Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Present Form of Book to Be Cat Out
After January 1.
Hffllii to Be livid la Ckleaa-o la
Jlext Tea Dare to Perfect Details
of the rropoul Weve
Form of Book.
lYeaent forma of mileage booka In uae
on ratlroada of the country are to be aban
doned by all road operating weat of Chi
cago on January 1. when the 1909 tlcketa
expire. In place of the .varlegatad array of
booka adopted according to the fanclea of
the various railway, uniform ticket booka
will be Bold. They will be Issued, how
ever, by the Individual roads over which
they are good for tranaportatlon.
Varying rate of fares In the different
states have caused the railroads to get to
gether on the ticket propoaltlon. The
uniform style of, folding tape tickets lias
been agreed upon, but the price of tickets
and other details remains yet to be settled.
Within the next ten days a meeting of
representatives of the passenger depart
ments will be held In Chicago, when the
final form of ticket will be adopted. A dele
gate from general offices of the Union
Paclflo Railroad company will be present
at the meeting.
One marked difference In the style of
. tickets Is certain for the form of mileage.
Instead of representing miles, each coupon
will represent cants the 2- cent coupon
will probably be agreed upon so that the
mileage may be used In states where vary
ing rates of fare exist. A book contain
ing t.000 coupons of thM class to be sold
for $10, has been recommended by the
Southwestern Passenger Mileage bureau.
Tickets will be valid on all lines running
west of Chicago as far north as St. Paul
and Minneapolis, south to St. Louis and
Kansas City and west to Omaha, Denver,
Pueblo and Cheyenne.
' New- Train to . Save Time.
. A new fast train has been announced by
.the New York Central lines out of Chicago
which. will permit Omaha passengers to
'reach eastern points the second morning
by taking an eastbound train from Omaha
1ft, the evening. The new train will be
"known as the New York Central No. 6 and
.Will be a counterpart of the famous Twen
tieth Century limited. The. fare will be J
'In excess of the regular rate, but i less
?than the rate of the Twentieth Century
, "flyer. The run from Chicago to New York
'Hill be made In twenty-two hours. It will
leave the Windy City atx 10:15 a. m., reach
' lng New York the following morning at
9:15 o'clock.
Keen's Gallery of Winners.
'They're a good bunch," said W. W.
'.Keen, .station- master at the Union station,
a he added two photographs to his collect I
tlon of railway conductors who run out of
Omaha. He carefully framed his latest
licturee, ' those of William Wagner of the
'Union ' Pacific and B. E. Carroll of the
.jRock Island. Mr. Keen has ttfe photo
graphs of eighty-eight men out of the U(
'.who report In Omaha and Is going to get
Uhe rest Whenever they take time off to
visit photographers.
., "A better crew of men never swung
lantern or punched a ticket," said Mr.
Keen, as he sun-eyed his art gallery.
Missouri 1'aelfle Time Ckaagei.
Tho Missouri Paoiflo Railway company
. ennourcan the following changes In train
T.a.n N6. ICS wilt leave Kansas City at
10 p. m. Instead of 10:25 p. m., arriving
i Omaha 0:30 a. m. Train No. 104 will leave
Omaha at 11:40 a. m. Instead of 9 a. m
' ai riving Kansas City at 6:05 p. m. Train
Elastic Stockings
Rubber Goods
.' Deformity Braces.
We tiave our
own factory and
give personal at
tention to
For Men,
t Women and
. Children
Hr J. Penfold
1410-12 Harney St. CTIAKA
Fresh Lobsters from
the east coast.
Fresh Crahs from the
Frog Legs - Oysters. '
Lake Fish.
Tender Steaks.
1415 Famam St,
Chop Suey
tey I Up
i ( Stairs,
The Chesapeake
, Baaday Table o'Hote Bluer,
. 60 Ctats.
