Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Little Nebraska Money Bilked on Out
come Saturday.
Jarhnkrri' Line Weaker- Thsa la
Former Vrari, While Cornhank
era Hare fUron Dtlm
and Trick flays.
LINCOLN, Nov. 4. fpclal.) With the
flay for the annual struwle with Kansas
Blmopt at hand there l rrowlnir up in
Cornhuckfr circle a fcllnr that Nebraska,
If polne; to wir from thrir mot hitter
rival the irame that can put the locl
mate school hack Into miprcmacy over the
other dchoola of the Mlsnourl valley.
L'ntll this week, even up to Wertnelav,
nobody was willing to admit that "Kins"
Cole's players had any chance n?alnst ihe
etronn Jayhawkers. The comparative
showings of the two elevens In the first
Karnes on their schedules Indicated that
Kansas woe much superior to th Corn
huskers. Among the local betting fraternity there
was but little Nebraska money and what
there mi demanded odds of 6 to 1. There
was plenty of Jayhawker cash, and for
that matter there still is plenty here, but
there is also a deal more of the Corn
busker coin.
The showing of the Cornhuskers In prac
tice this week, however, and the knowl
ertfte that Cole has trained his players to
win this game with Kansas has caused a
change In the sentiment that Is favoring
Nebraska. There no longer Is any tulk to
the effect that It Js an Impossibility for
the Cornhuskers to defeat Coach Ken
nedy's players. It Is seen now that there
Is a good possibility of Nebraska's win
ning. Local rooters are placing their confidence
In the Nebraska line. The forwards that
really outplayed their opponents In the
Minnesota game are banked upon to be
more than the equals of the Jayhawkers.
It Is upon the line that all Cornhusk t
chancre for victory depend.
It is admitted that the Kansas line la
weaker than It was a year. ago. It has
lost two or three of Its strongest forwards
and it has showed up poorly In the other
games of the autumn. On the other hand,
the Nebraska line Is fully as powerful as
It waa last season and is playing a much
superior game to that put up by the Corn
husker forwards against Kansas last year.
Cole's Famoas Defense,
Cole has built up a defense which has
proved Its worth In the other games of the
fall. It baffled Minnesota and Iowa. But
the same strength that has given the Corn
hutkers an Impregnable defense has mado
It possible for Cole to mold a powerful
offensive machine, which ought to get Into
action on Saturday.
"The new game Is not one replete with
foiward passes and onslde kicks," said
"King" Cole this afternoon. "There are
few games In which those two plays are
used very often. All coaches learned soon
after the adoption of the new rules In 1900
tt at a strong, beefy line Is just as requisite
to a powerful team as It was under the old
"Nebraska has one of those superior lines
and we are depending upon It to win for us.
Lest week Minnesota played one of the
open games,' but that team used the for
ward pass and onslde kick but few times.
It was the heavy line that did the work.
The new rules allow the backs to play
farther from the line than before and It is
keeping the lino In active service with the
attacking of the backfield men that makes
a success under the new order of things."
Cole Is not going to instruct his men to
use the forward pass and onslde kick ail
the time. The offense of the Cornhuskers
Is built up around the forwards and they
are the men who will play the open game.
Cole has taught his men a variety of the
foiward pass and onslde kick that Is prob
ably better than any In the valley. When
they are employed they will be effective,
but they are not to be brought Into fre
quent use. The Nebraska coach has several
plays up his sleeve that will come pretty
close to baffling the Jayhawkers.
The Cornhusker coach himself refuses to
make any statements regarding the game,
but he feels that Kansas will not have such
an easy time as they did last fall. His
players are ready today to play a fast
game and they are able to give the Jay
hawkers a hard battle.
There Is a feeling here that the game will
be the best open play contest seen In the
valley In the last three years. Kansas has
been using open formations and ought to
be well prepared to puzzle the Cornhuskers
on the offense
Kennedy claims to have an excellent on
slde kick, In which Quarterback Johnson
stars. The Jayhawker quarter is probably
the best booter for the onslde kick In the
valley and his accuracy In making the short
kick gives his team an edge on Its oppo
nents. There was no scrimmage tn the Corn
busker practice today. The last rough work
, baa been held and the team Is simply per
fecting itself in running signals. All the
men but Itathbone are In fine physical con
dition. The condition of the fullback is but
The weatherman Is at the end of
his tether now and Jack Frost
has got him bested. Don't let him
gtt the best of you and, througn
your tardiness, lorce you to hike
to the hand-me-down man and be
compelled to wear a 'bag" all
winter. Come hero and let u
mnka to your measure a suit or
overcoat that'll fit and look good
as long i you wear it. It won't
cost any more.
