4 HIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER .TO, 1900. The Omaha Daily Hue. Founded nr edward ruse water- victor ROSE WATER. EDITOR. Fntered'at Omaha poetofflc a second class matter. TERMS Or SUUWCRIPTION. rally ! (without Sunday), on year.!' Dally Baa and Sunday, ona year .00 DELIVERED RT CARRIER. Dally flee (including Sunday), per wekk.IRe Ially Bee (without Sunday), per week.. We Evening pee (without Sunday), per week c Evening Roe (with Sunday), par week.. 10c Sunday Ie, ana year WW) Saturday Ree, one year 1.80 Andrew all complaint of Irrerularltles In delivery to City Circulation Department, ofticeb. Omaha The Pee Bultdwig. South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council muff IS Pmtt Street. I.lncoln-RIK Little Building. Chicago 158 Marquette Building. New York-Rw.ms 1101-110 No. M West Thlrtr-thlrd Street. Washington T25 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to news and edi torial rrmtler should he addressed: Omaha Ree. Editorial nepnrtment. RFM1TTA N'CES. Remit, hv rtrnp.. express or portal order psyaMr fc Tim lire Publishing Company. Only J-tent etnnT received In payment of mall account. Personal checka. except on Omaha or cnstrn exchnnsres. not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCUUATION. State of JVebraslta. Douglaa County. a. : Oeorge B. Txschur.lt, treasurer of The B Publishing Company, being duty worn, says that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Hunday Ree printed during the month of October. VV. was ai follows-. 1....433A0 II.... 49,940 21 41,790 I 49,080 II 49,180 ... .40,490 I.... 40,600 J 4. ...49,940 14. ...40,330 4. ...49,940 18... .49,990 25. ...41,990 I... .49,510 14. i.. 43,500 2 41,90 ....49,450 IT. .. .40,900 17. ...49.950 7... .49,970 II. ...49,450 21. ...49,919 I... .49.910 It.;. .49,050 29. ...49,000 I. ...49,980 10. .,.49.960 10. ...49,070 10.... 40.300 II.... 49,050 II.... 40,600 11 4a,710 Total 103,040 Returned copies 9,970 Nat total 1,993,370 Daily average 41,731 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and aworn to before ma this 1st day of November. 1MU (Meat) . M. P. WALKER, Notary Public Saaaerlkava Iwrlif the elty tem ferarlly akoaM kart The B aallea ta tkaa. Aaaraea will hm ekaaaje aa af tea a raajaaata. What Is the use of having a hidden brass tube if a man may not crawl into it occasionally? The Mexican bull fight gives promise of becoming almost as risky a pastime as American foot ball. Those champion wrestlers, finance and tho tariff, will next take a fall out of the German Reirhatsg. The Hague plans to open 1U "Palace of Peace," which has thirteen letters, In 1913. Who's superstitious? What can have become of French gallantry, that Mme. Stelnhell should be hounded out of the country? With reference to the pay-as-you-enter car, "you will learn to like it," just as did Paprika Schnitzel. The Omaha Indian supply depot Is due for another melodramatic rescue in the coming session of congress. Not having been able to get to the pole, of course Walter Wellman knows that no one else but Peary could have reached it. As a typical Frenchman, tho minls tre of war may be expected to reward the man who received the bullets meant for him hi kissing him on both cheeks, A 1 Tho World-Herald neglects to state that one of tta own staff ia a member of the Publte Library board --that swal lowed the tasty, floss with, touching humility." According to official figures, we are not only getting back the shrinkage In oar export trade, but gaining steadily beyond It, , Now Kill tho croaker be more cheerful? Weary of the "glHwr Me" appella tion, Missouri asks Cor a real pet name. With seven state and one territory bordering her boundaries, the old girl has been pretty well shown. If those Sandy Hook sharpshooters cannot hit a balloon tied fast for a tar get, what might not a hostile) floater do. Aeronautic markmanshlp mast bo still very much in the air. Not a, trace of nonpartisanshlp now In those democratic papers that before election were so loudly -declaiming against. submission to party ties that might prevent republicans from voting democrats Into office. Here's a scion of a New York house cut off with the mere beggarly allow ance of 1 50 a day. How does the old man expect the boy to pay his chauf feur's fines, to say. nothing of main taining his monogram and crest on his cigarettes? The revelation that a royal press agent is at work to popularise the prince of Wales as the time