Oyster Cvcktall
Celery Hearts Queen 'Olives
Chlrkwn (tumbo
Consomme a ia Royal
Boiled Halibut, fteure liullandalse
futilities Parlsinne
Roast Prime Ribs of Hoef au Jus or
Roast Young Goose Stuffed, Apple Fauce
ChUken Croquets with Asparagus Tips
Green leas VheJ potatoes
Celery Rale!
Vanilla Ice Crwra Cake
Tea Coffee Milk
Nov. 7, 10
' J. O. I t.NNia, Manager
No. 101 will arrive E SO p. tn. and train No.
Iiki win leave at 11:16 p. m., ram time as
al present.
ftallrrar Milfi and Prrwiatla.
J. A. Fill. genersl spent of the Chicago
CJrent Western mud, has been called to
CMcago cn business.
T. C. BeMen. assistant general claim
rent for the Chicago Northwestern, Is
at Rpld Clly, fl. !"., on railroad business.
C. A. Morse. chif engineer of the ftanta
Fa at Topeka. has been Riven Jurisdiction
over tha entire system, with headquarters
In Chicago, succeeding W. A. Storey, pro
moted. A party of eastern women, headed by
Mrs. Lawrence Williams of New York,
will spend a day In sightseeing In Omaha
November 11. The party will arrive In a
aprclal car from Cheyenne over the Union
r'aciflc railroad.
Judge Wakeley
in Creighton Case
Venerable Lawyer Makes Vigorous
Plea Against Eight to Intervene
in Appellate Court.
Argument on the right to Intervene In
the Crelghton will suits ended Saturday
noon before Judges Eatelle and Redlck
In district court, the last address being
delivered by former Judge K Wakeley.
Judge Wakeley, who Is 87 years of age
and the Nestor of the Nebraska bar spoke
as clearly and with as much spirit as
any of the younger men, who preceded
"They have no right to Intervene, even
In the court of original Jurisdiction." said
Judge Wakeley, "and much less now."
"It Is purely a question of practloe. Tbe
right to lntervenene Is distinct from the
right to be heard and the state of Ne
braska has passed laws expressly forbid
ding tntervenors to an appellate court."
Attorneys for the heirs and executors
seem confllent that the decision will be
their way. The other side Is far from be
ing despondent, however.
Members Take Objection to Aetlon of
Central Body Opposing Lower
Street Car Fares.'
The South Side Property Owners' Im
provement club announces It' has with
drawn Its delegation from the Federation
of Improvement clubs because of the action
of the latter body In protesting against the
ordinances to secure six street car tickets
for a quarter. The club also resolved to
try to secure the withdrawal of other clubs
from the central body.
On November 12 the club will hold a pe
dal meeting to take up the matter of se
curing the construction of a bridge In Deer
park. It has rejected the report of its
committee concerning the bridge and will
start all over at the special meeting.
Captain handler Goes to Fort Wood
to Inspect Largo Balloon
for Army.
Captain C. deF. Chandler, formerly of
the Signal Corps at Fort Omaha, but now
of Washington, has been ; ordered to Fort
Wood, N. Y., to Inspect three large spher
ical balloons recently bought by the gov
ernment for army purposes. Two of these
balloons probably will be sent to Fort
Omaha for use of the balloon experimental
school here.
Leave of absence for ten days has been
granted First Lieutenant W. 3. O'Laugh-
lln of the Thirteenth Infantry, for one
month and twenty days to First Lieuten
ant T. P. Bernard of the Seventh cavalry
and for twenty days to Second Lieutenant
J. A. Barry of the Second cavalry.
Honorable discharges by purchase have
been, granted Privates Philip Shafiro of
Troop K, Seventh cavalry, C. C. Klsslck,
Eattery B. Sixth field artillery; D. I.
Woodllef of Company D and T. P. Griffin
of Company F, Eleventh Inrantry.
Jamea, Stephensost Retams oa Sev-entr-Thlrd
AsnlTeraary Will
Winter at Lot Angeles.
