Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 19, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Invalid Chairs, Batteries,
Elastic Stockings, Trusses,
Hot Water Bottles,
Fountain Syringes,
Deformity Braces
Tb Lsrsl lav-Hd aid Hospital Supply Cause 1110-12 Barney Street
"Sirne, I Did." Boanti John Richard
ton to the Police Jadye.
Worn iJtyloree I uirl Rot to Re
lease Her Hanbind, a 5b"
Fears Mr Will" Rrpent 111
A bct of Her.
Some Things You Want to Know
The National Live Stock Show.
Have Moo Print It,
H. T. woboda Oertlfl.d AeoouBlaat,
tnhrt. Photographer, lth & Farnam,
ZaMlnf nature. Burgess Oranden Co.
H.ya, photo, removed tolBth Howard.
Watches FB.ENZER 16th and Dodge.
A. A. OeatUiuaa Co, Tsdertaker. New
location lfl Chicago 81 Both phone.
nqnitaUla U pollois light drafta at
maturity. H. D. Neely. manager. Omaha.
Uoal BUI Coal Company Largo Nut,
a par ton. Oood cooking coal. 'lei. D. 97
t Br. XalnO Tonight at Calvary
Baptist church, T and Hamil
ton; subject, "Why Do I Belong to the
Baaar and npper Tha ladle of the
Kounts Memorial church will give - a
bazar and supper In the church parlors
Friday afternoon and evening.
Investments la the ah area of Nebraska
Savings and loan association earn I per
cent pes annum, credited semi-annually.
106 Board of Trade building, 1803 Farnam.
Man Wanted fay Burglary Arrested
John Austin, wanted by tha Council Bluffs
police for burglary, has been arrested In
Omaha by Detectives Maloney and Dona
hue and Is held pending requisition. ,
Detective Bulllvaa does Home Deteo
tlve Sullivan of Jhe Omaha police foroe.
Who was shot- and dangerously wounded
by A negro named 'Albert Prince, was re
moved to his home Thursday from the
hospital, where he has been making a
peedy recovery. Sullivan lives at Twenty
Second and larlraorc,
X. T. Batitalow -to lie it la Denver The
funeral of tha late D. V. Uarkalow,
formerly of Omaha, whose drath occurred
in Denver7 will be held In the Colorado
city this morning, according to advices
received here by Mrs. Kidney D. Barkalo v.
wife of the deceased's brother, 'who weni
to Denver to attend the funeral.
jrotklij- in the Varna this Time
Samuel Dollcir and Mamie Lolloh were
warned by County Judge Leslie In his of
fice. They are not a previously divorced
pair, nor relatives, but just boy and g rl
sweethearts of the same name In Austria.
Lollch came to this country first, and
Judge Sutton
, Stops Runaways
Jurist Probably Saves Eoyi from In
jury, but Loses a New
Whatls purple and fine raiment com
pared to the chance to be a hero, less
acofflngly put, to ths safety of tho limbs
and neck of ycting children.
Judge Abraham Lincoln Button of dis
trict court distinguished himself Thurs
day noon by stopping two runaway horses
at the corner of Feventaenth and Harr.ey
streets, and he did It at the cost of one
new $6 beaver fedora hat. But he saved
two small boys from danger of buing
trampled upon.
A man was leading three horses south on
Eevtnteenth street and the animals started
to run. One foil and the other two got
away from the man. They veered toward
the two small boys. Judge Sutton there
upon decided to vie with Mayor Dahlman
as a tamer of restive steeds.
He ran three steps at swift speed, Jumped
In front of the two horses and caught the
lead Una of each with either hand. At
this Instant a gust of wind lifted the afore
said hat from the Judicial head and wafted abused
John Rlcharusort 1S18 Izard street,
charged with having abused bis wife,
I'oastcd when arrested that the charge waa
P.icliardson u anestel Wednesday
n ght on complaint of his wife, who sa.d
he had abused her In u shameful miniei.
