TIFE OMAHA SUNDAY BEK: NOVEMBER 7, 1909. 1 9 MA A: 1 nv. 'U f - . 1) ! Afl'AIRS AT SODTIl OMAHA Sub-Treamry Orerburdened with Col lection of Txe. KEW LAW KAKES BIO CHANGE (!( r Mrlcner Pats Vn, Pre . mount of Work ' "n Hint by "V" - !,.,.. ' ' 1 ( tner anxiously y (ummlwlcmri for . ' ' ' ' fflre is head of the ' 1 i'tre . n-ry. ft la allowed :i alary from the flat? law Amounting to MM r"r month, but iMi In not In the con struction cf the city treasurer to cover all the expenM of collecting and keeping rrcoril of th county taxes collected In .otith Omalia. The Omaha office haa had n mimhor of additional deputies who had ftiH-ce of the Bouth Omaha booka. but tlunc were not transferred to Bouth Onal a. The trosurer cays he Is loaded down with the additional duties and wants another deputy at $7S. The collection of rounty taxe haa begun and the office la irslilig out an high as fi.'ly or sixty re ceipts daily for county taxes. J. W. Qrlb blo hn been tken off his former duties aid haa all he can do as cashier. The bookkeepers have been working nightly until 9 o'clock to clear the books for tht next day's receipts. This kind of thins can not lost long and for this rea son the city treasurer Is anxious that the Boird of County Commissioners take ac tion. This they have promised to do. Until tl-a cmmlKHlonera take action the treasurer can not make an appointment. Monday Services. " Itov. Cieorg Van Winkle will preach from thi- tuple. "More Than We Can Auk Or Think." In the evening his theme will be, "Hor a Winner Looks." All the Protestant churches will unite with the Daptlst church during the week !n a series of evangelistic services. The hour Is 7:30 p, m., beginning r.'o-day. Uev. .1. II. White will preach morning tn.l cvmlni? at '.he United Presbyterian Vl'.U' cii A communion service will be ob fcrvtU ot the morning hour. fir. II. I.. Wheeler will preach from the i -iibjct, "Faith," Sunday morning. In the fc'tllllK hi" t 'tilim liH theme s evnnselical. ViT'M lrlln's Hunclav school will convene n' It a. in. The morning service is at 11 r. m.. t which th holy comnunlun will I.. fff-.-vnU 1 nielit P.fv. A. L. Williams. !!',' f tlie Omiha diocese, wifj lead the i'i im. re rut1 I'l rrtneh a sermon In i . . . r ) rri'lrat'on of the new pipe n s will be observed at the t i : chinches, '.tiruan llcnfer Hart. i .lfey scrlnuily injured himself evening while hastening to the t : IriYncc of Mrs. Margaret Butler. Z!i N rtji Ti n!y-rrron3 street, lie was hur rving to lake charge upon the death of Mrs Ikitlcr. The way to the residence down a Rtep fll.tht of stairs, as the house Is beln-.v Rrade. He lost his footing In the darknere ar.d fell fourteen steps to the bottom. His bruises were thought to be very serious for several hours. His face was badly discolored. His neck was badly wrenched, and very painful brulsea were Inflicted on his arrds and legs. lie waa able to br In his office only -a few hours ytsterOuy. Y. M. C. A. Note. 1 The first basket ball game' of the season at the local gymnasium was played last night between the sophomores of South Omaha and the lightweight team of the Council Uluffs association. It resulted tn a victory for Council Bluffs by a score of 90 to 13. John Collins was easily the star for the locals, scoring eighteen of the twenty-eight points. Manlfee did the best work for, the visitors. The game was at tended' by the members of the J. J. C. After the game the girls entertained the boys In an exhibition of fancy basket ball, and also gave a musical concert. The lineup waa as follows: South Omaha Harding, center; Van Winkle, left guard; Lee and Manlfee, right guard; Collins, right forward; Foley, left forward. Counoll Hluffs Don Keynett. center; Ooldsmit.i, right guard; Clark, left guard: Keynett, left forward; Herbert Manlfee, right for ward. The first half ended with the score 17 to It in favor of South Omaha. The officials were Will 6 warts and Harry Crevlston. Reserved seats for the association's lec ture course will be placed on sale next Tuesday. In order to have the seats re- served for the entire course the season vjeket