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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1909)
T1IH HKK: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, KOVEMHKR 24, 1009. 'I nrii. nnV es both raoass a At This Thanksgiving Ye Offer the Best in Quality Least in Price We scored a splendid success in assembling offerings for this event because we bought early when assortments were nt their best and before prices rose. The fast selling we have experienced points to this as the most important purchasing opportunity of the Thanksgiving season. Every garment every yard of Linen this store con tains is worthy and dependable in every particular. Assort ments are wide and diversified and prices demand your at tention before you buy elsewhere. Special Sale of Fine Towels All our $1.50 Scalloped and Hemstitched Towels; Wednes day's -price,'' each $1.00 Special Sale of Ready-Made Roller Towels 23 dozen 75c Holler Towels in this sale, each 50c 23 dozen 50c Roller Towels, in this sale, each 39c Size 18x103 inches long. Wednesday at the Bargain Square, Basement Women's Black Heatherbloom Petticoats, good full sizes regular $2.50 value; Wednesday at, each $1.79 Store closes all day Thursday, Thanks giving Day. 'ALCOHOLISM CURED THRflllRH HYPNOTISM lies Molnri Minister failed to Kaer ctse III Skill I'pon rrUoner In Jail. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES. Nov. 23. (Special Tele tram.) Hev. Thomas Cimsady of the Epis copal church here, has undertaken the task Ot causing the cure by hypnotism of II. W. Cook, a prisoner, In Jill for intaxicjtl.'n. Cook Is a railroad accountant who hai completely Riven way to his taste for whisky, and a few days ago he called on Sasady and abused him and the church. When he found himself In Jail serving time for intoxication, he Bent for Casady and asked him to help him reform. Casady had the reputation of having effected a complete cure on another min In Jail las. summer, and lie Immediately commenced treatment of Cook to cure him of the drink habit, by hypnotism and suggestion. Mandard Oil In Iowa. 'The Htandard Oil trust has long main tained two subsidiary companies under the Iowa' statutes, but does no business In Iowa with cither' one. An Investigation at the state bouse shows that all the Iowa business Is done by the Standard Oil Com pany of Indiana, which company Is not of record In Iowa and has no standing here. The Continental OH company of Iowa, headquarters at Council Wuffs, has a cap ital of $300,000, and tho Standard Oil Com pany of Iowa, headquarters at Council Bluffs, has a capital of only $1,000. OrlK lnall this latter company hod 11.000,000 Gentle Dentistry If you have an aching, sen sitive tooth, you undoubtedly dread a visit to your dentist, because you know you will suf fer additional pain. Come and talk 'to me about It. My success in painless oper ating is bound to be ef ad vantage to you. Dr. J. B. Fickes 810-217 Board ot Trad. Both Phones. 10th and Farnam St. B, XV. See V Tmk::. ' ,?T7 i : i L ym- fir ivy. v Be that boy's shoe pictured here? Well, that's one of the shoes we are using as a brick la the tAillding up of our extraordinary successful shoe department. It may be had in all of the GOOD leathers, such as calfskin and patent colt, and the soles are put up "for keeps" of leather that seems to have no "wear out." Sensible shape, too. isn't it? No better all around shoe made. Sizes 9 to 13i, $3.Sizes 1 to 6, $3.50 Send (or New Illustrated ' CaUtofue i n r"iTva r- New Location, 1510-1520 Farnam Street. r bach ll nrr 1 a-isai II capital, but It was first reduced to $100,000, then to the present figure. The company transacts Its Colorado and western busi ness through the Continental, but It Is not known here If any business Is done by the Standard company of Iowa. It Is not anticipated by state officials of Iowa that any effect will be had on the Iowa com panies or business by the court decision at St. Paul. N College Degrees Without landing-. Are college degrees for sale in Iowa? And if so, are they worth anything to the purchaser? These are questions which have been bothering Superintendent Rlggs of the department of instruction. The pastor of a church In the south raised the ques tion with regard to the legal right of the "Iowa Christian college" as Oskaloosa to grant degrees, and alBO as to the legal status of a College degree. Investigation shows that a college degree really has no standing In Iowa, that they are not recog nized in law