1 14 TIIE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 0. 1000. Want - Ads Adrertteeaaent for the waat ad rolinni will kr Ukfa natll 1 9 a, for the tirnl edition it ad onlll SiaO a. m. for la nornlaf aad Bandar dl I ton a. Caah maal accompany all order for want ad and no ad rertlaement will be accepted for lea than 20 tar first Inaertlon. Rale apply to eltker The Dal 1 7 ftnndny Bee. Always ratal all word to llm. CASH RATES FOR WAJTT ADS. ncnt'LAR CLASSIFICATION On insertion, 1 1-3 rent per word and 1 Insertion. Earh Inaertlon made oa odd dnya, 1 1-3 rent per wrd 91. SO per line per month. Want ad for The Be ma r he left at any of the following drop; atorea one -la yonr 'corner drorlgat" thep are all branch office for The Be aad poor ad will be laaerted Jaat a propnitlr and on the annte rate a at the main office In The Bee Balldlngr, Seventeenth and Farnana atreetai Albach, W. C, 4Hh and Farnam. Beranck, 8. A.. 1402 8. 10th St. Becht Pharmacy, 7 S 16th St Benson Pharmacy, Benson. Neb. Hemls I'ark Pharmacy, 33d and Cuming. Dlake-Hradlsh, 281fl Sherman Avi. Caughltn, C. R., 6th and Pierce St. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 2213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., 31st Av and F'arnam. Crlesey Pharmacy, Htli and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2228 South 16th St. Crrmak, Kmll, 1204-6 8. lMh St. Fastmsn Pharmacy. 4046 Hamilton, thler. F. H.. 2S"2 Leavenworth. Foster at Arnoldl, 213 N. JT.th St. Freytag, John J., 114 N. 24.h St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Goldman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough, G. A., 106 8. 10th St. Crwnough, G. A., 10th and Hickory. Hayden, William. C. 2920 Farnam St Hanscom I'ark Phar., 1501 & 29th Av. Hoist, John, 4 N. 16th St. Huff. A. L., 2!.24 Leavenworth St. Johan.ion Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sts. Km;. H. S., ItitfH Farnam St. Knuntxe Place Pharmacy, 3.104 N. 14th Wares, Fred L., 2019 Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1624 N. 24lh St. Latlirop. Charles K.. 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton, L. E., 24th and Leavenworth St. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th and Ames Ave. Ikheefer's Cut Price Lrug Store, 16th and i;iurago HI. Srhaefer, August, 2631 N. 16th St Schmidt, J. H., 24th and Cuming Sts. Storm I'harmacy, 16th and Martha Sts, Walton Pharmacy, 20th and Grace Sts. Wtrth, O. H., 4Hh and Hamilton Sts. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Louis Ackerman, 1107 Douglas, boy;1 IS. B. McCreary, 4615 Wakely avenue, boy; Alf Long a, 1228 South Seventh, girl; Arthur E. Hall, 2912 Harney, boy; Arthur Jenkins. 1419 South Fifteenth, girl. Death Frank Michalek, 1417 South Four teenth, 66; August P. Stollnskl, 1939 South Twenty-eighth, 67; Nag Ambrus, 704 Web ster, 25; Fannie Wirta. 1333 South Seven teenth, 17. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage license were URued today: Nam and Residence. Age Human Knlps, Fort Crook 44 Mary ftchmld, South Omaha 42 Elmer W. Worth. Waco 27 Ai.ce Trollope, Waco 30 ' ANNOUNCEMENTS fVlAT. CLEAN Carbon Cooking, I8 60. KsKJlliJ (joutant & Squires, 1406 Far. L. 930 H rpo Stetson, $2.50 and $3.09. RA -"to practical hatter, 220 S. 14th RAMSER, St. ( V I A T . B- H. Green Trading Stamps vacvlj witn Hard and Soft Coal. Peo ple' Coal Co. Doug. $471; lnd. A-14C8. Saratoga Drug Co., 21th St Ames Ave., ao cuiale compounder ot prescriptions. Fiee uuliverv. hior open 6:30 a. ni. to. li p. in. A SPECIAL OFFER 16 day we will fit your eyes wuh perlacopio ltiikiM. preicrlpllL'n quality. Nickel and Uumlco frames VI. Gold filled frames $2.60. OUK OPTICAL DEPARTMENT must be INTRODUCED to the people. FRED BRODEOAAUD A CO., JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS. 11a So. lth St nl announces the opening . XV. IVUiN 1Y o h lew Manufactur ing OPTICAL and FITTING PARLORS at luii Farnam fit. phone Douglas 7744. Co., luth anu rieice. Douglas 1141. ( 'f) M. Andover, Egg. Lump. $6.60. R. II. tu'liJ Morehous Co., W. $10. B-224&. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of (ire rat-apes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop.. 102 S. 10th. ttfi PI?"!? TON Coal 11111 Nut' Coal Hill CEMENT ELOCK of best quality, Manufactured by the IDlAL CEMENT STONE CO. TAYLOR THE TAILOR. 4th Floor. Paxtou Blk. Tel. Douglas 133. WKDDINQ rings made by hand, sold by weight T. L. Combs & Co., Ii20 Douglas. Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co.. ISIS Far. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit. 310 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Tinuff UNION LOAN COMPAH. DouRjas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. - 1 All kinds of CEMENT WORK. DUNDEE CKMTJNT STONE WORKS, 46th & Dodge .'nv 11 I'eflln, 1616 Douglaa St., over 3 Lindsay s. Tel. D. 2H.4; A-4205. Flnpirif Omaha electric works repair ale l.it 111 11. vatorB l08 N, mn i A-144S. COMBS, 1530 Douglas, expert eye fitting. JKAN P. DUFFIELD. teacher of piano. ult. ',4-f3 Tloids Theater. IF You want any dirt call on C. M. Pai'hiiutiin, 43fi Pa Hon Blk. Dfjoalilons. F. J. Sutcllffe, 628 Bee Blflg. won. Dr. O. S.. 