THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER If,, 1009 9 n ) OFFERED FOR SALE T HIicrllaiiroK (onllnifj F.VFTIYTHINO In typewriters; Just a few of our biuttnins: Hi-bulll fo. 2 Smlin premier, -l; No. 1 Oliver. It; No. Hto liiRton, 1.3; mti liini-i shipped on approval; no deposit required. I lYi tWHiTKH EQUIPMENT CO.. II !.!. ''. new. ad-hand, mm Farnam. RHOLARSHIP on leading buMnea col lege fur sale at discount. Addresa P COS, COAL by tha 'on. Call Webster 7. "IIIBT CLASS Garland Bane Burner, uped two winters. Pi Ice 2. Call D- N. 26th street, SEVERAL good electric motors and dy nnrnos; also one Mawkeye power hammer, blacksmith forge, 14 11. P. marine ermine. 201 8. 10th St. THREE complete vertical flllnn cabinets for Hale cheap. Addrcxn K lA', Bets. FOR SALE R.nllant home ba-e-hurner, good aa new; also tome furniture. 2MG Decatur. ONE good second-hand orpan, $."0. J. MAKSHALL SMITH CO.. lOi 8. 18i h. Opposite Court House. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 418 N. T. L. Tl. D. 164. Ir. Kathryn Nicholas, 60S N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS 1). o. BA KNELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 318 Neville Bldg. Book free PERSONAL ' ff T Andover, Egg. Lump, f SO. R. H, tUAl Morehouse Co.. W. 1106. B.1246. -MAGNETIC K. 16th St., third floor. JOHN CANE Is in town. Now Ha tha time t'o trim trees, trelllnes, grape vines. Tel Red "(704, Ind. A-364SI. Red M6. Cuming BU, 1101 . fctb. Ava. rnT)Vd Tour corn cornea out or your VUiAii Quarter comaa back when you use Corn Jelly. Haines irug Co. lblO far r 4 i KTL'TTn treatment. lima. Smith. Miiuiniuxivi txi a uib st. third tutor. JAMES RUBY can get Insurance monej by writing John or Charley. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for bablea where mothers cannot cara for them. Bablea boarded. For terms, addresa Mra. Martha A. Lee, 401 Bancmft BL, Omaha. Neo. Pbona Doug Ihk ln21. 1 PRIVATE bona during confinement; bablea for adoption; Good Samaritan ban- liorlum. 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. TrTqmd toupees for men. GRIFFITH, hauuj and 14 FKJBiW BLn. THE fumous Velvetlrra Toilet Goods. For tale by all drugglats or pbona Douglas 660. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatoff Mottling; In fact, anything you do not need. We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Uth St., for cost of collection to tha worthy poor. Call piione Uouglaa 416 and wagon Kill call. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R-308. Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor. 130 bo. 16th St- Stairway on Jjouglas Bt MAGNETIC Treatments. Emmorlln Brott, 19 8. 16th BU Doug. 618. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramge Bldg, Private confinement home. Mra. Dr. King. 1324 jn. Uth. Tel., weD. a&t. ma. li-iuou. A NEW BOOK, tha "Underworld Sewer," by Joaie Washburn; price, SL60. Sold by Swarts At McKelvey, 10 tt. loth St., between Douglaa and IJOdge, Arlene da Voy. Manicuring and massage. (20 P ltth 8L Flat 8. Pbona D. 7C8. Masque Suits u) rent at LIEBEN'8, AtlU Howard. D. 4115. MME. ALLEN' of Chtcago, valt glow, mesne do and massage treatments, 207 14. 17th 8t. - 8TRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; bablea adopted; trained nurse. 2ul8 Davenport. WE RENT and repair all makes of sew ing machines. 'Phones, Ind., A-1663, Doug. li3. Neb, Cycle Co.. corner 16th and Har ney. POULTRY WHITE,' WYANDOTTES We have for sale 2U0 cocks, hens, cockerels' and pullets, all from Neb. state show winners. Write for prices. Bradshaw Poultry yards, E. E. Bowers. Prop., Bradshaw. Neb. FOR SALE Pekin, Rouen and Muscovy ducks, geese, Scotch Collie puppies. Fred Kucera. Clarkson, Neb. TO make room, Hose Comb White Leg horn yearling hens or pullets at 310 per dos. while they last. Mra. F. C. Tatro, Geneva, Neb. R. No. 1. Uao U-NEED-A Poultry Tonlo for 60 days; If your egg Increase doea not twlco pay for your tonlo. your money will be re funded. D. E. Johnson Co., Omaha, Neb. Screenings, 31. DO 100 lbs. Wagner. 801 N. 16th. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-2a0 for good printing. Lyiuistad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ava REAL ESTATE RElAk. KSTATH DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 trarnam St. GANGESTAD. 404 Bea Bids. Tel. D. 3367. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Ufa. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Branded Bldg. RKAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. fc. WILLIAMSON. President. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LOANS E. li. Ambler, JU-IM Barker blk. D. 7.16. Ct'lY PROPERTY FOR fcAI.K. 4515 GRANT STREET. Brand new five-room modern cottage will be comploicd in about ten days; well built throuKhout; nice cemented babetnent. fine plumbing and lighting fixtures, piped for furnace; one block to two good car lines; convenient to stores and churches good lot 44x123, nlcnly terraced; price $2,600; ).t to fcoUU down; balance on reasonable monthly payment SHIMER & CHASE COMPANY. Sole Agenlu, 8. 17th St. OppuKlta Court House. A BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME Seven rooms and reception hall, large living room entire length of soulii side of houe, large bed rooms, plenty of closets, finely finished; full eatit front lot, paved tieet. In the western part of cuy. Price la r.ghl and VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., 6J4 New vUrk Life Bldg. I WANT an offer on lot 1. block 20. origi nal plat of the city of Omaha, with lt 1 and lua California street. IaiL 6Uli feet. THOMAS BKF.NNAK. New York Life Wu:'diu. FORCED TO SELL A Six-room, all modern cottage, well lo catrd. on paved street, laitfe lot MxtJO ft ; room for another bouse. This la a snap Price ti.Vto. Easy terma W. S. FRANK, 21 Neville Blk. C OLDEN 'S ALL METAL WEATHER STltlL' SAMUEL DICKINSON. Ml Kamge U.d,;. MY TELEPHONE XlMHtK It Is lMulas 7oo not lou;;'a ISM ns :itl lii directrjy. Please he sure to e the cuaiice. E 11. Ainbh-r, 1x3-20 l...ikrr block, ic.i estate and real fatal loan. REAL ESTATE CITY PMOPKH'I 1 r'OR SALE. (Continued.) FINE CLIFTON HILL COTTAGE. Hlx Rood rooms, south front lot; modern except heat. This Is nicely located: con veulent to car line; school and stores. Price, 12..vi0. Terms. HOI LKVAKD PARK HOME. Six rooms; brand new. thoroughly mod ern; very nice. Can sell this for smalt payment down. Balance reasonable monthly payments. Price 11.2S0. Ask to see IU NORTH PART. Seven room houe. t down. 2 up. Thor oughly modern. Fine corner lot. splendid shade trees. Big porch all screened In. Good neighborhood. Paved street. Price $3,300. Terms on part. CORNER 1TTH UA1RO ST 8. Think of buying a fine corner lot In a very desirable neighborhood for 8t0. if sold soon that figure gels It. FHlMtH & ( MASK CO. 39 S. 17th St. Opposite Court House. FOR quick letcrns "r your real estate for sale and exchange with m. no sale, no ray. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trade . Omaha Xeh. Must Go This Week 3118 Taylor St.; brand new house, with 0 very large living rooms, first-class plumb ing, extra good combination lighting fix tures, south front, corner lot, 1 block from Ames Ave. car. This Is an excep tional bargain at 32.400 and only a small payment down, or a good vacant lot will make the first payment Be sure and ee this. 3119 Taylor St.; a very good 8-room cottage, on fine corner lot, dirt cheap at il.iou; $2: cash. Here Is the chance of your life. J. W. Kasp Co., 68'J Brandeis B. SIX-EOOM HOUSE AT A BARGAIN. Wa can sell you a S-reom house consist ing of hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen downstairs; three bedrooms and batb upstairs; all modern except heat; beautiful lot Mxl50. with Bice shade: In choice neighborhood; block from ear. for 12.7i0. House Is very conveniently arranged. Owner leaves for California this month. This property la very cheap at price earned. SIIIMER & CHASE CO.. Sole Agents. 309 S. 17th St., Opposite Court House. 2BS1 EVANS St. 7 rooms, new, modern, 13.750. Call W Sl&l. BUY from the owner l-room, all modern. good barn, 2-story. Good coal shed. Fruit trees bearing. 2ol8 Patrick Ave. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAAC11 I.AMU FOR SALB California. WE are maklnghomes for a million peo ple on me greatest irrigation tract in California. Our new booklet, "California; Now or Never," the finest California book ever printed, 10c. Easy payments; see our big exhibit at Chicago great land show Nov. 20 to Dec 4. Wa want an army of "live ones'' with us to build this greatest new com munity. Organize a colony. Write today for free information. II. L. Holllster, 206 LaSalle St., Chicago. Colorado. FOR SALE or trade 660-acre farm, well Improved; 11 miles from county seat. 4 mil from railroad atation. For particulars ad dress Charles Niehous, Holyoke, Colo., P. O. Box 374. 330 ACRES free homesteads; I can locate you on good government land; going fast; come quick. A. F. Peck, Wray, Colo. COLORADO' 40,000 ACRES AT $5 This land Is partly under Irrigation now and can all be Irrigated. Offered at this remarkably low price for quick sale In order to close partnership, Worth your while to Investigate. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. FARM of 73 sores, on banks of Wall lake, Iowa; well Impioved, good boat landing, good fining; an ideal resort; no trade; frlce JIN) per acre. Address Box (, Auburn, owa. NEBRASKA 15 MILES OF OMAHA 120 acres choice land '2 mites of good town ONLY $60 PER ACRE Looks like a snap, don't It? NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite b24 New York Life Bldg. South Dakota. FOR SALE Four fine Lincoln county. S. D., farms. For full Information address J. W. Latrellla, Lennox, 8. D. Xabraurita. FARM BAROAIN-Must be sold on ac count of owners health; wall improved S20-acre farm, seven and a quarter milea from town: price. J.15 per acre; easy terms. J. T. Campbell. Lichfield. Neb. FOll SALE 800 acre ranch, well Im proved, good land and good location, close to iorui i'iatte. 'j his is a Daricain. Ad dress owner. Box 262, North Piatte, Neb. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA Wa have 160.000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging In price from 35 to 10 per acre. This land fa In the oil and gas district and you might get an oil well witn your iana. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. Texas. TEXAS homes and Investments. . FERGUSON A WRIGHT. Doug. 1U4. JU7 N Y. Life Bldg. Wiscoasla. FOR PALE 145-acre three miles south of Warrens, Wis. Creamery and good school, 10 acres under plow and balance wood and pasture. Good seven-room houe, with cellar; stone basement, barn, 3c 1,60, tool shed, hog pen, chicken coop. Can be bought at t& an acre. L. P. Raa- niussen, lit. 2, Box 11, Warrens, Wis. WfiiaUt. FOR SALE First-class cattle ranch In eastern Wyoming. Will easily run 2.000 head or cn'.ilc. 4H1 acres under Irrigation; 2i0 acr-s In alfalfa. Good Improvements. Must sell on account of failing health. Ad drevs Lock Box 33, Atlantic la. Remember it only takes a stroke or two of the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in 1 he Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ers, witb privilege of making partial pay uxiiu semi-annually. No commission. W. It. THOMAS. 603 Fiiat National Bank Bldg. I1U0 tc 110.000 niada promptly. F. D. Wead. v aa jjiu., iam ana remain. SECOND MORTGAOU loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-18 First National Bank likiij. tteil piione uouKiaa 141. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha aiuaintss Property. THOMAS bKENNAN, Room L New Yurk Life Bldg. 1.aj0 to $5.UX on bomea In Omaha. O'Keafe Real Ettwie Co.. luui N. I. lata. Doug, or A-151 , MONEY TO LOAN Pay re Investment Co. WANTED City loan. Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrant W, Faruam ernltb, at Co., VLA itrnim SL PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO-, N. T. Ufa. rriiaie money. 11,00 to lu.nuv; low rata. I.OWKST RATES Bemis. Uiandeia Bid GARVIN BROS.. SIS N. Y. Life. to Kv 0w ou Imuruted properly. So delay. i k'AHM and city loans; optional pay. m.-wt. no uelay. L tiitbcruacn. tnnaba. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Particulars of strictly i first- class farm that owner will sell direct to purchaser. Give details, conveniences and general Information, lowest price and best terms. Addresa Lock Box lo, Voungs town. O. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR I, t and T-room houses, tf prices are right we can sell your property for you. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO Suite 34 N. Y. Life Bldg. VACANT lots and houses. Hava cash buyers. 411 Kerhaeh Blk. Red SW7. A-SMn. WANTED TO BUY LAND I want a full and complete description of any Improved farms or ranch land, that I ran buy with a payment of 4 cnh, balance, time at per cent Interest. Must be price right, give full particulars, loca tion and price In first letter. 8. E. Wait. (',17 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. !WAPS HIGH grade piano for good residence lot. Will pay difference. Bee, T 17. FOR SALE or exchange For clear land, stock of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Will invoice about tlO.OOU. For particulars address J. R. Collins. '23 Mala street. Fremont. Neb. FOR EXCHANGE XX acres fine land In Dallam. Texas. What hava you. E. E. Marquis, Atlantic, la. WANTED TO BUY BEST price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. Duug 397L HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc. BELL'S Furn. Sloie. HOfi Dodge. Red 3&3I. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price !d-hand furniture, clothes tc. O. 42. WANTED to buy from owner In north part. 7 or 8-room modern houHe, Possession March 1st. Terms must be reasonable for cash. Call Web. 1(169. 3330 N. 24th. WANTED a second-hand Troy washer or similar machine, to be run by steam power, at Child Savlngr Institute. 