10 THE BEE: OMAITA, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24. 1000. Want - Ads AdrrrlUrmrnli loe the want rnllmna will te likri until 12 m. tar the rtrnlii rilllloi unit until 30 p. m. for th aioralna- lal ilr edi tion. Ch mailt accompany all orflfM (or waat ana and no JtrUfif 1 will be nrreated tor lraa than SO cents for flrt Insertion. Ilalri apply to either The Dally or Pnnriny Bee, .A I war eoaat alx words to a line. CAH RATE FOR WANT ADS. RKfill.AR CLASSIFICATION One Inaertloa, 1 1-3 eenta per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent Inaertloa. Raeh laaertloa made on odd days, 1 1-S eeata per word) ai.BO per line per noata. Want ada for The Bee mar be left at ear of the following; dm atorea one la yoar "corner 4ri(lft" they are all brunch offlcea for The Bee and ronr ad will he Inaerted aat aa propmtlr and on the an me rate aa at the main office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnara atreetei Albach, W. C. 4th and Farnam. Herat, ek, S. A.. 1412 8. 1th St. llecht Pharmacy, 720 S 16th t. Benson Pharmacy, Deniion. Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cumins. Blake-Rradlsh, 2811 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, O. R., 6th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 2211 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31t Ave. and Farnam. CrlKsey Pharmacy, 24' li and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 South 16lh St Cermak, Emll, 1264- S. lath St. Khlcr, V. H., 2u2 Leavenworth. Tonter & Arnoldl. 213 N. 2th St. Freytag. John J., WW N. 24th St. Freggcr Drug Co., IMS N. 16th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Net). y Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green s Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Grcriiough, U. A., 106 8. lOtb bt. Gret-nough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, C. 29:!0 Farnam St. lianscom l a. k Phar., 1601 S. iath Ave. HolKt. John, 024 N. ICth St. Huff, A. L . 2W4 Leavenworth St. Johanson Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sta. King, 11. S., ZMH Fai-nam St Hountze Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mfcics, Fred L., 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. La ill l up, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24lh St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth St Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. bchaeter'a Cut Price Drug Store. 16th and Chicago KL Schuefer, Auguat, 2(131 N. 16th St. .Schmidt, J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sta. ntuim Pharmacy, lSih and Martha Sta. W alnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming 6ts. Walton Pharmacy, 20tn and Grace Sta. Wlrth. U. II., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FIX ERA L NOTICES iiaMW'wmrwb amiUaiTwaBaa MUSGRAVE Gertrude, November 22, 1909, age 44 years, beloved wife of William L. IMUKgl'UVe. f'uncral services will be held from fam ily residence, 2119 Plnkney street, Wednes aay, November 24. at 2 p. m. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. B1HTHS AND DEATHS. Births Daniel Long, 1137 North Elgh teunlh, boy; W. P. Hennessy, lwi) South i-levtnlh, boy; Jamo A. Garrison, Thir tieth and Boulevard, boy; W. M. Burns, llo7 North 'i wenty-first, girl; Andrew An ueison, 308 North Twenty-seventh avenue, bin. utaths Ous Austin, Fifty-first and Davenport, uO; Baby Waugh, 917 South iUcvciuh; Amy Cam, Tenth and William, 12 Vaiico D. Whilehill, '1 tilth and Grace, i; Esther bmlih, Twenty-third and Boule vard, 1; Wlls-on Ksterday, Fifty-second and Military, i,; Iniant Burns, 110 North Vweniy-llrsi; jaines Kynta, 1311 Sou'.h Third, 11. MAR H1AGU LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been grauttd: isuniu enu Residence. Age. W. 11. Nulling, stoneham. Mass ii Mary Lupain, Escanaba, Mich 2u J. 11. Malone, Omaha 30 Anna B. Capune, Omaha iy Leo Braum, Humphrey lit Agnes Hurley, Omaha lb Frank J. Hughes, Omaha Minnie C. Stevenson, Salt Lake 8 Marlon Boyd Wendell, Iowa 27 is el lie Biagonier, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS H ) A I . CLKAN Carbon Cooking, 16.S0. -VXiO-J ;uutM,lt 4 Syulres, 14UU Far. L. M Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., ac curate compounders of prescriptions. Free utiivery. More open 6.30 a. in. to U p. in. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. X. L. Combs & Co., luA) Douglas. COMBS, UM Douglas, expert eye fitting. llAMSEH,practical hatter, 220 S. 14th St. Billiard and Pool coaubrlteeous,,l tontlon. Entrance through THACY BROS." (1UAR STORE. Uli Douglas. pi AV()S Baldwin Co., wholesale player Ailil wkJ pianoi. organs. 10 MoCague li. Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co., ISIS Far. Morand's lessons (adults), Mon. & Fri.,8 p.m. A SPECIAL OFFEli ?!.? li days we will lit your eyes with Penscoplu lenses, prescription Quality. Nickel and alumlco frames $1. Gold filled frames UlA OUR OPTICAL DEPARTMENT must be INTRODUCED to the .people. FRED BRODEGAARD CO.. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. US So. lBth St. tHflAT. H- H- Oreen Trading Stamps WA1J with Hard and Soft Coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. Doug. S471; Ind. A -1468. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone rfuir 'mix UNION LOAN COMPAHI. TEL. HARNEY 43 for press on hard and oft coal and feed; delivery and quantity Liuooiu Grain 4t Coal Co., 43d at Hamilton' Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. All kinds of CEMENT WORK. DUNDEE CEMENT STONE WORKS. 4tith Dodge. COAL by the BASKET. Red 7&tio. Uil PTiONK announces the opening . IV. wXVUilV o( new Manuiactur': lng OPTICAL and FITTING PARLORS at lkU Faruain SL Phone Douglas 774. COM j Andover. Egg, Lump, Jtj.60. R. H. Cj.nj Morehouse Co.. V. 31U6, B-2S46. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of tire escape, shutters doors and safes. G. Audreeu. Prop., ltd ti. ltnh. l'JOl couples have been married by the Rev. C. V. Savidga and he Is praying to make It t.ObO. if you want him to marry ILEli GRAND HOTEL Sr1 HnowardWS?a.1 ' Turkish Bathfi JOHN RADMAN. 706 N. 16th St.. Ladles' and Genu' suits and overcoats. k up. 4 hailing, pressing, repairing work guar inieeU. Tel. Douglas 614s. -CEMENT BLOCK of best quality. Manufactured by the IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. llotrir Omaha eleclrto works repairs el. LiieClHi- lorSjI lug M. uth. U. IM. A-144B. 4JOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- c fvrH A. JETES. Uul Douglas St " VylO CLEAN1NO AND DYEING The best ever. Twin City Dye Works, 401 8. Uth St THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND DYERS. J1 Farnam. Both 'phones. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. WOOD. Dr. O. ., 621 N. T. L. Homeopath ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fence cheaper than wood. Last a LifcUme tv7 N. 17th, Phone Red all ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) OFFICE STATIONEIlVF,iv" Kotera A Co., 1D0S Jackson. D-2007. A-S7. Missm ill fitters made and sold. 1310 Howard St. HINDOO TAUI.KTS will build, brace, strengthen. &0c. HF:LL DHt'O CO. Depositions. F. J. Sutollffe. C2S Bee Bldg. FOR watchru and Jewelry repairs see GuMafsnn & Henrickson, 2(1 N. 16th St GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Ftevenson Rnoflnn Co.. (travel and composition roofing 111 S. lth St, Omaha. Tls. LKug. 1119; Ind. A-1792; res., Webster 2:4. 2r1 EVANS Pt 7 rooms, new. modern. 13. 760. Call W ZlLt. Hnilor Pon.iin'n.T PROMPT WORK. jioner itepairnift whon steam BOILER CO.. 19th and Pierre Douglas 1141. AUTOMOBILES SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGIIT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam Bt. HELL cheap or exchange. l?og Bulck and Auburn touring cars, full equipment, ex cellent condition. Phone Black 1H5.1. Dr. Rlcard. 001 Frank ht.. Council Bluffs, la. FLEI'H IE LIS auto sprclal dry cells, strongest made, SO cents nach. Peters & Edl olm Co., 10th and Douglas. Both tele phones. MIDWAY AUTO OARAGE. Steam heat onace for storaee. repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night. r ire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. Rroadway. Council Bluffs. Ind. 671. Black 809. AUTO storage. I&00 per mo. 201 S. 10th. AUTOMOBLE, CARRIAGE PA1NTINO. BlAcksmlthlnp, woodwork and auto tops a ppeclnltv. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 25th Ave and Leavenworth. MURPHY did it. Did we paint your auto? A. MURPHY & SON. 14th and Jackson. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cvllnders. crank cases and cnntlngs promptly repaired; all work guaranteed. BERTSCHY MOTOR CO.. Council Bluffs, la. CALL us for demonstration of Cole "30." Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Farnura Sts. T..iMim . . ..i ia I - it T, sells for $1,660 Omaha Auto Co., 216 S. 19th. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET on or out of business call on OANOESTAD. 4o4 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 8367. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Address P. O. Box 413, Omaha. FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for sale or runt. C W. Letchford. FOR SALE Hardware stock and fix tures; also building located In good Iowa town of about l,6u0 inhabitants. Every thing in fiist-clans condition: only ono other hardware in town. First Nat. Bank, Ellsworth, Minn. FOR RENT, SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Gents' Fur nishings, Groceries and Millinery, In the now and modern store building on 16th St., room 66x90,- two-story and basement. For particulars see H. Krasno, 1215 Harney St PhoneB: Douglas 3943. Webster 2911. IF YOU are looking for a profitable In vestment, one of Omaha's most progressive firms Is selling a limited amount of their stock at par to increase their capital which the increasing business Is demanding. Ad dress D 661, Bee. A GOOD Nevada mining stock for sale. company managed by Omaha people; 20c a share for a short time only, ore runs from Hi to tiO per ton. This property has a splen did showing, is advantageously located and Is worthy of your Investigation. Call or address. ROBT. C. DKUESEDOW, 609-810 New York Lite Bldg., Omaha. TAILORING and sultorium business for sale at a big bargain If taken at once. Object fur selling homesteadlng. Address S. & S. Tailoring Co., Dallas. S. D. WANTED Party with capital to Invest In great money-making proposition. Lemon & Ay res, 706 N. 16th St. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors, commission basis. Sam uel Graham & Co., Selling Brokers, New York Life Building, Montreal, Canada. i HARNESS Present firm wishes to sell buulnt'tfs, as they have lumber and hard ware business also, and wish to sell har ness line to party that can repair harness. Is a good business. Address Seo'y Magnet Improvement Club, Magnet, Neb. GOOD location for meat market; rent reasonable. 10th and Hickory. WELL established and growing Omaiii manufacturing concern needs additional capital to handle Its rapidly Increasing business. Excellent line, good profits, ac count sure. Money turned very rapidly. Will stand fullest Investigation. Address P 739, Bee. FOR SALE Paying newspaper; town of 2.000; good advertising and Job patronage; must sen. index, Willow springs, mo. FOR SALEt-8,000 dry b'oods stock In town 2.700 In southern Nebraska; will take good real estate in part payment. Address I 93. care Bee. HEAVY TIMBER LAND You now have an opportunity to make application for 160 acres of very heavy tim ber land, not more than 160 acres to earn applicant, at $2.50 per acre. Location free, Including attorney's services, very reason able. Call or write 413, Karbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. lfJ6 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agcy.. 428 Paxtou. D. 1319. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. Id floor, Paxtou. D.KM TAFT'S- Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas Bt DR. FICKES, 217 Board of Trade. He doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnara Sts. TERRY COLLEGE, WAHOO, NEB. TERRY COLLEGE, ORD, NEBRASKA. TERRY COLLEGE. Grand Island, Neb. McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all styles and sizes. The Ideal Pleating Co.. 2u0 DougUS ttla. Both 'phones. Ml. Si GALBR1TH. Room 104 Sunderland Bldg. EDUCATIONAL NEW CLASSES BEGIN. December 4L OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, laiii and Farnam. M Q. ROllhuol i.ll. E. A. ZARTIMAN. Pres. V-pres. BOTH PAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL. COURSES Business. Shorthand, - Tele graphy and Civil service. WINTER TERM opens January 1 CATALOG Sent free to any address. TELEGRAPH FOLDER Tells about Telegraph department sent free. Positions guaranteed Address: M. G Rohrbough, Omaha. Neb. Tel. D. lis or A-Ilfv9. NEW NIGHT CLAWS FOR CIVIL SERVICE Just forming. Railway Mall. Carrier, Stenography. Bookkeeping. Bodies Col.eje, lull and Harney nts., Omaha. Catalogue free. Bvlb luonee, EDUCATIONAL tContlnued.J THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF I50YLES COLLEGE Opens "Wednesday, Dec. 1, 1909, In both the day and night sessions. Begin your training for Real Success as a book keeper, stenographer, telegrapher or gov ernment civil service appointee with this new term. Our famous free book, "Bread and Butter Sciences," will be sent to you In a special box, If you'll ask for It right now. Boyles College, Omaha, Neb. Both phones. official Training School Union Pacific R. R. for Telegraphers. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses In business, short hand, penmanship nnd English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Street. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tynor, 3M8 Charles. H. 2.TS3. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES' EXCLUSIVE FURNISHINGS, W E1N LAN DER & SMITH, 317 S. 16lh St. SPECIAL PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYERS FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS. LEFFERT'S, JEWELERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. MERSCHEIM. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Hand-made klmonas, dressing sacques, aprons, ladles' wool union suits, extra fine uuaHty, only 60c. E. MEN A, 420 N. 16th. FHTTMn The Teddy Bear, 1818 Harney. v-MJr,A- Cleaners & Dyers. Both Tels. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Braudels Bldg. Tel. Red B4S6. LADLES WEAR RUBBER GLOVES. Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 HARNEY ST. "JUST AROUND THE CORNER.' D A VTTTTTfK1 Beautiful creations In late "J-uui -1 millinery. 1924 N. 24th St UPHOLSTERING Antiques a specialty. W. O. Larsen, 191! Cuming. Both phones. CHINA firing, order wofk,-1842 N. 19. Tel. Webster C39, or leave orders 107 S. 15th. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE 30o Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT. 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. RUGS made of old carpets, rag carpets wove. Gate City Rug Fcty. ll21 N. 24th. B-1640. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 612 Braiideis Bldg. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white akin. By mall 60o and $1.00. Sherman & McConuell Drug Co., Omaha. . AUCTION dally at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. JAPANESE ART OBJECTS. THE TAYO CO., 16th and Jackson Sts. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthows, 332 Neville BOILED and Sweet Cider at Ak-Sar-Ben Cldar Mill, 1613 Vinton St. "BUNIONS" Oh, don't they hurt! Get a PROTECTOR from the Bell Drug Co. YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER means $1,000 to the Child Saving Institute; any publication; renewals count; lcAvest club rates. Gordon the Magazine Man, Omaha. Phone Doug. 7163. FLORISTS J. K. WILCOX, Co. Bluffs. Largest green houses In west, beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co., BRANDEIS BLDS., Bell 'Phone Doug. 305s. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St., Doug.-1258. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt E. atore entrce. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-IOOL HESS 8 WO BO DA. 1415 Farnam St. HERMAN BROS.. Council Bluffs, la. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, steam or hot water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fronts. Investi gate the Keas fuel saver, costs only $17.50 Installed. New furnaces, combination hot water and hut air heating, thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 1206-S Douglas. HELP WANTED FEMALE Altsta and Salesladies. INTELLIGENT, refined ladiea, over 26, who can travel :f necessary; good salary. Call 613 W are block. Clerical and Office. SOLICITOR and demonstrator $10 $20. TWO STENOGRAPHERS $40 $65. TWO SALESLADIES $S $10. BOOKKEEPER $o0. CARSON TH E REFERENCE MAN 574-6 Brandeia Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, Oliver, $36. BOOKKEEPER, V $t5. CHECKER, ex p., $35, H. & R. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 67d-77 Brandels Bldg. Factory and Trades. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. WANTED Experienced bindery girls. A. I. Root, 1-10 Howard. FIRST CLASS ladles' tailors wanted. V P. Chlodo, 216 South lSlh St Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; no laundry. Apply iUUS Dewey Ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work. Small family. Laundries one day. $6 a week. Tel. Doug. 73. 24.4 St. Mary's Ave. . GIRL for general housework. UX Burt Ft. Phone Harney 5S4. PARLOR, pantry, chamber and dining room maid at lirownrll Hall. Ask for house keeper. Cor. 10th and Worthtngtou. WANTED-Good girl for general house work. Mra. Yerhart 139 N. 32-1 Ave. WANTED A middle aged. capable woman to do general housewirk In a fam ily of four Jffi a small town In eastern Nebraska. Good wattes, and a pl.aant home as one of the family for a woman of refinement and education. Address communications to Box No. ST. Genoa. Nance Co. Neb., giving references and stating qualifications fully. A HOUSEKEEPER wanted. 1403 N. llb. TWO dining room girls wanted at Eno hoUL Freruout, Neu. All Kinds of live stock and poul try can be sold toy advertising it. Try using a Dee want ad. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Cont'd. COOK wanted, J612 Famam. Tel. Har ney 613. I WANTED A competent girl for general housework; must be a good cook. 3411 Farnam. Reference. OIRL for general housework. 117 N. 40th. Tel. Harney 848. WANTED A good reliable woman to wash and Iron. 2226 Ohio St. Phone Web. 41' 15. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros. 1510 Douglas. LEARN hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $15 to $35 weekly. Full course taught. Brandels Hair Dressing Dept. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors aad Salesmen. BOND salesmen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y-748, Bee. MEN who want to make Accident and Health lnsur surance their life business can secure positions ac cording to their ability ln a Nebraska company which Is Issuing a policy second to none, paying Indemnity for any and every kind of accident, and for any ill ness to which flesh is heir. Advances made to reliable men. Pioneer Insurance Company, Room 321, Kamgo Block. AGENT writes: "Cleared $;.00 last month selling your 'Business Guide' In country and town territory." Write for free ou; flt 'Big commission. Nichols & Co., Nap ervllle. ill. AN article that is a In-oor saver for a housewife will soli easily; we have It; write for particulars. The Cedar Specialty Co., Waterloo, la. YOUNG men of at least high school edu cation to represent National Pres asso ciation. Compensation about $S5 monthly. 613 Ware Block. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation lnenager. The Bee Publishing Co. SALESMEN for Nebraska. Okl., S. E. Kan., showing our petticoats, aprons, sun bonnets, doll bonnets; liberal commissions, monthly; credit for re-orders. American Sun Bonnet Co., Lathrop, Mo. WANTED, PRODUCING AGENTS AND SOLICITORS In Omaha and Nebraska to sell best ac cident and health Insurance policies. We pay largest first and renewal com mission. Most aggressive old line casualty company of the west. NATIONAL FIDELITY & CASUALTY CO., 604 Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boya; good wages. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. Uth St Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER, experience not neces sary, $40 $45. i-l STENOGRAPHER, Smith Premier, Man ning, la., $.i0 $60.' BOOKKEEPER, small Investment re quired, alary $1,200. CASHIER, hotel, $36 and board. HOTEL CLERK, out of city, $35 and board. COLLECTOR, South Omaha, $45 $65. DON'T DELAY See us at once. CO-OPERA'mVE REFERENCE CO., 676-77 Brandels Bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper by wholesale house, must be young man, ambitious and energetic. Must be a good penman, rapid and accurate. Real ability and strict at tention to business sure to receive recog nition. Salary, $66 to start with. Address In own handwriting, giving references, ago, experience and if now employed; rea sons for desiring to make a change. Ad dress 0-73S, care Bee. THREE CLERKS, Insurance office, $65. BILLING CLERK, wholesale house, $.'