Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 7, Image 15

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Eskimo Funeral Customs Do Wot
Include Barying.
Rod Ira nf llf prtfil lor Dwellers An
Left on IIIIU to He Food
for ih lloilni WII4
Hep at.
POINT HOPE. Alaska. Oct. l.-The re
cently reported burial of the skulls and
bons of 1,200 long dead F'.eklmos In the
episcopal bury In ground here under the
direction of Bishop P. T. Howe may bring
about a change In burial customs In the
north. Thfl ekulls and bon were picked
up en the surface of Hi" ground lUKt
whro they were left, maybe a thousand
yrnra ago.
All along the shores of the Arctic from
Tape Prince of Wale to f,abrador and far
Into the tintravelled Interior thl appar
ently heartless custom of leaving the dead
a prey to wolves and half wolf dog haa
prevailed from time Immemorial. Thera la
scarcely a rldh' or headland In all the
vnst territory over which the F.sklmoa
have roamed that has not somewhere upon
it a place of akulla.
There la nothing that mora Impresses the
Arctic traveler than thee ever preaent
skull an they stare, out from their dark
uioea beda on the froaen hills of tha north
land. Some of them have kept their long
vigils through centurlea and crumble at
the touch like chalk. Other ara atart
llngly fresh from the framework of tha
Tell your Eskimo guide that ba ahould
bury hi dead and lie will tell you that
In summer water would coma Into tha
j grave. Tell him that In civilised landa
ihey aometlrnea cremate tha dead and ha
will be horrified. Aa a matter of fact,
the custom of leaving he dVad on tha
Arctic hilltop to be the food of ravage
beasts Is natural and unavoidable.
Could .'Sot Il Oraivaa.
The digging of a grave In the far north
even In Bummer with the toola possessed
by the Eskimos la next to impossible,
for even In July tha ground Immediately
beneath the tnoss that covera the surface .ry where Ih frozen aa hard aa granite
to an unknown depth. Even where under
ground Ice la found tha Eskimos wou'd
consider the making of a. grave a uaelesa
expenditure of energy and at the same
time a cruel proceeding, for tha thought Of
having to lie In Icy water la unbearable
to an Eskimo. So their dead ara left on
the dry hilltop'.
Although the dead are Iftft on their
mossy beds beneath the unprotectlng atara
It must not be thought that there ia no
sorrow whan dsath visits an Eskimo vil
lage. There are no more affectionate
people In the World; thla In tha testimony
of everyone familiar with their waya. But
they typify the childhood of the raca.
Their grief, like that of children, la acuta
and ia aoon over with.
Men, women and children aob when tha
eye of tha alck no longar respondi to the
peculiar death teat, and In tha old days
their sorrow was doubly Intense when at
the rrqueat of the patlant the end waa
hastened by a friendly knlfa thrust and
the helpless sufferer waa put out of pain
forever. For half aa hour tha weeping
may continue. Then tha acme changes.
Tba Igloo is orowded with neighbors.
Only tha little corner where tha corpse Ilea
Is vacant. Outside there ara mors people
with dog sleds to which ara harnessed the
finest dogs In the village. Soon the corpse
la carried out, and if a man it la placed
upon tha aled which was and, acoordlng to
Ksklmo ethics, .still la,- hla own.
ltmskr Kid Raaa Ahead.
A small boy runs ahead of tha dead
man's dor team with tha cry, "Hakt
Hakl" and tha funeral procession ia in
stantly under way. A dosen dog aleda,
f) with their Ivory runnera creaking In the
cold are flying over tha snow, on they
go, soma behind, soma ahead, some abreaat
of tha Improvised heara. There la no sys
tem, no precedence, no ceremony. It Is
too cold for ceremony, so oa they fly, tha
aleda bumping and bounding over the
uneven surface of the snow.
