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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1909)
t Jj OFFER ED FOR JUENT Offices -Ciinlliiril. NR"W, Bttrsotlvo offices In WonT Punrlerland l.uiMing: heat n .levator service furnish; vrv rpoimble reut. ;i:o!:;h o ., ltul Farnam Ht. n4 'TORFTROOM and bsmont In Fmro I 'k. 8. O, 60 N. 24th. Hall. 4.U F,amf Lldg., both phuii.-s. ' KEW Store. 2218 Cuming. Tel. Web S179. r.J)HCK ,,tu ,n(1 f,,!' banoment. l'lj Ccmlrig. , THOJ w' HAZE'S. I lor, B. 18th. Phone n. 1)00. DEPIITABLK storeroom. No. 1M3 North 24th street, wi occupied a a mpat m irket for over twenty years ami In Jj; t the lo cation for that tine of business. $20. ALFREDO. KENNEDY, 209 First National Hank Building. Tel. Dougls" 712. THREE good store rooms on ltith street, li"tfpti Farnam and Harney utrwts; lo "tip of thn host store room In the FIVE HI'NDRKD HLOCK will be vacant ahimt Jatniary 1. Terms of lease on application. OKortfiK & CO.. 1UJI Farnam St. OFFERED FOR SALE Far-Mar. rilKATFST PLACE for STOVE AND FI'R.MTl'RF. Racket Store. 15 & Cuming HARfiAlN'H In second hand Furniture ti.jhweitzer. 17H N. 241 li St. W. 211'4; H. 112 STdVKH, slightly used, sold resurdloss of cost. American Furniture Co.. 221) N. Pith FINK Iron bid. hair and box mattress bargain. 218 N. 2M. Planna. IK $190 cash for a 'food New Upright J iamo Interests you. call at J. MARSHALL SMITH CO.. 3v, B. 18th. Opposite Court House. SLKIHTLT used uprtuht pianos for snie at i; Harney. C. H. Thatcher Co. n. 6019. A I. .Mi 1ST new piano; inutit be sold at e. Imvldge Bldg. ii)i)l second-hand upright piano, $.",fi; your own terms. J. Marshall Smith Co., 3"8 S. litli. opposite Court House. 1 ypewrltere. , klOCOND hand typewriters sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Miscellaneous. vrn at AT CUT TRICES V'e save you from 50c to l.W on every ton and rlv better coal. We guarantee correct weights Liosonblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. A I. MOST new piano! must be sold by Saturday. Room 7, Uavldge BldK. I'OAI-! baskets, JI. iJry kindling, a load, tl delivered. Star Ice. & Coal Co. . 44i,J. l)RUG8 at-cut prices; freight paid on all ?10 oidors; catalogue free. Sherman & MeCiiiuii'll Dru a Co.. Omaha. Neh FOR SALK-New and 2d-hand billiard R.J08. Om b. S?o", Bldgth floor, and pool tables. We lead the world In 120 Bo. 16th St. (Stairway on Douglas 8u cheap bur fixtures, easy payments. Bruns- wIck-B.ilke Collender, 407 Ho. loth St. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, ' '. : manneilo and massage treatments. M N. Second-Hand Boilers ?7 8t" 0 . uxxv'x, b UasquQ Sutta Ho'g'sa 17r.-horsepower return tubular boilers, 78- OMAHA Stammerers' Ina.. Ramce Blda. inch diameter by 18 long. They have JOS1E WASHBURN'S new book, tlm lss C. I. tubes, 3 Inches by 1J feet. Work- "Underworld Sewer," sold at all book Inn pressure ISO pounds per square Inch, stores, price, II 50 Heat surface, ltc.ODO square feet Grate area 32 H sou. ire fet. We are very anxious to dispose of these POULTRY boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar- "-'ll!" gain If taken at once. Screenings, $1.60 100 ibs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. THE HR'E BUILDING COM PANT, a "tn- 17th and Farnam Bts. Omaha, Neb. M. B. TURKEYS for sale; eggs In season. 1 Mrs. W. H. Jreston, -s'orth Loup, ' Neb. SHOUAR8HIP on leading business col- lege for sale at discount Address e tOS, TO make room; Rose Comb White' Leg Bee. ... . horn yearling hens or pullets at $10 per in....,,, duj, while they last. Mrs. F. C. Tatro. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar- Geneva, Neb. R. No. L '1 rels which we will sell at 0c each. They - , I ate fine for rain water or ashes. Call at Use U-NEED-A Poultry Tonio for 60 I pressroom Bee Publlslng Co. days; If your en Increase does not twice ' Pay for your tonic, your money will be re- RA FES. new and second-hand, 1U0 Farn. funded. . i. E-. Johnwon Co.. Omaha. Neb. ' 200 OVERCOATS SLIGHTLY USED, at a EXTRA fins" single comb Rhode Island bargain A B. WINGER, 41 N. 16th. Rid cockerels for Bale; early hatched. 1. 