unday- Bee. PART VI lWA'NT ADS PACES 1 TO I VOIj. XXXIX NO. 21. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, 19W. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. TZf gre. 1 E 1 . rM& Omaha WAMT ADS llTtsr-l . V JO. I Want - Ads ATrlUrnrli for tk want rolemns will b taken aalll 13 m. for the nrilif edition 4 antll S18O p. n. fa II- tloas. Cash aul accompany all orders for waat ad and ao advertisement will he accepted for leaa thaa SO ceatf for flrot Insertion. Ratea apply to either The Dally or Sunday Bee. Always eooat six worda to a llae. CASH RATES FOR WAWT ADS. V HKCILAR CLASSIFICATION One tnaerttoa, 1 1.3 ceata par word and 1 cent per word for each anbaeojaent laacrtlon. Bach ' Inaertlon made on odd day a, 1 1-2 penta per word f 1.00 per lino per month. Want ads for The Bee mar he left ne la your "corner dnrtnt" they are all branch offlcea for The Bee ad year ad will he Inacrted Jnat aa propmtly and oa the aame ratea aa at tha mala office la The Bee Balldlnn-, Seventeenth and Far nam at recti I Albach, W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranck, B. A.. 1402 8. 10th 8t. Bcoht Pharmacy, 720 S 16th St. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh, 2S1 (Sherman Ave. r Caughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Sts. ' Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte, J. B.. 31st Ave. and Farnarn. C'rlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 Pouth 16th St Cermak, Emll, 1264- 8. 13th St. Ksatman Pharmacy, 4046 Hamilton. Ehler, F. H., 2002 Leavenworth. Foster & Arnoldl, 213 N. 25th St. Freytag, John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence.' Neb. Ooldmen Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough. O. A., 105 S. 10th Bt. Oreenough, O. A., 10th and Hickory- Hayden. William. C, 2920 Farnarn 6t Hanscom Park Phar., 1501 S. 29th Ave. Hoist. John, 624 N. lth St. Huff. A. L., 2!24 Leavenworth St. Johunsnn Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding Sta. Kin. H. g.,.2238 Farnarn St. Kountte Place Pharmacy, 3S04 N. 4th. Mares. Fred L, 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24th SL I Lathrop, Charlea E., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. I E., 24th and Leavenworth St. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave. ' Hchaefer'a Cut Price Drug Store, 16th and Chicago St. Sihaefer, August, 2631 N. ICth St. Schmidt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sts. Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Bta. Wlrth, O. H.. 40th and Hamilton Sts. DEATH AIU FUNERAL lfOTICBS. ' fcCENNKDY Mrs. Mary, aged 70 years, No vember 6. 1809. " -Funeral from family residence, 1518 Cen ter, Monday. 7 a. m., tu Jit Patrick s church at 7:30 a. m. Interment Platts muuth. Neb., leaving via Burlington at :15 a. m. Mrs. Kennedy is survived by three sons, John, Felix and Edward, and by five-daughters, Anna and Blanch Kennedy, Mrs John McCaffrey and Mrs Leo bchroe dtr. - MI 'MA UGH William P., aged 62 years. Saturday, November 6, 1909. Funeral .Sunday at 2 p. in. from the resi dence, 2017 Fowler Ave. HlltTHS AM) DEATHS. . Births Theodore Chrlstenson, 2901 South Slxttinth. uoj ; T. Howell, S0K3 Cass. boy; J. V. Damon, 2628 Decatur, girl; Joe Cu.uriislud, l'S? North Twenty-seventh, gin; Jus. Keller, 2821 Dorcas, boy; Alex Aladaen. 4510 Fowler avenue, girl; W. R. Callander. Forty-second and Fort, boy William V'olker, 2407 North Nineteenth, girl. Deaths Richard H. Dunlap, 1909 Call fornla. Infant; Wlllifred J. DeWItt, 2222 Howard. 29; Arthur C. Danlelson. 2fCi Brown. 1; Kdilh Ut-ntz, Thirty-fourth and Meredith, 29. MARRIAGE LICENSES. following marriage licenses were ... .. . and Residence. Age. i Rsonca, South Omaha 36 Kutxdlvl, .Mouth Omaha 3 The Viara Andrew Annie REAL ESTATE REAL. ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Kst. IRRs; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Farnam St. GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3W7. VAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Brando'. Bldg. RKAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON. President REAL ESTATE & REAL ESTATE LOA N8 K. H. Ambler, 3Ui-H Barker Blk, D. 735. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. HANSCOM PARK HOME t rooms, nearly new, all modern, with HOT WATER HEATING, paving paid. Owner leaving city; will take fS.VW. TERM. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE. Uround F.oor. N, EVERYBODY'S Desire Is To OWN A HOME The great question la "HOW CAN YOU?" We can In a large measure help you. We will sell you a brand new cosy little home of 6 rooms, with a little money down and your rent money will pay for It. This home Is at 3uW Dewey Ave., which is In easy walking distance, and the house is modern In every detail. The price is only $3.M. which is the same or less than la asked for same sited houses out In the suburbs, miles away from the business center, t'ome to inspect It today between 3 and 4 p. m. Kl JOHNSTON CO., 'Phone Douglas 12K. 1614 Farnam St. New Bungalow Cottage N. W. Cor. 42d St. and Lafayette Ave., B rooms, bath, furnace, mission finish, birch, tak and maple, full basement, with laundry sink: large floored attic: lot iux lit). Its a beauty. Price. $3,400. Terms a rtasonable cash payment, balance monthly. Benson & Myers Co. Sole Agnus. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone l. 744 KOINTZE PLACE. My list of desirable residences In Kountae place couipitnes house Urge and small, lu-w and nearly new; alo several choice tlouble houses, brick and frame. tonn of then, bargains ny be had on terms of oneutti cash, balance like rent If you vi an1 1 a home or investment upun a 10 per eaaM Income baais, w-v me. C. 8. bhepard. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR I A IE. (Continued. D. V. SH0LES CO. Ill Board of Trade Bldg. 16th and Farnam Sts. CREIGIITON'S SECOND ADDITION On Military Ave., Between Seward and Parker Sts. is the prettiest high, sightly addition In th city. Sewer, water, gas and permanent walks, with uniform grade, make It de cldedly attractive. 1 Prices from 2500 to o00 for exceptionally choice lots. , BUNGALOW CITY Is Located in the Above Addition. and we want you to go out today and look over the handsome new houses we are offering on easy-to-buy terms, or reasonable discount for cash. These houses are exceptionally well built, very artistic In architectural features, thoroughly modern and up-to-date, handsomely finished and decorated . inside, and we sell them at less than you can buy a lot and build equally as good. This Is because we contracted to build sixteen houses Instead of one house, and we built theee for the purpose of building up the addition. Ten out of sixteen are already sold to good people, who occupy them for homes. Good car service, good location. Is an attractive feature. Our salesman will be on the ground Sunday afternoon to show these houses Don't fall to go and see them. CREIGIITON'S FIRST ADDITION South of Hanscom park, the most popular selling addition ever placed on sale In Omaha, 36th SL and 36th Ave., three and four blocks west of 32d Ave. car line, we still have some very choice lots with water and permanent walks, from t-tO0 to 500. On terms of one-fifth down and balance six egual semi-annual payments. Look, at these and you cannot resist buying". MILTON ROGERS' PLACE .. AJmost in the heart -of Omaha, within three minutes' walk of theaters and business center, at the prloe we are offering lots, $60 per ft., with 5 per cent dis count for cash, is the most attractive property for modern flats or apartment house of any property In the city. Leavenworth St. business frontage is also very cheap. Tou can't go amiss buying here. ; 12,4502805 Templet on, very choice 6-room, 133 ft. Price reduced for quick sale $3,800 21 So. 34th St, 60x140 ft., east front, two blocks west of Hanscom park, high, sightly, paved street, 8-room house, all modern. Small barn. $3,800 44th and Farnam St., 60x123 ft., with 7-room, mod. house. $5,600120 So. 37th St., Just off Farnam,. 2-story, 8-room house, all modern, with oak finish, oak floors; lot 37',4il32 feet. Exceptionally choice location and cheap. $6,500 On Uetmear Dodge St.. 60x125 ft, with nearly new 8-room, modern, two-story house. Choice location. $6,909113$ So. 31st St., Hanscom Place, SOxljo-ft. lot, two-story, ten-room, modern house, with barn. Choice location In Hanscom Place. Owner left the city, anxious to selL s $7,000-1026 So. 32d St., H block north of Paclflo car .line, .large, well-built 10-room thoroughly modern house; fine oak finish, hot water heated, good plumbing and large lot 60x167 ft This property is a bargain and It is an excellent well-built home, all back-plastered. $13,600 West Farnam residence, I rooms, strictly modern; lot 60xlX feet; one of the choicest residences for sale in this section, as