At tha top of soma ridge, mayb a mil
from tha village, the cortege halts. Tha
dead man la lifted from th aled and laid
upon th anow. Clad in hla everyday
garments of deerskin and wrapped In a
walrus skin shroud they leave blm there
with tha friends who have gone before.
His weapons, his aled and all tha per-
aonal property that tha oommunlatlo aoolety
In which ha lived allowed him to possoss
Wis left there beside him.
1 K'fiht then and there all mourning oeaaea.
There, ia not a dog In tha Arctic that does
not know that a funeral without a dog
raca would be a farce. Every child,' every
malamoot pup In the-village knows that
the team that wins this funeral race will
win honor and froaen acal meat from
avcry igluo.
1 Alniom aa Boon aa the body touchea tha
-around they aie off. Across the tundra
they fly, dugs, detached pups, men, women
c lilldi. n and vliii f mourners, all lacing
and shouting frantically. The occasion ,a
onu of ronf us on and wild hilarity.
In thia way Ilia Arctlo hns disposed of
her dead, for no one knows how many
generations. Time are no tearful dUgeJ,
no flowers all run upon newly moulded
graves. There ia ho ulumpt made to make
the occasion Impressive, no attempt to
perpetual (he memory of anyone. .
In th wild excitement of the race tha
aoriow of these childlike people has faded
Implements Kvuud with Buart,
Among thu white bones that glisten on a
tliuuiand northern hills may be found the
tiles of the Arctic race. Odd tools are
lnn lannioiad out of flint and slate or
beautifully polished Jade or Ivory. Old
tows and arrows that have rotted away
In the grip of dead neu'i hands, wonder
ful ivory and topper spear heads, and all
the weapons that were one scattered upon
Arctic battlefields were left within reach
of the hands tiiat shaped them during life,
sume p.. n,i that served as seal oil lamps
W i? lhia and odd wooden vessels thai
rvrd a drinking cups before the rhipe
mine In from the mjstertoua dl. tares car
rying i n and granite ware.
.No monuments mark the renting places
of the iiad, Lut often the groat ribs of
ti e v. Iiule are urn standing her and there
Shove tie? skulls of time ho utile time
ilic gone i., were doubtless fa
il. hai pooners.
l.tfoic ivilixatiois re.iclKd out Into th
,-. s.'.le no Eskimo v an ever known to steal
ui! of Uirse relic from their dead. But
c.vliisstiou biought new standards of right
h id wrung. U s soon found that there
i elk could be bartered with tha white
ii. hi for oil kinds of things that were, new Mrange. in the north, and so the rob
U: V of the dead ben n. ,
.ivery year now these hilltops yield L.
lewtaie to It. living. Keen the K.n,a cf
,.c dtsd uit not immune from th vandal
of modern coii.tneio and on aeveral
. ; h small bu a have clambered on
'bo i di alilpa besrlr.g in their hands the
ikulia of their own ancealors. w till It they
ij tried to ale-ll at a fair pru
Along Auto Row
Atlaatle Aatomoblla Co. Will aa
oim oa T ar a a m. Btaadard Auto
Co. Oconpisa Whit stsamsr Qwrags
Time has been v. hen the dealer might go
slung any sort of way and soil his car.
Any sort of talk-any kind of demotintr;i
tlon would answer the purpose. Now the
game Is different vastly different. It
takes a man, a man as keen as mustard.
to live through It. He must Re as honest I
as the dsy Is long. He must sell a good
car; he must know that It Is good. Mis
take are Irreparable In a life splitting
game. The worst thing to blast a dealer's
chances Is the collapse of a vital part
of his car at a time when It should hold
up best.
Th lima has blown over when a man
or woman In th city will rid around
In a tar not advertised and talked about.
It is natural. Nobody wishes t be con
spicuous who has the least elegance In
their makeup. And they become con
spicuous at onca when somebody has to
say: "I don't know that car. It's a new
on on me. Ion't sea It talked of." Nor
do they feel comfortable spinning around
In a car once much talked of, but now
scarcely heard of.
