TILE BEE:' OMAHA. TUESDAY, NOVEMHK1? 9, 10M. i 4 OFFERED FOR SALE rellaneons Con tinned. FOR SAI.K A rood self adding cash rgis:er; tll cell on easy payments. Ad fli ess P 47L Baa. HM.I. S sfe. new. K-baod. MIR Fartinm. SHOLARflHIP on leading business col legs for Mi at dteount. Address P fOB, T-e. CASH REOISTER-niirgeas-Qran.len Co., ..'.II Howard street. COAL by tha torr. Call Webster Ton SALE Soft foal heater. Douglas MM. FOR BALK Heal akin coat In good con dition, price lC.flO. Can be seen at Aula baugh'a furniture itore, Farnam fit. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON IN8T.. 4U N. T. L. Tel. V. 1664. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. W8 N. T. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BAKNELL. Paxton Ulk. Tel. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 818 Nevllla Bid. Book free. PERSONAL PARTY who found parcels placed In his vehicle In front of Bee building by mistake Satuiday evening will kindly telephone Florence 1S2. U, rrt! cleaned, made Into fall styles. A LO Bchmarees Hat Fcty. eOS Hl. rvi A T Andover, Egg. Lump, $8.80. R. H, KAJALl Morehouae Co., W. 1106, B.J24&. JOHN CANB la 1" town. Now la the .i. m trim treea. trellises, grape vine. Tel. Bed Hot. Ind. A-2M9, Red 64tiS. WW Cuming BL, mil o. aim avi. a"V t ) X Q Tour corn cornea out or your o qUa.rter cornea back when you uae Corn Jelly. Halnea Drug Co. ItU Far t A n KTTTTTr1 treatment aim. Smith, &LAUXMjli. in g nth St.. third flour ' JAMES: RUBT can get Inauranoa monsj by writing jonn or v-nariey. a HOME for women during confinement. We find home tor babiea where mothers nniiAi nn for them. Babiea boarded. For terms, addreaa Mra. Martha A. Lee, 401 Bancroft BU, uraana, no. rnone ugu Ua D21. JfK P.ENT and repair all makea of sew- taf'maoliinea. 'Phones: ma. A iw; uoug. ltka. Neb. Cycle Co., corner 15th and Har- PRIVATE! ho?a during confinement; babiea for adoption; Uood Samaritan ban' I'orlum, 740 lat Ave., (,'ounoll Bluffa. Ia. vIGS and toupeea for mn. GRIFFITH, 12 and 14 Frenser Blk. DR. EOOERS, private confinement horn. 1(16 Martha St. Tel. Douglas tZJU. THE famous Velvetlna Toilet Oooda. For aale by all druggists or phone uougias sum. THE SALVATION ARMY aollclta caatoff clothing; In tact, anytning you ao not noea. VI' - ,.!,-.. Mnaif ntA mm m I III M -1th Ft., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call pttone Douglas 4134 and wagon win ca.it. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R-308, Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor, 120 So. 18th SU Stairway on Douglas 8U MAGNETIC Treatments. Emmerlla Broit, 2319 b. 16th St Doug. 5188. - OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Ramga Bldg. Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 1X14 N. Hth. Tel., Web. 66. Ind. B-166U. Arlene da Voy. Manicuring and maaaaga. 120 S. 16tb St. Flat a, fhone O, 768. Mnnnnfl Snita rent at lieben'8, Masque OUUS rfl0 Howard. D. 4114. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, aalt glow, magnetic and maaaaga treatments. 207 N 17th 8t. A NEW BOOK, tha "Underworld Sewer, by Joale Washburn: prloe. 1160. Sold by Bwarta at McKelvey, 10U B. 15th St., batwecn Douglas and Dodge. LADIES A confinement home; diseases scientifically and quickly treated. Addreaa O 37, care Mee. POULTRY HTNOT.B Comb Rhode Island Reds ex cluslvely. Book orders for second cockerels. large framed, extra good oomDS, tans, wings and under color. Utility, $1.50. Ex hibit Ion and breeding, 13 to Mra. F. W, . Mcltityre. Red Oak, la. It. 6. WHITE Leghorna, pure-bred cockerels, pullets and hens for sale, B. Q. Brown, Chllllcothe, mo. ROSE and Slnrle Comb Brown Leghorns, fl cash; White Guineas. E. Dooley, belma, lows, , 8. C. RL'FF O.'Dlnaton cockerels for sale good buff, large slse and at bargain prices. Tat t K1 W ti, Ji. Aanavi, AIUIUI1, I1QU. Bl'FF Orpington cockerels. A. H. Cure, AIVUJBVI ABU. Uae U-NEED-A Poultry Tonlo for 00 ys; If your egg Increase does not twice nay for your tonio. your money will be re' funded. D. E. Johnson Co., Omaha, Neb, PRINTING i'HONK IND. A-2tOt for good printing. L.yr.y tad Planting Co., 16th tt Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE! DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 18o; prompt service; gei our prices. m rarnam be GANQE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. S987. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 Brande'.e Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. C11AS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LOAN E. H. Ambler, 813- Barker Ulk. D. 734. CITY PROPERTY FOR IALI, G ROOM, NEW, MODERN In north end of the rlty. Near car, on paved street; large tot. ONLY $250 CASH Balance to suit either monthly, quarterly. seiiu-annuaiiy or annuany. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 24 N. V. Life Bldg. . WEST FARNAM RESIDENCE LOT Eaitt front, sightly location, 60x100, clone to best Homes in city. All specials paid. kou must see to appreciate. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-21al DO YOU want a home all In good shape, with electric Unlit, city Hater, baih. nr. feci drainage, 1,11 foot front and 120 feet deep, fine garden mound, lots here have liicreuaed In ears from l-'a and i4) to li-v and this Is a fine Investment; the pie will erll for 16 to 20 per cent more in the spriuir: must have ti i1 n.t, lalutioo un time. For sale by owner, 36J4 Ave. a. v OU1IC1I --tiuiiii. FOR quick returns. Ms: your real aetata for sale and eactiacge with me. no aale, ii pay. W. w. Mi'chell. Board af Trade it ak'. mina naa, WANTED TO KXCH A NOV ltH) scree 1 North Dakota for residence In Omaha n South Omaha. Dan Vance, owner of the una. souin umtui, in and Wast Q. A cnoice building lot, Hillsdale. " II N run. ft a wa. rncej aiua iq JUO; no IB' itreai. no taxes Bee ua. HAMTINUa 4k HF.YDKN. 1(14 Harne BL WE DARE YOU To make a reasonable offer on fair bust tiess terms tor (j-ROOM HOUSE AND Nu A 3 20ih Ave. AoWATA LAND AND l.C LOT. lot m.. Suite 624 N. T. Uf Bldg. REAL ESTATE 1ITY PHOI'ERTY FOR (ALB (Continued I WANT an offer on lot J. block 10. origl- al piat of the city of Omaha, with two onsen. 1909 and 1911 California street, lot. Mxiu feet. THOMAS FRENNAN, New York Life Rulidlnsj. 7-R00M, NEW, MODERN House. La'g lot. In western part of city. VERY EASY TERMS Desirable neighborhood, and prlre la right. NOWATA LAM) AND LOT CO., Suite J4 N. T. Life Hide. FOR SALE or trade by owner, g room. modern house, Hanscom Park District. Ad- rena F-fiK. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH t.AJtO FOR S A Lit Colorado. 84 acres sub-lrrlgatlon land Sedgwick county, Colo., 4 mile from town. V per ere. 1'. O. Uox 173, Council Hluffs. la. FARM of 78 acres, on banks of Wall lake. Iowa; well Improved, good boat landing; (rood fishing; an Ideal reaort no trades; price fl60 per acre. Addreaa Box 8. Audu bon, Iowa. I have five farms ranging from 100 to 20 acrea each: fine, hliti bottom land of he best Quality: 30 miles south of Council Bluffs In Mills county; price $45 00 to 176.00 per acre. If you are looking for a home on reasonable teams here Is your chance; owner got these farms in a large deal and wants to turn them Into cash Immediately. Grab quick, and get your choice. J. R. ADKINS, Room 4, First Nat l Bank Bldg. Council Bluffs, la. Idaho. FOR SALE Eleven SO-acre relinquish ments under Carey act: all within i miles town of Downey. Idaho, on main line o. f. 1.. fty.; 46 per acre; ) i uuo casn on ea.cn mj, balance nine annual payments; good soil for fruit or general farming; water right first claim on fortneut river; ouyers must reside 30 days during 1910; owners obliged to sell. W. II. Eldrldge. Twin rails. Idaho. Kansas. OH. WHAT A 8NAP-4S0 acres In the famous Mill Creek valley 20 miles from Topt-ka, Kan.; IM per acre. C. A. Phillips, iioiton, Kan. Nebraska. FOR SALE. Quarter section of good level divide land In Dundy county. Address Lock Box 248, Wauneta, Neb. FOR SALE 180 acre farm, all level. 120 acres under cultivation. 12 acres alfalfa, balance pasture. Good orchard. Cloee to sohool. 4 miles from town, U.000. worth 01 improvements all new within last year, a bargain If taken soon. Call or write Luoey Bros., Merna, Neb. I HAVE an Ideal stock farm of 4M) acres In Dawson county. Nebraska, that I will dispose of on easy terma. About 200 acrea In one field of nice laying land un der cultivation; ten acrea timber; some airaira; fair improvements, and all fenced. German and Swedish neighborhood. One- hair mile to scbool. lnuulre of owner, John K. Morrison. 211 s. Zbtn St.. Omaha. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ao- count of owner's health: well Improved 220-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, 236 per acre; easy terms. J, T. Campbell, Lacnrieio. Kto. GOOD LAND CHEAP. 1W aorea 4 miles south of Dlx. Kimball county. Neb., every acre can be cult! vated; good Swedish settlement; 10 per aore. J. G. BONE, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA, 212 Shugart Block. Phone 814. Oklamanaau OKLAHOMA Land $5 Per Acre No. 2991.320 acres limber and Ki-aztae- laod on Illinois river. In Adair ' county. Nearly au Diacg oak timber, will make from two to four- railroad ties to the tree; some white oak saw timber; some whlto pine, is to X4 incnes in diameter and 80 to 100 feet high. 300 to tOO acres of this land can be cultivated; about 60 acres now under cultivation. Ten miles of Westvllle, and new railroad now building within three miles of land. The timber alone ought to pay more than we ask for the land. Price, 16 per acre. - No. 642 2,620 acres timter and grass land In Cherokee and Adair counties at 86 per acre. No. 646120 acres timber land within three miles of Peggs,-Cherokee county, at 86 per acre. No. 27680 acrea of good upland praiiie4 60 acres In cultivation; good black soil; a fine chance for oil; three-fourths mile of the city limits of Nowata. Price, 840 per acre. No. 4391(0 acrea of best grade creek bot tom land; 130 acrea in cultivation. Good house, barn and outbuildings; two miles from Nowata county seat. Price, 240 per acre. You might get an oil well with this land. Let us show you. P. 8. We have 160,000 acrea of land to choose from. You had better go and look It over. You may miss a good thing If you don't. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE 10 acres up; home steads, relinquishments and deeded valley and upland. Ira S. Cornwell, Bertrand, Ohl. Texae. TEXAS homes and Investments. FERGUSON 4k WRIGHT, Doug. 1834. 807 N. T. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and borne build ers, with privilege of making partial pay ments aenU-annuaUy. No commission. W. 11. THOMAS, 603 First National Bank Bldg. 8100 to 810,000 made promptly. F. D. Weed, Weed Bldg., lb lb and Farnam. 6ECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Art'ly Rooms 417-13 First Natloual Bank Bldg. Bell phone Douglas 2318. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loau on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BHENNAN, Room 1. New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. Mfc LOANS ON EASTERN NEBRASKA FARMS We will receive applications for loans to be closed on or before April 1, 1S10.. inquire of local correpondent of the Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company or E. B. Stephenson. Special Loan Agent, Lincoln, Neb. Good 6 Farm Mortgages Always on hand and for sale In amounts from $JU0 to Kl.ouO. BENSON & MYERS, 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. WANTED City loana. Petera Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith at Co., L120 Farnam St, PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO.. N. T. Ufa. Private money, 8600 to 86.000; low sate. 809 to 8-OU0 on homea in Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A -2162. LOWEST RATES Bernl, Brandels Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 818 N. Y. Ufa. 8600 to 82uO.OuO on Improved properly. No delay. 6 FARM and olty loana; optional pay ment; no delay. L alibbernsea. Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 8. and 7 room houses. If prices are right we eau sell your property for you. NOWATA I.AND AND LOT CO., fune C4 N. Y. Life Bldg. . REAL ESTATE WANTED (Continued.) VACANT lota and houses. Have each buyers. 411 Karbach Rlk. Red 2007, A-.4f. SWAPS FQR RIGHT PRICE LAND We will exchange 10-room modern house. Corner lot; car at door; choice location. Also 9-room modern house, lot 100x120, and l-reom house, new and modern In every NOWATA LANH AND 1JT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. TRADES. TRADES. TRADES. Farms. Income, mdae. Llet with us ABBOTT KE4.LTY CO.. Brandels Bldg. FOR SALE or exchange For clear land. stock of clothing, located In eastern Ne braska. Wll Invoice about 210.0nii. For particulars address J. R. Collins. 42?, Main strret. Fremont, Neb. HIGH grade piano for good residence lot. Will pay difference. Bee. Y 17. FOn EXCHANGE 2 acres cornering with a good town of 1.000 people In Neosho county, Kan.; new 6-room house only 7 blocks from city school, park and churches; to stone; all tillable; 8 acrea of timber: all bottom land; incumbrance only 22.600. Price I14.600. Want merchandise. Would not object to some buildings. What have you? Address, THE ALLEN COUNTY INVESTMENT CO. LONG TON. KAN. WANTED TO BUY BF.PT price paid for second-hand furni ture, carpets, clothing and shoes Tel. Doug HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc. BELL'S Furn. Store, 1408 Dodge. Red 2531. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store Days best price Id-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 42t. WANTEDTO RENT WANTED December 1. bv man and wife. 2 rooms, preferably unfurnished, In private family, In West Farnam district. Address -09 Bee. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with several years' business train ing dealres position selling either In city or will travel. Al refereiloee. Address W 607. care Boa. C,nn nnrl Wftorl R H- Morehouse Co.. WANTED Work as janttreas in office building by widow; has had experience. For particulars address B 644, Bee. WANTED Ry young man, place to work for board while attending Boylea collega Beth phones. GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master. Fort Leavenworth. Kansas. Octo ber 26, 1909. Sealed proposals, In triplicate will be received here until 11 a. m., cen tral time, November 10, 1WJ9, and then opened in the presence of attending bid ders for the construction of sewer and water connections and drains at Fort Leav enworth, Kansas. Full information and blank forms of proposals furnished upon application. Plans and specifications may be seen here, at office chief quartermaster and Builders' Exchange, St. Paul; chief quartermnster, Ofnaha and Marter Builders' exchange, Kansas City, Mo. United States reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. Envelopes to be marked "Proposals for Sewer and Water Connec tions and Drains." and addressed to Cap tain William D. Davis, Quartermaster. O 29-30-21 N 1-8-9. OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Fort Leavenworth. Kansas, Octo ber 19, 1909. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., central time, November 10, 1(109, and then opened, for the construction of a trunk sewer. Full Information and blank forms of proposals furnished upon application. Plans and specifications may be seen here, also at offices Chief Quartermaster and Builders' Exchange, St. Paul; Chief Quartermaster, Omaha, and Master Builders' Exchange, Kansas Olty, Mo. United Statee . reserves the right to accept or rejeot any or all bids. Envelopes, to be marked "Proposals for Trunk Sewer" and addressed to CAP TAIN WM. D. DAVIS, Quartermaster. Oct23-24-25-26-Nov8 LEGAL NOTICE). NOTICE OF SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT By virtue of resolution of the undersigned Board of Directors, the Chart ron Electrio Light A Power Company will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER. 16. 1908, AT 10 o'clock a. m., AT THE OFFICE OF SAID CORPORATION. CORNER SEC OND AND EGAN STREETS, CHADRON, NEBRASKA, all the properly of the said Chadron Electric Light & Power Company, as a going concern, and consisting of Lot t, In Block 4. City of Chadron. Nebraska, and power house thereon, its coal houses and office and power house furniture and fixtures, and supplies on band, and per sonal property of every character; alro all Ita contracts for street lighting and aale of light -and power to cltisens of ciiadron, and all Its customers. Its franehlse, an its poles, wires, lines, dynamos, transformers, en gines and machinery of every description, all Its street lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on band. This property Is In most prosperous and perfect condition since Us opening; the service is perfect and the demand for light and power, from Its present and prospective customers. Is greater than lis preaeiit enlarged capacity; an Increase of the plant and Its capacity la actually needed at this time. An entirely sufficient reason for this sail will be glveu to any Inquiring purchaser. -Dated, October 14, 1!0. 1 WILLIAM ELLIS. J. F. MOTE. BYRON L. SCOVEL, OlStoNH Directors. RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION TATIOPi lOTH MA HON Union Pacific Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:20 am all :59 pm China and Japan Mall, .a 4.00 pm a 9:30 am Oregon and Washington Limited al2:01 am a 6:46 am Los Angeles Limited. ...a!2:66 pm 8:R0pm Portland Special all S5 pin a 8:45 pm Colorado Special a 1:45 am a 7:30 am North Platte Local a 8:15 am a4:4apm Colorado Express a 3:50 pm a6:O0pm Grand Island Local a 6:29 pm al0:.'0am Lincoln-Beatrice Local. .bl2:40 pm b 1:20pm Valparaiso and Central City bl2 40pm b l:pra Chicago) Groat Western. Chicago Limited ....... a 5:00 pm Twin City Limited 8:30 pm a 8:00 am Chicago Express a 2:46 pm Twin City Express a 9:00 am a 9:00 pm Wabasn Ornaha-St. Louis Exp.. a 6:30 pm a 9:25 am Mall and Express a 8.00 mra all 1,1 pm Stanberry I-ocal (from Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0.15 am Illinois Ceatrat Chicago Express. ....... .a T:U5 am a 2:45 pm Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 7:15 am Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp bt :10 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a 6:no pin a 7:15 am Omaha-FU Dodge Local b 4:16 pm bll :30 am Cnirago A Jl or th western Colorado-Chicago a 7:46am a 1:30am Chicago Daylight Kpl....a 7:00 am all:3oaru Omaha-Chicago Local.. a 12 :05 pm all :36 pm Colorado-Chicago a s:20 pm a 3:28 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. 6:02 pm a 7:00 am Paclflo Coast-Chicago. ..a :( pin a 8:28 pm Los Angeles-Portland Limited a 10 pm al2:06 pm Overland Limited al2:15am a 7:06 am Carroll Local a 4 am a 8:65 pm Fast Local Cedar Rapids-Omaha 3 36 pro NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7:50 am al0:20 pm Minnesota and Dakota.. 7 :U pm Tain City Limited .-.a 9:00 pm a 7:10 am Sioux City Local a 1:48 pm a 8:28 pm Dakota-Sioux City Omaha 8 10 am Mtnnesota-Stoux City Omaha all :00 am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Bonesieal a 7 60 am a 10 30 pm Llnooln-Long Pine a 7 60.ini all 00 am Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 3 It pm b 6 20 pre Hastliigs-Superloi b I 15 pm b 8 20 pm Dcd wood-Hot Springs. i la pm a 8 20 pm Casper-Lander a 8 66 pro all 00 am Fremont-Albion b 1:80 pro. b 1.35 piu RAILWAY TIME CARD -D Mlimarl Pari He K. C. and SL L. Ex. ...a 9:00 am 1! K. C. snd St. L. Ex. (I v. Sat. 12 p. m a!l:Upm a 8 C'hleaaro, Mllwaakee A . Pael- Overlnnd Limited a 12 lf am a? Overland Kpet-lal a2:em al :00 am .60 pre OR am Warn 30 am Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7 20 am a 2: Colo. -California Ex ac uopm a I Perry-Omaha Local b 6.16 pm bll Chicago, Heck lalaaid Paelfle EAST Rocky Mountain L t d. ill 40 am alO loa local a ( 40 am a 4 2i Dm Oo pm :20 Dm .) pm Chicago Day Express. ..a 7.42 am Del Molr.es Local a 4 00 pm al2 Iowa Local bl0:26 am b 8 :66 (HI Chlc;vgo-Eatern Ex a 4 40 pm al 1U pin :0 am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a :u pin at WEST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. tor Llnaoln a 8:20 am at: Colo, and Cel. Ex al:20pn a 4. 