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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1909)
I 17 THE l'.EE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER V.. 1!m!. 1 1 n CWIN AND PRODUCE MARKET No Credit it Given to the Reports of Damage in Argentina. SENTIMEUT IS VERY BULLISH tarn rrr Firm, vtlth Light Offer, lags PrraiM of the Wet Wrtkrt Otff th Cora Belt of the West. IS 00 rrr "alt mfili tboxtdi, hither; extra shorts, $12011: clesr ribs, $l2.n). snort clears, $12 26. baron (boxed), higher; extra shorts, WJOo; near ribs, $U.oo, (hurt clesrs, $13.8o. HAG)IN'J 8 IMSc. in:M- tvvink ;e. l'UL LTK Y Firm ; chickens, 11c: springs. li'-c, turkeyi, 14'til6c; ducks, HVo; geese. 8c. PirTTER Steady; creamery, Rao, EUOS Steady, a'ic. Rtclptn. Shipment Flour, bbls ".'."JO Whtat. bu fl,KK 7.SiO Corn, bu 4H 3O.7O0 Oats, bu ,... 78,400 44.700 OMAHA, Nov. 11. VV. Very little credit In given the news of locust da magi in Argentina, and Ian year's Harvest will easily be equaled thin year, Sentiment la very bullish and values are firm and may work higher for the time being, but eventually the market will have to seek a lower level, ae the wheat crop the world over haa been larger than for Borne years. Corn la very firm, offerings extremely light, while wet weather over the corn belt la the factor of most strength, aa unfavor able weather will delay the movement. Wheat waa strong And higher on fur ther covering by shorts. Sentiment In the pit was bullish throughout the day and little or no wheat waa offered, buyers being: forced to bid up before longs let go of their holdings. Corn held very firm and value were slightly higher than yesterday. Light re ceipts with a moderate demand heaps to Sustain the market while trailers are In clined to be bullish on the unfavorable weather and the strength in wnrst. I'rlniary wheat receipts were 1,10000 bu. and shipments were 1.160,000 bu. against receipts last year of ksl.OOV bu. and ship ments of 483,000 bu. Primary corn receipts were 3i4,0n0 bu. and shipments were 2al,OoO bu., against re ceipts last year of 260,000 bu. and shlp uietns of 200,000 bu. Clearances were 4.0"J bit. of corn, LOOO bu. of oats and wheat acd flour equal to 448.0UO bu. Liverpool closed unchanged to Ha higher on wheat and Vd higher on corn. Local range ot options: NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Harket Opens Easier Because Lower Call Loan Rate. of MANY DEMANDS FOR CURRENCY Rise la Rate to Sis. Per tent la Fallowed by Drop la Value of Stork Bond Market la Steady. NEW YORK tiK.NKHAI. MARKET ((notations of the Day oa Various Commodities. NKW YORK. Nov. 12 FLOV R Receipts, ) hhls.; exports. 10.02-.I bbl. Market dull hur firm- Mlnneenta nutenta. i.i.26 7'f.fiO; winter straigl ts, ln.truK30; Minne- the varying view of Ilie money gitnstlon NEW YORK. Nov. 12. The sluggish cur rent of the price movement In the Mock market today shifted In consonance with sola bakers, 14.iyVfM.Wt: winter extras, 84. JO 4 i; wl',tr liatents. 15 3,Vri5.75; winter low Siad'S. $4?t'i4 7ii. Rve flour, steady; fair Articles.! Open. H!gh. r Lew. Close. Yesy, Wheat Deo.... Y May... Coin ,' Dee... i May.. ' Dec... May.. Vt 7'mi 81 1 00 tin Ui 99V 1 00 W la m M'.i'l ' W ' bWi '.. I ''' Ji J'"l "'''4 - SHjtii Ito-.t OsaaJaa Cash rrteee. A.inUVA'T KT hmrA Kl tiniu 1.031 No, r hrd. MMiiiMc: No. 4 hard. ViSiic; No. 8 CORN No. 1 68c: No. 8. IiVuWo; No. 4, 7 67 fee; no grade, 66(⁣ No. 2 yellow, . 48c; No. t yellow, 6T6sc; No. 3 white, 1 Mr; No. t white, Udr-nSMe. 1 3 OATS No. 1 mixed, J..17Vc; No. t yet-J''-Jor. 874&Sa; No. 8 while, SsSWo; No. white, 87l43744c; standard, 3.10. f 1 RVIl No. 1. tec; No. I. tit467c 4 J Carrot Rvceipts. I Wheat Corn. Outs 2X I'Jl u 441 31 13 2J f 17 Chleago ... Minneapolis Omaha Dupulh (HICAUO CHAi.V AMU PROVISIONS Pealnrri of the Trading; asl Cloalas Prleea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Nov. IX Lively demand for cash wheat In the northweet and south west prompted urgent covering by shorts today, resulting In material gains. At the clove were ud from Ho to lViiilc, compared with th final figures ot the pre vious session. Corn, oats and provision J were also lirm ana ciosea at moaeraie u Tancea. The wheat market was strong all day and prices moved over a wide range. One of the prominent shorts was said to have purchased more than 2,vou,uuu Duvneis ot December wheat during the day. Reports from Duluth Indicated that wheat there . was boinc rushed eastward In large quan titles, and It was predicted that stocks there would decrease nearly 1,400,000 huvhels during the week. cit. Louis reported an advance of lo to 2o In red winter wheat Kansas City also realstered a more mod rate advance. Foreign news was mostly of a bearish nature. The range on the "December dellveiy was between li'il7c The market closed active and strong, with prices only from the top, final quota Hons on December being at tl.OuV Wet weather extending over the greater part of the corn belt was the principal reason for moderate strength displayed. Shipping demand for cash corn was again brisk, but offerings were light, which re sulted In an advance of ijc. The close waa firm, with prices up VstTVo to Vic. Oats were firm, but the volume of trading waa mall. The market closed firm at net gains of a shade to Ho. V Freeh advances were made In provisions aa a result of renewed buying by shorts based on a continuation of light receipts nf live hogs throughout the west Pork was especially strong, the January delivery advancing ITVtO above the previous close. The market closed strong, with prices up JVto to 36c. The leading futures tanged as fallows: 14 12. Ju, to pood. 14Mi4 2S: enolce to fancy. Hurkwlieai flour, dull: bulk, nominal, per 100 lbs. 'JW.MKAI steady: fine white and yel low. I15'ul&&; coarse, ll.4UHil.4u; kiln dilel, 13.46. UVt -hieady; No. 2 western, Slo, nomi nal, f. o. b.. New York. BARLEY Uulet: feeding. 61ii3c. c. L f. New 4 oik. WMKAT Receipts, 127.700 bu.; exports, y,.(MA bu. ripot market strong; No. 2 red. 1 27 asked In domestic elevator; No. 2 red, tl.2ii'i, nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $Llt. nominal, r. o. o., afloat; No. 2 hard winter. 11.18-V nominal, o. b.. afloat. The stronir cash situa tion and fear of manipulation In December caused shorts to cover, and December old at a new hlih record for the season. There were rood exomt orders In the market, hut offerings were llKht and sell ing prices were raised. The market closed rirm at a net advanco of VfJlHo: Decem ber, fl.13S.ti 110. closing at 11.10; May, 11.11 liil.UU,. tloKliiK at tl 12 CORN Kece ols. 11.2S0 bU. BIK)l marsei strong; No. 2, 72c in elevator, domestic, 72Vkc delivered and 72.-. f. o. b, afloat; No. 2 yellow, 72'c, nominal. Options with out transactions and closed VaViO hhrher; December closed at TOo: May cioseu ai K)i"ic OATS Receipts, m.W OU. spoi niarufi steady; mixed. 