TUP OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMBER 7, 1000. What is Going on in the Stage World Briefly Told InpjTO tr.v.i of the gypsy In "The Itoad to v- I 1 if "yl THEJ AMCSICMRISTS. M(oX)l)l Why George Cohan Has a Vogue Analysis of tha Qualities and Characteristics Which Om This Younj Performer His Amaiinj Popularity How Miss Helen Ware Got Her First Successful Start in the Theatrical World. Y Ol'Nd Mr. Cohan has publicly, extirrsxid the hop "that no body, however ou may fake mi may take tne seriously." A flippunt reply would he easy, fii- flippancy Is about the anl- rsl i.rhl. v. mi nt tlin- I. Without, how ever, ilcvDtlhtc any more enrni'Ht cxcoglla ti"n t Mr. '.'"Imn (hail he himself says he rt Kl i (-. It inn v remarked thnt he la an lnt"i m I inrf 1 ml i lih al In n vor.il ways. Por one th!n(i In? occupies Die attention of tin- public hi miiFC of hlH extreme sue cins In gathering the nlit kels. Anvone who niukin much money anil make It rapidly In an object of 1 1 1 1 ' : t t to a large part of tic.' Ann'ik'up public. Hut why the public hay liked him ho well ii a them? more iuth while. It Im true that some of taxi dollars have come Cohan'.; way because lio In a clever advertiser of Mnihtlf and ha hail clever men hlrd to advertise him. Mut thin will not account lor It ull. I'iim audit maile stars may ahltu-i boiiuli.iH'ii n littla lonKir than u meteor, but not much more time, and the conclui-lon Is Inevitable thai thfie is some thing I'lfi lhst the theatergoers HkeCohun to n iinslil 'iablii extent. If ho, why? The answer Im In part that Cohan's musl miI. curjii'ili' embody much of that clevisi . ir.ld fire punning and play upon word 'L w ik-li v.htn done upon the stage, and well. ipilie enraptures many Americana. Punning; and playing upon words In iirdlr.il rv life Im gen"rally thor oiiKhlv detcHtrd, but In musical comedy It is dlffrrent. , ft. 'member, for Instance, that h-nc ilhiloRiie between Mary the maid and t X l.'uiT.n, lii which the girl utters pun V'iir pun w hll" the' audiences chuckled and chuck!- d. Again, In "Little Johnny Jones" will- all the other Cohan efforts there haa bun much of this sort of dialogue. Instance of this kind of play upon wofclfi" tho following; from "The Tankee Ftlncc" Ik a Rood example: PUldlng I wis nlwaya smart as a child. Mis. I''leUlln You are still smart as a child. Of course this Is not the whole story. Worn people have been Impressed with the rather cheap and obvloui philosophy of life which Cohan emitted In such verses as Life's funny proposition after all," de livered as a soliloquy, sitting- on a crack-r box and with the house dark to give Im pr.sslvenees. Thl la, of course, very easy. It consists of saying; In solemn manner wh.it no one would ever think of disputing, with the result that not very acute people fold their hands on their stomachs, sigh end say "How true." Another attribute which has made for Cohan's vogue Is his dancing, and he can of course, dan ie In a manner to charm wild beasta. His clothes which just miss being the real thing are mistaken by many , for being the acme of smartness. As playwrtter his chief fault has been overplottlng and this la not a fault which has hurt his popularity. Aa a atage mana ger he la not aurpassed and the result Is that chorl drilled by him dance and maneuver with a snap, a sip and an ap parent test which la quite delightful and cult unrivalled. These are some of the reasons why Cohan Is famous. They are not all complimen tary to the general publlo taste. Cohan plays are described by those who like them best as "classy." It is quite fitting that people who have no other adjective than "classy" should, admire the Cohan brand of entertainment. " Miss Helen Ware Is to appear at Boyd's tonight In Charles Klein's play, "The Third Degree," acting for the first time here the role of Annie Jeffries, wife of a man, who, wrongly suspected of a murder and sub Joctcd by the police to that Inhuman and