Thera waa a time when dealers might
ship any sort of cars Into the country
for the "country trade." as they termed
It (thla Is not so much practiced in Omaha,
however, as In other cities) but the fsrmers
and merchants of the country s re becoming
the largest buyers of cars; they read, they
know befor you apeak, the mechanical
makeup of almost every car la on their
tongue and they no longer take what la
left. They want a car that ts talked of
and written about, and a car that does
thing. That's what the farmer and the
erchant of the country want. And they
are getting It. too.
Th Orummond Carriage company has
leased the building on Farnam street for
merly used as a gsrag for th White
Steamer to the Htandard Automobile com
Drummond will hereafter conduct his au
tomobile bUMlness at his main plnr of
business on Eighteenth street. He has re
duced his stock of vehicles sufficiently to
enable him to show them on the second
floor, and the main show room on tha
first floor has been overhauled for an au
tomobile salesroom. This puts hla auto
mobile business under the same roof with
hla top manufactory and repair depart
ments, both of which hav been enlarged
and fitted out with modern machinery.
Tha main floor, to be used for office and
salesroom of th White Steamer, will bo
provided with large glass doors and glass
show windows. In the 1-ane will be an
elevator entrance for the repair depart
ment. Altogether, th plant Is now on
of th best appointed In this section of
the country for top and body building
and for all sorts of repairs to cars.
It Is the Intention of Drummond to push
th automobile department more vigor
ously than ever. Hla agency embraces
th White Steamer. Whlta Gasoline car
and th Woods Electric, all cara of high
class, wall known and popular In this
Drummond said: "Probably the most re
markabl demonstration of fuel economy
ever made, even by a Whit 8teamr,
which requires a minimum of gasoline, was
recently recorded by H. B. Scott In south
ern Kansas. Mr.. SooU, Chanute, Kan.,
who Is an owner of a 1910 kerosene burn
Ing White Steamer, during tha four weeka
this fail after tha delivery of hla machine,
traveled 1,174 miles over Kansas roads, hla
fuel maintenances for that mileage
amounting tb 17.48. Thla remarkable record
of fuel economy ia accounted for to soma
degree by th fact that Mr. Scott's Whit
Bteamer Is on of th kerosene burning
type and ha Uvea in an oil producing re
gion and can get hla keroaen at a low
price. This fuel coat It an average of less
than one-third oent a mile and la the more
remarkable that th mileage waa made
exclusively on rough-country roads."
Guy Smith said: "Th same reasons that
mak tb Franklin eaay on tlrca mak It
easy to rlda In It. Vibrations from road
shocks ar taken up, not transmitted
through th automobile to th passenger as
la th caa with rigid steel-frame and semi
elliptic spring construction. And th larger
th tlrss to th weight of an automobile
th eaaler It rides. Tou caa rid long die
tances In a Franklin without fatigue. Tour
nerve system la not put under strain by
vibration and jolting."
Bllli Leitch of the Whit Steamer com
pany la in Omaha now. Leitch la th man
who made th thrilling run In thla city In
a Whit few year ago.
Jack Comlakey of the White Steamer in
Chicago la her.
Ernest Sweet went to Indianapolis last
week to hurry up th American.
Charles Urg of th Standard Automobile
company returned from New fork last
maek. where ha drov the National In th
Vanderbllt cup race.
Mers was leading th winning man In
that race Until his motor got In trouble.
"Such a thins never happened with th
National baforc," be said, spesklng of the
race. "All around, the race was a peculiar
ons. About vry oar In It whs In trouble,
and they were cgrs which usually ar free
of ordinary troubles."
The two Ttddy bears at Ktedrickson's
garage are still attracting much attention,
both from the youngsters and grownupa.
H. E. Frodrlckson returned x Thursday
mot fling from Detroit and Buffalo, whera
he apent two weeka In an endeavor to
huiry forward 1910 cara for fall delivery.