18th and Ohio streets. Phone Webster 1991. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with several years' buslneaa train Ing desires position selling either In city or will travel. Al rtfereccea Address W M7. care Bea. f!nnl fiTlfl Wnnrl H- Morehouse Co.. WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boyle college. Both phones. YOUNG Japanese wishes position as house man, understands cooking. Address B 676, Bee. SITUATIONS wanted! have had 15 years' experience in the retail shoe business, both s buyer and salesman; wants a position t once: am not afraid of work and do not expect higher salary than I can earn. Address Y 8G, Bee. WANTED Position as governess by ed- unnted, cultivated young woman of experi ence; best references. Address Y 87, Bee. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS- Thomas. C. Allen to E. Luella Allen, lots 15 and 16. block 8. Logan Place. I 1 Frances M. Wotana to Esther S. Ken- nard, el08 feet lot 3, block 6, Wil cox add 1,650 County treasurer to D. C. Patterson, , trustee; lots 18, 20, 23. z, block X, ' and other lots, Mayne Place Charles J. Adams to D. W. Jones, lot 2. Burr Oak 1.400 William McCalley and wife to T. L. Hull, lot 8. block 4. Drake's add.... l.KW George T. Israel and wife-, to C. R. Bauserman. lot 6. block 8. Carthage. 500 Allen Koch and wife to Grace M. - Lloyd, lot 5. block 4. Jefferies replat . 400 George B. Myers et al to A. P. Kiel sen. lot 7. Arlington 500 Sandy Rpse to Isabella Rose, lot 5, block t. Donecken a add... . x,.,...: .. -1 H. Pratt to Laura E. Montgom ery, lot 4 and part lot 13. block 1. Jerome park and other lots 1 Julia M. Pratt to same, same ilOO J. A. Gibbons to Edward Sachs, lots 9 and 10. block 4. Sallng's add 1,250 Shull Land company to J. S. Little, lot 33, block 2. Shull's 3d add 675 May E. Marsh et al. to Marraret Wagman. part lot is. Clark Place.. 1,100 Richard Scannell, bishop, to Charles Alukonls, lota 14 and 15, St. Mary s add 500 Oliver Ames et al., executors, to Oli ver Ames et al., trustees, lot 1, block 9. Hanscom Place 1 Elizabeth M. Shahan to George Doug las, lot 1, block 1. loomis 2d sub.... 250 . J. O'Neil and wife to Mary E, Barry, lot 2, block 3, Burlington Place 125 Louis Zlev and wife to L. O. Jensen, lot 22, block 1, Ames Place 700 David Alplrn and wife et al. to H. A. Wolf. Hint, in part lot 5, block 10. Omaha 1 Same to Nathan Horn, Hint. In part same 1 Joseph Bolker and wife to G. A. Denham, lot 5, block 4. Shull's 1st.. H. A. Haser and wife to Fred East man, lots 1 to 6. Raser s sub R. W. Patrick to E. R. Hume, lots 11 and 15. block 108. Dundee Place Dundee Realty . Co. to B. J. Scannell, lot 7, block 94. Dundee Place Sams to Eliza Camm, lot 10, block 88. ama GOVERNMENT NOTICES FORT LOGAN, COLORADO, NOVEMBttR 16. 1909. Sealed proposals. In triplicate will be received until 9 a. m., December 16 1909, and then publicly opened for the con struction of a third story on the kitchen addition to the Post Hospital here. Blank forms for bidders, plans and specifications may be had on application. United Sta'.es reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposals or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be marked Proposals for Third Story Addition to Hospital" and addressed to tha CON STRUCTING QUARTERMASTER. v Novl6-20-21-2'5-2S-l)ecl-4-5-13 OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Cnxists tie Luxe to tbc WEST INDIES "AVON" 11.I4 Tona TWO CKUISES (SI r 1BO up FROM NEW TORK CASTFJB CBUISUk V lsatys FROM MET YORK MARCH 21 JAN. IS aas FEB. It A'.ae YscfatlBf Tears T New Tvta-Serev "hE BICE " threats the We ladles Com?lt4 lBmtt't'd tkltl '' TIE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET C. SANDUtSM a SM. Ceaeral teats tS Matt Sere. New Verb "Cincinnati" 83-i, LEAVE X. T, JA. 8. I'lO. Hit Annual Orulw Host Couprfeelf Arraofementa lQtratiug ltlrartM. Ftswt Il4 Urinl Vaul Im HDt. OIUEN1' CRUISE au erulM U tkr Wet Inilirt and south Aar.r H."Ht'aa-AMEHICA LINK it BROADWAY. N. Y., OR LOCAL AGENTS. rnwrcRFftATtnwai i trmco i RETIRES FROM SERVICE Her. Dr. Caspar W. Illatt of Euclid Aveaae (ksrek, CleveUaat, to Leave CLEVELAND. O.. Nov. 15. -Rev. Dr. Caspar Wtstar Hiatt. pastor of the Euclid Avenue Congregational church for thir teen years and known aa a leader in the Congregational church in America, an nounced his forthcoming retirement from the pulpit today. lis did not niake known bis future plans Special Envoys from New Sultan to See President Ottoman Embassy to Tell of Change of Government Will Be Well Entertained in Washington. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. Tha apecinl Ottoman embassy sent to this country to announce to the president the cscenslon to the throne of the new sultan arrived In Washington today. The embassy consists of Zla Pasha, formerly Turkish ambassa dor at Vienna and at Rome and minister of Imperial archives and public Instruction, and Colonel Aril IJcy, formerly military attache of the Turkish legation In Wash ington and consul general of Turkev at New Yo:k. Zla Pasha has tha rank of mbassador and Colonel Axis Bey that of envoy extraordinary and minister pleni potentiary. ' The mission will be received by the sec retary of state at noon tomorrow. At 2:30 o'clock the ambassador and Colonel Axis Bey will be received by tha president and later will dine with him at the White House. . On Tuesday the ambassador and Colonel Axis Bey will go to Fort Myer to witness special cavalry drill. In the evening they will be entertained st dinner by the secre tary of state at his residence. On tha following afternoon the mission will be taken to Mount Vernon on the U. B. S. Sylph. A dinner at the Turkish embassy that night will conclude the official pro gram In this city. CONSTANTINOPLE. No-. 14. Sultan Mehmed V, attended by the heir apparent and the Imperial princes, opened the grand session of Parliament today with great pomp and ceremony at Chlragan palace. Tha grand vizier, Hllml Pasha, read the speech from the throne, which waa a con servative document, dealing chiefly with Internal affairs. No mention was made of Crete, but the following pas.sago Is re garded as referring to that txland: While anxious to maintain Intact Its imprescriptible rights and legitimate in terests, my government makes It a Point of honor to be an essential element of or der and peace." Ahmed KlzA Bey was re elected president of the Parliament by a large majority. The budget shows a deficit of nearly $22,500,000. Baked Oysters and Not 'Possum Citizens of Norfolk, Va., Plan New Entertainment for, Executive on His Visit. NORFOLK, Va.. Nov. 15 Satisfied that President Taft has been sated with 'possum and sweet potatoes during his recent trip through the south, the city of Norfolk Is preparing to make oysters the piece de resistance when Mr. Taft visits here this week to attend the convention of the At lantlo Deeper Waterways Association. The president will arrive Friday morning on his yacht Mayflower. On Friday. President Taft, Andrew Carne gie, Charles M. Schwab, Lewis Nixon and a number of others prominent In business and political life will addresa' the conven tion. A large delegation of members of congress, representing districts close to the Atlantic seaboard, will ftjtjp speak. MURDER LIKE THAT OF POPS RUE MORGUE Boy, Supposedly Kidnaped, Fonnd Dead, II la Body Crammed Into Chimney. NEW YORK, Nov. 15.-The body of 5-year-old Frank De Ross, who, It was sup posed, had ben kidnaped ten days ago, and for whom wide search had been mads, was found today jammed In the top of a chimney at his aunt's house on East Sixty- third street, where he had been visiting with his mother when he suddenly disap peared. It waa the coroner's opinion that the boy had been ' strangled and pushed down the chimney., . , STRIKE PLANNED BY LABOR Philadelphia Waste Workers Heaolv for Trouble If Gompra la Sentenced. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 16 Plans for a general strike by wagewbrkers throughout the country for two weeks, beginning on the day the officers of the American Fed eration of Labor are Imprisoned for con tempt of court, were Inaugurated here to day at a meeting of the Central Labor union. Resolutions to this effect were unani moualy adopted by the union, which repre sents about 75,000 workers In many lines of employment in this city.. Copies of the resolution were sent to the American Fed eration of Labor now In session in Toronto, Canada, and It was decided to appoint a committee of f've In this city to perfect plans by which organized and unorganized wagewoikers would unite to make the strike effective. JEWISH COMMITTEE OFFICERS Mayer lilierner Elected President of OriraalBHtlon for Knsulna; Vear. NEW YOUK. Nov. 15. At its annual meeting, held hare tsday, the American Jewish committee, composed of leading Jewish citizens from all parts of the United States, elected the following officers for the ensuing year: President, Mayer Sulx berger; vice presidents, Julian V. Marsh and Jacob li. Hollander; treasurer, Isaac V. Ilenheim; executive1 committee, Cyrus Adler. Hev. Dr. J. L.. Samuel Dorf. Louis Marshall. Harry Cutler, Jacob 11. Schlff, Julius Hosenwald. lsador Bobel and Cyrus E. Sulzberger. Dr. Davis Phillipson, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, now In