1 H. Stru'hers. Craig. Neb. . CASH REGISTER Burgeaa-Granden Co, VjfX Howard siren. FOR RALE Choice S. C. Buff Orplng- L rr. r" , ton cocks, cockerels, hens and pullets. FOR SALE Beaver fur robe In good Toulouse geese, are prize wlnnera, at a bar- coVdltion. CaU at U10 Farnam St. gain. Peter A. Brehnv Harvard. Neb. STONE for door. window sills and ' coiling for sale. Inquire Bee Pub. Co., DDIMTIMO 17th and Farnam. , rnllM I INU "TiOOD second-hand piano, suitable for , !PH?N.EIr,D- A-20.'0'' good printing, pn.eili-o, $:.0. on easy terms. Lyngstad Printing Co.; Uth Capitol Ave. .'. MARSHALL SMITH CO., ' ' i S. lsth. opposite Court House. .... , ; 7Z. REAL ESTATE 1 NH tiiiud st cond-hand organ, $M. - . J. 'MARSHALL SMITH CO.. HEAL ESTATE DEALERS. IS S. lstli. opposite Court House. t fVf .iTYTHLXG In typewriters; just a ."v'lfe0 aVtT.T - ,?, r' "romi,t few I f ..or baiKains: Rebuilt No. t Smith 'rvlce' "r prices. 1,10 Farnam 8t. I' ll; No. S Oliver, $5; No. Rem- GANQFSTAD ni 11.. tjih- t., t IriKton, $33; machines shipped on approval: 404 B,e Bll,- D- no deposit reiiulred. ' ATNHI IMV nr ..... ,. ... T Y PEW HIT Hit EQU'PMfiMT CO.. CO flrat flr N. T. Life. . 3QJ B. 12th Ht. BENJAMIN R g. CO.. 77 Brandela Bldg. 5.00 COAL" VUh ?p nJTmilfAI jg 75 YARDS of genuine linoleum, practl- CITV PROPERTY iron inn cally new. at a baigain. Lefferfs Jewelry ,r KOB Store. Council Bluffs, la. -TtSAlTbrthTTonr can Webster " CHEAP LOT CREIGIITON , A FOR BALE-Two roller top desks nearly . .URST w. lnyulre R. V. Baker. Supt., Bee Bldg. fl.WO. lot- WVxl40, on paved street, sur- .. rounded by new homes; nothing better COAL $5 GALLAGHER & NELSON, Partridge-Thompson Co.. 1610 Harney. D. S6U 400 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE A good, self-adding cash : : ' " Z$iTF.t-VlJ?."i&. ea8y pm- Ad; TWO FINE CORNER LOTS . C0xl32 feet each, one an east front, water LAK;:: xe. Radiant Home, base burner ?wer d near car line. Hn;!r.'v'l2.'.',a,,1' 1,11 N- 4,Hh Sl- $500 KASV TERMS NOWATA LAND & XA)T CO.. FOR IMMEDIATE fcALE. I (Kv) sharea Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. (or parti of the Nevada-Omaha Mlnlmr - MlilliiK Co.. (Until Mt. N'ev ), nt Ji 2j FOR quick return! list your real estate per share, csrrylmr all cash or stock dlvl- for sale and exchange with me; no sale, dend to be declared. S. Burns, Jr., N. Y. no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trad Life Rid. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Right Way, Wrong Way WANTED Girl :o do general nou.-e-Wiik. good Wttt. Apply tins ol- lv.e. This advertUerueut ran for at least a ween In a big dally, wolcU li&U a circulation of over 4u,uuu, wituoui brwiu lu a miiBle reply. ' . Itiii uuau who wrote the advertisement waa a business man, aud the paper ibut rau the cUsbiIicJ advertisement bad up witn him at that very time the question ot display space lor hi business. advertisiiiK. Natirally the prospect o landing it was not bright. The advertising manager of the pal er called on the man and was told thai he, the business mail, had good evidence that advertising, tn that paper at least, would not pay hlui. the Help Wanted" ad being cited as evidence. A copy ot the advertisement was shown to the newspaper man, who said he knew what the trouble was and offered to bet the contract that not one but a dozen replies could be bad through bla papers. The advertisement was rewritten In this fashion: WANTED Neat, capablt girl for maid ' In family of two; no washing, Ure, sunny, private room and good ha-, Apply XYZ. this office. The day following the Insertion of the advertisement twenty-seven replies were received. The faith of the business man In advertising was rostored and.tnedle to say, the paper got the display contract. OFFERED FOR SALE M Isrcllnneou -1 unf Is-ned. HALL'S nt..m. new. 21-hand. 1S1S Farnn-n rili 1T1) CAR ni! dnndy outfit r r salo cheap. Write 261 1 It, 11:1. y St.. Omaha. IF ;' int"rrs! you for a Rood, reliable p'irio. rail at J. Maishall Smith Co.. S. 1Mb. opposite Court House. OSTEOPATHY J OH. "SON INST.. 418 N. V. L. Tel. D. 1GCA Dr. Kathryn Nicholas, f&i N. T. L. Rldg. PATENTS l o. BARN ELL. Paxtuu Hlk. Tel. Red 7117. HL'Ft MAN. 313 Nevilie Bids Book free. PERSONAL PfiAT. Andover, Egg, Lump, $t SO. R. 11 KsKJlllJ Morehouse Co.. W. SlOi. B.224&. f rj VVTIf1 treatment. Mme. Smith, .MAUiXfjllVj u-, s ltUn g, th,rd foor JOHN CANE Is In town. Now Is ths tltna to trim trees, trellises, grape vines. Tel. Red "n04, Imi. A-3K4, Red Mtii. ltl Cuming 8t., 1101 ft. 2olh Ave. . YtVi Your corn comes out or your vJ.IAi.' iO quarter comes back when you use Corn Jelly, ilaint .Drug Co., lt10 tar. I VJJVT'TH1 treatment. Mme. Smith, VJN i-i AXVy hu s ;, s, llrd f,om. JAMi;s ItCHY can gel Insurance money by wining J0I111 or Charley. 