and that they may be granted in fact by any college or educational insti tution under rules whioh It may make for Itself without any legal restrain. The only place where the question as to their value could be raised would be In finding out the standing of a college, and then the State Hoard of Educational Examiners would in fact Investigate the college that granted the degree. Collateral Inheritance Ta. Collateral Inheritance taxes to the amount of probably $15,000 or $20,000 will be turned into the state treasury when there is set tlement of the estate of the late Joseph Storm of Woodward. He bought 240 acres of lang from the government for $4 an acre In lfced, and held It till he died last week, increasing the farm to 8,000 acres. He also had a credit at the bank of $90,000. But he had never married and shortly be fore his death he made a will leaving It all to collateral heirs, chiefly brothers and sisters. The land was as fine land as could be found anywhere In the state. Watches FRENZER 15th and Dodge. Sentence for Baker, PLATT9MOUTH. Neb., Nov. 23.-(Spe-cial.) In district court today Judge Pern terton of Beatrice sentenced Charles J. Baker to serve In the state penitentiary for eighteen months at hard labor. Wife No. 1 o,f Ohio prosecuted him and the Jury was out one hour. The charge preferred was that of bigamy. MOVEMENTS Or OCEAJT STEAKSXIFS. ort. Arrived. Sailed. NEW YORK .Ryndam NEW YORK Vadrlan4 N A PI. ICS Cratlo Crmnl. NAPLK8 Laura San Giovanni. NAPLK.B Amerlka. UIKRN8TOWN Lu-llanla yi'KKNSTOWN Arabic ANTWERP Lapland i'HRISTIANSAND...Oarar II DUAHOOW Caledonia Pralorlaa. SOl'TH AMPTON.... Naw Ynrk ROTTERDAM Poladam Boys' Knickerbocker Suits 2J With 2 Pairs Trousers 2 They "look good," good" because they're "Sampeck's." Treasured Togs at S7.50, fS.SO and Nobby? did you ask? VERY! Coats double breasted; lapels rather long: backs slightly shaped; and have Inverted side vents. Samo makers make our young men's suits "Sampeck" people and that tells the story ot style. Come In navies, tans, browns and grays, ages 6 to 17. All such fab rics as mixtures and novelties, come equipped with TWO pairs of fully lined, service giving trousers. "Two trouser" idea alone ought to "bring" you. SAIIPECK OVERCOATS For hoys these swell military collar styles -scores of fabrics, dozens of styles - priced low as This Boys' Shoe! Tnt YT!U9 rcopin OWN STOWC Omaha Traction Case is Argued to Commission Complaint About Watered Stock Bonds Issue Declared Not in Troper Form by Lawyers. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Nov. 23 (Special.) The com pliant of It. H. Howell and others against the Omaha and Council Lhiffs Street railway company was argued befure the railway Commission this afternoon. The argument came up on i lie demurrer filed by the street railway company. The com mission has taken the matter under con- I side ration. John L. Webster appeared for the etreet railway company and Lysle Abbott for the complnlnants. The complaint afkrd that the State Rail way commission find the physical valu ation of the street railway company; pro hibit it from declaring any dividends or paying any Interest on bonds until the physical valuation equaled the outstanding stocks and bonds and make extension and permanent Improvements until the physical valuation equaled the outstanding obliga tions; to reduce fares in accordance with the valuation of the company as found by the railway commission. Mr. Webster contended that the State Railway commission had no authority un der the law to find the physical valuation of the railway system, because of the pas sage of the l!i9 physical valuation law, phlch provided that first the steam rail ways must be valued. When this Is done, then the commission has authority to find the valuation of other public service cor porations. Street railways, he argued, were not In the class with steam railroads, but were defined In the definition of com mon carriers, and over them the commis sion had only a limited control, but not authority to promulgate rates. He also argued that the complaint was not In proper form In that It asked for three distinct decrees calling for three hear ings. He attempted to show th? Inconsis tency of tho complaint by showing that the complainants desired the rates reduced and at the Bame time asking that extensions be made. , Mr. Abbott argued that the complaint was all right and it was not necessary thai It be as though filed In a court. That it was the duty of the