Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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IariUtions Are Coming Out for
Charity Ball at Fort Crook.
Mmmf rr Disappointed thai II In
llnaalshed Jiaee W omrn r(
liable ! rrept All Kater
talnatral Planaed.
nitirlhhm , that does
ilny, dnn'l yon know
la tall of the Wild.
Twenty thousand (mils of aims that beat
lh frantic air,
Twenty thousand pair of eyes that lm
or gloat or glare.
Twenty thousand voices wild that scream
and yell and swear
Foot ball that's all:
nrtal Calendar.
HON DA Y Madden-Ha yden w edding at HI.
Peteia' church; Mr. and Mr. K. Mc
Hhane. Orpheum party; Mrp. C. Y. Smith
entertain" the Monday Sowing club; Miss
Marlon Connrll entertalna Junior bridge
club; N. N. .-. Dancing club party at
TI'HSMAY Mr. and Mia. Wlllard Peers
Hnsford 9 o'clock coffee; Mrs. Kdward
Zahrlskle. Melody club; Mrs. Harry V..
Hurnam, afternoon lea; Mrs I. F.
Tli-ynnlris, bridge party for Mrs. Charles
I rquhart.
WKINKSIAT Social meeting of Woman's
club psychology department; Mrs. C. J.
Hubbard, luncheon; Mrs. F. W. Thome.
Literary club; Mrs. John Udtlell, Old
Time club.
THURSDAY Mr. Arthur J. Cooley, lunch
eon at Omaha club for Mrs. Thomas
FRIDAY Junior Dancing club at Cham
bers); Mrs. Arthur J. Cooley, bridge pany
for Miss Potter.
SATURDAY Collegiate. Alumna enter
tains Lincoln guests: Omlkron club dan
cing party at Chambers.
I'art of the Invitations for the charity
ball at Fort Crook November 2 were
Issued Saturday and elaborate, prepara
tion are. being made to have this the
largest and most enjoyable function
ever Hlven at the garrison. All of the.
officers and ladles of the post will lend
their assistance, together with aotnc of
tha members of the board of directors of
the Creche. The night of the ball the
guests will be received by Mrs. Cornelius
Gardener of Fort Crook, Mrs. T. . Kim
ball, Mrs. Clark, Mrs. Guyer and Mrs,
Bennett of Ftfrt Crook. The floor com
mittee which will look after the Omaha
guests Includes: Captain Warfleld, Cap
tan Bundoil And Lieutenant Mtchaells
Eight officer! and eight of the ladlea
will dance the minuet some time during
the evening. A large number of Omaha
people are planning to attend.
not lispien ery
Bom little r-es-
tige would perchance accrue atid there
Is a certain pleasing tang not pertaining
to the ordinary announcement In the
oclety column, when It reads that Mis.
Perfects Hosts entertained Raron This
or Countess That at dinner last evening
at which "covers were laid for twelve"
This Is not mere snobbery. Or at the
worst Just a quite unblamable form of
It. Tuft huntina- la practised bv the
j best we have In New York City and If so
why not In Omaha?
To all of which must be appended the
emphatic statement that the gracious
women who did entertain the fair Jap
anese visitors were actuated by no such
motive, whether It be considered worthy
or unworthy, but' bv a single desire to
uphold the name of Omaha for hearty
nd well planned hospitality.
An Interesting calendar Is being made
up for the holidays, giving promise of un
usual aayety, Tiie latest announcement
Is that there Is a possibility of the Hnrv
aid Glee club coming to Omaha the 1st
ter part of December. Thla will be the
first western trip the club lias made In
several years. The manager of the club
has made an engagement to give a c6n
cert in Denver either December 30 or 31.
and may possibly come here before that.
The Glee club Includes one' Omaha man,
Mr. Harry Matters, who formerly attended
the University of Nebraska. There Is
Urge alumni of Harvard In Omaha
who are taking Interest in tha club.
Judge Green Orden Name of Twelve
More Men Drawn.