2 to 32 lbs., nominal; natu ral white, 2 to 32 ir.s.. hwik; cuppva white. 34 to 42 lbs.. toVi'BtR'ric. HOPS Dull: state, common to choice, 1!W. at'.fSc; VM. If.i820c; I'aclflo coast, 1800, ffi ' : 1!Hi 17iW22c. IIAY 1 rm: No. S. SU'erBac; gooa m choice, 6ic. HIDES Finn; Rogota, ,21V4'Z24o; tral Arrcr ca, 22':22l4c. LKATHER Steady ; acid, 2:-u;jo. l'Ri.)V1.10N'8 Iisef, firm; family, i 14.60; miss, 11 Otca 11.60; beef hams, r..u0: nacket. 112.00d,12.&4): city extra mess. IL'O .abU 22 on. Cut meats, steady: PICK led bellies. 113.60W14.25; pickled hams, 112 60 ii 13 00. lrd. firmer; middle west, 113.36 tu 13.46: refined, steady: continent. 113.) .south America, 114.2j; compouno. iv.vwji 10 25. 1'ork, flnn; family.; short clear. 134.5041 2o.60: mess. 12.j.7a'fl2.i. TALLOW Vjulet; city, rr pkg., te; cuiuitrv. nacUaae free. i.'iifi'ikC. RICK Steady; domestic, fair to extra, i 4iic: JattHii. blfic. rOl'LTR i Alive, firm; western cnicsens, I.'jc: fowls. 14Uc: turkeys, Wuliic. Dressed, steady; western chickens, broilers, l&B I'jc fovuls 12f14c: turUevs. IfiftSOc. EOC.S Easy; western extra, firsts, Slfff Sfie: firsts 2:Kfi.T2o: seconds. 26(ZrZ7C. - - . 7 ni HU 1 1LR isteaay; western iaciory, CHEK8E Firm; state, full cream, spe clals, 16V,i517Hc; state, full cream, Septem ber, fancy. IGVic: state, full cream. Octo ber, best, lie; state, full cream, common to good. 14W3lic; skims, full to special, 6tf 140. Cen 114 00 23.U0-4 India WEATHER I.X TUB GRAI.t BELT Articles ! Open Hlgh. Low. Close Yes'y. W heat Deo. 1 06V4 1 07 1 OS 1 W 1 06 May 1 04-Si 1 OjS 1 04V4 1 06V 1 W'J July 97WlSi W 17 7W 7t Corn Ken. IrS-ffSf 69'4:59''8'S. ROM I May ItioHvS 61 0V,;tiOViTi 00 July 004 00,1 WSl 604 'Oats I -ee.. 3Vir(i !S 3VI 3, SO .May Ui 41T 41, 4iV&,4l!Sn July 3S,S9HS S'kiliiH & MJanT 21 17V 21 52i 21 17 21 60 21 15 . fMay 20 17V4 20 32A 20 17V. 20 27! 20 124 Nov. 12 00 12 86 12 90 11 !5 12 80 Jan. 11 90 11 l5 11 ST '4 11 11 W May 11 42V n 45 U 42 V 11 42 4 11 40 Ribs I Jan. 10 66 10 Ti 10 86 10 79 10 6TH May 10 DO I 10 66 10 46 10 474 10 424 No t. Fartlr Cloadr and Probably 8novr ( Florrlea. . ' ' ', OMAHA. Nov. 12. 1909. The northwest area of hlgn pressure noted In the preceding report moved soutn eastward during lue last twenty-four lioura. and lot civst now overlies the caua Oiaa provinces and the temperature is muoh lower In the provinces, ttuourfhout the Missouri and middle Mississippi vai leys and the upper lake region; eibewhere til temperature chaugea have been uiiiui' portant An area of low pressure nas op ptartd in the southwest and preulpltaUun occurred within the last twenty-four noura in Uiat section, tlio lower Missouri and the upper and imddie MisslbSippt valley, too upper ' lake region and aiong the eastern siuue of the ltucky mountains, and snow is tailing in eastern Montane, the Black Hills, southeastern Wyoming; rains aim biiows In eastern Colorado a in. rain western Illinois and Indiana tm morning Conditions are favorable for partly eiouay weather in this vicinity, witn probatny snow flurries tonight or ttaturuay, and not much cnaiige In temperature. Record oi temperatuie and precipitation computed with the corresponuing aay me lust three years; 190B. 1908. 1907. 1306. Minimum temperature.... Jfc 21 24 1'rtciDliation .00 T .00 Nuriruil temperature for today, 39 degrees. ueliuency in precipitation since uucu l.Qb incfies. corresponding period In 1SXJS, Def.ciency 3. to iiiCnvs. 1efiCisncy 4. t4 inches. corresponding period in 1907, M. V. ROBINS, Observer Temporarily In Cuarge, 11 A--, 1 Cash quotations were aa follows: 1 f LOUR Firm; winter patents, irvSotio SO; Printer strslghts. 14 60.ij5.46; spring straights, (4 75 4.90; bakers. 13 2.6.20. RYK No. 2. 73Vi74c. BARLEY Feed or mixing, 62'u56c; fair to choice malting, STyrtoc. BL'KDS Flax, No. 1 south mestern, 11.64; No. 1 northwestern, $1.7. Timothy, 13.75. Clover, 19 60fl 14.00. PROV'ISIONS-Pork. mess, per bbl., $23.75 ff 24.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., 113.16. Phort ribs sides (loose), $11 O0vaU.17t; short clear sides tboxed), $11004)1125. Total clearances of wheat and flour were ejual to tUe.OOO bu. Exports for the wee:, ss shown by Bradstreet s, were equal m $.635,600 bu. Primary receipts were l.lri9.000 bu., compared with 91.000 bu. the corre sponding day a year ago. F.stimated receipta for tomorrow: Wheat (e ears, corn, 190 cars; oats, 134 cars; hogs, li ft head. Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 red, lt.2nfil.21: No. $ red, $1.0701. IS; No. 2 hard, 1.0;jl.o$t: No. 1 tisrd. $1025108; No. 1 hortl ern spring. $1093110; No. t northern iprhig. tl OoTlo; No. 8 spring. $1.03nl.07. cmn: No. 1 cssh. M'ifJWkc; No. 2 yellow. $5flSc: No. 1 yellow, fio. Oats: No. 3 white. "ft40'.C; No. 4 white. 333940; stand r, 3VU4ie. Bl'Tl R-steady; creameries. 24flr30o; sairiee. 24tr2c. KIOS Firm; receipts 4,701 cases; at mark, eases Included, 2"4tw4c; firsts, 27c; prim firms. 2ic. CHE ESK Firm; daisies, 16iil6'ic; twins, I616c; young Americas, li16,6; long horns. 16i5l6c. IromitV-Flrni; turkeys. 16c; chickens, fj " springs. 124c VEAJv bteady; U to 00-lh. weights. 7 T4e: W to -lb. weights. 7Hti9c; 85 to 110-lb. melfhts. Sllc. POTATOi:t Pteadv: choice to fancy, 40 C4Fc; fair to good. 35c. Itfcalpts T...1y Wl,ri. IS iii; orn, 133 rars; oaf. lt cars. Kstlmatrd tomorrow Wheat 4 cars; corn, 1M csrs; oats, 134 tart. Si, l.eale General Market. 61". LOUIS. Nov. 12. WHEAT Futures ind cash higher; track No I red cash )1 1191 ': No. 1 hsrd, H 01 1 Leu.; Decem ber i 06m osu.; May. $i.(mu.. CORN Firm; futures, higher; track. No I 5 gnc; No. 1 wMi, rU'ilc; lecember' !IH,:4i4c; Mav. tSf004e. OAT. Firm; track No. 1 cash. S04i44V bio .1 white. 42c; lecember. Ss'n"; Mayj ll4o. RVF Hlrher. Tb4c I UH'R-V'lichanged; rd winter patents. IfiUU.SMJ; extra fancy and straight, $4 Jo-'f 140; hard wlrtT clears $tSor.'4.t. I-FFP Tlmothv. $2 50$ 1.50. C"RNMFAl,-$r00 BRAN Higher: sacked, east track, $100 "102 HA T-F;eadv: timothy. $12 WI1.(; pi al- -1e. $ ir.f.f cr. TVON TlFS-iV. rtOVISIONS Pi.ik. higher 3i.t Lard hli'her; prime Urtm. $1 Kansas City brain and Provlslous. KANSAS CITY, Mo., Nov. 12. WH 10 AT UncnaiiKed: No. 2 hard. l.ttii l.Oii. No. Il.uijd.uu, No. 2 red., l.lLkalu, No. S, JL13 til.18. cuRN Unchanged; No. 2 mixed, 67c No. 3. 67-Sic: No. 2 white. 684c: No. 3, 6Nu. OA'iS-LiicliuiiKed; No. 2 white, iOJj42c No. 2 mixed. ajiOc. RYE iO.u i'2c. HAV I iichanged; choice timothy, $11.50(1 12uu; choice prairio, $j.2ua9.uO; choice ai tana, 10 bo-alti.50. BliT'i h.K-1 reumery, extras, 30t:; firsts, 2t.t: seconds. 2uc: nacklnic slock. 21V&C. LUGS hxtrus, 2.5c; Fiibls, 20o; oeconds and tlirtice. itc; current receipts, iic southerns, loss off, He. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Ui.uOii i;'J,ouo Corn, bu 2tl,.H 2,oi0 Oats, bu k.uou 9.UU0 RKPORT OP THE CI.KARINO 1IOVIK Tranaaetleas at the Associated Banks for the Week. NEW YORK, Nov. 12 Urndstre.-t s bunk rlearing report for the week ending No vember 11 shows an agttregaie of $. f9.!-2.-OO, as agalnat 1.1,(4. i4n an) l-t week and $( 6S.'1K! ft in the corresponding week last year. Following la a list of tne cities: CITIES. i Clearings 'l Inc J Dec. applies of money on call at 6 per cent atid below duilng tlin eariler part of tho day gave confidence that the banks were wlthm their reserve limit, so that call money borrowera would not be pushed fnr pay ment. Iater the appearance of the pre liminary estimates of the wei'ks currency movement And announcement of fuith r ngagements of gold for export renewed anxiety and the call 11 obey rale stiffened again. The outgo of cash during the week lias been much larger than wns supposed, the balance against New York on the express movement running apparently to nearly 14,600.000 up to Thursday night. There were accitlonal large shipinci.ts to Chicago 10 day, which will figure In the actual figures of the bark statement tomorrow. Sub- treasury operations and pold shipments to Brazil together have taken $4.854.0iO. thus unr.lng tho cash loss on the known move ments of money up to near llft.00o.OU0, one of the largest cash loyea for any one week In the present year. The date of shipment of the 11. 500.000 gold tnnagement today for South Aim'Tlci on London order Is not yet known. The bank which maiie the largest engagement called loans today to the extent of many mllllc n dollars. There was some fresh supply from other sources. Including, It was said, the dry goods banks in this city, owing to a lull in trade ie- qulremcnts. Authorities differed as to of- erings of money from forelttn sourc?:t. here is slKniflcance, perhaps, in the fact that London financial authorities are com plaining that the Joint stock banks there are not holding up tho hands ot the Bank of Fncland In Its efforts to attract gold from outside markets. The special demand for cash from Chicaito is said to be urgent and Is connected with the expectation of an early call from the comptroller of '.li currency for a statement of condition of national banks. The Imminence ot this call. It Is reported, found some of the Chi cago banks below the uaerve limit. A good proportion of tho New York clearing house banks were shown to be below the 2o per cent reserve limit In the detailed bank statement of last Saturday and their ncc s sity for recuperation is a factor In the money market position. 1 he rise In money rates applied not only to call loans, but to time loans, and the hardening tendency extended from the shorter to some of the longer periods. Ask ing rates for ninety-day loans were ad vanced a fraction during the day. A feature of the narrow speculation was Its diversion to low-priced stocks, both Industrials and railroads have the limited resources In the money market, make operations In these low-priced Issues more feasible owing to the smaller Bums re quired by commission houses for holding them for customers. This constituted the only reason for the movements In most pf these. The sharp falling off In the week s exports of Copper, compared with several weeks past, gave the impression ot a waning of the reported demand for that metal, although the price was advanced again In London today. The force of the demand for Iron was reported to have spread to the foreign mnrket, leading to purchases for Import. Stocks fell to the lowest of the day, when call loans rose to i per cent and then hardened when the rate eased off. Bonds were stesdy. Total sales, par value, $3.6S0,O0. United States bonds were unchanged on call. 1 1 New York.... Chicago Huston I t iiliauelphia I St Liuis I rittsliurg I Kansas City San 1 ranclsco Baltimore I Cincinnati j lllllK'ttpOll .New uiieans.,.. Cleveland Duron OatASLA I.uuisviiie MilwauKeu rVrt Worth l.t'S Angeies M. I am beatlle DenwT Uuflaio Indianapolis .... frpuHaii i'l ov luence lJorilaiid, Ore.. Richmond Aiuany vt asiungiun, D St. joacpti Salt iMiiH City.... Coiumous Alcu.ipt.ia Aiiuot.1 Tucoii,a ouiaiuiali luleUo lUiciiesier iiaritoid .Nuanwiie ues Moines 1 eona New Haven , Sioux City rooriuik. til and Rapids Syracuse ivanetvnie riiriiuiinani rpiiUMe 'U, Mass 1 ortlund, Ale Augusta, ua L'uyiun I'ttklHlld vtorctsier .. 6.6,. I 9.01. 6.4,. a 8; . 2'j.b,. 7. is .li . C.... I 3. b.. 20. S .. b.2 .. Bb.o,.. U.i.. .2,.. 22.1,.. ia.7.. 32. 3... b.O ...;... k.U... 40.8)... 2o.5,-.. 3J.b... lo.b... ,V2;... 20. 5... 48. ti... 7.6... ',.0... 22.2,... IAj.Ui... 2.4 ... 13.4, I 6.S,.. 9.U ... 2u.i,.. .ll.. 13.1),.. 32.4... 10. 0.. 13.3 3.7 Bates. 1,100 47.&O0 100 4H 1S,0 100 too 1,1' ) 210 1O0 4, fi 110 o . I.-IO 1U0 ', " ') , I.8U0 CIO 4U0 '. " 't( . 7.0"0 . I, MO 64 t,4 4H4 47 4 .- 74"4 734 474 14 4 15 4 61 9S'i 111 DO HIS 1WI4 -4S4 111 1'44 137 116 'is" 1D4 4 474 6.7U0 874 474 4 .) I0 " 4'V) 7,"0 21 n4 7 4S )4 no H4 Z3 4 BVO, ll4 4 Mlnueapolls Uraln Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 12. WHEAT De cember. $1,044; May, $106 v.. Cash: No. 1 $1 ObV& No. S hard. $1.0i4'ul OIH; No. 1 northern, l.v'i; No. 2 northern, $1.04 V 106; northern, $103104. SEED Fiax, $1.7474. CORN No. 1 yellow, 6!Vu .i9c. OATS-No. 3 white. S4ti jac. UYF.-No. 2. e4n9o. BltAN In 100-pound sacks. $19.60. FIAJUR First pctents, $5.40r.).io; second patents, $5.2oj.3o; fust clears, $4.65u4.i6; second clears, l3.3Vui.5U. Liverpool Urala aad Previsions. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 12. WHEAT Spot, firm; No. i red western winter. 7s 11-d; iu.uies, quiet; December, 7s lld; March, 7s 8d: Mas-, 7s CORN spot, easy; new American mixed (via Oalveston). 5s i'd; futures, steady; December, 6s Peoria tiraln Market. PF.ORIA. Nov. 12 CORN-Steady; No. 3 white, new, 5ac; No. 2 yellow, new, 67c; No. 3 yellow, old, i3L,c; new. 5dc; No. 2, new, 57c; No. 3, old, 634a: new, 6e, no trade, new. 6Ji;c. CATS Unclisnged; No. $ white. 40c. No. $ white. 39a. Hnlnlh Urals Market. DULUTH, Nov. 12. WHKAT December, $1,034; May, $1,064; No. 1 northern, $; No. 2 r.nrtnem. $l.04. OATS io'tc. Slllw-aakr irla Mnrket. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 12-WHEAT-No northern. $l.UMfl.l0; No. &1074; December, $1 oriV OATS-41Mj42He. BARLEY Samples. 64'iti.c northern, U0L4 Sales and range of prices on exchange today were as follor.s mgn. Allla-OhslnirB prd .. AmAlgftDiftted Copper AuaricsD Agricultural Am. Beet Sugar Am. Can prd Am. C. A K Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. Hi It. pfd Ain. Ire Securities Americas Llnwed Aineric&n Lo:ouiotive Am. a. t, R Am. g. ai R pld Am. Sugar Refining Am. T. & T Am. Tobacco pfd Woolen Anaconda Mining Co Atchlaoa Atchlton pfd Atlautlc Coast tine Baltimore A Ohio Jlal. 4b Ohio prd Itlethlehem Steel brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Patlilo Central Lealner Central Leaiher pld Central ot Mew Jersey Chesapeake Ml Ohio Chicago & Alton Chicago Ureat Western etrs Chicago 4 N. W C, M. A St. P C. C, C. A 8U L Colorado T. I Colorado A So Colo. Ik 80. 