THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 14. 1000. i M TilE FUR SEAL ISLANDS Corner of the United Statei that Knows No Poverty. TEN MILLION SEAL HERD Aleata In In the Arrtlr Well nosed, Well Cared for and Hanny " Li af Ike Islands In j IIHO. WASHINOTOV. Nov. 1J. The secretary of commerce and labor In now engaged In preparing an Invitation to American rompanle and Individuals to submit bids for the leasing of on of the most valuable, and at the mm time most troublesome, possessions of the United States, the Prlbllof irroup, better known as the ITur SeaJ Inlands. The term of ten years of tha prevent lessee, the' North American Commercial rompany of Pan Franrisco, expire on April 30, lStn. The leave allow tha holder to kill about 15.000 fur seals annually, and these sell In the London market for not less than $4R,ilO. Th Islands wrre acquired from Russia along with the re.t of Alaska. In 1W7, and In 1S70 they were first leaned, the Alaska Commercial company being the lessee. Fn 1TX the North American Commercial com pany made a better hid and secured the privilege of taking seals for the succeeding ten yeara. It Is believed that the Alaaka Commercial company, which has again be come an aggressiva competitor In the fur buying Industry la Alaska, will bid for tha lease. Under tha present contrart the lessee pays at the rate of I10.22V4 for each akin taken. The secretary Of commerce and labor determines the kind and number bf scala to b taken each year and the method of killing. Under the regulations the ani mals are killed with clubs, and the kill 1 restricted to "bachelors" of I and 3 years old. The age la fixed by the weight of the akin, none weighing less than eight and a half pounds being legal. Aa the bachelors herd by themselves most of the killing season. It la an easy matter to see that only male seals are killed, although at tha end of the mating season more care must be exercised. Natives Well Furnished. In addition to the sum paid the govern ment for each skin the company furnishes free to the natives on the Islands dried j salmon and salt and salt barrels for pre serving a supply of meat, eighty tons of coal annually, comfortable dwellings and necessary school houses, f which It keeps In repair, competent teachers and a free school for the education of the children eight months of the year, competent phy sicians, medicines and medical supplies, and the necessaries of life for the widows and orphans and aged and Infirm Inhab itants of the islands unable to provide for themselves. The company also employs the natives to perform such work on the islands as they are fitted to perform at a compensation fixed by th secretary of commerce and labor. On its side the government employs an agent, Walter I. Lembkey, and three assist ant agents to look after Its Interest upon the Islands, and also furnishes revenue cutters and naval vessels to protect th Islands from raids by marauding pelagic sealers. The Prlbllof Islands, which art th breed ing grounds of th major herd of the Pa clflo fur seals, were discovered In 1784 by Geraailm Prlbllof, a navigator In the em ploy of one of the Russian trading com panies. They are situated In Bering sea, about 1000 miles from Seattle, Wash. The group consists of St. Paul, St. George, Wal rus and Otter Islands and Sea Lion Rock. They are completely isolated from other land, th nearest port being Unalaska, on on of th Aleutian Islands, which is 314 miles to th southward. Th islands are of volcanic origin and are deaert to the extent that they produce nothing capable of sustaining man. They are remarkable for the profusion of wild flowers found upon them during the sum mer months. ( la Foggy Solltade, During a large part of the year the islands and the surrounding sea are en veloped In a dense fog, which makes navl Ration difficult and haxardoua. There are no vessels on the Islands practically the only kind of boat In use Is the native bldarka or skin canoe capable of being navigated to the mainland or to th nearest port, and the only time the residents tome In touch with th outside world Is when the North American Commercial company's steamer calls there twice each year, and at Irregular Intervals when a revrnue cutter chances to stop for a few hour. These