47 pm 80 Din Okla. and Texae Ex. ...a 4:06 pm a 1 Colorado Express a 7:30 pin a 1 Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm &12 :0U pm :20 am 20 am BWRLIJfUTO UTA. 10TII 4 MAIO.I B aril na; tarn Leave Denver and Callfor1a..a 410 pm Puget Sonnd Ex a 4:10 pm Nebraska points sS-Vbiii Black Hills a 4:10 pm Northwrat Ex all:30 pin Nebraska points a S 20 am Lincoln Mull b 1 20 pm Nebraska Ex a 9:16 am Lincoln Locl Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm Kchuyler-I'lausmouth .b 8:n. pin Plattamouth-Iowa a 9:18 am Beilevue-Plattsmouth ..r'J.iO pm Colorado Limited all:' am Chicago Special :20 am Chicago Ex 4:20 pm Chicago Fast Ex a 6:30 pm Iowa Local a 9:16 am St. Louis Ex a 4:55 pm Kansas City Ft. Joe.al0:46 pm Arrive, a 8:46 pm a 810 pm a 6 10 pm a 6:10 pm a 7:10 am a 6:10 pm a2:15 pm a 6:10 pm b 9:08 am a 7:60 pin b 10:20 am a 8:60 am a 2:40 pm a 7:10 am all lO pm a 2:65 pm a 8:00 am all:4n am all 46 am a 6:4ft am a 8:10 pm Kansas City Sc St. Joe.. a 9:16 am Kansas City at M Joe. a 4 ju pm WEBSTER ST A. ISTB 4C WEBSTER Mlaaoarl Pacific Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll:30 am Ihlraa-o, St. Paal, Minneapolis & Omaha Leave. Arrive. Sioux City Express.... b 2 :0 pm bll:46am Omaha Local c 6:20 pm Sioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm Twin City Passerger....b 8:30 am Sioux City Local c 8:36 am Emerson Local b 3:56 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, a Sun-'-y only, d Dally except Saturday. Omaha-Carroll Local.. .a 8:45 pm a 9:M) am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS Cruises de Luxe to UM WEST INDIES VJS. "AVON" il.8e Tens TWO nUISES (31 dys each) t ino vr FROM NEW YORK JAN. IS saa FEB. II EASTER CRUIS8 (IS say) tf vx FROM NET YORK MARCH 29 Alse Teckrlet Tears sy New Te-ta-Sarre-' "BEBBICE" tkrontk Iks Vest Iseiss Cesilt lllmttmt Beotefi es Kemf TR RIYAL MAO. STEAM PACKET C8t SAHDER8D SOB, Ceneral stents S3 State Mreet. Hew Vera SPEND THE WINTER TRAYBU.IMO THUOUUH TUB ORIENT MTHB CBUISE OF TH8 INCINNATI. 17,000 T-ns 21st Asanal Crete. LEAVEN H. Y. JA". 1H4. O BAYS - firas tip. Use cruises to Mm West ladies asd rtrota Amertea. MAMHVRMAMKHICAII L I M 1C 49 KtOliwAI, N. Y. 46 BROADWAY, N. Y OR LOCAL, AGENTS. CHINESE STUDENTS'-,- AT SAN.fJUNCISCO Forty-Seven Yonsg Men gent to American Schools by -Peking; Government Reach Port. RAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 8. Forty-seven Chinese youths arrived from the orient yesterday on the steamer China to enter the various colleges In this country for technical education at the expense of the Chinese government. They will be followed next year by 153 students -and the entire 200 will return home when their courses are completed to give China the advantage of their American training. The Chinese government decided to edu cate many of Its young men In the United States when this government remitted the Indemnity claims of 810,000,000 growing out of the Boxer trouble In China. The whole sum, It la promised, will be devoted to educational work. Students will be sent from China after securing appointments by competitive examination. Each student Is to study five years In American schools. The forty-seven students are In charge of Tong Kwoh On of the Chinese Foreign office and a graduate of Yale, class of '81. They will be presented to President Taft. FATAL FIGHT IN PEORIA John Hudson, Former City Employe, Killed by John Helling in Qanrrel Over Woninn. rKORIA. 111.. Nov. S. Insane with Jeal ousy when he found his sweetheart, Delia Sands, In a room with John Relslng early this morning, John Hudson, an ex-clty em ploye, pounced upon the latter and in the fight received two bullet wounds in the stomach, from which he died this after noon. Ilelsing was captured six hours after the shooting and is In the police sta tion, where he made a complete confession of the crime to State's Attorney Scholer. Ileivlng's visit to the Sands' home was purely an accident and not by prearrange ment. He did riot know Hudson, and when the latter assaulted him he whipped out his revolver and fired twice. Relslng fled and was found asleep In a cabin boat. The witnesses of the shooting maintained a stubborn silence, declaring they did not know the name of the assailant. All are belhg held fur the coroner's inquest, which will be held today. The dead man was two years ago trlrd for killing Charles Ogden with a blow of his fist, but was acquitted. Ten men and three women have been arrested and are in the county Jail as wit nesses to the crime. The grand Jury, which will meet tomorrow, will take up the case while It Is vivid before the witnesses. Delia Sands, over whom the fight was caused, will favor Relslng In her testi mony before the Jury, because she declares there was no reason for Hudson's Jealous attack. Hudson had