Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 24, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Foreign Wheat Bhowi Firm Tone and
Cable Run Higher.
treacth In Wheat Holding Corn Val
ee fttrady, bat t lear-l p la
Weather Will Allow a
Free Movement,
OMAHA. Nov. 23. 1
Foreign market show a firmer tune and
rabies cam higher. However. the an
metlc wheat market Ik a matter between
short ami long.
Considerable wheat In being accumulated
at primary point for December dell vet jr,
and this should have more effect on prices
In the near future than any other factor.
The strenulh In wheat Is holding coin
value steady, hut clearing weather would
allow a free movement and would easo
cash cora. - .
W heat Htarted strong and covering cy
short nnd. hlKher cable sent prlcea up
during the- early trade. Realising sales
later eased the market and th aoAante
was lost and the close steady at yester-
d Coin' unchanged and firm with the
strength In wheat, Receipts are still tlKht
and rash Corn Is In good demand with
price stead v at present levels. A better
movement Is predicted with clearing
we it her. ' .
primary wheat receipt were KS.nco Mi.
and shipment were 62'.O"0 bu.. aKalnst re
ceipts lat year of l.MK.OOO bu. and ship
ments of ITM."'"! hu. ... v..
Prlmarv Torn receipts were Ml.""" nu.
and shipments were ' hu., analnst re
ceipts vast vear of 76.n0 bu. and ship
ments of 2".0oft hu.
Clearances were 17 ono hti. of corn. l.vv
bu of oats nnd wheat and flour equal to
X "00 bu . .
Liverpool closed higher on wheat
nnd 'vl higher on corn.
'Omaha Cash Prices.
WHFAT-No. 2 hard. 11.04'rl nfi; No. t
hard Jl (I1'1 o:(; No. 4 hard. v7Ci1.01 ; No.
2 spring. ILC'-nl 04; No. 3 spring, .c'ytl 02;
No 4 spring. uWo.
COKN-No. 2 M''ifWHc; no. s. r.".a
'!i4C No. 4, 6H'iMr; No. 2 yellow. 57rf!V;
TVn, 3 yellow. iTtVWiPl No. 2 white. 6Vu7
roV: No. S white. f,fc'rrfiHe.
OATS-No 3 mixed, 37V; No. 3 yellow
87-Vi3XHo; K". white. SsVtf wc; No. 4
white. XT'uSKc; standard, ISXV'f V.
RYE No) 2. 6i70o; No. 3. 68 060c.
. Carlut liecelpts.
Chicago f
Mum. npolla. .... 7740
Omnlia i
Dululh 3W
Corn. Oets
2.-4 J3I
V. 24
Fpilurfi at the TrndlasT and Cloaln
Prlcea on Hoard of Trade.
CHICACfctf, Nov. 23. Fears of a wet har
veat in Argentina Inspired considerable
bullish sentiment In the wheat market dur
ing early trading today, but- late In the
session thu market weakened owing to
more reassuring ncwi irom umi kouo.ij.
At the close, prlcea were Vc to S'iViC below
the final figures of the previous day. Corn
nnd oitts closed steady and provisions firm.
I'nfuvorable crop liews from Arientlna,
which caused a strong opening In the mar
ket here, wns supplemented, by predictions
of fulling off In tlio movement of wh;at
from Russia and by a decrease of 1.708.0UO
bushels la the Kuropcan visible supply for
the week. (These influences held the mar
ket strong during the first half of the
session, pit traders nnd commission hous-s
being fair buyers. In the final hour the
maket yielded to quite general profit taking
brought out by a dispatch from Argentina
to a local concern which discredited the
earlier advice regarding weather conditions
In that Country and claimed that clear
weather was quit general, and that har
vesting had begun In the northern districts.
The market was also weakened by a de
' cllne nt Mmneapolls and Duluth. The cloae
was almost at the bottom.
Corn was firm early In tha day. Later,
however, the market eased off In sympathy
with wheal. The close wan at about he
lowest point, with prlcea unchanged to W
tc nigner.
Trading In oats was extremely light and
the fSiarkct was steady- Prices at the
cloae were a shade higher to He higher.
I'rovislona were firm. Prices at the close
t were 2'.ic to liiil7Vfco higher,
i Tli. leuuuig futures ranged as follows:
Ai'icles.; ijpen.l High.) Low. Close.
". hcut
o: 11
D c.
J uly
1 'IT.
J a n.
Lai d
J an.
11 e;iHI 1 o,'si
!i ou'.j 1 ,:
1 B-
1 05 f 1 Ofi
1 0s 1 t
1 Otit,
1 vil
I so'n y.-ti ji
I '1
11 '4;
I a-l
on,,. 00!
1 I
20 82V4
20 00
11 90
11 42
10 2'4
10 45
41; 41 41rU
3a 3SV,a 3tflU
20 SO
20 00
21 00
20 20--
20 80
20 00
11 9t
20 80
20 15
11 H2Vs 12 00
11 42 11 IA
11 95
11 50
11 42"
' 10 65
10 55
10 fid
( 10 7B-
10 75
10 45
1 W 44
'No 2.
'ush quotations were as follows:
AJl"R Finn! winter patents, $5.OiiS.70;
1 IA
iter utralKhts, .i i.r. i: spring straights,
$4Ou4.70; bakers. J.0uu& 00.
RYE No. I. 7Uc.
HARLEY Fetl or mixing, 61iiD3c; fair
to choice malting, 5itii;c.
SEEDS Flax. No. 1 southwestern, $1.71;
"No. 1 northwestern, $ Timothy, $2.50
3.50. Clover, $it.0Hi 14.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $23 7r.
2t(). I-ird. per 100 lbs., 13v,il3S5. Short
ribs, sides iloose), $11 37 u H62Vi; short
char sides (boxedi, $ll.l!2'y 11 75.
'lo'.al ciear.inceH of wheal and flour were
eyual to H2.0UO bu. Primary receipts Were
t.'X.(HH bu.. compared with 1.5OB.0OO bu. the
corresponding week a year ago . The
world's vlsiiiie supply, as shown by Brad
(trcet's Increased KX.',,oOii bu.
Estimated receipts iir tomorrow: Wheat,
4r c.irs; com, 233 cars; oats, S2 cars; hogs,
2s.tww hco.1.
Clilcutio Cash Prices Wheat: No. t red.
120-U1.24; No. I red. $11' MS); No. 2 hard.
H 11, No. 3 hard, Sl.tfJl.W; No. 1 north
ern sprlriu, II 12; No. 2 northern spring,
$1.10: No. S spring, Jlo6iilc. Corn: No.
2 ia-11. 6l.ij4i; No. S cash. CV'; No. 4 new,
f7u Mc; No- I yel'.ow, M j01c. tlats: No.
2 white. 4lc; No. I white, :e'n41o; No. 4
white. 3si:Kh-: standard. 40'Mlc.
Hl'TTKR Steady; creameries, SVJtIc;
dairies, 2)-2e.
EliOS Receipts, .2T0 cases; market
steady; at mark, casus Included, 20iii'u;
fusts. 2e prime firsts, 3oc.
ItH'I.TRY Steady; turkeys, ISc; chlck
ns. llc; sprlnK. llc.
CH EESK Finn; dalMes, lfi'filtfc; twins,
l'.'i h.'-.c; Young Americas, ltiloc; long
bonis. le. .
POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy. "0
4c; fair to g.vod. SiifWC.
VF.A Steady ; i)0 to C-)b, weights. THft"
Sc; 1.0 to So-4b. weights, Sr!c; S.'. to 110
Ib. weights. IvidUWd.
S , 1
iimi t'lty Urals s4 I'rovUluai,
...WSAS CfTYi Nov. S3. WHEAT
t unchanged; No. hard, $liil,10;
No. 3 hard, $i.ejrl tw; No. 3 red, (I if
114, No. 3. $1.11 Si; IHcember. $1.1,2;
May. II July, i;ie.
CORN-Fnch inge.i to c higher; No. 2
n.lned. 5l',i.i-Vt; No. X 5i4i0j: No. 2
v hite. en..-! No. I. V; lJecctnber, 6,-c: May.
,.: July. iWVt. ,
OATS-l'm Ijitmed; N 2 white, 4J42c;
-o 2 nitaed. u40c.
KT E-:mi '. '
HAY-I i.iliat :.d; ch. l.e timothy, $11
12 ; chuU e pialrio, (.75; (.iiolc alfalfa,
1 1.' Oki'llS ,
lll'TTEK Cr. amery. extras. Sl'ic; firsts,
tv. seconds. -27c; packing stock, 2lc.
Etl irt Extra. 0. firsts. 27c; seconds
ar.d dirtUs. IV; current reoeipia. 26c; koutn
tin, Jos off, lie.
, .Receipts. Bhipments
Vl:ut. bu ....i U.is4) ( j ouO
Com. bu ,. t wti li ju
Oats, bu ' t.uuo 1 uuu
Kansas City qualatious wer
I Open. I High. I Low. Close.
Wheat I "I
iKc.iuber 1..: lo;! 1 03 1 1 Ot l 0
" I u-V 1S 1UA
Corn- I
December ...I BT'j 5V 57! M
May ) o. t a (oH
A aikid. II bid.
llalulh Urals Market.
ITII, ?' '-. y -WHEAT December,
M. $1 ITt; ?"J 1 northern, $107.
Mlaai-aaolM Urals Market.