Inevitably draws near for him to assume the throne recalls that when his fattier was prince he was his own efficient expo nent of publicity. A committee from the Lincoln Com mercial club has reported thst there Is no "joker" In the agreement by which the local traction company wants to compromise Its corporation tax with the city'.. It is assumed that the com mittee knows a joker when it sees it. Governor Uleun of North Carolina has come oat for Governor Harmon of Ohio, G rover Cleveland's former attor ney general, for the 111 J presidential nomination on the democratic ticket. Governor Glenn wUl no longer be the welcome visitor at Falrview that he once wu Prospects for Postal Savings. Congreeamftn Hitchcock's paptr, the democratic WorM-HeraM, manifests great glee oer, the Associated Press report from Washington to the effect thst the enactment of legislation for the establishment of postal savings banks must wait on the report of the monetary commission and be consid ered In connection with that commis sion's recommendations. Whether the sources of Information of the Asso clted Press correspondent are good or bad will transpire later, but the World Herald, whose editor and publisher holds down a $7,500 seat in congress for performing official functions lim ited to the free distribution of seeds. already wants to know "how tho Amer ican people must enjoy being swin dled" by the republican platform declaration for postal satlngs. One would Imagine that of nil sub jects Congressman Hitchcock's paper would be chary of tackling it would be postal savings banks. Mr. Hitchcock made four campaigns on a' personal platform pledging his best efforts for postal savings. Two of these cam paigns were successful and two unsuc cessful, but beyond the introduction of a bill, which some one had drawn for him, his work to promote postal sav ings banks is not perceptible. After "swindling" his constituents four times with unfulfilled promises, in his last compalgn he took back all ho had said for postal savings and embraced the Ignis fatuus of deposit guaranty in its place. His postal savings bank promises of four previous campaigns were discarded off-hand and he played to the galleries In Joint debate as the champion of private banks safeguarded by a guaranty fund. But what is the World-Herald editor going to do now when he returns to congress? Will he go back to his first love of postal savings, or will he work to that object with the republicans who favor It? Or will he stay with the democrats clamoring for deposit guaranty, which he knows he cannot get? If postal savings is defeated or Indefinitely deferred it will be because It gets no help from democrats like Congressman Hitchcock, who talk on both sides and do nothing. The Public Domain. Secretary Dalltnger's suggestions for legislation affecting the public domain appear to be based on a thorough in quiry into, the defects of 'existing laws for meeting the conservation and reclamation policy of the Roosevelt and Taft administrations. It is evi dent from the text of Mr. Balllnger's report that congress had In the begin ning too little forethought concerning public lands, and that we have on the whole been too prodigal with our riches, as a result of which much substance has been wasted that with proper prevision might have been safe guarded. Remedial laws seem to be among the immediate needs of the land office administration particularly gov erning the coal lands in Alaska, and giving more definite authority apper taining to coal, oil, phosphate and other deposits in the states, as well as water and timber rights. Properly avoiding any controversial comment on the admitted mistakes of the past, Mr. Balllnger wants their lessons made the foundation for en lightened effort toward future control of the resources still within public con trol. Whether the govenment should retain control through a system of leasing or through supervising restric tions, ia for congress to determine, but the public interests call for immediate measures to prevent either monopoly or extortion, without, however, un necessarily impairing or impeding de velopment. One point made by Mr. Balllnger should not be lost sight of In the zeal to administer the lands for the best interests of the people and against per sonal or corporate greed, and that is that investment in these projects is to be encouraged. The restrictions must not be made so severe that the domain continue idle, nor so costly that