that the quality of the receipts was not very good. At the ttame time the weather continuing very soft and sloppy was against sellers, limiting the demand, es pecially for some kinds. v hlie the demand for feeders was not as brisk aa might be expected under more favorable weather conditions, there was, nevertheless, a very fair Inquiry for the beat kindti and cattle of that description were the first in the yards to sell. The prices paid were ateady to a little easier and from that on down to 5tfl0c lower on the common to medium grades. Cows and heifers were sought after, but the market seemed to be lacking In snap and It was rather late In the morning be fore very much businesti had been trans acted. To quote the general market on that kind of cattle aa weak to 10c lower would Just about cover the situation. Buyers of beef steers were out in the yarda In good season, looking over supplies, but they were backward about taking hold and It waa well along toward midduy be fore they really got good down to busi ness. The best beef, which was in ex tremely lleht nupblv. did not show much change, but the feeling on inferior grades was ratner weak. The trade clused In very bad shape, buv- ers toward the last not appearing anxious for the cattle even at the decline, many of them leaving the yards before a clear ance v as effected. The feeder market, especially, closed very bad. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn- fed steers, i7. 004(8.25; fair to good cornfed steers, l5.Kojj7.00; common to fair cornfed steers, (3.75''i5.50, good to choice range steers, 10 6tXf6.2.r; fair to good range steer, 4.76ti.50; common to fair ramie. Blears. (3.75)4.75; good to choice cornfed cowa, and heifers, (4.0oy6.0O; fair to good cornfed cows and heifers, (3.25Q4.00; common to fair cornfed cows and heifers. (2.503 25: good to choice range cowa and heifera. 13 75 U4.bo; rair to good range cowa and heifers. (3.2".'g3.75; common to fair range cows and heifers. (2.603.25; good to choice stockers and feeders, (4.26ii5.20; fair to good stock ers and feeders. (3.75(i 4.25; common to fair stockers and feeders, 13.00313 76; stock heif ers, J2.761t3.7B; veal calves, (3.&0o'7.UO, bulla, atags, etc., C2.76i2i4.66. Representative sales: COWS. No. Av. Pr. Ho. 816 2 70 6 890 I 76 4...., fit a 80 4 1040 I 00 I 890 (10 HEIFERS 760 2 36 4 391 1 66 BULLS. 180 8 26 I At. Pr. ..li'24 I 20 ..10J6 2 46 ..926 I 60 ..1100 2 60 8 22 8 10 235 4 00 ..1460 66 1000 1 26 CALVES. 241 6 00 4 180 6 tR 270 I 26 1 160 4 2o STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8.(7 8 66 t 277 I 76 704 t 70 11 906 4 00 876 2 79 5 1170 4 26 714 I 7 6 4 486 4 26 WESTERNS NEBRASKA 131 feeders. 1107 6 10 6 steera.... 911 3 90 22 steers.... 906 4 60 7 calvea... 224 4 00 2 calvea... 2f0 5 00 12 cowa 7t6 3 10 11 aowa 80 2 75 11 cows 820 3 60 1 bull 810 3 00 2 calvea... 116 6 00 3 heifera... 663 3 25 16 cowa 920 3 30 10 steers.... 894 3 90 t cowa 772 2 60 G. A. Rasmussen W'yo. U cows 1059 4 15 1 bull 1670 3 40 13 steers.... mo 4 66 2 steers.... 815 (50 2 cows 935 3 40 HOGS Hogs opened strong to 5c higher this morning, but soon after became fully 6c higher, later on closing 6&loc higher. The quality of the hogs on an average was not very good, running largely to light weight, so that packers were quoting the general market, considering quality, as l'i 10c higher than last week s close. The bet ter grades of weighty hogs sold largely at and right around kill, that being tho popular irlce, aa against (8.0& Safurday. On the other hand, good heavy and choice light hogs sold aa high as (8.15. The gen eral run of light and light mixed hngs sold from (8.10 down. Everything in sight was sold by 10 o'clock In the morning, the trade as a whole being In very satisfactory condition, as viewed from a seller's stand point. Ki-prekentatlve sales: No. At. Sh. Pr. No. At. Sh. Pr. 12 170 M M 26 '.29 40 8 10 69 294 t0 106 6 -260 ... I 10 68 12 U'l 6 06 66 2ti 160 I 10 76 '.86 4') 06 14 246 80 10 86 219 120 9 06 70 US 160 8 10 76 211 160 6 06 4 261 Ml 8 1214, 61 20 8 06 47 1 ... 