THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 7, 1900. CPiiN AND PRODUCE MARKET No Change in Wheat Situation, Bar ring the Sharp Rally. LATTER DUE TO WEAK SHORTS Thf r (oirr P.nngh to Advance Val fi Somewhat, bat on the Whole . the Market Ilaa m Weak Tane. aylvania and other nearby firsts, free) rase. iuc at mark. Penns Ivania current receipt, free case JSTiJsc at mark; CH EF.fR- rirm; New Tor full cream, thole,,, ltixti 1 -c; New York full creama, fair to good, lwolisio. RW YORK OR KRAI. MARKET OMAHA, Nov. , 19. There wan practically no change In the wheat situation torlay, barring a sharp tally caused by weak ahnris. who covered cnt.ugh to advance value some, but on the whole tha market has a weak tone owing to the alack demand and liberal receipts. Corn while unchanged la allowing signs of weakening and feel the effecta of l.'-HrlBh sentiment pending the issuance of the government report next Monday. Wheat was In good demand from th tart and shorts were started to buying when ail nrfHna hurt been readily ab sorbed causing a -harp advance of lc for the lJec emher option, which allowed the moat strength. Corn did not follow tha advance with whet and cash corn waa only steady, of ferings not being taken readily. The de cline Is alow, but sentiment continues beare Ish, and with favorable weathtr further losses are probable. Primary wheat recelpta were 1.17.000 bnahela and shipments wero IViO.OnO bushels, aralnst recelpta last yeer of l,llf bush els und shipments of 778, CO bushels. Primary corn receipts were 842, iaM bush els and shipments were 434 Ooo bushels, against receipts last year of 270.000 bushel and shipment of l'fT.UOO bushels. Clearances were 11.U00 buhil of corn, S.WW bushels of oats and wheat and flour equal to 452.IW) bushels. Liverpool closed Vid lower to 'id higher on wheat and unchanged on coin. Local range of options: Articles', Open. Hlgh. Low. Clos. Yes'y. Wheat. Iec... May... Corn Dec... May... Ob t Dec... May... !. 2!"4ji 97 65i , 6-., 95 1 2 Ouaka Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard. Wtcttl.01; NO. I hard. l2'U6c: No. 4 hard, fc6'u.c; No i spring. iw'uH wj; No. 1 spring, rvo. 4 spring. Hfisoo. COHN No. 2. oc; No. S, Mo; No. 4, Wo; No. 2 yellow, Wtc; No. I yallow, 6t'iH'4c. No. 2 white, Mc; No. t white, , HVaWic. WATS- No. I mixed, 3mi37c; No. 8 yel "jw. 2;ii:t7vc: No. a white. 374'h.t8c: No. 4 white, Si4j37Vp; standtird, S8H3'o. HYK No. 2. rtxc; No. X. 07o. Cat'lot Receipts. ; Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 47 122 21 Minneapolis SM ' Omaha 32 IS SI iJiiluth 307 ttaatatloas of the Dar ea Various Cora awed I ties. NEW YORK. Nov -FLOL'R-Rcelpts, S1.IW bbls.; exports. 11 2s bbls. Market waa unchanged and demand alow; Minnesota patents, to.2S4iti.aO; winter atraights, tu l.'U j..; Minnesota bakers. MS'Sat'. wlntct extraa, 4 30q4 40; winter patents. .JMj&.75; w.nter low gradea, t4yj1) Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 4.9xi4B; choice to ancy, U Vq K. Buckwheat flour, dull; bulk, $2 ..W, nominal, per 100 lba. CORN MEAL Barley ateady; fine white and ye, low. Ileuty I.K; coarse. $1.40-1.46; kiln dried. $3.46. KYic lull; No. 2 western. &, nominal, f. o. b. New York. BAHLKY "teady; "feeding. 61fjfi3c, C. I. f. New York. WHEAT Recelpta. 129,900 bu.; exports, W.fino mu. Spot market firm; No. 2 red. I1.2M, asked, elevator. 11.21 fc, nominal, f. o. b. attoat; No. 1 northern, Liuluth, $1.12, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 hard winter, II. HH. nominal, f. o. b. afloat. After a steady, but rather featureless, opening the w-heat market gained strength gnd advanced a on covering by shorts on reports of firmer northwestern market and buying by prom inent commission houses. The tone waa firmer at TstiVc net advance) December Closed at tl.lo't and May closed at fl.WVk. CORN Receipts, 20.2W bu.; exports. 2.000 bu. 8pot market firm; No. 2. 7oe, elevator, domestic, 70Hc delivered and 70"4tO f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 71 He, all nominal. The option market waa without transactions, closing unchanged. December closed at tSVViC and May closed at te. OAT S Receipts, 107, 5i bu.; exports, 1.000 bu. .spot market quiet; mixed, 2 to 32 its., nomlna,; natural white, 2 to 22 lbs., 44J4tic; Clipped White, 24 to 42 lbs., ft-Vstf H5. HAY Steady; No. 8, eOjjgoc; good tu choice, H3. lilUES-Dull: Bogota. 21UtiZ2V4o; Central America, i'inc. LEATHER Steady; acid, 22tl4o. PROY1810N8 Beef, quiet; family, $14 00 j 14.50; mesa, 11. Own 11 50; beef hams. U.OtXQ 2,'00, packet, 112 Oxp li.OO; city extra India mesa, IJO.oOfi 22.00. Cut meats, ateady; pick led bellies, S12.oOul4.25; pickled hams, I2 60 7113 00. Ird. steady; middle west, HS.lfctf 12. 2S; refined, strong; continent, $1H .HO; Smith America, 114.25; compound, llO.Ovft 10.50. Pork, firm; family. 26.0ini 27.00; short clear, S!4.rKti2ft 50; mesa, JiVTS'uttS OO. TALLOW Julet; city, per package, 6Hc; country, package free, tf9c. RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 24 67c; Japan. 6Ht5o. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens, lie; fowls, 14c; turkeys. 12ijirio. Dress d. Irregular; western chickens, broil ers. 21c; fowls. 12'14c; turkavs, liTZlo. BUTTER Firm; creamery specials, tic; extras. Sic, CHEESS Firm; unchanged; state full cream specials, 17Vc. EOOS Irregular; state. Pennsylvania and nca yby hennery, brown, oM?42e: western x ra firsts, 33(fKc; firsts, 2!)ViS32c; sec ond8, l6i2o. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Money Outlook it Reiponiible for Downward Tendency in Values. PRESSURE ON PENNSYLVANIA Sabataatlal Heoovery Late la th eaalon Dae to Coverloa by borta Road Market la Irregalar. fund. 2.64".r4: current liabilities. tU.OM.1; working balance In treasury offices. I-'S-M7.1i4; In hanks to crerlit of trensurer of the United states. ,iS.21S.I."d : subsidiary silver coin. 1 2'; minor coin, (mi.N; total balance In general fund. t.2H.3.C. (llUAtit) UKAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Trading; and I'loalngr ' Prlcea on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. Talk of probablo falling off In the movement of wheat in the United Htstes next week Inspired ac tive buying of that grain on th Hoard of Trade today, which resulted In a ma terial advance, prices at the close showing net gains of from c to le. Corn and oats closed firm and provisions barely steady. Leading elevator Interests gave the wheat market vigorous support and this brought out active covering by shorts. Demand wan chiefly for the December delivery and the prlc of that option advanced . nearly 2d from the low point of the day. Th upturn occurred during the final hour and at the close prices were almost at tho top notch. December closed at $1-03, after ranging between tl.OlH and $1.0Si. Advices from the west, northwest and southwest predicting a llnhter movement from th farms next week wire Influential factors In starting the lute upturn. The bulge in wheat caused moderate firmness in corn during the late trading and rvHulted in net gains of 'c to fi'.tC at the clone. Trading In oata was dull all day. At th close prices were a shade lower to Ho higher compared with yesterday's final figures. 