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- r. rvKl A. JJ.TK.S. 13u2 Douglas St O J, O Dr. M. A. Alexander (Torosien) 107 Neville Block, vlihra to announce his new telephone i.uiiiIkt. Douglas Ui9. UJiANIXtl AND DYEING The best evtr. Twin City Dye Works. 407 S. 15th St HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace. stnvUKlben. hk.: BELL DRUG CO. FOR watrhes and Jewelry repairs see (.urtafHon & Henrirkson, 201 N. ltlh St. MISSOURI filters made and sold. Howard tt. 1210 GRAVEL ROOFING. I. It. Ktover.son Hoofing Co.. gravel and -onialLlon' roofing. Ill 8. 10th St., Omaha. Tels. Doug. S11S. Ind. A-17.i2; res., V'tM'r tl'4. I LL. HARNEY 423 for prces on hard and soft coal and fted, delivery and quantity. Lincoln Grain & Coal Co., 43d A Hamilton. '.'MB WARDROBE, expert CLEANERS AND DY1CHS. to'.G Farnam. Both 'phones. Los Angeles Restaurant. 105 South 13th St., will open about Nov. 8 under new manage n ent s f rt-clsa cafe, serving American and mandarin dlhea. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fenees cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. $07 N. 17th. 'Phone Red 814. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. LETTERS DUPLlCATEl-7$-5 Pndela Bldg. Tel. Douglas VU; Auto. A-i. . AUTOMOBILES At'TOMom.F.. CARRIAGE PAINTING. lllackamlthlng. woodwork and auto tops specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. FFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS. 26th Ave. and Leavenworth. MURPHY PID IT. Did w paint your autoT A MURPHY A SON. FOR SALE Two-eyllnder Rambler, Day ton folding tonneau. speedometer, gas and ell lamps; extra tire; ran 1.000 mile. O 615 Be. Bargain IN USED ELECTRICS. Baker Electric, brand new battery, tire nearly new, motor In excellent shape, only $250.00 Also another Baker Electric, bargain at $100.00 R. R. KIMBALL, 202 Farnam. WRITE for large list of second-hand automobiles bargains. H. E. Fredrlckson Automobile Co., Omaha. SEND for our lift of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 1114 Farnam St JUST great Drysmokanehu ehewlng cigar. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR RIGHT PRICE LAND We will exchange 10-room modern house. Corner lot; car at door; choice location. Also 9-room modern house, lot 100x120; and l-room house, new and modern In every way. NOWATA LAND AND W., Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg. TRADES. TRADES. TRADES. Farms. Income, mdse. List with us. ABBOTT REALTY CO., Brandeis Bldg. EXCHANGE FOR LAND. SDlendld 10-room house and beautiful grounds; best part of Omaha; price, $10,000. C. K. CUMHo, Room 15, U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg.. ISth and Farnam. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 3916. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET on or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3.OT7. 6 POOL tables and building, wanger, Sutton, Neb. P. H. Ell- FOR SALE A thriving cement block brick and tank business; far particulars address J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. CAN dlsnose of a few thousand dollars' worth of Independent Telephone Co.'s bonds of Omaha; will trade a good eight acre Iowa farm for same or pay cash, but price must be right Address 8 60S, nee, FOR BALE A small amount of stock In Omaha's most oroxresslve, firm; will pay 8 per cent dividends In 1910, probably 20 per cent thereafter. Price $112.60 per share. Ad dress D 661. FOR SALE Hotel and furniture. 19 bed rooms: doing big business; $3,600 buys It all or part cash. Write for particulars. Wm. Erlon, Alta Vista, la. BUSINESS FOR SALE. One of the best hardware, furniture and harness businesses for sale; located In one of the best towns on the Northwestern K R. between Plei re and Rapid City; last year's business $16,000; stock will Invoice about $4,600; building and fixtures ii.mu; will sell with or without building; good reason for selling. Address T 79, Bee. FOR 8ALE Good butcher shop In west ern Nebraska, up-to-date market Ice plant, sausage machinery and good slaughter house. Address T 80, care Omaha Bee. FIRST CLASS opportunity for a broad gauge business man of means. Address p. O. Box 418, Omaha. FINEST meat market In Council Bluffs for sale or rnt. C. W. Letchford. FOR SALE An up-to-date bakery and cafe In good lewa town. Brick building and laree brick oven; first class retail trade. Will sell for $700 if taken at once. Address Y 72, care of Bee. FOR 8ALE One complete news and Job printing plant at a very reasonable figure; full particulars given by addressing Mrs. F. w. Ott, Laramie, wyo. FOR SALE Restaurant In Wyoming town of 3,000; price $360 60. A snap. Ad dress owner, T 74. ear Be. INDEPENDENT TELEPHONE BONDS, Can dispose of & few thousand dollars' worth of Independent Telephone Co. 1 bonds of Omaha; will trade a good eight acre Iowa farm for same or pay cash, but price must be right. Address K Bee FOR SALE Harness shop, one of the good ones, In best county In Nebraska; good, profitable business; Invoice