1st ptd Colo, a 80. 2d pld Contolidated OAS Cora Products Delaware A Hudaon Deuver a Rio Orande U. A R. O. pfd Distiller' Securities lirle , brie 1st pfd Brie 2d pf4 General ElsclMo Ureat Norihern pfd Northern Ore ctrs.... Illinois Central luterburougli bivi Int. Met. pfd International Harvester Int. Marine pfd International Paper ... International Pump ... Iowa Central Kansas City 80 K. O. So. ptd Louisville A N afliin. & St. Louis M , 8t. P. A 8. 8. M. . Missouri Paclfia M., K. A T M . K. A T. pfd Natioual Biscuit National Lead ... N it. K. of M. la New York Central N. V.. O.. A W Norfolk A W Norln American Northern Pacifle Paciric Mall Feniiarlvanla People's Uas p.. c, c. a gt. L Preaeed Steel Car i'ullinen Palaoe car .... Hallway steel Spring... heading Republic Steel Republic sieel prd Rock Island Co Hock Itland Co. ptd St LAS. K U pfd... St. LouU 8. W St. L. 8. W. pfd Slou-Sheffleld S. A I .. Southern t'aciric Southern Itailesv So. lUltwsy pfd Tenures Copper Teas a Psclllc T . St. L. W T.. St. L A w. pfd I niou Pact tic I'uion Parlflc pfd t'. 3. KcaltT V. 8. Kutiber C. 8. Hlt-el C. 8. Steel pfd I'uh Copper . Va. -Carolina Chemical Wabash pfd Wes, ern Maryland ctrs. W'e.n:(rhouo Klcctrlc Wetern Cmnu W neellng A L E WIconsin Central Total aslea foe ihe day. a,.) thirei. the Stock low. Close. mi 4m 47 Mt, Wm 7iV 4J' 14 V, ir.H a: t-v 1114 2 H.l 1J0' Ilk" M'tk 1S'4 "iiii 75 1H44 4M If") l.WO 6U0 " 4, f 10 UK) S.iaO .) 7iO o , Hit's iriii 142 SlH Uri Ua's 4.-.S lot.1t iM'.t 1 W4 2-1 16 iH 77 4IT 'snr, 80 14S'i 1H1 i J. . .. ) 44-js iti" :a "7t 146 n 4' f k.l'i 41 474 64 74V, 47 24 IS'., t.t, My. 1 11 129 141 lot) '4 84 4U 1"41 i: lie 1414 74 1S4H 47S l'to'A situ 74 47 lHSVs ;64. 77 V4 0 "4 VJ 143", US' 1U41, 37 -H 48t tlti 141 '4 142, 14.M, i4 to lo4 l.t, 1:114, .1 :to. 1 JacKbouville, Kia j wlcnlia 1 heunng, V. Va Kuoxtl.le I Little itock I L lialtanouga c iiaricfiioii, C 1 itlooiie j vv uiiiiiigtoii, L'el 1 Lincoln, Neo v ilktsuai re 'iopeaa Duvenport I UKiaiioina ali Klver Kalamazoo, Mich... .saoraiueiuo 1'l lllgl it-Id, 111 fteleiiti tort Wayne (Jedar Kapids isew ilcaioid t'olumoia, 6. C Alacon 1 uungstown Li-xmeum rart;u, N. L) Akron Kockford, 111 Ltic, fu Jmoux Falls, a. D Carton, u y.iincy. 111 iiiooiinngtoii, 111 Lowell , itlnghamion , c ncster, 1'a bo u ill liciKl, Ind.. . Iw.aiur, tu Springfield, O IC'kt-OUI'g i-'reuioni, Neb maiioi'iold, U Jacksonville, 111.... jackron. Miss "riouston oa,esi.on Ouluih acranton $! I 1.0 Srb.lAl.tMOi 1 ,.2j,0Wi 1 4 1 lou.l.tvctsu, TMW.tMH 4s,til.lW 6i.l'2i,vi 42.1,S.tAI 3.12!I.0JU 2u.iiS.OW j 4.1 j..tjy b.h 2b. ,8i.WJJ 1o,i'j!,UW lo.l.J.t)i 16,da3,0OO l,ibo,vt U,2o.1,ttJ K,l0i,0vV 1,7i0,0jO li,oiy,wO 14Jt..0OV lO.ii'.O'jyi M.bJs.ow, 10 0J,0UU, Wt),lVv 10.2j1.uuU ,4,2,UM Bt,4,UtW 6.14.tAI .be.u-Ai, S.llt4,UO0 b,,..uW b.l,OVU K,Joo.vW 14, di t,wo. U.ito.VO'Ji b,f 44.00VI 4.44o,VUO 4.O1O.UW, I 11.0 S.Di.yuOi,M,WMl S.!W4.UVO 3,4.l,VJO 2,11, i.iaV, 2,j,tW0 .ihu,VjO 2.wj,uooi 2 uOi.VMMi . 'I, ltS1.tMi 1J.4. 2,idtf,0HJ U.b,. 2. io,ui I 2,W2 vw, I ii.w, Wl, D.4.... 1,0J1,IMJ 7,(.... 1.1),WW 13.2; l,6io,tr 21.4 2. V4i,uuO li.2.... 3, JuX,ouO ho..... I,"ina,uu0 b.8.... l.nbi. 0uo SI .4) ... . 2,il, 0,00V; id l,)SJUt(SA) 17.2 .... 2.2UO.UOO! b.i. l.iH,AJO 1 l.dau.vtw, 10.41 l,oi!4AW iu.J.. l,4(it,tJ0 i,bi.uuu 1 l,2Jtl.OtV 0. 2,aOi.0V0 2,O4j,O0O l.ob4,0l0 l,4ill,OUO Uio,0uV 1.121,tIU 1.0U2.0tK l,lui,tAI0 , i4o.00U l,2n,uv0 t12.0UO Vbo.Ooo) L342.0tJ bU.uVOi 1 IV.oOOi Ml.utK w.z.oov: oltdM-Oj ltf,WO U20,0ti0 b4J.O00. o,Wj. 7!lo.0O0 tu2,UA 3oU,0U0 4ixi,tiOO 6io,uuO 30O,uU0 31AOUO) tkib.OUO; 24,2ol,ouO I li,bo2,OMO If. 7,oi,uoui j 2,170,000! I OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Receipt! of Cattle Very Light and Iricei Unchanged. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS HIGHER hrrp aad Lambs (a ery Ulgnt ite- celpt Friday aad No Material tsaage la Made la r re velling rrlcea. SOUTH OMAHA, Neb., Nov. U, W. Keceipts were: Cattle. Hogs Sh'T; Offlclsl Monday 1L3V4 2S9 .4M Official Tuesday 6.6.U 4.407 78.1 Off1cl.1l Wednesday 4.S.Q 6.1t4 7.14 Olficial Thursday 4 301 8 4.2 6.i4i Estimate t rlday 1.800 Five davs this week. .. .27.2) 19.29J 32 178 Same days last week. . . .2S.3J3 15.9S-S tj.rsj Same days 2 weeks 11K0..8I 0J0 lo.oo W.ll Same days 3 weeks ago.. 37.K44 W.2S1 '- Same dnvs 4 weeks ago. ..Si,. 464 i5,ft ' Pame days lust year .... 20,872 $3,106 bl.m 'ihe following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omalia year to date llslt. 94. M7 1.M3 37 1,970.043 The following labia shows Hie average price of hogs at bouih Omaha for the last eeveral tin.,), with comparisons; for the year: Cattle Hogs hht. p . compared with last lws. inc. i-'ec. 8W.O05 74.312 2.103.716 170.409 1,801.807 107,234 L'ate. I 1309. lis.LtO7.liiOo.l06.1904.l!03. Nov. N ov. N ov. Nov. Nov. .Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 10. Nov. Jl Nov. j 2 2.... s ... 4.... 7.... $.... 9 .. 6 72 6 68 6 10 4 Mj 4 84, i W r. k.: e s (17 4 87. 4 ol 4 87 4 M, u i cj m 4 7 b 7 6 cmi 1 72V, 6 8J. b 62 J iuiai 6 87, 6 9 6 98 l Ml V W.ui 5 79i 5 15i 5 W 4 87 1 6 7S 4 W; & iWi 4 83 4 1, 7 e t a 7&, M 02 4 ail 1 w 7 7. , ft ..? a s ud. 4 in: 4 V. I 4 H) 7 72;, 6 koi I 6 07, 6 80, 6 97 4 6, 7 '.jJ 5 61 4 90i I 4 82, 4 8J 4 bj ..... 5 79 4 83 6 00 I 4 80, 4 03 li likiiiMr (0 n 1 j!! : ( 1 - - - i Mi r. What amount hav you been able to sava this year? and How Will You Invest Your Earnings? If you hare an idle hundred or fifty or even ten which you desire to lay aside for safe keeping, bring It to this bank for deposit. He tu Vtrtitictte of Deposit payabUon dtinaml, or Time Certificates oeartny thrn per interut. 1 )mm Uay .... m, -.A,'1 1 1 3.9 &.0 14 1 l.Ol.. 40. 0,., 1.8., a,.2i. 2.. v.U. 4,2,. 63. i. 73.i. 28. 8. 6.b. 28. 0. 7.6. 17. J. 28.1. 1.4. 20.0. b.!f. 46. 7 2b. 3.. 14.4.. 4.3).. 11.7,.. 26.5.. "ii'.i:. 40.8 13 23 n 1 .1 1 4 u 1 15 3 10 i 3 is., to.. u . SO.. 6 . 44.. t.. 11 uo t4rt 19 1 liti 7 U 1 Si I kj 1 u 7 86 1 li 3 6 61, U r. 46 2 .M 31 ,.167 ,.IJ 1 US 7 I; tt 7 87 7 17 7 87 Hi 1 "IS U.4 4b. 9 buuday. , , lUcti,,ia and disposition of live stock at the l.iiion block ards, Sciuth Otnatia, for tuenty-iuur liouis ending at 3 p. ni. yes terday : RECEIPTS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. M. & St. r Wainish I'.i, Iflc 13 U 2 Chtcigu N. VV., east... Chicago N. W., west.. c, St. 1:, M. & o.... C, 1J. & g., west C, it. 1. A- P., east.... C, li. I. & P., west.. Illinois Central Chicago U. W Total receipts 56 49 4 DISPOSITION. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 66 624 332 Sw4it and Company 524 713 4oH Cudahy Packing Co 43 763 366 Armour & Co 287 1,049 .... Cudahy, from St. Paul.. Mo.