1'KIVATK HI). Ml-; during confinement; babies for adoption. Uood bum. ti it. ill Sani torium, 710 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WLC RENT and repair all makes of sew liiK inaciilnes. 'BhoneH, lnd., A-iwJ. Douk, i'i. Neb. Cycle Co., corner luih and llai ne'. BTRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies adopted; trained nurse. 2018 Davenport. W'mojand toupees for men. GRIFFITH " AVJk-u unj 14 i.-KENZEU BLk. THE famous Velvetlna Toilet Goods. For salu by all druggists or phone Douglas 600. 1. A HuME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies where motheis cutinot care for them. Babies boarded For terms address Mrs.' 'Marina A. Lee, 401 Bancroft bl., Omaha, Neb. i'hone Douy las mi. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff clothing; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 1M N. Uth M., for cost of collection to the wormy p or. Call phoue Douglas 4 US and wagon will call. Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 I. Htn. Tel., Web. 26i9. Ind. H lwj. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and massage. 620 8 16th St. Flat S. I'hone D. 76s. DR. KCiGKKS' private confinement home, lulii Marina hi. D. Ca20. SI BEKFLUOL'S hair, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con nultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Miss Alleuder. t24 Bee Bid. Tin; p.i:k: REAL ESTATE CITY riloPERTT FOn ALR. FINE HOME West Farnam District 3902 Cass Street, $5,250 8-room square house, complete in every particular, all modern and up-to-date plumbing, combination gas and electric, fixtures, water filter, gas attachment for heating water. Hot water coil in furnace, filter. House well built. way to same. Two rooms could wide, cement walks and paved street. OWNER A NON-RESIDENT MUST SELL This home is in St. Cecelia for a Catholic family. Is next to some of the finest homes in the new 38th street district. Now vacant, can give immediate pos session. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St THANKSGIVING OFFER BUNGALOW. 2H03 Camden Ave.; modern; new; V. G. floors; mission ouk finish; cement base ment and walks. We guarantee material und workmanship. $.i00 cash. Priced for u,ulck sale. 24tf CHICAGO ST. 10-r.. strictly modern, white oak finish: selected material; south front, lawn, large orcnes, fireplace, storm Hush. screen: street paved and paid. A No. 1 neighbor hood; an elegant home; priced low and good terms. . 3G FRANKLIN ST. 8 rtns., so. front, strictly mod. 1 yr. old: quarter sawed oak finish; selected material and guaranteed first class workmanship; inlaid wood china closet; puneled oak stairway; leaded glass windows; classy neighborhood; cneap at $4,2uQ. See us for terms. 1528 S. 27T1I ST. !-r. cottage. 2 rooms and bath un: east front; lawn, alloy; lot 3:1x142; full cement basement and walks; watrr meier; 4 yra. old; furnace; hard oil polished finish; barn 30x30; new. This Is a snau. We hi sole agents. Must Bell. HARWOOD & IIARWOOD Red 4204. 416 Bee Bldg. A 4203. FRED S. IIADRA, 417-41R First National Bank Bldg. Bell I'hone, Douglas 2318. On Easy Terms and Small Cash Payments 1046 Georgia Ave., a highly modern and complete 8-room residence. 610 South Had street, an uptrxiate, moaem elegant residence within walking distance for half Its real value. 4625 Marcy street. A brand new. not quite comp'eted, 6-room home, furnace. 4X04 Poppleion Ave. A brand now modem home of 6 rooms, furnace. D440 South 20th street. For two families, 4 rooms each, modern; dirt cheap. U38 North 27th street. 6 rooms, except hea.t, at a slaughter price. 2407 mouth mtn street, a u-room coxy home, modern, very reasonable. $3900. , 8-ROOM HOUSE WEST FARNAM DISTRICT No. 4212 Farnam St. Has reception hall, parlor, sluing room, dining room ' and kitchen first rioor; 4 bedrooms ana stora room on second floor. Front and rear stair way, city water, sewer, gas and furnace. All rooms are nicely arranged und of good stze. Large 48-foot south front lot. with fine large maple trees, asphalt paved street In front and paid for. Cement walks In j front and around the house. Good barn, j ine nouse is now vacant, reaoy 10 iiihyh Into. The location Is very desirable, only two blocks to Farnam car. Terms, $l,tw0 cash, balance, $24.75 a month. Including Interest. A leas payment down will ba ac cepted from good party. It will pay you to look this up at once. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. 904 SOUTH 33D This Is a dandy 9-room modern house; has den, front and back parlor, dining room, kitchen and maid's room on first floor; 4 good bedrooms and bath on second; finished attic, good barn, east front; on paved street, only 1 block to car; the big bargain If you can use it. E. W. STOLTENBERG, 438 Board of Trade Rldg., lrtth and Farnam. Douglas lulO. $9,000 $5,000 cash and $4.0u0 at 5 per cent, long time, will buy one of best located rental properties In Omaha. Always rented; lis location Insures prompt paying tenants. PAYS $1,332 ANNUALLY NOWATA LAND LOT CO, Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAM H LAND FOR SALE Ion a. BR00KM0NT FARM "The finest farm In the world'- Is the opinlcn of an ezpert on this famous farm Others confirm the opinion. rra. This fine faim. 4 miles v,orth of Odebolt, Iowa, contains 7.800 acres. Owlna- to various other business interests, the owner. Mr. A. E. Cook, authorise, us to sell 24 Quarter sections and SELL IT QL'ICK. SALE OPENS Erookmont Is not a run-down, tenant exlausted farm land as can be found In lest. This Is a strong statement' Brookmont will deny It. if has been kpt up by scientific of crops. The seed corn pioduced there grades from M to " " "-i- i.trL.uiimi. i.'i ooKtnoiii is si. own as the every year there are upwards of t.M) Here of clover and are springs on every quarter, yel no marshes, no ravines is perfect, because It is the highest land lu the stats. PRICES VERY LOW To facilitate a quirk sale the prices ar made lower than f.,m. , and Ida counllM are bringing. One man r.fu'.d $175 ner acrJ 1 i., ' 8ac better than Brookmont. We offer the Improved ouarterl It's JV ZM sr. good, tl and 7-room houses, good bar,,., cribs c""sdi c K?n.P,wt ,,,,U"d JH: ttF yUrter' "Uh0Ut tulldin;sraV,offeVende IW& There Is No Safer Investment Than Good Iowa Corn Land There are no more Iowa prairies to be divided nl fn. . placed on the market. Tl,. prediction U m." 7d ,,o L Od 'bif '0,' '1 " In Sac and Ida counties will soon go to $20o per acre TllVv wm lhVv,W Un', WORTH LE.sJ THAN AT PRESENT P THEY WILL NEVER BE Rememb.r this I. a quick sale. Write us at one. or call at one of our offices PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY 4Kp?Zllf"aUin' IOWA. omaha. Thursday. November 23. 1009 I REAL ESTATE C ITT rHOI'l.Hri I-OH SAt.B Fine light attic, plastered stair be f unshed if desired. Lot GO feet Parish and would be very desirable INVEST IN A BOULEVARD PARK LOT Thee lots are selling. Two more rone within the last few days and we will sell a good many more between new and spring. f you are fle-urlmc on hulldlnir m. home In the spring or '.ator, you'd better auena 10 me selection of a lot now. Don't wait too long! We will be pleased to have ou can at our office and go with you to Bee what we have to offer, or If you will phone us we will mall vuu a nlat show ing prices of unsold !otn. These lots are me uesi you can possibly buy for the money. They are only a few blocks uirecuy north of Kountze Place and Kountza place Is now nracticallv sold nut All Improvements such as water, server and cement walks In and paid for. We can sen to you on very reasonab.e terms. Prices $575 and up. SIIIMER & CHASE CO., 300 So. 17th St. Opposite Court House. EDUCATE THE BOY OR GIRL TO SAVE By purchasing for them a full sized. well located, building lot' on terms of $1 down and 50c per week. Prices range from $100 to $260. This Is less than half what they are worth. Telephone for plat showing location. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., Tel. D. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. T. U Bldg. 7-ROOM all modern house, south front lot, paved street; all specials paid. Located at 26th and Caldwell. Rents for '$24. Price only $2,600. Terms P. O. NIELSEN,, CO.. r03 N. Y. Life .Bldg. .v't Beth 'Phones. CATHEDRAL DISTRICT Built two years. 6-roorn.'