f 10 Want - Ads Alrrrtlirmrati for the Treat ad roUma will l taken 111 19 m. for the evening edition and until BiSO . m. for tha mnrili and Sunday edi tions. Csah must rrompmir all orders fer raat ads aad no adrfrtlMinrat will be accepted for leas tha a SO cents for first Insertion. RatM apply to either The Dally or Sunday- Bee. Always eanat six nordi to a llae. CASH BATES FOB WANT ADS. nRGt'LAR CLASSIFICATION On Inaertlon. 1 1-2 renta per word and 1 aent per word for each subsequent Insertion. F.arh Insertion made on odd days, 1 1-9, renta per ward 91. SO per Una per month. Wnt ada for The Bee may he left at anr of the following trie stores oae la roar "corner draarlaral" they are all branch offlcea for The Bee aad roar ad will be Inaerled Jaat aa propmtly and on the an me ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Building, Seventeenth and Farnam at rectal Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Hrranck, S. A.. 1402 S. 10th St Becht Pharmacy. 720 3 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh. 2816 Sherman Ave. Caughlln. C. R., 6th and Pierre Sts. Clifton HIM Pharmacy, K13 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., 8lFt Ave. and Farnam. Crinsey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. C'ooney Pharmacy, 222S South 16th St. Cermak, Kinll, 1261-6 S. 13th St. Eastman I'harmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Khicr. F. H.. 2M8 Leavenworth Foster & Arnold!, 213 N. t'th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 21h St. , Fregirer Drug Co., 1MI2 N. lfith St. Florence Drug; Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, O. A., 105 S. 10th ht. Greenough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William. C, 2920 Farnam St Hanscom Park Phar.. luOl S. 2th Ave. Hoist. John, 634 N. 16th St Huff, A. L,.. 2024 Leavenworth St. Johnnson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding; Sts. King, 11. S.. 2238 Farnam St Kountre Place Pharmacy, 3304 N. 24th. Marea, Fred L.. 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. Latnrop, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E.. 24th and Leavenworth St. Sara tuna Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Kchaefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago St. Scbaefer, August. 2631 N. lf.th St. Schtr.idt, J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sta. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sta. Wlrth, O. 11., 40th and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND f VNGRili NOTICES. BRUNING George, aged 39, son of Henry Brumng, brother of Fred, William, Frank, Mrs. It. Keppler, Mrs. W. B. mark, Mrs. J. Rons, Mrs. George Cox. Funeral Filday at 2 p. m. from reHldence, lit South Seventeenth street. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. WOODSON-Mrs. Mary, died at 1609 Nich olas street, aged 45 years. Funeral arrangements later. marriage: licenses. The following marriage licenses have Lien granted; Name and residence. Age. Ernest Gall, South Omaha 28 Emma Petersen, South Omaha 21 Frank Wastonpal, Beaver 25 Mary Nebuda, West Point 22 W. F, Grogan, North Bend, Ind 22 Effie B. Sink. Ames 21 Bart Chrlstensen, Omaha 23 Una Dawson, Council Bluffs 25 C. H. Bartlett, Omaha 19 May Winter, Omaha 19 Henry Turek, Omaha 23 Katie Fert, South Omaha 26 BIRTHS AND D HIATUS. Births H. T. Taylor, L'402 South Twelfth, boy; James Blllotte, 3114 Howard, boy; William Littell. 8314 South Twentieth, boy; John T. Cooper, Wise Memorial hospital, boy; William A. Wardluw, 2123 Charles, girl. Deaths Bessie Weithoner, 1814 South Eleventh, H; William H.. Coleman, 1031 Nicholas, 67; Mary Henderson, South Omaha, 20; C. C. Hrabik, Gibson, Infant; Delbert W. Patton, Emanuel hospital, 81; Louis Roxas, 1073 North Eighteenth, 1; Sadie Burnam, County hospital 40; Emma Donaldson, 2106 Ames, 47; John Dunn, County hospital, 61; Jonas M. Johnson, 1 Thirty-fourth and Merldlth, 63; H. H. Bacon, Thirty-fourth and Mededlth, 63. ANNOUNCEMENTS Pi"! AT CLEAN Carbon Cooking, 16.50. KKJXJ t;oulsnt & onuuei, 1408 Far. D. 930 HA'l'C Stetson, $2.50 and $3.00. RAMSER, practical hatter, 220 S. 14th St W EDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs at Co., 1520 Douglas. Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co., 1815 Far, COMBS, 1520 Douglas, expert eye fitting Morand'B lessons (adults), Mon. & Frl.,8 p.m. THAT. & u- Green Trading Stamps plo'a Coal Co. Doug. 3471; Ind. A-1468. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th & Ames Ave., an curate compounders of prescriptions. Free uiiivtiv. btore open b.JO a. m. to. U p. m. A SPECIAL OFFER & ahn'd' f? 16 days we will fit your eyes with ferlscoplo iciibcn, prescription quality. Nickel and aiumlco fruiiiia $1. Gold filled frames $2.50. out UI'IR'AI. i'Jif AnTMLM must be INTRODUCED to the people. FRED BRODKOAARD 4 CO., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 115 So. ltith St. U( P10JTv announces the opening . It. UlUiMV of nl8 new Manufactur ing OPTICAL ana FITTING PARLORS at loii f aruani M. Phone Douglas 7744. JOHN RADMAN. 