Hia efforts were in a measure successful,
thi result being that twelve carloads wi.
promised by Saturday, comprising Hudson,
Chalmers-Detroit, Thomas and Plercc
Airow automobiles.
After having been engaged in the auto
mobile business for the short porlod of two
years. Hugh Chaln.tre of the Chalmers-IH-trolt
Motor oompany has been elected
to membership on the executive committee
of the Aoctation of Licensed Automobile
Not only is this a very greut honor for
a man of ao few yeara, but the f in that
Mr. Chalmers bought an Interest In a
Detroit company which was making liC
cars a year, and haa in on yar pushed
the production and salea of this company
to a point where It is now In the very
front rank among automobile companies,
tttests very highly to his ability.
Th coming year wll probfcaly be th
most Important In the history of th
licensed association and Mr. Chalmers'
election to th executive oommltte at this
particular tlni la taken aa an unusual
compliment to hi ability. Ills ceneral
buFtnaas experience, sound policies and ex
J ceptlonat business judgment Influenced bis
! election to a large dgre.
I It will b remembered that Mr. Clialnvre
commencvd hia business career as office
boy for a $l0 0O0.0o cash register corp.wa
tlon at Oavton, O., and at the age of t h
had reached to tha extent that he at
at that time vice president and general
manager at a salary of $r:,0u per year
He gave tip this position in order to go
Into the automobile business for hlmslf,
Ills Idea bring that an automohile could
be built Just a perfectly and made to give
the same general satisfaction as a cash
register or any ntlirr high grade, Intricate
The Mid-Weft Automobile company Is
pushing the Cole ear In Nebraska at a
lively clip. The car Is trim and goes along
easily. It illmbh hills and goes through
sand and If always r-ady. The Cole is
new in this market, but is making good
W. I,. Huffman Automobile company Is
showing the tew 1SI0 Inter-State. They
are grsoeful and are a derided Improve
ment upon the last model.
Th Standard Automobile company ha
taken the new garage next to Kimball's
and is showing the Htandard Six. The Na
tional Is expected within the next few day,
and the Traveler about the same time.
VanBrunt Automohile company has re
ceived the new Overland and i shipping
them out by th carload.
The demand for the Fuller car. handled
by the Pioneer Implement company of
Council muffs, ha broken ail record. The
car is sold all over Iowa.
Wallace Automobile company received the
Stearns last wek. It I one of the niftiest
machines seen on Farnam.
Denlse Harkalow Is showing the Pack
ard. The 1910 model I a great car and Is
attracting a great deal of attention.
C. V. Herring, president of the Atlantic
Automobile company of Atlantic and Coun
cil Bluffs, spent several daya In Omaha
last week looking over Farnam for a loca
tion. He expects durina- the nrenent month
to have a home In Auto How for the Ford,
Keo and Premier.
Two cars that will attract considerable
attention this season are the Schacht and
the International. The International has
arrived and the Pehaet is expected soon.
It was noticed that many of the visitors
to the National Automobile show at At
lanta this week carried with thetn stylish
Quaker drab envelopes containing beauti
fully embossed and hand-lettered Invita
tions In Chippendale paper to the Waverley
exhibit In space No. 72 of the basement.
Those who acted on the suggestion con
tained In this unique invitation found much
to interest them. The 1H10 leader among
Waverley electrics Is a four-passenger
broughsm of unusually well-proportioned
design, durable construction, well-chosen
appointments, handsome upholstery and
workmanlike finish. The top is ho con
structed that by the remoal of a few nuts
and screws It ran be completely detached
and a leather top substituted.
