Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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at is
Council Bluffs
Council Bluffs
Some Things You Want to Know
Minor Mention
n OannoU Blaffa Offloe et tne
Omaha Is et It Scott IbNk
Bota 'pfeoaea 43.
Iavl, drug.
Tlie Clark liarber shop fur baths.
lla:nond playing the brst vauuevllle.
COKUKJA?:Sf undertakrn. Thor.e 148.
For rent, modern house, 72S 'th avenue.
MaJcHtlo raiifK, p. C. DeVul lidw. Co.
NIGHT SCHOOL, at puryear s college.
Woodring Undertaking company. Tel. 133.
Lew la Cutler, funeral director. 'Phone 37.
When you want reliable want ad adver
tising. us Tlie itee.
Balrd & Boland, undertaker. 'Phone 122.
Kxpert piano tuning, Hospp. "Phone 641.
Up-to-date Ait iKparirr.f nt and Picture
Framing. Borwick, ill South Main street.
For good ttalntinu m rt'aliei .Mclioicusen
& Co., 14 SoU'.h Main mhm.I. 'Phone Iniie
pendent 416 Hed.
WANTKD Boys to fell the Saturday
Evening Post. Call 3 to ti Tnursday after
noon. IS Scott street.
FOR RENT Suite of tour ubstatrs rooms,
with gas. water, elertrlc lights, etc.. (Joed
location. J. Zoller, 10Q iCast Broadway.
Place your orders early for Christmas
picture framing. If you would "avoid th3
rush." Alexander s Art store. 3JJ Broad
way. The women of the Swedish Lutheran
church will meet this aiternoon at the
home of Mis, H. Olson, los South Twenty
third street
Justice Cooper performed the marriage
ceremony yesterday for It. ll. Bradford and
Myrtle Krenzer. lioth of U.nana. Justice
Gardiner officiated at the weodiiiK of
Franklin Millis und Vlismla Uooinson,
both of Avoca, la.
H. A. Larson who assaulted Conductor
L. K. Moore of the street railway last Sat
urday night pleaded guilty In police court
yesterday find was fined (10 and costs.
Conductor Moore who had ocen placed
under bonds to appear In court on a charge
of disturbing the peace wus honorably dis
charged,' Dorcas H. Myrtuo, the 4-year-old daugh
ter of Mr, and Mrs. John J. Myrtue, 372
Harrison Street died yesterday morning
ffrom pleurisy after nn Illness of two weeks.
The funeral will be held Friday afternoon
at I o'clock from the family residence and
Interment will be In Kairvlew cemetery.
Tha services will be conducted by Kev. H.
A. Relchenbach.
W. N. Clifford." former superintendent of
4 ha achools of the city now connected with
public schools of Philadelphia and the
orestry department nt Washington spent
yesterday In Council Bluffs enrouie to Lin
coln, to atteud rhe meeting of the Ne
braska State . Teachers' association. He
was the guest of honor at a banquet at
tha Grand hotel Riven lust evening by
I Buperlntendent Beverldne and a number of
tha teachers of the public schools. From
Lincoln Mi-. Clifford wilt go to L)es Moines
Friday to attend the Jowa State Teachers'
association meeting. .
STAR Theater
Henry K. Dixey's Great Success
lijr Harold McGrath
ZOO nights in New York.
100 nights in Boston.
10 months in Chicago.
Trices: $1.50, $1.00, ,73c, 50c, 25c.
Keats now on sale.
RrjrTUHS One Vll
VARicocxLBOne Visit
Cataracts. .lOliays
Cancer .. ..30 Days
C ata an B -30 Pais
kOLSST. ETC- 1 lFa
Pi lbs I to & Daik
JOIIica Hourt io 9 Onri
MA Write today to
Mala aud MroaSwaj.
Pon't worry about the prtca and fit. I
will guarantee to suit you with that.
41S Broadway. . CounoU Bluffs, Xa.