.0. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, begin ner, $"i0; young man. TWO OFFICE CLERKS, $60. COLLECTOR, $i0. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED Bookkeeper by wholesale house; must be rapid, accurate and accus tomed to handling a large number of ac counts. One with office experience pre ferred. Good opening for the rlnht man. Apply In own handwriting, giving refer ence, age, experience and If now em ployed; reasonH for making change. Ad dress N-737, care Bee. Factory and Trades. WANTED At once, 1st class watch maker; steady Job, IJ6 per week. C. A. Tucker. 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED At once. Jewelry Jobber; one who understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St. Lincoln, Neb. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED All around dentists; good wages. Chicago Dentists, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Force first-class plasterers at once; highest wages paid. R. P. Bantu, North Platte, Neb. WANTED 6 young men who have had experience in handling boots and shoes to wprk In stock in wholesale store; state age and whether married or single and give references. Address E 729, Bee. WANTED Immediately, first class bar ber. Grand Hotel shop, Council Bluffs, la. VANTE1 To see a carpenter or wood wot ker with small capital that wants to get Into permanent, staple, profitable, light manufacturing. Call ort F. W. Moore at Rivard apartments, 1S10 Farnam. THOMAS KILPATRICK & CO. want two or three young men with experience in sell ing men's furnishing goods. Miscellaneous. THERE Is a fascination about llf s at sea which last year caused 65 per cent of the mm with good records to re-enllst. BesldVs the material advantages offered, good pay, steady employment, they find navy life more attractive than routine Jobs ashore, because of variety of scene. The condi tions on board a spick-and-span battleship aro ideal for young men who are fond of the sea. and desire to travel. Na.vy train ing broadens them. Thrlf games and rec reation, healthy exercise and regular drills, develop quickness, sound health and self reliance. The first four months after enlistment you get the benefit of free Instruction at a navy truinlng station. If you have some trado partially learned you may enlist at better pay. perhaps go flrbt to a navy trade school. Assurance of advancement as reward for good work. Costs you nothing to enlist. Apply at Navy Recruiting Olf.ce, P. O. Bldg., Omaha, Neb. WANTED Railway mall clerks; com mencement salary. $VX(; spring examina tions everywhere; candidates prepared free. Franklin Institute, 192H. Rucheeter, N. Y. FREE Employment Dept Business Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 440 B. of T. Blag. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks completes. Practical experi ence from start. Careful Instructors. Tools given. Diplomas granted. Wages Satur days. Positions wailing. Wonderful de mand for graduates. Write for catalogue. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14ih St. FINE chance for man with small capital to get permanent. Profitable, genteel busi ness; easily handlea. Call on F. W. Moore at lUvard apariuicut. 1&10 Fauuiru, i ui V il HELP WANTED MALE M laePrllaneom -Con tlaueri. CANADA LAND, 1910. WANTED Superintendent of U. S. Agencies Office in Minneapolis Must be trustworthy, energetic and experienced, and capable of handling land excursions. Company owns 175, 000 acres finest wheat land situated in the Last Mountain Valley, Bask. Apply by letter In first Instance, giv ing experience, references and salary required. WM. PEARSON CO., Ltd., Northern Crown Bank Building, Winnipeg, Canada. RAILWAY mnll clerks; spring examina tions; preparations free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 1D2H. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Drug clerk. E. H. Dort Au burn, Neb. EARN $10 lo $15 a week during spare tune; we as manufacturers start you and furnish everything: no canvassing: 3 sim ple, successful mall order plans to keep our factories busy; we coach you and show you how to get business; you pay us In 3 months and make big profits; spare time to start; write tndav for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., 535 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. ' LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. BLANKETBARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular $5 value, only $3.50. BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT., BASE MENT. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of norses. Blue earn, rear Millard hotel. D, 409a RUNABOUT with rubber tires; regular value. $100; must sell now for $60. JOHNSON-DANFORTH, 10th & Jones. FOR SALE Work horse, 1,100 lbs. Must be sold at once. 4324 Maple St. Webster ntrn TWO horses, 7 and 9 years old, double set harness, two single sets, Stanhope and delivery wagon. Must sell at once. 2007 Leavenworth. HORSES WINTERED, stabled nights, FED grain twice a day, $7 per month. Bleick. Benson 1614. O. S. WATSON, the well known horse Bhoer. 812 N. 21st St. D. 2657: Ind. 321L HORSES WINTERED; box stalls, grain and best of care; $10 per month. Key stone Stock Farm; 'phone Benson 318. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co.. 211 S. 16th. lie ward. LOT Ladles' gold watch between 22d and Chicago and 16th and Howard Sts. Finder will be rewarded by returning to Miss Maud Krutli at wholesale depart ment of Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Co., or Tel. Harney 30SL MEDICAL BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman St McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medfcal college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement case!,; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY WhereT RELIABLE CREDIT CO. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON TOUR ( SALARY OR FURNITURE, v Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one In Omaha. PATRONIZE THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL 'phone or write and our representative will call at once. Our offices most convenient of any In the city. Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, 3d Floor. Phones: A-HH; Douglas 14U. M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; we guarantee the cheapest rates N and easiest terms In the city. Ex 10 tensions granted if sick or out of Y work without extra cost. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., U Board of Trade. 'Phone, Doug. 2295. 306 S. 16th St HERE SINCE 1S2. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co.. R. 8 Barker Blk. LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-15 Paxtou Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. Money! Money! LOANED Moneyl on furniture, pianos, etc. Any amount from $10 up. We guarantee the cheapest rates and easiest terms of any company or In dividual In Omaha. Extensions granted without extra cost If sick or out of work. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Hoard of Trade. Phone Doug. 22U6. 306 S. 16th St Here Since UVZ. faV.Y' on chattel security illOUl. AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long time. Business confidential. OMAHA TRUST COMPANY, 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without .f.irllv- ,t ...v...... - Olficea In nrlnriital nlil 'Cln.un - 1 513 New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or more on your own note No red tape. Call 620 Paxton block. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge MOVING AND STORING lat-class STORAGE tt MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. 1616 Cap. Ave. D. 670. A-KSii. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav ei.poit Sis., warehousa 'tinl-m Isard St. FOR EXl'RESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; best of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co., 14a) Military Ave. Both 'phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding and Rooiua. DEWEY European Hotel, 13tn and Far nam. FURNISHED steam healed rooms, with board. 12J S. 25tb Ave. DESIItABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine liwn, tli ii. Zoih Ave. , COOL, airy room, modern; fine shade with or without board, to two gentlemen or nan and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. 627 PARK Ave Large south room, out :ide entrance; best home cooking; for two. GOOD board, large room, suitable for two. References required. 114 S. lth Bt. IN Hanscom park district, ffr one or two refined gentlemen, en east front room with alcove rtoin. liamtioin-ly furnished; table unexcelltd, private family. J 635, Bee. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoard Inc and Roor - ontlaaed. MODERN, stesrn h"t; room and board. $4 : and $5. (SJ0 S. 17th. IK16 FARNAM; large rooms; home cook- tng. EXCELLENT room and board, private family, close In. Red 7781. OParafhed Booms. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room: fine location. 201 S. 25th Ave. BEAl'TIFI'LLY furnished front room In private family, for on or two young men very reasonable. J01 Webster St. FOR RENT Desirable furnished roomi excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo rated. J0 So. i'.'th St. VERY desirable room: fine location walking distance. 218 S. 2T.;h St. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat; ta uoor, rial it biz lbtn. NEWLY furnished rooms; heat. 806 8, 22d St. FURNISHED room for lady or gentle man. 723 S. ISth St. MODERN furnished rooms. $1.50 up. 2310 Douglas. 'Phone Douglas 4663. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 s. l.ith St. The Chatham. ONE extra fine front room, fine furnl ture, modern. 320 No. 20th. No. sign on house. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family 1818 Chicago. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; one very large iront room. lb; one at lio; one at sa- 5-0 N. 23d St CTinl nnrl Wnnrl R- H. Morehouse Co., wOai ana v ooa w 3106 lnd. 0.2245. NEW. MODERN. STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODOE ST. TEL. DOUO. 8775. THREE OR FOUR FURNISHED house keeping rooms, modern, new and clean gas range. 2010 N. ISth St. Apartments and Flats. B rooms. 2nd floor. 