XOIIK BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, XOVEMBEU 8, 1900. Want - Ads Advertisements for the want nd roltmni mill be Itkrn antll IS m. for the rrrnlnf edition and nntll SiSO sn. for tbe morilig and Bandar edi tions. Caah mn accompany all ordere for waat ad aa d ao advertisement will be accepted for lesa thia SO eenta for flrat Insertion. Haifa apply rltkrr The Dally or Sunday Bee. Always coaat alz worda la a line. V CASH nATF.S FOR WA7TT ADS. " nr(il LAR CLASSIFICATION One Insertion, 1 1-8 cents per word and 1 rent per word for each eabarquent laaertloa. F.arh liraertlon made oa odd daya, 1 1 -S centa per word fl.BO per line per month. Want ada for The Bee may be left at aay of the following drna; stores, one la yoar "corner draglast" they are all branrh offices for The Bee and yonr ad will be laaerted Jaat aa propmtly and oa the name ratea aa at the mala office In The Bee Ralldlngr, Seventeenth and Fa main streets! Albaeh. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranck. S. A.. 1402 S. 10th St. Hecht Pharmacy, 7N S 16th 8t. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Neb. Bemls Fsrk Pharmacy, 33d and Cumins. ftlake-Bradish, 2816 Sherman Ave. Csiighltn. C. It., Ith and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2113 Military Ave. Conte, J. B., 31st Ave. and Farnam. CriKaey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney pharmncy, 2228 South lth St. Cermak. Kmll, 1264-6 8. 13th St. Eastman Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton. Ehler. F. H., ZW Leavenworth Foster & Arnoldi. 213 N. 2?th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24.h St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Phai maey, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough, O. A., 105 8. 10th St. Greenough, CI. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William, C, 2920 Farnam St. liampom Park I'har., InOl 8. 29th Ave. Hoist, John, 624 N. ICth St. Huff. A. L.. Z24 Leavenworth St. Johansnn Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. Kln. H. S.. 2238 Farnam St. Kountxe Place Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Mares. Fred L., 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th St. l.athrop, Charles E.. 1324 N. 24th St. Ivy ton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Kchnefer's Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago St. Hrhasfer. August, 2631 N. 16th St. Schmidt, J. 11., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm Pharmacy, lflth- and Martha Sts. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wlrth, O. H., 40th and Hamilton Sts. UK ATI! ANU ftlNERlL NOTICES. KENNEDY Mrs. Mary, aged 70 years, No vember 6, 1909. Funeral from family residence, 1618 Cen ter, Monday, 7 a. m., to St. Patrick's cnurch at 7:80 a. m. Interment, Platts iiiouih, Neb., leaving via Burlington at 9:15 a. m. Mrs. Kennedy Is survived by three sons, John, Felix and Edward, and by five daughters. Anna and Blanch Kennedy, Mrs. John McUinn, Mrs. Joseph McCaffrey and Mrs. Leo Schroeder. 1 kr- ,', ALL ',itXT) ANNOUNCEMENTS ('HA I. CLEAN Carbon Cooking, $6.60. Couunt Squires, 1406 l-'ar. D. 93C TTATs Stetson, $2.30 and $3.00. RAMSER, -laAO practical hatter, 220 S. 14th St. f'H AT. s- & H. Green Trading Stamps -"-'-cxaj-wlth Hard and Soft Coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. Doug. 3471; lnd. A-1463. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th & Ames Ave., ac curate compounder of prescriptions. Free unlivery, more open 6:30 a. m. to. LI p. m. A SPECIAL Ol'FEB. 5 & f- 16 days wa will fit your eyea with Parlscoplo iciiHis, prescription quality. Nickel and aiutnioo frames $1. Gold filled frames $2 60. t)UK OPTICAL DEPARTMENT must be INTRODUCED to (he people. FRED DROP EGA A KD & CO.. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS, 115 So. 16th St. 1 T? PRl iVIv announcea the opening i.-. U. V-IVUiMV of nls new Manufactur- l..g OPTICAL and FITTING PARLORS at ltii farnam St. Phone Douglas 7744. JOHN RADMAN, 706 N. lGth St.. Ladles and Gents suits and overcoats, $13 up. draping, . pressing, repairing work guar anteed. I "OAF. Andover, Egg, Lump. $6.50. R. H. wnu More-house Co., W. 3106. B-2245. dUAIU Safe and Iron Works makes a tpei-ialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. ' G. Audreen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. ft PK.R TON Coal H1" Nut- Coal Hill . CEMENT BLOCK of best quality. Manufactured by the IDEAL CEMENT STONE CO. TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor. Taxion Blk. i ei. Douglas 1381 WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by v eight. 'J', L. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas. Monument. J. F. Bloom & Co., 1813 Far. MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE, in sums to spit. 310 Bee Bldg, 'Phone Tiouff -jii UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglas Printing Co.' Tel. Douglas 644. All kinds f CEMENT WORK. DUNDEE CEMENT M'O.SE WORKS, 4dtli ft Dodge. k4v L'- n- Hiflln. 