Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Tullback Rathbone May Not Get Into
Kansas Game.
New ebraka Field Will Bf For.
mally Dedicated flatarrlar Kansas
Refvaee t Travel "orth
ward Friday.
LINCOLN. Nov. t Special.) The Corn
husker camp was thrown Into a atate of
consternation thla afternoon when It wa
annnuncrd that Fullback Rathbone might
not fully recover thla wwk from an In
Jury to his right shoulder that he sustained
In tha name wltH Poane.
When the accident In which he was hurt
occurred Rathbone was at ones removed
from the game and It was said his In
Jury was very slight and that he would
recover within a few days. With this ex
planation, no attention was paid to the
fullback's condition, aa It was thought he
would round rapidly Into form.
At practice yesterday and today, however,
the fullback was hot able to get Into
scrimmage and this led some of the rooters
to Inquire regarding his Injury. They
learned then that his shoulder waa not
healing fast and that he probably would be
a cripple for the Kansas battle.
An Injury that would Incapacitate Rath
bone or any of the back field players would
, practically kill Nebraska's chance of de
feating the Jayhawkers, for Cole has no
substitutes who are regarded aa varsity
caliber and the removal of one of the regu
lar backs would greatly weaken the of
Rathbone Is the only fullback the Corn
buskers have who has done first class work
this season. Other men have been tried at
full, but have failed miserably In their of
fensive play. Rathbone has surprised
everybody connected with the eleven and
has been a sensational player,
If his shoulder falls to heal he will be
handicapped In plunging against the Jay
hawker line and the line attacks will have
to be made by other men In the back
field, none of whom has the charging abil
ity of young' Rathbone.
"King" Cole declared he had examined
Rathbone's shoulder and that he thought
It would be healed sufficiently for the full
back to Dlav a hard game Saturday. He
said he would keep the player out of scrim
mage this week In order to prevent his
meeting any more Injuries.
Hard Work at Farm
The Cornhuskers were kept at practice
at the farm until 7 o'clock thla evening
This was true of the practice yesterday
When the men quit It was so dark that In
giving signals the quarter had to feel for
tha man to whom he passed the ball.
Cole says this late practice will be con
tinued up to Saturday and that he may
order a light slRnal practice Saturday
morning. The long signal drill Is being
ordered because the Nebraska coach be
lieves he can get hia players to master
every ' play In their repertory before the
gam and that by doing this the fumbling
of passed balls will be eliminated.
Much of the training period today was
given over to building up the Cornhusker
offensive play. The new formation the
team has been given were used time after
time anrf the new plays were employed.
Against the scrubs' the regulars gained
many yards on straight foot ball and
worked the forwsrd pass on two occaalona
for large dlstlances. -
Cole la continuing to play Prank at
quarter, having . Bentley run the second
eleven. Frank handles the team so well
that he can 111 be spared from that place
against the Jayhawkers.
Chauner, who has been placed on the
team at right end, Magor being taken back
to Frank's former place at right half, Is
doing brilliant work In practice and the
removal of Magor and Chauner's substitu
tion Is not likely to weaken the right
Unless some of the players are Injured
the lineup for Saturday will be: Left end,
Johnson; left tackle, Harte; left guard,
WolcoU; center, Shonka; right guard,
fcwliin: . right tackle, Temple; right end,
Chauner; quarter. Frank; left half, Cap
tain Beltier; fullback, Rathbone: right
half, Magor.
Coacth Kennedy of the Kansas eleven
telegraphed Manager Eager that his team
had changed Its mind about coming to
Lincoln Friday and that It would not get
here until Saturday. The Jayhawkers have
a superstltutlon about coming to Lincoln
on Friday. , They think If they Journey
here on Saturday they will win, for on the
last two occasions that they came here
they did net arrive until Saturday and
each time they won from Nebraska. They
are loath to break their custom, for fear
their string tf luck will be broken,
The Cornhusker rally for the game will
be held tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock J Prince Ito of Japan, and his alleged ac
lnstead of Friday at that hour. Classes will complices, were today removed to Seoul,
be dismissed for the event. Chancellor ' Korea, for trial. Following their arrest.
Avery will preside at the meeting.