about $2.u00; can reduce; good reason for selling. H. W. Whltaker & Co., Craig, Neb. BUSINESS OPENINGS. Ralston a Live Wire. Ralston, the manufacturing suburb of Omaha. Two blr plants In operation em ploying large force of men Howard Stove Works, Brown Truck Co. Two more big plants located and starting to bulldV-Rals-ton Car Works. Rogers Motor Car Co. A dosen rete.ll stores doing good business. Splendid opening for bank, grain elevator, hotel, bakery, etc. Addreea or call for particulars. RALSTON TOWNS1TE COMPANT, 319 S. l;th St., Omaha, or 77th and Mechanic, Ralston. FOK HALE Livery barn In good, live Nebraska town: reason for selling, leaving city. Address Y 20. care Bee. FOR 9ALE Best equipped machine shop In the Panhandle; good repair business. For particulars address Stratford Machine Works, Stratford, Tex. CHIROPODISTS PR ROY. 1VX Farnam fit Douglas 64? DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agcy., 428 Paxton, D. 1319. DENTISTS BAILEY St MACK. 2d floor, Paxton. D.10 & TAFT'S Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglaa St. DR. F1CKES. 217 Board of Trade. He doesn't hurt like others." DRESSMAKERS STEIN A CO., 2422 S. 16th St. Doug. 6532. MISS STURDY. 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635 McDowell Dressing rcnool. 1;'13 Far. DRESS PLEATING, buttons covered all style and sires. The Ideal Pleating Co., $00 Douglas Blk. Beth 'phones. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam 81. WIltlN writing ... 1 on The H. to advertiser, kindly EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled courses In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sections. Most interesting catalogue pub lished in Omaha. Send for one today. MOS11KR & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam treta The Biggest Book on Its Subject FREE Do you desire to become a success out In the big. bustling business world aa a steno grapfvU'. telegrapher or United States civil service candidate? Well, this big, ambitious book Is Just what will make the way plain and atralght for you. We'll send ou a free ropy In a special box If you auk for It RIGHT NOW. Boyle College. Omaha, Neb Wben writing to advartlsar remember 1 .iii . 'ahea a atro'ta or two of th pea 10 mention th faot tual you ui ta ad id iu e EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN HAND-MADE klmona. dressing eacques aprons, laules wool union suns, exira mi. quality, only 60c; dry goods and ribbons. E. MIlISA, 4Ju in. tain at. RUGS made from old carpets. Gat City Rug Factory, 1K1 N. 24th. B-1840. WEINLANDER & SMITH Ladles' Exclusive Furnishings. 317 8. 16th Street. PLUMES cleaned or colored, 26c at Pennells Al u. AT HOBSON'S Over Kern's Millin ery, liOti Dougias Si. Kimerfluous hair and moles removed by the electric needle. Satisfaction guaranteed. MERSCHE1M. High grade millinery. 204 Paxton Blk. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children' classe Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungaie, &n Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 5486. n AVI TTTTT'lT' Beautiful creations In late UAIIlUrr millinery. 1924 N. 24th St UPHOLSTERING Antiques a specialty. W. O. Larsen, IB 18 Cuming. Both phones. LACE curtains, nicely done and wash ing to take home. Telephone Harney I860. CHINA firing, order work, 1842 N. 19. Tel. Webster 639, or leave orders 107 S. 15th. CAKES THREE-LAYER WHITE 3QC Groceries and Meats. Bottom Prices. JOHNSON ft GOODLETT. 20th and Lake. French Dry Cleaning Works. Both Tela. Best work, prompt service. ELTINO, grocery and confectionery. 2214 Farnam St. New goods, low prices. MTT T T VlVRV Moderate prices. Schall JUDLllMVIVI HI..., M 9A W 1K9J M POTTON Fashionable Ladles Tal- winter Styles. Everything In the Ladles' Tailoring line. Satisfaction guaranteed. 2m,6 Farnam St Harney 4244. "VIA VI" A drugless home treatment for women; 400 page book free. 813 Brandeis Bldg. FREE TIIIS WEEK with each 50c Jar of Beaton's Cold Cream, one Royal Vacuum Massage Appliance. Beaton Drag Co., Farnam and 15th. FLORISTS F. W. MENERAY Nursery Co.. 424 BRANDEIS BLDG., Bell 'Phone Doug. 3068. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH. 1623 Hai r-ey. Douglas 3006. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St., Doug.-125S. BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entr'ce. A. DONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. FURNACES AND REPAIRING IN STOCK, repairs for all make of fur naces, steam or hot water heaters, stove and range repairs, water fronts. Investi gate the Rees fuel saver, costs only $17.50 Installed. New furnaces, combination hot water and hot air heating; thermostats and tank heaters.) 1 OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1 Both 'Phones. 1206-8 Douglaa. HELP WANTED FEMALE A seats and galealadie. -. LADY agents now earn $50 a week sell ing my new patented articles, each one a necessity and can be sold In every house. To prove this 1 will send $10 worth on credit to one agent In each town. Write quick- for liberal terms. A. M. Young, 422 Young's Bldg., Chicago. Clerical and Stenographer. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $15. Stenographer, experience not necessary, $6. Stenographer, experienced, $15-$50. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Trade. GIRLS WANTED, at once; steady work; good pay. Bemls Omaha Bag Co. Housekeeper and Domestic. WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. J. H. Parrotte, 4&01 Davenport WANTED Girl for general housework. 216 N. 22d St. COMPETENT girl, $6; no washing. Burt St. 3315 COMPETENT GIRL wanted. Mrs. T. E. Pearce, 119 S. 37th St. Harney 970. YOUNG GIRL to help with housework. 1022 Park Ave. GIRL for general housework; family. 526 S. 24th Ave. small WANTED Good capable girl for general housework. Mrs. R. S. Hall. 3224 Farnam. WANTED Washing and Ironing. B-2041. . Call COMPETENT girl for general house work; three In family; wages $5. Mrs. 11. C. Miller, 11.-4 S. 32d St WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. W. C. Lyle, 634 Park Ave. GIRL to cook and do general housework. Small family. Apply 2102 Douglas St. WAN'lED Girl for general housework; no washing; good wages. Inquire 1124 8. 2th St. GIRL to help with housework ind take care of baby. 413 N. SOth St. N. II. Bauner. WANTED Girl for general housework. 4507 Lafayette Ave. Tel. Harney no. Mrs. F. H. Hansen. WANTED Good girl. In small famllv. Mrs. Qeerge Kelly 1S24 Blnney. Web. f43. GOOD honest servant for general house- 10 sTMH.rney 4:3. haid' WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Mrs. George Marples, IO 8. 33d St., Tel. Harney 109S. WANTED Maids. Apply Hotel Rome. GIRL for general house work. Need not be competent. Mrs. Pealfall, 1U2 Georgia Avenue. WANTED At once, woman to do clean ing or washing. Call 2011 Charles. WANTED A good girl for cneml housework, no washing. Apply at once, 320 N. 23d St, near Chicago St. ' ; GIRL wanted for general housework;. small family; steady employment. 3112 Leavenworth. GIRL for general housework. 20th. Call 511 S. WANTED A good cook: no washinx; wagea $7; references. 103S Park Ave. 'Phone Harney 3014. GIRL for general housework; no cooking; small family and good salary. 21 Capitol Ave. GOOD girl for general housework, small family; good wages; no cooking. 2t;iJH Capitol Ave. i NURSE girl 16 or over, to go home nights. Mrs. Albert Startler, 1135 Georgia Ava. WANTED For general housework, good girl, good pay .small family. Call Friday or Saturday, Th NonnanJi. Mrs. u. 11. tweipion. A practically complete list of the vacant rooms in Omaha will bo found on this page HELP WANTED FEMALE 41 o a se keeper aad DoaaeatleaCon. GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Jnqulth. 2017 Spencer St. Miscellaneous. WANTED Experienced alteration Orkln Bros, low Duugias. help. WANTED 5 ladles to sell an up-to-date article; sal. and cum. lt Chicago St. H. 6. Lh,AP.N hair dressing; It pays; you can easily earn $15 to JI weekly. Full course taught Brandeis Hair Dressing Dept. HELP WANTED MALE Aareata, Solicitors aad galeamea. TWO clothing solesmen by Nov. ply to Premier. Blk. Dr. Downs. L Ap- MEN WANTED To travel In th best territories to sell a patented garment holder to merchants. Big paying proposi tion to right party. Call at once. Novelty Skirt Co., 1216 Harney St. e- BOND salesmen reaulred for Iowa. Ad- dress Y-748, Bee. . WANTED A solicitor with horae and buggy to drive through the country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. TWO good collector at one. Adams & Co., 623 S. ltlth St. C. S. Cigar salesmen wanted In your locality to represent us. Experience unnecessary. $110 per month and expences. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co., St. Louis, Boy. WANTED Several trustworthy boy; good wages. A. D. T. Co., 212 8. 13th St. BOY wanted. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Farnam St. Clerical and Office. MANAGER, grain elevator. $68. Oeneral merchan-lise clerk, German, 170. Hotel clerk, $25, bed and room. CF. , 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, $60. Bookkeeper, must Uv In Co. Bluffs, $90-$100. Collector, experienced, $60. Assistant bookkeeper, $50. Shoe salesman. $ti&-$70. Soap salesman, $1,200. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE CO., 675-77 Brandeis Bldg. Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Be Bldg. WANTED At once, Jewelry Jobber; one who understands clock repairing. C. A. Tucker, 1123 O St.. Lincoln. Neb. WANTED Six plasterers, North Platte; Omaha or Denver scale allowed; apply or come at once. Basta, contractor. WANTED A good milker; one capable of handling 20-25 cows dally. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam St. WANTED Two energetic delivery men with A No. 1 references; married men pre ferred; salary $60-$75. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., 1812 Farnam. WANTED Carpenters and laborers. 