James Stephenson, the veteran stage line
man of Nebraska and one of Omaha's
pioneer cltlsens, has returned from a visit
of several months on the Paclflo coast.
"There is a stage line running through
Yellowstone park, a few lines In California
and a few In Arlsona, but these will In
time go out of existence." says the old
coacher. "I have been out of the business
several years now, Railroads Are running
where forty years ago we couldn't find a
track for a stage coach and we used to
drive over some pretty rough country.
"My visit to the Paclflo coast was with
my daughter, Mrs. A. B. Kimball of Salt
Lake, and my granddaughter. They re
malned over at Salt Lake. I shall remain
here but a few weeks and will return to
Los Angeles for the winter. By the way,
I arrived on my seventy-third blrthrday on
my return from California. It la over fifty
years ago since I first struck Omaha.
Small Loh for Year Has a a Added
Benefit to Those Wkt Pay
Omaha's fire loss so far this year Is
slightly less than $160,000 and It Is figured
that with tut six weeks of the year re
maining the total for 1908 will be some
what lower than for the preceding year,
when It totaled more than 1190,000.
As a result of Omaha's exoellent record
In the matter of fires and the light losses,
as compared with other cities of similar
slse, or others In oomparlson, fire Insur
ance rates here are not likely to be raised
tor some time to come, while Increased
rates will be put In effect In many other
towns and ottles In Nebraska and sur
rounding states.
Assistant Chief Simpson was unable to
ascribe any cause for Omaha's light fire
loss excepting "pure luck." While It Is true
Omaha has a very efficient body of fire
fighters the element of luck must also be
taken Into consideration.
Tvre Yeath Ws Were Paroled t
Dean Beeeker Jnsnp the
Faith Bonds,
i " """""
Another case of misplaced confidence
has come to light In the disappearance of
two boys. Ray Dawson and Charles Gill,
who were pa rolled by the police depart
ment to the cuatody of Very Rev. G. A.
Beecher, dean of Trinity cathedral. Dean
Beechsr has furnished the police with de
scriptions of the missing boys and they
are being sought.
Ray Dawson is 15 years of age, with
full face, light complexion, pimples on
face and, when he disappeared, wore a
pair of light trousers.
Charles Gill Is described as being 17
years of age, of light complexion, snokes
cigarettes, wore light - suit, brown shoes
and fancy brown vest, and would likely
be found around pool rooms. His resi
dence Is given as tl North Eighteenth
Grain Man Will Have His Prelim
inary on Updike Charge.
Tkoaaa He "nes film to Replevin
Knraltnre as Satisfaction of
Debt, He Makes Defense
of Him.
The preliminary examination of Elmer J.
Kiddle, presldenr of the Kiddle Grain com
pany, arrested on the charge of grand lar
ceny from the Updike Grain company, and
released under ball of $1,000, will take
place In police court Tuesday morning.
The specific charge against Kiddle is that
he stole certain bills of lading covering
931 bushels of rye, consigned to Updike
Grain company, to the value of $.177.80. The
complaint was sworn out by Harley Mc
Cordel, manager of the Updike concern.
Another little deal of Kiddle's bobbed
Into light when J. E. Von Dorn swore out
In county court a writ of replevin for Kid
dle's office furniture. The furniture had
already been attached by the sheriff and
the replevin was given to Coroner Heafey
for service on Sheriff Bralley.
This bill of sale was recorded
In the office of the county clerk
Monday, It deeds the furniture In return
for a consideration of $175, which Von
Dorn says was due him on a contract for
services as an attorney. This was three
days before Kiddle deeded to Mrs. Kiddie
through Miss Nellie Rubin, a stenographer.
Miss Rubin appears as a witness to the
bill of sale.
The replevin suit of Von Dorn will be
fought out In county court and on trial
the relations of Kiddie and Von Dorn may
have soms illumination. Von Dorn was
formerly In the grain business, after which
he became a lawyer.
