Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Nebraska. howpr.
Kor Iowa Showers.
For n-pnthcr report o para 8.
Sweeping Changes in Administration
Planned by Secretary Meyer are
Effective Tomorrow.
Responsible Adviser is Selected for
Each. Division.
Officers from the Line to be Eyes
and Ears for Secretary.
Hoard of Conitrnrllon in A.
and Division of Manolirtoi
U Divided Into Two
WASHINGTON, Not. . -Heeding:
cry for reform In navsl affairs, Sci
tary Meyer the day after tomorrow wt
inaugurate the most sweeping changes In
the Navy department since the establlah
nient of the bureau system In 1S42. Him
self a director of banks and manufartur
InR companies In New England In times
pant, he hopes to put the department
on a business basis beyond the dreams
of predecessors. The keynote of his re
forms is the subordination of the bureau
Summarlted the essential changes in the
Meyer p'an are:
"The selection of four responsible ad
visers on subjects with the four groups
Into which duties of the depaartment fall,
to be known as the aide for material, the
aide for personnel, the aide for opera
tions of the fleet and the aide for In
spections. "The grouping of the bureaus into two
divisions of material and personnel, ac
cording to the nature of their duties. The
establishment of a division of operations
of the fleet. The establishment of a com
prehensive inspection system. The estab
lishment of a modem and efficient cost
keeping system in the Navy department
and at navy yards.
'The separation of navy yard work
Into two divisions of hulls and machinery.
"The abolishment of the board of con
struction. The abolishment of the bureau
of equipment
Fighting; Men to Front.
"Henceforth the officers who fight the
ships are to Tiave more Influence In the
Navy department. Chosen men from
among ' them are to be the official eyes
and oars of the secretary, laden with full
responsibility for their reports, but not
his hands. The secretary will retain his
administrative and executive power for
his own exercise and that of the assistant
secretary of the navy. All the reforms
go Into effect December 1 oncer the
. abolishing of the bureau : of . equipment,
which oongreas aJono can do. The aide for
operations of the fleet will baRear Ad
miral ' Richard Walnwrlght, commander of
the third division of the Atlantic ' fleet.
The aide for personnel will be Rear Ad
miral W. P. Potter, now chief of the
bureau of navigation. The aide for ma
terial will be Rear Admiral William Swift,
commandant of the Boston nary yard.
The aide for inspection will be Captain
Aaron Ward, recently supervisor of the
New York harbor, who will become a
roar admiral on. January 9. Captain Regi
nald P. Nicholson, a member of the
board of inspection and survey, will be
made ohlef of the bureau of navigation,
vice Potter.
Too Mich Confnnton.
When Mr. Moyer assumed office he found
some confusion in the department and In
the navy yards, due to changes Instituted
by Secretary Newberry a few weeks before
the close of his administration. Steps were
taken to ascertain how far it was de
'liable to follow the reforms outlined by
Secretary Newberry. The Sperry board was
created to report how the various conflict
ing orders and regulations could be recon
ciled best. Then oaraa the Leutse board,
whlch was asked to make recommenda
tions concerning the consolidation of the
burtau of steam engineering with other
bureaus, a step undertaken by Secretary
Newberry. Finally Secretary Meyer ap
, pointed the Swift board to consider the
reports of the other board and to make
recommendations for the lmrpovement of
the business methods of the department..
With these reports as a basis Secretary
Meyer has evolved his reform.
The secretary found that the bureaus of
the department were Independent of each
other and that he must decide all differ
ences between them. The aides are to advise
him on these points.
"If the secretary seeks advice from Indi
vidual officers In whom he has confidence
but who have no definite relation to the
organization of the Navy department."
said Mr. Meyer today in explaining his
reforms, "he gets advloe which may be
good, but which Is not responsible. Such
recourse to Individuals moreover gives no
assurance of continuity of policy nor re
Ou Board Abolished.
According to the Meyer plan the board of
construction becomes useless and will be
abolished. This board was created prin
cipally to supervise ship designing and to
decide questions In dispute between the
bureaus when their duties overlapped or
when one wished to procure more apace or
weight for Its purposes In a ship's design,
I nrti r the Mayer plan the operating branch
vhlcli deals directly with the military use
of the fleet will originate the military fea
tures of new construction In consultation
with the general board, of which the new
a.tlo for operations will be a member. Other
officers will also be called In for advice
and criticism before aud after the sketch
plana have been considered by the bureaus.