Mrs. Mead l.aad, Against 'Whoa
llaahaad Filed Salt tor Divorce,
Has Cross Petition In
The visit of the Japanese commission, of Its women members, did not turn
out to be all that- waa anticipated by the
local hostesses, who had planned for their
entertainment for a fortnight or more. A
a matter of fact there were a lot of dis
appointed women In town Saturday even
ing and g lot, too, who hud quite recovered
front their disappointment that had been
bitter Indeed until the word went forth
Saturday morning that the oriental visi
tors were Indisposed III, over-weary, or
something else thnt would compel them to
ha excused from being entertained. The
continuous attentions that have been
showered upon these women, whose lives
are ordinarily quiet and secluded, nas
commenced to tell upon them, and one,
Uaroness Shlbu.iawa. Is really ill.
Only three. Baroness Kanda, Madam
Mldruno, wife of the Japanese consul at
New York, and Mrs. Horlkoshl were able
to leave the car, and those who were priv
ileged to meet them were charmed Into
speedy forglvencsa of all disappointment.
Kven they, however, were unable to make
the full schedule of the entertalnme'nt
A committee Including Mrs. A. C. Hhal
leiiberger, Mrs. Gould Died, Mrs. G. W.
Wattle, Mrs. Luther Kountse, Mrs J. R.
Ncoblj and Mrs. William J. Bryan went to
the train Saturday morning expecting to
take the visiting women to the Young
Women'a Christian association. Clarkson
hospital and the Llnlnger Art gallery, but
thla all had to be given up with some of
the private entertaining, Including a re
ception and muslcale at the home of Mrs.
George A Joslyn.
At 11:30 they were entertained at break
fast at the home of Mrs. C. N. Diets, and
taken for dinner to the home of Mrs.
Luther Kountse.
Mis. Dietz'a breakfast was an altogether
chaimlng affair. It .was entirely Ameri
can In cvfry detail. In fact It had been the
In entlon of the local hostesses to give
Unl,' ft - Ian guests a glimpse Into the
America i Lome nnd American home life.
Betides the visiting women Mrs. Dlets'a
gces:s Included Mrs. A. C. Shallenberg-er
and Mis. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln, Mrs. C.
F Manderson, Mrs G. W. Wattles, Mrs.
Luther Kountie. Mrs Gould Diets, Mis.
Leonora Diets Nelson, Mla Mue Hamil
ton and Mrs. C. N. Diets, five of whom
have visited Japan, Including Mrs. Bryan,
Mia. Wattles, Mrs. Kountse, Miss Hamil
ton and Mrs. C. N. Dletz.
Followli.g Mrs. Litem's kr.akfast the vis
aing women were taken to the residence
of Miss Jeskls Millard for an Informal re
ception, Miss Millard being aeslsied by
Mid. E. A. Cudahy, Mrs. C. F. Manderson,
Mis. Thomas Kllpatilck, Mrs. Clement
Chase, Mrs. J. K. Uaum, Mrs. Philip Dodge,
Mi. Bertha Offutt, Mrs. Harold Glfford.
Mrs. Herbert Rogers, Misses Carrie and
Helen Millard. Mrs. W. B. Millard. Miss
Rtvhaidson, Mrs. E. M. Fairfield and Miss
Utnel Morse.
People at not single motived In this
world, and Omahg society folk have Just
been afforded an Interesting exempli
fication of the trite, but true state
ni.'iu. There as a great demand for the
haace to entertain the Japanese wo
men who were In Omaha with their hus
lan(. and brothers yesterday and not all
who wished to extend hospitality to the
oriental viciw were given the greatly
desired opportunity. Whereat there has
been, rumor y, much feminine weep
ing and v.alllna and eke. some gnashing
of teeth.
For in sooth 'lis vexations In the ex
treme to wish to be "nice" and not to be
allowed to by some perfectly horrid com
mittee. Also there were other consider
ations muyhap. and this leads back to
the statement In the first paragraph.
Some of the fair Japanese were coun
tesses or baronesses or ths Japanese
equivalent and there are few hostesses
either among the Would-Be's or the
Really Area who do not like to enter
tain cucuittia of the nubiilt). it is
Pleasnres Past.
Mr. Walter Ahlqulst, who returned home
Saturday after spending several months
In the country, was given a Jolly surprise
party at his home. An Informal evening
was spent and sixteen guests were present.