The coach body is built upon a curved
sill, which Is a patented feature of Waver-
ey electrics, and bring the step floor and
seat aeveral inohes nearer tha ground than
Is the case with other coupe cars. Th
finish is In Waverley maroon of rich shade
and high, luster, representing twenty-eight
distinct operations In the finishing room,
Including sixteen coats of color and varn
ish. The upholstering la In expensive broad
cloth and leather of harmonious shade,
while the windows are of heavy plate glass,
opening In such a manner as to furnish
the utmost desirable ventilation.
Th safety locking controller, steering
Music and Musical Notes
pBHBBaM, a aws wii-vi ins kiiivii r)jpi:Bi bis
fkVl V 1 Th Br soma weeks ago under
JL I tha head,n "The Musical In-
XT cl..-lal lutilnh In
jJiiHj wer printed and they were not
written Dy tne musical editor
of Th Bee "Everywhere the demand for
high-grade music Is Increasing: and Arner.
lea may be said to be undergoing a musi
cal awakening which It Is to be hoped will
lead to permanent results. The hunter for
grand opera Is being satisfied In New York,
Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago. Such
cltiea as St. Louis are being listed for con
sideration as likely to support a permanent
Winter season. Des Moines and lesser
cities are gerlv tubstrlblng J1S.C00 or
mgr for a single bight of th great artists.
Th musical world is agreed that the de
mand for opera throughout America
amounts almost to a craze."
"Is It not, then, the time to consider the
feasibility of established opera, not only
In the great oltles, but also In every city
or mora than loO.OUO people."
This la tha kind of literature that many
of us like to read In the odltorlat pages of
our newspapers. It is true that the de
mand for good music is Increasing.
Where ara now those serious and wis
old fossils who wrote heavy editorials some
ten or twelv years ago, disputing the
statements of musical writers that rag
time was a pausing fid: there were papers
witii blu names enough, whose editors aired
their "notions" and thought they were con
victions, on the perniHiirncy and potential
ity of rjLg-ttme as the real foik-on of
th peoplu! The mudlciana r clanks and
what-not because they did not agree with
that. Do you remember the discussion?
It was silly, ft waa laughable, and It did
no harm, to write thoac foolish things
about music, ajid to call musician name
because they said that ra-tlme etfusloti
er nothing bur vapid trush of the niu
ment, and would soon iwu-s away. "It hut.
come to stay: It has coma to stay:" wrote
thee wise one, "because It Is founded on
a principle that Is one of the fundament
al of music." (Some one who was musical
had told them that rag-tlm was founded
on Syncopation.)
Now "Syncopation" In music meuns prac
tically and without techiilcsJ terminology.
"Interrupted Time." And to they thought
that there they had the whole thing In a
nutshell. Aluny gieat ro'.iipo.sers uued syn
copated tune, and raa-Ume Is founded on
that, ami therein! e ruts-tltvu Ih great music,
and iiiuuklaus who don't think so are
crasy, anil we known more about It tliun
anyone else, bnau.-c we "are "practical"
men. who are la the affairs of life, and
not long-haired muslclsns v. ho are dream
ing about Art and all that. Ah, Hem!
Ah, )Im!
And ycl. ft hue la rus-tim now ? Who
hears any lag-liinr? It is all changed.
Once In a while sum new song will have
an element of the old stuttering tempo,
but It soon vanished: Just a measiure or so,
and tnen bavs to normal. In two musical
comedy "shows" which the writer saw
this winter, both very good of their kind,
and high-priced productions, he does not
remember hearing one song in rag time,
and yet some ten years, ye flv )ears
ago. It would have permeated the entire
piece. In fact, the writer Is willii! to
admit that th son-. "Think, Chink, China
man," rang In his head for several daya.
and had elements of originality and ciever
ness In it, as a piece of work, and it was
presented with excellent taat and abun
dant dash. If you saw It you will remem
ber. Now that was not rag-time: It was
popular music, but It na not a brainless
and atupid stereot) ptd thing: K w as popu
lar music, but it was of a high grade:
someone had "thounht" about it.
