Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Kvery Item printed In this page
of store nwi In worthy of
xprrlnl mention. Monday will
br m day of nnonal interest.
sou are always aloliit"lj rr
tain of hlh grades ami cor
rect styles In anything you
selert at the HrnntloU Stores.
Women's High Grade Cloaks, Furs and Suits Specially Priced for Monday
M 1 1 ill
J J fa
Women's Long Black
Broadcloth and
Novelty Cloth Coats
Worth up to $35 &t $25
We' place on special sale, Monday,
300 beautiful long coats in all the
newest and classiest styles of this
season. All the new and popular
cloths and colors, they are very
smartly tailored and.
. were made to sell
'from $30 to $35,
special at.
Women's Fine Long
... Winter Coats
Worth up to $50 at $35
These are 52 and. 56-inch coats of
black broadcloth, full satin lined,
braid trimmed and plain tailored
effects, these are stunning coats of
the newest type, they are
worth up to $50,
special, at
The Perfect Reliability of
Brandeis Furs Makes This the
Safe Place to Buy Them.
Women's Fine Suits
" Worth up to $65 at $35
Your choice of 75 ultra fashionable
tailored suits, made of the smart
est and newest materials, styles
that are the latest ac- Q f I"
" c'epted favorites, have fjsjjj
sold as high as $65, each . . , V W
pi If
Hi i iff'
Fur Scarfs, Muffs
and Sets
Beautiful Mink Scarfs and Shawls at from
$19 to fl)S
Beautiful Mink Rug and Pillow Muffs at
$25 to .$89
Black Lynx Shawls, one and two skins, at
$25 to $73
Black Fox Shawls and Throws at $17.50
to $40
Black Fox Rug Muffs at $19 to $39
Black Wolf Set rug muff and shawl
at $23
Black Wolf Sets pillow muff and throw
at $1
Blended Mink Scarfs and Shawls at $15
to ; .$49
Blended Mink Rug and Pillow Muffs at $15
to ; . . . .$33
Cross Fox Set, rug and double shawl scarf,
at $81
Kolinsky Cape and large Rug Muff Set,
at $150
KolliiBky Russian Shawl and Rug Muff Set,
head trimmed $40
Children's Fur Sets' Shown for the first
time white Angora, lamb, imitation
chinchilla, imitation ermine, Siberian sa
ble, etc .0Hc$1.5O-$l.8-$2.08-$3 up
Party Drosses
Dainty Chiffons, Crepe de Chines,
all the favorite evening shades, low
neck and short sleeves, for parties
and dancing y JJJ
special, at J
Women's Long
Fur Coals
BO-lnch Pony Coats, beautifully marked,
at '
61-inch Pony Coats soft, silky, double
marked, at 0R
62-Inch Pony Coats, novelty shapes ana
belt effects, at
66-incn pony tjoais in now umiwm
skirt effects ,80vf A
5Z-incn extra quality genuiuo dwi- i
Coats wy.- .vw.t.
62-lnch XXXX quality genuine Alaska
bu-incn uuriy uaracui i;oats ai
60-lnch Brook Mink, striped border
at J. $
27-inch fine Sealskin Coata at $203
30-Inch striped genuine Mink Coat at $39H
27-inch Siberian Sable Coats at $23
27-lnch Near Seal Coat with bearer collar
and cuffs ' $13
27-lnch Blended Brook Mink Coats at $19
tin ' M)
and ,f ,P Al AiKyA flXA I
All the Imported Model
Suits and 1 T
Coats at. 2rriCe
S10 Skirts for $5
Choice of 200 pretty dress and walk
ing skirts voiles, chiffon, pana
rans, serges, etc., in blacks and
colors, worth up to $10,
Infants Dept.
On Second Floor.
Novelties and trinkets for the
baby that will make the pret
tiest and mot suitable Christ
mas gifts Rittles, Cord Dolls,
Trinket Boxer. Calendars, Coat
Hangers, Tollot Sets, Water
Bottles, Mocainlm, Baby Rec
ords, Clothes Racks, Infants'
Baskets, etc., etc.
New Arrivals of Famous
King Tailored Waists
The cleverest and most practical
of all waists new ideas new
pleated styles
Women's Sweater Coats
All the pretty styles and colors
medium and long lengths pretty,
practical and well made, $198
worth S3 to $4. at.
mh:,Jid r,
Special Showing of New and
Pretty Styles in Christmas
Aprons on Our Second Floor
f&ssaj&wa, y tfillSShS fc' '"'LL1' H & "Ia
18 and 24-inch Fine Embroidered Flouncings, Skirt
ings and Corset Cover Widths, at 25c a Yard.
