r The Omaha Daily - Bee FOR ALL THE NEVfS THE OMAHA BEE BfJT IN THE WEST WEATHER FORECAST. Tor Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Partly cloudy. For weather report ceo I'iirc 3. VOL. XXXIX NO. 13; OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMUKIi 23, 1D00-TKN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. SLEEPER TRUNK CUSTOMSFRAUDS Conference at White House Decides to Begin Prosecution of Another Class of Swindlers. Wilson Tells Some of Plans of Soil Survey Department of Agriculture Has Com prehensive Scheme for Work in Western Nebraska. MARINES WILL GO TO NICARAGUA Four Hundred Will Start South from League Island Navy Yard Saturday. EFFORT TO 11 EACH MEN IN THE MINE Search for Victims of Disaster at Cherry Takes New Direction at Bequest of Union Officials. BOTTOM GALLERY IS EXPL0HED RUSH ORDERS FOR TROOPSHIP : ! ! i i i if J ft DRESSMAKERS ARE OFFENDERS Government Loses Millions Annually Through False Bottoms in Trunks. STILL AFTER SUGAR COMBINE Other Devices Besides False Tir'' ts Used to Evade Duti v. SHIPPING COMPANIES Corporations Will Dlarhnri . ployra Who Asalat Imports - muKKllnaj Payment - Henrarda Will Go Over. V. '- WASHINGTON". Nov. 22 Instltut. . ut criminal prosecutions against perpetrators of '"sleeper trunk'1 customs frauds, with ramifications In aV. parts of the country; the pressing of existing Indictments to avoid lapses under the statute of limita tions, and tho customs Investigation gener ally were discussed at a conference at the Treasury department today. Secretary of the Treasury MacVragh, Attorney General "Wlrkersham, Collector I.orb of the port of New York and I'nlted States District At torney Itenry A. Wise of New York par ticipated. Incidentally Secretary MacVeagh an nounced that the 12,000.000 odd which the American Sugar Refining company had paid over to the government on account of evasion of dutlea was regarded by the gov ernment aa a complete settlement for aK Its underwelghlng frauds, but that amount In no wise figured as to any other matters and that the government purposed to re oover much more money as the result of the frauds the ao-called trust had com mitted. False Bottom Trunke. At the conclusion of the conference Sec retary MacVeagh smilingly referred to the sugar frauds overshadowing In Interest one of the most Important phases of the whole Investigation, the commission, of frauds by Importers brli Ring In the trunks with false bottoms Involving losses to the government of nil'llons of dollars. The sleeper trunk frauds by which goods are brought Into this country In trunks with false bottoms to deceive the Inspectors stretch to many parts of the United States, though passing only through the port of New York in the rases about to be prosecuted. Beyond the generalization of millions of dollars nobody officially can estimate the amount of taxes thus evaded. Most of the violators of the law In this respect are dress makers. The government has a good deal of evidence along this '.tne and the prosecutions for this form of wholesale dis honesty promise to be of a sensational character. New Ralea Stop Practice, Collector Loeb expressed the opinion to day that the sleeper trunk frauds could no longer be carried on successfully under the rules he has adopted. These provide for a new stamp arrangement for trunks and a limitation of hours a trunk may re main on the docki Instead of being per mitted to stay there long enough to be whisked away after nightfall. Instead, the government will stow away the trunks In a place safe from possibility of smuggling off the docks In the dark. An honest standard for all steamship employes will be buttressed by the collector's efforts. This will be effective through the com panies by dismissal of men guilty of abet ting frauds. Home cases already have de veloped on which the collector complained and the companies acted promptly. raiment of Rewards. Secretary MacVeagh declared today that had no knowledge of the reported fer made of S0,0oo and $.".00,000 respectively by Independent sugar refining companies to the government to drop cases against them. Mr. Loeb will remain over ti morrow continuing the conferences here. I Nee rotary MacVeagh indicated today that he was not disposed to take up immediately the question of remuneration for the first Information of the frauds. Kdwln I. Robinson, a former employe of the American Sigsr Refining company, who has made a claim on the Treasury de partment for compensation for the data he gave the department, called with his counsel, Francis Dyruff of New York. 1 hey talked with Secretary MacVeagh a few minutes and asked to see the papers of Surveyor Richard Parr, who has also filed a claim with the department. I'arr'a claim was refused by Assistant Secretary Reynolds a couple of years ago, of a rule prohibiting customs employes fiom receiving any bonus. Mr. MacVeagh declined to allow them to see the papers on the ground that he saw no good reason why they shuuld demand it. Erder Autopsy Begins at St. Louis Analysis of the Vital Organ of Scad Man Will Require All Week. I .or is, Nov. :-i.