To return to the oruuestra Question which
handle, foot brakes and voltmeter are all
within the car, and after listening to the
explanation of the method of operating
these, given by Pale Manager Hoy A.
Potts. or Southern Representative F. I
Faker, both of whom are at the show, the
visitor is quickly convinced that nothing
could exceed the ssfety and ease of opera
tion of a W'averley electric brougham.
To show the motor and lrh Ing system of
the'r cars, these gentlemen have mounted
a Waverley drive separate from the ears
on exhibition. They keep this In operation
by electric power, and attract many visitors
to their booth In this wsy. It is claimed
that solid rubber tires can be used with
this drive with perfect comfort to the occu
pants of the carriage.
Model 71. Waverley Victoria-phaeton, and
model 74, Waverley stanhope, are also on
exhibition. A very attractive feature f
the display Is a large framed photograph
of a beautifully decorated Waverley which
won the first prise' In the Washington floral
parnde recently. The smiling face of Mra.
T. B. Kpenre. owner of the car, I not the
least beautiful Mature of the picture.
Remember that extra tires are not carried
because of punctures, but because of blow
outs. 1 Blow-outs ruin th ordinary tire equip
ment. Proper equipment never blowa out.
The tiles wear out.
Crude rubber is steadily advancing in
price. The cost of tires Is Increasing. You
cannot afford to have your tire break
down or burst; you want their full life and
Fire In llUKh Murphy's Plant
Destroys Kngls House and
Contents Damegcd.
The engine house or the Hugh Murphy
asphalt plant at Fourth .nd Leavenworth
stieets was destroyed by fire last nlgiit
and the machinery badly damaged. A
kettle of asphalt boiled over and ran into
ihe fire pot, igniting the building and
causing a loss of about $5,000.
A. Waller, w ho was employed as an extra
fireman, and II. llass.n, as ketthiman,
were on duty. The building, which Is
valued at $1,000, was c. nsumed, while ih
machinery was badly damaged. Six kettles
of r.sphalt were boiling when the flra
started and these will be damaged. The
engine nouns protected tha boiler, engine,
three pumps and other pieces of machinery
and all were damaged by heat.
Harry Hutton, superintendent nf the
plant, was unubl to estimate the damage
accurately last night, but said that th
machinery in the building was worth much
more than the building which covered It
Th building was almost burned out befor
Ihe firemen arrived.
Jsdge t.andl Issaea Order for Ketura
of Alleged Swindler for Trial
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Judge Land is In tha
United States district court today Issued
an order for tha removal of Thomas Gay,
a wrestler, to Omaha, where he is under
Indictment by the federal grand-Jury. Gay,
who Is chaiged with swindling James Tler
ney and 8. A. Johnson of Streator, III.. In
fake wrestling matches, haa haen held rn
the county Jail here sine October 29. H
will be placed on trial In Oraalis next
was discussed In this column soma weeks
ago: the opera taste Is not the only thing
that Is developing, for her we have some
interesting data about th growth of the
American orcheatras. A writer In the
Sprlngf ild (Mars.) Re-publican, of last
Sunday, has quoted from an article In th
New York Press on the spread of or
chestral music. In which after speaking of
the several New York orchestras, and th
Boston "Symphony" and others, the Chi
cago Symphony, th Pittsburg Orchestra
and th Philadelphia (under Carl Pohllg),
we find this part of the article which In
terests us of the west:
"St. Louis Is not lugging In the orches
tral race. That city can now boast an or
chestra, which, like our own Philharmonic
society, la placed on a permanent basis.
Trie musicians are engaged for a period
of twenty weeks, during which time there
rlll bo dally rehearsals. Matinee concerts
have been added to the regular evening
subscription performances and Sunday
popular performances. Moreover, the ft
Louis orchestra, following the example of
the Ronton symphony, will make an ex
tended tour of the south, and has mad
knunnrinriiU to go on frequent trlpa
through Missouri. Illinois and Kansas.