The shape of your shoe
1b more important than
the size. The fitters at
our store pay particular
attention to the shape
necessary for absolute
comfort, then fit the foot
by measure. They never
guess at the size. Soro
' sis are In stock in all
widths from "triple "A"
to double "E".
" None wear better or ,
hold their shape better
than Sorosls, and the
price remains the same,
Our Monogram welts in
all leathers are
full WILCOX, Maaage
2 South Fifteenth Street
CX? 1 !',' fl " 1 . !.'J' 1 1 "" " '" '"-""-Ig-1-"" .!' mmnm wmf j
till "S
fjLtffert's "SmLnsjJ
Walf Asaaa .rlC M ea by an
an MT UN ZJJ -sa-j- aata
Validity of Fifty-Year Grant to Street
Railway Will Be Made.
Attorneys for Traction l.lne ay
F.mlnent Lawyers Hare Exam
ined niahla and Pronounce
Them Least.
As soon as he receives formal Instruc
tions from the city council. City Solicitor
Kimball of Council Bluffs will In
stitute proceedings In the courts
to determine the validity of the
fifty-year franchise granted tho Council
Ulurfs. Lake Manawa & East Omaha Con
struction company In December, 1S97. This
franchise was subsequently assigned to the
Omaha. Council Bluffs & Suburban Hall
way company. The last named company
recently conveyed all Its rights and privi
leges Under this franchise to the Omaha &
Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge com
pany, under a lease from which the Omaha
& Council Bluffs Street Railway company
Is operating tha s'.reet car system In Coun
cil Bluffs.
Following the recent visit of Attorney
General Byera to this city, when he met
with a committee from the West Council
Bluffs and West End Improvement clubs,
at which he made public the result of his
and City Solicitor Kimball's Investigation
of the status of the street railway com
pany's franchise rights in this city, the
matter was referred by the city council
to the Judiciary and the city solicitor to
advise what steps. If any, should be taken
by the city to have this question deter
mined. Deride on Immediate Action.
Councllmen Olson, Morgan and Rlgdon,
composing the Judiciary committee, met
with the city solicitor Tuesday night and
after dlscutslng the situation decided to
report in favor of Immediate action to test
the validity of what Is commonly known
as the suburban franchise, under which.
It la understood, the street railway com
pany claims to be now operating In Coun
cil Bluffs. This report will be made to
the city council at the adjourned meeting
next Monday night, when It Is expected
requisite Instructions will be given the city
solicitor to Institute the legal proceedings.
The committee decided that no attack
would be made on the rights of the street
railway company under the franchise
granted the Omaha & Council Bluffs Rail
way and Bridge company In October, 1SS6,
which expires In October, 1911.
"I do not know how soon I will be able
to prepare the papers In the proposed suit,
provided the city council should act In ac
cordance with the recommendation of the
Judiciary committee," said Mr. Kimball yes
terday. "The report of the committee will
recommend that the proceedings be Insti
tuted as soon as possible and I shall do
my best to get the papers ready for filing
In a short time. The proceedings will prob
ably be brought In the district court."
"The city can bring suit as soon as It
wants to," said Charles M. Hart of the
firm of Harl ft Tlnley, attorneys for the
street railway company. The franchise has
been thoroughly Investigated by eminent
lawyers to whom It was submitted. The
company has no doubt whatever as to the
outcome and It has abiding confidence In
the validity of its franchise rights In Coun
cil Bluffs."
Teachers Get
Leaves of Absence
Council Bluffs High School Closes
to Let Them Visit State
In order to afford the members of the
faculty an opportunity to attend the an
nual meeting of the Iowa State Teachers'
association meeting In Des Moines the
high school closed at noon Wednesday and
tha pupils will enjoy a vacation until next
Monday morning, when tha usual sessions
will be resumed.
J. H. Beverldge, Buperlntendent of tha
city schools, and C. E. Reed, principal of
the high school, left last evening for Des
Moines, but the teachers will not go until
this morning. Members of the high school
faculty who will attend the state meet
ing are B. S. Askwlth, Miss Emma N.