islands are the only breeding ground of th Prlbllof or American fur k sral herd, which even in lis present de pleted condition is the largest fur seal herd in the world. The seals of this herd breed upon th islands of St. Paul and St. Oeorge during the summer and annually In the fall leave them and proceed through Bering sea and the passes between th Aleutian islands Into the Pacific ocean Home of them go as far south' as Santa Barbara channel, off southern California Generally speaking, thla annual migra tion of the herd beglna In November, and by the latter part of December there are few If any animals left on the islsnds. They remain away until the following spring, the first arrivals usually appearing about May t and the last the latter part of June or July. Killing Slopped. At th time of th discovery of these islands by th Russians fur sesl, sea otter, walrus, see lions and foses were found In almost unlimited numbers. The killing of sll these species of animals proceeded with wonton prodigality from 179 until 135. when the fur sesl herd was redyced to less than NO.OOO. A closed season was KtRb'Uhed on the Inlands from 1535 to ISC.'.-PO. during which period only such sea.s were killed as were necessary to fuinlMi fond and clothing for the natives, while the killing of females was prohibited entirely. As a result of these drastic measures the herd was gradually lehabilitated, and during the first twenty years of American possession Wn.WK) young male seals were killed annually for commercial purpose. From JTSfl to 1S09. both Inclusive, there have been killed In the Islands, about S.IOO.MO seals. Since lhTO over 2.SO0.OH0 skins, yielding a revenue to the government of over il0.000.0on, have been killed and ship ped from the Inlands. The natives living upon the Islands are not the least Interesting of ls Inhabitants. They are Aleuts, being members of the race living upon the Aleutian chain, from which they were brought originally by the Russians to aid In killing the seals. They are a simple, kindly p,,pie, with whom the whites have never had any trouble. Police men are unknown on the Islands, and Would have no work to do if they were present. The peoplo are exceedingly polite and civil, not only In their Intercourse with the whites, but among themselves. There Is no misery or destitution among them, each family living In a snug, frame dwell ing which Is plainly but neatly furnished. The sanitary arrangements of the villages are carefully looked after by the officials of the government and the company. American Oress la Voerne. After the islands became a part of the United States, the natives gradually dis carded the old Russian costumes and now all dress like ordinary Americans. Some of the women have developed Into excel lent seamstresses. A few of the Inlanders have substantial sums to their credit upon the company's books upon which they draw Interest. The women are great gossips. Both women and men make and receive calls on their saints' days, and as these are numerous, social intercourse is generally active. Most of them give dinners on the anniversary of thrtr birthday. Heal meat Is the principal food of all. They are passionately fond of butter and are also lovers of sweet crackers and canned fruits. A tremendous quantity of tea Is brewed and drunk every year. Their samovars and tea kettles of American make, are bubbling and boiling from the moment the housewife stirs herself at daybreak until the fire goes out when they sleep. They are practically all members of the Russian church and both St. Paul and St. George have churches of this faith and resident priests. Every year or so they are visited by Bishop Innocent, the Russian bishop of Alaska, and during his visit but little work Is done, all being busy feasting and attending services In the church or having processions along the one street each village boasts. In these processions the priests, acolytes and sing ers are all dressed In handsome robes and 11 carry crosses, Icons and banners. Weddings and christenings are occasions of especial significance In the church life and are also celebrated with feasting and merrymaking In the homes after the church portion is over with. WHITE PLAGUE AND RED MEN Susceptibility of Indians to Infections of Civilization. RESULTS OF AN INVESTIGATION j.,..:, jss c4i t Recent Orialn of Tuberculosis Among arloua Tribes, the Cense and Core Preventive Meas ures deeded. THE WOMAN AT THE PHONE She Wasn't Commnnloatl ve and the Company Profited I Thereby. "Occasionally," said the man as he left the telephone booth red-faced and angry. folks do things out of a perversity that cannot be explained. I Just now had an experience with a woman over the tele phone that would puzzle anyone. 