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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 25, 1909)
I THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1909. Want - Ads Advertisements tow the in rnlatnna will hr a!.rn nntll 13 tn. tor the renin rdltlon and until tSO p. m. for, the moraine nil Bdr lion a. Cah mast ncrnmp-" .. nil orders for wait ana and no niii 'ttlwnwal will le arrested for Iraa "im SO (full o flrat Insertion. Ralri applr to either The Pally nnday llrf, Always rogil alt words to a line. CASH RATR9 FOR WA.1T ATI". REnri.AR CI. A'MFICATIOI Imrrtlnn, 1 1 - rents per word and 1 rent per word for each aabaeqaent Inaertlon. Raeh Insertion mnde on odd days, 1 1-3 rents per wnrdi $1.BQ per line per month. Wnnt ada for Tbe Ree mar no left at any of the following- drns atorea one la roar "corner drnla-st" tuey are all branch offleea for The Deo and rnnr ad will tie Inaerted Just a propmtly and oa the same ratea aa at the main office In The Dee Bnll.llns. Seventeenth and Faraam atreetai Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Hrranck, S. A.. 1402 S. 101 h St. B'-cht Pharmacy, 720 S 16th 8t. llenmn Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Benils Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Biske-Rradlsh, SH Sherman Ave. Caughlin, O. R., 6th and Pierre Sts. Clifton Hlil Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ava. Conte, J. B., 31ct Ave. and Farnam. Criescy I'harmacy, 24'h and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 South 16th St. , rvrmak, Emil, 1M4-6 8. Uth St. Ehlir. F. H.. 2Mi? Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. ".th St. Freytag. John J., liilt N. 24'h St. Fregger Drug Co.. 1K02 N. lfith St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. (loldmnn Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's I'hai macy, Park Ave. and Pacific. CiKViioDKll. ti. A., 106 8. 10th bl. On enough, (J. A., 10th and Hickory, ifnyden. William. C, 2XV Farnam St. liansruin Pa.k Phar., 1001 S. 2yth Ave. Holm. John, 624 N. IRth tit. Huff. A. L . ZM Leavenworth fit. Joliunson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. Kiln,', H. S., UM Fan, am St. Roiintie Place Pliarmacy. 3T.04 N. 24th. jLIkivH, Fred L., 201 Central Boulevard, lairlck Drug Co.. 14 N. 24lh St. l.auiioo, Charles K., 1.124 N. 24th St. l'lylur., L. E.. 2llli aiul Leavenworth St. riaiatoga Diug Co.. iHtli and Ame Ava. Schseler's Cut Price Drug Store, l'ith and ChlCkgU St. B.:liu.efer, August. 2031 N. lfith SL hci.n.:dt, J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sts. moiiii I'harmacy, ltith and Martha Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th und Cuming Eta. Walton Fharmacy, 20tn and Grace Sta. Wlrth. O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AMU FIXERAL KOTICES lILjaiiVKTirCTrT'aVUI FLEIGNER Herman, aged 62 yeara. Funeral Thursdmy morning, .November 2f, at :20, Irom the family residence, WM South Twenty-niuln street to St. Alary Magdalene 8 church. Interment, iluly Se puicnre cemetery. lim n uttHwriS'i'-ifTmat -r BIHT1I9 A.VU DEATHS. Births Edward Mulligan, 1913 Clark, boy; Fieu layior, uoii beam, uoy ; C. o. itluei, ldUj aouiu i w en ty-X II in avenue, buy; iurn tK l,uiiuiju;it, fc0i seward, fcii i, Aioui I povonoia, i4io i.)oica8, uoy; v'meiii ttiaenj, 1.1, Auuin rmecnlii, gin; A. a. iiuic,i, uvh runiei avenue, Lu, i-ranK ituou.llj, ...ijiiu-, uoy; jotfepu at. Oerinain, bi.i i,iio, uoy. .i.., Musgrave, 2U9 Plnkney, 4i, aouih J. Wemy-aevenni, .UAltHlAUU LICENSES. I Name and Kesldence. Age. Cimi .t.ii v . Lauueia, Omaha A' in.ti Cotimau, cimaua l Kuwin A. Allen, Craig, Mo 2i (jeliuvicve CI .Nell, Alum i William llarribon, Carroll, la In Cuiouiiu jeyeib, Cttllou, la j..... lb Kdard ajviic, (jiniiha., tH) Ciaia C'luae, diiulia 4ki iu.i.iiuei ittedbt., o...Miia ' Laui a IuviD, uaiui.d 'M Cieoigo Wllhon, wuiuna H Luna riloip, uniaiiu Is Ciiiu A. Wyunt, JUaivtrn, lu 24 Muule ivnlgiu, itlaivci u, la 17 C. C. Cooper, Purlainoulh 41 Ida Uiuyuill, Puiisniou.ii 40 ANNOUNCEMENTS p) CLEAW Carbon Cooking, $ti.60. yjyJ'-XH couiani at oyuires, UVU Fur. D. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., ac cuiale compounders of prescriptions. Free aeiiveiy. biura open t:2u a. in. to 11 p. m. WEDDING rings mado by band, sold oy wtifciu. X. L. Combs & Co., Ij.u Douglas. COMBS, 1520 Douglas, expert eye fitting. ILVMSElt.ptactical halter, 20 S. 14th St. Billiard and Pool laDle" ana ULiiiuL ia uuu a. tuts; courteous at tention. Entiancu lluough TRACV UUOa.' ClUAlt blUltii. 14L Douglas. plAVnU Baldwin Co., wholesale player a'vkj piano, organs. lvt UcCague li. Moiiuiuenis. J. F. lllooni a Co.. lSls Far. Wound's lessons (udults), Mun. & Frl.,1 p.m. A iSl'EClAJ, Ol'FEii ? U dais we will (11 your eye wnh r eiiocopio lenses, jirestn iptiou u,uulity. Nicael and aluiiilco frames 1. Gold filled frames (2.50 OUK Ui"IlCAL ufc.l AltTMli.NT must be INTKODUCED to lliu people. FRED IHtODtGAAKD CO.. JEWKLEUd AND OPTICIANS. 113 So. 16121 ol. rVl T 8- ll- Green Trading Stamps WaVLI wlln lluru Soft Cual ple'a Coal Co. Doug. Mil; Ind. A-14oa. MONEY TO LOAN LOW itA'i E, In sums to iuii. a 10 liee Bidg. 