unconstitutional form of torture known as the third degree. Through the Ingenuity and determination of his wife, whom' he found In a humble station in life, the man Is ultimately cleared. miss ware s acting in this , play was warmly commended In New Ybrk, Boston and, reamtly. Chicago. Her flashing por terday" will b well remembered, and It was In that part that she first attracted the attention of the general playgolng body. It was followed by a strong, som ber study of girl of the Bowery In Arnold Italy's production of "Regenera tion." Her Emma Brooks In "Paid In Full," when that play was first produced In Chicago, was another classic. Mlsa War was born In San Francisco, anl, though no member of her family had followed the profession of acting, she wns much In the atmosphere of theatrical life ss a child from the fact that her father had a share In building severSl Important playhouses. After leaving high school she studied medicine for a short time and then became a grammar school teacher. Later she specialised In kindergarten work and held a position as teacher of children under the New York Board of Kducatlon. It was while sho was living In New York that she and a friend were accepted as extra women for Miss Maudn Adams' pio ductlon of "The Little Minister" at the Kinplre theater, and It la said that be cause Mlsa Ware, appearing na the wife of a poor weaver In that play, did not wear high-heeled shoes that she attracted the admiring attention of the late Joseph M. Francceur, an astute and exacting stage manager. Her first big opportunity came one evening when Mlsa Blanche Bates, then acting In "Under Two Flags," fell 111, and at an hour's notice Miss Ware played the part of Cigarette. She Is held In a class by herself In the depletion of the elemental moods of an elemental type of woman. Crane for Cleanliness Eminent Comedian Declares that Plays Which Make Most Noise for Shadineas Have Failed Emphatically in the Long Run, the Audi ences Insisting on Clean Dramas Being Offered on the Stage. T WW Ad the Omaha Theaters "Tho Third Degree to Play One Week at the Boyd, Beginning Tonight Elcnor Glynn's "Three Weeks" to Be at the Burwood for Pour NightsWill M. Cressy at Orpheum and Porter J. White at the Krug. T 1 1 I A HE Third Degree" begins an engagement of one week at the Boyd a tonight, and It Is ex pected that this, Charles Klein's latest play, will prove as great In point of con temporaneous Interest as It Is said to have been In New York and Chicago. To the few who may know the true meaning of the title of "The Third Degree" It may be aald to concern that phase of the un written law which falls In favor of the police In their frequently employed method of gaining a confession from a supposed criminal. Mr. Klein- has taken a rather delicate subject for dramatic material, but It la aald that he has overcome the diffi culties In an entertaining and pleasing manner. Although other dramatists have dealt with the subject of hypnotism, Mr. . Klein Is remembered to have been the first j,'if our own playrlghts to use hypnotic sug gestion In the -story of a play, when In lSil7 his "Dr. Ilelgraff" was produced. "The Third Degree" tells of the soolal undoing of Howard Jeffries, Jr., through his marriage with a true, womanly-apirlted shop girl. The boy's uttra-arletocratlc father cuta him from family ties with a paltry allowance, which causea Howard to face extreme need. In anarch of funds,' he came to the art studio of a "frat" mate who still owes him a college debt. In the B pe of a loan. While feeling his cups, ffrlea falls asleep on a sofa. Ills friend, bankrupt and desperate, steps Into an ad joining room and, fulfilling a threat, com mits auleldo. The police arrive before Jef fr itu'leai ns of the crime and he la seised ,aV its perpetrator, put through a long sj "sweating" by an unscrupulous police cap tain and finally made to confess murder. The Influence of a sincere wife In the bat tle for her hu'band'a