1'rovlulons closed Do higher to MiT'ic lower. The leading futures ranged as follows: NEW YORK. Nov. ..-Misgiving over the monev outlook were as much re sponsible as anything for the downward tfndt-ncy of prices of stocks today. The fueling over the money Mtuation Is based not so much on the actual tone of the money market ns on the suspicion of tne active measures necessary on the part of ttio powerful capitalists to conserve such a?e In money rates as has been accom plished thus far. There has been. he sides, an actual hardening of money rales on time In the latter part of th week and a resumption of active deniund for loans for the shorter periods. The ex-t.-iitlve shifting of credits from one quar ter to anothei, either In this country or to foreign monev markets, has relaxed the fltuatlin more than once when It ten. Jed to b-come stringent. The perslstinoe of the great central banks abroad In their policy of building up resources threatens to restrict the field of these ahiftlng operations. A 6 per cent minimum discount rale, both by tne wanK of England and the Imperial Bunk of Germany, are under renewed discussion and the result win ne uxeiy to ob m a lodgement of credits on which the New- York mnrket is relying to carry inrougu ti e fall with ease. The further piessure on Pennsylvania toiay In connection with the offering of new stoik at par was a factor In keeping alive an uneasy feeling over money mar ket resources. More considi ration was given todav to the week's loss In cash by the tankt Indicated by yesterday's pre liminary estimates. There were premonlT tlons also that tha loan Item of the forth coming bank statement would show the effect of the large recelpta of home-coming s curltles from foreign market which have to be financed on arrival here. Large withdrawals of gold from the Bank or England for shipment to Egypt empha sised the impresFlon of the hardening of the world's mony markets. Block had a substantial recovery on Vmft poverlnir Induced bv denials of posi tive reports that an advance in me vj-i-man bank rate on Monday had been al ready dfte: mined on. The bank etaiement a.iowd over SA0 .000 actual loss of cah and the loan expansion served to swell the deposit liabilities as well. The sur plus ! reduced 8,S7S,Rfi0 by the average of UMiit. ..,. bonds were Irregular. Total sales, ar value, 21,710,000. United States 2s have declined H and the 3, common, and the 4s. registered, i per cent on call during the week. ' . t'oiiuuin were the sales and range of prlcea on tha Stock exchange today: Ssin. Mir. t-'io. Kew Yark Moner Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1 MONEY On call, nominal. TIME 1XJANS Firm; sixty and ninety days, 4 per cent; alx mcnths. 4Vitf4- per cent PRIME MERCANTILE PA PER-,yr.V, per cent. HTEKLI NO EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In hankers' bills at l4.B5i 4 WU6 for flu day bills and at 4 K713 for de mand; commercial bllla. t K-'H'fi &V SILVFR-Uar. fre; Mexican dollars. 43o BON DS Government steudy; railroad, Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were as follows: ..I") tnt. Vet. IWt ..l Int. M. M. , ,i .101 'Japan 4a ..WV, do if . ll.AK. C. Ha lit Is . .11L. g. deb. 4a ., I44r,. N. onl. 41 ..UiM., K. T. 1st 4a. I. .14H 0 g". 4W .. lr Mo. Faclflr 4a .UHN. R. R. Ot M 4Va. . hS'N. T. C. I .... .1 "do dab. 41 . 1U N. T . N. H. A H .. M c. ta .. t N. A W. lit 0. 41.. .. H do ct. 4 .. t No. Paoltia 4i ..15 ile is ..1WHO s. L. rtdg. aa .... .. M Ffnn. ct, 3 H 1U . ..Il'il 4o ran. 4a Cliaa. Ohio 4Ha... ;k Kaadlng pan. 4a do tar. ( 7t. k t I f Chleaito A. Sua.... "4 dD .n, C. tl. Q. 1. 4 MS St L S. W. a. 4a... T7 do in. 4a do 1st sold 4a ta C. M A S. P. I. MSoatKMird A. U U ... C , H. I. A P. o. 4s.. 77V fo. Pacific col. . . . VI da ml. ta H do cv. 4i l'H do Iff 4a 90 do 1st ret. 4 M. Colo. Ind. la u to. luilwar H .1'H I Mid. tj do Iran 4a si (. S. r. a. 4 Via. raUnlon Paelflc 4s. ...14 V. t. raf Is, rf do couson I. S. Is, rag do coupon V. 8. 4a. rag do coupon Allll-(-hl. lat 5s... Am. AR. 6e Am. T. 4 T. 4a Am Tobacco 4s do 6 Armour 4V t"o. 4HS. Atctdroa (an. 4a.... do ct. 4a At. C. L. 1st 4s..... Dal. Ohio 4a..... ii 3Hi do K. W. .... Brk. Tr. t. 4a tan. ot Oa. is On. Lsathsr Is..... t'. of N. i. s. MS ''4 T8 4S s.i .M .lu'4 . ...UM1 ... t 4a. 4V WEATHER IS THO GRAIN BELT Fair nadar and Sllgktlr Cooler la tbe Predletloa. OMAHA, Nov. , 1B09. Light and scattered showers occurred within the last twnty-four hours In the lower lake region, the upper Ohio and lower Mu-slsslppl valleys, and light ralna were general on the Pacific slope Rains continue, at points 1n Idaho and California and generally cloudy weather prevails on the Pacific slope and In the extreme north west this morning. The weather la gen erslly fair everywhere east of tha Rocky mountains, and the outlook Is favorable for continued fair In this vicinity tonight and Sunday with slightly cooler tonight and cooler Sunday. No Important change In temperature lias occurred In any Section since the preceding report, except that it is generally cooler In the extreme north west. R cord of temperature and nreclBltatlon compared with the corresponding day of tne last inree years: 100. 19fl. 1907. 190. Minimum temperature ... 64 44 41 SO Precipitation 00 .06 .00 .07 Normal temperature for today, 42 degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 1.4X Inches. . . : i Deficiency correanondlna- cerlod In 1MM. 2.62 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1907. .4t inches, L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster. I) H. ct. 4a. D. R O. 4, do ret. &s.. PltULsri' U Erla p. 1. 