Mrs. Everett" Buckingham was hostess
Friday afternoon at the meeting of the
Fiicay club. Mrs. J. M. Meteair was the
guest of the afternoon, and at the game
of 500 ptist?s were awarded Mrs. Ross. Mrs.
L. H. Korty and Mrs. J. M. Metcalf. The
next meeting will be In two weeks at the
home of Mrs. Harry Deuel.
In celebration of her thirteenth birthday
Miss Elizabeth Lane entertained at lunch
eon, followed by a box party at the Or
pheum Saturday afternoon, Including Miss
Krna- R. d. Miss Louise White, Miss Mar
jory McCord, Miss Ruth Beecher. Miss
Kmlty Keller. Miss Mary Lane, Miss Eliza
beth Lane and Mrs. A. D. Lane.
Mr. ajid Mrs. W. H. Karls of 16J8 North
Tnehty-second street entertained the
"Jolly Twelve" card club Thursday even
ing. Cards and dancing were the features
of the evening. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. J. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ayres,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherry, Mr. and Mrs. C.
Winqtilst. Mr. and Mrs. J. Rlcker, Mr. and
Mrs-. F. Festner. Miss Marguerite Brown,
Miss Bernlc Karls, Mr. August Waage,
Mr. Roy Karls. '
Miss Claire Daugherty, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Daugherty, gave a box
party Saturday afternoon at the Orpheum,
chaperoned by Mrs. Charles H. Crelghton,
who Is spending a few weeks ut the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Daugherty during their
absence In the east. In the party were
Miss Grace Allison, Miss Florence Cudahy,
Miss Alice Cudahy, Miss Claire Daugherty,
Masters Edward , Daugherty, Diets Nelson,
Charles Allison, Mrs. C. H. Crelghton.
Sorority brides are usually much-feted
young women and Miss Sara Martin, who
will be one of the January brides, la no
exception. Miss Martin attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska and Is a member of
Pi Beta Phi sorority. Wednesday Mies
Peurl Fitzgerald entertained and Saturday
afternoon Miss Gertrude Branch enter
lalned a few sorority members In honor
of Mies Martin. A number of social af
fairs are planned for later In the month
but the dates for these are indefinite.
The members of the Omlkron club gave
their annual stag banquet and smoker last
evening at the Rome hotel. Mr. Robert
Manley- was toastmgster and a Jollyt In
formal evening waa spent. The members
of the club Include Messrs. James Allen
Paul Beaton, Talmage Beebe, George G.
Bowman, Thomas liraden, J. Y. Bucking
ham. D. C. Buell, Gibson Caldwell, L. D.
Callahan, W. H. Cheek. R., B. Comstock,
Frank Creedon, A. I. Crelgh, Leslie Dick,
John R. Dumont. R. E. Dumont. M. H
Dunham, George F. Engler, Guy Furay,
Al Oordon, Jack Guild, Will Guild, Rj'-S.
Harris, M G. Hayward. R. W. Hayward,
John Hoffhlne. Harry Kelley, Harry Koch,
Herbert Kohn. Robert Manley, Charles' E.
Metz, C. J. Parrotte, Frank Parr, R. .L.
Patterson, Ralph Ralney, Harry Reed,
Samuel Rees, Jr.j Jess E. Rogers, R. A.
Van Osdel, Ralph West. J. Gorham and
Fred Baker. .
In preparation for the trial Monday of
John R. Dobbins, the first alleged memb-r
of the J. C. Msbray gang of "big store"
swindlers to be brought before .the bar of
Justice. Judge Green of the district court
yesterday ordered the di awing of twelve
additional Jurors.
The members of the regular petit lury
panel, who have been summoned to appear
Monday, are:
Fred Miller. Keg Creek; Thomas Owens.
Jr.. Garner; Ed Richard. Lewis: V . H.
Bodyfelt. Sliver reek; , r;. i . nosiwic.
Crescent; .lens Jensen. Rockford: A. It.
FiFCher, Neola: George Kveoerg. vvssning-
ton; Casper Plumer. Mlnrten; J. Ji. enieins.
Ilenrv Orr, Norwnlk; C.eorne K. stnltn.
