TIIE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1000. MHn PIANO Given Away - Absolutely Free When In need of a piano, yon owe it to yourself to rail at our warerooms f .ore buying;, because you hate the greatest variety of pianos to select from Heln.v.y, l, Ktrger, fmfrwB, Ilardman, Mehlln. McPhall and our Hand Made Srlunoller & Mueller and many others. You can buy a piano here at your own terms, 11.00 per week or less, and because our prices are materially lower than other stores located In the high rent district. Another piano will be t-iTpn imr the only condition being that you present this ad to oar floor manager. The fintt piano was awarded to N. L. Aidrich, 2010 Webster street. The second piano was awarded to Mr. Osien Styles, 1121 Georgia Avenue. The Uiird piano was awarded to Miss Bertha Brown, 2219 Seward St., who writes the following Jetters October 30, 109. - - My attention was called a number of times this week to the advertisement of tha Schmoller Mueller Piano Co., offering to give away absolutely free on the afternoon of Saturday, between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m., a piano. 1 called at their salesrooms and was fortunate enough to receive the beautiful instrument which .7 became mine without the payment of a penny. I can assure all music lovers that nothing other than the fairest of dealings may be expected from the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company. (Signed) Bertha Brown. ' ' ' Address, 1219 Seward St. " TVe rnl new pianos $3 per month and up. Also do expert piano moving by experienced and careful drivers, and store pianos at lge3t rates. Our storage facilities are not equalled by any house in the city. Free estimates furnished tor repairing ana rennishiug your old Telephone your, tuning or moving leiiiii Exclusive Representatives for Steinway A Sons, and the Weber Pianola riavnoe. 131 1-1313 FARNAM ST. ESTABLISHED 1839. We rent Pianola Pianos and Other Pianos at Lowest Kates. BRIEF CITY HEWS 1909 NOVEMBER 1909 SUN MON IUI WED THU FRI SAT I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 2324252627 28 2930 Slavs Soot mat It. Chambers' School of Dancing open. m. r. Bwoeoda Certified Aeeeaatant. Xinebart, Photographer, 18th & Farnarn. Lighting natures, Burgesi Grandon Co. Htvn, photo, removed to li h A Howard. Bond salesman required for Iowa. Ad dress Y 748, care Bee. Whits Walters at Sohllta Cafe Quick service and courteous treatment. 3. A. Gentleman Co., Undertakers. New location 1614 Chicago St. Both phones. Xultbla Life Policies stent drafts at maturity. H. D. -Neely, manager, Omaha. afore Country Savers Twenty-five re cruits WPro secured for the Unltrd States navy through the Omaha navy recruiting station during the month of October. Tbs Jffebraska Saving's and Loan Ass'n loans on homes only In Douglas county. Service prompt, terms reasonable. Board of Trade building, 1003 Farnarn. Another Flortaoe Divorce Case Mr. Minnie Logan of Florence Is suing for a divorce from Charles C. Logan on the ground of cruelty. A temporary restraining order' has been Issued preventing Logan from selling his pool hall or getting away with his account in the bank of Florence. Prof. Burnett ea Corn Show Mission L. C. Burnett of the experiment station of i thevlowat State' College of .Agriculture at Ames la 1" cl; preparing for the school exhibits at the National Corn ex position. One of the principal exhibits and one which will doubtless attract much at tention will be a working silo from the department of agricultural engineering. M. L. Kins, the Inventor of the silo, will be In personal charge of the exhibit. Big- Stick and pitchfork In Court The big stick and pitchfork have found their way Into court. Jim Orton and Emll Han urn of Florence pleaded not guilty in county court to walloping and prodding Charles Lonergan with these celebrated Implement of war and stateuaft and were bound over to district court. Hunter Took It All Back Samuel Hun ter, a n-gro porter employed by the Pull man company, arrested at Union station because he expreeted approbation of the hooting of Detective Michael Sullivan by Albert Prince, a negro from St. Louis, was discharged in police court, when he ex plained that his remarks were without guile. He was charged with disorderly conduct. Sure Was a Bad Accident