MINNEAPOLIS Now. H rrlVVn:AT-I-rem!-
r. Ilft.s. Mav. lit,vl(i Can:
Nj 1 huitl. $1 oo-'.-y 1 '; No. 1 i.oriht.n.
C VJlOCSl No- 3 northern, 'tl.M31.MV
Qaotatlons of the Oay Varlwaa
NEW ToRK. Nov. 23. FIVIV-Re-Celpts.
dl,.TtiO bbls.; exports, fc.175 bbls.;
Market ..w at old quotation; Minnesota
patents. $5. g 40: winter etralghia,
6 30; Minnesota bakeT. 14 50fl4Jft; winter
etxras. 4 d4W; winter patents, f af-tf
6 76; winter low irrades, t.a4.30; Kansas
straights, 4 SOii B OJ. Kye fiour, steady;
fair to good. H n4 ,30; choice to fancy,
t4.30n4.iiO. bucknheat flour, steady at 25
per leO lha., nominal.
COHNMKAI Steady; fine white and
yellow. 1 fya 1 66 ; coarse, $1.40 L4i; kiln
dried. t1.36.
HI' E I mil; No. 2 western, gle, nominal,
f. o. b.. New York.
HAHI.KY Sterdy: feeding, Wft'ac C
New York.
WHKAT Recelota. Sofl OoO bu snot mar
ket et"ady; No. 2 red, 11.27 asked, domestic
elevator; No. 2 red. 11 2H, nominal, f. o.
b., afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 1117.
nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 hard, winter,
11.1?, nominal, f. o. b.,' afloat. Following
firm tables and on reports of unfavor
able weather In Argentina and on fears of
manipulation In December wheat advanced
S'i'tc. hut developed weakness late In
the day, under liquidation and closed at a
net decline of c for December and
up to I4C down for other positions. Export
ers took three loads; December closed at
1 K,"; May closed at 313; July, closed at
CllUN Receipts, lfl.OOO bu; spot market
steady; No. 2, 7o, elevator, domestic, and
72'tc delivered, nominal; No. 2, tkc, f. o.
b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, nominal; option
market nas without transactions, closing
1 nchauged to V,'! hiKher; i lecvtnber closed
at 71 'c; May cloi-d at 6SC.
OATS Receipts, ZJDX'o bu.; exports, 1,100
bu.; spot market steady; mixed. 6r32 lbs.,
romlnal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs., 44Mjtj,
4Sc; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 45V 4!tc.
HA Y firm; .No. 3, wic; good to choice,
HIDES Kasy; Rogota, 214'U"4c; Cen
tral America. 22ii22'iC
l.KATHKR Steady; acid. 221)300.
1'ROVISIONS Heef steady; family, 14 00
ftUM; mesa.- tll.Oil-dll &0; beef hams. 13. tW
ii').0U; packet. I12uo.jl2u0; city extra India
niHS,.t.V.Mi21.(W. Cut meats, steady; pick
led bellies. S13.rrU'(fl4.0U; pickled hams. $12 50
'U i Vi. lard steady; middle west, tn-iwu
LH.ti",; refined, steady; continent, JH iu;
South America, $14 ,6f; compound, (10 OU-if
10.25. 1'ork, steady; family, li.OOa -7. 00;
short clear, $24 4o;jC.j0; metis, t&.7jfii ai.00.
TA UIaV Steady ; country (pkgs. free),
KICK Qiiiet; domestic, fair to extra, 2-5f
7c; Japan. iV-r'tiGc.
HI T'l KR Firm; creamery specials, 32'o;
creamery extras, 310.
I'M HiiolC Fii ni; mate, new full cream
specials, 10Vul7'tic; state, full cream, Sep
tember, fancy, liil-jc; state, full cre;m, Oc
tober, best, 10c; state, full cream, late
made, best, lu'-jc; state, full cream, com
mon to fair, 12H.-15Uc; skims, full to spe
ciaN. H'iiHliC
EUGS Firm on fresh, weak on storage;
western extra flrsis, 3V(3Dc; western firsta,
2y22c; western seconds, 2iy24c; refriger
ator. 2Py2"c.
POULTRY Alive, lower but active;
spring chickens. 14Vsc; fowls, lfjVic; turkeys,
14'i!lo. liressed, firm; western chickens,
lf.ivi!3uc; fowls, 141740; turkeys, western,
201 2ac.
Partljr Cloudy and Warmer la the
Predict lou.
OMAHA. Nov. 23. 1K09.
The disturbance, central over the valleys
Monday morning, la moving off the At
lantic coast this morning. Biormy weather
accompanied the disturbance over the lake
region and Ohio valley, and destructive
winds occurred at points In the Ohio valley
during Muiiday afternoon. An area of
higher pressure has succeeded the " low"
over the lake region and lower valleys,
and has caused a very decided fall In tem
perature In the lake region and south over
the Ohio and lower Mississippi valleys to
the gulf. A depression overlies the north
west and unsettled weather prevails on the
nonh Pacific coast. The weather Is much
warmer in the upper Missouri valley and
throughout the west and northwest, and It
will be warmer In this vicinity tonight,
with partly cloudy tonight and probably
Record of temperature and precipitation
compared with the corresponding day of
the iast three years:
1909. lls: 1907. VMS.
Minimum temperature ... 24 44 ' 34 20
Precipitation 06 T .00 .00
Normal temperature for today, 84 degrees.
Excess' in precipitation sines March L
2.1)4 inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 190S,
4.11 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1M7.
6.60 Inches.
. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
St. Louis General Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 23. -WHEAT Higher:
track No. 2 red, cash. $1.2iyl.27; No. 2
hard, $1.09yl.l4; December, $1.0!iij;l.08;
May, $1.07. ,
' CORN Firm: track No. 2. cash. 6i4oiNo.
2 while, 00c; December, &8c; May, Blc.
OA i s f irm; tracK io. i, casn, saVxlHoc;
No. 2 while, 42c; December, 8Sc; May,
RYE 75c.
FLOl'R Unchanged; red winter patents,
f5r.Oj6.tf0; extra fancy and suaighC to.UWtt
6.4i. hard winter clears, $3.tstf4.40.
SEE1 Timothy. $2.753.60.
COKNM EAL $3.00.
H RAN Finn; s&cked, east track, $1.01(3
HAY Firm; timothy, ?12.501(.0; prairie,
HAUiilNCl 9-16c
PROVISIONS Pork, steady; lobbing,
$24 25. Lard, steady; prime, $13.001360. Dry
salt meals, steady; boxed extra short, $12.76;
clear ribs, $12.75; short clears, $13 00. Bacon,
steady; buxed extra shorts, $14.00; clear
ribs, $14.00; short clears, $14.25.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, llc;
springs. I2c; turkeys, ltic; ducks, 12c;
geese, e.
BUTTER Higher; creamery, 25831c.
EGUj Unchanged, 26c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls ll.tiix) . 11.800
Wheat, bu Z7.0U0 68.300
Corn, bu 32.000 81. duo
Oats, bu 14,400 69.0oO
Available Snppllea of Grala.
NEW YORK, Nov. 23-Speclal cable and
telegiaphlc communications received by
Btadstreets' show the following changes
In available supplies, as conipurtd wilh
previous accounis: Wheat, United States, jf the Rockies, decreased 326.000 bush
els; Canada, increased 2.601,000 bu.; total.
United Stales and Canada, increase, 1.700,
Ono; total American and European supply,
lucreuscd X.0oo. Corn, United States and
Canada, Increased 64.UU0 bu. Oats. United
Slates and Canada, Increased 56,000 bu.
The leading Increases and decreases re
ported this week follow. Increases: Mani
toba. I.M2.0O0 hu.; Portland. Me., 554,0th) bu.;
Midland. 154.000 bu.; Minneapolis private
elevators, KM 000 bu ; Chicago private ele
vators, ifl.OQ bu.; Cleveland. KS.OoO bu. De
creases: Depot Harbor, 241.000 bu.; Uoder
ick. 21S.0H0 bu.; Kingston. II.I.00O bu.; Louis
ville, 31.UH0 bu.; Owensiown, 60,000 bu.; Port
Huron. 50,000 bu.
Philadelphia Prodace Btarket.
weeteiu creamery, S3c; nearby prints,
EOOS Firm; good demand; Pennsyl
vania and other nearby firsts, free cases,
3-V. at mark; current receipts. In return
able casts. 34c, at mark; western firsts,
free isms, 3'h at mark; current receipts,
Lee cucs, '-i-c, at mark.
CHEESE Eli in; New York, full creams,
choice, 17c; fair to good, 16 gluc.
Minneapolis (.rata Market. '
$1 7.
Coi; No. 3 yellow. 5!'''nfioc.
OATS No. 3 white. 87'iji-V;.
RYE No. 2. 6'ic.
BRAN In loo-lb. sacks, 119 50.
FlOl'lt First patents, (" :Vii5.60: second
taunts, (J lPd&3tl; first clears, $4.2o i4.4o;
second clears, (3. 3.35.
Liverpool Grala Market.
l.IVERPXU Nov. 23 WHEAT Close
spol film; No. i red, western winter, ks d;
lotures quiet; December, Mi ld; March,
Is Sd; May. 7s 71.
I'oKN Spot in ; new American mixed,
via Uulvesion, 5s Kil; futures (julet; Decem
ber, 7s 6d 6d; Decernber, 5a 6d.
Toledo Meed Market.
