Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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ert B. Wallace. Council Bluffs: C. A.
Koons. Sioux City; w. C l.usk,'Tnkton;
J. A. Dewell, Missouri Valley, 1.; John
Neill, Helena. Mont.; 8. A. Rearle.j W. W.
Slahaugh. John Pcott. Victor Ilonewater,
Mel I'M. O. M. Hitchcock, Everett Buck
ingham. W. K. Baxter, t;ould Diet .
Toy Morton and
Others May Build
Giant Water Power
Omaha Pilots iippoint Committee to
Pmh .Navigation.
Wtrlr t o-M-ratloa with Kanaa
Miy a4 Prelimin
ary to Mlnarl HlTfr
"All thai If now needed o make the Mis
soul river navigable I stand toother,
for what l a few hnndred million among
friends." raid E. W. Caldwell, bunlnnf.!!
manner of the Kknia'-CIty Journal, at a
meeting of tin? Missouri river boosters held
Thursday ifrmn . at ,th. Commercial club,
ben (ommlitwi were, appointed to pu.h
th" project.
"I am not here to booHt for Omaha, but
to boost up the Omaha Boosters. There
people would all like to be boosters on this
plan to make, the old MiHsouri navigable
If they only knew how to boost. It the
real states f Montana, North Dakota,
Pouth Dakota. Nebraska. Iowa, Hennas and
Mlnsourl .get together on thla propoHltlon
and stick together, and It won't be long
until we Will hear the ateamboat whistles
h these, carriers of commerce wend their
way up and down the river.
"While th? river la being fixed to carry
boata It will alao be. put in such ahape that
It will not take farm after farm of theae
fertile platna to the Oulf of Mexico. If MO
freight train a day of fifty cars each were
to try to carry back, the rich soil of these
plain which the Missouri la taking south
i hey could not do It."
A. U. Bell of Sioux City, vice president
of the National Rivers and Harbors com
mission, told of the formation of the Mis
souri River Navigation congress and snld
that the moBt valuable' asset which Le-
lunged to the northwest wu permitted to
o to waste. FT sakt engineer ' had de
clared It practical to make the Missouri
river navigable ho It "woild carry all the
tonnage wanted. He urged co-operation
with the mn of Kansas City and the
General Mander'son said the Missouri wn
not a tributary to the Mississippi, but a
part of the main river Itself, and that "we,
should let the I'liiled State understand
that, being, a 4J t of the main river, we
propose to Improve It."
Secretary Campbell announced that John
C. Fox of lie national river' and harbors'
committee expected to attend the Omaha
convention next month.
Committees Are' Derided On.
Several committees were decided upon,
all, with the exception' of a general ar
rangement committee, being left with the
chair to name, the chairmen for the com
mittees balmr recommended. The commit
tee were: Committee, on membership, ten
members, .Including Thomas Colt-man its
chairman; committee on finance, ten mem
ber. Including T. 1. Wead aa chairman;
committee on reception, fifty members, In
cluding John Steel aa chairman.
Th arrangements committee consists of
John U. Kennedy, chairman; John Burke.
James I,.' Kennedy, Sioux City; F. D.
Wead, Omaha; W. R. "Chllds,1 Kansas' City,
Kan.; C.'E. DeLand. Pierre; W. K. James,
St. Joseph'; 'K. A. William, Bismarck;
Jerry Sullivan, Fort Benton, Mont.; Hon.
K. U. Ellis, Kansas City, Mo.; Colonel
William' HayWard. 'Nebraska City; Rob-
tu . in - . . . 1 . 1 - I i 1
Big Fireman Stalks
in Wedding Parlor
"Chief Sent Me," .He Says--Yatei
Wanted Policeman, Got the
Wrong 'Phone.
Closet with Argument of Jefferii for
the Plaintiff.
t'oonsel for I'aol Go After General
('wli Roaahahed, Aaklnar Hlia
If He Wanted to Try Ce
- Th roach Pre.
Big Joe Wavrln of the fire department,
resplendent In his niftiest uniform, walked
Into the home of John T. Tales. Thirtieth
and Marcy streets. In the midst of the
reception following the marriage of Miss
Mary Frances Yate and Harry Well of
"Fire." was the mental picture flashed
Into the mind of the startled guests. A
near panic followed, but the people Were
soon reassured. -
"The chief told me to come." explained
Joe. wincing at the clamor he had wrought.
"O, I see," exclaimed Mr. Yates, when
It was all unfolded to him, "but you can
go now."