been married two months and his wife was a witness to the tragedy. BYRNES' DEATH IS MURDER Boston Preacher Thus Characterises Killing; of West Point Foot Ball Player. BOSTON, Nov. 8. -The death of Cadet B. A. Byrne of West Point as a result of the foot ball game with Harvard a week ago, uaa characterized as "murder" by Itev. Mr. Cortland Meyers, pastor of Tremont temple. In his address at the temple to night. He said: "I think it Is an outrage on civilization. I think It Is a sin against one of the ten commandments, Thou shalt not kill." "Murder, yes it was murder. It repre sents heathenism of tha bloodiest dye that our boasted Institutions are obliged to al low such practices that their prestige may be maintained BEFORE THE PEOPLE'S BAR Weather Crisp and Fair Calendar Sig- Der Schadge at Bat. BISMARCK PUKISHES BAD ONES II err Altatadt Opens the Week as Police Jnilste and Has Bnay Pay aonklnar the Foes of J net Ire. "Dcr Shudge" Altstadt occupied ihe bench In police court Mu:-.uay, in the temporary absence of Judge Crawford. Little Bis marck had a busy morning nf It and It was with a sign of Hatisfactlnn that he lighted a cigar at the close of the session. There were few cases of any gieat Importance, but enough work to keep City Prosecutor Dickinson and "Der Shudge" busy for nearly three hours. Practically all of the disorderlies arrested Saturday and Sunday In the raid engineered by Hergesnt Demp sey. acting chief of detectives, were up and fined. There was the usual batch of drunks and several other cases of more or less Importance. A. Christiansen, a Postal messenger boy, and Willie Maros, an A. D. T. mes senger, proved their ability as sleuths Sunday, when they held up Louis Hub ner, aged 16, and took him to the police station, along with a bicycle claimed to have been stolen from K. Mnllroy, 207 South Forty-second street, Saturday after noon. Huhner Informed the police he bought the wheel for 83 from Ralph Mc Donald and offered to bring witnesses to prove the transaction. He was turned over to the Juvenile officers, who will dis pose of his case. William Bruch of Lincoln was picked up by the police Monday morning while rid ing a Racycle machine. The Lincoln po lice will Investigate to ascertain if the wheel was stolen, pending which Bruch, who Is held as a suspect, will remain In the city Jail. That It dors not pay to disturb a relig ious meeting was shown by "Der Shudge" Altstadt In police court when he fined th'ee men charged with that offense. Claus Llngdn started a disturbance at the Cass S:reet Gospel mission Sunday night and was fined $5 and Costs, with the threat by "der shudge" "the next time you come I will give you thirty days to boot." Oscar Flecknrr and Louis Pearson de cided they did not like the way the Salva tion Army was conducting Its worshp at 117 North Sixteenth street and proceeded to disturb the meeting by profane language. Captain Martin Packe had them arrested and they were both fined $7.50 and costs by "His Holier" Altstadt. Sadie Blair of 903 Capitol avenue has a 830 diamond ring which she prises highly. For the last several weeks she has allowed Vlcla Stanley, a stunning blonde person, to wear the "sparkler. ' Saturday afternoon Viola gave the ring to her lover with Instructions to pawn It, as she wanted to go to Des Moines. Sadie got wind of the transaction Sunday and had Viola arrested at the station as she w&3 about to take a train for the Iowa city. In police, court Viola admitted giving the ring to Sim Walker to "soak," saying he rtc ived 86 for it. "Sixty days" for Viola and Sadie replevlned the ring. " 'Morning Judge, 'morning Mr. Dickin son," tald Sally Shaeffer, an old offender, when brought Into court to answer to a chargo of being a disorderly person. "Haven't been here for quite a while, have you, Sally?" interrogated the clly prosecutor. ' "No, sir, I've been living peacefully at home. I never did nothing Saturday v. hen they pinched me. Honest to goodness I didn't." "Five dollars and costs." The preliminary examination of William J.icnbs. colored, charged wlrn cutting with Intent to wound, set for Monday morning, was adjourned until Tuesaay at 9 o'clock. Jacobs, It Is charged, stabbed one Charles Nolan while at the Grand resturant on October 23. John Honk, a Chinaman, well known to tho police court, hung around the station Sunday afternoon, evidently anxious to be locked up. He finally succeeded In his purpose and was given ten days by "der schuge" In which to sober up. ROBINSON DECLINES OFFICE Rosvrell Kdltor Will Not Accept the Governorship nf New Mexico. ALBt'QCERQUK. N. M.. Nov. 8.