These offloers will be selected because of
pronounced success In ordnance, engineer
ing or torpedo practical work. The bureaus
will be called upon finally to prepare the
actual plans aud will be responsible for
their correctness.
With the growth of the business of the
department Secretary Meyer found that
duties similar to those of the equipment
bureau were performed by the bureau of
supplies and accounts, construction and re
pair, und by u earn engineering. In this
connection It U to be noted that R r Ad-
II Irsl W. a C'owles Is now tie h nd of
tin bureau
- ' -f "I -i uufarl urluif.
1'. Cri- tl.
to div do
vi. the ccictary h.i dccl led
manufacturing depirt-
...... ... .. u oecreiary nesDer
I Into two divisions, one for machinery a
J y Secretary Neaherrv
(Continued on Hecoiid Page '
Two Boys Plan
to Rob a Bank;
Lookout Flees
Would-Be Youthful Desperado Left
in lurch by Companion Who
Hastily "Ducks."
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 29. Tom Gallagher, 13
years old. captured afier a wagon load of
men had surrounded the Lafayette bank,
Broadway and Park avenue, early today,
confessed that he, with another boy, had
planned to rob the bank. The other boy,
who was acting as a lookout, fled when
the patrol wagon approached. Tom Gal
lagher, who had ascended to the third
floor of the building In the effort to get
Into the bank, was captured as he de
scended the fire escape. , The boy had no
burglar tools and no weapon. He techni
cally committed burglary, as he entered
the office of a physician.
"The other boy put me up to It." said the
oung prisoner.
We were going past the bank the other
: ' and he pointed to a pile of money we
see through the window, and said
"i, uld be easy to get that. Then he
. 4 how he and I were to get It.
made me go ahead of him, and said
he would whistle If he saw anybody com-
lng. But ho never did. He Just ducked."
Iowa Student
Judges Win
First Prize
Stock Judges from Ames Take First
Honors at Live Stock Show
Ontario is Second.
CHICAGO. Nov. 29. Students cf the Iowa
Agricultural college today were awarded
first prize In the students' Judging com
petition for the J. Ogden Armour scholar
ship at the International Live Stock ex
position. The Iowa students won with a
total of 4.940 points. Their nearest com
petitors, the students of the Ontario Agri
cultural college, were 199 points behind.
Ohio State university was third; Kansas
Agricultural college, fourth; Mississippi,
fifth, and Texas, sixth.
' The Iowa team took first honors In cat
tle and hogs; Mississippi team was first
In horses, and Ohio first In sheep.
Travelers May
Ride the Freights
General Solicitor Kelby Tells Rail
road Commission Burlington
Will Accede to Requests.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 29. OJpeoial.) Traveling
men will soon be permitted to ride freight
trains, as of yore, and their kick to the
railway commission will bear fruit before
the, formal hearing, which has been set
for December lL General Solicitor J. B.
Kelby of the Bur'lngton ' was at Lincoln
today In the matter of the complaint and
when the board set the hearing tor the
December date, he said before that time
the Burllngtpn would put back the old
rule and the commercial men might ride
freights as before If they desired.
The recent rule of the road prohibiting
passenger traffic on some of the freights
caused a big protest from the drummers,
who were often compelled to make their
towns on these trains and otherwise would
be put to great delay and much extra
expense. They today sent to the com
mission a formal petition and embodied
In their complaint an offer to pay 26 a
year extra to the railroad for the privilege
of riding on the desired trains. Now, ac
cording to Mr. Kelby, this will be un
necessary and If the road does as he
says, the protest will be dropped, for by
the time of the hearing there will be no
cause for further objection.
