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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1909)
TIIH BEE: OMAHA, TUTUS PAY, MIVhMHKK 11, 1!K'.. 11 1 OFFERED F0RSAJ.E J' f laeellsneoas Continued. CAM RFt:l3Ti".R-BiiriH-Granati Co.. 1511 street, FOR P.M.K-P'"1 ,,lln coat ,n "001 p"n" aninn t.rlc V-f " -an n Frrn "l uia- tmiah's furniture store, Farnam St. FHUT CLAPS Gsrland Base Iturner, nred Two winters. Price $26. Call 38 N. 2Mb nrwt OSTEOPATHY johnkon iN3T.. 4i n. t. l. ti. d. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. 508 N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS 1) O. UARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN, 818 Neville Bid. Book free PERSONAL HATS 6'hmaraa Hat Fcty,.ao5 N. ia rn AT. Andovar. e. Lump. i o. R. it .tnHN CANE In In town. Now I the itn in trim trees, trellises, crape vines. Tel. Red '04. lnd. A-8548. Hed Mii6. 1819 Cuming St.. 1M1 S. 8th Avi. PORNS Tour corn mf ut r OUT VVJiVi3 quarter cornea back when you corn jeliy. w.ainei uru co. im) tt r t 1 kTTT'niTn treat meat Mm, smith, AUYUl'M JiiAxV; ia wth St., JAMES RUBY ran get Insurance monej ty writing John or Charley. A HOVE for women during confinement. w m ftriH hnmM for babies where mothers cannot care for them. Babies boarded, l or terms, address Mra. Martha A. Lee, 401 I aner if t St.. Omaba. Ncd. rnone uoug la 1:21. WIT ff.N'T and reoalr all makes of sew- In mtchlnta. 'Phones: lnd. A 1603; Dour ltiii. Neb. Cycle Co., corner 15th and Har ney. PRIVATE home during confinement; babies for adoption; Good Samaritan ban- liorium, 740 1st Ave., Council Bluffs, la. and toupees for m-n. GRIFFITH. renter uik. rrlv 116 Martha St. Tel. Douglas 6230. THR famous Velvetlna Toilet Goods. Tor ale by all druggists or phone Douglas 6M):J. , Lllft SALVATION ARMY solicits castoff rlliln; In fact, anything you do not need We collect, repair and sell at 1M N. Mth Ft., for cost of collection to the worthy puov. Call phooe Douglas 4136 and wagon will call. MAK.-iAOE AND BATHS. . k,R-308, Old Boston Store Bldg., 4tb floor. -Tiu 8o. ltith St. Stairway on Douglas u MAGNETIC Treatments. Emmerlln Brott. 2319 a lth St. Doug. B, OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramga Bldg. Prlrate confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1324 N. 2Uh. Tel., Web. Z5&. ln. B-Uwl). A NEW BOOK, the "Underworld Sewer.' by Josle Washburn; price, 11.50. Sold by Swarti tc McKelvey, 109 S. 15th St., betweea Douglas and Dodge. Arlene da Voy. Manicuring and massage. 120 P. loth St Flat i. fhone D. If. ..-..-.a to rent at LIEBEX'S, MMK. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow. magnott and massage treatments, 207 N. jvth st. LADIES A confinement home; diseases scientifically and quickly treated. Address u care nee. STRICTLY private home for confine ments; excellent care; babies adopted; trained nume. 251S Davenport. POULTRY U U-NEED-A Poultry Tonlo for 60 days; If your egg Increase does not twice pay for your tonic, your money will be re turned. 1 D: Uvi Johns Con Omaha Neb. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-2G20 for good printing. Lyngstad Printing Co.. 16th & Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE ' HEAL EITATB DEALERS. A RKED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1856; prompt Service: get our prices, liio rarnam ut. GANGESTAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. S367. PAYNE INV. CO., first floor N. Y. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Branded Bldg. REAL ESTATE! TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President HBTiTE A RRAL ITST ATTT. I JtA vil E. H. Ambler, 812-20 Barker Blk. D. 7.16. CITY PROPERTY FOR IALB. HR e a 1 Values 2STH AND PRATT STS. New. 6 rooms and hall, 3 bedrooms: mod Arn except heat; piped for furnace; hard finish; cement walks; paved street; cemented basement; s blocks to car. Q BETTER SEE THIS. TERMS, $2,960. 21ST AND GRAND AVE. PRACTICALLY NEW. 7 rooms. 8 bed- fvoms, flntshed mission style; paneled walls la dining room; modern) full basement and laundry sinx; cement wans: lot wxisi. BL'ILT FOR A HOME. TERMS. 13.500. SOUTH J8TH AVE. IVIELD CLUB DISTRICT, new. T rooms. Zm bedrooms; modern; maple finish through 7ut; very tasty; full cemented basement; laundry) eorner lot; cement walks; paved treet; WANT OKFKR. TtKMS. 4.5W. W A I V T T V Estate II ailVUl Company. gig-79 Brandt U Bldg. Doug. 2S9K, A 2407. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. M.560 Parlor, dining room, kitchen and three bedrooms and bath uKaui.i full .-.