which ha been purchased through Vtir- Heavers or others will have to be pre sented at the association office after "a. m. on that date. One seat can be re served for the course for GO cents. A seat for each number will cost If cents. At the directors' meeting last night Elmer P. Wlera waa appointed chairman of the flnanoe committee and O. S. Campbell Jihalrman of the membership committee. The expense of remodeling the lobby has on aaevrnea vy we iauihi auxiliary. which has appropriated more money- for the decoration. Under the management of Mr. Wlera the directors beneve the aocla tlon can t placed on a good financial basis. A united effort will be made, mem bershlps will be pushed and the soelal fea tures emphasised. Magle City Goaalp. Five-room cottage, and bam. S10 N. ISth The 8hamrock olub will give a dance at Rushtng'a ball neat Wednesday evening. The women of the United Presbyterian church will hold their annual chrysanthe mum fair on November lit' and It at the church, Twenty-third and L. streets. ' The Rebeeea elub will give a doll party for all the children at the home of Mrs. fetter. Twenty-second and H streets. Satur day afternoon. An admission of 10 cents will be charged. The Presbyterian King's Daughtera were entertained by Mrs. R. L. Wheeler and Mrs. Spraktus at the parsonage. About fifty women were preaenL There were fourteen babies. Pee want-ada are business boosters. weskn-M and disease IT .MAKES It t on-eerel, rtn A)K Yol'B rVklO IUiiA : If you wjnt buuk t ist icH all m them at hums, eewd 21 one-cent stamne to Dr. Pierre to pay coat of mailing' nfy. sad he will send you a frtt oopy of his greet thoussnd-page illustrated CJpnon Sens Medical Adviser revised, up-to dste edition, in peper covers, lnfceudtome cloth-binding, 31 stamp. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. BRIEF CITY NEWS 1909 NO V MBER 1909 . tvn u mo rot mo tmu i iaV 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 Id 19 20 21 22 2324252627 28 2930 are Koet Mat TV Chambers' School of Dancing open. A. T. gwobo4e Certified Aeeonatant. ftlaekart, Vaotograpber Uth Far nam. Lighting Fixtures, Burgesi Qrandon Co. ya, photo, removed te If h Howard. Bond salesmaa required for Iowa. Ad dress T 71 S, care Bee. White Walter at BeaUta Oafs Quick service and courteous treatment. Jf. A. Oentlemaji CeM Undertakers. New location 1614 Chicago 8L Both phones. Heritable Ufe rollcies sight drafts at maturity. H. D. 'Neelr, manager, Omaha. Tour weekly or monthly Barings paid on shares of Nebraska Savings and Loan association will earn per cent per an num. 10 Board of Trade building. Mrs. Jessie Entry acta DIToroe Mrs. Jessie Emry has received a decree of di vorce from Otis O. Emry for nonsupport and abandonment. John rranek Bets are slew Trie Judge Day has overruled In district court a mo tion for a new trial made by John Franek. against whom Mrs. Ellen Doyle received a verdict of KBe. Death Sue to Internal Trouble The coroner's Jury found that John Raur, who died at the smelter Friday night, was not the victim of foul play as feared, but of some Internal disease. Otto H. Btuben a Bankrupt Otto H. Stuben, a solicitor of Omaha, has filed his voluntary petition In bankruptcy In the United (States district court. His liabilities are scheduled at $3,577.82 and his aesets at $300. B. M. Jftyman to Addresa Philosophers E. M. Kyman will address the Omaha Philosophical society Sunday at f p. m., in Hurlnht hall. Nineteenth and Farnam Mttcets, on "Character Building from a Philosophical Standpoint." Meetings free. Wife of Lineman Sues for Bis Death Mis. atauile A. Elliott, la suing the Oeneral Construction company tn district court for ,2f,.000 for damages In the death of her htlfband, Howard Elliott, a lineman killed while putting up wires on the Ralston line. ' Anto Men Want Two More Oarages Two automobile dealers are negotiating with property owners for the erection of two new garages at once. Five new gar ages are ntow In the course of construction and the demand for room Is still greater than the supply. Doubling Carte White Lead Works A large force of men I, at