THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: NOVEMDER 7, lf00. 3 TALL CIRLS ALL TIIE RAGE Wretch, Girlie, or You'll be Counted i a Eai-Been EHOBT CFEfl ARE TBYHfO, TOO 4 Fwhloiifd Hobs Wkrre tbaa. iter Wrt Rbot4 Md Rtra Cot Una Too ft ear to th F1oo. If tho rmmber of very tall women con flnejes to Increase th architecture of cer Tomma win hav to be chanted. For lnatanea, la vrra.l high class residence troets ar certain rowi of comparatively mall houses, two and a half, thre and throo and a half atoiiea high. These houses arc always In demand. From tlm to time extra bath roomi and heating plants have been Installed In on or an other, otherwise, even to the briea knocker on soma door a, the house are practically tho same as when built This In fact 1 on of their charms, or rather It used to be. An agent who used to have an easy time when It cam to renting one particu lar row of these house received a shock not long after a Dew tenant had signed a Was gnd moved Into one of them, when told that unless the drawing room chande liers were heightened the tenant would have to move out again. What was the matter? tho agent wanted to know. Those chandelier with their beautiful prisms and bras roosirHtngs had always been among tho most admired features of the house. ' "Oh, yes," responded the lady, "we have bo fault to find with them except that they are hung too low. . "I did not find this out till yesterday, When I had an Informal afternoon reception and a guest was caught fast by the top of one of the plumes on her hat In a drop of tho chandelier, and I noticed that ever o many of the young women had to circle away from the chandeliers ss they .moved about the room." Never Such a Complaint. "But I never had such a complaint be toro," protested tho agent, getting up and landing under the chandelier, which was certainly a good bit above hi head. . "How tall are you?" asked the tenant i "About five feet ter and a half Inches, madams." "You don't look It" returned madame t any rata many of my daughter' 'friends, wearing as they did enormousl) (igB hat, looked about seven feet, am I'm sure they had an awkward time of 1 ducking thos chandeliers. "Alice!" she called. Alice came li quipped for the street a tall girl in s modish hat decorated with an Imposing aigrette. At her mother's request she cir culated under tho offending chandelier, the central drops of which and her aigrette al most met j "Tou see!" madame exclaimed signifi cantly. ' "And my daughter Is not nearly o tall ss some of her friends." it The agent did see. He saw also that to heighten those chandeliers Would absorb a big sitae of the profits from that house foi a year and that there would be a "big kick coming" as he told the tenant, from the owner, a man who did not happen to have tall, daughters. Nevertheless thos chande liers war heightened, the tenant . herself taking her complaint to the owner. Tee. Room Clear Oat of It. More significant still Is the case of i ' merchant In a populous and popular thor oughfaro, a well paying adjunct of whose business la a tea room. This tea room Is in two adjoining sectjons, the rear section, which 1 reached by two or three steps up. being about three feet lower In the celling than 'the other. Opening from tho former Is a pretty little parlor containing pins. powder and other accessories to the female toilet. A few years ago when the tea room was first opened the rear room was the favorite. Of late the merchant has noticed that the rear room, the larger of the two, by th way, Is less popular than the front One day he asked the head waitress why this was. "I think it's because the celling Is so low sir," she told him. . . "But the celling has always been like that and customers seemed to like it," he said, purtled. . "Maybe It's because the women are wear In such high hats," the waitress went on. i neara one woman say tne other day as she cam out of the parlor that she felt as If she -were taking the door along with After that for a day or two the pro prietor keDt his Mres nnnn rA wnnAr why ho had not before noticed how many yery tall women visited that tea room. As one and another took the steps to the rear room it really looked to him a If there might be danger of millinery grag lhg the electric bulbs drouplng a few Inches ,frcm the