Nebraska's field Is to be formally dedl-
T-io Crst aymptom of Contagious Blood Poison Is usually a little sore or
ulcer, co Insignificant that often no attention is given It. But -when tha
LlooJ becomes more fully Infected with the Tims tho mouth and throat get
soie, glands in the neck and gtoin swell, and sometimes ulcerate, forming
sores and ulcers, the hair comes out, copper colored spots appear on the
body, and where tho disease Is allowed to remain In the system tho poison
frequently penetrate deeper and attacks tho bones. S. B. S. Is tho true
antidote for Contagious Blood Poison tho only remedy that is able to get
ct tho very root of tho trouble and remove every particle of tho virus from
tho circulation; at the same time 8. S. S. acts with upbuilding and tonlo
effect on every portion of the system. As soon as tho system gets under tho
iafluenco of S. S. 8. tho symptoms begin to disappear and soon a perfect
euro is made. 8. 8. 8. can be used in too privacy of ono'a own homo and a
permanent euro effected. To aid those who wish to euro themselves at
Lome wo have prepared a special Homo Treatment book which contains
nuch valuable information to Contagious Blood Poison Sufferers. With
the aid of this book and the use of S.S.S. a euro can bo effected in every
case. Wo will send this book, and also any medical advice desired free to
"You can use Electric Power
whenever you desire
Try all the others if you
will the cost is always higher.
Omaha Electric Light and Power Co.
rated Saturday by appropriate exercises.
The cadet battalion and band will parade
on O and Tenth streets to the field, where
Chancellor Avery will make a short speech
naming the field.
Meetlns; Held Yesterday to Stir I'Bi
Attenaanre at Gam.
Alfred Kennedy, business manager of
athletics, conducted a mass meeting at
the Omaha High school yesterday after
noon. The meeting was designed to stir
up enthusiasm for the Council Bluffs game
Saturday afternoon. '
l;oach t arnes said he fully expected
Omaha to win and hoped there would be
a large number at the game. It will De
played at the Ideal Hustlers' park on the
Minim line. Several of the teachers also
spoke to the pupils and Chandler Trimble,
who has charge of the Lincoln trip, an
nounced that the Rock Island will fur
nish the special train this year.
A meeting of all boys who Intend to
try for the basket ball team was held by
Mr. Cams after the mass meeting. Prao
tlco will commence Immediately at the
Younff Men's Christian association. A
number of candidates were present and
Edward Rurdlck, captain of the team last
year, addressed the meeting.
Harry Fraser, a member of the senior
class and a prominent track athlete, will
have charge of a new feature In the high
school track work, cross-country running.
A meeting will be held the first of next
week to organise the track team for the
coming year. ,
Player Break Collarbone.
LOQAN. Ia.. Nov. . (Special.) While
practicing foot ball yesterday evening.
Ray Hubbard, one of the fine players of
the Logan High school team, had the mis
fortune of breaking his collar bone.
Though Mr. Hubbard will not be able to
play foot ball for soma time, yet no an me
will be called off because of the accident,
as some other player will be selected to
'ake his place.
wlmmlaar Raeea at Y. M. C. A.
The Young Men's Christian association
wlmmlnsr club will held an exhibition and
contest tonight at 7:30. The program In
cludes .Junior T)epartment 20. 40 and 100
yards. Senior Department 20, 40. 100 and
?XS yard plunges for distance and exhibit;
water polo, game. Juniors against seniors.
Empire City Meet Off.
NEW YORK. Nov. 3,-The . Kmplre City
meeting was officially declared off today
ny Manager Matt Winn. No reasons were
Military Burial
for Cadet Byrne
Entire Body of West Point Cadets
Turns Ont to Honor Dead
WEST POINT. N. Y Nov. S.-Cadet
Eugene Byrne, who died on Sunday a the
result of Injuries received In the second
half of Harvard-West Point foot ball game.
was given a military burial In the academy
cemetery here today.
The funeral was attended by the entire
body of cadets, the officers of the acad
emy and the army post, and by scores of
friends of the young soldier. The parents
of, Byrne stood beside the grave.
Preceding the Interment, the cadet bat
talion marched to the . beat of muffled
drums, to the Roman Catholic chapel of
the reservation, where the religious cere
monies were held. There were many floral
pices, sent by the representatives of edu
cational Institutions and by personal
friends. The post will be In mourning for
thirty days.