OTXZms AT $28, $30, $38
aaTisrAorxos ouaa-
We can turn you out a suit or
oxercoat In a nurry If you want It
quick. But aa we are busier than
we ever have be si making dou
ble the number of suits we did
lat ysar you will help us If you
will give ux a week or ten days
on It. We have a bunch all ready
to deliver. Coma In and look them
over. You'll be surprised at the
quality and style.
otel Loyal Bldg. .
slightly changed and he may not bs
shape to play In the game Saturday.
Will Fare
CRETE, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.) The
Doane college teim is all ready for the
game with Vesleyan. Instead of there be
ing a falling off In practice this week after
the strenuous and exhausting work of last,
week, there has been encouraging proxress
and the team Is in better eh.ipe than It
was when It faced the university players.
There was light practice on Monday after
noon, consisting mainly in punting and
catching the ball and In signal work.
There were hard, fierce scrimmsges on
Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and
light work again on Thursday. Pome new
plays were learned, and a new defence
formation perfected to receive the forward
pass. It is understood that Wesleyan ex
pects to win and it is, in fact, playing
better ball than It did last year, but Doane
Is playing better thin It has played for
years and the result of the game with the
university gives much encouragement to
Doane supporters.
The players are almost In perfect condi
tion. I,uke Is back at his place at center.
Hnrtwell is playing a fine end. Holbert H
laid aside this week, but Dutch Is redy
for his place and Is a veteran at half. En
low Is Improving and is as fast as a deer.
Wlldbaher Is a sure full back. Doane's
line is particularly strong in defenclve and
offenclve play. Arnold and Terry at tackle
and Bronson and Sawyer at guard are
doing exceptional work. D. Griffiths and
Tulby are rivals for an end position, and
Wilkinson la showing himself to be a
shrewd quarterback, and has the entire
confidence of the team. Doane will not
hold Itself in but will play ball and will
make the best score It can.
Dos Macrae of Council Blaffs First
to Finish Contest.
The first of the "hare and hound" runs
inaugurated by Physical Director Pierson
of tha Younp Men's Christian association
of Council Bluffs took place Wednesday
afternoon with over 100 boys from the
Washington avenue. Bloomer and Pierce
street schools participating. The run was
over a three-mile course from the end of
Lincoln avenue, and Levitt and Sauer of
the high school were the "hares." with a
three-minute start over the "hounds."
Don Macrae of the Washington Avenue
school was the first to finish, his time
being 18:21. He was only three minutes be
hind the hares. The first ten to finish
did so in the following order: Don Macrae,
M. Weeks, YVaxhinfrton Avenue school; H.
pent. Bloomer; R, Owens, H. Brown, Floyd
Musselman. E. Townsend, Washington ave
rue; Byron Gregory. John Knepher,
Bloomer; Jesse Fatly, H. Orcutt, Washing
ton avenue.
Friday afternoon Director Pierson will
have the boys from other of the schools
put over the same course, preliminary to
an Interschool cross-country run on
Thanksgiving day. with a trophy to be
awarded the winning school.
Crack Halfback Itea'ly to Help Beat
Kansaa 4 sales.
Crelghton university foot ball team plays
Its hardest game of the season Saturday
when It goes up against the Kansas Ag
ricultural college eleven at Manhattan,
Kan. Manhattan a week ago held Kansas
university to a E to 3 score, and the week
prior prevented Missouri from making a
touchdown, the final score being 3 and 0,
a field goal alone saving the Mlssourians
from a tie.
Halfback Bob Maglrl of Crelghton, who
was slightly injured last Saturday, will be
In this week's game. The entire team is
in fine shape and the boys expect to make
a strong showing. The team leaves for
Manhattan tomorrow night and wl.l doubt
less be accompanied by a number of root
ers who have every confidence in the abil
ity of Crelghton to defeat the Kansas
Local Members of Alamnl Association
Go to Minneapolis.
