Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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Every article mentioned In thU
page of store news In worthy of
special mention. Monday will be
day of more than ordinary
Your are always absolutely!
certain of high grade and
correct styles in everything
you select at Brandeis Stores.
m m "
71 T5) F WOT3
JJ) Ji I A. JL Li' Jli
$1 Dress Goods at 50c
This season's imported and domestic dress
goods in a fine range of patterns and
weaves with newest colorings. A big pur
chase from an eastern jobber at 35c on the
dollar of semi rough suitings, diagonals,
-French and Storm Serges, barred patterns
and satin cloth, fancy wor
sted suitjngs ranging from
43 to 50 inches in width
on bargain square, yard
All Our
Dress Goods Specials
Theodora Suitings are a class by them
selves. They are made in Glauchan, Saxony,
by the foremost manufacturers.
All the Theodora Broadcloth, yard $2.25
All the Theodora Diagonals regular price $4, S2.50
All the Theodora Novelties, worth $2.60 & $3, 81,95
All the Theodora $2 Cream Serges, yard. .. .$1.39
All the $2.60 Black Theodora Broadcloth, yd., 31.59
37 different shades navies, greens, browns,
tans, grays, Copenhagen and Alice, Wisteria
and black on bargain square,
3 cases from the jobbers on special counter,
main floor embracing English two-tones,
checks and stripes, mohairs, all
wool batistes, etc., yard
25c Embroideries, 10c Yd.
Fine embroidered nainsook, Swiss and cam
bric flouncings, skirtings, edgings and in
sertions medium and wide . fl fTS '
widths up to 16 in. wide jj U H P
worth up to 25c yard, at, yard U w.
50c Embroideries, 25c Yd.
18-inch fine embroidered flouncings skirtings
and corset cover embroideries effective de
si ens in English evelet. JaD- 3a C5
o " " ' M M jm.
anese, blind, floral many
worth 50c a yard, at, yard.
Kid Glove Sale
Women's 3-clasp kid gloves "Perrin's" La
Mure real Grenoble kid Paris point stitch
inggreen, blue, red, gray, tan, brown, black
and white fitted to the hand d CA
Main counter, pair vlv
Women's kid cape and gauntlet gloves 'tans, grays,
black, brown, red and white on special bargain
square Monday worth up to $1.60 pair C
it, pair
Girls' and boys, rough
rider gloves tan, black
and gray worth , up
Women's and children's
cashmere and Scotch
gloves and mittens
black, brown, gray A m
' and white, worth I
up to tic, pair
Turkey 'Novelties
For Thankaglving
at Sweetland, East Arcade
A great showing of the cleverest
novelties small papier mache
Turkey Candy Boxes just the
thing for place favors great
lots at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c
Imitation Fruits Apples, pears,
lemons and oranges, each, 5c
Thanksgiving Mottoes or Snap
ping Bon Bons, at, box.'. .75c
Glace Fruits and Nuts, lb., 50c .
Imported French Fruits.
Imported French Fruits, very select apricots,
pears, figs, green gages and limes, A
at, lb. OUC
Women's Heavy Underwear
Women's fine Swiss ribbed vests and tights 7Ca
$1 quality, at. a garment f 91
Women's fleece lined Women's fleeced lined
union suits; extra good ' vests and pants all
?trBpye:ci,a;q??l:..69c r.8: 25c-39c
Women's silk underwear; Italian silk vests; pink,
blue and white $2 quality, A
at, each fleO J
nported Models in ? omen's Gowns,
Costumes and Wraps Will Be Sold
At Exactly One-Half Price
ill HlfefEil
FJ Is M n 1 Ms i
p''iI i 0
This exquisite apparel has been admired by thous
ands of Omaha women during its display this season.
Every garment was personally selected last summer
by our own representative in Paris, Berlin, Vienna
and London. It is the rarest of chances to buy ex
quisite imported attire at just half price.
$125 Ooicn from Beers chiffon over gold moire.... $62.60
$119 llaudnitz Amethyst colored hand embroidered draped wrap $59
$145 Beers draped Mantilla with heavy gold lace $72.50
$185 Agnes embroidered apricot colored 3 piece costume $92. 60
$125 Rose colored Crepe Meteor hand embroidered gown $59
$89 Moon colored Henrietta hand embroidered costume . $45
$250 Perdeaux white duchess, all hand embroidered gown $125
225 Daeuillet, lavender hand embroidered and bugle trimmed goum ..$ 119
$195 Beer solid black jetted tunic over satin gown $98
$125 llaudnitz black satin jet trimmed Mantilla.
