The Omaha Daily Bee THE OMAHA DEE i a clean, reliable newspaper that la admitted to each and every borne. VOL. XXXIX-XO. 130. BODIES FOUND IN HUGE HEAPS Cherry Miners Retreated to High Point in Third Vein and Died Together. OVERCOME BY SLACK Di Indications that All Succumb Within Two Days. WATER ACCUMULATES IN LEVEL Members of Rescue Party Wade Through Four Feet of Water. VAIN FIGHT AGAINST DEATH One Dead Hand "till Grasps Hade I'ty In an Effort to Get Air Men Had Scrawled Mmitri on Slate. CHERRY, III., Nov. Z4.-Bod'es of more than ISO miners were found In the lower leved of the St. Paul mine today. An ac curate count of the victims has not been made, but It la now believed all but a score of the missing men have been accounted tor. The bodies were found r00 feet from the main shaft, on an elevated surface where they had retreated before the advancing water and fatal black damp. They hud not been ahlo to escape the latter and had died' afier a sliuggle thai liiajr have continued for two days. Messages scrawled on wood and the natural alate cropping from the wails placed the number of dead at 160 or 16S. One message read: "We are all here to die together." This Is accepted by mine officers as In dicating that many men whose escape from tha second vein had been cut off by flie had descended to the lowest level and that fewer . than a dozen bodies will bp found In other sections of the mine. Boat Used In P.mcu, To take out the bodies a skiff has been brought from the Illinois river, seven miles away, and will be lowered 600 feet to the vein In which the bodies were found. It wtU be rowed across the four feet depth of water. In the,. vein to the spot where the bodies lie, and they will bo transported to tha main shaft for remutol to the sur face. The exploring party of four, led by Anton Lodlyctent, was In the gallery for more than an hour before the bodies were found. They had waded In water, waist deep, through the circular tunnel, making their way toward the elevation of the shaft or "ridge" where they had expected to find them, living or dead. The signals given by the rescuers and the usual cry: "Any body alive In here?" were not answered. "When we climbed up on the ridge," said the miner, "we almost stepped upon the bodies, piled In heaps. Some had their beads resting on folded arms as If sleep ing. Others were lying across each other and some were sitting, as if resting against the wall. "Nailed to the wall were two fans, made of timbering, tied about pick handles, and under them were the biggest heaps of 'todies. , " Dead Hand (.rasps Kan. v"One poor fellow had his hand up hold ing the fan. I think he died as he was Mitting It. Another held a bucket. He was flat on his oack and must have hied as he climbed up on the ridge. The bucket was hult filled with black water that he must have gone some distance to get. "The black damp killed them long before tho water reached them. We had been in the shaft more than an houri then and though the air was fulrly good, We knew It was time for us to get out. "We did not slop to examine any of tha bodies or to try and identify them. Tom Mulligan, una of our party, picked up a piece of natural slate, on which was writ ten: "We art here together. ItiS.' That munt have meant the number of men. and 1 think that was about the right number. "On a wooden box, used to hold tools, I raw written with a lead pencil: 'We are hfre to dll together.' Borne figures were scratched under it, and I read it as 160, but I'm not sure." No evidence that the men had attempted to barricade themselves against the black dtJnp was seen. Many former workers In the mine protested angrily after they dis covered the men that they would have been safe from the deadly gas had not th ventilating fan of the mine been reversed shoitly after the discovery of firo. The announced Intention of the mine of ficials to pump out the water In the Inner level before the. arrival of the skiff was balked by the refusal of the machinists tu aid them. The connections of the pump have keen disconnected iear the second level and machinists who were called upon declined to risk their lives In repairing the machinery. Hubert Shaw, a third member of the ex ploring party that found the bodies, told of reading a pi. of slate on which one of the victims apparently hJd checked off the totals of the groups who clambered upon tha ridge In their last stand for life. The writing, as remembered by him. was: 'Thirty more came In. Twenty-four mure. Twenty-foui-lM here now." Other figures, which were not totalled on the written tally, but hastily computed bv Shaw, Indicated that the number exceeded 150 when the tally ended. "I think soma of the men had barricaded themselves In pockets In the gallery, but were driven to tho ridge by the rising water." said Shaw. "If they had not got out of the pockets they would have