WASHINNGTON, Nov. S.-The great an
nual foot ball conteat between the .West
Point cadets and Annapolis midshipmen,
which waa to have taken place at Philadel
phia, November 27, will - not be played
this year. The naval academy authorities
today decided to grant the request from
West Point to cancel the game, because
of the death of Cadet Byrne, killed In
the Harvard gam Saturday. .
Few Filipinos
at Ballot Box
General Election in Islands to Choose
Assembly Rouses Little
MANILA, Nov. 3. A general election was
held throughout the islands today for mem
bers of the assembly and provincial and
municipal offices. Little Interest was shown
and it Is doubtful If the total vote will
equal that of two years ago, when only
about one In thirty of the Filipinos regis
tered. .
Prisoners Are Taraed Over to Jap-
aaese Aathorltles and Will Be
Tried In Korea.
MARBIN, Manchuria, Nov. S. Inchan
I Angan, the Korean who assassinated
tho prisoners were turned over to the
Japanese authorities.
Rooters Disappointed Over Result of
Hastings Contest.
Rnfleld Oat of It tor Time aad Blgr
Shakeap Necessary Before Game
with Tarklo Coming;
When the Hastlngs-Bellevue game was
over Saturday and the condition of the
Bellevue team taken Into consideration
with two hard games yet In the schedule,
gloom began to gather over the Bellevue
foot ball supporters.
At present conditions do not look bright
for the team. The game Saturday was a
great disappointment to the Bellevue root
ers. The team was by no means In Its
best condition for the game.
Every effort Is now being made to mold
a machine Into ahape that will be able to
make a good showing against Tarklo on
the home grounds Saturday. The scrim
mage and signal work this week has been
hard and long. New plays will be used
owing to the. change In the lineup.
Fullback Enfield, who has always been
a constant ground gainer. Is compelled to
stay out of the game all this week and
possibly the remainder of the season. This
necessitates a complete change in the back
field. Captain Mortor Is again at quarter
back, Dow, who has been at half, is put
at end, and Claybaugh and Mohr at halves,
with Fowler, a sub linesman, at fullback.
Fowler Is a heavyweight and has been do
ing some good work, but lacks the experi
ence necessary to be an efficient fullback.
Taking everything Into consideration it
looks like a big Job. Tarklo has a strong
team this year and has not as yet met de
feat. It succeeded In winning from Crelgh
ton, but Bellevue will be In shape Saturday
to play a fighting game.
Clothes Indicate
Double Murder
Garment! of Man and Woman Found
in Coal Car Arouse Police
Garments of a man and woman be
smirched with blood were found In a car
of coal that was received Tuesday by the
C. B. Carrigan Coal Company at Forty
third and Nicholas streets by W. Hullt
and I-Wilson, the two men who were
employed to shovel the coal from the car
Into a bin.
The garments consisted of a man's dark
shirt with a light stripe, size lb'i, a purl
of pink underclothing and a pair of black
trousers with grey stripes. The woman's
garments consisted of a suit of undercloth
ing and two silk skirts. One was a top
skirt and the other an outside skirt.
The man's underclothing was more be
smirched than any of the other garments.
Large spots were found on the arms and
on the body of the shirt. It Is evident that
the clothing had been worn by a laboring
The police believe the garments have
been worn by persons who have been
murdered, hut the Indications are the mur
der was committed several days ago.
It is believed the coal was rolled away
and that the garments were put in the
hole and then covered. The car was
shipped here by the Rich Hill Coal com'
pany-at Weir City. Kan. The clothes will
be held by the police until an Investigation
can be made.
Luncheon for
Japanese Visitors
Commercial Delegation it Entertained
by Assistant Secretary and
Mrs. Wilson.
WASHINGTON, Nov. . At the lunch
eon given today by the assistant secretary
of state and Mrs. Huntmgton Wilson to
the Japanese commercial commissioners,
now making a tour of the United States,
Mr. Wilson presented to Baron Shlbusawa
for the emperor of Japan a large void
medal in commemoration of the visit of the
delegation to this country. On one side
of the medal was a profile portrait ot
President Taft and on the other a legend
of welcome In Japanese and English char
acters, together with the date and occa
sion of the visit.