'A man I know had a telephone at hla home, but none in his office. I dropped my nickel In the box, called his horn num ber and presently a woman's voice an swered with the usual 'Hello!' I asked If thla were Mr. So-and-So's house and the voice came back, 'You've got the wrong number.' I was about to ask what num ber I had when the woman rang off. . "I dropped .another nickel in the slot and told central she had given me the wrong number, and so she tried again. After some waiting the same woman got on the wire again. Again she told me I had the wrong number and at once rang off. That made W rents to the bad. "One more I got central and this time I went after her strong. She said she cer tainly had given me the number I asked tor, and I was just as sure that she hadn't. Well, anyway, she promised to get It for me this time If It could be got. "Much to my surprise, when I heard a voice at the other end next time It was that of th woman I had had twice before., I began differently this time. 'Is this num ber so-and-so?' I asked. 'Yes,' the woman replied. 'Isn't that Mr. Blank's number?" I demanded. 'No, It Isn't.' she came back with. 'I told you that twice before.' "I thought I detected signs that she was about to hang up again, and I got in hastily. I asked how It was that this number was In the book for the man I asked for, and I asked her whether the house number was not a certain street nurnber in The Bronx. " 'No,' she answered, 'that Isn't the street number at all. This telephone number used to belong to the man you speak of, but he has no house telephone now and we got It. We live a couple of miles from where he did.' "And then ah -rang off once more. Just think of that! She made me pay IS cents, when she might have told me that the first time." WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. -( Special.) -The very great activity that has prevailed during recent years In the study of pre ventlvo diseases and especially of tuber culosis, has been very widespread. The I Increased prevalence of tho dread White Plague has been found to extend far bo yond the confines of city life and Investiga tion has shown Its Increase to a marked degree In Us various forms among tho Indians In the United States. This subject Is naturally of very great Importance and calls for vigorous attempts to limit the spread of the infection, unless we ate will- inn mui me, reo man snail ioiiow ine t bison and other aboriginal forms to ex termination. Dr. Al.-s Hrdllcka of the scientific staff of the United Stnlea National Museum un dertook during the summer of 1"OS. tindei the Joint uusplces of the office of Indian Affairs nnd the Smithsonian Institution, n study of the conditions with regard to tuberculoids amonK five selected tribes of Indians In the United States. He made j an exhibit and presented a preliminary ac- count of his studies before the Sixth In- i ternattonal Tuberculosis congress that was held In Washington during September and ' October of lliOS. This preliminary paper, extended by the insertion of hla complete report and wltli numerous Illustrations has Just been published with the Utlo of "Tuberculosis Among Certain Indian Tribes of the United States," as bulletin forty-two of the Bureau of American Ethnology of the Smithsonian Institution. Susceptibility of the Race. A brief summary of the bulletin can "not hut be of interest to the general public as well as to the specialist. In his introduc tion, Dr. Hrdllcka discusses the history of the development of the disease among the Indians, and he finds while there Is no reference made to it by writers who re ported on the period of the earliest con tact of the whltos with the various tribes, still at the present time tho Indians show a greater susceptibility to the disease than the white man, thus