to location, arrangement and condition. Built about four years ago, thoroughly modern and very hand' somely deqorated. See ua for furth er particular CHOICE HOMES Near Northwest Cor ner Hanscom Park. An excellently appointed 10-room house, well built; 3 handsome tiled bath rooms, besides one servants' bath; fine billiard room, finished in quarter eawed oak, one of the handsomest billiard rooms In the city. Thousands of dollars have been spent en this home, making It thoroughly up-to-date and complete. It Is In flratrcleas condi tion, well located, and can be bought at an exceptional bargain. We want to show you through It, and. If you like It will make the price right THE J. B. KITCHEN HOME TO THOSE IN OMAHA WHO CAN AFFORD A LUXURIOUS HOMB OF WHICH THERE ARB MANY SHOULD BY ALL MEANS INVESTIGATE THB BEAUTIFUL HOME WE OFFER ON S3D AVE, ERECTED BT THB LATQ J. B. If ITCH EN AT A COST OF NEARLY $100,000, INCLUDING THB GROUND. The house is built to last several lifetimes. It Is without exception one of the handsomest homes In the city, with large grounds,' 308 feet front by 139 feet deep. The house Is beautiful Inside, handsomely finished and In Al condition throughout For the man of means with a large family this Is an opportunity seldom offered. Any one with means and need of a house of this kind will snap it up Immediately If he would only investigate It INVESTMENTS t 7,000 6xlSJ feet, east front on 13th. between Jackson and Jones, In the heart of the city, and at 'the price It ought to be snapped up immediately. Excellent for warehouse or similar purpose. Decidedly cheap. $ 8.000 St. Louis flat of neat and thorough construction, strictly modern and up-to-date in every particular, on Jones St., between 13th and 30th, In Milton Rogers' Place. Rtntal ttfOO per year. $13,000 A new four-apartment modern and up-to-date brick flat building, southeast corner 2Mb and Howard Sts., nearly completed and rented In advance to four excellent tenants without children, at $100 per month. Birch finish Inside, with oak floors,'' sepai ate furnace for each apartment and thoroughly modern. This is the slaed flat that always Insures waiting tenants. $17,000 A pair of St. Louis flat . buildings, northeast corner Park Ave. and Harney; very well built, thoroughly modern; renting at $1,800 per year to good tenants. Choice location and good rental Investment. 3-Fine Building Lots-3 Only $10 Cash and $5 to $10 Per Month will buy a splendid lot on Olln Ave., or Fredertck St., between 15th anil 16th. On grade, city' water, cement walks, three fine, new cottages adjoining and more going up. Prices only $425 to $T0B. with complete abstract and all taxes paid. Payne, Bostwick& Co., 'Sole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Life 7-KOOM, NEW, MODERN - House. I.erge lot. In western part of city. VERY EASY TERMS Desirable neighborhood, and price Is right. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Lot, $1,150 Near Mr. Joalyn's residence. Harrison & Morton $1.300 6-ROOM cottage In good location, city water and gas In house. $1,800 Large new 8-room house on 55-foot lot, near to car. Is a SNAP. $2,000 New 8-room cottage on full lot, near to car, only $JOO cash. $1,000 Nearly new 8-room house pear Kountae Place, la bargain. MF.NOKDOHT CO.. 34 N. Y. Life Bldg. Doug. 2oi; A-3J43 REAL ESTATE CITT PKOPKRTV FOR S ALB (Continued.) Telephones: Douglas 49; Independent A-2049. mod. except heat, well located, lot 42x and it's cheap. 20 Acres West Dodge St Road Eight and a quarter miles from Omaha's business center. Fine location for country home, fruit or dairy farm; 200 grapes, 40 fruit trees of various varieties. 300 maple and 10 spruce trees already set out and growing. This beautiful tract is about miles west of Claus Siever's place, which recently sold at $600 an acre. Unimproved land in the immediate vlolnWy of this acre age Is held at $2U0 and $300 an acre. We are offering this place for a few days only at $180 an acre. Benson & Myers Co. Sole Agents. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. Phone D. 74fi. Close-in Bargain 617 N. SOth St.T new, t-room house, strUyly modern, oak finish, combination fixtures, fine location, one-half block to Harney car, high and sightly. Owner left city and is sacrificing his home. Price, $6,300. Immediate possession. Payne, Bostwick& Co., Sole Agents. Main Floor N! Y. Life. 4-ROOM, brand new cottage, cloae to tar, north side. Price. Il.feo. Terms. P. O. NEILSEN CO. 70S N. V. L. bldg Both Phones A few choice lots near Dundee, Benson or South Omaha for $1.00 down and tou a week without interest or taaee. N. P. DODUE CO., 1714 Farnam St., Doug. tit. REAL ESTATE CITY FROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) TUKEY'S SALE! Bids Coming In! November 10th Is Wednesday; on that day we open the bids on the fol lowing property, as announced last week. This property Is to be sold to the highest bidder, and as evidence of good faith a check for $25.00 must accompany each bid. This property is all owned by one Holding Company, and they have Instructed us to clean It up. It is, of course, understood that the bid must be reasonable or same will not be accepted. Cut out this list; look over the property and make us a written, sealed bid, with an endorsement on the envelope that It is a bid, and we will hold same until Wednesday, when all will be opened, and In case your bid Is refused, your money will be returned This is a genuine sale and a chance own price and on your own terms, as any of this property. STEWART PLACE Lots 24 and cago Sts. WEST END Lots 17 aod 18, north of Dodge St. Lot 21, block 14, east side of 35th Lot 22, block 11, east side of 35th Lots 3 and 4, block 15, west side port St. Lot 8, block 4, west side of 31st RALPH PLACE Lots 24 and 25, feet west of 4 2d St. WILCOX ADDITION Lot 13, east side of 25th St. WILCOX SECOND ADDITION of 20th St., on south side of Elm St. McCORMICK ADDITION Lot 7, hob Be at 2964 Harney St. PADDOCK PLACE! Lots. 4 and on 16th St., between Yates and Burdette. LINCOLN PLACE Lot 3, .block 4, 100 feet west of 4 6th St., on sotith side of Cass St. IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Lot 5, block 9, 82 feet west of 16th St.,' on north aide of Castellar St., 82x188 ft. , '' -' ' ' - ' ' HARLEM LANE Lots 26, 27 and 28, 25 feet north of Sprague, on east side of 88th St. ' " -( WALNUT HILL Lot 16. block 19, 150 feet west of 47th Ave., pn north side of Nicholas St. i SOUTH OMAHA, FOWLER PLACE Lots 13 and 14, block 1, north east corner 38th and R Sts. SOUTH OMAHA PARK Lot 3, block 4, 75 feet east of 34th St., on south side of X St. , . COUNCIL BLUFFS, RIDDLE'S SUBDIVISION Lot 6, block 10, and lot 6,, block 7, both trackage lots, on the west side of South Main St. A. P. TUKEY & SON 'Phones: Douglas 2181; Harney 145. A Chance to Save The best savings account Is where you put your money into real estate. We have a few lots, well located, close to school and in improved locality, at $150 each. $100 down and 50 cents per week. A savings account that continually grows In value. Call at office and get plat. W. J. DERMODY INV. CO., Tel Doug. 6108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. 2720-2722 FRANKLIN ST. A GOOD INVESTMENT ON EASY TERMS. SEE THIS 6-room, modern cottage and S-room cottage, paved street all paid for. Lot 60x127, fruit and shade trees, will sell to the two houses together or separate as desired at bargain prices. Let us show them to you, can arrange very easy terms. This Is your oppor tunity to get a home. R. H. LANDER YOU, 442 Board of Trade. Tel. Doug. 21S1. Ind. A-21&1. 1,200 A. $25 An A. NEAR CRAWFORD. NEB. Hirrison tc Morton $2,350 Northeast corner of $lst and Ohio, 6-room modern, except heat, gas and electric light. Now occupied, but possession will be given December 1st. Small payment down, balance practically the aame as rent. C. G. Carlberg . Ill N. T. Life Bldg NOTICE TO HOMB BUYERS. I buy, sell and ' exrhange real estate. No fee unless successful. BHOPEN. 630 PAXTON BLOCK REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR BAf.ll (Continued.) to you immediately. to pick up some property at your it is not necessary to pay all cash for 25, northwest corner 39th and Chi block 11, east side of 35th St., 200 feet Ave., 150 feet south of Davenport St. St., 120 feet south of Davenport St. of 35th Ave., 250 feet south of Daven St., 150 feet north of Dodge St. block 1, north side of Dewey Ave., 60 block 11, 150 eet south of Elm, on Lots 6 and 6, block 20. 150 feet west block 10, being an 8-room modern 8, block 6, trackage lots fronting west 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. IMPROVED PROPERTIES 12,000 New cottage, 5 rooms, all modern except heat: situated 3 blocks south" of Ames Ave. car ' barn. Terms reasonable. 