Von Dorn Makes m Statement.
Mr. Von Dorn made this statement, ex
plaining his relations to Kiddle:
"In the first place, I was employed by
Mr. Kiddle as his attorney, and in view
of his financial condition toon the furni
ture referred to as payment In advance
for legal services, which It was apparent
would be necessary. Mr. Kiddle and I
have never before or since had any busi
ness arrangement or any agreement of
any character whatsoever since 190G, when
Mr. Kiddle was employed by me as an
assistant In the gTaln business. Whatever
has been done by Mr. Kiddle with my
knowledge or advice has been done In an
open and above board manner. There has
not been any attempt at any time to
evade In any manner any o his liabili
ties. .
'Mr. Kiddle Is only one out of thou
sands of good men who have been unfor
tunate In business. He expects to obey
the law in every particular, at the same
time securing to himself that reasonable
protection which the law gives him for
the benefit of his family.
"Mr. Kiddle was a member of the Oraln
exchange In high standing and highly re
spected, but he met with misfortune, and
now It Is not right to kick nlm when he
is down, and I for one am not going to
do It. , - " ,
"Tho statement that I was Mr. Kiddle's
attorney at the time the suit for, separate
maintenance was brought last June by
MrB. Kiddle Is untrue, as, according to
my best recollection, I knew nothing about
the matter until it was settled.
1 "The statement that I attempted to in
jure Justice Cockrell on the eve of an
election is unjust and untrue. The peti
tion filed by Charles M. Burdge against
Judge Cockrell, In which matter. I was
the attorney for Mr. Burdge, speaks for
itself. And the case is still pending.
Jadae Feels Good and as a Result
Several Prisoners Get Off
Charles Porter, arrested on complaint of
his wife, who claimed he had abused her
and caused a disturbance In their home,
was discharged In police court after Judge
Crawford had cautioned Porter against
drinking. The Judge sort of piaced Porter
on his honor and advised him to make a
man of himself.
. The Judge was In somewhat of a lenient
mood and the result was several prisoners
brought before htm, charged with drunken
ness were discharged.
George Irvln, an old acquaintance of the
court, was brought up on such a) charge.
"Why don't you stay at the poor house
where you belong?" asked the court.
"Judge, if you let me go this time I
promise you I'll start for Wyoming today
and' you'll never see me again," said the
"Qo ahead," replied the Judge; "do It as
a favor to me."
The care of the rioters arrested at
Eighteenth and Mason streets Friday after
noon was put over until Tuesday.
Jensen Bros., charged with selling milk
not chemically pure, were assessed 5 and
W, C. Hurley and his wife, who have
been separated for several years, became
engaged tn an altercation Friday afternoon,
because, Mrs. Hurley said, her husband
had tailed to provide for their little girl.
Hurley was fined $10 and costs and Mrs.
Hurley was released.
The case of George Penn, charged with
aiding and abetting a delinquent child,
was fixed for Thursday morning.
Statate la Knock ins; Silks Hats Off
the Spectacle Fakers, Says
The State Board of Optometry will hold
the last examination of the year for appli
cants for licenses at the Young Men's
Christian association November 10 and 11.
The board has received the applications of
thirty candidates to appear at this exam
ination. "The law governing the practice of
optometry Is having Its effect" says J. C.
Huteson of Omaha, secretary of the state
board. "There Is a marked difference
throughout the state on account of the
absence of the silk-hat 'professor' and the
cheap spectacle vender."
The examination requires a student to
lke the equivalent of 75 per cent for
the Issue of a certificate of license, but
those reaching 60 per cent will be allowed
to practice until the next test
Travelers Will Hold an Importaut
Session' In Omaha Next
Saturday the thirteenth Is slated as a
big day tn Omaha for tha United Commer
cial Travelers and the Ancient Mystic Or
d r of Bagmen. The national and slate
officers of the commercial organization
will meet in executive sesstun. Supreme
Counsellor Walter D. Murphy, snd I'ast
Bupreme Counsellor Mar.ley J. Hemmens
of Columbus. O.. and Grand State Coun
sellor Hamuli F. Erxktne of Norfolk and
Orand State Secretary Fred Hawkins of
Fiemonl 1H be present.