Mr. Y'ate had telephoned to the city
hall. Intending to call Chief of Police
Donahue, and Instead had been connected
with Fhe Chief Halter. He had asked
that wfflclal to end one of his men out
to the reception, as Is customary In large
gatherings of the kind and the request had
been granted, although the chief protested
that he could see no use for a fireman at a
reception. '
Complaint for
Deputy Sheriff
Charge Filed by Car Motorman, Who
Objects to B. F. Stewart'i
Ever Just iuIsb a car when you were late
on your way home and then have the last
one, after a lonesoma wait, later sweep
by as the Limited passe a tramp?
If so, then one cau appreciate the feeling
which prompted B. F. Stewart, deputy
sheriff, to rite In his wrath and fire a
stone Into the eatlbule of a North Twenty
fourth street car on Saturday night,
James Hu'.c)ilnson, the motorman, did not
appreciate the extreme provocation. He
filed a complaint in police court Thursday,
charging Mr. Stewart with disorderly con
duct. The car was late and loaded with
passenicers, therefore making no stops In
the effort to make up lost time.
Mr. . Stewart' vengeful effort caused
nothing more serious than a broken, pane.
The company was willing to drop the case,
but Hutchinson demands redress.-
No Case an Record.
There la no case on record of a cough or
cold resulting in pneumonia or consumption
after Foley" Honey and Tar has been
taken, as It will stop your cough and break
up your cold quickly. Refuse any but the
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow
package. Contains no opiates and Is Bate
and sure. Sold by all druggists. '
How York Short Lino
The Pioneer of 18 Hour Trains between Chi
cago and New York is still running over the Penn
sylvania Short Line and 4 'making its time" with
remarkable regularity.
"The Pennsylvania Special"
. leaves Chicago 'every day at 2:45 p. m.
Arrives New York every day at 9:45 a. m.
x , Jjeaves New York every day at 3:55 p. m.
Arrives Chicago every day at 8:55 a, in.
The Equipment of this and other trains of the
, Pennsylvania system is of the highest standard,
its motive power the pick of the roundhouse; its
crews, from enginemaa to flagman, from conductor
to.pprter, selected for their fitness. The superior
grade of personal service maintained on the trains
of the Pennsylvania System is one of its well known
and highly appreciated attributes.
-For particulars address
1 W. II. ROWLAND, Traveling Passenger Agent,
213 Board of Trade Building, Omaha, Nebraska.
ee Buildsni!
Office Space Available
; ioo' No. 406 has a south and west front, is li)1:.
UiHb feet iiV dimension, and is so partitioned as to make
lliree( offices. There is a large sized fireproof vault iu
connection with this room. Kent $50.00 per mouth.
Trackage Property
We offer for rent the building located at 914 Famam
street, which is a one story and basement building. IH
mensions are L'OxW!, approximately 3,300 sq. ft. An addi
tion to alley could be built to suit tenant. This is in the
wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For fur
ther, particulars call
The Bee Building Co.
. . 17th and Farnam Sts.
S Fkou DoufUa t3
I laaepeadaat A-lttJa,
Capitalist! Thought to Be Planning
Redemption of Million Acres
of Wyoming Land.
Th. Pant rid'tirf rtu Ivhicli ha.
dragged Its length over two weeks. endd
ihursday afternoon, when A. W, Jefferts
closed hts final ' argument. Judge Troup
will not give a derision for two weeks,
because he , goes to . Hurt county for . a
week Monday and between how and then
has other matters on his table ,whlch
will perforce occupy him.
"Has It come to this, that counsel wants
to try his case through the press?" asked
A. W. Jefferls In his closing argument.
Jefferls also declared that Oeneral Cowln
"Insulted the court" through a certain
line of 'argument advanced.
Final argument of the proceedings was
heated throughout,' General Cowln attack
ing Paul again and again and lamenting
that the English language did not con
tain words of denunciation strong enough
td express his opinion of Paul. Neverthe
less the attorney did manage to find a
good many fairly strong words.
The final plea of General Cowln for the
defense was "for no verdict submitting
Mrs. Paul and the children to everlasting
disgrace and Infamy." Counsel In his ar
gument for the defendant practically
.bandoned the crufts bill against Taul and
strove his hardest that no decree shall Is
sue on the grouno of infidelity.
A. W. Jefferls. replying, turned some of
General Cowln'a rhetoric back on him and
declared that the other lawyer's argument
waa In Cowln s own words, tne arum
of an eleDhant. the roar of a lion, the
growl of a bear and the hiss of a snake."
Never In my life," continued Jefferls.
"Old I expect to hear In a court of Justice
an argument to the effect that counsel
would prefer, In his way of thinking, that
John Paul should murder In cold blood,
human beings, his wife and children
should prefer this to Paul's coming, as a
law-abiding cltixcn, into a court of Justice.