1516 Douglas St., over "' LmutnV. Tel. D. ZTii; A-41I85. rlnftrie oinahi eli-ctrlo works repairs ele u 1 " V a-Ul, 10S N. llttt. D. mi. A-144. COMBS, 15:0 Douglas, expert eye ft'ilrg JEAN P. DUFK1ELP, teacher of plu.no sulio 4,4-13 Boyd's Theater. IF YOU want any dirt call on C. M. ai-hnianrv 430 Paxtun Blk. Depositions. F. J. Sutcltffe. 628 Bee Bldg. WOOD. Dr. O. 8.. 521 N. T. L. Homeopath GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- K rvrv A. Jt-TKS. 1302 Douglas hi. . V VXo Pr. M. A. Alexander (Torosien) , T Neville Block, wlfhes to announce hlB new telephone I. umber. Douglas 6499. CLEANING AND DYEING - The best evei. Twin City Dye Works. 407 8. 15th St. HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace Ptiengtheu, 60c. BELL DRUG CO. FOR watches and Jewelry repairs see Gustafson & lienrickson. 201 N. 16th St. MISSOURI filters made and sold. 1310 Howard St. GRAVEL ROOFING. J.' ft. Stevenson Hoofing Co., gravel and composition roofing. Ill S. bHh St., Omaha, Tela. Doug. $119, lnd. A-1792; res., Webster H. TEL. HARNEY 423 for prces on hard and soft coal and feed; delivery and quantity. Lincoln Grain 4k Coal Co.. 43d & Hamilton. THE WARDROBE, expert CLBANERS AND DYERS. 16 Karnam. Both phones. Los Angeles Restaurant. 106 South 13th St.. a ill open about Nov. I under new manage-n-ent as f imt-clas cafe, serving American and mandarin dishes. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences rheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. MJ7 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. LETTERS DUPLICATE! Brandels Bidg Tel. Douglas 911: Auto. A-talL HOIAND 8 LESSONS (adults), Mon. and Frt. p. m. ATTENPt our Hat Sale. All high grades $l.'jy. omaha iiat Factory, 13th and Dodge, ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Roller IP-iiringT-"- rr Co., 19th and Pleice. Douglas 1141. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Two-ey linger Rambler, Day ton folding tonneau. speedometer, gas and oil lamps; extra tire; ran (,000 miles. Q 615 Bee. Bargain IN USED ELECTRICS. Rsker Electrlo, brand new battery. Ilr?s nearly new, motor In excellent shape, only $250.00 Also another Baker Electrlo, bargain at $100.00 R. R. KIMBALL, 2026 Farnam." AUTOMOBLE, CARRIAGE FAINTING. Dlackemlthtng. woodwork and auto tops a specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 16th Ave.- and Leavenworth. RUICK touring car, with top, $630. Ad dress M 671, Bee. . MURPHY KIP IT Hid we paint your autoT A MURPHY ft HON. HOLHMAN. Just overhauled by factory and repainted; has good top; 1400. Address L 670, Wee. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades 11.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. WRITE for large list of second-hand automobiles bargains. H. E. Fredrlckson Automobile Co., Omaha. SEND for our list of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1814 Farnam St. . JUST great, Drysmokanchu chewing cigar. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory. 13th and Dodge. FTODDARD-PA YTON touring car, brand rew; cost 13,000, will sell ohoap. Address K !9. Bee. PEERLESS touring car, in excellent shape, $1,600. Address J 668, Bee. Motoreyclea. RAYCYCLE. almost new; will sell at sac rifice. Address-H 667, Bee, BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET on or out of business call on GANGE8TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. FOR SALE A wholesale and retail beor agency, 150 miles east of Omaha, In Iowa; yearly sales 6,000' barrels and prices reason able; outside of headquarters five other places; buildings can be bought or rented; reison for selling, party desires to retire. Address Y 21, Bee office. 6 POOL tables and building. P. H. Ell wanger, Sutton, Neb. - FOR SALE A thriving cement block, brick and tank business; for particulars add reds J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. CAN dispose of a few thousand dollars' worth of independent Telephone Co.'s bonds of Omaha; will -trade a good eight acre Iowa farm for same or pay cash, but price must br right. Address 8 668, Bee. FOR SALE A small amount of stock In Omaha's most progressive firm; will pay I per cent dividends in 1910, probably 20 per cent thereafter. Price $112.50 per share. Ad dress D 661. FOR SALE Hotel and furniture. 19 bed rooms; doing big business; $3,600 buys It all or part cash. Write for particulars. Wm. Erldn, Alta Vista, la. - . ; BUSINESS FOR SALE.' i One'of "the best hardware, furniture and harness businesses for sale; located In one of the best towns on the Northwestern R, R. between Pleire and Rapid City; last year's business $16,000; stock will Invoice about $4.KoO; building and fixtures $1,600; will sell with or without building; good reason for selling. Address Y. 79, Bee. ' FOR SALE Good butcher shop In west ern Nebraska, up-to-date market. Ice plant. sausage machinery and good .slaughter, house. Address- r w, care omana, Bee. . FIRST CLASS opportunity for" erf broad gauge business man of , meant,-,. . Addres l . J. dux via, t-ziuuii. FINEST meat marker. In Counoll. Bluffs for sale or rent. C. W. Letchford. FOR SALE An up-to-date baker?' and cafe In good Iowa town. Brick building and large brick oven; first class retail trade. Will sell for $700 If taken at once. Address