Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 18, 1909, Page 10, Image 10

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Form Offensive and Defensive Agree
ment for Next Tear.
Hr 'Will FlKfct far -Cll Hon
Rale, Wklla hllebrer
rlir Bok Eada to tk
Rinre It ha come out at Lincoln that
Mr. man la not to be allowed to hare
It all hla own war In the making of the
next d mocratle platform. It hae leaked
out In Omaha that Mayor Dahlman and
the peerless one reached an offensive and
dffennlve agreement during their confer
ence last week.
"Dahlman told Bryan just what he In
tends to do In his next years campaign
for the governorship." aaya a man whose
affiliations with the mayor are rery close.
He Is an operator on the South Omaha
exchange and will be behind the mayor
with substantial aa well aa moral In
fluence. "Jim won't stand for a local option
rflank." continued his friend, "and he
won't atand for an Indorsement of the
8 o'clock closing law In the platform, If
we can beat It. Real home rule for every
community will be the meat of the Dahl
man contention, and If a declaration along
that line can be secured. Mr. Bryan will
not quarrel with It. That Involves the
amendment of the state laws to permit
every city, above a certain population, to
make Its own charter, through a charter
commission that will be a continuing body.
With such a law, properly framed, we
believe that regulation of saloons and
similar matters can be arrangen in e muu.i
better fashion than at present."
Remains to Be Seen.
"Iut can you get the S o'clock closing
law repealed?"
"That remains to be seen. Rhallenberger
will take that end of the fight. If we beat
him and elect a legislature of . the right
men we can fix It so that towns which
want the daylight saloon can have It. but
they will not have the power to Impose
It on other towns. Dahlman's friends are
canvassing the state sentiment pretty thor
oughly, and when the fight opens we will
know Just where we atand."
The same man asserts with dogmatic cer
tainty that Shatlenberger will later be
forced Into the field for United States
senator and will abandon the gubernatorial
Held. "
"Than what about the 8 o'clock closing
law?" lie wap asked.
"That won't bother the governor. Tou
noticed what he said last fall to the liberal
element and what he did when the bill
got to him. Tou also probably noticed
what he did when Berryman went down
with a Chicago ahlrtmaker and you have
read the. statementa of Omaha business
men aa to what the governor promised
them touching that kind of a contract.
"Well. Shallenberger la a politician If
there eve? waa one, and has less scruple to
overcome. If he can win, than even Bryan,
himself. Dahlman fights In the open and
relies on the people to back him; Shallen
berger plays diplomacy, policy or what
ever you may care to call It. He will bs
there with the aame play next year, you
can bet on that."
The . tceasful medicines art those that
aid. na'ure. Chamberlatn'a Cough Remedy
acts on this plan.
National Grain
. Inspection Basis
Plan on' Which; Exchanges of the
Country Unite at Meeting
; ; in Chicago.
Grain exchanges "of the country have
organized . under the name of the Council
of North American Grain Exchanges. Tem
porary officers were elected at the meet
ing held in Chicago Tuesday and they will
serve until the annual election In .Febru
ary. Twenty of the. .leading exchangee of
the country. Including Omaha, were rep
resented. On of the moat Important matters be
fore tha meeting waa the beginning of a
movement looking . to uniform grain In
spection. Thla la . an effort to have all
exchanges working on the same basis aa
to future contracts . for the benefit of
all persons In the grain business.
In Omaha , grain la ( inspected by the
Omaha Oraln exchange and In Illinois they
f.ave state Inspection. Some want federal
control of Inspection. An effort la to ba
.made to grade all grains alike under a
standard set by the federal government
and to have, one set of rules for all ex
changes.' .
European l'rofeaaor'a Discovery.
One of our learned professors In this city
has proven beyond a doubt that Asthma
can be cured In a short time. He has dis
covered a combination of drugs, that thor
oughly eradicates the germs from the sys
tem and permanently cure this dreaded
disease. Mr. C. E. Williams of 108 Fulton
street. ' New Tork, la authorised to send
this wonderful prescription to any one free
of charge on application. (Adv.)
C'osamltte Adjovraa After Thlrty
Sevrs Days, Sarins; Relatloae
Are Amicable.