-W H. Warren, ti an of the imdlcal dtpaiinient of Wash ington university, begun today an analysis oi portions of the tjlnal cord and vital vigans of William J. Krder, whose body lks,s exhuimd Saturday after Kate Erder, rus tlner, had cotiv.nctd the authorities that II. tie wus ground for an investigation of his diuiii. it will requite a week to finish I.. is analysis, which will determine vh. tti. ui- not an Inquest will be held. I ;VZ1P C0LLINSJS ACQUITTED ur. i:taf to t'oavlct Man oil IrslluMiuy lllrklaK Alleaed Pwkvtplrklna. A Jury In district court furaldied some thing of a surprise yesterday afternoon when It acquitted Joseph Collins, tried for la l ceny from the person of the president of the Tabor railroad. Robert McClelland. Me Clellard and Attorney A. V. Shot well testi fiid to the episade on a Karnam car which rt suited in McClellar.d's capture of Collins. The defense put In no evidence. Mr. MoClrtland is the man who suffered having his pocket picked twice before the he thought he had caught Collins in act, a point of view Mill retained by bun, but differently looked at by the Jury. (Krom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 22-Spcrlal Telegrams-Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to day, outlining work mapped out for cer tain bureaus of the Department of Agri culture next year, said that a soil survey would be made of the western part of Ne braska Rnd Kansas In the development of a plan comprehending the survey of the entire United States. Last year the western half of South Da kota was surveyed, as well as North Da kota, and under the scheme adopted by the bureau of soils, surveying parties will go Into the southern stales during the winter months and Into the northern and states west of the Missouri during the summer nonths. It will he the purpose of these urveying parties to examine the nature of 'e soils and their different formation. iJ'hrouRli the bureau of plant Industry the vaitinent has a dry land Investigation going on In eleven of the western slates and at twenty-one different places, in order to help the people to use the riRhl kind of seeds and the right kind of culture. These Investigations are going on from the northern line of the United States to the Gulf of Mexico. The people of the De partment of Agriculture know well enough that rain falls in some places In the regions described, that they had sufficient rain last jear and that i great deal of rain fell west of the lwth meridian, but meterologleal conditions show that there is not sufficient rainfall at all times west of the luoth meridian, and It Is for the purpose of giving the people In that section of the country the best Information obtainable upon the adject of dry farming that these Investiga tion parties are at work. Secretary Wilson says that through his agents in the foreign lands department he has found crops in rainfall countries that are at home in the regions above men tioned. Durham wheat wa the first of these finds, tW.euO.Ouo bushels of which is the yield of this wheat for this year. Hut no country can grow wheat all the time, a legume being necessary to keep the soil sweet and productive. Agents of the de partment are now making Investigations with legumes that live in countries having less than twenty Inches of rainfall per year, and Just as soon as their worth Is proven they will be urged upon farmers in dry land sections of the country. New alfalfas and clovers have been found in Siberia that the Department of Agricul ture iielieves will solve the. problem of dry farming. Western experimental stations are hard at work upon demonstrations upon these new legumes ana Secretary Wilson sees no reason why their adoption should not be made. ATTEMPT ON ROTHSCHILD'S LIFE FAILS BYJHAIR'S BREADTH Letter Glvea Schoolmaster to Deliver to llliu Kxplodea, Manjfilng: Bearer. ERESTAU. rrussla, Nov. 22 What ap pears to have been an attempt upon the life of Baron Albert Rothschild of Vienna Is repotted from Schlllersdorf, the Roths child hunting seat in upper Silesia. A schoolmaster who was on his way to Schll lersdorf was stopped by a man who cour teously requested the other to deliver a letter to the baron. The schoolmaster con sented and hud continued on his way, when the letter exploded frightfully injuring the bearer. YOUNGER MEN FOR ARMY General Wood Wanta Officers In Higher I'oaltlona During; Da 7 a of Prime. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. Oslerlzatlon of army officers to a radical degree was rec ommended to the War department todfiy by General Deonard Wood. He wants an elimination law enacted so that officers above the grade of captain will atttaln giades on an averngo of at least ten jsvars younger than at present. General Wood said that under the present system the best years of a man's life are spent In subordinate position and that wren he does reach a position of responsi bility his physical and mental energies are on the wane. He recommends the re establishment of the canteen at army posts. The Square Deal to All Advertisers Kdltoriat In the The Omuha Ree recently Increased its advertising rates from 84 cents an Inch to 98 cents an inch, and it gives figures to show that some of the local advertisers have beeen w ithholding their copy, possibly In the hope that concessions will be uf fired. "The liee," It says, "was the first paper in this part of the country to es tablish a 'fiat rate,' charging all advertis ers the same rate without exception. Thai we are losing business In order to maintain this principle is tho best assuiance to our advertisers that no discriminations are oi will be made." The principle is wholly commendable and should be recognized as such by all square-deal advertisers. The rebate business has no legitimate place In the dealings of the newspaper with its ad vertisers. The lime was, not so long ago, whi n the railroads believed they could not hold their own in the competition for freights without entering into private deals with pit f. rred customers. Tne e II w as so great, affecting whole communities and en tire sections of country so perniciously, that the strong arm of the law, very gen erally supported by newspapers, was in voked to cud the mischief. There Is no law to prevent newspapers from practicing favoiitism, which some of them resort to as a means of gaining advantage over com petitive i.ew spapers, but the practice is in defensible and directly harmful to adver tisers excluded from special favors. The discounts are mcessarily paid by the ad vertisers who are Ui-nled the lower rates, for by the measure of the difference tliey help with the exptnso account of compet ing coiiipuil i. No Item of txpendltur Is mire essential to the conduct of retail lride than that set down to advertising account. The lot reliant desires to spend his appropriation to the best advantage, and It is much to his Interest to know that he pays no more to a given nswspaper. In pioportlon to space used, than Is paid by Repairs on Prairie Will Be Pushed Day and Night. SECRETARY KNOX IS BUSY He is Investigating Shooting of Americans by Zelaya. WILL DEMAND FULL REPARATION M cars ana Will Not Be Permitted to Settle at So Much Per Head for Men it Wishes to Kill. WASHINGTON. Nov. Preparations are being made for 400 marine to sail from Philadelphia either for the canal sone or lor Nicaragua next Saturday. This will constitute the first armed force to land In Nicaragua, If developments In the situation there within the next few days require such a course to be pursued. All will depend upon the action to be taken by the State department, which Is marking time pending tin report of additional details of the death of two Americans, Groco and Cannon. The departure of the marines comes as a result of rush orders sent to the League Ibland navy yard after the Stale depart ment received the preliminary report of the slaying by President Zelaya ' orders of the two men. It had been Intended to send the marines to Panama to relieve about 380 marines now on duty there. The date of departure from Philadelphia had been set for December 3, by which time the troop Bhlp Prairie would have boen ready to sail. Hy working night and day the League Is land force will be able to finish repairs on the ship by November 27, and that date has now been Bet for the sailing of the marines. Meyer Will Review Marines. Secretary Meyer of the Navy department will go to Philadelphia on Friday to re view them, as he intended to do even before war clouds appeared in Central America. In event of necessity the 380 marines now on the canal zone could be utilized in Nica ragua In addition to the 400 to be taken south by the Prairie. With the troop ship Buffalo on the Pa cific coast and the Prairie on the Atlantic, the marines could be transferred from one coast of Nicaragua to the other in a com paratively short time by way of the Panama railroad. Rear admirals galore were at the Navy department today, but in no Instance was It admitted that their presence there had to do with the trouble In Nicaragua. Rear Admiral Schroeder, commander of the At lantic battleship, fleet, had . a talk with Assistant (Secretary Wlnthrop. Decisive Step by Knox. The next move of the game being played with President Zelaya of Nicaragua will be