"Washington has an orchestra; Milwaukee
supports a collection of symphony players;
St. Paul, with Walter ."othwell as musical
conductor. Is in the field; Lon Angeles
tries to represent the southwest, and, last
but not least. .Seattle Is fighting to be a
center of music. For several years the new
metropolis on Puget Hound, Irresistible In
Its propulsive energy, has maintained a
i.yu: liony orchestra, made up for th most
part, as Is generally the case, of men who
play in huteH and restaurants. During the
last two seasons th work of drilling and
conducting was intrusted to Mr. Keferize
of Philadelphia. Seattle's musical women
decldrd. however, that the orchestra needed
bigger barter and that Henry Hadley,
the American composer, would be the man.
Hadlev, who has added to his talents as
a compo.'-er five years of experience in
Kurope as a conductor, accepted the call
with enthusiasm.
"Until this year the Seattle symphyny or
chestra was managed entirely by women.
Anxious, however, to run the orchestra
entirely on business principles, these
women, hsudiid by Mrs. C. I), tstlmson,
enlisted the co-opcratlon of Herman Cha
pln, one of rVattlc'a most suecebfu men
of affair, whom they appointed president
of the society. With Ciiapln, himself a
musical nthuskist. working In sympathy
with liadlny. the Kymphony aociely la
sure to mak a biave struggle for recog
nition. If the oiilicttra succeeds event
ually in bting the one accepted orchestra
of the g!.t iioithw.-st. It may give a
circuit of concerts covering Portland, Ta
coma. .spokunt. Victoria and Vancouver.
Seattle !s 3.OU0 miles, from iw York. In
terest in tyinphomo mu;ic evidently Is
not confined to tho east." ,
l'or M re.iM ii .llnneapolls has been
left out. It was doubtless entirely unin
tentional. .
A card from M:s Myrtle Mosts a 1-
liouno-s that ahf Im wurklng hard at her
studies in the vocal art in Xew York, and
that sh has the contralto putltlon at
Templo Utth-KI. Mia is evidently a bit
i.oinKk, for shu says "I surely think of
Omaha every minute." It Is the opinion
of the mutual edltur of Th Uee that Miss
Myrtle Mrsrs u made of the stuff that
frpell "success." tihe la a hard Worker
and a reliable, li.ttillgent student who
talent lias not spoiled her. neither has tne
appalus of her many friends.
Mr. Lucius l'l vol announces that he will
present Mr. Max Ijmdow In one ooncrt on
Y1.JIS..HV ivtiilns, December 2. at the
r'iift luptist church, on which occasion
: : Udfi
YOU can tell the class of a car by ear." You will find the Cole
even quieter, speed for speed, than any car at any price.
This means practically absolute accuracy of workmanship on mo
tors, gears and all working parts, and perfect alignment. In a word,
friction is reduced to the lowest point and friction means not only
noise, but wear, trouble and repair bills.
Outline Specifications
Motoe Unit Type), 4 cylinder, water cooled, 30 h. p.: Ioji
tiok Double, with magneto and battery; DatTC Shaft,
with floating rear axle; Wiu.r.L-BAs 108; Wheels 38
Inch; Tibeb 32x3',; Equipment Gag- and oil lampg, ten
j erator, horn and tools.
Midwest Automobile Co.
w reswi.-.f.'Mnsww-i
3 Pollsters
to Remember
We have rented but
Farnam St. salesroom
and moved our ears to
our old and well known
location at 18th and
Harney Sts.
The White Steamers,
The White Gasoline
The Woods Electric
will be on exhibition at
our old stand.
r zzi
We carry a large stock
The "Diamond" has
a first class reputation
and costs no more than
cheaper makes.
We still have 60 to 75
and Delivery Wagons
These are on our top
floor and so cheap it will
pay you to walk up and
grab one.
Harness, Blankets,
Robes, Etc.
