1 HIE BEE : OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. 1900. 3 !: Want" Ads i4rerlliFinli tor the want ad rntamna milt be likra aatll 12 aa. (or iae rrpnlnf fdldnn aad aatll StAO a. m. for tee snaralasr Bandar edl tfaaa. Ctea in a at arrompinf all orders tar want ada and no advertisement will be aerepted for Ipm Ilia a 20 tfiU lor (Irit Insertion. Rates apply to either The Dally or Bandar Bee. Always ronat alx worda to a line. CASH RATF.fl FOll WA JIT ADS. RRGll.AR CLASSIFICATION Oae Insertion, 11-2 renta per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent Insertion. Rich Insertion made on add dnya, 1 12 renta per word $1.50 per Una per month. Want ada for The Ree may be left at any af the fallowing drng stores ana la yaar "earner draglgst" they are all branrh offlrea for The Ree aad yoar ad will be Inserted Jnst aa propmtly and an the an me rates aa at the main office In The Ree Ilnltdlasr, eventeenth aad Faraam streets I Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Ileranrk, B. A.. J402 S. 10th St. Berht Pharmacy, 720 S lflth St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Hemls Park Pharmacy, Sid and Cuming. niake-Bradlsh. 2816 Bhertnan Ave. Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce 8ta. Pllfton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., Slat Ava. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24tli and Lake. Oooney Pharmacy, 2223 South lth St Crrmak, Emll, 1261-6 S. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy, 4049 Hamilton. F.hler, F. H., 2X02 Lenvenworth. Foster It ArnnMI, 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J., 1U N. 24h St. Frcgger- Drug Co., 1F03 N. 16th St. Florrnce Drug Co., Florence, Neh. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, G. A., 106 S. 10th bt. Ureenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, C, 2920 Farnam St. Hanacom Park Phar., 1501 8. 23th Ave. Hoist. John, 624 N. 16th Ht Huff. A. L.. IjU Lenvenworth Bt. Johansnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding- Sta. Kins. H. S., 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Mares, Fred L.. 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Latlirop. Charles E.. 1324 N. 14th Bt Peyton, L. K., 24th and Leavenworth Bt. Saratov Drug Co.. I4th and Amen Ave. ISchaefor's Cut Price Drue Store, 16th and inicago nt. Schaefer, August, 2G31 N. 18th St. Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Bta. Walton Pharmacy, 20tn and Grace Sta. Wtrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sta. LODGE NOTICE. Kadoah Service, Ancient Scottish Rites. Accepted Monday. November IB, 1909. at 10:80 p. m. the Kadoah service will be held over the remains of our late brother, Edwin Davis, at Masonic Temple. All friends Invited. JOHN R. STINK. Commander. ANNOUNCEMENTS rf A T CLEAN Carbon Cooking, 10.60. ,joulint Squires, 1406 Far. D. 930 IIAHM Statson, $2.S0 and $8.00. RAMHKR, I Li V AO pr,ctleaj hatter, 220 8. 14th St. Billiard and Pool tentlon. Kntrance through TRACT BROS. C1UAK STORE, 1415 Douglas. WtCUDl.NO rings made by band, sold by weight, i. Lt. combs co., U2W Douglas, Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co., 1S15 Far. COMBS. 1520 Douglas, expert Oye fitting Uorand's lessons (adults), Mon. & Frl.,8 p.m. I v 1 A I , 8. & H. Green Trading Stamps with Hard and Soft Coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. Doug. 1471; ind. A-146S. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th St Ames Ave., ac ci.iaie compounders of presurlptions. Free uti.ttei v. su open H.30 a. m. to. u p. m A SPECIAL OFFER 5 IS ds we will fit your eyes with Perisooplc lor. inn. iirescriptlou nuullty. Nickel and aluinlco frames at Gold filled frames $2.60. OLTK OPTICAL UUfAKTMDNX must bo INTRODUCED to the people. FRED BKODKGAARD A CO.. JEWKLKUS AND OPTICIANS, Ui So. lSlh St. HT? ' PTf 0JTf nnounces the opening . XV. ViVWiNlV 0( nls ntw Manufactur ing OPTICAL and FITTINO PARLORS at lull Farnam St. Phone Douglas 7744. JOHN RADMAN, 706 N. 16tli St.. Ladles auu (Jams suits and overcoats, 116 up, Cleaning, pressing, repairing work guar anieed. f'llAl. Andnver, Egg, Lump, $.M. R. H. VVZ-VAJ MorchoUMO Co.. W. 3106, B-2245. OMAHA Safo and Iron Works makes specially ct fire eoLaper, shutter doors eul safes G. Andreen. prop., 102 8. 10th, lftul couDlea have been married bv Ih Rev. C. v. Savulge and he Is praying to nikkt It 1,000. If you want him to marry yuu rail vveuster -44 or ii-uw. IU21 GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west l(;h ft Howard Sta Turkish Baths KOTKRA A CO., 1605 Jackson. D. 2007, A to;. Exclusive designs In office stationery. CEMENT BLOCK of best quality. Manjfactured by the UL.L CEMfcNT STONE CO. TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4'.!i Floor, I'axion Ulk. 'J el. Douglas 13R1 , - K , TT T TO LOAN LOW AA I 1 ll H V KATE, In sums to v ' 'Phone Doug. a.t TO LOAN LOW to lg. U.MO.-S UIAK COMPAW1. 