Boeacha, W. A. Brtndley. Mrs. Dolly D.
Burgess, J. C. Grason, Miss Grace Holmes,
Miss Mlttle M. Pile, Miss Claudia B. Rloe,
Miss Jennie U. Rice, Miss Agnes U Rob
inson, Miss Edna M. Bprague, 8. L.
Thomas, Raymond Wood Wilson and Miss
Estelle Wood.
These will attend tha meeting of the Ne
braska State association In Lincoln: Miss
Pauline Rleth, Miss Mary D. Wallace,
Miss Edith Fllcklnger and Miss lone Was
cott. Miss Kate Reed will go to Kansas
City, where aha will visit tha publlo schools
In that city.
Council Bluffs will have five representa
tives on the program at the meeting In
Des Molnea, Superintendent J. H. Beverldge
will give a talk to the superintendents
and principals on "The Pensioning of Iowa
Teachers;" Principal C. E. Reed of the
high school will talk In the manual arts
department on ' Manual Training and the
High School Curriculum;" Prof. 8. L.
Thomas will lead the meeting of the nor
mal and secondary department; In the
commercial section Mrs. Dollle Burgess will
give a talk on elementary bookkeeping
and Mrs. Winifred Cockrelt wiU talk before
the kindergarten section on "The Applica
tion of Kindergarten Principles."
Real Estate transfers.
These transfers were reported to The Bee
November I by the Pottawattamie County
Abstract company of Council Bluffs:
John A. Changstrom and wife to D. A.
Moor, lot IS. Stahl'a add. to Cnunrll
Blurts, w. d $3,200
v. 11 nuoer ana wire to rtosarlo Bol
lasso, lot 10, block ID, Ualesburg add.
to Council Bluffs, w. d too
N. P. Nelson and wife to Chrlstoffer
Johnson, lots and 4. block 14. How
ard's add. to Council Bluffs, w. d.... 1,600
i'aui . ocnueise ana wire to cell ft
Mulqueen, lots and 10, block t, Ben
sun's Id add. to Council Bluffs, w. d. . 1
Total K.0U1
Marriage Llenaa.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. in
W. K. James, Hamburg, la 75
Harriet Humans. Hamburg, la M
Nathan H. Gold. Omaha 18
leucine uisbrow, Omaha
Franklin Minis, Avoca. Ia fl
Virginia Hoblnson, Avoca, Ia 17
James E. Reed. Underwood. Ia K
Margaret Rattgan, Underwood, la SO
R. H. Stephens, Treynor, la 2
Margaret E. Wood, Council Bluffs 1
R. O. Bradford. Omaha ts
Myrtle Kreuser, Omaha 1J
" If you desire a clear complexion take
Foley's Ortno Laxative for constipation and
liver trouble, as it will stimulate these or
gans and thoroughly cleans your system,
which Is what everyone needs In order to
feci well. (Sold by all druKglsls.
Bee want-ads bring reeuius.
The Thirteenth Census
It Is probable that the thirteenth census
will credit the United States, exclusive of
the Philippines, with a population of 90.
000,000. an Increase of 14.000.000 over the rec
ord of 1HO0. No one may venture, with
confidence, to predict the results of a
census which must take Into account the
many marvelous changes of the first de
cade of the twentieth century, yet so closely
do certain tendencies of growth follow de
fined rules that many of the Important
showings may be discounted. For Instance,
In 1K4. Mulhall, the eminent English statis
tician, made a prediction of the probable
results of the American census of 1890. The
final results differed but a few thousands
from Mulhall's estimate, the difference be
ing less than 1 per cent.
Although 14,000.000 Inhabitants have been
added to our population In the past ten
years. It Is relatively a smaller Increase
than that of the previous ten years. Sta
tisticians expect to see the United States
continue to grow, but at a constantly dim
inishing rate. As the country becomes
more and more filled up, the opportunities
for the poor of Europe to better their
conditions here will become fewer and
fewer, and Immigration will fall off more
and more with each passing decade. The
result will show In the Increased proportion
of Inhabitants born on American soil.