the excesses be charged back ultimately upon the consumer. What is wanted is thoughtful and efficient adjustment of conservation and development so that the public domain may be really devoted to the public welfare. An American Admiralty? Conflicting reports come from Wash ington concerning the recommenda tions of the so-called Swift board for reforms in the Navy department. This is the board of officers appointed by Secretary Meyer to investigate naval affairs here and abroad, with a view to suggesting possible Improvements in our strategy and general service. Its report to Mr. Meyer has been closely guarded, but enough has been dis closed a warrant the belief that radical reforms are In prospect. The younger element among our sea fighters has urged the elimination of what It considers dry rot, and it is be lieved that this faction has to a con siderable degree persuaded the Swift board to some of Its proposals. Among other things the Swift board is ex pected to recommend is reorganization of the navy yards, so that they shall be conducted on modern business principles, like private concerns, with co-ordination in all branches, and another suggested Improvement said to have found favor 1s the removal of somewhat haphaxard methods of ship construction, so that vessels may be designed more absolutely by exports on scientific lines. Instead of being left to a civilian secretary subject to con gressional directions. The most revolutionary proposal to come, however, advises establishment Of au' admiralty board siuitlsr to that of Great Britain, a senior sea power of the most eminent officers of the service to pass on all needs for an in crease In naval strength and all meas ures for new construction. Whether congress Is prepared to establish an American admiralty Is open to doubt, and It is very likely also that this feature will be disapproved by Secre tary Meyer in reviewing the Swift re port. Such radical Innovations will doubtless be left by the secretary for congress to consider apart from his own recommendations, and he will probably submit the Swift report as a separate document In addition to his own views. Our traditions and custom have been against putting too great power Into the hands of an admiralty, deficient though our present bureau system may be In various particulars, and congress may be counted on to go slow In acting on any new naval program. Uneasy Cuba. The recrudescence of unrest in Cuba seems on first consideration to be largely a matter of partisan contention among the Island politicians, in which case It may amount to no more than an exceedingly lively campaign in the next election. It must be borne in mind, however, that Cuba is In the j one where political unrest begets sudden revolutionary movements, and the history of the Island is not encour aging to placid contemplation of such Imbroglios as that which seems to have developed betWeen the Gomes and Zayns constituencies. After our past experiences with our southern neighbors, it would be dis tinctly discouraging, if not discomfit ing, to have conditions arise that would require us to Interfere again for the sake of peace and progress. It is sincerely to be hoped that the good sense of the Cubans will save us from any such further embarrassment, but In the meantime it seems to be neces sary for us to maintain a watchful eye In that direction, with a view to speak ing a pleasant but firm fatherly word in case the ruction gets too belligerent. The Indian Supply Depot. For about ten years Omaha has been the Beat of one of five or six Indian supply depots, whose discontinuance is now recommended by Secretary Bal llnger in his report as head of the In terior department, under which the Indian bureau comes. Mr. Balllnger's reference to the supply depots is as follows: I am strongly In favor of discontinuing the United States Indian warehouses at New York,- Chicago, BL Louis, Omaha and San Francisco as soon as It Is possible to clear up the business that will pass thrdugh them under the annual contract system. The Indian service Is purchasing about 12,000,000 worth of supplies each year under a system which is in nowise based on commercial methods. It Is purposed to develop a system of purchasing through purchasing agents and to make arrange ments for the elimination of certified checks, contracts and 'bonds and to pro vide for tho settlement of all bills within discount periods certainly not exceeding thirty days from