Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1909, Page 12, Image 12

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Mri. J. E. Anghe Writes Letter to
The Bee.
Blooming; Flower OcfiB IMiis;es
Help Make Life? Eoybl for
rte.ldent of Tkle City Visit
ing la California.
How pl-aant trip to California Is at
thlK time of year and how pleasant Cali
fornia Is aft" tht trip l nided. In de
scribed In a letter to The Be, by Mm. J.
E Auphe. who. with her husband. Is In
the southern part of the Golden stnte for
a month or more. Mr. Augh writes:
RF.PONI'O, Cal., Oct. J7. To my many
Omaha friends and reader of The B!;:
Mr. Aunhe and myself left Omaha October
15 over the Vnlon Pacific In the third sec
tion of that urcat excursion. Next morn
Inn found us at Cheyenne for breakfast.
We had a pleasant party of Omaha people
In our sleeper, Mr. Will White and mother
of Eighteenth and Corby streets; Mr. and
Mrs. V. White, wife and daughter, O.
Marian, Elder McLean and Mrs. McLean.
Omaha ploneera, of Twentieth and Maple
........ Mr .nr) Mrs. W. Powell and
daughter. Miss Fern and Master Robert, j
and six other Omnhans.
"After a cool ride through the lovely,
wild mountain scenery of Wyoming, wc
had supper at Rawlins. Wyo.. and at 9.30
Sunday rooming we spied lovely Fait Lake
and pretty farma and gardens. Arrtvlns
at the city, we found we had missed the
Pan Pedro train by two hours, so we took a
street car for the First Methodist Episco
pal church, Just In time for the morning
aei-vlce. The pastor, who, after Installing
the officer of the Epworth league, Intro
duced Mother Totter, president of Utah's
Home Missionary society. She gave a
good talk of how they were earing for
frontier people In the mountains and dis
tant nnlnts. She then Introduced Mrs.
Jane Bancroft Robinson, national president
of the Women's Home Missionary society,
who was on her return home to Detroit
from the national convention at Los An
geles. At the close we had a dinner at a
Japanese hotel, and then walked five
blocks, ten Omaha blocks, to the great
Mormon tabernacle, where we listened to
several old-time Methodist hymns and
olos by 600 trained voices to the accom
paniment of the largest pipe organ In the
world. There was an address by a young
elder, a returned missionary from Holland,
and also a sermon by an older elder from
the Book of Judges. Thousands of resi
dents, as well aa travelers, attend this
.wo-hour afternoon service.
"We walked to the great Union depot,
the finest In the west, where we took a
midnight train for the coast. No purer
air nor clearer, sweeter water have wo
found anywhere than In Salt Lake City.
"Awoke Monday morning In the sage
brush' of southwestern Utah and all day
through there, and the rocky region of the
81erra Nevada mountains and through the
Ix great tunnels. Supper time found us at
Lea Vegos, Nev., the great silver mining city
and a lively little place. Tuesday morning
at daylight we were at St. Bernardino,
Cal.. and In the midst of the beautiful
orange groves, what a contrast to the
roeky region of the night before! Here
we parted company with Mr. and Mrs.
White and daughter, who have gone to
Redlands to live.
"At 8:80 we were at our destination, lively,
busy, great Los Angeles, and our friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Syas and daughter,
hi io Mae. formerly of West Ambler.
Omaha, were at the depot In their double
carriage to meet ua. Then a pleasant
drive of three hours through the busy
business section of the city and the resi
dence district and lovely Magnolia cemetery,
wnere geraniums and fuschla's run riot over
walls, fences and houses, some six to
eight feet high. The magnolia blooms
shed their sweet perfume on all sides.
"We reached their flower bedecked home
at 11:30. had lunch, then rested , till next
morning, ' when Miss Mae and I picked
twelve varieties of lovely double roses be
fore leaving for a month stay at Redondo
beach, twenty miles distance, where they
and we went to take advantage of the
ftn ocean baths, mackerel fishing and fine
air. Mr. Aughe, Mae and I take the
ocean plunge dally, while Mrs. Syas takes
the salt baths at the great bathing houBe,
the larjest In the world.
"Redondo Beach Is a great port for
passenger steamers from San Francisco
and other coast cities. We saw the 'City
of Topeka,' and 'Santa Rosa,' come In
Saturday loaded with passengers for Los
Angeles and Pasadenla, winter resorts. This
Is also a great port for lumber from Ore
gon and Washington, hundreds of lumber
steamers coming In Sunday. We were In
vited to a baked fish dinner at Mrs. I.
