Tin-: bee: omaha, Thursday, November is, inoo. LAST WORK BEFORE CAME Nebraska Eleven Ergge in in1 ' Scrimmage Practice. TEAM LEAVES TODAY FOB WEST Tew Rooere Will AecoMr Players O" A ot Dl""' " C.ood !endot l Brian; ' rianned. . MNCOLN. Nov. K.-fRpecUD-The Corn huskers thin sftornoon held their I art scrimmage before the Denver game, going throurh n hour of miff rk on a mow clad field at the state farm. The workout today was one of the beet .,, th. Kansas an,e. "d the regulars made good gain, through the scrubs. The vanity forward-., showed the lent form that nearly defeated Kansas, the scrub, being checked effectively whm trying some rf their beet cffena ve work. On the defense the 'varsity "ne p ayed brilliant ball and we. a big fse'.or In rcor rng three touchdown- on the scord term Shenka. the big center, put up the beet exhibition of the ne wgame that he hae been able to give ,ths falL Fev.ral of Co'.e's new playa are. " depend upon the work of three of the line men and It la thought they will do a great deal toward .coring on the Denver c even Saturday. Cole has decided to perm the line to do more offensive work than It has In any of the prevloue games of the fall. IUthbone, fullback, who was not In tho beM form for tho Kansas game, haa fully recovered from his injuries and will be able tOT'ay a fierce game at Denver. He ha. done some, terrific line plunging In practice this week. '' Since eeelng lh? Denver-IlaBkeJI game at the Colorado capital Saturday. Coach Coe hae decided not to have hla Cornhuskers uie the onslde.klck and forward pass very often . He believes "straight" llne-bucklng foot ball will be the moat effective attack that hie players can uso against the Minis L. AOLCK, BROS. CO. Pre-Thanksgiving .Suits tad Overctats cf tkc . Smartest Fashions At $18.60, .$20.00 aud $25.00 This is an exceptionally large col lection of overcoats eilally priced for the week. Take advan tage of It and save anywhere from 5 to J10 on what you would have to pay ordinarily. Theso are splc-snd-span. new models,' ready-for-service.- for all-around rcrvicu, fair or etortny weather, you'll find the "Vollmer" Convertible Overcoat Just what you want. Vollmer's Sack Suits ' 18.50. $20 and $25 Include every model of advance fashions, in guaranteed wor steds and woolens of the newest exclusive weaves. Get yours now, for Thanksgiving. VOLLMER'S Expert Clothes Fitters, 107 South Sixteenth Street SSoiistiation "Pot em Bine fears I suffered with chrotiK constlpstina snd durtcg this time I hsd to tak ss Isjectioo of warm watel oite every hours swtere I could have as actios on my eowch. UappOy I tried Caocaret. sad today I am a well aiaa Dortae the alas years before I a Caarareu I auflered untold atlsery with Internal piles. Thinks te yoa. I la free fram stl thai BMrnlng Toe osa oe this ta hhstl vflrrtBC humanity a. W Ptahet. Rocooks. Ill Plaatant, Palatable. Potvot. Taati Oooo )o Onod Navr Sicsen. Wesksa or Onpe Ut. tv Nw In Bulk Tlx ( uin stamped t C iiauvlwl 11 "tire ( 3 NERVOUS INDIGESTION The appetite Is often capricious, Siseous eructations, lumps, pains, Istress after eating. Often attended by heart-burn, nausea and the complaint of food lying ' heavily oa the stomach. Cvcs ttallcr M Uwae ttoabln are airlr tlwtn iha ihU el a sWm4 i4 coiUlilea tsa actvM hkk Wi!ir (he xoaiua ita aaaiir a in. CCM.EX bunjj tteir Kurv (MblM ton Urav ifcau issk br ams nlicrw ike la tM trtuacat of ill BarmM alwrfeft I wtr cttractM COCtX eiMt stuck, frtaaacial a4 lAiittactorr mail. Year Moaey Refunded if n rails, raici ii.h res box roa alx by SB ATOM? BBVV CO., Itth and rarnaas Ba., Omaka. ters, and they will be directed to hit the line continually. Both the forward pss and onelde kick gained ground for Nebraska against Kan sis. but Cole believes the Denver backfleld Is much superior to the Jay hawkers', and that it will be able to Intercept theee two playa. "elder Booting Well. Captain neltser has been booting the ball for Jong distances this week, and Cole thinks he will be In condition to hold h a own against Koehler's excellent booter. Frank will do Nebraska's place kicking. The team will have Instructions to try for goals from placement when they are within thirty yards of the Denver goal. The fail ure to do this In the Kansas contest prob ably lost the game for the Cornhuskers. With the exception of "Red" Woleott, right