W. It. Shep pard was hale, hearty and vlxorous. anC capable, of earning JliO a month, although 72 years old, until he was run down and bumped by a street car- Since then his SUFFERING Cured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetable Compound trOuintu W! "T.vrlia V.. Pink. ham's Veeotiible Compound has made and I would like to tell the whole world of It. I suffered fromfeinale trouble) and fearful pains In my back. I had the bent doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor In addition to m female trouble, ana advised an Opera nt T .Jl. V M ' X f t 'ink I, mix a V.r..1j.ihl flnmTKHmd made fc u m , v ... v ( me a well woman and I have no more baokache. I hope I an help others by telliuR them what Lvdla K. rtnWham'a Vegetable Compouud has done for me"' Mas, Eaou.lMsi.b38 First St, Milwaukee, W is. The aboTe Is only one of the thou sands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Hnkhain Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove bevond a doubtthat Lydia E. Iukharn'a'VeKetable Com pound, made from roots and herbs, actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women after all other means have failed, and that every such suf ering woman owes It to herself to at least give Lydia Piukham's Vffeta ble Compound a trial before submit ting to an operation, or giving up hope of recovery. Mn. FinUhii. or Lynn, Mass., In It all k k wttium to writ l.a t for adrtce. She baa Raided tJ.aiiarsf!v o levltli ai kuivlco is fr AriCK ONE YEAR hulntlr fr ik. i - plnno. order to Douglas 1625, or Independent memory, he says, has been Impaired, his eyesight lnured and his earning capacity diminished. Wherefore he would like $6,000 damages. This Is the latest suit In dis trict court against the Omaha and Coun cil Bluffs Street Rallwsy company, of which there have been many recently, the street car strike having been productive in indirect ways of several. Der Sandra Is a starrier "Per Bhudge" Altstadt's court continues to be a favorite place for couples In search of married blessedness. Two more ceremonies, In ad dition to the alreedy great list of mar riaRPs performed by Bismarck, were re jor.ed Wednesday, Albert Larsen of Omaha and Miss Gene Wilson of Waterloo; Thomas Kerchner of Logan, la., and Miss Kena Llndley of Little Sioux, la. Sinner to W. O. Schults Officers and members of the executive committee of the Nebraska Retail Liquor Dealers' .as sociation gave a dinner at 1 o'clock Wednesday to W. C. Schults, who retired from the vice presidency after eight years In office. The dinner was served at the headquarters of the association in the Krug theater building, and at its close speeches were made by various officers. Mr. Schults was presented with a gold watch by hiB associates. DOUGLAS COUNTY PRIZES OFFERED FOR GOOD CORN Local Aarlenltaral Society Wants to K'nrooraae Juniors to Pat In Exhibits. William Lonergan of Florenoe, 3. W. Shumaker of Elk City, John Taylor of Waterloo and J. K. McArdle of Washing ton will have charge of the Douglas county agricultural exhibit at the National Corn exposition. The prises offered amount to 400 in two divisions for adult corn raisers and $100 In the junior class. Two lots are provided for both In the adult and junior exhibits, and the amounts named will be divided pro rata among all. exhib itors whose corn - scores over -TO points, where no specific cash premium ' Is pro vided. The' cash prlsea offered for oertaln ex hibits amount to $87, divided Into fifty three prises, ranting lr value from $5 to 60 oenta. Teu ears of corn are necessary to constitute an exhibit, but single ears from any exhibit are eligible to prizes in cer tain classes. The committee of the Douglas County Agricultural society will also conduct an Industrial section. This Is open to all girls of 18 or under, with four classes open to all and tour others open only to those who did not win prises at the recent county fair. The prizes In the Industrial Bectlon are all for textile articles except that boys can enter for Milieu In the manual training section with any device for home use. Following Is the list of prizes In the Industrial section: House DreBB, Wash Goods First, $2.00; second, $L0U; third, 75 cents; eight next best, 25 cents each, $2.00. Hand Made Trimmed Apron First, $1.00; second, 75 cents; third, W cents; eighteen next best, 23 cents each. $4.50. Work Apron First. J1.10; second, 75 c?n'S; third, M cents, fifteen next best, 25 cents each, H.TO. Sofa Pillow Cover. Wash Goods First, $1.00; second. 