delivery. Mr. Balllnger does not in this make plain exactly what ho wants to sub stitute for the warehouse system, and perhaps the details of his proposal should be awaited before passing Judg ment on the question of continuance or discontinuance. It goes without saying that so long as the government provides reservation Indians with articles of food consump tion, wearing apparel and household necessities there must be distributing points, and the location of these dis tributing points must be governed by considerations of proximity to the reservations,' railway service 'and stor age and warehouse facilities, and also by convenience of market and favora ble conditions for lowest prices. Omaha met all these tests when the supply depot was located here and has con tinued to meet them. The same reasons which have made Omaha a de sirable point for assembling and re shipping Indian supplies in the past should make it a vantage point in any other method of distribution which, may be adopted. Watching; the Payroll Coming so soon after the plea for an Increase of salaries among government clerks, the publication of the blue book somewhat startles with its consider able increase in the aggregate of the payroll and In the number of persons on it. Next year the payroll will be swelled by $5,000,000 more In extra ordinary expenses because of the census work, and it would seem as though the agitation for a higher rate of pay for public service employes would have some serious obstacles to surmount. Mr. Payne has voiced the sentiment not only of congressmen, but also of the people in his recent utterance that economy should be the watchword of the coming session. In the matter of the payroll the government is in the same position as that of any commer cial institution, facing a never-ceasing pressure toward higher wages. It is easy to swell payrolls, and always Im possible to cut them down without In flicting hardship, and In the face of the blue book figures it Is well for all heads of departments in the govern ment service to prune estimates to reasonable limits as a guidance for careful congressional appropriations. It ought to be Omaha's ambition to be a musical center as much as It Is a commercial center. But musical cul ture la of slower growth and requires more cultivation than do commercial ventures. Our most enthusiastic music lovers have enlisted in a movement to Insure success for an annual May fes tival, which can be, and ought to be, made the musical event of the year. Public-spirited citizens should encour age the culture side of life in Omaha by substantial support for the pro jected May festival, which when once well established may be expected grad ually to become self-sustaining. Effort on the part of the Ilinols utate factory inspector to turn the Cherry mtne disaster Inquest Into a child Isbor Investigation would seem to be mis placed seal. Violations of child labor law are subject to his activities regard less of the fatality. The purpose of the inquest should be to discover the blame for the tragedy in order to pre vent similar visitations. If we were to believe the democratic organs, every time a change is made in a federal office it is because the out going Incumbent was a Ryosevelt man. If we had a democratic president they would all go, whether Roosevelt men or not, simply because they were re publicans. If Omaha undertook to knock on the State fair at Lincoln the way Lincoln Is trying to backcap the Corn show at Omaha, what a terrible outcry would be raised at the state capital. A Speechless Jarlst. St. Paul Pioneer Press. Up to date we have not received an ex pression of opinion from Judge Orosscup of Chicago on the St. Paul decision In the Standard OH case. Back to Storting Point. Chicago Tribune. If Colonel Wnttersoti '"can't name the next domocrallc presidential candidate," men and brethren, who under the b'.ue ethereal dome can name him? Is It up to the editor of the Commoner again? Jostllagr a Stranger, New York World. The encouragement the law gives to hon esty finds a curious Illustration in the legal obstacles thrown In the way of the broker who Is trying to reopen the proceeding in bankruptcy against him In order that he may pay his creditors In full. The I.lmlt of Brntallty. Baltimore American. Tho brutal act of a chauffeur In New Tork in banking a woman nearly to death In efforts to shake her body free of the machine In which her clothing had en tangled it has led to talk of drastlo