celling. Something would have - to be done he saw and don soon If he would keep hs business. As a result In t the early summer masons and carpenter' marched In and proceeded to sink the floor of th rear room to a level with the runt room. How Skirts Have Grows). . When this anecdote was told to the man ager of tho dressmaking department of a larg store she nodded understanding. With a wave of her hand toward a long row of very tall case filled with Imported costume displayed on lay figures she re marked: "It was only yesterday that' a customer asked mo if we had any patrons tall enough to wear some of those gowns, and I told her yes, we hid. In reality, though, there are two or three skirts In the canes that may have to be shortened before they are worn. In all lines of ready made costumes, the Imported and th domestic, too, cost ing hundreds of do'lsrs rr a few dollars, the manufacturers are taking no chances. U Is easy enough to shorten a skirt, but almost Impossible to lengthen It, and as the number of tall worr,n, especially among the prosperous classes, has been steadily on the Increase for some years, they make more and more tall slse. "When I cam here thirteen year ago a 41-Inch length skirt was considered very long. It was not easy to buy anything longer. Today 44 and 46-Inch skirt are quite common, and few of th Imported one-piece costumes ar any shorter than that. "One of my best customers, who has three strapping daughters, was In here th other dsy with the girls' grandmother, who is nut more tlain five feci Ull at th most Th mother of the girl la three or four Inches taller than that and her daugh ter range from I feet 1 Inches to t feet 11 Inches. Commenting on this difference In the height of three generations of wo men, th grandmother ssid that when she was a girl It was not considered good form for girls to Indulge In athletic and that few young women walked much then either. The popularity of outdoor sports of late year had a good deal to do. she thought, with the Increase In the average height of women, and I agreed with her. The public school ar now giving poor girl a chance to have a try at gymnastic and I'm glad of It. When I went to chnol we had nothing of th kind to help us along." Bot Dattghter la Taller. "There was a woman in here the other day," said the head of a women's cus tumes establishment, "making an awful fuss because her daughter's trousseau was costing a lot morevthan her own had cot. 'Madam,' I told her, 'your daughter Is six Inches taller than you ar and proportioned accordingly, therefore at least a third more material goes Into every garment, of hers' than was needed to make your things and every extra yard means an extra few dollurs.' "She had not thought of that at all. The averasc size waist used to he thirty, four Inches bust measure. The average lie now is thirty-six and thirty-eight Inches." At tho suggestion that women of succeed ing generations might be taller still than the tallest women of th present day, tho manager exclaimed: "Mercy, I hope not! It's hard enough now, because of their length, to display to advantage some of the costumes of this season." Then she added: "As a matter uf fact many young women like to accenl their height by wearing tall heels and enormous hats. It's a sort of fad Just now. By adopting a different style of dress they would look Inches shorter, or their natural height. "To create something of a sensation, particularly If they are very, very good looking, they try to look six feet tall, oi nearly that. It's perfectly wonderful what youhg woman can accomplish In this direction when she (tarts out to try." NO NEED TO IMPORT GRAIN American Farmer Can Supply Demand for Yean to Come, SO ASSERTS SECRETARY WILSON He Refers to Present Farming; Meth ods as Soil Robherv Wheat Pro ha lily Won't fio Below Dollar a Bashel. HOW TAFT JOLLIES THE BOYS aarar-Coated Compliment to arresamen Caaaht on the Wins. Con- "During the lafct few day I have been raveung witn Mr. Jones, your congress man, and I want to tell you that I have thoroughly enjoyed the association. I don't know what you think of Congressman Jone out here, but I want to tell you that back In Washington w think a whole lot of him'. He p one of the real workers in congress, and when the administration la anxious to put some