made by Secretary Knox, and undoubtedly It will be an important and possibly a decisive one. Zelaya has killed two Ameri cans, it is believed, In the most summary and brutal manner, and it Is not expected that he will be permitted to settle at so much a head for these or any other mem bers he may see fit to kill. It Is therefore believed that something more than com pensation for Groce and Cannon will be In volved In the next step by the State de partment. This government has not accepted as facts beyond all contradiction the explana tion of Nicaragua touching the execution of Groce and Cannon In that country. Sufficient credence is given statements that have been made to the Department of State to prompt inquiries Into the rea sons that moved President Zelaya to order the two Americans put to rioln. Secretary of State Knox la authority for the statement that a aeniar.d for repara tion will be made upon Nicaragua should these inquiries develop that allegations touching the death of the Americans are well grounded. Lute la.t night the secretary declared himself and progress in the Nicaraguan af fair today will doubtless be along the line (Continued on Second Page. Sioux City Journal. his competitor In trade. It is relatively as Important to know this as It is to know that the carrier company is not discriminating against him, or that he is buying his goods on aa favorable terms as others in like situation are buying. If the newspaper discriminates In one case It may do so in other cases, and oo one can be sure that 1ia in hnini. futi.. i. - j i i j urftii u y , I except as he may know the undeviat nt poucy ot me newspaper Is to treat all alike. If the advertiser does not want the (" one newspaper or another has for J sale, the newspaper has no legitimate com print against him; and nothln I. .n.,-. disreputable. In such Instance, than for I the newspaper to maintain a black list land to take prompting therefrom to blaek-niall-or. If a politer word Is required, to intimidate. Kvery business man has direct personal Interest, whatever the standard of his principle, in promoting and defend ing square dealing on the part of the news j paper. The presumption is no serious re volt exists in Omaha against tho pi indole j which The Ree asserts. The World-liar-i aid had some kindred trouble not long agu lit raisid the rates on its week day l.ss ei J without making change in Its rates for i s , Sunday Usuea. It lost business fur a tinie .during the week, but not on Sundays Advertisers are naturally opposed to iate (Increases, but the newi-papera are as much entitled to them us the dealt-rj in other commodities. The trend of things is a I One way, and the newspr cannot be made an exception. What the busine-s men of Omaha. In common with the busi ness men of other cities, are most vitally interested ill is In having the very best newspapers they can get for their money land the b.-t are none too good. It Is well jto consider that un Important flemeni In la representative nrwsnsLer In nnu .... munity Is to be found In Its character, and no newspaper can maintain a large asset in this paxilcular and do a crooked busi-uasa. i From the Washington Star. RAIN, SLEET AND nidi WIND Vessels on Lake Michigan Endan gered by Raging Storm. SHIP AGROUND NEAR CHICAGO Part of Crew Taken Off by Life Savers Puritan's ".leering; Gear Breaks In Mid-Lake Gale ' In Oblo Valley. CHICAGO, Nov. 22. Rain and sleet driven by a wind which at times registered a velocity of forty-eight miles an hour, marked the rtorm which has raged all day on Lake Michigan and throughout the re gion of the Great Lakeo, f'!y a few ves sels braved the gigantic waves t which thundered outside the breakwater. In the morning the ge-vernment lift sav ing crews from Evanaton and Chicago an swered an appeal for help from the crew of the freighter Boston, which, after, bat tling all night in the storm on the way from Milwaukee, was thrown rudderless; and beyond control upon a sand bar near Wlllmette, one of Chicago's north shore suburbs. Bight of the crew of eighteen men were elected to leave the vessel, which waft fast on the sand, and are al ready taken by the life savers to shore. Three steamers, the Turltan, the City of Benton Harbor and the Missouri, left the Chicago harbor during the day barely escaping serious damage by being dashed against the end of the pier. The velocity of the wind was from thirty-five to forty miles an hour, which makes the storm one of the hardest blows on the lake this sea son. The government forecast Is for a contin uance of the storm throughout the night with snow and colder temperature. Much anxiety Is felt for vessels known to be out of reach of safe harbors. Steamer Puritan Disabled. ST. JOSEPH. Mich., Nov. 22. The dis abled steamer Purltnn of the Graham & oMrton line, anchored late today off shore, fifteen miles from here, with tho steamer City of Benton Harbor lying alongside of It. The two steamers were proceeding to gether from Chicago to Holland, when the Puritan's steering gear broke In mldlake. A gale was blowing, but the two steamers are said to be In no danger. Tornado In Ohio Valley. CINCINNATI. O., Nov. 22. A wind and rainstorm approaching tornado proportions swept up the Ohio river this afternoon doing widespread damage in this city and Its suburbs. The wind reached a velocity of forty miles an hour and, during the he ght of the storm, the tow-boat Q. W. Dally of Marietta was swamped and sunk in the river, and members of the crew had narrow escapes from drowning. ' In the downtown districts windows were crashed in, signs were torn loose and car ried through the air, and telegraph and telephone wires were broken, while in the residence districts the chimneys of numer ous houses were toppled over. Several persons sustained severe injuries, but there were no fatalities. ' Storm Brewing on West Coast Due Wednesday General Precipitation in Porm of Snow in North Predicted for Middle of Week. WASHINGTON, Nov. 22. A weather disturbance of marked strength that ap peared j on the north Pacific coast last Thursday is now moving northeastward over the central valleys and the lake region and will cross the Atlantic si-a-boar Tuesday, according to Ihe weather bureau today. A disturbance that now occupies the north Pacific coast Is apparently the same that crossfd the Philippine islands last Monday and recurved thence northward and northeastward over the Pacific. Thin disturbance will reach the northern Kocky mountain districts Tuesday, the plains slate Wednesday, the central valley and lake region Wednesday night and Thursday and the Atlantic slates Thursday night or Fri day, preceded by rising temperature, at tended by general precipitation that In the more northern atatea will be in the form of snow, and followed by cold weather. THE HOOK-AND-EYE WORM Bee Biographies The Bee has had a number of inquiries from people to whom blanks have been sent requesting biographical data for our files. The purpose of compiling this information is exactly, what is stated in the circular, namely, to have readily available accurate and reliable data of the personal careers of men who are promi nent in the business and profes sional life of the community. The information desired is such as would be used to write a brief biographical sketch. There is no hidden personal or political pur pose behind the questions which should be answered only inso far as they apply to the person addressed. The possession of this information, however, will on numerous occasions . save much time and trouble, both to the newspaper and to the indi vidual, and a prompt response will be greatly appreciated. Heaviest Shock for Three Years Felt on Coast Salinas, Cal., is Badly Shaken, bat No Damage Has Been Re ported. SALINAS, Cat.. Nov. 22. The heaviest earthquake recorded here since the shock 'of April 1H, 1506, was felt In this city at an early hour today.. Buildings rocked land cracked for fifteen seconds and pe pi rushed into the streets for safety. So far as has been ascertained no damage resulted from the shock. i COURT PENALIZES TY COBfe Detroit Outfielder Fined Hundred Dollars for Assault on Hotel Watchman. CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 22. Tyrus Cobb, outf elder 01, the Detroit base ball team, today was fined $100 and costs for assault ing George 8tanfleld a night watchman In a hotel, on the occasion of the Detroit team's last visit to Cleveland. Labor Leader Murdered. CLEVELAND, Ntv. 21 Frank Knig, president of the local Iron Moulders' union, died today from a bullet wound In his head. He was waylaid and shot Saturday night outside a Superior avenue saloon. The police say they know wno shot him. Krug leaves a wife and three children. Anti-Trust Law Too Drastic, Says Standard Oil Magnate NEW YORK, Nov. 22. Conferences of officials of and leading counsel for the Standard Oil company were held in '.lis city today to begin the work of outlining the company's course of action following the adverse decision In the government's suit against the company rendered on Sat urday. Thirty days are allowed before the de cree takes effect and within that time the form of the appeal which the corporotlon announced it would take to the I'niied States supreme court will have to be per fected. In speaking of the decision today, John D. Archbold, vice president of the Standard Oil company, took an optimistic view. He said: "1 believe the decision will result in leg islation looking toward the repeal t the Sherman anti-trust law. Fur uudi r this law It Is not only Impossible for practically any corporation to transact business, but even co-partnerships may be attacked. 