6 THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. W0. THE OMAHA DAILY DEEJ FOfNlJKtf BY EDWARD ROPE WATER. VICTOR ROPE WATER, EDITOR. Kntered at Omaha poRlofflca ai aecond tlM matter. terms or SirnscRlTTION. Dally Pee (without Sunnay). one year. 14 no Dalljr Ben and Sunday, one year ' DELIVERED WT. CARRIER. Dally ttee (Including Bandar), per wekk.lBe rally Mee twlthnut 8unflay), per wek..lOc Evenln Fee (without Ctindav). Pr week o Fnln He (with Sunday). per week..loo Sunday R-. one year W " Saturday Bee, one year Andreas all complaints of Irrefularttlea In delivery to City Circulation Department. Omaha Th flee RuItiTrnir. fcruta Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Bluff IS Scott Street. Lincoln 6l t,ttle Bulldlnn. Chicago lfiW Marquette Pullrtlnir. New Tork-Rooms UOt-1102 No. SI Weat Thirty. third Street Waalilna-ton-723 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to new" and edi torial matter phouhl he addresaed: Omaha Pea, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, expreaa or postal order parable to The Bee Punllehtna: Company. Only I-cent etamps received In payment of mall account. Ptronal checka. except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF L'lRCtTL ATTON. Stat of Nebraska, Douglaa County, a : Oeorge B. Taechuck. treasurer of The Bea Pwhllehlng Company, being dur aworn, aaya that the actual number of full and complete conle of The Dally. Morning Evening and Bundav Pee printed durlna tha month of October. was aa folln-v- 1.... 48,850 It.... 49 340 tt 41.790 I.... 49,080 13.... 49,160 ?8 ...43.490 I 40,009 14..,. 49.940 14 ... .40,330 ... 0,444 IS.... 49.380 ; 25 41,890 5.. J. 49,810 !.... 43,880 2 41,990 .... 49,480 17 40.900 27 49,390 ? 441.070 .11... .49,480 II... .49,910 I... .43.910 II. ...43.050 !. ...43,000 I... .49.980 10.... 48,980 10. ...49,070 10.... 40.300 21.... 43,080 1 .... 40,600 11..,. 49,710 Total .....1,303.040 Returned copies 9,970 Net total 1,993,370 Dally aterage 41,791 ' OEOROa B. TZSCHUCK, Treaaurar. Subscribed In my present and aworn to lefoie m thla let dgy of November, la09. tieal.) M. P. WALKER. " ; ' Notary public ateertfcera lea-nag tit elty taa pararlly aheala Ian Tae Baa mallei to tktm. Adareaa will hm ckaaget aa aftea' aj reeaaeated. Peace reigns again between Detroit and Cleveland since Mr. Cobb has shelled out. Mr.' Gbtupers, manifest no love for the lawyers, except for those on his side of the case. In that little disturbance to -the south of us, Salvador appears to be adding its salvos. If Mr. Zelaya still has a grouch Rgalnst the. United States, let him tell it to the. marines; ; That ..tflllMottMtoJlar suggestion of bribery on the part of the electric com bine must have been only a flash. Danville dees' not need a dynamite explosion to adverse lti the nolle o it Caaaonadlng has not yet subsided. As :ti8ual. the real beneficiaries of the "mike" game are. the lawyers who rake in the fees for conducting the trials. .. . ...... J' Admiral Schley's latest loving cup is of armor plate, but the more brittle glass schooner will continue to glide over the -bars. It Took as if Mayor "Jim" were go ing, io. let one Thanksgiving go past without far ring the atmosphere with an official proclamation. The banker who.; accidentally shot himself while dusting hi counter might have been safer had he confined himself to counting his dust. The conditional donation mania seems to have struck Omaha with a vengeance. But if everybody making a contribution tied a string to it where would we land? . Our street commissioner explains that it Is not for lack of men that street cleaning lags. He has already explained it Is more tool house that are first needed'. Nebra$l;i contributes only one measly $1,000,000 corporation to the Standard OH octopus, so that decision cannot affect Nebraska anywhere near as much as It can New Jersey. Now that the Standard is engaged in its final battle for existence, the sig nificance of Mr. Rockefeller's recent remark that life is just one constant struggle for him become more ap parent. Des Moines evidently thinks it will retain the military tournament a long as, it, keeps Congressman Hull of the houe committee head of military af fatra.