clearly Indicating a lesser Immunization of his system which Implies the more recent Introduction of the Infection Into his race. Dr. Hrdllcka cor rectly assumes "that the dinea.xo must have been much less frequent among the Indians in former times when they lived a more natural and active life, were better Inured to hardships, and, with the excep tion of particular localities and periods, were better provided with suitable food."' Carefully prepared tables on the mor bidity and mortality of tuberculosis among the Indians are presented by Dr. Hrdllcka, compiled from the census reports, from statistics collected by physicians In the Indian service In 1904, and from statistics on mortality gathered by the Indian of fice during 1P08. In a general way this data mmy be summarized as showing that among' 1,000 Indians there are 9.7 per cent cases of pulmonary tuberoulosls; 1.95 per cent of tuberculosis of bones and joints, and 15 per cent of oases of glandular tuber culosis. Personal Investigation. In greater detail even, he discusses his own results regarding the actual state of the different tribes, and statistical data based on the examinations made from ac tual visits to th tribes themselves. He first visited the Menominee, a tribe con sisting of 784 men and 680 women; then the Ogalalla Sioux, where th population Is 8,663 persons; and next the Quinaielt, a small tribe of only 111 Individuals; next the Hupa, 426 In number; and lastly the Mohave, or rather Colorado River Mohave, who live In Arlsona, and consist of 465 per-' sons. The physloal condition of these var ious tribes of Indians are contrasted and the Influence of civilization upon them "for better or for worse" clearly shown. Most Interesting is his discussion of the Etiology of tuberculosis among the Indians. He finds that the most potent of all factors Is the facility of infection, particularly during the cold or rainy season. Almost as serious la the frequent hereditary taint among the young. He says: "In a tribe such as the Sioux it would b very dif ficult, if not Impossible, to find a family In which there have not been tuberculosis Individuals, some of whose progeny ar congenltally predisposed to the disease." Among other causes cited are "the greater racial susceptibility"; "the presence of tuberculosis glands or other tuberculosis processes In Individuals"; and "the Influ ence of diseases other than those of the respiratory tract." He cajla attention to the fact that "dissipation, indolence, and all other weakening conditions contribute, doubtless, as much to the susceptibility of the Indian to tuberculosis infection as they do among the whites." "Want and con sequent debilitation" are cited as respon sible for a fair proportion of the cases of pulmonary tuberculosis among the In dians. Under the heading therapeutics. Dr. Hrdllcka discusses treatment. This in cludes naturally combating the Ignorance that prevails among the Indiana atfd the Introduction of sanitary measures, such as isolation of cases, with rare by nurses and physicians. Cleanliness and proper nutrl- .1 .si A I r . i" I 3 LH 4 For the service of the people, the Greater Peoples Store is the largest, finest, exclusive home furnishing store in the west. We Have Helped to Establish Thousands of Happy Homes LET US HELP YOU HAVE A HAPPY HOME Progrpssive merchandising fair and uniform treatment an enormous capacity for buying and selling a credit-giving service that has gained the confidence of thousands of home furnishers a broad and liberal store policy for all the people - alwo the very fairest prices the verv fairest all goods marked in plain figures an assurance that you will receive the same good treatment that your neighbor receives are the characteristics of this store OMAHA'S LAIUiKST OOMPLKTK HOMK Fl'KMMHKKH, with , 'but one parpoftr: Home furnishing! 1 : (Home Outfit THREE ROOMS FUR- SfcZlSO NISHED COMPLETE for. . . Terms: $5.00 Cash; $5.00 Monthly. A most extraordinary three room vnluo. FOUR ROOMS FUR $C&50 NISHED COMPLETE for. . . Terms: $6.50 Cash; $6.00 Monthly. An outfit value that can't be excelled anywhere. i 3SS J 'I fill mm $9175 For This Handsome Gold Coin Base Burner Term I $3 Cash. Balance "Easy-" A splendid example of a high grade BASE BTTBIflR. tt has all the latest scientific Improve ments. Is a wonderful heater and is handsomely nickel trim Tied in durable nickel. 