Whrn failed before Judge Crawford ana
a ked to plead to the charge, Richardson
staled .he court, its attendants and speo
ta'.ors, by calmly answering, "Sure, I'm
"V. hat?", exclaimed the court, "do ycu
rm an to come litre In open cuurt and bous.
of havlns abustd your wife? Uav. n't you
anything to a? What was the t.oubk?"
I have nothing to say," was Rlcha.d
ran a reply, whereupon Judge Urav.'io. u
proceeded to deliver him a lecture. Wl.h
brazen bravado, he refused to be even
touched. Vv'hon his wife was called tu
testify, Richardson gazed at her contempt.
Mis. Richardson said her husband came
home, slightly Intoxicated and btgan
"raising a rouch house." He abus-d lur
shamefully and finally she was forotd to
summon the police. When tha officers
arrived, she said, Richardson told them the
trouble arose because supper was no:
ready, which. Mrs. Richardson said, was
untrue, as supper had been f-r
some time.
Excuses lie Offers.
Pressed for an explanation of his con
duct, Rtchartison finally said It was be
cause his wife had failed to keep their
two children, 6 and 2 years of age, clean.
"My mother always kept her children
clean," he remarked.
"And 1 presume your father abused your
mother the way you have," interjected
the court.
Mrs. Richardson further testified that
on Saturday evening, last, Richardson
her and finally caught their
This week will mnrk the climax of a
emarkabl season cf live stork exhlbl-
,or.s. The tenth international l.iv mock
rposltlon 1 being heid In the city of
Chicago, and if there Is an anirral In the
nltcd states bied Jn the royal purple
r- hlch Is not there. It Is only because tits thinks It has no chance of securing
he blue ribbon at this exposition, the most
1; voted honor in the live stock world. To
say th-t a horse, a cjw, ehtep or a pig
isrried off first hor.orit at this exposition
almost equivalent to ra.vinjj that It was
tile best of its kind Uvlr.g at the time of
iVio award.
From the time the first exposition was
held down to the present the awards of
the International have been the highest
honors of the rhow world, and the exposi
tion has been a great success. But this
ear marks the hlth tide of competition,
Lhere bring more entries than In any pre
vious year. The live stock exhibited Is
valued at millions of dollars. Nearly all
of the blue blutxl that competed at the
(Seattle exposition will be tlWe, as well as
many that did not go so far west. With
the Seattle exposition, the Kansas City
Royal Live Stock show, and the Chicago
International, all within the lent few
months, the breeders of tha country have
had especial advantage In bringing their
ribbon winners to the attention of the
a wagon. There Is a picture of Jerty
showing his driver seated on a rocklrg
chair on his massive back. Jerry seamed
to take It as a matter of course.
Some of the yields of dairy cows of the
different breeds, as ahown at the live stock
expositions, seem almost Incredible. The
Cutrneey cow, Lilly Ella, gave more than
twelve times her weight In milk In a single
yfar, and yielded SL1 pounds of butter In
the same length of time. Another cow ot
the Guernsey breed In one year gave ll.UJ
pounds of milk and 829 pounds of butter.
A New York Molsteln cow gave 6S4 pounds
of milk In seven days, from which was
made 0.4 pounds of butter. At this rate
she would have given over 28.000 pounds ot
milk in twelve months, and would have
made nearly 1.600 pounds of butter. But no
row has done as well as that for a whele
yer. The Holsteln cow Cybele, owned by
a Meadvllle IF.) stockman, yielded 13,0.11
pounds of milk In one year. But even this
record for a year was excelled by the
Guernsey cow Teska Sunbeam. During the
year ending September 30, ISOt, she gave
14.920 pounds of milk, from which was
gathered butter fat equivalent to LOUO
pounds of commercial butter. This is
probably the world's recoid in milk and
butter production for a year.
When It comes to the matter of beef, one
of the world's record prices for beef on the !
hoof was paid for the first champion steet
it to the center of a puddle of nice thick,
oosy mud. Then to make sure of a good
Job, the wind rolled the hat over and back
a few times until it was thoroughly
The loss of the hat, for It was ruined, Is
greater, when It Is recollected that a few
days ago some wretch stole a brand new
$40 overcoat from Judge Sutton, the coat
being filched from his room In the court
IK Valno of Proprietary Meillclnea
Is proven by the very large percentage Of
physicians' prescriptions for the same
remedies found in every drug store In
America, but a's they are written. in Latin,
few patients realize this fact.