Swis?v nainsook and cambric, all chojee
new designs, in English eyelet, floral,
Japanese, filet, shadow, also dainty ef
fects. The window display has .
attracted thousands, values up
to 75c yard, at J?vVjV
Plain and fancy suite. e for belting, hat bands and
trimmings worth $1.50 a yard-rat, an
Rich Gold Embroidered and Braided Allover Laces
Specially Priced.
On white, ecru and black net grounds all the latest
styles astonishing 139 98
values, at, yard
Watch for the Red Cross Sale of Drugs
Next Saturday
DniKa. Sundries. TolUt
Articles t)nderprlod.
y . '
I JiannMnEin. I WlSBAMEIEIS. I .
Special Inducements Monday
Blankets and Comforters
St. Mary's Fine Unshrinkable Wool BlanketsAbso
lutely the best blankets manufactured plain white,
, gray, tan, plaids and fancy checks in 10x4, 11x4
and 12x4 sizes sell everywhere at $8.00 - fl C
. to $10.00 a pair, at, pair vP J
Tine All Wool 11x4 Size Blankets Blankets that sell
regularly at $5.00 up to $6.50 a pair Z QO
white, gray, tan, plaids and checks, pair.
Finest Cotton Blankets that are made full 12x4 size,
Beacon wool nap and fancy Roman stripe blankets;
I made to sell at $3.00 to $3.50 a pair. All are German
finished and hard to tell from an all wool blanket.
. Merchants and. peddlers we limit to two ffl CI
pair to each customer, at, pair. ....... . P 10
Sample Comforters at $1.50
Full size, fine sllkollne covered comforters, filled with the
best grade of pure white cotton, scroll stitched; C(
no two alike; while they last, at, each pi.JU
North Star wool
hlankets; the fin
est white blankets,
at. pair $5.00 "P
to $20.00
Full slie. 11.25. sllkollne cov
ered comforters, extra heavy
weight, at,
Beacon's baby crib
comforts and blan
kets,, -at 4J
75 9S
t $1.39
3 0x4 0-inch white,
baby crib blankets,
fancy borders, at,
each 15
Bed pillows; sanitary, steam
cleaned; all feather filled
will go on sale at, CO.
each J.C
Size 18x2 5; weight, 5 and 6 lbs. to a pair, each 59
Remarkable Offers Monday
Dress Goods lprt:lfv
'Brandeis Dress Goods are the talk of fashionable
Omaha. We are showing all, the wanted fabrics,
satin Drectoires for the tailor costumes, Theodora
. Celebrated Glauchan Saxony dress goods, Priestly1
Cravenettes and fine black dress goods, diagonal
suitings in two-tone effects, $00 $95
etc., at, a yard a jt
Special for Monday Only
52-inch German broadcloth; regular price f 2.25 yd., at $1.59
$2.50 Edna broadcloth, at, yard $l!95
$1.36 French mlchau Roubaix fame, 43-inch wool taffeta at,
Per yard
Sundown silk and wool fabrics, yard ) . , .$1,00
62-ln., $2 Cleveland worsted, mill fancy tailor serges, $139
Frederick Arnold celebrated $1 double warp HenrietUs, 79
42-inch all wool navy blue serges, the scarcest dress fabric in
the market, at ; ... 69
Dress Goods on Bargain Square
Dress Goods from the leading mills in America
placed ahead in anticipation of advanced prices.
Three special squares arranged Monday for early
, selection. All wool plain and fancy serges, novelty
suitings, Victoria broadcloths and fancy batistes,
henriettas, French serges, Qft CA 0a
poplins, etc. 3 lots, at, yd.. .... 0 JC-DUt-UtC
Special Offers Monday
High Grade Silks
We bought these silks practically at our own figures
from the Empire Silk Mills. 22-inch Servisilks,
Ottoman dress silks, Peau Kegence, Satin Direc-
toire, Faconne dress silks, high clas brocades, 27
inch Peau de Cacliemere, 36-inch' high grade Peau
de Cygne and fancy dress f CIQ'
silks, at, yard. DUC-U JC-ZOC
Silks Worth up to $2, at 69c and 98c
Crepe Morveilleux with satin stripes, borders, Dres
den and floral combinations all the exquisite 24
inch to 48 inches wide, including Jacquard French
foulards with dot borders, fl ffl
yard..... 6!C-JOC
riemititchfd Ready-to-Wear Silk Scarfs
Newest prints, borders, dots, satin stripes and solid
colors, cachemere chiffon, etc. Q M OfZ
worth as high at $3.00 each, at 0 JLa0l(v
Yard wide black dress taffe-' I Black Sappho dress silks; us
ually under contract to sell
for $1 a yard for Monday,
47 pieces, rn
tas and peau de sole for the
new one-piece suits; one-
third off the reg
ular price, yard
:. 87ic
at, yard
SaJe of Holiday Pin Cushions
Muslin covered cushions; up
; to 8 inches square Qq
4xl2-lnch muslin lf
4x1 0-inch satin cor- r
ered cushions, at ....UC
4x2 4-inch satin cov
ered cushions, at .