'Phone Duuj. jxua cKju. i..a.S CuUfAlH. TEL. UAItNKV cil lor pices on hard and oft coal and Uiu; de.iveiy and quantity. Lincoln Grain Coal Co., 43d at Hamilton. Douglas Printing Co, Tel. Douglas 644. All kinds of CEMENT WORK. DUNDEE CbML.Ni STO.Nli WORKS. otu & Dodge. COAL by the BASKET. Red 71tu. Uli CRONK 'loun tbe opening . AV. i.VCAlVof tll uc.w Manutaciu" tug OPTICAL and FIT UNO I'AhLUils at Ion uraiu St. Plioue Douglas Tiii. PO'Mj Andover, Egg, Lump, 6.W. r. h. j..xj Morehouse Co., W. mos. B-224&. OMAHA t-itio and Iron Works makes a penally cf fire escapee, abutters door and kuies. G. Andiken. prop., lui . ltniv liml couples have been married by the Kev. C. W. Savidge and he Is praying to man i; 2.UO0. If ou want him to marry you vail t ebster iui or 11-Hjni. ILEIt HOTEL Sh" ulK Turkish Baths JOHN RADMAN, 7o N. ICth St., Ladies' and Genu' suits and overcoats. U up. 4. 1. ailing, pitubing. repairing aork guar anteed. TiL Douglas slis. ' CEMENT BLOCK of best quality. Manufactured bv the IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. P,,pt rip Omaha electric works repairs ele- OoOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- K n'V A. Jh.TKrt. DuCI Djugias St. t Vi.O CLEANING AND DYEING The best aver. Tln City Dye 'orkm. 407 S. Lath SL THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND DYERS. 2ul Farnaiu. Both 'phones. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood Last a Lifetime 07 N. nth. Phone Red 814 HINDOO TABLETS will build, brake. Ueiiglucu, tn;. BELL DRUG CO. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) WOOD. It. O. 8.. Ml N. T. L. Homeopath OFFICE STATIONERY Tlyt Kotera A Co.. 1M6 Jackpon. D-2007. A-Z'W. MISflol'RI flltera made and told. IS10 Howard St. IiepoBltlona. F. J. Sutcllffe. Hee Bldg FOR watch and Jewelry repair nee Gumafson St Henrlcknon. 201 N. ltith St GRAVEL rtOOFTNG. J n. S'venon Roofing Co., arrnv1 and composition roofing. Ill S. I'Xh St., Omaha. 1 l. Doug. 2119; Ind. A-1792; res., Webs'? r r.'4. nnilnr l?on.iir5nr PKOMPT work onor jiep.unn witon- steam noiLKT. CO.. Uth and Derc roti?im 1141. AUTOMOBILES KKIif) for our list of eecond-hsnd cara. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St. SF.LL cheap or exchange, 190S Hulrk and Auburn touring car, full equlpim-nt, ex cellent condition. Phone rilack 1S53. It. Rlcard. 501 Frank St., Council Bluffs, la. FLEL'R rK LIS auto opcclal drv cells, atrongeat marie, 30 cents "ach. Peters Kdl.olm Co., 10th and Douglas. Both tele phones. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for atorage, repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night Flro vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1.120 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. 671. Black m. AUTO storage. 15.00 per mo. 201 S. 10th. ATTTOMOBLK. CARRIAOR PA1NTINH. Blacksmlthlng, woodwork and auto tops a specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS. 2th Ave and Leavenworth. MURPHY" did It. Did we paint your nuto? A. MURPHY & SON. 14th and Jackson. . AUTOGENOUS AVELDING All kinds of broken cylinders. crank casos and castings promptly repaired; all work guaranteed. BERT.SCHY MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffs, la. CALL us for demonstration of Cole "30." Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnum Sts. DON'T forget the Auburn W-15 H. P. sells for 11. W Omaha Auto Co., SIS S. 19th. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET on or out of business call on GANGESTAD. o Bee bldg. Tel. D. S3C7. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Address P. O. Box 413, Omaha. FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for aale or rant. C W. Letchford. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fix tures; also building located In good Iowa town of about 1,501) Inhabitants. Every thing In first-class condition; only one other hardware in town. First Nat. Bank, Ellsworth, Minn. FOR RENT. SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Gents' Fur iiinliliifcs. Groceries and Millinery, In t ho now and modern ttore building on ICth St., room tWxSW, two-story and basement. For particulars see 11. Kiasuo. 1215 Harney St. rhout: Douglas SH3. Webster 2)11. IF YOU are looking for a profitable In vestment, one of Omaha's most progressive firms Is selling a limited amount of their stock at par to Increase their capital which the increasing business Is demanding. Ad dress D 601. Bee. A GOOD Nevada mining stock for sale, company managed by Omaha people; 20c a share for a short time only. Ore runs from 112 to J6'J per tun. Tills property has a splen did showing, Is advantageously located and lu worthy of your investigation. Call or address. ROBT. C. DKUESEDOW, S09-S10 New York Lite bldg., Omaha. TAILORING and sultorium business for sale at a big bargain If taken at once. Object fur selling homesteadlng. Address S. & ri. Tailoring Co., Dallas, s. D. WANTED Party with capital to Invest In great money-making proposition. Lemon & Ayres, 706 N. 16th SL , HARNESS Present firm wishes to sell bUHlness, as they have lumber and hard ware business also, and wish to sell har ness line to party that can repair harness. Ik a good business. Address Sec'y Magnet Improvement Club, Magnet, Neb. GOOD location for meat market; rent reasonable. 