The old standard proprietary medicines
like Lydla: E. Plnkham's Vegetable Com
nnutirt that have stood the test of time,
eserve a place in every lamuy r"ui
when his brother In Austria wrote him chest, ana it is mosi ru,n
he was coming to America. Lolloh wrote 'bo prescribed by physicians if they were
ta hrin th. hrM. r Thr. ' aoie to oevise a iormui
Ozoahaaa Oo to 1 Trult Show Today
Members of the Omaha Commercial ciub
will meet today at 1 o'clock at the club
rooms, to go to Council Bluffs in a body
to attend the annual fruit show, which Is
being held In connection with the National
Horticultural ocngress. Friday has been
designated as Omaha day and special
oars will leave Fourteenth and Farnam
streets' at 1 o'clock. 'A. special oonoert Will
bo given by Llberatl's band.
Boy Will Hot Have to Walk BackThe
police are looking for Frank Williams ot
Ogden, Utah, who Is reported to be walk
ing west from St. Louis. The object of
their mission is to provide tha youth,
who la but 16 years of age, with a first
class tlokst from Omaha to his home.
Mrs. D. Williams, mother of the boy,
wired the police to be on the lookout for
her boy and If be Is picked up he will
have the pleasure of a train ride home.
instead of walking the ties or othorwlse
beating -his way.
Season Of Overcoat Stealing- Evidence
of , the approach of winter la had In
the number of reported thefts of over
coats, made at tha polios headquarters.
. during the last few days. No fewer than
half a dosen different vlotlms have in
formed the polio of the loss of brand new
coats and the detectlva foroe Is being
kept busy following clues. Most of the
coats stolen were taken from publlo places,
evidently by' persons who dreaded the
approach of winter without one of the
outer, garments.
youngest child by the throat and abused
It. She finally left the house. (
One of the most interesting events In the at the first annual International xdos1-
Internatlonal will be the Judging of car- tion. The packers who had the honor ot
loads of cattle. A splendid prize is to be cutting up his carcass paid 11.60 a pound
given to me exniDiior ot in nnest car-ioaa for him, live weight. If the Dorterhou.a
of cattle ready for the market, and all of 0f a 7-cent steer sella for 21 cents a pound.
me gieai iur ui iu. country nave what muit the from that ltet
entered their best. There are so many h-v, ,h. t,lm.,
points to be considered in the scoring that 8, Tm, haa' on. o( ,.. Klnlrk.
this is always ons of the most interesting able ,.., , lhe woHd h hu bMn
contests of the exposition. Ths blue rib- exhibited at mai.v n.u h-,. w. t.
bon honors usually go to 2-year-old cattle, known ..The Faraou, Try Horsei Uatl ..
but sometimes yearlings are awarded the During many years he has been used to
honors. Two families have taken first tryout the horse, that come to th 9t.
honors five out of nine times. After the Louis market. Th nm.niiv. t,....
car-toad lots ar exhibited they are sold hitches the horse he expects to buy with
for the shambles in Ilk manner as the fna, to see if he will work well or not.
common herd. Old Dan never1 uritki navr
A valuable phase of the International ex- lets hi uew team mate get on his nerves.
position Is the work of training the stu- Many thousand horsea hava been hitched
dents of agricultural colleges in the art of by th side of Dan and thus tried out.
Judging stock. Ther ar many classes The old fellow goes about his business
Upon ascertaining Mrs. Richardson would 'h Judged by student Judges, under with almost human intelligence, and sem
be able to subsist If he sent the husband
to Jail, the court imposed a fifteon-day
Then Richardson grasped his wife's right
hand and throwing his left arm around
her. Implanted a kiss upon her cheek.
Turning to the court, he once resumed
mu lumuica ui veterans, ana many sucn 10 Know what it s ail about as well as
Colleges have added a course In stock any one around th liolse market.