4 12 60 206 80 8 if! 42 240 10 8 12 7 278 120 I 07i 78 21 '.) 8 12 40 266 120 1 07 V, 7. ...... ,18 90 6 12 76 2-4 49 6 07V ....... ! 40 lit 41 248 2ti 8 07V 61 818 ... 6 16 78 824 IM 8 07i 72 127 ... 1 16 10 196 ... 60: 64 2,4) 2i0 96 68 274 . . 8 10 26 2.0 loO I (16 81 214 1 80 8 10 II u0 80 6 06 48 26 80 14 24 118 . . 8 10 67 216 ... 8 19 68 8 1 110 0 66 2 ... I ! It 21 80 I 10 66 22 8 10 72 2S6 ) I 124j 68 236 160 llo 74 .42 2u0 12S 82 228 120 10 SHEEP Receipts of sheep, though con siderably larger than the early eatlmate. were smaller than usual on Monday or re cent, weeks. There was a bl irk demand for deslraMe fat 1 heep and lambs and everything com ing under that head met with very ready ssle at prices that were good and strong as compared with last eek s close. Sales men ss a rule were guotlng It as a stendy to stronger market. A few native lamba sold up to 17 0. but there were no good fed western to mske a test of values. Good llRht yrarllnas, a better kind than has been on the market tor several days, sold up to ! 4o A amall bunch of native ewes reached (6 10, with western aa Mgh as (4 fii. Tho market as a whole was very satisfac tory to selling Interests. Several cara of feeders were reported In. but as thev were nilxd, reuniting a good deal of sorting, the trade on that kind waa delayed to a considerable extent, so that It wss late before very much business was transacted. Still, when the stuff was ready to be shown. It met with ready sale at prices not materially different from those prevailing last week. Quotations on Ial Bneep and lambs: Good to choice tombs. (7 00ff" .65; fair to good lambs. n.Mru7.00; good cut light year lings, (5.7.Vii6.40; good heavy yearlings, (5 25 yo.:0; good to choice wethers. (4.7fi( 26; fair . to good wethers, (4 3iku 4.76; good to choice ewes, 14 2.V(M (15; flr to good ewes ri'lV'" 'p"' Ki'4l-'; fair to good ewes, (3. .Mj 4.25. Quotations on feeder stock: Good to choice lambs. (iievyfl iR; fair to good lambs (6.7Mi6.2f; light yearlings, (6 005.50; heavy yearlings. $4 6Ofj5.00: old wethers, (4.60'li4 75 good to choice owes. (3.25a3.75; breeding ewes, (3.76U5.50; yearling breeding ewes (o. DOtl 6.00. Av. Pr. M western yearlings lift 0 75 13'S western yearlings 1 1 e 5 75 81 western wethers 122 6 2fi 34 Colorado ewes, culls 75 1 60 61 Colorado yearlings 74 a 40 4S4) Colorado yearlings 75 fi 40 204 Colorado ewes 87 4 v. 20 fed ewes 125 4 ik) 39 goats 70 s 10 28 fed lnmbs m 7 00 228 fed yearlings 87 6 05 38 fed lambs , pf, 7 to 24 fed ewes lfj 6 10 103 western ewes 100 4 16 riiYcAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Itrona; Hoga Hlajher Sheep and Lamba Lower. CHICAGO, Nov. 29. CATTLE Receipt a. 3L000 head. Market steady to strong; steers, 6.60ii;.9 .25; mm, 13.6O16.OO; heifers, CKKCyOO; bulls. $a.04i'4.75; calves. (3.0051) 8.50; Blocker and feeder, (3.75C8 5 25. HOGS Receipts, 30.000 head. Market 6 f&lOc higher; choice heavy, $s.30r,i8.S5; butchers. iK.2f.f?S.35: llirht mired Is (,. ir,. 1 choice light, S.10j8.ia; packing. (m.16,i8.2G; I P'(i. (6.00U7.7R; bulk of .sales, (S.10iS 30. "'"'i-r AiSIt LAMMS- Kecelpts. 111110 head. Market 10c lower; sheep. (4d0f,.26; lambs, (b.7.V(i7.60; yearlings, (6.tit7.60. Knnsna City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 29.-CATTLE Re ceipts. 14.000 hend, including 1,000 southerns; market, strong to 10c higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, (6.26-JJ8.60; fair to good. $4.70y6.li; western steers, (3.75(trS.fcO; Blockers and feeders. (3.2tVu4.i0; southern steers, (3. 