11 Tim HKE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1900. J V 1 OFFERED FOR SALE rnF.rrT n.ACE for ptoves akv FURNITURE. Racket Store. If 4s Cumin I RAROAINf In second hand Furniture. I Schweitser, 1711 W. 14th St. W. 11&4; B. STOVE:, slightly usd, Hold reiriirdlea of T cooL American Furnliure Co.. 2?) N. isth 4 FINE lron h1 hair and bux muttress. bargain. 316 N. 22d. Remember It only taken a of the p"" to mention the Hf the ad Id The Bee. PERSONAL tv. utilinut d.) A UuMK. for women during confinement. We find home for babies wh-ire mother cannot cere for thein. Babies boarded For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. 4C-1 Bancroft St., Omaha, Neb. Phone Doug laa 1921. stroke or two fact that yuu THE SALVATION ARMT solicits caetoff clothing. In fact, anything you do not need. We coiiect, repair and fell at 134 N. '1th Kt for cost of collection to the worthy p or. Call rone Douglas 41J and wagon will call. Plaaoa. IF VM rash for a rood New Upright piano Interest ou, call at J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 808 B. ttth. Opposite Court House. SI.KIIITU used uprtaht pianos for sale at lfnx Harney. C. H. Thatcher Co. D- 50i, Typewriters. SECOND hand typewrltera sold, repaired Central Typewriter Exchange. 1607 Farnam. i COAL ;? AT CUT PRICES i'e save you from Bflc to I 60 on every ton and give better cotil. We guarantee correct weights. Uoscnblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. ALMOST new piano: must be aold by Saturday. Room 7, Davldge Bldg. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman A McC'onnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Second-Hand Boilers Ww vwil eii luu uii.ti thai have bee.i In use at the Bee building. They are earn lVS-horscpower return tubular boilers, 78 lnch diameter by IS feet long. They have lfc C. 1. tubes. 3 Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure lf0 pounds per square inch. Heat surface, 1U.0U) square feet. Urate area tiht, square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately and will sell al a bar gain If taken at once. THE BEE BUILDING COMPANY, 17th and Farnam bts. Omaha, Neb. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R-308. Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th fioor. 120 So. lbtn St. Stairway on Douglas Bt. Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 13J4 N. 14th, Tel, Web. 166. Ind. I;-:.... A NEW BOOK, the "Underworld Sewer, by Josie Washburn; price, 31-60. Sold by Swarts McKelvey, 10 8. 15th St., between Douglas and Dodge. .. . i . REAL ESTATE C1TV I'lllll'KH I V FOR S4LTR. (Continued.) $450 BUILDING LOTS Located at th and Corby streets, with ewer, water and sidewalks, siuth front, within one block of 24th slreet cur line Lots In the same neighborhood are selllr g as high as l.'flO If you want a good lot rheap. buy one of these. Hastings ft Heyden, 1M4 Harney Street. THE S. W. cor. 25th A4. hd Top- pleton Are., a grood 8-room house, with bath, furnace, etc.; barn, fine treos; lot 127 ft. front on Poppleton Ave., 100 ft. on 2 5th Ae; a Rood, close-in homo. Look It up. If Interested call E. . Stoltenberg. 436 Hoard of Trade Bldg., or 'phone D. 1510. A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Seven rooms and reception hall, large living room entire length of south side of hours, lre bed 'onim. plentv of closets, finely finished; full eaat front lot. paved tieei. In the western part of city. Price Is right and VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. C24 New York Life Bldg. Arlene de Voy. Manicuring and massage. 130 S ltith St. Flat I. Phone D. Tfc. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, magnetic and massage treatment. J N. 17th St. DR. EdOERS' private confinement home. lf.lt Martha St. D. bXtt. Masque Suits to rent at LIE BEN 8. 10 Howard. D. 4115. OMAHA Stammerers' Ina., Ramge Bldg. POULTRY FOR SALE Pekln, Rouen and Muscovy ducks, geese, Scotch Collie puppies. Fred Kucera, Oarkson, Neb. TO make room. Rose Comb White Leg horn yearling hens or pullets at $10 per dox. while they last Mrs. F. C. Tatro, Geneva, Neb. R. No. 1. Use U-NEED-A Poultry , Tonic for 6t day s; If your egg Increase "does not twice pay for your tonic your money will be re funded. D. E. Johnson Co., Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They re fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publislng Co. SAFES, new and second-hand, 1110 Farn. FOR BALK New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixiures, easy payments. Brunswick-Balk Collender, 407 So. 10th St. 100 OVERCOATS SLIGHTLY USED, bargain A B. SINGER, 416 N. 16lh. at a CASH REGISTER Burgesa-Granden Co., 1M1 Howard street. EVERYTHING In typewriters; Just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 Smith Premier, 31; No. 3 Oliver. $T5; No. ( Rem ington, $:1; machines nhlppcd on approval; uo deposit required. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO.. .306 8. l'JCh St. Screenings, $1.50 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th. M. B. TURKEYS for sale; eggs in season. Mrs. W. It. Preston, .North Loup, Neb. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-2tUU tor good printing Lyrestad Printing Co.. 16th Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE HEAL. KSTATK DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1.10 f arnam SU GANGE6TA D, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. SMT. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Life. DUNDEE HOMES $4,4006117 Capitol Ave. This ; bungalow has five large rooms nnd bath on first floor; large bedroom on second floor; liv ing room and dining room finished . In selected quarter sawed white oak. Handsome brick fireplace In living room. Balance of the house very at tractively finished In gum wood. Combination electric 'light and gas fixtures. All the hardware is brushed brass and bronxe. Large ce mented basement with good furnace. An up-to-date, well constructed bungalow In firsU class neighborhood, where values are steadily Increasing. A safe Investment, as well eh an attractive home. $4.500 602i Cuming St., new two-story, seven-room square house, strictly modern, com bination electric light and gas fixtures; four large bright bed rooms second floor. Stairway to floored attic. Full cemented basement. $4.9iO 6106 California St., new ' even-room, two-story frame house, all modern; first floor finished In selected oak. with oak floors; second floor nat ural wood. The fiardware throughout solid bronze. A substantial well built house In a first-class location. Easy terms. George & Co., 1601 Farnam St. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Branded Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. FOR SALE Beaver fur robe In condition. Call at 1210 Farnam St. good STONE for door, window sills and coping for sale. . Inquire Bee Pub. Co., 17th and -Farnam.' 4 flft PO AT.H'" try it. Harmon JbO.UU tUiVLi t vveeth. Both "phones. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-liand. 181S Farnam SHOLARSHIf on leading business col lege for sale at discount. Address P tlh. Hee. COAL by the ron. Call Webster 6877. ONE good second-hand organ, $20. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., fOS 6. 18th. Opposite Court Houso. FAVORITE base UiJ Emmet St, burner, nearly new. TIIMHF.R Tr C. Dlmmock ft Sons. UUilllJlJlV South Omaha, for lumber. GOOD second-hand piano, suitable for practice, $o0. on easy terms. . J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., VM 8, 4ji, -Opposite Court -Hons. FOR 8 ALU Two toller top desks nearly new. Inquire H. W. Baker, Supt., Bee Bldg POAT," rublio Market Special. (fcc: Ueat valua ln Omaha. HJ Partridge-Thompson Co.. 1610 Harney. D. 564) FOR SALE A good, self-adding cash register; will sell on easy payments. Ad dress I'-4T1. care Bee. OSTEOPATHY JOHfSUN INST.. 41S N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1C61. Dr. Kathryn Nloliolas. 60S N. Y. I Bldg. PATENTS REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LOANS E. H. Ambler, 313-20 Barker Blk. D. TA. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. West Farnam Nothing Down Complete and ready for occupancy, a new 9-room residence of most Bub stcntlal construction, finished in quarter-sawed oak downstairs; upstairs fin ished In white enamel, with mahogany stained doors; tiled bath room. This Is a specially designed house, the in terior being extremely handsome. Price, $7,850, balance monthly paymenta. No cash payment needed. , The Byron Reed Co., 'Phones: Doug. 297; A-3S34. 212 South 14 th. 1) o. BAKNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 11" Neville Bid: Book frea PERSONAL rVAT Andover, Egg. Lump, $6.60. R. It ' WAU Morehouse Co.. W. $106, B.IS45. If A nVl'TTP treatment. Mme. Smith, MAUAlilXAV t22 S. 16th St.. third floor. JOHN CANE Is In town. Now Is the time to trim trees, trellises, grape vines Tel. Red iit4, lml. A-8S49, Me4 MtiS. Cuming St.. 1101 S. tn Ave. Ul) ITIUVS Your corn comes out or your CUlllt O quarter comes back when you use Corn Jelly. Halacs Drug Co., ltilO Far. Hf A fl WTTP treatment. Mme. Smith, &Z2 S. 16th St., third floor 2809 Dewey Ave. Walking-distance. Near car line Brand new, fully modern one ard one-half-story 5-room coxy home cement blork foundation; Carton furnace. Good plumbing and fin combination lighting flxturea. New window shadr-s. This is right down town. Small cash payment, balance same as rent, and prloeia only $2,600. Save Your Car Fare Stop PayingRent ED JOHNSTON A CO. 1C14 Farnam St 'Phone Doug. 1233. EASY TERMS Five-room cottage In Clifton Hill, ready for occupancy December 1; can sell either with or without furnace: .cemented ease inent; good fixtures; house Is well built Iccks attract ve and la nicely arranged lot 44x128: close to car line, stores and churches: price. $2,500. without furnao satisfactory terms to good party. SHIMER & CHASE CO., Sole Agents, 309 S. 17th