Duplicates of the medal In bronze were
presented to each member of the delega
The medals were presented in the name
of the superintendent of the government
Pet. Is Mesne by Which Yonn- Man
la Traced from Seattle to
Kansas City.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 3. James P. Thomas,
son of a wealthy manufacturer of Bay
City, Mich., who waa locked up at police
headquarters here today on a charge of
swindling, owes his undoing to a poodle
dog and a pen flourish. The dog, carried
jby Mra. Bess Chatflcld, Seattle, Wash.,
j enabled the clerk of a local hotel to trace
Thomas and the woman to Kansas City.
The flourlfh made by Thomas on a Kansas
City hotel register, led to his arrest.
Thomas came to the Southern hotel here
October 15, accompanied by the woman.
He became friendly with James Osborne,
a clerk, and a few days later Osborne
cashed Thomaa check for (100. Before It
came back protested the couple had left.
Osborne traced the couple to East St.
Louis, 111., and from there to Kansas City,
by making Inquiries about the poodle. At
the latter city he found no trace of the
dog, but a peculiar flourish, with, which
Thomas ended his registrations on hotel
registers gave the final clue at the Glad
stone hotel.
Thomas asserts that he did not know
that his balance at the Bay City bank, on
which the check was drawn, was ex
A lie fed Holdep Men Are Kabbed by
Poaee Vtctlas of Shaotlas
BASIN, Wyo., Nov. S.-(Bpecial Tele
gram.) The three Mexicans who were in
the holdup of the Charles Cole saloon at
Lovell Saturday night have been captured.
Cole, as has been told, was mortally
wounded and died Saturday at about 3
o'clock. The posse, which has been out for
four days, got the men near Frannla late
this afternoon. They are being brought in
overland in autoa by armed guard and will
reach here late tonight.
Some Things You Want to Know
The Thirteenth Census
But for the Invention of machines capa
ble of arranging and adding figures more
rapidly than ran be done by human hand
and human mind, the taking of a federal
census under present conditions would be
utterly Impracticable. It would require so
long to tabulate, digest and publish the re
turns that It would be time for another
census to be taken before the on in hand
could be completed.
Electricity has solved the problems of di
gesting the returns that com In from tha
enumerators In the field. Prior to the
Eleventh census all returns were tabulated
by hand; and a long, tedious task It was.
In 1890 the electrical tabulating machinery
came Into use, having been Invented by a
former employe of tha census. That this
machinery meant much Is apparent from a
statement of Director Merrlam of tha
Twelfth census. In which he said: "Elec
tric tabulation has proved a boon to the
census office. It need only be said that
If, at the Twelfth census, the three tallies
of age and hex, nativity and occupation had
been made by hand It Is estimated that It
would have required the time of 100 clerka
for seven years, eleven months and five
days." The secretary of the Department
of Commerce and Labor stated In his an
nual report for 1904 that the electrical ma
chinery does the work in one-tenth the
time and at one-third the cost of hand
work, with a greater degree of accuracy.
It was estimated that at least $6,000,000 waa
savsd by the government through the use
of electrical tabulating machinery.
But the concern . which had this ma-
cninery ror sale or rent had no competition
and the prices were put up so high that
the then director of the census, Mr. North,
oonsldered them exhorbltant. Mr. . North
conoluded to employ a corps of experts to
Invent machinery for the work and oon-
gress appropriated fftS.OOO for that purpose.
The result Is that new machinery will be
used In tabulating the Thirteenth census,
and Director Durand thinks it will save a
half million dollars over the machinery of
the Twelfth census. The government had
paid three-quarters or a million dollars for
the rental of the machines and the com-
pany wtilch supplied them had paid dlvl-
dends, according to Director North, of as
much as 100 per cent -
It is Interesting to note how this machln-
ery will do the work of the human hand
and the human mind. First, symbols are
prepared which represent the various Items
of data aa extracted from the schedules.
Editors then take the schedules and insert A careful check is kept upon each punch
the symbols over the items In the various ,n machine operator to make sure that
columns and form divisions. A separate
card Is devoted to each person In
TTt-lteA RtAteM. On then rarrla the facta re.
, .. . . . . .
latins; to sex, race, ago, birthplace and
other sub.iects of Inquiry will be Indicated
by punching holes through the symbols
corresponding to those on the schedule.