. two-story, all modern, square type house; one block to car, $3,300; $'ja0 cash required. CLOSE IN COTTAGE, ? rooms, with bath, toilet, gas, full basement, renting for $22 a month, MIT Jackson .St. Price, $2,iaw; easy terms. Makes a good HOMhi OR INVESTMENT. GOOD INVESTMENT Substantial double brick apartments close in, very well arranged, large living rooms wuh fireplaces, renting for $Si a month. Price, lii.600. Would make a nice arrange ment for party who wants home and In vestment combined. If you want to see any of these Thurs day, call for Mr. Glover at Harney JoOy or Harney 3fw. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor N. Y. Life. 7-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE-HOT WATER HEAT Reception hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen are good sized rooms; a bed rooms on second floor ami modern bath; stair way to floored attic; corner lot; good neighborhood; 31)01 N. ISth street. OWNER HAS LEFT CITY AND VERY ANXIOUS TO SELL House Is vacant and If not sold soon will rent at low rental for winter. W. H. GATKS, '117 N. Y. Life B'dg. Phone Doug. 1204 West Farnam Lot $1,300 buys a large lot at 3th and Dewey mVea,dXpaidNfor PaVlnir "nJ COme"t W4jk- The Byron Reed Co., Phones: D. 297, A-3834. 212 S. 14th St. $327M. ECaUNw M7 rmB- MW' REAL ESTATE FARM AN II HA.Vt II TTHU FOR SIMS Iowa. DECEMBER 1 but as fertile a tract r.f but no man who visits methods and by rotation luO per cent. The quality home of ihe Herefords; blue grass pasture. Th ire no gullies. The drainage REAL ESTATE CITY rillil'KHIl HH MIE. (Continued ) DUNDEE HOMES $4.4-BU7 Cspltil Ave. This bunaalow has five lmae rooms and bath on first floor, l.mte led room on second floor. Living room and dining mom finished In selected iiiarter sawed white oak. Handsome brick fireplnce In living room. Balance of the hnue very at tractively finished In rum-w-oiiil. Combination eleclrlc liht and gis fixtures, all the hardware being brushed brass and bronze. Larue cemented basement, with good furnace. An flp-to-date well constructed bungalow. In first-class neigh borhood, w here values are steadily IncreuslnR. A safe In vestment, as well as an at tractive home. $4,500-5022 Cuming Pt., new 2 story 7-ronm square house, strictly modern, comblnat hVl electric Iltrht and gas fixtures, four large bright bed rooms second floor. Stairway to floored attic. Full cemented basement. $l,9f0-510fl California flt. This Is a new 7-room 2-story frame house, strictly modern. Oak floors and finish first floor. Large living room across en tire front of house. Large bright dining room. Second floor ha four attractive bed rooms, finished In natural wood. Bath room with best nickel plumbing. Stairway leading to attic. Full ce mented basement, with good furnace. The hardware throughout the house Is all solid bronze. This Is a Sub stantial, well built and attrac tive hous.'. In a first-class lo cation, near the car line. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam. New Bungalow $700 DOWN balance Just like rent. 2326 South 34 th St. (Crelshton's 1st Add.) High and sightly. Five rooms and bath, large cemented cellar, floored attic, best of plumbing, electricity, oak floors, large lot, 49x 133 (east front), level and eodded, cement walks. See It today. Price only $2,800. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. , HAVE YOU A BOYT Let him make the start on a piece of real estate. HOME ACRES ADDITION on 36th Street, west of Fort Omaha. Each lot la half an acre. Equal to 3 addition lots. TERMS $10 CASH. $10 A MONT H. PRICE $350 EACH. You can't help but make monev All Omaha's rich men have most of their money Invested In land. It's the safest investment. You can't lose your money. Every thousand added to the cltv's no nu tation enhances your Investment. Let us take you and the boy out. Onlv a fw minutes' ride In automobile. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1G14 Harney St. 21st and Nicholas 87x170 Feet $6,000 To close an estate. Large, close-In corner, with 4 COT TAGES and a 4-APARTMENT FRAME FLAT: present INCOME 720. CAN BE INCREASED Outside of the 5 buildings, the cor ner Is vacant. 63x94 FEET Room for four more buildings. Act Quickly. Norris & Martin, Doug. 4270. 