guard, the Cornhuskers are In excel lent physical condition. Woleott Is suffer ing from a slight attack of tonsllltls, but will be In shape to play aSturday. Frank had a slight Injury during the fore part of the week, but he has recovered. Johnson sustained an Injury to his right knee In the Kansas game and Is still bothered by It, but will be In shape by Saturday. Lnleas the men are hurt In practice to morrow they will all go Into the Denver game In Just as good condition as they were at the time of any big game this fall. No scrimmage will be held tomorrow. A light signal practice will be the order for the early part of the afternoon at the state farm. The Nebraska party will start for Den ver tomorrow evening over the Burlington and will arrive there early Friday morn ing. A squad of two elevens will be taken. On account of the high rate for the trip no rooters' will make the Journey. An effort Is being made to raise money to send the famous Nebraska cadet band, but this is not likely to succeed. The Nebraska club at Denver la prepar ing to attend the game and root for the Cornhuskers. Thero are about 200 Ne braska alumni in and near Denver, and they will all be on hand for the game. The Cornhuskers will stay at the New Albany hotel in Denver. A light practice will be gone through by the team Friday afternoon at Broadway park in that city. Several hundred students will give the team a sendoff at the Burlington depot to morrow afternoon. Classes will be dis missed for the occasion and the cadet bat talion will march to the depot at the head of a procession of other students. LIPTCN STILL AFTER THAT CVP Will Isaae Challenge and A sit Rales Be Chsnged, NEW YORK, Nov. 17.-Slr Thomas Lip ton, will challenge for a race for trie Americas cup to be sailed in im mi i homes made this statement Just before sai Ing for hiurope today on tne ateamer uumi kotlllea. tlr 'ihomas said he would have chal lenged for a raoe next summer had It .r,1 PO"8ble to get a boat ready In time. If the New York yachtsmen Insist on a challenge under the present rules gov erning International cup races, I would stand no chance to win, and that would not be sport," he said. Sir Thomas has conferred with the mem bers ef the New York Yacht club In re gard to a modification of the rules con cerning, the American cup. What assur ances, If any, he received, are not known. WITH THE BOWLERS. hInwh? mha Bowling league last night the Moloney took three straight from the Advos, winning by nearly S00 pins. J. A. ftJlon.". I"01 hlgh "ingle and total, getting the high game of the season of 248. To night no league games. Score: MOLONEYS. . . . 1st. ?d. Sd. Total. Jt. yons 171 J47 HemmerNtrnm un it 170 12 l-3 178 1M ! Tpman .'.'"m 171 Weeks 23! 149 tJ over its km Totals , S92 ADVOS. Roberts 157 Bullard 17 80$ tog 1,709 2d. 127 134 172 149 156 Sd. Total. ir.9 443 179 156 170 157 Oceander 21 Straw 40 Francisco 206 4.r9 ' 617 Totals 79 737 820 I.4M The Sea Dogs took the series straight from the General Deliveries. Lough of the Sea Dogs got a high total of 553. For the General Deliveries. Morton had hlirh total of 459 and 19 for high game. Lough of the fciea Dogs had high game for the evening of 210. Score: SEA DOGS. 1st. 2d. Sd. Totsl. Crabb 1J0 169 165 614 C.'hrisienson 147 lit 126 4.11 Lough 210 160 193 663 Totals 647 17 484 Zt98 GENERAL DELIVERY. . 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. Morton 169 144 146 4o9 Harrier 148 IIS M US Straw 157 1:.0 126 4J Totals 461 412 432 1.308 Sun Klst teok the series straight from the Excelsiors. Moran of the hun Klsi Is hitting pins for too. He got a total of too and rolled three errorless games Chadwell of the Excelsiors had high totalr of 625. Utt had high game of 199. Moran grabbed 212, which was high for the even ing. Wednesday, November 17. uauy News vs. West Sides. MANGY SUN KIST. 1st. 2d. Sd. Total. 182 531 205 606 Or'.man 1-6 ISi 1S 112 Laird ; J 48 Koran lh Totals 487 5M 67 1.610 EXCELSIORS. 1st. 2d. O'Connor 103 1M M. Total. 139 87S 146 Kl& 178 626 Utt 170 lt Chadwell IJ0 imi Totals 4M S 464 1.41S Brudegard Crowne took two out of three from the O'Krlen's. Anderson had high totals for the O'Brien's In (M. Hough had high totals for the ttrodegards of and had game for the evening, 236. November IT, O'tfrlens vs Glendsles. O'BRIEN'S MONTE CHRISTOS 1st. 2d. Sd. Totals. Baher 1H0 14 lM2 66 Brunke If 140 ISO 4,9 624 . 