The punching machine by which tbise
holes are punched differs radically from
the ones used in previous censuses, and it or turn her maohlne over t0 ,0meone who
is believed that It will no; only work more wlI, The8e comparisons will be made as
rapidly, but will tend to reduce the number often tn08e charB8 thInk necessary
of errors made by the operator. After the to insure approximate accuracy. So far as
cards are punched they are fed Into the u,, cards that are not sufficlenUy punched
tabulating machine, which automatically ,re concerned, the tabulation machine re
tabulates the result. Wherever there is a fuses to give its approving ring when one
hole in a card an-electrical connection Is 0f them passes through, and stops until the
established by a blunt needle passing card is taken out. For Instance, every card
through the hole Into a cup of mercury must tell whether the person It represents
and the fact Is registered. On the ma- Is male or female. If that fact is not
chines previously used there Is a series of registered on the punched card, the ma
dlals, and it was necessary 'to' transcribe chine will throw the card out.
the results by Hand. This often resulted It Is expected that despite the increased
in errors and waa a rather slow and unsat- work represented in the taking of the thlr
Isfactory process. With the new machines teenth census, as compared with previous
this operation Is entirely avoided, as they censuses, the results will be announced
automatically print the total results for earlier than ever before. The law provides
each unit of area, district, township, ward, that the thirteenth census force must have
city county or state. ' completed Its labors by June 30, 1912, even
With the new . machine. In which the down to tn Publication of the last volume
power is applied by electricity Instead of f Btatletlca. When the result, are placed
by the hand of the operator, the average
clerk can punch 4.000 cards a day. The
tabulating machine will make an average
of 28.000 tabulations every eight hours. It
will require 300 punching machines and 100
tabulators to do the work of the thirteenth
census. These machines will be manufao-
tured for the government and will be kept
for the work of the permanent census and
the decennial censuses which follow.
With a greater accuraoy in the field than
ever before has : been possible, with a
greater accuracy In punching the cards
that will tell the story, and with a great jr
accuracy in tabulating the returns as
shown by the punched cards, it Is safe to
say that the margin of error In the thtr-
teenth census wirf approximate the Irre-
duclble minimum. And yet those who are
Lahm Retires
from Signal Corps
Lieutenant Ordered to Report to His
Regiment and Will Be Succeeded
by Lieutenant Jones.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3. Lieutenant
Frank P. Lahm, who gained International
fame by winning the James Gordon Ben
nett cup In Europe In 1906 for the longest
flights In a dirigible balloon, has been re
lieved from detail In the signal corps snd
ordered to report to his cavalry regiment
His place will be taken by Lieutenant Wal
ter C. Jones of the Thirteenth Infantry,
now stationed at Fort Leavenworth. Lieu-
I tenant Lahm's retirement from the signal
corps is compulsory under section 40 ot tha
army regulations.
During the last two or three weeks Lieu
tenant Lahm has been engaged at the new
aeroplane station at College Park, Md., in
giving instructions to other officers of the
signal corps.
COLLEGE PARK. Md.. Nov. 2-Taklng
his biplane Into the air In a twelve-mile
wind and without the assistance of the
starting welghta was the feature of Wilbur
Wright's flight on the government avia
tion field today.
Just before 0 o'clock Mr. Wright made the
first trip of .the day, remaining in the air
only about two minutes. A second flight
of about the same duration was made Just
as darkness was coming on. Mr. Wright
taking with him Lieutenant Lahm. Ascend
ing to a height of seventy-five feet the
engine was stopped and the biplane grace
fully glided to the ground.
Taken with Hemorrhage After Ini
tiation Into Colored Masoaa and
Snernmba Soon After.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 8. Fright from
'riding- the goat" at an initiation of the
Compart Masons, a negro Masonic lodge of
Kansas City. Kan., caused the death early
today of Alchis Huntley, a negro. Huntley
waa seised with hemmorrhage following tha
initiation ceremonies.
Silence reigns among the members of the
order aa to what particular part of the
ceremony frightened Huntley. All dvclare
they cannot violate their lodge oath by
Tabulating the Returns
responsible for It are not willing to permit
the public to assume that the census will
be accurate down to the dollar and the
cent. They will say frankly that while the
accuracy of their figures Is sufficient for
all fair use of statistics, no one Is justified
In using them as being exactly correct In
every Instance; that while the margin of
error is not large enough to vitiate their
value In any Important particular, they
are not sufficiently accurate to warrant
the assumption mat they contain no errors
at all. For Instance, Mr. Durand points
out that the recent census of manufactures
shows the value of the products to be 311,
068,562,917, and that the slightest considera
tion will show that those figures might
miss the mark of such a huge total by
tens of millions of dollars, and still not
Injure the statistical value of the data.