life clears him and wins for her the affections of her father-in-law. "The Third Deree" comes here direct from te Hudson theater. New York, and the II Irt.l, Chicago, and Henry D. Harris prom ises the first cast. Including Helen Ware, LJda McMillan, Ralph Delmore, Jamea Beely, Malcolm Duncan, Fraser Coulter, Walter Craven, Earl Williams. William Herbert and others. $ Much haa been aald and written about the play, "Three Weeks," booked to appear at the Burwood, for four nlghta, starting thla evening aa to Its being moral or other wise. No book, even among the "six best sellers", has been so widely read or dis cussed, not only in America but In Eu rope, and It la a fact that perhaps a ma jority of those who have read the book have done so with the one Idea of whetting their appetite for sensationalism, i'lt to the reader who thinks, who tries ever so little to delve beneath the surface of things, the novel shows that Mra Glyn had a purpoae and a great one, for It leads up to the greatest question that Is confronting every throne In the old world today, as well as the leaders of society In our own country the marriage of royalty, of state and convenience, the marriage where no thought or Idea of love Is entertained. Such ? marriage, Mrs. Glyn believes, Is Immoral " every aense of the word and U the direot cuse of more unhapplness and the wrecg Ing of more souls than any other condition In our aoclal lives. If there be any unpleaaant scenee of aug queatlona In the book, they are absolutely none In the play. Only the plot has been used In the dramatisation, and the play 1 as far from unpleasant suggestions aa "Romeo and Juliet." The production Is magnificent, the scenery, the eoatumea and the mulc being conceived by one of the greatest master of stagecraft tn the pro fesitlun, and the cast r has been selected with a view to fit perfectly the rather un usual types thill the play demands. There t will be a pet-UI women's matinee Wednesday. 3 Gordon MendelHKonn, the young Omaha born actor, last seen here In support of Mary Hhaw, Is now playing the role of Phillip Sarsdale In one of "Blue Mouse" companies. Mendelssohn Is playing the part with success too, as witness the fol lowing comment in the Detroit News: One of the cleverest bits of acting In The Blue Mouse" production at the Oar- rlck theater was done by Gordon Mendel- ashon, a former Detroit boy, who was edu cated In the local schools. Mendelssohn has the difficult role of the serlous-mlnded suitor for the hand of the "Blue Mouse" wc.man, and he brings to It a keen knowl edge of the demands of farce, Its speed Its adroit turns, and Its tinge of burlesque. Vurruptlon wins not more than hon- I esty.' King Henry VIII. 111-2. HE sentiment of the great mas ter playwright of all time Is surely Illustrated better than ever In our day." said William It. Crane In a recent Interview. "What I mean to say." seld Mr. Crane. "Is that the whole plane of society has been lifted to some extent I do not pre tend to be very close In estimating It, but civilisation must mean something, and It relates to all factors of life. A pretty theater with artistic scenery, arranged for the comfort and pleasure of the audience, convenient In every respect for the pur pose of the dramix, seems almost In lt.ielf to result In refinement In the play pro ducednot Immediately, or perhaps In any particular decade, but the tendency of bet ter living, better dressing,, purer forms of literature In general Is reflected In the stage, which In Itself. I think, Is more of a reflection of modern life than any other thing In the community." "Do you take any part In the current dis cussion about the best way to eotlmate the value of a play?" "I have my own Ideas on that point," aald Mr. Crane, "though I do not really go Into argument on the subject. Where I start In the test la that, so far as the play goes, the author himself should have his Intention fathomed In writing it; and the next, whether he had speech to express himself adequately. If his Intention la Impure, then the play will be of the same sort, and if the contrary Is the case, within, of course, reasonable limits for theories on that point are very much at variance with each other the play will reflect the easentlal quality of the author's mind. But, as I say, I think one should start with what the writer tried to do." "When you have a play which strikes Music and Musical Notes T .