Governor's Power
is Exaggerated
Under Sackett Law He Can Only Cer
, tify Cases of Neglect of Duty to
Attorney General.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Nov. 29 (Speclal.)-From the
tone of the letters being reeelved by Gov
ernor Shallenberger asking him to remove
Mayor Dahlman and the members of the
Omaha police board it Is very evident that
the writers have an exaggerated Idea of
the governor's authority In the case now
The governor cannot remove Mayor
Dahlman, so it was said In the executive
office today and neither can he remove
the police board. It Is the duty of the
governor under the charges filed, should it
be shown that the mayor and police board
have neglected to enforce the law, willfully
and negligently, to simply certify that fact
to the attorney general and authorize him
to bring quo warranto proceedings to oust
them. Then It will be a matter for the
courts to decide.
In the meantime the governor has been
Informed that the first two cases brought
by the Antl-SaJoon league against saloon
keepers of Omaha failed and the liquor
dealers were discharged.
Barry Goes to California.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29 Major General
Thomas H Barry was today ordered to
proceed to San Francisco and assume com
mand of the department of California.
Oh, Dearie, Do Look Here
at This Horrid Tariff Bill!
Senator Aldrlch Is a stern man of facts
atd figure. His thoughts are on the finan
cial destiny of a nation.
Meanwhile Beauty is stamping her dainty
foot vainly on the tufted white and baby
blue rug of her dressing room and scowl
ing a most touching frown Into the big
French mirror across the labia
"It was all Just this wuy," she' explained.
'There was a perfectly dreadful law
tariff bill, I believe they call it made by
those careless men In Washington.
"Now look at that." she peeved, holding
up a violet and gilt box of powder and
tiny eiderdown euff. "A dollar and twenty-five
c.ntsl Ved to cost me just TS
i t
Junior Senator from Iowa Discusses
Interstate Commerce Law
with President.
He Would Reduce Duties on Goods
Brought in American Ships.
Injunctions by Federal Courts in
Labor Disputes Discussed.
Labor Leaders Want Their OraranIsa
tlons Exempt front Certain Pre-.
visions of Sherman Antl
Trnst Act.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29. A conferenoe
on the amendment to be proposed by
President Taft to the interstate oommerce
act was held today at the White House.
Attorney General Wlckersham, Senator
Cummins of Iowa, who will Introduce a
bill of his own next week, and Senator
Elklns, chairman of the state committee
on Interstate and foreign commerce, took
up the subject with the president.
The president has his mind set on ac
complishing something In connection with
alterations In thin law, and while his pol
icy Is not to Interfere with the work of
congress, he will use every reasonable
Influence to make the laws governing
transportation stronger In their control
over the railroads and In their benefits
to the shipping pub Ic and the masses.
Senator Elklns today renewed his sug
gestions that the best way to encourage
Amorlcan shipping would be to enact a
law giving a reduction of S per cent In
customs duties on all Imported goods
brought into the United States In Amer
ican bottoms.
"This would not only build up Amer
ican shipping, but would be a reduction
downward In duties," said Senator Elklns.
The president Is preparing his recom
mendations favoring ship subsidy legisla
tion and Senator Elklns wished to lay
his project before him before that para
graph of the message to congress was
t completed.
Recommendations looking toward the
Improvement of the condition of the labor
ing man which It is desired the president
incorporate In his annual message to con
gress were urged upon President Tsft
today by a delegation of labor leaders
headed by Samuel Gompers. John Mitch
ell, James O'Connell and Frank Morrison
accompanied Mr. Gompers to the White
Foremost of the subjects considered was
the Issuance of Injunctions by ' federal
Judges, particularly as they apply to per
sonal liberty and their use in the settle
ment of disputes between employers ".and
The exemption of labor .organisations
from certain provisions of the Sherman
anti-trust act was also discussed.
The president has practically decided
that his message to congress will make
no recommendations regarding the Sher
man act. His decision, which is a decided
change from his Intentions of a few
weeks ago, Is largely based upon the
fact that there are pending In the supreme
court and on their way to that tribunal
a number of important cases involving in
terpretation of the act.
He feels, he frays, that specific recom
mendations from him at this time might
be construed as an attempt to Influence
the court. '
Notable Society Event at Des Moines
Attended by Several Omaha
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. 29. (Special Tele
Cram.) An event In the society circles of
Des Moines was the wedding this evening
of Sidney Charles Singer and Miss Corlnne
May. A large number of the friends of
the btrde and groom gathered In the
parlor of the Savoy house and at 7 p. m.
the ceremony was performed by Rabbi
Mannhelmer after which a sumptuous ban
quet was spread. The bride Is a daughter
of Joseph May, a business man of this
city, who presented the . bride. At the
banquet Herbert Mayer was toaatmaater.