T 72, care of Bee. FOR SALE One complete news and job printing plant at a very reasonable figure; full particulars given by addressing Mrs. F. W. Ott, Laramie, Wyo. . FOR SALE-Restaurant in Wyoming, town of 3.000; price $360.00. A snap. Ad dress owner, Y "4. care Bee. AN OMAHA CONCERN with an estab lished business, has a limited amounts of stock for sale at par. Will, bear thorough Investigation. K-662. WANTED First-class correspondent who can Invest $5,000 In a corporation and be come its secretary. Position requires a high grade, broad man of the best ability, thor oughly experienced In handling business correspondence. Must furnish highest ret erence nnrt clvo bond. , Address for Inter view, J 461. Bee. FOR SALE Drug stock and fixtures In best eastern Nebraska town. Stock of drugs, Jewelery, china and drug sundries. Good business. Owner not registered and has other business. Address C. C. Dunkel, Fremont, Neb. . ATTEND our Hst. Sale.. All high grades xi.vo. omana nut f actory, utn ana uoage. BUSINESS' OPENINGS. Ralston a Live Wire. 'RalBton, the manufacturing suburb of Omaha. Two bit plants in operation em ploying large force of men Howard Stove Works, Brown Truck CO. Two more big plants locmed and starting to bill1 Kals ton Car Works. Rogers Motor Car Co. A dosen retail stores doing good business. Splendid opening for bank, grain e'evator, hotel, bakeiy. etc. Address or call for particulars. RALSTON TOWNSITE COMPANY, t' 8. 17th St.. Omaha, or 77th and Mechanic, Ralston. INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE BONDS. Cun dispose of a few thousand dollars' worth of Independent Telephone Co.'s bonds of Omaha; will trade a good eight acre Iowa farm for same or pay cash, but price must be right. Address S 658, Bee. FOR SALE Harness shop, one of the gooa ones, in pest county In Nebraska; good, profitable business!; Invoice about iz.jcu; can reduce; good reason for selling H. W. Whltaker A Co., Craig, Neb. FOR SALE Livery barn In good, live Nebraska town; reason for selling, leaving city. Address Y 20, care Bee. FOR SALE Best equipped machine shop in the Panhandle: good reDalr business For particulars address Stratford Machine orks. bti-atiord, Tex. FOR SALE ELECTRICAL THEATER In city; a snap: must be sold In 10 davs Tel. Douglas 6989. Good reason for selling GOOD PAYING, well located Omaha saloon. Will sell half or who e Interest. Good proposition offered. Worth Investi gating. Address D 646 Bee. CHIROPODISTS iR. HOY. 1606 Karnam fit. Douvlu M&7, ATTlTVn .Yl l a Uat tiala All U 1 J - . ?i mtiri lodge DETECTIVES OMAHA Di. Aicy.. 4tt Pmxton, D. 13i5V Aiir..". our nui rm. aii niffn ;raiJa 1 sVk a'fcmabt LI. a IT- it., a. X . pa v. v. i 1 1 as Mm r ftvim j , imll iua iJ(Hi DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK. $4 floor. Psxton. D 10 6 TAFT'B Dental Rooms, 1117 Douglas St PR. FICKES, 117 Board of Trade. "He doesn't hurt 1U others." ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades i.rv- wuibu nu aciury, uu ana Dodge. DRESSMAKERS STEIN A CO.. 2422 S. lfith St. Doug. 6532. MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635 McDowell Dressing rxmool. 1523 Far. DRESS PLEATINO, buttons covered all styles and slues. The Ideal Pleating Co., 100 Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. MISS GALBRITH, Room 304 Sunderland Bldg. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grados $1.90. Omaha iiat Factory, 13th and Dodxe. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, steam or hot water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fronts. Investi gate the Kees fuel saver, costs only $17.60 Installed. New furnaces, combination not water and hot air heating; thermostats and tank heaters. OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, Both 'Phones. 1205-8 Douglas. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades SI. 90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses in business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER LA MrilAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. The Biggest Book on Its Subject FREE Do you desire to become a success out In the big, bustling business world as a steno grapher, telegrapher or United States civil service candidate? Well, this big. ambitious book Is Just what will make the way plain and straight for you. W:e'll send you a free copy In a special box If you ask for It RIGHT NOW. Boyles College. Omaha, in eo. PUBLIC SPEAKING CLUB of Omaha, and "WRANGLERS' CLUB" will be organised In Y. M. C. A. Auditorium TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 8 P. M. For particulars call up J. W. MILLER, DOUGLAS 849. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Hand-made klmonas. dressing sacques, aprons, ladles' wool union suits, extra fine quality, only wc. rj. mh,.-na, zv xn. mm. Dl'AQ m.H. nf nM enrnets MB mrnetH wove. Gate City Rug Fcty. 1S21 N. 24th. B-1640. WEINLANDElt & SMITH Ladies' Exclusive Furnishings. 317 S. 16th Street. PLUMES cleaned or colored, 25c at Pennells ATHOBSON'S r.St Superfluous hair and moles removed by the electric needle. Satisfaction guaranteed. MERSCHE1M. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tueedsy, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 694 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6488. tl AVHTTTrTf Beautiful creations In lata fftrt fV millinery. 1324 N. 24th St. UPHOLSTERING Antiques a specialty. El O. Lai sen. 1918 Cuming. Both phones. i lii,.i . ''LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephono Harney ijou. i I ei.r., 4 ... . u iu4 Tv 1Q Tel Webstexj itti, or leave orders 107 S. loth. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON At GlrODLETT, 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tels. Best work, prompt service. ELTING, grocery and confectionery. 2114 Farnam St. New goods, low prices. MIT T TMlTT?V Moderate prices. Schall jHLLiliNjKl 81ster. it!14N. 24. W. 1692. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. S12 Brandels Bldg. FREE THIS WEEK with each 50c Jar of Beaton's Cold Cream, one Royal Vacuum Massage Appliance. Beaton Drug Co., Farnam and 16th. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, white skin. By mall fOc and $1.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. AUCTION dally at 10:30 a. m., 2:30 p. m. JAPANESE ART OBJECTS. THE TAYO CO., ICth and Jackson Sts. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grndes $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthews, 332 Neville BOILED and Sweet Cider at Ak-Sar-Ben Cider Mill, 1013 Vinton St. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 424 BRANDE1S BLDG.. Bell 'Phone Doug. 305a. HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Douglas 8000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St., Doug.-12.1il. BRANDELS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. stnr entr'ce. A. DONAGHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $190. Omaha Hat Factory. 13th and Dodge. HELP WANTED FEMALE Factory anal Trades. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Hernia Omaha Bag Co. WANTED Three first-class hair dress ers; alxo three girls for mounting and wav ing switches. Apply J. L. Brandels & Suns' Hair Dressing Department. LADIES and girls make good wages at home, spare time, decorating sofa pillows; experience unnecessary; call forenoons. 2307 S. 13th. Honaekerpere and Domeatlca. WANTED Girl for genoral houBewoik. Mrs. J. H. Parrotle. 401 Davenport. WANTED Girl for general housework. 216 N. 22d St. COMPETENT girl. $6; no washing. 3315 Burt St. COMPETENT GIRL wanted. Mrs. T. E. Pearce. 119 S. T7th St. Harney 970. YOUNG GIRL to help with housework. 1022 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework; small family. 616 8. 34th Ave. WANTED Good capabl girl for general housework. Mrs. R. S. Hall. 1224 Farnam. WANTED Washing and ironing. Call B-nll. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle. 634 Park Ave. GIRL to cook and do general housework. Small family. Apply 21U2 Douglas St. A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in Omaha will bo found on this page HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaarkeepers and Domestics ton t'd. WANTED Girl for general houaework. 4207 Lafayette Ave. Tel. Harney 2XS. Mrs. F. H. Hansen. WANTED Good girl, in small familv, Mrs. George Kelly 1924 Blnney. Web. 43. OOOP honest servant for general house work. Good wages and work not hard. 13 So. 3Mh St. Harney 413. WANTEP Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. George Marples, 1128 S. 3M St., Tel. Harney 1098. WANTEP Maids. Apply Hotel Rome. GIRL for general house work. Need not be competent. Mrs. Pealfall, 1642 Georgia Avenue. WANTED At once, woman to do clean ing or washing. Call 2011 Charles. WANTED A good girl for general housework no washing. Apply at once, 320 N. ?3d St., near Chlcsgo St. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; steady employment. 3112 Leavenworth. GIRL for general housework. Call 614 8. 20th. WANTED A good cook; no washing; wsges $7; rtferer.ces. 1038 Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 3014. GIRL for general housework; no cooking; small family and good salary. 2621 Capitol Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, small family; good wages; no cooking. 2M3H Capitol Ave. NURSE girl, 16 or over, to go home plphts. Mrs. Albert Staebler. 1135 Georgia Ave. WANTED For general houaework, good girl, good pay .smr.l family. Call Friday or Saturday. The Normandle. Mrs. D. H. Welpton. Mtacellaneona. WANTED Experienced alteration help. Orkln Bros. 1610 Douglas. . LEARN hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $16 to $26 weekly. Full course taught. Brandels Hair Dressing Dept. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. HELP WANTED MALE Agenta, Sollcltore and Salesmen. TWO clothing solesmen by Nor. 1, Ap ply to Frenzer Blk. Dr. Downs. BOND salesmen required for Iowa. Ad dress Y-748. Bee. WANTED A solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. TWO good collectors at once. C. S. Adams & Co., 623 8. 16th St. Cigar salesmen wanted In your locality to represent us. Experience unnecessary. $110 per month and expences. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, WANTED Special salesman. Box $32. WANTED Energetio solicitors; best proposition on road; country territory; they make $20 a week and expenses. O. F. Fager. 2327 8 St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED A man. with experience to sell hog powder to farmers. Salary, 1016 N. 16th St. - WANTED CAPABLE AGENTS To sell the best Accident and Health Insurance.- Policies Issued by any company. To work In Omaha, Nebraska and Oklahoma, exclusive contracts. NATIONAL FIDELITY & CASUALITY COMPANY, Z04 Merchants National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Nebraska. WANTED I Want Gooti, Live Hustlers to sell accident Insurance; city work; at tractive policies; experience not necessary, but must be energetic. NORTH AMERICAN ACCI DENT INS. CO., 314 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BIG PROFITS seling Vulcan Fountain and Stylo Pens. Well advertised; easy to sell. Write for catalogue showing liberal discounts. Ullrich & Co., 27 Thames St., New York. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All Jilgh grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 S. 13th St. BOY wanted. Moyer Stationery Co.. 1616 Farnam St. Clerical and Office. REGISTERED drug clerk. W. A. lfith and Farnam. Plel, MEN to assist In office and do some collecting; men must come well recom mended and must Invest $200; salary $76 per month. 338-9 Paxton Blk. factory aad Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED At once, Jewelry Jobber; one who understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker. 1123 O St.. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Six Dlastrrers. North Platte: I Omaha or Denver fsale allowed; apply or come at once, ttasta. contractor. I TAILOR WANTED Must be sober and industrious; young man speaking Swedish preferred; references requlreu. Wick, The Clothier, Oakland, Neb. WANTED Blacksmith start business for himself; no money necessary. Address Uumbel, 11th and Seward. WANTED First-class oushelman, able to make punts and do general line altering on ladles' suits Piece work $18 to $26 per week. Position permanent. Submit refer ences. Addresa Lock Box 83, Hot Springs. S. D. Miscellaneous. GOOD chicken pickers can find good, steady work at Swift & Company's Branrh Poultry house at Nevada, Jefferson, Grln nell and Des Moines, la. WANTED Railway mall clerks, post office clerks, carriers. Salary $tl00 to $1,600. Examinations In Omaha, November 17. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 190 G, Rochester, N. X. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks required. Wonderful demand for barbers. litst paying work within reach of poor man. Can earn some money from start. Positions waiting, $12 to $J0 weekly. Unusual opportunity to start busi ness of your own. Call or write, Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. YOUNG MAN. not over SO. as office manager; must bo qualified and come well recommended; splendid opportunity for right man. C 646. eare Bee. $2,000 accidental death. $16 weekly indemnity accident. $15 weekly Indemnity sickness. Old line company doing business 23 years. Cost 16 new year. Good agents wanted. 313-316 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ARE YOU out of work? Do you want to better your condition T Join our associa tion and get free assistance. EMPIXjyES' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. &a-$3 aa ton Blk. HELP WANTED MALE Miscellaneous tontlnaed. WANTEP Ladles' tailor. Apply Orkln Bros., 1610 Douglas. WE WANT ten or fltern men at once. Wapes $2 to 16 per day. Call at once. Boom 338-339 Paxton Block. , FREE Employment Dept. Business Men's Ass n; no fees. Call 44u H. of T. Bldg. WANTED Young man, not over 30, fr office manngor; must be qualified and come well recommended; splendid opportun ity for a wide-awake man. Address O 622. B... WANTED First-class correspondent who can Invest $.1,000 In a corporation and be come Its secretary. Position requires a high grade, broad man of the best ability, thor oughly experienced In handling business correspondence. Must furnish highest ref erence and give bond. Address for Inter view, J 861, Bee. WANTED Frelcht hsndlers. Union Pa cific freight transfer. Council Bluffs, la. v ages liH cents per hour. Hoard arranged for, If necessary. Apply Thos. Scandan. Foreman. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. WE HAVE A position open for 9 men with executive ability; must come well recommended; this position will pay to the right man, $100 per month. Investment re quired of $AK cash ; great possibility for an honest man. Address E 647, Omaha Bee. WANTED Two good lumber agents, who Break German; also one good lumber book keeper. W. E. Moore. Reglna Canada. TEAM drivers and yard men. Sunderland Bros. Co., 24th and Taylor and 24th and Hickory. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lionet and Vehicles. Screenings. $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, SOI N. 16th M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 4096. irnn RAT.TC Horses of all kinds: huvirles and wagons. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1810. GOOD 4-year-old driver, well broke, cheap. 