- It sounds logical, but does not necessarily follow. . Jf , BtQvalne, the new anaesthetic, really enables a surgeon to operate painlessly upon a patient without de priving him of consciousness, it might have a place in the forthcoming di' section of Standard Oil. Since William Watson and Richard LeO alliens seem to be in doubt over the weapons to be used in their forth coming personal encounter. It i in or der for aouie unsympathetic reader of their works to suggest that they hurl the vagaries of their poems at each other. Our amiable democratic contem porary is finding it difficult to make its picture of hard time for the "ulti mate consumer" fit in with the boast ful bragging of it own prosperity. Does the World-Herald think it is the only one that enjoys prosperity? Or does It figure that It fattens off from ovher Deople'a misfortune? Uncle Sam'i Housekeeping. Thosa two conflicting lntnreM, higher price and the need for econ omies., bob up serenely In the annual report of the United States treasury, confronting Uncle Sam with the same sort of a housekeeping problem that has bothered the citizen In his home. No doubt the public revenue will show an encouraging gain In the forthcom ing year, for the reforms In the cus toms service ought to yield millions that hitherto have been diverted, and there will also be the natural advance of proRperous times over the lean years that have passed. Dut when looking over the balance sheet, the demand for economy Is al ways In order, and Mr. Treat's sug gestion Is a sound one that recent de ficits should admonish caution In au thorizing expenditures largely in ex cess of variable reenues. The fact that a fatter Income Is in sight is no reason for a splurge of extravagance. Husbanding of the fiscal resources of the government Is as essential as con servation of the national domain. One feature of the treasury report that will appeal to all the subordinate employes confronted with the problem of making both ends meet is the plea for Increased pay for the clerks in the federal service. While the cost of liv ing has gone up, and while wages-at-large have advanced In some propor tion, the pay of the government em ployes has in many cases remained sta tionary. The government salaries, however, have usually been above those paid for the same grade of service In private establishments, and this fact will also have to be taken into consid eration when the problem is presented to congress. Despair of the Suffragette. The confession of one of the leading English suffragettes that the efforts to transplant the cult In this country are fruitless, puts in another form of ex pression what was already thoroughly known here, that the American women are too well treated to become frantic for the ballot. Advocates of equal suf rage will continue to stay w ith ub, just as they have from days .ante-dating the activities of Susan B. Anthony, but no such problem as the English suf fragette seeks to solve confronts her sister here in the United States. Indeed, the American woman Is dis covering that even in England the movement is not a general one, and that most of the wives and sisters of the actual breadwinners of the British nation are quite satisfied that the bal lot would not gain for them any of the privileges that they now lack without offsetting disadvantages. So far as 'this country is concerned. if the right to vote appealed so com pletely to the woman as a class, every woman in the land would have flocked ere thla to those states where suffrage has been established f Or the sex; and1 those other states "denying woman's suffrage would long since have been abandoned to forlorn man. Instead of which, woman continues to cling to the old order of things throughout this happy country, where, as the despair ing British suffragettes Jealously ob serve, she Is so urell treated that she can find no reason to rebel. x Limit of the Peace Movement. Tolstoi' appeal to the people of all nation to refuse to bear arms comes as the pathetic and despairing cry of a wise old man who recognizes that the words he utter will be engulfed under the wave of humanity' advance. The venerable scholar I but uttering in new form one of the stock arguments of the movement for universal peace. He offer excellent ' sentiments, but they are overwhelmed in confronting stern actualities. Tolstoi' philosophy, and our own Mead' philanthropy in endowing peace schools, represent the Russian and American extremes in the non-resist ance propaganda. War is admittedly a terrible thing all that famous gen eral have pronounced it to be yet the records of history and the march of events establish it as still a neces sary adjunct to the maintenance of fundamental rights. Self-preservation can at times be maintained only by readiness for self-defense, whether in dividual or national. The soldier ha proved essential to every cause, even to that of peace. Refusal to bear arms in the hour of the country' peril would stamp cow ardice on a man even in