Math'ew Shea. Boomer; A. Cole. Adolph
Beno, Kd Steepv. .1. C. Mitchell. G. Bsker,
S. R. Hurd. Henry Hastings, F D. Fuller,
W. .1. RnnnlgT. D. O. Brown, E. W. Welke.
8. H. Filbert. S. A. Lnrnd, F. K. Hosu
lsr.d P. !. Moomsw. Harrv Prawn. John
Gilbert. Thomas Galvln, Rolf Miller, W. K.
Orr. John A. Churchill. Louis Grell. F. C.
Hsrdln. G. II Acker. Nels C. Chiistoffer
fcor., W. M. Eatherton, Fred Carty, Jr.,
Council Bluffs.
The twelve additional Jurors drawn yes
teiday afternoon are:
Georire Quick. Hardin township; R. C.
Dovls, Ooriier; Maurice Hough, Crescent;
R. V. Churchill, Neola: E. M. Lorens. Keg
Creek: A. Wonder. Mlnden: Phil Bin's,
J. H. Dsn, York; Fred Pierce, Waxhinpton;
K. W. Klnppina, Norwalk; G. L. Thomas,
Boomer; Henry Scott. Hazel Dell.
Judge Green yesterday completed the
trial of the suit of Ids B. Kuhn and others
tgalnst ' Sarah G. Downs, Involving the
oartltlon of the Kuhn estate, and took It
under advisement.
Other Court Matters.
At the conclusion of the ti iul of the suit
of W. F. Sledcntopf age Inst William Moore
the attorneys waived arguments and sub
mitted the case to Judge Green, who Im
mediately decided it In favor of the defend
ant. The suit Involved a controversy over
stoik In the Jupiter Mining company.
Anna K. Lunbeck was granted a divorce
frcm Oscar J. Lunbeck, to whom she was
married October 12, 1908, on the grounds
of desertion. The suit was not contested.
Mrs. Maud Lund, against whom her hus
band, Austin Lund, brought suit for di
vorce, filed yesterday a cross petition, al
leging cruel and inhuman treatment. Mrs
Li nd says that owing to the ill treatment
she received at the hands of her husband
she was obliged on October 20 last to leave
him and seek shelter and protection at the
home of her mother. She is seeking the
custody of their 7-year-old eon, now with
the father, and the court Issued an ordr
restraining the father from taking the child
out of the Jurisdiction of the court pending
the determination of the suit.
If. Jobnaon Accidentally Shot
Lodge Pole by Youth Toying;
with Gun.
SIDNEY, Neb., Nov. 13. (Special Tele
gram.) F. M. Johnson, traveling salesman
for the hide house of 3. S. Smith A Co.,
Omaha, waa accidentally ahot at Lodge
Pole this evening. A young man employed
by Lew TJebruner, who was playing with
a revolver which he believed to be un
loaded, snapped the trigger and shot John
son In the leg, giving him a bad wound.
The doctor does not apprehend any seri
ous results' and the patient la doing well.
For The Future.
Mrs. F. W. Thurne will be hostess
Wednesday at the meeting of the Literary
Mr. C. Y. Smith will be hostess Mon
day at the meeting of the Monday Sewing
club. i
The Dundee Dancing club will give a
party at the Dundee hall the evening of
November 24.
Mrs. C. J. Hubbard will entertain at
luncheon Wednesday for Miss Elizabeth
Bruce of Harlan, la who is tha guest of
Mrs. F. R. Elson.
Mrs. B. F. Reynolds of Florence will give
a bridge party Tuesday afternoon at her
home In honor of Mrs. Charles Urquhart
of St. Louis, formerly of Omaha.
Mrs. David Baum will give an informal
upper Sunday evering at her home in
honor of Miss Rouse of Baltimore, who Is
iiiu guest of Miss Biuwiil Bess Baum.
air. ana mis. Frank L. McCoy enter
tained the Harmony club last evening at
ineir nome. Next Saturday evening Mr,
ana rs. J. l Baker will entertain tha
Mrs. Arthur J. Cooley haa issued Invita
tions for a luncheon party Thursday at the
Omaha club tn honor of Mrs. Thomas
Crelgh. Mrs. Cooley will entertain Friday
at bridge at her home In honor of Miss
Faith Potter, who will be one of the De
cember brides.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Lee McShana will give
a largj Orpheum party Monday evening
In honor of Miss Moffitt of New York,
who Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John A.