Those from out of the city were Mrs
CI arles Singer, mother of the groom, of
Omaha, J. J. Singer, his brother. Miss
Blanche Rosewoter and Misses Florence
and Mamie HUler all of Omaha, also Mrs.
I. ' Rosenthal and son of Peoria. A great
many telegrams of congratulations were
received by the groom from ' friends In
many cities. They started on an extended
eastern trip. '
Thlrteen-Year-Old Boy Has Mines
lona Biespt From
OTTAWA, Kan., Nov. 29. Thomas Blgga,
IS years old, of Vlncennea, Ind.; was thrown
from the vestibule of a passenger train yes
terday when the train gave a sudden lurch
at Chllda, a small station near Osawa
tomie. Mrs. A. E. Biggs, mother of th
boy, did not miss him until Osawatomle
was reached when a message was received.
She has started back to Chillis and found
her son unharmed except for bruises on the
shoulders. f
cents! The druggist man says It Is all be
cause of that horrid tariff bill. Why did
they do itr
"Some day we girls will go to congress
then you'll see. Hair oIL soap, everything
really proper that comes from Paris, Is
going higher and higher. Guess when they
see us without all these little helps they
will repent."
This storming miss waa only voicing the
sentiments of her sex. Coamettis are soar
ing. Marcels are costing more every day.
All of beauty's aids are bearing a share
of the burden Imposed by the new tariff
schedule, and just now It la beginning: to
tell ca the retailer's (Ids.
s 1
1 I
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Illinois Officials Begin Investigation
of Explosion at Cherry.
9 a a-ares ted that Water and Fir Fight,
lag Apparatus be Placed
In All Tnnnels and
Stables. , ','
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. oNv. ' 29 Prelim
inary arrangements for an Investigation of
the disaster at the Chicago, Mllwaukte &
St. Paul Railroad company's coal mine at
Cherry, 111., on November 13 and In which
about 900 Uvea were lost, was the object
of a conference held today In the office
cf the State Mining board. The confer
ence was between the committee appointed
for that purpose of the llllnol Mine In
vestigating commission, consisting of
President Richard Newsam of Peoria, Prof.
H. H. Stock, profesHor of mining at the
University of Illinois, Champaign; J. W.
Miller of Gillespie and Glen W. Traer of
Chicago, attending voluntarily, and the
state mlno Inspectors. It was decided that
the men should o nejit Thursdui to
The hearing will be open to the public.
Possible changes In the mining laws to
be embodied In recommendations to the
governor for use In hs call for the com
ing special session of the legislature were
discussed. In proposed legislation thus
will probably be embodied:
Fire fighting apparatus and water in
the tunnels and stables of every mine in
the state.
Stablea under ground to be constructed
of concrete.
Fireproof timbering at the bottom of each
There Is also under consideration a rec
ommendation that will prevent uny stables
hereafter underground.
Telephone Line f
Built in the Night
Nebraska Telephone Company Puts
Wires Through St. Paul After
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Nov. 29. (Special
Telegram.) A big force of men was rusbud
to St. Paul Saturday to build a telephone
line through the city. The hurried action
was taken to prevent u possible Injunction.
The Nebraska Telephone company origi
nally "wired" St. Paul. Some years ago
It sold to the Howard County Telephone
company, reserving, however, the right to
have a long distance wire on the pole line
and to maintain an office for long dis
tance work. Recently the York Teluphone
company bougnt a controlling interest in
In the Howard County company, as It did
In the Grand Island Independent Teluphone
company and there Is some doubt as to the
eventual shutting out York county of the
Bell company. Saturday night fifty men
were quietly shipped out of here to 1st.
Paul, where work on the construction of a
new line was begun at midnight and fin
ished yesterday. The work being under
taken at this time to prevent possible In
junctions by the York company. The
municipality offered no resistance.
