r Fhe' Omaha PART TWO unday Bee. roR ALL THE NEWS THE OMAHA DEE BWT IN THE WEST rn tt " r t n r f p PACES 1 TO VOL. XXXIX-XO. 22. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKXIXCI, NOVEMBKK 14, YMV. sixulh copy, fjvh ckxts. S90J3S8 tl ( i Remarkable Selling Tomorrow-Two Lines of Host Desirable Winter Fabrics at Unheard of Low Prices Broadcloths and Coatin Under ordinary conditions such offerings would be simply Impossilile. Most fortunate trade happenings bring them now at prices creating genuine surprises. gs Handsome Broadcloths of pure wool, soft chiffon finish and brilliant lustre. These are 6 and 7-yard lengths; sixty half pieces of 25 yards each, and three pieces fine, Havana brown shades. Every popular shade in the assortment aj a i1) nn it tn linn miuii fn Vl" capes, dresses and suits, at . . . Warm Coatings for women's and children s wear. The as sortment includes Astrakhans, Bearskins, Beavers and other fur effects for the Utile folks, and 66-lnch aulo coatings in stripes and checks, suitable for capes 14 5ft at .... 36 Inch "Cleola" Black Talleta Again at 79c We have ten pieces on sale. Omaha's beet known and most popular brand; fully guar anteed by us Best $1.25 quality, and a yard wide, at v79r Colored Taffeta 38 shades; some 27 inches wide, values, 65c to $1.00, at 49' Kilk Poplins A very large and representative showing plain and coin spot designs, all colors; 24-irich, at $1.00 to $2.25 Velvet Suitings Choice stripe and check ef fects, in the predominating fall and winter shades, at, yard 69 MILLINERY The new winter hats now on view are very fetching. There's that touch of individ uality and good taste about the styles that appeal stron exacting. There are smart, new models that handiwork of the true artist. No other millinery house In this city is so splen didly equipped to show the most advanced styles at popular prices. You'll see many becoming hats to please you, at Bennett f:,.p-,'... several hundred vyvssJ' TRADING STAMP SPECIAL ON Your Vinter Coal Th Bennett Company tomorrow makes an other of Its popular offers of extra stamps on coal orders. 1CP S. & H. GREEN STAMPS WITH EACH TON OF COAL AT 5.00 OR OVER, There are no better coals mined than thoM we at II. Similar grades are now srlllng at 25c to &uc per ion more, about, town. Coal at V rdn t having the largest sale In Omaha. Thousands f families find It th beat soft coal they ever until. We make prompt deliveries to all parta of Onlulm and suburbs. 100 H. H. Stamps with each ton of any kind of c.Kil at Si.uu or over, Monday only. Capitol 3d Floor Sales Furniture, Rugs, Etc. Bnlendld Thanksgiving offerings. STAMPS Triple s- I' Green Trading MA"'i AA w Stamps on all furniture pur chases Monday; except on these extra specials. 8-ft. Dining Table worth 132.60 (In cluding 750 stamps! at 935.00 Dining Chairs, quar ter aawed oak, $3. 86 chairs (75 stamps with each) . . .$3.48 BBAKX.BS8 VELVET BV9I $18.75 Monday only best $15.00 foil size 9x12 ft. Velvet Hugs perfect In every particular Including 300 trading stamps at Double stamps on all other Rugs Monday. XV IU DRAPERY 8EOTIOX X.aoe Curtains Ten styles, handsome $5.00 curtains Including 100 stamps each Valr for 93.98 Kimono Silks Highest grade, 7uo kinds large line beautiful colorings,, yard. STHo ' Window Bhades 6-foot lengths, nounted on spring Tollers including 5 stamps ea. 19a KM 11 1 is is The Winter ciiartrily Style JVt and a free pattern. its.!, iii ir-pj .k is In, 207j y ..J Linens for Thanksgiving Going to entertain friends this Thankgiving? Perhaps there 1b a new linen service to provide this year, for, after all, much of the success of the feast is duo to beautiful, miowy nappery. Way back, months ago," we had your Thanksgiving wants in mind Ireland, Germany, Scotland were all drawn upon for our sup plies. Choice linens In Rets, with cloth and dozen napkins to match were imported in quantities, giving yon the benefit of di rect purchases. The savings we made are yours tomorrow. Pattern Table Cloths In a large ranije of new lit slyns. 2- yard cloths; our regular price J2.