4170 Cass St. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular $6 value, only $3.60. BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT., BASE MENT. TRY HAY DENS' FIRST IT PAYS. EXTRA HEAVY, BEST QUALITY, PLUSH ROBES, THAT ALWAYS SOLD AT $8, SPECIAL SALE THIS WEEK. $6.00. HAYDENS' HARNESS DEPT., Basement. ATTEND our Hat Pale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. EXTRA large, white canvas covers, $3.30 a pair; stable blankets, $2.70 a pair; woolen blankets, all prices up to $16.60; rubber lined laprobes, special, $1.66; auto robes, fur robes, etc. OMAHA HARNESS CO. 818 S. 13th St. LOST AND FOUND LOST Milk route book. Reward on re turn to Arwood Dairy, Tel. Harney 189. tM 1 nwn n n ni.r.l Hnva In XaAlam - tiring room Hotel Rome; return to hotel office and receive reward. LOST Palr gold spectacles with kryptok lenses In Columbian Optical CoAcase. Re turn to Columbian optical Co., zii so. leth. Reward. LOST A bunch of keys; return and re ceive reward. F. W Harwood, 1409 Harney. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. FOUND money down town, October 23. Write N.-696, care Bee, describing same. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace lor man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 18th and Dodge. LADIES A confinement home; diseases scientifically and quickly healed. Address O 637, care Bee. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY Where? RELIABLE CREDIT CO. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR SALARY OR FURNITURE, Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one In Omaha. PATRONIZE THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL phone or write and our representative will call at once. Our offices most convenient of any In the city. Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. 3d Floor. 307-308 Paxton Block, 3d Floor. Phonea: A-14U; Douglas 141L M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; wo guarantee the cheapest ratea N and easiest terms In the city. Ex E tensions granted If sick or out of Y work without extra cost. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone, Doug. 2296. 206 8. 16th St. HERE SINCE 1892. LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES. LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 614-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1007. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Ot flees in Ui principal cities. Tolman, room 613 New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or iiore on your own note. No red tape. Call 620 Paxton block. 5 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. MOVING AND STORING Ist-elafcS STORAGE & MOVING. COLE'fl EXPRESS. 1616 Cap. Ave. D. 670. A-3W7. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enpo:t Sis., warehouse 2J&Ji-u9 Isurd bt. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; beai of service. Walnut Ilili Transfer Co.. 11J0 Military Ave. Both phones. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1 90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13lh and Dodge. OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Heoiaa. 627 PARK Ave. Large south room, out side entrance; best home cooking; for two. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fine lawn, 128 8. 25th Ave. WARM rooms, $J per week; free bath, Ogden Hotel, Cuuaoil Bluff a, OFFERED FOR RENT Hoarding! anal R atlaaed. NICE front room to quiet couple or gentlemen, with board; private family; refereni-e, 1918 Cass St. Doug. 147. ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4.6. WANTED-Room and board In a private family for man and wife; good location. Address O-006, Bee. COOL, airy room, modern; fine shade with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 3404 Capitol Ave. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en suite, with private bath, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 661. CLOSE IN; good board; large room suit able for two; references required. 'Phone Red 4033. DEWEY Eu opean Hotel, 11th and Far nam. FINE south room and board, single or en suite; walkinfg distance. 2M0 Dewey Ave. 1812 Chicago St.; rooms and good board. LARGE, elegant furnished room with first class board. 709 Georgia Ave. ROOM and board. 1818 Capitol Ave. Mrs. H. C. Toinplar. Fnrntabed Rooms. NEAT and comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rooms. 710 8. 14th. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In private family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. tOlJ Webster St. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 3017 Pacific St. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private family. 1818 Chicago. FURNISHED rooms with gas and heat. 116 8. 20th St. VERY desirable room; fine location: walking distance. 218 S. 26th St. VERY desirable large room: newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 201 8. 26th Ave. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St. The cnatnam. ATTEND our Hat Sale. All high grades $1.90. Omaha Hat Factory, 13th and Dodge. FURNISHED rooms, house new. plenty hot water. 