commission to get at the bottom of the facts and In doing this commission, was not bound by the Iron rules of a court. When Is was necessary .In arriving at a conclusion on a complaint he argued It was the right of the commission to discover the physical value of a street railway com mission, even though the commission may not have the right to order this done on Its own initiative. The argument ranged over a large field In which General Webster cited cases to show that where a specific attack was made on a rate, the matter of the physi cal valuation of property was not a part ot the evidence. CANCER TAKING MILLIONAIRE (Seorice Crocker Slowly Dying; In New York of Incurable Alnlari y. NEW YORK, Nov. 23. George Crocker, youngest son of the late California mil lionaire, Charles C. Crocker, Is slowly dy ing at his home here from a malndy said to be cancer. It was reported earlier In the day that Mr. Crocker had hut d few hours to live, but his brother, William H. Crocker, said this afternoon that while the patient was sinking each day, he did not believe death was Imminent. George Crocker Inherited one-fifth of the $30,000,000 estate left by his father. In the spring of 1908 he was operated on and while the progress of the malady was stayed for a time, the patient for weeks has been graduully sinking. Mr. Crocker Is about M years old. His wife died In 1!0I, from the same malady with which Mr Crocker Is said to be afflicted. OMAHA GIRL WEDS IN DETROIT Mian Florence Klnknlil, Niece of Con arreuinan, Ilecomes Ilrlde of Major Wnlton. DETROIT, Mich., Nov. 23. -(Special Tele gram.) The wedding of Miss Flor. nce K n kald of Omaha, niece of Congressman M. T. Klnkald of Nebraska, to Major A. E. Walton, adjutant general of the Michigan Patriarchs Militant branch of the Indepen dent Order of Odd Fellows, will take place at the residence of Frederick W. Davis at 8 o'clock this evening. The bride arrived In Detroit from Omaha Monday. She will wear a gown of white satin trimmed with rose point lace, and will be attended by Miss H.den Taft of Chicago. Major and Mrs. Walton, will have on their honeymoon Immediately after the wedding reception. On the.'r return they will take up their residence In this city. x. i s "stay good" and S are "Strflpeck" Clothes, thit't the Kind V s $io c r- 1 H -.' V-V-' j k Copper Stocks Drop Sharply Report Standard Oil Decision Will Stop Consolidation Causes a Slump. NEW YORK, Nov. 23,-Following a quiet thought somewhat feverish opening of the stock market today there developed In the first hour an outburst of selling orders In the securities of Amalgamated Copper, which sent that stock down from 91 to 874. The sharp plump In the price of Amalgamated served to unsteady otl t stocks and produced a decline In other active Issues. Accompanying the outpour of stocks were signs of operations for the short account. Reports that the proposed merger of the co per properties would have to be aban doned owing to the federal courts de cision in the Standard Oil case were said to be responsible for the sudden decline in the market. The heaviest dfdlne recorded In the first hour were In Smelters, which dropped from W:M to StfVand Reading, which fv-'ll off a point. Steel common sold down to 87T4 from the opening price of 8SH. while Union Pacific went off from 2014 to 200. Liquidation was observed in Pennsylvania, which fell about a point to 131V4. A rally followed the excitement. DE ARMOND BURNED IN HOME (Continued from Page One.) the house. James then was dragged to the street by people who refused to let him sacrifice himself. No cry came from the burning house, and it was evident Congressman I)e Armond and Waddle had been overcome. In fif teen minutes more the house had been con sumed. ' Nettle Boles, the maid, It developed latT, had been one of the first to escape. She was unhurt, but, oo frightened to compre hend the situation, had fled from the scene. "Waddia" De Armond was the son ef James A. De Armond. His right name was David A. He was named after his grand father and was the latter's favorite grand child. The boy frequently resided at the home of his grandparents, always sleeping with the congressman. WASHINGTON. Nov. 23.