the eyes of those who ordinarily advocate peace. What would mother think of son, or daughter think of father, who posed as a martyr to the peaee cause in safety while there existed a need for men to repulse a foe? For some time yet that nation will be most respected whose young men maintain a resolute patriotism, with a ready ability to fight when circumstances make com bat Inevitable. Next in the Custom Frauds. While relaxing nothing of its determ ination to exact reparation from, and to inflict punishment upon, the chief customs malefactors in the sugar ring, the government is bent also upon met ing out justice to some of the lesser offenders. This announcement carries particular dismay to the dressmaking interest that have profited so long by wholesale smuggling, and there is a consequent hubbub among those who have a practice of filling the false bot toms of trunk with costly finery. Men have been prone to forgive a woman who, returning from abroad, tried to get her gloves or bit of lace past the customs officials, but from small eva slons on the part of many tourists, the practice ha grown into a professional enterprise. The breaking, up of, this form of smuggling will accomplish two things, substantial addition to the public rev enues, and an increase in the use of American made goods, which can stand on their merits in competition with most Importations, to say nothing of the cultivation of the factor of hon-rsty,-wli1ch Is still something of a vir tue, even when manifested under wholesome respect for the law and It penalties. The United States has no little to gain from making the smug gling of woman's finery no longer fashionable or profitable. More About Organized Charity. The Bee has had two or three re monstrances, one of them almost abu sive, against the demand for better or ganization of local Omaha charities. These remonstrance's are based en tirely on misconception, because the article In The Bee particularly refers to the lack of co-operation in the mat ter of raising funds and financial ad ministration, although perhaps It should have been more definite In so stating. . In the matter of charity work we are glad to note the great headway re cently made through the charity organ ization society In co-ordinating the dif ferent agencies for relief so as to pre vent their being Imposed on and to stop them from duplicating one an other's work. But In the matter of flnanoes we still have the city overrun periodically with representatives of twenty-five or thirty different societies soliciting contributions from business men and public-spirited citizens who are almost totally in the dark as to the respective sources of Income and the needs to be met. The average busi ness man does not know, for example, whether the Salvation Army and the Volunteers of America should be treated as of equal Importance and sustained with equal contributions or not. He is willing to contribute lib erally, but would like to have hi money go where it will do the most good, and If he gives to one excessively It means that he gives to another In adequately. Our various charitable associations all go on the theory that each should raise as much money as it can without reference to what the other may be asking. If the finances of all these vitalities could be systematized and co ordinated they would all have the sup port they really require, and our busi ness men, who are now harassed by constant solicitation, would be greatly relieved. Subway Taxation. The city council has been working on an ordinance for the taxation of subways and has evolved a scheme, based on a complicated system of ex emption and mathematical computa tion, which it hopes will prove satis factory. The plan, however, is full of holes and-discrimination and.ia bound to operate unevenly. The right way to secure equitable taxation of under ground and overhead use of the street and alleyways is not by some arbitrary rule of thumb, but by actual appraise ment and assessment. If the city is to tax the subways it should not make flesh of one and fowl of another. The street space runs from building line to building line, and space under a side walk is just as valuable a space out side the curb or in the alley. A board of appraisers could with comparatively little work make an inventory of these special street privileges and set a val uation on each of them according to the use to which 'it is devoted, and then, and then only, the city could levy a special tax on an equitable basis. The benefit accruing from the adop tion of the constitutional amendment last year enlarging the field of