Stanley Rosewater, secretary of the
Michigan Alumni association of Nebraska
has received fifty application blanks for
reserved seats at the Michigan-Minnesota
foot ball game, to be played at Minne
apolis, November 20. The management of
the game has sent these applications and
any desiring the seats my have them by
calling on Mr. Rosewater.
On the evening of the game the Omaha
alumni of the University of Michigan will
give a dinner to celebrate the victory, so
sure are the Wolverines of winning. The
dinner will be given whether Michigan wins
or not.
In the Boosters' league last night tz: ?
waa the most exciting game of tenpins that
has been bowled this year, 'the 'game was
between Yousen's Cons and Sprague's Pills,
the former team winning the enure aeries.
Uruggeman nad high single game and You
sen nigh total.
The party of managers from Brandels
store had their weekly roiii using four
alleys, and had an enjoyable evening. Last
nlgnt's party consisted of seventeen men.
Tins Is getting to . be very popular with
these men ana they are making some nice
scores. Tonight in the Omaha league the
Dreshers vs. Hospe company and in the
Boosters' league no matcn game . will be
plutd as it was played last night.
There will be a meeting at Francisco's
next Sunday morning to arrange dates and
a schedule for the city tournament. Fran
cisco, who Is secretary of the city associa
tion, wishes every bowler In the cily to
know that they must enter and bpwi In this
tournament to participate In the larger;
tournamenls to be held later In St. Louis
and Detroit. His alleys have been sanc
tioned by the American bowling congress
and are guaranteed regulation In every re
spect. Score:
1st. 2d.
Falconer 171 lw
C. Hlce 1&! IB?
Bruggeman 127 1ti
Fagan 1M li7
Ycusen 17s) 190
Totals 792 t28
3d. Total.
783 2,403
1st. 2d.
1,8 144
3d. Total.
11. Mitchell LI ltiO
F. Ktce 133 177
C. Mitchell 12 140
utander ,. ltiti 156
Totals 1 780 775 739 1,21)4
Last night was a bad one for the Brode
gaaiu crowns, when the Drelbus Candy
Co. look three games without winking an
eye and long for more. Voss took uigli
total for the Crowns with 611, while Car
man run away with the single game prise
v. It i 1M pins. Stafford, the Take front
nr. 1st, tooK high honois for the Candy
Kids with 211 for single game and 612 for
riiyli three games. Tontgnl the Chabot
Snut Co. and O'Brien's Monte ChrUtos.
fccoi e;
Trnynor 201
S afford InO
Di alios .ln6
Angelsberg lt3 laS
Totals 834
Fagerburg 152
Mjks 1,0
Woods , 136
Carman 11
ltougn 159
Totals 818
' I
1'ercv Gwvnne's Bunialowi
- j
feateu. 1.477 to 1,184. by the Derby Woolen
Mlals team last night, making three
straight. Bowers of the Derbys mixed pins
for hign totals and high games, 2uO single
and Uj total. Tarkey Autos and the Daily
IVT, win jjtmy loinsni. ocurt,
Sd. Total.
Kcklea ,
Totals 4M 493 604
Gwynne .,
Ward ....
Loiher ...
.404 3S1
Drake May Beg Off.
DES MOINES. Is, Nov. 4. (Special.)
Drake may bo budly handicapped In the
men with Iowa City on the Drake stadium
field Saturday. Captain Warren of the
Diake team was tn the street car amaahup
early today and was among those badly
injured, lie received a severe scalp wound
and probably will not be able to take any
part In the game Saturday. There was
talk today thai Draks would claim this as
sufiltieiit excuse to have tne game pusl
pound till a later day. aa Drake is very
anxious . win the game from the slate
Bee want-ads are business boosters.
2d. d. Total.
Ui 175 611
211 141 512
178 16rt 6o0
159 164 46
It 163 48
849 009 2.497
2d. Sd. Total.
1)9 177 b)i
If J 151
lio 141
1 1 1K7
158 133 450
820 7b
Algie Wins Pataptsico Hunt Fane at
Thlatledale, the Fnvorlte, Falls i
Twelfth Jump and Ills Rider,
Donohne, Has a Shoulder
BALTIMORE, Md., Nov. 4 A good crowd
was out to see some of the finest racing
of the present meeting. The Patapsico
hunt purse, two miles on the flat, was won
easily by Algie. the favorite. The Glen
more steeplechase was won by Waterway.