Christmas will be
here before we
know it. While you
are thinking about
Christmas presents
turn to the "Every
thing for Women"
column on the first
want-ad page.
There are a number of sug
gestions there that come from
enterprising merchants. They
want your Christmas trade
and will take good care of you.
Tou will find far more of this
kind of advertisement la The Bee
than 'la any other paper.
Have you read the want ads
yet, today t
ILsi yV I
The hunting season opens.
Becomes Bride
Beside Coffin
of Her Father
Daughter of James Howard Carries
Out Wish She Should Wed in
His Presence.
CHICAGO, No1. 29. Beside the body of
her father, James Howard, formerly sec
retary of the Washington Park club and
one of the best known horsemen of the
country, Miss Juantta C. Howard was mar
ried today to Irving Herriott The last
wish of Mr. Howard, who was fatally
Injured by an automobile last week, was
that his daughter should be married tn
his presence. Before the license could be
obtained the man Aho was known as the
"father of the American Derby" had be
come unconscious and died without re
gaining sensibility.
The funeral service was set for this aft
ernoon and before the last rites Miss How
ard and Mr. Herriott stood beside the open
casket and were married.
Flagf Engine is -Cause
of Wreck
Train Crew Sent Out to Signal Pas
senger Collides with It
One Dead.
PARSONS. Kan.. Nov. 29. A fireman
was killed and several passengers were in
jured, none seriously, in a collision at
Olive, near here today, between north
bound Missouri, Kansas & Texas passenger
train No. 82 and an engine sent out to flag
the passenger.
T. S. Wayman, fireman of the passenger
engine, was killed and his engineer, Lan
ahari, was perhaps fatally hurt. John
Haley, conductor, was badly bruised.
The flag engine was sent from Parsons
to flag the Incoming passenger train and
report a train order. In the dense fog the
fiagmun did not see the passenger train
until too late to apply the brakes. The
tnglnemen on the flag engine Jumped, sav
ing their lives.
Lanahan is thought to have Inhaled
steam. His face was badly cut and bruhv.d
and he was rendered unconscious.
Taft Dictating
Annual Message
President Expects to Complete Docu
ment by the Middle of
This Week.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-Presldent Taft
has begun dictating his annual message to
congress. He expects to complete the work
and have It In the handa of the public
printer by the middle of the week.
Supreme Court Restrains Order Re
ducing; Terminal Live Stock
Rates In tkleasro.
WASHINGTON. Nov The supreme
court of the United 8tates today affirmed
the decision of the United States circuit
court for. the ' district of Minnesota, re
training the enforcement of the order of
tho Interstate Commerce commission re:
duclng from $2 to II per car terminal
charges on live stock on the railroads en
tering Chicago.
Bands Drown
at Alabama
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 20. -A band of
mublc was placed aiound each of the four
voting places In Birmingham, early today,
to drown out the prayers and singing and
pleadings of the women and children who
gathered early In the morning. In an effort
to Influunce votes for the .constitutional
amtndment for prohibition. Deputy sheriffs
and entra policemen were on duty around
the polls and the excltment was Intense.
When the women began singing and pray
ing the bands struck up. All business In
Birmingham Is practically suspended today.
At the court houe polling place a voter
was approached by a woman and aked to
permit a white bow to be Dinned on his
coat The voter said no lady would ap
proach a man on the street. The woman
burst lot tears aud a big crowd gathered.
Greenville, 0., Man Euns Amuck,
Wounding Other Persons.
Snfferlnsr from Exaggerated Eso, Ap
pearance of Sheriff Drives Ulna
to Frantic Deeds of
HI order. , ,
GREENVILLE, O., Nov. 29 After mur
dering his mother and an orflcer who had
attempted to arrest him and probably fa
tally Injuring another woman and her hus
band, Clyde Weaver, S4 years old, com
pleted the tale of bloodRhed by committing
suicide near here this afternoon. Weaver
was declared by physicians to be affected
by exaggerated ego and was undur sus
pended sentence from the probato court.
At 3:30 this afternoon Sheriff John Haber
and Deputy Sheriff William H. Farra went
to Weaver's home to arrest him. The ap
pearance of the officers seemed to drive
the man violently Insane. He cprncd flra
upon them from an upper window with a
shotgun and Farra fell wounded. A mo
ment later Weaver's mother rushed from
the house, crying, "I'm shot," and fell
dead at the feet of the sheriff.