75 cents: third. 60 cents; twelve next beat. 25 cents each. $.1.00. ' Three Beat Buttonholes First, $1.00; sec ond. 75 cents; third, ro cents; thirty next best. 20 cents ea-h, $.00. Patching on Pluln Wool. Figured Silk and Wash Uoiids First. $1.00; Becond. 75 Cfnts; third. 50 cents; thirty next best, 20 cents each. $i 00. Cotton Darning on Two Articles First, $1.00: second. 75 cents; third. M) cents; thirty next best, 20 cents each. Sfi.00. Collective First, $200; second. $1 00: third. 50 cents; six next best. 40 cents each. $2.0. Manual Training for Boys. Device for Home t'se. Model Not Over Three Feet in nnv Dimension First, $3 00; second, $200; third. $1.00: nine next best. 60 cents each. J4.J0; eighteen next best, 25 cents each. $4.50. PETE BO LAND GETSA BONUS lie, nlta Other street Car foremen, la Ulven Five Dollars a Day for Allegiance. The world la not all clack to Pete Boland. He was Ignomtnlously beaten for sheriff, but he Is ttlll a street car employe and as such got $200 for not striking. Foremen at the barns of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Hallway company, road officers and barn men were given a surprise party Tuesday by the company. When the strike of the carmen was at an end and U. C. Pratt left Omaha the first time the company announced that it would pay all carmen who stuck by the company $5 a day for every ,day they re ported, while the strike waa In progress and $5 a day In addition for each day they took out cars. In addition to thla the men were paid for overtime so that many had a large check coming to them. The strike was considered as lasting fifteen days, so that those carmen who worked right through had $150 extra money com ing besides overtime. When the road officers and foremen at tha barna ware paid their regular salar ies Tueday, each received a check for M la addition. - NEW HOME TRADE EXCURSION Another Tonr of latlaatrlal Omaha to Be Blade ay tho Commer cial, tlah. The Omaha Commercial club la planning another home trade excursion, such as were conducted year ago, when visits were made to the Union Pacific shops and to the M. E- Smith A. Co.. building. The next excursion will be to the packing bouse of Swift a Co., of South Omaha, that company having visited the Commer cial club ta pay a visit and suggesting tnat if the club would come about lunch time something to eat would be provided. er ? --4i i a M e.n.w. nK IL A-1625 AFFAIRS AT SOUTII OMAHA Much Interest Manifested in Coming' Sale of Stock, Not. 9 and 10. SHEEP MARKET STILL STEADY Business Men Meet Tonight to Plan F.xtraslen of L Street Car Line J. C. Nicholson's Home Robbed. The stockmen, and especially the dealers In horse flesh, are looking forward with considerable eagerness, to the next sale of animals, which will take placa In South Omaha November and 10. It Is expected that fully J.500 animal will be sold. Great care has been taken In this sale to have representatives of all the good claases In numbers. The experience 6f the salesmen Is that a sale of horses should not be con fined to any one class. It Is better to have roadsters and draft animals and west ern horses along with the natives. The Percheron breeds of draft animals will be plentifully represented. Many loads of well bred animals will be shipped In from South Dakota. This will be one of the last sales of the season, as the period of shipment usually closes before the begin ning of cold weather. Good Year for Sheep. The South Omaha sheep market continues steadily good In the polnof prices. Each day has shown a sllghtr Increase In the number received over last year's figures. It was expected that the consignments would dwindle with the opening of No vember, but it appears that many sheep will yet be received. Only two months re main In this year and It Is likely that the present Increase will be kept up until the close. This may hot be a record year for sheep but It will be well up Into the num ber of best years. 