"Yet It Cornea from Him."
"Vit It comes from the Hps of counsel
practicing at thin bar for many years that
John Paul would have better taken his
wife, and, as he pictured the scene, gagged
and bound her, and strangled ner mm,
)her than Paul ahould have proceeded
In a legal way to adjust these differences.
Strang argument!
he should want these chil
dren of whom he has so continually prated
throughout this trial to have a' picture 01
blood spilled upon the ground and murder
stalking forth.
"Nay, more than that! counsel wouia
have John Paul throw himself Into the
river, commit suicide and to leave the dis
grace of this upon the children.
'It la rank anarchism that he preacnas.
t .At wife to to any extent that she pleases
and the husband must not come Into court.
Strange argument from a strange manl
"Counsel seems to be rinding fault wun
the' law that provides a tribunal for such
cues as these. In addition td this he must
indict the press because It has not done
as he wished it to do, lorsootn. uoes ne
want to try his case In the press? Has it
come to this?"
Makes 400,O0O lie Haa, lareatetl la
Oaaaha Realty, Frodaciaa; a)v,
OO Yearly Reatal.
E. M. Loflang, the former banker of
Lexington, having already Invested over
$400,000 in Omaha real estate, has no v
bought the site of the Budweiser saloon on
PouKlas street, between Fourteenth and
In June Tom Pcnnison sold this building
to Sol Brodkey for 32,000, and Tuead.iy
Mr. Leflang bought it from Brodkey for
Most of the property Mr. Leflang lias
been buying, la Improved property, cn
which hla rental returns are 40,000 a year.
With the acquisition of the Budwehwt
site, Mr. Leflang now ha 180 feet t rontag J
on Douglas street. Including the Labr
Temple building, the site of Tracy Bros.
cigar store and the old Omaha Savings
Bank building, all of which have teen
bought through the agency of Thomaf W.
On a good deal of the property which
Mr. Leflang has bought and sold during
the last four years, since he began to In
vest in Omaha property, he bas doubled
his money. ' The Boiln block near Six
teenth and Cas streets was bought three
years ago for $20,000, and during the last
ten days Mr. Leflang has refused $30,000
for it
The three-story block at Seventeenth and
Cuming streets was bought four years ago
for $13,500. and yesterday Mr. Leflang re
fused $26,000 cash for it. Several bther
large purchases have been Just as profit
able and show the money that may be
made In Omaha property.
"Central Wyoming Is looking for re
newed activity along all lines in the spring
and plans are already under way for sev
eral undertakings."1 said Charles Brennl
man. state representative of Wyoming and
superintendent for Asmus Bo) sen In th
building of the giant dam and power plant
at the entrance to the Big Horn gorge.
Joy Morton and other eastern capi
talists were at Lander last week and the
people In that section think these men
are about to' begin th construction of a
big irrigation scheme which will redeem
about 1,000,000 acres of waste land. They
have had control of thla land for some
years and th time Is coming when they
must make good by building ditches or
moving, and as It Is too valuable a prop
osition to throw aside," something will be
"The Burlington Is now building through
the Big Horn gorge and bas a large num
ber of outfits at work. Some of this
work Is of the heaviest kind and wilt cost
a large amount of money. There Is on
camp In the gorge where the walla rise
for 1,000 feet on, either side and th sun
never strikes the camp."
Must Try That
Case After Ai!
Can't Wipe it Out, Sayi Judge Lei-
lie, by Just Letting it
Members of the Board of Fire and Folic
Commissioners may not have any nervous
feeling over It, but that ault of Lysl Ab
bott and Elmer Thotnaa to oust them Is
to com up soon for trial In county court
It has been in a somnolent state since
May 28, and Abbott and Thomas would
fain not have cruelly roused It from its
slumbers. Judge Leslie, 'however, has de
clared that it mast be tried or b swept
front the docket, so that It Is now set for
next Wednesday.
This is the suit' brought In the nam
of Andrew B. Somers against F. H. Hoye,
W. J. Hunter, C. A. Karbach, W. F. Wap
plch, John O. Brandt, V. X Connell, J,
E. Reagan and T. A. Spratlen. The first
four ar the mombers of the board and
were elected at the dlty election. The
second quartet were the democratic candidates;
Lysle Abbott. H. K. Maxwell. T. B. Nor-
rls and M. C. Steele constituted the Anti
Saloon league candidates and they ob
jected because the ' republican and demo
cratic candidates toad' (the party designa
tion on the ballot. "This was fought out
in district court and an appeal to the
supreme court was decided adversely to
the leaguers the other day. After the
election a petition "wt.i filed In county
court asking that the (lection be set aside
and that Abbott.' Ma'i well a fid the othor
two be declared Oie 'Incumbents. .