316 N. 19th Bt. PqI nrA Wnrwl R- H Morehouse Co., Mai ana iv oou w S106i lnd B2245. NEW, MODERN. STEAM-HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND BATH. THE BELMONT. 1518 DODGE ST. TEL. DOUG. 87T5. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms: excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 620 so. 19th at. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern:' one very large front room. $16; one at $10; on at tt. 620 N. 23d St. nNH extra fine front room, fine furni ture, modern. 320 No. 10th. No. sign on house. SINGLE room for gentleman. 8001 Mason. Hartley 2798. . 2220 Emmet street, two rooms, new and modern. K'rwt.T furnished rAftmi: ateam .heat! 3d floor flat 11. 623 So 16th. LOOK! Cheap furnished front room; $2 week. 821 S. 20th. LARGE front parlor; furnished or unfur nished; modern. 888 S. 19th. ' TWO nicely furnished, front rooms to gentlemen or couple In private family; referenoes. 602 8. 28th St. 'Phone Harney 6011. EXCELLENT location and neighborhood. private family, nicely furnlahed room; ' 1 block from car; all modern. 1126 , 8. 89th St. 'Phone Harney 4254. furnished room, modern.' very desir able. 131 N. 31st Ave. LARGE double room, nicely furnished, modern. 2038 Farnam. NICELY furnished large, modern room, suitable for four gentlemen: also one suitable for two, with , flrst-olasa board. Ell S. 26th Ave. NICE, large room for gentleman: rea sonable; short walk. 2774 Burt St. NEWLY furnished, large room for two gentlemen; $6 week; everything up-to-date. 2i14 Dodge. ONE nice, single room. 1918 Capitol Ave. TWO nicely furnished connecting front rooms. 2047 Dodge St. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In brand new brick flat, three and one-half blocks west of Rome hotel, 822 8. 19th St. Tel. Douglas 7278. FURNISHED room, 8107 Ohio; bath pri vilege. NICE newly furnished room; suitable for two. 2219 Douglas. ROOM for one gentleman at $11 N. OA. NICELY furnished rooma; modern; pri vate home. 210 N. 26th St. TWO furnished rooms. 2012 N. 18th 8t. Web. 1410. 3 SINGLE rooms. Gentlemen preferred. 2308 Douglas. WELL furnished front room suitable for two. 667 South 26th Ave. LOOK! Nicely furnished rooms; walk ing distance; two or more gentlemen. 2563 St. Mary's. ONE room, furnlahed or unfurnished; light and heat. 2921 Mason St. TWO nicely furnished, modem, large front rooms. Board If desired. 2471 Hartley. WELL furnished front room, modern con veniences; private family, 702 B. 29th Bt. TWO furnished front rooms to rent. 2109 Harney. NICELY furnished room, modern, for one or two gentlemen. 2809 Davenport St. Tel. Doug. 6702. LARGE, nicely furnished south front room, for one or two gentlemen. 2108 Doug las. , FOR RENT Furnished rooms, modern, 2702 Farnam St. Apartments and Flata. 6 8-room apartments In Qulvet Bldg.. 1809-11 Farnam St., second floor, splendid location for offices, studio, dental or dressmaking rooms, etc., for tensnts wish ing home adjoining. Hall, 438 . Ramge Bldg. Both phones. 6-ROOM modern lower Tat at $604 Leav enworth St., $20 00. Tel. Harney IMS. rooma. 2nd floor, 2606 Rees street bath and toilet, $16.00 Chris Boyer, tiA and Cuming Bts. CORNISH APARTMENTS. S. W. Cor. 10th and William fits., seven minutes' from center of city on Fsrnam car. Apartments of four and five rooms and bath, Just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and electrlo light fixtures, tile bath rooms. Kitchen furnished with cabinet, laundry tub and "Garland" gas range, pri vate porches, window shades, steam heat, hot and cold water, janitor service. Apart ments are both furnished and unfurnished. Single rooms, $30 per month. Barn for automobiles. Agent at apartments. FOR RENT Furnished, modern apart ments, with furnace; t nice large rooms; piano, telephone, etc. Rent reasonable. 2ou6 St. Mary's Ave. 649 8. 17th St., elegant lower 8 rooms and reception in St. Louis flat, $32 60. Call Doug. 8461. MODERN new 8-room brtrk St. Louis flat. 121 Park Ave. Tel. Red 6148. BEAUTIFUL apartment at S3d and Farnam; call Wm. K. Potter, Harney 2218. Henaekeeplnc Reesaa. THREE fine basement rooms, modern, furnished for housekeeping. Will be ready Nov. 8. Can be seen Ur"- 8u7 North ,h- - ..--. OFFERED FOR RENT Itanaekeentnar Rooma Continued. FOUR large unfurnished rooms. Inquire at 1046 S. 20th St. TWO or three elegant furnished front rooms complete for housekeeping. 9.' it Davenport St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mrs. Oeo. Scott, 171.1 N. ilth St. MODERN 10-room house, completely fur nished; piano, etc.; barn; flno neighbor hood; $; unfurnished, $.V). See Hastings Heyden. , TWO nicely furnished rooms. 2671 St. Mary's Ave. TWO modern furnished rooms; good lo cation. 1822 Chicago St. ELEGANTLY furnished parlor floor. modern. 1432 N. 20th St. FURNISHEP rooms, light housekeeping If desired. 2715 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 4743 ROOMS for housekeeping. Light, gas for cooking. fOB N. 17th. , Douglas 46fS. TWO nicely furnished rooma for light housekeeping. 2210 Harney. HEATED housekeeping rooms, close In. $010 Davenport. HANDSOMELY furnished front parlor and kitchen, or 4 rooms en suite, modern, walking distance. 