been drowned in them." Shaw also told of an attempt of men to build a barricade at tha west end of the ridge to hold back the black damp. The wail was only a few feet high, however, the .builders apparently having abandoned the tb. tempt or been overcome by gas before It toad afforded them any protection. rH forget NiX iCTSU H si'v.x--v. ik t' wsrfei wsajr',r rrr Lfer --i :-? . ms-i C&vnMKi : "st Tea new yoik hejiau gT jeT actsvB.. CONFER. AT WHITE HOUSE President Consults His Adfisers Re garding Number of Problems. CHANGES IN COMMERCE LAW Attorney General WleUershnm Will Draft Kill that Will Rmnudy Views of Kxecntlve Greatly Drond rm Its Scope. WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Foregoing a contemplated horseback ride, because of a snow storm, President Taft devoted the day to a series of Important conferences covering the subjects of proposed amend ments to the interstate commerce laws, legislation looking to the suppression of the so-called "white s!ave" traffic, the ap pointment of a successor to the late Judge Kethea of the United States district court at Chicago and the appointment of a new governor of tha territory of New Mexico. The conference with regard to the inter state commerce law changes was the most lmportunt the president has had on that subject and It was said that he Is prac tically reudy at this time to bejrln this part of his message to congress. At the conference were Attorney General Wlchcrshain. Chairman Knapp and Com missioner Lane of the interstate Commerce commission. District Attorney K. W. Sims of Chicago, who conducted the govern ment's prosecution in the famous $23,000. 000 Standard Oil case before Judse I.nndls, and llipi ewt-ntKtlve Mann of Illinois, chair man of the house committee on foreign and Interstate commerce. 'White Slave" Problem. With District Attorney Sims and Mr. Mann, the president took up the "white slave" question. Mr. Mann is to Introduce a bill on this subject at the coming ses sion of congress. He be'leves the govern ment can prevent this traffic through the exercise of Its power to control Interstate and foreign commerce. Mr. Mann be lieves that the government Is the only authority strong enough to cope with this groat evil and the bill which he has drafted and In which the president today expressed his deep Interest, provides a heavy penalty . for the enticement of a woman or girl from one place to another fur Immoral purposes and thereby cause her to go as a paswnger over any tians- (Continued on Second Page.) Indian Youth Nose and At tho Clarkson Memorial hospital is an Indian youth bravely struggling avalust the effects of a horrible accident. His lower Jaw and his nose have been s.-vred from his face by a bullet fired aclcdentally from . revolver that he was cleaning. Although the victim probably HI recover from tha effects of the wound he will be disfigured for life. The Interesting feature In the lad's life is the fact that .he la a Christian Indian. His name is David Raymond and his borne Is on the Rosebud Indian reservaiiou In South Dakota. He has affiliated with the church at Turtle Hill, Mblboro, 6. D.. and his fat.h In the Christian religion is be lieved to have a marked Influence upon his dosiro to live and recover from his unfor tunate catastrophe. Beside his bJ during many loig hours OMAHA, THURSDAY Cook's Records Ready to Send to Copenhagen Original Data Will Go Before the Scientists in Original Form, Says Secretary. NEW YORK, Nov. 24.-The records which Dr. Frederick A. Cook, the arctic explorer will submit to the University of Copenhagen In proof of his claim that he reached tho North pole on April 21, IMS, are today, In completed form. Walter Lonsdale, secretary to Dr. Cook, will sail tomorrow on tho steamer United States of tho Scandanavaln line for Copen hagen, taking the records with him. Mr. Lonsdale said today that Dr. Cook's report contained between 25,000 and 30,0' words. "I don't think that the general public understands the work that we have been doing," continued Mr. Lonsdale. "It has been Bald that we were 'preparing the rec ords.' Such a statement is lnacurate. The original records go to the university Just as they were made by Dr. Cook in the arctic regions" Mr. Lonsdale said he expected to reach Copenhagen December 7, and immediately place the records in the hands of the university authorities. "How long the university will taka In examining then) und in making, known its findings, of course, 1 cannot tell," he continued. "I should assume that It would be possible for the university's announcement to be made by New Year." WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. Commander Robert K. 1'eary announced today that he would not go on the lecture platform. FRENCH ARE EATING ZEBUS AS BLOW AT BEEF TRUST Indian Oxen Shipped to Paris and Sold on the Market There. PARIS. Nov. 24. The