pun ishment for speeding. This new danger of civilisation has, at present, so few checks and such light penalties that It has made the automobile a threat to life and limb in every city street and country road. Both the laws and public sentiment have been too lax In this respect, and the public are paying a fearful price for this laxity. Monkeying with the Ilnss-Saw. New Tork Tribune.' Lord Ashbourne, a Judicious and well In formed statesman, declares that there Is t-o authority for disputing the right of the peers to do as they please with the bud get. Perhaps not. There may be no techni cal academic authority against a man's right to monkey with a buss saw. Ac cording to Lowell: The right to be a cussed fool Is safe from all devices human. But one of the Iworld's greatest author ities long ago - reminded us that there are things which are lawful which are not ex pedient.' i" ' i Bryan'a Mem Paramount. Philadelphia Ledger. If Mr. Bryan wishes now to take up pro hibition as an Issue, we do not see why anybody should object, except the prohibi tionists. Bryan must have something to talk about, and he has tried almost every thing else. This is really much nearer his comprehension than most of the notions ha has taken up before, and while the prohibi tionists may not rejoloe in his unlucky championship, his former democratic fol lowers ought to be pleased to have him shift his attentions to another party. As to his assertion that the "liquor Interests" defeated his presidential aspirations, few will be willing to give the liquor interests credit for so great a publlo service. NEBRASKA DOIISU THINGS. Prise Cultivators of Cora Prodaca Astonishing Results. Sioux City Tribune. The boys over in Nebraska ara producing lit bushels of oorn to the acre. Whatever lack of efficiency there Is In the conduct of public affairs under the democratic administration, the farmer boy are certainly doing their part. In the corn growing contest for boys under 18, Wil liam A. Wiese of Wast Point took the 1300 prize for 114 bushels raised on one acre. He did all the work himself and realised $115, Including the G0 prize, for his aor of corn. He was able to sell the corn at a premium price. Along with this result In bushels and money the boy was able to make to the State Board of Agriculture a detailed state ment of his work, showing Intelligence and system as well as energy. Other boys who competed In this corn-raising contest showed good results, 93, 85, 79, 77 and 1 bushels to the acre, and so on down to the lowest on the list, who, ou the hilly and washed-off land at Gretna was able to produce only i3 bushels to the acre. It all shows how the farmers of Ne braska are attending to their business and are training up the boys to appreciate Intelligent and proper handling of the soli. When the young soldiers of Iowa, Wis consin and Illinois returned from the war, married their sweethearts and went Into the little sod houses on the prairie homesteads of Nebraska, no one dreamed of the splendid achievements they would work out In the then uncertain prairie state. The 900x400 miles of pralrte, sloping up ward from the Missouri river at the rate of eight feet to the mile, was considered high and dry and was marked on the early maps as a purt of the great American desert The people of the older states, sending their young folks out to the now prairie homesteads, hoped for the best, but doubted the experiment. "There Is no timber for fuel or fencing or building," they said, "no spring or running water for the stock," and what was a country gool for with neither wood nor waterT Now these Nebraska farmers have the best water system and the btst water in the world, and while they have no timber nor coal, they have no waste land, and every acre Is either a corn, or wheat, or alfalfa, or grass-producing acre, and the money Income from one of these pnduclug acres will pay the farmes' coal bill for a year. Of the sevn corn states In tha union. Nebraska stands with Iowa and Illinois as one of the three great corn states of the world. And the Nebraska farmers know the value of tbelr land. They know how to get the beat results and their boys know that It pays to be Intelligent and to un derstand tbe soli., There are lightweight politician, lightweight governors, light weight congressmen and senators, bu the corn raisers of Nebraska are not light weight Arm Gossip Preliminary reports have reached the War department concerning th work so