cushions, at
-Beautiful Hand Made Pin Cushion
Shirred ribbon and lace ruffles, hand embroidered and hand
painted tops, at $1.69 $1.98 $2.98 nd $3.98
Prompt delivery on the very
best grades of hard and soft
coal. "Brandeis Best" lump,
egg and nut sizes better than any $7.00 coal that is
sold our special offer $6.50 a ton.
Brandeis Special Lump Coal a finfe furnace
coal, at $5.50 a ton.
We sell the famous Plymouth and Scranton
Anthracite Coal.
In China Dept. West
I m
Genuine Cut Star Table
Tumblers; pure flint
lead blown glass
straight or bell
shape, each . . .
Kost Gas Heaters cheapest
heat known average expense
Vzo per hour. Fits any gas
jet. No dirt, smoke &4 TA
nor odor; each vAwv
Our entire new line of best steel enamel ware, all
white. The genuine imported "Wupperman from Ger
many, the best on the market. (No peddlers can buy
at these prices.)
Special Sale of 10-k JEWELRY
10K jewelry must have the 10K stamps required by
law to be genuine. Brandeis 10K jewelry is stamped
and genuine. Brandeis also offers extraordinary
bargains. : ;
Women's solid gold, 10k stamped signet rings, at $2 $3 $5
Solid gold,' 10k shirt waist rings; Jade and turquoise, at $3
Men's 10k, solid gold scarf pins, including the clutch hold,
at' each i" $1 to $3
Women's solid gold 10K Men's solid gold 10K Link
Brooches, $1.50 to $5.00 j Buttons, $1.50 to $3.00
Women's Beauty Pins, 10K stamped, at, pr., $1.00
Men's 14 aize, thin
model, hand en
graved hunting case
fitted with 15 Jewel
RIg-ln or . Waltham
i:5, at ..
Womn' O size, hand
engraved hunting
case, fitted with IS
Jewil Elgin or Wal
tham movement
Man'i II alze railroad
waicnea; genuine 17
Jewel Waliham, ad
Juated In ( poal
tlo.ia, with duat
proof back nd
front h.v. Hi.if.i
In Our Hair Goods Department
Second Floor.
Hair Dressing. Manicuring, Massaging
Transformation; made of fine,
18-inch hair ff Z
$6 value, at vf J
Roman Braids; 36 inches long
$8 value,
now, at
Gray Switches
24-inch fine, long hair; 2 oz.
$8 value, C
now, at $ O
Headquarters for the Turban
Cap Frame and the new Turban
Braid; entirely new.
Auto Nets; large size;
Monday, at
Stretch ol Gronad lm PaylTl
Which Harbor Myatery
and Horror.
In Pennsylvania, and fairly In the mldat
of a beautiful and peaceful countryalde.
thfra has come to llsht a atretth of ground
wrlch aeema to harbor torai Influence o
n-allti). o flendlahly bloody and cruel, that
cnly an endleaa toll of human victims can
satisfy It
Murder and aulolde have for years gona
on in that dreadful vicinity, with abao
lutely no explanation dlactverable that can
account for the appalling aucceaalon of
inlfortun-a and Crimea.
Myetery and horrvr; theee ara tha two
rlrmcnta that surround. Inexplicably, tha
Ridge of Death. In Mount Joy townahlp.
l4Uca.ler county, Penne IvanU.
Thai fearful Ridge of Peath. as It hae
uui to b called, wind along tha north
ern aid of the well known gravel hllla
of the townahlp. They aklrt the extreme
limit of Milton Grove, beginning at the
foot of Green hill and running westward
for a couple of miles until thry terminate
at tha brook cloae to Oakdale school houxe.
There, in tha fatal ridge, and especially
at the spot known aa Bullrush Clump, ihe
horrors of sudden death by accident, by
suicide, aven by murder aeem to await all
men and women.
Years ago, among tha earlier settlers of
tha neighborhood, were John Kinsley and
hla wife. They lived. Industriously and
happily enough. In one of the humble cab
li:a of their period. Klnaley knew no rea
son, no Incentive, for his wife's action. It
aeemed as though, with her, the dormant
demon of tha Ridge of Death had chosen to
begin his terrible aeriea. Kinsley, return
ing to hla hdme ona day, found his wife
hanging by a haltar titi, atone ad.