school fun investments is reflected in the purchase made for the fund. No more Massachusetts, Mississippi or North Carolina bonds bringing a fraction over 3 per cent, but good, substantial bond of Nebraska counties and school districts bearing 4 and 4 per cent Interest. If the board could legally sell the low-rate bonds for what was paid for them and put the money into good Nebraska securities, which at the same time would help build new court houses and school house all over the state, it would be a profitable exchange all around. How puzzling it all is, to be sure. Wo hear on one hand warnings against race suicide, and simultaneously the plea for enlarging the food supply by more productive agriculture. Now comes a professor of sociology with a new calamity bowl, urging the Amer ican family to have fewer children If we would solve the food problem. We must have more children, and more food to feed them; we must have more farmers, but fewer children to grow up to be farmers. How fortunate that most of us are too busy sawing our particular kind of wood to attempt seriously to reconcile the varying philosophies of the unpractical theor ist. If the story' of the tournament of the liberals against the lords were put In the language of the jousts of the days of the Round Table what a rush to read the literature would ensue Being modern news, people are too busy to be appreciative of the fact that one of the greatest crises in England's history 1 now at hand, and that the leaders In the warfare are manifesting qualities of dauntlessness that would put the knights of old In the shade. When man has exhausted every other resource to make a city attrac tive he reverts to nature. Having crowded Manhattan Island with build ings.. Father Knickerbocker is bethink log himself that the beat thing be can do is to plant trees to take the place of those long ago cut down. The pro jected reforestation of Fifth avenue shows how the doctrine of conservation s spreading. The death of Editor Dayton of the York Republican take away a promi nent figure in Nebraska journalism who had for many years been at the head of one of the progressive weekly papers of the state. The York Repub lican under Mr. Dayton had opinions which it courageously expressed, while constantly living up to Its name as an advocate of republican principles. Governor Shallenbrrger evidently struck a tartar when he dislodged Felix Newton from the Lincoln Insane asylum pay roll. The way Newton Is going after the governor Is calculated to make the latter wish the former were back In the insane asylum. Iinprfaalona of a abort Ran. Pittsburg Dispatch. Senator Aldrtch professes to have dis covered that the west la really "the cap- tallstlc rea-ion of this country." Still, the senator Is not believed to be wholly de Void of knowledge of multl-mllllonalrea In and about Wall street. Tarn About and Fair ' Play. New York World. A bill la Introduced In Havana to give 'uba a currency and coinage modelled on ur own, as Is practically the case now In Canada and Mexico. It would only be turn bout and fair play. Our currency was based on the "Spanish milled dollar" as a unit. Dusting; nn Ancient Joke. Boston Transcript. Postmaster General Hitchcock has Inatl- tuted an Investigation to ascertain whether the railroads are receiving "excessive pay for carrying the malls." So did nearly every one of hla predecessors of recent years. Congress has repeadedly assigned commissions to Investigate thla question till it has become a standing joke. A Mighty Squeese. Philadelphia Record. There can be little mystery about the political Influence of a great corporation that Is able to declare a dividend of 300 per cent out of the spoils wrung from the American people. Yet there are people who vainly wonder why the four expresa com panies have ao long successfully resisted the efforts in congress to establish a par cels post. "Look Who's Here I" Springfield Republican. Mr. Bryan has decided to cast his lot In Nebraska with the anti-saloon party, which plans an aggresaiva campaign in tha state and thla fact may add to the evidence that he plana to seek the United States scnatorHhlp from the legislature to be chosen next year. Mr. Bryan's paper now denounce the aaloona In terma equivalent to a declaration of war. It "la next of kin to tha brothel and the gambling hell, It Is the rendezvous for the criminal ele ment and willing tool of corrupt politic ians." It is expected that Mr. Bryan will advocate county option, aa a speclflo pro gram of legislation, after the model of Indiana and Ohio.. NEBRASKA PRESS COMMENT. Blue Springs Sentinel: Bryan will run for United States Senator next year "If the people want him.'