Simpson's, formerly Miss Mabel Boyer of
Vnkprman and West Side. Omaha. We
walked there, twelve blocks, through
eucalyptus and palm avenues on every side.
At 1 p. m., we left on the electric car for
Pasadena, ten miles north of Los Angeles
to spend a few days with our old neigh
bors, Mr. and Mrs. M. 8. Bartlett. so
long residents of Forty-second and Pacific
streets, Omaha. They have a handsome
even-room bungalow on Franklin avenue,
literally covered with flowers. There are
three fine orange trees, one lemon and two
fig trees, one large English walnut tree
which has borne bushels of walnuts this
"Tuesday morning we returned to Los
Angeles and took advantage of going to
the market for fruit and vegetables, which
we got for a small amount, especially the
fine large Malaga white grapes, six pounds
for 15 cents. We shall probably remain
at the beach here at Redondo a month
before going to Pasadena or Gervania,
where I will work In a private sanitarium
through the winter. If the following week
does as much for Mr. A'a health, and mine,
too, our hope will not be In vain.
"Tours truly,
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1000. . , , x
Bran die is Stores
Thousands of odd lots and remnant pieces must be sold at
onco. Prices reduced to the absolute limit of bargain giving.
Many pieces to match. The finest lot ever offered to our
customers. Novelty suitings, fancy serges, Victoria suit
ings, Poplins, Taffetas, etc., 'J to 10 yards of one kind to
match and go in 3 lots.
Main Floor
Main Floor
2! So
Importer's Sample Pieces of Dress Trimmings, Jet and
Spangled Bands, Appliques, f OCa Of
Allover Laces, etc., at, each IwU'fisJV'JWV
ii to a yard in a piece, on bargain square.
24 yards in bolt, on bargain square, at, bolt . .
Very fine madras percale, light grounds, stripes, checks and
figures, yard wide and in 3, G, 8 and 10 j'ard O I ,
lengths, 18c value, yard ,
English rep poplins and soiesettes, in white, black and
shades, mill lengths of the best 25c quality, IQl
at, yard
: and
Fancy platd and check
ed pattern outing
Bleached muslin, long
cloth and soft finish
ed nain
sook, . yard
40-ln. wide 35c highly
mercerized sateen
black and
All wool face elder
down, 35c the regular
price from
the bolt,
Heavy mottled flannels
gray and blue, also
tennis flan- g I
nel mill Klf
length, yd w2
Imported 50c walstlngs
mill pieces, but
many pinned j
together that I II O
match, yard
Twilled cotton cashmere, fancy striped waisting, fine sateen
waistings, pongee, soiesette, etc., all plain shades, C
in all colors. Mill ends worth 25c yard, at, yard . . . . V
Persian cotton challies, long length for comforter O I
covering. Bargain square, at, yard
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is pleasant
to take. Children like It.
Great Sale of Finest
Hand Hade French
Muslin Underwear
All samples, most of them
slightly mussed, but they are
exquisite hand made lingerie
selling at very low prices.
Cu donv
We place on sale the famous
The Makers Retiring from
It will be an extraordinary
tsale of men's Overcoats and
Is Seal (WsMM sjM btHMMsMlla
4. a. i
I 111 IMIalJfcSit
r m
i 1 I i rH Any IBe I.
XJy I wl,n ,n' FaU "tyl
ladles' Home Journal pattern
e book, at SOe
Bennett's fill the aisles with scores of big bargain opportunities.
Another great
and sales of broken lines of stocks in all departments to bring out the
usual Friday crowds.
1,000 Kilk Itemnants In waist, skirt and dress lengths; choicest silks
from regular stock, in Friday's sale at reduction of ONE-HALV
Silk Rrmnants In shorter lengths, all kinds, to close quickly, yd-10
Remnants Lining, Gingham, Sateens, Percales, Kimono Crepe, Fancy
Eiderdowns, Madras, Flannelettes anil Silk Mixed P Ap f
Goods Values to 39c; In two lota, yard JC lfet 1UC
Laces and Embroideries Cotton and linen torchons, etc., wide widths,
worth to 10c yard, at 2H
Again $1.50 Broadcloths at 69c
You have never seen anything near like this value. These are splen
did 50 and 54-inch broadcloths and the best $1.50 grade to m r
be bought In America; best street shades, all cut from the IJC
piece; perfect goods, no remnants yard
Hext Monday Is That Big Sale of
Linoleum and Floor Oil Cloth
The Bargains Will Be Amazing.
