THIS HKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMltKK 5, 11 L i PERSONAL (Continued.) 1 NEW P.OOK. the "Unilrrwoild wr." ty Joele Wmliburn; price. 11. M. Wold by Bwarta McKeivey, 109 a. 15th at., between Douglas and Dodge. POULTRY PINOLE Tomb Rhode Islnnd Rods ex clusively. Book r.rdera for second cockerels, large framed, extra good roinbs. tails, wings and under color, rtlllty, Ex hibition and breeding, t2 to $25. Mrs. F W Mclntyre, Red Oak, la. R 6 WHITE Leghorns. Pure-bred cockerels puneta and hern CHlllcothe. Mo. for aale. B. Q. Drown. ROSE and Single Comb Brown Leghorns, II CMh; White Guineas. K. Dooley, Selma, Iowa. 8. C. BUFF Orpington cockerels for fbIc; 5ood buff, large else, and at bargain pieces. . A. Langet, Albion, Neb. BOURBON' Red Turkeys for sale. I. W. Shlpp, Belleville. Kan. Mrs. BUFF Orpington cockereli. AtohleuE, Kan. A. H. Cur, PRINTING 'PHONE 1ND. A-2ti20 for (food printing. Lyngstad Printing Co., 16th At Capitol Ave. REAL ESTATE REAL EST ATR DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., aervioe; get our prlcea. . Ks(. ISiO; prompt 1710 larnam St. GANGE8TAD. 404 Be Bldg. Tel. D. 3307. PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. K. CO., 477 Branded Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHA8. E. WILLIAMSON. President CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. 7-R00M, NEW, MODERN ' House. Iarge lot. In western part of city VERY. EASY TERMS Desirable neighborhood, and price Is right. WOW ATA L.AP.I) A N I 1 A IT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. WE DARE YOU To make a reasonable offer on fair busi ness terms for 6-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. No. IV B. 20th Ave. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. 4 Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bids. , Read This Ad X must sell my 9 room, modern residence ln ine next few days, and here la a good opportunity for some one to get a GOOD HOME, or INVESTMENT. Located near .22d and J Sts.. Omaha. It la not a hew honrr., but Is In good re pair and It would take $.1,506 to construct It. The lot la assessed at 11.000. and ought to be worth that much. I will take I2.7M) for this property, and 11.000 will handle deal. Balance, mort gage. Address A-G26, care Bee. 50xllG. S. E. corner 20th and Elm Sta. All im provements In street and paid for. Fine for three or four medium priced brick flats, which will rent well. Owner anxious to aell and 11,600 buys the corner. C M. RYLANDER, 832 New York Life Bldg. 6-ROOM, NEW, MODERN Except heat. North part of the city. Near car. Finely Tlnlshed. A perfect home. Balance any reasonable terms. , $250 CASH NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. T. Life Bldg. . KOUNTZE PLACE. New, a rooms, modern, oak finish on first floor,-oak floor and birch enameled on second floor, full lot and flno location arxcla! price. C. W. Underbill, 831 Board of Trade. Douglas 2210 or Harney 2177. OWNER MUST SELL His S-room house and one-third of an acre 2 blocks from car, In Clifton Hill; lias fine well, cistern with pump and sink 1 kitchen, bricked up oeinented basement i wash house and chicken sheds, plenty young bearing fruit trees, two grape arbors and small berry bushes. This property lays high and is very choice. Owner Is forced to sell and has reduced the price from 12,000 to $1,860 for quick sale; $5c0 cash, balance very easv. GET BUSY ON THIS. ED JOHNSTON & CO., 'Phone Douglas 1235. 1614 Farnam St. Lot, $1,150 Near Mr. Joslyua residence. Harrison & Morton HOUSES FOR SALE rT0 BE MOVED We receive sealed bids at my office until 10 a. m., Saturday, November 0, 1WJ, fur the sale of one or both of the houses, with or without foundations, at the south east corner of 24th and Farnam Sts., houses to be removed. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. JOHN W. BOBBINS, ISO? Farnam St. A. HAVE YOU $500.00! Owner Is anxious to sell his home, con sisting of rooms and hall; all modern, nice south front lot. In good neighborhood, walking distance; price 12.700, down, reasonable terms for balance. Let us show you this today. SH1MER & CHASE CO., Sue South 17th St. Moth phones. NEW BUNGALOW COTTAGE. N. W. Cor. 42d St. and Lafayette Ave.; t rooms, bath, furnace; mission finish, birch, oak and maple; full basement, with laundry sink; large floored attic; lot Ws luO. Its a beauty, Price, .i.4iiu; terms, a reaaonable cash payment; balance monthly. UK.NiiON A MYtlU CO.. Sole Agents. Phone Douglas 74. 413 N. Y. Life. HOME DAY BARGAINS Jive-room cottage In Clifton Hill, mod era exoept beat; close to school and car tl.MXX Seven-room cottage on paved street to trad for vacant lots In Omaha or lieu on IL800. Large brick flats, close In, to trade for large tract of western land. SILAS BOBBINS, Room 20. Ill S. 15th St. yPhonee: Douglas 242 lnd. A-2842. 