work doubling the capacity of the Carter White Lead works In East Omaha, the total expenditures for enlarging to reach $100,000. The Omaha plant of the Carter White Lead company Ih one of the largest In the country and under the management of Frank Barker has far outgrown the capacity ot the plant. Canvass of Beturna Ooea Slow Canvass ut the returns of the election In Douglas county will not be completed before Wed nesday evening, at the earliest. A number ot machines which went wrong occasionally will have to be visited by the canvassing board which consists of County Clerk D. M. Haverly and two uninterested as sistants, J. Frances Hopper and J.- T. Dillon. University Oets Title to Bedlok Becerra A deed to the University of Omaha of the Oak C. Redlok property has been filed In the office of the recorder of Douglas county. The consideration is $30,000. The university thus acquires title to the Redlck homestead and other buildings on the property known as the "Redlck Reserve." It Is at Twenty-fourth and Pratt streets and Is trx232 feet. Annual of the School for Deaf The an nual and handbook of the Nebraska School for the Deaf of Omaha has Just been la- sued. The name of this Institution was the Nebraska Institute for the Deaf and Dumb until July 1, when the bill chang ing the designation, paased by the last legislature, became effective. This Is the second annual issued by the Institution The pamphlet acts forth In minute detail the plana and methods of the work done In the school and gives the reader a com prehensive Idea of what a pupil may be expected to accomplish. Two Minor Baits Settle Charles a Bradford, who sued the Nebraska Cloth ing company for $5,000, was returned a ver dict for $1 by the Jury which heard the case under Judge Sears in district court. The plaintiff asserted damagea from an elevator accident, A Jury sitting under Judge Day found for J. A. Tuthlll, who sued W. A. Rogers. Tuthlll asked tor $1(7 and got It. The contention was over a dsal In mining stocks. Crawford to Be Hard with Qua Totero Police Judge Crawford baa emphatically announced his Intention to make It hot for "gun totera" In Omaha who are brought before him. Upon his return from Kansas City Judge Crawford told of strenuous measures adopted their to prevent the carrying ot revolvers, and he haa deter mined to put a atop to the practice In Omaha If It la within his power. Here after anyone brought before "his honor," charged with carrying a deadly weapon, will be fined $100 and costs. TWQ DEAD INAUT0 ACCIDENT Promlaeat CHImea of Ashevllle, N. C, Killed When Mat-atae la Orertarard. GREENVILLE. N. C Nov. .-Two men were killed and another seriously Injured In an automobile accident near here late today. The dead are J. L. Fleming and Harry Skinner, Jr., prominent citizens of Greenville. E. O. Flannagan, who was driving the car, lost control of it In try ing to pass lumber wagon. The ma chine craahed Into a tree with terriflo force and then turned a complete somersault. Despair and Despondency No oae bat a woaiaa eaa tall the story of the suffering, the despair, and the despondency endured by women who carry daily bardea of ill-health and pais because of disorders and derangemrata of the) delicate and important organs that are distinctly feoiiniae. The torture so bravely endured com pletely upset the nerve if lonf continued. Dr. Pierce's I'svorite Prescription is a positive cure for of the iemiuin orginum. WCAK WOriEN STRONG, TICK WOMEN WELL. . . , f ,. - -'re, hesls ulceration and iootr.es pain, I ' ' r i p tlie nerves, It fits for wifehood ' 1 i . Siouot medicine deslers sell it, and ' . i 'o fl.'e uron yen et " jutt as good." id i ' a record- of forty years of cures. v y i :! jhlv Inuw ci somo of Its many cures. about woman's disrasee, and how to cure TAFT GUEST OF CHARLESTON Gicen UnirjTie Beception at Metropo lis of South Carolina. REVIEWS SCHOOL CHILDREN Two Mea Badljt lajared ay PresiatiM Dlirkirs Caaaea While Fir ing President's Saint t ISTSSBSk, CHARLESTON, B. C, Nov. . Arriving here at dusk this evening. President Taft had one of the most picturesque