St., Opposite Court House. Both telephones. REAL ESTATE CITY PMtlPK.lt I V FOR SALE. (Continued) ' FOREST HILL PARK LOT ONE OF THE FINEST N. W. corner th and Wil liam sts., SOxli; all special In and paid for; a choice plsce to build for home or Investment: for quick sale. $2,100. ' R. He-LANDERYOU, 422 Board of Trade. Tel.. Doug. 21M: Ind. A-2151. SACRIFICE SALE. Owners sav we most sell, best offer takes new a-rooin, all modern out neai, on corner lot and finest location In city, $300 down and JU a wonin. New 5-room cottage on large lot In north part of city, Is a B1U k.naf. i.s. Large 6-room cottage near to car, has city water and gas In nouse. win sell these on easy terms. MEMIKOOHT C'U.. 934 N. T. Life Bldg. Doug. ZS65. A W. RF&I FSTATF FARM AND KA1NC1I I.4KD rOR !. Continued.) Nebraska. NEBRASKA jo nr- nf as fine land as lays out of d'.ora. A well Improved farm only tH miles to a live growing town in eastern Ne braska. For a quick sale we offer II AT $45 PER ACRE "Worth while to look this up. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO.. Suite Si4 New York Life Bldg. BANK STATEMENTS No. $. I FARMS. LANDS, FARMS. NANCK CO.. NEB. Unii imtirnveri i- near Belrrade. slightly rolllnr: 60 acres wheat goea with place, $t)0 per acre; 2.0o0 ca.-h. HITCHCOCK CO.. NLB. 4W acres, Improved. Fine small ranch, or farm proposition. A ripe bargain at $15 per acre. FCRVAS CO. NTCH. 240 acres near Wllsonville; ir,0 neres under plow; improvements fine. Price, $W per acre; H cash. HOLT CO. NEB. 160 acres fine farm land; 100 acres under plow; well Improved. J'rlce for quick sale, $6.fO0. Terms. We have other farms. Get our Int. We handle all kinds of exchanges. HAHWOOD A H A RWOOI ., 416 Boe Bldg., Omaha, Neb. win SAt.rc 3M-A. farm in vroinuy oi Long Fine. Brown Co., Neb. ey, Zanesvllle, u. F1R SALE By owner, -room houfa. modern, on paved Btreet, close to car line. Address J -733. Modern Cottage Opposite Tolf Hanson Home Hot water heat, beamed ceilings. 6 rooms. built by owner for a home; lot 44x144, 1th plenty of Shane ana snrunoery. iuji N. 34th. Price. $4 600. Paving all paid lor. W. H. UATK8, fOle Agent. 817 N. T. 'Life. "Phone Doug. 1394. Kimball County Land Section. 400 acres of fine, tillable land. only $6.W; half section, very fine, close In. at $10. Call or write quick. E. K. DAHLIMU. 441 IIRANDEIS BLDG., OMAHA. 7-ROOM COTTAGE, CLOSE IN Bath, gas, toilet, large roomj, full base ment; rented at $22. Price $2,200; $475 cash, balance $25 a month, ( per cent Interest. Good home or Investment. OLOVEK REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. RANCHES A SPECIALTY Great bargain In ranches; they are close In. Wheeler. Antelope and Holt counties; highly improved, tame grasses, flowing wells; it pay to he a stockman; get the best. Write toaay tor list. T. W. Wheeler, 615 BEE BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owners health; -wen improved 820-acra farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, $46 per acre; easy terma. J. T. Campbell, Llohfield. Neb. $100.00 Nothing Like It Ever Offered Before Brand new home of 6 rooms and recep tion hall, splendidly built, complete!; modern, with fine outside sleeping portico. First floor. Including open stairway and floors finlsned ln beautiful oak; fine com bination lighting fixtures; Carton furnace; new window shades; one-halt block from car line and close tov stores, schools and churohea. Price only $3,300. with $100 cash, $250 annually and balance monthly pay ments, same as house will rent for. Se or 'phone us at once about this. Will surely sell quick on these terms and you'll buy It if you will let us show you this fine prop erty. Don't Pay Rent Field Club Home Faces Oakhurat Park. I block from West Side Park line. 4 rooms and hall nn first floor; 4 large bedrooms upstairs. All floors In white osk. ' Complete laundry. Lot 60x107. with 6-foot driveway. New paving paid. 1109 South SSd. $6,BO0. " O'Keefe Real Estate Co. 1001 N. Y. Life. ' Doug, or A-2152. 100 ACRES.I McPherson county. Neb., $3 per acre. J. U. tlW.N iuuilll mulls, 312 Shugart Blk. 'Phono 814. GOOD LAND CHEAP: 160 acres In cen tral Nebraska, all good land, $5.26 per acre; $1-4 cash; $62 each year for eight years. Poslofilce box , umana, tso. WEST FARNAM LOTS for beautiful home; excellent view, east front, 60x160; paving and other specials paid. On 38th Ave. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. T. Life. . Doug, or A-2152. ED JOHNSTON A CO. 'Phone Doug. 1I3S. 1614 Farnam St. Beautiful Dundee Look at the attractive home on the N. W. corner of &oth and lavenport Sts. Large living room with fire place. Downstairs finished In oak. One of the moat attractive liuines ln Dundee for the money. Terms. We also have the neat bungalow adjoin ing on the west. Is all modern. We believe this is just what you want.. Call B. W. Stoltenberg, 436 Board of Trade Bldg. Phone Douglas ID 10. JAMES RUBY oan get Insurance money by writing John or Charley. 