-WI11-lam Robinson, edlloi of the Roswell Ri glster-Ti Ibune, announced today that he would decline the governorship of New Mexico, recently offered him. Tho resig nation of Governor George Curry Is effec tive n xt February. Mr. Robinson said today that he would rather slay in the newspaper business thun hold any office. GALL STONES SB. TUODOtS HUH, Tha Chief of Staff. and consultation and accept no cases which they cannot cure. Dr. Milen, chief of staff, an expert diagnostician of thirty years' experience, superintends the treatment of all patients. Following are a few letters from people who have been benefited by the marvelous "New Method" treatment: Omaha, Neb. Austro-American Doctors Gentlemen: For two and one-half years I sufferfcd untold agony from gall stones. I commenced Improving from the time I started taking your treatment, and my friends were all aurprlsed at the Improve ment In my appearance, and remarked about It. I am entirely cured now, and cheerfully recommend your treatment to anyone who may he suffering from gall stones ua I was. MR8 W. F. URBAN. 3150 South 16th St. Aztell, Neb. Austro-American Doctors Dear Doctors: I will write you a few lines In regard to nv rase as 1 am so much better. I am feeling fine can atoop over and work without auslng me any pain. I husk corn and llg my potatoes without any trouble. Pleaue aoml me more of thv medicine so loat It will get to town Saturday. I live v,ulte a ways out Landlords of Ireland Will Be Deposed T. P. O'Connor Predicts Half Million Irishmen Will Soon Be Lords of Their Own Farms. NEW YORK, Nov. . "Within len or fifteen years the great lords of Ireland lit' have been deposed, and hnlf a million Irishmen will be lords of their own farms." said T. r. O'Connor, member of Parlia ment from Liverpool, at a meeting in aid of the nationalist cause in Irviand, at the Lytic theater tonight. An enthusiastic nudlenee contributed liberally after hearing Mr. O'Connor. "After the next election," he said, "e expect to have eighty three members of Parliament. Whatever Combination of par ties win In England, our eighty-three votes will mesti the balance of power." He said the Irish, people had won nine out of ten things they had started out to win and expected during the next Parliament to ge. In addition to a national school and university, the boon of homo rule. RIOTING AT HIBBING, MINN. One Man Killed and Three Wonnded In Fight Am on a- Italian Miners. HIBBINO, Minn., Nov. 8. Two factions of Intoxicated Italian miners terrorized Stevensoh. nine miles southwest of here, lata this afternoon In a fight, during whlrh one was slot to death while trying to stop the row, three others were wounded and two were arrested. Others also prob ably vvvundeU escaped before the officers arrived. The men procured liquor at Carson's lake, one mile from Stevenson, and re turned to pick a quarrel with those who had refused to Join them. The Italian hotel keeper, whose name Is not known tried to stop the fight. An unidentified Italian, now a fugitive, discharged the contents of his levolver into the man's body, instantly killing him. MURDER AT OKLAHOMA CITY Body of Roy B. Gannon la Fonnd on Hoof of Ten-Story Building. OKLAHOMA CITY, Okl.. Nov. 8. Roy B. Gannon, a real estate dealer, who came to this city from Lexington. Ky., was found murdered on the roof of a ten-story office building here today and 8f00, which he drew from a local bank faturday, is missing. Evident disorder In Gannon's of fice on the fourth floor of the building Indicate that he was attacked there and his body dragged to the roof by a rope which was found around Ms neck. The body bore a numlier of cuts and bruises and some of the dead man's friends de clare he was murdered as a rfsult of a Jealous quarrel. Cannon was 2S years old and has relatives In Kentucky. FOR THE CLUB HftlBER VISITING NEW YORK The Hotl St. Itefils, at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, is Most Conveniently Situated. There are upwards of fifty important clubs in New York, some having thou sands of members and none having less than several hundred. Club life Is a marked feature of exlatenoe In New York, and becomes more ' marked during the cooler portion of the year, and he who belongs to Beveral of these organizations never needs complain that time hangs neavy on his hands If he Is socially In clined. Added to the active membership of all New York clubs ore honorary, asso ciate and non-resident lists, comprising hundreds of residents of other cities and towns. These non-resident members take a keen Interest In club festivities and at tend them whenever they are able to come to the city. At such times It Is Important for them to locate themselves conveniently to the club houi. To all such visiting club members the Hotel St. Regis, at Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, appeals with peculiar force. It Is within a few blocks of many of the most celebrated New York clubs, and Is within seven minutes' ride of all of them. It affords the same atmosphere of refinement and seclusion that one finds In the best clubs, and Its "table" Is famed as being unsur passed in this country, and fully the equal of the best restaurants of London and Paris, charges are no higher ihan at any other first-class hotel. Room rates are likewise reasonable; 83 and 84 a day for a large, handsomely furnished single room; ii a day for 'the same with private bath (or 86 