.'. To construe thla prop erly. If the democrats get together and say they want him, they are the only people, and Bryan will run. O'Neill Frontier: Holt county legal talent has not been very, successful In drafting laws that will stand the scrutiny of the supreme court. Senator Donohoe's non partisan judiciary law first fell by the way aide and now Arthur Mullen's State Normal board law has also been found defective. Schuyler Free Lance: It makes a person weary to hear a democrat complaining be cause republicans did not vote for Judge Sullivan and yet at the same time that complaining democrat voted for Judge Dean. Tha republican who did vote for Sullivan and the democrat who voted for Dean are almply two of a kind, only by chance they happened to ba In different parties. Kearney Hub: Governor Shallenberger's assertion In an Omaha Interview that county option" will not be written in the Nebraska democratic platform next year, because It means "prohibition," and his taking Issue with Citizen Bryan on that subject may be taken aa an advance note of the next campaign and an Indication that the governor's bid for the temperance vote will ba tha 8 o'clock closing law. Plattsmouth News: If there is anything that has a tendency to make the average cltlsen weary It is to see aome fellows posing aa republican editors when In fact they are nothing but counterfeits. They recognize tha fact that In order to have any standing with the people they have got to counterfeit the real thing. But aa usual they are a great deal like tha latest counterfeit $o bill. Just two pieces atuck together with nothing between. Plattsmouth Newa: And the World- Herald la not saying anything any more about that "nonpartisan" supreme court. Can it be possible that it has got cold feet on the proposition and that It la going to let the people go to the everlasting bow wows, and stand calmly by and give up the fight. Is not the "nonpartisan" Idea of aa much consequence now as It was before the election, or does the World-Herald pro pose to let the matter go for awlhle and rest up to get a new start. St. Paul Republican: Tha late election gave the fact emphasla that Nebraska Is a republican atate. From almost every aec tion there comes republican majorities, and this, too. In a light year, when the vole would naturally follow the administration, If it ever did. This means that all the republicans need do next year to win this state and keep it Is to nominate a good candidate for governor, and lei the record of the two partlea In management of state affairs speak for Itself. Grand Island Independent: The Anti- Saloon leaguo of Omaha has filed charges with. Governor Shallenbergcr under the Suckett law to the effect that Mayor Duhlman, tha chief of police of Omaha and the Board of Fire and Police Commission ers have failed to enforce the IS o'clock closing law and, have asked that they be ousted from office. The charges are made through Elmer Thomas, of letter writing fame In the campaign of l.r0S. The governor will look Into the matter first. Probably a llttlu suspicious of Thomas? York Times: Nebraska democrats who have an itching for the United States aena torship do not lind much consolation In Mr. Bryan's declaration that he will not he a candidate for that office "unless there Is a demand tor him to become a candi date." There Is always a demand for him to run for office when he wants to run and the demand will be aa insistent as any one could detire as soon as hla admirers tumble to the fact that he is looking for It. All other democrats might as well stand aside and clear tha way for the great commoner. He is coming down (he pike and tha odor of his gasoline will fill tit air for rnlUs around. Bryan's New Issue nana for Democratic Farty to Battle Under the Banner of Prohibition In Wsbrasia A dispatch to the New York Times from l.lrcoln purport to give out some Interest ing news about the coming rsmpnlgn issues with which Nebraska democrats are to struggle for control of Nebraska, t'nder date of November 20 the dispatch says: "The new Issue which William J. Bryan Is preparing to force on the democratic party Is prohibition. Within a month he will make an announcement which will plunge the party Into bitter strife, and will bring about a complete realignment of the p;tsent factions. If the attack on the liquor Interest Is successful, and the rank and the file follow him. Mr. Bryan expects to find himself at the head of a party with a living Issue. "The announcement will be made In