1'KIVATB HOME during confinement; babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. WE RENT and repair all makes of sew ing niaohlnrs. 'Phones, Ind., A -1603. Doug. IGuX. Neb, Cycle Cj., corner liih and Hai rier. t STRICTLY private home fur confine ments; excellent care; toabtea adopted; trained nurse. 2518 Davenport. "U'TnCJand toupees for men. GK1FFITH. . . ,u anQ M r K IENZER BLK. THE famous Velvetlna Toilet Goods. For ale by all druggists or phone Douglas 6uu- HAVE YOU $75, $100 OR $150! You'll be surprised to know of the choice homes we can sell on these pay ments. We offer for the first time, five good ttmsee, Just newly palmed. Overhauled and repaired throughout, well located, on pved streets and car line, 15 minutes' walk from business center. One i rooms, mud., $2.0U0; one, 6 rooms, $2,300; one, 10 room, $2.4uu; one, 5-room coti.ige, ll.MXl, onu, 5 ruora cottage, $1,850. The lalt. r four are partiy modern; concrete walka In all yards, soma shade trees. Can nuke very easy terms; cash paymenta of $75 and up; monthly Installments of $16 and up. Thrsj are bargains In Inside properties and the terms within reach of all. Y-ou can't find a better way to save rent money. Let us show you these today. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and lUriuy 8:s. FOR quick returns list your real eatate for sale and exchange with me; no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Right Way, Wrong Way WANTED Girl to do general house , work; good wages. Apply XIZ, this uf- ' lice. , This advertisement ran for at least a week ln a big daily, which had a circulation of over 40,000, without bringing in a Ingle reply. The man who wrote the advertisement was a business man, and the paper that ran the classified advertisement had up with him at that very time the question of display space for his business advertising. Naturally the prospect of landing it was not bright. The advertising manager of the paper called on the man and was told that he, the business man, had good evidence that adt ertiging, in that paper at least, would not pay him, the "Help Wanted" ad being cited as evidence. - - A copy of the advertisement was shown to the newspaper man, who said he knew what the trouble was and offered to bet the contract that not one but a dosen replies could be had through his paper. The advertisement was rewritten in this fashion: ' WANTED Neai, capable girl for maid In family of two; no washing; large, sunny, private room and good wage. ' Apply XYZ. this office. The day following the insertion of the advertisement twen. ty-eevea replies were received. The faith of the business mau ln advertising was restored and, needless to say, the paper got the display contract. CAN MAKE TERMS IIANSCOM PAUK HOME Beven rooms, two storlea and attic; four bedrooms. Very attractive new house, on Georgia Ave.; east front lot, 50rl50; paving paid; oak finish; large living room, entire width of house; book cases built in; full basement; laundry, drain and tollot; pressed brick foundation. Price $5,i0l). Terms. Immediate possession. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor, N. Y. Life. I WANT an offer on lot I, block . origi nal plat of the city of Omaha, with ti houses. 1109 and liill California street. Ia.1. CsxlU feet. THOMAS BRENNAN. New York Life But'dlng. GOLDEN 'S ALD METAL WEATHER STRIP SAMUEL DICKINSON. 321 Ramge Bidg. HOUSE FOR SALE 4M4 Canltol Ave.. 1 rooms, all modern, large living room; down stairs all oak; four rooms and bath up stairs In birch; large attic, concrete cellar, hut water heat, gas and electrlu light. Gar age for auto. Built for a home by day labor. For Information Call Harney 2376 or iiuugias r TWO FINE CORNER LOTS R0xlS2 feet each, one an east front, water sewer ana near car line. $500 EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND tk LOT CO.. Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. BEMIS PARK ADD. COTTAGE $2.650 Five-room cottage, all modern but rurnace, one-nair block from car, near scnooi; lot boxiau it. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 4S0 Brandula Bldg., Omaha, Neb. LOTS IN FLORENCE . Wa have lnr fixf of large lots In rinrnn within 2 hlroUH of car line, that we tan sell from Xlthh to 1 $350. Terma of V or $10 down and the, balance on easy mommy jmyiiiwui. Florence property will qoudis in vaiue In the next few yearnii Tee main street Is now being paved, which will Increase the values of all Florence property at once. We a so have a nice list of acreage nrnnertv oloae to Florence. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St, BARGAIN fl-TOom house. modrn, xcept hrat;' nice lot. paved street, on car line. No. 17.9 S. 29'.h 8t. Price $3 000. P. O. N EILEEN Sc. CO. 703 N. Y. L. Bldg. Both Phones. i WE have a good list of house and flats, ranting ln prlc from $8 to $fi0. List mailed on request. Hastings St Heyden, 114 Har ney St. DO you get the Home Buyer? Our new monthly magazine, its rree. irop ua card and we will mall it to you. every month. Hastings & Heyden, 1H14 Harney Bt. ism b:vans Bt.