-'nc William Makepeace Thackeray wroto of snobs there have been many eli.iiii-.i rui.g on this brat d of Idiot, and each lief writer that has tackled the sub ject liuSjund s iiiieihing n.ore to any. The l ewisi indirec. attack biing made U from the atage, and while the Idea seems to be to point a gentle moral, and to Indicate the folly of attempting the manufacture of a social silk purse out of a mediocre sow's ear, the play delivers not a few saage thrusts. The chsmpton who has entered the Hats this time is "The Man from Home." which will be given local hearing at thi Burwood Thursday, Friday and Saturday With Will M. Creasy and Miss Blanche Dajne as a headline feature, the bill this week at the Orpheum promises to be quite attractive. The standard Creasy and Miss Dayne have aet for themselves In charac ter acting Is largely responsible for the enviable reputation their work has earned. They will present "Town Hall," the most popular of their one-act plays, and It may be considered a special event. Another fea ture of unusual exoellenoe will be "La Pe tite Revue," which Is, as Its name sug gests, a miniature review of old and new foot 1 1 ght successes, arranged In a fashion singularly unique. The first scene repre sents a youth who aees In a revery various stage celebrities. Seven people are em ployed In the presentation of this act, and from a musical point of view It Is one of decided merit. Two comedians, Bob Matthews and Herbert Ashley, .will appear In a new offering. "Held Up." a sketch from the pen of Aaron Hoffman. Elaborate scenery Is carried to give this numbir adequate atmosphere. The Five Avoloa are xylphone performera of unuaual skill. A dancing novelty will be offered by Mlsa Lena Pantser. Her aerial performance on a alack wire la not the least daBhlng of the remarkable phases of her work. Dav?y and Poney Moore present a comedy playlot called "The Dancing Tenderheel." The plot of the sketch Is out of the ordinary and a feature of the act Is the hard shoe dancing by Davey Moore. Murray Ben nett, the monologlst, Is another feature The concert numbers by the Orpheum or chestra and the klnodrome pictures com plete the list pf offerings for this week. The musical melodrama. "The Cowboy Girl," has achieved a big success In Its three seasons of existence, ind the large bualness it attracts demonstrate that It Pleases those who like something different and novel. Not often has there been a more decisive success. ) Miss Sue Marshall, who will again be seen In the tile role, Is always a favorite and regarded by manv as of the best of comediennes. "The Cow boy Girl" is a play with a weatern atmos phere and numerous exciting situations and powerful climaxes. There la a wealth of music, uproarious eomedy, pretty chorjs girls, rich eoatumea and an elaborate and new scenic Inveaemmt. It will be em at the Krug next Thursday, November 11. Porter J. White and an exoellent com pany will give "Faust" at the Krug four nlahts, beginning w ith a matinee tod ty. The beginning of the fifth act shows Faust and Mephlsto tollfully climbing the st.iep rocks and yawning chasms of the peak of the Hrocken, In the Hartx mountains, where, according to the Uerman legend, the witches and warlocks meet on Wal purils night (April li), to hold their yearly festivities. The night giows darner and darker; the moon Is in its last quarter and gives but little light. They climb higher rnd higher; the trees and rocks and distant cliffs take on wondrously fantastic ahuptis In the dim