10th and Hickory. WELL established and growing; Omalu manufacturing concern needs udditlonal capital to handle Its rapidly Increasing business. Excellent line, good profits, ac counts sure. Money turned very rapidly. Will stand fullest Investigation. Address P 739, Bee. FOR SALE Paying newspaper; town of 2.00U; good advertising and JoD patronage; must sell. Index, Willow Springs, Mo. FOR SA LFi-SS.OOO dry goods stock In town 2,700 In southern Nebraska; will take good real estate In part payment. Address Y S3, care Bee. HEAVY TIMBER LAND Y'ou now havo an opportunity to make application for 160 acres of very heavy tim ber land, not more than 160 acres to eaon applicant, at $2.50 per acre. Location free, Including attorney's services, very reason-, able. Call or write 413, Karbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. FINE chance for man with small capital to get permanent, profitable, genteel busi ness; easily bandied. Call on F. W. Moore at Rlvard apartments. 1810 Farnam, CHIROPODISTS D1C ROY, laOS Farnam ft. Douglas 6497, DETECTIVES OMAHA Pet. Agcy.. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. Id floor, Paxtou. D.10.4 TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas 6L DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7636. TERRY College, 20lh and Farcam Sts. TERRY COLLEGE. WAHOO. NEB. . TERRY COLLEGE. OKU, NEBRASKA. TERRY COLLEGE, Grand Island, Neb. McDowell dressmaking school, 16U3 Faraam. DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all styles and sizes. The Ideal Pleating Co., MA) Douglas Bis;. Both 'phones. MISS GALBRITH. Room 304 Sunderland Bldg. EDUCATIONAL NEW CLASSES. BEGIN. December . OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, lath and Farnam. M G. ROIIKuOlull, E. A. ZART1MAN. Pres. V-pres. BOTH DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. COURSES Business. Shorthand, Tele graphy and Civil service. WINTER TERM opens January 1 CATALOG Sent free to any address. TELEGRAPH FOLDER Tells about Telegiapli department sen I free. Positions guaianleed Address: M. G. Rohrbough, Omaha, Neb. Tel. D. 1289 or A-2189. UOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Unexcelled courses In business, short hand penmanship snd English. None but experienced teachera Day and evening tesslur.a Most Interesting catalogue pub ashed in Omaha, bend for one today. MOSHER A l.AMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. NEW NIGHT CLASSES FOR CIVIL SERVICE Just forming. Railway Mail. Carrier. Stenography, Bookkeep'iig Boyiea Col ee. 1Mb and Harney ata., Omaha. Catalogue tree, emu iinouea. , .... ... ... ; s . :'' : ' of" EDUCATIONAL Contlnued THE FIRST "WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Opens "Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1D0!), In both the day and night sessions. Begin your training for Real Success as a book keeper, stenographer, telegrapher or gov ernment civil service appointee with this new term. Our tamous free book, "Bread Hr.d Butter Sciences," w 111 be sent to you In a upeclal box. If you'll ask for It right now. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. Both phones. Official Training School Union Pacific R. K. for Telegraphers. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS-41ST AND CHARLES. n.ev.F. D. Tyner.3S4S CharleB.H.2m EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES' EXCLUSIVE FURNISHINGS, WEIN LANDER & SMITH, 317 S. ltth St. SPECIAL PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYERS FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS. LEFFERT'S, JEWELERS. 1 COUNCIL BLUFFS. MKKSCHEIM, High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Hand-made kiinonas, dressing sacques, aprons, Indies' wool union suits, extra fine nunllty, only SOc. E. MEN A, 4J0 N. 16th. TiYWTVn Tne Teddy Bear, 1S18 Harney, i jJu (jettne, A uyers. Both Tela. CHINA decorating; older work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dully. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 8U4 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 641& LADIES WEAR RUBBER GLOVES. Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 HARNEY ST. "JUST AROUND THE CORNER.' 11 A YTTT,'R, Bcautlful creations tn late UAlllUH X1 nunnery. 10:24 N. 24th tfl. UPHOLSTERING Antiques a specialty. W. O. Larsen, 1K1S Cuming. Both phones. CHINA firing, order work. 1S42 N. 13. Tel. Webster C3, or leave orders 1U7 S. 15th. CA1CES TE-LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT. 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. RUGS made of old carpets, rag carpets wove. Gato City Rug Ftty. liCl N. 24th. B-1U40. "VIAVI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 pugo book free. 812 Biundeis Bldg. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall 50c and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. AUCTION"dally at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. JAPANESE ART OBJECTS. THE TAYO CO., Uth and Jackson Sta. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthews, 332 Neville BOILED and Sweet Cider it Ak-Sar-Bcn Cider Mill, 1613 Vinton St. "BUNIONS" Oh, don't they hurt! Oet a PROTECTOR from the Bell Drug Co. YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER means $1,000 to the Child Saving Institute; any publication; renewals count; lowest club rates. Gordon the Magazine Man, Omaha. Phone Doug. 7163. BEAUTIFUL stamped sofa pillows, table pieces, etc. Art needle work. So order for gifts, stamped a specialty. Mrs. II. P. NUes, 408 Broadway. Council Bluffs. FLORISTS J. K. WILCOX. Co. Bluffs. Largest green houses In west, beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 482V BRAN DEIS BLDG., Bell 'Phone Doug. 3008. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St., Doug.-Li3. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'c. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnum St HERMAN BROS.. Council Bluffs. Ia. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, steam or hot water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fionta. Investi gate the Keca fuel saver, costs only 317.60 Installed. New furnaces, combination hot water and hot air heating, thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WUilKi, Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglas. HELP WANTED FEMALE A seats mm A Salesladies INTELLIGENT, refined ladies, over 23, who can travel if necessary; goort salary. Call 13 War block. Clerical and Office. OFEN UNTIL 12 THANKSGIVING DAY. 3 S4 ENOS., HU-:a-i0. ktkno.. twho has had exp., and can read her notes back). $T6-ltA). BOOKKEEPER, '" CARSON THE REFERENCE MAN, 674-6 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Two bright girls fur clerical work. Call 1707 Dodge, between 8 and 9, forenoon. Factory and Trades. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. A. I. Root. 1210 Howard. Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; no laundry. Apply 3408 Dewey Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Small family. Laundress one day. $6 a week. Tel. Doug. 73. 2403 St. Mary's Ave. PARLOR, pantrv, chamber and dining room maid at Brownell Hall. Ask for house keeper. Cor. 10th and Worthlngton. WANTED A middle aged, capable woman to do general housewirk in a fam ily of four In a small town In eastern Nebraska. Good wage, and a pl.a-aiit home as one of the family for a woman of refinement and education. Address communications to Box No. V!. Ueiwa, Nance Co., Neb., giving references and stating qualifications fully. A HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 2403 N. Dth. TWO dining room girls wanted at Eno hotel. Fremont. Neb. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; must be a good cook. 3411 Farnam. Reference. GIRL for general housework. 117 N. 40th. Tel. Harney 33. WANTED A good reliable woman to wash and Iron. 2L'2'J Ohio St. Phone Web. ttlli. WANTEIv Girl for general housework for two. Harney 1K8. Mrs. Flck. GOOD girl; no laundry work. References required. 3Mh and California. V A NT ED-Cook for family of two. Ap ply Mrs. C. W. Hull. J2vl Farnam bU A. 11 Kinds of live stock nnd poul try can be sold by advertising It. Try using n Dee want ad. HELP WANTEDFEMALE (Continued.) Mlscellaneoas. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros, li lu Douglas. LKAltN hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn (15 to $i weekly. Full course taught. Brndels Hair Dressing Dept HELP WANTED MALE Attentat Solicitors aad Salesmen. BOND salesmen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y-74S. Bee. WANTED, PRODUCING AGENTS AND SOLICITORS In Omaha and Nebraxka to sell best ac cident and health Insurance policies. e pay largest first and renewal com mission. Most aggressive old line casualty company of the west. NATIONAL FIDELITY & CASUALTY CO., 604 Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. YOUNG men of at least high school edu cation to represent National Press asso ciation. Compensation about 386 monthly. 613 Ware Block. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. C1QAR SALESMAN WANTED In your locality to represent us. Experience un necessary. 3110 per month and expanses. Write lor particulars. Monorch Cigar Co., St. Louis Mo. AGENTS wanted In all cities. New four- sclved water strainer and splashing pre venter; fast seller; beware of fakers; write for terms. Manufactured and patent ap plied for by Star Anti-Splasher Co., ht. Loulfl, Mo. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy bova: good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. 3 BOYS. 674 BRANDEIS BLDG. Clerical and Office. WANTED Bookkeeper by wholesale house, must be young man, ambitious and energetic. Must be a good penman, rapid and accurate. Real ability and strict at tention to business sure to receive recog nition. Salary, $65 to start with. Address in own handwriting, giving references, age, experience and if now employed; rea sons for desiring to make a change. Ad dress 0-738, care Bee. Air.u noosaeeper oy wnoiesaie house; must be rapid, accurate and accus- luiiicti lu iinuuiiiiB a ihiro iiuiuuoi ui BU- counts. One with office experience pre ferred. Oood opening for tho right man. Apply In own handwriting, giving refer ence, age, experience and if now em ployed; leasons for making change. Ad dress N-737, care Bee. OPEN UNTIL 12 THANKSGIVING DAY. I HAVE several OOOD OPENINGS for office clerks, stenos., salesmen, collectors' and other positions PAYING GOOD SAL ARIES. CARSON, THE REFERENCE MAN, 674-6 Brandels Bldg. 2 OFFICE elks., $40. Typewriter operator, $50. Bkpr. and steno., young man, $00. Ledger elk., $60. Cashier, $36 and board. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN., INC., 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Factory and Trades. WANTED At once;- 1st class watch maker; steady joby $ per week. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED At once,' Jewelry Jobber: one who understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St.. Lincoln, Aeb. Drug stores (snaps). Jpbs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED All around dentists; good wages. Chicago Dentists, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Force first-class plasterers at once; highest wages paid. R. P. Basta, North Platte, Neb. WANTED 6 young men who have had experience In handling boots and shoes to work In stock In wholesale store; state age and whether married or single and give references. Address E 729, Bee. WANTED Immediately, first class bar ber. Grand Hotel shop, Council Bluffs, la. WANTE1 To see a carpenter or wood worker with small capital that wants to gc-t Into permanent, staple, profitable, light manufacturing. Call on F. W. Moore at Rlvard apartments. 1810 Farnam. WANTED Simplex operator at once. Ad vocate. Rockwell City, Ia. WANTED At once, a good coat maker, steady work for the right man. Chris Raa mussen. Grand Island, Neb. Mlscellaneoas- CANADA"LAND, 1910. WANTED Superintendent of U. S. Agencies Office in Minneapolis Must be trustworthy, energetic and experienced, and capable of handling land excursions. Company owns 175, 000 acres finest wheat land situated in Uie Last Mountain Valley, Sask. Apply by letter In first Instance, giv ing experience, references and salary required. WM. PEARSON CO., Ltd., Northern Crown Bank Building, Winnipeg, Canada. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mer cement ralary, $S00; spring examlna ilore evirywhere; candidates prepared free. Franklin Institute, 19JH. Rochester. N. Y. RAILWAY mall clerks; sprlnp examina tions: nr'-rmratlons free. Franklin Instl tute. Dept. 1'JJH. Rochester. N. Y. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Abs'n: no fees. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Practical experi ence from start. Careful Instructors. Tools given. Diplomas granted. Wases Satur days. Positions waiting. Wonderful de mand for graduates. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. BLANKETBARGAIN'S Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular 3o va.ue. ui:ly 3 Ul. BENNETTS HARNESS DEPT.. BASE MENT. M CHARY buys and sells ail kinds of horses. Blue oarn, rear Miilard hotel. D. 4CW. P.UNABOUT with rubber tires; regular value, iiou. mun'. sell now for tuO. JOHNSGN-DANF'mTH, loth 4 Jones. FOR SALE Work horse. 1,100 lbs. Must be sold at once. 4Ji'4 Maple St. Webster 272. TWO horses, 7 and t years old. double set harness, two single sets. Stanhope and delivery Mugon. Must sell at once. 2jo7 Leavenworth. HORSES WINTERED, stabled nights. FED grain twice a day, $1 per month. Bleick. Benson lol4- O. 8. WATSON, the well known horse sheer. 812 N. 21st St D. 2t7; Ind. 3211. HORSES WINTERED; box stalls, grain and best of care; $10 per month. Key stone Stock Farm; 'phone Benson 31A. Remember It only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw tbe ad In The Bee, -. ..-. -... LOST AND FOUND LOST-Qold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co.. 211 8. l'ith. Reward. IX3ST Ladles' gold watch between S2d and Chicago and lfith and Howard Sts. Finder will be rewarded by returning to Miss Maud Krutll at wholesale depart ment of Orchard A WUhelm Carpet Co., or Tel. Harney 305t. PLAIN gold locket, containing nine small diamond settings; reward. C. J. Canan, 701 N. Y. L. Bldg. t LOST Between Council .Huffs and Brownell Hall, Monday evening before S, a bead purse; name and address of ownir Inside a small leather purse. Reward If returned to Brownell Hall. AT 4STH and I'nderwood, Tuesday n'ght, lady's shell back comb set with brill ants. Please return to 213 So. 13th St. and get reward. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts. ; special attention paid to con finement casei; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1W7. Calls answered day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS, THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY RELIABLECREDIT CO. WF. WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR SALARY OR FURNITURE. Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one In Omaha. PATRONIZE THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL phono or write and our representative will call at once. Our offices most convenient of any In the city. Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor, 807-308 Paxton Block, 3d Floor. Phones: A-1411; Douglas 1411. M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; we guarantee the cheapest istes N and easiest terms In the city. Ex E tensions granted If sick or nut of Y work without extra cost. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone. Doug. 22K5. 306 S. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1&2. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 8 Barker Blk. LOANS on FURNITURE!, PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest ratea; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. Moneyl Moneyl LOANED Money! on furniture, pianos, etc. Any amount from $10 up. We guarantee the cheapest rates and easiest terms of any company or In dividual In Omaha. Extensions granted without extra cost If sick or out of work. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 2296. 306 S. 16th St. Here Since 1SU2. MONF.Y ON CHATTEL SECURITY lUClNHiX AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long time. Business confidential. OMAHA TRUST COMPANY, 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In ti6 principal cities. Tolnian. room 013 New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or more on your own note. No red tape. Call 620 Paxton block. 5 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge MOVING AND STORING let-class STORAGE & MOVINO. COLE'S EXPRESS. Iblu Cap. Ave. D. 670. A-&J. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enpoit is., warehouse 2207-09 liard St. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Wainui Hill; best of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co., H20 Military Ave. Both 'phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding; and Hooins. v 627 PARK AVE. Large south room, out side entrance; best home cooking; for two. DEWEY European Hotel, Uth and Far nam. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine lawn. La S. 25lh Ave. COOL, airy room, modern; fine shade with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. GOOD board, large room, suitable for two. References required. 114 S. 10th St. MODERN, steam ht; room and board, $4.60 and $5. 620 S. 17th. EXCELLENT room and board, family, closo In. Red 77S1. private Furnished noouns. NEWLY furnished rooms; heat. 806 S. 22d St. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished: also smaller room; fine location. 2ol S. 23th Ave. BP7A UTIFULLY furnished front room In prlvs.te famllv, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 24719 Webster St. FOR RENT Deslrftbl furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 620 So. 19th St. VERY desirable room; fins location; walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St. The Chatham. ONE extra fire front room, fine furni ture, modern. SJ0 No. Nth. No. sign on house. ONE nice furnished roon. single, mod ern: private famll 1818 Chicago. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; one very large Iront loom, $16; one at $10; one at $&. 6-t) N. 23d St. Conl nnd Wnnrl n- H Morehouse Co.. uudl uuu " oou W. 3106. Ind. B-221i NEW. MODERN. STEAM HEATED ROOMS HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT. 1618 DODGE ST. TEL. DOUG. 3776. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED house keeping rooms, modern, new and clean; gas range. 2010 N. ISth St. ROOMS-206 South 2fith Ave. TWO furnished rooms, modern, at 1441 N. l!th St., for gentleman; references re quired. Apartments and Flats. i 4-ROOM modern flat, t floors. 25E2 Cum in St.. has gas range, gas heater and electrlo light. tl4. THOS. W. HAZFN. 105 S. 16th. 1'hone D. 1300 I I rooms. 2nd floor, 2tioa Rees street, bath and toilet. $14. oo Chris Buyer, Lul and Cuming Sis CORNISH APARTMENT South en corner 10th and William St., NKW, firsi-clasa. up-to-date heated apart ments; furnished or unfurnished. Janitor Kill give prices. PI east entrance liapacupt park. $34. Phone Harne lfcfc, OFFERED FOR RENT Apartments nnd Flats Contlnned. J-ROOM modern lower fist at 3H Lear enworth St.. $M00. Tel. Harney 15-. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In the Uintah. Apply 411 N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW modern 4-r flat. 1740 So. X7th. Har ney SK6. Hoaarkeeptna; Reeats, FOUR large unfurnished room. Inquire at hMi 8 90th St. LIGHT housekeeping room a Mrs. Geo. 8cott, 171J N. 34th St. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 320 North 20th. FOR RENT Two or three deOrshls un furnished or partly furnished rooms In north part of city. 2616 N. 19th Ave. TWO rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 2110 Douglas. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. 301$ 8;. Mary's Ave. THREE housekeeping rooms, $10. 2670 Pierce. Phone Harney 1JB9. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modem except heat, $8 per month. 1328 N. 40th St. ONE housekeeping room, all modern, hot water heat. 1811 Cass. MODERN housekeeping rooms. tOOJ Web ster. Phone Douglaj 2619. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms; rea sonable. 717 S. 18th. THREE large, light, half basement rooms; modern; furnished complete. 'Ml N. 25th. THREE elegant rooms, first floor; also 2 or 3 other rooms; modern. 614 8. 22d St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms; steam. 712 North 16th St. THREE nicely furnished, commodious housekeeping rooms; gas, bath and tele phone; very reasonable. 