8-ROOM HOUSE TWO LOTS a CASH Fine large horn,, k rooms, with 4 bed roosii, olty water and eleo. lights; two luis on corner: plenty of fruit and shade iree; tonly on block to ear and in a goud iiuIkU borhood. Price. S,o0O; Jotm cash, balance monthly. PAINE INVESTMENT COMPANY. First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1TS1. A-Uss. $516 per year on an Investment of 13 ?riO. Double fiat on paved atreet, with paving paid. Al- 1 waya rented. VV have another good one at 2l and f tSt North 2Mh Kt., renting (or $ts per ear. Owner wants an offer at oiks. Look x."4, It and tell us what you'll alve for It. 1 J. W. HTOLTEN BKHO, 4M B. of T. Bldg. Doug. k.10. V in ' i WANT an offer on lot 1. block 20. orlRl : nal plat of the city of Omalia. lth two I houses, Uue.aud 1U California street asAse let jd TSvaAi sninniin, Sew aork. LU Uuiiolitf, rv REAL ESTATE CITY I' It IM-Kit I V I OH SALE. (Continued ) The Cheapest Yet We are offering twelve full nzed lots, 50x132 feet, in good neighborhood mid to large public school, at $150.00 each nnd terms of One Dollar Down and Fifty Cents Per Week Think of purchasing full sized lots in n city of 200,000 for less than you would have to pay in a country village. . Buy one of these lots as your start in saving something each week. Call at office for plat. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., Office open Saturday evening till 9 P. M. Tel. D. 5108 or A-2033 83G N. Y. Life Bldg. 40x66, $2,100 In heart of city. Harrison & Morton MUST SELL BEFORE NOV. 6 Lot 50x130, facing two streets, walking distance from town; build yourself a home and an Investment II, 600. UALLAUHER & NELSON, 4'.0 Brandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb. A few choice lots near Dundee, Benson or .South Omaha for $! 00 down and 6oc wek without interest or taxes. N. P. DODGE At CO.. 1714 Farnam St., Doug. 820. 8-R00M DUNDEE Home at a bargain If taken at once. Ave. 'Phone, D. Located 5110 Underwood 4113 or H. 4402. 10 A, $7,500 NEAR L. AND 42D ST. Harrison & Morton 6-ROOM, NEW, MODERN In north end of the city. Near car, on paved street; large lot. ONLY $250 CASH Balance to suit either monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. NOWATA LAND-AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Half Acres $10 Cash, $10 .a Month The beautiful, high and sightly addition, just west of Fort Omaha, located on S6th St., cornering Fort View Terrace. Each piece 122x142 feet. Equal to three addition lots. Fine for gardening, fruit or chickens. Only blocks to car line. Price $350 to 4O0 each. Let us take you out to see these piece. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St . 1 Tukey's Special Sale We are having a good many Inquiries In regard to the property upon which we are receiving bids until November 10. Quite a number of bids have already been re ceived. A full list of this property can be found In The Sunday Bee and the Sun day Herald. Come to the office and we will ahow you on our plat books location of each piece of property. Thia la a genuine sale and from present lndicatlona will prove very satisfactory to all parties rn Interest. A. P. Tukey & Son, 444 and 445 Hoard of Trade bldg. Telephone Doug. 21 1. House and S lota near South Omaha for T0 down and I12.L0 a month. Close to car. Plenty of lots for garden. N. P. DODUE & CO., 1714 Farnam St., Doug. 829. TWO SNAFS 9-room, modern house; g large bed rooms; lot 60xH; close in, 6n south side. Reduced from I'l.&OO to 13.300 for quick sale. 8-ruom, modern house, reduced from I3.7&0 to I3.&00 to sell at once. ADAMS WESTERN REAL ESTATE CO., 411 Karbach Block. Both "Phones. SUS TAYLOR ST. One block south of Ames Ave., fine new modern 5-rooin cot tage, fine south front coiner iot; must he sold at once; 1400 cash or vaoant lot will start it for you. Mli) Taylor, good 6-room cottage, city water. II. SOU liiO cash. J. W. Rasp Co., 0S9 Brandeis Bid DESIRABLE OMAHA HOMES AT REDUCED PRICES 12.600 for a new 5-room cot taKc, modern except hrat, oak ftul!li, conveniently arranged, facing south on Camden Ave., mar 2."lh St. Lot 6OxlJ0 feet. Out) bliek from car line. Easy tiirms. $.i.7fo--.'uli Maple St.. 6-room two-toiv modern square houM. with reception hall, oak inat.trl and ;as grate, full ce mented ba.semt-iit, 1 lundry con nections, furnace Built for a home at'u'.it 4 years ago. and in good condition. A desirable location. Price re duced from ll.uuO lor quick tale. This place must be sold at om n nu anv reasonable offer will be considered. I4.0U0 for s.ib.-.iaiitlally built 6-loom modern houxe. having hot water lu-at. facing south on Templeton St., one block west of 24th St. In excellent condition. Flue shade trees. Non-resident owner anxiou to sell and uauts an offer. Thia place carries a 2 Sou loan pay able 2J 50 per month. Lot 6tl3? feet. 4.7jO 24i". Ohio St., new i rooin, two;tury modern house, wen ' airunged with oak finitliej on first floor. Two rooms finished on 3id floor. Screened porch. Just completed and ready to move Into. Close to two car lines. K-aeonable terms. George & Co., 1G01 Farnam St im Farnam lb Telephone Dou-. TM. REAL ESTATE CITY PMOPERTY FOR (Continued.) 