-In Mr. De Armond the democrats lose one of their leaders. A mamber of that body for the last nineteen years and a man of education, wlao experience and fluent speech, he had become one of the principal sources of his party In all discussions of national consequences. He made a specialty of labor subjects, but was never at a loss In handling almost any question. Mr. De Armond had' been on the bench before coming to congress and he naturally gave much attention to judicial subjects. Ho was a member of the committee on Judiciary and had held that post for many years. Previous to the present congress, he also was a member of the commute on rules, but the selection of his colleague. Champ Clark, as minority leader, rendered it necessary to place Mr. Clark on that committee, which had the effect of dis placing Mr. De Armond, as two could not be appointed from the same state. While Mr. De ' Armond will be long re membered for his brilliant oratory and his power of sarcasm; he also will long be known on account of his qualities as a party fighter. - ' Inclined to - be- pugnacious, he often pleaded subjeet"as an aggressor rather than as a defendant. This qua'lty of mind .was the means of getting him Into a personal altercation, two years ago, with John Sharp Williams, who was then the democratic leader of the house. The difference between them arose over Mr. Williams' designation of a Missouri colleague of Mr. De Armond's for a place in the organization of the sixtieth con gress. They came tq blows, but both being light weights, neither was badly hurt. Mr. De Armond was an aspirant for the leadership of the house, but the recog nition of Mr. Clark effectually cut him out of that position. , KANSAS CITY. Nov. 23. -The charred bcdles of Congressman De Armond and his j grandson Waddle were found In the ruins I nf tliplr hurneit home this ,ftmnnn Th I bodies vTere buriird almost to a crisp, both of De Armond's legs being burned off, as was his arms. The bodies were lying side by side, as if Congressman De Armond had been carrying his grandson when death overtook him. - Hailley Makes Statement. JEFFERSON CITY. Mo., Nov. 23.-Gov-err.or Hadley today gave out the following statement on the death of Representative De Armond: , "I am deeply shocked at the news of the tragic death of Judge De Armond and his grandson. The state has lost a public ser vant whose long experience In and knowl edge of public affairs gave him a deserv edly high position In the national congress. He was a man of unquestioned integrity and ability and a close student of every public question with which he had to deal." CURTIS TO AID MACVEAGII tContinued from Page One.) appointed aa the plans are at present. The choice of his successor will remain prin cipally with United States Senator Root. Haying lied l.lqnor by Mall. Sixteen quarts of whTsTTy for (.0.80 is a Quotation given for "red lUiuor" In Okla homa in the official records of the Post office department. In Oklahoma the sale of Intoxicating liquors is prohibited by law. Much of the liquor consumed in that state is shipped Into Oklahoma from adjoining states. Generally it Is ordered and paid for by mull. Today Postmaster General Hitchcock re ceived a letter from the pastmuster at Miami, Okl., enclosing an application for a money order made at that office. The ap plicant wanted a quantity of "red liquor." The older was made payable to a. concern In Kansas City, Mo., and in the aomuiit space thu term "sixteen quarts" was In setted and in the dollar space the sum .a0. Part of (anal Open. Five miles of the Panama canal have been opem d to navigation. This includes the channel from a point in the Day of Panama. Steamships plying between San F'.anclsco and Panama and the west coast ports of South America ard Panama are using this part of the canal daily. Should the Buffalo go ta. Panama for marines to be transported to Nicaragua, tills part of the canal would be utilised. Representative Mondell Arrives. Representative Mondell of Wyoming ar rived In Washington today. Woman Shot by Small Boy. SIOUX FALLS, 3. D., Nov. tX (Special.) As the result of a peculiar aocldent, "Grandma" Kenyon. an aged and highly respected resident of the little town ot Naples, was seriously wounded and nar rowly escaped with her life. Phe was in the railway depot at Naples waiting tor s train when she was the victim of the acci dent. Some careless traveler had left a loaded hammerless gun In one of the seats dear her, and as was to be expected, a llttla boy discovered the gun and eommenced to play with It. la a moment the gun was accldently discharged. The tnuiile was pointed la the direction of Mrs. Kenyon at 'GOODYEAR RAINCOATS REION SUPREME' TdAUKSGIVin SPECIAL HAiqCOAT SALE t i Cravenctfcd Overcoats and Silk Water proof Coats at