semlon here, was elected a member. MRS. STETS0N IN BOSTON Deposed Mew York Scientist Heaehes Horn of Mother t'horrh Purpose Not Otveu. BOSTON. Mass., Nov. 1C Mrs. Augusta E. Stetson arrived from New York on a lata train tonight and immediately went to the Hotel Touraine. where she engaged rooms. She refused to receive newspaper men and would not give out any statement as to the object of her visit here. laat Chance for Krea Homesteads, Yes, a few elegant free homesteads can still be had In Mexico, where many Ameri cans are now locating. You do not even have to go to Mexico, but are required to have five acres of fruit trees planted within five years, for information prln'ed In English regarding Mexican homesteads, address The Jantha Plantation Company, Iilock 4C9. Pittsburgh, Pa. Tou can have your trees planted and your land worked on shares, so as to brliig you a thousand dollars a year. Tha health conditions are perfect and ths climate grand. WOMAN owes it to her self, her family and pos terity to be beautiful well kept teeth lend an added charm of beauty to the face Dr. Lyon': s PERFECT Toolli Powder cleanses, preserves and beauti fies the teeth, prevents tooth decay andx imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. President Taft Reviews Catholics He, with Cardinal Gibbons, Takes Fart in Ceremony of Golden Jubilee of Parish. WASHINGTON, Nov. 16. President Taft this afternoon stood on the steps of St. Altrrflus church with Cardinal Gibbons and Archbishop Falconlo, the papal delegate. In a review of the Men's Catholic societies of Washington, an Incident of the golden jubilee of the parish. ' Preceding the review the president deliv ered a brief address, having been Intro duced by Father Eugene De L. McDonnell, the rector, who referred to the fact that fifty years ago President Buchanan had assisted In the dedication services of the church. President Taft, in Jils speech, said: "In our country. In this government and under our constitution there Is no union of church and state, but rather a declared separation of them. This has been some times misunderstood by those who did not know our Institutions, as an Indication that there tfvs something hostile on the part of our government toward, or some lack of symapthy with, the church of God. This Is as far as possible from the truth, and I have always sought , In assisting every such church on Interesting occasions like this, to testify by my presence and by words of congratulation, that there Is noth ing which the country and the people of the United States so depend upon for prog ress and advancement of their Ideals as the Influence and power of all the churches In the community. They tenl to exalt the nation." Suspected Bank Robbers Caught Lien Loitering; About Gilead, Neb., Shoot at Pursuers, but Are Captured. HEBRON, Neb., Nov. 15. Two men. both strangers, one of them badly wounded, were brought here yesterday and placed In Jail, charged with attempting to rob the bank of the village of Gilead Friday night. The actions of the men, who were loitering around the bank building, aroused ' sus picion,' and an attempt was made to ar rest them. They fled to the country, with the marshal of tha village and a number of others pursuing. They fired on their pursuers, wounding two, one severely. One of the suspects was twice wounded, one shot going through his leg, and their cap ture followed. JAPANESE EDITOR, CHRISTIAN. IS ELECTEDTO PARLIAMENT Member of Commercial Commission Says Ills Rellgrlou Helps, Hot Hinders II I in a t Home. Ishlbashl, editor of the Osaka Asahl, one of the members of the Japanese commis sion that visited Omaha Saturday, is a member of the Christian church and was elected to the Japanese Parliament with his religion projected Into the campaign as a sublssue. That is. ho proclaimed that he was a Christian, and In spite of advice by friends not to do so for fear of defeat, he was elected by a high majority. In response to a question whether his being a Christian subjected him to un pleasant experiences In his own country, the Japanese editor said: "I shduld answer that with an emphatic no. .It must be understood that Chrlitlanlty is making progress but slowly In Japan so far as the number of actual church members Is 1 concerned, but the spirit of Christ's relltflon has permeated the whole nation. . "No unprejudiced Japanese will deny that Japan In its national spirit comes very close to being a Christian nation, though the mass of people still profess other faiths. This remarkable Influence of the pplrlt of the true faith has made It a far pleasanter thing o be a Christian In Japan that it once waa. "How