$125 Hermann Gerson Amethyst hand emh. broadcloth cape ...m$65
$198 Maurice Mayer Atlantic blue satin jet and martin triirid cape $98
125 Herman Gerson American Beauty lied B'dcloih Carriage Wrap, $65
$198 Perdeaux Allover Lace full length chiffon lined wrap $98
$150 Herman Gerson Blue Broadcloth hand emb., full length coat.. $75
For Women's Tailored Suits
That are Worth op to $55
These suits are of extremely high quality
every correct new Btyle feature is in
cluded. They are beautifully tailored.
For Women's Tailored
Worth Up to $75
These exauislte suits have all the ele
gance of expensive imported suits. The tail
oring is perfect; many are quite elaborate.
Women's Tailored
Worth up to $12.50
at $6.98 Jn iblacks
and all cplorp, made
with new yoke and
kilt pleat effects-
Extra good $f98
values, at U
Tailored Waists
In all new styles
just the correct
thing for wear with
tailored suits
3 special groups at
Absolutely Dependable Quality in
Miffs, Scarfs and Coats
Mink Scarfs at . $25, $35, $50, $75, $98
Mink Muffs, rug or pillow shape, $39, $49, $59, $65, $75 and $95
Black Lynx separate Scarfs at $35, $39, $49 $59
Black Fox Sets rug muff, shawl scarf at $50
Pony Skin Coat 50 inches long, at $39
New 50-inch Near Seal Coats, at $60 and $85
52-inch Caracul Coats at $89
50-inch Blended Squirrel Coat at $145
52-inch Sealskin Coat at $650
52-inch guaranteed Sealskin Coat first quality, at $950
Special prices on this dainty convent made lingerie
gowns, chemises, corset covers and drawers on our 2d floor.
Imitation French Flannels
Arnold's bookfold superfine' Imita
tion French flannels this sea
son's newest styles. Beautiful de-
. signs for kimonos, dressing sac
ques, etc., sold elsewhere at 15c
a yard from
the bolt here, at
Silk Dot and Stripe Crepe
In" all the wanted plain
shades, also black and white
positively worth 25c yard
from the bolt, H.i p
Monday, at, yard. . . 2v
Scotch Plaid Gingham
500 full bolts a great new
lot, made to sell at I2V2C a
yard Monday a saving of
9c on every yard. Q 1 ' a
Think of it; only, yd.W 2 1
Manchester Percales
For years the most desirable and best
known of all the ?6-lnch wide
printed cloths ior waists and
dresses. A fortunate purchase en
able us to sell '.ha new
est designs In light and
dark grounds, neat bor
ders, at, yard
Linen Bourette Suiting
27 inches wide; looks like Imperial
' chambray, worth 12 hie a yard,
in plain shades, blue, tan, pink,
brown and gray,' C
at. yard . .
Outing Flannela
Softest of all outing flannels;
warm and will not shrink up like
the cheaper grades; also pink,
blue, white and cream Cinderella
flannels, Q 1
at. yard "fC
Mercerized Watering
Mercerized cotton serge walstlng
and suiting; desirable mill
lengths, worth up
to 26c a yard, at,
a yard ,
Wool Face Eiderdown
Pink, blue, gray, red and white
all wool face eiderdown for chil
dren's coats, warm kimonos, etc.;
8 Be grade, from the O '
bolt, at, yard IOC
Exceptional Bargains in Blankets and Comforters Monday
Monday we will place on
able to offer such a blanket
$10 and 8 Genuine St.
Mary's and North Star
wool blankets money
cannot buy better blan
kets white, tan, grey,
check and delicate plaids
sale a lot of fine, all wool and cotton blankets bought extraordinarily cheap. It is very doubtful if ever again we will be
and comfort bargain. They are well worth twice these price
Full size comforters. Once a
year we buy fell the comforts
from a large manufacturer
one to three of a kind fine
sllkollne covered, with pure
white, cotton fillings scroll
stitched or tufted with runt
ed edges while SRn
they last. earh U
it ' a
6 strictly all wool blankets;
full 11x4 siie. are, for
all wool blankets, are ' for
extra size beds, plain white,
grey, tan and plaids of dif
ferent colors, sold every
where at It a pair SAQS
tomorrow, at, a J
$3.00 12x4 slxe Beacon wool-
knap and Jacquard border
ed blankets; finest cotton
blankets that can be bought
There Is no larger slxe
made, measure 72x84 Inches
ifciold everywhere 9.