Thlstledale, the favorite, fell at the twelfth
Jump. Donohue, his rldpr. had his shoulder
broken. The Pimlico fall handicap was won
by Superstition, a long shot, breaking the
track record, held by himself, clipping oft
1 second. Summaries:
First race, six furlongs, purse 3400: Top
Note (107, O. Burns, 9 to 6) won; Lothario
(it. Reld, 7 to 2) second; King Commoner
(110, Davenport, 6 ir 1) third. Time: 1:14.
Notasulga. Gold Dust, John Miller and
Lvcrard also ran.
Second race, Patapsico hunt purse, two
mile on the flat, purse $400: Algie (146,
T Wright, 2 to B) won; Octopus (144. Lynch,
9 to 3) second; Bacra (150, D. Nicol. 6 to 1)
third. Time: 3:40. Peter Young also
Third race, selling, mile and seventy
yards, purse 3500: Spanish Prince (99, Mo
Cahey. 6 to 1) won; Hlacko (107, G. Burns.
11 to 10) second; Elf all (101, Davenport, 8
to 1) third. Time: 1:46. King Avondale
and Golden Castle also ran.
Fourth race, Glenmnre steeplechase, about
two miles, purse IritO: Waterway (163, W.
Allen, g to 6) won; Vilhalla (l.r,2, Patterson,
8 to 1) second; Kssex (163, Sodell, 10 to 1)
third. Time: 4:32. Thlstledale fell at the
twdfth Jump.
Fifth race, the Pimlico fall handicap, mile
and a half, purse $1,500: superstition (111,
Milntyre, 12 to 1) won. Blue Book (10S,
Reld, 3 to 1) second: Pins and Needles (111,
Davenport, 3 to 1) third. Time: 2:34.
Gretna Green. Terah, Juggler and Cave
Adsum alto ran.
Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth, purso
3VK): High Private (107, Reld, 6 to 2) won,
Stanley Fay (110. G. Burns, 2 to 1) second;
Dreamer (112, Goldstein, 3 to 1) third. Time:
1:46. Arondack also ran.
Seventh race, six furlongs: Racing Bell
i7i. G- Burns, 3 to 1) won; Compton (95,
McCahey, 13 to 6) second; Saper (95, Reld,
7 to 2) third. Time: 1:14. Panonla, Tom
Melton, Majestic, Indian Hunter, Judge
Lrmentrout, Soil and Acumen also ran.
At Latonta.
LATONIA, Nov. 4,-Summarles:
First race, seven furlongs, selling, purse
WK): Dargln (107, McGee, 6 to 1) won,
Gemmel (W9, Warren, 3 to 5) second, Des
comnets (104, Rice, 8 to 1) third. Time:
1:25. Deuce, Grenade, Barnesdale, Clai
borne and J. C. Core also ran.
Second race, five and one-half furlongs,
purse 3300: Boca Grande (112, Mountain,
7 to 20) won, Ethelda (103. Walsh, 6 to 1)
second, Sir Ormond (108, Rice, 60 to 1)
third. Time: 1:06. Howdy-Howdy and
C. A. Lelfman also ran.
Third race, Blx furlongs, purse $300: T.
M. Green (109, Brannon, 2 to 1) won, Marse
Abe (102, Taplln, 2 to 1) second, Sinfran
(109, Gans, to 6) third. Time: 1:13.
Corley, Austin, Sturtevant, Llnolin, Sere
nade and Billy Klair also ran.
Fourth race, one mile, selling, purse $300:
Ceremonlus (99, Taplln, 3 to 1) won, Heine
(106, Glasner, 6 to 1) second, Ida May (105,
Wilson, 3 to 1) third. Time: 1:39. Stow
away, Miss Lida, Camel, Beau Brummel,
Ludhiana, Bucket Brigade, St. Aulalre and
Denver Girl also ran.