Of course the most Interesting result of
the thirteenth census will be the relative
showing of the states In the matter of
population. Will they hold the same re
lative position In congressional and elec
toral college representation during the next
ten years that they now hold. To the In
dividual state that is an Important ques
tion. And It means still more than that.
Representation In the great national con
ventions Is fixed by the number of senators
and representatives In congress, and thus
may party policy and the whole course of
our future political history hang on the
results of the forthcoming reckoning.
The statea may show a change in the
order of precedence as based on population.
This has happened at every census, though
with a decreasing ratio at the more recent
ones. In IKK) Kansas ranked nineteenth
In population, but by 1900 Minnesota, Missis
sippi and California had forced It back.
Into twenty-second place. Wisconsin moved
up from fourteenth to thirteenth place,
Washington from thirty-fourth to thirty-
third, Oregon from thirty-eight to thirty
fifth, Georgia from twelfth to eleventh,
and Maryland from twenty-seventh to
twenty-sixth. On the other hand Wyom
ing dropped back three notches, Vlrglna
two, Vermont four, Utah three. New
Hampshire three and a number of other
states on step backward each. It Is ap
parent that In a close political campaign
such changes as these may work
wonders both In the complexl6n of the
house and the control of the presi
dency. It Is not Improbable that several
of the states will have their representa
tion cut down by the thirteenth census.
Two of them, Virginia and Maine, narrowly
escaped such a castastrophe as a result
of the 1900 count.
The returns will probably result In a
remarkable shake-up among the cities of
the country. While this will mean little
or nothing nationally, to the Individual city
It seems an Important proposition, and
there are as many healthy rivalries for
position In the ten-year endurance con
tests of the cities as there are In a well
matched horse race with a large number
of entries. For Instance, Akron, -Ohio hold
ing 109th place In ks90 forged ahead to 87th
place In 1900, while Albany, New. Tork
holding 28th place In 1890 slipped back to
40th In 1900. Butte, Montana Jumped from
169th place to 133rd. Cincinnati dropped
back from eighth to tenth place. Cleveland
hustled up a bit and landed In seventh
place from ninth. Duluth climbed out of
tlst place Into 72nd, Houston, Texas, from
110th to 85th and Los Angeles from 66th
to 36th. Portland, Oregon moved up from
60th to 42nd and Seattle from 69th to 48th.
It was a gruelling race In which only seventy-five
of the 161 cities of over 26,000 In
habitants, were able to keep ahead of
the places In which they started. An equal
number fell behind, and eleven simply held
theli own. There will be a driving finish
as the present ten-year race winds up.
There Is much room for speculation as
to what the figures will show as to the
aggregate wealth of the nation. If the In
dustrial progress of the first four years of
Feud Country
is Quiet on the j
Surface Only
Ed Callahan is in Hourly Fear of
Assassination Trouble Probable
Over Burning Ballots.
JACKSON. Ky., Nov. 4. By dusk tonlsrht
all the Breathitt county folk who live out
side Jackson had heard enough election
returns, and, after firing their pistols
Intermittently for a while, rode out of
town. The Cynthlana company of state
militia left today.
The presence of the Lexington soldiers
has a quieting effect. They will remain
here during the sitting of court, whlci
ends next Sunday.
Late returns give the democrats, headed
by Circuit Judge-Elect D. B. Redwlne,
a sweeping majority In the mountains.
l ne cynthlana company. It was learned
today, to have been without a single round
of ammunition during Its stay In Jackson.
Captain J. R. Sams or the Lexlnt,-t3n
company reported today that on their way
to Crockettsvllle Monday night the soldiers
were fired upon by a band of men iirmin
the Kentucky river. They returned the
nre and a detail caught one man, who,
when found to be unarmed, was released.