TOLF.IX1, Nov. 23. SEEDS Clover, cash,
f57, November. $0 40, Iecember. tw,
March. $1 vl; No 2, $,45; No. 3, UV3 5iS,
rejectetl, (. Kjiik lo, no grade, $0 75tj voo.
Timoihy. prime. $1.80 Alslke, pruiue. $7.5;
Noveinbtr, $7. si.
1'rorla Market.
. PEORIA. Nov 23 Corn unchanged; No.
2. old, (2'c; No 3 yellow, new. 67c;
No. 3. new, 57c; No. 4. new, 6ic; No
giad-. Jlc.
OA I S vulvt, no quotations. ' l.raia Market.
nt rl h
11 II .
I li. No, ; llLrt thern. 11 tr.
I n-S XI
$1 OO bid.
- -
1 .- -4 c
Decision Against Standard Oil Com
pany Still Disturbing Market.
These fftorks Rose last Week Be.
raose of News of Pendlnsr Merser
Similar to One that Has Just
Been Outlawed.
NFW TORK. Nov. 21 -The decision
against the legality of the Standard Oil
Oompany In Its present form continued the
disturbing Influence In the stock markjt
today. It was most acutely manifest in
the group of copper industrials that the
reason for this was not that those compan
ies are particularly vulnerable to the ef
fect of the decision, but that an animated
speculation and sharp advances in prlo-'s
of those stocks have taken place, baaed on
the assumption of a coming consolidation
of the copper producers on much the same
lines as are prohibited by the courts de
cision In the Standard OH case.
Eminent corporation lawyers and influ
ential financial leaders seem united In
formulating the view that the consequences
of the Standard OH decision would be so
dangerous and so harmful that steps will
be taken by the law-making body to ohvlat9
them, upon Its assembling In December.
While the authority of this opinion as to
the harmfulnesa to the corporations of the
law Is recognized In the stock ninrket,
there Is less readiness to accept It on the
probable action of congress. There Is
recognized, the political difficulty that
would arise from what would be. In effect,
a bill for the relief of the best hated of all
the great corporations In the popular esti
mation. This consideration raises doubts
of the readiness wilh which relief will be
obtained from the evils complained of by
the corporations and the sweeping applica
tion of the terms of the law to all trade
combinations. The discussion of the sub
ject develops tho difficulty of shaping a
lesal requirement which will, lit the snme
time, penult the benefits sought from cuin
p tltion.
The declaration of an extra dividend on
Central Railroad of New Jersey rallied
Reading from Its acute depression, owing
to Its share In the benefits through hold
ing of stock of Central of New Jersey. Tho
tracing of the course of this disbursement
afforded an example of the complications
of the Inter-hoidings ot securities amonxst
A rise In New York exohnnica at CblcaKO
to 25 cents premium per $1,000 showed the
relaxation of pressure from the interior
upon New Y'ork for funds. Foreign ex
change rates rose quite stronftly.
The short interest built up In the course
of the decline furnlMied a sufficient re
quirement to work an effective rally In
prices. Southern Pacific showed some posi
tive strength on the ground of the strong
annual report
Bonds were easy. Total sales, par value,
United States bonds were unchanged on
call. , -
Sales and range or prices on the Stock
exchange today were as follows:
Bles HlFh. IXw. CloM.
Alll-Chlmers pM 7"0 641 53'4 M
A mi I ( noted Coppw 117. IwJ fcTW f.'S
Amw-imn Asricf'iumi 3
Am. beet Sugar 1.400 47 4C 47
Am. ran pW 1,1 04 K0 3 i
Am. C. a F ."0 74 H 73 73H
Am. Cotton Oil 1,S0
Am. H. U pfd '
Am. Is SecuritlM l.l"H lS 2."'Hi
American LUrneed & 15 16 . K
American LoLumollve J. 01) 61 4 6H
Am. 8. A R W.t K'2'4 ' !"""
Am. 8 H pH lHl Rl 111
Am. Suar Refining l.luo H.14 124 llMVt
Am. T. & T 4.6"0 14.1i, n; HliVi
Am. TotMeco pfd W '
AmarUin Woolen W SI 84 i
AnaionJa Mining Co 14.1UW KiV, 4 5"S
Alohl,on 16,rl IIU14 110H US1
Atblson pfd 3" lH '("
Atlantic Co,t Line 1SS 1944 114 n
lliUIUKii, 3k Ohio 2.0K4 116 U5 1.'
II. I. & Ohio pfd l H kl n
bethlehem Steel 7H0 !(' I3 4
Hrooklyn Rapid Tr 5,010 77S 1i
Canadian Pacific l.MW 1:14 17.V 17614
Central Leather 3,5) 4'i' 40 4ii
Central Leather ptd.i iKJ luSH W luN,
('entral of New Jeriey 31&
Ctieaapeaaa a Ohio M00 87 S 8S4
Cblcago Alton C64
(inoaao Great Western ctf, 1,00 )' lVj 0
(hlcato St N. W 1WV4
(f, M. & BU P ,7(K) 154 luv,
(., CO. & 81. L, 74j
Colorado F. & 1 7.7UO 60 47 4
CulumaaJt Southern kb 6t4
Colo, a 80. 1st pfd 3"0 RO'i S1114, Si
Colo. & 80. 3d pfd 2i M M 7D'
ConiolUmert 4Ms 2t.tW l.Vl H7 160
("orn FroducU b 2 11114,
lK)Uviare A Hud ton 18o4j 16S 105
Ia-nver a; Klo Grande 4,7oo 48 it 4ft
D. & H. O. pfd fcj'i
liiailllen' Eecurltin iuo -Ji'i S61, ai,',
Erie 1,4 3:i 8J1, 3l
Krlf let pfd.. 4' 4S:4 4K
Erie id prd 6i 40 a;7
General Electric 1, ltiii 16m, '(,1
Great Northern pfd 7,f"H 1 44 l1', 14I7,
Grtt Nonhern Ore olf, 4. 7"0 be "ty
llllnuts Central 2" ltr. 14104 140
InterU)rouh Met. 13.KI0 21", t2
Int. Met. pfd ,7'j (.;, , f,;i 54;,
International Harveater ....1.600 1 1117, lu7i,
Int. Marine pfd .k 241, I'C, iM',
lulernalional Paper 4ot) lo1 1A4
Internatiunal Puiup 4u0 61S 61 MS,
Iowa Central 2-04
Kanaia City 80 1,300 44 43 U 43',
K. C. 80. pfd 7,1,,
Ixiulllle 4k N 2,i0 151V ' 1MW li.iv
Minn. at. 1 4 4
M., Bt. P. a 8. S. M l.0 l.l . l:..l J.,n 1,
Miaeouri Pacific- '. 1,400 70 S'4
M . K. & T 14.1W1 4H 4J14
M , K. 4k T. pfd . . 74
National Blecult 1) J 1 44
National bead 1,700 fj 7Vj 8'4
N. R. R. .of M. 1st pfd tv.
New York Onlral t.JOil 131 1J.) 131
N. Y-, O. A W 101) 4S 4S, fi
Norfolk 4k W l.Suo k;,, u n.s
North American 1J ls 774 771
Northern Pacific 7.(o Hi H;', 143s,
Pacific Mall 1,7.0 44 4-, 4
Paiinajrlranla i7,7(iO 1JJ14 la V, 13i
People's Gaa o 11414 11:0, 14
P., C, C. 4k 81. L 2 10 ', 11414
Preaeed Steal Car .i.nm) k f,j
Pullman Palace Car hn mt las lui
Railway gteel Bprlng l oot) 51 50
Heading JoS.y 17t'4 1671 lt'.
Republic Steal 47 4 4
Republic Steel pfd 4ou l.S, li v, ),,.,
Rock laland Co.t l.luo 39
Rock laland Co. pfd 1 771- 7ba. 771
8t. U. 4k 8. F. Ld pd l.sia) B..4, 64 66
St. Louia 8. W. jf, ' ji yjv
84 I 8. W. pfd , 72 - -P
el.e-liheffleld 8. a 1 7p0 ,', flu ks
Southern Parifle 1I,3."J 1, lTU li7,
Southern Railway 4.4,0 j;i i,
80. Railway prd t.. 1 :,nn civ e,
Tenneenee Copper I.lju 4iv 4,,
Taiaa 4Tt Pacific J,jr Sl7 .
T.. St. U 4k W s-l j, 5ai
T.. St. L. W. pfd H b en $i
inion pacitio rr.ioo a s m
t'nlon Pacific pfd tut) lujs, 1,14
V. ,S. Realty ... ,p
t . e. itunuwr 1,410 j)
I'- . "'eel 171." kt , Hl
V. 8. Slel pfd !.) lj.,k, 14 it,
I tah Copper . 31.4) ,"4,
1'a. -Carolina Chemical 4R as .j 4s ,
w'naiih 1J.H0 ;i idl ZW
Wabaatl pfd 46 !D 6r,i, I:.
Western Maryland ctfa I.6n) 33 32 3-,u
WeiKlnghouae Klectrlc l.fto s4
W eatern I nlon 1,41)0 7 J 77"t 7v.
W heeling A 1 g . ..... , &
Wlaconain Central -j.o V)" 60 ui)
Total mum for the day, 1.160. dot) abates.
Boston Stock, and Honda.
HOSTON. Nov. 23-Moncy. call ,
66 per cent; time loans, 6Sj6 per
Closing quotations wei a follows;
ana. f
... K.