measure through tho legislative mill, I assure you we feel mighty glad when Congressman Jones expresses his approval of it and puts his shoulder to the wheel. If you. know a good thing when you have It, you will keep Congress man Jones right where he Is." Extract from the speech of President Taft almost anywhere out west; Congressman Jones seen flushing with pleasure at the right hand of the president; loud cries of "Hur ray for Jones!" In the air. If Congressman Jones and all the rest of the republican representative who have received the presidental "Jolly" during the last few weeks do not support th Whlta House next 4nter. It will surely prove that tho capltnl houses an outfit of Ingrate. At least a score of congressmen who had been "In bad" with their home people before th coming of Mr. Taft on his transconti nental tour are now going about with bulging chests, because the stamp of ex ecutive approval, like the brand of the federal Inspector at the packing house, has made them look good to the people1. It elr constituents see them In a new light. If Mr. Taft thinks Jones is a great man and want him kept m Washington, that Is enough tor a great many wavering vot ers, and. when election time comes around, Jones will be their choice. Leslie's Weekly, WASHINGTON. Nov. 4-Pome day the steady Increase nf population In the United Ptstes Is bound to overtax the sblllty ot the farmer to provide for its sustenance, hut that day is very remote, according lo Secretary Wilson of the Agriculture depart mert. Nor will the necessity caus grain to b Imported. Kv.-t;. thing depends on th 11 position of the Amrrican farmer to make the most of the resource of his land, and to Improve his methods of agrlcultui In ccordance with the needs of the people. The ecretnrv Is In an optimistic mood Just now, and he pointed to the figures of the crop production within his reach show Ing that the value of the American farm ers' output for on single year agratod the enormous total of 7.2ffl.0CO 000. Still for That Da mm. The prospect for a great increase In the production of wheat Is excellent In :he opinion of Secretary Wilson, and for two reasons: first, the greatly enhanced mar ket value of that staple would surely tempt the American farmer to plant more wheat, and, second, thanks to th discov ery of the possibility of growing durum wheat in large part of the country hith erto regarded as unavailable, ther would be a great addition to th total of th an nual crop. Last year 60,000,000 bushel of durum wheat were grown In the Vnlt"d Ptntos and Ir. Galloway, who Is making n special study of tho possibilities of this new grain seconded the secretary' hopeful view of the situation by Interjecting the word that at twenty-one stations In the west Inves tigators were ascertaining the conditions of Its growth. Durum Is a Siberian grain, peculiarly fit for soils where there is but a small amount of moisture present. The agricultural de partment has round that It will grow wall west of the 100th meridian In tho north west, which means anywhere west of the trUddl Dakntas and In the semi-dry regions pt eastern Washington and Oregon. Cnll It Soli Robbery. But the department doe not Ilk method that are being pursued by growers. "Soil robbery," exclaimed Dr. Galloway, and the secretary assented to the designa tion. Great syndicate ar tracts of 10.000 acre In wheat, planting the crop again and again without regard to the necessary rotation that would Insure the soli against exhaustion. That was one of th thing th secretary had In mind when he said that better farm ing methods would be required to produce ail the wheat that th American people would need. On last question was asked th secre tary! rviu American wneat go Deiow one dollar again T" ','Probably not," he replied, "but ther Is no telling what might follow uoh a disturbance In the Industrial and financial world as we had In 1907, and should we again meet such a crisis It 1 possible that there would again bo 68 cent wheat." V. tMSJ.i ...,., n I I I III ...... ,, 3 sti isrinsiiriTiiiigiisi riiati-'- "n-","'l--"jl MlWw SntwWlsPftV aasaftasM HIimssiatnitniM the the 0Q the mfotls if Coinnie fee You Upon ths Most Liberal, Simjlsst, Mist Satisfactory and Dipified Credit-Giving Terms In America 'm i k t i This store ha been popularized tlmiugh