He proposes to boll down the errors to the
lowest possible point and then express nla
totals In round numbers.
At the last census the statistics of agri
culture were tabulated by means of
punched cards after the fashion of the pop
ulation statistic. All told, Z12.000.000 cards
were used, more than half of them, for ag
ricultural data. Stacked one upon the
other, they would have made a stack over
twenty-five miles high. This year the tab
ulation of the agricultural statistics will
not be carried out by the punched card
system. Instead, typewriters with adding
machine attachments will be used to tabu
late the results ot the Information gathered
from the 7,000,000 farms of the country.
It will require 90,000,000 cards to tell the
atory of the population schedules a stack
tea miles high. Each of these will be
passed through the tabulating machines six
times, so that more than half a million
electrical connections will be made and
registered In tabulating the population.
One may get a striking lesson on the
costliness of small errors from a statement
made by Director Durand. In the case of
farm statistics the enumerator sometimes
makes the mistake of adding or leaving off
cipher in reporting the number of bushels
of grain raised on' a given farm. To follow
up all these errors and check off the obvi-
ous ones, after the method pursued by the
Twelfth census, would cost. It is estimated.
several hundred thousand dollars. By
using the typewriter-adding machine It is
expected that such errors in a column of
figures will be so patent that the trained
eye n detect them without the necessity
of editing the Individual schedules.
ane is not nuiing me wrong Keys, wnue
" not possible to compare 90.000,000 cards
with me schedules from wnicn tney are
puncnea, except at an unreasonaDie ouuay
... . . , ,
of time and money, a certain number of
cards selected at random from each opera
tor's work will be compared with the
originals, and if she is found to be making
serious errors, she will be Informed
promptly that she will have to do better
at last In the hands of the people there
will be a new reason for appreciation.
Hitherto the decennial census reports have
taken up almost aa much room In a
library as Dr. Eliot's famous section of
linear literature. Director Durand will try
to scale the size down considerably. He
will have a fine evamnle tn mlite Kim
The.federa, blue book used to be published
In two volumes, each of them larger than
an old fashioned family bible. The latest
ona iSBUeii without omitting a single essen-
tlal fact, has been squeezed down to two
volumes, whose aggregate site is less than
that of the smaller of the former two
-volumes. The next census reports will be
published In volumes of convenient slxe.
By rredtrlck J. Kaskln.
Tomorrow The Thirteenth Census,
XT Soma Probable Besulta.
Ferryboat Sinks,
Eighteen Dead
Vessel Goes Down Within
Hour After it Was
GI'AYAQUIL, Ecuador, Nov. 3. A new
ferry boat launched yesterday capsized
during Its trial trip today. Eighteen of
the twenty-two passengers aboard were
drowned. The boat had been In service
about one hour.
"" ' i Jiilj' ii i mil .i iii wm ! VV i X '' - - 'i i mi niiii I - i i
too fragjy
Test it Down
To Hero
At Our
mntJ Shin
. 1
the J; .s
w 1 a pa-.,
Ooodm In
Plait Pmokagva
Tammany Organization Succeeds in
Landing the Head of Ita Ticket
Repabllcans and Fasloalate Also Rleet
District Attorney and Sheriff of
Mew York Coanty In v
Other Cities.
NEW YORK, Nov. S. Tammany elected
another mayor of greater New York today
but lost Its grip on city finances. William
J. Qsynor of Brooklyn swept the five bor
oughs to victory as mayor by at 70.000
plurality, defeating Otto T. Bannard. re
publican-fusion and William Itandolph
Hearst, Independent.
He failed, however, to carry his ticket
with him and the republican-fusion forces
will control absolutely tha Board of Esti
mate and Apportionment, which will dis
burse approximately 31,000,000,000 during the
administration. This Is more than a half
defeat for Tammany,, for the control of
the Board of Estimate was one of the prin
cipal Issues of the campaign. In addition
the republican fuslonists elected Charles 8.