We Devote Nearly Our Entire Third Floor to the Sale
Floor Space Almost as Large as the Auditorium.
Bigger Sale Bigger Space Bigger Bargains.
100 New $22.50 Suits for Women $15
Handsome models, with long 45-lnch coats, strictly pure wool cheviots
and broadcloths, full satin lined, pleated skirts; perfectly CI C
Heavy Ijong Coats Dark mixtures; warm, double-breasted garments,
worth $10 and $12; Friday $7.50
Sweater Coats for Women Oxford gray and white, special. . .$1,25
Silk Waists Black and green taffeta, tailored styles, worth $6;
closing out Friday for $3.95
Flannelette House Dresses Of black and white shepherd's plaid ma
terial, neatly made, superior values $1.25
Flannelette Sacques A large lot, pretty dark colorings and pattern
garments and nicely made, each 50?
Women's Flannelette Clowns Heavy materials, nicely trimmed and
finished, cut liberally full and long, at 59
Girls' Coats Big line heavy warm long coats for school wear, 6 to 14
year sizes, that were up to $6.50; now .$3.05,
Girls' Coats and Dresses Miscellaneous lot; to close out, each. . .50
Children's Outing Flannel Gowns 2 to 12-year sizes; nice, heavy 75c
kinds; for Friday flyer, at 390
Pure Whiskies
Full Quarts 80ce $1.00, $1.25
Fine Wines
35c, 50c, 75c per Bottle
Best for the Home.
ll.iR seven-year old Cedar Prook
Bourbon or Gurkenhelmer, QKr
full quarts
ITOO quarts Blackberry ()9C
76c quarts Best California Kftn
l'ort Wine for HO'
$1 26 quarts Golden Eagle TSC
Rye "
II 25 quarts Old Willow Brook oe:
Bottled In Bond Whisky ZfH,
If it comes from
It must be good.
The Model Tamil? Liquor Store
1309 Farnam St
Prompt Delivery. Both Phones.
Send for Frio 1.1st.
7cn ciiitc nrm nd5
1'alace Clothing Co. Make Startling
runiiase of $I2,BOO Worth of
C lothing at 60 on tht
Another of Our Famous
Corset Sales
Choice of Hundreds QQr AQn fiQn
Frlday-ln Three LoU. at OVKt ft, WK
Our popular Corset department announces one
of its biggest and best sales for bargain Friday.
These corsets were not made for such selling
they are box goods and worth up to $2.60, but re
moved from the boxes to make quick selling and to
allow you to see all the various kinds at a glance.
There are Jong and medium lengths, high and low
bust effects in coutlls and batistes all sizes in
the lot. You'll find them on the bargain tables.
Values to $2.50 at
39c 49c - 69c
Bargain, Day on the China Floor
1,000 pieces Iridescent Glass Ware imitation Tiffany colors bon
bons, nappies, Jellies, bowls, compotes, etc. all 25c pieces f
for. ......;;, IUC
Haviland & to. Dinner Sets 100-piece fancy decorated china dinner
service, deriy shape, very handsome design, great $35.00 value; Fri
day bargain $22.50
Horse Shoe Tumblers; special, 6 for 10
English white semi-porcelain Cups and Saucers, pair -9
Cut, Qlass Salts and Peppers, silver top, worth 25c each at, pair. -25
Ul ft
Whenever the Talace Clothing Co
at Fourteenth and Dougls "streets,
SAVES 40 on clothing. It is willing
to SELL the clothing Just THAT much
cheaper. ' , t
This isn't possible every day, but the
opportunity came about two weeks ago,
when "Talace" cash bought In 750
suits and 845 overcoats at. 60c on the
dollar, from a New York maker whose
fabric and labor bills were staring him
in the face, and who had a surplus of
perfectly styled and excellently mater
laled garments made up ready to sell.
It wasn't pie for that maker but it
is for Omaha men. for on Saturday
next the Palace will Inaugurate about
as spirited a sale of men's clothing as
was ever held in the city.
PerhaDS the prices wouldn't, be so
marvelous on ordinary garments, but
THESE are NOT ordinary garments-
they've every bit as much "tone,"
"dash" and "style" aa anything offered
about town at double the price.