Judging as an elective study in their cur- Th St. Lou.s Exposition went down In
rteulum. Their work is done under prac- history as the greatest mule show in the'
tlcal conditions at the stock shows. history of the world, both as to tha ax-
In addition to the live stock exhibitions cellence of th exhibits and as to the num-
the annual congress of the American So- ber of mules shown. One firm cantured th
nis Dravaao spirit ana aemanaea 10 anow cety 0f Live Stock Nutrition also will meat majority ot the championshiDS In th dlf-
what provision would be made for his ln chleagq. This organization was founded terent classes. Since that time th exhibi
tor the purpose of making careful and uon of mule and their relatives has be-
palnetaklng study of the besTway to get com popular, and they will claim their
the maximum of benefit out of a alven har ot attention at the International
rinnnHI nf tnrtA vivAn in anlmali Tha ShOW.
society has given much labor to the ques
tion, and is beginning to formulate many
Interesting lessons from the experiment
mado under actual feeding condition. It
wife while he was ln Jail. The court
ordered him back to the detention room,
saying Mrs. Richardson would be well
provided for.
Later Mrs. Richardson Implored the court
not to release her huahand. She said she
had been forced to leave him In Topeka,
but he had followed her and the chldren
here and she had tried to make the best
of It, but to no use.
Bratadela Stores Secure m Hole tok
of Portieres, Conch Cover and
I.are Cnrtalna at a
; Prom-an-eastern firm that had decided
to discontinue the handling of drapery
goods Brandels bought the entire stock of
portieres, couch covers, table covers, tapes
try yard goods and lace curtains at nearly
our own pile.
This Is on more case where Brandels'
cash buying power secured a great bargain
and brought great bargains to Omaha peo
Pie. All the fine Tapestry Portieres, worth up
to 16 a pair, will go at $2.50.
All the Portieres, worth up to $7.60 a
pair, will go at $1.98 each.
All th Couch Covers, worth up to $10
each, will go at $1.86.
AU the lac curtains, worth up to $5 a
pair, go at 4Vo and 96c each.
Tapestry Squares, Piano Covers and Ta
ble Covers go at 10c and 25c each.
Silk Plush, Silk Tapestry, Brocatels and
other yard goods, made to sell up to $6 a
yard, go at 15c, 69c and 98c yard.
Street Commissioner to Tackle Job
f Pleasing; Residents oa Hills
and in Hollow.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is cheapest
because it la best.
Raiding; Permits.
A. 11. Quail, S103 Moredith avenue, frame
dwelling. $1,600; Mary E. Putney, 4812 North
Thirty-first avenue, frame dwelling, $1,300:
I. O. Barlght, 1309 North Forty-second
street, frame dwelling, $1,400; George K.
ftarlnnd. 2807 Capitol avenue, frame dwell
ing, $3,600.
Cheap Soaps are the Most
THE TROUBLE with cheap aoap la thl. They
contain o much uncombined alHe.ll that thojr
Injure everything they come in contact with.
THEY CLEAN CLOTHES no doubt about It.
But they do it at frightful expense.
THE WOMAN -who ues cheap aoap aaes 40
or 30 cent in the court of year, but ah
loses ten times that much because the life of
everything that is washed is shortened.
THAT IS "WHY cheap soaps, in the long run.
re the moat expensive.
AND THAT IS ALSO WHY it pay to use a
good, safe, dependable laundry soap llhe Lenox,
even if it does coat trifle more.
Lenox Soap-Just fits the hand
la found, for Instance, that some kind ot
cattle are more economical manufacturer
I of beef than others. Some cowa reiut-n mora
WILL 8E BEGUN TODAY Imllk and butter for their board than oth
ers. Some foods yield more beef and milk
tier dollar invested than others. The pur
pose of th Nutrition society Is to find out
all about this subject for the benefit cf
th stock raisers and,
An attractive publication, from th stock-
raiser's standpoint is little book giving
th plotures of prizes -winning animals,
startipg with th .faftnou old Ryedlck's
Kambletonian, greatest of all sire of race
horses, and coming down to the present
day. On of th most remafrkabl pic
ture it contains is that of "Blily", th
largest steer on record,' He took the gold
medal at the Chicago world' fair, and
had an official weight of 8,755 pounds,
Later he was exhibited all over the coun
try, and Is said to ..have weighed 4,000
pounds before he died,
But even Billy could not hold a candle to
Jerry, a Holstsln ox, , owned by a Massa-
Street Commissioner Flynn today w:il
begin operations in the opening of Dorcas
street, from ' Fourth to . Seventh street.