666 m bpetman 1S4 11 159 latey 1:0 lm 181 Anderson l'.! , 1 216 Totals ..: -..ISS 806 907 BRODEQARD CROWNS. let. 2d. 3d. Totals. Fa-erberg lM 197 172 633 Voia low 11 ii wis Shults iJi lfti iu M Carman ZiO !.' VJl 65 Houuh m 2m l'Ji 6sS Totals 8S7 923 MS 2,762 Tarfrasa Is Bankrupt. LEXINGTON, Ky.. Nov. 17.-Edward Corrlgan, the turfman of Chlosfa, New Or leana ond thia city, has filed in the United States court at Frankfort, a p.titlon l.i bankruptcy. H e assets sre given at f IS 63 and liabilities at I174.WO. In his petl.lon la a diseasa so painful aa Rheumatism, medicines containing opiates and ncryo-q uie ting drugs are often used. Such treatment Is dangerous not only because it frequently cause the sufferer to become addicted to the drug habit, but medicines of this nature are always Injurious to the system. Rheumatism is a disease of the blood, and Its cure depends entirely upon a rhorough purification of the circulation. As long as the blood remains uturated with urio acid, an Inflammatory condition of the nerves, muscles and tendons of the body will exist, and the pains, aches, soreness, and hot, liverish Cesh of Rheumatism will continue. The one safe and sure cure for Rheumatism Is 6. S. S. It Is nature's remedy for this disease, made entirely - f the hoeJing, cleansing juices and ex ti acts of roots, herbs and barks from :he natural forests. 8. 8. S. does not coe tain anything that is in the slightest .voy Injurious to the system. It Is absolutely and purely vegetable, and from opiates or sedatives of any kind. S. 8. 8. cures Rheumatism by -"moving the urie acid from the circulation, It makes the blood pure, rich j.ad heaalthy so that instead of dopositing, sharp, uratlo Impurities into the uiusclea, nerves, ioiots and bones, it nourishes every portion of the body with natural, healthful properties. Book on Rheumatism and any medical adrioe tree te ail who write and request It. . THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. CA. Corrlgsn says he hns no real estate and has only a few notes as assets. II AWKRIKI OFF FOR KANSAS t'aptala Grmw Will Be la Game gatardfty at I.avereace. IOWA CITY. Ia.. Nov. 17. (Special. Iowa's foot ball team left tonight for Jwrence. Kaa.. where the undefeated Jayhawkers will be played Saturday In tne nnai e-ame or tne year on tne iiawa- eye schedule. HcrtmmaRe yesterdsv afternoon and to day formed the final workouts prepara tory to the Ksnsss game. With the ex ception of Bell and Captain Oross the men win be In good condition for the rinal test of Coach Griffith's erratic werrlore. Gross was out In his suit today, the first time since the Ames frame. A spe cial apparatus has been fixed for the In jured leader and he Is expected to be In shape to plsy a fair game for part of the contest. Hell sustained a broken bone In his hand earlier In the esr. He will not be called upon unless Gross Is compelled to go to the side lines. with Gross In aood condition the Hawk- eyes would be considered danperous but because of the captain's condition Iowa will concentrate on holding the powerful Kansas hack field with Its "difficult to stop" plays to a low score. To finish a season with credit Is the ambition of the present eleven and the members will bend every effort toward developing a fighting spirit which will last two halves. DUNN BITS BALTIMORE TEAM Eastern League Clab Sow Property of the Second Baseman. BALTIMORE, Nov. 17. The Baltimore Knstern league club was sold today by Edward Hanion to former Manager Jack liunn. The consummation of the deal came at the conclusion of a long confer ence between Hanion and Dunn and their attorneys, which was the result of negotia tions that have been on foot for a couple of months, it Is said. The title of the property sold Is the Bal timore Base Ball and Exhibition com pany. The actual property la the Eastern League club and frsnchlse. Hanion be came sole owner a few days bko. Dunn has for the last two seasons been man ager of the club, plavlng second base. He snys that the purchnse Is for himself. The price Is withheld. With the club goes a lease of the base ball grounds covering S"vernl years. Dunn's attorney, Charles H. Knapp, Is one of the directors, as Is Wllbert Koblnson, well known as one of the catchers of the Baltimore club when this city was represented in the National