13,000 New cottage, 5 rooms, all modern; oak trim; two add I tional rooms finished In base ment; cistern, with pump In kitchen; also in laundry in basement; lot 100x150 feet; lots of fruit trees; located No, 4517 Lafayette Ave. 14,000 Eight rooms,- all modern; large barn; corner lot; north east corner 41st and Farnam Sts. This is a real bargain. 112,500 Nine rooms and ball room. strictly modern; east front; complete In every respect; sit uated No. 502 N. 40th St. $12,000 Eight rooms and hall; mod ern in every respect. Owner removing from the city. This fine home is situated at the southeast corner of 41st and Farnam streets, has a frontage of 88 feet on both Farnam and Harney Sts.; both streets paved W.Farnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farnam St. Tels.: Doug. 1064; Ind. A-1064. INVESTMENT A very substantia S-story brick flat building of five apartments at the a. w. cor. lftth and Davenport. Only 2j blocks from postoffice. An nual rental $3.:t00. Price $27. 600 for short time. Nothing better on market. The Byron Reed Co. Phones Doug 29? A 334. 212 8. 14th. Good Cottage Cheap Five rooms and bath, ' new plumbing, electric lights good cellar, cement walks, newly painted, east front lot; half block from Sherman Ave. car. Prlre, $1,400; easy terms. Reed Brothers 1710 Karnjm St. Phone Douglas 'M ' CHOICE ST. LOUIS FLATS close in and well rented. Owner wants cash offer. Kee me if Interested. A good op portunity for some one. R. H. IiANDEItYOU, 442 Board of Trade. . Tel. Doug. SJiL Ind. A-21M- REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTV FOR SALB (Continued.) Glover Realty Syndicate Ground Floor N. Y. Life. OPEN FOR INSPECTION TODAY DfNDKE BI'NOAI.OW, now being completed, south side of Capitol Ave. between fOth and Mat, ono of the beet arranged houses we have ever had listed. Note the arrangement: FIRST FLOOR Large living room entire width of house, with very neat ttreplare; a cheerrul dining room, with plenty of light; a den or library; com plete pantry, good kitchen, living rooms h,ardmnod finish, mahogany and oak with beamed ceilings in living room and dining room; walls tinted. Second Floor Three nice bd rooms, with large closete; bath room, white en amelled, with excellent plumbing throughout HASEMKN'T-Full Blie under entire house, 28x4S, cemented, with coal bins, fruit cellar, laundry and furnace. PRICE $4,500 complete, and good terms to good party. House open for Inspection from 10 to 12 this morning. Come out and see this house and compare values with anything you have ever seen before. ONE BLOCK TO Open from 2:J0 to 6 today for Inspection. That new house on GEORGIA AVK., just south of Hickory fit. on the east side park car line, BUNGALOW style, but full two stories and attic, arranged as follows: Living room full width of house, French windows leading to front porch, 10 ft. wide; oak staircases built In; two window seats In this room; good sited dining room, with piste rail and oak panelling; large pantry, complete with shelves, draw ers, etc.; kitchen white enamelled; first floor prettiest oak finish you'll find any where. Second Floor Three very nice bed rooms, with closets, windows In outside clos ets; complete bath room, white enamelled; doorway to back porch, arranged for sleeping porch If desired. ATTIC Finished in one large room, make desirable blllard room or sleeping apartment FULL BASEMENT Complete with furnace room, rnal hlns. rlnnet lnunitrv nit floor drain. LOT Is 00x150, east front, paving all paid. PRICE Is $6,600 and $2,000. or possibly less will handle It. BUILT BY DAY LABOR FOR A HOME. We stand back of this house. WHY NOT TAKE ADVANTAGE OF A GOOD DAY TO SEE THESE HOUSES? GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE W. H. GATES Room 617 New York Life Bldg. . Phone Douglas 1294. $2,100 Five-room new bungalow, at 3104 Hamilton, south front lot 6 Ox 125; paved street; two blocks from Harney car. $1,900 Seven-room house, on Dav enport, near 28th, and small house in rear fronting on Boulevard; lot 25x 149. BARGAIN. $2,600 Seven-room, 2-story housa on Locust, near 2 4th, IN BEST OF RE PAIR. MUST BE SOLD. $8,500 Eight-room modern house, at 1625 Lothrop; barn; lot 50x124; paving all paid. GOOD THING TO BUY. t , $4,200 Ten-room modern house, on Spencer St., near Boulevard. $5,000- Seven-room NEW modern house, on Lothrop, Just west of 16th; oak finish, oak floors, full basement, laundry, httlc partially finished; good large barn; lot 50x124; shade and fruit trees. Price on that large fine home at 2024 Wirt St. has been reduced to $6,500. 