-7 $3,750. Call W IlKt. rooms, new, modern. REAL ESTATE r'ANH 4NU UAACil ..V.U FOH BALK FOR SALE or trade WO-acre farm, well ltnuioved: 11 miles from county scat, .4 mil a from railroad station, fcor particulars ad drew Cliaries ftienous, Itulyoae, Colo., J. Box tli. COLORADO 40,000 ACRES AT $5 This land is curtly under irncaiion now ai.d csii all be irrigated. Oliund at tuts remarkably iuw pi.ee for u.uick sle order to close partnership. Vv ortu your VUilie to Investigate. NOW A 'A A LAND AND LOT CO., bulla iU New York Life Bldg. Wm. J. Fig- noon IAKD." 100 acres. 200 miles from Omaha, $& per acre; $3&4 cash; balance sev eral years. Postofflca Box 173, Cuunoil Bluffs, la. Texas. TEXAS homes and Investments. FERGUSON ft WRIGHT, Doug. 1834. fell N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR SALE A farm. Gil acres, ln eastorn Texas, about 3 miles west of a modern anil i.rosoerous city or li.VM innaouanui, Price, ;l per acre. Aaaress ox w, bus- cobel. Wis. yensla. FOR SALE First-class cattle ranch In eastern Wyoming. win easily run i.ouu head of cattle. 400 aoros under Irrigation; WO acres in alfalfa. Good Improvements, Must Bell on account of falling health. Ad' dress Lock Box 33, Atlantic. Ia, REAL ESTATE LOANS t'flO to $5,000 on homes ln Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or 2153. ioans to home ownera and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annuauy. rso cummmwu. W. li. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1, New York Ufa Bldg. $100 tc $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead Bldg.. lata and Farnam. Wead, MONEY TO LOAN Pay r In v. stment Co. SECOND MORTGAGE! loans negotiated, Apply Rooms 417-13 First Natloual Bank Bldg. Ken pnone uougias ma. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnant St PAYNE, BOSTWICK CO.. N. T. Life. Private money. $400 to $6,000; low rata. LOWEST RATES Be mis, Brandeis Bldg. GARVIN BROfl.. $13 N. Y. Life. $500 to $200,000 on Improved property. No delay, i FARM and city loans; optional pay meat; no aeiay. . i. aiooernssn. unmua. REAL ESTATE WANTED VACANT lots aud houses. Have can buyers. 411 Karbacb Blk. Red 3K. A-lt4a. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR $, I and 7-i oom houses. If prices are rtgk we ran ten your property tor you, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. . li.;i.on.M 7,035 07 W0.000 00 M7.790 00 ,0O.O0 7.1(5 50 lti,J6.'j0 1,113.11 23.07 Ronnrt of the Condition of TIIR !KBHASKA NATIONAL BASK, at Omaha, in the Slate of Nebraka, at the chae of busln -s November 16, 1IW RKSOlRl.Es. I,oans and discounts.. Overdrafts. secured rrrt. unsecured U. 8. bonds to secure rli dilation Othtr bonds to secure (". S. deposits V. S. bonds on hand,.. Premiums on V. S, bor.ds Bonds, securities, eto. Banking house, furni ture and fixtures.... Other real estate owned Due from national batiks (not reserve agents) $ ilfi.T.7.71 Due from state and private banks and bankers, trust com- pnnl-, and savings banks Due from approved re serve agants Checks and other cush Items Exchange for clear ing house Notes of other na tional banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents -. Lawful money reserve In bank, vis.: Specie 1M.339.00 SH.G2t.38 303.4SR.00 S3. 887.77 80,i76.7 13.3S0O0 641.94 Legal-tender notes..., Redermtlon fund with V. 8. treasurer in per cent of circulation).. H.IUO.OO 9'.C068.73 10,000.00 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expenses and taxes paid National bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks $ Sfi4.Z.Go Due to state and pri vate banks and bankers Duo to trust com panies and savings banks Dividends unpaid Individual deposits sublcct to check I.26S.G2fl.S5 Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out standing United States deposits Deposits pf XT. S. dis bursing officers Reserved for taxes.... ,$2.Gi!2,RS4.1 jon.onnoo 00,(100 00 B8,0.4 13S, 000.00 BANK STATEMENTS No. :. Report of the Condition of 1k I allea 1s Nattnaal Beak, at Omaha. In the Stute of Nebraska, at the close of biiine November 1 RKSOUHCKS. Iioans and discounts ?.tbl. ICS Of C'vei drafts, secund and unsecured 17,243 01 V. .S. bonds to securw circulation 4HVO00 0Q IJ. 8. bonds to aecurs U. a drpop'ts lW.nnniw Bond, securities, eto. 7? nOS Hat kin house 100.000.01 Lue from national banks (not reserve agents) $ K7.tS7.lS Due from state and t private batiks and bankers, trust com panies, and savings banks Duo from approved r serve agents. .....t Chrcks and other ci h Items Exchanges for clear li g house Notes of other na tional banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents y I.Hwful money reserve in bank, vis.: Specie gal-lender notes... Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent of circula tion) Due from V. 8. treasurer 159.W7.M KW.241 09 11,329. M lSl.Ifd.W (4,110.00 1.A54.4 17,.90 834.atS.00 S,l,637. 