1KL HAli.NEYIIs3 for prces on hard and soft coal and feed; delivery and quantity. Lincoln Grain & Coal Co., 43d A Hamilton. Doukias Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 044. All kinds of CEMKNT WORK. DUNDEE Cl.ML.NT STONE WORKS. 4lh & Dodge. Plnoffir Omaha electric works repairs ele-U1LLU11- utois, lug N lltli. D. HaL A-1443. IF 101J w nut any dirt call on C. Ltuliii.min. 3i Puxlun illk. M. Ltn.kUiona. F. J. Sutclltfe. US Bee Bldg. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- c "'TAJ A. JLTLS. Li'i Douglas ht. 0 vyAO CLLAMNO AND DYEING The best eveT. Twin City Dye Works. 407 S. 16th St. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs aee Gustafson & Henrlckson. 201 N. ltilo St. MltiOl'Hl filters made and sold. Honaid tit. 1310 GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. ill 8. 10th St., Omaha. Tela. Doug. 3113, Ind. A-17S3; res.. Webster trt. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. 107 N. 17th. Phone Red 814. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND DYEKd. soli Farnam. Both 'phones. Boilr Reniirinrrp,'omPt r- wil- DUUCr Itepainu,! gteam Boiler Co.. Uth and Pleice. bugles 1141. JOHN RADMAN, 708 N. lth St.. I adles and Gents' suits and overcoats $i& up. (lianli.g prraaing, repairing work guar aa.eed. Tel. Douglaa 614$. AUTOMOBILES MEND for our list of second-hand cars. DEKIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1114 Faruot lit HKLL eheap or exchange, 1908 Butek and Auburn touring cars, full equipment, ex celleut condition. I houe Blsca KJ It. t.lcariL ul Frank St., Council Bluffs, Is, AUTOMOBILES ii-'iiiiilnncd.) AUTOMOPLE. CARRIAGE PAINTIN1. Itlarksmtthlr.g, woodwork and auto topa speclaltv. We can atore automobiles. WM. TFEIFER CARRIAGE WOIiKS, 2fth Ave. and I,eavenworth. PEERLESS touring car. with top glass rort; car In fine ahape; ILnOO. Address A 725, Bee. FOR BALK or trade, nice 1OT touring car: full equipment; no Junk. Address K, care Bee office, Council Bluff. Al'TO storage, $7.M per mo. 201 S. 10th. Mt'RPHT did It. Did we paint our auto? A. MURPHY & BON. Hth and Jackaon. HIGH wheel auto, suitable for city sales- man. Address B 725. Bee. WRITE for large Hat of second-hand automobiles bargains. H. E. Fredrlckson Automobile Co., Omaha. JUST great. Drysmoksnchu chewing clgat. I HAVE for aale one (1) Manwell auto mobile, 4-cyllnder, 4-passenger and 28-horse power, wltn all modern attachments. ,'ar haa been in uae about seven montns. uoou new. Address Box 56, Albion, Neb. CALL us for demonstration of Cole "30." Midwest Auto Co., 15th and Farnam Sts. STODDARD-DATTON 1 touring car. 46 IL P., for sale eheap. Address C 727, uee. WILL TRADE for city or farm property my 34 h. p. 5-passenger touring car. worth new $2,475. If Interested, ask for complete description. Address Motor , P. O. Box, 104. Omaha. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. A 1909 Cadillac, fully equipped, top. wind shield and speedometer, perfect condition, run less than 3,000 miles, cost 11,715. Price I1.2M. Douglas 1472. 613 N. T. L. BUICK touring car, with top, $650. Address D 728, Bee. BTOIiDARD-DAYTON Touring Car with Top, Glass Front and other extras, $1,600. Address W-724 Bee. Two Bargains In Used Cars 190S 4-evl. SO H. P. Buick touring car. newlv painted, new tires and overhauled, $1.04 . m'8 z-cyl. 20 H. p. Maxwell touring car, top, lamps, glass front, speedometer, ga. tank, magneto; overhauled and repaired, $700. No land trades C. P. LOUK, 180S Farnam St. Motorcycles, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE One Indian and one Reading Standard motorcycle; both In fine condition. 201 S. 10th St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET on or out of business call on GANOESTAD, 04 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S367. Established Mfg. Business FOR $1,000 CASH GIVES YOU OWN ERSHIP AND A GOOD POSITION STAPLE ARTICLE. STOCK ON HAND WORTH $1,500, WITH OTHER ASSETS TOTAL $2,600. NO RISK. A SNAP. DON'T BOTHER UNLESS TOU HAVE THE MONEY. FERGUSON & WRIGHT, 307 N. Y. Life Bldg. 6 POOL tables and building. I. H. wanger, Sutton, Neb. Ell FOR SALE A thriving cement block brick and tank business;, for particulars address J. J. I unk, f remont, xmcd. FOR SALE A small amount of stock In Omaha's most progressive firm; will pay S per cent dividends In 1910. probably 20 per cent thereafter. Price fm.ou per snare. o dress D Ml. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. . Address P. O. Box 413, Omaha. FOR SALE 60. 26 and 20 shares United Wire It as Telegraph stock: transferab e im mediately, at a share. L. M. Allen, 27 Farnam St. FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for sale or rnt. C W. Letchford. FIRST-CI.ASS restaurant for sale In nor them Colorado, fully equipped 'and up-to- date, fir, est location in town, low rem tNr particulars address owner, 141 N College av., Fcrt Collins, Colo. FOR SALE Moving picture show In town of 1.200. Address Manager, Box 183, Em poria, Kan. FOR SALE Moderately equipped candy factory. All machinery and fixtures for doing a manufacturing ana jobbing duhi ntss. Will Invoice about $12,000. Will sell tor $4,000 If taken quick. . Address J. J lHrltfht, Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT. SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, Uents' Fur nishings, Groceries and Millinery, In the new and modern store building on 16th St. room 66x90, two-story and basement. For particulars see H. Krone. 