Fifth race, one mile, selling, purse $300:
My Gal (98, Lowell, 3 to 1) won, Autumn
Rose (103, Franklin, 12 to 1) second. Lady
McNally (101, Glasner, 20 to 1) third. Time:
1:40. Sigo, Princess Thorpe, Omlcron,
Tortuous, Lou iJinier, Kiddy Lee, Enrica,
Emmy Lou, . Brunhllde, Calash, Kempton
Park and Cregel also ran.
Sixth race, mile and one-sixteenth, sell
ing, purse $300: The Shaughran (111, Mc
Gee, 9 to 5) won, Kokomo (109, Ganz, 12
to 1) second, Cull (109, Taplin, 8 to 1) third.
Time: 1:47. Maid Militant, Polar Star,
Coaster, Crepps Beckham, John E. Mc
Millan, Banrldga and Kennewlck also ran.
At Aqueduct.
AQUEDUCT, Nov. 4.-Summarles:
First . race, selling, nine and one-sixteenth,
4uo adued: Lad of Langden (98,
Glass, 6 to 6) won, Quantluo (lOu, iiuiwell,
4 to 1) second, Castle Wood tlu6, Scoville,
100 to 1) third. Time: 1:48. Lois Cav
anaugh also ran.
Second race, six and one-half furlongs,
iM) added: Prince Imperial (118, Dugan,
6 to 5) won, Galley Slave (105, Bulwell, 9
to 1) second, Anavrt (99, Garner, 30 to 1)
third. Time: 1:21. Benloyal and Jac
quellna also ran.
Third race, selling, one mile, $400 added:
Twilight Queen (95, Glass, 4 to 6) won,
Jeanne D'Aro (108, Dugan, 3 to 1) second.
Queen Marguerite (105, Garner, 6 to 5)
third. Time: 1:41. Adriuche, Paradise
Queen and Anna L. Daley also ran.
Fourth race, the Creedmore, selling
stake, six and one-half furlongs, value
$1,000: Pretend (108, Dugan, 6 to 6) won,
Dull Care 192, Garner. 6 to 1) second,
Charlie Hargrave (112, Bulwell, 6 to 5)
third. Time: 1:21. Eddie Dugan and
Glennadeane also ran.
Fifth race, six furlongs, $500 added: Hof
man (98. Garner, 5 to 1) won, Harrlgan
(117, Bulwell, 6 to 5) second, Rose Queen
(119. Dugan, 7 to 6) third. Time: 1:13.
Dr. Berkley and Bushey Top also ran.
Sixth race, one mile, $400 added: Tubal
(105. Scoville. 7 to 5) won, Banbury (105,
King, 4 to 1) second. Kings Hill (105, Gar
ner, 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:43. Danger,
Faultless, Nunda, Mugwump, Fonair La
Belle Agnes, Half Blue, Right Guard and
Gaiten Lass also ran.
L. T. Perkins Inatantlf Klll-d and
William Rlchter Badly Il?rt.
LE BEAU. 8. D., Nov. 4.-L. T. Perkins,
aged 60 years, of this place was instantly
killed and William Rlchter of Aberdeen
seriously Injured In an automobile wreck
near here this afternoon. Perk'.nj was anv
Rlchter to Lowry In an effort to catch a
train. The machine hit a rock In the road
and threw both men out. The steps of the
car fell on the driver, killing him Instantly.
Rlchter had an arm broken and his back
City Down the River Would Break
Into Western Leaitue.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. Nov. 4. At a meeting
of f t. Joseph business men tonlcht it was
decided to send a delegation to Chicago on
November 9 to the Western league meeting
to try and secure a franchlso for St.
Jottph next season.
Last Indoor Ball Game.
What will probably he the last of the
series of Indoor base ball games until the
building Is dedicated on December 1 is
scheduled for Friday evening at the Young
Men's Christian association gymnasium at
Council Bluffs between the Invincibles and
Postofflce Clerks. Both teams are up In
,k . nnln.B In K jm I ..,,.., . r. ... m r, A an In.
JJV 1 lerestlng contest Is looked for. This will
JAi I b the lineup:
Invincibles. Postofflce
Ptft.rtiffn M . OAtnt runiifHi
1 . . . . . .
iitmoncn fitcn Patterson
Tvcrft Rlrut Rnllnn
i " . , '
, Phillips... ......... Third. .'.'.'.'.'.'..'.' Morton
iniiiiinBon , necona prniin
Scanlan L. Short.