-. will he 91. SS 2S6-yard cloths; our regular price $.1.00 will he 93.45 3- yard cloths; our regular price $3.75 will be 92.94 23- inch Napkins to matcli all patterns; our $0.01) quality dozen. .. .92.50 BLEACHED DAMASK TABLE S2TS 2.2V2-yard cloths and and dozen 20-lnch napkins, regular $7.50 per set will be, tomorrow 98.00 Other sets arid patterns, in ever so many oilier qualities and sizes, up to very expensive grades. Bleached Damask All pure linen, two yards wide, new designs; $1.25 is our usual price for 9100 24- Inch Napkins to match. $3.70 values, will be 93.00 Mercerised Daraaak IH-Inch, our regular 5uc quality, at, yard 390 Seasonable Bedding Sales Lessened Prices Comforters A very fine grade with snow white cotton filling stitched edges, yarn tied, worth $1.65, at 91-39 Bleached Sheeta 72x90-lnch, regu larly 59c will 'e H0 RlxSO-inch. usually B9c, will be 680 Pillow Oases 42x1ii-lnch, regular ly 15c will he llo 4.'.x36-inch, usually 18c, will be 14o BLARISTS 10-4 Blankets, iur (5c line, for 49o 10- 4 Hlankets, our 75c line, for 6o 11- 4 Blankets, our $1.39 line...B8o 12- 4 Blankets, our $2.75 line. .93.39 Wool Blankets, In all colors and plaids. 11- 4 Blankets, $5.50 line at 94.50 12- 4 Blankets, $6.00 line, at B5.O0 12-4 Blankets, $6.50 line, at 95.60 12-4 Blankets, $7.50 line at 96.00 $175 Enameled Roasters "at 98c t w. W 111,1 ma Just In time for Thanksgiv ing. 100 seamless enameled self-basting Roasters at a price less than ordinary black iron ones usually cost. Best $1.75 Roaster on the market, to morrow, at, each 98c NOVEMBER SALE OF PENINSULAR RASE BURNERS Plan to buy stoves tomorrow Here's the opportunity The reliable Peninsular at good reductions. $66.00 Peninsular Grand Base Burners, for 947.80 $60.00 Peninsular Grand Base Burners, for v. ..958.00 $44.0 Peninsular Base Burner Monday special 935.00 $48.00 Peninsular Base Burner. will be ......9.50 $27.00 Peninsular Art Baae Bur- , ner lor 981-80 $31.50 Peninsular Art Base Bur ner, reduced to 935.00 20c Galvanized Water Palls, will be 15? 2 5c. Galvanized Water Palls, will be 17 30c Galvanized Water Palls, will be 19k 25c Wilson Bread Toasters 25c Elite Sink' Strainers ' . He Low Waffle Irons 85o $1.25 High Waffle Irons ,...980 . And 30 Stamps. , .15o , .150 Greatest November Sales Women's Outer Apparel of the Most Fashionable Jlodes Suits, Capes, Coats Thanksgiving is just ten days away. It's a day to be proud of. Look your best on the occasion. Let Bennett's at tend to your outward appearance. Therc'sa two fold reason why you should. Over :!,00() new suits, enpes nnd coats will ho shown Monday the highest typos of fashion brought out in Amorioa tailored with a degree of elegance found only in the highest priced garments, and yet, these prices, by their littleness, establish a new pre-'fj cedent. All Omaha shows no finer assortments of the very styles you are in search of. These are facts worthy of your earnest consider ation and show you the wisdom of coming in tomor row. We offer you our strongest November Sales. Beautiful Suits Kare good tate in expressive of every one of our new suits They are uimply tailored, neat, refined and genteel, while the materials bespeak quality. There are superb worsteds and broadcloths, in the prevailing new shades Actually priced 5 to" $12.50 under real values 815.00 319.50 $25 20.50 New Long Coats Distinctively tailored gar ments of rich, black broad cloths; plain and pleated models. A dozen or more beautiful styles Just In, at $15 $19.50 aud $25 00 "YVooitex" diagonals, in black and colors, at ....$35.00 UililaHir ('a 1 1 u T o vrf n 11 .1 11 ' lines; broadcloth and kersey, J, some with red facing, each, a' at $12 $15 and $19.50 II li IB .1 1 6 W-l i W .J A MONDAY SALE 50 Electric and Gas Lamps, Values to 15 Both styles' are complete, ready to at tach and use. They are In perfect condition and guaranteed to be abso lutely satisfactory In every way. We have had them since last season. To hurry them along we are willing to make a big sacrifice. Mon day entire line will be of fered at 1 Decorated French China Comb and Brush Trays A large lot, all excellent $1.00 values, will be 49c Fancy German China Fruit Plate Nicely decorated; regularly T sell for 25c, choice " . . . Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett's Qolritn t'offen, lb Bennett's Challenge Coffee, lb.., Teas, assorted, lb Teas, assorted, lb ,., Tea SlftlnKs, 11) ,.96o 3n stamps , .18c 10 stamps , ,48o 60 stamps , .380 40 stamps .ISO 15 stamps Double green stamps on Granulated Sugar. New cleaned Currants, three pounds for SBo Egg-O-See Coin FlaUes, 3 pkgs. . ..flo 10 stamps Lawn Grass Fertilizer, lb So; 5 lbs., 65o Double green stamps on Butterlne. New Mince Meat, fancy quality .. . 