league. Hanion secured control In 1'02. Prior to coming here Dunn was manager of the Providence team. POLICEMAN AGAINST BLACKSMITH Details Arranged for Wrestling; Boat November 27. Details for the wrestling match between Policeman C. A. Jensen and Blacksmith Jack Meyers, to be pulled off at Washing ton hall the night of Haturday, November 27, are about completed. Preliminary to the main bout there will be a match between Mike Chester and William Kuhle, claimed to be the two best men of their weight, 140 pounds. In Omaha. Considerable Interest is being taken In the Jensen-Myers match and a number of applications for tickets have been made by out-of-town devotees of the sport. .It is announced that several challenges will be made to the winner. MICHIGAN ALIMM WILL BANQUET Win Celebrate en Saturday Night Whether Team Win or Loses. Michigan plays Minnesota Saturday. On the same day Chicago plays Wisconsin, and on the results of these games will be determined which college has the best foot ball team In the west. Alumni of the University of Michigan are taking time by the forelock and will give a banquet Saturday night at the Rome hotel at o'clock to celebrate the victory of Michi gan over Minnesota. Should Minnesota win, however, as many think they will, the uiu mii-insH-M Doye win ceieDrate the vic tory Michigan won last week over Penn sylvania in the biggest contest of the year between the teams of the east and west. Garfield and Eliot Talk on Conservation Former Secretary Says Laws Do Not Safeguard Interests of People in Alaska Coal Lands. ; CINCINNATI. O.. Nov. n.Pleas for the government regulation of monopolies were voiced tonight by the Joint convention of the National Municipal league and tha American Civic association by former Sec retary of the Interior James R. Oarfield and Charles TV. Eliot, president-emeritus of Harvard. Both spoke on-the conserva tion of natural resources and both de clared that it was Imperative that the government take immediate steps toward that end. Mr. Garfield asserted that the country's natural resources are In Imminent danger of exhaustion and that the interests which develop this source of national wealth must be regulated. Mr. Garfield also maintained that the Interests of the peo ple were not being properly safeguarded In the Alaska coal fields and that legisla tion on that subject was urgently needed. GRANITE CUTTERS ON STRIKE Dispate Over Fnenraatle Hammer Hay Tie I'p Indnatrr la State af Vermont. , BARrtE, Vt., Nov. 17. A complete paral ysls threatens the granite Industry in Vermont unless an adjustment of differ ences between the Manufacturers' associ ation and the cutters' union Is reached within the next fortnight. Today 4,800 cutters irt Barre. East Barre, Monpeller, W'llllamstown and Waterbury struck be cause of trouble In the sheds at North field where a pnuematlo hammer was ob jected to on the ground that It emitted so much dust that the cuttera were unable to perform their work satisfactorily. The strike of the cutters threw out 2,000 pol ishers and tool sharpeners. The quarry men are still at work, but If the trouble Is not settled within a short time ,000 now idle will be Joined by thousands of other employes. M0T0RMAN IS INDICTED Man In Char of Car Which Killed Mrs. Habbard at Waahlaxtoa Held by Grand Jury. WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-An Indictment was returned todsy by the grand Jury against Samuel C. Wiles, the motorman who was In control of the trolley car which collided with the automobile of Mrs. Gertrude M. Hubbard, widow of the late Gardner Hubbard, In the suburbs of this city recently, causing her death. The Indictment charges manslaughter. MTURE'S CUM FOR HHEUIIATISM AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Storm Ilinders Stockmen in Snip ments 'of Cattle. SHADE TOO THICK IN PARK Booth Omaha Board at gaeclal Meet las; Decides oa Improvement at gprlnc Lake Foot Ball Daaee. The severe rainstorm of Friday and Saturday which turned to snow In the west Saturday evening and Sunday and was continued Monday In the western sec tion of Nebraska had a marked effect on the South Omaha market Tuesday. The lightest receipts for Tuesday were re corded. Other days of the week such as Friday and Saturday often show receipts as small, but as a rule Tuesday Is the best day on the average. The figures yesterday were S.O00 cattle. 