12,(00 01 i,eoo.a$ 87.411.?! 10.414.7S 308.00 12.123.C4 1B9.S07.S9" 1,8X1.59 4.t74.7 00,327.40 87,498.18 1.061 003 S2 1.000.00 Total LIA RILIT1ES. Capital stock paid In Surplus fund Undivided profits, less expetiMi' and taxes paid Notional bank notes outstanding Due to othir national bank -. $2,250,210.26 Due to etate and pri vate banks and bunkers 1.9S0.733.86 Incivldual deposits subject to check B, 160.604. Demund certificates of deposit 86.418.78 Time certificates of di posit 1. 894.79 Certified checks 7,896.1)6 Cashier's checks out standing 1JZ.W9.ZS United Stales deposit ' 13,.87 Df.poHits of U. S. dis bursing officers iU9,Ai.ia Reserved for taxes... Total.. .I1S.X90.T89.3I ano.onn.oi 00.000.01 0,M4. . 446,860.01 Total 2.5fi2,fi4.10 Slate of Nebraska, County of Douglas, ss: I. W. E. Shepard. cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. E. SHEPARD. Cashier. Correct Attest: H. W. YATER, WARREN SWITZLER, H. W. YATES, JR.. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of November, 1909. L. W. SCHRinEU Notary Public. LEGAL NOTICES- MAPS VERY attractive, well constructed, two story houe at 2006 Maple St. Just com pleted; six rooms, reception hall, atili- and full basement. The beat furnace, plumb ing and combination flxturea. Fur sale by the owner. 29TH AND DECATUR ST. House. It rooms, large corner lots, $1,850. W. T. GRAHAM, 604 Bee Bldg. Tel. Doug. It33. U. P. and B. & M. 'tracks run by N. W. corner. 2Cth and Oak 8ts. We offer this corner, 94x114. Opposite Hull's new yards. Near 8. 24th car line. Only $1,000. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life Bldg., Doug or A 2131. 3715-3719 NORTH 24TH ST. $3,800 EACH Two fine new, all modern houses, on paved street and car line. Good lots, pav ing and all specials paid. Good basements, cemented, good furnaces and the best of plumbing; fine oak finish and floors on the first lloor; nice slxed bedrooms and good closets and everything aa it should be. They are complete and ready to move into. Two different plans, one of them has large living room. Will make reasonable terms to good party. HASTINGS ft HETDEN. 1614 Harney St. $500 BUILDING LOTS Located on Jfth Ave., Just north of Fort bt. irty-root fronts, have water, sewer and gas. These are the two most desirable Iota that can be had In the north part of the city at surn low prices. HASTINGS HEYDEN, l14 Harney St. FINE FARMING LAND IN EASTERN COLORADO will raise lurae crops oi emu and small main: corn. 2o to 40 bu.; wheat and oat iu to 65 bu. per acre I tils year. $10 to $40 per acre. s rl.e us tor lull particular. Wray, Colo. $3,500 STOCK hardware and furniture for On aha rebidence; about same value. $7,000 Stock General Merchandiso, lo cated in goud Iowa town, for good farm land or Omaha Income property. 19.U0O Slock General Merchandise, east ern Nebraska town, for ood farm land. I! modern well located Omaha residences for slock of merchandise. , Good bewaid courtly, Nebraska, farm for geiibrJ merchandise. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg, Omaha, Neb. Ian. CAPITALISTS AND PROMOTERS INVESTIGATE. $240,000, part cash, buys 112.200 acrts, well waitreu, and about t.uAl head nurses ana cauic J. T, Ream, Oskalous, la. Kanaaa. SUMNER county. Kansaa. improved fauna tor bait:. Vvould like to work with Nebraska and Iowa agents. C. L. llablel, Vv suing ion, Kan. DICKINSON COUNTY. KANSAS, LAND. Let me show you the bargains 1 have to offer before you buy, It will mean dul' lars to you either fur a home or an In vestment. If posalbie, try and see me livj the . next 60 duys, fur 1 nave a large Hat at preitent and likely can show ou a betw-r bargain now than later; also by buying now you will gel ail or a share of the growing wheat on many of the farms 1 have (or sale. You will appreciate this country, If you see It, the same as many other satlbfied customers I have had In the past. Corn, wheat ad alfalfa the main crops. Call or address E. Fackler, Manchester, Kan. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA W have 1M.000 acres' of choice land to select from, langlns In price from $6 to $10 per acre. Thia land Is iu the oil and gsa district and you might get an oil well kith your land. NOW ATA LAND AND IT CO., Suite 024 New Yoia Life Bldg oath Daketa. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE LAND: 40 acres in Irrigation district; $250 cam; $j0 each year tnereafter fur six yeais- lo rate Interest. Postofflca Box 173, Council Biuffs, Ia. FOR SALE or exchange For clear land, stock of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Will invoice about UO.Oou. For particulars adJross J. U. Collins. U Main sir.ee. Fremont. Neb. FOR EXCHANGE 311) acres fine land in Dailam, Texas. What have you. E. U. Marquis, Atlantic, la. TRADES. TRADES, TRADES. Farms, iiuume, nidee. List with us. ABBOTT REALTY CO.. Brandeis Bldg. A NEW patent of great value and con venience to automobile owners. Remark able success, a money maker. Will take good real estate, prefer state or county oper ating plants. 