10th and Pierce Sts. F. B. Burness. WANTED A Gordon press feeder. Reed Printing Cc. 2023 Farnam. Mlacellaneoaa. WANTED Ladles' tailor. Apply Orkln Bros., 1510 Douglaa. WANTED Railway office clerks, carriers. mall clerks, post- Salary $600 to $1,600. Examinations In Omaha, November 17. Preparation free. Write for schedule. Franklin Institute. Dept. 190 Q, Rochester, is. Y. MEN WANTED. ' ' To learn Spanish, German, business law, salesmanship, public speaking, debating, parliamentary law, vocal music, show card writing, drawing, algebra, electricity at the Y. M. C. A. Night school. Call on or writ J. W. Miller, educational director, for details. WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few weeks reaulred. Wonderful demand for barhers. Best ravtnir work within reach of poor man. Can earn some money from start. Positions waiting. $12 to $20 weekly. Unusual opportunity to start busi ness of your own. Call or write, Moler Farber College. 110 S. 14th St. YOUNG MAN. not over SO. as office manager; must be qualified and come well recommended; splendid opportunity for right man. C 645, care Bee. r- $2,000 accidental death. $15 weekly indemnity accident $15 weekly Indemnity sickness. Old line company doing business 33 years. Cost $5 new year. Good agents wanted. 813-315 Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. ARE YOU out of work? Do you want to better your condition Join our nasrwila tlon and get free assistance. EMPLOYES' PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION. S.1$-339 Pax ton Blk. FREE Employment Dept. Business Men' Ass'n; - o fees. Call 440 B. of T. Bldg. GOOD chicken rHckers can find good. steady work at Swift & Company's Branch Poultry house t Nevada, Jefferson, Grin- ..II 1 I , ll.l... T nell and Des Moines, la. WE WANT ten or flteen men at once. Wares $2 to J5 ner day. Call at once. Boom Prtnn Ttlnrtr WANTED Young man. not over 30, for office manager; must be mmllrled and come well recommended; splendid opportun ity for a wide-awake man. Addreoa O 622. R-a. HELP WANTED MALE 4HD FEM ALU WANTED Immediately. One reliable person In every town. Home work. New Century Co., Lnid, Okl. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horae and Vehicle. Screenings. $1.50 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th M'CRARY buys and sells all klns of h rees. Blue barn, rear Millard hotel. D. 46 FOR KALE Horses of all klndB; buggies and wagons. 1415 Capitol Ave. D. 1M0. GOOD 4-year-old driver, well broke, cheip. 4170 Cass St. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blankets; reg ular J5 value, only $3 $0. KENNLTTS HARNESS DEPT., BASE MKNT. ! FOP. SALE Small family horse, harn-is, pllaet.m, slelph. saddle and nd.ng bridle, J-j "in Grant TRY HAYDENS' FIRST-IT PAYS EXTRA HEAVY. I.KriT QUALITY. PLUSH nOHI-JS, THAT ALWAYS SOLD AT $1, SPKCIAL SALE THIS WEiSK. $6.00. HAYDENS' HARNESS DEPT., Basement. LOST AND FOUND I.OST I-af shell pin with bangle; lost between 20 and 24th and Dodge. Reward. 2u"i S. 2iih Ave. IlST In Florence, lady's gold watch: regard offend. J. 8. Scott, Florence, Neb. LOST Meter book contalnln meter cards between 25 and 36 on Farnam; finder kindly return to Omaha Elac. L. A P. Co., and receive reward of $10. LOST Milk route book. Reward on re turn ta Axwood Dairy. TuL Harney 1&S$. t L. u LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) LOST Pair gold spectacles with kryptok lense In Columbian Optical Co. case. Re turn to Columbian Optical Co., 211 So. 16th. Reward. 1ST Snake skin belt on Lake St. For reward return to Pearl Schockly, 28th Ave. and Ohio St LOST A bunch of keys; return and re ceive reward. F. W Harwood, 1409 Harney. LOST I will give a liberal reward for return of Airedale terrier, "Mike," lost about four weeks go. E. II. Spragtle, Ben son or 1608 Hsmey Street. FOUND Indies' gold watch with fob attached. Call at 2b71 St. Mary Ave. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport Sts.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. 'Phone Douglas 1167. Calls answered day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. THE POPULAR PLACE FOR MONEY Where? RELIABLE CREDIT CO. WE WILL LOAN YOU MONEY ON YOUR SALARY OR FURNITURE, Quickly, private and confidentially, at lower rates than any one In Omaha. PATRONH6E THE BIG COMPANY. IF YOU CANNOT CALL phone or write and our representative will call at once. Our office most convenient of any In the city. Private reception rooms. RELIABLE CREDIT CO. Sd Floor, 307-308 Paxton Block, 3d Floor. Phones: A-141I; Douglaa 1411. M ANY AMOUNT you want from $10 O up; we guarantee the cheapest ratca N and easiest tetms In the city. Ex E tensions granted if sick or out of Y work without extra cost. QUICK, QUIET AND CONFIDENTIAL. Omaha! Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade. 'Phone. Doug. 2295. 806 8. 16th St. HERB SINCE 1892. LOANS on FURNITURE, PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO., 514-15 Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 1607. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS, without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities. Tolman, room 513 New York Life Bldg. LOANS of $10 or more on your own note. No red tape. Call 620 Paxton block. MOVING AND STORING lst-clitss STORAGE & MOVING. COLE'S EXPRjt-SS. 1616 Cap. Ave. D. 670. A-3987. EXP. Delivery Co., office 16th and Dav enpoit Sis., warehouse 2207-09 Isard St. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; best of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co., 1430 Military Ava. Both phone. OFFERED: FOR RENT Boarding; and Room. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer home; fin lawn, 123 fc. 25th Av. NICE front room to quiet couple or gentlemen, with board; private family; reference. 1918 Cass St. Doug. 1476. 527 PARK Ave. Large south room, out side entrance; best home cooking; for two, ROOM and board In private family; modern home; also large south room, with alcove. Tel. Harney 4,14. WANTED Room and board In a private family for man and wife; good location, Address O-605, Bee. COOL, airy room, modern; fin shade with or without beard, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 Capitol Ave. THE GEORGIA, single rooms and en suite, with private barh, steam heat; ex cellent table and good service. 1042 Georgia Ave. Tel. Harney 661. CLOSE IN; good board; large room suit able for two; references required. 'Phone Red 4033. WARM rooms, $2 per week; free bath, Ogden Hotel, Council Bluff. DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Far nam. FINE south room and board, single or en suite; walklnfg distance. 2610 Dewey Av. Varnished Room. NEAT and comfortable housekeeping and sleeping rouniB. 710 S. 14th. FINE rooms, new building, steam heat '.M- 1 1 V, , - - - u . I I .......... side lights for dresser, porcelain-enamel basin with hot and cold water In each room. Prices very low. Call at 406 8. 24th Ave. Near 24th and Harney Sts. I BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In I P"vate family, forone or two young men very reasonable. 2019 Webster St. FOR RENT Room at Blk.. $20 per month. Flat 8, Davldge FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room. 3017 Pacific St. ' ONE nice furnished room, single, ern; private family, 1818 Chicago. mod- FURN18HED rooms with gas and heat. 115 8. 90th St. VERY desirable room: fine location; walking distance. 218 8. 26th St. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished; also smaller room; fine location. 801 8. 26lh Ave. FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St. Th Chatham. ' 1 1 FURNISHED rooms, house new, plenty hot water. V.i N. 19th St Coal nnd Wood R. H. Morehouse Co., W. 3105. Ind. B-224i. NEW. MODERN, STEAM HEATED ROOMS. HOT AND COLD WATER AND HATH. THE BELMONT, 1E18 DODGE ST. TEL. DOUG. 8775. FOR KENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reawonable; centrally lo cal ed. CJ So. lDth St. PLEASANT ROOMS, modern; on very large iron 100m, $16; one at $10; one at $i 6-0 N. 23d St. ONE extra fine front room, fine furni ture, modern. 3--0 No. 20th. No. sign on htu. FURNISHED front room for gentlemen 111., r-euth 26!h St. NICE large sou'h room In private fam ily. 18.3 N. 18th St. FURNISHED room, modern, steam heat $8 a month. 1614 Chicago bt. Call D. $064. ' BEAUTIFUL front room and dan; also single room. 2474 Harney. FOR R?:NT-Modern furnished room Mrs. Brodky, 2&U Capitol Ave. ONE nicely furnished room. 1819 Daven port FRONT room, beat, bath, distance. Dougla UU. it 8. gas, walking UUx. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Boom toatlaaed. On furnished room. IMS Franklin St I FURNISHED room In naw modern bouse. 118 So. SOth. Phone Harney 1&3S. SINGLE room for gentleman. $001 Mason, Harney 273. 22?0 Emmet street two rooms, new and modern. NICELT furnished room In private fam ily, will rent to one or two young ladies. Tel. Harney 4o06 Apartment nnd Flat. CORNISH ' TV RTMENT9. Southwest cor 10th and William Sts., 7 minutes from center of city on Farnam car. Apartments of four and five rooms and bath, Just completed. Hardwood floors, gas and electric light fixtures, tile hath rooms. Kitchen furnished with cabinet, laundry tub and "Carliind" Gas Ranee; private porches, window shades, steam heat, hot and cold water. Janitor service. Apartments are both furnished and un furnished. $60 to $100 a month, furnished. Single rooms, $30 per month. Barn for automobile. Agent at th apartment. 5 t-toom apartments In Qulvet Bldg. 1809-11 Farnam St., second floor, splendid location for offices, studio, dental or dressmsklng rooms, etc., for tenants wish ing home adjoining. Han, 433 itanige Bldg. Both phones. 6-ROOM modern lower flat at Jn04 Leav enworth St., $30 00. Tel. Harney 1MB. 5 rooms, 2nd floor, $906 Rees street, bath and toilet $15.00 Chrla woyer, zza and Cuming Sis. FOR RENT Furnished, modern apart ments, with furnace; 6 nlc large rooms; piano, telephone, etc. Rent reasonable. 2008 St. Mary' Ave. Housekeeping; Room. FOUR large unfurnished room, at 1045 S. 20th St. Inquire TWO or three elegant furnlehed front rooms complete for housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mr. Geo. Scott. 1713 N. 24th St MODERN 10-room house, completely fur nished; piano, etc.; barn; fine neighbor hood; $); unfurnished, $60. See Hasting Heyden. TWO nicely furnished room. Mary's Ave. 2671 St TWO modern furnished rooms; good lo cation. 1822 Chicago St. ELEGANTLY furnished modern. 