K. C. Pi ttenon' Ksnna City Offes
the Loeal ftusltieaa Mea to
Action. "
"Put Omaha' on the map In the way of
river navigation."' said Richard C. Patter
son of Kansas City at the Paxton.
Mr. Y'atteraon, who was a former Omaha
memtv.T of the bar, is now proprietor of
the Centropolis hotel at Kansas City and
camo here on some private business. Mr.
Patterson was not averse to doing a little
"b'jostlng" for . Kansas City, which, h
S4ld, Is going aliead with leaps and
bounds. Over 4,000 new buildings are In
course of erection there, he said, and prop
erty values, especially on the river front,
have doubled in value, because of the
movement towards bringing about more
efficient navigation methods between Kan
sas City, and Nw Orleans.
'Kansas City,", said Mr. Patterson, ha
raised over $400,000 for river navigation and
will ultimately make It a million dollars.
With this fund It wilt put boats on th
Mississippi between Kansas City and New
Orleans and bring about river navigation,
which Is Just now occupying considerable
attention throughout the middle west. And
It Is the proper thing to do.
"tJmanas progressive Business men
should get together and raise a fund so
that a line of steamers eould be put on
between her and the gulf. Such a step
would do more for Omaha than anything,
as will be the result to Kansas City."
Refaaes to HeroKalsf Sole Rlcbts of
Readerlnar Com pa ay aad Let
Esdr Co.
Judge C. M. Bachman in police court de
clined to acknowledge the claim of the
Omaha Rendering and Feed company to a
monopoly on the garbage business In th
city of Omaha.
Peter Endres was discharged when he ap
peared In answer to a complaint Issued at
th Instance of this company, alleging that
he had been hauling garbage in violation
of city ordinances and their protected
monopolistic lights.
An employ of th company appeared and
declared that Endrea nor anyone else had
a right to haul garbage.
laabllltr of Ed Blaaatoa to Shoot
"tralsat Accouata for Tom
Pope Llvla.
The Inability of Ed Blanston, colored, to
shoot straight probably accounts for Torn
Pop being alive.
Blanaton was standing across from the
Midway saloon, Twelfth street and Capitol
avenu yesterday afternoon. Drawing a
revolver he fired into th aaloon at Pope,
alao colored, but missed him. Blanston
mad his escape and th police are now
seeking him in Council Bluffs.
Great I-ao Cnrtala Sale.
W purchased from an importer of Krenoli
novelty net curtains all his left over order
for this season. Curtains that cam Into
port after orders wer cancelled. Seven
eases In all. consisting of cluny curtains,
Marl Antoinette curtains, French novelty
net curtains. They wer bought at on.
third less than ihfir import price. They
will go on sale Monday morning at one
third W than regular prices. Sr Sunday
IGHT Choos
ing is the Key
to Clothes
M HT? .I! III. n
fell ffiykA Xmm
We have done our part
chosen our woolens selected
the smartest styles and tailored
our clothes with rare skill and
care, so that we can say to
you By choosing itttdjittltf'
Stern CLOTHING this fall
you will learn the 'true mean
ing of clothes satisfaction you
will have the consciousness of
being dressed in garments that
distinguish you and set you
apart from the crowd.
Style Hook is full vf
good pictures and interest
ing suggestions tor men who
. value personal apphranct as
a business and social asset. It
will be sent to you on request.
IHW-- - !' ----Wmr -. a- '.A .SA -.vVlfeM k -'.4Ua.4v
a? '
Michaels Storn EL Company Clothing Sold
Wyoming; Governor Returns from Taf t
Trip Boosting: Navigation.
He Thinks a Ceafereso of Gov
ernors Productive 'Of Hark Good
. to All States aad Would
' ' I.lke Mora Bach.
Bo Duty Rhode Tells Police JadaV,
Who Send Illra to Jail br
No Error.
Dusty Rhodes, vagrant, and charged wtth
drunkenness, awaited th finding of th
Too much moisture had robbed Dusty of
his Innate vagabond vivacity.
Ten days of rest and ju!et for you,
'Pusty,' " announced Judge Bachman.
It was really all a mistake. Dusty said
being a stranger in town, h had anked
to be directed to a restaurant, but that
the place he reached was a saloon. While
there, he absent-mindedly, took a few
drinks before bs knew what he had or
Dusty travels for a living.
Colored His May Jlavo Mad Method,
hat He Got Irsttacc Jaat
the Same.