2608 Reea street, bath and toilet, $15.00 Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sis. 5-ROOM modern lower flat at 3(M4 LeaV' enworth St., $20 00. Tel. Harney 1565. CORNISFT APARTMENT Southwest corner 10th and William St.. NEW, first-class, up-to-date heated apart ments; furnished or unfurnished. Janitor will give prices. AT 3334 LAFAYETTE AVE.. Bemls Park. five-room strictly modern flat, $.6 per month. Telephone Harney 2Q2U. LOWER 8-room modern flat, opposite east entrance Hanscom park, $34. 'Phone Harney 1565. FOR RENT Five-room apartment In the uintan. Apply 4U N. Y. Life Biag. 564 SOUTH 2th Ave., lower 5 rooms and reception hall In St. Louis Flat; perfectly modern; $;!.60. Call Doug. 6451. ONLY 3 apartments left In the Ivy, which is located at lhth and Sherwood Aves. wet ter make reservation now. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St NEW modern 4-r flat, 1740 So. 27th. Har ney 38S6. Housekeeping: Rooms. FOUR large unfurnished rooms. Inquire at 1045 S 20th St LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mra. Geo. scott 1713 N. Z4th St. A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 320 North 20th. FOR RENT Two or three desirable un furnished or partly furnished rooms In north part of city. Z615 w. laih Ave. TWO rooms, furnished complete for housekeeping. 2110 Douglas. LIGHT housekeeping, rooms. 2019 St Mary's Ave. THREE housekeeping rooms, $10. 2570 Pierce. Phone Harney 1300. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms modern except heat, $8 per month. 1328 N 40th St. ONE housekeeping room, all modern, hot water neat itu cass. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2002 Web ster. Phone Douglas 2519. SLEEPING or housekeeping rooms; rea sonable. 717 S. ISth. THREE large, light, half basement rooms; modern; furnished complete. 307 in. zttn. THREE elegant rooms, first floor; also 2 or t other rooms; modern. 614 S 22d St. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms steam. 712 North 16th St THREE nicely furnished, commodious housekeeping rooms; gas, bath and tele phone; very reasonatue. 2ai0 Cuming St. inquire tor Mrs. rouocK. SUITE of rooms furnished for housekeep ing; cheap. 1424 N. 10th St TWO nicely furnished rooms; gas range unu biiik. oio a. join ai. THREE large, nicely furnished rooms, $16. 2 OR 3 furnished rooms for light house- Kecpiug; mouern. wz California. TWO front rooms, furntsheif r unfur nished. 30UM Decstur St. HEATED housekeeDl no rooms! PAH entli- lng. 3018 Webster. Harney 3738. FURNISHED housekeenlnir rnnmn- m,. ?'v.n 'vT8(i?dw tlti DO objection to chlldien. 309 N. 25tn St PLEASANT furnished and nnfn.ni.h.j rooms for light hoUHekeanlno- r.ll 25ih Ave. ' v.. frRNISUIc'.ll rnnn. I . .. 1 i - ...... .v.,,,,, . w 1 1 . .j n i u lur House keeping; cistern. 2419 Dodge. Untarnished Rooms. THREE rooms. 1120 North 17th St. ONE. two, three or four rooms, with or without heat. 2707 Dodge St. THREE large rooms, rent to colored, $8. 806 N. 23. Large furnished or unfurnished front room cheap. ROOMS 205 South 25th Ave. Furnished Houses. MODERN 10-room house, completely fur nished; piano, etc.; barn; fine neighbor hood; $60; unfurnished, $50. Sea- Hastings A Heyden. Houses and Cottages. OMAHA Van A F.orage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. lKth; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel Douglas 1559 311 AND NEW, MODERN Riven rooms, large lot, east front, on J9th St. between Chicago and Cass. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Hldg. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet, 2im6 Rees St., $15. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Bristol St., $16. 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St.. $i5. & rooms, modern except heal, 4U9 William St., $15. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 1105 N. 29th St., $22 50. Tenant pays water, CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sts. r 6-ROOM cottage, modem, except furnace. Located at l.ii ueraiur m., lis. vacant December 1. 'Phone W-2711. BENSON 7 rooms, corner. 4 lots, ln fruit 2719 H. 9th. 6 rooms, $16. 9(h, near Bancroft, 7-r.. new, all mod., $25. 2uih. mar Bancroft. 8-r., all inodi-rn. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. l'oug. or A-2162. BRICK house. 2614 Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam Bt. -ROM, all modern except heat 1221 S. 28th. Tel. Harney 2359. HOUSEHOLD OOODS parked, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 2-j4 4-ROOM, 1110 N. 23d. OFFERED FOR JRENT Houses and 4 oltaaee 1'onllaued. 5 ROOMS. M floor, bath and toilet. 200$ Rees St., $15. 6 looms, 2d floor, toilet. 1303 Bristol- St, $15. -room house, modern, BX Bristol St, $2o. 6 rooms, modern except heat fl Wil liam St . $15.00. CHRIS BOY K IV, 22d and Ciunlng Sts. istm N. I'nTH St., 6 rooms and hall, fully' modern, furnace, cement cellar, bath, closets, pantry, electric and gas light, $25. HI MIS, Brandels Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, nearly new; oak finish, electric lights, shades, furnace; Just decorated; $.W. 2s21 N. 24th. 6-ROOM, modern except furnace. Price $18.00. 1SOS Corby. Inquire 2M2 N. 15th. No. 27C4 Seward street six rooms, south front, $15. No. 2721 Charles street, after November 20. six roms, paved street, modern except furnace. $18. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, S09 First National Bank Building,' Tel. Douglas 122. MODERN 8-room house, 216 8. ST.tb Ave. 8-ROOM modern brick. 