Reduced Goodyear Prices 1 SPECIAL TOMORROW Women's lininconts and Silk Coats all now popular shades, new styles, regular $18.00 and $120.00 values tomorrow Men's Cravenetted Overcoats regular $25.00 and $30.00 values- tomorrow, at : : i Buy your raincoat now and save money; sooner or later you must buy one anyway few nowadays are without one. Their usefulness is appreciated more and more every day, as may be judged by the in creased sale at our store. Don't be without a Goodyear Raincoat on Thanksgiving day. ', Orders by mail promptly attended to when accompanied by check or money order. i The only exclusive Itaincoat Store in Omaha. RK.MKMllKli, we make all goods we make at the wholesale retailer's profits. ioodyear Raincoat Co. S. E. Corner 16th and Davenport Streets Hotel Loyal Tiiero & Only Ona 'Ssf22Q That is USED THE WORLD OVER TO Always remember the full name. for this signature on every bos. Two Special Thanksgiving Dinners From 12 to 2 P. M. And From 6 to 8 F. M. $1.00 Per Plate These dinners will be fully up to the standard already established by Cafe Loyal. Tables may be re served. Hotel Loyal "At the Sign of the Red Arrow." LB.MfCOUIl CO. COAL South End 16 ST. VIADUCT HOME OF THE LONG TON" We Make All We Sell Omaha Trunk Factory We also carry a fine line ot Ieatet gea Deug. 105S 13U8 fuitai et In a. a.lOM the time and the entire chatfie entered het hip, making a very bad wound. NAMES OF RURAL CARRIERS Number of Nebraakana Remembered hj Appointment to Office Hall way Nail Clerks. (From a Ptaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov.' 2S (Special Telegram.) Rural carriers appointed for Iowa routes are as follows: Alnaworth, route No. 3, Frank N. Harding, carrier, no substitute; Jclce, route No. 1. Hans L. Rygh, carrier, ICdward T. Felland, substi tute; Nodaway, route No. S, II. I). Vaughn, carrier, Carrie E. Vaughn, sub stitute; Shanibaugh, route No. 1. Fred II. Woodruff, carrier, Edward W. Fulk. rub stitute; I'nionvllle, route No. 4. Edward W. Wlnans. carrier, no substitute. James Bogle was appointed post master at Bushnell, Kimball county, Ne braska, vice C. I'. Snyder, reaiKned. Hugh Mooney of Aurora, Clayton Stew ard of Albion, Q. Stewart. Joe F. Hoavel' of Lincoln; J. D. Doentje of Blue Hill. Neb., have been ailHlntd railway mall clerks. Deapondeat Man liana Hliuarlf. SIOUX FALLS. . L.. Nov. Ji (Special.) A young man named George liarnt-s. aid 11. who It Is known has relatives at George la., and who is believed to have formerly been a resident of that place, commit! '4 suicide by hanging, at Chester, a small town on the South Dakota Central rati- mi $15 1 tbe goods we sell and sell all the price. Ituying here you have the Building. Quia Sao 99 CURE A COLO IH OM DAY. Look 25c. Victor S25 All This Week for the MEN To all men who visit our store 2d floor Old Boston Store, and bring tills ud, we give a free chance in a draAinB, for 5 Victor Premium maehinis, eneh with 6 8-Inch records, value $30 each. There are alao B00 Men's Arti cles ranging In value up to 91.00. Kach chance drnws one of iheo in Helen (no blanks), us well as a chance for one of tiie big prlsas. All we Is that you visit our department In the Old Boston bitore and see for yourself the splendid stock of Pianos, Players, Victor Machines und records for all phonographs. Player Music, C'liulnela for Records and Music, and hear the- almost Continuous concerts und funny record. You will enjoy the visit. How soon ar you going to buy that Victor? You know you must have one and we want to get your order. Easiest Kind of Easy Payments. Victors $10 to $60 Vic.rolas $125to$200 Piano Player Co. Old Boston Store, Second Floor. Suit or Overcoat to Order $20 To reduce our stock we will make to order your choice of our $23.00, $28)0 and $30.00 Suits and Overcoats for 1S20.00 These are fine all wool goods and are nice, bright patterns. We use good lin Hings and guarantee perfect lit and workmanship. All orders promptly filled. MacCarlhy-VVilson Tailoring Co., 301-306 South Iflth St. road north of Sioux Falls. Ho hu:ig hi:n self In the loft of a liv ry bai n. Hh was In '. poor health and thla and the fact that u. had been unable ti secure llKht employ, ment. which woul he within his strength, Is believed to have caused hl;n to take hia own life. He had bei-n making bis hcad unaiUra at the livery barn, where some A the men sympathized with hlin and pro vided Min with tlus n-cea.iaiifs of life. I I STATISTICS UPHOLD THE UNITED DOCTORS These Specialists