16o 10 stamps New Seeded Raisins, lb. pkg 12V40 10 stamps Chocolatlna, two cans SOo 10 stamps . Dianfbnd C Soap, ten bars for 8 So , Capitol Baking Powder, lb. can... . 80 20 stamps Hartley's pure Fruit Jam, Jar..... SBo 10 stamps - Diamond 8 Chill Sauoe 15o 10 stamps California .Seedless Raisins, 12Me grade, lb., Peanut Butter, two Jars 80o 10 stamps Capitol pure Maple Syrup, qt. ...,40c 30 stamps " Daledlt fancy Oil Sardines, can. ...900 10 stamps Royal Tomatoes, two cans 85o 20 stamps Kranoo-Amerlcan Soup. qt. can....35o 30 stamps Snlder's Pork and Beans, large, can 90o 20 stamps Haricot l!eani, per can ,..10e 5 stamps Cream Cheese, best quality lb 80o 10' stamps Yankee Toilet Soap, three cakes... 8 So 20 stamps WHITE HOUSE FAMOUS FEAST Thanksgiving's High Bank .in the Calendar of the mansion. RECOLLECTIONS OF 0THEE DAYS t'Vatal Scene t ndrr Former Execu tives The Roosevelt Method and the Taft Plans A Merry llolidar. " For ;he first time since the early ln- cuinbi-ncy of the Roosevelts there Is going to be a real Thanksgiving gathering in the White house this season and. the family of the president will be brought together In the cosy little private dining room of the mansion for the real turkey feast of iho year. During the later years of Mr. Roosevelt's administration, the president and his fam ily made It a point o get aay from the White house tor the Thanksgiving dinner. In the last few years they sought the seclusion of Mrs. Roosevelt's country place, Pine Knob, near Charlottesville, Va., and l here, far awa from the hustling, busy world, the big turkey was dressed and ea.cn. In the years of President Mclvinley's terms of office, however, there was always a merry party, though not what one would call a family party, brought together In the White house for Thanksgiving. One of the conspicuous guests was the late Mark llanna. Then there would be old friends of the family from Canton, O. those who knew the president merely as "Major" aid the hatis wcie drawn up to the xpjctous table for a genuine old-fashioned liukey dinner. Tills year. It is yrrdlcted, President Me Klriley's program will be followed out and in addition to the members of President Tart's family there will probably be few Intimate f rli-n Is a.iked tn for the evening meal. Preident Taft will return to the W hite house long before "Hie last Thurs day In November," and with Ihe usual pilxe turkey sent lach year for Hie presi dential dlnmr there will be a fine crop of the choicest vegetables from the ad mirers of the president among the fanners and fruit growers tif the country. swre to Come. The pitfcidtnt of thf l ulled states Is one nf the few fortunate Individuals in the country who nefd not bother about where the Thanksgiving meal Is going to come from. It is sure to come, in fact. It comes In kuch great quantities and In such great variety that it would take a man of more than Mr. Tift's ample build and consld tiably more than his rapacity tor enjoying good things to eat to get through the menu his friends would provide. There la a man up In New England who prides himself on raising turkeys. Some years ago he sent a monster bird to the White House for the president's dinner. The tuiky hsd been fed up In great style. It had been the pride of the farm and the neighborhood throughout that part of the cot If had watched the turkey grow into a iir state of perfection for the palate tit tho ('resident of the Culled States. The turkey made a great hit at the White House and since that day one prise bird and several others. Just for good measure, have been send down from the New Eng land farm for the Thangsgtvlng dinner at the White House. Other turkeys, to be sure, have been laid before the presidents at this season, but none has seemed to compare with the New England fowl and so each year the gift la repeated. As for vegetables, they come by the bar rel and for this one day at least, the housekeeper to the president need not give a single thought to the market house. A Happr Time. Thanksgiving at the White House, much the same as at Christina, Is a happy time. Indeed. For a family In which there are young people, the great big Colonial house offers the most entrancing opportunities for giving vent to the holiday spirit. Its great