. 18lli and Barney
Mr. Landow will repeat the program which
ha gavs In Berlin a few weeks ago. This
will ba Mr. Uumlow'a only Omaha public
rrcital this season. He flays, bays Mr.
Pryor, Boston, New York, t'hlcago, and
Philadelphia, later this season.
Martin W. Hush, .organist, as.-UU-U by
Fre.l G. fills, La.ltone. will yive liU
moi.thly recital Sunday afternoon Novem
ber 14. 4 p. in., r'lr.-t (loiigieaailoiml church.
Mr. Bush w ill lay tUe follow h.n: Koiuita
No. 8 (complete Mendelssohn. Kcenea from
t'lsuid Joisalfar Grieg. African Ia'io
Colei idge-Taylci , Haivarolie, Stcrndala
Bennett, Nocturne Urth'cr. ('hum de
fcor.heur, Gavotte Modi i tic and Komance
in 1) flat by 1. em tie and Final In H flat
by Wolsunholme.
Mr. Ellis will fcini, VeUlclnsamke'l IV ahms,
Wanderers Nschtiied Llnxt, The Mono
tone, Cornelius and ' Is Not Ilia Word'.'
finm 1-liji.h- Mendelvbohn.
Other recitals will follow the second Sun
day of each Month.
Miss Delia Robinson, tha well known
planiate, gave a nrltal of pianoforte
muslu Tuesday evening last at the, Con
vent of the Dominican feimrri. Twenty
second and Kinney mnwu. Mias Kobin
son gave a program mhlori was a ttat
treat to tha many students of the Institu
-fcfcn -iasaV---MjBf).k. r-ommmim
M. - "Lt - ' - ... ... i-JSJi : V v""a 1 V
SizzS Sizz! Sizz!
It la a powder. A heaping spoonful in glass- COLD
WATER, atlr thoroughly, and you will have a nice refresh
ing drink.
You can make your own SODA WATERS at home, in
all the popular flavors.
"SIZZ" is strictly PURE and NON-ALCOHOLIC. Guar
anteed by LEO GROTTE MFXJ. CO., under the FOOD and
DRUGS ACT. June 30, 10. Serial Number 26849.
Let "SIZZ" be the rejoicing word of y'our household.
It will make a delicious beverage for all of your social af
fairs. i
"SIZZ" will be a favorite drink for your children.
Family Trade Supplied by
Gladstone Bros.
Talk to Thoso Long
The two representatives of the
Drug Store for a few days longer, and
How Dandruff Can Be Cured.
How Hair May Be Grown.
How It Can Be Saved.
How It Can Be Made More Beautiful.
Sherman & McCcnnoll Drug Co.,
Owl Drug Co.,
St. Joseph
ST. LOUIS FAST EXPRESS loaves Omaha at 4:55 P. M.
and arrives St. Louis next morning at 7:11), making excellent con
nections for all through trains east and nouth. This traiu carries
nil classes of high grade equipment, including cafe dining cara.
TO KANSAS CITY This train also carries a through coach
for Kansas City, and has J'ulhiian accomodations for neat passen
gers, arriving Kansas City 11 :20 P. M., connecting with late night
trains lor t he south and southwest.
Why not make a winter journey through the south one of
the most historical and interesting sections of the country. Call
or write for winter tourist rates, descriptive matter and let me
help you plan a delightful tour.
ififi! hi-) flit's
Touring Car
""""V:,waaaWg .J fjM
Haired Girls WEEK
7 Sutherland Slaters will be in the Owl
will bo glad to tell you about your nair.
poclal Frlcaa (or This
Seven Sisters Hair
Grower small . ....45
Seven Hlsters Hair
Grower large Mo
Seven Hlstera Mcalp
C leaner 480
Coiner Sixteenth and Dodge
Comer Sixteenth and Harney
J. B. REYNOLDS, City Passenger Agent,
Farnam, Street, Omaha.