... 44i.
. . II
... I .44
.. 14
... 4VI,
... s;
. . . lii
... 12s
... 2IO,
. . 4
... S
... 0
... 2 74,
... b: ,
. . . .':.
... .s
Alchlaon sd).
. M AmalKdutaled . . .
eV4Arliona Com. ...
.lis", Allantlc
.'. H", bun Coalition .
.22" ( ,1. ft Aril. ma. .
.in Cal. ft Hecla
Ill Ceulciinlal
.lis Ci.j.prr Itange ...
. 4 G-aaty
.I'll Oreene Cananea
fetIs), Roy,i,
..lMHM.e, M.ulug ...
.121V, M.clilg.n
. . 14 Nevaua
l".l Old iv.mlnlun ..
. 4i, OM-et,l
j" parrot
. i: Sl.annon
. 74 Tamarack
. . 74 Trinity
.1 f 8 Mining ...
""TC 8. OH
. t l4t,h
. fvs iciurla
.124 W.noua
.. e" Wolvmne
. 57 North bulla
io 4a
Atchison R. R
do pfd
Boston ft Allny...
ll'ston lC:ev,td ...
KluhLur pfd
N Y.. N H ft H.
Poion I'aclflo ....
Am. Arge. cliem..
do pfd
Am. Pnsu Tube...
Amer. Sugar
d.0 pfd
Am. T. ft T
Amer Woolen ....
do pfd
fw.oj. I. ft 8
Ed. son Eiec. Iilu .
llt-neial Klectrlc ..
Msa. Klectrlc
do pfd
Ma,4. (is
In lied KTult
Inlted 8. M
da pfd
. ti
. 11
. i:
. 4
. T
. 4V,
I 8. lin
do pfd
Ailoues ...
New York Mlnlngr Stocks.
NEW YORK. Nov. II 4'loetnn iuotatlsn
en mining rtucks were as follows:
Allca j Lraj,llls Can
liruuswlck C.b I l.ilue lliler (
C"m 'iunnel auack... 8a Mexliaa !2f,
tla bonja U (mtar.a lib
Cu Cal. 44 V, 6J I'abir lw
horn Suvar 70 eai4JJ4,r4 1.4
lr. Siler lti It. low iatket ........ at
Treaaurr staleiural.
WASHINOTON. Nov. 21 -Tha condition
of the treasaiy at the t. ginning of
nees t"lay was us follow; TruJI funds:
li'i'il coin. tv'l 741 s-ij, Kilvr d. ;..irn. 4v, -!:;
-oU.-r tl !1 of .: y, -.j.
uf ceilii.caies oulriui.i'ii j,,0uu.
Itnersl fund: Ptnndird sliver dollars In
geneiul fund. IS Hi:.', current liah.litles,
io4oi;sj;. working balance In treasury of
fices. Jv7"(7.4f''i, In banks to credit of treas
urer of the United States, (.S14.12t; sub
sidiary silver coin, till. 401.51:2; minor com.
$1,427 'l ; total balance in geneial fund.
Kerr York Moner Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23. MON K Y 4n call,
firm. 4 "in per cent; ruling rate, 4T4 per
cttit; closing bid, 4Ts per cent; offered at
S 1-er cent-
1IMK LOANS Firm; sixty days. 6 per
cent and ninety days, 4ua per cent; six
month. 4Vn4 per cent.
per cent.
STbJRI.INO EXC1IANC5K Strong, with
actual business In bankers' bills at fl.SrrS
iM:H for sixty-day bills and at $4 S7i for
demand: commercial bills. $4 S3 ii 4 S31.
fit A Kit- Har. e"k4c; Mexican dollais. 4"c.
H' N1S tioveriiment, st ad ; railroad,
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows :
V. 8. ref. la reg ... I'M Int. Met 4H"
. ICt
. r3
. 73
. MS
B ret. In cuuionl"l Int.' M M. 4W...
8. It. rea l'XVi Japan 4s
1 . 8. 3a coupon .
V. S. 4a. rg
I' 8 4, coupon..
Allla-Clial. lit la..
Am. Ag. 6a
Am. TAT. ct. 4
..114 do
,.U5i, K C So. Ut In .
..llf-V,!., 8. dch. 4 IvM
. . 4"4 L. N. unl 4. . ..
..1014k M... K A T. lal 4.. S
..!!. "to gen. 4H
Am. Tobacco 4l (, Mo. Pacific 4f '"4
do lt'7eN. R. K. ot M. 4Ha V
Armour 4V Co. 4'4a... i'.1. Y. C. a. IHt "
AtclilBon en. 4l OK do deh. 4k !6S
do cr. 4a !l N Y . N. H 4V H.
do CT. it 11104 CT. IV.
b. 1 4... XI N. H lt c. 4 .. !"4
Ual, a Ohio 4a
M do ct. 4a
l-S No. Pacific 4 V2'a
S do l . 72
K n a u rf'lg 4 ....
W7H Penn. ct. SS lli. . . W. a
do con. 4a PM-,
2A Headlhg aen. 4a ID
:"J8t. L. Ai 8. F. fg. 4. 04'4
l(i:"v, do gen. &a
74 p( L,. 8. W e 4... I7
do JS
do 9. W 3,a. .
Prookljn Tr. cr. 4
rn. of Oa. 4
Ccn. Leather Pa . . .
C of N i a. 6e .
Chra. Ai (Ihlo it.
do ref. h
Chlca.) A. 3a
C . II v J. 4. ..
do pen. 4i
:H do lit fii 4a
y.l eacabiartl A. b. 4a
('. M. A 8 P. g tl4 "So. Pacific c. 4..
c . n. i. a p. c. 4,
do col. 6
do rfg. 4a
"olo. Ind. Ha
7 "4 i
1 "2
104 1,
n i
S3 do 1st ret. 4s
MS 8o. Railway Sa
Ms do gen. 4
oi4 t'nlon raclflc 4a....
4Sa. 7S do Ct. 4a
lotSi 'do 1st ft ref 4s..
W P. 8. Kubtier a
H P. S Pteel 2d f.i ....
74SVa.-Can. Chem. ts.
4HWf'li It la
7 do let a ei. 4s....
Colo. Mid. 4s.
C 8 r. ft e.
I k H ct. 4,
IV a R. 'I. 4a
do ref. 6s....
MMllleri- f' .
Erie p. I. 4...
'" gen. 4a . . .
Mo rT. 4t. Her. A S3 Weelsrn Md. 4a
do aerlea H 7lWesl. Klec. ct. fit..
Gen. Elec. ct. II"1, WH. Central 4
111. On. lit ref. 4i. . H'.-S
London !ock Market.
TjONDON. Nov 2S Despite the weakness
In New York yesterduy, professionals bere
supportetl American securities moderately
during the tlrst Hour tonay. ai noon toe
market was steady and ftm 4i to H above
parity. Huslness was light. '
London closing stocks:
Conno!. money : lyoulartlle N W
do account 2VM.. K. T 4H
Amal. Copper 3: N. Y. Central 1344
Annronda ie4Korllk ft W 7S
Atchlaon 121S do pfd tl
A pfd l'"7 Ontario ft W 4
pHltlmore ft dhlo 1H Pennsylvania 74
Onadian Pacific lK.iSRand Mlnei
Chesepeuke ft O WS Reading 87
Chicago O. W 2"S Southern Ky tl
Chi.. Mil. ft 8t. P...lfS do pfd 71
Ie Been 1778outhern Paclfio 121H
tlenvar ft Itlo d 4l rilon Pacific ?J
nu pfd M do pfd 105
Erie MSI'.- 8. 8teel 9S
do ltt pfd 4'JS do pfd 12H
do 2d pfd 4S Wabash 2" "4
Orand Trunk 20"4 do pfd M"4
Illinois Central 1M) Spanish 4a j
S1I.VFH Har. steaily at 23V1 per ounce.
MONEY 404 Vi per :ent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 4 "4 Per cent; for three
months' bills. 4 per cent.
l.oenl Securities.
Quotations furnlshei by Kamuel
Jr.. 614 New York Llfa building;
' Bid
City of Omaha 4, ill.,
City of Omsha 4'H, 1S24 ,.
Columbus. Neb.. K. b 6l.il58.V.
Ilunoush Adding Machine
I'hltago Subway
Cula tKcp of) Int. 5s, Ull..
Detroit Kdlson 5a, 1K33
Gate City Malt
Independent Tel. 5a, Omaha.;
Imp. Jap. Oot. 4Ss. l-o
K. C. . M. ft U. 4s. bomis...
Ncbraava Tel stock I per cent
Omaha UBS 6s, IK. 7
Omaha K. L. ft P. bs, 1831
.. - u. tj c ti u - IQoa
, 100V4
. loo
, 'iis
. lis
. 85
. s
, s
. S
loi s
Omaha ft C. II. St. Ky.. pfd. I -pet ctot hi
Omaha-KeTada Mining Co 1
Bt. L... 1. M. ft H. ft U. 4s. .32 87S4
Swift ft Co. t. 114 1W
floui City Tmcilon ia. 1K1., . MH
Lulon 8. V., Omaha, f p. c, CTt dlT... MS
Dank t learlajjs.