Heretofore' the peopl "In that section have
been using "it road through .some prpperty
owned by former Mayor Bemls, which has
now been fenced In. Through a resolution
of Councilman Berka . $400 has been ap
propriated t6 get a cut made and some
grading done, so that the residents in the
three blocks between Fourth and Seventh
street 'can get in and out with some fair
degree of convenience.
"It is a difficult proposition In some
ways," said the street commissioner. Part
ot the houses are away above grade, while
others are Just as far below grade. Every
lady In charge of a house wants the work
Exceptional Values in
"Military" Coals
fc l Tv
A special lot 0! these coats,
better than even uc have ever
shown lor the money.
We've always enjoyed the satis-
La faction of knowing that our $15.00
Si coats were much better than you
could find elsewhere, but this season
r we've even surpassed our former ef
. And now, we inform you that we
have received a brand new lot of
"Military" cots,-just fresh from
the maker's hands, and altho they
are superior to mo3t $18 and $20
coats their price will be jusf $15.
They're made of splendid fabrics
in the new grays and other correct
shades, and are strictly hand-tailored.
See these $18 and $20 coats
at once, for .
To prepare you for the Great
est Sale of Boys Clothing
ever held In Omaha.
Soya's Suits
and Overcoats.
'.so. si. a C
. on sale Saturday at
Particulars In Friday .Papers.
"Tha House Of
High Merit"
Th live stock seen on American soli, so
far as the domestic species are concerned,
springs from original Importations from the
Old World. Tet America "was ths original
home of nearly every domestic animal.
The Indisputable records of the geologlo
past, written by nature, tells a plain story
of how the Nw World was Inhabited by
the ancestors of the horse and other do
mestic animals. Tet when th men of the
Old World as we know it first set eyes
on.. the New there was nslther horse nor
eow. Th Spanish brought th first horses,
and from them have grown the innumer
able breeds.
Such live Stock shows as that now in
progress In Chicago have a great educa
tional valuer Shelby county, Missouri; ln
1898. produced th lamb which won the
first prli at th Chicago World's fair.
Th grower know that ha had a fin lot
ot sheep, he knew that be had won many
county fair prises, and he had some no
tion of his relative 'standing at th state
fair. But he had no idea what a world's
prise meant. Immediately after th blue
ribbon was awarded an Englishman aaked
him to put a price on th lamb. The Ws
soutian didn't wish to sell, so . he aaked
what he considered to be a prohibitive
price. The Englishman handed over th
money ln frantio hast and--for $10 ob
tained possession of a lamb which he re
fused to sell for $J,O0a Since that time too
Here is a Delightful Change
YOU have tried the rl. Just tnrPegetthnw.temotlns
Vice-food. Se much Mltr thsn the ot eth breakfast foods
that you will adoot it lor all time when you snd yours hav ooc
learned Us delicious, dtdmnt navor. Chango Antoy to
Kellogifs Toasted Rice Flakes
crisp, apoetirine. satlsfylng-the latest product ot the ri
boratorlcs afflllatod with tti famous Ballf Ow A
real food
BjllUftlQU . . 1 1 1 1 ............ , " , .
Choicest rice grains rolled into transparent mm. aim '" J"" """
to bring out their oeiicsie, nm-iiit vot. Vnitad
2 ir..t iii a nti nnurl.hln of all cereals i oasiea
to bring out their
Rice Flakes ofier It la Its. most readily assimilable form
Another New Food Toasted Rice Biscuit
a delicious rice toast. 8srve It alone, or with cream or iron.
hlldrcd thrive on Toasted
UcTBisV Art" your "grocer lor Kellogg'. Toa.ud Rlc. Foods. Larg. peck... 10c
The Kellosa Toasted Rio riak fit Biscuit Co, Battle ureeat. ivucn.