Boyne R. Short.
Petersen, P Field
, . Hogue
Dwlsrht Cup Team.
SYDNEY, S. V.. Nov. 4. Norman E.
Brokes and Walter Dunlap of Victoria; A.
I F. Wilding of New Zealand and Dr. Sharp
of New South v alea, have been selected
to defend the Dwight F. Davis Interna
tional tennis challenge cup against the
young Callfornlans, Maurice F. McLaugh
lin and Melville H. Long, who hope to lake
back the tennis trophy to the United States
and who are practicing dally and showing
good form.
Free-f or-A 11 at Newcastle.
PONCA. Neb., Nov. 4 (Special.) Monday
night a free-for-all fight took place In the
saloon at Newcastle In which about
twenty men had a part. When the elty
marshal entered the saloon to arrest Burt
Weatherby, Frank Conrad, the saloon
keeper, knocked the marshal down.
Today Conrad and Weatherby had their
trial In Ponca. They were fined t& and
costs and 310 and costs, respectively.
This affair cost A. H. Hillis, candidate
for sheriff, a large number of votes all
over the county, as the fight was over
Hillis' candidacy.
Hero Fund
Makes Awards
Fifty Persom Rewarded for Acts of
Bravery and Illustrious
PITTSBURG, Fa.. Nov. 4. -With the reg
ular meeting of the Carnegie Hero Fund
commission today came the rewarding of
fifty persona for acts of bravery and Illus
trious conduct called to the attention of
the commission within the last three
months. With the exception of an award
to a citizen of Canada, the persons re
membered by the Carnegie commission are
residents of the United States, twenty-two
of Ohio.
Approximately $33,000, twenty-three silver
and twenty-seven bronte medals were
awarded. Of the fifty heroic acts ap
proved, fourteen of the persons responsible
for them met their death. In these cases,
next of kin received the ward.
Deeds of heroism during the flood at
Athens, O., on March 14, 1907, received
the greater part of the attention of the
Prominent among the awards and prob
ably the most spectacular act of bravery
was the case of Halley M. Woods, a mer
chant of Athens, O., and an expert swim
mer. During the floods of the Hocking
river In March, 1907, Woods, unassisted,
resoued two men and a woman from al
most certain death, when he rowed a flat
bottom skiff through .a wild running river
current Into the second story window of
a half-submerged house, carrying his res
cued fellow citizens to shore In safety.
In investigating the case of Woods, the
commission found that he was Indebted In
excess of $1,000 for his small merchandise
store and presented him with a check for
$1,000 and a silver medal.
Another case was that of George E. Mc
Cue, colored, of Garden City, Kan., whose
act In rescuing a baby from In front
of a fast passenger train, was brought to
the attention of the commission by city
officials of the town where the colored
hero lived. A mother had left a 1-year-old
child strapped In a baby buggy In front of
a depot and express office. Wind blew
the baby buggy onto the railroad tracks,
overturning the vehicle. McCue saw the
overturned carriage. A passenger train
running sixty miles an hour was approach
ing. McCue reached the vehicle In time
to throw It from the right-of-way and
Just cleared the pilot of the engine. Mo
Cue was given a bronze medal for his act
and $500 for educational purposes, he hav
ing expressed a desire to attend an In
dustrial school for colored men.
Protest from
Bvvana Tumbo
Former President Distressed by
Stories of Alleged Wanton Kill
ing of Big Game.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4. E. M. Newman, a
Chicago publisher, who has completed
six months' tour In Africa, during which
he met the Roosevelt party, returned here
today. Mr. Newman's second meeting with
the former ' president occurred In July.
Even then reports had reached Colonel
Roosevelt of his alleged "slaughter" of
game, and he appeared to be much dis
tressed in consequence. ,
"He shoots only such specimens aa are
oVslred by the Smithsonian Institute," said
Mr. Newman, "In addition to the Hons,
v htch the natives regard as a menace and
a pest.
"I am not a good shot, but I shoot often,"
Is a quotation Mr. Newman brings from
the former president.
"The natives and colonists of Africa In
Colonel Roosevelt's path expressed great
astonishment at the distinguished hunter's
energy," said Mr. Newman. "Members of
his party In July were nearly tired out
and wished to shorten the trip. They had
been marched to exhaustion, Bwana
tumbo,' the name applied by natives to
Colonel Roosevelt, means 'big white chief
by which name the blacks acknowledge the
exafted office once held by the hunter, and
his prowess as a ntmrod."