In the afternoon at 1 o'clock the baginen
will Initiate a class of seventy-five men
at Myrtle hall. In the evening a Joint
banquet will be held at Hotel Loyal.
rlTJJll;rTrl17Tagi.rTl".r-:'Tl;Bl:vlm;'ll''ll'l r'"'" . u "
rljjJJ 1 JI liiJi LJLj
Solid oak dress
ers; French
plate mirror,
two large and
m,. ir.'iV. , f I
I ii mi imi I I
two small draw
ers; well made
and finished
low as, each
( $0.25
See our display
of other dressera
In all sizes and
kinds -oak, ma
hogany, walnut,
bird's eye maple,
curly birch, etc.
Fully guaranteed
nickel trimmed,
for large or or
d i n a r y sized
room. We have
all sizes; Gar-
la n d. Medal
Dockash, Charm
Bearer, each,
starting as low
If htsaz&SX'&r 'Hi
(Continued from First Page.)
doctrlnea and sustaining Its candidates.
Their struggle will be within the lines, but
they will not hide the truth as they see It,
for they know that If the republican party
is to be permanently successful It must be
faithful to Its platforms and must meet
courageously and JuHtly the new age of
commerce and business with Its new prob
lems and questions. It cannot any longer
be progressive In Its platform and stand
pat In Its. congress.
PIntform Only Arbiter.
"A few moments ago I said that I was
willing to accept an arbiter as to the repub
licanism of those who voted against the
tariff bill, and I hasten to name the Judge.
I appeal to the national republican plat
form of 1906; and, tested by the criterion
of that Instrument, the republican voters
of the United States will determine, Just
as rapidly as they have the opportunity to
do so, whether our votes were in accord
ance with Its declarations and pledges.
"I am astounded to hear so modest a man
as the speaker of the house claim that the
leaders who constructed the tariff bill and
the majority which passed It constitute the
republican party. To say that because a
majority of the republican members of
congress were In favor of attaching certain
duties to certain commodities, and other
members In a minority were In favor of
attaching other duties to the same com
modities, that therefore the minority had
rebelled against the party, is nonsense of
so sublime a degree that It provokes not
debate but derision.
"I understand perfectly that It would
have been helpful to party harmony If we
could have voted t . uher; but that Is not
the question. The to.Xtmm was for pro
tection. All the republicans In congress
were for protection; but the view of these
high priests appears to be that if they
thought thati upon any given article pro
tection required 50 pr cent, and we thought
the article would be amply protected with
25 per cent, 'unless we voted for 50 we were
no longer republicans. - The whole proposi
tion is so absurd that even the most rabid
member of the triumvirate will not repeat
It often. P
No Reason for Chance.
"There need be no concern about the atti
tude of the Insurgents and their friends
They will do their best to nominate candi
dates who believe In a progressive repub
lican party. .When they succeed, they win
rejoice because a step will have been taken
In the path of reform. When they fall,
they will be republicans still, for If there
ever was a time when there was absolutely
no reason for tranfcferrlng any branch of
the government to democratic hands, thle
Is the time, individually. I have high re
gard for tho Integrity land patriotism of
many of the democratic senators and repre
sentatives in congress, but collectively they
are more unfit to manage the affairs of
a great country than ever before In the
history of the organisation. Nevertheless,
we do not Intend to accept as final the
revision of the tariff against which we
voted, and We do Intend to tell the peoplt
of the country from time to time why we
could not and did not give the bill our
Senator Cummins said he did not want
it to ba understood that the majority of
the republicans In congress were unfaith
ful lo tho pledges of their party. He did
think, however, that congress had not th
Information that was necessary to enable
those who believed In protection to ap
ply the doctrine as it wus defined In tha
platform. "There nev-r cn be a gen
uine republican revision of the tariff,"
h said, "until a body of intelligent men
shall Inquire Into and collect the faots
which relate to the cost of production at
home and abroad "
Not for General Revision.