wide halls. Immense guest chambers which would make at least four good slxed bed rooms If they were partitioned off as such, the high colonial fire places, blazing with their sparkling logs and the big li brarythe While House living room are ideal. The smart company which will sit down to the Thanksgiving dinner this year with the president's family will have its dinner cooked right In the big White House kitchen by the three women cooks who have presided over the culinary depart ment since the administration changed hands. These white women are experi enced chefs and their excellent dirties have been the marvel of the guests In vited to the White House by the president and Mrs. Taft In former years the smaller kitchen ffT the executive man sion was used, but all that has been changed, and now the "ji at lutctu'ii." with its massive lUiiKe. its rows and rows of puts nd pans and Its great iuV tablet equipped Willi every convenience and cvei Jt v:c- to make cook 'tig easy, has be-n thi'O'.Mi open to the trio of cooks and the result is a pet feet service upstairs. Hteauilug, Hot. Ki m the kitchen downstairs the courses are si nl up to the puiitry on an automatic dumb ut:ll- and p.ao d Immediately In an electric oven, Just outside the doors lead ing lino tiie state dining room one way and the private dining room the other. Wien the first Thanksgiving dinner which Mr. Tuft will eat as president of the I'nlted States comes on the table It will be straight from the shelves of tills elec tric oven. Thu bat Is poured Into the oven ni' rely by the turning or a sw itch and each course will be taken Into the dinma room steaming hot. In the pantry Is stored all the famous china of the presidents, and for their first holiday dinner President and Mrs. Taft will uau the china selected by Mis. Roosevelt, and of which the Tafta ure very fond. It Is the last uf a famous col cctlun of china which has been gath er d together by every president since Washington.' The private dining room in which the Thanksgiving dinner will be eaten is particularly simple In its arrangement and appointments. A round mahogany dining table, a colonial mahogany buffet, a small serving table bidden behind a arreen when nut In use. and a simple old fashWned china closet with mahogany dining chairs complete the furnishings. Theie are many leaves lu the extension table, however, and no matter what the size of the Thanksgiving turkey may be there will be plenty of room on the presi dent's board for the big turkey dish and the steaming gravy boat. Bossing fhe Job. There will be a large corps of servants to make this year's Thanksgiving dinner a success. Since the change in administra tions a woman housekeeper has been in stalled in the White House, with full power to control In every department. A complete revision in the rules govern ing the industrial force has been made, also. Mrs. Taft, however, directs the en tire routine of running her own home, even though 1 Is the home of the presi dent. She Is noted as a hostess and as a housekeeper and not a detail of the man agement of the White House escapes her eye any more than it was permitted to do so when' the family lived here privately. The installation of the housekeeper was an Innovation, but Mrs. Taft plans every meal served within the walls of the ex ecutive mansion and the Thanksgiving dinner this year promises to be a wonder In Its way. For good cheer, attractive environments and the ever fascinating atmosphere of the colonial times which the mere arrange ment of the president's home suggests, one could not find a more complete com fort than within the White House. The open grate fire places are not merely built for ornamentation, but the logs are lighted with the first snap "of the frost and throughout the fall and winter they blaze away a welcome to every fortunate visitor Invited within the private pre cincts of the president's home. It will be a merry holiday this year and the big Old White House will revert again to the time honored custom of having its Thanks giving dinner at home. National Monthly. LIBERATI AT APPLE SHOW Famous Kalian fornetUt nnl His Rand Will l!ar at- Horticnl taral Kxhlblt at Bloffs. . I.lheratl and his band come this week to the Horticultural exposition at t'ouncil Blufrs. l.ih-ruti has played In all the prin cipal cities of the I'nited States and Kurope