While Haber was trying to revive the
woman Weaver walked from the houso
carrying a revolver. He went to tl:e wood
shed, where Farra had crawled, and fired
twice at the wounded officer, killing him.
He then Jumped lrto the buggy, In which
the officers had reached the house, and
drove to the home of Levi Mlnntch, a
neighbor, from whom he demanded pro
tection. When Mlnnlch hesitated to allow
him to enter the house Weaver drew his
revolver and shot Mlnnlch through ;hj
back. Weaver then turned on Mrs. Mln
nlch and shot her twice.
A large posse quickly surrounded tho
house and two deputy sheriffs brokj
through the rear door. They discovered
the body of Weaver under a bed. He had
used his last bullet to blow out his own
The condition of Mr. and Mrs. Mlnnlcujls
t hart Will Contain Locations of Ele
vations nnd Electric Poles
nnd Wires.
BERLIN, Nov. 29. At a meeting of the
Imperial Aero club of Berlin, presided over
by Count Zeppelin and attended by a num
ber of officers of the general staff of the
army and navy today, the preparation of
aeronautical maps was discussed.
It was agreed that such charts as would
show the marked variations of the land
scape as well as the location of electric
wires and other aerial obstructions would
be useful. A oommlttee which included
Count Zeppelin was appointed to gather
Information on the subject from aeronau
tical experts.
Chicago Inter-Ocean Wine Suit
Bronaht Against It Dy v
S Artist.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.-In an opinion
by Justice Day the supreme court of the
United States today affirmed the decision
of United States circuit court of appeals
for the seventh circuit In the case of. Isaac
H. Cullga against the Chicago Inter-Ocean,
In which Callga brought suit to recover
damages because of the paper's alleged
violation of the copyright of a painting by
Callga, known as the "Guardian Angel."
Out Prayers
"Dry" Election
An apology was forthcoming, trouble being
narrowly averted. At Woodlawn a fight
took place and two arrests were made by
deputy sheriffs.
MOB1LK, Ala., Nov. 23. At the constitu
tional amendment election here today
women sat at the polls with coffee and
sandwiches urj-lng men to vote for the
amendment The voting was heavy. A
band of women wearing white badges and
carrying banners paraded the streets In
a tallyho. singing, "Vote for the amend
ment, and save the home," "Vote for home
and mother," and other songs to the tuns
of popular airs.
MONTGOMERY, Ala.', Nov. . -Following
up the fight fur the prohibition amendment,
children of members of the committees
were preaent about soma of the polling
ylacen today.
Rumor from Nicaragua that President
Will Ilesign and Try to
Leave Country, y
Agent of United States Given Permis
sion to Occupy Legation.
Cannon and Groce Were Captured Un
der Promise of Protection.
News of r.verntlon Did not Reach thn
American Authorities I'ntll Five
Dnys After Kllllnap Moth Of
ficers In lnsnrnrnt Army.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 2! The United
States consul at Managua has been threat
ened by PrtFlflent Zelava and he has been
granted permission to occupy the legation
premises ns being moro Hrcure,
The Nlrarnguan congress will assemble
next Wednesday. December 1. and It is ru
mored that President Zelaya will retire and
possibly attempt to escape from the coun
try at night by tho Pacific coast. Anarchy,
It Is said, may ensue. Persistent tumore
from various nuartrrs Indicate that Irias
may succeed Zelaya as president of Nic
aragua. This Information Is embodied In telegrams
morn or less delayed In transmission which
have been received at the State department
from the consulate representatives of the
United States In Nicaragua.
Tho first telegram, dated Managua, states
that Leroy Cannon was captured on Octo
ber SL and Leonard Groce on November 2.
They were executed November 13, and no
news reached the department of the execu
tion unoer the 17th. ,
Members of the Ued Cross arriving from
Castillo state that Cannon und Groce were
cupturcil while they were lost on the banks
of the Sun Juan river and that tho captain
of a ship called thorn, promising not to
harm them.
I h.iricr Are Confirmed.