403.65; southern cows. $2.803.',5; native cows, (2.404.65; native heifers, (3.40 fc5.60; bulls, (3.15ir4.50; calves, (3.6fvfj7.50. HOGS Receipts, 9,000 head; market, 5c to 10c higher, top, (8.26; bulk of soles, (7.9614 8.20; heavy, (,S.15(fi8.2fi; packers and butch ers. (8.00r88.20; light, (7.60ft,e.l0; pigs, (6.50 7.50. SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts, 6,000 head; lambs, (6.007.70; yearlings, (5.20 6.70: wethers, (4.75(5.50; ewes, (4.265.00; stockrs and feeders, (3.504i5.25. St. Louis Hie Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 29.-CATTLE-Recelpts, 11,700 head, including 6.600 Texana; mark -t, steady to 10c lower; native shipping and export steers, (ti.SOCy 7.75; dressed beef and butcher steers. (5.2f6.40; steers under 1,000 pounds, (3.75415.10; stockers and feeders, (3.4n&5.25; cows and heifers, I3.20ijr5.7fi; can ners, (2.26ift2.75; bulls, 2.75Sj4.26; calves. (6.00 8.75; Texas and Indian steers, (3.50ij6.35; cows and heifers, (2.00(54.26. HOGS Receipts. 16.0U0 head; market. 6c higher; pigs and lights, (6.257.95; packers, (7.9tJi8.16; butchers and best heavy, (8.20"i 8.27 M:. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.200 head; market, steady; native muttons, (3.40 ft'5.00; lambs, (6.25&7.75; culls and bucks, (2.6(64.15; stockers. (3.254.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 29 CATTLE Re ceipts, 3,500 head. Market weak; steers, (4.50(57.00; cows and heifers, (2.50r4.00; calves, (3.00(87.50. HOGS Receipts, 5,000 head. Market 6J 10c higher; top, (8.26; bulk of sales, (7.903 8.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts. Mar ket steady; lambs. (5.6007.50. Stoma- City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia., Nov. 29. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 2,700 head. Market on killers steadv to casv; feeders strong; beeves. (4.25ff8.26; cows, " t3.2f.9iM; feeders, (4.004) t. 90; yearlings, (2.754M.00. HOGS Receipts, 8.400 head. Market Btrong to 5c higher; range of prices, (7.85(0 5.10; bulk of sales, 17.954,8.06. Stock In Sight. Receipts of live Btock at the six principal western market yesterday were as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. bouth Omaha 7.300 2.900 4,400 oioux uy 1,700 g,400 St. Joseph 8,600 6.O11O Kansas city 14,000 9.000 6.000 St. LouiB 11.700 16.000 2 300 Chicago (1,000 80,000 30,000 Totals ..70.206 65,300 42,600 Cotton Market. NEW TORK, Nov. 29.-COTTON-Closed quiet, iv points lower; middling uplands 14.55c; middling gulf. 14.80c; no sales. ruiures opened steady; November, 14.58c; oneicu, ieuernoer, n.u.(i le.eic; January 14.62c; March, 14.8Sc; May. 15.06c: Julv! 16c; August, 14.30c; September, 13.17c of- rerea; uciooer, 12.6&U 12.B6C. cotton futures closed barely steady. November, 14.15c; December. 14.20c: Janu ary, 14.36c; February, 14.46c; March, 14.66c; prn, ji.oi.i-; may. 11 111c; June, 14.6H0; July 14.77c; August, 14.08c; September, 12.96c: October. 12 5.1c. GALVESTON, Nov. 29 COTTON Higher, 14 o-iBc. Oils and Roaln. OIL CITY, Nov. 29-OIL-Credlt balance 149 bbls.; runs, 278. 50 bbls.; average, IS! 712 bhls.; shipments, 400,480 bbls; average, 201J24 UU1B. SAVANNAH. Nov. 29. OIL Turpentine, steady. 54fj54'4c. ROSIN Firm; quotej B, D, K, S.97Hc F 397Hfl4-00c; G. 3.95J( 4 02c; H, 4.154.40o; I, 4.60c; K. 6 60c; M, 6.8Cc; N. 6.00c; WO. 8.25c; WW, (.76c. Sua-ar and Molaa.es. NEW YORK, Nov. 29.-SUGAR-Raw quiet; fair refining, 3.83c; centrifugal. 