Its uniformly fair, liberal, simple and dignified credit system. We extend to YOl' to every houso furniiher In GKKATKH OMAHA not only a credit aerrlre that 1 the out , come of practically a quarter of a century's experience, but the nnequaled facilities and buying abilities, of this immonse organisation. The great advantages this store ha to offer you through it perfect store equipment, Its enormous slocks In all departments its broad and liberal policy of serrlnir ym In ui AIIMOM'TKLY 8ATIHKAC rOHY WAY, It's fair prirings In every Instance, should appenl to you should direct your attention to THIS NTOUK should make thlsj store uppermost In your mind when you have home furnishings to buy. You are welcome to the great advantages vt THIS, "OMAHA'S tJHKATKST COMI'LISTK HOMK VI rtMHHKlW." Your CREDIT IS CJOOO. A :1 mm OA 50 for tsis Massire Chase U- Leather BED DAVENPORT Term a.BO Cash, Balaao t'Zaajr." t'nquestlonsbly the biggest and finest bed duv enport proposition that has been offered you for some time. The frames are of quarter sawed oak, and are rubbed and polished to a piano brilliancy. The u f lolsterlng Is In genuine eh as leather that I guars i' eed to alve the best service, ":nd is done over soft and resilient springs. Oar Own Minstrels. "Mistah Walksh, kin yo' tell me de dlff'unce 'tween a lady's gown an' de driver of a public llbr'y delivery wagon'" "No. George; I give that one up. What is in nmerence oeiween a lady's trown and a public library delivery of the driver wagon?" "De one has hooks in tie back an' the ud dah has books In de hack." "Ladies and gentlemen, the gifted tenor Mr. Ktannup N. Howell, will ngw sir.. the popular sentimental ballad, 'Baby, Vlease Pon't Ki-Ktter Cracker Crumbs In lh Bed!' "-Chicago Tribune. COMPLICATES SALE FOR TAXES Death of Treaaarer Makes It Impos sible to Comply With Law at Mitchell. MITCHELL, S. D., Nov. . (Special.) George H. Miner, the county treasurer, died today, after an Illness of six months, aged about 69 years. He was taken Blck with diabetes and for a time It was thought he would recover from the disease, but failed to make the Improvement antici pated. His deatb bring about a complication concerning the matters in tho county treas urer's office, with reference to tho sale o,' the delinquent taxes, which Is scheduled to take place next Monday, November 8. ome question arose as to the legality of the sale of the delinquent taxes by an appointed treasurer when not made- In strict compliance with the law. The law requires that the commissioner can ap point In the case of a vacancy, but that fiv days' notice shall be given of the meeting. With Mr. Miner's death occur ring today there is not the five day In which to give the required notice. Under the absolute necessity of having a county treasurer to officiate at the tax sale, State Attorney Herbert late this afternoon au thorized the county auditor to call a spe olal meeting for Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at which time th treasurer shall be appointed. Tha state attorney said that at most the appointment Is an Irregu larity at this time, but he believed that It Is a substantial compliance with the law, which does not require Impossible and un reasonable things. Mr. Sttner was an old resident of the state and territory, coming to the territory forty years ago and locating In the im mediate vicinity of Yankton, and he has lived through the periods of adversity and prosperity. The Woman s Shop 1517 Douglas St. Formerly llAtl Jfomi Monday we announce a sale of Women's Coats at $25.00 Properly cut and made Our materials are of the best. Our models plain and aenteeh comprising Broadcloth and English Tweeds. No charge for alteration. All sizes. $31.75 for this hanisocie Gold Cola Base Burner Terms $3 Cash, Balano "Sasy." This handsome Bsse Burner Is a splendid ex ample of a high grade Base Burner. It has all ths latest scientific im provements. It is an ex cellent heater, having a very large heat radiat ing surface. Ha pat ent automatic feed and guaranteed fir pot. Handsomely nickel trimmed. t-V 'J I pLofeo Dla. i v , I nT BMKm The Biggest Iron, Bed Proposition Ever Offered You! This Beautiful $10 Ver nis Marten Iron Eed Only 1 $6.5 nolal Showing of Dining Room Tur- II altar This Week. Ft Terms, 75c Cash, 75c Monthly 