623 Bie Bldg. ANNUAL RENTAL, $81G NET INCOME, $720 PRICE, $5,500 For the frame apartment at 1189 and 1141 North 17th street, with frame cot tage in rear, full lot on paved street and car line, only 12 minutes walk down town. You can't beat this In Omaha. You must not bother the tenants. See us. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, liJH Harney Street. HAVE YOU $75, $100 OR $150! You'll be surprised to know of the choice homes we can sell on these pay ments. We offer for the first time five good houses. Just newly painted, overhauled and repaired throughout, well located, on paved streets and car line, 15 minutes' walk from business center. One 9 rooms, mod., $.'o0; one, K rooms, $2,300; one 10 rooms, $2.4o0; one B-rooin cottage, $1,800; one, 6 room cottatce, $1,860. The latter four are partly modern; concrete walks tn all yards, some shade trees Can make very easy terms; cash payments of $75 and up; monthly installments of $!s and up. These are bargains In Inside properties and the terms within reach of all. You can t find a better way to save rent money. Let us show you these today. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 433 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney Sts. y TWO BARGAINS We offer what we consider the best home bargain li, Omaha today. Brand new 7-room house, fully modern, oak finish, full slie basement, house dimension 26x30 making elegant rooms Location high and sightly, stone throw from car, with street paved and paid for. -This home Is being offered for only $4 210 and Is a great bargain. Can be shown any time. 607 N 3oih. F. C. Best, 1008 N. Y. Life. PHONES DOUG. 2244 OR HARNEY $714 4 WE'VE (JOT THE HOUSE YOU WANT r.vw m twit rnAu w . x -.. . . on Georgia Ave., a new house, 7 rooms strictly modern and up-to-date; four b,-d rooms, large living room, bookcases built In ro Ic fn.luh u.w I.. . .... . - .....i, iihd iron. orch. east front lot &"xlJ. paving paid " r ' OL-"L, v i .- L4. Al.ii.Alj l;OHT. TERMS. If you wan, to see this houi.e Thursday. Dhotie linrnsv 3va -. r 2W. . GIXIVER REALTY BYNDICATE. Oround Floor N. Y. Life. 261 Evans Ht.. 7 rooms, new. mrwlvrn oak and fine finish: near Omaha L'nlvtr ity, 1J7.W. Call W-ilM. CHOICE LOTS AT LOW PRICES $700.00 The chtapest lot in Kountze Place; faces north on I'inkney Mt., across from Uni versity of Omaha. $iH)0.(X) I'inkney St.. near Shi rtnan Ave., among new homes; paved street. $(500.00 A fine lot In Crelghton's 1st add., where lots are Increasing in value every day. $:;o.oo Evans St., west of 2.'th Ave., facing south; sewer, water, cement walks. $r.o.oo A good lot In Hlencoe Place, on Camden Ave., near 24th St. car line. $1,000.00 East front on th St., In FOREST HILL PARK; paving all paid; sewer, water, gas. cement walks; close In. $1,500.00 The last lot on William St. In FOREST HILL iAIlk': all lt,,r..u,..,. i.. a , - ....... a i , . wivi paid for. $3,300.00 One of the best corners In the Hanscom Isrk district liHiviio iiAffv.-i .t . I AID; buautlful homes all around. ''$(5,000.00 .. uw in a rne-m corner rnr in- VeMltient Drniwrtv- 97TW a V i . nivrt-v NORR1S & MARTIN Doug. 4270. 623 B6 BMl, WEST FARNAM DISTRICT $17,000 for 9-room residence, modern In every way. located In bent residence district, near 8nth and Harney sts. Large groundH. 97x126 feet. $13,0uo 9-room strictly mod ern home, located on one of Omaha's best residence streets. Everything in first-class shape. House built for a home. Owner leaving town reason for eelllng. $.0U) for brand new 9-room all modern house, oak and hard pine finish. Large recep tion hall first floor. living room, dining room and kitchen, four bed rooms on second floor, third floor finished In one large room. Location near Sith and Farnam Sts. $5.700 Eight rooms, all mod ern, oak finish, east front lot, plenty of shade and fruit trees. Only $2,700 cash, balance monthly. $4.S0--Elght-room all mod ern house, west front lot, 40x 100 feet. Built two vears Near Chicago and 31st Ave. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam. Lots Near Florence We have thirteen lots lying between Omaha and F nmnrn o ,i , . These lots are all in one piece of ground -... mil mane b. gooa investment either as acreage or by building two or thre cottages as a starter and selling out the 'v trv1-,t- rlf J.rvpu ior me entire vi a., i. ivfUBunapie terms. Shimer & Chase Co., City, Suburban, Farm Property, Fire, Tor- iiuo, r-iaie uiass insurance. Surety Bonds. , Factory Sites and Business Opportunltlei ;' at Ralston. 