receptions of his trip. At the head of a procession of automobiles and escorted by an Impos ing array of militia organisations he passed through the principal streets of the city, under arches of electric lights that gave an Illumination almost equal to day light The sidewalks held a ltrge throng and he president's progress from tht Union station to the home of Mayor Rhett, where he Is spending the night, was marked by cheers. Mr. Taft Is no stranger In Charleston. He has been here five times In recent years, and said today In Savannah, that he was going "home to Charleston." His reception tonight was a repetition of the cordial welcome the president had received elsewhere throughout the south and which haa made his stay In this section of the country one of the pleasantest features of hla trip. Gaeat of the City. Tonight the president was the guest of honor at a banquet tendered to him by the elty of Charleston at the Charleston hotel. It was arranged with especial re gard to the president's comfort, and the only set speeches were the Introduction of the president by Mayor Rhett and the re sponse by Mr. Taft, In which he expressed his gratification at being In Charleston and his regret that he oould not make a longer stay. The president leaves tomorrow! morning at 8 o'clock for Columbia, S. C, and will reach Augusta tomorrow night for a stay of two days. Governor Ansel and Senators Tillman and Smith arrived In Charleston this afternoon to assist In the welcome to the president and were among the guests of honor at the banquet tonight. This Is the first presi dential reception In which Senator Tillman haa participated in a good many years. Until Mr. Taft was Inaugurated, Mr. Till man had not even been a caller at the White House for a long time. The president's train reaahed Charleston at 6:30 p. m. Mr. Taft stopped for a few minutes at the Charleston orphans' home. At Mayor Rhett'a residence he held an In formal reception before the banquet. Busy Day la lavsaaak, President Taft had a busy day In Savan nah before leaving there at 1:30 p. m. for this city. During a sail down the river to Fort Hcrlven during the morning he wit nessed an accident in which It was thought at first two men had been killed. As mat ters turned out, one man, a negro, loat his arm and another his eye. The two men were firing a salute to the president from small cannon drawn up at the water front. A premature explosion occurred as tbs negro waa ramming home a charge of powder and in the cloud of smoke which followed the report of the cannon, the pres ident saw a man flying through the air. The man fell Into the river. The ramrod, which he held, shot across the bow of the revenue outter Tamaoraw on the deck where the preeldent waa standing. Mr. Taft called attention to the accident at once. The man struggling In the water waa rescued,' however, and when the presi dent landed and made inquiries about the accident be waa relieved to find there had been no loss of life. Rev lews School Chlldrea. The president participated tn a parade through the streets and parka of Savannah, during which he must have been greeted by practically the entire population of the city. He went then for a fast spin over the automobile course, over which the grand prise race ot 400 miles waa run last fall. The automobile ride waa Interrupted to permit the president to stop for a few minutes at the Bethesda Orphan home, where he made a little speech to the boys, telling them theie waa no reason why any one of them should not become presi dent ot the United States. The preeldent stopped once, too, to address a body of students from a negro school, and, return ing to the city, he passed in review of all the publlo school children of the city. It waa with their enthusiastic little cheers ringing In his eara that he boarded his train and left for Charleston. History Class is Ignorant Six Upper Classmen at Brown Univer sity Unable to Give Full Name of Chief Executive. PROVIDENCE, R. I., Nov. .