1432 N. SOth St parlor floor, FURNISHED rooms, light housekeeping If desired. 2715 Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 4743. ROOMS for housekeeping. Light, gas for cooking. 609 N. 17th. Dougla 4688. TWO nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping. 2210 Harney. HEATED housekeeping room, close in. 2010 Davenport THREE fin basement room, modern, furnished for housekeeping. Will be ready Nov. 8. Can be seen any time. 807 North 26th. HANDSOMELY furnished front parlor and kitchen, or 4 rooms n ulte, modem, walking distance. 004 S. 28th. TWO or three strictly modern rooms for light housekeeping; reference required. 2607 Dewey Ave. TWO furnished connecting housekeeping rooms; modern; good heat 809 N. 25th. ONE or two housekeeping romi. 191$ Chi cago; close in. HOUSEKEEPING, also sleeping rooms. 1806 Webstar. TWO warm, light, newrly papered room; reasonable price. Douglaa 642$. Unfnrnlahed Room. FOUR Good location. $12.. Tel. H. 4J66. PLEASANT, front, alcove room; also suite of unfurnished room. 1049 Park Av. Harney $090. UPSTAIRS rooms. $06 S. $6th Av. Hob and Cottage. OMAHA Van Svorag Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse. 1120-24 N. 19th; offic 309 S. 17th Bt. Tel Dougla 1659. FIVE-ROOM apartment, new, modern, St. Louis flat, only $20; good neighborhood Inquire 1411 Vinton. V FOR RENT 6-room house. $719 Bpragu; strictly modern except heat; first-class; S2 60. D. J. Hughes, 2402 Fort St Phone ell 469 or 4929, Ind. B-8477. A BRAND new 7-room, all modem house and barn, 2115 Burdette St. Will sell at a sacrifice. Small payment down, long time on balance at 6 per cent. No commission. Phone owner, Webster 1824. 213 Woolworth Av., 8 room, modern, $36. 3i!lK Chicago, modern. $30. 1660 N. uh, 6-r., mod. ex. heat, $20. U.'.l California, room, bath, $17.60. 1903 Capitol Ave., 10 room, modern. $66. R1NGWALT BROS., 306 8. 16th St. FOR RENT 7-room, all modern house, 4240 Farnam. Inquire on premise or phone D. 1838. FOR RENT Modem, 7 rooms and recep tion hall: good furnace; built last fall; walking distance; good car aervloe; $32.00. 2612 Cuming 8t. Inquire next door east 7-ROOM bouse, modern exoept heat Burt, $23. Inquire 1st door east 2211 TWO 8-room detached houses, strtotly first-class, oak finish, Farnam or Walnut Hill car lines. 908-.1 North 40th 8t EIGHT-ROOM modern house, hot water heat; will sell furniture of four room; fur nished for roomer. 2114 Harney. FOR RENT. 5-ROOM new cottage, 1412 Evans, $21. 7-R. mod., Hanscom park dis. Harney 468. FLATS. 609 So. $2d, new 7-r., duplex brick, oak finish, walking distance, $42.60. 1128 So. 81st, 8-r. modern, $30. 122 So. 30th St., new -r. brick, $36. 8419 Dewey Av.. choice 8-r. modern brick. excellent repair and choice location, $40. HOUSES. r$2 Central boulevard (near Caa), good 1 rooms, oik nnisn, 40. 3317 Dewey Av., good 6-r. cottage, $16. 2004 80. 90th. 6 rooms, bath. $18. 2827 Capitol Ave., 8 rooms (new), every uuiivciuviii-e, niceiy aecoratea, 940. GARVIN BROS., $18 N. Y. Life. BRICK houses. 2614 and 2n Oew.v iv. 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1611 1 .i nam 01. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen' Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 294. 8-ROOM house, newly papered, city water, 3239 Evans St $12.60 i-room house, modern, 1712 N. 29th.... 16 00 J. H. PARROTTE. BOARD OF TRADE seven-room, all modern, near high fcnuoi; r amain or narney car. $31.60. McCague Co. NEW 6-room cottage, strictly modern 2124 Miami St. FOR RENT Nine-room F hone Harney liti. house cheap. MODERN 8-room house. 216 8. 26th Ave. rnone Douglas 4o87. FOR RENT. Nine-room all modern brick house, will arrange for three apartment flat. UOu Willi Ave.. $25. Seven rooma. all modern, combination fixtures; In first-class order. 1457 8. 11th St.. lib. Four rooms, first floor; city water, gas, toilet. 1623 N. U'h. J1I V). Three rooms, first floor; city water, gaa, 1828 N. 17th Kt. $11. Three rooms, second floor; city water, gas. U30 N. 17th. $9. C. W. HACHMANN, 436 Paxton Blk. Tel: Office, U. $39; residence. D. 6066. 8-ROOM. modern. 3114 Woolworth Ave., $36. 8-room, modern, UunOM, mo. W. L. SELHY. 446 Board of Trade Bldg HOUSES, insurance. Itlngwtlt, Barker Blk OFFERED FOR RENT ftonee aad Cottage -Coattnned. EIGHT-ROOM modern cottage. 604 S. tt St. Tel. Harney 647. FOR RENT Rlx-room modern house on paved atraet In north pait of city. lt. Tl. Webster 1711. HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. Life Bldg. 7 ROOMS, modern house, 1008 Spruce 8t H. I. Plumb. 110 S. 13th St NEW, modern seven-room house; hard wood floorthroughout. $42.60 month. 118 8. 42d St. A. H. Williamson, American Radi ator Co. MODERN T-room. near Park, 1611 8. Stn. TinTTsPQ In all parts of the cltv. 11UUOLO Crelgh Sons A Co.. Bee Bldg. CENTRAL, unequalled, all modern; steam heated, 7-room house, with bath. 220 N. 23d. $;32 CENTRAL BOULEVARD. 1 . . iiiitilvrii fniiiRA Itif.Uk I, Aril- WOOd finish. Vacant November 1. $40. GARVIN BROS. 1S N. Y. LIFE BLDG. HOUSES, flats, Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L. MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. D. 1496. Pack, store and ship household goods. 