a day for two people); and 812 a day and up for an elegant suite consisting of parlor, bedroom and private bath. NO EXCUSE FOR BUTCHERY The average person suffering with gall stones believes no cure is possible without an operation in fact their doctors tell them so. The Austro-American Doctors, by their "New-Method" treatment, have ex ploded this fallacy. It is no longer necessary for the sufferer from this dread affliction to submit to a dangerous and possibly fatal operation. The Austro-American Doctors have cured every case of gall stones which they have accepted. The "New Meliod" treatment which they use dis solves the gall stones already fonned and by placing the liver and other organs in a condition of perfect health removes tho cause and makes the cure a permanent one. Although the Austro-American Doctors use only the mildest and most harmless of medicines in treating gall stones it is a discovery of their own and unknown to the medical world at large. This is only one of the chonric diseases which yields to the new method treat ment, though other doctors and forms of treatment are unsuccessful. People afflicted with paralysis, rheumatism, goitre, gall stones, epilepsy, diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, blood or any nervous or chronic disease of man or woman, should see them at once. The patient runs no risk as the Austro-American Doctors make no charge for examination and am very busy, but will come In Sat urday and get it. I am doing so well thut I think your medicine will soon cure me. C F. MILLLK. R. F. D. No. S, Axtell, Neb. Charter Oak, la., Oct. 26, 1909. Austro-American Doctors ' Dear tslrs: Yours of the 22 received and also the treatment, which was in good order. I, am right here to tell you my health has Improved so much under your treatment that even puople who haven't the least Idea that I am taking medicine, remark about how much better I am look ing than I dll awhile ago. I tell them that I feel different, too. For the lust week I have felt one day Just like the other, and am doing my work and never feel tired out. I also have a good appetite, and ran sleep like a child. I acknowledge it being my fault that my first month's t rem men t dhln t lust, as I began taking It Willi a tsaspoon, and never once stopped to think that It might hold more than 80 drops, and when I measured I found I bad taken too large doses. I remain, Yours truly. MRS. F. C. MERTZ. r.';rr. mnrrr: AMERICA leads line World pre-eminently in the su periority and skill of her dentists r. Lyon's I-AIVM r 4 a rcrrrECT Tooth has been prepared by an Amer ican dentist sinc$ 1866. It cleanses, preserves and beauti fies the teeth and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. SKIN (TltKO TIIIIOIV.H RKIX. Old W'ny of ItosliiK the Stomach Alnn 1in'l by Specialists. Suppose you scratch your hand do you dose the stomach to cure the wound? Don't you wash and cleanse It instead, and thus let the skin cure Itself? It Is the .same with Eczema and other skin diseases. To accomplish this cure the best medicine Is Oil of Wlntergreen Compound, and this mast be used In liquid form. The liquid penetrates to the Inner skin and kills the germs while soothing the healthy tissue. This oil of wlntergreen compound known as D. D. 1). Prescription has been sold at 81.00 a bottle. But on a special offer we have now arranged with p. D. D. Labora tories for a trial bottle at. 25c. It will stop the Itch instantly, and we hope you wll try t on our assurance. - Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.', 16tll and Dodge Streets; Owl Drug Co., 16tli and Harney Streets. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER One Dullur n 'Year. Quality Is Our Guide UPBIKESlS mmm : .ifM FLOUR fx- " 3-:' ii. UPBiKEMtlUHQCDl ' PMAHA.NEB. PLEASES THE MOST CRITICAL At all grocers UPDIKB MILLING COMPANY. OMAHA. Bloux Cltv. la.. l-28-'0. To AuHtro-Anierlcan Doctors- Dear Kirs: 1 want to let. you know that I had been ailing fur in years, off anil on, and had been to doctors for relief, but aiiuineii not ti.e uilghesl benefit, l Buf fered from nervousness unci paui so much 1 could not work ut my trude as bluck smllli. 1 came to you on or about tho first of UctuLmr, and ufier taking your specific remedies Mini -ulier treatment at the offices was able to he al my shop after the third day, ami have ever since. 1 work ul my truilu ull day and feel flue. I want to t ha lik you and let the public know of in y recovery. Anyone Can ad dress ma at North Riverside, - or call at my shop. Will lell tnein Just how I suf fered, ami I ran suv my wonderful recov ery was due to the Auitro-Amerlcaii doe tors' treatments. Yours truly, C. A KK.lt V. The Omaha offices of the Aust m-Amer-lean Doctors are located ai Unite tm, itumge Building, Fifteenth and Harney streets, Just opposite the Orphmun the ater. Slou Clly offlc-s. Third Flool Farmers Loan and Trust Uulldlug. Povdcr I jHwgsvwtrMi Pure in -: ,1 baking. I j s fl Never I V"7 8AK1MI FIV rf tT aii i ft 'mMilt m i i' v