1 the cattle receipts still bid fair to break the record. Maglo City aoasln. "Mike" Corcoran, the South Omaha Jailer, Is spending a few days In Kansas. A large number of friends partook of the dinner given by the Methodist church wo men last evening. The address by Judge Kennedy was well received. J. C. Nicholson reported the loss of a number of rugs Monday night. They were stolen from his porch during the evening. Jetter's Gold Top Beer delivered to any part of the city. Telephone wo. s. Martin Valoicke was arrested yesterday on the charge of abandoning his wife and children. Tnere is no aanger imra tuuj wnwa Chamberlain's, Cough Itemedy ia used. GREAT CLOTHINU EVENT, Brandels Stores Will Sell the Fanaons Clnbdom Clothes nt Redaced Prices. NEXT SATURDAY IN THE DAY. To the thousands of men who demand clothes of the higher character and insist on patterns of gentility and styles of ele gance, we announce a special sale of the renowned Clubdom Overcoats and Suits. We are enabled to present this superior line next Saturday on account of the retire ment from business of the makers. Span;, Gottlieb & Biers of New York City. Never In our hist ry have clothes of such elegance been offered at a special sale. The Clubdom Clothes made to sell at $20 will, go at $12.50. The Clubdom Clothes that made to sell at $26 will go at $17.50. The Clubdom Clothes that made to sell at $30 will go at $22.50. The aale Is next Saturday. BBANDKIS STORKS. TEACHERS GO TO LINCOLN Three II and red from Omaha Will At tend Stale Association Meeting" at Capital Cltr. This morning at 7:80 a special train will leave the Burlington station for Lin coln, carrying 200 teachers of the Omaha schools who want to be in the Capital city In time to hear two special lectures to be delivered there. The lectures are on the program of the State Teachers association, and the regular train would bring ths who want to hear them into Lincoln at too late an hour. About 300 of the Omaha teachers will attend the convention Thurs day and Friday, but one-third of the num ber will go on the regular trains. A 50-ccnt hpttfc of Scott's Emulsion given in half-teaspoon doses four times a day, mixed in its bottle, will last a year-old baby near ly a month, and four bot tles over three months, and will make the baby strong and Well and will lay the foundation for a healthy, robust boy or girl. rva. lAxa it all d k coo is re Bm4 aV, 'af mar mt ska, 4. lor ear kwutital aulMi bak ae Cu4'a akea swok. IUh seek faiuiu a U Lw-k rtnar. SCOTT & BOWNE. 409 Pc.rl St. New York P ano Go- SCOTCH WOMAN LAUDS WEST Eminent Teacher Who Visited Omaha Enthusiastic Over This Section. LIKES THE PEOPLE AND CLIMATE Mine Kate V. Bremner of ErilnbararB Reads Drt Davidson Pamphlet Pralalntt Anions; Others, Waaaea at West. Kate F. Bremner, 'Infants' mistress." Albion Road school, Edinburgh,- Scotland, was one of the teachers from Great Britain sent to the Vnlted States by Alfred Mosely a couple of weeks ago. She waa In Omaha, among other cities, and has sent to Superintendent Davidson's office a little pamphlet containing her impressions of "the states She was one of tha very few who came west of Chicago, and says of her felldw travelers: "The western people are hoping that they did not turn back In the belief that civili zation ended there. As I went on, a spe cially warm welcome awaited me as being the first representative of the enterprising 500 constituting Mr. Mosely's teaching com mission to hava penetrated tha wild west. "Rumors of tha open-hearted kindness snd hospitality of the American Id his own country had reached me before I crossed the Atlantic Rumor In this case fell far short of reality. The Courtesy and consid eration which met me wherever I went. In Canada or In America, made my Vtalt an experience of such pleasure and proVlt as Is a Joy and Inspiration even In rekism brance." Of her observations In this section, which she speaks of as "out west," the Scotch teacher says: Capable Women Principals. "I found many most capable women principals and came to the conclusion that pioneer life, where men and women were comrades and colleagues, had engendered a certain type of colonial woman of broad outlook, large heartedness and sound judg ment, ready to fill any position of power with a capacity for rule which Is not so generally characteristic of the women at home, because here, until comparatively lately, ahe never had an opportunity to map out her own career and take her chance alongside of her