- mailt cellar, laundry. This Is located one moon irom school itest neighborhood. GALLAOHER & NELSON. f.1 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. Close to Florence We have secured thirteen south front lots, 0xi:tJ, south of Florence, adjoining csrnne ana aoout z Diocks south of Mr. aria Chicken farm, which we offer for 12,600, oil easy terms. Buyer could use this as acreage or sell all or part of the lots, making a nloe profit.. Tina property will iiioitabv 111 vmue. Shimer & Chase o.f 17 S. 17th St.. Opposite Court House. lAX'Cmif ninL' TMOmiuTrn x xvxvrv J-irlUlV l $3,750.00 Pltva m lar.. fiynM 1 1 j "V" Y Vk ' """ none, with fine south front lot; permanent wigB, uavea gireet, fine shade trees: property Is In good condition; see us at once. THE BYRON REED Ct 212 South 14th. Phones: A-38S4. Doug. ONE-TENTH CASH I will sell a I story and bssement brick hotul lor ted In Western Iowa for one- tenth . cash and balance ia nine annual payment l IOWJI of t farming ma iiuuTnr ia loraiea in a I.0U0 population and hi a fine . . , - . ,,.".n1 f.1 b oo"""' 'or the low price of 8&.60U. Address A -701 Bee. LAST ONK, BE QUICK. -room, modern bunaalow. tm Cam4n Ar; a rvo. i nome; large lot; birch doors; floonwl JUtlc; extra well built; priced low for Q A kanlej easy terms. See us at once. rA it v IMJU a H AM i i I . Ml Be Bldg. Ind. A 4201 R.d 4'04. REAL FflTATF . FAnM HM II I.AXI) FOn MIElFAnM ASD BANC ll LAX!! iron 4.I.FS (Continued.) (Continued) CREAM OF TEXAS LANDS Cross S Ranch If you are contemplntiner buj-inc will pay you to look into our proposition, and we court the closest investigation, feeling sure you will than Overstated. 500 miles nearer markets, nnd These lauds are located in Dimmitt and Lavala counties, S. W. Texas, in one of the most wonderful world. The strongest flow can depth. These lands have shown the little capital needed, and a minimum amount of labor. "Why wear yourself out on a big farm from a 10 or 20 acre garden! jtcie oi onions uuu anu. over, loinaioes .t-uu uuu over, jiish irout- toes $75 to $150, and so on This land is sold in lots of 10 per acre; terms $1 an acre down 1 ' acre contract calls for $10 down to Texas lenvp Omnlin pnrh first th'rrt floor 'month; the next one Nov. lGth over privileges. Local agents wanted. rlpfnila nr Pflll Oil stalls WI lie Of WU Oil GEO. D. PERRINE, AGENT, Phone 7801. CITY PROPERTY run SAL.H 1 904 SOUTH 33D This 8-room all modern houee strikes us as being one or the Dest bargains In the city. All rooms are good size, past front, paved street, barn; only one block to street car. If you can use a house of this size be sure to look at this, then call K. W. Ptottenbcrg, at D. 1510 or 43J Board of Trade Bldg. (291) 6-ROOM, NEW, MODERN In north end of tha city. Near car. on paved street; large lot. ONLY $250 CASH Balance to suit either monthly, quarterly. semi-annually or annually. MUnATA iANl) ANU LOT CO., Suit 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. SIX-ROOM HOUSE AT A BARGAIN. We an sell you a 6-room house consist ing of hall, parlor, dining room and kitchen downstairs; three bedrooms and bath v upstairs: all modern except heat;, beautiful lot 60x150. with nice shade; In choice neighborhood; block from Car, for $2,750. House Is very conveniently arranged. Owner leaves for California this month. This property is very cheap at price named. SHIMER & CHASE CO., Sole Agents. 17th St.. Opposite Court House. 309 S. WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE LOT East front, sightly location, 50x1 (10, close to best homes In city. All specials paid. xou must aea to appreciate. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. . .... 1001 N. Y Life. Doug, or A-2152. 7rR00M, "NEW," MODERN ' HouBe. Large lot. In western part of city. VERY EASY TERMS Desirable neighborhood, and price Is right. NOWATA LAND ANU LOT CO.. Suite G24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 38th Ave. For your home, 60 ft. frontage, 160 ft. deep, facing east, with all specials paid. See It today. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life.. Doug, or A-2152. 12-ROOM ALL MODERN HOUSE South front lot, paved street and puld for, within walking distance. Price i,600. Terms. P. O. NIELsEN & CO., 703 N. Y. Life Bldg. Both 'Phones. A choice building lot. "Hillsdale." flM cash, 1 a week. Prices $100 Si no IV teres!, no taxes. See us. HASTINGS HF.YDEN. 114 Harney SL r WANT an offer on lot 2. block 20. orlgl- rul plat of the city of Omaha, with two houses, 1JKJ! and liill California street. 1U Qt3iXH feet. THOMAS BRENNAN, Now York Life Bunding. WE DARE YOU To make a reasonable offer on fair busi ness terms for 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. No. Z.r02 8 20th Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 124 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. FOR aulck returns, list your real estate for sale and exchange with me. no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trad B.dt . Omaha Nek. 7-ROOM HOUSE All modern except heat, paved street, on car line, located on 2th, near Hickory. Price, $3,000. Terms to a good party. P. O. NIELSEN & CO., 708 N- T- Llf8 Bld Both 'Phones. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAHtH LAND FOR IALR Coloraa. I 3 acres sub-lrrlgatlon land Sedgwick county, Colo., 4 miles from town. 1j per acre. f. u. Box l.J, council Blurts, 1 FOR SALE or trade WO-acre farm, well Improved; 11 miles from county seat, 4 mil ?s from railroad station. For particulars d- dress Charles Nlelious, Holyoka, Colo., O. Box 274. law. . '"ARM of i3 acrea, on banks of Wall lake. ood fishing; an ideal reaort no trades: price llbO per acre. Address Box 6. Audu- bon, Iowa. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN An im proved forty acres in Madison county, Ia., J 1 . .. Vl'ln.vH, tt.. r.Au.... Fur prlce and description write M. Humphrey. Lake cit. Ia. owner, IL FARM of 73 acres, on banks of Wall lake, Iowa; well Improved, good boat landing, good fishing; an Ideal resort; no trades; price 8150 per acre. Address Box 6, Auburn, Iowa. Mtkruks. FOR BALE. Quarter section of good level divide land in Dundy county. Address Lock Box 243. Waunela. Neb. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ao- I TtJUIl V VI W l It? I m II r, 1 1 1 , "ail iuif v v j-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, l:4o per acre; easy terms. 4. i. t.amppeii.'jicniieia. r.eo. OOOD 'LAND CHEAP. 100 acrrs 4 miles south of Dix, Kimball county. Neb., every acre can be culti vated; good Swedish settlement; 1 10 per acre. J. O BONE. COUNCIL BLUFFS IA. 211 Chug art Block. 4'houe ll dcai cotatc land in Inrce or small lots it find our claims under rather a month earlier than California. artesian water districts in the be had at from 000 to 800 feet phenomenal returns considering when you can get bigger returns For instance, returns from one or more acres at from $30 to $75 and $1 per month per acre. A 10 , , . ' ' T1 and $10 per month. Excursions nnd third Tuesdays of each $27.50 for round trip, with stop- Liberal commissions. For further 331-332 Paxton Block. Nebraska Continued. Western Nebraska In Kimball County, near Colorado line, main line U. P., 320 acres level land. Black soil, underlaid with clay. Big crops, good water. 17.00 per acre. Only H cash, balance long time. Our auto will meet you at nearest station. Write or 'phona today. 0 'KEEITE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. Y. Life. Omaha, Neb. Bell and Independent 'phones. Sonth Dakota. FOR SALE Four fine Lincoln county, S. D., farms. For full Information address J. W. Latrellle. Lennox, S. D. Tazaa. TEXAS homes and Investments. FEUQUSON & WRIGHT, Doug. 134. 307 N. Y. Life Bldg. REMEMBER It only takes a stroke or two of. the pen to mention the fact that you saw the ad in The Bee. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to horn owners and home build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. W. H. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. $100 tc $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, weau wag., ism ana arnara. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated Ap"ply Rooms 417-1S First National Bank bldg. Bell phone Douglas 2311L FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loau on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay ia Investment Co. WANTED City loans. ( Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith 6l Co., 1320 Farnam St. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO.. N. Y. Life. Private money, 1600 to s&.OuO; low rate. SdOO to 1C.O0C on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Ustate Co.. 10U1 N. x . Life. Doug, or A-2U2. LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandela Bldg. GARVIN BROS., US N. Y. Life. 1500 to (2UU.U0U on Improved property. No delay. i FARM and city loans; optional pay menu no delay. I. blbbernaen. Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR J, 6 and 7-room houses. If prices are right we can sell your property fur you, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit 624 N. T. Life Bldg. VACANT lots and houses. Have cash buyers. 411 Karbach Blk. Red 2607. A-3ti.i. WANT TO BUY A 5 TO 7-ROOM HOUSE WITHIN WALKING DIS TANCE OP HIGH SCHOOL. WILI PAY UP TO $3,750 FOR GOOD PLACE. ADDRESS B 702, BEE. SWAPS FOR RIGHT PRICE LAND We will exchange 10-room modern house. Corner lot: car at door; choice location. Also 9-room modern house, lot 100x120; and 8-room house, new and modern In every " NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE 290 acres cornering with a good town of 1.000 people In Neosho county. Kan.; new b-rooin nouse only blocks from city school, park and churches r-o stone; all tillable; i acres of timber all bottom land; . incumbrance only S2.6U0. Prloe 114.500. Want merchandise. Would Dot object to some buildings. What have your Address. THE ALLEN COUNTY INVESTMENT CO. LONUTON. KAN. HIGH grade piano for good residence lot. win pay difference, uee. X 17. FOR SALE or exchange For clear land (lock of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Will invoice about tiO.000. For particulars address J. R. Collins. H Main street. Fremont. Neb. FINEST Income merchandise for trade. What have you got. S. J. Lock, Koaex, lu. WANT good farm, clear, for 2 oottages Paciflo Junction, I a., rented; price, H..r(X. cha', and t cottages Omahu, rented; price, f6,UM; mtg. SI, uno; together or separately. h N. V. Life Bldg. FOR EXCHANGE acres fine land in Dallam, Texas. What have you. E. K Maruuls, Atlantic, la. WANT Washington or Oregon property for 1.6S0 acres fine western Neb. land; no sand: fine ranch. Price $3aKn; all clear. 3ui N. Y. Ufa. WANTED TO BUY BEdT price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. Doug &7L HIGHEST prlcea for furniture, etc. BELL'S lurn. Store, 1406 Dodge. Red ioJI. BALTIMORE Id-hand store pays best price Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 42-. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with several years' business trala Ing desires posuloa aellln4 either In city or will travel. At rafereLoaa Address W 607. care Sea. r"ol nn Wrtl R. H. Morehouse Co. WANTED Fy young man, place to work for board while atftodiug Boylaa eollega lii. th phone REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Msx Meyer to ('. H. Sherman, lot . b ork 4. Hoggs St Hill s second addi tion I .1.7(10 O. V. Shlbly to 11 A. Klnley. lot 1M, tlock 4. Hills.lale B. J. Scannell and wife to .fne, lots 4 and 5. block 2. Fred IH Hone's ad dition 1. William D. Morran and wife to W. l. Moiran. Jr., lot 6, I lock Benson.. H00 Mai. do Kahne to O. F. Beavers, und. H 1S.2G acres In nw. se. M4-1.1.. 4.000 Joseph Barker, trustee, to W. F. Dunn, lot l.Mt, Roanoke 196 T. B. McPherson and wife to Watson Sutherland, lot 21, block 1. Fowler Place 2;i0 Watson Sutherland to Michael Gog glna, same 2) 1h los Wesley and wife to Walkup Weelrv Reel Estate Co , east SO feet euhlot S. tax lot 17, 22-15-11 1 Emma Von Wlndhelm to F. W. (Irene. lot 1. block S, Fred Dellone s addl tlon : Bertha Kline to Abraham Romm, et al.. part lot 120. Nelson's addition... 1 C. J. Arnold, et nl., to F. W. Clarke, part lots R and 9, block 2, A. 8. Pat rick's addition S,.'pO0 Hastings Heyden to Q. It. Harr, lot 2. block 5. Fort View Terrsce.... 5o Mattle M. Mackey and husband to A. II. Benton, lot 470. Fairfax 11 Kntle Rtemm and husband to M. L. Miller, south 60 feet west 124 feet east 157 feet tax lot 28, 22-1R-I3 8,100 A. F. Gwln and wife to R. K. Jensen, lot 5. block 2. Hastings A Heyden's second nddition 175 M. R. Ewers and wife to Knterlna Junek, lot 10, block 3. Deer Perk.... 2,300 E. C. Nelson to Margaret Nelson. part lots IS and 20. Reed's second addition 5,000 John Honey and wife to A. R. Cook. east 100 feet lot 6, block 7S, Houth Omaha 11,023 A. B. Cook and wife to Edward John ston, same 1 Oeorse Vradenburg and wife to Christina Sorensen, lot 9, block 8, Comer addition 140 W. L. Selby and wife to T. J. Nolan. nw. 4 se. H, 9-14-13 (except east 470 feet) 1 Henry Bloedel to Continental Trust Co., lot 1, block 1, Gate City park and other property Imperial Investment Co. to The Tzschuck Real Estate Co., lot 19. block 2. first subdivision of Grlffen Smith's addition 11.250 Hastings & Heyden to Fred Peter sen, lot 18, block 4, Fort View Ter race 300 Ada P. Drake, et al., to M. K. Drake, lots 4. 5, 7, 8 and 9, block 1, Drake's addition, and other prop erty 2 Nora A. Weekes and husband to W. W. Buchanan, lot 8, block 17, Scully's addition 5.000 John H. -Levy and wife to Julia A. Kan. -II, trustee, lot 14, block 3, Col lier Tlace 1 The Cordelia Co. to M. C. Sorensen and wife, lots 9, 10 and 11, Ernest Sweet's addition 1,060 Omaha Safe Deposit A Trust Co. to Hastings A Heyden, part sublot 7, tax lot 18. 21-15-13 1 County treasurer to Katie Willis, lot 23, Columbia Place C. J. Canan to same, lot 4, same 38 Ellen I. Gentleman to same, lot 3, same 1 W. 8. Robertson to same, lots 5 and 8, same 200 M. H. Howes and wife to same, lot 9, same 800 C. J. Lee to same, lot 7, same 75 Frances S. Hlldreth to same, lots 1 and 2. same 1 B. E. Wilcox and wife to Margaret J. Moriarty, et al., V4 Interest In south of north of lot 10, block 87, South Omaha 1 A. J. Seaman to Mary Swelgard. north Vt lot 8, block 2, Hammond Placa M Portsmouth Trust A Guarantee Co. to F. W. Eggcrs and wife, lot 16, Wright Place 950 August Stollnskl to B. F. Stollnskl, north M, lot 22, Burr Oak 1,000 Helen F. Osier to Ellxabeth M. Sha- han. lot 4. block "A." Lowe'a addi tion 750 Matthias Kriegler. sr., and wife to Matthias Kriegler. jr., south H north 4 lot 13, block 2, Campbell's Addition 450 Total , 847.9R4 LEQAL NOTICE, NOTICE OF SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT By virtue of resolution of the undersigned Board of Directors, the Chad ron Electrlo Light A Power Company will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER, li. 1909. AT 10 o'clock a. m.. AT THE OFFICE OF SAID CORPORATION. CORNER 6EO. OND AND EUAN STREETS. CHADRON. NEBRASKA, ail the properly of the said Chadron Electric Light A Power Company, as a going concern, and consisting of Lot . In Block 4. City of Chadron. Nebraska. nd rower house thereon, Its cost houses and office and power house furniture and fixtures, and supplies on hand, and per sonal property of every character; alro all Its contracts for atreet lighting and sale of light and power to cltlsens or cmadron. and all Its customers, Its franchise, sit Its poles, wires, lines, dynamos, transrormers. en gines and machinery of every description, all Its stret: lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on hand. This property Is In molt proiperous and perfect condition since Its opening; the sen Ice Is perfect and the demand for light and power, from Its present and prospective customers. Is greater than its present enlarged capacity; an Increase of the plant and its capacity Is actually needed at this time. An entirely sufficient reason for this sale will be given to any Inquiring purchaser. Dated, October 14, 1909. WILLIAM ELLI8. J. F. MOTE. BYRON L. SCOVEL. 