Srnator Cummins said he had never ad
vocated a seneral revision of the tariff
and nner wmld. "The crusade," said
he, "whl.'h I Intend to strengthen with ail
my powtr Is a crusade for a tariff com
mission a permanent, dignified and in
dep:r.dnt tariff commission, tariff com
misFlon that will gather together the facts
as to cost of production and lay them
before congress and the country.
'There are millions of republicans who
btliwo that tariff duties should not sub
stantially exceeJ the difference between
the cost of producing things here and
tUewhere with a fair profit added. I
believe they constitute a large majority
of the party, but If they do not, they will
tn the near future. They will never quit
L'I-xl '-'r,i I- jv -.'' 1 - wy! '
I .vrv ......
Boston leather and velour upholstered, made of solid oak, quarter
sawed and pollened, upholstering is over an all steel
construction; has extra deep diamond tufts low
as, each
Two flour bins, f.wo drawers and
moulding board; strong and dur-
price, each ipaV.TU
the fight until they win the victory, and
I warn the men who are so vociferous in
their decrees of expulsion that they had
better conserve their strength for self
defense. They will need all they have and
"Let us silence at once and forever the
discordant cry that these republicans must
be driven from the party ranks. There
Is no power on earth that can drive them
out, and no power on earth that can pre
vent them eventually from faithfully ap
plying tho doctrine which won the confi
dence and secured t the support of the
voters of the United States In the last na
tional campaign. The puny efforts of the
few men who are now amusing themselves
revising the republican roster remind
me of that famous convention held by
three tailors of London, In which resolu
tions of grave Import were preceded with
a preamble which began, 'We, , the people
of England.' The convention adjourned
and the people laughed. Trie triumvirate
will dlssolvo and the people will smile.
"Hitherto, although there have been
some irreclaimable and hopeless obstruc
tionists who have been and are repub
licans, the party as a whole has been
progressive. There are some signs now
that a number of our distinguished leaders
think that we have gone far enough, and
that we should settle down, for a period
at least, Into the quiet and poaco of In
action. I hazard the prediction that If
we do, the ramp we pitch will be our
burial ground."
Discusses Currency Question.
Senator Cummins then took up the cur
rency question, lie alluded to the fact
that Senator Aldrlch was in the city dis
cussing this subject. He said he was un
familiar with the views or plans of Sena
tor Aldrlch regarding the matter, but
earnestly hoped to be able to give Senator
Aldrich's plan the support of his vote In
the senate.
"I fear, however," continued Mr. Cum
mins, "that It will involve one of two
things, both of which I look upon as hos
tile to the welfare of the American people.
Any plan which subjects the volume of
our currency to the power and Judgment
of a few men who may become selfishly
Interested In either expanding It or re
ducing It, Is bad, and If carried Into exe
cution would enslave the financial world
as completely as some parts of the Indus
trial field are now held In bondage. Such
a scheme, whether called a central bank
or any other name, Is intolerable. Like
wine, we must avoid a financial Institu
tion with the power to control the money
of the country, the possession or man
agement of which would be an Issue be
tween political parties. Any system which
takes away from a commercial community
the power to easurably take care of Itself
during periods of stress and storm will be
reactionary rather than progressive.
"There are some very good men who
think that we have completed all that
ought to be dons In the way of regulation
A railways and other common carriers.
These are the conservatives of whom 1
have spoken. As I view the subject, we
have scarcely made a fair beginning. There
B one fundamental phase of the subject
which has not been touched, and one of
the most flagrant wrongs which ,1s yet to
1 e righted. The fundamental commission
.clutes to tlin capitalization of railway
corporations, and the other concerns fair
ness in railway rates as between com
munities and localities.