3,000 hogs and 7.500 sheep. Accordingly all the prices Jumped higher. Hogs got up to S8.05. Good lambs to $7.00 and prime beef to $7.65. The advance was not extraordinary for the trend of prices has been upward for over a week. Meeting of Tarlc Board. The South Omaha Board of Park Com missioners held a special meeting last night at the offices of J. H. Kopleti to attend to the details of the monthly bills tor salary and expenses. In addi tion to these items the board decided to have a number of trees cut In Spring Lake park. These' trees are a number which have been crippled by windstorms and which are unsightly. In some parts the trees are so thick that the grass will not grow well. These are to be thinned out. It is thougbt this work will cost the board nothing as the sale of the wood taken out will pay the expense of cut ting. It was expected that the board might take up the proposition of purchas ing another park. . The Barrett tract Is under consideration. Nothing was done In the matter. Two members of the board were absent. Marie City Gossip. letter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Telephone No. 8. THAT BOY will be pleased In a pair of our high-cut shoes. Many kinds. Cressey. Mrs. George Steward has gone on a visit to Oklahoma. She will be gone about tour weeks. LADIES See our new Gun Metal button dress shoes at $3.00. Cressey. The Nebraska lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen will give a prise masquerade at the temple November 25. Chief Briggs and P. H. Shields went hunting ducks at - Clark's lake yesterday, but found the ducks had all passed on ahead of the storm. The Women's Home and. Foreign Mis sionary society will meet with Mrs. War ren Davis. 1609 North Twenty-fifth street, Thursday afternoon. HEAVY SHOES You should see our great line ot men's heavy shoes at $2.60 and $3.00. Cressey. v The condition of Ora Tabern, or Cope land as he chooses to call himself, con tinues to Improve., He shows signs of re covery whirh are more than hopeful. He was shot Friday, night while resisting ar rest. The Barber's union give a mask ball at Labor Temple on the evening of Novem ber 18. Prizes are offered and are dis played at Shaefer's drug store. ' The women of the Presbyterian church are making garments, such as robes and dressing gowns, hoping with the sale of these to add a good sum to the church fund. ; WARM ONES-jur lines of felt-lined shoes or slippers-' will please every one. Cressey. The Women's auxiliary of St. Clement's Eplecopal church are Invited to meet at the residence of 1 Mrs. Michael, Thirtieth and Harrison .streets. Friday at 11 a. m. to arrange for the bazaar and sale to be held early in December. SNOW or water ! Is hard on the ordinary shoe. Our "steel shod" shoes for bdys or girls give the best results. Sold only by Cressey. , Senator Aldrich Ends His Tour Night Speech at Detroit Devoted to Discussing, Objections to Cen tral Bank. DETROIT, Mich.. Nov. 17. Thlswss Senator Aldrlch's last stopping place on his tour of the middle west In the Inter est of monetary reform. He was enter tained here at luncheon yesterday by the Detroit Board ot Commerce and at dinner tonight by the Detroit Bankers' associa tion and spoke en both occasions. Mr. Aldrlch left in a special car at mid night for New York, where he will arrive tomorrow night Mr. Aldrlch has visited the states ot many of the Insurgent re publican senators who opposed him on the tariff bill, but he has never referred to the tariff controversy nor Indicated any concern over tha possible attitude of the Insurgents, with "reference to the proposed monetary bill. In Chicago he met Sen ator Cummins snd In Minneapolis Sen stors Nelson and Clapp, all of whom were among the Insurgents. SWINDLER'S VICTIM FOLLOWS HIM TEN THOUSAND MILES Aared Man Whn Bought Stork In Basra Gold Mine Finally Geta ne venae. ANDERSON, Ind., Nov. 17. Knowing that! the bones of the men thst swindled him of 3,W0 He bleaching In the sands of the southern California derert, Newton A. Grabill, a mill owner of Dalevllle, re turned home today, after a 10,000-mile chase, and found that his creditors, be lieving him dead, had petitioned the Dela ware county court to wind up his estate. Grabill Is 72 years old. Ons day last "June Grabill was ap proached at his mill by a man who said he represented a brokerage firm