Almost Immediately there followed tha
tragedy of Fenny Dotley, nar by, a fate
remembered with horror by tha neighbor
hood to this day. Her cabin caught fire;
the biasing, falling timbers, by orac
strange chance, barred ev. ry opening; she
waa literally burned to death at her own
Barely a year elapaed when Henry Helt
was found, In an adjacent grove, with hla
skull cruuhed In by the bludgeon of nn
aasaaaln whose Identity waa never learned.
A few months more and Johannes Fisxel
was discovered, dead, at the end of the
rope with which he had hanged himself to
a tree of the deadlyrldge.
When the next year came, Frederick
Kiser met hla fate there at the hands of
highwaymen. They had robbed and mur
dered him, and his corpse waa atumbled
across by a party of woodsman.
In appalling succession there ensued a
chain of fatalities. Henry Trely, descend
ing a hill on horseback, was flung from his
mount. He struck on his head and his
neck was lriBlantly broken. A little later,
only twenty yards from the spot where
Trely fell, the body of an unknown suicide
was found, as though the demon of the
place did not limit his malignity to the
residents, but seized upon any who pasaod
that way. Only a brief period elapsed and
then Mrs. Orosenwalt, arriving at that
very spot, killed herself.
Follow the ridge westward and you will
come to the old home of John Young who
wan fated to etand by, helpless, while h i
daughter burned to death.
A few ste; beyond and ycu come to tha
close-set bunhes where John Fulmer'a cow
ardly assassin hid his corpse after shooting
him from ambush.
Vp on the highest spur of the hill range
the wondering traveler will see Ihe dwell
ing of Valentine Zerphy, whose son, John,
his pride and his hope, was dragged to a
horrible death by a young colt suddenly
terrified, as though the beasts alone cm
behold the evil spirit that broods over the
Ridge of Death. Stand In the doorway of
that same house and you will be standing
where David Martin, another tenant of its
lll-onirned walls, greeted with bis face of
j pallor and his cry of grief the corpse of
j hla son, when the neighbors brought tho
young lenow home from the scene of his
murder by an unknown assassin.
' The most alnoere party has been no exor
cism. Near by la the spot whore Anna, the
pretty daughter of Rev. Jacob Eshelman,
was found dead by the roadside.
Go to the nearest farm house and you can
step Into the room where they laid out the
torn and mangled corpse of its owner,
Michael Rendler, after he was dragged to
death by hla runaway horse.
Turn to one of the western cllffa and you
can see the spot where Harry Walter,
young, and but recently married, hanged
And walk a little way, Just to tha north
of the Insatiate Ridge of Death, and you
gate upon tha graves of tha whole Kralder
family father, mother and four children
all murdered at ona time. Philadelphia
North American.
Watchea i'HfiNZEit l6u and Dodge.
Letters of Credit Should De Draws
Tbroaih American Iaatlta
tlnm. In regard to the manner of drawing
fitters of credit, Consul Samuel C. Reat
St Tamaul, Formosa, writes to the Depart
ment of Commerce and Labor;
For over ha'.f a century It has been the
Invariable practice to draw all letters of
credit on the United States through Lon
don. Thla custom had Its Inception In the
conditions of the times, for, with Its nu
merous dependencies and colonlea, Eng
land afforded the best facilities for the
negotiation of commercial documents. The
necessity for the continuance of this cus
tom no longer exists. Tha International
IiiMiklng corporation Is establishing branch
houses throughout the far east and Is of
'erUlf " desirable and convenient facili
ties for tha expedition of commercial affairs.
In Formosa the Thirty-fourth bank Is
the representative of the corporation,
which Is wa'l organized throughout tha
The amount of tea exported from For
mosa to the I'nlted States annually
amouuta to 2.J0,0UO gold. Practically all
letters of credit are negotiated through
London, and at the rate of one-fourth of
1 per cent, giving to London tanks yearly
about J'i.OX. which sum might go to
American bankers and he credited to Amer
ican finances as a part of the foreign
trade. This custom of drawing through
London Is not confined to Formosa, but
la followed li: other countries uh well.
If American firms would Instruct their
representatives abroad to draw their let
ters of credit direct through American
financial Institutions, not on'y would an
appreciable amount of money be turned
into American channels, but there would
be no fluctuation of exchange to be con A
sldered. Were this new policy adopte-ey
It would result In a dlMtlnct gain In the
financial prestige of the United blates.