70 N. 16th St.. Ladles and Uenls suits and overcoats, $15 up. 1 leaning, yreaaiiiK, repairing work guar' anteed. , IV)1. Andover, Egg, Lump, $6.50. R. H. v. Morehouse Co., W. 8106, B-2J45. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes specially of fire escapes, shutters, doors ana safes, u. Anareeiu Prop., 103 S. loth. 1SXU couples have been married by the Rev. C. W. Savtdge and he is praying to make It 2.000. If you want him to marry yuu can eusier a or iS-1430. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west 16th & Howard Sta Turkish Baths KOTERA & CO.. 1506 Jackson. D. 2007, A 2007. Exclusive designs in office stationery CEMENT CLOCK of best quality. Manufactured bv the IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. TAYIiOK THE TAILOR. 41 h Floor. Paxton Blk. Tel. Douglas 1381 RUMMAGE SALE. The ladles oi the First Christian church will hold a rummage sale In the basemen of the church at 2uih anil Harney on Frl dav. Nov. 12. We also have ladies' trim med hats. mlMses' hats, tania. baby bonnets and atoiiuiig cups in tnis sale. MONEY TO l.O A N LOW KATE. In sums feult. 310 lit bid I 'hllllt. I lllll MM UNION LOAN COMPANY. TIJL HARNEY 42SS for prces en hard and soft coal and feed; delivery and quantity Lincoln Grain Coal Co., 43d at Hamilton. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. All kinds of CFMk.NT WORK. DUNDEE CEMENT STONE WORKS. 46lh et Dodge. Omaha eleetrlo works repair ale- EjieCiriC vtorSi log u. Ulb. D. 111, A-1444, ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. ) IF YOU want any dirt call on C. M. Bachmann, 4.16 Paxton Bik. Depositions. F. J. Sutcllffe. 528 Bee Bkig. WOOD, Dr. O. 8., 521 N. T. L. Homeopath GOOD MEHCHANTS LUNCH- r. A. Jl.TES. 1 Douglas St u uxo CLEANING AND DYEING The beat ever. Twin City Dye Work. 407 8. lth St FOIl watches and Jewelry repairs ee Gustefson A Henrlckson, 201 N. 16th St MISSOURI filtera made and sold. 1310 Howard St GRAVEL ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. Ill S. 10th St., Omaha. Tela. Doug. J118; Ind. A-1792; rea., Webster 294. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strengthen, 50c. BELL DRUG CO. THE WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND DYERS. 2016 Farnam. Both "phones. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fence cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Boiler RepairingTstn?- $fiT, Co., 19th and Pierce. Douglas 1141. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBLE. CARRIAGE PAINTING. Blacksmlthlng, woodwork and auto tops a specialty. We can stnro automobiles. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. MURPHY did It. Did we paint your auto? A. MURPHY & SON. 14th and Jackson. SELL cheap or exchange, 1308 Buick and Auburn touring cars, full equipment, ex cellent condition. Phone Black 1853 Dr. Ricard. 601 Frank St.. Council Bluffs, la. WRITE for large list of second-hand automobiles bargains. H. K. Fredrlckson Automobile Co., Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. JUST great. DrysmokanchU chewing cigar. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET on or out of business call on OANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 33G7. FOR SALE A wholesale and retail beer agency, 150 miles east of Omaha, In Iowa; yearly sales 6,000 barrela and prices reason able: outside of headquarters five other places; buildings can be bought or rented; retson for selling, party desires to retire. Address Y 21, Bee office. 6 FOOL tables and bulldinfc. P. H. Ell wanner, Sutton, Neb. FOR SALE A thriving cement block, brick and tank business; for particulars address J. J. Funk. Fremont Neb. FOR SALE A small amount of stock In Omaha's most progressive firm; will pay 8 per cent dividends in 1910, probably 20 per cent thereafter. Price $112.60 per share. Ad dress D 661. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Address P. O. Box 413, Omaha. FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for sale or rant C- W. Letchford. FOR SALE Harness shop, one of the good ones. In best county In Nebraska; Kood. Drofltable business: Invoice about (2,500; can reduce; good reason for selling. H. W. Whltaker fc Co., craig, NeD. irnrj RU.ir.V.I.V.r'TTilC'AJ. THEATER In city; a snap; must be sold in 10 days. Tel. Douglas 69S9. Good reason for selling. WANTED oartv as partner to act as manager with services, for light manufac turing business; article that's staple; easy of manufacture: lame profits; partially established; no chances to take; legitimate and all - right; previous experience not necessary; any honest, sober man will do, who can give his time and Invest a little money; will guarantee 8160 per month sal ary In addition to share of profits. If you mean business and will Invest $750 at once, call room 4, Drexel hotel, from 9 a. nv-. to 2 p. m. . FOR RENT. -SPACE . FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, Drv Goods. Clothing. Shoes. Gents' Fur nishings, Groceries and Millinery, in the new and modern store building on lbtn m. room 66x90, two-story and basement For particulars see H. Krasne, 1215 Harney St. Phones: Douglas 3U43. W ebster au. A good paying