1 11 Term T5o Cash, 75o Monthly. Sxaetly tike Zllnstratlon And without a d ubt the most remarkable Iron Hod value in the entire city. They are constructed by America's largest Iron lied fsrtnrv, In n very popular design. They lire finished In a beautiful VKRNIS MARTIN thst Is guaranteed not lo , -hangs color or turn black. The head and foot have three wide panels that lire beau tifully decorated, and are supported by massive chills. Theso beds are positively the most remiirkubln value that we have been able lo offer you for some time. They are most dumble and are strongly const ructed. Remember they are an uotual 1 10.00 value. The spe cial price for this week's selling is only i that are beau- 7 n ii lit 1 050 for this magnificent Pedes, tal EXTENSION TABLE Terms f 1.00 Cash, Balaooo "Easy." Kxactly like Illustration and a most remark able value. It Is constructed of selected ma terials and Is highly finished In a beautiful golden, oak, and Is rubbed and polished to a high brilliancy. Is equipped with six foot extension slides. The heavy base Is massively constructed, and Is supported by carved claw feet. Three Rooms Fur nished com plete for Terms $5.00 Cash; $5.00 Monthly. $54.50 Four Rooms Furnish ed com- Q TA pletefor...vUt!lU Terms $6.50 Cash; $6.00 Monthly. You Furnish the Girl and We'll Furnish the Home $4.75 SPECIAL SALE OF CARPETS ind RUGS Ingrain Carpets, many patterns to select from, all wool filling, worth 70c, SHle price, per yard 4so Brussols Carpets, guarunteed to give best of service, large assortment, worth $1, sale price, per yd 69o Art Reversible Rugs, can be used on either side, worth S, sale price, at 3.B8 Tiger Brussels Hugs, slse 11x9 feet, made of a special quality of tap estry brussels carpeting, actuitllv worth 117.50, sale price ....10.78 Wilton Velvet Carpets, made of a special grade of wllton velvet car peting of a very handsome pattern. Size 11x8 feet, worth 127.50. vale price, at $15.88 for this magnificent SOFT COAL HEATER Terms "Ussy." We offer you what is undoubt edly the best value in the city in a soft coal heater. It is constructed uf pure cast gray Iron). Has good slse fire pot, and Is handsomely nickel trimmed. All Goods Marked in Plain Figures. Satisfaction Guaranteed o Kale. i t r . i -n il6Ii! a FADNAM STBEETS. OMAHA (Th opla T ami tur asl uarpt Co Sat 187. j J C50 boys a Guaranteed STEEL RANGE Term $3.50 Cash, Balano "Eay." Unquestionably this is the greatest Pteel Range value ever offered the pub lic of Omaha. They are made of extra heavy, cold rolled steel, have large fire box equipped with duplex grates. Ar hundsoniely nickel trimmed, and are com plete with upper warming closet as shown. CAN YOU SMILE? HERE'S HOW Beauty Professor Tells What Really is Necessary for Good One. GOOD COMPLEXION ESSENTIAL Bine Hay Treatment Exorcise Among Aays Expert on Grinning;, and Facial Hequlaltes, art of "I'm only a smile expert," said the boauty professor, setting down her bag and sighing wearily, but managing to smile sweetly at the same time. "I'm a smile expert and my job from day to day and weak to week a long a th season last consists In teaching th society beauty how to smile. "It waa all very well in the Amanda days, when novelists wrote of the pensive beauty, for then a woman could look grave or gay. But In these near-1910 days a beauty must smile. In vivacity she must excel the French woman and In wit the Irish girl. 8ha must smile, smile, smile. But her smile must be ever varied. "My job is to teach smiling as a fine art. I call my work the poetry of the smile, and when I am through with my pupils they are ready to acknowledge that they can smile. Before that they were merely trying to look pleasant. "A smile demands certain things as a be ginning. First may be mentioned good teeth. Oood eyes are of some assistance, and the right kind of nose helps. But the I it altogether,1 mosi important intng or an is tne complex- Well lon- 1st Woniaa was In I.ove. "A woman drove up here yesterday In an auto. 'I smile wooden,' she said to me. 'I caught sight of myself today when I was lunching and my smile fairly hurt me, it was so stiff and set. What shall I dor "I stood and looked at her for a full min ute. 