018loN14 Directors, RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 1ATH MASON Union Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:20 am all :61pm China and Japan Mall.. 4.00 pm a 1:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited al2 01 am a 6:45 am Los Angeles Limited. .. .al2:55 pm a 8:50 pm Portland Sneclal... al2 55 pm a 5:45 pm Colorado Special a 1:45 am a 7:30 am North Platte Local a 8.15 am a 4:4b pm Colorado Express a 3:50 pin a 5:00 pm Grand Island Local a 6 29 pm alC:30am Lincoln-Beatrice Local. .bl2:40 ora b 1:20 pm Valparaiso and Central City bl2:40pm bl lOpra Chicago Great Western. Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm Twin City Limited a 8:30 pm a 8:00 am Chicago Express a 8:45 pm Twin City Express a 9:00 am a 9:00 pm Wabash Omaha-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:30 pm a 8:25 am Mall and Express a 8:00 am all: 15 pm Btanberry I .oca I (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:15 am Illinois Centra Chicago Express....' a 7: 15 am a 8:45 pm Chicago Limited a 6.00 pm 7:15 am Minn. -St. Paul Exp b 7:10am Minn.-St. Paul Ltd a 6 no tin a 7:16 am Oinaha-Ft. Dodge Local b 4:16 pm bll;J0aro Chicago at Northwestern Colorado-Chicago 7:45 am a 1 30 am Chicago Daylight Spl... a 7.00 am all. 36 am ' Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:05 pm ali:35pm Colorado-Chicago as:20pm a 8 2s pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a :W pra a 7:00 am I'acltlc Coast-ChicaKO ..a 6:06 pm a 8:28 pin Lea Aiigeles-Poriiana LinuU'u Overland Limited Carroll Local Fast Local Cdar Haplds-omatia .a 10 pm al2:05 pm ,al2:15 am a 7:US am .a Uain a 9.5 pro 3 36 pm NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7:50 am al0.20 pm Minnesota and Dakota. .a 7 tAl pm Tain City Limited a9:'J0pm a 7:10am Sioux City Local a 8.46 om a 3:23 pm Dukota-bioux City Omaha a 9:16 am Minnecoia-Sloux City Omaha all 00 am northwester:i line west. ' Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7 50 am tin 30 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7 50.ini all (Wain Norfolk-South Platte... b 1 16 pm b 6 20 pm Hastlngs-Superloi b t 16 pra 4 1.20 pin Deadaood-Hot Springs. a i. 66 pm a 6 20 pin Casper-Lander a 8:66 pm all 00 am Fremoni-Alnion b 6:30 pm b l.oi pm thlcaga, ak at. Paal Overland Limited all 16 am a 7 Of am Overland Special a 8 56 am a 1:80 am Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7:20 am a 9:30 am Cole. -California Lx al oopns a 8 26 pm i'erry-oiuaba Local bl.Upm bll.06 pra RAILWAY TIME CARD coT,'D Miaaoar! Tactile K. C. and St. U F.x. .. .a :40 am am K. C. snd St. L. Ex. Ov. Sat. 11 p. m a1l:tfpm a I SO pm Chicago, nk lsle4 e rsellle EAST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..aHI:4fl am alO 30 pm Iowa loral a 40 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Day Express. ..a T 42 am Dee Moines Local a 4 00 pm al2:30pm Iowa Local bit 15 am b :'. pm Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4.40 pm a 1.10 pm WKT. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a (.08 pm a 8:06am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln aS.SOara a 5 47 pm Colo, snd Cal. Kx a 1:20 pm a 4 30 pm Okla. and Texas Ex.... a 4 05 pm a 1:00 pm Colorado Express a 7:30 pm a 1:30 am Rocky Mountain Ltd...alU:40 pm al2.30 am BWIILlXGTO.t UTA lOTH A MASON Burlington Leave Arrive. Denver and Cnllfoila..a 410 pm a 3 45 pm Puxet Sound Ex. .a 4:10 pm a 6.10 pm Nebraska points . Black Hills NorthwfSt Ex Nebraska points Llnoolti Mall Nebraska Ex Lincoln Locil .... ..a t T am a :10 pm ...a 4.10 pm a (10 pm ...all 3d pm a 7:10 am ...a 8:20 am a (:10 pm ...b l:!K pm al2:le pm ...a l:l& am a 8:10 pm b 9:08 am Lincoln Local ..a 7:25 pm a 7:50 pin Schuyier-i'iausmouth ,b 8:.S pm b 10:20 am Plattsmouth-Iowa a 9:18 am a 8:50 am Beilevue-Plattsmouth ..r'J 80 pm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited ill m a 7:10am Chicago Special a 7:20am all:10pm Cblcsgo Ex a 4:20 pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Fast Ex a 6: pm a 100 am Iowa Local a 1:15 am all 45 am St. Louis Ex a 4:55 pm all 45 am Kansas City A St. joe.aio:46 pm a t r am Kansas City A St. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm Kansas City at St. Joe. a 4 So pm WEBSTER ST. -I5TM A WEBSTER Mlaaoorl Pacific Auburn Local b 8:50 pm bl2:10 pm Iklcagro, St. Paul, MlnneapolU Jt Omaha Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Express. ...b 2:00 pm bll:45 am Omaha Local c b.iv pm Sioux City Passenger b 9:2 pin Twin City Passei ger....b 6:30 am Sioux City Local C 8:35 am Emerson Local b 8:55 pm b 9:10 am a Daily, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only. J Dally except Saturday. Omaha-Carroll Local... a 3:46 pm a :W am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Cruises de Luxe to tb WEST INDIES 1M4) TWO CTMJTSrai (31 iT seek) ft lso r PBOM NET TOU JAN. 1 PES. ! EASTER CBUIS8 (It ears) ftflftWS Vl PIOM NET TOBK MAICH 28 Alse Tschtlm Tears kf New Tvta-Sfrr "EBBICC" tsmgh the Test led lee CtmpitH flhulraM eoalet ea THE ROYAL MAR. STEAM PACKET Cft, URDOSM MM. Ccacral It list Street. New Terfc SOUTH AMERICA Grand era! fir as tb Straits of Mt(liin,'. lettlnr Kw Y.rk Jan. 22, ill. 1. BMIBCHBR (12,500 tem). 