fat accomplished by th army board In session at Rock Island for the purpose of reducing the burdn of the foot soldier. The board, under Colonel H. A. Oreene, Tenth Infantry, has taken up th question In a most practical way. It ha gone into th subjeot with a thoroughness which Is quite unprecedented In all the history which relates to efforts In the same direc tion. The board Is conducting tests In th field, and Its final report will be basd on conclusions which are sound and which have the advantage of the demonstration of service. It is expected th work of th toard will not be completed before March or April. The adjutant general of the army has had tha records searched with a view to showing the sources from which were ap pointed commissioned officers of the army. It appears from these statistics thst !3.K per cent of the officers on the active list of the regular army October IK were grad uates from the United Slates Military ca demy, that lt.87 per cent of those officers were appointed from the army, and that 48.HT per cent were appointed from civil life. Of the 43.07 per cent appointed from civil life, 21.38 per oent had had prior jerv ice In the army and 22 29 per cent had had no such prior service. An Interesting compilation has ben made In the adjutant general's office concerning the most effective method of advertlslns for lecrults. Tho reports are In th line of the experience of previous years In favor of the sight of the recruiting flag and ota- lon and the use of tha recrultlna- oostar. which attractod more than half of tho an- pllcants for enlistment. Various methods ave bean tried In a number of the dis tricts, such as advertising In street ears. ferry house advertising, hand bills, painted wail and Tence signs, moving pictures, thea ter curtains and a base hall score hnnlc. The methods adopted by army recruiting orncers to attract th attention of rn-jn who are likely to be candidates for anll.t. ment have been varied and resouroeful. The use of newspaper advertisements was .ti . i . . 7 ini'uniinuea last JceDruary. Several retirements of armv nffli-Ai-a in In prospect as a result of reoommendatlon made by boards before which these offi cers have lately appeared for examination as to physical fitness. Major Charles a. Iwyor, Seventeenth infuntrv wh ap peared before a board at Governor's Island, naa been recommended for transfer from the active list Another offloer so recom mended Is Colonel Edward B. Pratt, Thir tieth infantry, on duty at the Presidio of San Francisco. The army retiring board In the ' case of CaDtoln A. A. rahnl Twenty-fourth Infantry, on duty at Tort untarlo, New York, has found that officer not physically dlsaualified for dutv. Con. tain Cahanlss recently intiMr.il trn tho board which was In session at Governor's Island and of which General Leonard Wood was president. A d,.lnv h.. Kcn authorized In the examination for retire ment of Major William L. Buck. Tenth In fantry, who Is In the armv sreneraJ hos pital at Washington and who was recently ordered before the retiring board In session In Washington. President Taft will shortly consider th list of officers of the army who may b regarded as eligible to appointment as brigadier general In the vacancy which will take place on December 29. th date upon" which, ft Is understood, that Briga dier General W. S. Kdgerly will be retired upon the recommendation of th army re tiring board, which met at Governor's Island, with Major General Wood a pres ident General Edgerly would, ordinarily, be retired on May 29, 1910, by operation of :aw, but his transfer from the active list will occur next month on account of In capacity for duty. He has been granted leave of absence until December 39, and by that time his successor will be announced. Appointments to the grade of brigadier general during 1010 will occur on January 24, when General J. a. D. Knight will re tire; on March 18, when General Charles Morton retires, and on November 14, when General A. L. Myer retires. A new chief of engineer will be appointed In June, upon the retirement of General W, L. Mar shall. The secretary of war will not issue or ders for the stoppage of pay In the cases of those army officers who have bean re ported by the auditor for the War depart ment as owing the government In amounts respectively paid during the war with Spain and In th Philippine later for "ex ercising higher command" than that de volving upon them by virtue of their proper rank. Many