Jim Walsh, a negro habitue of a cocaine
room, appeared la the role of a madman
Wednesday night. lie started his perform
ance at the Coleman club. Feigning a (it
he fell to the floor and writhed In Imagi
nary agony.. Hoon he had th club rooms
all to himself., Ills audience had fled.
Itambllng about the streets he took plea
ure In scaring poopl with his demonstra
Lions of how It feels to be real angry.
James had cooled considerably when h
reached police court- He will spend fifteen
days under treatment at the city Jail.
Oao "Wltaoas for th Slat Mappurls
the 'Prlionrr'i Plea of shoot-laa-
la Brlf-Dfeaa.
Th evldiiiic of th stat against Gua
Bhlvers. th negro, on tiial for first de
gree murdvi In district court. Is all In
Tli defense mad a motion to direct a
verdict, but th prosecution had som
qualms about this and the court overruled
the motion. ' A witness for the state haa
sworn that Johnson, the dead man
reached for his gun first, so that the
argument f self.defns ma b effective
with the jury.
Governor B. B. Brooks of Wyoming ar
rived in th city Thursday morning en
route home from New Orleans, to which
point he recently, with twenty-five other
governors, accompanied President Taft on
hla famous trip down the Mississippi from
St. Louis. Before leaving for home Gov
ernor Brooks will dispone of some private
business here, expecting to be In Cheyenne
by Saturday. During his stay here the
governor Is registered at the Her Grand
Governor Brooks says It was one of the
most delightful business and pleasure trips
he had ever made. All along th route a
bond of friendship was cemented between
th north and south. There was little of
politics during the trip, he said.
"During the entire voyage down the river
the twenty-alx governors held frequent con
ferences, meeting every day at least onca,
and discussing a great many matters which
will undoubtedly prove of great benefit and
value to them," said th governor. "While
governors of states do not make th laws,
they play an important part in moulding
publlo opinion, and for this reason at least
conferences of every governor In the union
should bs held. It would be of lnitlmable
value and bring about similarity of laws
and regulations In the several states."
C onelderable stress was Jold by Governor
Brooks upon the conservation of resources
and reclamation of th arid lands.
"The entire Mississippi and Missouri val
ley districts afford unlimited opportunities
fur conservation," said he. "and it Is
to be hoped the next congress will take
an active Interest in the matter. Other
states are expending millions of dollars
annually to Improve their dexert lands and
there seems no good reason why the west
ern states should not receive national rec
ognition. " '
"Wyoming has two large storage basins
erected by th federal government, which
serve as a two-fold purpose. In the
spring they take care of the surplus
waters caused by the annual floods and
at this period of the year provide the
necessary water supply to bring about crop
and grain results such as are enjoyed by
the flnent Irrigated districts of the country.
"Wyoming and the adjoining states of
fer the finest kind 'of resources for ad
vancement and progress. It is up to the
people and the federal oongress to aid In
th work and make this western country
a rich and prosperous land. American en
ergy ha reached a point where it Is on
the verge of overflowing.
"The conservation movement Is an all
important topic. It Is unquestionably a
movement that should appeal to every
one of our 80,000,000 or 1(0,000,000. It seems
to me as a patriotic service on the part
of th people, and with the assistance of
congress something definite should cer
tainly be brought about within the next
couple of years."
With reference to the conferences of
governors, the Wyoming executive may
be one of those to set the ball rolling In
an endeavor to bring about an annual
gathering of the governors of the union,
when matters of state and national im
portance and interest may be discussed
and views exchanged which will prove of
benefit to all.
Woman Saves
Her Life by Cool
Head, Steady Hand
Miss Ada Sallee Conquers Rebellious
Stove and Smiles Through
,Her Agony. ' '. (
The exercise of a rare degree of" femlnln
bravery and presence of mind saved the life
of Miss Ada Sallee when a gasoline sieve
exploded in her room at 1707 Webster atreet
Thursday afternoon. Her clothes flaming
up about her, she dashed over la Jier tyd
and, rolling up In a blanket, smothered
the fire.
Miss Sallee sustained severe, but not dan
gerous, burns about the hands and anus,
and her hair and eyebrows were scorched
badly. But she smiled through the pain
and got thn stove under control. ' Tho fire
was not communicated to the house and
the loss Is trivial.
Miss Sallee wu filling the tank on .b
stove when a few splattering drop caused
the flames to leap from the burner to the
receptacle In her hand. The explosion fol
lowed. . ,. .
Try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy when V
you have a cold and you will be pleased '
with th prompt relief afforded.
Look for the spearl The flavor lasts!
- - nrimliir ntniTflfls
You can't chew it
out the delicious juice of real
crushed mint leaves. Pine -for
teeth! fine for digestion!-