1 believe that tin.- off:cials at Washington are comii.g to the view that the law Is too drastic and that even Mr. lloosevelt him self shares In that opinion." Standard oil slock was again affected on the curb market today by the fed-rni court decision. The stock closed at SM on Saturday and the fust sale today was at &j0. DOBBINS CASE WITH JURY Twelve Men Proceed to Dine Before Starting Deliberations. CASE LONG AND COMPLICATED Charge of Jndare Green to Jury la Kegorded aa Glvtnsr Them a Wide Latitude in First Mike Trial. The fate of John R. Dobbins Is -now with the Jury. Dobbins was on trial on the charge of larceny of 130,000 from T. W. Ballew, a millionaire and banker of Princeton, Mo., v ho Indulged in a typical Mabray race In the conventional role of the "Mike." At 6 o'clock Monday afternoon H. W. Byers, attorney general, concluded his closing argument and the case was sub mitted. . The Jury was taken out to dinner by the bailiff and returned to the Jury room at the court house at 7:30 o'clock. The Dobbins case has occupied Judge Green's division of the district court since Monday last. The testimony was long and complicated. The question of conspiracy entered largely Into the larceny charge, ac coiding to the ruling of the court, and there was much' that differentiated the trial from that of an ordinary larceny case. Dobbins is the first of the men charged with a part In the dealings of the Mabray gang to come to trial. If he should be acquitted by the jury he will immediately b? arrested by Deputy United States Mar shal William Groneweg, who Is waiting with a warrant from the federal court, where the defendant has been Indicted for con spiracy. There Is yet standing against Dob bins a eharge of conspiracy In district court at Council Bluffs. He has yet two more ordeals to pasa If acquitted by the Jury which has heard the larceny case. Judge Green delivered a rather formal charge to the Jury and one which gave the Jurymen much latitude in reaching a verdict. Tlnley Flays Bnllew. Emmet Tlnley, who conducted the cross examination for the defense, made the closing argument for his client. He con cluded at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. He claimed throughout his address that Dob bins was an Innocent victim of the mach inations of the deal in which Ballew was fleeced out of his money. His references j to Ballew were frequent and sarcastic. j "Mr. Ballew says that he went Into this i proposition as a friend, to reform Mr. Dob- j bins if you please; yet he, this friend, was asking them $2,500 as a commission for his services, h,ls sympathy. "I Join with my friend Mr. Hess, the (Continued on Second Page ) Mortimer F. Elliott, general counsel for the Standard Oil company, said In com menting for the first time on the decision: 'The decree does not order a dissolution of the Standard Oil company; that is a mis understanding. What the decree orders, as I now understand It, is that the com pany shall distribute among Its stockhold ers, of whom there are approximately 6.000, Its holdings in the stock of subsidiary com panies. This distribution, I further under stand. Is ordered to be effected on a pro rata basis uf apportionment. That is to say, the heaviest holders of Standard Oil stock would receive a proportional number of shares in the stock of subsidiary com panies." Henry Welliran. who represented the attorney general of Missouri In that stale's suit against the Standard Oil company and conductrd the examination in New York of officers of the company, takes a view similar to that expressed by Mr. Elliot. He sums up the situation as "a theoretical victory." "1 cannot see," he said, "that any prac tical effect is to be expected. It seems as if the best the government can do is to order the sale of the property and in Dial case the money, of course, goes to the pres ent stockholders in some form or another. There is no confiscation, no punishment, as there would be In the rase ot criminal proceedings with the imposition of a big flue. Falls of Earth and Coal Delay Progress of Eescucrs. NO BODIES DISCOVERED THERE Evidence that Men Had Fled to Other Parts of Mine. MORE BODIES ARE TAKEN OUT Those l.ornted Sunday Are Taken from Main Lev el lienor! that One Wm Alive Temporarily Hetlvra Hope. CHKKUY. 