In Chi cago. The stranger had prospectuses of a geld mine In Colorado and persuaded Gishlll that It would be a profitable in vestment for his savings. Grabill gave the man 13.500 In cash snd made an appointment to meet him In In dianapolis and turn over the remainder of the amount he Intended to Invest. At Indianapolis Grabill lsarned that he had been tricked. Angry, he took up the trail of the swindler. First It led to Bt. Louis and then to Denvsr. From that city to New Mexico and Arizona Grabill followed. The confidence man knew the victim was on his track and he doubled through the southwestern states. At length the swindler crossed the bor der Into Mexico, with which country bs evidently was familiar. Grabill engaged a Mexican detective and the two followed the swindler Into the California desert. The pursuit wore Grabill out and he stopped, but the detective pressed on. Within a few weeks the detective re turned to Grabill and gave Mm proof that he had caught up with the swindler at a lonely ranch house; that they fought and that he shot the swindler dead. His body was burled in the desert. Satisfied that In this final deal he was getting his money's worth, Grabill paid the detective and set out for Indiana. I.orlaa aft for Lscaala. NAIROBI, British East Africa, Nov. 17. J. Alden Lrfirtng. tha naturalist of the American hunting expedition left today for Lutanle lUii, 3 fWY I Si JM4 tt 'a. n1 rf i' ii !! w KIM mi; - .iV Jet rrri It J Special round trip winter tourist rates to Southern destinations. joy its winter climate, its hospitality, and its palatial hotels. New Orleans, La. - $41. OO Mobile, Ala. --- J341.00 Jacksonville, Fla. S50.50 Havana, Cuba - - 1387.00 Cafe di"g cars on Kansas sas City Flyer from Omaha at 4:55 P. M. Night Omaha-Kansas City Express is electrio lighted. Let me tell you about our excellent trains to Kansas City and St. Louis, and their, connections with through trains to Mexico, Gulf, Florida and Cuban resorts. Information, handsome illustratedi descriptive southern resort publications, etc. ; ...u-..L- . . J. B. -11 At the Theaters "Commencement Days" at the Boyd. A musical comedy In three acts, by Vir ginia Frame and Margaret Mayo. The principals in the east: Henry Douglas, editor of a New York dally H. A. Morey Billy Douglas, his son, Just out of Hampton Frederick V. Bowers Frank Douglas, a younger son in d s arace Edmund Mortimer Brick . Harding, Hampton man and frlebd of Billy Wlllard Iouls Prof. Horace Peck, head of the Biologi cal department of Colton college.... E. H. O'Connor Lorraine Douglas, Mr. Douglss" daugh ter ; Grace Hopkins Kate Wells, Lorraine's chum snd presi dent of the senior class Elizabeth Van Bell Emma Lewis Dudley ((Emma Lou" i Amy Dam Theodore Dudley "Teddy" Lell Smith ("Emma Lou" and "Teddy" are twins.). A touch of college life, with pretty co eds, dashing ycung fellows and a wealth of scenic effects in "Commencement Days," the offering at the Boyd, opening last evening and concluding with tor.iiht's per formance. There Is something about "Com mencement Days" characterizing it apart from the ordinary musical comedy In that there Is a basis or foundation for the cll ma xln the closing chapter. With a cast of better than ordinary one, led by Frederick V. Bowers and Elizabeth Van Bell the story of a commencement day at Colton college Is well told. Kate Wells, by Miss Van Sell, stands on the threshold of the world at commence ment time. She has an offer of marriage front Billy Douglas, but wants to do something to make fame and fortune for herself. Billy's father, Henry Douglas, editor of a New York dally, of fers her a chance to distinguish herself in the field of Journalism by writing an ar ticle on college thieving which has been prevalent. The girls at Colton have raised a fund of 1200 and it Is stolen commencement night. Kate discovers Lorraine Douclas, B.lly's sister, leaving the room and a minute later the theft Is discovered. Her devotion to Lorraine and her love for Billy prompts her to keep the secret, al though she is herself suspected. Loiralne soole the money to help htf brother, Frank, who has been disowned by their father and who stands a good chance of going to Jail. In the end Frank and Lor raine are forgiven and Kate realizes her place Is, not In the broad field of journal Ism, but as the wife of the man she loves. The