1 06 N. ICth St. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. SPECIAL STOCKHOLDERS' MEETIN'J Notice is hereby given, that a special meeting of the stockholders of The Mis souri 1'aclflo Railway Company will be held at the principal office of snld Com pany, ln the, Missouri Pacific Building, No. 706 Market Street. In the City of St.' Louis, Missouri, on Tuesday, the lSUi day of January, 1910, at nine o'clock In the fore noon of that day, to consider ana act upon the following propositions; (a) To adopt a code of by-laws for the Company. (b) To ratify, "assent to and approve certain Indenture of leaae bearing date the 15th day. .of July,.liW9. by and between Boonville. St. . Louis & Southern Railway Company, a corporation of the State of Missouri, and this company and authorised on behalf of this Company at a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the luth day of August, W. (o) To ratify, assent to and approve the purchase by tills Company of the whole or any part of the railroads and other prop erty and franchises of all or any of trie following named railroad companies: Carthage and Western Railway Company, Joplln and Western Railway Company, t?t. Louis, Oak Hill and Carondelct Railway Company. Sedan. Warsaw and South western Railway Company, The.Kanvus City Northwestern Railroad Company, The Nebraska Southern Hallway Company Omaha Belt Railway Company, Omaha Southern Railway Company, Pacific Rail way Company ln Nebraska, The Pueblo and State Line Railroad Company, and Kansas ana Arkansas valley Kailway. (d) Fur the purpose of refunding under lying mortgage bonds and equipment obll gallons of the Company and for other cor porate purposes, to consent to, concur In and authorise an Increase of the bonded Indebtedness of The Missouri Pac'flc Rail way Company, by the amount of $175,000,000 by the issue of Gold Bonds of the Com pany, limited In the aggregate to the principal amount of $175,000,000 at any one time outstanding, to bear Interest at a rate or rates not to exceed five per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, and all or any part of such bonds, as the Board Directors may determine, to be convertible at the option of the holders and registered owners thereof Into stock of the Railway Company upon such terms and 'otherwise aa the Board of Directors may determine; and to consent to, concur ln and authorise the execuiion and delivery of a mortgage and deed of trust on and of the whole or part of the railroads and other property and franchises of this Company whether now owned or hereafter acquired, to accure auch Issue of bonds by this Company, and to consider and act upon the form and terms of such mortgage. (e) To consent to and authorize the pur chase by this Company from time to time of not to exceed $26,000,000 par value of the bonds of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and Southern Railway Company. (f) To ratify the proceedings of the Board of Directors theretofore taken in and about the matters aforesaid, Including the authorization of said bonds and mort gage and ui-ed of trust and the use to be made of said bond, tiid to consider and act upon such other business as may properly be transacted at the meeting. The stock transfer books of the Company will be closed at t P. M. on the 7'h. day of January, 1910, and will remain closed until 10 A. M. on the 19t day of January. 1910. Dated, New York, November 17th, 190). By order of the Board of Directors. GEORGE J. GOULD. President. A. H. CALEF, Secretary. Nov 18 to Jan 18 WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furnl-tu-e. carpets, clothing and shots Tel. Dug $i7!. HIOHEST prices for furniture, etc. r.iiLl.'S Furn. btoie, 1104 Dodge. Red 863J. BALTIMORE 2d-band store pays best price M-hand furniture, clothes etc. D. 4tt. Highest prices for old broken match old sold. et". M. Nathan. 2)1 S. IMh. 10,5S9.) 04 8.664 SI .$l.190,t.Kl State of Nebraska. County of Douelaa, ss: 1.. W.. E. Rhoades, cashier Of tne aoova named bank, dosglmnly ewear that that abive statement hi true to Ins Beat oi ray krowledge and belief. . - . W. B. HUAI".r", Cashier. Correct Attest: . . A. MILLARD, K M. MORSMAK, THOMAS A. FRY. Dlreotors. Subscribed and sworn to befor ran this 18th day of November, 1909. ,,.. -' Notary Public $1,479,555.30 4,250.31 SK0.000.00 . 160,000 00 108. 741. Ts ' 100.000.00 No. 27fu. ' . i Renort of the Condition or THE MERCHANT' NATIONAL BANK. at Omaha, in the State of Nebraska, at thb close of business November 16, 1900. RESOURCES, Loans and discounts,. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured U. S. bonds to secure circulation ............ U. S. bonds to securs . U. S. deposits Bonds, securities, etc. Banking house Due from national banks (not reserve agents) t Due from state banks and bankers... Due from approved re serve ageirts Chtcks and other cash Items Exchanges for clear ing house Notes of other national banks Fractional paper cur rency, nickels and cents Lawful money reserve In bank,, viz.: Specie Legal-tender notes.... Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).. 479,108.0T r 0.883.32 CS8.3C5.91 52.841.44 124,683.54 84,000.00 L 074 81 877.010.00 . 40,000.00 8,287,971.11 Total LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In.. Surplus fund Undivided profits, lens expenses and taxes paid . National bank notes outstanding Due to other national banks ,..$1,006,281.18. Due to state banks ' and bankers 901,77110 Dividends unpaid...... 688.00 Individual deposits subject to check $,110,691.56 Demand certificates or deposit Time certificates of deposit Certified checks Cashier's checks out' standing United States deposits Reserved for taxes.... 17,100.00 ,$7.667,6lt.M B00.0nft.no 850,000.00 90,218.40 880,000.09 .. 7S.00 728.939.1S 6,976.95 ' 138.041.14" ' 150,000 00 6,844.371. t 1.000.04 .$7,567,618 Total i .. Stale ot Nebraska, County of Douglas, si: , I, Fred P. Hamilton, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the atfove statement is true to tne best or my knowledge and belief. r RED P. HAMU1VIN, Cashier. Correct Attest: LUTHER DRAKE, O. S. ROGERS, GEO. K. PRITCHETT, ) 1 Directors. Subscribed snd sworn to before me this lbth day of November. lHOJ. LOUIS WEIHUbbr.K, Notary Public. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with aeverat yeais' business trala Ing desire position seiiin either In city or will travel. Al rifera.cea Address W to;, car Be. ' Coal and Wood Rv. Htl0T?X"Zifc $0 ACRES. Pennington county. South Da kola. Every-acre tan be cultivated; goud kull; i inllea from good town; $16 per acre. J. O. BONE. Council Bluffs, la., 812 fchugart 'Phoue 14, A NEW YORK lawyer, representing large trust enmpanv ln special capacity, has considerable time to devote to legal or other work for reasonable compensation; vicinity New York Life Bldg. Address B 627, Bee. WANTED By young man. place to work for board while attending Boyles college, both phones. WANTE I Position as resident or visit ing governess; best references. Address O 6. Bee. POSITION by young man. 13. ot any kind; must have work; good penman and fair at figures. Address L 735, Bee. Announcement! Owing to the fact that I have left the railroad service and entered into com mercial business. I wish to announce that I have disposed of my Interests In the steamship business to W. E. Buck, Pas senger and Steamship Agnt. C. M. A Bt. P. Ry., 1514 Farnam Street, Omaha, and bespeak for him the patronage and good will shown to me ln the past. HARRY E. MOORES CANADIAN rACiriO WEgKXT SAILINGS BETWEEN MONTREAL QL'EaEO AND UYIKPOOU Nothing b(Ur on th Atlantic than our Knsrv Wlraicu a all loamara O. E. BENJAMIN, a. A. Ul So. Clara St., Chluso. 111. Persistent Advertising i& the Iioa3 to Big Returns. The Bee Reaches All Classes. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS" T. P. Ni'hols to J. A. Jotiuson, nft nwtt 7-15-10 and othtr property SU.SU0 Marie L. Fiueite to Norah A. Stroud, lul 2. block 8. Orchard Hill 1.80U W. S. Jardine and wife to Edward sturricker et al., lot 1, block 10, Wost End '. 13.500 J. R. Conkllng and wife to W. C. Nor- rlH. two tracts in nwu nwii 4-i-u. u.&oo A. 51. Entries and wife to J. W. Long- fellow, lot 1, block S, E. V. Smith's addition 8.020 E. M. Hayes and wife to MontravlU Rubblns, lot 4, S. E. Roger's Oka huina 1 Ada B. Snyder and husband to J. E. Rogers, lot 13, block . Central Park. 800 J. W. Novak and wife to F. W, Novak, lot 3. block 6, Brown Park.. 8,500 Webster Snyder and wife to J. E. Kngvis. sVi lot 14, Hssttaii 4k Rogers addition 800 F. W. Novak lo William Krisky, lot 3. blo k 6, Brown Park 2.KJQ Alii M. Howard and husband to v William B. Howard, lots 1, 8. 8. block 25. ( arlliate 1 Katie I). Mather and husband to Mary M. ueca, lot is, diock , Halcyon Heights 490 Helen s. Mason and husband to J. P. Dugdale. lot , block 8, Orchard Hill 4,500 J. P. Dugdale and wife to Helen 8. Mason, lot 4, block 1, Poppleloa Park 1.500 Louis Bradford Lumber company to routn umana, strip in tax lot a, iv- 14 -18 110 Catherine Over, ard to Charles Stel- fct-r, out 101 i, o. v loronce s.ouv Independent Telephone companyvto Title Insurance 4k Trust company, tr., additional sscurlty for former lean Thomas Sullivan to Jnlm Hoist, south 100 feet lots 18 and 80, block 24, Walnut Hill 6.600 F. S. Tucker and wife to D. W. Mer row, lot 6 and 9. bcx k 103. Florence.. 1 John O'Donahoe arid wife to Ethel Kerr, block 2 and eVfc block 4, 14 addition to Mount Douglas v.. 1 Lawrence Minot et al, trustees, ta Mc Cague Investment company, lot 19, block 1. Isabel addition 1 County Treasurer to Benjaniln-Fthr Real Estate company, lot 23, block 4, Albright s snnex , ...... Sain to II. E. Wallace, lota 4 and 9, block 4, Saunders A Ilimebaugh'S addition to Walnut Hill...' .' ,. Same to E. R. Hume, lot 4 and I, block 10, Patterson Park..... Total 71,54 (i