colonial authorities have Inaugurated a serious attempt to In- I troduce in the French market the Zcbu of Madagascar as a substitute for beef. The first batch of a dozen carcasses sold In the Paris stalls brought the prices of the highest grade of cattle. Larkcr ship ments are now on the way here. Loses His Jaw, But Lives sits his mother, an Indian squaw. The In dian mother brought her brave sou to Omaha on Northwestern train No. 106 and I w as accompanied by a trained nurse, Mrs. Julia Raniis. He was taken from the train at Union station In a critical condition with his facs in a terribly mangled condition. A Jugged wound had been furrowed across his face by the bullet from his revolver. He was hurried to the Clarkson hospital, where everything possible (jas been done to ease the pain and relieve his suffering. The lad bore a letter from Aaron B. I Clark, in charge of the Rosebud (Indian agency, to Rt. Rev. George A. Beecher, rector of the Trinity cathedral, asking that all possible alteuilon Ut shown the wounded lad- J MORNING, NOVEMBER LV), DOBBINS. ASKING NEW TRIAL Attorneys Allege Misconduct by Attorney General Byers. NO EIGHT TO APPEAR IN CASE I ndue Influence Kxerted Upon Jnry na Result Aliened Errors of Court Set Forth In Motion. "That the attorneys for the Btate were guilty of misconduct In the argument to tho Jury in that they slated to the jury in substance that it was the duty of the Jury to find the defendant gully In defense- of the good reputation of the city of Councl. Bluffs and the county of Pottawattamie' Is one of the forty-one reasons alleged by counsel for John R. Dobbins why he should bo granted a new trial In the dis trict court of Pottawattamie county at Council Bluffs. Dobbins was recently con victed on the charge of larceny of $0,000 from T. W. Bnllew, a banker and lumber king at Princeton, Mo. The motion In arrest of Judgment and for a new trial was filed late yesterday afternoon. It is further alleged In the motion that Attorney General H. W. Byers waa guilty of misconduct in his argument to the Jury in giving his reusoiiB for his appearing for the state in that such reasons were not the reasons fixed by law authorizing him to appear as a prosecutor, and that said reasons were presented to the Jury for the purpose of Influencing the Jury to believe that there were charges of official cor ruption in connection with the defendant, and that It was the duty of the Jury to find the defendant guilty In order that there might be a vindication of public of ficials. The defense also contends that the court erred In admitting the evidence of the "Mikes" George F. Castle, W. H. Bedford, John Hermelbrccht, G. A. Nelson and George Brown as to other alleged swin dling transactions In which Dobbins was nut implicated and with which he had no connection. The Instructions of Judge Green to the jury are attacked In twenty-three particu lars, and the indictment Itself is attacked on the ground of being Insufficient and mat "the charge as made in the Indict ment does not charge the defendant with the crime of larceny committed in the man ner in which the state claims the same was committed." No dale has as yet been set for arguing tile motion of a new trial. LAW BUILDiNG AT BOULDER Gift of (.uugeuheim to I'ulversltr of Colorado la Dedi cated. BOl'LI ER. Colo., Nov. 24. The new law building of the I'nlverslty of Colorado, thJ gift of L'nlted States Senator .Simon Gug genheim, was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies hi r today. Addresses were tuuue by Governor Shafroth, ttratur Gug genheim, President Baker of the state in- j stltutlon and ot licit. The law building! ?fi0,0M. CABLES ARE WORKING AGAIN C'oinmanlratlon with the West Indian Zone Is Established Once I More. NF.W YORK, Nov. 24 That part of the West Indian lone which has been out of cable touch with the world since the hurri cane of November T is again in wire com munication with the L'nlted States and Europe. The cable companies reported to day that communication with all West In dian stations lyis been re-established. lfHH-TVELVE PAULS. lfili First Real , ' Winter Storm in the East New York Will Have Its First "White" Thanksgiving Day for Several Years. NEW YORK, Nov. 24. Driving sleet nnd mow tonight, the first red winter storm of the year, makes it look as if Thanks giving day would be a "white one," the first In many years. Ptsplto an alleged scarcity of turkeys J nnd tho record prices of 35 to 40 cents a porrd, there was no inoication mai in habitants of the metropolis Intended to fast rathca- than feast tomorrow. The markets reported that they were well sold out ot turkeys, chickens nnd rabbits the latter being In unusual demand this year. Charitublo organizations, undaunted by the high prices, have stocked their baskets for tha poor as abundantly as ever and have distributed even more