and is considered by many the grcatrst living cornetist. Besides a band of forty pieces he carries a troupe of grand opera singers, some of the best from Italy. They will sing from such operas as "t'arnien," "Lucia dl Ijimmeriuoor," "t'avallerla, Kustlcana." "Trovatore" and cithers. The coming of Itbcratl will afford an opportunity to hear one of the really great bands snd will aid materially in the success of the horticultural exposition. MIXING MEDICINE AT LINCOLN Former state Knilaeer llebua Sat Poll Ural (Juiuponnders Are B.. .dna R. Dobson of lJncoln, formerly secretary and engineer of the Htate Drain age board, was a rlsitor at the citf en gineer's office this morning. "All is peace able and quiet in IJncoln now," said Mr. Dobson. "Kverybody is saving his best things for next year's campaign, which we understand will be lively to a degree, uf course, a great deal of medicine mixing is going on, but In private laboratories mostly, and whether It will cure, surprise or kill the public remains to be s.en." KNIFE AND GUN OLD RIVALS Both Had Their Day in Old Times on the Mississippi. REGULAR PARI OF BOAT'S OUTFIT As to Which Wns the Better Weapon Depended Larnely on the Train ing; of the Man that Was I slna It. "Everything on th' oi' Mississlp' 's been a heap dlf'reiit since the wah f'm what 'twas afo'," said Caleb Mix, the veteran bartender on the Mississippi river packet City of Natchez. "Them days everybody 'peared to know Just where he stood, and there wa'n't no strugglin' an' heavln' up an' down for to get Into a new place or to hang onto the place you had. A nigger was a nigger an' a gambler was a gam bler an' a planter was Just nachully king pin o' the whole " alrth, an' there you was. But a'ler the wah noboddy knowed who he was nor where he stood, an' mo' special 'he didn't know nothln' about how t'other feller stood. "I reckon there wa'n't nobody hit harder 'n the gamblers was. Afo' the wah they was as reg'lar a part of a boat's outfit as the mate an" the rousters. They was a plzen lot. I never knowed one on 'em "t wa'n't a dog when you got at the reel inside of him. but they knowed their place, same 's everybody else did. an' f'r the most part they kep' In It. More 'n that, they had a law o' their own, such as 'twas, an' they didn't never call on nobody for to settle their difficulties for 'm. If there was any settlin' to be did they 'tended to it their own sclfs, 'thouten they'd get pulled sudden like case o' th' old man eatrhin' 'em doln' dirt or somepin' like that. Only One Thing Wrong. " 'Peared like there was on'y one thing what they reckoned as bein' wrong, an' that was fr t'other feller to try to do 'em up crooked, i If they catched anybody doin' that, or if anybody 'cused them o' doin' It. there wa'n't no argument nor no purrin' It off. It were a case o' whli'h'd be the quickest with his weeplns. "You'd think mebhe what that'd mean they was alays flghtin'. beln' as there wa'n't none on "cm 't wouldn't play crooked his own m jf; but that wa'n't the way It worked out. Knowin' the other feller was Just as liable for to shoot as he was made 'em he'll roarin' careful not to get caufcht. Same as 'twas among gentle, men them days. If one on "em insulted another he knowed he'd have to answer for it, an' that made 'em the most politest people there was. O' co'ss the gamblers copied 'sin about that, too, but the most o' the fights among the gamblers, when there was any. was over the card table. "An' fight! Well, they sure would fight. One thing you couldn't never say ag'ln no old-time gambler 't I ever knowed was 't he'd shirk a fight, no matter whether lie was right or wrong. 'Peered like they reckoned it was part o' their business an' they'd Just as soon fight as deal cards. Just nachully they was alays p'parcd. You mought find a gambler 'thouten any dl'monds In his shirt If he'd been runnln' In hard luck. They wouldn't part with 'em till the very last, beln' as they was sort o' stock In trade, you mought say, but If It come' to th' wurst they'd sell th' d'monds er borry money on 'em. None Without Weapons. "But you wouldn't never find a gambler 'thouten his weeplns, whether they was knives or guns, an' what they carried was th' best 't money c'd buy. There wa'n't so many revolvers before the war as there is now, bein' as they was new, an' wa'n't made like they was later on. There