light of the dying moan; only the hooting of owls and the far-away cry of the lonely night hawk breaks the sol emn stillness; strange shapes crawl to and fro. and wierd, snake-like forms seem to writhe and try to claap the wanderers in their horrible embrace. At midnight a mighty tetnrie.tt riaee and the witches I gather from far and near for their unholy festival. During the truly horrifying scene that follows Mephlsto shows Faust the never falling "punishment of evil" and the curtain falls with terror stricken Faust writing In the evil one's grasp. A perfect storm of electric fire descends, amid which the Imps and witches are seen reveling In their fiendish merriments. (HK following letter was sen( by a Chicago contralto to the editor of a Chicago musical paper, and as It has a decidedly unique ring to it, it may prove interesting: "Dear. Mr, : For aome time past I have been thinking "What does It profits others when I sing songs, thinking more of the musical setting than the words. "From time to time I have gone to listen to our great artists, hoping, longing, to hear aomethlng helpful, and am alwaya disappointed. "What if .one of our public apeakers should talk In a rambling way, thinking only of the beauty of the apeaklng voice? "His personality might be charming, his delivery good. He might be even ao great an orator, but If he did not say something worth while we would go away pitying that man, Borrowing because he, to all outward appearances, ao capable, should be so lack ing! When we hear a pianist we expect to hear a aong without words. "When we hear a vocalist we expect to hear a song with words. We ought to hear songs that are chosen carefully, prayerfully great consideration given to the words, that they might help and cheer and be an uplift to all who hear them. "I wish to say the purpose of my work will be to give programs this year that are composed of songs selected from our bent composers as to verse and music. I will, In other words, sing only songs that have a message. "For when God gave to us voices he ex pected us to say something when we apeak, and what la singing but speaking In a singing tone? Very truly yours for ser vice, ." The name of this contralto does not make any difference, but the idea U a good one: whether singing la but speaking in a singing tone or whether It is not, the fact remains that "When God gave us voices he expected us to say something." Yes. He expected us to say something worth w lille; He expected ua to have aome thlng to say. And we would all be wise to follow the example of the Chicago con tralto. The following very pertinent remarks were made recently in an article by .Mr. . J. Henderson, musical editor of the New York Sun. Mr. Henderson usually does make pertinent remarks, and these are on the old. old subject of American study abroad. tipeaking of the various teachers in Berlin. Paris nnd other places, he laconically adds, speaking of one rep resentative American teacher, "Would they study with him If his studio waa In Forty-third street?" He then proceeds to say: "There Is a lot of nonsense about this going abroad to study. Another op portunity to find out Just what it Is that American students desire Is offered by the engagement of Mllka Ternlna, one of the greatest dramatic artists that ever trod the stage of the Metropolitan opera house, as the principal teacher of singing at the Institute of Musical Art. She la already at work there and now the question arises whether ambitious young Americans will flock to study with her. Will they rather wait till she returns to Europe and then spend thousanda of dollars to follow her Instruction, which for many of them can now be reached at the expenditure of a l-cent carfare? 