809 So. 17th St. Both Phones. For Sale On Payments 1620 Ohio St.. 6 rooms lot afwiftr. 12,000. 3430 Pinkney St.. 7 rooms. in Kn 128, $800. 3 409 Corby St.. 4 rooms, lot inn 120, $1,000. 2922 Dupont St., 7 rooms, lot 25i 125, $1,700. 152 6 North 36th St.. 5 rooms lot OUJUU, J1.20U. 826 South 41st St., 6 rooms, lot 47x 130. $1,000. 4719 North 40th St., 6 rooms, lot 50x127, $1,100. 2609 North 17th Ave.. 6 room inf 25x50, $1,600. 3728 Lake St., 6 rooms, lot 60x120 $850. 832 South 19th SL. 5 rooma lot ok, 144. $1,600. 1416 North 29th St.. 8 roomn in 3UXJ.DU, Il.ZUU. Creigh Sons & Co. Tel. Doug. 200. 608 Bee Bldg. Special Snap Ws offer two nearly new houses in good condition, modern exec tit furnai each 47 foot south front lots. These must be disposed of and good party can have on very reasonable terms. ."Mil baratoga, 6 rooms, only $1,900. 2fsj(j Saratoga. 6 rooms nn'v 3 rsn Both houses are vacant, (jo and sm hm im msae orrer. F. C. Best, 1003 N. Y. Life. PHONES DOCO. 2244 OR HARNEY 8714. FOR SALE Large s-r. house: bath barn, heating stove range with boiler at- lucncu. ah ior nw. urant. WEST FARNAM LOTS for beautiful home; excellent view east front, 60x160; paving and other specials paid. On 38th Ave. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. ' Doug, or A-2152. LOTS IN FLORENCE We have a large list of large lots in Florence within 2 blocks of car line that we can sell from $17f to tm. Terms of $5 or $10 down and the balance on easy monthly payments. Florence property will double In value In the next few years. The main street Is now being paved, which will increase the values of all Florence property at once We also have nlc n.t ' f . ....... ' , ' - .... Lll OU- erty Icosi to Florence. "AB1I.MJS & lltVUEX, 1614 Harney St. Boulevard, Near Farnam Street Double frontage lot on the Boule vard, near Farnam St., $1,500 K W STOLTENBEHQ, 436 U. of T. Bldg' D. 1610. ItJR SALE RKAL EHTATE 7-room, modern, except h. a: : paved street on carllne. all specials paid. Located at see us' b th" ,'ou' ni1 lh" -n, v, K .- NIELSEN tk CO . '03 N. Y. Life Bldg. Rulh Phones. 'f-" PACIFIC, 9-room bricks, strictly modern, excellent condition, fu. In F V KI'l si A. &.I V L- li j . y- Phons Douglas Ivi. U N. Y. Life Bide REAL ESTATF CITY rillH'l Hl V Hill SAI.B (Continued ) Reduced Prices 27o4 Chicago, corner lot r'xTI, paved street, Pavlt g nil paid for. cement slilewnlks. pnr lor, reception hi.ll. dlt ln room and kitchen on first floor; finished In oak; upstair! contiilrs three lane bedrooms and bath) modern pliimhine. gas and electric liaht combination fixtures. exc lletit furnace; fully cemented cellar; all icsdy for occu. fancy. Price l educed from 14.300 to $4.0n for immediate sale; $;,iiu cash, balance a trifle more than rent. Ti'S Chicago, lot i)xJi, paved street with paving all paid for. permanent sidewalks, living toom and kitchen itn flrwt flnr. finished in oak; three bedrooms and batlj upnairs. cellar fully cemented; excellent plumbing: furnace. irn and electric Itvhl combination fixtures, all ready for occu- jH.icy. Price reduced from M.100 to J i.mI for quirk sale; IlioO cash; balance In monthly niciiis a ir, ne more tnan rent. These houses are locate.! wtthln wsllitn distance of the renti r of the city a few uiocrs irom nign school, close to Crelgh. ton unKirsitv nnd In ah oMinnt i.iniv. They are disirable In every way. C G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. Good Homes 4G211 Capitol Ave., $12,250 Rlv-ritntit m..l. rn )... i ........ i .... .,--.., iiivuii ii iiimj in irunn , ti.H Ut ; one block from rar ; permanent sidewalk, very cheap nd termi; euy. 1148 South 2!th St., $4,200 Fight-room modi rn house. In good repalr with corner lot, 10x140 It.; pleiuv of room on vacant end of lot for brick flat; streets and alley paver and paid; price very low and terms reasonable 31)02 Cass St., $5,500 Klght-room m.idern house and lot, fiOilJO ft.: CloSe to KctlOolM Ull.l IIUU. ,ia,i..,,'ul . neighborhood fine. Owner has removed from city and place must be sold this month, so look at It and make me an offer. Can make good terms. J. W. ROB BINS, 1S02 Farnam St. I'hone Douglas 529. Give Thanks WHAT FOR? $100 Because you can bnv a fine, newt' nil modern. 