3(1 -A ' t, mir J415 This Handsome PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE, ACTUALLY WORTH $18.50, SPECIAL PRICE FOR THIS WEEK ONLY, $12.50 For This Excellent Soft Coal Heater TSBMSJl "IAIT." We offer you what Is un doubtedly the best value in the city In soft coal heat ers. It is constructed of pure gray iron and has a strong steel drum. Has Rood size fire pot snd Is handsomely nickel trimmed. lJ Till A Thanksgiving Special That at a Opportune Special Terms: 00 Cash, onthly Come S f.M ' HfVMM 01 very Awmmm Time 'JMWr$l.50 5 ANJx THIS HAKDSOMK PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABI.K IS EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED AMD IS ACCURATELY ILLUSTRATED Positively the greatest table value ever of fered. Never before has there been offered you such an opportunity to obtain a HIGH GRADE PEDESTAL EXTENSION TABLE at a price usually aoked for an ordinary dining room table. They are constructed of carefully selected stock by expert workmen, and are finished In a beautiful GOLDEN OAK. THE ENTIRE TABLE IS RUBBED AND POLISHED TO A PIANO BRILLIANCY. The MASSIVE top Is circular and the HEAVY base or pedestal Is square shaped and is sup ported br CARVED CLAW FEET. These tables extend to six feet, and are actually worth every cent of f 1H.0O. Special price this week only. . c ;v ... j. ...... . . - . iinJ'i--'f--- SPECIAL DINNER SET VALUE 11 -piece dinner seta, made of a good grade of china; come In floral and spray desins of very 1 a E pretty patterns, worth $7.80, sale price SPECIAL RUG SALE Art Reversible Rugs, can be used on either side, worth 16.00, no sale price i0 Tiger Brussels Rum; made )f strong- qual ity of tapestry brussttls carpeting, slse 9x12 feet, worth 17.60, C I ft IK special price I U I O Wilton Velvet Rugs, else 1ls feet, made or wuton Velvet i arpeting ot a guar- 127. B0, anteed quality, worth t. i C 0 0, sale price ? SI950 ULa y ! Ml Hill II IMMisHMMMMWnaVf"lllsOT Suffer !mtrJk YouFurn f" I PMrr-.V FurnUh P Wc ""Home. $26.50 TARNAM STREETS. OMAHA BUYS A GUARANTEED STEEL RANGE Timi Sfl.BO Cash. Balanoe "Ussy." 1'miueationahly the nost remarkable STKKL. RAXDK value In the city. They are made of an extra heavy rrade of dur able steel; have full riveted bodies. axVto lining, large fire box und durable nickel trimming. Come complete with upper warming closets. f :;-.'VA'V )'- ...nWW I'l'liilillillliiHillllT liiHifliljB"' Wi'llflWIIItliri'l Hlfimnii"""'-1-' "-!-t-'"" , , m' ,- Hon, especially among the aged, are men tioned as desirable factors to be considered. The author wisely urged that "all alco holism should be repressed." In bringing his report to an end Dr. Hrdllcka rightly says "whatever is done for the Indian in preventing and curing tuberculosis will be of potential civilizing influence for the race and will mean also an advance in the campaign galnt the other pathological conditions to which he Is subject." s The illustrations which are half-tone reproductions of photographs taken by the author from actual places visited serve most admirably to elucidate the text and also show conditions of the home life of the tribes of Indians which came under Vr. Hidllcka's Inspection. NAVAL FIGHT OFF NICARAGUA Government Forres Uefeat Revolu tionists and Capture Three Steamers. MANAGUA, Nicaragua. Nov. 13 The government today defeated the revolution-, lsts In a naval battle, during which three steamers and artillery were captured. A number of revohitlt nlsts were killed. Oreytown was reoccupled Thursday by the government without a battle and Its foiceB are now on the way to Bluefields by water. 