16.S0O Miles ' St PVS- m MTIOI cost sso rr. Optional slae trips mrywtirre. Also ernlaes to tke Wst Tnsiei and Orient "AMnillt G-A II I 8 I C AN L 1 I ) 41-46 BROADWAY, N. Y., or VOCXU AUtMS. Prof. Hill Pleads Guilty Herb Doctor "Who Dismembered Body of Young Woman Says She Died of Her Own Act TAUNTON, Mass., Nov. 10 While h At torney for "Prof." Frank L. Hill, the Fall River herb doctor, who today pleaded guilty to an indictment of manslaughter In connection with the Tiverton suit case mystery, war. making a statement in the nature of a confession, reporters in Fall River found in a spot Indicated In the confession the head of the victim, which completed the dismembered body of the young woman, Miss Amelia St. Jean. Hill's attorney told the court that Miss St. Jean died in Hill's office as a result of her own act, after Hill had refused to give her the surgical relief she had sought. Pending the examination of the head and In view of the statement" of four doc tors that they could not accept Hill's alleged confession as true. Judge Stevens postponed sentence In the case and Hill was remanded to jail. The maximum sentence for manslaughter In this state Is twenty years Imprisonment. WEST WANTS HIS LIBERTY Man JfeJd on Charge at Davenport Tries Habeas Corpoa In Chlcaito. CHICAGO, Nov. 10. Henry O. West, held by the Chicago police as a fugitive from Justice on the allegation that he Is Im plicated In the defrauding of numerous banks in small cities, today sought to obtain his liberty by means of a writ of habeas corpus. West declared to Judge Windes In the circuit court that there Is no valid charge against him and that his detention on telegraphic request from Davenport, Ia., Is without authority of ST. JOSEPH, Mo Nov. 9 Joseph B. Harbeck and H. O. West, the two men under arrest In Chicago, war identified today through photographs as the men who obtained about 85.600 from eleven banks here August 23 on forged drafts. Nine warrants have been Issued and the Chi cago authorities tiave been requested to hold the men. Announcements of the Theaters, The surprising feature of the week at the theaters Is the appearance of Will M. Crcssy In a playlet of the went. It is Indeed odd to see this favorite in a comedy drama whtre ,un play is evident, after knowing him only as a down-east Yankee for more than twenty years. The bill as a whole this week Is manfesting enough magnetism to keep the cosy Orpheum packed every night. The central character In "The Man From Home" Is an elongated Indiana lawyer. Kokomo Is his home and Pike his pat ron y mlc. He Is a namesake of "the tall ayca more of the Wabash," always makes hi name known In full Daniel Voorhees Plk and as might be expected of a man with that name, he Is, or nns bet n. a member of the Hoooler legislature. He is a kindly droll." shrewd, and unassuming old bache lor, ambling through life at a laxy gait, but not without a At the Burwood three days, starting tnis evening. The blind Infatuation which turns a wife from her fltetiide beside her loving hus band, to go forth to misery and abuse with an uiiKcrupulo js scoundrel, brings about all the sorrow and hripiness the magnetic story told by "The Little Homrt-tead." which will le the attraction at the Burwood iiext Sunday only, fo matlne and nixht pet f oi man-;a. With the company Is Miss Emilia Lesstng, formerly leading woman of the Burv.ood Stock com pany. Rev. R. W. Livers performed the eer' mimy uniting In marriage Herman Knlps and Marv Sch mid Monday evening. Th wedding took place at the home f the bride Twenty-fifth and J streets, AFFAIRS AT SOOTH OMAHA Armours Finishing Work on New (rlne and Hog; Home. MORE PROTECTION FOR ANIMALS M . C. A. Completes Arrangemrats , for . l-eclae Cor Park Hoard Seeks I, snd. Armour A Co.'i glue house, with reserve flonrs for live hogs. Is nesrlng completion. The building Is at the northwest corner of the hog house. It Is of modern con struction, being steel and reinforced con crete throughout The machinery used in he manufacture of glue Is being Installed nd this part Of the work will be done about tha close of the present week. The reserve floors are to e used for sheltering ogs while waiting slaughter. When this s done It JH not be necessary to slsuigh- er all animals on the day they are deliv ered from the yards. The hogs will not ave to suffer the extremes of heat or cold, thus so often becoming a source of loss. The building has dimension enough to accommodate all the stock of a day's run. This Improvement is the largest un- ertaklng by the South Omaha packers since Swift and Company finished their beef-kllllng department. Program of Lertnre Course. The Toung Maa.'i Christian association aa completed all arrangements for the lecture course and Is able to announce the program and Indicate what the public Is to receive for the worth of its money. The sale of tickets has been very successful ao far. Ferguson's Jubilee singers will be the first number, and will appear November 19. This troupe drew the largest patronage of any last year. Following this number Rev. Frank MacCorry "will dellvtjr his ad- ress, "The Kingship of Manv The Ap- pollo qunrtet, January 17, is a troupe of vocalists arid artists of Instrumental mel ody. Ralph Parlette, February 8, Is a press humorist