'You are In love,' I said. "At this she burst out laughing, as I knew she would, and took the measure of her smile. It was truly wooden. " 'You must give up autolng.' I said, 'and devote yourself to complexion treatment for a while, and you must practice facial exercise and be unremitting In facial baths.' "I led her Into a room which had a sky light. It waa once a photograph studio, but needing the broad light I turned it into account as a beauty bathroom. " 'I'll glv you the blue glass ray treat ment." 1 said. 'Now aeat yourself and take off your stock and neck trimmings.' "One assistant was meanwhile warm ing some cold cream in a double boiler, while another assistant was getting ready the perfumed face hose. In a few min ute I had my patient bending over a wasbstand while th stream from th little hose played upon her face, which grew pinker and pinker under the treatment. "When she lifted her head her skin was as though It had bm painted lih rose colored dye. The whole countenance from chin to hair roots was a blushing red. Bine Hay Treatment. "My second assistant now placed a layer of cold cream' upon th lady's face and a third began to massag the cream into the face. A soon as a little had penetrated th skin I took the patient by th arm and led her Into a corner where there hung be tween her and tho window a sheet of blue glass. Here I seated her. You are getting blue ray massage,' said I. And th patient smiled, and al ready I was pleased to not her smile came easier. It was not so stiff and set. "The warm blue Klahs ray treatment lasted only a few minutes. Then cam a tubbing to take out the wrinkle around th mouth, and finally a prlnkllng of cool water and a cloud of face powder. " 'Go home I said, 'and bind strips of cucumber upon your fac. Lie down and cover your fac with layer of warm cot ton batting, and when your fac feels pliable and yon will soon know It If your skin Ihiproves get up and take a face stretching' exercise.' " 'May I walk in the open air?' ' 'Yes, but only In tha hours when there Is the least dust afloat. Tho best hours for you to walk ara Just at dusk and th best place Is on th roof.' " 'But am I never to go out again T asked my patient In some alarm. 'I shall become a leduse if I limit myself to cumbering my complexion by day and to walking on the roof In the evening.' " 'In a short time your akin will be so pliable that you will not need to continue the treatment so strenuously, though there will nut!. ... . ... a 1 1 . - mo- nucn you can drop say. 'Now smile and try to dimple right there.' " 'But I can't ' dimple right there,' de clared one putlent wearily after ah had struggled patiently through ten forced smiles. " 'You can and must. There Is your nat ural dimple spot. Keep your eye on the round black dot as you smile and try to draw In youf cheek muscles to make a dim ple right there.' " 'But I have never had a dimple right there.' " 'That Is your own fault or the fault of your life. If you had been huppy you would have had dimples. Now try to simu late happiness and see If you can not coax the tardy dimples to the surface.' " 'But I have had a happy life and yet the dimples did not come.' Too Many Bad Thouahts. " 'Then It Is th fault of your tempera ment. You hav encouraged sad thoughts. You have dwelt too much upon yourself and your own surroundings. You have driven back the dimples. Now smllo broadly and contract your fac muscles right where I hav mad thus polka dots.' "Once again she tried and this time she gav a shout of Joy: " 'I can dlmpl!' sh cried. "And looking over her shoulder In the glass I saw that sh could. From that time on she was a devoted and a success ful patient. Once a week I used eleotrlclty on her cheeks, pinching them and rolling them with an electric roller. "The virtue of a smile la its youthfulness and no smile can be fresh and sweet un less th skin be sweet also. The complex ion must be absolutely clean. This Is, t know, in direct contrast to the advice which has It that the faoe must not know th 'Well I Instructed her until he under- I touoh of water. But in my own experience ood the regime, and for two weeks she ! not onlv water w . ..i v.