a series of articles which Mr. Bryan has already prepared, and which will soon be put Itched, in which he makes an attack on the saloon and whisky Interest. By those, who have been permitted to read these articles it la said that Mr. Bryan has used the strongest language at his command In his characterization of the liquor trade. While these artlclea are ap pearing In print Mr. Bryan will be In South America, and so will escape personal par ticipation In the trouble which will follow. "At the outset Mr. Bryan's efforta for prohibition are to be confined to Nebraska, but afterward they are to be extended to ott.er states until the national party will be Involved. With the aouth, the stronghold of democracy, already largely on the side of prohibition, Mr. Bryan will waire his chief battlea In the north and west. "Mr. Bryan lays his defeats In former campaigns to the liquor Interests, which, h believes, have made use of the demo cratic party whenever It wae needed and at other times have 'knifed' Its candi dates. Fov the sake of put ty harmony he has never taken a stand, but now he has determined, even at the risk of being ac cused of attempting to 'get even," to come out in the open. Mr. Bryan says he Is not now a candidate for any office, but Ne braska party leaders think he expectB the now movement to make him senator If not pi esident. "In this state Mr. Bryan's action will almply tear tho democratic party to pieces. He has confided In many of the leaders and hua been told by the "wheel horses" that they cannot follow him. Just as soon as Mr. Bryan has left for South America the fight on him will begin. Men who op pose him ay this trip was planned be cause Mr. Bryan realized what strength would be arrayed against him, and wanted to be beyond the reach of any Influences which might cause him to discontinue hla attacks. "It Is said tbat Mr. Bryan will make the fight in Nebraska on the Insertion of a county option plank In tho democratic plat form. On that he will lose tho support of Governor Shallenberger, who Is standing on the present daylight saloon act and ex pects re-election on a platform affirming the efficacy of that law. Another man who will be against him Is Mayor James Dahl man of Omaha, who has, for years, been known as Bryan's "closest . personal and political friend," He stands on a "personal liberty" plank and will be a candidate for the governorship on It." The Omaha World-Herald, M'hlch ha supported Bryan In hla every campaign, In a recent editorial, announced that the posi tion of tho party on the liquor question would be determined by the , entire party and not by any one man or set of men, and gave as its Judgment that the Ne braska democracy could, under no cir cumstances, be brought to adopt the county option plank. When the last article of the series which Mr. Bryan has prepared Is printed, It will be seen that he has burned all bridges be hind him; that he has staked his political existence on the outcome. He will put this Issue above tariff, finances, trusts and every other question." THE STANDARD OIL DECISION. It Seems to Say." . Chicago Inter Ocean. On its face the decision breaks up the corporate or pool method of holding the securities of the subsidiary companies and compels their holding by Individuals as such. It seems to say that, while A, B and C may individually own stock In as many oil companies as they please, they cannot hold It In combination or associa tion. Opening; tnr Criminal Proaeentlon. Kansas City Star. The opening for the Taft administration Is In the clear finding of personal guilt in the verdict of the court of appeals. For this verdict does not name merely the Impersonal corporation, but certain men as of, the anti-trust law. Although thla flnd lngtng Is In a civil suit, and doea not, therefore, carry with It the penaltlea pro vided for the criminal acts held aa having been performed, the way Is made clear for the government to proceed to prose cute the Individuals on criminal grounds. Does Its Work Well. St. Louis Globe Democrat. The oldest and most autociailo of the trusts has at last apparently reached the end of Its career. Its fate will soon rest with the highest tribunal, and the de cisive word there will probably ba pro nounced quickly. Many devices for evad ing the law have been Invented since 18:t0, but the Standard's case and several other -.ua In recent times show that Sherman and t.'