60x140, east front on 18th, north of Kountze Place, for $550. 40x110, corner 25th and Grant. $5.00 IS ALL IT TAKES TO MAKE A START TO OWN A LOT In Lincoln Heights Addition Located between 36th and 42d streets, Maple and Wirt. Only a few blocks to ear and school. This whole addition lies high and sightly. Homes being built all around it. TERMS-$5.00 CASH; $5.00 A MONTH. NO INTEREST-NO TAXES PRICES FROM $05.00 TO $200.00. Salesmen on the ground today from 2 to 5 P. M. Call at thj office or by phone any other, day and we will have one of our salesmen meet you and-show the lots. Make up your mind to buy one of these lots now don't put it off. A good way to get in the habit of saving. The lots are sure to advance. Don't buy a lot until you have looked over this addition. No other addition to compare with on the same terms and prices. , HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1614 Harney Street. f Branch Office 41st and Maple Sts. Open Today 2 to 5 P, M. 1509 Frederick St. Brand new bungalow, five nice living rooms, parlor and dining room, mission finish with mission electric combination fixtures, two bed rooms and bath room. Floors all finished for rugs, good cellar, large attic, cement walks all around house, sodded lawn, all ready to occupy. Price, $2,900; $300 to $.M0 down, balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick& Co., Bole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Life. Snap E Z Terms 3S40 Hamilton St., g rooms, all modern, brick house, ' slate roof, barn, lot 4.'xl.r..'l, paved street, one block to Walnut Hill ca;. I'rlce, $2,HW If sold this week. Benson & Myers Co. Sole Agents. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg.' Phone D. 74. 7-ROOM, all mtdern house, nesrly new, large lot. fine neighborhood, walking dis tance. I'rlce. $4.2b0. H. O. NKILSEN CO.. 703 N. Y. I Bldg. Both I'lionei : S-ROOM house, modern excepting fur nace and to ft. fronting east. N. lath 81., $1,860. RINGWALT BROS., " 808 8. ISth et. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR ALU (Continued.) Both Phones. HANSCOM PARK A SHORT TALK TO PROSPECTIVE LOT i PURCHASERS If you are figuring on building home. either this fall or later, don't buy a lot un til you have seen BOULEVARD PARK ad dition. This beautiful addition long ago passed the experimental stage of its exist ence, aa Is evidenced by. the many pretty nomes witnin its norrters. when you buy a lot In this addition you get something with all the trimrninKS thrown in: that Is. you don't have to wait several years for such Improvements as water, sewer arid cement walks, and then pay for them your self. Besides this, you have ready access to one of 'the best street car lines In the city the Sherman Ave. line. Fiftv or more good, substantial dwellings Is the splndld record established slnoe this ad dition was first put on the market.. The entire tract lies beautifully and !s fast de veloping into one of the prettiest additions In the city. Watch it grow. Be wise and assist in its development by investing In one or more lots. In this way you will assist yourself, two.. Pick them out now and start paying on them. You'll be sur prised how soon you will pay out If you haven't all cash pay one-fifth down and the balance on eay monthly payments. We have some good lots as low aa $575. Make a start now. Call on or telephone SHIMER & CHASE CO., 309 1. 17th. Opposite Court House. -4 IF you want to SELL your real estate. farm lands or city property, see ROWK, 1G23 Farnam St., room 4. Tel. Douglas 7477. He will find you a buyer. Only ex clusive sales solicited. Money Talks Owner must sell his brand new all mod ern 7-room house at 2917 Bristol St.: rooms all large and well arranged, collomed open Ings, floors all highly polished, fine com bination fixtures and everything that goes with a high clahs home. Large lot, paved street. Price $3,500; $M cash. J. W. Rasp Co. UH9-M Brandcis BUlg. Doug. J (A3, A 2&$. 6-ROOM, NKW, MODERN In north end of the city. Near car, oa paved street; large lot. v ONLY $250 CASH Balance to suit either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 24 N. Y. Life Bldg. 10 A., $7,500 NEAR L. AND CD 8T, Harrison & Morton LABORER'S HOME CHEAP Nw 6-r'iom modern lirlrk cottage, close to car barn, large lot, flnu shade, $2, MO. Terms. W. W. MITCIIEIJi, Hoard of Trade Bldg. Oman, Mek.