more fortunate brother. What she will become Is a gen eration or two at the present rate of en franchisement remains to be seen." The grand climate of the west also made a distlnrt hit with MlsS Bremner, for she grows eioquent over it in several places, at one point writing: " "The effect of the climate Is felt in the Irrepressible optimism of the American people, who carry to their work tho en thusiasm and strenuousneas with which we alao feel endowed when rejoicing in the glory of a day of sunshine and clear air." The local school officials have a most pleasant recollection of Miss Bremner, the "infants' mistress" of the old capital of Scotland as a waman of most breezy char acteristics, deeply Interested In the possi bilities of her trip, and wide awake to catch and absorb everything that could be of any value to her on her return home. HUSBAND NO. 1 LAUGHS AT WOULD-BE HUBBY NO. 2 For the Latter Is ' Woold-Be anal Thonaht-I-Waa, - ns Divorce Waa Not Perfected. Comfortably eseonced tn the deptha of the Pottawattamie countJ'',jalf, John Bud lnskl proved true to "'his' name. He threw a bomb Into the happy, serene home In Omaha of his former wife and. her present husband which has utterly nullified that felicity and serenity. Mr. Budlnskl wrote a letter to his suc cessor In the smiles and affection of the woman In tha case, and he probably chuckled with demoniacal glee when he penned this missive. For he Informed his successor that he waa ciore of a follower In fact than in law, and that a searching investigation would disclose real flaws In the abstract of title In other words, that the couple were not truly man and wife as they aupposed and that the woman la still Mrs. Budlnskl. Not only was this written, but Investiga tion shows It to be too true. At an early hour Wednesday morning an hour so early that the court house was not yet opened a stranger appeared, seeking Information In the office of the district clerk of Douglas county. He Is the present husband of Mrs. Budlnskl or so he thought himself to be until later In the day, and so Mrs. Bud lnskl thought, too. His name, by the way, he did not vouchsafe, though Interrogated. The records were looked, up and It ap pears that April 10, of last year, Mrs. Bud lnskl came before Judge Estelle and asked a decree of divorce. The court heard her and announced that hs would enter a de cree. He forbade Mrs. Budlnskl to rewed until six long months had crawled slowly past. Mrs. Budlnskl did watt, and, on the very day when thla half year had at length expired, ahe married again, her husband being the man who appeared seeking In formation. But Judge Estelle following custom made the decree effective when the costs were paid. The costs never have been paid and the decree never has been entered. It fol lows that legally Mrs. Budlnskl is tech nically In the position of a bigamist. Budlnskl does not appear to have been anxious and eager that his wife should learn the facts until long after she had gone through a wedding ceremony for the second time. STATE CAN'T SEE ROMANCE IN CHARLEY JOHNSON MURDER It Can Ouly See Cold-Blooded Starlit- of One Man ay An other. Opening statements by the prosecution Indicate that the state takes little stock In that beautiful story of the duel between Ous Shivers and Charley Johnron at the rear of "Strawberry flats." when Johnson met death from a bullet fired by the other man. The "state la, forsooth, tn the position of an Iconoclast, for 'twas a beautifully dra matic tal with the two men measuring off twenty paces and the fair casus belli her self dropping the handkerchief for a signal to fire. Alas, romance Uvea not In the breast of A. O. Elllck and O. A. Magney, deputy county attorneys, who are proeecutlng Shivers. The d'lello with its glorious thrill la dead for them and any attempt to make a Hamilton-Burr or Decatur-Barron epi sode out of the murder Is resented by theae material-minded persons who assert their predilection Is for the cold and unpoetlc facts. According to the state It was Just a little ordinary shooting down of Johnson by Shivers, the two being colored men and the woman In the case being Caucasian. The state's version la that Phlvera de manded payment of a debt of 25 cents of Johnson and that Shivers pulled a gun when Johnson began to edge cut of the room. Quick