6W S. iSth St. Phone Douglas 4587. FOR RENT. NEW 7-room, strictly first class brick flat; mahogany finish; tiled bathroom; splendid location; beautiful surroundings. 1411 S. 10th. Tel. Douglas 4S70. FOR RENT-Two modern brick flats. rooms each, on N. 24th St., near Maple, $.10 each; one 8-room. modern, 2234 Maple, $W per month. WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Knrbach Blk. Red 3W7; A-3645. MODERN brick houso, cloee. to Park Ave.. 2!i. 1 Mason. Inquire 823 S. 2Slh. 'Phone Harney 15f.0. 7-R. mod., Hanscom park dla. Harney 468. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros.. $18 N. Y. L. 1S19 N. S5th ST.. 4 large rooms, pantry, closet, city water, large cellar, storm doors and windows. BEMIS. Brandels Blk. MAGOARD Van & Storage Co. D. 1496. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES Peters TruBt Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, BaikerRuJ 2668 DOUGLAS; 8-room, $27.50. John N. Frenxer. Both Phones. NOTICE Hotel for rent, all newly fur nished; running now: proprietor got out of business. Henry Pleper, Minden, Ia. 4533 N. 39TH ST., one block from Ames Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage very cheap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co.. Bran dels Bldg. FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, on car line. C. At Bachmann, 43$ Paxton Blk. HOUSES ln a" Part" of ,h c'ty hwuoljo CreBh Sona & Co Uee BMJ 7 ROCMS, modern house, 1608 Spruce St. H. I. Plumb, 110 S. 13th St EIGHT ROOMS, modern except heat, 214 S. 29lh St.. $22. McCague Investment Co. FINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 3S30 N. 22d St. $23.50. Patterson. 1623 Farnam. MODERN t-room. near Park. 1511 B. ZStfi. CENTRAL, steam heat, all modern house, large hall, 7 rooms and bath. 220 N. 23d St. WE have good list of houses and flats from $4 to $75. Call, telephone or wrlto us for printed list. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. Offices. LARGE office room (20x22) on 16th St.. epposlte postofflce, $10 per month; also smaller room at $5. Conrad Young, 151 Dodge. DESIRABLE single office, also suite of offices. In Continental block. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Hank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. FOR RENT Desk room; use of both phones. Apply at room 320 First National Bank Building. Stores. STOREROOM and basement In Scnrgo block. S. O . RM N. 24lh Hall in Hum,,. Bldg., both 'phones. NEW Store, 2219 Cuming. Tel. Web. 3179. DESIRABLE storeroom. No. 1613 North 24th street, was occupied as a meat market for over twenty years and Is Just the lo cation for that line of business. $20. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 209 First National Hank Bulldlnff. ( Tel. Douglas 722. OFFERED FOR SALE furniture. FURNITURE. Racket Store. 16 A Cuming. BARGAINS In second hand Furniture. Schweitzer, 3711 N. 24th St. W. 2194; B. 1325. STOVES, slightly used, sold reRsrdlcss of cost American Furniture Co.. 220 N. llit.V- FINE Iron bed. hair and box mattrcl bargain. 216 N. 22d. Pianos. SLIGHTLY used upright pianos for sale at 1908 Harney. C. H. Thatcher Co. D. 6018. ALMOST new piano; must be sold al once. Davldge Bldg. Type-err Iters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. Miscellaneous. COAL I AT CUT PRICES We save you from 60c to $1.50 on every ton nnd crlva better coal. We guurantee correct weights.- tfosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. ALMOST new piano: must be sold bv Saturday. Room 7, Davldge Bldg. COAL 5 baskets. $1. Dry kindling, a load. $1 delivered. Star Ico & Coal Co. D. DRUGS at cut prices: frelk'ht iald on all $10 orders; cutalogue free. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead tiie world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruna- WlcK-lwilKe ioiieiiut-r, vi oo. awiii 01. Second-Hand Boilers Wu will krll two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building. They ure each 175-horstpower return tubular boilers, 78 Inch diameter by is feet long. They have 1m C. 1. tubcH, 3 Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure li pounds per square Inch. Heat surface, M.Ouo sijuire feet. Urate area 32' square feet. We an- very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell at a bar guln If taken ut once. TIIE BEE BUILDING COMPANY. 17lh and Farnam Sta. Omaha, Neb, SHOLARKHIP on leading business col- , lege for sale al discount Address P cot, IKe. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 5oc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call ut pressroom Bee Publislng Co. SAFES, new and second-hand, 1110 Farn. 200 OVERCOATS SLIGHTLY I'SKD .t . bargain A B. SINGER, 416 N. 16th. CASH REGISTER Burgeas-Granden Co. 1511 Howard sirenu FOR SALE B. aver fur robe In good condition. Call at 1210 Farnam St STONE for door. window sills and coping for ale. Inquire Pee Pub. Co., 17th and Farnam. EVERYTHING In typewriters; Just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. J Smith Premier, $31; No. t Oliver, $5; No. ( Rem ington. $.13, machines shipped on approval; no depobit required. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO.. 306 8. Lih St I I Tf Itll? Try C. Dlmmlck A f ' UUJIDIjH Kouih Omaha, for lumber T $3 j.OO COAL"'V?l,1: XrVu ?.'?.r.m.".n juf vvkiu yiiuti v9 modern.