2T68 DOUGLAS; l-room, $27.60. John N. Frenier. Beth Phones. 4533 N. S9TH ST., one block from Ames Ave. car, new 5-room modern cottage; very cheap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co., Bran dels Bldg. FOR RENT 6-room house, modern, ex cept heat. Apply 3210 Hamilton St. B-r., 2519 N. 29th St., mod. ex. heat. $20. &-r.. W mile n. of Krug Park. mod. ex. heat, t acres, $20. 5- r., 2331 S. S4th, mod. ex. heat, $25. 6- r., 815 N. 17th, well, electric It. $18. 6-r., 2019 Grand Ave., all mod.. $30. 6- r., 3114 N. 24th. mod. ex. heat. $J0. 7- r., 2102 Spencer, all mod., $6 50. 7-r., 2T2 Kurdette, mod. ex. heat $17. 50. 7-r 2024 Miami, all mod., $!i. 7- r., 2V27 Capitol, all mod., $40. 8- r., 2219 Capitol, mod. ex. heat, $30. 9- r., 1503 Blnney, mod. ex. heat. $30. 9-r., Ihi4 Emmet, hot water heat. $.'0. 9-r., 1636 I'ark Ave., all mod., $35. FLATS. 6- r., 124 S. 30(h, all mod.. $35. 5-r., 1N06 Emmet, all mod., $30. 7- r., double house, 607 S. 26th Ave., hot water heat, $42.60. 8- r., double house, 2207 Davenport all mod., $46. HASTINGS fc HEYDEN, 1614 Harney St. 2!C7-G9 PACIFIC, 9-room bricks, strictly modern, excellent condition, $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Phone Douglas 746. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. t- 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet. 2006 Rees St., $15. '8 rooms, 2d floor, toilet 1902 Bristol St, $16. 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St., $26. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sts. HOUSE CLOSE IN FOR RENT. Six-room house, modern except furnace, $20 per month, 1124 N. 26th St. W J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tels. D. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. NICE COTTAGE FOR RENT. Six rooms, bath room, reception hall; house all modern and In first cuss repair. Large lot, south front, one block from car line, 4212 Lafayette Ave.. $26 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tels. D. 6108 or A 2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. 7-ROOM house, modern except furnace, 2532 Davenport. 7-ROOM house, modern except heat, 2211 Burt, $2,300. Inquire 1st door east WEST FARNAM HOME. A beautiful 10-room, all modorn home, new, has never been occupied. Price, $U6.00 per month. KOUNTZB PLACE. A large 12-room home, all 'modern, oak finish, large yard, and ha good barn. For full Information of the above places see THE BYRON REED COMPANY, 'Phones: Doug. 297, A SS34. 21$ S. 14th St RENTAL SNAPS. 8-r., mod., also bam, 602 8. 86th, $22. 12-r., mod., choloe. 2416 Sherman Av., $26. $-r., mod., 4130 Hamilton, $16. 6- r., choloe cottage. 2208 N. 27th, $16. 7- r., alio barn, 410$ N. 28th Ave., $16. -r., mod., 2332 Poppleton Ave., $21. 7-r., house, Florenoe, hike, to car, $L $-r., mod., close, 828 B. Win, $19. RUSSELL & M KITR1CK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. torn. BTORjCROOU and baafjunant tn flfMrM block, 8. O.. 520 N. $4 Lb. Halt 48 Ramg Bldg., both ahopa. 713 a 16th St. $86, RINOWALT BROS.. 306 8. I6O1 St NEW AUTO GARAGE. Ifl lTainm ! In a4a 6h.VI1. eaw "IM aJ b., gig , TJi I to( UL UIArillUUIl$J district WU1 build room 32x133 ft to suit tenant. HARRISON A MORTOH 91$ N. Y. Life Bldg. Garage for Rent Ready Jan. L 83x132. Farnam aad $24. Harrison & Morton OFFERED FOR SALE fFaurmttsra, CHEAP TO MOVE AT ONCE Golden Wax Library Table. Magailne Stand. Large Rockers. Oak Dining Butt Dull Mahogany Consol Table and Mirror. Linen Velour Portlers and Lace Curtains. Window - Shades. Bed, Reflgerator, t. u ., CALL SATURDAY 529 SOUTH 36TH ST. CHEAPEST PLACE for STOVES AND FURNITURE. Racket Store. 16 A Cuming. FURNITURE of 6 rooms, nearly new; must sell at once. Call and pick out what you want. 3022 8. 21st 8t BRAND NEW i-ULL BttRPKNTINU SWELL FRONT ViUARTERdA WED GOLDEN OAK DRESSER AT LK8S THAN WHOLESALE PRICK. R. T. VCK MEHItEN. 1118 DODQ13. ri d Other Masloal laatramnta EDISON HOME, large flower horn, stand and 24 records, outfit cost $48. Good as new, $25.00. Left for sale at Piano Player Co., Old Boston Store. NEED money quick. Will sell my upright piano for $80.00. Y-18 Bee. LAFFAROUE PLA Y PR PIANO 22 rools of music and bench, $-'46; $ years ago owner considered it good value at $700. It a good now as then, but owner needs th ash. Can be aeen at Piano Player Co., Old Boston Blore, Second floor. Typewriter. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. EVERYTHING In typewriters; Just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 3 Smith Premier. $31; No. $ Oliver, $i6; No. 6 Rem ington. $3; machines shipped on approval; no deposit renulred. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO., 806 8. Llll St. Mia COAL AT CUT PRICES. We save you from 60o to $1.50 on every ton and aiva better coal. W guarantee correct weight. Rosenblatt 'a Cut Trice Coal Co. DRIIOS at cut price, rratght paid on a A $10 order; catalogue fra. fthermaa ftj UcCeooaU Drug Co., Omaha, Nab. c, V A-.r: , i i : t 4 1 4 1 0 1. ' V