After a session of thirty-seven conseou
tlve days the general oommlttee of admin
istration of the Union Pacific branch of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers
has completed its deliberations. The com
mittee of twelve adjourned alne die at the
Millard hotel Wednesday, naming October,
1911. aa the next time of meeting.
These officers for the succeeding two
yeara were chosen: General chairman, A.
L. Konold of Laramie, Wye; vice chair
man, H. B. Maxwell of Beatrice; secre
tary and treasurer, C. F. Tracy of North
J'latte. ,
"Relations between the employers and
the employes of the Vnlon Paelfle railroad
are amicable and satisfactory," said a
member of the committee. "We have con
sidered a number of minor claims for ad
justments of schedules and wages of em
ployes, but we have made no formal de
lrend for increased wagea of any kind.
"Nothing baa been done or will be done
by our committee in the movement In
stigated by the railway firemen for higher
wagea. If any atand la taken by the broth
erhood it will be under the direction of
our national officers. We are for a refer
endum vote In anything of this kind. Our
next annual convention la slated for De
troit next May. Action of aome kind may
be taken at that Meeting."
Florida Sleeplag Car Through I mm
Every day aver Pennsylvania Short Una
via Cincinnati and L. ft N. Leaves Chi
cago I M p. m., arrives Knoxvllla 4 U p. m.
Atlanta 10 p. m., Jacksonville l:4i a m.
Urals In dining - car. R.tura service
through from Jacksonville te Chirac aver
same route. Far further lnferraatlen ad
dress W. H. Rowland. Traveling Passenger
Agent. Room 113 lioaift of ra4 Btdg..
J? rf? rj? J rt
Special Purchase from New York Ilfgr.
Ssmplts and Odd Lots of Fin
Baby Bonnets
All high class bonnets of plain and
fancy silk, bear skin and cloth al
most 100 styles white and colors
some silk embroidered and elabor
ately trimmed worth tip to $2 each,
in 3 lots at
2Sc 49e Gc
1 I! D ? 11 C.
Crushed Fruit Flavors
Creamed Nut Centers
:.":' FILBERT.
, . Also VANILLA!
Next Monday is That Big Sale
Portieres, Couch Covers, Lace
Curtains and Tapestry Goods
Entire Stock of a Well kaowa Eastern Tlrm
Sec the Douglas Street Window Displays
The Bargains Are Remarkable .
It is another instance where Brandeis ready cash brings
extraordinary bargains to.Omaha. These high grade goods
will be sold at less than cost to manufacture.
14 for Beef laereaslaa?
Prices Soar aa tha World
Grawa t14er.
Cattle ralsina aa an Industry Increases
in Importance aa the country grows older,"
eald Frank Currte, ranchman and philoso
pher, of Gordon. "Aa the country stows
older tha market la more steady, for ins
demand Increases and meat prleea are
higher. Thla Is notleaable ty a comparison
with tha pricee In the old worm, mere
cows will bring 175 and over which may be
had In thla country for 130- .
The range country la not growing varger
and wa must produce more on the terri
tory wa haa t the west. . The ttma will
soon come when farmers .' cannot afford
to fattsn cattle on eorn .and all corn land
will be worth $200 an acre within twenty
yeara Some people think tha pric of corn
Iel aw arfsnOa. Tbm hi ftsssn M
mi tkm iw inalirt saslsrs i. Cenwrff
AW the Show Room
Model Hats
From Alland Bros.
65 Dleecker St., N. Y,
At Yonderful
"We bought every show
room model hat in Alland
Bros, entire line. This in
cludes all the newest and
most fashionable styles in big
velvet hats, imitation beaVer
hats, fur hats,.fur turbans, etc.
all the very newest styles and
trimmings some have ostrich
tips others are trimmed with
aigrette effects. - They are new,
stunning and up-to-date hats in
every particular.
Positively jj!
worth up
to $10, at. . .
Misses' School Hats at $1.25
Made of nice quality fur felt,
trimmed with sashes, tassels and
cords. Very becoming )ti
and worth up td $3.50, at l-wu
1 Th Chocolate. With
tha Egg Shell Crack
Regular price i
40c a pound '
land la high today, but it la not. When
you consider the value of tha products the
land will produce. It Is not really so high
now as when It waa selling for 30 an
acre and eorn waa bringing but 15 cents a
bushel. I look for May corn to be worth
76 eenta and the farmers seem to think
that way, judging from the way they are
holding onto their grain.