OMAHA, Nov. 22. IJaiik clearings for
today were $2.2M.31U.4o and for the corres
pondlng late last year, tl.Ml.849.61.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. 23. Wtx'lJr A small se
lection has placed tho local wool market
on a very quiet basLs. There Is some
sampling of California and Texas twelve
month slock, but trade is very dull In ter
ritory and fleece wools. Interest In the l'.dO
clip is not so marked, although all dealers
are preparing to have representatives In
the west earlier than usual. Kentucky, In
diana and Missouri fleeces, three-eighth
blood. 34c: - one-quarter blood, lli!n3Jc
i Scoured values'. Texas: Fine twelve
months. 7riii7Sc; fine six to eight months.
CKij7oc; fine fall, 5y!i60c. California: North
ern. tjS'ij 7Jc ; middle county, C3o35c; fall
free, tarn .Vic. Oregon: Kastern, No. 1 sta
ple, 7i'uM)c; eastern clothing. ity72c; valiey,
No. 1. u'nJbc. Territory: Klne staple. 77rn
iMic; fine medium staple. i0iiZc; fine cloth
: ing. 7o72c; fine medium clothing, orvyuc;
hulf blood, 73.1 .He; three-eighths blood. Soil
70Sc: one-iiuarter blood; T'(it(.vc. Pulled:
Kxu-a, 7'uioc; fine A, 6V&70c; A super, 60
LONDON. Nov. 23 WOOI-The sixth
series of tne wool sales opened today with
a large attendance of buyers present. The
I offerings numbered 6.S71 balea. and were
readily absorbed. Merinos sold at un-
u.'iaiiKd rates and cross-bred realized 5
I per cent over the last serieB. Coarse ci oss
ibreds showed Improvement, the bulk being
I taken by America. The American buyers
also purchased a few merinos, raulty mer
lnos were occasionally ii per cent under the
a-t sale, roilowli.g Is the sale In detail:
I New South Wales, WIO bales; Bcoured, Is 4d
'.'els Ktd: gi'eas-y, 'J'-jdyls 3d. Queensland,
i 2.M4); scoured. Is ik1'i1s HSil: greasy,
jli'id'-fls id. Victoria, SHU hales; Kreasy, 8d
in Id. West Ausli-aiia, '.-) bales; greasy,
i I.J 'i Is. New Zealand, bak; greasy,
0Ul'(ls Jd; Cape of (Juod Hope and Natal,
4w hales; greasy, ti'ill1"!.
! ST. KOllri, Nov. Wt)OLr- Nominal;
! territory and western mediums, 24ui)c; fine
i mediums, 2-ii-jC, fine, 14i..c.
Cotton Market.
NKW YOHK, Nov. '.'3. COTTON The
market opened steady at a declino of Hit
l'J points under diFajpointiiK ca'ins. local
bear pressure and scatteriiig lluuidatlon.
Tlore was support at the decline und quite
an Hivgresive demand during the early
trailiutf. but afler rallying to within s or
1I points of last night's finals, the bull
leant'! s seemed to be w ithdraw ing their
support, while offerings of long cotton be
catne slightly heair on the btilne, and
subs 'ipieiit fluctuations were neroUd and
It rt LUlar.
fJpot clostd quiet, l.'i cents decline;
tii Unl : I nt uplanils. 1 4 . To. ; middling gulf,
11 ':c; kd'os lior.e.
l-'muris oi'intd steady; I iff f niter, 14 32c;
January, 14.uoc; Alaitti, 14. vc; May. liooe,
' J 1 1 1 . l..(ic. AulUt. 14 2..C; Beplelllber,
1 13. ,,.c. Hut: oc.i.o. i . vt i-T .'i i.
I Futures cioved steady; November, 14 27c;
I ( criu Ler. 11.32c; Junuar , lJ.fjJ.-; Fehru
ary, 14 t,2c; March. 14 7'ic; April, 14 7,c
I Muy, 14. Wo; June, II Sue; July. 14 Wo; Au
ivun. 14 loc; September, 12.87c ; Oclobe.
1 'ots, quiet; low ordinary, li 11-pic; Oidi
,11111, ll'-jc. nominal, good 11 'c,
nominal; good ordinary. ltl-P'.c; low mla
I (lllni;. 13 13-pjc; strict low middling, H ;
! mldiliipg. It's'.) 14V; strict no"d ml, idling,
147.c; mUrdllng fJr, 14 r.-P"ti I.", 15-:tk;. Hi-
Ic lids, 6 b.llt; Stock:'. U :aU.
I t-T. LOCIS. Nov 23.--COTTON-l.ow, 1 ;
mldilllng. 14"wO. Sales. none. Itereipu,
1 Ivi baits. Shipments, 732 bales. Stock!
f.47 halts.
O.W.W.STON. Nov. K. COTTON-Steady
14 7-ltic.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, Nov 23 M ETAI.S Siand
aid copper wan wak and lower today.
Local dealers uuote lake coj per at $7.':. 27
l.''..T5. electrolytic al 7iO"ul2 7o and cabiiiiki
ai 172 7H Itl3 7i7't- Louden market w eak,
spot, iTJi ts; futures. , 2. 2.1. Ixad, mut t,
spot. $4 3j"fi4 42. London market lower at
2s bd. Simlter. quiet; spot. 4 3oo4 .46.
London market declined to 123 2s txl. lion,
lower, at 60s lod fur Cleveland warrants
in London. Ixical market uio hanged.
ST. LoCIS. Nov. 2i M 1 7T A Ls Li ad
higher; $4 27". Si-lter. linn; V 2".
1'offea Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 23 -4.'OFFF.E Mar
kit for futures oened steady at un
chati4 prices to an advance of 5 polnls;
salts ere r.p..rted of 27.(s"0 bags, Includ
liig November. 4 36c; December, blue; Jan
ury, 17x'; March. S4"'ui4f; May, i-An
'; July. t.' . S pt intier. 67. ft 6 7'io. Spot
.iiii.l: l:!.-: o. 7 v.c iotiior.i.1 V,. a
I ! M.S.. 'JTc; mild tiuu t; Cordova, J
Warmed-Up Beef Steers Break Badly
at All Points.
.So Material Ihsngr In beep and
I.amba, Heeelpt, lletnar l.laht
and Demand (iood at Full
Steady I'rlrrs.
SOl'TH OMAHA. Not. 23. W.
Itecelpts were: Cattle, llcgs. Sheep.
Official Monday s.i:7 6.iJ .1
Kstimated Tuesday 7.tnJ n.ooij k,i
Two davs this week. .lS.i:rf 11 127j 1 34t
Same davs last week . .1 l.H"7 6.H 21 -Same
da s I weeks Biro. ,ir.l'.'7 7.2.i li..v:
Same days S w eeks ago. .l"i !iS b iS S ti"
Same das 4 weeks axo.. Pi lot t; XC.ViV
Sams days last year. .. .la 4 "2 22.M4 24.1'2
The following tahle shows the receipts of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha
fur the year to dale, compared with last
year; lno.l. I'ai.v Inc. liec.
Cattle 1.007. 2H 2s('kS TV. 1G1
Hons l.!"7J..(4 2.P.3.4.;o liX),i:t2
Sheep l.4i,2J4 W.2U1
The following tame shows the averapt
price of Iiors at South Omaha for the last
several days, with comparisons:
Date. I 1309. iIUH.lW7.19O6.l05.ia04.li4.
Nov. 13...
Nov. 14...
Nov. 16...
Nov. 16...
Nov 17...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 18...
Nov. 20. ..
Nov. 21... I
Nov. 22. . I
Nov. 2o..
ill I 6 74: 4 70 6 99 4 M 4 M
I 6 tie 4 l-o, 6 s 4 73, 4 6:1 ( 4 57
7 M'-i I 4 H4, 8 0o 4 72 4 04i
7 ' V 5 f9 4 " 6 IO! 4 r; 4 63 ! 4 64
7 K 5 64 ' I 6 06 4 67 4 71 4 46
7 US, & fi 4 S3 1 I 4 &i 4 "i. 4
7 5 70 4 Wl 6 02 j 4 63, 4 4o
7 86 4 1 5 W 63 6 U2 4 6S 4 4ti
, B Tbi 4 4:"' 10; 4 ti; 4 .".4, 4 46
7 SSI I 4 32 6 16; 4 64 , 4 61
6 b7 4 0l 6 Li 4 tn. 4 4 4 31
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Liuon Slock Yards, South Omaha,
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep H'r's.
C. M. A St. P
Wabash 2
Missouri 1'aclflo ... 1 4 .. ..
I'nlon I'nciflo 72 22
C. oi N. V east... lit 4
C. c4 N. W., west... 60 23
C. V. M. & O... IS 3 9
C. H. & W. east... 8 4 7..
C. H. At g.. west... !9 22 5 1
C. R. I. Ai P., east. nil..
C. K. I. & P., west. 12 8..
Illinois Central 1 2 1 - ..
C. G. W 8 0 6 ..
Total receipts ....2.1 91 37 1
Cat tle.Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co io2
Bwift & Company !M
Cudahy packing Co 9K1
Armour Company 1,(M
Uenion Vansant ic Lush. 213
Hill & Son 21S
F. 11. Lewis 2:i5
Huston AI Company 25
J. Ji. Root & Co 7
J. H. Bulla., 114
U F. Husx i;;i
L. Wolf 421
McCrcury At Corey....... 2-K
S. Werthelmer 237
11. F. Hamilton 54
Sullivan Pros 9
Lrhmer Pros 20
Lee Rothschild..? Oil
Mo. -Kan., Cal. Co !M)
Christy & Cllne 4"i
Smith & Palsey 16
Olher buyers 847
Total 6,653
CATTLE Receipts or came were quite
llLerai agalu this morning, 2 cars being
reported 111. This makes a total for the
two day 8 ot about l.i.ouu head, a large in
crease as compared with the previous
week, bul about 011 a par wilh a year
ago. Large receipts at ail market points,
uoih yesterday and today, combined to
give values a downward turn with the
result thai the trade everywhere was slow
und dull and It was well along toward
midday at this point before very much
business had been transuded.