2579 Cuming St. Inquire for Mrs. Pollock. SUITE of rooms furnished for housekeep ing cheap. 1424 N. 19th St. TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range and sink. 815 S. 16th St. THREE large, nicely furnished rooms, $16. Spalding. 2 OR 3 furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern. 2024 California. TWO front rooms, furnished or unfur nished. 3UU9 Decatur St. HEATED housekeeping rooms; gas cook ing. 3018 Webster. Harnoy 3738. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; mod- V.Tg10c1, 'i.'at; no unction to children. 809 N. 2oth St. PLEASANT furnished and unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping. 6U South 2a;h Ave. - .wv,..i, tuiiit'iciQ iur House keeping; cistern. 2419 Dodge. linrnrnlslied Rooms. ONE, two, three or four rooms, with or without heat. 2707 Dodge St. THREE large rooms, rent to colored, $S. 806 N. 23. Large furnished or unfurnished front room cheap. ROOMS 205 South 25th Ave. Furnished Ilonses. MODERN 10-room 'house, completely fur nished; piano, etc.; barn; fine neighbor hood; $60; unfurnished, $50. Sea Hastings t Heyden. A SNAP FOR SOME ONE. 7-room modern cottage except furnace. All or In part at low prices. Owner leav ing city. So. 20th. near Vincent. Reference. Phone Harney 3277. Houses and Cottaares. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel Douglas 1559. BRAND NEW, MODERN Seven rooms, large lot. east front, on 89th St. between Chicago and Cass. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. WEST FARNAM DISTRICT 119 SOUTH 42D ST. Almost new entirely modern house, beau tifully decorated, on paved street. Has large reception hall, vestibule, living room, dining room, kitchen and pantries finished in (Sik with oak floors. Has four good bed rooms and bath finished In birch with maple floors; the best of plumbing and lighting fixtures, full cemented cellar with lsundry and fine heating plant. Reason able rent to rlRht party. JOHN W. BOBBINS, 1N02 Farnam Street. 6-ROOM. new. modern flat: hot water heat; walking distance. 2235 Howard. 2813 WOOLWORTH Ave.. 8 rooms, mod ern. $25. 2230 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern, $30. 2221 California, 6 rooms, bath, $15. I:i03 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms, modern, $65. 208 Hamilton, 6 rooms, $15. 1314 Jackson, 7 rooms, $20. R1NGWALT BROS., 306 8. 15th St. 7-ROOM HOUSE, modern excent furnace. 2532 Davenport St. $25. A VERY desirable six-room cottage, al most new; papered throughout; modern except heat; lot 50x125 ft. Reduced from $20 to $18 during winter mouths. Key at this office. SHIMER & CHASE CO. 309 So. 17th St.. Opposite Court House. FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, on car line. C. M. Bachmann, 431 Paxton Blk. HOUSES In " Prt o city- llUUOCiiJ Crelgh Rons tt Co.. Bee Bldg. 7 ROC MS. modern house. 1608 Spruce St. H. I. Plumb, 110 8. 13th St. EIGHT ROOMS, modern except heat, 214 S. 29th St.. $22. McCague Investment Co. FINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE SSS0 N. Kd St. $23 60. Patterson. 1623 Farnam. MODERN 7-room, near Park. 1611 8. 2Stn. CENTRAL. steam heat. all modern house, large hall, 7 rooms and ba'h. 220 N. 23d St. NOTICE Hotel for rent, all newly fur nished: running now; proprietor got out of business. Henry Pleper. Mlndan, Ia. NEW, strictly modern 6-room house, fac ing Hanrcom park; rent reasonable. Call Harney 2177, or Harney 4328. dels B'.dg. 6-R.. NEW. modern cottage, 1518 Center. Apply 1403 8. 10th. The Bee gain seems to worry them Bee. Nov. 21, 1909. Last week The Bee printed 406 inches more paid want ads than in the corre sponding week of last year. Its nearest competitor gained only 2 63 Inches, giving them credit for sev eral columns of clairvoyant frauds and Indecent ads that The Bee keeps out of the homes of Us readers. When you want anything use a want ad your neighbors all do. Have you rea the want ads ret today? OFFERED FOR RENT llnnaes and ottaaee Continued. $10. 3-room modern, except heat, 3d f!oor, 3K1 D. St. til h, it-room, first floor. Doupl is St. t!4. 6-rootn, modem, except heat, 1433 S. Uth 84. tl 6-room, modern, except heat, IWR Sliliiey St. $j0. 7-room, modern, except heat, 24?Q Charles St. $N. 6-room. all modern. 16t Yates St. $2160, 8-room, modern, except heal. ISlt N. 19th St. $23. 8-room, all modern, In good repair, 1617 8. 26th St. $27 60. 7-room, modern, 2V2 PrIMol St. $27.60, 6-room, strictly modern, hot water hft, cornor lot. i:i Corby St. $27 50. 6-room, strictly modern apartment. 207 S. 30th St. ' $.12 00, 6-room, modern. SX N. Ttd St $32 60, 7-room. modern, 6.1 S ZHh Ave. $42 60. 7-room, new and strictly modern. 119 S. 42d St. $45. t-room. modern. 1961 Farnam St. $65, 10-ioom, modern, steam heat, 6"i Park Ave. $75, 10-room, new, modern. VMO Izard Ft GEORGE COMPANY, 1B01 Farnam Street. FLATS 3419 Dewey Ave., choice 8-room brick, modern, excellent repair. $10. 609 R. 22d St., swell, nearly new; duplex brick. 7 rooms, modern, oak finish, easy walking distance, $42.50. 122 S. 30th St.. new. 6-r.. brick (St. Louis), $36; will cut rent for winter months. 2227 Dodge. 