004 S. Zftth. TWO or three strictly modern rooms for light housekeeping; references required. 2W7 Iewey Ave. TWO furnished connecting housekeeping rooms; modern; good heat. 309 N. 26th. ONE or two housekeeping roms. 1918 Chi cago; close In. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleeping rooms. 108 Webster. TWO warm, light, newly papered rooms; reasonable prices. Douglas 6426. tnfnrnlahed Rooma. FOUR-Oood location, $12.60. Tel. H. 428. PLEASANT, front, alcove room; also suite of unfurnished rooms. 1049 Park Ave. Harney SOW). UPSTAIRS rooms, 206 8, 26th Ave. T NICE unfurnished rooms In private fam tly, modern, West Farnam district. Ad dress M 664, care Bee. TWO unfurnished rooms In private fam ily, modern. West Farnam dlst. Address M 664. nouses and Cottages. ' OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office 809 8. 17th St. Tel Douglas 16.S9. FIVE-ROOM - apartment, new, modern. Bt. Louis flat, only $20; good neighborhood. Inquire 1411 Vinton. FOR RENT 6-room house, 2719 Sprague; strictly, modern except heat; first-class; $22.60. D. J. Hughes, 2403 Fort St. Phone Bell 468 or 4929. lnd. B-3477. FOR RENT Modern. 7 rooms and recep tion hall; good furnace; built last fall; walking distance; good car service; $32.00. 2612 Cuming St Inquire next door east 7-ROOM house, modern except heat 2211 Burt, $33. Inquire 1st door east. T-R. mod., Hanscom park dis. Harney 468. $r., modern house with furnace, $18.00. ' 6-r., modern house with furnace, 8506 S. JMth, $26.00. 6-r., partly modern, 1116 Burt, $15.00. 8-r., partly modern, 1313 So. 2xth, $26.00. 4-r., modern flat, private bath, gas range, $14.00. Thos. W. Haxen, 106 So. 18th. Phone D. 1300. -I 1719 SOUTH 9th, first house south of Bancroft, 8-room, $18. 1204 N. 26th. 6-r., bath, $18. Benson, 7-r., water, light, fruit, 4 lots, 818. 8450 8. 10th, 8-r., all mod., $30. 707 Georgia Ave., 6-r., mod. flat $27.64, O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 1001 .N. Y. Life. Doug, or A tlRX ' $38 8TRICTLY modern, 8-room brick; house. 1801 8. 18th St - NEW T-room house, al! modern, one block from cars, Dundee. Address, a 849, car Bee office. HOUSES TO LET. 410 N. 22d St, 10 rooma, modern. Fine house close In and will pat In excellent repair, 860. 108 and 110 8. 25th Ave., I room, modern. Close In and desirable for roomers, each $30. 1821 Blnney, rooms, modern. Will be put In excellent repair, $36. 802 8. 29th, 8 rooms, cottage, modern, 280$ Davenport St., 10 rooms, modern. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St Tel. Doug. 1064; lnd. A-1064, FOR RENT. ' Nine-room all modern brick house, will arrange for three apartment flats. 200S Willis Ave.. $28. 6even rooms, all modern, combination fixtures; In first-class order. 1467 8. 11th St, $36. Four rooms, first floor; city water, gas. lid M lfith 11? KA Three rooma, first floor; city water, gas, , 1828 N. 17th 8t $11. 1 Three rooms, second floor; city water, gaa. 1880 .N. 17th. $9. C. W. BACHMANN, 4S8 Paxton Blk. Tels: Office, R. 2699; residence, D 6068. MODERN, 7 rooms and reception hall oak finish; fine corner lot &22y Lafayette Ave. A. C. Busk. 'Phone Harney 9M0. 8-ROOM modern brick. 680 Block 8. 28th St. FOR RENT 7-room, all modern house, 4240 Farnam. Inquire on premises or phone D. 1618. . TWO lm.m ri.ta.hl K . a a k al.tn I.. first-class, oak finish, Farnam or Walnut run car tinea, wn-.t norm sinn bt FOR RENT. 6-ROOM new cottage, 1411 Evans, $21. FIVE pleasant large rooms. . Modern, $20. 886 So. Kth St. TWO nloe 8-room modern houses, desir able location. Tel. Red 0100. BRICK houses, 1614 and tmt Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 294. 4638 N. 39TH ST.. one block from Ames Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage; very cheap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co., Bran dels Bldg. NEW 6-room cottage, strictly modern. 2124 Miami St. f FOR RENT Nine-room house cheap. f hone Harney low. MODERN 8-room house, 218 S. 26th Ave. ... . i .. Alan t nono I'uuniB. 8-KOOM, modern. 3114 Wdolworth Ave., $35. 8-room, modern, Dundee, $40. IV. L. SKLBY. 436 Board of Trade Rid HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk EIOHT-ROOM modern cottage. 804 8 list St. Tel. Harney 647. FOR RENT Six-room modern house on paved street In north part of city. $2T Tel IVebster ril. . IIOUSEB-Feters Trust Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1608 Spruce St H. I. Plumb. 110 8. 13th St. NEW. modern seven-room house; bard wood floorthroughout, $42.i0 month. 118 K 4ld 8t. A. H. Williamson. American Radi ator Co. MODERN T-room. near Park. 1511 8. 2Sth. HOUSES ln Pr of city. Crctgh Sons Sc Co.. Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, unequalled, all modern; steam bested, 7-room house, with bath. 220 N. lid. 2732 CENTRAL BOULEVARD! Elght-roon modern nuuse (new) hard wood finish. Vacant November 1 $40 GARVIN BROS. 318 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. 2t4$ DOUGLAS; 8-room, $27.60. John N Frenssr. Both Phone. ' ..... ,4t-, MAOGARD Van at Storage Co. D. 19 Pack, store and ship household goods'. UOU8E8, flats, Garvin ttrog., $18 N. Y. U