Details of the fire at the Deaton home
at Crockettsvllle Monday night also arrived
today, and they indicate that there may
be serious trouble in this vicinity as a
Ed Callahan, say the soldiers, la agin
In fear of assassination. He had a detail
of soldiers escort him from the polls at
Crockettsvllle Tuesday, and while he and
his enemy, Govan Smith, and their follow
ers were at the polls all day. they re
mained peaceful.
John Blanton admitted tonight that It
was he and not his brother TUden who
killed Demosthenes Noble at the Spring
Fork precinct polls Tuesday. John said
that Noble had shot TUden In the arm and
after TUden had fired and missed John
shot and killed. John was arrested at
It Is stated tonight that $30,000 was spent
In Breathitt county by the republican and
democratlo commltteea during the earn
palgn just closed.
Judge Redwlne tonight declared that h
would exterminate the 'blind tigers" In
Breathitt county.
Late tonight the town was deserted and
See want-ads brlcg results.
Some Probable Results
the present decade had continued un
checked to the end of the period, we
would find ourselves a nation with an ag
gregate wealth of more than $140,000,000,000.
The Increase probably received a notable
check In the panic of 1907, and I12&.000.000.000
may more nearly approximate the grand
total of all our wealth In 1910. This Is ap
proximately double the wealth of the next
richest nation In Christendom.
In manufactures. If the rate of progress
that was shewn between 1900 and 1906
should be continued to the end of the de
cade, the results ought to show an annual
output valued at about 31S.5O0.O00.000. Wages
paid In manufacturing Industries ought to
amount to nearly $3,000,000,000 a year.
A highly Interesting test of the accuracy
of the estimates of the Department of
Agriculture will be made In the analysis
of the statistics of the farm. The depart
ment makes annual estimates of the pro
duction of all the Important crops and of
the number of farm animals In the country.
The figures are based on estimates made
by crop correspondents of the percentages
above and below normal a given
year will show. The census figures
will be based on actual returns from
every farm, and Secretary Wilson will
have the opportunity to prove that his
estimating bureau knows Its business. His
crop and stock figures for 1910 will be on
hand first, and the world will have a'
chance to know Just how well he has
guessed. ThoaG who are cognizant of the
methods pursued by the Department of
Agriculture In estimating crop yields and
crop acreage are aware that these esti
mates cannot be as accurate as the actual
farm to farm Inquiries of paid enumerators.
It Is probable that the. returns will over
state rather than understate the population
of the country, even though there Is not
a single Instance of padding them. Mttst
of this will occur In the cities. For In
stance, when an enumerator visits a house
where a servant Is employed, it Is not im
probable that the servant's name will be
Included In the returns for that household.
In another section of the city another
enumerator may be enumerating the family
of that same servant, and thus the servant
Is counted twice In the final summing up.
Extraordinary efforts will be made to
make the manufacturing statistics reveal
the true conditions of manufacturing. For
Instance, In the matter of canned corn, the
major portion of the value of the product
Is the corn that enters Into It. The actual
value added by the canning factory Is a
very small portion of the gross value of
the product. It Is possible to arrive at
the aotual significance of the corn-canning;
Industry only by showing the differ
ence between the cost of the materials and
the value of the product. As the census of
fice goes further In Its investigations It Is
gradually eliminating the duplication
caused by counting the product of the fac
tory twice. The automobile Industry Is
another remarkable instance of how values
tray be duplicated.. One factory makes the
tires and reports their value to the census.
Even that value may have been reported
in part by the factory which made the
coarse goods on which the rubber Is
moulded. Another factory makes the
leather for the cushions. The steel and
Iron mills and foundries make the steel
and Iron and reckons It in the value of
their output. Another factory makes the !
glass, and another the woodwork, and an
other the paint. Each .makes ua report of
the value of Its outpuLAfter each Item
has been counUjd Jn (heTcross., operations, ,
of one, two, or even .thrc either Industries
they are all carried over JLo.the automobile
Industry and counted again in the value
of the output there. From this It will be
seen that the only way to find the net re
sults of manufacture Is to deduct the cost
of the materials as they come to each fac
tory that has a part In the production of
the finished article. The thirteenth census
will look more carefully Into this than any
of Its predecessors.