Coroner's Jary In Chicago Holds Two
Men Responsible for Collapse
of Structure.
CHICAGO, Nov. 4. Murdock Campbell,
building commissioner of the city of Chi
cago, and Edward Hogensen, an architect,
were held to the grand Jury tonight by a
coroner's Jury which Investigated the col
lapse of a building In which three men were
killed and many others Injured In Septem
ber last. After the collapse of the building,
Coroner Hoffman employed special archi
tects to make an Investigation and they
reported that the building had been over
Mayor McClellan Appoints Three
Women Members of Board of
NEW YORK. Nov. 4. As one of the few
Important official acts which will fall to
Mayor George B. McClellan, before his
administration closes, December 31. he ap
pointed today three women to the Board of
Education and thereby conceded one of the
principal demands of woman suffrage or
ganizations. It is the first time tn more than a quar
ter of a century that women have gained
representation on the Board of Education
and the news heralded through women's
suffrage ranks tonight was welcomed as a
victory. Iho three women appointed today
each of whom represents a different relig
ious faith, are Mrs. Herbert D. Robblns
and Miss Olivia Leventritt. daughter of
State Supreme Court Justice Leventritt,
. . . . r 1. I . . . a A Una A 7 ' .
ootn 01 .-sow iuik h.j, .i. aiwu
U . . t.M..v,i.,o- T I
t Di j jn i. . i u i , n ,
W. K. Vanderbllt to Erect Four Struc
tures In New York for Houalnar
Tubercnloala Patteata.
NEW YORK, Nov. 4. Plans were filed
today for fn ir model six-story tenements,
which are to be used for the accommodation
tlon of sufferers from tuberculosis. The
tenements are to be erected on the upper
East Side at an outlay of 3ti6O.O0O. not In
cluding cost of sites, by W. K. Vanderbllt.
Roof-gardens, open air balconies and
other features designed to contbat the white
plague will make the tenements distinctive
and only moderate rentals will be charged.
Skilled physicians will have supervision.
Foley's Kidney Remedy will cure any case
of kidney or bladder trouble that Is not be
yond the reach of medicine. Cures back
ache and Irregularities that If neglected
might result in Bright's disease or diabetes.
Sold by all druggists.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick action, advertise It to The
Bee Want Ad column'
General Presides at Meeting of Army
of the Tennessee.
Society Recommends to President
Taft that He Be Advanced
to Rank of Major
COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. 4.-The Society of
the Army of the Tennessee and the Loyal
legion met here today and held an Informal
esslon at the Southern hotel, General Gren
vllle M. Dodge of Council Bluffs, la., pre
siding. The society was received by Gov
ernor and Mrs. Harmon this afternoon and
will be in session all day and tomorrow.
The presence of General Fred D. Grant
and other notable characters added much
Interest In the session and resulted In an
attendance estimated at 840 members of the
two aocletles, their wives and families.
General Charles A. Morton of the Depart
ment of the Missouri, stationed at Omaha,
who will be retired in March, was recom
mended to President Taft for promotion
from Brigadier General to Major General.
He has been In the army since 1861.
General Dodge, a member of the commis
sion In charge of the construction of the
monument of General Ulysses S. Grant, to
be dedicated In 1911 or 1912, announced that
this gathering would be one of the largest
and attended by more veterans of the civil
war than any other In recent years.
A report of the destruction of the gov
ernment records and monuments of the
Shlloh battlefield, near Pittsburg Landing,
Tenn., in a recent tornado was made by
Colonel Cornelius Cadle of Cincinnati.
Losses were estimated at $50,000. MoBt of
the monuments and park features recalling
the great battle were swept Into the
Tennessee river. .
Corporal James Tanner will deliver the
annual address at the closing session to
morrow. Deaf Mute Woman
Granted Divorce
Testimony of Witnesses is Given in
Sign Language and Translated
for Court.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 4. A divorce was
granted by Judge Wlthrow of the circuit
court today to Mrs. Nannie E. Burns, a
deaf mute, from Joseph Burns of Granite
City, III., also a deaf mute, on the testi
mony of deaf mute witnesses. A woman
who could talk and hear Interpreted the
Mrs. Burns told, by word or hand, of an
attack made upon her last Christmas day
by her husband, when she told him he
ought to go to work. She said, tn the sign
language, that Burns choked her and at
tacked her with a butcher knife.