2U Harney St Phones: uougias xs, weDsier an. FOR SALE Feed barn In Ida Grove. la. SOxlM feet, good condition, good trade. Ad dress Mrs. E. A. Uodwell, Ida urove. ia. IF YOU are looking for a profitable In vestment, one of Omaha'a most progressive firms Is selling a Itmltod amount of their stock at par to Increaae their capital which the Increasing business is demanding. Aa dress D 661, Bee. WANTED Location to start barber shop and box ball alley in amall town near Omaha. Address O. H. Dodd, Storm Lake la. GOOD opening for business at Winnie. Tex. Also opportunities to buy land cheap. The Ralty Company, 324 Security Bldg Minneapolis. $)00 buys ths best furnished -r. rooming rouse In Omaha. Address o ta, &ee. A GOOD Nevada mining stock for sale. company managed by Omaha people; 15c a share for a short time only. Ore runs from ill to $60 per ton. This property has a eplen did showing, Is advantageously located and Is worthy or your Investigation. Call or address. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW, 809-810 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. FOR SALE. A small amount of stock in Omaha's most progressive firm; will pay I per cent dividends in 1910. probably 20 per cent thereafter. Price I11Z.M per share. Address u Ml. care Bee. CHIROPODISTS PR ROY. l.vns Farnam Ft. Douglas 64D7, DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agcy.. 42S Paxton. D. 1319. DENTISTS BAILEY Si MACK, td floor. Paxton. D.10 TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas St. DR. F1CKES. 117 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7636 TERRY College, 10th and Farnam tts. McDowell dressmaking school. 1623 Farnam TERRY COLLEGE. WAHOO, NEB. DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all styles and stses. The Ideal Pleating Co. tos Douglas ttlk. otn -pnonea. TERRY COLLEGE, OKD. NEBRASKA. MISS GALBRITH. Room tot Sunderland Bias. T Fit ill" COLLUviE. Grand Island, Nsb. V,'. " j EDUCATIONAL THE BIQGKS 1 ROOK ON THKSiS SL UJLCTS FREE. Rualneas Tralr.ltig. Hiokkeeplns. Stenog- aphy, '1 elegraphy. Civil Service Branches, .hie famous book, entitled "Bread and Mutter Solencea," will be sent to you in a pecial box. if you'll aak for It RIOilT NOW. uay School Mght School. BOYI.h-S COLLEGE. Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couises in business, short ami, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHF.n LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner. 3848 Charles. H. 23S3. NEW NIGHT CLASSES FOR CIVIL SERVICE ust forming. Railway Mail Carrier, 8te ography. Bookkeeping. Boyles College, 18th and Harney Sta., Omaha. Catalogue free. Both phones. PUBLIC SPEAKING CLUB OF OMAHA Meets MONDAY 8 P. M. IN AUDITORIUM OF Y. M. C. A. Begins Nov. 15 and meets one night per week until May 2. Closes with a dinner. Age limit 16 to 60. Prof. W. A. Brlnd ley. Instructor. Call Douglas 849. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Hand-made klmonas. drensliig sacaues. aprons, Indies' wool union suits, extra fine quality, oniy 60c. E. MEN A, 420 N. 16th. FOR fine china, cut glass and brlc-a-brac packing, see W. W. Lemon & Son, 1814 Davenport St. B-2758. MERSCHEIM. High grado millinery. :04 Paxton Blk. WEINLANDER & SMITH Ladles' Exclusive Furnishings. S17 S. 16th Street. ELTING. grocery and confectionery. IM Farnam Su New goods, low prices. AT" TTnUSSnV 3 Over Kern's Mlllln Al I1UDOUJ O ery, 1503 Douglas St. Superfluous hair and moles removed ty the electric needle. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLUMES cleaned or colored, 25c nt Pennells CHINA decorating: order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 834 urandels Bldg. Tel. Red &4ML LADIES WEAR RUBBER GLOVES. Omaha Rubber Co., 1C08 HARNEY ST. "JUST AROUND THE CORNER." 11 A V'ITT71I, Beautiful creations In late UflillUIJ; mlllin.u M 21th St UPHOLSTERING Antiques a specialty. W. O. Larsen. 191S Cuming. Both phones. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take borne. Telephone Harney 1360. CHINA firing, order work. 1S42 N. 19. Tel. Webster 633, or . leave orders 107 S. lith. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tela. Best work, prompt service. RUGS made of old carpets, rag carpets wove, uute city Rug cty. lci n. zun. B-1640. AU1 T TNlVPV Moderate prices. 6chall "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 paga book free. S12 Brandeis Bldg. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white t.kin. Hv moil 50a and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. AUCTION dally at 1Q:J0 a. m.. 2:30 p. n: JAPANESE ART OBJECTS. THE TAYO CO., 16th and Jackson Sts. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthews, 332 Neville BOILED and Sweet Cider nt Ak-Sar-Ben Cider Mill, 1613 Vinton St. WRITE me before buying a piano.. I tan save you money. Address L ti, care wee. "BUNIONS" Oh. don't thev hurt! Qet a PROTECTOR from the Bell Drug Co. MISS ALMA, manicuring. 2409 Harney Bt., Phone Doug. 456S. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 4R24 BRANDEIS BLDG.. Bell 'Phone Doug. 3068. J. H. BATH. 1023 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St., Doug.-135S. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. atr entr'ce. A. DON AG HUE. If07 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, sttain or hoi water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fronts. Invetl gate the Kees fuel saver, costs only $17.60 installed. ew lurnaces, comuination not water and hot air heating; thermostat and tank heaters. OMAHA 8TOVE REPAIR WORKS. Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglas. HELP WANTED FEMALE A seats and SuleslaUtee. INTELLIGENT, refined ladles, over 26, who can travel If nectsuiry; good salary. Call 513 Ware block. Factory aad Trades, WANTED Three first class hair dress ers; also three girls for mounting and wav ing switches. Apply J. L. Brandt-Is St Suns' Hair DreSHlng Department. GIRIS WANTED, at once; steady work, good pay. Bemla Omaha Bag Co. lloasekeepers aad Domestics. COMPETENT G1HL wanted. Mrs. T. E. Pearce. 118 S. ITtti St. Harney 970. GIRL to cook and do general housework. Small family. Apply 2102 Douglas St. WANTED A competent girl for general house work, family of tour, no children. Mrs. F. B. Lawrence, 4U2 N. 3V.h St., Tel. Harney 4U1S. GIRL, general housework; no washing; wages, Iti.tiO per week. U38 S. Ud Ave. Telephone Harney loot. GOOD girl for ger.eral housework; best of wages. 4M03 Davenport. Telephone Har ney 2-4 i'i. COMPETENT Park Ave. girl for housework. 611 COMPETENT grl for ger.eral house work. luz4 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 710. WANTED Housekeeper; M8 N. UHh. 4 In family. WOMAN to do washing at I JO 8. list Av. WANTED Girl or woman not ovei 86 for general housework; one who likes children; good home for right party: small family and UtfbC wort. Apply store, 113 N. lti. Bornalns in Farms. Farm land all over the country is advertised un der "Farm and Ranch Land." It payi investors to watch the offerings on the Want-Ad pages. HELP WANTED FEMALE Housekeepers and Domestics Co. WANTED A good cook for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Deroy Aus tin, 219 South mth Ave. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Patterson, 411 South 3Sth St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good wages, no laundry. Tel. Harney 604. Apply 3:4 Dodge St. GIRL for general housework, three In family. 'Phone Harney 23D2 or call 3C26 Burt. NURSB girl wanted. 218 N. 17th St. Mrs. J. Slasburg, jr. AT ONCE Girl for general housework; good wages; no washing nor Ironing. -M Worthlngton Place. RELIABLE girl to care for children; one who can go home nights. Apply 619 N. eOrh St. . t WANTED Good German housekeeper to go out of city. 2021 Pierce St. GOOD strong girl for general housework. 1717 Chicago St. GIRL for general housework. 3002 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 1419. GIRL for general housework. 1516 Geor- gla Ave.; family of four. GIRL for general housework. 823 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 4406. WANTED RellSDle glrl for general Apply 3408 Dewey lousenork: no laundry. Ave. GIRL wanted for general housework, good wages, small family. 630 S. 29th Ave., lei narney bii. GIRL for general housework. Two In family. Apply au2 S. 37th St. COMPETENT maid for general house work; no laundry work. 302 South S8th Ave. lei. Harney K2 0. WANTED A rood srlrl for general housework or to axslst. No washing nor ironing. 3217 Poppleton Ave. GOOD COOK WANTED There Is a little general housework connected with It. Good wages. References wanted. Apply 137 N. 32d, or 'phone Htrney 3937. WASHERWOMAN wanted at 611 South 19th street. , GIRL for general housework, 2323 Dodge. WANTED Good girl for general house work. 408 North 16th. GOOD colored girl for housework. 1708 Dodge St. WANTED Girl for general housework: Stood plain cooking. $26 per month. 601 S. oMh Ave. GIRL for general housework. 1 In family. 413 N. 39th. WANTED A good girl to helD with housework; one who can stay home at nigtus prererreu. 7U5 Woolwortli Ave. 'Pnone Harney 3564. i- GIRL to care for children and assist in. nouseworit. solo Burt St. GIRL for general housework. Email fam ily. Tel. Red 44. 626 S. 14th St. Mlscellaneone. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros, liilo Douglas. LEARN hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn lu to $2o weekly. Full course taught. Brandeis Hair Dressing; Dept; help Wanted male Aarenta, Solleltors anil Salesmen. WE want 100 salesmen, either sex, to sell small fanns In the Gulf Coast coun try: big cay. Write today. Kemoer Land Co., Kaiuaa City, Mo. BOND salesmen required for Iowa, dress Y-748. Lee. Ad- WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The, Bee Publishing Co. TWO good collectors at once. Adams & Co., 62.1 8. lRth St. C. 8. WANTED A stock salesman to sell mining stock; liberal commission. Address W 700, Bee. WE WANT a few good live agents, best contract In the city. Expenses advanced where references are furnished. Pioneer Insurance Co., Ramge Blk. AYT ANTED CAPABLE AGENTS To sell the best accident and henlth In surance. Policies Issued by any company. To work In Omaha, Nebraska and Okla homa; exclusive contracts. NATIONAL FIDELITY & CASUAL1TY COMPANY, 604 Merchants National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Nebraska. WANTED Salesmen of good education and appearance to sell high grade proposi tions; good opportunity tor right parties and hard workers. 407 ICarbach Blk. THE NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT Insurance Company, Chicago, having recently established branch offices In Omaha, want several good solicitors to sell accident and health Insurance; good contracts; liberal policies. R. S. Scott, General Agent, 313-15 Omaha National Dank Bldg. Boys. WANTED Several good wagea. A. D. T. trustworthy boys; Co.. 212 S. lith St. Clerical and Office. Mgr., mall order house, $100, Investment of 1 1 J0 required. Office elk., must operate typewriter, $49. Steno., and bkpr., $40. Experienced R. R. yard elk., $60. Office elk., with expeilence In local Frt, Office, must operite typewriur, $C0. Collector, young man. $45. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASSN.. INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest Bee Bldg. WANTED Drug man who Is competent. Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sta. WANTED At once, Jewelry jobber; one who understands clock repaJ-lng. C. A. Tucker. 112S O St., Lincoln. Neb. WANTED A maker. The J. Denver. Colo. first-class stock saddle H. Wilson Saddlery Co., WANTED First-class coatmaker at once. Steady work the year around. Martin Peterson. 415 Broadway, Co. Bluffs, Ia. WANTED At once, 1st class watch maker; steady Job, ISi per week. C. A. Tucker. H2J O St.. Lincoln. Neb. GORDON press feeder. Kenxle Printing Co. Cory ft Mc- Mloeell.meoas. WANTEIv-Men to learn barber trade; demand greater than aupply. Graduates earn splendid pay. Wages while learning; few weeks completes; unusual opportunity to start an Independent business; call or write. Molrr barber College lie d. Uth St. WANTED Young men to learn automo bile buslnees by mall and prepare for posi tions as chauffeurs and repair men. We make you expert In ten weeks; assist you to secure position. Pay big; work pleasant; demand for men great; reasonable: write for particulars and sample lesson. Emvlre Automobile Institute, Rochester, X HELP WANTED MALE Mlacellaneona Continued WANTED Railway msil clerks; com mei. cement ralary, IW); spring examlna iloi.s evtrywhere; candidates prepared free Fianklln Institute, 1KH. Rochester. N. Y. Y'OUNG MAN. not over 30. ns office manager; must be qualified and come well recommended; splendid opportunity for right man. C 645, care Bee. ARB TOU out of work? Do you wnnt to better your condition? Join our associa tion and get free assistance. EMPLOYES' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. WK-9 Pax ton Blk. I WANTED-" adles' Bros., 1M0 Douglas. tailor. Apply Orkln FREE Employment Dept. Business Men s Ass'n; r.o fees. Call 44u B. of T. Bld. WANTED Two good lumber agents, who sr'ek German; also one good lumber book keeper. W. E. Moore, Regina Canada. RAILWAY mall clerks; spring examina tions; pnparatlons free. Franklin Insti tute, Dept. 1J2H, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Experienced meter readers at once. Omaha Gas Co., 1509 Howard. TEAMSTERS WANTED Good wages; steady work. Sunderland Bros. Co. 10th and Hickory. UVE STOCK FOR SALE lloreea and Vehicles. Screenings, $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th FOR SALE CHEAP One glass closed rubber-tired doc tor's phaeton, suitable for U. S. Rural delivery wagon. Call A. J. SIMPSON & SON, 1409 Dodge St. Omaha, Neb. HORSES BOARDED at COLE'S EX 'Pnone D 47'7. PKcrid barn, 2104 Cuming. GOOD 4-year-old driver. well broke. cheap. 4170 Cass St. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular la value, only $3.60. BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT., BASE MENT. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue Darn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. , WE HAVE an extra mule on hand; will sell reasonably. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 f arnam. RUNABOUT with rubber tires; regular value. $100; must sell now for $60. JOHNSON-DAN FORTH, 10th & Jones. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with KryptoX lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co.. 211 S. 16th. Reward. LOST A fur boa, between Bennett's and .Henshaw hotel. Finder please return to Henshaw Hotel and receive reward. I WILL PAY liberal reward for lnform tlon leading to return of cockrel spaniel dog; black, white nose and breast; disap peared October 14. C. A. Anderson, 8301 S. 19th. Doug. 68'.0. MEDICAL ' BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray'a Nerve Food Pills. $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creishton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY RELIABLECREDIT CO. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR SALARY OR FURNITURE. Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one in Omaha. PATRONIZE THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL phone or write and our representative will call at once. Our offices most convenient of any In the city. Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, 3d Floor. Phones: A-1IU; Douglas 1411. M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; we guarantee the cheapest rates N and easiest terms In the city. Ex E tensions granted If sick or out of Y work without extra, cort. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone. Doug. 225. 300 8. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1S91 LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 514-15 Taxton blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. Money I Monev! LOANED Money! on furniture, piano, etc. Any amount from $10 up. We HUDiantee the cheapent rates and easiest terms of any company or In dividual in Omaha. Extensions granted without extra, cot If M-. k or out of work. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. 1'hone Doug. 22.. 3W S. 16th St. Here .Since 192. MOWV ON CHATTEL SECURITY MU.ljt AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long lime. Buslines confidential. OMAHA TRUST COMPANY, 437 Board of Trade Bldg. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTU EltS, without security; easy payments. Oi flees In Mi principal cities. Tolniuii, room oi.t New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or more on your own note. No led tape. Cnll 6W Paxton block. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge FURNITURE, live stock, salary Iians. PI1llL!i.t?JLt'oan2!rl.(, parker Blk. MOVING AND STORING lst-ciuss STORAGE at MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS, itdu Cap. Ave. D. u7w. A-3j3i. EXP. Delivery Co, office 16th and Dav enpo t Sis., warehouse iMl-iM Isard St. FOR EXPRESS und hauling near Walnut Hul; bta. of service. Wuinui Hill Trunnur Co., ltiu Military Ave Both phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding aad Rooms. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine Uwn, Ui S. 26th Ava. WARM rooms, $2 per week; Ogden Hotel, Council Bluffs. free bath. COOL, airy room, modern; fine shads with or without board to two gentlemen or man and w.fe. 24U4 Capitol Ave. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en suite, with private batn, ateam heat; ex cellent table and good Mr vice. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 661- CLOSE IN; good board; large room suit able for two; references required. 'Phone Red 4038. DEWET u.-ovean Hotel. 1$U and Far- OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding and Room font laaeeL 6H R lth Pt.J desirable front rooms; first class board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. MODERN, close In. $4 M and . 620 S. 17th St. Phone Doug. 6M0. FOR RENT Near Field club, room and roard, husband and wife. Phone Harney EXCELLENT large front room, board, steam het, close In. Red 77S1. FURNISHED, s'eam heated rooms with board. 123 S. 2Mh Ave. LIGHT room with board, for two. 2511 Farnam St. c Famished Roams. NEAT and comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 S. 14th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In prlve-.te family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 2019 Webster St. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1818 Chicago. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 26lh Ave. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 620 So. inth St. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; one very large front room, $16; one at $10; one at $i 6.0 N. 23d St. LARGE south room, front floor; outside entrance. 117 S. 25th Ave. STRICTLY modern front room, suitable for two. 2018 N. ad Ft. TWO nicely furnished rooms In private family. 2512 Chicago. FURNISHED room, modern, for one or two gentlemen. No. 63J So. 26th St. THREE elegant light, warm rooms with parlor for ladies or gentlemen. 2616 St Marys. CLEAN furnished rooms for young men; rratonable. 220 N. 19th St. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. I3th St. The Chatham. r l tv 1 R. H. Morehouse Co. ONE extra fine front room, fine furni ture, modern. 320 No. 20th. No. sign on hcusc. 1 FURNISHED room, $8 per month, Doug. 3664. LOOK at this excellent nice front room, cheap at $2 week, for two people; $11 per month; upstairs; door to your right. 821 uj 8. 20th. DESIRABLE south front room In new moflern house; references required. Ad dress O 721, Bee. TWO nicely .furnished connecting front rooms. 2047 Dodge St. 2220 Emmet St.. 2 rooms, new and mod ern. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 3017 Pacific St. NICE, warm room to gentlemen; strictly modern; $10 a month. 813 N. 20th St. FURNISHED room In new modern house 111 So. LOth. Phone Harney 1538. NEW. MODERN. 8TEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT, 1518 DODGE ST. TEL. DOUG. $776. NICELY furnished room, with heat, at 217 S. 25th Ht. Phone Harney 3837. $6 PER month; modern; private home; two gentlemen. 2304 Davenport. ATTRACTIVE Darlor. suitable f or two gentlemen; reasonable; modern. 1811 Chi cago St. FURNISHED rooms for rent, all modern. n South 41st. location; leasonable. 1816 Chicago. PARLOR and two sleeping rooms; mod ern. 2 8. 26th. Tel. D. 6423. LARGE room, with alcove, for two or three. 2427 Dodge. TWO nlcs furnished rooms, strictly mod ern. 1019 St. Mary's Ave. ELEGANTLY furnished front room; walklne distance: all modern; reasonable. J9 S. 19lh. NICELY furnished room, house always comfortable. 2100 Douglas St. DINING room, kitchen and bed room, all conntcied; modtrn; In large rooming house; r.i e neighborhood. 2226 Dodge St. LARGE furnished front room suitable for two gentlemen; modern; desirable location; reasonable. 1S11 Farnam. TWO front rooms, steam heat, bath; gen tlemen prrfe-red. Flat 5, Davldge block. I hone Doug. 2498. EXCELLENT location and neighborhood private family, nicely furnished room; one block from car; an moaern. ua a. win Sc. Phone Harney 42!6. LARGE sunny room. Walking distance. Reasonable. Tel. Harney 8388. NEWLY furnished rooms; steam heat; 3d floor, flat 11. 622 S. 16th. Apartments aad Flats. 6 41-room apartments In Qulvet Bldg.. IMW-ll Farnam St.. second floor, splendid location for offices, studio, dental or rircssmaklnr rooms, etc.. for teaants wish tng home adjoining. Hall, 4SS Ramge Bldg. Both phores. K rooms. 2nd floor. 2606 Rees street, bath and toilet. $16.00 Chris Boyer, $2d and Cuming Sis C-ROOM modern lower flat at SH Leav enworth St.. $20 00. Tel. Harney 16C8. CORNISH APARTMENT Southwest corner 10th and William St. NEW, firji-class, up-to-date heated apart ment; furnished or unfurnished. Janitor 111 Rive pries. 6-ROOM modern flat; hot water heat; walking distance. 2236 Howard St. Housekeeping" Rooms. FOUR largo unfurnished rooms. Inquire at 1045 8. 20th St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mrs. Geo. Scott. 1713 N. 24th St. HEATED housekeeping rooms, gas cook ing, .ils Web. Harney 3738. TWO large front rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; all modern. 2221 Willis Ave. 3 OR 4 f jrnished housekeeping rooms; modern, new, c.ran; gas range. 2010 N 18th. TWO choice, modern, connecting rooms, HO; also two connecting housekeeping looms, lurnished or unfurnished. &ll 1 leicv. A-21.C9. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for lignt housekeeping; all modern; $12 per month. 2ul7 Webster. Steam heat. CLEAN, tvarm, bright room; reasonable. 616 St. Maiy's. TWO clean furnished rooms for house keeping; modern; walking distance. 614 N. ilst St. TWO light housekeeping rooms and one deeping room. 1921 Douglas. TWO housekeeping rooms; electrle lights and gas stove for cook ing. ISIS N. 16th St. TWO rooms for light housekeeping, also sleeping room. 2022 St. Mary's Ave. THREE connecting furnished housukeep Ing rooms ; modern; no objection to chil dren. N. 25th St. TWO housekeeping rooms; gas range; 901 8. 20th. TWO or three nicely furnished rooms; gas. bath. heat. 614 S. 22d. I.ARGE front room; housekeeping. 101$ Leavenworth. HANDSOMELY furnished parlor and kitchen; modern; walking distance; parlor floor; four rooms. 04 8. fcth. TWO nicely furnished front rooms for light housekeeping, cheap. (21 N. lth fit. 4 OFFERED FOR RENT lloasekreplnai It on m a t'ontlnard. TWO nicely furnished front sooi'i rooms, heated for housekef ping. 2110 H.ii- ney 8t. Doug. (KSts. TWO furnished rooms for rent with f: nlture for sale. Inquire In basement, . N. 4th St. TWO connecting furnished housekeep. Ing rooms; modern; good heat. S"9 N. 2.MH. LARGE nicely furnished front room and small connecting room, housekeeping com- flete; modern except heat, oii 8. 2Mh St. hone Red 4210. FUHN1SHKD room for light housekeep ing 1M1 California. TWO rooms, furnished. gas anil bath; N. 20th. one block to car. $10. 2607 tinfaralahed Rooms. ONE ROOM. 1120 N. 17th St. HOUSE FOR RENT. Four rooms, downstairs, modern, at 4r, Farnam St., $13. S OR 4 rooms, modern. 614 S. 29th St. THREE unfurnished rooms. 205 S. 2"ith Ave. Famished llooses. MODERN 10-room house, completely fur nished; piano, eti ; barn; fine neighbor hood; $riO; unfurnished, $."0, See Hastings & Heyden. 8-ROOM furnished house; strictly mod ern; hot water heat; $40 per month, for the wlntor. Ha'.scoin Park dlst. I hojhe Harney 4228. 11 on sea aad Cottages. OMAHA Van A Svorage Co., park. move. store. H. H. Koods; storehouse. 1120-2 N. 19th; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel Douglas lf9. FOR RENT 6-room house, 2719 Sprag ie: strictly modern except heat; first-class; $22.60. D. J. Hughes, 2402 Fort St. Phone Bell 469 or VTi, ind. B-84J7. GOOD and 8-room houses; all modern: 21st and Clark; rent $30 and $16 a month. 