-Kan. Calf Co Benton, Vansant Ac Dush J. Lobman Stephens Bros Hill & Son Huston Ai Co J. B. Root & Co L. F. 11 usz I,. Wolf McCreary & Caioy K. Wert hclmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagarly Sullivan Bros T. J. Inghruin Snrth & Palsey Claire : Co Other buyers 202 .... J.78T. 524 4-a 287 "'7 10 1 1!!0 41 1 4 6 13 49 1011 49 11 1 1 1 3 202 .f30 .lit .414 ni 144 .!(. .314 SllKt-P Only a sprinkling of sheep was received today, not enough to test, the market and prices reiimined nominally steady. Receipts for the five days this week show a marked shrinkage as com pared with the runs of previous weens. Supplies thus far tills week total about 32,000 head, as compared with 94.OU0 head for the same days last week and 62.0JO head for the corresponding period of laat year. snarply curtailed runs each day have partly caused the keener demand and better quail. y has also served to enliven buying Interest. As a result, the trend of prices on all kinds was sharply higher from the opening, Monday's general mar ket showing an advance of Ury4a over the close of the previous week. Stronger prices each succeeding day leaves current quotations about 2b(j4Uc higher than a week tigo. "Clean-ups" constitute no small percent age of feeder offerings and country buyers are not making any grand rush for the common and inferior kinds. The more suitable grades of both sheep and lambs, however, have been soiling readily at prices fully steady to possibly some higher as compared with lsst week's close. quotations on rat stieep ana ismos: wood choice - lamus. JT.iowr so: rair to good Inmbs, $6.7trW7.10; good light yearlings, $6.25 6.65; good heavy yearlings, M.wwn.ift good to choice wethers. $4.85a5.35; fair to good wethers, $4.40Tf4.86: good to cholc ewes, $4.604801 fair to good ewes, $4.20Q Quotations on feeder stock: Oood to choice lambs, $d.inpi.50; fair to good lambs 70,!6.16: iiglit yearlings, $5.00'irS SO; heavy earllngs. $4,6O'a6.O0; old wethers, $4,169 .40: good to choice ewes, W.1MJ8.S6; breed irr ewes. f3.7rVfiS.50: vesrllng breeding ewes. $10(2 00. Representative sales: No. ? Idaho ewes 110 Idaho ewes, feeders. 14 Idaho ewes, culls... to 'Not included In totals because compari sons are incomplete. ttNot included in totals beeause contain ing omer Items than clearings. New York Money Market. NKW YORK, Nov. 12. MONiil on call, tlrong at 47ub per cent; ruling rate. 6 pe, cent, viosn.g bid, 6 per cent; offered at 6Va per cent; time loans, firm; sixty days, pur cent; ninety days, 8 per cent; six months, i per cent. pKiMt; mercantile: paper 65, per cent. STfc.Rl,INO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.82ju 4j4.810 for sixty-day bnis and at $4.87b for uemaiid; commercial bills, $4.S2'itl 4 82. SILVER Bar, CO,o; Mexican dollars. 4.1c. BONDS Oovernnient, steudy; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. S. rcf. Is, rei.,..10t Int. M. M. 4,i 704 do coupun lrt ejtpan 4B r. V. . ss, re 10114 do 4Vs K: so coupon KUK'K. C. so. 1st 3s Iji, V. 8. 4s, reg 115'1, g. deb. im liul.... 14 do cuuppn 11(L. A S. unl. 4s vi, Allis-nial. 1st ss.... Ms'.. K. A T. 1st 4a. it tUI) 3"1 K ') too ii ptd.... 700 17 87 i 8, DO 4110 '4i 1H r7,20) 3D l.leo io M liw ir,.i , i.e 100 . 4.1, U , l.itol l'f) . T.iiOi) . Jm . 1,( . ! S . U.t.'K . l.AtM . 1,7'I0 '. " . W.7) M b'ti) ?XI . r7.M) - . .7i) . l. o . 5, M0 is.0 . 1 '.'.l . 6,30.1 131 Va 4b "4 ii.v', U a . H6VS 52 l'JL't 4vs 47 10C 4) kl 47 4 70', :. vr 3I 70 3114 & :' lint, a" W I4 U'4 4'.l 1 6JVs ae, s.4, Totals 1.963 S.049 4,322 CA'lTl.iS As usual on a Friday there were nut eritiuizli ciLttle here to out any treat figure In the trade, only fifty-five cars being reported In. r'or the most part lliey sold in good season In the morning at laum that ilirl not snow any maierlal cnange as compared with yesterday. Most talesmen were reporting their hoiQlnga as moving at about steaay prices. The market Is now a line stronger on range steers tnan It was one week ago, liile cornted steers have snown com paratively Utile change. The fact is most of the cornledn coming at the present time are hair fat cattle which are very nam io mirite. Cows and heifers of desirable uuaiitv have remained fuliy steady, while caniiers have been a little weaker. Good stock cattle and feeders have shown some little airetiitth during the week. Quotations on cattle: ijooa io cnoice rnrnl at ears. 17 iVnX uO: fair to KOOd Com fed steers, $6.201; 7. 26; common to luir coin ted s.eers, 4.bOii.36i good to choice range sletrs. 86.281i8.2ti; tair to gooa rsnge sioers, s4.C0t46.2s. common to fair range sleeis. $o.i(yii-1.60; good to choice cornfed cows and heltirJ. S4.voo.oo; lan io gooa uoriiiaa cows and heifers, JJ.iUU4.00, common lo lair corufed cows and neifars, 42. 26 dj. 26 KOOd to Choice range cows and heifers. ia.8e4l4.36; lair to good range cows and htile,, $3.od3.85, coiiiinon to fair rangs cows and helieis, $2.263.26; good io ouoics siockeis and luuuers, $4.u0ua.2o; fair to a, ,ii uiackers Slid teetlers. Sa. 00114. wl com i.iun to lair Miockers and fceuers, $2.i6i) Lbo: stock helfur. 2.'jo..jj.v; veai caivau, s3bow7.vo; bulls, stags, etc, 4J.iia4.6U. Itepi tsentaiive saies: Am. At. 6s l"s do gn. 4V4a... Am. T. A T. cv. 4s. .liU's Mo. i'aclflo 4s . . Am. Tobacco 4a Iw'e N. H. It. of U. do e louw N. y. c. g. Jss. Armour A I'd. 4Ss... VoV do deb. 4s Atchlaoa gen. 4s. do cv. 4s do cv. os At. C. L. 1st 4s. Unl. it Ohio 4s.. so 4s do H. W. isv, BrK. Tr. e. 4s. t.n. ot ia. 6. Cia. Leather oa. oi n. j. e Oiea. 4 OIUo 4Va...ltl.' do ref. as litem ... Wit N. Y.," N. H. ...1J0W or. 4s N. W. ht a. 4s.... . .. do ct. s ... !-t No facirio 4s ...83 C li ... 94 A I. rM(. 4s ... 844, i'enn. cv. H .SIS.., ...lont do cou. 4s ... MS Reading gen. 4s r,s... 2,S rU. I.- A 8 r. It. 4s, do gn. 6s U S. W. e. 4e... .... 10:4 4Sa IH 81 .... 84 H ....124H i.... S .....louS losii 74 Ml, HA fh Wool Market. HOSTON. Nov. 12. WOOIj The Com mercial Bulletin of Huston will say of the wool market Saturday: Business is com parative! v quiet, a it hough a number of mills are In t lie market. Wool manufac tures are buying clothing wools in humI trate qtiantluea at top prices, while wor sted makers are picking up occasional lots to fill In with. The market Is strong, with no apparent relief from high puce In sight. The shipments of wool from Hosinn to November 11. Inclusive, were 231,274 -4 lbs,, utralnst 161,'l.lMi lbs. for the same time last year. The receipts to November 11 inclusive were J7M11..- lbs., against ts'i T4 271 lbs the same period las' year. ST. IaiI'IS. Nov. 12. VVOi il-l'n-r!,jrigd territory tr.rl aeslern ni-ditims. IUi.'c. fine mediums, 21jj26c; fine, 14Jj20c. aoO 42 Vt 4- 42 70 f: ls bi UH 4! 