.r associate framers of the antl-truat -w of ..Ireteen years ago did an excellent piece of work Holding Cumitmnlra Ousted. Philadelphia Record. There has Veen a s.dil'ously cultivated Idea that the "holding c '-poTatlon" Is something which the lawa culf reach. But In this case the holding cor.rVlon was developed to Its highest power, ill ability of Judicial power to reduce that ' evlce to nullity Is, suggested by the In junction, which roroias not only me hold ing corporation to exercise control In any way over the subsidiary ones, but also the subsldiariea to pay any dividends or profits to the main company. Takes A n ay Ita Power. Baltimore American. No decision of the courts since the fa mous I. a ml is 130,000,000 fine has covered anything like the range of the decision of the United States circuit court at St. Louis declaring the parent oil company la In vio lation of the law and ordering the abate ment of Ita activities. No decision could have been more sweeping, aa it embraces moBt of the subsidiary companies nann d aa defendants, the exceptions being unim portant. These concerns are directed not to pay dividends to the Standard Oil com pany of New Jersey, and not again to form any combination looking to a monop oly of the oil buslnesa. The parent Con cern la likewise enjoined not any longtr to vote the stock of the minor companies. While the Standard Oil company, aa such. 7v , '"VJ o and food Makes No alum The onlv u'.;..,.Va3A I leg from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Is not dissolved, the decision takes away the powers without which it cannot have continued existence. Illenral Combinations. That the circuit court at St. Paul has now pronounced it an illegal combination Is less surprising than that such a posi tive Judgment has not been reached before. Judge Sanborn's opinion Is slmp'y a recital of facts that have been made very familiar to readers of newspapers and magazines for many years past. lie makes the dis tinction between the necessary and the accidental effects of a combination a dis tinction recognized with contrary effect In his own decision, of the day before, dis missing a suit against the Union Pacific railway but finds that the effects of this combination In restraint of trade ure necessary and essential. They are pre cisely the effects which congress. In the exercise of its power to regulate commerce, Intended by this act to prevent and sup press. The government is, therefore, en titled to a decree forbidding the contin uance of this combination In interstate commerce. PERSONAL NOTES. Major Thomas Hayes, former Inspector general of the Confederate army and at one time second vice president of the Pullman Palace Car company, died In Louisville, Ky., aged 72. Edwin D. Mead, one of ths most prom inent men engaged In the wor'.d's peace, movement, says that after tha year 1915 war will be practically abolished from the earth; at lear, War between nations. Lawrence Shultz, of near Iola, Columbia county, is the champion buckwheat farmer of Pennsylvania. He has finished thrash ing hla buckwheat and has 1,100 bushels from seventy acres, or an average yield of twenty bushels per acre. Two of the oldest voters In Pennsylvania live in Carbon county. They are Patrick Fisher of Lansford, who is 90 years old and goes to the polls unassisted, , and Daniel Behler of Millport, 9S years old and Is as active as a man forty years younger. Both voted at the recemt election. Harry Hawke, leading man for Laura Keene, the night of Lincoln's assassination, In Ford's theater, nearly .forty-four years ago, was ' ona of the passengers of tha American liner Haverford, which docked In Boaton recently. He is 71 years old and the only surviving member of that com pany. The disaster In tha Illinois coal mine at Cherry Hill Illustrates again that there are heroes in the Industrial battles in the bowe!s of the earth as well as in the armies that march and the navies that sail in the sunlight. Of tha fourteen men who went down into the burning shaft In an effort to save scores of their im prisoned fellow-workmen , only one re turned. Every . one of those men bent on rescue knew that he faced almost certain death even better than did the 600 who rode forward in the charga at Balaklava. Yet the ona survivor. Dr. L. B. Howe, saved twenty-five men, which meant Joy not alone to them, but to twenty-f e families. The 200,000th "ICimbal! Piano Has Been. Made! Think of THAT! 200,000 pianos in a straight line would reach from Chicago to Springfield, 111. Surely, the "Kimball" HAS been an Important factor In the musical growth of tho entire couu- ' try, has it not? The A. Hospe Co., as much ab any OXK piano house, has enabled the Kimball Co. to reach this staggering total it believes tha "Kimball'.' to be the most popular