'Here la a chance for would-be oDura darlings to learn their calling at home under the direction of a past mistress of the art. It will ' be interesting to note whether they seise the opportunity qr pass It by and cross the ocean to study under one of the American teachers who went over there simply because being theie makes better buslnen. Jean da Kasike haa a , flourishing vocal school in Paris. He teaches from 10 a. in. till 7 p. m. He has hundreds of American pupils. But suppose he were engaged to teach at the Institute of Musical Art. Would he have them then? Watch the Ternlna experiment." No be would not. Oodowsky, as re lated before in this mualc column of the Be. waa not crowded with pupils In Chicago, nor had he to Injure his health playing a vast number of piano recitals Not that any of us heard of. He played one time at the Cretghton theater (now the Orpheum.) and waa it nineteen or twenty-one people who were present? Something like that anyhow, and Mr. Joseph Uahm became indiglnant, and then the more lie thought about It, the worse It seemed to Mm, and the upahot of the matter was that Herr Joseph went out with a subscription paper and sold sub scriptions arid brought Godowsky back to Omaha and this time he played to a full hou.ie. Later the present writer of this column took a "flyer" on Godowaky In a recital at the Boyd, and the artist's drawing powers were then large enough to fill the house. But students and re citals were not over-abundant. Now American pianists make one grand rush to Berlin to study with one of Godowsky's assistants, more than likely, for he has assistants, and he himself Is frequently on concert engagements. John McCormack, the new Irish tenor seems to be the sensation of the musical hour, over across he water. The writer heard many things of thla promising young men two years ago, and a year ago last summer, heard him In a small part. The. Irish of New York will doubtless come to the front, and see to It that McCormack gets a big welcome when he conies over. He Is only twenty-five, and the youngest tenor who ever took a leading role at Covent Garden, when he began three years ago at that historic home of opera The press dispatch states that he has sung oftener thla year than any other tenor at the Covent Garden opera, and that he has made many of his successes aa co-star with Tetrazzlnl. Now that he Is a auccess, the press In England speaks of him as the British tenor, to which he strenuously1 objects, demanding that he be spoken of as tho Irish tenor. I wonder. If he were a Seot from Edinburgh, would they speak of. him as the British tenor, "aye mom," I 'voi der. Methlnks there would be a mixture of Scottish accents down Fleet street next day. A good Joke Is being told,, a really-truly Joke, and not a press agent'a "yarn." It a said that one day McCormack sang foi a manager, and he was orrerea "iwo-a- "week In the chorus," that Is, two pounda a week, or about $10. A few months after wards McCormack's manager was speak ing of this same manager about McCor mack, and the man who hud offered the 110 a week Ir the chorus, said By the way I could use that young fellow now in a small part." Imagine his surprise when McCormack's manager pulled out the morning paper and pointing to the theatrical advertisements, read: "See this. Covent Garden. Royal Opera, Klgoleito, to night, In the cast of characters, the Duke, Mr. John MtCoi muck. That Is the young fellow you thought worth two-a-wuek In the chorus." It was Mr. Arthur Boosey of the publish ing firm of Boosey & Co. that Is said to have first recognixed the ability of the young Irleh tenor. Mr. Joseph Gutim has been covering him aelf with glory and all sorts of fine bright press notices about his work In Colorado Springs and thereabouts. So enamored is he of the place that he seriously con templates remaining there. Mrs. Clahm has returned from visiting In th. east with her mother and has Joined Mr. Gahm. The program for the Teresa Carreno j piano reollal at the Young Women's Chris- I til n Association audltor'um on Monday, evening, November . (tomorrow), Is as follows: (This Is the first of the Hopper 1 concert series of this season). The artist, will