239 DOUGLAS; five-room cottnge. mod ern but furnace. Phone Harney 211. NO. WM South 29th street, seven rooms. detsched house, large yard, east front. paved street, modern except furnace, $21. No. 1704 Seward street, six rooms, south front, $16. No. 1-.10 North 27th street, east front. good donryard. $15. No. y.Jl cnanes street, after November 0. six rooms, pnved street, modern except furnaca, $18. ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 108 First National Bank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. FOR RENT 6-room cottage. 818 N. 2TM St., $20. R. H. Landeryou. 442 Board of Trade Bldg. NEW 10-room house, 3611 Howard, com plete December 1, $16. 'Phone II. 288. 6-room cottage, 2411 Michigan Ave. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. Tel. D. 6108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. $36 MODERN 8-room brick, corner 2Sth and Poppleton. HnTTSTT5S In all parts of the city. I1UUOLO Crelgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, unequalled, all modern; steam heated, 7-room house, with bath. 220 N. iM. H.6 DOUGLAS: 8-room, Frenier. Both Phones. $27.60. John N. MAGGARD Van 4 Storage Co. D. 1490. Pack, store and ship household goods. 4-ROOM, modern. 1110 N. 22d. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 818 N. Y. L. FOR RENT -room, all modern, brick house, 2005 Willis ave., $35: 8 rooms, 1st floor, city water, gas, 1828 N. 17th St. ,$11. C. M. Bachmann, '36 Paxton block. FINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 8530 12d St. $23.60. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. N. 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruce St. H. I. Plumb. 110 a. 13th SL FOR RENT.' 1 - Nine-room all modern brick house, will arrange for three apartment flats. 2006 Willis Ave., $25. Four rooms, first floor; city water, gas, toilet. 1S2S N. 18h. $12.60. Three rooms, first floor; city water, gas. 1828 N. 17th bt. $11. Three rooms, second floor; city water, gas. 1830 N. 17th. $9. C. W. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. Tela: Office, R. 2639; residence, D. 6068. 12-ROOM MODERN One of the best rooming house locations In Omaha; rooms always rented. 2412 Dodge St. NOWATA LAND tc LOT CO., Suite 624 New York Life Bldg. T-R. mod., Hanscom park dls. Harney 4G8, MODERN 8-r. house, best neighborhood, large yard. Inquire 1411 Vinton. FINE 6-room apartment New St Louis flat only $J0. Inquire 1411 Vinton. 6 ROOMS. 24 floor, bath and toilet 2006 Rees St., $16. rooms, 2d floor, toilet 1902 Bristol SL, 1 $18. I f 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St., $26. i rooms, modern except heat 409 Wil liam St., $15.00. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sts. 2818 WOOLWORTH Ave., 8 rooms, mod ern. $24. 2221 California, t rooms, bath, $16. 2Ao8 Hamilton, 6 rooms, $15. 2 89 Emmet, 7 rooms, barn, $16. 1903 Capitol Ave., 10 rooms, morn, $66. RING WALT BROS., 306 8. 16th St. BRICK houses, 2614 and 2616 Dewey Ave.. 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St 4-ROOM new brick apt, 1748 So. 27th St $21.60. Harney 886. 6-ROOM, all modern except heat 1821 8. 28th. Tel. Harney 2369. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE ' Neat cottage, 4017 N. 26th Ave.: very desirable. NOWATA LAND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. MODERN 7-room. near Park, 1611 8. 28to. 4633 N. 8STH ST., one block from An.es Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage; very eheap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co., Bran dels Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 2K4. FOR RENT 716 Bsncroft St., 6-r., city water, $12.0. 2M1 Blnncy St., 6-r., city water, $13 00. 2:i6 Grace St.. 6-r., strictly mod.. $21.00. 2218 Grace St 8-r., strictly mod., $26.00. W. G. Shrlver, 1023 New York Life Bldg. IhIO Burdette, 6-r., mod., barn. $25. 8118 Taylor, 8 r., mod. new, $30. 8119 Taylor, 6-r., part mod., $16. S Emmet. 6-r.. part mod., $13. N. Jiith St., new, 6-r., mod.; water paid; cheap at $17. J. W. RASP CO.. 689 Brandeis Bldg. MODERN brick house, close to Park Ave. 2912 Mason. Inquire 823 South 2Mb. Phone Harney 1650. MODERN 8-room house, 276 8. 85th Ave. Phone Douglas 4587. 8-ROOM modern brick. 6S0 B. 28th St. HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. NEW. modern seven-room house; hard wood floorthroughout, $42.60 monih. 118 H. 42d St. A. H. Williamson, American Radi ator Co. Ilnlldlngs. WAREHOUSE. Three floors, 66x140 ft., with trackage, has elevator $).') per month THE BYRON REED CO.. Phones Doug. 297. A-8J4. 212 8. 14th St. Offices. LARGE office room (20x22) on 16th Ft., opposite postofflce, $10 per month; also smaller room at $5. Omrad Young, 151$ Dodge. M suit ct DESIRABLE single office, also offices, in 'oiMnental Mock. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. 10 First National Rank Building. Tel. Douglaa 722, r ft f, 1