4s. do nan. 4s. do i-T. 4a, do serlas H Oen. Klcc. cv 111 .10i"s 4 41 llfv'4 , MVs do lat a raf. 4s.... I7' . 3Vfci. a. Rubber Sa Ms . T4'1' d ta I7S4 . 14 w sbaan lat M Ill . li4 do 1st A ai. 4a 1s . SlvtWertern Md. 4a MH . 71 HWast. Klac. CT. sa. . . . PA .lurtWls. Caalltl is i OMAHA LIVE STOCii MARKET Western Beeyei and Feeding Cattle Higher for the Week. HOGS STEADY WITH A WIEK AGO Good Fat I.amba TvBty-Flv4 to Fifty lllaber and UonH Fat theesi qmrtrr lllaber Than , Week Ago. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. , U09. Cattle. Hogs, fiheep. ...10ST7 W. H9 ... .1 lo ... 1 449 1 8.H47 ... 4 4.700 18 ( ... l,77ti 2.W3 2.874 ... 393 J.toT) Receipts were: Ofnciaf Monday .... Official Tuesday Official Wednesday Official Thursday ., Official Friday Estimate Saturday , Six days thia week....2.724 19.29J Same daya last week. . . .Pt.2) 17.8'-'l R4.M0 Same days 2 weeks ago. 88. 1" W.2''l Same days 2 weeks sgo.36.8Jn 18,730 170. W Same days 4 weeks ago.4l.Of7 24.74W 1M.2i. Same daya last year....lZ! 24.M1 2.12 The following table ahows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, compared wltn year: lfJ9. IteOet Inc. Deo, Cattle 37.6.4 WM.02 71.W4 Hogs l,14.0bU 2.071.812 157,772 Sheep I,i9,784 1,811,227 118.2S7 Tha following table showa the average price ot hogs at South Omaha for the laat several days, vtlih comparisons: Date. 1809. l!X.lOT.r906.lOl. 11904. 1190!. I. i a too , 6l) tin) too too t.40) 2 M, 100 Ai tlcleH.I Open Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. t , , Wheat I I Dec. 1 01HV4! 1 03'! 1 01S 1 01 1 0l May 1 0ni,-2l 1 W!k 1 01i, 1 02 1 01 July 9'. 96i 96 954, t.'orn I i Dec. DS'j, rH 58V 68 May fil'.iti 'j bo's 00 WHfi0lH "i July 69?, 00 6t 00 6j'gH Oats I Dec. S8H7J39 29V4 3SV .19 May 41V"i'H 41 41i41S((i July 29 f 3J 9, IWliiiH Pork ' Jan. 20 20 20 20 20 074 20 12H 20 07H May 19 80 19 80 19 1ST 19 70 19 70 Lara Nov.' 12 80 U K74 12 75 12 75 12 70 Jan. 11 774 11 90 11 724 11 75 11 75 May U I7VI 11 274 11 274 U SO 11 36 Ribs Jan. 10 90 10 274 10 30 10 20 10 274 May 19 274l 10 274 10 224 10 224 10 274 4t 4I4 75 '4 78S 4H 15H 24 10J 1.500 mo ui "i.iio ii 1.200 4H4 14.IM) ut ut tOO . 1M I'M 1( 17H 600 lltH 115 I1 M 1.900 V ma 2,000 4 6,00) 100 100 47 uHt 4,000 1I4 151 41H4 50 b hi sot, mt 7!4 l.SOO 144H 144i 144 4 900 i.ltl 211 il . DO too 6M. M lTt IU0 IS 00 4t4 VVTo. 2., clash quotations were as follows: .FLOUR Firm; winter patents, $5.35a6.80; winter Straights, 24 6(6 46: spring straights, 4.7ri'u4.9; bakera, t2.2ma.20. Rfh-No. 2. 734&74c. UAKLKY Feud or mixing, 52y55c; fair to choice malting. 6tuo6c. SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, $1.64; No. 1 northwestern, tl.74. Timothy, IS.1&. Clover. t9.5tS 14.00. PROVlSloNS-Mess pork, per bbl.. $23.75 4U4 0U. l-aid. per 100 lbs., tn.oo. Short ribs, ihides (loose), f lO.TT-tf ll.OU. Short clear sides -y'oxed), tHOOfuli ai. Total clearances of wheat and flour Were eo.ual to 4:.2.U00 hu. Primary receipts were ' 1.11(1,000 bu . compared with 1.149,0m bu. the corresponding day a year ago. F.atimated receipts for Monday: Wheat. 3 cars; coin. 169 cars; oats, 10 cars; hogs, 12.0W) head. Chlcggo) Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red 11.170 MS; No. t red. tl.OUUl W; No. S hard, tl. 04&1.U6; No. 2 hard. II.UW1I.QJ4; No. 1 northern spring, fl.Otti l.tsJ; No. 5 spring tl.04djri.0S. Corn: No. 2 cssh, 62jiti24c; No. 2 cash. 624c; No. t ynllow, 1134c; No. I yel low, 634c- Oats: No. 2 while &44j44c; No. white, 87394c; standard, SvYtl' 400. HOTTER Steady; creameries, 24e4c; dalrlM, WJc EGGS Steady ; receipts 5 414 oases; at mark, raaea Included, 2o4ti264c; first, 27c; prime rirsis, ac. CH KF8B Firm; daisies. Itlfjlutic; twins l.Vloo; young Americas, lofllb'-.c; long horns. 154 1ac. POI LTRV Firm; turkeys. He; chickens. l?u.c! springs. 134e. VEAL Steady; 60 to SO lb. vus.. 7tf74c; M to 86 lb. wts.. 7 Vtil So ; K to 110 lb. wis., 7i 11c. Keoelpts Today: Wheat, 47 cars; corn, I'.'l cars: oata, 21 cars. Estimated Mon day: Wheat. 62 cars; coin, 179 cars; oats, 164 cars. St. I.aals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Nov. . WHEAT Futures Steady; traok, No. t red, oaah, l.ltJM 20; No. 2 hard, tl. 033 1.08; December, tl.OS, 1.03Ti; May. i.044l.044. CORN Firm; track. No. I cash, tlHUJ Mc; December. 57HO; May, 614W04o; No. 2 white. 614c. OATS Futures weak; cash firm; track, No. 2 cash, 3!4c; December, SSHc; May, 414c: No. 2 white, 42c. RYEt Nomina): 160. FLOUR Steady : red winter patents. 25.50 j.80; extra fancy and alright, t4. 90S6.40; hard winter clears, 23.8Ofj'4.40. . SEEI-Tlmothy, t"5iJ.60. CORNMEAIr-ta.10. BRAN Weak; Backed, east track. 11.00 (91.02. HAY Firm; timothy, 212-00&ll.00; prairle, til 00.W12.50. BAGGING 6 9-lc. HEMP TWINE 74c PROVISIONS Pork, steady; Jobbing, t240t). Lurd. higher; prime steam, 12.tiH( 12 70. Dry salt meats, steady: boxed extra shorts. 111.874: clear ribs. ill. 874: short clears, tJ2.124. Bacon, steady; boxed extra short, 112.874; clear ribs, $12,874; short clears, 113.124 POULTRY Firm; chickens. 4o; . spring, 114c: turkeys. 16a; ducks, 114c; geese, tc. BUTTER Steady ; creamery, 2tH(31e. EUGS-Steady at 244c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9.0UO 7,700 Wheat, bu 107.000 ,2.4iO Corn, bu 62,(M) 20.500 Oats, bu 41,600 60,600 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. . WHEAT Un changed to lc higher; No. 2 hard, 99el 11.00; No. S. 97cf$l.02; No. 2 red, tl.l2l.l; No. 3. tl.10ifil.14. CORN enchanted; No. mixed. 574c; No. 574c; No. 2 white, 60c; No. 3, 60c. OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 404(42c; No. i mixed, 39i40c. RYE 72c. HA Y-Unchanged; choice tlmolhv, 212.00 ?I2 60; choice prairie, $9.269.60; choice al falfa, IH. 76616.75. BUTTER creamery extraa. 20c; firsts, 28c; seconds, 2Cc; packing stock, 22c. EOGS Extraa, 87c; firsts, 25 40; seconds and dirties, 20c; current receipts, 244c; southerns, loss off, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu 14. GO 62.000 Corn, bu 24.000 60,000 Oats, bu 21.0U0 12.0U0 Options at Kansas City. 100 1,700 100 24 4? 200 103 10 14H M.'.Ci 14f4 1(10 UK US' 1U 4. S00 li 1H'4 li Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. j Close. Allls-Chalmers pld .. Amalfamatad t'opper Americas Afrlcuilural Am. Beat lunar Am. Can p(d Am. C. r Am. Cotton Oil Am. H. A L prd Am. Ice 8ecurltlas American Llnaesd American Locomotive Am. 9. A R Am. 8 R pfd Am. Kuiir Ratinlng Am. T. a T Am. Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaconda Mining Oo Atchison Atchison pfd Atlantic CoaM Una Btltlmor at Ohio Dal. A Ohio ptd Balhtahsm Steal Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paciflt Oentrsl Laatbar Central Laatbar pfd , Central ot New Jersey Cherapeeke Ohio Chicago S Alton Chicago Great Western ctrs Culcaio sV N. W C. M. A St. P C. C, C. St. U Colorado P. A I Colorado A Bo Oolo. at So. 1st pfd Colo. So. -ed pld Consolidated Una Corn Producte Delaware a Hudson Denver A Rio (Jrande.... D. A R. 0. pfd blstlllers' Securities .... Erie Erie let pfd Krle 2d pfd General Electric Ureat Northern prd....... Great Northern Ore ctfs.. Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester . Int. Marine pfd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas Ctty So K. C. So. pfd Louisville a N Minn. A St. Louie M., St. P. 8. S. M... Mleeourl Pacific M., K. A T M., K. A T. pfd National illacult National Lead N. R. R. ot M. let pfd.. New York Central N. T., O. A W Norfolk A North American Northern Pacific- Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C. C. A St. L. Preaeed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring. ... Reading Republic Steel Republic Steel ptd Rock Island Co Rock Island Co. pfd St. L. A S. r. (d pfd... St. Louie S. W St. L. 8 W. pfd Sloes-Sheffield S. A I... Southern Psclflc Southern Railway So. Railway pfd Tenneeiee Copper Texaa A Paelflc T., St. U a W T.. St. L. A W. pfd Union Pacific I nion Pacific pfd V. S. Realty V. 8. Rubber I'. S. Steel V. B. Steel prd t'teh Copper Vs. -Carolina ChcmlcaIN . Wabeeh Weba4i prd Western Maryland ctrs. Weetinghouie Electric . Western tnton Wheeling A L. E Wtaoenein Oentral Total sale for Ike day, 4OT,) shares. 6414 V 4 47 14 4 77 484 'iis M 71t 111 6:i4, 4H 4 l?4 144 II 44 1 4 in 1324 148. 14et KM S44 474 4.4 Can. lat r. 4s. it Clearlas; Houc Rank Statement NEW YORK. Nov. 6. The statement of clearing house banks for tha week, (five days) ahowtj that the banks sold $5,042,675 more than tha requirements of the 26 per cent reserve fund. This Is a decrease of $8,867,250 In the proportionate cash reserve as compared with last week. Tha statsment follows: Decrease. I-nans $1,244, 974,400 IS.OiW.eoO Deposits 1,241 4'0.f.nt 7.44" 20) Circulation 63.278 800 113 TO) Legal tender 08.630 400 1 623 60'') Specie 246.877 "0 4.482 20) Reeerve S15.4O7.700 7.006.700 Reserve required 8lO.Sfi5.125 I.Rfil.fiM Surplus 6,042.675 i !T7 260 Ex IT. 8. deposits.... 6,449,229 S.ITS.sSJ 'Increase. Tho percentage of actual reserve of the clearing house banks today wss 25 48. Tho statement of banks and trust com panies of Greater New York not reporting to the clearing houae ahowa that these Insti tutions have aggregate deposits of $1,272,046, 200; total caah on hand $146,617,600, and loans amounting to $1,200,810,900. Oct. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. .ov. i ov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. It.. 28.. a. . 21.. 1.. 2... ... 4... 6... 6.., 7 69 I 6 64 6 46 t 1 4 94 6 0S 6 26 7 64', 6 Wj 13 4 hb, 6 0l 6 IK 7 674 6 67 5 65 4 92 4 9J I 06 7 6041 6 bv, 6 48 15 4 981 4 Cl 7 Utrfcl 6 W $ 64. t tli 4 l I 4 9t 6 k I 5 69 U2 4 92 4 92, 4 , 7 T2 , I 5 61j l 4 M, 4 94, 7 6. 41 6 72! 5 t, loi 4 !M 4 94 1 6 00 7 6S't 6 801 I 6 07 4 SJ 4 86 1 4 87 7 T.i 6 M: t 2 14 4 W)! 4 , 7 7tw 5 5 391 5 9"! I 4 6 4 71 . 7 6J4, 5 79 o 1S 5 4 S7 I 4 .J eutlet fully sdequats to receipts. Every thing has been selling at good strong fig ures, ss compared with those of the pre vious dsv and quotations on the more suit able kinds of thin lamhs and half-fat cheep are about lonilfW- higher than last Friday, yoofailons on fat sheep and Iambs: Oood to choice lambs. $ IVu M6; fair to gwd lamhs. $. 40r T . g.Mid light veartlnes, .s HO f. 2..; good hesvy yearlings, U V.a.VOo; good to choice wethers. $4 Vt74 CO; fnlr to good wethers, $4 HUM 36; good to rhoice ewes, $4 1004.30: fair to good ewes, t3 90jJ4.10; old dinner ernes. tltX7j3 0fj Quotstlons on feeder stock: Oood 19 rhoice lambs, tfa3,V4A; fair to good lambs, $5-4Xr); light yearling. $R0f1?5.r8; henvy yearlings. $4 wvf p; jld wethers, $4 fV4 40; good to choice ewes. $$ 0O-d9 7$; breeding ewes. $.1.76JJ8 60; yearling breeding ewes. $5.50Q.C ft. I,oalaLlTe Stock Market. PT. LOUIS, Nov. 6 CATTLE Receipts, 2 .W head. Including 2 000 Texins; mitk't steady; native shipping and export steers. t't.MVff? 50: dressed beef and butcher steers $S 50; steers under 1 000 pounds, f S "htsf 6 2T: stockers and feeders. $2 50(66 01): cows and heifers, $8.2MrrY00; canners. $2 2Mr2 FO; hulls. $2 5Oti4.00; calves. $6 fcMJI.f: Texas and Indlnn steers, $S.60&.40; cows and hetf-rs. $2 2fvfr4 rr,. HOOR Receipts, 2 500 head; mark Re higher: pigs and lights. $5 00717.75: pac--e, $7 70ir7.96; butchers and best heavy, 8 Off 8 15. v ,'HEFP AND LA MRS Receipts, 1W) heart: market steadv: native muttons. $ 4 50: lambs $S.7r.f6 7V colls and bucks, $2.50 fj4.2T; stockers, H.0frfS.76. aioaa City Live Stock Market SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. . (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 100 hesd; mar ket nominal. Jtons Recelnts. 1000 head: market steady; range of prices, $7.90'o7.75; bulk of sales, $1.bbiii.70. stock In Sight Receipts of live stock at the six prin- Sunday. ftHfeltkttt find dlwnfinltlon of live Stor' the Union Stock Yards, bouth Omaha, Iter brasha, lor ivtm-iuur nuuis etiu.ue -O'clock p. m. November 6, 1.0M. RECEIPTS. C, M. A St. P wabash Missouri 1'actflo Union Paclflo C. 4 N. W., eaKt ot N. V.. west O., Kt. P., Ai. dt o... C, U. & Q., east C, li. tc W., west C, It. 1. Ac P., west. Illinois Central cipal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha S'f, 2 4Vi Sioux Cltv 100 2000 St. Joserh 3.700 K ansae City t.000 J.OOrt St. Louis 2.V0 3, .SCO 150 Chicago t.900 11,000 11.600 Totals 7.795 2o,600 11.650 Hows Stands 94 144 74 na'e i. 4! 47- 21 s4 7 a ' Ind lti. ns 7 20 lea 94 M4 us 47 J'. 1)4, 1!14 lHft 47H 'iiv, ts 47 IX) 4v too 1114 It. too :ts t 15 SO 5114 soo aa too 44 no W4) t.inO 1V4 000 534 WS lu IS 14 (1 2 434 4y4 l'ie'4 US 14 61 2 4:H 70W 1 7u 161 lt.2'4 63Vt SO0 4) 7U4- tDIti 47 4 74 74 13S 44 S 74 44 it Mlnarapolla t.rala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. 1WII RAT De cember, $1.00Sul.0O to tl.OuH: Mu v. 11 (13 ' gt Til.OSMi. cash: No 1 hard, $1 tM'tgLW"; f No. 1 northern. tl.02V111.li2V No. 2 north ern, ti tOHtil OO7,; No. i northern, t&co 11.00. r LAX -$1.99. COHN No. 3 yellow. 