and entertainer. Tha Vas sar Girls, who appeared on the Orpheum clcuit, will complete the program on March 16. Park Board .Wants More Land. The new park board, composed of seven members, la considering buying an addi tion to the Dee tract, so called, so the park may be entered conveniently from the lim its of the city streets. At present P. J. Barrett's property lies between the city and its park. This tract la about eight acres and the park is thus unapproachable except by permission of the owner. The property has been offered for a park and was offered at the time of tha purchase of the Dee tract. The value is placed by some at about $10,000, but some of the members of the park board are hesitating about buying as the remainder of the park fund for this purpose la only a little more than 86,000. Objection Is sure to arise if the funds derived from the sale of bonds for permanent Improvements ia diverted to the purchase of more ground. Come Oat and Bee, This afternoon and evening there will be a demonstration of the extra merits of Lion collars at Flynn'a. Mr. Mavis Clare will show you In our N St. window the comfort and advantages gained by wearing the collar with tha lock that locks, the human curve, the easy tie, etc., etc., all patented and not to be found In any other collar. Mr. Clare promises to show a few of our new H.. S. & M. suits and overcoats; this itself will be well worth our trip downtown. Mr. Clare ia a very interesting little gentleman and we hope to see you all come and exchange smiles with him. JOHN FLYNN 6 CO. Marie City Gosalp. Our men's gun metal shoes at 82.50 are all right, creseey. Mrs. Anthony KUker reports the birth of a daughter In her nome. Dr. R. L. Wheeler conducted the first of the two weeks' gospel meetings at the Baptist church. Rubber Goods Beware of the 2d and 3d grade goods shown. We handle only the 1st grace, cressey. The Christian Endeavor society of the Presbyterian church met with Miss Madge Stun ock last evening. Mrs. Edward Lowry Was called to Fort Dodge, Ia., Monday on account of the death of her brother. The Infant of O. Thomas. Twenty-sixth and P streets, died Monday night. The funeral will be this afternoon. 8300 reward for arrest and conviction of party or parties who caused Incendiary fire of store, li. It. natauee. V. E. Conley and Misses Ella and Julia Conley have returned from Illinois, where they went to attend the funeral of their mother. Lorenxo Dalley has filed notice of claim against the city for 2".0 damages by reason of the change of grade of West L street. Old, established real estate and Insur ance business must be sold In ten days. , Reasonable cause for selling. Address, J. Bee, South Omaha. GANNON'S BODY IS SENT TO KENTUCKY Oklahoma Police Looking; for Man nnd Woman Formerly Aaaoclated With Murdered Man. OKLAHOMA CITT. Nov. 10. -The body of H. D. Gannon, who was found murdered Sunday morning on the top of a ten- story building, was sent to Lexington, Ky., today for burial. The body was accompan ied by a member of the local Knights of Columbus lodge. This lodge has offered a reward of 82,500 for he capture and con victim of the murderer and has called upon the government to offer a similar reward. Search, througnout the state is being made for C. M. Krydor and Mude Geek, his stenographer, v ho wtre Jointly inter ested with .'iann in in n mining desl. An unconfirmed report from Miami, Okl., to night says that 'he wo man has been lo cated. Kryder Is unler bond '-harired with forging the name of II. H. V. skeni.m to a note for 300, executed to the Purcell bank and Trust company at Purcell, Okl. Kryder and Miss Geek are salt to have owed Gannon JT50 n a ncte. The Inquest Into th death of Hjnnun began today and uf'.er a physician lad testified that fcatli wan ue tj strain il lation, and adjourned until Thursday. through the critical ordeal with safety. No woman who uses Mother's Friend need fear the suffering incident to birth; for it robs the ordeal of its dread and insures safety to life of mother and child, I i I ! - - I . leaving ncr in a conuiuonfT more favorable to SDeedy re covcry. ne cnua is aiuii 1 J healthy, strong natured. and good ILL I eonlalulm value- bit laforauuou will be eaufc tree ky writing to JUULDFlkXO REGULATOR CO. Atlanta. Ga. Anti-Saloonists Charge Closing Law is Broken H. A. Stone and Others Say They Bought Slinks After Eight at Henshaw and Rome. Complaints have been sworn to and war rants Issued by Police Judge Bryce Craw ford, charging Thomas J. O'Brien, pro prietor of the Henshaw and Rome Miller, proprietor of the Rome hotel, with violat ing the 8 o'clock saloon closing law. Tha complaints were filed by Harry A. Stone, secretary of the Anil-Saloon league, and the warrants were Immediately Issued and served. There are five counts In each complaint, covering a period from August 2 to Novem ber 2, the date on which the last general election was held. The complaints, accord ing to Mr. Stone, are but forerunners of others to be made in the Immediate futuro. In the case of Thomas J. O'Brien of thfl Henshaw hotel, It Is charged that on August 3, lust, at the hour of 9:20 p. m. beer was bought In the hotel bar room by Harry A. Stone and also by one A. F. Rasp. On October 6. complaint alleges, Fred Kavan was sold brer at the hour of 11:30 p. m. On election day, November 2. C. E. llolyoke and Fred Kavan, the complaint further deposes purchased Intoxicating liquors at the bar at the hour of 11:20 p. tn. The complaint against Rome Miller of the Rome hotel, alleges the following trans actions: October 6. 