-None of the twenty-four members of Prof. Wilfred H. Mur history class at Brown unlver slty, composed of seniors and Juniors, was able to give correctly the full name of the president ot the United Rtatee, a Jus tice of the supreme court of the United Statea, the governor of Rhode Island, a Justice of the supreme court of Rhode Island and the mayor of Providence, when the questions were proposed aa a test to day. Prof. Munro desired to make an experi ment baaed on the recent attempt to se cure a constitutional amendment In Mary iana requiring irom voters ability to an swer correctly questions similar to these. Eighteen of the twenty-four members of the class gave correctly the president's full name and two knew only his last name. No one succeeded In giving the full name of a Justice ot the United States supreme court. Seventeen had a name partly cor rect and seven did not even give the last name of a Justice. MINING WOMAN AND PROMOTER CONVICTED Mrs. Aaaa Wheeler Is Pesad Guilty f rrand at Deaver 8a I'eed Clalrvoyaat Methods. DENVER, Colo.. Nov. (.-Mrs. Anna Wheeler, "mining woman and promoter," said to have swindled hundreds In fake Nevada mining schemes, was convicted of fraud on three counts here today. Her sup posed victims testified she convinced them ehe possessed clairvoyant power and that while under guidance of spirits had aean clouds cf gold floating about their heads and drifting about thetr feet. Mrs. Wheeler operation began during the height of the Ooldfleld excitement and she found no lack of customers, women of the poorer clsssee. Laundresses and scrub women Invested the savings of year on th promise of enormous dividends. The returns did not come, however, and Mrs. Wheeler was arrested. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that bv using The Bee advertising columns. Bloom Wins Fight With Kid Jensen Chicago Man Knocks Out Milwaukee, Fighter in Tenth Bound of Contest. Maurice Bloom ot Chicago won the de cision at the close of a ten-round boxing contest with Kid Jensen ,ot Omaha at Staneck'a hall. South Omaha, Friday. Jack Kord waa referee and gave the de cision, which was well received by the greater part of the crowd, although some believed Jensen was a little strongei. Bloom waa in fine condition and had the better of the bout ohlefly through his long reaoh and very shifty fighting. He began leading his left at the tap of the gong and landed straight arm jabs on Jensen's cheek throughout the entire fight. He shifted constantly, dancing about the ring and dodging the short swings of Jen sen. Jensen tried to come to close quar ters all the time, but Bloom kept him at arm's length most of the time. They did not exchange much In clinches, at whloh time Jensen exhibited his wrestling tactics. Tn one or two of these clinches Bloom used the tnflghter's uppercut. Good preliminaries of three rounds were presented by Feeney and Murphy fighting a draw. Murphy was a little stronger at the rinlsh. Faulkner of Omaha and Spencer of Denver fought three rounds and the de cision wae to the Denver boy. A battle royal was won by Langford. one of a gang of five husky negroes. Wolcptt was the star performer, having the honor of knocking a man down on two successive blows. He floored his man manv times In the contest, but quit at last because the last two men against him would not fight one another, but centered on him.'' Dreaming is High Treason in Servia Bishop, Who Had Vision of a Bevolu tion, to he Prosecuted by King Peter. VIENNA, Nov. 6. Dispatches received here today from Belgrade, Servia, say that Bishop Nlkador of Nlsh, Servia, Is to be tried for high treason for an unfortunate dream In which he saw a revolution in Belgrade, the deposition of King Peter and the proclaiming of the former Crown Prince George as king. The bishop told of his vision to some friends and finally it reached the ears of the government. At a session of the cab inet, at which King Peter presided, the dream was considered and construed asJ a part of a propaganda In favor of Prince George and it waa decided to prosecute the dreamer. ADVISED SWIFT MANAGER TO USE A SHOT GUN Attorney Admit He Urged Forcible Resistance to Kansas Tarnation Board. KANSAS