67Va''iMe. . OATH Nit. 3 white, Z.r,c. HYK-No. 3. 7titiSc. H RAN In IO0 Iti. Backs. $19 05 I'lAit'R-First patents. U 2tj5 30: second paierts. $500416 10; fust cleme. tl.3Sit4.W; second ch ars, $3.10433 30. I.lveraool Urala and Provtaloas. LI VKRroOL. Nov. S.-WH KAT-ttpo. firm; No. 2 red. western, wlnirr, 7a V1 Futures, easy; December, 7s 9A.d- March Ts 7'.d: May. 7s -,d. ' Mrcn' COKN-Spot. eu; new. American. nuxeu, via uaiveaion, a. 1 uturrs lrceniber, 6s JVid. qule;; feorla tirala Market. PKORIA. Nov. t CORN-Strons: No t yellow. Jc, old; new. Stc; No. 3. 62c, old; tVic, new; No. 4 new, 6c; no grade, new' 6orfi2c. OATS Steady; standard 40,c; No. I white TV,c Ikllaelkla Pretsre Market. PliVfADKLPHlA. Nov. RUTTER Doll, extra western creamery, Usee; extra nesrhv prints. SSc EGUS Firm and to good demand; Petin- Wheat December May Corn December May S7H W 9H 6"H $7 69V9 69 74 6h! 60VJ 6T4 5S4 Toledo teed Market. TOLEIVl. O. Nov. SKEDrJ Clover. cash, $8 7V November. $8 47H; December, $N.75; March, $S 9o. Timothy, prime. $1 So. l.txiti vg" isH KM &6'i U l.4i)0 IMS 1344s mit 100 44 4Ct 44 US 944 (k'l iuo ns 7 I.IOJ 14H4 14S 14S 2.U0U 44 42 44 14.10) 141:44 141U 14144 00 11J4 11314 11144 IHU 1.SS0 US IS bIS 1114 4014 41. 163 14 1414 1U44 tM S 4744 4 in I'O YM 106V 4.100 4014 3lf M l.aoo ) 144 to 1.800 1.01O so I'M HS 014 44 tl 6.44 to (M14 tl M"4 ! "44 11 )0 l;) 1JC44 tOO 44 901s JIM4 tow wte l ea too loS 36 '4 r 6ss ms 6K) Tle 7014 45.100 20344 '1 'J l.uuO 104 10314 lot fS M W S Loral 6-ecantlea. Uootatlons furnished by Samuel Burns. jr., 614 New York Life building: ni. AikM. City of Omaha 414s, 1927 10414 107 Cudahr Packing Co tS 100 Columbus, Neb., E. L. la. list 9414 M Cltliene- 0. A H., Waterloo. I........ 1S M Independent Tel. Is. Omaha 90 29 International Con. Co It 41 Laclede O. l. Oo. 5a, 14 mi jot Kansas CIIt R. A L. pfd. 5 per c 81 ? Nibraska Tel. Stock, t per cent 4914 10014 Omaha Gee. 1414. t per cent 104 10414 Omaha Oas Is. 191' II Omaha k. L. A P. it 1933 Vlt l'Wie Omaha E. L. A T. yti... 99 94 Omaha A C. B. St. R)r. ta. 14tt M14 100 Omaha C. B. St. Rr. te. 114 ion 101 Omaha A C. B. St. Ry. pfd 6 per c... tilt, Omaha A C. B. St. R. com. t per e... 70 14 Omaha Water Oo. ta, 1M4 94 941 Omaha Water Co. ee. llt S91A oou Omaha Water Co. 1st ptd w His gouts omana sewer 41s, 1S!4 Iff) 14 101 Slowx city suxk arc a ptd per a... u Swift A Co lot I'nion Stock Tarda. Omaha, f per ... tilt Waiters Pactfla sa, leal 94 10a It H!4 MIS ITaw York Mlmlaa Itooka. NEW YORK. Nov. , Closing Quotations en mining stocxs were as roiiows: Alice 100 iyeadTllle Con iBrunswIck Con t Little Chief t Com. Tunnel Stock... II Mexican 126 do bonds S Ontario toO Con. cel. A Va 10 Ophlr lto Horn Silver 70 standard 49 Iron Sover ..........lti Yellow Jacket 76 Ottered. OMAHA QfCNBltAla MARKET. "0 4014 tl.eOO 9144 9a) 117 109 M 900 tl44 109 S t,4) (144 KI S444 10W S414 9U0 18 '"ioo '0044 49 4144 044 II IMI4 12614 60 4444 494 1944 to til 14 II 'to 44 1944 M ts ns V fw Alslke, prime, $7.95; November, cember. $7.96; March, HOC. $75; De- Dalatk tirala Market. DULUTH. Nov. 4. WHEAT No. 1 north ern. $l (L,St; No. I northern, $1 0OV; Decem ber. 9!ilc: May. $1.03. OATS-aoVi'aJ7Vtc. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 1 MET A 1.8 The usual Saturday situation obtained In the metal markets in the absence of exchangee Slid prices were nominal. Tin Is quoted at $oa37i4.h3S 624. Lake copper Is quoted by local dealeri at $13. Otft 13.124, : electrolytic at tl27:1287V caatlng, 112 2 It $ 12 76. Lead la reported easy at t437!AT4.42Vs; speller nominal, at $4.46 asked. Iron remains steadv: northern, $13.6019.50; southern, $18 rl9.7. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. METALS Lead, firm at $4 27H Spelter, dull at $6 25. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. t. COFFEE Fut urea closed steady net unchanged to 10 points higher. Sales were reported to 25 230 bugs. Including November ai S.SOo; December, I March. 4oc: May. srK efte: July, 4 Hoe; tleptember. 4finfco fput gulet; No. T Rio, R4"oSc nominal; No. I 8anloa. k4C; mild, ruler. Cordova. XjllHc. MILWAUKEE. Nov. l-WH EAT No. 1 northern. II 0bl; No. t northern, tl 04; De cember. 1 OS. OATS 41 ti 42c. BARLKY Samples. Ml)57Hc. Undoa Stook Market. LONDON, Nov. 8. American securities crpened stesdy hers today, but aagged later In anticipation of a poor New York bank statement. A slight hardening occiirr-d later and the market closed quietly steady, a fraction either side of parity. Amalga mated Copper was firm. Ioiidon closing sUm ks: Consols, money t24t Uiulivilie A N 167 do account I 44 VI., K. T Amsl. Copper N. T C.ntral nrv, Anaconda '4 Norfolk A W Atrhiaon IMS do pfd o pia in. Is Ontario A W Baltimore Ohio. . . 1!4 Peona)lvanla 144 anadlan Pacific ISK'4 Hand Ulnae tt, c!.eeuteae A 0 91 Heating un, Chleeao O. W M Soeltiern Mr Chi., Mil. A St.;v do pfd 7114 Ie Been 11 Southirn Pi Iflc I1314 IienTir A Rio O 4914 1 10 oil Piclflc :u4 do ptd lev, do pfd loew Erll 14141' S. Steal 1V de let pfd 4t do ptd mis do 2d ptd 40 1 Wabash w Grand Trunk t, do ptd m, Illinois nentral lid Spen'.ah ts a" tSILVLR Har. ateady at 23 6-16d per oa MONEY I',n4 per cent. The late of discount In the open market for short bills is 4!t per cent; for three months' bills, 4i 111-14 per tent. Bask tlearlags. OMAHA. Nov. 4 -Bank clearings for to day were t2.398 ;4.96 and for the corres ponding date last year $1,177,152,21. 19 9 ...t 2.867 209.61 ... 2 941 026 62 ... 8.f4.27 98 ... 2.5M2HS00 ... 2 572.614 94 ... 2.3 4.71,4 9.-. If yo- ai,o anything to sell cr trad nd want luck aotloa. advertUe It In Th IVee Want A4. Columns. 1308. t I 129.3!'l 0) 1.0. 9 3M 71 1 801.077.22 1.666.3ir,.j l.JiW 043 e4 1 777,li221 Staple aid Fancy Prodnee Prices For nlshed by Bayers and Wkoleaalera. BUTTER Creamery, No. 1, delivered to the retail trad In 1-1 b. oartona. S2o: No. 1, In 60.1b. tubs. UHo; No. 2, In 1-lb. car tons, SOc; In flO-lb. tubs, 29 Wc; packing stock, 2214a; rarrcy dairy, tubs, 24o. Mar ket changes every Tuesday. EGGS Fresh selling stcok, candled, 23c. POULTRY Dressed broilers. 23c: sDrlnns 14c; hens 14c; cocks, 10c; ducks, 15a; geese, 14c; turkeys, Zbc; pigeons, per aox., II. Us. Alive, broilers un4er 2 pounds, 16c; over i pounds, loftc; hens, i0V4c; cocks, e'.fcc; ducks, full feathered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 7c; turkeys, under 10 pounds. 