officers have been un expectedly confronted with an Indebted ness upon the finding of th auditor, and the sums ranged from 1100 to 22,000. As has been pointed out In these columns, the requirement, that such officer shall re fund to the Treasury department the money, which has been paid thesa by army paymaster in good faith and received for duties properly and actually performed, operates as a distinct bardthlp. The War department authorities made an effort to have the obligation removed by legisla tion at the last session of congress, but, for some Inexplicable reason, it was taken out of th army bill In conference. The reoommendatlon for the relief legislation will be renewed at the coming session of congress, and. In th meantime, the secre tary of war does not consider It necessary to cause the stoppage of pay of the offi cers so unjustly treated. PERSONAL NOTES. Eusapia Palladino 1 certainly good at materlllzatlons. She entertained thirteen people at a seance In New York the other day and by dl doing materlllsed ItifiO. Governor Hadley of Missouri has recom mended the erection of a monument to all the soldiers union and confederate of his state who fell at Vlcksburg, and the pa pers In St. Louis ar supporting the idea. Mrs. O. W. Butler of Troy, N. Y., is atrbltlous to win the trap shooting cham pionship, f ile Is one of the best wing shots In the country, and in the last few months has shown (treat Improvement In steadi ness and accuracy. William H. Iedstone of Parkersburg. W. Va.. was burled the other day with wings. Ills plan was prophetic, although It may be off In detail. Th great chieftains of the future will undoubtedly be followed to Ihelr graves by their faithful aeroplane. Referring to the report that General O. G. M. JJodge has given up his business nffiee In New York and had returned to his old home in Council Bluffs to stay this time, the Des Moines Capital says; "The people of Of Iowa will once more give him the glud hand. Here's hoping he may stay out of bunlnens and take th rest to which he Is entitled. Heretorefor when h has decided to rest, somebody haa Induced hiui to build a railroad. Let us hope that he may enjoy long years of tranquility and pease. Old LtMOBl Lost. Baltimore American. John Bull has a long memory, after all. The House or Lords was reminded the other day how the nation lost the filled States of America. y.aaasxgaai.j.8- xtxaras The Steady Growth of this bank has been partio 1 ularly noticeable in the ex clusive Women'o s Department An ideal place for the trans action of f inancal business, for meeting friends, and for rest after shoDDinir. 0 .'Vi'.-iV First National Bank of Omaha United States Depository. 13th and F&rnam Sts. IMPHOVIXU THK MISSOURI. Factor to lie Considered In Devlaiaw Method of Control. Denver Republican. It is reported that In Journeying down the Missouri river the national waterways commission found the fortv-flve mllon Just above the mouth In good condition for navigation as a result of work done in the last seventeen year by the govern ment. This may be considered evidence that were the work extended the entire lamth of the river, similar results would be achieved. But that conclusl on la contro verted by the fact that In th last thirty year or more the government did an enormous amount of work at many Dolnta much more than forty-five mllas above the mouth of the stream. It should be shown that what has become of that work before Jumping to the conclusion that th problem of improving the Missouri Is simple. ice strength of the Missouri HvArnim.ni and the alluvial character of It bank in many places are two difficult faotors with wnion all efforts at lmnrnvemn mn.t dwU. So long as the current la permitted to strike and hence to eat Into alluvial h.nii. It will be exceedingly hard to maintain a gooa navigable stag of water along th wool oourse of the river. Powlbly something of an mdurlni eh- aoter would be accomplished If the current were compelled by dikes to cling closely to the rocky bluffs, which line It at VfLffoUB points. These bluffs are not continuous along any one side. At places the !ow lands stretch for miles away from th water's edge. But'ln many. If not at all such cases there la a bluff on the oDDosIte side, against whloh It might be practicable to hold the current. From the bluffs little sediment would be washed; and if the cur rent could be held to them all the rvav by switching It from Bide to side a occa sion might demand, it mlarht he nrinllAihl. to keep the channel dear of obstruction. Hut the plan suggested would be difficult and enormously expensive. Borne method of oontrollnr the Mlasmr) will, however, have to be devised if it Is to be prevented from nourlna- a vajit nimntitv of silt Into the Mississippi from year, to year. Much of the obstruction to the chan nel of the Mississippi comes from this Missouri river slit; and to , prevent Its accumulation Is one of the big problems of river Impovement PASSING PLEASANTRIES. 