lunch room for sale. Ad dress W 717, Bee. A GOOD Nevada mining stock for sale, company managed by Omaha people; 15a a share for a short time only, ore runs rrom $12 to $60 per ton. This property haa a splen did Bhowlng, Is advantageously located and Is worthy of your Investigation. Call or address. ROBT. C. DRUESEDOW, 809-810 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. f. - .. Bn.n uvruu ujpui luuiij lui mail Willi Dinaii capital 10 get periimueni, piuLiiuie uunr A .1,1 . Tj. D.. A HIGHLY successful commission and brokerage business In Kansas City on ac count of disagreement of partners. Two thirds Interest can be secured at a reason able price, or will exchange for some of tha best Kansas land. This Is a great op portunity for a man to own a clean but money, making proposition. Address P. O Box 768, Kansas City, Mo. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY. 1506 Farnam St Douglas 6497. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agcy.. 428 Paxton, D. 1319. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.lOoS TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas St DR. F1CKES, 217 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt like othera." DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. McDowell Dressing fcnool. 1523 Far, DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all atvlea and alzua. Tha Ideal Pleatlncr fjn 200 Douglas 11 Ik. Both 'phones. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. MISS GALBRITH, Room 304 Sunderland Bldg. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None bu experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub usnea in niimns bena lor one toaay. MOSHER A LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. ST. ANDREW'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS 41ST AND CHARLES. Rev. F. D. Tyner, SMs Charlee. 11. 23. The Bipgest Book on Its Subject Hnr Snhnnl.VPVlWio-ht SoliwO Do you desire to become a success out In the big bustling busineaa world as a sten ographer, telegrapher or United States civil service candidate? Well, this big, ambltlouj book Is Just what will make lis way plain and straight for you. We'll send you a free copy In a apeclal box if you ask for it RIGHT NOW. Boy lee College, Omaha, Neb, EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS Hand-made klmonas, dressing sacauea aprona, ladles' wool union suits, extra fine quality, only soc. MhMA, iju n. 16th. RUGS made of old carpets, rag carpets wove, uaie City itug t tty. uci N. 24th. B-ltrfu. TITE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1909. I'i' EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) AVEIN LANDER & SMITII Ladles' Exclusive Furnishings. 317 S. lfith Street. MER8CHEIM. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. ATIIOBSON'S Uougiass": Superfluous hair and molea removed ry the electric needle. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLUMES cleaned or colored, 26c at Pennells CHINA decoratinK: order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday. Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. O. Hungate, 894 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red MSB. LADIES WEAR RUBBER GLOVES. Omaha Rubber Co., 1608 HARNEY ST. "JUST AROUND THE CORNER." n A VTTT'l7, Beautiful creations In late L-i. X 11 U J T muimery. 1924 N. 24th St UPHOLSTERING Antloues a specialty. W. O. Larsen, 191S Cuming. Both phones. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney 1360. CHINA flrtna-. order work. 1842 N. 19. Tel. Webster 633, or leave orders 107 S. 15th. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON & GOODLETT, 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tela. Best work, prompt service. ELTING. grocery and confectionery. 2214 Farnam Su New goods, low prices. M TTJ.TNFPV Moderate prices. Schall '17T A rT. A Jk , 1 ..... . ' in UKirHB I1U1IIO lirftMiirui lui women; 400 pago book free. 812 Brandeis 1 j 1 .1 ARSENIC and IRON comDlexlon wafers makes clear, white skin. Bv mall 60c and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, AUCTION dally at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. JAPANESE ART OBJECTS. THE TAYO CO., 16th and Jackson Sts. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthews, 832 Neville BOILED and Sweet Cider at Ak-Sar-Ben Cider Mill, 1613 Vinton St. WRITE me before buying a piano. I Can save you money. Address L 651, care Bee. "BUNIONS" Oh. don't they hurt! Get a PROTECTOR from the Bell Drug Co. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 4S2 BRANDEIS BLDG., Bell 'Phone Doug. 8068. HESS & SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam St, Doug.-1258. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, steam or hot water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fronts. Investi gate the Kees fuel saver, costs only $17.60 installed. New furnaces, combination hot water and hot air heating: thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglas. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. ' BOOKKEEPER $65. CARSON The Reference Man, 674-6 Brandeis Bldg. Bookkeeper, $65. Bookkeeper and steno. $40-$50. Typist H6. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, INC., 721-22 New York Life Bldg. Factory and Trades. - t GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work: good pay. Bemis Omaha Bag Co. lloaaekeepera and Domeetlee. COMPETENT GIRL wanted. Mrs. T. E. Pearce, 119 S. 37th St Harney 970. GIRL for general housework; small family. 626 S. 24th Ave. GIRL to cook and do general housework. Small family. Apply 2102 Douglas St. WANTED At once, worn to do clean ing or washing. Call 2011 Caarles. housework, no washing. Apply at once, 320 N. 23d 8t., near Chicago St. GIRL wanted for general housework: mull family; steady employment. 8112 Leavenworth. GIRL for general housework. Call 614 S. 20in. WANTED A good cook; no washing; wages 7; references. 1038 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 3014, GIRL for general housework; no cooking; small family and good salary. 2621 Capitol Ave. Oonn Ctrl ttr ffenAml hnitMWnrlr Imflll family: aood waxes: no cookinii. 2V13M Capitol Ave. . WANTED For general housework, good girl, good pay .small family. Call Friday or Saturday. The Normaudie. Mrs. D. 11. Welpton. WOMAN for laundry work. days a week. 'Phone Harney 3t92. EXPERIENCED cook, 212 8. 31st St., Harney 100. WANTED A competent girl for general house work, family of four, no children. Mrs. F. B. Lawrence, 402 N. ssth St.. Tel. Harney 4U18. GlltT. renaral hnimMWArk Tin WBRhlnic WMirea. tli ftG nar week. I1.U S H.t A v. Telephone Harney 10S6. GOOD Klrl for aeneral housework: best of waxes. 4808 Davenport Telephone Har ney 2479. COMPETENT girl for housework. 611 Park Ave. COMPETENT gtrl for general house work. 101 ark Ave. Tel. Harney 710. WANTED Housekeeper: 4 In family. 2403 N. 19th. WOMAN to do washing at 620 S. 21st Av. WANTED A good cook for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Deroy Aus tin, 219 South 38th Ave. WANTED Girl for light housework; two In family; no washing or ironing; good wages. Mrs. Brevourt, 2018 Davenport WANTED Experienced girl for general housework; no washing. Mrs. Patterson, 411 South 38th St. WANTED A girl for general housework; good no laundry. Tel. Harney 604. Apply 3224 Dodge St. GIRL for "general housework, three in family. 'Phone Harney Uu2 orcall 3524 Burt WANTED Girl or woman not over 35 for general housework; one who likes children; good home for right party; small family and light work. Apply store, ill N. 16th. WANTED a girl for general housework. Three in family. Wages H Apply 4i(lj Dodge St Phone Harney 1748. Read the Live Stock ads if you are looking for a bargain HELP WANTED FEMALE Iloaaekeepera and Domestics L'oat'd. NURSE girl wanted, 118 N. 17th St. Mrs. J. Slashurg, jr. RELIABLE girl to care for children; one who can go home nights. Apply 519 N. 40th St. WANTED Oood German housekeeper to go out of city. 2021 Pierce St. AT ONCE Olil for general housework; good wages; no washing nor ironing. S02 Worthlngton Place. GOOD strong girl for general housework. 1717 Chicago St. GIRL for general housework. 3003 Dodge St. Tel. Harney 1419. GIRL for general housework. 161 Geor gia Ave.; family of four. GIRL for general housework. 828 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 4405. WANTED Reliable girl for general housework; no laundry. Apply 3408 Dewey Ave. WANTED waitresses and chambermaid. Call Douglas 608. GIRL for general housework. 1542 Geor gia Ave. WANTED A good girl for general housework; a quiet, comfortable place for the right party; references required. Mrs. J. C. Robinson. Waterloo, Neb. Mlscella WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros. 1510 Douglas. LEARN hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $15 to $2i. weekly. Full course taught. Brandeis Hair Dressing Dept. LADIES Earn $10 weekly decorating post cards; dlmo brings package beautiful samples and complete particulars. Baylls Bernet Co., East Orange, N. J. HELP WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. BOND salesmen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y-748, Bee. SPECIALTY salesman wanted. A relia ble, established house wants a high-grade specialty salesman to sell its line to deal ers In exclusive territory; will pay salary of $150 to $200 a month, expenses and com mission, to the man who can produce the business and will work. This is not a snap, but offers excellent opportunities. Ex perience as a specialty salesman, with good nerve and staying qualities and the highest references for integrity, nabtts and square dealing are absolutely necessary. Give full particulars, and will arrange personal in terview. Box 332, Omaha. WANTED A solicitor with horse nd buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. TWO good collectors at once. C. 8. Adams & Co., 8. 