4(1', 47 S 74 113 UJW, 18144 4tlS 43S 7hS 144 S Hf" 44 4.1 S i:-.84 14.1 I 11.1' 11314 !4 SS 81H t: VX 182 , 4 161 161 S 4.'4 4'4t 10"4 Ills ia-i, 40 40 8o 67 fS4 30 81 tltilj lilt 12- 1 i'-t !S J's 88 it 3..H 37 S 6J CS (, 2 "j a s lii4 1"24 fcj k2 44 44 K"4 IHit l:.v, i. 02 6JS 4S 44 14 IH 5 S H -4' 34 44 84 't H't "S 'tKi S 8o Chicago A A. 3m... ,4 do 1st gold C B. A . . 4a ... H "Seaboard A. I 4s C. M. at 8. P. g JVts 8.SS 4So. Pucltlo col. 4t C. K. 1. c P. c. 4s.. Jt 4 40t cv. 4 do col. 6s 81 !t l" 1st ref. 4s io rig. 4s to4t So. Hallway os..., Volo. Ind. 6a t,2v Kn. 4s Colo. Mid. 4s ill "tnlon Pac-lflo 4a... C. A 8. r. A . 4a. !7V do ct. 4s l. A II. cr. 4t.,..M.h1 t'nlon 1-a-itio 4a... W4 d" c. 4d 84 o 1st A ref. 4,.., 74'4 t. 8 Kubl,er a... 8i I'. 8. Steel :j 6s 704 Va -Caro. hm. (a. t Wabash 1st 6s iH o 1st A ex. 4s... 14SI, Wetern Md. 4s Sj, eai. nieo. cv. 6a... V. R. O. 4s. do ref. 6a manners' 6a Kris p. 1. 4s do gen. 4s do cv. 4s, ser. A. do series B Oen. Klec. cv. Ce... "ill. Cen. 1st ref. Is. Int. Met. 4'.s.... Hid. tillered. j Wis. Central u. 84 8H4 . 77V4 . 82 l't 1"214 . D44t nHi . 80S let .1141, 102S .114 k . 7 S .1U4S 87 1.8 73 'i 83 S 4t 86 VV fc.STfc.R-vS NEBRASKA. $ steers.... 11 CO l. s lg heifers.. 6 cows. 880 8'j2 cio 9o4 28 Bieers.... 87$ 4 60 6 cows 348 16 hellers... 7,2 S .0 2 80 8 to 3 lo 4 cows lulU 3 10 ilane Vahey Cattle Co. Neb. 18 feeders.. 977 4 00 24 cows 841 7 feeueis.. 8o0 3 00 1 bull 1020 J. a. liamoeigtr iseD. 6 steers.. ..10.4 4 7o 6 steers.... .iela KusmusKen r0 10 steers.. ,.12i 4 to 2 steers 10 suers. ... 800 4 26 7 liel.eis... 020 2 80 T'uily 6l lul 4 4o , 7t0 8 60 1S12 2 10 De i'rauce 13 feeders.. 92o 4 oo 2 steers. ... 8uo 3 oo 4 as 3 40 3 00 8 89 M 4 15 WO 8i2 7,0 6 steers... 37 heifer. 7 buns.. 47 cows. 3 cows... Musstr iSeb. 4 sieeia...,10C7 13 cons 820 7 buiiS 1240 C. Co. Neb. 6 steers... .1006 7 cons tk2 fc.STfc.KN SOUTH DAauiA. 7 calve. 1 bull.... 23 cows.., 14 cows.., 8 steers. 6 calves. 11 calves, lj cous... A cows... i he ters ,2 cows... London Mock Market. LONDON, Nov. 12. American securities nfter a quiol opening today hardened sllfchtly on light buying. At noon the mar ket was quiet with prices ranging from 'd below to Hd above yesterday s New York closing. London closing stocks: consols, money 8VS LouIstIIIs A N... uo aoioutit u it-iiy., K 4 T ... 81S N. Y. Central.... ...10 Norfolk A W ...1234 do pld 10. s Ontarln w I16S Psttnsylvanla .... lo head Mmea 88 Sheading il Southern Ry ..160 do ptd . 17S iouthem Pacific. . 47 L'uios Pacific . ts do pfd .. 81tl'. 8. Meel .. 47 do pfd ,. 40 Wabash .. 21 tlo pld ,.14S IpanUu 4. stenti v al 2.d i,r ivtss per cent. Ihe late of dlsiuuni in tiie open market for short bills is 4Va4Tt per cent; ror three months' bills. 4 Vu 4 8-18 per cent. Local Secant Ira. quotations furnlshei t Samuel jr., 814 Nil iork Lito bulhling. )tgir Market. NEW YORK. Not. II PVOAR Raw, flroic fair refining. tA'; ontrlfiisal. W th' 1 l.'j in.ila.a.B mdur S 7,S' rfmet ,ihl,itjj 1,, l(Jx dished. $.Kc; Doadeied. $.36c. - .-..., I . . A r. - Cltr ol Omaha 4Ss. :8J7 ludalir Pacting Co toliiuiljua, h'B.. K. L. sh. 19 Cituui' U. A k . Waterloo, la ln4eieD4cnt Tel. 4s. Cmitia litleraalional Con. Co Lacltae 0 L Ce. 4s. Itlt Ksneas City . A L. pM, i per Ssbraaka Tel Stork. I per col Ouiatia Gas. 1414. 4 per csnt Otrsha use 4s. 11T Oaisbs 8. U P 1333 On.aha B. L. P. pld Omaha a C. U. St. ftr. 6s. !! Oasts A C. B. fl k. i-. '914 Oo-aha 48 C. B 8t Kjr pld 4 per c . Ouittlia a C. B. fl. k. com. 4 per e.. Otuslii Water Co. 4a. 1444 Omaha 8 liter Co. 6s. 13.S Omalia Water Co. :et pfJ fo-jtt Oaiaaa Sewer 4Sf 184 Sloua Cltr Slots Yarua 4f! 4 per . . ieilft 4 Co liuun stoit Yetda. Omaha, per a. Westers I'acillv sa. 13 Burns. Bit. A'keu. 1"7 loll 5 i 104 S 8S S4S 8-S ki S3 Ui t 89 S4 104 I u M 4 3S : 84 8 SO 11 ' , 88 lti! 8f lid tl loo 14 14 S HI llAJS 84 1 vol 14 US l.v, "4 11 so tti'S IM Aoial. Cupper. Anaconda Atcb;aon do pfd Buitlmore a Ohio, lauadlan Pacific. ( helapeka a O. . . Ihlcajo U W Chi , Mil. A 84. r. Lie Beers lienver A Rio O... do pld Erie do 1st pfd do JO pld Grand Truuk Illinois Ceotrsl li. V'liK liar. ...115 .... 48 ....lj4 .... i .... 82 .... 47S .... 4i .... S z 32 .... 11 ....111 '4 ... loti .... 1H .... (o 41 .... 86 ounce. 6 steers. 4 steel's. ... 1,0 ,.U.0 .. DSti .. 782 ..llol ,. 3ti0 . 2i2 .. 8u8 ..10i3 .. rM .. 8,4 ruinc .. Sno ..1140 0 60 3 10 3 76 3 40 4 40 3 86 6 00 3 On 3 60 3 3o 3 10 k 4 i4 4 iO 6 calvs... 20 18 COWS 810 44 cows 812 8 cows 8oo 8 buns iMi 4 40 3 36 3 2e 4 10 3 80 3 16 4 30 3 46 4 60 3 So 8 oft 2 80 4 16 Vv illls 16 sieeis....U26 6 1.' Av. . 10! . 96 . 82 Pr. 4 35 3 90 2 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK M4TIKET Cattle aad Sheep Stesdy Hogs Five to Tea Cents Higher. CHICAGO. Nov. 12. CATTLE Receipts, estimated at 2.000 head; mnrket steady; steers. 4o.40u9 10; cows. CT.60ij4.76: heifers, $; bulls, $3.00'tf4.75; calves. $3.00(5 8.26; stockers and feeders, $3.766.25. HOGS Receipts, estimated at 16,000 head; market, 65 10c higher; choice heavy, 18. 16tt' 8.20; butchers, $8.10fi8.); light mixed, $7.80 (f960; choice light, $8.4)0tff 8.U6; packing, $&.00 frjt lh; pigs, $6.ooif7.00; bulk of sales, $7.80't 10. BHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, esti mated at 10.000 head; market steady; sheep. $4 2.',-,, 6.60; lambs, $6.6Oi7.60; yearlings, $6.00 30.60. Boatoa Stocks and Bonds. BOSTON. Nov. li -Money, call loans, t . 6 i per cent; time loans, 6U6i per oe'nt Closing quuiailous on siuckb and bond1 adj. R. "k ! Aichisoa do t , Atchison do pfd Hoplon . Vltthburg pl4 N Y , Nr HAH I nlon pacific Am. Arge. Cbem. , do pfd Am. pneu. Tube.. Amer. Sugar oo pfd Am. T. A T Amer. Woolen ... do pfd H. U1. 1. A 8 3o. Kleitrie ... Maes Oss I nneu 8'rult I ulled 4 si Uo pfd V. S. 6teel do pfd Adventure ........ Auues Aiua.gmaled aa-4lvl4eM, 84 An sous Com. . . suN Atlantic . .l:S butts Cuelttloa ..!KSCal. a Ansoua.. . .8vs lntennial ..128 I'aly West ,.i:.4S 8'ranklin . .. Urnb . . 4a Ore. ne t'ananea Isle ftoral .... .. S4 slsti. Mining .. . . ViH Michigan .1.4 sloha.g ..141Sk'la .. M OM U.tninlon . ..liM, la . . as Parot . . 1 Vloin y .. Tj bbannon ...146ST"n'arik ... eV), "I nnilji ... ja I 8. Mining .. ... o I' 8. Oil ...'!, I'tah ... 4s Victoria !! ... 4S1"","e ... 88 Nona Buns .... .. 44S .. 11 .. i4 ..Itll .. 87S is .. 14S .. as .. US .. tss 6S .. S .. 80 .. :;s .. .lit . I- .. 4 .. s; .. lfl't .. 44 .. II .. 43 n .. 44 i. :: 1 .. ' 10 heifers... 687 8 46 12 o. oe lis. 712 3 16 2a co wo 820 8 60 11 heifers... 808 8 76 18 cows 612 3 70 Arnolu 1. U. 6 steers. ...1200 4 70 8 sieers.... 8o2 3 Su Son B. O. s steers. ...1067 4 65 F. Belts ci. L. .0 sieei s. ...1220 6 M 8 covsa 10U6 4 50 14 Cuvt s 1017 4 00 T. Moore Wyo. 4 steers.... V60 4 4u 8 sieers. ...1010 4 00 2 steers.... Sill 1 ii 4 sleeis.... Sao 4 4o Art Doyle yo. 8 stetrs....lO0 6 60 36 steers.... 