On the whole. It Is freely predicted that
the great national snapshot of April 16,
1910, will show a picture that will gratify
every one of the 90,000,000 patriotic hearts In
this land of the free. It probably will show
a higher degree of mental, moral and
physical well being than any other census.
It will tell a tale of progress that will be
Justification for pride upon the part of
every American citizen. -
By rrederlo J. Kaskln.
Tomorrow The Thirteenth Census.
T History of Census Making.
New York Building; Costing Two Ml,
lions, and Only Nlae Yeara
Old, Abandoned.
NEW TORK, Nov. 4.-Abandonment of
the criminal courts building, a 12,000,000
structure, only nine years old, was ordered
by the police tonight, following a report
by the superintendent of the building that
Its walls might collapse. The structure Is
of stone and apparently substantial, but
It was built before the days of steel rein
forcement and the excavations for the sub
way caused Its foundations to sag.
The criminal courts building has been
the scene of many famous trials, Including
the Thaw, the Molineux cases. Of late,
new cracks in the walls and ceilings have
been discovered almost dally and the Jus
tices of the courts have been alarmed. One
justice refused to hear a case today and
temporarily excused a Jury.
Welcome Words To' Women
If, you arc an intelligent thinking woman, in need of relief from weakness, nervous
ness, pain and suffering, then it means much to you that there is one tried and true
honest square-deal medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, sold by druggists for the cure
of woman's ills. The makers of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for the cure of weak, nervous, run-down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked
women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which
has the strongest possible endorsement of the leading and standard authorities of
the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad
to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in
plain Enghsh. on every bottle-wrapper. Is this not a significant fact worthy of
careful consideration?
Women use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in preference to all other ad
vocated medicines sold by druggists for their peculiar weaknesses and ailments
because it is
THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol or hablt-tormlng drugs, Is not anything like advertised secret
compounds or patent medicines.
THE ONE REMEDY tor women devised by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience In woman's ail
ments and carefully adapted to her delicate organism.
THE OSE REMEDY good enough that Its makers are not afraid to print its every Ingredient on Its outside
It's foolishoften dangerous to be over-persuaded into accepting a secret nostrum" in place of this time
proven medicine of known COMPOSITION. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
What Does It Do?
It builds up the nerve tissues, tones up the heart, gives
power to the brain, strength and elasticity to the muscles
and richness to the blood. It brings into action all the vital
forces; it makes digestion perfect and enables you to get
from the food you eat all the nourishment it contains.
It is invaluable for overworked men, delicate women
and sickly children. It strengthens and sustains the system,
is a promoter of good health and longevity, makes the old
young and keeps the young strong.
It cures nervousness, tjhoid malaria, every form of
stomach trouble, diseases of the throat and lungs, and is
recognized as a medicine by doctors of all schools.
Thousands of letters have been received from men and
women in all walks of life, many from those nearly 100 years
old, extolling the virtues of Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskpv
the world's greatest medicine.
Commercial Delegation Guests of
Embassy Staff at Washington.
Head of State Department Officially
Welcomes Gneata to United Statea
and Dlaenaaea Historic Friend
ship of Nations.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 4. Stirring ad
dresses bearing on the ties which unite
the Japanese and American nations, the
wonderful progrecs of the former country
and the Importance of bringing about a
perfect commercial understanding between
the two, characterised the banquet given
last night by the staff of the Japanese em
bassy to the visiting Japanese commercial
commission, the members of which are
making a tour of the country as the guests
of the Pacific coast chambers of commerce.