Promoters" at the Kris, The old time favorites Ward & Vokes produced the pleasing musical frolic, "The I'romoters" at the Krug last nluht before a good house. The production is full of action and with a number of good musical specialties. Lucy Daly as Sherry Holmes; Lew KeJly, as Prof. Dope; Charles "Sandy, as Sandy Roads; and John Min ify, as Willie Come; were especially good and the ballet support balanced out a per formance altogthtr enjoyable. Of the masl eal numbers, "In January" by Lucy Daly, assisted by Misses Marks, Dally Osborne, King Raymond and Lea rock; "If I Could Only Find a Girl Like You," by Jack Mao lay aud Josle Daly and "Uty Bolivar" by LnySQfflB 1 i"V Invest your money in a borne! Today's real estate columns will have several home bargains advertised for sale on the easy payment plan small payment down balance like rent. This plan invests your savings; in a short time you own a home of your own. Hundreds of others are doing it why not you! . Thursday Is home day Palm Beach, Fla. - QOO.OO Tampa, Fla. - - - 15G2.10 IVlexico City, IVfex. S77.G5 San A.ntonlo, Tex. - t530.40 City day Express from Omaha at REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent, If ilRljU j 1502 Tarnam St., Omaha, Neb. ' 1 Lucy Daly and chorus were the chief fea tures. Ward & Vokes ladles' brass band Is a musical aggregation of more than average excellence, and gave several attractive numbers. The entire performance took with the audience from the atart and cur tain calls were frequent enough to insure a successful week for the "Promoters." It Is staged about a hotel, Haverway Arms, and affords a good scope for tha Ward A Vokes character of specialties. RAILROAD ACCIDENTS DUE TO NEGLIGENCE W. L. Park, In Address, Says Em ployes Are to Blame for Elchtr Per Cent of Casualties. NEW YORK. Nov. 17. Negligence of railroad emnlnves is responsible tor 80 per cent of all railroad accidents, according to W. L. Park of Omaha, who spoke be fore the annual meeting of the New York and New England Association of Railroad Surgeons here today. "If we would prevent accidents on our railroads," continued Mr. Park, "we must weed out the Irresponsible, shiftless and Incapacitated employes. There must be a firm discipline. The unworthy workman must go, and the labor organisations yiust be Impressed with the Idea that their mis sion is not to manage the railroads, but to man them." A reliable medicine tor croup and one that should always be kept at band for immediate use Is Chamberlain's Cough If you have anything to sell or trade and want quick - action advertise It In The Bee Want Ad columns. - AT First-class bars, CLUBS AND CAFES. BOTTLED IN BOND -100 PROOF. Always Ask For It. CLARKE BROS. & CO., DISTILLERS. PEORIA, ILL. i y i dm ! .Visit the new South, and en .1 1 9:15 A. M., and on St. Louis-Kan Belvidere, 111,, Entirely Dry Seventeen Lid Liften Are Fined $11,425 and Given Jail Sentences. BELVIDERE, 111., Nov. 17.-Seventeen, keepers of soft drink places were fined an aggregate of 111,425 and each received a Jail sentence of from thirty to ninety daya I for selling Intoxicating drinks here today. This Is said to be the largest total of fines ever imposed for similar offenses In a single sitting of a court The Jail sentences are to be suspended if the fines are paid, but only six took advan tage of this and eleven are now confined In tha county Jail. The city vote "dry" eighteen months ago, but this la said to be the first day that It has been absolutely dry. The loss of the money formerly paid for saloon licenses has placed tse city In such a financial position that part of the street lighting system will be eliminated. Births and Uesiks. Births J. B. Furrey, East Omaha, boyi August Frelchell, 1340 South Twenty seventh, boy; Frank Marks, (07 North Sixteenth, ; C. F. Caster. 9K;l Fowler avenue, girl; J. J. Skalek, 1716 South Eighteenth street, girl; Anton Paval, South Twenty-fourth, boy; Genner Petilln, 2014 South Seventh, girl; Flladelfo, 1010 South Eighteenth, girl; Charles Carlson, S444 Meredith, girl; Mlron Orvlalt, 1931 South Thirteenth, girl; I'eter Johnson, 4711 North Thirtieth, boy. Desths Edwin Davis, 744 North Six teenth, 7S; Adeline E. Hanson, 414 North, Thirty-eighth, 10; Charles Story, Lincoln, 84; T. E. McAdams, 1303 North Twenty, sixth. 47; Leo Mathleu, O North Thirty seventh, 48. ALL - - i r i a r