Whitman, district attorney of New Tork
county, who defeated George Gordon Bat
tle, the democratic nominee by at least
13,000 plurality and John 8. Shea for sher
iff over C. D. Sullivan, democrat by 10,000.
Repabllcans are Elected.
neform control of the Board of Estimate
Is Insured by the election of the following
republican fusion nominees;
Comptroller William A. Prendergast, de
feating Kobert R. Moore, by approximately
l'resldent of the Board of Aldermen John
Purroy Mitchell, deafeatlng John E. Oal
vln by approximately M.000. .
President of the borough of Manhattan
George McAneny, defeating Joseph Haag
by approximately 18,000.
President of the borough of Brooklyn
Alfred E. Steers, defeating John H. Mc
Cooey by approximately 14.000.
In addition to the foregoing. Indications
point to the election of the republican fu
sion nominees, though the racs was close
up to a late hour tonight.
President of the Borough of the Bronx
Cyrus C. Miller defeating A. H. Murphy.
President of the Borough of Richmond
George Cromwell defeating McCormack.
Two Places In Doaht.
The contest for these two last named
borough presidencies waa close, but latest
returns favored tho republican-fusion nom
inees, while in Queens (Long Island), Law
rence Gresser (Independent and anti-Tammany)
waa elected.
With a total of sixteen votes in the
Board of Estimate, the republican-fusion
forces, even counting out the election ot
the borough presidents of the Bronx and
Staten Island, will yet have eleven votes,
two more than the necessary majority.
Hearst, once defeated in his oontest for
the mayoralty against McClelland In -,VX,
went down again today with a total of less
than 150,000, as against .approximately 345,
600 for Gaynor and 174,000 for Bannard.
With but thirty-six election districts out
of 1,679 missing, the total vote of the
greater city for the. three Candida tea waa
as follows: ' - ' '
Gaynor 143 870
Btnnard 173,309
Hearst 148,549
This gives Gaynor a lead of TO.471 over
Bannard and 96,321 over Hearst.
SCHNECTADY Dr." , Charles C. . Duryee
(dem.) was e'ected mayor.
Aa Inhalation
Coughs, Colds. Catarrh,
OronphltlsP Diphtheria.
Cr elans le a ooa) te Aathsnatlea.
Am. Ik wnt m.m hiim ifiotln t rla la a
miedy far IIhum ( tha .ro.thlnf eisaaa UAa,,
i tak th nmW into the (loauuiar I
1 Creseleae em bmiM air, raaderad
strongly aattMptlo, ts ertel U
.iiitlm with .T.rr kreath, ila ieoa.s d
Vi-naBt traatauat. It Is latalMlil
wttb faill ohlldraa.
For untitled throat
hr li otiiinf txtirr
Uin Crowlro AntlMpuo
Throat Tablia.
Bind Bo la postage
tor fc&mr t doiu.
, bRuaoisTS.
Bna puul lot de
wrlptln. 3ookl4.
Vape-Creee.'ene Oea
lot) Fulum Btrea
"1 need Caacareta and feel like a new
en. 1 have been A sufferer from dys
pepsia and tour stomach for the last two
years. I have been taxing; medicine and
other drags, hat could find bo relief only
for a short time. X will recommend
Cascareta to mj friends as the only thing
for indigestion aad sou stomach and to
keep the bowels ia good condition.
They are very nice to eat."
Harry Stuckley, Manch Chnnk, Fa.
fleataDt Palatable, Potest. Taste Good.
poOood. Nrvet Alckea. Weaken or Grip.
0c. iSo. 90c Never said la balk The ie-
une taoiet saoipe4 . C l . (isaraateed te
ear or peac i
Tito Right Vay To
The only way to be sore that yea are
but also a brand that eaactly suits your
the testl One sood drink of Fak 3-5 tar
thin we caa oriot about it. That's the
Down-Te-Hare" Our.