15c: over 10 pounds, 18c; gulna fowls, $2.50 per dox., pigeons, Sou per dox. OYSTERS Selects, small cans, 25c; large 40c; gallons, $1.9U; New York counts, small. 33c; large, 46c; gallon, 22.00; Baltimore, standards, small, 2c; large, 36c; gallon. $1.40. fish Fresh caught, almost all ire dressed: Halibut, 12'413c; buffalo, 8c; trout. loo; buuneans, 14c; catfish, 110; orappies. sunnan, suisc; Diack pass, auc; wniteiian, lc; pike, 12c; salmon, 13a; pickerel. Ho; frog legs, 46o. Fresh frozen whlteflsh. No. 1, 11c; pickerel, dressed and headless, 9; pike, dressed, 12c; redsnappers, 13c; Span ish mackerel, 19c: native mackerel, eric. BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 19c; No. 2 ribs, 12c; No. i ribs. 714c; No. 1 loin, SOc; No, lulu, liWo: No. i loin. Kite; No. 1 chuck, 61t; No. I chuck, 4vtc; No. 2 chuck, 4Vo; No. 1 round, ItVsc; No. 2 ruund. ovc; No, 6c; No. 1 plate, aVsc; No. 2 piaie, 2vc; No. plate. JMiO. FRU1 iti Oranges, Valencia seedless, 94 to 2eo sixes, $3.7; Florida, all sises, $3.26 Lemons, California fancy, Vr box, $o.6u California, extra fancy, trt.OU; extra fancy pears, fail Variety, $2.M); pouches Colorado freestones, extras, per box, 90c; grapes, Tokays, $1.60; New York, extra fancy pears, full varieties, $2.60 peaches. Colorado freestones, extras, pe box, ink.-; grapes, Tokays. $1.60; New York, per 7 -U. basket, 21c, prunes. Italian, per crate. 21.26: cantaloupea. Colorado itocky ford, standard sixes 46 melons, $2.26; pony size, 64 melons, $1.76; apples, home grown cooking, per bu. basket. 7oc: per mark I .. . L. ... , " . T, V-v... .. A In hl.l. $5.(10; California bellflowers, rer box, $1.66 Colorado box Jonathans, extra choice, e'.bU extra fancy, $3.00; western Ben Davis, in bbls., $3.60; Vt Ineaaps, In bbls., $4.00; quinces California, per box, $; graie iruit. 1 10 rlda. bi to C4 sites. 16 oU; caiirornia. 4, and 64 slses, $4 60 to $..00; cranbernes, Capu Cod. per bbl., $7 00; per box. $2.60, dates, Anchor brand. 30-lb. pkgs. In box. per box 9-.0U: llallowo en dates, due ai.out .Novein V... 1 ....... IK f 1 , f. 1. Trfk ..liM 5c slse. In box, $1.8o; cider, Netisnk., per keg, IZ.9U. KGETARLE8 Irish potatoes, per bu lUii bt'jc ; Virginia sweets, per bbl., $.50Q2 76; Wisconsin cabbsge. per lb., lVic; radishes, hot house, per dos. bunches. 35c; extra fancy letuce per dos., tic; fancy home grown parsley, per dos. bunches, $c: unions, red and yellow, In sacks, per lb., lc; Spanish onions, per crste, $160; fancy Florida eng plant, dos. $1.25; tomatoes, fancy home grown, per market basket, 60c; string and wax beans, per market basket, $1.00; ce!ery, Michigan, per doz. bunches, 2.7c; Colorado, per IS-lb. bunch. 75c; mam moth western, per dos. bunches, KT.c; cu cumbers, hot house, per dos., $126nl50; rutsbagas. Canada, per lb, ltc; horse radish. 2 dos. In case. $190; walnuts, black, per lb.. 2'4c; California No. 1, per lb., 13c; California No. 10c; garlic, extra fancy white, per lb., 10c; red. per lb.. 12c. HIDES No. 1 green. 13c; No. 1 currd, tic. Cattle. Hogs. 2 1 1 1 6 17 1 2 9 1 4 1 3 I 8 1 2 ...... U 60 Cattle. Hogs. bM .... 89 647 .... 4 L299 .... ... 902 109 132 .... 70 .... 126 .... 77 .... 12 .... 3 .... IS 6 .... 4ti 8.7 Total receipts .DiSPOsrilOiM. Omaha Packing Co swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co 8chwartx-Bolen Co Cudahy Bros Cudahy, from Kan. City Omaha, from Denver Omaha, from country riiu dt Son MoCreary & Carey Lee Rothschild Other buyers Totals CATTLE ReeelDts of cattle this morning were small, there not being enough on sale to have any on values The re ceipts for the week foot up 28,700 head, snowing a (ailing off of about 2,buu neau as complied wlm last week, but showing gain of about lR.Htxi head as coinpareu with the sums week a year ago. Kecaiuia of oomfed cattle have bean very moderate all the week, It being still early In the season to expect very much of a run ot that kind ot cattle. What tew good beevea have put in an appearance nave told very readily at prices as high aa have prevailed any time this season. un tne other hand there has Deen quite a sprinkling of warmed-up or half-fat oorn- leas mat coming into direct compemion with range cattle have met with rathsr slow rale at uneven prlaf. The tact is with cattle of that desertion It has been largely a matter of selling at the best bids obtainable and letting it go at that. The supply of range beeves has rapidly de creased as compared win previous weens, showing that the range season la rapldiy drawing toward a oloea. The demand for all desirable killers of that description hss been very good throughout the weeg and at the clone prices are ICK41I60 higher thau one week ago Cows and heifers have sold fairly well all the week, there 'being a good demand and a fair movement. Still prices have snowed comparatively little cnange, the market at the cloae or the wean oeing just about where It was one week ago. A veiv aatisfaciory trade in Blockers and feeders has ruled throughout the week. in supply and demand nave been about equal and good kinds have been free sell ers every day at firm prices. At the close It is safe to quote the market low 16c higher than one week ago, with the trade In a good healthy condition. (Quotations on cattle: uooo 10 cnoiue corn ft d steers, $7.26'ue.tXl; fair to good Corn- fed steers. Id. 20(0.7. 25; common to lair coin- fed sieei'd, t4.b0u9.25; good to choice range steers, $5.25U6.26; fair to good range steers, t4.6iu6.2o; common to fair range steers $J.You4.60; good to choice cornted cows and hellers, n.oiyo.w; iuir 10 goou cornieu tows and heuers, $3.2oru4.uu; common to talr cornied cows and nsifers, r2.2oiu3.26; good 10 eholcti rang cows ana heifers, J.siil aj; tan- to good range cows and lit ire. a. i3.;uuii.K; common 10 rair range vows aud helieis, $2.2&'tf3.2o; good 10 cuotc Blockers and feeuera. $4.60uo.2o; fair to goou Blockers and feeders, $J.toro4.5o; com mon to lair siocaers aim teeuere, c'.'a&l $.60; stock hellers. $2.9oti3.75; veal calves, 3-"ij i'-oo, bulls, stags, sic, t2.7L)'u4.W. lluus .mere waa not enougu ouaiige in ths hog market this morning as compared with yesterday to talk about. The general run of hugs having quality and some weight sold at $7.70, the same as yesterday, It being a good deal of an old time one price market, and it was very hard to get above that figure for anything regardiuss 01 how good it might be. On the other hand, light hogs lacking in