Tables were set for 130 In the banquet hall
of the Now Wllllard hotel, those present
Including, In addition to the guests of
honor, members of the cabinet and others
promlnept In the official, social and busi
ness ' life of Washington. '
In honor of the visiters the floral decora
tloi.s were largely of chrysanthemums of
various colors, with a liberal sprinkling
of American Beauty roses, while the na
tional colors of Japan were gracefully
entwined with those of America. Toasts
were drunk to the president of the United
States and to the emperor of Japan. Secre
tary of State Knox, In proposing the toast
to the mikado, remarked that it was most
appropriate on this anniversary of the
emperor's birth and In the distinguished
company of Japanesa present.
Addresses were made by Secretaries Knox
and Balllnger; Mr. Matsul, charge d'affairs
of the Japanese embassy; Baron Shlbusawa
and District Commissioner MacFarland.
Addreaa of Secretary Knox.
Secretary Knox spoke In p-rt as follows:
It Is my privilege and a great pleasure
to welcome you to Washington on behalf
of this government and to express the
sincere hope that your journeyings nnd
observations and entertainments In this
country have been and will continue to
be comfortable and profitable and agree
able to you.
This Is an opportunity of which I gladly
avail to speak of the ties which have
contributed to unite our two nntlons In
smlty and essential harmony ever since the
days when to American representatives
first of all you opened your doors for
reciprocal exchange of good will and civil
isation and trade. We have learned from
you as you from us. We admire vou for
all of your national gifts and virtues and
not the least for those casualties In which
you differ from us.
The great modern movements of accord
and good understanding between nations
are after all the lofty achievements and the
crown of all International relations. The
controlling principle of these movements is
peaceful and beneficial International inter
course and the peaceful settlement by arbi
tration of differences and controversies
extending that principle, by friendly diplo
macy, as rapidly as possible to embrace
an Increasing number and variety of dis
putes and ultimately by voluntary Inter
national compacts make peaceful settle
ments of all differences compulsory or prac
tically so.
I am confident that you will agree that
It Is altogether In accordance with the
honorable and enlightened attitude both of
Japan and the United States, and that it
It is an absolutely pure distillation of
malted grain, great care being used to have
every kernel thoroughly malted, thus
destroying the germ and producing a predi
gested liquid iood in the formation of a medi
cinal whiskey; softened by warmth and
moisture, its palatablity and freedom from
injurious substances render it so that It can be
retained by the most sensitive stomach.
It is a gentle, invigorating stimulant and
tonic. v
should be the aim of true statesmanship,
to continue to keep abreast of these benefi
cent movements in which they have borne
so distinguished a part.
Thus the long and unbroken friendship
of the United States and Japan, of which
your visit and this occasion are such happy
symbols, and the laudsble common purpose
of Japan and the United States to respect
each other's rights and with frankness,
patience and good temper to adjust such
differences as inevitably arise even between
nations of sympathetic and common pur
poses, will be exemplars which will bear
fruit and aid in tha rrHritml raiitinn t
the noblest Ideals for the unity, concord and
piueircmjr oi me worm.
In his brief remarks Mr. Matsul said that
his countrymen had been able to learn of
the enormous potentialities of American
enterprise and he hoped that the meeting
between them and the business men of
America would conduce to a better under
standing between Japan and the United
Especially appreciative of the treatment
that had been accorded his countryme.-.
was Baron Shlbusawa. Life to Ihem had
been perceptibly broadened by their visit to
the United States, he said. "Japan," he
said, "wants to do the best It can within
Its power to pay the heavy debt It owes to
America and one of the most effective ways
to do this, I believe, is In promoting the
trade relations between the two countries.
That trado already is extensive. Japan's
Intention Is to take part in America's trade
to the utmost of Its ability and Its oppor
tunity. Its Ideals not necessarily to benefit
itself to the detriment of America and other
nations. Japan wants to develop the trade
so as to benefit both participants."
Today being the anniversary of the birth
of the emperor, the visitors assembled at
the Japanese embassy, where they cele
brated the occasion after the fashion of
their country.
One Woman Killed and Man Probably
Fatally Injured at t'tlca,
New York.
UTICA, N. Y., Nov. 4-Mrs. Ernest M.