Bnftorttd tr ''
chusetts stockman. He Is said to measure
done ln a particular way, and as every one seventeen and one-balf hands hljh ta.ler
of them can reason like a supreme court by a hand than a good-slsed horse. At
justice they tempt me to change my mind s years old he measured ten feet, three
after each speech. And the finessing ot Inches around th glrfh, and weighed 4,885 nmny big shows have been held no Mls-
tne oratory is lar superior to anything w pounds. It Is said ths,t ln his younger day ourl'n " " """
he wa omethlng of a traveler, and could rdrlk 9. Kaskln.
walk a mil in thirty minutes, hitched to Tomorrow Tls Aati-Balooa teagw.
Following Our Announcement
Ve Are Now Selling Our Stock
havs recently heard in th DahltnAn club.
"Aside from th merely material aspect
of the situation In this particular section
of th city, however, our city I overlook
ing a great opportunity. The Cliff drive In
Kansas City hasn't anything approaching
the prospect of diversified scenery that
offers from the ground In the vicinity
where this cut Is to be made. If a drive
way war constructed through, th hills
and vales of that section of Omaha, with
th liver and th Iowa hills spread out for
uninterrupted miles of view, It would be
com famous throughout th land. Th I Six students from th University of Ne
utllltarlan aide of th work i not all that braaka, comprising the 'picked Judging team
of fin Jewelry, watches, novelties, etc., at first coat,
bargains we are offering, you must see the gecds.
To appreciate tha
uooessors to Kawhlatoey b Xtyan Co.,
Corner Fifteenth and Douglas Streets.
Payment of Expenses by Stock Yards
Company Gives Rise to Keea
appeals to me when I see beadtlful pros
pects like this absolutely neglected and un- Chicago
of the college of agriculture, leave
November 28 to attend
K. It. Cudduback Iluys Transportation
to Dei Moines fur Young; Woman
Wbo Lose Money.
Miss Eleanor Hathaway of Dea Moines
sat ln the big waiting room at the Union
station with tears ln her eyes. To big
hearted Nebraskans passed and wondered
at her grief, when the smaller' man said
to K. R. Cuddaback, automobile dealer
of Fremont, that something must be the
matter with the girl. Cuddaback returned
to the young woman and asked her what
she was crying about. She told her story.
Two days before Miss Hathaway had
arrived from Bonestetl, enroute for her
home at Des Moines, where she lived with
an aunt at 710 West Second street. She
had lot her pocketbook containing her
I ticket and money. For two whole days
jsho) had been sitting at Union station
I trying to find some way to get home and
I she said she had about concluded that
life ' bad no further attraction for her
when the big Nebiaskans came along.
After hearing her story. Cuddaback,
whose 300 pounds Is mostly mado up of
heart, at once assured her he would see
that she got through all right. First ho
took her arrows th street and bought her
something to eat. He then telephoned her
aunt at Dee Moines that her l- ear-old
niece was enroute home and he bought
her a ticket to Pes Moines and gave her
a little charge besides.
You a-e Interested In quality.
You are Interested In price.
Where meats and groceries are concerned so a. we. It I our aim to
five the very best quality t aa low a price as possible.
Fresh KS. er doicu gSo
No. 1 Flour, per sack .f.1.45.
Now Corn, pr dosen can 8 So
New Peas, per doaan 11.10
New Pots tons, per bushel
Pot Roasts, per pound ,.
Hotting Beef, per pound I
Klb per pound ', .
No. 1 I'oi k Loins, per pound . .
. . . o
, . .lOO
i. WELCH '
rboaes! bell, Douglas 1S11 Independent. A-2411.
Street Carmen's t'nlon Leader
Involved ta Trouble In
J Several eastern papers devote space to
the reciu arrest In Philadelphia of C. O.
i Pratt, International organizer ot the Car-
1 men's union, who was present ln Omaha
1 during the recent strike. The arrest of
1 th labor leader was but another Incident
I In the chain of events leading to an effort
to punish accused officers of the organisa
tion. Leaders were charged with having
; used the union for political ends.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick action advertise it in
Th B Want Ad columns. '
International Live Stock exposition and
compete for prize ln Judging. The stu
dents will be accompanied by Governor
Shallenberger, Chancellor Avery and Prof.