was some carried 'em reck'nin' that five or six shots was better'n one or two, but th' old time fighters was slow takln' 'em up. They useter claim what a man't knowed how to shoot didn't have no call to ohoot but oncet or twlcet anyway, an' they reckoned It was better to put a bullet Into a man whejt was big enough to sob o' Btun him an' turn him sick, even if It didn't kill nor it was to fill hint up full o' small holes. Fo a good many carried the old-fashioned der ringers. They was a wicked little rifle barrelled gun, no longer'n your finger, an' they mostly carried "em In the vest pocket, but they carried a almighty big ball an' they shot like cannon.. Some on 'cm was double barrelled, but mostly they carried 'em In pairs, single barrel, "Then there was a good many that didn't cotton to nothln' In the way o' firearms. They useter say what a man with a gun hadn't no show anyway a'ter he'd emp tied it. O'Vcourse the gun fighters'd say a man had'.no business to miss when he fired, but the others'd answer that a good many did miss Into a flgt no matter how clever they was an' the thing to have Was a Kiltie, a man cd keep usin' that as long's he c'd stand an' see an' was blc for to do mo' damage with It, nor he could with a gun any way. Depend on the .Man. "Don't ast me which on 'em was right. 1 reckon any man Is best off with the kind o wtapln he c'n use best, an' I've saw some monstrous good work done both ways. Bull Matthews an" Bill Piuekney was settin' In a game one night on the old Creole Belle with two other gamblers. There wa'n't no suckers on the boat that trip, an' it was dog eat dog. They'd been playln' f'r a hour or two, an' consid'ab'.e mom y 'd changed hands, when somepin' was said about a foul hand, an,' the lie was passed. I was in the s'loon at the time, an' 1 heer'd the words, hut afo' 1 c'd make out who 'twas talkin' Matthews fired f'm his vest pocket, not takln' time to draw. An' at the same lime Plnckuey drawed a knife f'm the back of his neck an' tli rowed It In the same motion. They hadn't neither one on 'em rose f'm his chslr, an' they didn't neither on 'cm g ?t up a'ter tat, beln' they was both deid. - "You couldn't tell, f'm r.utlilu' like that, which was best, a kulfe'r a gun, being' they was both beat, but I seen one fight on the Belle o' th' Bayous when even Cap'n Foss sya'n't quick enough to stop the shootln', an' there was two shots fired, but the man with the knife got his man first. "It were a case where three p'fesslonals an' three gentlemen a as playln' together, au' cat ' th' p fessionala was playln' ag'in the other two. "Twa'n't ofn 't anytlun' like that 'd happen, but Rud Owaltney butted Into the game a'yr Jim Halloway an' Harry uasseit naa got inree suckers roped. They didn't like It. o' course, but Rud was a man nobodykeered to pick a fight with. "I reckon It were a -good thing f'r tiie sinkers what he done It, f'r Bossett an" Halloway was two o' the slickest there was, an' If It hadn't 'a' been f'r Gwaltney likely they'd ha' skun the suckers In no time. More'n likely Gwaltney 'd Iia' did 'em up his own self If It hadn't 'a' been for th' other two, f'r he was as crooked as any on 'em, but he knowed he was bein' watched as clost as they was, an' I reckon the game was tol'able ntrrh bein' on the level fr the first part of It, anyway. Some Lookla' On. "They was playln' tol'able high an' there was quite some lookln' on, beln' as 'twas well known what Uassett an' Gwaltney 'd had trouble afo", an' there wa'n't never no tellin" what mought happen into a game as ser'ous as what that un was; mora special as t'ap'n Kos.i was watchlu' It,' an' It was knowed all up an' down the river what he didn't make no bones o' stoppln' a game if he seen atiythin' outen the way let alone putiin' a man asho' In the woods If he catched blm playin' funny. "Well, there waa a young cotton factor fr'm New Orleans in the game what was havin' consld'ahle of o run o' luck, an' him an' a old Judge fr'm Helena. Ark., what wac huloin' some good cards had two or three runins, the coiton factor gettin' the u. si on It, so betwixt em, not a flghin' sperrit. mind ye, but a strong hankerln' for to do each other. They hadn't had no struggle any time when one o' lha p'fcsMonals was dealin' an' there wa'nt no thought o' crooked play, but the Judge was Just a-yearnln' for to get back at the