2 story, 6 room house; first floor finished In beautiful oak; located In a tine neighborhood, only 1 block from 2 car lines, for ONLY $100 CASH llAlHIlOA ftMl ni,.nll.l ...... ftrtn ' y ""'iiii ttiiu annually xor 4 Veuru than I . - I . , , , -,, ' ' "ij yr-i iiioiilh. xrice, $3,260. Open for Inspection Thanksgiving " .nu i p. m. iaae car to 2-lth and A streets and go one block east. Mop raying Kent ED JOHNSTON A CO.. Phone, Doug. 1236 1614 Farnam PL SIX ROOMS, BRAND NEW Strictly modern, large lot, paved street, near car. Ismail amount cash, balanoa VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. I WANT an offer on lot 2. block 20, origi nal plat of the city ot Omaha, with two houses, 1909 and UU California street. Lou 44x142 feet. THOMAS BRENNAN. Mew York Life Building. BRAND NEW HOME Five rooms, combination fixtures, bath, furnace; well built, on car line, 3705 Ames Ave. $2.8o0 $000 down, balance as rent. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH l.A.l FOR SALE California. FOR SALE 13 acres Improved orchard and alfalfa, 4 acres pasture; personal prop erty, Including W0 hens; Income, $2,20 per year. Price, $4,000. Town 2', miles. C. ii Skinner. Chico. Cal. ColoraAs). FINE FARMING LAND IN EASTERN COLORADO will raise large crops of corn and small grain; corn, 20 to 40 bu.; wheat and oats, 20 to 65 bu. per acre this year. $10 Is $k) peJ,,a.c!:eW.lie u" t"" full particulars. YUMA COUNTY REAL EtjTATB CO., Wray, Colo. S20-ACRK horriestenrf' akii -.. eminent drawings when you can gut a homestead any day, where you can raise 7 bu. alfalfa seed or 30 bu. ot wheat per acre? The best climate on earth. Act quick; soon all gone; Irrigated land, deeded .oou, nuiiicBiBuu ana runnuuisnments. Write to "The Hartmean Realty Co.. Hartman, Colu.1 Aug. F. Ruck. Manager. FOR KAI.Ic. r7l Til I nc"in --- ------ - ...... ,j IIUll ranch In Canon City, Colo. j good cllmat?; " rigni unquesnonauie; well et to all kinds apples, cherries, plums and small frilifS L-ooti lnil,.nu.m.,il., ...... . k. J , . u, v..iU1i,b, UU, o lllS pratllest places in the Arkansas vall-iy; furmer information If desired; must be seen to be appreciated. Address Leslie W. Thayer, Victor. Colo. 4 iliscellaneous. LANDS, $2.50 PER ACRE Have some very choice timber land loca tions, accessible to railroads and rivers yet unapplied for, and must be sold to settlors for $2 0 per acre In quantities not gi eaUr than luo acres to any one purchaser. Any person over 21 years of age can make ap plication without interofrence with home-, stead or other government entry rights. These lands contain mostly cedar and fir timber and will average In estimates, s.ikio.. 000 to 10,000,000 feet par quarter section. can or write 413 ivarbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Nebraska. NEBRASKA 824 acres of as fine land as lavs out nt doors. A well Improved farm only 2 miles to a uve growing town in eastern Ne braska. For a quick sale we offer It AT $45 PER ACRE Worth , while to look this up. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Butler County Land Sold The south half of half section of HuUaar county and recently adverti-ted at $3tj p-sf acre haa been sold. Price of north half, equally good and on public road, has been advanced to $:7 50 p-er acre. There Is a speculation In tills. Land Is in Bo hemian settlement and should meet with quick sale at higher price. 1 have lands In other counties. Also In Mouth Dakota. Write E. II. Ambler, 312 Barker Block. WHAT'S YOL'R BKHT CASH OFFER For two fino sections of fanning land In Kimball county, Nebraska, 6 and 7 mll noitheast of Kimball, ttie countv nest sections 27 and 2... twp li, range 5S. Here Is a chant to get In right. Address D. F. iiowiiiun, over uu esi orbud Ave., Des Moines ,1a. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA We have lHJ OuO irr.. ..t i..,i . . select from, langliig In price from li 1,. io per acre. '1 tils land Is In the oil and 1u yu' '"'k'i'l get an oil well eutflin iJini' A. ur CO. Suite C24 Now York Life Rldg. Teaas. FOR RAI.C A fsrrn CM I . Texas, about i inllea wst of a modern and prosperous city of 12.000 Inhabitants Ir'rlra. !:f iM,r u fr li..- m,. robel, V Is TEXAS homes and Investments. Ir LkLlL'iioN A wiiii'.iit Lou. Ii. iw7 N. Y. Life Bldg.