instrument of Its class it indorses It thoroughly. Trie enthusiasm that brought the Kimball to its present foremost position has not waned an iota the Kimball of today la better than yesterday's that ot tomorrow will eel Ipso today's and 'twill be ever bo. Free Jlillgtellli 1513 DOUGLAS STRfcLf. OMAHA. NED. Here is a Delightful Change) Another New Food a dellcloof rke toast. Serve It alone, t.r with cream ortrult. Children thrive en Toai'rd kite biscuit. Al yuur grocer for KelluKK'a Toatt4 Kice Foods. LaiiO packages, luu. Th Kalloa T o& tod Rlc Flake) & Biacuit Co, Enttls Creek. Mich. Put and Try 0 Only 10 Crnlt - - SlisSiif'C r. Royal Daklng Powder Is Ihe Greatest of limn nrwl iKni I i ( V oavws m me pastry COOK. Economizes flour. Lutter efics and makes th digestible and healthful most healthful food no lime phosphates bakinn tuowder made SMILING. LINES. Howell Do you think we shall ever have universal peae? Powell I had hopes of It at one time, but that was before the north pola let Itself be found. Judge. Stngestruck Young Man I suppose the first thing for me to do will be to adopt a stHKe name. Have you a good one to suk gesl? Theatrical Manager (who has seen htm act) Yes, I think Dennis would be a good name for you. Chicago Tribune. "Have voti decided what ODlnlona von will adopt?'' "I don t adopt opinions," answered Sen ator Sorghum. "1 make an effort to as certain what opinions are likely to be as sociated with success and then persuado mem to auopi me. Washington star. "Poor chap! Everything; ba earns goes on hl wife's back." "Well, If you had seen her at the opera you wouldn't think he earned much." Chi cago News. First Wall Street Office Boy Hello Chlmmy! Takln" any filers desa days? Second Office Boy Nawl Since 1 dropped two bones In de slump I bin stlckln' to mo legitimate business. Harper's Weekly. Scott Half tha people In tho world don't know what the other half are doing. Molt No, that Is rw-causo the other half are doing them. Boston Transcript. Visiting1 Relative How arlstocratlo your father looks with all that gray hair. Naughty Bon Yes, and he's got me to thank for It, tool Puck. Uncle Zeke, whose Influential relative was showing him through the Treasury de partment st Washington. wa watching nn expert engraver at work. "Well," he said, every man to his trade. I don't suppose I could learn to do that In a year." Chicago Tribune. "Uncle Jed," asked h's neighbor, "how Is your boy gettliiK along at college?" "First rate," answered Uncle Jed. "Hn hasn't cost me a cent. He's working his way through; he's winning all tha class honors and they've promised him a pro fessorship of some kind." . "Great Scott!" gasped his neighbor, "Is that all he Is doing? With that big huskv frame of his I supposed he'd be playing center by this time!" Chicago Tribune. AFTERWARD. J. W. Foley in Collier's. I'm glad I was always so good to her; I was Just up there In the nursery Picking up tlilngH you know that were Left strewn about as carelessly As a child will do -when she's called from play; V I picked them up with a mist and blur In my eyes, and I laid them all away I'm glad I was always so goo', to her. And many's tho picture that came to me, That came to me o'er a Teddy bear Or a doll or a whole tin infantry Arrayed In n battle column there; Picture on picture of girls and girls (One year and two years and three) thot were; Of plnaforeR and blue frocks and curls I'm glad I wuh always so good to her. Dreams on dreams and they ride, mo down, Column and phalanx and voices call And grasses grow greerf and come sere and brown. And leaves bud, blossom and blow and fall; She had been six now and seven and ten So tall and so toll how fair they were. How fair they were and would have been. Those lost ones I'm glad 1 was good to her. Vjfiy VfJ Lid I Fire and Death Insurance with every Piano sold here. YOU have tried the ml. Just try , package the new. tempting rl"e-food So much brtltr thin tiio of othrr broakfaHt food Hint you will adopt it tor all time wlien you and youi have onta learned lis deilcious, dillireHt flavor. Cbane to-day to Kellogg's Toasted Rice Flakes crisp, appetir n?, satitfylrif the latest pro.nict or xno grcui wu iHborHtorin uftjliatud whh tile (anions Hattlt I rtrk Snilartum. t'hli et rit e crkim rolled into transpuruut films and toasted just rin'd to hrln out t.iuir delicate, nul-li-e flavor, kite Is ihe world's ifrealct iod-ili most diifesiible and nourishing; of all ceiel i oaHwl Kite Hakes ciicr it iu lis inoM readi.y m:llblo fcim. Toasted Rice Biscuit ndtrtej by ths hilt in I'tttk aSUNtUriMM 1 sj rjy rjy 'xr "s - - - - -