CITT, Nov. . W. J. Buchanan, attorney for Swift and Company, the pack- era, on the stand today In the hearing be fore the commissioners of Wyandotte county, who are trying to force the large packing houses to produce their books for taxation purptses, admitted he had urged I. H. Rich, general manager of Swift and Company, to "use a shotgun to protect the company's booka." On the stand yesterday Mr. Rich refused to answer any questions regarding the company's reoords. J. C. FennelU general manager for Armour eV Co., occupied the stand at the bearing today. C. W. Trlckett. attorney for th com missioners, was unable to secure any in formation whatever from Mr. Fennell. After a aerie of Inquiries, Mr. Trlckett asked: 'What does Armour & Co. keep in its coolers T" "I don't know," answered Mr. Fennell. "Then what are you employed as general manager of such an extensive concern for?" Mr. Fennell was asked. "To keep the plant from burning down," the general manager answered. LIVINGSTON MANOR DESTROYED BY FIRE Historical Mansion oa th Bank of the Hadeon River I Baraed. POUQHKEEPSIE. N. T Nov. . The historic Livingston manor, owned by John Henry Livingston and located near Llveoll, on the banks of the Hudson river, waa de stroysd by fire tonight. Livingston manor was mad famous in history because It waa In this house, which was erected in 17SS, that Chancellor Liv ingston lived when he swore George Wash ington into office in 1789. - The estate was known as "Idele" and had Just been remodeled. Its novel archi tecture had been copied by architect from all parts of the country. The fire was caused by burning leavea and the loss Is 2S,0U0. SLAPS FACE OF MAN WHO INSULTED HER Mr. MeBrlde of New Orleans Admin latere Chastisement by Aid of Condnctor, THOMASVILLE. Oa.. Nov. . Mrs. Ho Bride of New Orleans, complaining today to Conductor Lewis on a Coast Line train that a man on the train had Insulted her, was enabled, by the aid ot the conductor, to administer a chastisement to the of' fender. As the man was about to leave the train at Camilla, Conductor Lewis collared him, and, pinning the fellow's arms behind him, held him firmly while Mrs. Mc Bride, who Is slight of stature slapped both her annoyer'a cheeks until they were crimson. LODGE SIGNAL IN COURT HELD TO BE CONTEMPT Defendant Acquitted By Jury, Bat Judge sends Ulna to Jail. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 6 Because he gave the "distress signal" of a secret so ciety In court here today, Adolph Mosko vlts. plaintiff In a litigation Involving a small amount ot money, after the Jury had returned a verdict In his favor waa sent to prltou for contempt of court. He was detected giving signals to th Juror and admitted the signals were used by a secret order of which he waa a mem ber. LOW MAY SUCCEED REID Former Mayor of New York Befase to Utaeasa Beport He Will Head Loadoa Embassy. NEW YORK. Nov. -Sth Low. former mayor of New York city and ex-preeldent of Columbia university, would not discuss today the report emlnatlng from London that he bad been selected to succeed Whilelaa Reld aa Ambassador to the court of t. James. StovesS Two large floors axe required to show our Immense line of Gtoves and Ranges the acknowledged leaders of the Stove World. Our years of experience in buying and selling Stoves have given ns the enviable reputation of selling only reliable stoves at reason able prices. We guarantee you bigger, better values for your Stove money than you can find elsewhere. Investigate our prices. We sell for cash or on payments. i: jirqRlT-? HILTON 14tti DUN'S REVIEW OF TRADE f&eports from All Sections lire More Than Satisfactory. IRON AND STEEL ARE ACTIVE Retail Trad 1 Brisk: and Outlook for Holiday Baalaea 1 Uwnso ally Brlsjht Demand forFaot wear la Good. NEW YORK, Nov. .