96 4 8.'i 28 cows )0o0 4 20 V cows 8no 2 ,0 12 s.c-crs.... Wl i' W. F. Hill Wyo. Id feeders.. KJ 4 70 11 cons 1118 4 36 6 cows louO 3 16 2 hellers... bju 8 00 A. D. lioniiiur it o. ,7 fiCders.-lioS 6 00 2J let dei s. .1219 6 00 .0 lecd. r. .liW i 4 60 4 ieeueik..i2Ui 4 20 lo litue.s..ii;o 4 40 buoit Sides Wyo. .. &10 3 70 2 cows 1020 8 00 ..lo63 6 60 1 caif 1a0 60 1. iirecktni'iilgu laanu. ..1072 3 40 3 slug 1413 3 26 'Ju2 4 36 fc red Hunter Idaho. 8 feeders.. 81 4 36 4 feeuers.. 980 4 35 ID feeders.. 865 4 36 15 cows HM 8 66 A. J. fc'letcher Idaho. S3 steors.... SSJ 4 40 4'4 sieers. ... 811 4 40 3 steers lo,o 4 oo h steers sti 4 20 HuO-S-Hogs sold frUloc higher this morn ing and, in must .VstJ-lOc higlier. 'the trade was very active al the advance and, as It became evident ihat receipts were hardly large enough to satisfy both packing and shipping orders, tlie market became still firmer, closing active and loc higher than yesterday, 'ibis means tral moat of the hogs sold at $7.62677V. with the better graoes selling on up us high us $7 85 for the tup. It Kill be remembered that yesterday most of the hogs brought $7 'ilAl.Ti with a top at $7.80. Today s advance carries the market to the highest point touched since the first week In uc- Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12.-CATTLIi-Re- oelpis, 6.0(0 head, Including 1,300 southerns. iarket steady to strona: choice export and dressed beef steers, $ii.60'uS.50; fair to good. 86.0O'(i4 36; western steers. $4.00:y 5.76; stockers and feeders, $3 OOyS.OO; southern steers, $3.40'a6.25; southtirn cows, $2.76'U 00; native cows, $2.2SJff..; native heifers, $3.50 fe6.7.rj; bulls, $2.56'jj4.10; calves, $4.00'a7.O0. UOU Receipts. 7.0) head. Market was 647li,c higher; top, JS 10; bulk of sales. $7.70 85.00; heavy. $7.9;,fT S.10; packers and butch ers. 87.Mrfi8.OG: light. $7.56i7.0: Dlea. Ii'. r,0 7.26; stags, IS.lftfii.ri. HHEKP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.00J head, market strong to 10c hlcher: lambs. $CO."o7 60; yearlings. 86.006.25; wethers. Jli.oju.60; lambs. $4.00-6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.2oi5.25. St. Loals Live Stork Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 12. CATTLK Receipts. 4.0o0 head. Including 2,600 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and exoort steers $6.76i(S.OO; dressed beef and butchers' steers, $5.5O'(f6.60; sieers under 1.000 lbs.. $3.7.rng5.40; stockers and feeders, $3.56vo5.25: cows and heifers. $3.26gv7.0U; canners. $2.(8i'i 2.60; bulls. $2 6(H3.26; calves. $ii.60tf.i: Texas and Indian steers, $3.50jf6.00; cowt; and heifers. 2.2Cu4E0. HOGS Receipts, 700 head. Market 10c higher; pigs and lights. $ti.OO?57.76; packers. ll.CtYgl.W, butchers and boat heavy, $8.00d 8.15. KlIErP AND LAM BS Receipts, 1000 head. Market stesdv; l ullu, muttons, $3 50 dfitiO: lambs. $026H7B; culls and bucks, ?2.60ii4.40; stockers, $3.00"u3.75. t. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSKPH, Nov. 18-OATTL-Re-cep;s, 2 SCO head; market steady; steers, M fiOrs.00; cows and heifers, $2.50u 00; calves, $,i.00(t7 2.. HOtlS Rrcelpta, 8 600 head: market verv active, 10'fl6o higher; top, $8.06; bulk of ral-s. 7.et8.09 SHKKf AND LA MRS Receipts. 1,000 bead; market steady; lambs, $6.607.60. steady net unchanged to IS points higher. Subs were reported of 38.000 bags. Including December. fc..Vu.4o: January. .4i.o: Milch, .6.V, si'.p. fipot steady; No 7 Rio, 8'sii8i,c. nuiiiliiul; No. 4 Santos, 8rp8',c; nnld, quiet; Cordova. Sl'iiil'i.c. OMAHA UK.SKKAL MAHIvKT. Staple and Fancy I'rodnce I'rlets Fnr. alahed by Bayers and Wholesalers. 15UTTKR Creamery. No. 1. delivered to tlie retail trade in 1-1 b. cartons. ;:,!c: No. In 60-lb. tubs, SlVrc; No. 2, In 1-lb. car tons, eVu; in Oo-lb. tuba, 2H -!; packing slock, 22 i:C; fancy dairy, tubs, 26c; Mar ket changes every Tuesday. LciUS 8'resh Belling stuck, candled, 26c. l'OL LTltV-Dressed broilers, 2Jc; surlnas. 14c; hens 140 ; cocks, loc; ducks, lc, gecee, 14c, turkeys, 3ou; pigeons, per doz., 4I.26. Alive, broilers unuer 2 pounds. 16c, uvtr 2 pounds, 10!nc; hens, hh-; cocks. O'c; ducks, full feathered, loc; men', lull leathered, 8c; tuiKejs, untier 10 iiouuds, loc; oier 10 iHiunds, lie; guinea fowls, per dos., pigeuue, 60u ptr dox. OVS1 l.Rij beiects, smiill cans, 22c; laire 40c; gallons, 51.86; New York counts, sum, I. 33c; large. 46c; gallon, $1.86; liallluioi o. siaiidaiua, sina.l, 22c; .'aigc, 3oc, gallon. 81. io. ! ISli resn caught, almost all a re dressed: Halibut, 12c; buffalo. So; tioni, 16o; builhcut.'S, 14c; calfish, i,c; crapples. suniiah, 8Soi8c; black bass, Sac; whlietish. i,,c; pike. 12c; salmon. 13c: pickerel, lie: frog legs, 46c. Fresh trozen Wliueiisli, iu. 1, lie; pickerel, dressed and headless, 8; pike, uresaed. 12c; rcu. naiipcrs, 12c; Suan- isli mackerel, 18c; naiive inaoKerel, 86c eai 11. lih.KK Cbib fNo. 1 ribs, lbc; No. 2 ribs. 12c; No. 3 libs, 7rc; Mo. 1 10111, 2oc; No. 3 10111, 16c; No. 8 loin, 8mc; Mo. 1 chuck, oSic; Mo. 2 cnuck, 6vxc; Mo. 8 chuck, 4i4c; .no. 1 lound, 8c; No. 2 round, bvc; No. 3 he; No. 1 plate, 6V1C; No. 3 plate, 4c; No. S plate, 3V1C. FRUITS drapts: Now York Conoord, as sociation pack, per basket, 21c; 100-busket .ois, per basket, 21. c; California, exita laucy I'laiiuug Tokays, pi.r largo ciai.;, 4l.,6; 3-ciate lots, per crate, $l.tx; 5-crate tois, per ci ale, 41. 00, extia ciioice Malagas, per bbl., $0.60; extra choice heavy Malagas, 4c-r bbl., 4U.OU, al.Kiiy iaucy Aialagas, per bbl., $i.60: sulutly iancy heavy Mulugns, per bid., $7.w: extra iancy timed gniiies, p,r bbl., 87.60; extra fancy extra heavy liniea, per bbl., o.w extia ianoy H 111c La Holiliinia D, per bbl., $10.00. Cranberries: Wisconsin, Anller brand, extra fancy Jin bo, per bbl., tlO.60; Wisconsin, popiiy l rand, Red & Cncrry, per bbl., $1.60; Wis oonrin, fieid run, per bbl., $7. 00; fancy Ca,e Cod, 81 90; choice Capo Cod, 4'i.uo; choice Cape t od, box, $2.60. Apples: Kxtra Colo rado Jonathans, per box, 82.60; extra choice Coiorauu Jonathans, per box, $2.26; cholca Jouulhans, per box, Missouri L'.en. No. 1, lien Davis, per bbl., $3.60; Missouri Ben, No. 1, Wlnesups, per bbl., Jl.oO; Mis souri Ren, No. 1, Uano, per bbl., $3.75; No,v York extra fancy Red Liu id wins, per bbl., $4.60; New York extra fancy Greenings, per bbl., $1.60; New York farmers' pack, tia.d wlns, per bbl., $3.75; New York farmers' pack, Greenings, per bbl., $X76. i'outs: California, extra fancy Kaslie Buene, per box, $2 60; Michigan Ivlofterw, per 3-bu. bbl., $4.00. Cliangeit: r.Uu fancy Valencius, 120, 160, lib, 2oo and 21u, per box, $1.60, 260 Ani .88, pur box, $4.60; xna fancy Florida, 12ti, 160. 170, 200, 21b. per box, IJ.26. Lemons: Lxtra fancy, i. and 660, per box, (i.00; cnoice, .,00 and 6b0, per box, $6.60. 