1722 S. 26th St. The Best Home We Know Of For $2,350 Seven-room square house; has cltv water sewer, gas, bath, toilet and Is completely modern except furnace. Full east front lot, arth alley; paved street, cement side walks tn front, fenced with picket fence. only two blocks from car line. Tls la a bargain. Do you want It? HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1(114 Harney St 1,200 A. $25 An A. NEAR CRAWFORD, NEB. Harrison & Morton HANSCOM PARK HOME 8 rooms. nearly new, all modern, with HOT WATER HEATING, paving paid. Owner leaving city; will take $5,500. TERMS. GLOVE K KKAL'l l BINLUUATU. Uround FtOOr. N. BEM1S PARK New house. I room and large reception - nail, oak finish, hot water heating, nice south front lot; snap at .6O0. TERMS. GLOVER REALTY 8VND1- A I E, uroaoa f loor. N. Y. Life. Seven lots near corner of 64th and Pierce SU., for 1,000 on easy terms. X. P. DO DUE & (JO., 114 f arnam St., Doug. 820. FOR quick returns. !!st your real estats tor sale ana exchange wita me. no sale, no pay. W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trade 15. ag , omaka Mek. 3 Fine Building' Lots Only $10 Cash and $5 to $10 Per Month will buy a splendid lot on Olin Ave., or Frederick St., between 16th and lth. On grade, city water, cement walks, three fine new cottages adjoining and more going up. Prlcea only 426 to $006 with complete abstract ana an taxes paid. Payne, Bostwick & Co., SoleN Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. Easy Walk from 16th St, S blocks west of Crelghton College grounds; 7 rooms and hall, all modern, south front, 60- foot lot, strset parked and Just paved, 1 block from car line. Have had good offers, but we must have our low price of 14,600. See It tomor row. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A 2152. Close-in Bargain 617 N. 30th St.. new S-room house, strictly modern, oak finish, combination fixtures, fine location, one hall block to Harney car, high and sightly, owner left city and Is sacrificing v his home. Price, 16,200. Immediate possession. Payne, Bostwick & Co,, Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. RENTERS Take Notice of This Five or aix months' rent make about 1100 the amount of a fair cash payment on a home. Why then lose this winter's rent when you can so easily make 'and save money by applying It on YOUR OWN HOME. The following are but a few aug gestive prices we have more and can cer tainly fill your requirement If you'll call. 4- room cottage, city water; lot 25xlSO; near Hh and Grant St. 1060 ISO cash, 10 per month. 5- room cottage, water, sewer, closet, gas, paved street, permanent walks, close In and well located; house newly painted. 11,50176 rash, 1 16 per month. 8-room house, partly modern, good lot: near 18th and Paul. $2,660-1100 cash, $26 per month. Choice new 6-room. modern cottage, full lot. fine location; only $2,700 Easy terms. Good 3-room cot lane, near 5th and Ban croft; full lot; 1326. Rental terms. S-room house and 2 full lots; for only I1.N00. Best terms. 5- room cottage, city water, full lot; $700. Good 12-ruoni, modern house, lot 50x140; near lsth and Leavenworth, $0,000 1250 rah, balance to suit. 6- room cottage, full lot; near 27th and Burdette, I1.K50. Very easy terms. Imme diate MiHsession. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. 1509 Frederick St Brand new bungalow, five nice living roont'i, parlor and dining room, mission finish, with mission electric combination fixtures, two bedrooms and bath room. Floora all finished for runs, Kood collar, large attic, cement walks all around house, sodded lawn, ail ready to occupy. Price 2. wO; $300 to $ju0 down; balance monthly. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life. IN VESTMENT Two 81. Louis flats, built 1 year, monthly rental 11U-'; corner lot. paving paid In full both st-eets. first class locarlon; KliJGEST SNAP IN ki.MAHA: Cuiid hsodle with I3.V4 eah. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Uit.und t-'loor. N. V. Life. A ih Ice building lou "Hillsdale." $1 M rash. II a week. Prices $lu0 to Ju0; na In terest, no taxes. See us. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harn.y St BEAUTIFUL EDGEWOOD, diagonally across from Rome Miller's IX. wO place; roomy house, large barn, grand old foreat trees; country and city combined; outlook something fine. Omy I6.0O0. Act quickly. HARRISON 4k MORTON. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR 8 ALB (Continued.) CHEAP LOTS LINCOLN HEIGHTS $65 TO $200 CLOSE- TO SCHOOL AND CAR LINE IN Before you make a payment o look over Lincoln Heights addition. You will be surprised to see such nicely located lots at such low prices and on such easy erms. $5.00 DOWN AND $5.00 A MONTH NO INTEREST-NO TAXES Is all it takes to buy one of these choice lots. You never miss he payments, and your lot will be worth more all the time, at he same time you will get in the habit of saving. It will only be a short time when another car line will extend to this addition. Call at office or call us up by our salesmen meet you at, any. time. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 HARNEY ST. SIX COTTAGES All within 3 blocks of 20th and Lake; til modern except heat. Prices l,9O0 to 12,300 . REASONABLE TERMS McEAdlRON REALTY CO. 1j24 Uike St. Webster ItCl. Five lots on Pierce St., near 64th, for II down and II a week. Price 1200 each. N. P. DODGE Ai CO., 1714 Farnam St., Doug. 82a. WANTED TO EXCHANGE lbO acres in North Dakota for residence In Omaha or South Omaha. Dan nce, owner of the land, South Omaha, 46th and Weat Q. REAL ESTATE FARM AND HAftCM .AJSO FOR IALH ' Nebraska. FOR SALE. Quarter section of good level divide land in Dundy county. Address Lock Box Wauneta. Neb. BARGAIN IN AN EIGHTY. We have lust tinted whit wt- conw'der a rare bargain In an tO-acre farm only a mile and a hull Horn Million; all .alley land, fair Improvements, consisting of house, barn, corn crib and granary, cow shed, shade and some fruit, 8 acres alfalfa, 10 acres pasture, balance cultivated; tin Ideal little place for a home, and only S70 per acre for a limited time. Possession March 1. 1110. An 80 within a mile of this sold recently at better than. 1100 per acre. If thia Interests you are ine u. A. L.yncn Land Co., Shelton, Neb., also office at Gibbon, Neb. No trade considered. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well improved 320-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, . per -acre; easy terms. J. T. Campbell, Lichfield, Neb. 160 ACRES NEBRASKA VALLEY FARM. All Improved: 4-room cottage, house. frame barn, chicken house, granary and blacksmith shop, sheds. " hay house; all fenced anl cross fenced f"20 acres alfalfa: all fine farm land; level' elekant grove of lars;e trees around houaw. 'irnis land lays in Loup valley, with raurpa graae close bv: fine Improved ' fai'in? all around It. This Is a snap at $3.000.. Title- perfect. Ad dress W. M. Hover, Aitneria. Loup Co., Neb. .; Txmm.' " j TEXAS, . Thin la the story of our Irrigated land in the Rio Grande valley of Texas. Following Is the very lowest estimate, some of the land will more than double thia Income: COST. Planting one acre for six years, per annum I 4 60 Cultivation and labor (.00 Irrigation (.00 Harvesting and hauling 30.00 Manufacturing. $1.60 per ton 60.00 Total : 1106.50 RETURNS. Forty tons, yielding 8,000 pounds of augar, at 4c 1320. 00 Deducting cost 1106.60 Profit per acr 1213.60 Will sell you land that will do thia year in and year nut for 175 to 1160 per acre. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Idaho. FOR SALE Eleven 80-acre relinquish ments under Carey act; all within S miles town of Downey, Idaho, on main line O. 8. L. Ry.; 146 per acre; 11,000 cash on each 80, balance nine annual payments; good soil for fruit or general farming; water right first claim on Portneuf river; buyers must reside 30 days during 1910; owners obliged to sell. W. H. Eldrldfc'e; Twin Falls, Idaho. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA Land $5 Per Acre No. 2D9 1,320 acres timber and grazing land on Illinois river. In Adair county. Nearly all black oak timber, will make from two to four railroad ties to the tree; some white oak saw timber; some white pine, 16 to 24 inches in diameter and DO to 100 feet high. 3U0 to 400 acres of this land can be cultivated; about 00 acres now under cultivation. Ten miles of Wtstvllle, and new railroad now building within three miles of laud. The timber alone ought to pay more than we ask for the land. Price, 6 per acre. No. 5421.620 acres tlmoer and grass land In Cherokee and Adair counties at $6 per acre. No. 646130 acres timber land within three miles of Peggs, Cherokee county, at $6 per acre. No. 37580 acres of good upland prairie; 60 acres in cultivation; good black soil; a fine chance for oil; three-f ouiths mile of the city limits of Nowata. Prlco, $40 per acre. No. 4S 160 acres of best grado creek bot tom land; 1-0 acres in cultivation. Good house, barn and outbuildings; two in; f. uuiu inowaia county seal. mue, acre. You inlpla get an oil well with mis land, let us show you. P. S. We have lw.tOO acres of land to choose from. You had better go and look It over. You may miss a good thing If you don't. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Ka OH. WHAT A SNAP 4S0 acres In the famous Mill Cru-k valley 20 miles from Topeka, Kun.; 60 per acre. C. A. Phillips, Holton, Kan. A FINE ONE. -27 acres 2 miles from county Beat of 2,Su0 In eastern Kansas; 8-room house, full basement; good laiBe barns, grapnrles and eorneiibs; 2 acica fine orchard; 1 acre vine yard; 10 a ores large hardwood timber; bal ance all plowed or seeded 10 lame grass; fine soil, smooth, slope er.ougli to drain. A choice farm and a real bargain at $3 per acre. Terms cash. Be quick. Geo. F. ?heldon, Manchester, tf. D, BEST bargains In 1II.-.boui-. t well im proved grain and stock farm, 601 acres fine bottom land; one and one-half miles of county seat; two raiiruads; 110 miles south of Kansas City; price for next 30 days $36 per acre; reasonable payment down; bal ance long time. Address tiie owner. Dr. E. D. Miles, Osceola, Mo. When writing to advertisers remember t oin takes a stroke or two of the pen lo mention the fact thai yvu saw tiie ad la 1 u be. REAL ESTATE CITT PROPRRTT TOm. SALS. (Continued.) f on any lot, you must not forget phone and we will have one of REAL ESTATE FARM AM) RANCH LANDS. (Continued.) Ml a 100 IMPROVED farms In central Mlnne sola; all alzes; cheap prices: easy terms; always a good title. Write for land list No. 27. Mention this paper. C L. liaKer, fer gus Falls, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege ol inuking partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. W. 11. THOMAS. 603 First National Bank Bldg. 1100 to 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated ADuly Rooms 417-18 First National Bank Bldg. Bell phone Douglas 2318. FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loan on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room L New York Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN Pay n Investment Co. WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co, WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO.. N. T. Lite. Private money, 1600 to 5,0U0; low rat. 1600 to 16,000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefe Real Estate JO., lwu I. I. l.uc uoug. or A-2162. LOWEST RATES Bemls, Brandels Bldg. GARVIN BROS.. 318 N. Y. Life. 1500 to 1200.000 on Improved property. No delay. 6 FARM and city loans; optional pay ment; no delay. I. Slbbernsen. Omaha. REMEMRER It only takes a stroka or two of the pen to mention the fact that you aaw the ad In The Bee. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR 6, and 7-room houses. If prices are right w can sell your property tor you, NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suit 4 N. Y. Life Bldg. VACANT lots and houses. Have cash buyers. 411 Karbach Blk. Red 3607, A-3646. SWAPS FOR SALE or exchange For clear land stock of clothing, located in eastern Ne braska. Will Invoice about $10,000. For particulars address J. R. Collins. 423 Main street, Fremont, Neb. HIGH grade piano for good residence lot Will pay difference. Bee, x 17. FOR EXCHANGE Good Improved land In southeast Kansas. H. McAnulthy, 601 L St.. Lincoln Neb. FOR EXCHANGE 290 acres cornering with a good town of 1.000 people In Neosho county. Kan.; new 6-room house only blocks from city school, park and churches; po stone; all tillable; 8 acres of timber; all bottom land; Incumbrance only 12,600. Price 114,600. Want merchandise. Would not object to some buildings. What have youT Address, THE ALLEN COUNTY INVESTMENT CO. LONGTON. KAN. Real Estate for Exckisge, $4,100 EQUITY In fruit farm 3 miles east of Council Bluffs. $2,600 equity In fruit farm near Glenwood, la., for city property or cheap land. J. W. Rasp Company, Brandels Bldg., Omaha. . WHEN writing mention The Bee. to advertisers, kindly WANTED TO BUY HIGHEST prices for furniture, etc. BELL'S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodge. Red 35.11. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4266. BEST price paid for second-hand furnl ture, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. Dug 8971. WANTED SITUATIONS LADY with several yeaia' bualnesa train ing drairea position sellin either In city or will travel. Al refereLcea Address W 107. care Bee. nTirl Wno f . Morehouse Co., 1106. lnd. B-J246. WANTED By young man. place to work for board while attending Boyles collega Beth phonea If you have anything to aell or trade and want quick action, advertise It in The Bee Want Ad columns. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Fort Meade. S. D., November 1, l&ij. Scaled proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office, until 10 A. M., mountain time. December 6, 1S09, and then opened, fur constructing one double set of quarters for two company officers and four cavalry stables, and for Installing plumbiiiK. heating, electric wiring and elec tric lighting fixtures in buildings specified, and tor the construction of roads, side walks, gutters and drains. Plans and speci fications may be seen by Intending bidders at the officea of the Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Missouri. Omaha. Neb.; Department of the Colorado. Denver, Colo.; Department of the Lakea, Chicago. III.; Department of Dakota. St. Paul. Minn., and thia office, at which latter place all miormauon may ue obtained on ap plication. A deposit of 110 uO. to Insure re turn. Is reuulred before plans are sent on individual application. - The United Slates reserves the r Ik lit to reject any or all bids or to accept any part of a bid that may be advantageoue to the government En velopes containing proposals should he en dorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings and Other Improvements" and addressed to the constructing quartermaster, ort Meade, 8. D. . Nov$-4-6-6Decl-t REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS E. P. Saffro-d and wife to R O. Saf- ford, ne swU 2"-l6-10 $ :.ono K J. Kiddle ami w lf to Nellie Rnhln. lot 3. Osrvln'a eubdlv 1 1 Neille Rubin to M. M Kiddle, name O. A. F.ckles and wife to CrelRhton unlvemlu. lots S and 4. A. H. Sanders' add 1 aio O. T. Milts et al to Frank L. Wil liams, lot 4, block 2. Ier Park ... Hastings Heyden to H. f. Parner. part lots 9 and 10, block 19. Central Park 450 W. H. Anderson and wife to Andrew- Anderson, n4 feet lot H. block 6, Patrick's 2d Saratoga add 1 Andrew Anderson and wife to W. H. Anderson, a me . K. Fleming and wife t Josephine H. Weldenfrller. nS Iota 13 and 14. block 1. Catalpn Place 6.0 !.700 175 r.75 :r.o 42o Elsie J. Hepner and husband to Addle M Wallace. nlK fret lot 14. and sl5 feet lot 15. block 4. Plslnvlew S. J. Firestone and wife to "!. D. Perrlne, lot 61. Firestone subdiv C. J. Lynn and wife to same, lots TO and 72. same C. L. Moore to same, lot 6.1. same Emma Pasmore to same, lot 64, same James Pasmore to same, lot 66, same Pearl L Moore to same, lot 66. same C. M. Potts and wife to same, lot 67. same Sadie Rector to same, lot 69, same Office Retts and husband to same, lot 6". same John Hamernlk and wife to same, lota 70 and 71. same 2,70) 1! S. J. Firestone and wife to Pearl Moore, lot 66. same O. C. Perrlne and wife to school dis trict of Omaha, lots 61 to 72. same... IU7 H. D. Thorpe and wife to Anna M. I.ane, W fet lots 29 and , block 5. Bribes Place S.000 R. O. Brleham et al to Hattle TCelnln. lota 7 and 10. block 20. Orchard Hill 1 IJiurentla A. Wept to Fred Rlchel, wV nwli 26-16-11 and se ne4 27-15-11. except 3 acres R.360 Emlen Hutchinson to Mllllcent A. Dunn. s30 feet lot 1. block , Park er's add 2.1M) F. T. Palmateer and wife to J. C. Wharton, lot 22. block 1. Ames Place 1.000 Andrew Anderson and v.-lfe to W. H. Anderson, lot 7, block 6, Patrick's 2d Saratoga add 350 5 1 1 225 600 Mary A. Sterrett to R .1. Scnnnell, lot 4. block 2. Fred Dellone's add.; R. O. BrlRham. trustee, to Hnttlo Kelpln. lots 10 and 7. block 20. Orchard Hill Miranda J. Stein to A. L. Reed et al, fxecutors, lots 1 and 2. Olse's add.. John Morrlssev to John Ftilgus, lot 9. oiock 3. Mtirlver Place Peter Efferodt and wife to Genrue Hirschhom, nBO feet slOO feet lot S, Barker's add Brock ft Glass to Paul W. Kuhns. part lot 7, Capltnl add 4H.5O0 B. G. Prock and wife et al to same.. trart 152 feet. Farnam street 2 Crrollno Cahn to same, tract nt Twenty-fourth and Farnam atreeta fiM Harriett C. Loveland to D. V. Sholes companv, lot 17, block 2, Potter's . 1 Erie B. Rrown and wife to Allda M. Duke, lot 20, block 6, Matthews' subdiv 1,000 ueorgo Sautter and wife to Herman Schmellng. sub lot . tax lot 22, aeU nw14 36-15-13 1,000 James W. White and wife to Oeorge V. Phlbly. lot 11, block 1. Gram mere v Park 22.1 Mary L. Doolittl to C. D. Hutchin son, n33 feet lot R. block 3.19, Omnha Fred S. Hadra and wife to James Brawley and wife, part lot 20. block 15, Improvement association add. .. A. Carlson and wife to Maria Dnd- a-eon. lot 3. block 3. Bokitb . Hill's 1.500 2.000 2d add , 2."00 Reed Rros. to Carrie V. Hasnes, lota 17 and 18. block 3, Institute Place Parkwav Real Estate companv to D. V, Sholes company. Iot 3, block 4, Leavenworth Terrace Prudential Real Estate company to same, lota 1 and 2. block 4. same Parkway Roal Estate company to H. H. Baldrlire, half Interest In part lot 7. block 78, Smith Omaha, and 2O0 100 other lots 1,500 United States to Daniel Wilson, nwH awV, 33-16-12 S. V. .Tohnon and wife to X It Johnson, a50 feet lots 1 and 2, b'ock 7, Lincoln Place Fred Armbrust and wife to Helen Duval, lot 25, block 7, Creighton's 1st add B. D. Daley and wife to C. A. Adams and wife, lot 5 block 3. Lake View Helen Duval ami husband to Kathe--rtne Shearer, lot 25. block 7, Crelgh ton's 1st add Edward Glsln to Alfred Schalek. lot IS. block 2, Boulevard Terrace 20 2.W0 Total amount of transfers. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF EuIiCTRlO LIGHT PLANT By virtue of resolution of the undersigned Board of Dlrectora. the Chad ron Electric Light & Power Company will sell at public auction to the highest bidder. for cash, on iuksuai, November, i& 1909, AT 10 o'clock a. m., AT THE OFF1CB OF SAID CORPORATION. CORNER SEC OND AND EGAN STREETS. CHADRUN, NEBRASKA, all the property of the said Cbadron Electric Light & Power Company. us a going concern, and consisting of Lot f, in Block 4, city 01 Chadron, Nebrask and power house thereon, Us coal houses and office and power house rurniture and fixtures, and supplies on hand, and per sonal property of every character; also all Ita contracts for street lighting and sale of light and power to citizens or Chadron, and all Us customers, Its franchise, all its poles. wirea, lines, aynamoa, tranaiormers. en gine and machinery of every description, all Its street lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on hand. This property la In molt prosperous and perfect condition since Its opening; the service Is perfect and the demand tor ngnt ana power, from Its present and prospective customers. la greater than Its present enlarged capacity; an Increase of the plant and lla capacity la actually needed at thia time. An entirely sufficient reason for this sale will be given to any inquiring purcnaser. Dated, October 14. l'JU9. WILLIAM ELLIS. J. F. MOTE. BYRON L. SCOVF.L. 018toN14 Director RAILWAY TIME CARD INION STATION IOTH A MAKO.V Unloa Pacific- Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited a 7:30 am a11:59pm China and Japan Mall, .a 4.00 pm a 9:30 am Oregon and-Washington Limited al2 01 am a 6:45 am Los Angeles Limited al2:55pm a 8:50 pm Portland Special al2.55 pm a 5:46 pm Colorado Special a 1:45 am a 8:45 am Noith Phttte Local a 8:15am a 4:45 pm Colorado Expreas a 3:50 pm a 6:00 pm Grand Island Local a 5:23 pm al0:30am Lincoln-Beatrice Local. .bl2:40 Dm b 1:20 pm Valparaiso and Central City bl2:40pm b 1.20 pro t'blcagro Great Western. Chicago Limited .. Twin City Limited Chicago Express .. Twin City Expreas Wabash . a 5:00 pm ..a 8:30 pm ..a 9:00 am a 8:00 sm a 3:45 pm a 9:00 pm a 9:25 am all: 15 pm bl0:15 am St Louis Ei press St. Louis Local Council Bluffs.. Stanberry Loral a 6:30 pm (from a 8:00 am (from b 6 :00 pm Council Blufis).... Illluols Central Chicago Express.... Chicago Limited Minn. -St. Paul Exp. ..a 7:15 am a 2:45 pm ..a 6:00 pm a 7:16 am ..b 7:10am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd ...a 6 no pin a 7:15 am Oniaha-Ft. Dodge Local b 4:16 pm bll:30ara tnleaso A 14 or k western Colorado-Chicago a 4 00am a 1:30 am Chicago Daylight Spl....a 7:00 am all ttam Omaha-ChlcuKO Local. .al2.U pm all 36 pin Colorado-Chicago a 6 30 pm a 3:28 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 6.02 pm a 7:00 am Pacifko Coaat-Chtcago...a 6.06 pin a 1.2 pm Loa Angeles-Portland Limited a:10pm alJ Ofc pra Overland Limited aU.15 am a 7:06 am Carroll Local a 4 '4 am a 9.56 pra Fast Local Cedar Rapids-Omaha a 1:26 pm NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH. Twin City and Dakota Daylight a 7:46 am alO 10 pru Minnesota and Dakota. . a 7 oo pm Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 1:10 am Sioux City Local a 3:46 pin a 2.28 pra Dakota-Sioux City- Omaha a 9:10 am Mlr.nekota-Sloux City- Omaha aU :00 am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Bonestnel a 7:50 am al0:Mpm Ltncoiu-LouM pine a 7 60 am all. Warn Norfolk-South Platte. ..b 2:16 pm b 6 30 pm Haallugs-Buperioi b I 16 pm b 6:30 pin Dadwood-Hot Springs. a $ 66 pm i I Jipm Casper-Lander a I 66 pm all 60 am Fremont-Album b 1:10 pm b 1.36 pra RAILWAY TIME CARD Mlssoarl larlftr K. C. and St. L Kx . . . .a 00 nm a 7 :00 am K. C. nnd St L Kx. (Iv. Sat. 11 p. m all Ubih a 6X0 pm (kleaso, A. t. I'aal . Overland Limited ...nl2.16am a 7 05 am Overlain! special a I 66 am a 1 .)ani Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7 10 am a t X) am loio.-uauiumia bi ae uutmt ft l u pm Perry-umaha Local 6 t lupin Local b (.Input ,ull.' .ua pm t aleaao. Rack lelaad PaclM EAST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .alj. 40 am Iowa local a4uaiii alO.M pm a 4-30 pm al'i .io pm b .M r m a 1.10 pm a .A am Chicago Day Express. ..a 7:4 am Des Moines Local a 4.W pm Iowa Local blO 14 am Chicago-Eastern K....-a 4 .40 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.. a W pin Wt.ST. Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for 1 jncoln a 1:30 am a 6:4i pm a 4 pm a f ou pin a 7:30 am au:30 am Colo, and Cal. Ex a 120 pm Okla. and Texas Ex. .. .a 4 -06 pm Colorado Exprea a 7:30 pin Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm , RwllLl!OTON UTA IOTH A MA SO.1 Barllagton Leave Arrive. Denver and Callforia..a 410 pm a 8 45 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pin a 6:10 pm Nebraska points alKim a 610 pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm Norlhwt-ai Ex all :30 pm a 7:10 am Nebraska pointa a 8:20 am a :M pm Lincoln Mall .....b 1:20 pm a!2:li pm Nebraska Kx a 9.16 am a 6:10 pm Lincoln Locnl b 9:08 am Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm St-liuvirt'-i'iausmouih ,b . pin b 10 am Plattsmouth-Iowa .a 9:18 am a I 60 am liellevue-I'lattsmouth .r$:30 pm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited -. .. o. . .all : am a : 10 am tall. 10 pm a 1:66 pm a 9.00 am aU:46 am all 45 am a 6:45 am a 6:10 pm Chicago Special a 7:30 am Chicago Ex a 4.30 pm Chicago Fast Ex i.a 6:W pm Iowa Local a 916 am St. Louis Ex a 4:66 pm Kansas City at St. Joe.al0:4o pm Kansaa City ft St. Joe. .a 9:16 am Kansas City M. Joe. a 4:5 pin WEBSTER STA. 13TII A WEBSTER Missouri Pacific Auburn Local b 8 "i0 pm hi 1:30 am Ikleaaro, St. rial, MlaaeapelU A Arrive. Sioux City Express, ...b 2 00 pnv bll. 46 am Omaha Local c 6.30 pm Sioux City Passenger b 9:20 pm Twin City Passenger..., b 6:80 am Sioux City Local ,.-.0 8:36 am Emerson Local b 3:66 pm b 9:10 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, o Sun day only, d Dally exoept Saturday: Omaha-Carroll Local... a 3:46 pm a 8.10 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC- WEEKLY SAIUNOa MCTWRfrN MONTRRAU Ql-BDBC AND MVKHPOOU Nothing better on th Atlantic than our BmprMMi, Wlrlu 00 all steamers. v a B. HUNJAMtN, O. A. lit So. Clsrk St., Chlosio, III. Big Four Official Short in Accounts Cincinnati Treainrir for Railroad iix Trying to Adjust Tangle in Books. CINCINNATI, Nov: 4 WHIl the where abouts of C. L. Warflner, the deposed local treasurer of the Big Four ralU-oad, has not been disclosed, It waa given out today that Warriner has returned' from New Tork with railway officials wllh whom he haa been conferring regarding the tangle In his accounts. " Officials of the road refuse to make pub lic the extent of the supposed shortage, estimated at $50,000 to $100,000. It waa Inti mated this mort lng that the arrest of a Chicago man In cohpet)on with the War riner case on a charge of blackmailing la contemplated. r '' It Is said this man was at one time an employe of the Big Four and he had knft'wl edge of an alleged earlier defalcation on the part of Warriner, and that he used thia knowledge to blackmail Warriner. Heavy Break in Cotton Market Rumors that Ball Leaders Are Sell ing Out Cause Loss of $2.35 a Bale. NEW YORK, Nov.-4. Persistent rumor that the bull leaders were gradually sell ing out their cotton, accompanied by fur ther heavy realising aaies, resulted In a severe break In the ootton market today. Weakness In Liverpool caused a lower opening and the market became very ex cited owing to the absence of any sup port from the bull leaders. Selling be came general, whereupon atop orders were uncovered and January contracts broke to 14.63 cerrtJ, or 43 points under the closing figures of last night, or $2.36 per bale be low the high record of yesterday. It seemed the genera' Impression that all four leading bull operators had largely un loaded' their lines. GRAND JURY FREES MAN WHO KILLED PARAMOUR OF WIFE Six Members of Body In Mlaaoarl Refuse to Indict Otis riayromb, GALLATIN. Mo., Nov. 4.-Belleving Otis Claycomb, a young farmer, was justified In killing the nan who wrecked his home, six members of the Davles county grand Jury refused today to vote Indictments against him for killing John Ward, a wealthy land owner, August 24 last. Clay comb was given his liberty. Claycomb killed Ward for enticing Mra. Claycomb away from her home and aix children. Ward was 60 years old and Mrs. Claycomb 88. MRS. M'MONNIES WEDS AGAIN Former Wife of Sculptor Becomes Bride of W. II. Low In Paris. PARIS, Nov. 4. William H. Low and Mary Loulae Falrchild. former wife of Wil liam Frederick MacMonnlea, were married at the Proteatant church L'Oiatoir Du Louvre today In the presence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Sydney Falrchild, and a few Intimate friends. Theae latter Included Sarah L. Lowell, Paul W. Bartlett and M. Beoutet De Monvel. A wedding breakfast waa served, after which Mr. and Mrs. Low departed on their honeymoon. Mary Louis Falri blld and William Fred erick MacMonnl) x met In Paris, where both were studying ai In Ib&L They married, but were divorced in November, 1906, the separation being due, it is aaid, to Incom patibility. Mrs. Louie Hlte, 418 Outlen St.. Danville, 111., writes, Ootober 1: N "Foley's Kidney Pllla atarted me on the road to health. I was treated by four doctors and took other kidney remedies, but grew worse, and waa unable to do my housework, and the dootor told me I only could live from two to alx months. I am now so much better that I do all of my own work, and I ahall be vary glad to tell anyone afflicted with kidney r bladder trouble the good results I resolved from taking Foley's Kidney Pills." Com mence today and be well. Do not risk hav ing Blight's disease or diabetes, Sold by all drugglsia