play the Chopin sonata Op. f.S, in four movements; the second number will be a , Rondo, of Beethoven. Vogel ills Prophet, of Schumann, and the Erl King. Schitbert Llsxt. The third number will be the Mac Dowell aonata, Op. 59. and the last num bera will be by Llsxt: Sonitto del p'i traica, Irrlchter and K major polonaise. (Note to managers and program maker: The Bee will print programs only when sent In, In the above scyle. and nunc will be printed If sent in program form. If The Bee. extends the courtesy of printing tho program free of charge. It should ! a simple matter to arrange this. The iu'c will be strictly enforced ) you as one full of humanity, what nxt do you require , of It. as a dramatic artist?" "Well, 1 way say In general terms, 1 require that It shall be entertaining. Frankly, In the theater I do not care a straw for pleaching or for Instruction for their own sake. I am quite firm In the opinion that though 'art for art's sake' is a catch phrase that Is not to be carried very far, yet In the particu lar field of the drama I fec(l that the play above all things must be enter taining. It should have an abundance of human feeling In It. It should be entertaining on Its merits. "Perhaps I am old-fashioned about Insist ing on clean plays, but It so. I know that there are a good many who feel as I do and. In fact, If you look over the his tory of plays for the last twenty-five years you will find that those plays which have made the most noise because they were most shady In some particular or other have ultimately failed most em phatically. As you go through the whole list of successful plays on the stage at this moment no matter whether tragic, comic of midway the audiences that can be relied upon, the audience that like plays and go to them and pay a fair price to hear them, are audiences that WRiit things clean, and they pay for those that are clean. They are practically the only places which make much of a suc cess and not merely run for one season. Uut are called for year after year. You find no piece of the unclean kind that has a continuing popularity." $ Theatrical .Notes. Gertrude Dallon, who plays Beth Elliott In the James Forbes comedy, "The Travel ing Salesman," enjoys the distinction of having been at one time leaning woman for the only star who ever made Chicago a one-nlgnt stand Tim Murphy. Eleanor Lawaon of "Such a Little Queen" comuanv. before becoming an actress waa a teacher In an Indian scnool in southern California. Miss Lanson Is soon to give a play in New York written Dy one of her Indian pupils, which will be played by Indian actors recruited from the students at the Indian school at Carlisle, Penn. Clara Lipman, (Mrs. Louis Mann), who has been in retirement since Inii when she played her London engagement in "Julie Bonbon," will return to the stage before the new year to star In a new coinnly entitled "The Hills of Troy," by Alexandti Bisson and George Thurner. The play l an adaptation from the French, the origi nal production having had a long run In Paris, where Jeanne Granier created th'i leading role. Clara Lipman will appear under the management o( Louts Mann. Robert Edeson has begun a tour In "The Noble Spaniard," W. Somerset Maugham's farce, at New London, Conn., accouipaiiKU by the original New York cast which in cludes Gertrude Coghlan, Macey Jlarlum, Verner Clargea, Cordelia .Mucdotiald, Ann Murdock, Maggie lialluuay Fisher, Cyril Chadwlck and Desireu Lazard. Mr. Ede soil's appearance In the far west in his present vehicle will be the first time he has made such an extensive tour since he played the foot ball hero In "Strong-heart." BUCKLE OF OMAHA'S AMUSEMENT DELT 4 NIGHTS T0I1SGIIT SJcVn THE SENSATION Opj ELII30R GLYIl'S TWO CONTINENTS I amatiattot or nrn own " RXKABKABI.B BOOK, 11 21 JUL iliA. 4 w 'ip yp pf THE FAMOUS LOVE TRAGEDY Dcautiful Stage Pic tures of Old Europe Every Woman Should This Play and Absorb th Orsst Moral Lesson It Tsachss. EVGS. 25c to $1.50 - KD. MAT. gr.U 75c to $1.00 3 FIGHTS SK: THURS-, SiiRSv LIEDLER & CO'S. Production of li E"TJ i WL i iHUlul iUS fl I rill nil Now In It's Second Year at the Attor Thettsr, N. Y. No Other Play Ever Did 382 Perform ance. In Chicago By BOOTH IABBIBGTOB aad XABBT XSOW WIUBOK Ttic Success of the Century EVGS, 25c to $1.50 SAT. MAT., Si'.'