0 111 pa Hull: Florida, 64, 04 and 80, per box, $4. .A liananus: Lxtra fancy l'ort Limon, per lb., 4c; 6-bunch lots, per lb., Hc. Honey: Coio lado. per crale, $j.25. VKGLTAKLLS-Sweet potatoes, Virginia Red Siar, per large ubl., $2.60; S-bbl. lot, per bbl., $2.o0. Celery: i;xtra Iancy Michi gan, per duz., 36c; extra luncy Muskegon, per fiat box, $126. Head lettuce: 1'er ham per, $2.60. Rutabagus: Canadian, per lb., l'vC Cabbage: Wisconsin, tieuuluo Hoi land seed, pur lb., line; l,lMi-lb. iota or more, Ike; red, per lb.. 2 it. Californii tuinaioes: 1'er crate. $1.60. Unions: Indiana Red Cslobe, per bu., 41.00, ltiitno yellow, per bu., $1.00; Spanlsu, per eine. $1.60. I'otia lots: Colorado, per bu., ou. Figs: New, imported, 7-ciown, pel lb., lLc; 4-crown, per lb., 13c; 12 12-ot. pkgn., per box, 80c; 60 6-oz. pkgs., per box, $2.00. N L' lb Almonds: Di uhc seedlings, por lb., 16o; filberts, large, per lb., 14c. Fecans: Louielana, per lb., li'c; Jumbo Texas, per lb., 16c; medium Texas, per lb , 2e. Cali fornia wainuts: Mo. 1, soft sneli, per lb., luc; No. 2, soil siioil, per lb., lie I can u la. Raw, per lb., lie; Jumbo, raw. per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c; pa, led, per box, $1.26. DATES .10 1-lb. pkgs., per box, $2.25; hew Hallowe'en, per lo., 7c; sugar wainut, per box, $1.26; faid, per lb., 10c. Klbr.s-Mj. i ci con. loc; Mo. 1 cured, CIDER Mott's, per kef, $3.60. 11 cows. . 3 sleeis. 25 cows.... 00 feeders. SIobk City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 12 -fSpeclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 600 head; mar ket steady, x HOUS Receipts, 2.400 head; market Mi lOo higher; range of prices, $7.70fu7.W, bulk of sales, $7.76 u 7.80. Stock la Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogg, felieep. Kouth Omaha 1,300 3.400 l.OX) Sioux City 600 2 400 St. Joseph 2 600 3.600 1,000 Kansas City 6.00O 7.000 3.000 St. Louis 4,000 7.SO0 l.OuO Chicago 2.0t 18.OU0 10,000 Total .16.300 40.100 16,000 tober. Representative sales: No. At. 88. Pr. No. Ae. Sh. Pr. 11 t I6.1 1 74 41 , 7 4'. 77 '.t 40 7 76 4" sou Ijii Hi 8,1 M ls) 7 78 72 444 ... 7 8f t. l't ... t 8 7" .M SO 1 aft Tt i.'f! 1 f4 1.4 2el 7 H, 17 874 Sl 14) o" :si 40 7 W S J-1) ... t M 74 176 IJ0 7 4.", 12 i7 11:4 I. Ja4 40 7 84 43 ii ... 1 S-S M 80 7 8., 11 .in 40 li! 61 21,4 ... 7 us I 54 j 4 J0 llli "4 IP tl'. i 44 - t lis a 2V4 34.1 7 ae I 64 8.18 W 7 .7 .. .4.4 24-1 7 44 j 78 ;4I so 1 s2 s 48 47 I1 ." s Metal Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 12 M ETA LS The market for standard copper uas dull today, no sales being reported on the New York Metal exchange. Spot. November and De cember closed at $12. 60'n 12.76, January at $12.7o'ti 13.00. February at $12 80yj 13.10 and March at $12.80"i 13 .15. The London market closed steady. Willi spot quoted at 4J66 17s dd and future at 4200. Sales there Included 2u0 tons spot and 1,000 tuns futures. Local dealers cpiote lake copper at $13 OUu 13.26, eli ctrolytlc at $12.S7',s.'i) 13 00 and casting at $12 7.'u 12 87'A. Tin was easy, with spot and November closing at $.10.26 ji 30 40, December at $'u 26hG0.60. January at $30.3r.k tit) and February at $30. 404 20. 70. Sales on the New York exchange were 10 tons spot at $.0 40. Then Loiiuon market ciosea lirm. Spot was quoted al 138 15s and future! at 141. Lead was quiet; spot, $4. 37 Vs, ,j 4. 46, New York, and $224 27',, Fast St. Louis. London market was unchanged at LI'.. Spelter was quiet, with spot quoted at $f!.26'ii41.40. New York, and at $i, J0uG 25. Kasl St. Louis. The Imdon market was un changed at 23 Cm. Iron was unchanged at 60s lovl for Cleveland a ai rants In London. 1 -orally the market was steady. No. 1 foundry, northern, 919 tKjT9.60; No. 2, $1S .50 eil'Uio: No. 1 soutnern and No. 1 southern, soft $18!f,T10.FA ST. IAII'IS. Nov. 12 M ET.MS Lead, weak at $4 25; spelter, dull at $i.2.'i. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 12 COTTON The market oprned barely steady at a decline 01 IoqH points in response to weak Liver pool and liqiilda.iun. OfTerings were well absorbed bv a scatteilnr deinund in. splied by continued reports of firmness in ihe sou.h and pries during tho middle of tne moining ruled only some 6(8 points lower. r utures opened barely steady; Decern, ber, 14.40c; January, 14 53c; March, 14.70c; May, 14.86c; July. 14.80c; August, 14.20c; October. 12.30c oifred. Futures closed steady; November, 14.18c; December, I4.040; January, 14.48o; February, 14.61c; March, 14.417c; April, 14.67c; May, 14.784'; June 1478c; July, 14 77c; August, 14. lie; September, ll.!c; October, 12 46c Spot closed quiet at 20 points lower; mid dling uplands, 14.75c; middling gulf, 16.06V: sales, l.OOO bales. c ; A L V LSTo.N, Texas. Nov. li. COTTON Steady; 14 510c. ST. LOC IS, Nov. 12 COTTON-XV-chnnged: middling, 16c; sales. 33 bales; re ceipts, 6 ?M bales; shipments, 6.61.1 bales; stock, 27,222 bales. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 12 COTTON Spot quiet; o lower: middling, 14c; sales, on the spot, 200 bales; to arrive, 800 hales. Trrtaar) Mtntement. WASIMNOTON, Nov. 12 The condition of th tie.i55Prv at tlie beginning of busi ness today was us follows: Trust funds: (lold coin, $.S."!,M8.Ki; silver dollars. $4S8.. 275.000; sliver dollars of lsyi, $4,017,000; sil ver certificates outstanding, $18. 275, 000. General fund: Standard silver dollars In general fund, $; current lliibilite, Jlll.Go3.441; working balance In treasury treasury offices, $2.970,745; in banks to credit of treasurer of t'nlted Slates, $T:. iisx.0!i4; subsldlury silver coin. $1 i .'..S3.2S.I; minor coin, $1,314,272; total ba'.ancn in gen eial fund, $tl.836.818. New York Wining Mocks. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Closing quotations on mining stocks were u I,:,i.v Alice Hruliawl'-S Con... Com. Tunnel stock 4o bonls Ton. Cel. A Va.... flora silver Iron Silver uftered. .uo . 6 . Z7 . 21 . 70 . 7'l .164 Lterwuie Con l.lttle fh:ef . stexusn tirilsriu Otililr . SisndHrd Ysllo Jacket . .11.". Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Nov. 12. COFFEK-The I rrarket for coffee futures ripened steady st unchanged prices to an advance of 6 points in response to a partial advance of : '4 frano at Havre, and ruLd g":ietallv I Bi.itdv on Wall strert buying rod loesl I bull supimrt of the near months. There van some sca.ti'iir 1 iiiuitls ton and a Utile foreign sellliiy. but off.-rtngH wi n- ; s vt 1 y well taken and the market closed, Foreign Financial. LONDON", Nov. 12 Money was in si, 01 1 supply sod dear on the market today and discounts were inclined to ease. The Rank of England has received $2tf. 0 in Amoi li an eugli s f mm Pat Is and u ill eh i t P I u . more. tin the Stock exchange -i . 'Tolar prrit-perts and the corit'iitiiil iti'itnc off Hit the eff,et of ill wood hang rttuiu un-J further U"i vakened kafflrs. Bank tic. riugs. vMAIfA. Nov. it -Hunk . lenrlnKs for 10 dt'.' ci 2.f 10 4Hi sri ard f , i'e coire r poiidn.g date Usl j ear, $2.1L687.8va,