"Grass cattle have sold aa high as 7
cents this year and cows that some years
ago would have sold from 120 to $25 have
brought aa high aa (49.15 on an average.
j sat
QaaUty Vlgte tkaa rk
Price vttUa tke reach ef alL
Ceeea balMa as the satire systesa.
Tired ? Jusi as tired in the morning as at
nlfhtP Tblnra look dark? Lack nerve
power? Jest raaiember this: Ayer's
Etaparfna H a re eg ule, tafiraly
(Vm fraaa aoael. It fum r4 eraaaclea
raaa tke !; givea ateacf , area aawer
rke a errs ; atreartaaaa fae altearlen.
iHTr"B"'wn.-B"'0 ts: a n u a d
A l A
I l iLfeO s&l UtsXJhaW sUt
i I I wnrr ima book n mibt A m,
I III 1'w fashion magazine for fif
i JLs v - T lte Pattern.
than you or we have ever known in
are plain, rich and refined. We have all sizes in all best colocs; suits
worth $25.00 to $35.00 the rr 050 '1 C
majority of them are Skinr ; , 7h I and .'Kl
ner satin lined, at ., VfJsir
Women's Underwear .
Winter" Underwear for Women and Children in all styles and in
very quality at Bennett's. Our garments are wall made and finished,
correctly proportioned and perfect fitting. Underwear from the best
makers, made to satisfy and to give comfort to the wearer.
TXBTB AH D PARTS, heavily fleeced ' UNION BUTTS, white heavy cotton
white and ecru, best we have seen
at ...BEo
TXSTS AJTD PAJTTO, "forest Mills
make, hand trimmed, medium' and
heavy SOo
TXSTS AHX TIOKT8 in light weight
wool, "Forest Mills quality 85o
Children's Undergarments in
One Day Sale of Rubber Shoes
This is rubber time. We have been saving these two special lots
for just theaa weather conditions. , Men and women both are benefited.
On sale Thursday.
MEN'S HUBBERS Self acting
non-slip low cut rubbers, wide toe
slses 6 to 12, widths M and
F- regular ise quality, KCs
Women's warm lined 'Alaska Rubbers
at v S1.00
Misses' Stcrfci Rubbers n ...,.. ..Ceo
Children's frtorm Rubbers . 60o
On' Thursday, you mothers of boys, have an opportunity
for practicing economy; Jnst the sale you have been
looking for perhaps.
ST.TTS jor euits wlth extra pair
sizes 9 to ia years one day only
r ' Our Big November Sale Stoves
Clearing sales in well known high grade Peninsular Stoves. Sharp
reductions "5n'base burners and oak heaters.
,$48 Peninsular Baseburner $42.50
150 Peninsular Baseburner $44.80
135 Peninsular Baseburner $20. RO
$12 Peninsular Oak Heater $9.50
v: SflfP
via T!:o Chicago & Horth Western Ry.
Tickets on sale November 15, 20, 28,
29, 30, December 1, 5 and 6. Return
limit December 13, 1909, account
International Live Stock Exposition
' ' Novtmler 27 December 10 '
U. S. Land and Irrigation Exposition
1 November 20 December 4
national Farm Land Congress
es wtJ'n h .'CO"' '"
Fur Coats
We are showing; today a very
solect line of beautiful coats In
the late styles at a low price
brown or black French Coney
V 1A wlUJ
Coata, 30 Inches
lonfc. Skinner
satin lined.
Fur Lined Coata for women
long black kersey and broad
cloth coats with squirrel lining
and fur trimmed 490 C
collars, at 9uJdJ
New Military Capes Another
shipment long black military
capes, gUt braid trimmed, beau
tiful stylish garments, $12.00
Your New Suit
for Thanksgiving
Select it from the hundreds of superb
new models the Bennett Company is spe
cializing at popular prices. Immense
purchases recently brings you absolutely
the most exquisite styles at savings of $6
to $10 on each suit. No other store is
making so powerful a bid for your busi
ness. We are showing you better gar
ments, better styles, better tailoring
suits at these prices. The materials
fleeced garments In regular alzes and
medium weight, extra sizes at . .49o
UNION SUITS of very fine texture,
closely knit, at 75o
Globe Tailor Made Union Suits, hand
trimmed, wool garments, for...S3.60
all styles and qualities.