7ij Woman s Shop 1517 Douglas St. For mt fly Hold Htm Sale Continues On account oft inclement weather Friday and Saturday of last week wz will continue for a few days longer the sale of our $22.00 and $25.00 Dresses at $13.75 These Dresses will not be altered, but sold quickly to make room for fast arriving Winter Fashions. All well made elegantly tailored all wool materials'. ( Come early you will have a greater vari ety to choose from. Woman's W ork Acttntteo of the Organised Bodies AJonr the lanes of Us dertakiaf of Concern to Woau. The department of oratory has planned an attractive program for Monday after noon's meeting of the Woman's club. "A Day In Japan" will occupy the first half of the hour and a little Japanese play written by Mrs. Qeotgia Williams, the second half. The program follows: A DAY IN JAPAN. Poetry of Japan. . .Mrs. Alice H. Tracy A Cloisonne Vnse...Mrs. Minnie Rogers Aria from "Madam Butterfly" Miss Hazel l.oveland Olory Mrs. Georgia Williams Violin solo Miss I-uella Allen Accompanist, Miss Grace Hancock. THE BRIDE OF YA8UZO. Hrene The House of Katsura. Katsura Mrs. Henrietta Rees Dhyo-han (her daughter) Mrs. Margaret Shotwell American consul's wife Mrs. Georgia Williams Suukl Yone Tsura Tera Mrs. Yukl-Klo Madam Pine-Tree... Madam Plum-Branch. .Mrs. Nora O'Shea Mrs., Dale Collins ..Mrs. I,ucy Piatt Anna Liljenstolpe .Miss Kmily Bolls Mrs. Nora O'Shea .Mrs. Alice Tracy Madam Peach Mrs. Kathryn Kelly Madam Cherry Blossom. Mrs. T. L. Combs Madam Morning Glory I... Mrs. Kugenie Van Dusen Madam Lotus Mrs Josenhlne Neelv Madam Maple-Leaf ... Mrs. Iaura Syfert ( Madam Chrysanthemum Mrs. Florence Kills Madam Camella Mrs. Kate K. Darr Hong A Japanese Maiden Miss Kmily Bolts Accompanist, Mrs. Harmon. A Japanese Dove Song ....Esther Workman, Paul Workman During the business hour Miss Ruth Fonvllle of Mexico, Mo., one of the cor net! Is at the recent National Woman's Christian Temperance union convention and chief trumpeter of the United Confed erate Veterans' association, will give a cor net solo. The state associations of the Sons of the American Revolution and cf the Daugh ters of the American Revolution will cel ebrate the 127th anniversary of the acknolwedgment of the Independence of the United States by Great Britain with an elaborate banquet at the Rome hotel In this city on the evening of November It will be a Joint affair and represent atives will be present from both societies from all parts of the state. The program has not yet been completed, but it is ex pected to Include ahuit addresses by the national officers of both organizations, ai well as by the state association officers. The details of the affair will be announced as soon as completed, and II is the Inten tion of the Joint associations to make It the most memorable meeting of these or ganizations yet held In the state. The semi-annual meeting of the Nf braokd branch of the Woman's auxiliary of the Episcopal church will be held at Wymre during the convocation, Tuesday, November 18, to be women's day. The program will open with the celebra tion of communion, followed by a busl- ness meeting. Rev. W. H. Moor of Fair bury will speak of the "United Offering" A missionary meeting will be held at 2:30. Mrs. A. K. Gault of Omaha will give a pa per on "Influence of Christianity on the Home Life of Japan;" Rev. F. Mills Hayes of Lincoln will speak of missions, Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha will give a paper on "Bishop Hannington" and Rev. John Albert Williams of Omaha will talk of the work among the colored people. Bishop Williams will give a missionary address in the evening. ' The regular meeting of the literature de partment of the Woman's club will be held Wednesday, November 17, at 10 o'clock, Mrs. Millard Langfeld presiding. Subject of the morning's lesson will be, "How the Llteiature of G'. eece and Rome Reflected and Affected lio'-lal Life." Mrs. G. C. Swlngley will give a paper on "The Homeric Poems," "The Heslodlc Poems" and "Pindaric Poems." Miss Adelaide Spratlen a paper, entitled, "The Rise and Development of the Drama; Its Affilia tions With the Short Story," and Mrs. Al bert Edholm a reading. The department of psychology will give a social afternoon Wednesday from 2:30 to 6 o'clock. Rev. D. K. Jenkins of the psychology department of the University of Omaha will be the guest of honor and will tpeak. There will be music and re freshments, The hostesses of the after noon will Include: Mrs. Mary Newton, Mrs. Charles Tracy, Mrs. T. B. Ward, Mrs. II. B. Fleharty, Mrs. C. Vincent, Miss Clara Boutelle, Mrs. G. P. Moorhead, Mrs. Edward Johnson, Mrs. Draper Smith and Mrs. Albert Edholm. The Twentieth Century club of Khelton, Neb., gave an altogether delightful Hal lowe'en party recently at the home of Mrs. O. H. Crumley, at which the Nine teenth