These allegations wire In part confirmed
by the Nicaragunn . press, which stated
that tho execution was for an attempt to
blow . up steamers. The execution caused
general Indication, which was shared by
! the commaiuler-ln-chkf. Minister General
1 1 las claims to have Interceded on the
grounds of humanity.
N'leai'uiriian lawyers maintain that the
execution was unlawful, Tho Nlcaraguan
i captain Is in prison for having refused
to carry out Zclaya's sentence that the
Americans be nhot. '
The consul states that he has once mora
been theatencd by Presldunt Zclaya, Indi
cating that other threats have been made,
but on this point ivj Information is avail- '
Another telogium from the consul at
Munngua states .that on November 24
!acurd appeared on the walls In Man-
i tguu favoring Uio revolution and de
nouncing President Xeluya. One of th
other consuls had information that Pres
ident Zelaya vn prepared to escape by
night. Anarchy, he states, may ensue.
The consul lutked pcrmi.slon to occupy
the legation premi cs ns btlng more se
cure against poutible vunJail-in, and thla
hus been granted him.
Both Uoftuliulj Unlisted.
A Liter tclegmm from tho consul at Blue
fields states thut Camion and Groce re
spectvcly were lli.uteinini colonel and col
onel of engineers in tho revolutionary
army aud both were regularly enlisted un
der the command of General t'hammorro.
Tha hUhc-st revolution iry loaders declare
that Groce, acting In tiin line of duly, was
with an outpost of ten nun beyond tha
camp of General Chatnmon o, and Cannon,
with two men, had .been tent beyond to
survey a new position. The outpost was
surprised by tho fores i! General Toledo
and both officii s were captured.
General chahunoiro afU'rv. ai'Jd learned,
from an officer of the Ztluya that butt)
Americans haJ been put to death by order
of President Zeluya; that General Toledo
refused to carry out the order and took
them both to Koit C'uSU.lo.
A dispatch from Corlnto1 Slates that It
la reported there that 1.2 yruops of the
revolutionary army are In Chlnandga. and
there Is rumor of a rising In the west la
favor of Irras
A later dispatch from Managua states
much excitement prevails and thut tha
position of President ZclRja has become
The latest dispatch received by the de
partment comes from the United States '
consul at Tegucigalpa and states that there
are rumors of el rUlng tn Honduras, headed"
by Manuel Bonlllo.
A dlsputch reeelved from Commander
Has-.lestead of the Vlckaburg at Corinto in
forms the secretary of the navy there are
persistent humors there that Ch.nandga
will revolt on December 1 In favor of Irraa.
Foreigners engaged in business, he says,
are very upprehenslve and there are re
ports that Zeluya la preparing to )eivj tha
country by way of the Pacific coft.
Heavy rioting Is going on everywhere.
No disorder lnu. occur: id at Corinto.
Cables JNol tat.
Denial is made by l lie Nlcaraguan le
gation here that President .ulaya la about
to leave that eonniiy, as u result of the
revolution he tiuw faces.
"it is now quite e.'.alu to the Impartial
public," huld Chaise d affaires Rudilguea
today, "thut the reports given to the press
by the revolution) ..ts at;enlu are to ay
the least, Ki-osa cXiir.gurd.Uoit. The lega
tion lias been In constant communication
with Managua by cable, ui d there Is no
truth whatsoever In the report that lines
had been cut in the interior t f Nicaragua. '
Senor Kodrlgueg says that the revolution
is at a standstill. Estrada has In his
power the towns of Blu. -fields, llama and'
Cubo. Greytown Is put down as In dis
pute. Denial Is made that the revolution
ists have gained a footing on the Puclflo
"It la false that Zalaya is not frlndly
towards Amcrieuns In Nicaragua," taU he.
"Ameitcar.s hold the btst concessions In
He added that the proceM, relating to
the executions of Groce and Cannon, tha
two Americans, were on their way to the
legation, aud that they would Miove the meet
had been executed legally. '
Only a It lot, saa Roman,
NEW YORK. Nov. 23. "President Ziyala
will not give up his post. That much .1
certain, for there Is no reason why ho
sLwuid o,ult," said Dr. Hector Roman.