cotton factor, un' he didn't hido his feulin's none to well. "liimeby It como iull Mathews' deal, an' the cotton factor made the ante two call five. They 'd been playin' a dollar ante afore an' it looked like what moH likely what 'twus, Just a efroit to iug his luck along, but there didn't nobody make no 'bjections, an' the next man, he nas a planter fr'm Los'sianuy, he come in. Gttallney set next an' he trailed, but th' old judge lie boosted it 10. I c'd see Bassett look at Matthews, but 1 reckon he d'rin'l get no signal an' he lay uown, but Matthews lie studied his hand a spell o.l.l then Hailed. "jnai brutig il back to the age, an' he made il (it) more, 'the planter, he studied, an' then he finger d hia chips like he was goin' to boost it again, but finally he Just trailed, vthsi he had I duiino, but he givii everybody the Idee 't he was tollable strong, an' t lie on'y reason he hadn't rose it afo' was long o' act tin where he did. firr Turned a Hair. "Uwallney never turned a hall, but he made goud un the double raise, an' set back, wah In. They tald the on'y fault In hia play was 'I he was liable to take long chances in the draw. "Then the Judge, he says, 'I reckon this Is where I get some o' my chips back, an' be rose It M. 'Twa'n't no good play If be wanted to keep th' others in. but 'peared like he was aimln' mostly at the factor. If he was he got what he was a'ter, far t'oUisri all lay down, but the factor went back at him with another hundred. It wajj a tol'able stiff play, an I c'd see It puzzled the Judge, but It didn't stagger him, not for a minute; All's he says was, 'Well, you may have a bigger hand 'n I think, but I'll see that bet," an" he covered It. "Then the factor, he kind o' smiles, an" he.says 'Yo mought give me one card,' an' Matthews slips It to him, but before the Judge could say whether he wanted any or not Gwaltney speaks up, as quiet as if he'd been astln' f'r a cup o' coffee, an' he says, 'I wouldn't advise you to take that card, sir, not If you need one to fill yo' hand, I wouldn't. Yo' see It didn't coma f'm off'n the top o' the deck.' "I never knowed, nor nobody else never did, what made him make a break llktt that, 'thouhten he'd made up his mind to huve It out with Matthews an' wouldn't wait no longer. "Cap'n Foss he waa standiu' behind Matthews an' not more'n four foot from him. - He made a Jump, an' he was cotv sld'able iiulclcer'n a cat, too, but afore he c'd K n il him. Matthews had a derringer In each liuud an' had fired twicet, 'Peared like ho must ha' been look in' f'r Gwaltney lo do somepin' an' was ready to shoot afore he done It. ."Anyway he shot straight, an' both bul lets was found In Gwaltney brain later. 'Peared like he must ha' been plumb dead when lie rlx outen his chair, but he rlz all right, an' when he readied across the table he had his bowle In his hand. Moreu't tiiat, he hud such a grip onto il that whea he fell he drug Matthews down with him. f'r he done drove It plumb to the hilt down ifiwlde Matthews' collar bone. "Well, that was all there was to that. B.th on 'em was stone dead, so there wa'n't nothiu' to be did, an' even at that they didn't 'peur to settle the question whi ther u knlf-i is better'n a gun or "Whether 'taln't." LOCAL EXCURSION ON TUESDAY Plant of Swift A Cunipanr to Re Vis Ited by Commercial Club Members, The Omaha Commercial club has arx ranged for another local trade excursion for Tuesday. Kwlft &. Co. of South Omah has invited the members of the club 14. visit the plant un that date and the InvU tutiou has been accepted. Officers of th packing company say they will have all Ml. inn departments In full operatlog a(, that time. All members are requested 14 meet at the ( 'onunercial club rooms Tu'm day at 12 o'clock and special cai-s will leave ihe corner of Fifteenth and Kamai, streets at 12:10 shatp. Lunch will be served by Swiri Co., after which the plant will be Insp cted. A yisr ago thee local trade exciirsionl were Inaiigui at d and trips were made In the jobbing diMiict and later to the Unlul Pacific shops. Trout for Hapld reek. PI Kit RE, a. D., Nov. 12. - Special. M The government Is stocking Rapid CltJ with 1.,0 000 trout this fall, and the man. agement of Hlsiga, the Pierre summet ratnp, has secured I6O.011O of them for the creek at that point and promises futuif rport for the Pterreresldeots of that camp.