12 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers. $Tfl; walking distance. 2.121 S. ltith St.. 5-room flat, $12.50. Houses. 2732 Central Blvd. (south of Cass), 7 rooms, mod., osk finish, $36; will cut rent for good tenant. 2.127 Capitol Ave., 6-room, mod., $37.50. 1341 S. 27th; choice, 6 rooms, mod., good repair; snap, $26. 239 Douglas; new, 5-r. cottage, modern except heat; snap, $1!0. 119 Locust, 6 rooms, bath, $20. 4 N. 22d. 6 rooms, bath, $18. 3317 Dewey Ave., 6-r. cottage, $15. GARVIN BROS., 318 N. Y. LIFE. 4533 N. 39TH ST.. one Mock from Ames Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage; very cheap at 316. J. W. Rasp Co.. Bian- K ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet, 2ti0G Rees St., $15. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Bristol St.. $16. 6-room house, modern. 206 Bristol St., $25. 5 rooms, modern except heat, 40:) William St.; $15. 6 rooms, modern except beat, 1105 N. 29tli St., $22 60. Tenant pays water. CHRIS DOVER. 22d and Cuming Sts. 6-ROOM cottnge. modern, except furnnoo. Located at 2,12 Decatur St., $13. Vacant Deoember 1. 'Phone W-2711. BRICK house, 2B14 Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam St. 6-ROOM. all modern except heat. 1321 S. 2Sth. Tel. Harney 2359. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded: cheap freight rates; moving nnd storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 24. 4-ROOM, modern. 1110 N. 22d. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet, 2606 Rees St., $16. H rooms. 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Brlntol St.. $15. 6- room house, modern, 2006 Bristol St., $25. 6 rooms, modern except heat. 409 Wil liam St.. $15 01). CHRIS BOY ER. 22d and Ctunlng Sts. 3S09 N. 1STH St.. E rooms and hall, fully notlern, furnace, cement cellar, bath, closets, pantry, electric and gas light, $33. BEM1S. Brandels Bldg. 7- ROOM modern house, nearly new; oak finish, electric lluhts, shades, furnace; Just decorated; $30. 2X21' N. 24th. REDUCED RENTS GOOD HOUSEa 6- r., city water, 724 Bancroft, $12. E-r., city water, 2208 N. 27th, $15. 7- r., also barn, 4103 N. 2Mb Ave., $1S. 6-r., part mod., 1018 N. 29th St.. $18.50. 6-r., mod., choice, 3518 Jones, $17.60. 6-r., mod., 1606 Corby, $15. 8- r., mod., 2 lots, 4130 Hamilton, $15. 6-r., city water, close, 2X14 Chicago, $14. 4-r., part mod., 1314 8. 11th, $12. RUSSELL & McKlTRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. SPECIAL. BENSON 7-room, corner, 4 lots, In fruit., 2719 8. 6th, 6 rooms, $1, . , - . r . 9th, near Bancroft. 7-r., now, all mod., $25. 20th, near Bancroft, 8-r., oil modern. O'KEEFF. REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152. 2410 SEWARD St., 6 rooms, all modern. Including new furnace and everv room newly papered; close to car; only $22.60. PAYNE, BOSTWH'K & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Life. 6-ROOM, modern except furnace. Price, $18.00. 1808 Corby. Inquire 2S12 N. 16th. No. 27C4 Seward street, six rooms, south front, $16. NO r.n ChmrtMm -f . . .,. nr 1 20. six rooms, paved street, modern except ALFRED C. KENNEDY. t09 First National Bank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. MODERN 3-room house.. 216 8. S6th Ave, 8-ROOM modern brick. 6So 8. 28th SL Phone Douglas 45S7. FOR RENT. NEW 7-room, strictly first class brick riat: mahottanv finish: tiled i,ti, "r-icuuiu lutuuon; oeauurui surroundings, 1.11 U ,A,W I o. will. 1VI. uougias SBIU. FOR RENT Two modern brick flats, 6 rooms each, on N. 24th St., near Maple, $30 each; one 8-room, modern, 2234 Maple, $30 per month. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karhach Blk. Red 3607; A-3645. 7-R. mod., Hanscom park dls. Harney 468. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L. 1819 N. S5th ST.. 4 large rooms, pantry, closet, city water, large cellar, storm doors and windows. BEMIS. Brandels Blk. MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. D. 1496. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk 1168 DOUGLAS; 8-room, $27.60. John N. Frenzer. Both Phones. Offleea. LARGE office room (20x22) on 1th St., apposite postofflce $10 per month; also smaller room at $5. Conrad Young, 151$ Dodge. DESIRABLE single office, also suite of offices. In Continental block. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 209 First National Bank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. FOR RENT Desk room: use of both ' 'phones. Apply at room 820 First Natlonai Bank Building. World-Herald, Nov. 23, 1909. Talk About Nerve The Omaha Bee dips about two columns of World-Herald wants ads dally and repuhllMhes them free In the Bee to make a show ing and then publishes a state ment claiming a gain in paid want ads! Of course the comparison Is made with last year, when the Bee wasn't clipping World-Herald want ada. Can you beat It? Please Note! The comparison as far as The Bee Is concerned refers to PAID want-ads only. The World-Herald Is credited with the space uselebbly used In head lines In the W. H. "Direc tory" and scores of want ads carried by the World-Herald beyond the time they are or dered, for the purpose of keep ing up a bluff of a showing of space. if 7i 1 V. il . A, .0 u is 1