at 13 to 13.50, at,
a pair
$2.60 Imported Oerman bath
robe blankets extra large
size bath robe or wrapper
blankets light, dark and
medium colors absolutely
fast colors; one Ag.
makes a robe, at, rJftP
each vuv
Lester Goods
Every novelty for women,
men and misses In leather
bags. In all the Imported,
fancy leathers and frames,
jeweled and band carved
and plain bill books, card
cases, coin purses, collar
boxes, toilet sets, etc.
r. ; .1 .-,.J,mJ -a-,.,, .,, i uai A. ;;.;.T.,fi. "
sifFffiri O IM! Wh RPH
mm it j it r 1 111 .1 a 1 .v. j . 1 1 n . r
KK ' V,. it V X I "i. 11 II M Kl UniM
cr . c-v .il ia., mi
n, IS:
Imported Cameos
Purchaoed direct and
mounted in solid gold by
Omaha workmen, in scarf
pins, cuff links, tie pins,
brooches and pendents at
popular prices.
sl Dress Foulards 50c
"We bought another fine lot of satin Fnconno
and .Taoquard 24-inch finest Foulards. On
account of the prominence of the manufac
turer, whose reputation for Foulards is a
household word, we withhold his name.
Newest shades of vieux, rose, oatawba, wis
teria, new browns,
resedas, fK
rtle, taupe, grays, tans, f f 1 3 tffc
navies and black and white nnvlfiPri
combinations Monday, yard. V Vli
Full 27-inch Peau de Cygne, Peau de Mescaline, Toau
Cashmere all street shades and evening tints in this
fine lot pof-itively worth $1.35 yard nrQ
Monday in silk department, yard S JC
50c AND 69c SILKS AT 25c & 29c YARD
to encircle
98c ,
Bordered Pompadour, Dresden and Cameo effects
27-inch Rosco silks, silks for party dresRes, silks for
waists and scarfs 'Values to C9c
yard on bargain square, yard . . .
27-inch Antolne Guinet & Cie special dressmaker pure
dye black dress taffetas. This is an unusual offering
a $1.25 article very special
Lynx, m i n k,
marmot a n d
fox -'black,
brown and
white trim
med with poin
setta, gold and
silver braids,
roses, etc.
Worth up to
$10, at
Black Velvet Untrimmsd Hals
All new large sailors-both the roll side and
the straight brim very nice grade of black
a"e.':,....$1.98 $3.50
$7.50 Sample Hats at S2.50
Velvet and silk frames trimmed in ostrich
tips, fancy feathers, velvet chous, C C Q
TiMnrffl on1 -T1 ATrnro rolnnc tin Mr
XUO C4X1V4 nun iOy vuiuva UH '
to $7.50, at
Hair Goods
The Greatest Sale Ever Hold
in Omaha
Our preparations
for this greatest of
all hair goods' sea
son has resulted in
stocks such as have
never before been
assembled in any
one store. And this
tremendous buying
has enabled us to
name prices that are
actually lower than
most smaller deal
ers have to pay.
Reman Braid
9 ft rnh Aa Inn cr
1n fit thrt braid for
the new turban Coronation Braid
coiffure $P9S the entire head.
$8 value. ,6 yalue, for ... ,
itches for the new turban coiffure made .
from fine, natural, wavy hair,
$12.00 value, for . . '.
24-lnch natural wavy hair switches;
$7 value, this sale, for
Puffs at Half Price
8 in set: made of beautl- i 6 in set; made of fine
ful, natural halr.OQ 1 halr-
$2 value, for ... JUv I value, for
Made of natural curly hair Just the thin to do away
with tho rats and rolls encircles me entire
head: would lie cheap at 3, priced at Ills
sale, at
Auto Nots; extra large size
Monday only, at
Halrdresslnf, shampooing, coloring, rcalp treatment,
beauty maspage. manicuring, and a line of toilet goods too
numerous to mention.
: Catptar ( Grl M.riu
Ohio Traced to Boy's
Bel royal.
A whole lot of questions that survived
the civil war will b discussed and never
settled so long as any of the participants
are alive. On of these Is around the death
of General John H. Morgan, the confederate
leader, who led a raid Into Ohio and In
diana and penetrated farther Into northern
territory than any other southern com
. mander. General Morgan was captured
near the Ohio river, carried, to the Ohio
penitentiary, escaped, reorganised his com
mand and was killed at Greenevllle. Tenn.