Century club of Kearney, the Woman's club of Wood River and the Womun's Study club of Gibbon were guests. The visiting women came by au tomobile, carriage and train and numbered about thirty-five. The affair was most unique. As the guests arrived they were met by ghostly figures that directed them upstairs. When they descended they found the decorations and all appointments suggestive of the occult. A witch croon ing over a cauldron gave out cards that proved bearers of most appropriate llt'U sentiments and attractive souvenirs. All the features were equally clever. Mrs. Max Hosietler is president of the tfhellon club. "The School of FontaJnbleau" and "The Rebuilding of the Louvre" will be the sub jects at Thursday morning s meeting of the Society of the Fine Arts. Mrs. C. C. George to be leader of the morning. The board of directors of the Old Peo ple's Home will meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the Young Women's Chris tian association building. ol Within lite Hlakts. "Can I have two good seats, well down, not behind a post and on the aisle?" asked the quiet gentleman at the box office Indow. "Three dollars apiece." replies th ticket seller, slumming out t0 tickets that called for tickets in the last row, benlnd a posl. and In the middle of the row at that. "But these ain't what I want." objects the man. "Can't help that. Got to take em nr nothln'," responds the ticket seller, ob viously Irritated. "Ixok here, young man, that no way to talk to people who come here to buy seats." "Huh!" You talk as if you owned the theater," t uo. i happen to be the new owner: "Then Kit awav and let oeonle that want to buy seats have a chance. You know very well von can get In for nothing. Life. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-R00M Omaha Chapter Royal Areh Masons Will Give Third Annnal Women's arty Thursday. Omaha chapter No. 1 will give lis third anneal entertainment for Its women friends Tuesday evening- The program will be of a varied order, with miiNlc predomi nating. Supper will be served during the evening, after which a reception will be tendered the visitors. Dr. Frederlch A. Miller will preside. Mrs. W. A. Challls will read several selections, while Miss Estelle Brown will preside at the piano. Woodmen Circle. Welcome grove No. 64, which meets at Twenty-fourth and Parker stieets the first and third Wednesdays of each month, has arranged fur a series of entertainments on the third Wednrkday of each month during the winter.' The first was a card party and the next one will he a inssl hall, which will be given next Wednesday evening. Tribe of Ben Mar. Omaha court No. 10 will give a dance in Fraternity hall Thursday evening, De cember 2 From and after that date this court will give a regular dance on the first meeting night of each month for its members and friends. Royal Achates. Omaha lodge No. 1 will give a progres sive card party next Tuesilav night. No vember, 16. Refreshments will be served. Mia Minnehaha council, degree of Pocahontas, will give a card and darning party the evening of November II In Myrtle hall annex. Ivy camp No. 2. Royal Neighbors of America, will give a dance patty Wednes day evening In Modern Woodmen hall, Fif teenth and Douglas streets. Garfield circle No. 11, Ladles of the Grsnd Armv. held Its annual inspection Friday evening in Harlght hall. A Bachelor's nrflertlons. Weather has more to do with a man s mood than morals have. The reason a woinmi can be so contrary Is she thinks she isn't. It tnkes a man a lifetime to learn how to live, and then he is readv to die. A girl knows she has lovelv hair If r, remember to tell her so. arid she Is Jiif. as sure of It If you forget to. Theories can stand tnoKt any test excep an application of them. The reason a man doesn't believe ho snores is because Ills wife makes so much fuss about It. A men seems to have an Idea he hm coal bills because he is a victim of perse cution by personal enemies. When a girl Is angry because a nvi-i wants to kiss her It s a sign she could be astounded If he didn't want to. What a woman hates about the telephone Is how her hiikhand ran tell her over u that he has tu work late In the office with out her being able to see how he looks as If tie were stealing sheep Nw York Press.