quality sold at $7.biVi and under, tne same as yesteiuay. While the trade was slow In getting started, there was an active movement when once underway and everything had changed hands by 10 o'clock. Receipts of hogs this week show a gain of about 1.600 head as compared with last week, but a falling off of about t.tiuO head as compared with the same week a year ago. The market during the week has not shown very much change, prices hav ing fluctuated slightly, 60 up or 6c down, and at the close ot the week hogs are soil ing Just about where they wsr one week ago. Representative sales; Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 6 COTTON The market opened unsettled at an advance of 5ft 17 points on the active months In re sponse to the cables, but t points lower on September under continued liquidation. There was considerable support at the start owing to bullish week-end statement, but the market soon weakened under gen-i eral selling, attributed to reports from esstern sections of the belt of a slack spot demsnd. Prices during the middle of tho morning were only 2 to t points net higher on the active months. Futures opened firm: November, 14.2oe, offered; December, 14 29c: January, 14.4he; March, 14.76c; May, J4 85o; July. 14 96c; August, 14.23o; September, 12.044,12.96c; October. 12 26a. GALVESTON. Nov. 6. COTTON Steady at 1440. ' . . ST. LOUIB, NOV. S. 4J4J I 1 (JIM lower; middling. l4Vc: sales, none: receipts, 180. bales; shipments, 697 bales; stock, 24,631 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. . COTTON-Spot, quiet; prices 4 points higher; American middling fair, 7.99c; good middling, 7.75c; middling, 7.H.1C; low middling, 7.63c; good ordinary. 7.27c; ordinary, 1.0'ie. The sales of the day were 12.000 balea, of which 600 were for speculation and export and Include 1L 400 American. ALLEGED BANK SWINDLER ARRESTED Ilenrr O. West Wanted at Davenport la., and Hereral Otker Cities, Cnplared at Ch lea pro. CHICAGO, Nov. 5 Henry O. West, an alleged former convict, was arrested hers today on the charge of being ths leader of a gang of bank swindlers who havs obtained mors than .25,000 from banks In Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, Florida, New York, Wisconsin, South Carolina and Canada. His arrest led to the discovery that he had been leading a double life his wife and many of his friends thinking he was a traveling salesman employed by an eaatern hardware company. 1 It is likely West will b taken to Daven port, la., for the first trial, as he Is said to have swindled the Iowa National bank of that olty out of t80. West and four companions are said to have been operat ing since last March, when they were in Florida. Ten weeks ago while working In tit. Joseph, Mo., West and his companions are said to have swindled eleven banks In one day, getting about 2500 from each bank. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 6. Eleven 8t. Joseph banks wers swindled out of about $500 each by two men, who said they were from Ht. Louis and had Just disposed of their business Interests there. They made small deposits In each, a few days later they deposited forged checks on ths Third National bank of St. Louis, and then with draw their deposits on checks. A reward of $5,000 was offered for the capture of the men. The local batiks were swindled August 23. Monday .... Tueeday ... Wednesday Thursday ., Friday Saturday ... Total Increase last year. Treasarr Statement. WASHINGTON. Nov. .-The oondltjon of the treaaury St the beginning of business today was as follows: TruM funds Gold coin. t74 262.n; silver dollars. $477.201.); silver dollars of 1M90. $4 (v aj; ivr certifi cates) outstanding, t4n7.2ul.0o9. General f und Standard silver dullais in geneial tl,l4. 516.10 tll.092. 935.11 over the corresponding week $4.9W1..V0 98. Standard H educe Refined Oil. NEW YORK. Nov. 6 The Standard OH company today announced a ten-point re duction In the price of refined oil. a fol lows: Refined, In cases. 19 45 cents; ie fined. In tanks, 4 55 cents; standard whlir. 4 0.". cents. The company also reduced the pile of crude oil five points to 1 4H cents. l.o an and lit est wood. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 1 (Special.) An In teresting foul ball gam net ween the Logan High school and Glenwood lllali achool haa been set dos n on the docket for Satur day afternoon, November 6, at Logan. As both teams, hsvs been victorious in many hard fought battles up to dale, a large atieudauo is anticipated Saturday. Ne. St.... 74 ... 14... 9... 44.... 40... tl . . . . ti.... 21 ... ill ... 74. ... to... 13. ... SB ... 10 ... 64 ... U ... . ... li... (.... 11 .. 0.... 6 ... 17.... K ... 4 J . . . 44.... At. Sh. rr. ..171 44 Tn ..S41 60 1 46 ..641 90 7 46 ..1st ... 1 to ,.4 190 1 44 ,.2t4 40 1 tS ..t44 20 t 46 ISO 1 414 ...117 ...ltn ... ..too ... ...ill ... ...yrt ...:u 140 ...14 241 ....07 too ...Ml ,2S4 1 -s 1 4;4 7 47 Is 1 67S 1 87 4 7 ;4 T.e;i, 7 lv 7 70 40 1 70 7 70 .. ill 120 7 10 ...J7 90 t 79 .. M4 ... 7 79 ...i',4 19 t 79 ...269 190 .1 70 ...1.1 SO I 7 0 7 70 ...14S ... 1 70 ...SI 190 1 70 Ns. 17.. la.. 4S.. 79.. t.. 96. . 43.. 44 . 44.. 63.. 0. . ! . . 90. . 11 . li,. . 67 . . 64 . 72 . t,. . 17. . 14.. S3 . f4 .. 67.. 64 . Sh. rr. 40 1 70 40 7 TO ... 7 70 40 7 70 . 940 1 TO 1U 210 7 10 !4S 40 7 70 171 J,' 7 70 . . a7 M0 7 10 l T 70 ) 1 10 so 7 lo At. ..X'4 .944 ..271 .240 .244 21 a 240 1 7 70 1 70 1 10 7 10 .2S 200 1 10 ...,yt ... 11214 ....ns 40 T !24 .. 7 7J. ... 2I l'JO Hi, ... 274 240 7 T9!i ....54 m 7 72", ....141 ... 7 74 ....21 240 7 121 ....;1 ... 7 76 ....217 40 1 74 CASH AND J30NDS STOLEN Maaked Bandit Blows Safe In Home of Scantier Ranler at Bar-Una-ton, N. J. BURLINGTON, N. J.. Nov. 5. -Cash and bonds amounting to nearly $10,000 were stolen from the home of Schuyler Ranter, aged 72 years, by a masked bandit late to day. Although the Ranler home is less than half a mile from ths Florence post office, ths robber, after locking ths aged farmer's housekeeper In her room, blew ths safe with dynamite, hastily gathered ths contents and departed without leaving a trace of his ts hereabouts. Mrs. Jane Nlckson, an aged woman, ths only occupant of the house at the time. Is 'In a critical condition tonight from shock and a struggls with ths bandit. Tonight A possa la searching for ths robber. ELLIOTT, GENERAL ATTORNEY Tyxidall Man Removed from Rate for United States Senator by Tkls Appointment. ABERDEEN, fl. D.. Nov. t.