-R. O. Dun ft Co.' weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Without exception the reports i of. trad, both wholesale and retal . in all PJ" " the country are more tHain atlafotory and hold out the promise for 1S10 1 of a year Of unequalled bunlness. What thl . ixnressed In almost Inconceivable figuraa, ta ?T.?tno United Statea 'V.'schteved Ha wealth at a rate never bef ore nchleved Neither the high prevailing prices nor the discussion of -disputed on"'0M"cl" seem In any way to "hake confidence or oheck the Industrial rre". " Drlnclcal cities the advices are of an ex tent retail distribution th. -puoook for the holiday trade is bright. The ex traordinary advance and ""c"1''0 A" cotton Is the most conspicuous adverse de velopment.! . .-A The remarkable progress In Iron nd steel is maintained and In October all pre vlous records aa to the amount of actual . . . . t-.L,.. waaoaa lirnlBlAd. Ill Dr&O- D U H 1 liejBa VJJTWk wejsa ww-g- - tically every division orders are received in heavy volume and many mills aro tall ng steadily behind In deliveries. Booking by the steel companies are especially large and some Important oontracta are Pending. There. Is a further large gain In the movement of dry goods. The removal of restrictions in purcnneina f notlceabl In some of the W " LvmI The tin irrtrula And V ftm niW KK are still affected by the high cost of cot ton and proaucuon is di"i " some large plants, but the curtailment ha beoom a factor In Inducing larger pur- ,hEffort are directed In worsted, cotton and silk manufacturing centers to prevent aooumulation of high cost goods not cov ered by contracts. Jobbers are doing a much better Business man u' season. - The demand tor rooiwear suuns iui improvement and the prioo question is less of a disturbing factor. Sole leather con tinues In activo demand and while no par ticularly large blocas are moveo. iu "o Instances, business In the aggregate is heavy. Prions are strong tor an '"p Packer hides are strong and In brisk de mand at extreme quotations, with consid erable quantltlea sold In advance, of take off. Dry hides continue to advance with oommon varieties bringing eiinmn ni'. Tk... ia . rnni.Mern.hle manipulation in country hides and that market la largaly nominal. VOVXMXBta Or OOBAS BTBAMbTKITS. Port. i ArrlTs. &ll4. NEW YORK Campania ROTTERDAM.... Ryndim KAPLK9..... Ar(ntlns I. OKNOA. ktondoaa SOUTHAMPTON K. A. Victoria. PERUNA AND THE Every one of the Medicinal In gredients of Peruna is to be found in the U. S. Dispensatory, the Standard Medical Au thority of the land. A remedy for Catarrh in all phases and locations. For coughs, colds, catarrh of stomach and other internal organs. No bettor tonic or appetizer was over devised. anyone wishes to know about the ingredients of -nN.a nt!-l I . II I. A w - c s Peruna let him consult the United States Dispen satory and turn to the shown in the cut Stoves! QUICK K1AL miL BAWQB Met popular ranges sold In Omaha, air-tight, all Met construction not found In any others. Wonderful buker. with high warm- If 00 ing cloot. iuO up from OAS BAjroBB rwa rami. We make specialty of gss ranges 2R slue and .itVls, all have the nw steel i'ntrictlon and Improved burners and the ei.ony finish, wnirn reiiulres no pollh. Price from t.00. down to $11 BADIAJTT BOMB BABE BTTBITZB Strongest heaters and grtMost fuel saver. If you want lifelong satis faction en the let move money can bay, you must have a Radiant Home, nebular sz.au, special this week. at . . . $29 OAS RIATIXS We have the moat economical make the Jewel, and ga tul'lng In all lengths. Mantle and. rire Tlao rixfcnxe. ROGER! anil Farnam Street a Site is Selected for the Woodmen Harry Tukey Wins Priie, But Loca tion of Structure Remains Secret with Committee. Harry Tukey ot the firm of A. P. Tukey & Son won th prise against all com petitors to locate th Woodmen of th World headquarter building. At a meeting of the building committee of th Woodmen held Friday afternoon a Bite waa selected and Mr. Tukey waa given contract to deliver the goods at a certain price, which Is somewhat under the price aslped, but which Mr. Tukey thinks he will be able to negotiate. Just which corner haa been selected Is till a mystery, although It I known that Mr. Tukey HE represented owner of two pieces of property, that Of the Coads at th corner of Seventeenth and Harney and Russian laborer Guest at Unique Function in St. Louis ST. LOUIS, Nov. 