'Tn thnBA oM ilmnH wl.An , V. a.. M, H DMOnle's head., th.. rn nt ceeded on one modern Idea." "What was that?" "Th blook Bystem." Baltimore, Ameri can Mrs. Crawford Did you manage to coax your doctor to recommend a trip to that mountain resort you wished to visit? Mrs. Crab haw Yes: but T nn't irn for I couldn't get htm to add that a few new t rr 1 ear it yourself - me Trnl no Nebraska Cycle Co. represents the National Phonograph Co. in Nebraska, and carries huge stocks of ' ' Edison Phonographs including the models mentioned in the Na tional Phonograph Co.'s announcement on this page today, as well as a stock of Over 100,000 Records Nebraska, Cycle Co. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha., Neb. r . Mr1Hi 1 dresse. would do m. a world f gOOQ. l.rYr,a"n.nc,h,,eh,rWhk'h "What .Is that?" ss ' . "L1."le lrl-" the oculist, "your eye 4 spring isir eyelasheTo? i-lr!i? ",e"e dutiful long V"NTtrhlcaoure1 th9 ,lttle ?0ul(l..yo.u be contented with lov In a coittage?" timidly Inquired the pitr young ''V.h' .v,?.' nwered the girl with Iarae n nit we saved on th slse of th,. house w, could putlnto the I automobile " hm?,i ".t1 UBfV." ABked th visitor at the benon show, "is a dachshund ?" who hY'JrSi, ""T man how 1cm.- a . ""ow pullln' him in iwiT"M "Oh. iWMr nn hu Ua M . . oonijtant moon!" Interrupted -Juliet swear by Mara, somebody will prova that It doesn't belong at all. How ll HsJ lay's oomet do?" Cleveland Leader. TO THE CHBYSANTHEMUM. W. J. Lampton In New York World. Hall, thou. To whom the flnHrnhiiMl , , v , , . . . . w icbiiui 0OW1 You r with us now. Ana say I The war ' Von ra out la a dream That make the woman's flaring fashlo.n seem To be but motlev stuff. Of which a llltl Is enough. By gum! Chrysanthemum. You sure are blooming some, And In your gorgeousness artso To flaah your dazale In our eyes, vVhich fills us with glad surprise; Bewildering In hues and sue, You are the florist's diadem Jpllfted on a slender stem. Where all Its worshipers may sea This Brobdlgnae of botany. Also, Chrys. You are the farewell kiss Th summer sun at setllng gives the world Before Its winter mantle shall be furled About It and the brown earth goes Into a flowerless repose. Likewise you are The evening atar In Flora' crown The light Comes down. ?urthermore, pU are the poodle-dog of ' flowers : ' The fussy bunoh That has the hunch wner erstwhile rosy bowers Wu all That had the call, But listen: Now, Thou, and only thou. In alt the blooming patch, ThOU art th hnlo Anrn -V..f- . . A radiant, rarged aneen 8 """cn' In purple, pink and white and golden sheen; Alona You alt upon the throne And say How much your subjects have to pay. And thev nev It iru. Oh, you!! LZ"- rr ii Phonograph You cannot judfe the Edison by hearing other kinds. The Edison is the sound reproducing machine at its best. It is not a talking machine. It is a Phonograph reproducing every sound faithfully the song exactly the way the singer sang it; the opera exactly the way the orchestra played it ; th two-step exactly the way the band rendered it. That is the Edison Phonograph as Mr. Edison makes it the object of his constant, daily care. When he says he wants to see an Edison Phonograph in every home, he means your home. Do you not want one there ? Do yoa not need this amusement maker for your own sake, for your children and for your guests ? Hear one today. Hear all the others too and compare. Only in this way can you know that what we say is true. Edison Phonographs . . flZ.y) to H2S.W . Rdison Standard Kecords - . . ..IS Ertlion Ambarol Records (twice as long) .50 Kdiaon Urand Opera Records .73 There are Rdlsoa dealers everywhere. Go lo the nearest and bear th Edison Phonograph play both Edlnon Standard and Amberol Records. Get complete catalog from your do alec or from n. NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH COMPANY v 75 LaWde Aveaue, Oraage. N. JL Geo. W. Mickel, 334 Broadway, Manager, Council Bluf f, Ia.