We want you to open a bottle of Fak 3-3
.Am mini ! i,r rlik II ma ihc
friends I
Aa lobulation fer I
m ...... . , - - , : - -
have M other salesman. Here is our otter:
4- Full Quart felt 3SUw
B Full Quart Folm 3-Star
O Full Quart Falm 3 St an
f the purest, mellowest, fineat and moat satislytng wniaaey you cr ua mun in.
roods st our espenae and we will band yoa back your money without a aulbb It or a cross
ord. H our F.L. a.Star WbUV.w l.ilrd to aell itaell. we would be out of business, for we
Secnrely packed and shipped, caprese prepaid, at our
indicate contenta. No orders accepted eacept with
Why Wo Can Savo You Ono-llalf HZ
bar to pay about $1 SO a quart over the aaloon bar or at the drug stoic, but by our
Iutiliery-Direct-u-vou " rian we save you an mt uiuuitoitu uium..
We are tbe largest houae in America selling direct to the consumer. For many
years all our goeos were sola mrouga inv uuui, um wmi iu mc preu vi me
prohibition movement we have decided to do all our businrta direct with the use-,
la this way we give our customcra the benefit o the Jobbcr'a, baloon Keeper's
and IruKKat'a pronta, me Dig aaiarics aau
men and the saving oi ioca uum u u,u.
save you half and still give you a whiskey oi lb
FOl3 3Sta8 Whl&KOy whUkey with the age and strength
that so only with nihat quality, iia
taate. Nothing quite so gooa nss
any Dtatlllet airecl lo ine umninm.
Your Money DaokrXV
a KsvBtu 4'ltr, nj Epre Oompnjr or eomgnerxta. er, gab.
. a,tj f ourlf lUr. tha .od la trial oroVr eve 4 if ) jq .
iMUMrUkU mm las) wuiiii; ion
To Stop a Cough
In a Hurry.
With this recipe you can make a
pint of cough remedy at home In five
minutes. A few doses usually con
quer the moet obstinate cough.
Simple as It as. no better remedy can
be had at any price.
Tut 2 Mi t Plnex (fifty cents
worth) In clean pint bottle, and fill
up with Granulated Sugar Syrup,
made as' follows: Take a pint of
Granulated Sugar, add Mi pint of
warm water and stir for 2 minutes.
Take a teaspnonful every two or
three hours. The taste Is very pleas
ant children take It w lllngly.
Splendid, too. for cold", chest pains,
whooping cough, bronchitis, etc.
Granulated Sugar makes the best
syrup. IMnex, as you probably know
Is the most valuable concentrated
compound of Norway White Pine I.x
tract. None of the weaker pine prep
arations will take Its place. If your
druggist hasn't the real Plnex. he can
easily get It for you.
Strained honey can be used Instead
of the syrup, and makes a very fine
honey and pine tar cough syrup.
Specialists Are Convinced that Oil of
Wintergreen Wwh Will Cure.
Many ecsema sufferers have failed so
utterly with salves and other "discov
eries" that even the assurance of the
best physicians or druggists cannot In
duce them to Invest another dollar In any
It Is to these discouraged sufferers. In
particular that we now offer, at only 28
cents a trial else bottle of the accepted
standard ecsema remedy, a simple wash
of oil of wintergreen as compounded In
D. D. D. Prescription.
The best skin specialists long ago be
came convinced that this simple wash
offered the only true cure for eczema,
and the thousands of cures could not
help but convince us also. We confi
dently hope that with our assurance every
sufferer will be willing to try this D. D.
D. remedy, at 25 cents; especially as we
know- you can prove Instantly with the
first application that It takes away tha
Itch at once
Sherman A. McConnell Drug Co., Corner
lth and Dodge Streets; Owl Drug Co.,
Corner 16th and Harney Streets.
Q unllty Is Our Guide
At all grocers
Good Value1
is satisfaction.
You buy right
when you buy
the Always well
done Quality
of cuts.
Buy Whielsoy
not only getting a pure whiskey,
personal palate la to try It. Taste IS
WaUaor will tell you more loan any
reason we make you our bur ImHU
tar, take a drink yourself, and ask youi
ara not fully satisfied that rela S-Star I
. , . - , . . .
Wlilmkay, $2AS
Whlnkoy, 4.25
WMtkoy, 8.43
risk. In plain package with ae marks to
the distinct understanding that our cue-
iipnun paiu iu i ravening sales
. w - - -. w uuv we caa
very highest grade.
rum. iuii nnvor aeiignta toe
ever ociore
been ottered
Bok It
OTT, 110.
You Ara Not
Fully SaUna
OAPSTAtaza Heojtam