1-Paul Rep. Immi grant laborer from Russia, waa th hero, guest of honor and patriot this afternoon In one of the most unique celebrations ever held In 8t Louie. Th leader In th celebration were women, whose name oome at the top of the social reglstsr, wbo home ar th finest In 8C Lout and whose families ar of th wealthleat of the city. - Rep had challenged th patriotism of th social leaders, and the women made him their hero tor a day. He received hi final naturalisation papers today. Two weeks ago he wrote to Mr. W. K. Kavnnaugh. wife of the president of the Lakes-to-the-Gulf Deep Waterways association, inform ing her that he would become a cltlaen November S and asking her whether She could arrange with her friend for a. cele bration tn hla honor on that day the great est day of his life. Mrs. Kavanaugh, while astounded, had the letter Investigated. She was told Reps wa looking forward to celebrating hla eltlzenshlp. He had spent 111 for court fees and waa willing to expend tlft for a hill where Mrs. Kavanaugh and her friends could meet him if they would come. The use of the hall wa donated to Mrs. UNITED STATES pages Stoves! BADIA IOITI ttttt BAB OB High grade, guaranteed In every par ticular. Ilouble wall of httmmerd pcllahed steel. RomovaMs duplex grates for wood or coal. Prices up from . . . . $37 VBTTAir UTWBT, BABOB With and without reservoir, pellohed steel body, asbestos lined with htrh closet and duplex grte. (97 Ounrnnteed bakers. vui prlcsa up from Oil. XEATTBO STOVZa Our Puritan Is odorless and i $3.75 era. olld trimmed. smoVeliiss. Prices up from ... BTJBT OAKS - OO'-'d, strong ft ronl heaters. olld nv .la.: nicely nickel trimmed. '8crew drsft and draw center antes, price nj from 15.95 KOftT OAS 1ST KEATS -Fit ,n any Jet. F.xpense cnlv $1.50 on cent vr hour. Price Builders' Hardware, Mechanics' Tool. SONS 0 the Cudahy property on Douglas street. Here again ' Is another mystery,, as Mr. Cudahy owns three corners on Dougln street. He owns the old Grossman corner t Seventeenth and Douglas, opposite th new tlrandels theater, and he also owna the half block on Douglas street between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets, so that It m:v bo either one of these corners. OffWfrs of the Woodmen refuse to divulge the -locution and Mr. Tukey refuse to either ny any part of the deal, although the Woodmen sny positively that an offer has bewi made, and It Is up to the client of Mr. Tukey to say whether they will accept. It aeemed certain for a time that the corner ' of sixteenth and Jackson street would be selected, but when It is stated that Mr. Tukey is negotiating th deal it Is certain that he ha nothing to do with that corner. Use. Chamberlain' Couch Remedy for cough, eolds, croup and whooping cough. . If you have anything to sail er trad and want quick action, advertise It In Th Be Want Ad column. Kavanaugh, as waa the pipe organ In It. Reps, an employe ot th Frisco road, Mrs, Rep and their three children were in th hall early this afternoon. Among those who attended the celebration besides Mrs. Kavanaugh were Mr. R. h. Krlsmann, wife of the mayor of St. Louis; Mr. Ed ward P. Preetorlous, wife of a newspaper publisher, and Mrs. Wallace C. Capen. While Reps wss the guest of honor, he requested his hostesses to sing different songs. : ; '"America" and other patriotic songs were rendered by a chorus of th social leaders, and these were followed by bugle call and war songs. In hi letter to Mr. Kavanaugh, Rep wrot:' "I want to be a good patriot, good cltl aen, and this event In my life I wsnt to remember and have something great. Old Russia for me I dead. Is It possible for 110 or 15 for us to hear In respectable manner and place, to hear once singing 'America,' 'Pnnner of Country.' or other American patriotic songs and even accom panied by fin music T "We think It very bad and disgraceful as most Immigrants in such event, Induced by politician to take naturalisation, drink much beer, use bad language and fight." DISPENSATORY Peruna It can c truly said of Peruna that it hai stood the test of time : ; Used ,1mm Over