-.u luiuiiuiiy. ur course her com plexion improved, her akin grew pliable and lier muscle relaxed. When I had finished wun tier she could smile; and not only that, but there had begun to be dimples in her cheeks. Got Any Dlmuleaf "A smile to be sweet actually reqilre dimples. I don' t mean that a woman must show them all the tint, for too much dim plo Is as bad as none at all. But unless one can cause a dimple to peep out now and thn ther is no perfection In the smile. "1 teach my putlenU how to show the Uth without seeming to show them, 'biuli,' I say to them, 'and roll up your upper lip as you smile. It is very simple, if you can't do it naturally you can do it artificially. Take you finger tips and roll up your upper lip as though you wer roll ing a bit of velvet. Turn the lip right up and roll. Now smile!' 'The patient smile and shows her upper row of wlilie, even tetli for I don t mind saying that I take no patients whoso tseth are not in, good whit condition and I teil her to smile again and aguln, each time rolling up th lip. la a little while th lip rolls of its own accord and the testa show. "My next stunt Is to bring out th dim ples. As my patient smiles I make a dot in th middle of each cheek. " Ther 1 your natural dlmpl spyt,' J soap necessary. I hav a supply of powdered soap and I us It freely in making a warm soap Jelly, "I want to say upon the soap question that no two faces seem to like exaotly the same kind of soap Jelly. I advise my pa tients to find a soap that agrees with them and to cling to It. "I wonder it women appreciate the beauty of the complexion Itself. I doubt It. Most women seem to regard th face as merely a vehicle for powder and rouge, eyebrow pencils and stucco work. But my own per- ' sonal opinion Is that th complexion Itself, bare and clean, fresh and pink, is one of the most attractive sights In tne universe., "A successful smile require some se- ' renlty of snul. But this Is another branch of the subject. I tell my patients to relaa ; the mind, to be sweet of spirit. And th smlla will corns easier. A serene soul makes for a good complexion, for serenity , means good digestion ,and upon a good di gestion the skin depends." Appeared to Bo m Vry. The lecturer was discoursing on "Borne Evils of Our Modern Civilisation." "Life Is too Intense," he said. "Men do not give themselves enough leisure. Ho to 1 speak, they burn the candle at both end of he day, I should like to know, for Instance, 1 how many man In this large audlenoe ar In such a hurry to go to work In the morn ing that they habitually get their own breakfasts and eat alone. Ail who do will ! please rise." He paused. . A man In the second row slowly turned his head and looked at tha man sltUng next to him. . The other man smiled and slightly nodded. , Then they slowly turned In thlr seat 1 and looked behind them. Other men were doing the asm thing. "I see there are plenty who do," said tho watchful lecturer. "When I count three I . want all of you to rise. On two three!" Men rose to their feet In ail part of th house. "Forty-seven," announced th speaker after counting them. "Still," he added, "th number I dlssp- polntlngly small. I know tbar ar mors of ' you." Chicago Tribune. Santa Claa tweets. Last year th postmsster general abol ished Santa Claua. His act was tanta mount to th Issuance of a fraud order against Krlss Krlngle. All mall addressed . to the saint of th winter was to be dealt with In the dead lot ter office. W are pleased to see that not In all particu lars Is the postmaster general a Scrooge. He has Issued a candy order Just when the thought begins to turn toward Christ mas. Candy may be sent by mall and ex isting prohibitions are rescinded. Candy ' has been found to be hygienic and now It Is frsns'-'i-sib'''- -o lBt sweets reach the sweet. New Yc k Sun. Becoming a moth. ..i snouldbo a source of joy, but the suffer ing incident to the ordeal M , i O O makes its anticipation one of TTTvTTy dread. Mother's Friend is JLLLu llazJ the on'y remedy which re- lieves women at mnrh nf thr? pain of maternity; this hour, dreaded as woman's severest trial, is not only made less painful, but danger is avoided by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer despondent or gloomy ; nervousness, nausea and other distressing conditions are overcome, and the system prcparcu lor me coming t-t event. "It Is worth Its weight x in gold, says many who have iV Uteri it llu0 Pr boltie at drug stores, fjatu u. feoosof vaiatoaU.pctani Mtther mailed fr. IHI BXAD FIELD SlOfLATOR CO. AtUou, C. 11 las t