16th St.' WANTED A stock salesman to sell mining stock; liberal commission. Address W 700, Bee. CIGAR salesmen wanted. In your lo cality to represent us. Experience un necessary. $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENT to handle steam specialty of great value to steam users; good paying proposition; commission only. Wheller, Rome Hotel. - WIDE AWAKE, experienced ladles or gentlemen Who want to sell a new article. It Interests ajj. who see It Call and get Instructions, - or phone. Only a small article, but good seller. Samples free. Phone Douglas 3320. Room 940 New York Life Bldg. Open Sunday p. in. Ask for Homer Whiting HIGH class, experienced book salesmen; we furnish leads, cards, coupons. Give ref erences. The Saalfleld Publishing Co., Akron, O. - Clerical and Office. BOOKKEEPER-$75 to $100. CLERK, (statistical work)!. COLLECTORS, (married men), $12. SALESMAN. $15 and expenses. CARSON The Reference Man, 674-6 Brandeis Bldg. WANTED Boys for railroad office. Edu cation two years high school. Address 6-716 Bee. . . Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Kniest. Bee Bldg. WANTED At once. Jewelry Jobber; one who understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Blacksmith start business for himself; no money necessary. Address Rumbel, 11th and Seward. WANTED First-class coatmaker at once. Steady work the year around." Martin Peterson, 415 Broadway, Co. Bluffs, la. WANTED Experienced diggers, tiling, $2 00 per day and board, year's work. Kats Craig Contracting Co., 851 Brandeis bldg. JOB printing foreman wanted None but first class need apply. Union shop. Wages $25.00 per week. Address Y 154, care Bee. WANTED At once, 1st class watch maker; steady job, $25 per week. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St., Lincoln, Neb. POULTRY PICKERS WANTED 3c each for springs, fowls and ducks; steady Jobs for steady men. Turner Produce Co., Mitchell. S. p. ' ' Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers. Salary $600 to $1,600. Examinations In Omaha, November 17. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept iw u, Rochester, N. Y. , WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Wonderful demand for barbers. Best paying work within reach of poor man. Can earn some money from start. Positions waiting, $12 to 120 weekly. Unusual opportunity to start busl "ness of your own. Call or write, Moier Barber College, 110 S. 14th St YOUNG MAN. not over 80, as office manager; must bo qualified and come well recommended; splendid opportunity for right man. C 645, care Bee. ARE YOU out of work? Do-rou want to better your condition? Join our associa tion and get free assistance. EMPLOYES' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. 338-339 Pax ton Blk. WANTED "idles' tailor. Apply Orkin Bros.. 1510 Douglas. FREE Employ msnt Dept. Business Men s Ass n; no fees. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. WANTED Freight handlers, Union Pa cific freight transfer, Council Bluffs, la. Wages 17s, cents per hour. Hoard arranged for. if necessary. Apply Thos. bcandan. Foreman. WANTED Two good lumber agents, who (-tak German; also one good luuiurr book keeper. W. E. Moore, Reglna Canada. DOCTOR for advertising specialist's of fice; good appearance; good case taker; permanent position; state experience and salary expected. Address P 715, Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. Screenings. $160 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th KOUKKS BOARDED at COLE'S EX PRESS barn, 2104 Cuming. 'Phone D 4727. GOOD 4-year-old 4iv well broke, cheap. 4170 Cass at. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehlclei iSlaate. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular to value, only 13 60. BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT., BASE MENT. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue oarn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. FOR SALE CHEAP. One glass closed rubber tired doctor's phaeton, suitable for U. S. Rural delivery wagon. Call A. J. SIMrSON & SON, 1409 Dodge St. Omaha, Neb. WE HAVE an extra mule on hand; will lell reasonably. Alamltn Kanltarv Da.lrv Co . 1812 Farnam. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryntok lenses In Columbian Opt Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 16th. Reward. LOST Black and white Holstlne heifer, 2 years old. Call Harney 30S91. Liberal re ward. THREE dollars reward for return of 4 months' old black Cocker Spaniel; female. George Paulsen, Arcade Hotel. LOST Squirrel rug muff, between P. O. and Ames Ave. on blvd. Reward. 209 No. 15th. LOST Ladles' gold watch, with ladles' picture In front; Elgin movement, gold hands. Police has charge. Party finding return to 647 Brandeis and save further trouble. Reward. LOST A fox terrier pup. The owner's name Is engraved on the dog's collar. The finder will please telephone Webster 4606 with Information. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY - Where? RELIABLE CREDIT CO. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR SALARY OR FURNITURE, Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one in Omaha. PATRONIZE THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL 'phone or write and our representative will call at once. Our offices most convenient of any in the city. . Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block. 