WOMEN'S &UB8SKS Low cuts
and storm -rubbers, with Cuban
and low heels, excellent 65c grades,
Dut some sizea are miss-' ii
lng, now
Boys' Storm Rubbers 68a
Youths' Storm Rubbers 60o
Little Men's Storm Rubbers on aale
at 660
Splendid all wool cheviot tr AC
of pants; really' $4 values,
.......... i
$11.00 Home Oak Heater. .$7.85
$13.50 Home Oak Heater. .$10.50
$15.50 Home Oak Heater. .$12.50
$20.00 Home Oak Heater. .$16.50
November 16 20
These low rates, the splendid train
service and the numerous attrac
tions make this an unusual oppor
tunity to visit Chicago.
Ticket Offices: 1W 1-1403 Famam Street
Omaha, Nebr.
To Hove 950 Suits
and Overcoats wc
are Offering:
Jten's and Young Men's Stilts
and overcoat, latest fashion
worth up to $10. BO, at
Men'a and Voting .Men's Suits
and Overcoats, newest effect
all shades and colors, are
worth f 18.00, at
Men'a and Voung Men'a High
Grade Suits and Overcoats,
beautifully tailored, in rue ns
aortment patterns, worth $20
to 922.S0, at
This Sale to Continue Only
Next Saturday Mght. '
The Mayer Clothing Co.
lOO North 16th Street.
Opposite Postoffice.
The Ideal Shoes Fcr jj
lilCII MilU liUiiiEII
Of all the shoemakers in the.
world today none has excelled
the house of Hanan Shoe pro
gress has been typified In the
footwear turned out by these
famous makers. They are
termed the shoe without a
hurt and justly so. The Hanan
Shoe conforms to the foot as
a kid glove conforms to the
hand, and they wear like iron.
We are well stocked with the
latest styles from the famous
makers, and our corps of ex
pert fitters Is ready to assist
you in selections.
SrnrcES range
For Women,
$5.00 $5 50 $6.00
' For Men ,
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnara Street
Quality Is Our Guide
? : i
rn nrrrrTT.'TTrrnit
' Vlllirjlll'tiil 11 ' 1,1.
At all grocers
is satisfaction.
You buy right
when you buy
the'Alweys well
done" Quality
of cuts.
Hotel Rome
UnsxrsUsd far it's Beauty and
Modern Avpolntmanta.
roivie: rviILLER
1 Sonneborn's n
i Suit and
b Overcoat
Whatever we have remaining!
from our recent huge pur-
chase of Sonneborn's im F
menso surplus of highly!!
graded "Baltimore made" "
Suits and 1
is to go as follows:
! For the ,
4)U.J $12.50 kinds
C19 Rfl For. the .
I $IL.0J $22.50 kind
I ( Watch for Next Satm
day's Underwear Sals.)
J-uitiiNa ru.HUNr I
You . will find
where to buy the
best birds of var
ious breeds un
der the head
in the want ads. .
If' you have poultry you '
can sell it by advertising'
your stock in The Bee. The
cost is small, one cent per
word per day, or $1.50 per
line per month.
Want Ad Dept.
Buster , Brown Bread g
It la baked under sani
tary - conditions ao4rd
by tha stats.
It la nut toaohedT . by
hands until it r.aohes tha
Sealaa at the or.a lm was
pas.r wrappers.'
Ask your arooer (or it
Special Sale
This Week Only
Tenwlck Pure Rye,' full quarta, qe.
regulur price 1.26, sale price . . . rJm
Golden Raven Bnurhon. full quart, Ofl
regular price 11.00, sale prla
Home Made Wine, full je.
C. Schlank Ql Co.
Taft's Denial Rooms
ration or delMtirtu from tniiia-. hu py
.ti L w-.t4 Until lr 'Irul U U
piotaaiy nrrd. W rlt or rl I oo
9cm ftCMi Hm title. 0mi, Nfc.
m m
jj U. P. Stean Caking Co. U
- " 1 f
Omaha. ,