little effect one's religion has on his personal succecs Is Illustrated In my own case. I stood at the last election as a candidate for Parliament, one of five from the city of Osaka. When my Intention was announced, there were those who said to nic, 'You must conceul the fact of your connection with the Christian church There la no possibility of the election of a Christian when his relationship la known.' But I not only felt It my duty to make public profession of my faith but was convinced that the spirit of tha people was such that they would honor my stand. Accordingly I ran with no attempt to hide my belief, and of the five candidates 1 was elected with second hlffheut majority.' TOM O'BRIEN'S CASE IS SET Henahatv Proprietor Will Be Heard Xttv ember 8 on Chares of Vlo latluK M O'clock l aw. Thomas J. O'Brien, proprietor of the Henshaw hotel and bar, appeared In police court Monday with his attorney, Thomas Lee. to answer to the charts of violating the S o'clock closing law, pre ferred against him by Harry A. Stone, secretary of the Anti-Saloon league. He asked for an examination and It was set for November M, O'Brien being released under ball. No additional complaints have been mads, the Anil-Saloon people preferring to await the result of ths O'Brien and Rome' Miller cases before taking further action. W hy Have Asthma f It has recently 4ien discovered by very prominent European physician that Asthma is no longer Incurable, as hs has discovered by a combination of drugs that It can be completely eradicated from the system. Full Information about this wonderful discovery can be had absolutely free of charge by address! mr Mr. C. E. Williams, No. 1 Fulton street, N.,Y. City. (Adv.) North Dakota Buried Under Heavy Drifts Fargo Blockaded by Worst Storm in Thirteen YearsTrain Covered , with Snow. FARGO. N. I)., Nov. lii. Fargo to:ay Is snowbound In the worst November storm In thirteen years. No trains have arrived over the Northern Pacific or the ChlcaKo, Milwaukee A St. I'aul railroads, while the Great Northern trains are all late. Street cara have hern tied up all day. Sixteen Inches of snow fell, beginning yesterday at noon, and blown by a forty mile gale, the snow has been plied up In gigantic drifts. Telegraph and telephone wires west and south of here have been affected by ths storm. Services were held In but a few of the churches today and but. few persons braved the storm to venture out of their homes. Tonight the velocity of the wind has decreased and snow hus ceased falling. Reports from all over North Dakota In dicate the storm area has embraced dis tricts reaching for 100 miles south and east of here. At Manitoba Junction, Minn., on the Northern Pacific, freight engine ran Into an open switch. Seven cars and tho engine were overturned. No one was hurt. The stranded train was then practically covered' by drifts. DULUTH, Minn., Nov. 14. Reports from the north shore of Lake Superior tonight Indicate that the storm Is growing In In tensity and Is accompanied by a blinding blizzard. Ninety boats are tied up at the Soo on account of the storm. DENVER, Nov. 14. Repcrts from Colo rado points tonight Indicate that extremely cold weather prevails In the mountain dis tricts. A heavy snow has fallen and tem perature ranging from aero to 17 below Is reported. Railrodd Boards Ask More Power Big Question to Be Decided at Meet ing of Commissions at Wash . ington. WASHINGTON. Nov. 15. -Members of the railroad commissions of the various states art gathering here to take part In the annual convention of the National Associa tion of Railroad Commissioners, which will meet Tuesday with the Interstate Com merce commission. It Is Intimated that the delegates will ask congress to enlarge the powers of the Interstate Commerce commission bo that It may exert practically final Jurisdiction In cases arising between railroads and ship pers. There la likely to be some sharp de bate on the proposition, however, as a num ber of the state delegations are declared to be averse to placing powers In the haml.s of a federal body that will curtail the au thority and hamper the usefulness of the slats commissions. FROM THE ROt KKFELLKll IlAXCIl Tirq Beautiful Specimens of Buffalo jteada Exhibited at Alabnuah's. , Aulabaugh, tha furrier, has mounted two buffalo heads and la exhibiting thera at his place on Farnam street, which are re- . garded by taxidermists as the best speci men In ths country. ' They are far above the average slxe and are artistically' mounted, every feature be ing biought out 'perfectly natural. They are valued at $1,000 each. It Is un derstood that one of the railroads entering Omaha has offered S750 for one of them. The buffalo were killed on the William Rockefeller ranch In Kansas a short time ago. j Mr. Aulabaufh will leave December IS to spend ten days on the ranch. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is cheapest because it Is best. THE CONSTANT IP-TOWN TRENJ OF NEW YOR IIOTELS The Hotel St. Regis Is at the Very Center of Manhattan Island. In the days of Daniel Webster ths Astor House, Brodway and Vesey Street, was the center, of New York'a hotel life. When Roscos Conkiing represented the Empire State at the National Capitol, the Fifth Avenue Hotel, at Broadway and Twenty-third Street, had become the hotel I focus of the nr I ropolls. The northward march of New York's hotel center still continues. There are many hotels along Broadway above Twenty-third Street, but this fam ous old thoroughfare has become far too small to contain all of them, and many of the latest and most prominent have located elsewhere, for various reasons, pne hotel, ths St. Regis, at Fifth Avenue and FItty-flfth- Street possesses the unique distinction of being located prac tically at the geographical center of tho Island of Manhattan. To Uils marked convenience of location the St. Regis dds a number of other features that place It In a class by Itself. It Is an Idealized hotel, built, furnished and equip ped with the best of everything, and caters especially to the patronage of the refined and discriminating. Although Its cutslne Is unsurpassed anywhere, Its res taurant charges are no higher than those of other first-class hotels. Its room rates are correspondingly moderate: IS to $4 day for a large, handsomely furnished single room: fi a day for the same with private bath (or It for two people); and $12 a day and up for a splendid suite consisting of parlor, bedroom and private bath. ITCIIIXa 8KIX EASILY SOOTHED. Old and Tried Remedy Convinces Suf ferer on First Trial. That awful, agonizing Itch, torturing day and night! then suddenly the skin calmed, soothed and refreshed. That ia what any eczema sufferer can accomplish In two minutes by-the use of the right treatment; Just oil of winter green, mixed with thymol, glycerine and other healing Ingredients In liquid form. While a smeary salve would only close up the pores of the akin, driving the dli eass germs In still deeper, the medicine In liquid form penetrates ths epldermU, kills and washes out the acsema germs and stops the Itching Instantly. Wa 'recommend this D. U. D. Prescrip tion heartily, and we guarantee that a trial bottle at 2i cents will convince you. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Six teenth and Dodga Streets; Owl Drug Co., Sixteenth and Harney Streets. t,TO.NIGIIT 1 1 j."iifn.i an. n tn i sssjimisbu i an h' iiasssuamaeassassJ t III I 1 aV a. ' WW ,..r 111 C r VV MADE IN THE ; .. Largest Whiskey . Distillery In The World. "Bottled In Bond" Guaranteed by the U. S. Government 100 Proof This Whiskey' is thoroughly filtered and carefully aged, giving it an exquisite flavor and an extremely delicate bouquet. Served in all First-Class Bars, Clubs and Cafes. 'Always Ask For It. CLARKE imOS. & CO., Distillers.' Peoria, 111. Breathe it IS cViaraateed. to cure. Beit remedy for COUGHS, COLDS, CR0Ul SOKE THROAT, sad all diteaws oi the breathing organ. ' The pleaiant, toothing, keeling, germ killing ait of Hyomei is the only remedy that can reach and kill catarrh Derma, Complete outfit, including pocket inhaler, $1,00. Extra bottles, il afterwama seeded, 60c. DRUGGISTS KVKRY vVHKRK. Pains in the BACK which streak up between the shoulders or through the loins and down the limbs. Very com monly these pains are associated with a "drawing" sensation at the back of the neck. ' 1 rVftt STOP YOUR SUFFERINOS Tbes palna are nearly aiwaya the malt of A dlfordrred nervoui aytrr and are taieir he mult of kldiiejr tiuubla, COCEX build 'up the nervmit arrns ailmulaiM a normal, kealiliy Sow of blood and furnlaliea the orgtna with the merry necenarr to Insure Uieif proper action. . All narroua dlwrdera yield readily to (hit tieatmenl and the whole tytlem, ia quickly built up to a condition of V!?r. Vitality and Mraagth. rtrfect health U thereby attained. Your Money Refunded If It Falls. PRICE 11.00 Ft a BOX. FOR. SALE BY Bt ATOM DBTJO CO., ',. leth and rtruim Sts., Omaha. O are rare s-iyj ufwjy) Quality Is Our Guido IWKKEHIUiafiW ' - CMAH4.HEB. W jrr - . r LEAS EH THE MOST tTRITICAL At all grocers UPDIKJI MILLING COMPANY. OMAHA, its nm ?"-p ''. yi Persistent -Advertising- is the Ifoad to liig Returns. Ths Bee Beaches All Classes. 'ettfc&f trill li LI J". W . It iAXS. at 21 T: j 3s i. - - - : PA FLOUR I t V