11:59 p. m., to Harry A. Stone; October 7, 10 p. m. to Fred Kavan; Octo ber, 13. 10:30 p. m., to Harry A. Stone and Fred Kavan; November 2, 10:10 p. m. to Fred Kavan and C. E. Holyoke. Reer, In each Instance, being the beverage bought. These cases grow out ' of the alleged serving of Intoxicating beveragea by the hotel proprietors in question In teapots and other receptacles. Considerable of the furore wns caused at the police court when the complaints were filed and the war rants issued. Messrs. O'Brien and Miller will likely be arraigned In pollco court this morning. They refuse to discuss the case. LAFAYETTE TO BE PALATIAL Contract Let for New Plan Apart ment House at Seventeenth . nnd Jnrkaon. F. M. Weeks has let to William Roch- ford & Son the contract for erecting at Seventeenth avenue and Jackson street the first of a group of apartment houses that will be somewhat unique. In Omaha at least. Fisher & Lawrle drew the plans, which provide for nineteen apartments of two, thiee and four rooms, In a four-story building. The cost of the finisher struc ture will run well over 40,000. When Its two companion buildings are erected, next year probably, the total Investment will be something like 8150,000. The new building will be known as tha Lafayette apartments and will have Its main entrance on the Seventeenth avenue side, which extends 110 feet. The main front will be of pressed brick, with terra cotla trimmings, and will be quite artistic. There also will be an entrance on JackBon street. But In the' Interior arrangement is where the new features of apartment con venience will be seen. Each apartment will have a stationary refrigerator, which will be cooled from a central refrigerating plant In the basement. No Ice will be brought into any apartment. There will also be a vacuum cleaning plant, part of the equipment of the build ing, to be operated by the Janitor, and filtered water will be supplied to all ten ants from a large filter to be Installed by the owner. A gas stove will also be placed In each suite Every suite of rooms will have oytslfle sunlight morning or aft ernoon. This will be accomplished by mov ing forward to the lot line three houses now on the weBt end of the lot, fronting Eighteenth street.. Eventually these houses will be moved away to make room for tha companion buildings planned. "We expect business to move up that way within a few yearB," said Mr. Weeks, "and when that happens the Juckson street front of the apartments will be rearranged Into stores. The plans are so diav n aa to permit of that being done without dis turbing the original construction to any great extent. We will then have a store frontage of 1S5 feet. "While this building will be something of an experiment In Omaha, I propose to build a little ahead of the demand, If anything. To have a thoroughly sanitary building, with exceptionally large rooms In small suites, is my Idea. And to realise it everything that could be suggested has been Incorporated In the plans. There la outside light for every suite, large cor ridors, and the last thing available In refrigeration, cleaning, laundry fittings, heating and decorating will be utilised." It Is expected the new apai finenis will rent for approximately 816 per month. The Monday Night club met for the first card party of the season with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Miller. The first prlxe was won by N. Hinchey and Mrs. Dave Garratt. The consolation prize was won by Dave Gar ratt and Mia. A. A. Wright. HOUSEHOLD ECONOMY How To Save $2 On Cough Medicine by Making It at Home Cough medicines, as a rule, are mostly syrup. To make the best syrup, take a pint of Granulated Sugar, add V pint warm water, and stir about 2 minutes. Get two and one-half ounces of PInex (60 cents worth), put It In a clean pint bottle, and fill up with Granulated Sugar Syrup. This makes a full pint of un equuled cough syrup, for about (4 cents. Keeps perfectly. You couldn't buy as murh ready-made cough syrup for $2.50. This home-made remedy Is pleasant to take, and usually stops t ven the most obstinate cough in twenty-four hours. It Is splendid, alsu, for colds, whooping cougli, bronchial ailments, etc. Take a teaspoonful every one, two or three hours. The Sugar Syrup is an excellent Sed ative. Tlie I'inex la the moat valuable concentrated compound of Norway White Pine Extract, rich in all the healing ele ments of Norwegian pine. Be sure to use the real I'inex itself. Vour druggist has it or ran easily get It for you. Strained honey can be used Instead of the syrup, and makes a very fine honey and pine lar cough syrup. Adv. And many other painful and distressing ailments from which most mothers suffer, can be avoided by using Mother's Friend. This rem edy is a God-send to expect ant mothers, carrvine them UK