IStricily good finished cornted cattle were
rxiiemeiy ucaice llus morning, in fact there
v-tre pi actually none lucluued among the
receipts. Good range catile were also
very few and lar between. Cattle of
that description would have probably com
manded steauy or very close to steady
prices. On tne other hand the great flood
of warmed up steers has brought aooui
a sharp reaction at all belling points, the
decline amounting to as much as 60c In
ini'ny rases as compared wilh the good
time last week.
Lows and heifers were slow and weak
In sympathy with the break In beef steers
but still the better grades were In fair
demand and did not show as much decline.
Feeders have naturally eased otf under
the influence of the sharp break in beef
cattle and ibey too suld around 25u lower
man the best time last week.
UuoiatluiiB on cattle: Oood o choice
coriifed sleers, $7.2o'uh.25; fair 10 good corn
fed steers, 6.0ou7.2o; common to fair coin
fed steers, 4.otu'i ou; good 10 choice rant!
sleets, fo.iAVuti.27j; fair to good range steers,
H'iSijb.iJ; common to fair range sieois,; good to choice cornfed cows and
belters, (4.2ou5.26; fair to good cornfed
cows and heifers, I4.50if4.20; common 10
fair cornfed cows and heifers, $2.7j04j.'1.26;
good to choice range cows and heifeia, 4U. .&
' 1.50; fair to good range cows and hellers,
ii.'iitili.tbl common to lair range cows and
hellers, 2.6J'u3.ij; good to choice s.ocktra
and feeders, I4.40nu.o0; fair to good Miock
ers and feedeis, 774 4.4"; common to fair
Slackers and feeders, 4U.UO4j3.7b; stock hell
ers, 2.75jJ.76, veal calves, fTi.&UitfT.uv; bulla,
slags, etc., 2. 75414. 61i.
lieprt-beiilauve hales:
Nt. Ar. Pr. No. At. Pr.
U Uc4 t 50 l llM tu
1 71 I 30 I ;0S I 6i
U (1 I to
T7 567 I W 1 711 I 40
1 1050 2 6 4 1220 I M
1 174 I U0
1 :a V. S 155 00
t Lfw I If) 1 Hu 1 75
I ll) 6 50
11 721 I 70 11 6U 4 45
12 7 1 lij
8 steers
3 M 10 sleets.... hX3
3 90
S :
3 65
4 O0
l.t cows I0.1D
4 SO 3 1 eifers... feO
42 steel s
iMl 4 67) 3 cous lwj
IMi 4 111 10 su era.. ..101.,
Pi heifers..
C F. Ttritchoff Neb.
60 s.ei rs....
V', 4 00
J. I. Wallace Neb.
K37 3 10
54 cow s. .
6 calves. . . 440
lii calves. . . K'S
14 cow s WO
W steerk. ... 7 0
II. Lamoreaux Neb.
4 fJ 8 calves... If7
4 60 IS" raws k.,a
3 t heifers... 6,5
4 15
11. Lnmoreaux Neb.
5 .V)
8 00
3 7j
33 steers.
.. 44 4 nu
A. I "rabek Neb.
.. 'Mi 4 60
W. E. Lothkelch Neb.
..iiM 4 4.', H ste.Ts.... 9W
.. S'i 3 75 6 cows 8u6
T. K. Norris Neb.
Zj steers.
44 ;eers.
3J cow s. .
4 15
3 OJ
42 fei dera
12 st'-ei s. .
. . Mi 4 60 2 feeders.. D35 4 00
..11.0 4 60
A. E. Morris Neb.
..Hi" I 4 .v Scows iiTC t 00
..14-.0 3 00
16 C V S. ..
1 bull....
J. H. Uraham Wyo.
' steers.... 7il 4 5j
i Ueorgu Smith Wvo.
! 64 steers.. ..U:', 4 60 1S6 sieei's... 976 4 40
j (71 sl ei s. ...H'lS 4 25
L. A. llenivcke Wyo.
steers... 11.4 4 ,u 2u cows 1(103 4 20
Alton S ate Hank U yu.
1j cows lotj 4 ;i
a cows Iv24 3 40
26 cows 1005 4 05
Bell Wyo.
1 Steer.
6. Colt 8. .
72 ste' rs
3 bulls...
4 calies.
u cow s. . .
.H'V, i 15
. 1-2 4 75
. fc..l 2 h.-,
. 4 Ou
. ,(i
..If .-.a
8 75
i (5
4 40
3 s'et rs. .
4 stcrs . ...
I.l:tle Horse Creek
I.. & C. Co.
22 cow s
tu4 3 70
31 cow s ii 2
Irwin Pros. Wo
4 cow 7 '2
l"J steers. ...1024
3 40 1 bull 1150
4 ;tf. 8 st. ers.... !467
1 1 ickey W yo.
4 40 5"i feeders. . PCI
4 25 17 s e. rs. ...ll'.l
1 4"! 2 bulls lXflJ
4 40
3 65 5 row s &"Sj
2 85
3 25
4 40
4 40
3 10
4 feed-rs
7 1 co w s . . .
7 cow s. . .
1 feeder.
l'J cow s. .
93 steers.
14 steers.
40 cows..
2 85
c. t.erger b. D.
per, 4 55
W. F Wystt-H It.!7 4 35 17 cow s SIS
... 774 S o 13 cows 642
... 1 I 16
3 75
i 2i
16 cow s
Mis. E. E. Hanlfy-3. !.
14 steers. ..1017 4 Mi "4 cows 146 4 01
tleorge Nowacki -Idaho.
1 steers. .
1 stevr...
6 cow s. . .
I bu:is. . .
20 feeders
4 4(1
3 bulls
. 9S
, 72
3 20
4 4")
I 71
4 44)
t 60
4 00
4 U
4 ro
4 25
3 20
It feeders.
6") cow
kH f.-eders.
.. K20
.. f."
.. iH !
4 10
k cow s. . . .
II Mead Colo.
45 feeders
4 cuw s. . .
1 bull....
4 74) 15 cs. a hs.
3 4") 4 kleers....
2 ! .
HOO.3 Hogs
morning were
steady and
kiruicr. As
In p. .is posslblv a
a Uiaiur bt Inct. lueie
w enk r't a ell as strong spots In the
trade, but the market a a whole was In
vciy satisfactory rondit'on. and the early
receipts, which numl.eted some seventy
cars, rhnnged hands for the most part In
verv good season in the morning. Desir
able loads sold laigely at an I rtxht arounl
$7.'. and on t:p hljrh as (7J5 for strlr'ly
ro.kI heavyweiKhts Light hogs rold from
17 K74 on down, fux-ord tig to weight and
quality. It will be noted (hat there were
quite a number of licht loads, running
down to plus. Inrlud 'd amonir the recelp'.s
At the same time there w-re also a Rood
many desirable killers, the quality of he
receipts ht Ing on an average belter than
Rt presentatlve sales:
Vo. . Sn Pr No. At. Fh Pr.
in M 7 70 71 27 h IN
7 in ... i ; , .. 1
11 . . Ill 4 10 ... t
41 :'4i 7i.'. 44 in
77. :'41 41 I W 71 IT ! T
M ;i c t "Tij s st 11 7
: t 140 7 ts tt tn ) i
4." !Jl ... 7 :t, IS. ol ... 7 ayi
if. IIS ... 7 fTH " ?- !' 7 M
jot ... 7 stu :r i 7 )
11 im ... 7 Kv, -f, 2v; t n
41 1'l . . 7 S7", 71 2f H' 7 t'l
1M 4t 1 7V, 4. ... IH
M IM ... 7 47 H 1 S 4' 7 4'
US 2.11 . . 7 M 317 l 7 M ,
4 47. fi 7 7v, (4 2K4 19) 7
f H4 ' 7 "74 174 .. 7 !V4
42 2: 40 t Vk 71 2"t 4ft 7 47 W
.-. n. ... 7 ft) 7') 14 Id 7 ta
47 2M 40 7 an SO 271 ... 7 "2V
f.4 IS6 40 7 1") I" Kl ... IK4
e 2M l"4 7 Ski n JU W 7 W
74 ?J7 ?r6 7 to C 4.l ... t II
t-, rl 24-" 7 4-1 r.4 21 ... 7lo
4C t 1 7 40 S'O
4 M ... I ft) 44 I ! ) 1 H
5 14 1B 7f 10 in . .' II!
12 1S7 ... 7 to U ;. 12 7 5
SHEEP If the volume of receipts re
ceived at this pnlnt any day lately Is anv
indication of the producer's altitude and
intentions, there will probably be a very
respectable winter off" ring of finished mut
tons from corn belt feed lots. Only about
8.000 head were received this morning, as
compared with almost 7 i.K) head last Tues
day und over 14.000 head a yisr ago.