3d Floor. Phones: A-1411; Douglas 141L M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; we guarantee the cheapest rates N and easiest terms In the city. Ex E tensions granted if sick or out of Y work without extra cost. QUICK, ; QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. "Phone, Doug. 2296. 306 S. 16th St. HERB SINCE 1892. LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-16 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. Moneyl Money! Moneyl LOANED on furniture, pianos, etc. Any amount from $10 up. We guarantee the cheapest rates and easiest terms of any company or In dividual In Omaha. Extensions granted without extra cost If sick or out of work. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. 119 Board of Trade. Phone Doug. 2236. 306 S. 16th St. Here Since 1892. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 513 New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or more on your own note. No red tape. Call C20 Paxton block. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 8 Barker Blk. MOVING AND STORING lsl-cluss STORAGE MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS, iblo Cap. Ave. D. 670. A-3937. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 16th and Dav- enport Sts., warehouse 2207-09 Izard St UTlf? ITVDDVua un..nn . II, . , ... --..-. .iiu iiu uiiiif ileal v , smut Hill; best of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co., 1420 Military Ave. Both phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding and Rooms. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine lawn, 123 S. 25th Ave. WARM rooms, $2 per weok; free bath, Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. ROOM and board n private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4758. COOL, airy room, modern; fine shade with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en suite, with private bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 66L CLOSE IN; good board; large room suit able for two; references required. 'Phone Red 4033. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far nam. 1812 Chicago St.; rooms and good board. 618 S. 19th St.; desirable front rooms; first class board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. Furnished Rooms. NEAT and comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 S. 14th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 2019 Websier St ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1818 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms with gas and heat 115 S. 20th St. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 25th Ave. 1 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 d. 13 in ou x lie iiAinnm. Pn-ll JITUi Wnml R 11 Morehouse Co. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 620 So. 19th tit . PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; one very large front room, $16; one at $10; one at $&. 5.-0 N. 23d St. ONE extra fine front room, fine furni ture, modern. 8J0 No- 20th. No. sign on house. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Hoo ms Contlnl ed rooms: steam heat; 3d floor flat U. 522 P . I-OOK' Cheap furnlahed front room; $2 week. 821 S. Hh. LARGE front parlor; furnished or unfur nished; modern. 8.W S. 18th. TWO nicely furnished front rooms to gentlemen r couple in private family; references. W2 S. 28th St Phone Harney 6011. EXCELLENT location and neighborhood, private family, nicely furnished room; 1 block from car; all modern. 1126 8. 29th St. 'Phone Harney 4258. FURNISHED room, modern, very desir able. 131 N. 31st Ave. LARGE double room, nicely furnished, modern. 2038 Farnam. NICELY furnished large, modern room, suitable for four gentlemen; also one suitable for two, with first-class board. 511 S. 26th Ave. k NICE, large room for gentleman; rea sonable; short walk. 2774 Burt St. ROOM for one gentleman at 812 N. 22d. NEWLY furnished room in new house, private family. Suitable for young lady. Harney 4506. NEWLY furnished, large room for two gentlemen; $5 week; everything up-to-date. 2614 Dodge. NICE newly furnished room; suitable for two. 2219 Douglas. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms. 2047 Dodge St. ONE nice, single room. 1915 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished rooms; modern; pri vate home. 210 N. 26th St. TWO furnished rooms, 2012 N. 18th St Web. 1410. 8 SINGLE rooms. Gentlemen preferred. 2308 Douglas. WELL furnished front room suitable for two. 557 South 25th Ave. LOOK! Nicely furnished rooms; walk ing distance; two or more gentlemen. 2563 St Mary's. ONE room, furnished or unfurnished; light and heat. 2921 Mason St. 1 11 rilinueu, lliuuriii, mine front rooms. Board If desired. 2472 Harney. TXxm 1 1 m . a a 1 .. n A WELL furnished front room, modern con veniences; private family. 702 S. 29th St. TWO furnished front rooms to rent 2409 Harney. '1CFT V mnAM One Or two rentlemen. 22oa' Davennnrt Kt Tel. Doug. 6702. FURNISHED room for one or two gentlemen. 639 S. 26th St. 2220 Emmet St., i rooms, new and mod ern. NEWLY furnished, front tind back; strictly modern. 2566 St Mary's Ave. FURNISHED room, 2107 Ohio; bath pri vilege. Vnn T? TT VT- ir., .. l-i. i - ' . - . 