thickly. NORFOLK, Va., Nov. 24. A severe north fast storm, with heavy wind, sw-ppt the Virginia. Carolina and Maryland coasts to day. All shipping ready to sail from Hampton Roads was storm bound there. Mi:r.y coasting schooners caught In the gale off this coast hurried Into the roadh for shelter. During tho storm the Old Dominion steamer Mobjack and the Baltimore Steam racket company's steamer Virginia were in collision at the letter's wharf off Town Point. The Mobjack's wheel was smashed. The Virginia's flagstaff was smashed. BOSTON. Nov. 24. An early winter storm with a cold, sleety rain on the coast and some snow In the Interior reached New England from the south early today. Stiff gales prevailed. Five Millions fur Missions. HARiUSBURG. Pa., Nov. 24. Announce ment that the bequests of the late John Stuart Kennedy of New York to the Pres byterian Hoard of Foreign Missions would amount to $r.0u0,000 Instead of J1.CjO.Oii0. as had been stated at the time of his death, was made at the Laymen's Missionary con vention here today. Floods Tearing Out Bridges, Rivers Are Out of Banks SKATTLE. Nov. 24. A relief train bear ing passengers of Great Northern passen ger train No. S, due In Seattle Monday, arrived last night. The passengers told of the terrible havoc of the floods In the Cascade mountains. Walking near'y a mile, climbing over rocks unu temporary foot bridges, they reached the relief train. .Shortly after the arrival of the train a me.-sage was received here stating that the railroad bridge over the Skyhomlsh river had gone out. The passengers of three other Great Northern trains are marooned between the Cacatfi tunnel and Tonga, ninety miles east of here. It is feared damage to the Great Northern Is so great that It will "take weeks to open the line. PORTLAND, Nov. 24. The great storm that hus prevailed In the Pacific northwest for two da) a shows no signs of ahaiing. in eastern Oregon and eastern Washing ton the rain Is of secondary tinixjrtaiue to a wind storm, whleh lias caused con siderable financial loss, bo far as re SIN(5LE OMAHA BALLOON FLIES WELL Lieutenant Haskell Pilots Dirigible Over Fort. SHIP SOARS TO DIZZY HEIGHT Slunal Corps Aeronauts Remain In Air Eighteen Minutes and Lnnd Safely Officers Elated Over Success. Aerial navigation in tho vicinity of Omaha was given market impetus Wednes day afternoon when an army dirigible bulloon quartered at Fort Omaha was safely piloted over the grounds by Lieu tenant William Haskell and Sergeant Smith of the signal corps. Soaring gracefully over the fort and en circling the park, attaining at some times a height of 600 feet, the dirigible attracted considerable attention In the vicity of Fort Omaha and eclipsed nil records for flights in this vicinity. It is es:imate.l that the aeronauts traveled ten mil through space during tho afternoon trials. Lieutenant Haskell not only demonstrated his mastery over the dirigible in rising to a dizzy height, but brought the flyer to enrth at the starting point near th? balloon (house. At all times he was In perfect con trol of the airship. Three flights wre made during the af ternoon, the first one at 4:10 o'clock. On the first trip the aeronauts remained In the air eighteen minutes, coming to earth only as a matter of practice. The other flights were of ten and fifteen minutes' duration. "Kverythlng worked splendidly during the trials," said Lieutenant Haskell, when the dirigible waa housed for the night. "We flew through space at a steady gait and at no time did the engine balk or go back on us. During several stretches through the heavens we must have been 50 Ofeetln tha air. but our average height was probably 300 feet. Descent Made Safely. "It was all very simple. We rose easily from the balloon house and on our first flisht sailed over Miller park, returning safely to the forth. We came down Just as easily as we went up, with the big (Continued on Second Page.) ported, no lives have been lost. No damage to shipping Is reporte-d, except the Hi an. ling of the schooner Mary Wlnkle, near I'ort Tow nsend. In northwestern Washington, the ook sack river, after a tempoiary fall yester day, began to rise ugatn. The miches on the lowlands are flooded and the railroads huve lost a number of bridges. Train schedules are demoralized. Along Puget .Sound the streams are all out of their banks and flooding the low lands and destroying biidges and rail road tracks. The Great Northern railroad, which the Cascade, east of Everett, is tied up, several trains being stalled In the mountains. In the Grays Harbor country the greatest loss lias been to lojs. one raft alone, val ued at I-iAJOoO, being swept out to sea. Along the bunk of the Columbia river land slides have put the railroads out of business temporarily. In the Willamette valley, rivers are torrents WEATHER FORECAST. For Nrhrnskn - Tartly cloudy. For low a Cloudy: mariner. For m rather rrpo'i arc :iri .T. IXH'Y TWO CENTS. THANKSGIVING F0I1 ALL OMAHA Various Forms of Observance Will Be Followed, but Everyone May Share Blessings. CHURCHES WILL HOLD SERVICE3 Charitable Societies Will Extend Bounties to the Unfortunate. EVEN PRISONS WILL FEEL CHEER St. Joseph and Omaha High School Footballists Meet. GAME AT VINTON STREET PARK Interstate Shootlnur Tonrnnnient nt Ilenson Onn lnb and Theater Will Afford rienre for Many Folk. PROGRAM OF THE DAY. Toot ball, Vinton Park Omaha High achool vs. lopska High school. "A Gentleman from Mlllppt,,, tha Boyd. 