Although today's run w as nil her light
than otherwise, as will be noted above,
several shipments wi re late In arriving and
it was well along In the morning before
the full estimate had been yarded. Huyers
for packers were out early wilh generous
order, however, and practically everything
sold quickly In Just about the order of its
urrival. There were very few feeder ship
ments Included in the offerings, most of
the stuff being of a Fhort fed and warmed
up nature. The more finished kinds met
with better demand, of course, and any
thing particularly suitable for killing pur
poses commanded prices that looked to be
somewhat stronger than yesterday. The
bulk of the sales showed little change,
however, and fully steaily would Just about
describe the general situation as far as
prices were Concerned. A small siring ot
loppy native lambs sold at 17.25, fed ewes
reullzed KM and fed yearlings changed
hands at 15 75.
Feeder offerings, either In point of num
bers or quality, were hardly sufficient to
test the tone of the market.
Quotations on fat sheep and lambs:
Ouod to choice lambs. 7.1(rii7.t0; fair to
good lambs, ti. 7017.10; good light yearlings,
4V).4)j6.25; good heavy yearlings, I5.2MiR.sO;
good to choice wethers. S4 7615.26; rair to
good wethers. $4 30"i4 76; good to choice
ewes, I4.40u4.65: lair to Kood ewes, t4.10u
Quotations on feeder stock: Oood to
choice lambs. I1.26fa6.70; fair to good lambs.
J5.eo6.26; light yearlings, t&.Wst&lM; heavy
yearlings. l4..'.Oh&.uo: oiu wethers. 4 i.mi
4.40; good to choice ewes, 3 15ii3.!"6; breed-
Intf ewes KLTstejIS Ml; yearling preening
ewes. 5.6tK(f'l.lKI.
Representative sales:
No. Av. Pr.
161 Nebraska wethers 110 5 10
f3 Nebra:-ka wethers 110 6 10
ES7 Wyoming ewes, feeders Ks I 60
213 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. 100 6 !0
2(J0 Wyoming ylgs, tdrs, culls.. M) 1 00
163 Wyoming ylgs, furs, culls... SH 3 50
22S western wethers 102 6 25
65 W yoming ewes vi 4 25
CO Wyoming ewes SK) t 76
61 Wyoming ewes, feeders fcO 8 35
520 Wyoming lambs, feedeis 63 6 60
520 Wyoming lambs, feeders 62 6 60
316 Wyoming lambs, feeders 62 6 60
311 Wyoming lambs, feeders 63 6 60
274 Wyoming yearlings, feeders. . 86 6 15
140 Wyoming yearlings, feeders.. N5 0 15
66 Wyoming ylgs, fdrs, culls... 86 4 20
336 Wyoming ewes 1)3 S 76
.467 W yoming ewes, feeders H4 S 35
84 Wyoming yearlings K 5 25
34 Wyoming wethers 103 4 75
31 fed ewes 121 4 ft)
240 fed wethers 97 5 00
75 fed lambs 86 7 30
66 fed lambs 66 7 1-0'
45 fed lambs 74 7 (.0
41 fed ewes 103 4 40
6U fed lambs 8'J 7 70
1741 fed ewes 87 4 60
20 fed lambs 06 7 00
1711 fed yearlings 115 6 75
44 fed lambs 79 7 00
33 fed ewes 102 3 75
Cattle and Siieep Stead y Hogs
Steady lo Lower.
CHICAGO. Nov. 23. CATTLE Receipts
8.000 head; market steadv; steers. $5.60.
H.25; cows, $3.5ot)5.00; heifers. 3 00u0O;
bulls, 3.0o'(4.77i; coalves, 4U.OO478.aO; Blockers
and feeders. 13 76u5.2fi.
HOGS Receipts, 24.OO0 head; rr.arket
opened sieaily und closed 6c lower. Choice
heavy, S HK(J8.15; butchers, I S.O&ii s 20; ll,ht
mixed, $7.60u 7. W); choice light, $7.S0Ji S.0J:
packing, S.0v8.10; pigs, JG.wu7.60; bulk of
tales. $7.;t0'y 8. 10.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2S,0n0
head; market steady; sheep, IIO'jj.LO;
lambs, fC.7jOu7.50; yearlings, 35.006.55.
Kansaa City Live Slock Market.
ceipts, lu.000 head, Including 300 head south
erns; market sleady to loc lower; choice
exports and dressed beef steers. 4Vi.36aS.50;
fair to good, 14. 60416 15; western sieers,
14.00710.60; muckers and feeders, t3.tXra6.Ul;
southern steers, t3.25iii6.40; southern cows,
12 7103 60; native cons, $2.60.4 .7.0; native
heifers. t3.2ovu0.00; bulls, t3-00'U4.a&; calves,
HOOS Receipts, 20000 head; market
weak to 5c lower for light; others strong;
top, H.10; bulk of sales,,jb.u7.; heavy,
t7.SI5'(iS.10; packers and butchers, t7.86u8.05;
light. 7.25"u7.!'2Vs; pigs, tu.ouu7.15.
SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 10,000
head; market strong lo 10c higher; lambs,
t.75'(i7.fi6; yearlings, I6.60y6.66; wethers,
t4.75''5.70; ewes. t4.25&5.00; stockers and
feeders, t3.26'S.25.
St. Louis Live Stork Market.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 24 CATTLE-R ceipts,
6.6O0 head. Including 1,500 Texans. market
steady; native shipping and export steers.
$i 'eff 7.75; dressed heef and butcher steers,
.T"25'ii6.40; steers under 1 00O pounds, t3.7;,'n
6 15; stockers and feeders, tll5.60i: cows
and heifers, t'l. 2.Vy 5. 76 ; cannei-s. $2.2.o,2 75;
bulls $2.75C(3.'.5; calves. pi WypS 75; Texas
und Indian s.evrs, $J .rga.j7j.2T.; ClWS and helf
era, t2 0tni4.25.
HOUS Receipts, IB .000 head; market
steady; pigs and llghls, t6.00ii7.75; pack, rs,
t7.7ii'u7.5; butchers and best heavy, t-OO
SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts, 1,500
head; market luc to 15c higher; native mut
tons, t3.HK,i4.75: lambs, f, ,7r.i7.4H; culls and
bucks, t2.2..i4 00; Blockers, t3.0Va3.75.
St. Joseph Live slock Market.
ceipts, J. 000 head; market slow and weak;
steers, $4 Wir7.i; cows ajid heifers, i2.50'u
6.0H; calves, t3 07(7.50.
HoUS Receipts. 7,000 head; market
Heady to 5c lower; top, tV05; bulk of
sales. IT 55fr7 SK.
KHEEP AND MBS Receipt m, 1,000
head; market sleady, lambs, 44.7au7.35.
"lona City Live Mock Market,
SIOl'X CITY la.. Nov. 23. (Special Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts, l.Tjou head;
market slow and weak. '
llous Receipts. 3.6J0 head; market
steady : range of price,; bulk of
sales, t7.80ti'.'.H&.
Stock In Stub.
Receipts of live sto-k at the six prin
cipal markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hoars. Sheep
South Omaha 7C0 .-) gyv
S:oux City I.'jOU 3
St. Jooph Inn 7 00 1 0 Vj
Kansas City DO o 20 01"! 10)
St. Louis .;,!') ir,") 1 )
Chicago 8.Im 24 mo 2,1 K)
.47,000 61..VJ0 48 5")
Olla and llfislu.
OIL CITY. Nov. S3. 1 L Credit bnl
pnc. , tl 4V runs, W ,i7! bbls ; average,
17. VI ; shipments. 244.1i. bbls; av-c-ruge
2u5.f74 bbls .
SAVANNAH, (ia.. Nov. 27) Oily Turp
4r)iMne. fjni; T i.i
R "SIN-Eirm; 11. M.02'4; D, 44 06- F.
4.f2,"' J7V: K. I4U21'..; U 14 071- fi lv ll'
14 17 -.".4 2J. I. tt'5-i: K. r..f,i; M. t5 86; N
ti.uu; WO. 16 25; WW. jr, 75.
eaar and Moiasaea.
NEW YORK Nov. 27 SI 'U A R Nominal ;
fair refining. I )7c; t en: 1 ;f ui;al, i tic, text
4 42c: molassea sugur. 3.47c; i.-fined qilet
crushed, ...; ixawdcred, t.55c; granulated
5 25c.
Iliabuu of 4la..Ua.
HV. l'ETKRSMl'It.'S. Nov 2.1. A leiand. i
Nenioloff k , lias b u aptK infed bishop of
Alaska ai.l Mrar of ll.e Aleuuitn diocese
the sipoininienl to btLome effniu,. upon
h.s kaauiiipilun of the luui.aaiic orders.
Sock Island and Burlington Announce
Low Tmt to Corn Show.
line and One-Half lent Per Mile tt
He Iffertlte West of HlTer
1 III Increase Crowds lo
Ilia I7i posit Inn.
Formnl announcement has been made by
the general passenger agents of the Rock
Island lines and the Tlurilncton route of a
fare of 3l4 cents per mile, effective on the
lines west of the Missouri river during
the National Corn exposition In Omaha.
This move on the part of two of the prin
cipal railroads entering Omaha will prob
ably be followed by similar announcements
from the passenger departments of the
other lines.
This concession on the rart of the rail
roads has ben unlnrd only after the
baldest kind of work on the part of tho
officers of the exposition. C. C. Rnsewater,
Htneral manager of The Hee Publishing
company and E. Ilo-klngham, ' general
manager of the I'nlon Stock Yards com
pany have made several trips to Chicago In
an effort to get the rales. Rates are al
ready granted for all points oast of Omaha.