Smith was Instantly killed and Charles
Nelce, a pedestrian, received what prob
ably will prove fatal injuries in an auto
mobile accident at New Hartford, near
Utlca today. The automobile, which con
tained, besides the chauffeur, a man and
two women, was traveling at a fast clip
and in approaching a bridge the driver
lost control, the machine dashing Into the
Iron supports of the bridge. The occupants
were thrown out, but all except Mrs. Smith
escaped with slight Injuries. Nelce was
crossing the bridge and was struck by the
machine as it rebounded, from tho Impact
with the bridge.
Perkln's death was the first to occur In
the town, and even yet there is no oc
casion for a cemetery aa the body will be
removed to Texas.
Book Trlnted In 1786 Is Sold at
Auction for Thoasand Dollars
at Boaton.
BOSTON, Nov. 4.-Robert Burns' "Poems
Chiefly In the Scottish Dialect," a hare
octave printed by John Wilson at Kilmar
nock In 1786, was purchased today at the
auction sale of the private library of the
late James Brown, a publisher, by George
Clark of Kilmarnock, Scotland. The price
paid was $1,026. Mr. Clark, who lives in
Burns' old neighborhood, will take the book
back to Scotland with him.
BEWARE of imitations
and substitutes. They are
positively harmful and are
sold for profit only by un
scrupulous dealers. Look
for the trade-mark, the
"Old Chemist," on the la
bel, and be certain the seal
over the cork is unbroken.
Doctor's advice and
medical booklet free.
Cliffy r.!s!f Whiskey Co.,
Rochester. N. Y.
Work of Getting
Jury for Basin
Murder Trials
Examination of .Venire of Eighty-Six
Men Will Begin This Morning
at Nine O'clock.
BASIN, Wyo., Nov. 4. (Special Tele
gram.) Out of a venire of 100 men sum
moned to serve at this term of court in
Big Horn county and In which the cases
of the cattlemen come up for hearing,
elghty-slx were found qualified to serve
as Jurors. The examination of these men
will begin at nine o'clock Thursday morn
ing. Counsel for defense secured an order
from the court requiring the . defense to
endorse on ths Informations filed against
the cattlemen the names of all the bona
fide witnesses that are to testify against,
the accused.
Since the local banks declined to buy any
more county scrip, there has been some
speculation as to what the county would
do. S. A. Watklne and W. T. Hog, two
prominent .And , weaiUiy . taepmn. have
been here since Monday. It now develops
that they have made arrangements with
the First National bank of Meeteetse to
cash all scrip Issued In carrying on this
term of court. This Utile burg Is full and
overflowing with men of , all classes
brought here. Jurors, witnesses and other
ways Incident to this trial. No reply has
yet reached Mayor Collins from Governor
Brooks touching the recall of the troops
demanded by the mayor. It Is now under
stood the governor Is absent in the south.
Adjutant General Gatchell came in today
and Inspected the oamp.
Notwithstanding large crowds, best of
order and good nature prevails every
where. Brink's trial starts at 9 o'clock
tomorrow morning.
Deficiency of Two and Quarter Mil
lion Noted for Blsht Months
in Packing; Centers.
CINCINNATI, Nov. 4-(SDeclal Tele.
gram.) Price Current says: The end of the
summer packing season has been reached
with the close of October. The preliminary
estimates of the number of hogs slaugh
tered In the west indicates a deficiency of
1,250,000, compared with the eight months of
last year. The total western packing for
the week was 476,000. compared with 455,000
the preceding week and 006,000 for the corre
sponding week last year.
The season's packing for Dromlnent nlaras
ccmpare as follows:
S. 64J.00O
1.264. 00
421, 000
Chicago I.UoO.OOO
tYttusas i;iiy
.. K26.000
.. 5o6,0mj
.. H36,0u0
.. SM.OuO
. . 270.0DO
.. 616.000
.. ftriO.OOO
.. 4J0.0U0
ht. Louis
St. Joseph
Cedar Kaplds
Sioux City
St. Paul