1 j luiiiinur-u large front room, strictly modern, excellent lo cation. 2241 Howard St Phone Douglas 6303. Apartments and Flats. 6 6-room apartments In Qulvet Bldg.. 1809-11 Farnam St., second floor, splendid location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tenants wish ing home adjoining. Hall. 433 Ramge Bldg. Both phones. 6 rooms, 2nd floor, 2606 Rees street, bath and toilet $15-00 Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. CORNISH APARTMENTS. S. W. Cor. 10th and William Sta., seven minutes' from center of city on Farnam car. Apartments of four and five rooms and bath, just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and electric light fixtures, tile bath rooms. Kitchen furnished with cabinet, laundry tub and "Garland"-gas range,- pri vate porches, window shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service. Apart ments are both furnished and unfurnished. Single rooms, $20 per month. Barn for automobiles. Agent at apartments. 6-ROOM modern lower flat at 3604 Leav enworth St., $20 00. Tel. Harney 1665. FOR RENT Look at 636 S. 26th Ave., 6 rooms, second floor of practically new St. Louis flats. Strictly modern. In perfect condition. $35. 'Phone Harney 3196. Housekeeping Rooms. FOUR large unfurnished rooms.- Inquire at 1046 S. 20th St TWO or three elegant furnished front rooms complete for housekeeping.' 2018 Davenport Kt LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mrs. Geo. Scott 1713 N. 24th St. TWO modern furnished rooms; good lo cation. - 1822 Chicago St. ELEGANTLY furnished parlor floor, modern, 1432 N. 20th St. THREE large rooms for light housekeep ing, $15. 2568 Spauldlng St. HEATED housekeeping rooms, gas cook ing. 8018 Web. Harney 873S. Unfurnished Rooms. FOUR Good location. $12.60. Tel. H. 4266. ONE ROOM, 1120 N. 17th St. Furnished Hoasea. MODERN 10-room house, completely fur nished; piano, etc.; barn; fine neighbor hood; $60; unfurnished. $60. See Hastings & Heyden. . Honses and Cottages. OMAHA Van Sc Rvorage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th; office 309 8. 17th St. Tel Douglas 1559. FOR RENT 6-room house, 2719 Sprague; strictly modern except heat; first-class; $22.50. D. J. Hughes, 2402 Fort St Phone Bell 469 or 4929, Ind. B-3477. 7-R. mod., Hanscom park dls. Harney 468. FOR RENT. Nine-room all modern brick house, will arrange for three apartment flats. 2006 Willis Ave., $26. Four rooms, first floor; city water gas toilet. 1523 N. 18th. $12.50. ' Three rooms, first floor; city water, gas 1828 N. I7th St. $11. Three rooms, second floor; city water gas. 1830 N. 17th. $9. ' ' C. W. BACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. Tels: Office. R. t-,39; residence, D. 6068. FOR RENT T-room, all modern house, 4240 Farnam. Inquire on premises or phone D. 1638. BRICK houses, 2614 and 2616 Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern.- Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. 4-ROOM new brick apt, 1748 So. 27th St $21.60. Harney 8886. 8-ROOM cottage, 2521 Blnney St., $12. Tel. Douglas 1636. A VERY desirable cottage; modern ex cept heat; rooms; rent $20. 8109 Corby St. 6-ROOM, allAnodern except heat 1321 8. 28th. Tel. Harney 2359. NEW 5-ROOM HOUSE Neat cottage, 4017 N. 26th Ave.; very desirable. NOWATA LAND A LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. 4533 N. 9TH ST., one block from Ames Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage; very cheap at $16. J. W. Hasp Co., Bran dels Bldg. CUT IN RENT 6-room cottage, all modern, good furnace, and In good repair, large lot, can be rented now for $20 per month. Located at 4213 Lafayette Ave. W. J. Dermody Investment Co. Tel. D. 6108 or A-3U33. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. (-ROOM cottage at northwest corner 44th and Jackson, t large lota, nice trees, $16. C. G. Carlberg, 911 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight ratea; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. Ztt OFFERED FOR RENT Hoasea and Cottages tostlaeflt- 7- ROOM cottage, nicxlern except furnace. $18. Phone Douglas 3'. .8. MODERN 8-room house, 218 8. SMh AvS.fll Phone Douglas 4.7. JT 8- ROOM modern brick. 6S0 Block S. 2Sth St , HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt Rarker Bis J IIOUSES-Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. t 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1608 Spruce St II. I. Plumb. 110 S. 13th St " , ( r f WALKING DISTANCE f (l-room house, modern, except furnace, . $M per month, mi North 2th street. I V. J. Dermody Investment Co. Tel. V. 6108 or A -2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldg. NEW. modern seven-room house; hard wood floorthrotighout, $43. 50 month. 118 S. 42d St. A. H. Williamson, American Radi ator Co. MODERN 7-room, near Park, 1611 S. 2sth. TTnTTQlVC! I" Prt" of the city. 11UUOLO Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Blda. CENTRA I unequalled, all modern; steam f heated, 7-room house, with bath. 220 N. 2.M. ; , a 2IC8 DOUGLAS; 8-room, 127.60. John N. Frenser. Both Phones. MAGGARD Van 4 Storage Co. D. 1496. Pack, store and ship household goods. HOUSES, flats, Oaryln Bros.?" 318 N. Y. U. 1 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet ti Rees St., $1R. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet 1902 Bristol St., $16. 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St, $26. CHRIS BOYER. Ed and Cuming Sts. FOR RENT 9-room, alt modern, brick house, 20116 Willis ave., $25; 8 rooms, lt floor, cltv water, gas, 1828 N. 17th St. ,$11. C. M. Bachmann, 4.16 Paxton block. 8-ROOM ALL MODERN BRICK FLATS, BRAND NEW. 118 and 120 N. 30th St. For particulars call on r. O. NIELSEN ec CO., 703 N. Y. Life llldg. Both 'Phones. f FINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 330 N. 22d St. $23.50. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. , , ' RENTAL SNAPS P 1 8-r., mod., also barn, J2 So. 3flth $J1 ; 12-r., mod., choice. 2416 Sherman Ave :6 8-r., mod., 4l;i0 Hamilton lii t 5- r., choice cottage. 220S N. 27th Y i 7-r., also barn. 4103 "N. 28th Ave 15 6- r., mod., 2332 Toiipleton Ave 21 . s 7-r.. house. Florence. 2 blocks to car I $-r., mod., choice, 3.M8 Jones.. $17.1 RUSSELL & McKITRICK Co.. ' , i 432 Ramge Bldg. 16th and Harney. 7- ROOM house, modern except furnace, 2532 -Davenport St.. $25. " 6-room cottage, 2411 Michigan Ave. f W. J. Dermody Investment Co. VI , Tel. D. 5108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. L. Bldtf. V 6-U. house, city water, 70? N. 32d.. $10. I j 5- r. house, modern. 1712 N. 29th, $15. i 8- r. house, good repair. 3239 Evans, $12.60. J. H. PARROTTE. 325 Board Trade. 6- ROOM cottage. 1014 So. 23d Street . Offices. . ' OFFICE for rent cheap. Choice of three, nicely furnished. 338-339 Paxton Blk. Stores. STOREROOM and basement In Bcarge block. S. O.. S20 N. 84th. Halt 431 Ramse Bldg., both Dhopes. Garage for Rent Ready Jan. 1. 32 "4x1 32. Farnam and 22L Harrison & Morton OFFERED FOR SALE Fnrnltnre. CHEAPEST PLACE for STOVES AND FURNITURE. Racket Store. 16 & Cuming. RADIANT HOME base-burner, almost, new',' also dining room table Tell Deug.. 6067, or call 3334 S. 19th. ....... BRAND NEW FULL SERPENTINE SWELL FRONT QUARTERSAWED GOLDEN OAK DRESSER AT, LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICE. R. T. VER MEHREN, 1518 DODGE. FOR SALE CHEAP One gas Btove, one Ice box and kitchen cabinet; muBt sell within the next few days. Address Bee P-698. BARGAINS in second hand. Furniture. 5- HEATEK, Htove, lab!, ruga, portieres, curtaliiH, mattress, otc. Jiarnuy iJ'sSS. PUBLIC SALE. The household furnishings of Mrs. Caro line E. Ayers, recently deceased, will be sold at public sale at her former residence, 6322 N. 36th St. (near Curtis Ave.), Satur day, November 13, 1909, at 1 o'clock p. m. All goods must be removed from house on day of sale. Terms cash. A. Millard, executor. " DISHES, dining table, rug; -dcesaer, ice chest. Phone Douglas 3608. rlanoa and Other Maeleal last rnuie NEED money quick, will sell my upright piano for tiO. M 719, Bee. Typewriters. . SECOND hand typewriters sold, repair. Central Typewriter Exchange, 17 Farnam. EVERYTHING in typewriters; Just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 Smith Premier, 831; No. 3 Oliver, $36; No. Rem ington, $.33; machines shipped on approval; no deposit required. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO., 306 S. Cith St. Miscellaneous. COAL i AT CUT PRICES. We save you from 60o to 81.60 on n.rv Ion .r,H ucuer mil. v e guarantee correct weights. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on ail 110 orders; catalogue free. Sherrnaa McCenneli Drug Co., Omaha. Neb. GOOD St Davenponl. LUMBER Tr' - c- nimmock A Sons. LUiSlDLIV South Omaha, for lumber. GARLAND STOVES the famous Garland stoves. Not being In '.oi high rent district we can save you mouey on stoves. G. H. MEYER. 2709 Leavenworth. Hardware and Stova Dealer. Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that bavs been la use at the Bee Duliuuig. Tney are each 175 Lorsepower return tubular boilers, 73. Inch diameter by 18 feet long. 1 hey have lb C. I. tubes 3 inches by u feet Work ing pressure 150 pounds per square Inch. Heat surtace 19,000 square feet Urate aroe Urt square feet t We are very anxious to dispose of the.- boilers immediately and will sell at a 'imjT gain if taken at once. ' THE BEE BU1LDDXG COMPANY. 17th and Faiuain bta, Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Two roller, top deks nearly lew. inquire it. w. Baker, Supt, Bee Blda-. COAL Public Market Special. Partridge-Thompson Co., 1610 Harney. D. 6648 SAFES, new and second-hand. 1110 Farn. WE HAVE on band a number of Ink barrels which we will sell at aOo each. They are fine for rain water or a has. Call at pressroom Bee Publishing Co. FOR BALK Net and Id-hand blllard and pool tables. We lead the world la cheap bar tlxturea. easy paymonts. Bruas-wlck-Belse Coilendar, 407 ft. lth at - - - -- - - - m " ww. uuiiif caan . register; will sell on easy payments. Ad- i HALL safes, new. td-hand. I8U Farnam. 8HOLARSH1P on leading bualiifas rol lege for sale at disuount Add. p cutf. Bee. T COAL by tha ton. Call Wcbatr fctfl, 0 1 t v