.. 75o to $1.00 ,.,m,IUikm, nt LII ILL IIUNiLO I LrlU Smitten, Win. m,MM Stack Cmmm lihm ... gn. li Mr IrirrWr. Kntlre Cireh. ftOo- entire Bale, Ida WM. MACAULEY M'SS HL1E LESSIWO, lrSSS. JIOTember 15, IS and IT, liebler Co. will present the eminent aotor, DUSTS lAUfUH la lOtHSO BIBBT." . SuidrJ!!!(liH- Mat. & Night IWI ' 1 -vu tsassn. iTOWTCi Aba., of the Ilsiamork. "Ma, do sailors take their sweethearts aboard ship with them?" "Of course not." "Then why docs each sailor have a ham AMI SE.MKXTS. IDVAN CEP VAUDEVILLE. Vcek Starting Matinee Today MATI1TEE EVE1Y DAY 9:1S, BTBBY BIGHT 6:16 OYD'S THEATER One W Iteylnn MATINEES Wednesday 4 Satarday HECNHY 13. HAKHIS Presents CHABLES XKBira XCASTBBMBCB. xnS TONIGHT TTHT F JlL .li siL JuLj Ths Greatest Success By (he Author of "The Lion and the Mouse" Will M. Cress; and Blanche Dayne Presenting Mr. Cressy's One-Act Plays of New England L,lfe. LA PETITE REVUE An old idea uniquely vocalised and Twentletu-t'enturlsed by Chariea Uovenberg. A Beal Vovelty. Bob - Mathews & Ashley Herber In Their I.uuuhlng success ' Held Up." By Aaron Hoffman. THE FIVE AVCLOS - Xylophonlst. Par Kxcellence, sjLLi saLia tJJasj&JassUa wb DEGREE Direct From Remarkable Triumph list! OAST OT OBI AT BXCBIVIiESf OB. Curtain 8il 5 -NE A-TS S TIL.L. SKLLING-Carrlagae I0t43 Next Sunday and Monday In sswp Him.iM mi. ill in. i immmmm Tho Groat Play of Real Life LEHA FAKTZEB Assisted by Sum Hint, Lancing On the Floor. On a Wire und In the Air." Davey and Poney Moore "Tie Dancing Tsnderbeel." in HURRAY BEKMETT Monologiat. KINODROMC Always the newest In motion pictures Jw MuhIcbI Feature Extraordinary GRPHLUM CONCERTCRCKESTRA IE Talented Artists 13 rrlc.s 100, 8-0, 000, 7So. TUESDAY and WBDBESDAY, HOT. IS and 17 Matinee Wednesday. COF3i1ENCEH1EWT DAYS A FLAY Or COI.EXOB GIKI. Z.ITB. COMING NOVEMBER IS. IB. BO COHAN AND HARRIS MINSTRELS Vi-Mentinir OSO. BVAWB and 100 Others. THEATER PRICES: 15c25c-50c-.75c MATINRIS Wednesday anl a.urday Ths World's Greatest Woman Pianist, ME. TERESA GAnnHEio Y. W. C. A. Auditorium 171!) & Howard. lYisnday, Kav. 8.-8:15 P. H. Tickets, $1 00 and 11.50 Bow selling at Tho Owl Drug Store. DH. EUGEI2E MAY Mr. Max Landow hos returned from fler many and has begun work again. Me had a brilliant succeas In H-illn. and has brought the papers o prove It. it Is very gratifying that he diil not stay over therv (Now, If only some other people hail brought the papers buck, we would hae been t-pared much controversy about thu j Xotf 1 Lt-rturrr, Autlioi', Trutt-lcr Will poor, Inn. .cent putt.) Ana yet tney say OF Washington, D. C, that musicians are not practical. And these tributes which Mr. I-amlow received were from r-al critics on real newspapers. THOMAS J. KEIJ.T, Chamberlain's Cough llemedy contains no Injurious substance and la pleasant to Uku. iKlivrr Address SIXUAV, 8:80 P. M. Concert ty 1'atten'a Orchestra 2:13 1". M. lu liuLihjr. FOUR DAYS Starting MATINEE TODAY PORTER J. WHITE'S COMPLETE FBODUCTXOB OT OOETSS'S XSQSOBTAX. THE MOST BBAUTirUXi LOTB STOBY SYEB BBODUOXD. WOKDEKTCX ELECT BICAXi EFTECTS. BUTZBB SCENIC DIB FX. AY. THREE DAYS STARTING THURSDAY KILROY BRITTON'i Big Musical Drama THE cK t: MAHSHALL, and a orui of Know Girls BEITER THAN EVER COWBOY A. 1 I N b W TlllS SHASON 3' GI -TRLTLu E BIO SOBO KITS 8 DurrzBEBT nou AXI. TBB otkbbs. SUND AY, N OV. 14 If JTTLE JOB WWY JOfflES TUESDAY, NOV. lO CECIL Vf. BERRVMAd Pupil of August M. Ilorglum. PIAKO RECITAL Assisted by Mlsa Hazel Smith, t'ontrulto. ThursctHy Kvenlng, Nov. 11. Hcliinoller At Mueller Auditorium Admission by Invitation. A PAPER FOR THE HOME OMAHA DEE TOUR MONET'3 WORTH 9