N. H. Gaines, a dentist at 111 Main
street, was adjutant Irf General Morgan's
eommand and saw his commander killed at
GroeaavUlo. 11 had Investigated the causes
of the surprise, capture
Morgan. An ansmer to a letter written to
Greenevllle recently Is, he believes, the true
"I had always believed that a young
woman, the daughter-in-law of Mrs. Cath
erine D. Williams, whose husband was with
the union army, gave the federals Informa
tion w hich led to the surprise, capture and
dealh of General Morgan." Mr. Gaines
said. "When wt approached the Wil
liams home on the day before Morgan was
killed we saw this yonng woman ride aaay
from the house. General Morgan was sus
picious and asked Mrs. Wtlltaraa who the
young woman, was and where ' ahe was
going. The reply . was thai the young
woman was going to a neighbor's house
for watermelons. The answer was frankly
given and we believed It at the time. But
after the general's death every one be
lieved that the woman who waa aeea 'to
and shooting of ride away from the house went to where
General A. G. Gillem, the federal com
mander, was camped and told him where
Morgan could be found. Morgan stayed
all night In the Williams house and was
captured early the next morning. He was
shot after he had surrendered and given
up his arms.
"I wrote to Greenevllle some time ago,
asking the postmaster to refer my letter
to some one who knew of the circumstances
of General Morgan's death. I received an
answer from A. B. Wilson of that place,
who looked into the matter. His answer
acquits the young woman of treachery
I forty-five years after the death of Mor
Mr. Wilson's account of the death of the
southern raider follows:
"It Is Impossible to run down or refute
all reports In relation to this event. Be
cause a woman let the home of Mrs. Wil
liams shortly after the arrival of Morgan,
General Duke Jumped to the conclusion
that she had acted traitor and reported
Morgan's whereabouts to General Gillem
This Is false. The young Mrs. Williams,
daughter-in-law of Mrs. Catherine P. Wil
liams, while her husband was, I suppose,
a union man and within the federal linns,
was a southern sympathizer just the same.
t?he was, before her marriage, a Run
baugh, one of the best families of Virginia,
and had two brothers in the southern army.
One was a captain and the other was a
"The truth is that sue went to a farm
owned by her mother-in-law. four miles
from Greenevllle, where she was seen by
a liumber of persons. She Intended to re
turn with watermelons for the distinguished
guett. On account of a heavy rain she dii
aot return until the next day, but spent
the night with Mrs. Surtley, a tenant on
the farm, and came Into Greenevllle that
morning Just after th'j federals had entered
the town. She was escorted Into town by
federal pickets,, thua rousing the suspicion
that she had betrayed Morgan.
"I have also seen the dispatch from
Washington giving the credit of Morgan's
deulh to a Mrs. Sarah E. Thompson, who
dlfd August 20, this year. This is equally
false. Mrs. Thompson had been mai n -a
about four times. ' Her firH hushanJ,
Thompson, whose name he chose tj go by,
I was a federal scout, or, perhaps, a buBh-
trip of eighteen miles to General Glllem's
"The person who did give the Informa
tion to General Gillem, which caused
Morgan's death and the capture of hi
command, was a boy named John Leady
and others who gave the directions as to
how to move In order to effect the sur
prise of General Morgan. In fact, General
Gillem sent a dispatch to his superior
officers Intended to put an end to the
rumors of a woman's having betrayed the
confederate general. In this he stated that
no woman had given him the InformaiUn
whicker, during the v ar. I have heard that led to the capture and killing of Gen-
of her setting up the claim of having
cauned the death of Morgan with the Id' a
of getting a pension by set of congress. 1
am certain that she had nothing whatever
to do with the matter. It would have been
Impossible for a woman to have made the
eral Morgan."
The young woman who was suspected
of this treachery seems never to have
denied the charge. Mr. Gaines does ,.ot
know what becamti of her. Kansas City I Theobald, a volunteer fireman.
Time,' I ously Injured,
Immense Plant of Cincinnati Con
cern Destroyed, with Unnrter
Million Loss.
CINCINNATI, O., Nov. 13 -The Immense
plant of the Union Distilling company,
known as the Kdgemont Springs Dlxtllleiy
at Carthage, a suburb of this city, w:n
almost completely destroyed by fire e&i iy
today. The loss Is etlmuted at between
S2M).nOO and $100,000. The plant Is fully In
sured. The entire plant of the dlftlllery, with the
exception of the bonded warehouse and the
engine house, were destroyed. There were
numerous explosions during the progress
I of the fire and In one of theite Wiijfim