96 test. 4.33c; molasses sugar, 8.68c. Refined quiet; crushed, 6.96c; powdered, 6.35c; granu- lUlfcU. D.t!C Elgin Ilvtter Market. ELGIN, 111., Nov. 29 BUTTER Firm at 32Vic; sales (or the week ,64.000 lbs. lank Clearings. OMAHA. Nov. 29 Bank clearings for to day were (Jtf;2,481.46 and for the corres ponding date Jiist year, (2.298,926.48. COLD WEATHER DRIVES THE NEEDY TO THIEVING Several Cases Reported to Police Overcoat, Money and Ice Cream Missing:. Cold weather Increased the demand for overcoats ar.d some one took A. L. Rhodes' garment out of his automobile. Mr. Rhodes Is engaged as a chauffeur and left his overcoat on the seat In a car, standing In front of the Her Grand drug store. He went away and the coat waa mlsalng when he returned. With Policeman Wheeler sitting on the right slda and a stranger on the left' at the theater last Sunday nluht, J. A. Dunbar of Corastock, was robbed of a wallet that contained (84. The money was In a pocket on the left aide next to the stranger. Sneak thieves entered the room of Miss Anna Kelley at 415 North Twenty-fifth street yesterday and stole Jewelry valued at (20. Sam Adler and wife of 3229 Harney street, entertained company Sunday evening and had prepared to serve refreshments. They bought a quantity of Ice cream and set It on the back poih. When ilr. a.id Mrs. Adler prepared to serve refreshments they found that the cold aa no bar to thla sort of feast aa six bricks of the delicacy were tolen. If you have anything lo sell or trade and want quick action advartlae It in The Bee Want Ad columns. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH 'W Coroner'! Inquest in Long Case Will Come Wednesday. MURDER MAY BE ALLEGED Capital Offense l.lkelr to Be the. t harae Despite the apposed ln-7 sanity of Ynonar Wesley Mrltrlrie. , The coroner's lnqw-st over the bodv of Arthur Iing. killed Weslrv Mcllrlde Saturday, was not held Sunday, but was postponed until Wednesday, when It will take place at the coroner's South Omaha, beginning at 2 p. m. The Mc Bride boy will. It Is said, have to face a prosecution for murder In biiHo of his youth. Insanity win be the llk-Iy defense. There can be many witness's called to testify to queer, or itt least tin unusal, behavior on the part of the boy, who Is 15 years of age. The story of the strnnr.e occurrence created a profound sensation In South Omaha. The general sentiment rxpressed was sympathy for the pu:rnts of MrrirMe and commiseration for the bereaved fam ily. It Is 4tntlclpnted that the coroner's In quest will be watched with gnat Interest and that many will be In attendance to hear at first hand the hoy's story. It Is not known whether he will be permitted to tell the whole story before the coroner's Jury. It Is not required that he be pres ent, but ho may appear. The funeral of tho Long boy has not ve been arranged, but it will nrobahlv hn Tuesday morning. Presbyterian (hnrrh Fund (Irons. An adjourned session of the Presbyterian congregation was convened Sunday dur ing the latter half of the hour of regular church service. The finance committee made a good report, showing much prog ress during the last two weeks. The re- i port shows an increase In the building f fund of about (7,000 over the first report. The first report of tho committee did n t contain the funds derived from the sal of the old church. All told the funds on hand and pledged has reached the figure of (11,400. The finance committee has been busy, but not all turned In Ihe subscrlp- ' tlons yesterday. The subscriptions have come from about seventy members of the church. The church has a membership of over 400. and an effort Is to be made In the next two weeks to reach them all and find exactly how much will bu pledged. The church has the promise and the pros pect of considerable outside aid, if t.'ie membership rises to Its duty and shoul ders Its just share of the burden. With diligent effort during tho next two weeks the finance committee hopes to ifnt at least (20,000 subscribed. This will be within tho church membership entirely and the figures may be even larger. Out side aid will probably udd several thou sands to this amount. This will make It possible to build a church up to tho pluna as at present adopted. A resolution was adopted praising the work of the finance committee and grunt ing It that much more time In which to complete) the canvass. Some of the mem ber were in favor of still more time, but