McShane. Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs.
Wlllard Deere Hosford will entertain at a
c'clrck coffee at their home on South
Thirty-seventh street for Miss Moffitt.
The Rod and Gun club members are or
ganizing a club to give a series of dances
at Chambers. The first one will probably
be December 2. There are "to be five In
tne series. All Rod and Gun club mem
bers are invited to Join. Mr. Jason Youngs
and Mr. Al Bloom, assisted by the Rod
and Gun club officers, will have charge
of the parties.
An interesting day has been planned
next Saturday for the members of the col
legiate Alumnae association. The members
of the Lincoln association will arrive in
the morning and will be the guests of the
Omaha asoclatlou for the day. A com
mittee will meet them at the train and
take them to the home of Miss Murion Con
nell, who haa pjaimed an Interesting musi
cal. Following the musicale a luncheon
will ,be given in one of the private dining
rooms at the Hmishaw at 1 o'clock. Toasts
will be given and an Informal afternoon
.will be spent. Tht guests plan to return
I home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The
committee on entertainment Includes: Mrs.
Paul Hoagland, Miss Kthel Tukey. Miss
Abba Bowen. MIms Zola Dellecker. Mis
Anna Peterson, Mis Oertrude White, Mist
Bess Dumont. Miss Edith Butler and Mrs.
Da vies.
Acquire the habit ot keeping on hand a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
save anxiety. There la nothing better for
rs. Ilousovifo
Why should you wear your
self out twice a week, baking
your own bread.
You know it isn't economy.
If you have "bad luck"
with it, your whole day is
spoiled and your meals are
unsatisfactory to your family.
Is it worth while?
Stop baking! Stop worrying-!
Smile and buy Nutro
Bread. Nutro saves all bake
day cares.
It is the perfect bread
it's in a class by itself.
Get it today ; give it a trial.
5 Cents a Loaf.
M 4Mil. il . 11 I KH I 3AM. CASE
Mrbolaa Farreue Found Guilty
Jury at Ttksatsk.
TEKAMAH, Neb.. Nov. iJ. (Special Tele
gram.) In the cake of the State against
Nicholas Farreiia, charged with th death
of Levter Ball In a drunken row at Decatur
last winter, on trial her since Monday, the
Jury, after being out twenty-four hours,
returned a verdict Friday of guilty of
nmnkiaugliter. Tint case was tried hr
Is a' spring, but the Jury did pot agree,
Persistent Advertising
B g Returns.
is the ruad to
Juicy Crabs,
Delicious Lobsters
Fine Fat Bass,
Mexican Chili,
Chinese Chop Suie
Italian Spaghetti
1415 Farnam Street
Down Stairs and Up.
store for
women 8
A Great Special Offerin
Of Women's Coats, Suits and Dresses
J-JERE is the very moment of opportunity for buying women s Fall
and winter apparel, for the values we present this week will command such atten
tion that we are sure of the greatest selling day we have ever had.
Hundreds of Fine Coats
Specially Priced at $15. $19.50, $25 and $29.50
These are not job lots or manufacturers' mistakes, hut they represent a
standard of needlecraft, design and individuality that wearers of good
clothes Appreciate and demand. These are the kind of coats we offer
specially priced this week. Immense assortments
at $15.00, $19.50, $25.00, $29.50 and $35.00
Beautiful New Tailored Suits
Specially Priced at $19.50. $25. $29.50 and $35
Hundreds of suits just received this week direct from Fifth Avenue
makers. Not only are styles particularly attractive, hut the materials,
lines, finish and workmanship show plainly the excellent tailoring of these
garments. The degree of success that has heen ours confirms our helief
that these suits possess merit nnd clothes value beyond the ordinary.