-(Speclal)-It was snnounced In Aberdeen today that James D. Elliott of Tyndall, formerly United States district attorney, had so cepted the tender of tbe position of gen eral attorney for tha Milwaukee Railroad company for tha states of Nortn and South Dakota, with headquarters In Aberdeen. Th appointment of Elliott sets at rest a rumor that he will enter the lists as an opponent of .Senator Robert J. Gamble when th latter come up for re-election OTHERS Tho Omaha Doo It ON SALE Atlanta, Ga. World-Yoma News Co. Atlantic City, N. J. 8hep Pros.. 5411 P--lfic An. Penn News Co, Aralon, Cal. Amos News Co. nininfrs, Mont, D. E. WoUson. Ilolse, Idaho Orsy-Stubblefleld Co. C. Bonettl, 931 Main. Boston, Mass. Youngs Hotel. Vendom Hotel. Buffalo, S. V. C. H. Landman. Hotel Irouuols. Oenesee Hotel. Pamuel Cohn, 15$ Elhurit. Hadler Hotel . Klllcctt Square News Stand. Butte, Mont. Keefe Bros. Chicago, 111. Auditorium. Ai,d,uiliini Anne. Empire News Stand, Jackson A Dearborn. Uieat Northern. Ciucago Newspaper Ag'y, ITS Madison. Otanu PaclUi) Hotel. 1 aimer House. Cjuern City News C. .Tekon Blvd. 1'. O. Netta fc'tand. l.S Dearborn. Kaiseriiult Hotel, 274 Claia. Cincinnati, Ohio L. Peterson, 24 West 9th. Cleveland, Ohio Hollenden. Colorado Springs, V'olo. Antlers Pharmacy Co. Colo. Wholesale Newspaper Agency. Destdwood, S. li. risliel CO. Black Hills News Co. Franklin News Co. Denver, Colo. H. P. Hanson. Majestic News Co. Jos. OConnel), 171J Waie. Western Nw Agency, 100 17th fit. S. Wldetn. Kendrick Book Stat. Co.. Jit 17th. brown Palace Hotel. Dog Moines, la. Fred Gels, 647 W. 16th Ave. Moses Jacobs, 300 tth BU Edmonton, Alt, Can. Dominion Cigar A News Stores Co. 32 Jasper Ave. W. Excelsior Springs, Mo. S. D. Hlgbee, 206 S. Marietta BX ' W. C. W. C. Collins, Ths Royal Hotel. Helena, Mont. W. A. Moor. Hot (springs. Ark. T. Marks. 92S Central Ave. Fort Pitt New Cc. Dan A. Shannon. 194 Central Ave. C. H. Weaver Co. Hot Springs, S. D. Emll Hal gens. L. 11. Jennings. Uouston, Texas White News Co International Naws Agency. Indltuiapolls, Ind. World-Yoma Naws Co. Kansas City, Mo, World-Yoma News Co., Ct Wall St. Rickseeker Cigar Co., tth end Walnut Retd s News Agancy, 400 S. 2th. Los Angeled, Cal. Amos News Co., 711 80. Olive. M. U. Halllday. Way Newa Co. LodisvlUa, Ky. Kentucky International Naws Co. Memphis, Tenn. World-Yoma Nws Co, Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel Pflster. frank aiiikurn, Grand Ava and Id B Minneapolis, Minn. ' Century News Co., t SO. Ird. Nicoilet Hole;, W. J. Kavsnaugh, 4 8. 3d SL Mew Orleann, La. Hotel Urunewaid. New Xork Cltjr, N. Y. Edward Dorf, World Bldg., Arcade. K. loporoif, Times EOJ' biauuii. Imperial Hotel. Knickerbocker Hotsl. lion man House. Grand Union Hotel. HoUsnd Hotel. Murrav Hill. Hotel Belmont. Waldorf-Astoria. Hotsl Mannattan. Aslor House. Harry J. Schulte, Times Square Siatlot Oakland. CU. Amos News Co. Athens News Co, Ogden, I'tah Hsrrop & Goddard. J. Oabs Taylor, 2436 Grant Ava. D. L. Boyl, 110 26th Bt. Low Bros., 114 2otn bt, Gray Newa Co. Pasadena, Cal. Amos News Co. Philadelphia, P. Penn News Co. Quaker News Co., SOO Green, SL -liellevu Stratford Hotel. Pittsburg, Pa. Fort Pitt News Co. Portland, Ore. Oregon Nws Co. Central Cigar Stsrs, tn Wash., Cor. 6th, Rose City News Co. Bowman Naws Co. Bt. Joseph, Mo. J. Berger, $21 Kdmond St Pioneer News Co. Robldoux Hotel. fit. Louis, Mo. Southern Hotsl. E. T. JetL Bt. Paul, Minn. Cleveland News Room. 101 W. 7th 6t. Edw. U. Fltspstrlck, 131 WabasH Ava N. tit Marie. bltbhl'-'lmte were no sheep of conse quence received thle morning us is usually tne case on Miluruay, aud me market rc inaineu lioininany steady. Volume ot lecelp.s nils week has busn notably liberal lot in, eeuxon of I he ,ai. In fact, the range nun tnieiit instead 01 Subsiding lias exceedtd that of lust Meek by about lo.o.u hcuu. In toe neigiiborhood of 80.UU0 head were received tin week as compaied with 64 900 head the' previous week, and ii.Jfi head for th same wuek of laat year. The weK opined with a decidedly bear ish tone to killing stock and prices sufltred more or less on all kunls of fat sheep and lambs. On Tuexday. however, the market rallied sharply and Improvement has fea tured the trad each succeeding day. The tlumand for fat lambs lias been espoclslly broad and ths better clashes were eagerly sought at all times. ("orient prices on young killers range from 2:"nfi0c higher than last Friday. The belter kinds of fat sheep sre closing fully a quarti r hiKher than a week ago Willi common and Inferior classes right around 1..C higher. Nebraska haa been a libeial patron of the feeder mantel lately, and, while Dure has been no startling advance In prices. tbe Inquiry has been very ectly and th BUT YOUR STOCKS OUTRIGHT You don't need a lot of money on our Installment Payment Plan. We buy th locks for you any Standard Railroad or Industrial securities you wentand let you pay ua In small monthly paymants Stock belongs to you on first payment and full dividends sre exclusively your own. No MAK'HN CALLS, no forfeiture of payments, and privilege of selling at will. These are some of th advantages. Your dividends will In many caaes rover the entlr carrying coat. Your account will not be jeopardised by declines In t .' market. Writ today for full particulars to YOIJIMCJ 4 COMPANY BAST K Cava AJSD ISOIlkl, 141 Broadway. 2fw York Our. We deal only In securities listed on rec ognised Stock Kxchangea. Herbert LGoocli Co. Brokers ani Dealeri SAX. raVYUIOBB. STOCsTA Osuaaa Offlcei SIS If. T. Idle Blag. VU Xlshea, Dostlss S3L. lae4aal, !! as a A -SI as. Qldee. ana LaWseat ttauss la tba tTata Sacramento, Cal. Amos News Co. Bait Lake City, I'tah Kenion Hotel. Earl McKale. Hosenield A Lv.dwlg. Hotel Knutsford. San Antonio, Tesas M J. Hewitt ban Diego, CaL K. M. Chllds. San Francisco, CaL North Whatly Nsws Co. Hotel Bt. Franola. United Nws Agents, 11V Eddy St. Ban Jose, Cal, F. L. t'rego. Seattle, Wash. Amos News Co A. leserll. Chss. H. Gorman. Frank U. Wilson. 207 Plks tl. Sheridan, Wyo. J. C. Jackaon. Warner A Canfleld. H. A. Floyd. Sioux City, la. West Hotel. W. F. Luncan. Iowa Bldg. Marshall Bros. Gerald Fltzglbbon. Spokane, YVah. John W. Graham. Stockton, Cal. Tourist News Co. Taeouia, Wash. Trego Nsws Co. Washington, D. O. National News Agency. .N( Kalelgh Hotel. Columbia News Co. Arlington Hotel. JHIgse' House. liecker at Orndorff, Th Fairfax.