thla was thought sufficient. Paving: Rids Upened Tonight. The city council will have an important session tonight at the city hall. Bids for ten paving contracts will be received. The last advertisement of paving contracts brought out about six or eight bidders. Tho present contracts are still larger than those at that time. The fuvorlte material for the majority of these paving contracts la, asphalt, concrete or the combination known as asphaltlo concrete. The formula of thla material la much llko the sarco paving of some Of the cities. It Is not called sarco In the specifications, as the surco paving Is a patented material. Over 80,000 yards of paving are to be laid. This will mean a contract reaching fully (150.000. Officer Reports Omitted Names. Paul MacAulay, the truant officer of Bouth Omaha, has prepared his annual re- j port to the board, showing what he has--' found concerning tho enrolled children and thoso who have escaped enrollment He says that 433 names have been omitted from the census report made by the enumerators. The ways In which the omissions arose are numerous. Some are at present of school age who were not at the time the census was taken, or at least were declared un der age by parents. Many parents omitted' names of their older children so they might send them out to work. Many of these were declared over 16 years old lo were still under U. The truant officer Vaa made up bis report by comparing the pres ent list with that of a year previous, with the teachers' class room rolls, the books of the packing houses and the business of fices where boys are employed. In this way he has discovered the omitted names. ' These omissions will cut down the state ' appropriation about (860. The South Omaha school districts will lose this. The census showed a compilation of 7,388 names, while the actual figures are over 8,000. The average attendance of the grades and high school Is about 2,500 short of the full enumeration. Magic City Gossip. The Shamrock club la to give a dancing party Tuesday evening at Rustling's hall. E. M. Rohrbaugh I.-) making a report of the physical valuation of the Union Stock Yards company. He wus formerly city en gineer of South Omaha. The Presbyterian King's Daughters will aerve dinner and supper Tuesday and Wednesday at the old cltv hall building. Twenty-fifth and N streets. Miss Fannie Slahaugh has returned from Wisconsin, where she has been for a com Ha In the school of libraries. She has resumed her duties at the South Omaha library. The proceeds of the policemen's hall netted each South Omaha noliuemiin 1.2 .50. This money Is Intended to be used buying uniforms and overcoats for the department. John Donahue reported to the police last night that he had been robbed of a watch and (10 cash. He had been Intoxicated and In this condition was arrested. When he sobered UP he discovered that someone had reached him In advance of the police. BUSHMANN'S ST. LOUIS WIFE LANDS HIM BEHIND 3ARS Rossf to Man's Milwaukee Wire nrtna Trouble I pain Head of Man. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 29. Samuel 11. Hush- matin Is In Jail here on a warrant issued tin Milwaukee at the Instance of Mrs. Herthn Llersch Hushmnnn of Milwaukee charlni; bigamy. He waa taken from Mi home last night, where he was living with Mrs. Annia Juergens Ilushmann, whom he married In 1892. The Mllwuukee woman holds a certificate which shows she married Ilushmann In 1902. Bushmann does not deny either mar riage. Last June hla St. Uiuia wife con fronted him In Milwaukee, whore he had bei-n living with his second wife. As neither wife would protiecute they decided lo abide by his choice. Derberl E. Goo:h to. Brokers and Dealer (IIS. rsVTTiriOtfg fITOMg Osuaba OffUel gld 23. Y Life aid. U Telephone. Uonrles auL. lagspawvaeav a-.ti.4l ana A-slaif m 4m. ana Leugee atece la oa ffatasf 110. tr 7