Suits worth $19.50 and $25.00-at ...$15.00
Suits worth $25.00 and $29.50 at $19.50
Suits worth $29.50 and $35.00-at $25.00
Suits worth $35.00 and $39.50 at $29.50
Suits worth $40.00 and $45.00-at $35.00
Suits worth $50.00 and $G0.00-at $45.00
Dresses for Every Occasion
Specially Price at $15. $19.50, $25 and $29.50
Beautiful dresses for street wear in one-piece styles, made of fine broad
cloths, tricots, wide wale serges, fine worsteds, in wool materials, and in
silk we show Peau de Cygnes, silk poplins, taffetas, etc. These dresses
all come in the accepted styles from the best American makers and em
body high-class workmanship only. Special
at $15.00, $19.50, $25.00 and $29.50
High Class Furs
Shown in Mink, Ermine, Lynx, Sitka Fox, French
and Russian Lynx, Japanese Mink, Brook Mink,
Black Fox, Blended and Natural Squirrels; Blue,
Gray and Black Wolf, Marten, Opossum and Rao-
coon Fur Sets
$10 to $25
Russian Lynx Sets, $15
A beautiful rich black fur set, has large collar and
large rug muff with silk shirred linings. These sets
are ordinarily worth $25.00 and
$30.00. You can choose one of
these sets while they last for
I tfassegieisw sj jcw
i-j s as
1 ,
$5,000 worth of new tioihani
Sterling Silver especially bought
for alt wPrlrilllKS.
Specially attractive lines are
Water Pitchers
Trult Baskets
Sandwich Plates
Sherbet Cups
r nek tall GlasneR
Fruit Salad Howla
Creme de Menthe Sets
Center Flower Bowls
And a splendid variety of smaller
pieces. It will be a pleasure to
show them.
C. D. DROWN Co.,
Jewelers and Silversmiths,
10th ami r amain.
WE have bought the stock of the Ma
whinney & Ryan Co. at half the facto
ry cost and for the next thirty days we offer
this immense stock of fine jewelry, clocks,
cut glass, bric-a-brac, umbrellas and every
thing in the entire stock, excepting Sterling
Silver and American made watches, at first
cost. Your inspection will convince you that
this is a rare chance.
Ryan Jewelry Co.
Successors to "Mawhinney f Ryan Co.
Fifteenth and Douglas Streets.
The Quality of jewelry sold
in this establishment is the
highest possible to procure.
are some of the grades.
Iddi and Harney St. ire
WtlKKfc: TO KT.
fir) Ceuts.
Anchovy Canajie
Clery on branch Sweet cilieiktna
Consomme Prlncrss
Oxtsil a la Aiifclaise
KIHet ot Flounder, Varlar Sauce
Potatoes a la Kits
Boast Young IMg lla.ns with Yellow Yams
bluffed Young Duck with Apple Heme
Hweetbreuds Cutlets. Romaine
Bugar Corn Maxlied Potatoes
chrysanthemum Salad
Neapolitan Ke Cream Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
Meeember 14, ISO.
J. . DEXsU. StaBager.
AH Our Beautiful Boavors at
20 Per Cent Discount
Thin store Is selling each week some nlular hat r trimmings at cut
price, ms a rr-eciul iinl iicunent for the week's tride
litis week we will sell our beautiful stoik of Beavera at SO per cent
discount. It Fys to watch foi our tuuflay ads.
Our Aim -Hiflhest Quality at Lowest Prices
Our 40-ln. Coronet Braid, firm Quality $12.00
Our 36-ln. Coronet' Braid, first ttuality HIO.OO
Our 28-ln. Switches (strictly pur), at $18.00 $20.00
Our 26-ln. Switches, second quality, at $ l.OO
Our 22-ln. Switches, second quality, at 8U.G0
Auto Nets, 2 for 250
We are tieadoartera for natural gray hair.
rupUa takes to learn the KairdressiBg- trade.
F. II. SCHADELL, 1522 Douglas St.
Gentle Dentistry
People come to my office,
hoping to find Painlessness
in Dentistry. They find that
and more, viz. Cleanliness,
Gentleness, Ability and Rea
sonable charges.
Dr. J. B. Fickes
il-J17 Hoard of TixU.
Roth Phones.
I Blh auu raru.ui at., b. W.
The Best raria Payer.