Question of Itullroad Rates.
"To me it seems absurd to attempt to
regulate the rates of common carriers
until It Is determined upon what capital
tho railway companies can lawfully de
mand a reward. It Is at this point that
congress has been unjuat to the rail
ways. It is plain that one of the first
things we ought to do as a government
is to fix a basis upon which carriers may
earn Interest and dividends. There are
some tiling" which having been done can
not be undone, and, therefore, we may
be compelled to accept the present capital
ization; but we ought to Immediately pro
vide that hereafter there shall be no cap
italization that do-s nut represent Inde
pendent investment; and by that I mean
that neither surplus earnings nor Increase
In the value of property should be cap
italized. When these provisions arj made
and rutes arc under consideration there
can be an Intelligent opinion with re
spect to their adequacy.
"Althogether, the most Important phase
of the regulation of railway rates Is In
hopeless confusion. It is everywhere ad
mitted that the railways In order to serve
what they believe to be their ojfn In
terests have through a false and unjust
relation of rates built up Some commu
nities and destroyed othsra. This prac
tice has continued so long and effectually
o You Know
the fsople who own and tnanawe the
CMTTHfc, rURHITUms. 8TOVn ana
CABtSTI at 17th and Howard Btm., oiie
biock west of Thompson Bslden Ik Co?
Come to THO CKWTAX. and look
aroand before yon buy and get acqnalnt
efl with oar methods. Ton will find ouly
Omaha min at the helm who have beea
sellinr Fnrnlture, 8tovs an Carpete In
this oily for to la rears. Oar willing
ness to extend
As we consider every person Is entitled
to legitimate credit, and
In full msasnre the Central Way Pay
'.v"l:en Most Oonva1en
Step In asd pick oat what yon want.
Made of chilled
steel, fully guar-
A Lady Writes from Iowa
Central Merc. Co., 17th
and Howard Sts., Omaha:
The China closet purchas
ed from you came prompt
ly and in fine condition.
I looked at all the stores
a n t e e d
while in Omaha, and am
priced as
showing and telling my
friends I found the best
f r n , t u r e bargaln8 ,n
Omaha at The Central.
that a rearrangement of rates In accord
ance with the manifest requirements of
common Justice has become not only the
most Imperative duty of the government,
but 1U most dlfficlt duty as well. All the
rates over which congress has Jurisdiction
and that can be committed to the Inter
state Commerce commission for supervi
sion should be reviewed as parts of one
great system.
"There ought first to be devised a uni
form plan of making up railway tariffs
and upon the commission this duty should
be Imposed. Then, within a period that
would enable tha work to be done, the
carriers should be required, pursuing a
uniform method, to file with the commis
sion all their lnter-state rates. Then, within
a further period, the commission should
consider these rates, not only absolutely,
but comparatively. If changes were thought
advisable hearings would taka place, so
that the commission might be fully In
formed. When that work Is done the rates
should be promulgated with the approval
of the commission and . thereafter there
should be no change in them without the
consent of the commission. Until we are
willing to do something of this kind the
railways will be harrassed by never ending
complaints, and tho people will continue
to suffer the Injustice which now prevails.
"But the railway problem Is not the only
one which is Insisting upon a solution. We
must make up our minds quickly whether
It is worth while to use the power of the
govfrnment and save competition as the
controlling force In commerce."
Mr. Cummins said that the so-called anti
trust taw, which Is the only federal prohi
bition against monopolies and combinations.