'Tha Qlrl In tha Grandstand," tna Burwood. The Time, tha Plaoa nd tha Girl," the Krng. Vaudeville Tha Orpheum. Interstate tfun tournament, Ben on Onn club. Bpeolal church services. Postoffioe general flellvory open to 10s30 . m. and 8 , to 7 p. n. Regular morning- carrier deliveries. Collections of mall tamt as Bun days. in Omaha will hnve a Thanks giving' day If ho will but take advantage of the opportunities offered. The business houses, offices' and public Institutions gen erally will be closed to allow employes and employers -to observe the day. Special, aervlfes are to be held In many of the churches. Some ef the churches have Joined In holding Thanksgiving serv ices in certain dlntiiots. The Young Men s Christian association will give a dinner to thff young men of the city who are aw ay from Tiome. The Young Men's Christian association proposes ts make those so situated forget their Inabil ity to eat Thanksgiving dinner at home so far as possible. Open house will bo kept all day at the Young Women's Christian association. There will be gymnastic events in the morning and at 4 o'clock a basket ball game. A musicals will be given at 3 o'clock. Thanksgiving day dinner Is an nounced for 1:30 o'clock. The poor have not been neglected and the charitable Institutions of tho city have all mude provisions for their charges. Tho Volunteers of America are distributing bas kets filled with provisions fed- the holiday dinner and the Salvation Army Is conduct ing a similar program. The prisoners In the city and county Jails wllV have turkey for dinner as a token that though they may be naughty they are not forgotten Americana. Special programs and menus will make the Inmates of the hospitals as happy as environment und health will permit. The one athletic event of the day. abovo others, will be the game between the Omaha and Topcka high schools at Vinton street park. The Benson Gun club wll! have on hand the Interstate gun tourna ment. I'luy at Parochial School. The pupils of t. Joseph's parochial school. Seventeenth and Center streets, are to repeat their amateur theatricals recently given, on the afternoon of Thanksgiving day. "St. Julia" will be given In German, while "Kathleen" will be presented In English. The entertainment will tcgln at 3 o'clock. At 7 o'clock In tho evening a Thanks giving dinner will be served at the People's church to all who havo not had the pleasure of the holiday dinner e sew hero. The Holy Communion will be admin istered at all Saints' church at 10:30 o'clock In the morning, and an address will be made by Rev. T. J. Markay, rector. The First Christian, the Kountze Memorial and First Baptist churches will unite In giving services at 10:30 o'clock at the First Bap tist, Twenty-ninth avcSiue and Harney street. Rev. J. M. Kersey, pastor of the First Christian church will preach. Tho choir of the First Baptist church will havo charge of the musical program. Services i will be held by tho First Christian Science church at Chambirs Iiunclng avademy. Twenty-fifth and Farnain streets, at 11 o'clock In the morning. Rev. James McGee of Mai shalltown, la., will preach In tha evening at Calvary Baptist church. The German Free Evangelical churoh. Twelfth and Ix.iras streets, will render ft Thanksgiving program at 10:80 o'clock 4. m., with an address by the Rev. F. H. V, Bruechert. (Ithrr hurcliea I nlte. The North Presbyterian, Pnmanuel Bap tist. First l'nlted Presbyterian, North Side Christian. Trinity Mithodlst, l'nlted Br-th-ren and Plymouth Congregational chuich.s wi'l unltii In 11 o'clock sedvlcH at Ilv mouth church.. Rev. 1". H. McDowell of In.lnai.uel Baptist, will pp-nch the se;mm and pruyer will be offired for the Old Pennies' home. The he: vice of the tlx churches In the Kbiik'oiii park district will be held In the tiiaie Lutheran church, South Twenty sixth street, between J'uppleton and Wool Worth avenuis. at 11 a. in. Rev. L. O. Buird will preach ti e rerun, n. The offering will he for the Oi l People's lion. a. Thursday the city hull will be closed all day, and the ilivators will be rhut, to allow the operators to get to the- f I im t table. The families ef abu.:t se-vf nty-f !ve em ployes of th" John Ieere Plow cornpieny will eat Thanksgiving clay turk y aL lb.) (Continued ou Fifth tags.)