Positive $12.60 suits and overcoats
will go Saturday at $6.75, while actual
$18 garments will be marked at $9.98.
See Friday's papers. :
Fourteenth and Douglas Streets.
Watch for the WALL PAPER Salje; NEXT MONDAY.
Bargain Day on Dorothy Dodd Shoes
Two Lots Cut to the Quick for Immediate Clearing.
60 pairs Dorothy Dodd lace boots, plain toe and French heel, a mr
all sizes, all widths, $5 shoes; every pair fitted 7AstJ
EG pairs Dorothy Dodd shoes, lace shoes of patent kid, plain toe and
Cuban heel, a good range of sizes In this lot, but you must n or
be prompt, $3.50 shoes uO
48 pairs patent eolt button boots for young women, especially desirable
for school wear; sizes 3, 3 V4 and 4; widths AA, A, B and frt QQ
C only a few larger sizes; all best $3 quality, at flwO
An Overcoat for the Boy
$3.00 Buys a Good One
Full cut coats, heavy double breasted garments with velvet
collars and flannel lined; materials are dark green and
dark oxford meltons; emblems on sleeves; sizes 3 to 7 yrs.
1500 Yards Cheney Bros.' Florentine
Drapery and Kimono Silks
65c, 60c and 75c quality at, yard
These goods on sale in drapery section on third floor. Cheney
Bros. Silks in newest Japanese and Persian design; rich Oriental effects,
Bagdad stripes and charming floral effects in light and dark colorings;
all regular stock, new styles, perfect goods, cut from the piece; silks
that sell everywhere at 65c to 75c yard will be 37 He
Curtain F.nds and mill lengths from the factories, all sorts up
lengtn w w
curtains, each
Linens & Domestics
Hemmed Huck Towels, extra large
22x45-lnch, special 112
Scarfs, hemstitched and drawn
scarfs, 18x50-in., 39c vals., 25
Pillow Cases, hemmed, 4 2x3t-ln.,
16c values
Cotton IMankets, large $1.39
Blankets for 08d
Comforters, 72x78, stitched edges,
best $1.75 kind $1.39
Plant Your Bulbs
In or out of doors. We offer again
Friday an attractive lot of bulbs
close to half. Assortment consists
a Chinas Sacrsd Ullos 80 o
4 Double Daffodils 10o
4 Hyacinths (3 colors) 90o
19 Tulips, assorted BOo
la Crocus or 8 now Drops iSo
Total valu fuso
This entire assortment CZfi
Friday for JLIC
You will find
where to buy the
best birds of var
ious breeds un
der the head
in the want ads.
If you have poultry you
can sell it by advertising
your stock in The Bee. The
cost is small, one cent per
word per day, or $1.50 per
line per month.
Want Ad Dtpl.
WW - tfiW,
ana Keiinemeot
Seventh Avenue
at 55th Street
Near Famous Central Park
Absolutely Fireproof .
Adjoining Carnegia Hall, near tha Art
Institute, and within five minutes walk
of tha leading theatrea and shopping
district; the location is ideal. A rare
attention to details that lend to tha
home atmosphere te reeponaible for our
many enthusiastic patrona.
Tha Wellington' delightful lounging
rooms, handsome dining rooms and
English grill room will appeal to four
sense of tha appropriate.
. .' '
Hotel Wellington
Rooms, with Bath. $2.00 upward
Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, 120.
weekly and upward
Send for illustrated booklet .
Seventh Av. at 55th St ,
New York City
When in Detroit
Hotel Tuller
Booms and Bath for $1.B up.
No better rooms, cuisine' or service caa i
he had at uoublo our prices.
Let us prove it to you.
Ml A. fiHAttf. Mgr.
The PopySair
hoeag TraSip
Leaves Omaha at 6:30 p. m.
IIoyi Arrives Chicago 8:07 a. m. ;. .
This train is about perfect for all classes of travel.
. It. is. brilliantly lighted by electricity, generated by a dynamo
in charge of the train electrician. , - v
The sleepers and diner are ready for Omaha patrons at 6 p.m.
There are no handsomer dining cars than those on this train, nor
is there anywhere any better dining car service. ' ' '
Breakfast is served in the diner before arrival at 8:07 a. T&.