Treat and Cun More Than All Others. INTERESTING COMPARISON OF FACTS Tlielr Treatment Also Curt-s Largest lVr Cent of Patients.. Kvrr.votie knows that there re mnnj cures to the credit of each school of modi cine. The Allopath has been treat lug Mck peoplt and curing dimase for hundred ot rnr, ulio the Allopath liaa allowed many to die who vhould have been cured. The Homeopath has a history almllar to that of the Allopath, though he haon't been In existence So long. He, oo, has cured many and let Othera die because bin treatment did not reach all cases. The Kclectlc has cured cases that could not be reached by either the Allopath or the Homeopath. lu he. also, has allowed people to die uho'could have been cured had they .been treated by either the Allo path or Homeopath. Thus Is shown both the good and bad Ol the three schools of medicine. Kach makes cures that could not be mude by either of tha othea ichools, and each iiinkea failures In cases that would have been cured by cither of the other clii'o!s. What is more self-evident that neither of the three old schools l complete, but that each Is simply a brancha pnit, a third of the of IkuIiuk; (hut the only perfect eysiem of nudlrma Is a union of these three parts a fulled System, such as is used by ihe I'nlted 1'octoia, who have their Umahu Institute on the second floor of the JVtvillc lilock, corner Sixteenth and Harney Mne:s. That la the only logical system that will fit all easos; that la the twentieth icutury ssiem, and sootier or later all the old school prejudices will die out and all doctors w ill use the United System. Of 1,1X2 cases treated by the United OoctorK, In Oninha, In a given time, sta tistics show l.Oltl cures, 68 who were bene fitted and only :'3 failures. This la only a fraction over i per cent of failures, while statistics show that the. other schools have near -10 per cent f failure. Of course. In considering these figures. It should be borne in mini that the United Doctors never accept a case for treatment unless they consider it curable; that is one reason why their Institute on the tecohd floor of the Neville Block, corner Sixteenth and Harney streets. Is always crowded with patients. Sick people know they are sure of a cure If the United Doctors accept their money. Red Letter Day HO Kxtra Stamps With l'.uch Ton Hard or Koft Coal Wednesday. mm it OIH LKADKKS. Dominion Lump or Nut, C Cf per ton. pJ. JU For furnace or heater use lump, for range use nut. onr.:. $5.00 No other coal equally as good at thla price. The teams to make prompt de livery, and the coal that satisfies. PEOPLES COAL COPAP 1-117 Harney Street. Telephones: Doug. 3471, 1754. Ind., A-1408. WE IMQLD THE PIUXOI'LKS of the BUSINESS OMAHA LOANl BUILDING ASSOCIATION Southeast (or. Itltli & Uodife Ms. To The Public Because we wish to liave the people know 1. Of our safe securities. 2. Money loaned only on first mort gage on homes, the safest of all mortgage loans. 3. Loans made only up to one-half the value of these homes. i' 4. Abstracts showing good title ro quired. Also Insurance. 6. Six per cent paid on deposlU. ASSETS OVEB 3,900,000. Your Patronage Solioltedl G. V. I.oomls. Pres. a. 51. Nattlnser, Sec. & Trens. W. It. Adair. Ass't. See'y. AMI SKMK.VrS. BOYD'S Theater M ATTN EH TODAY, 8:18 IiAST TIME THURSDAY MIGHT Ppeolal Matinee Thanksgiving. Brady at Grtsnier Announce rXKSjT TIME HEBE A Gentleman from Mississippi The Most Talked of Comedy of the , Oeatnry. TKIDAY AID SATURDAY ' MATIWEB BJATTJKDAY CHAUNCEY OLCOTT In Bis New Flay, RAGGED ROBIN" Sunday, 'The Oiil from Beotor's." BEATS BEADY THURSDAY. KRUG THEATER Prices i 15c, a&c, too, 76a TONIOHT MATIMEE TODAY All Heats 210 BEUX.AK yOYSTEg in LKNA RIVKHS commencing Ttnralay Matinee The Time, The rises, and Tbe Olrl" m 11 HI I J IM L) aa'll US 'Ja O fci is m ti m ins. avise-eis, w w wna s mwwia . ni ni s All This Week, THE GIKI. IK THE U Jt AND8TAHD" Spsolal Thanksgiving Day Matinee It l tnt rrtces, 2jo to SI 60 Matinee Frlose, ilio to 100 KtartlnT Bm.d.iy, Nov. 1:3. M CiBEW STOCK CO. Irlces: S3 and 360 PHONBJ UW4 .OVAHCED VAOBBVIMiS ' Uy HU!inoe, 3:1! Daily Htg-ht Ferf orm- .ro 8:15. Tills Week Junii iSieger, 'lijthliis tlirlB." Kose itoyal, l.uuru Huek i ' Harry H i'vers. Nevina at Krwood, A ' I!"1! li, iMiiuupiiii'' . ii" v ,--.. ronMTt orrhentrn. Prio4 10c, 8 So and too, FOOT BALL VIST TO if ST. FAB, at, TKAVKBOXYDIO i DAY, S V. M. d OMAHA HIGH SCHOOL vs. topeka man school MMiMI Beats VSo. Otaeral Admlssloa Ma fit I -) jT rj.