Ii. R. Smith of the department of animal
husbandry of the university. Seventy-five
students will also make the trip.
The offer of the -Union Stock Yards
company of South Omaha to pay th ex
penses of th Judging team gave a great
stimulus to the Judging work ot all stu
dents ln the college of agriculture this
year and all worked bard to get a place
on the team. The stock yards company
paid the expenses of the Judging team
last year and encouraged the boys In the
work, with the result that Nebraska's
team won first place In hog Judging, whloh
Is no small thing. The Nebraska boys
expect to bring home something again this
Diamonds FKENZER 15th and Dodge.
lieutenant Colonel F.'F. Eastman, chief
commissary of the Department of the Mls
rourl. has gone to Fort D. A. Russell snd
other western points to Inspect certain re
cent purchases of commissary supplies.
Woman from Whom Husband Se
eare Otroree Ha A aether
Card ta Flay.
Walter L. Blacken, an advertising agent,
secured a divorce deore tha day Abator
Christmas, but tha news of it did not
com to hi wife as a Santa Claua pr.soit.
Instead she did not learn of th order, she
says, until April L An action which sh
has sine begun will be no Joke to Dlsckdtt
If Mrs. Blackett wins, for she says sh In
tends to prosecute him for bigamy.
Her action la for a vacation of the ord-ir
granting the divorce on the ground that It
was procured through fraud. After she
(lied her petition to this effeot, Blackett
remarried, and If the case goes his first
wife's way, ther won't be any saoond
wife, ln law, and Blackett wjll be in dan
ger of further activity by his first spouse.
Her intention to prosecute la announced
by M. O. Cunningham, on of her attor
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cur any case
of kidney or bladder iroiibl that Is not be
yond the reach of medicine. Cures back
ach and irregularities that If ' neglected
might result In Blight's disease or diabetes.
Sold by all druggists.
Carlisle May Sot Recover.
NEW lOllK., Nov. 11 While It was
staled at St. Vincent's hospital today that
ex-secretary or ins treasuiy Jchn U. Car
lisle, who has been seriously ill lhere for
several days, had passed oomfonabl
night snd thst no change for the w.r
lad occurred, it Is generally brlieved that
Mr. Carlisle may not recover.
TF you feel the need of mone
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world, which Is so harmless or will effect
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Thl unusual preparation gee direct to
A few doses will rrgmlate the Kid
ney arid cure the moit severe
Bladder misery.
No man or woman here whose kidneys
are out-of-ordnr. or who suffers from
backache or bladder misery, can afford to ' the cause of trouble, distributing Its
leave Tape's Diuretic untried. I cleansing, healing and vitalising Influence
in tkinr Mftvaral doses, all catna In . directly uoon tha oraana and elands at-
the back, sides or loins, rhumstlc twinges, ' fected and completes th cur before you
nervousness, headache, sleeplessness. In
flamed or swollen eyelids, dizziness, tired
or worn-out feeling and other symptoms
of clogged, sluggish kidneys simply
Uncontrollable urination (especially at
night), smarting, discolored water and all
bladder misery ends.
Th moment you suspect the slightest
kidney or bladder disorder, or feel rheu
matism pains, don't continue to be ntlter
able or worried, but get a fifty-cent treat
ment of Papa's Diuretic from your drug-
realise it.
A few days' treatment of Papa's Diu
retic means clean, healthy, aetiv kid
neys, bladder and urinary organs and
you feel fine.
Tour physician, pharmacist, banker or
any mercantile agency will tell you that
Pap. Thompson 4 Pape, of Cincinnati,
is a larg and responsible concern, thor
oughly worthy of your confidence.
Accept only Papa's Diuretic fifty-cent
treatment from any drug store any
where In th world. Adv.
. Eat plentifully and often of it.
1 "P8 Qu &ker O a rnp any
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