The earlier arrival in Chicago insures your
connection with morning trains for the east
Der srfcadac Kama the Marrrlaa Par.
' ion Close Secoad for the
II ewers.
Judge Altstadt Wednesday evening trans
ferrrd his judicial domain from his office
in the Paiton building to his residence,
where he pronounced the words that made
Samuel Carney and Miss Kate Horning,
both of Omaha, man and wife. "Dr
Schudge" continues to reap the honor as
tha marrying justice or Omaha. During the
last two weeks no leas, than fourteen mar
riages have been performed by "his
honor." lie Is running a close second to
Xtev. C. W. Savidga, the marrying parson.
A Card.
This Is to certify that all druggists are
authorised to refund your money If Foley's
Honey and Tar falls to cure your cough or
cild. It stops the cough, heals tha lungs
nd prevents serious results from a eold,
pi eve nta pneumonia and consumption. Con
tains no opiates. The genuine Is in a yel
low package. Refuse substitutes. Eold by
all drugolni"
Ill DOvaLiA BTmZxrT. .Benson k Thome Old IrfMctlon.
Auction Dally, 2 p. m. to 5 p. m.
Private Bala AU Say.
Call any Urns and look over this beautiful stock, consisting- of ladies ana
geatlemea'a far Used oeata, mounted ruga, robes, lyaa, mlnka, fox and sable
ara, searfa and threw overs la fact eTerytnlag La etUaa aad up-to-date
tui te be aacrlfloed at tha
Bakiuff's Delicious Woodland
Goodies Made from pure Cana
dian Maple Sugar, Cream and
Pecans 40c quality
"Bennett's Special" Chocolate
Creams A rich creamy confec
tion from the Balduff Pure
Candy Co., 50c quality, y n
pound a JC
Bennett's .Big Grocery
Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack tl.BB and 100
Bennett's Capitol Haklng 1'uwder, 6-lb. can.
Bennett h Best orree, 3 pounus
fl-8B and 100 green stamps
... .41.0O ami luo green stamps
. ...91-00 and 100 green stamps
Only a few :
ore) days toat salsa this opportunity.
Select Them Now
Chrstmaa Is almost here. Would It not be a good
plan to look over our stock while the assortment Is com
plete. Spend a few minutes in our atore.
S. W. Lindsay, Jeweler
!! Soafflaa Street.
The Bee.for M the Sporting News
Bennett's Best Coffee, 1 lb 350 and
Bennett's ChallenKe toffee. 1 lb 180 and
Bennett Taa, assorted kinds lb eso and
Bennett's Teas, aasurled kinds, 'o 68o and
Bennett's Tea. Sittings, lb loo and
Bennett's .Capitol Oats or Wheat, pkg llo and
Franco-American Soups, pint can 80o and
New HureraiMh. bottle 10o and
Snider's I'ork and Beans, can 15o and
Hipe Olives, California Ripe Olives, 60c cans 850
Diamond Crystal Table Salt, sack lOo and
Koyal Tomatoes two cans 8So anil
Beauty Axpuragus, per can BOo and
Yacht Club Salad Itreasing, bottle Bo and
Kddy'a lmme Mustard. Jar 18l
Kmall Olives, uuarl jar
Canitol Wax Brans, extra fine. 15o quality; special, run.
New Candled Beel, assorted, lb 85e and
New Cleaned Currants, per lb ' 10c and
Bennett's Capitol Karly June Feaa. lle values, can
Benuett'a Capitol Country Gentleman Corn, 12Wo values, can..
fruit Cookies and Money Loonies; special, per 10..
.180 and
. . . 8&o and
Crackers, assorted kinds, pkg.
30 green stamps
m green stamps
70 green stampa
0 green stamps
IS green stamps
10 green stapms
15 green stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stamps
80 green stamps
10 green stamps
10 green stampa
20 green stamps
6 green stamps
. .lOo and 10 green stamps
QVPTTP RAT.T". A special order of Amber Drips Syrup enables ua to
OIftur Wrt-ujj make a low price for Friday and Saturday. Amber
Drips U very delicious for cakes, waffles and all table uses-; special, for " f)
1502 Farnam Street
Our Price
Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00
Woman's Home Companion 1.50
Regular price for both one year. .$7.50
Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 T llnr prf p
McClure'a Magazine 1.50 . 0Nly
Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 J ,0
Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00
McClure'a Magazine 1,50
Regular price for both one year, .$7.50 J
Our Price