Is a miserable failure. "In my Judgment,"
he continued, "when competition goes our
form of government will go with It. The
protection which rivalry In business gives
to the people Is the one barrier that social
ism cannot cross. The men who In their
lust for power and love of wealth are
trampling down this fundamental principle
of Independent life are the real socialists
of the age. I am in favor of strengthening
the anti-trust law so that any concentra
tion of capital, whether it be In corporate
form or otherwise that will have the effect
of destroying or Impairing substantially
competition, shall be nnlawful; and I am
In favor of a graduated tax that will make
It unprofitable to so enlarge a business
that It will occupy the entire field to
which It belongs."
Bee Want Ads are Business Boosters.
Cleaning- Silver.
An Inexpensive cleanser for silverware
and equal In efficiency to anything sold In
the market, is made of 5 cents
worth of whiting worked Into a paste by 6
cents worth of household ammonia. This
may be applied with a woolen rag or an
old piece of chamois skin and afterwards
polished with a dry chamois kept espe
cially for sliver. ,
Children like Chsmserialn'i
Remedy. It Is pleasant to take.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want qiuck action, advertise It In The
Bee Want' Ad. Columns.
All the Smoked
and Water Soaked
S 1
of the
At 319 South Sixteenth St.
Two Doors North off Albert Edholm
it ,
r 1
Iron Bed- Regular sized posts; lat
est make, cross bars at foot and
head so mattress will slay in place.
We have It in four ways black.
green, blue or white,
each, at
Regular sized
golden oak
rockers; full
spindled, braced
firm and strong,
solid wood seats
sightly, each
low as, ,
Forest Fires
s in Virginia
Thousands of Acres of Timber De
stroyed and Several Hotels and
Many Cottages Earned.
WINCHESTER, Va., 'Nov. . Forest
fires In this section continue to rage
fiercely, and unless rain falls within the
next few hours the property loss will be
enormous. Thousands of acres of valuable
timber land In the Great North moun
tains have already been laid waste and
the flames are spreading In all directions.
Started by hunters on Monday last, the
fire has now raged for four days In the
Great North, Massanuten and Blue Ridge
mountains. The town of McUaheysvllle,
Rockingham county, was threatened with
destruction, ' and only late last night did
the combined male population of the town
succeed In checking the
The large hotel buildings at Black Rock
springs. In the Blue Ridge, nmr Crottoes,
were destroyed by fire last night, to
gether with twenty-seven cottages on tht
property of the Black Rock Springs com
pany. A number of cottages located oa
a tract adjoining the Black Rock Springs
company were also burned. Orkenjr
Springs Is also In great danger and a num
ber of cottages have been burned in this
In Page county, the famous Dunkard
chureh, the oldest edlfloe In the county.
was only saved after herole work by tha
farmers. The western slops of Maryland
Heights at Harper's Ferry Is also aflame.
Protest Against
Rates on Hats
Chicago Milliners Say; They Should
be Based on Weight Instead of
Six e of Boxes.
CHICAGO, Nov. 7. Women's hata havn
grown so large that the wholesale milli
ners of Chicago protested against the rates
charged for carrying them by the express
companies at a hearing before the Illinois ,
Railroad and Warehouse commission here k
today. The milliners contended that tho
express companies did not have the right
to charge for the slse of the boxes con
taining the fashionable hats, but only for
the weight.
One milliner testified that the hats were
constantly Increasing In else, but not In
price, and that he did not understand why
Iron should be carried cheaper than wom
en's hats.
H. C. Barlow of tbe Chicago Association
of Commerce testified that the express
companies are grossly overcapitalized and
that their recent advances in rates were
: The hearing was continued until Decem
ber , when the express company will sub
mit their evidence.
Stock off
d a k e r, aupiex k . ; r ;.,,..r)':.f"5ii
grates for burn- twiiw'V
ing wood or pj?- 'r'.i,--:; "1
coal, asbestos ir "fSf ! f '.' "Zc it ', 1
lined, nickel tf''-'''li M F
trimmed, com- Y- $J$lf'. '
Plete with high H
$22.50 tES-
i.iii ..I MMijKifTirT;tr;B,Tssy
t '1