East year the National Corn exposition
did Dot have rates from points west of tho
Missouri river and In splto of this the
attendance at the coin show was large,
because of Its great educational worth. The
railroads stuck to. their policy of rot
granting rates In the states which bad
2-cent passenger fares.
The Nehra.-ka state fair had rates and
Ak-Sar-Hen had rates, but Ihe corn show
wns turned down. The railroads main
tained that they were forced Into giving
the other rates by force of conditions.
The Iowa state fair obtained the first
rate last year and the road were then
forced to give rates lo other fairs. The
business men of Omaha then arose In
arms and demanded rates for Ak-Sar-Hen.
Th -roads decided to grant this request
under pressure. The Union Pacific held
out and finally came across with the
announcement that It had granted a rata
of 1 cent a mile for the Nebraska state
fair and for Ak-Sar-Ilen.
Kxhlblts on En Route.
Many of tho exhibits for the National
Corn exposition are now enroufe, many
more start today and aonie tomorrow.
All the railroads centering at Omaha are
pieparlng to haul exhibits free to the ex
position, and some of these start today.
The I'nlon Pacific has four special ex
hibit cars, and the first leaves Kit Carson,
Colo., next TuesJay. Another car left
Cheyenne last Thurnday, and Is now col
lecting exhibits through Kansas. The sec
ond Rock Island car has left Fort Worth,
Tex., and the first Northwestern car left
Chicago Tuesday mdrnlng. A Milwaukee
car lias left Madison, Wis., and at the
same time a Burlington baggase car with
exhibits left Denver for the corn show.
Directors of the National Corn exposi
tion, who have been In Chicago for the
last few days report that tha railroads of
Chicago are boosting strong for the Omaha
show and that for a couple of blocks of
each sldo of the city ticket offices they
have large xstera In the wlndoW-s exploit
ing the show. Hugo signs are also dis
played, telling of the rates to Omaha.
Staple and Fancy Prodoee Pi-leas Vara
lahed by lluyera and Wholesalers.
II UTTER Creamery, No. 1, dullvoied, to.
the retail trade 111 l-.b. cartons, 32c; Nu.
1. In 60-lb. tubs, ilVic; No. 2, in 1-1 b. oar
tons, 3oc; in 60-lb. tubs, iO'm; packing
slock, 22 -ic; fancy dalr.v, tubs, iuc; Mar
ket changes every 'lutauay.
EUUft 1 1 eah beiliiig slock, candled, 26a.
POULTRY DrtBscu broilers, 2,1c; spring,
10c; hens, 14c; cocks, 6c; ducks, llVkc; geese,
SVio; turkeys, 21c; pigeons, pur Cut., tl.25.
Alive, brolleis, under 3 pounds, 13c; over
2 pounds, loc; hens, loo; cocks, c;.
dip.ks, full leathered, lio; geese, 'full
feathered, o; turkeys, under 3 pounds,, 18c;
over 8 pounds, 16C, guinea fowls, t3 per
dor., pi 4 eons, 60o per dex.
OYS1 ERS aeltcta, small cans, 22c; large
40c; gallons, 11.85; New York counts, small.
33c; large, 46c; gallon, tl St; Baltimore,
standaius, small, 22o; Laine, tbv; gaUon.
41. Ao. '
FISH Fresh caught, almost all sre
dressed: liaiibut, 12c; buffalo, 80; trout,
15c; bullheaus, 14c; catfish, 17c; crapples,
uuflsb, 4l6o; black bass, tuc; wbiiuiisn,
luc; pike, 12c; salmon, Uu; pickerel. He;
frog legs, 460. fc'ieva Irostn w iilieiusli. No,
1, lie; pickerel, dfessed and headless, ;
pike, dleBcu, 12u; redsiiappers, ic; fcuan
u,n mackerel, Uu; native mavcei 1. 360 sacb.
BEEF C'Uib Ribs; iSo. 1, lla;; 10. i,
12c; No. 3, 8c. Ltin: No. 1, i7c; No. i, l3o;
No. 8, ',o. Chuck: No. 1, c; No. i 60;
No. 3, 4Vsc. Round: No. 1, B'tc; No. 2, 6c;
No. 3, t'c. i'late: No. 1, 6 he. No. 2, 4u:
No. 3, 3-S.c.
FRUI'i a Orapes: New York Concord, as- '
soclalioii pack, pur basket, 21c; loo-baskot
lots, per baakct, 20c; California, cxna
fancy Flaming Tokays, per largs crate,
$1.75, I-cruto lots, per crale,, 6-crats
lots, per crale, b w; extra onoice Malagas,
per bbl., $0 if. extra cbolue heavy Malagas,
per bbl., tc-oo; smelly fancy Alalagas,. pn
bbl., 46.50; su.cily fancy neavy Malagaa, .
per bbl., S7.00; extra fancy tinted grapes, '
p. r bbl., 17.60; extra fancy extra neav)
tinleu, per 001., a.M fancy pina Ls
Bohhinia D, per bbl., fls.uO. Uianberi'lesl
1: coiidin. Antler 'brand,' extra fane
Jin. bo, per bbl.. I10.M), WUfcansin, poppy
I rand. Bell & Cherry, per bbl.,'j7.50, V is
cousin, field run, per bbl., t. uo, lane;- Cap4
Cud, t.5o; choice Cape Cud, 7.Uu. CI10104
Cape Cod, box, 12.60. Apples. Extra Colo
rado Jonathans, per box, 42.50; extra choio
Colorado Jonathans, pur box, 42 26; onoioe
Jonalliaiis, per box, 42.00; Missouri Bon,
No. 1, Ben Davis, per bbl., 13.641; Missouri
Bn, No. 1. Wuiesaps, per bbl., tl.w, Mis
souri Ben, No. 1, Ui:o, per bob. 4U.75; Near
York extra fancy Red Baldwins, per bbl.,
tl 50; New York ejiira fatiuy Ureeubigs, per
uui., Hw; ft lura iarn.era pack, Ba.d
1 wins, per bbl., X75, New Yora firnicrs'
pack, viieenilias, pur bbl , 4J 7a PCai s: -Cullfomlk,
exlra fancy Kami Buerro, per '
box, 1-60; Michigan K left en, per 3-bu. bbl.,
t4.00. Oranges: titra lancy valencias, Uti,
Im. 176, 2uu and 216, per bux. 44 5u, 3o0 and
U8, per box, tl 5u. exua fancy Florida, 126,
160, 176, 2O0, Hit, per Pox, 2.25. Lemons;
Extra fancy, uO and 5uo, per box, t6.(M;
cliuictj, 000 and 3u0, per box, ti.50. Urape
fruit: Florida, 64, 61 and so, per box, 44.0.
Bananas: Exlra fancy Port Liuion, per lb.,
4c, t-bunch lots, per lb., it-fee. iiuney; Cylo
lado. per ciais, tj.25.
VF.UETABLES bweet potatoes, Virgin!
Red Siar, pur large bbl , tl 60; l-bbl. lot,
per bbl., i M. Celery: Extra fancy Micnl
gan, per uui., 36c, extra fancy Muskegon,
per flat box, tl 25. lieutl lettuce; i'tr ham
per, i 50. Kutabagus: Canadian, per lb.,
i'-.c. Cabbage. V lacunsin, genuliia Hol
land seed, pr lb., 1'tc lJOU-Ib. lots or
more, l'.c; led, per lb., lie. California
tomatoek. Per cials, tl 56. Onions: Indiana
Red Ulobe, per bu., tloo, Idaho yellow, per
bu., II uu;, per urate, 1 .60. pota
toes: Colorado, per bu., 7oe. trigs: New,
Imported 7-crt.wu, per lb., 15c; 4-crown,
per lb., 13c; 12 12-oz. pkiis., per box, km.;
6u C-os. pkks., per box. t- ou.
N U I w -A Imuods: Draaa serO'.lngs, pel
lb., 16c; filberts, large, per lb., 14c. Recant;
Louisiana, per lb, lv-.c, Jumbo Texas, per
lb., 16c; Inuoiuiii Texas, per lb., 12 Sc. Cali
fornia walnuts: No 1, scft shell, per lb,
17k:; No. 2, soil shell, per ib., Uu- I'eaauls:
Raw, per lb, 6c; Juiulio. raw. pur lb, 7c;
luasted, per lb., 8c, sa.ud, per box, f 1 25.
DA'lES-'Ju 1-lb. pksa., pr box. 2.25;
new liaiiows'eii per ib., 7c, sugar waiuui
per box, 1.25, fard, per lb., loc
HiOt..-. -No- 1 eittn. lot ; No. 1 cured,
CIDEK-Mott's. per keg. 1 150.
Fo'ey's Kl-iney Remedy i;l cure tny case
of kidney or bladder .rouble that Is not Te
)ond the i scii of medicine. Cures bacK
tch and lrregulurplts tliat If nilected
might result In Brlght's disease or diabetes,
buld by UU ill
Ilropa AlieiiBtiou salt.
NEW YORK. Nov. 21--John K Madden,
Pi'- well krioMii of l-xiugiou, Ky.,
l,us wilh.liawn the s ot for alienation uf Ins
Kile's alfeciions. which was bruuglil Soil).
t:i;.e ago s' I.oiilx Bell a turlma.i. u'i.1
Lis wile, Lauia Bell. t-"-