Edward Schale and Mrs. Mart Poyers,
deaf mutes, testified that they witnessed
the Christmas day episode.
Mrs. Burns said her husband called her
names on his fingers, but she did not
specify the names. Her husband, she said,
had a disposition that was incompatible
with hers. She also charged desertion.
They have three children, all of whom are
physically normal.
When the court announced that a decree
was granted to Mrs. Burns the Interpreter
Informed her of the fact and she signaled
"thank you."
Acquire the habit of keeping on hand a
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and
save anxiety. There is nothing better for
Man Weds Son's Mother-la-Law and
Now Relationships Are Hope
lesaly Tangrled.
ST. LOUIS, Nov. 4. When Henry Hooper
of Jersey vllle, 111., married Mrs. Bertha
GIsy she became her son-in-law's step
mother. Henry Hooper, Jr., Is now his
wife's step-brother and the other grown
children of the two families are brothers
rnd sisters-in-law, as well as step-brothers
and sisters.
This Is because Henry Hooper, Jr., mar
ried Hattle GIsy eight years ago. They
have children, who are doubly the grand
children of the older couple.
Henry Hooper, sr., Is 71 years old and
his bride is 65. He has two grown sons
and two grown daughters and she has two
grown sons and one grown daughter. He
Is a prosperous farmer and his bride was
before the marriage a well-to-do widow of
Otter Creek.
The wedding took place last evening at
the parsonage of the German Evangelical
church at Jerseyvllle. It was followed by
a charivari which broke all records In
that town.
9 for 15c .
Look for the
green package
there is a yard
of Havana
in it.
FOOn FflB Weak na nervous men
'uuu JI who tln(1 the)r powtr t0
NFRVF wor youthful vigor
rtbIatJ gon, a renult of over
work or mental exertion should taks
make you eat and aleep and be a man
It Box; t boxes II 60 by mall,
inilfll ft MoCOarjm.1. XUO OO,
Cor. lath and Dodge Streets.
Cor. lta and Karaej Sts Omaha, Vak
J3l k
IIU" iff ft " ' 1
are the typical college clothes of America. To deserOe
this title we produce an exceptional type of apparel,
which appeals particularly to the young man who
possesses keen judgment on this style subject It is
comforting to know that
lutely correct fashion.
you buy a Collegian garment you
have this undoubted assurance.
There are no other
produced in America, which
are so decidedly for
the young,
Pie "Stjlt and Quality" Labtl.
man, who
but demands
of good
style. Such
combined with un
usual quality make
Adler's Collegian Clothes
the ideal garments. The
'autumn and winter fashions
in suits and overcoats ore
now being shown by the
most representative
clothiers in all parts
of America.
Prices range from
David Adler &
Notrjy ClothM Matter.
Chicago to
Cincinnati, Indianapolis
Big Four Route
Leave CHICACK) 10:15 A.M.
Arrive CINCINNATI 6:00 P.M.
Arrive LOUISVILLE 6:50 P.M.
Solid vestibule train of elegant high-back Beat coaches, din
ing car and parlor cars. All trains from the West and North
west arrive in Chicago In time for this connection.
J. S. Willebranda,
Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.
Omaha, Neb.
OitiaEia and Lincoln
8:30 A. IV1.
1 :20 F. IVI.
7:30 F. IVI.
10:4J IP. IVI.
G. O. PENTECOST, Dlv. Pass. Agt.
14th and Farnam Sts. OMAHA, NEB.
Bee Want Ads Boost Your Business
you are dressed in abso
$ 1 5.00 to $40.00
Sons Clothing Co.
NraW 7ta
City Passenger Offlc
1321 Farnani Street.
Tel. Douglas 878.
S:30 A. IVI.
10:S3 A. XI.
2 :10 F. IVI.
4:OS F. IVI.
10:50 F. IVI.
rrsj-' Iff
IS f tin' h y
v, If1 U mr)
lift' 'p(rM