111., Nov. 22. Efforts to reach men possibly still alive in the St. Paul mine were made In two directions today, as. and west. In the hitler section ihe attempt wus made at the third or bottom g.illi ry, at the earnest request of Donald McDonald, president of the United Mine Workers of Illinois, and nine other offi cers of the organization. Tho melancholy ot the situation here was accentuated today by the weather. Ham fell all night and during the forenoon turned to snow. Scaicely a kinsman of the missing was at the scene at any time, but efforts to explore underground continued with un abated vigor. Dozens of volunteers worked against the most exasperating odds to extend the limit of their exploi ailons. Earth and cool were removed only to be followed by other deluges from the ciumb llng passages. But each check was met with a desperate return to the attack. "They're still alive down there," was the watchword of every worker, although evidence In support of It was pathetically meagre. The first tangible ray of hope came when men at work In the east workings broke through a fall of earth where, It had been expected by experts that a lae numbor of bodies would be found. Not one was discovered. InKtead, in a tool closet, hewed out of the earth, a great many mining implements were found, as laid down, ap parently when the men came there to eat. A fact regarded as significant was that not a dinner pall remained. From this it was argued that the men, unable to es cape when the fire was discovered, re treated to some extremity of the mine, car rying ' their food with them. Another Flame of Hope. The next flame, ot hope came with tho discovery 'that the bottommost gallery, west, was. not sufficiently flooded to Im pede progress. It w as this section of the mine which formed the subject of the conference be tween the union and Manager Taylor, Tia delegation, headed by President McDonald, lr.rlsted that an attempt be made to ex plore the third gallery, generally believed to be of little importance. At the time of tho castrophe little If any work was being done in tills section, the men being engag;! In the other coal beds of tho second gal lery. Mr. Taylor, however, was impressed with the theory that the men cut off In the second gallery might have found their way into the gallery below that which Is on fire The tension of the nerves of tho rescuers Is shown by a remarkable incident this after noon. A man who proved to have been dead many duys, was believed to be alive when brought to the surface and waa rushed to the hospital car. The -mistake, however, soon became apparent. Manager Taylor of the mine, worn out by days and nights of work and anxioty, left Cherry for a brief rest today. "I am worn out with It, that's all." ex plained Mr. Taylor. Live Hats Give Hope. Rescuers coming to the surface at noon reported that live rats had bet n discov ered in a newly explored portion of the mine. This Increased the hope that the rats came from remote sections of the cave-In where comparatively pure air la mained and that if the rats could live there men also could. M y of the gang said: "The significance of this Is that dreaded black damp does not lie along the floor of a great part of the mine. The men whom we are trying to reach on the fupposltlon that they ore still alive are practical min ers, and If they heard ruts they quickly got to that part of the mine." An official of the mine declared that if any more men are brought out alive, the work would have to be done within twenty four hours, as the men must necessarily be almost starved. Hats, he said, would bs able to live longer, because of their abl.ity to find crumbs and scraps of f o d scattered about from the men's lunches. Keports that the work of attempting to each miners who still may be alive was being retarded by a c .nfllct between leaders and the state miners resulted in a seiinus conference last night. Cjpialn K. W. Itttlmer of company C, Sixth regiment Iowa National Guaid, and l.li uteiiant (',. P. Garrison brought the r point d interrogations to V. W. Taylor, I manager of the mine. They stated that If I reports that woik was being hampered by i a conflict of authority were true, Governor Deneen would be usked to uppoint a su premo authority at the mine. Manager Taylor assured the militia of ficers that the only conflicts that had oc curred were of a ti clinical natuie and that the course adopted was now gen- rally b llevcd to be m at promising of rrscuc to any who still may be alive in the mine. Mm Ibouicht to lie Allvr. At 5.H p. m. annthfr man wus taken from the nt. Paul mine. He was in an un conscious condition and wus immediately Irushtd to the liu-pital train. The man wan unidentified, it Ic b. Ilev.d mine live men will be f iund in the same place. The man after being liKeii to the hopital car was pronounced (Pad by the physicians In charge arid the Ix.dv was removtj to the morgi:e. The body v. us still warm and this had led to the belief of tlie ri-scuets that he was nll.e. One of the lescu-rs excitidly told of hearing the mnn moan after he had bun placed on the Htntcher, but this was pronouncul a mletake hy the physi cians. Whilo uncertain as to the time of death they believe It had occurred many hour