Action tor Your Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. Fort Crook Army Will Give a Big Charity Ball Soon Sixteenth Regiment Officers Plan Grand Finale on Most Elab orate Scale. A charity ball will be given at Fort Crook. This will be the grand finale and the largest and most elaborate affair planned since the military ball of last sea son. The women of the Sixteenth Infantry, with Mrs. Cornelius Gardener as chairman. will have charge of all of the arrangements. Half of the proceeds will be given to the Army Relief society snd half to some worthy charity It Omaha as a memento of the regiment. It vlll be a ball poudre and all of the decorations will be military. The Sixteenth Infantry band will furnish the muslo and supper will be served the latter part of the evening. The ball will be given at the Fort Crook gymnasium, which Is also an excellent ball room. The date has not been definitely decided. but will probably be the night after Thanks giving or some time during the last week of November. The Army Relief society Is the national army charity. This society lends necessary assistance to the orphans and widows of officers and soldiers, often , educating and finding situations for the children of deceased heroes. The Omaha charity which will receive a part of the proceeds will be decided later. The com mittee In charge will make arrangements for special cars to run to the garrison. The officers and women of the Sixteenth regiment have proved themselves admir able hosts and hostesses and the Omaha people will welcome this opportunity of assisting with the success of the charity ball. MAN SUSPECTED OF WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC OUT ON BAIL G. R. Penn'a Mother Deposits Dond of fSOO that la Good Girls Are Belngr Guarded. That no formal complaint had been filed against O. E. Penn, charged by the police with transactions with young girls upon which charges of "white slavery" may be based, waa discovered when he failed to answer to his name In police court Wednes day, although he had deposited a bond of $j00 for his appearance. The prosecution of the case now lies largely In the efforts of the Juvenile offi cers, who state that two separate and dis tinct charges may be brought, cvlng to the difference tn the testimony of the girls they have located. The young women connected with the cabe are being care fully guarded to prevent any Influence being brought to bear on them to change their attitude. When it became apparent that no com plaint was standing against Penn at the time his bond was furnished and that there was a possible misunderstanding In regard to the time set for his appearance in court, C. M. Bachmann, police Judge pro tern, passed the case until the defendant had been notified. The officers for the prosecution caused the Issuance of a warrant charging vag rancy, by which they hoped to hold Penr, had he appeared. Six girls are now held by the Juvenile officers In connection with this case. Some of them have been wards of the Detention home who were out on paroles. The bond filed by Penn Is a certified check on an Omaha bank, drawn by Mrs. Phoebe Penn, his mother, in the sum of $000, payable to Bryce Crawford, police judge. A. J. Fields and his wife Luverna, negroes, who were arrested in a . raid on their home at 1503 Cuming street, because of a complaint that they held a young negro girl In immoral bondage, . were dis charged In police court after a long and tedious hearing. Frances Elligan, It years of age, and Cecile Irvln, 17 years, were found In the place. The raid was made on the Instiga tion of the Elllgan girl's relatives. NEEDLEWORK GUILD TO MAKE ANNUAL COLLECTION FOR POOR It Will Receive and Distribute Gar ments and Invitee General Co-Operatlon. The annual collection of garments and election of officers of the Omaha branch of the Needlework Guild of America will be held Thursday at First Christian church and the distribution and reception for the exhibition of the garments will take .place Friday. The Needlework guild Is one of Omaha' most practical aids to charity and ha. come to be depended upon by the hos pitals and the several other charitable and philanthropic institutions for a substan tial part of the annual supply of new clothing, bedding and tike necessities pro vided during the year. The gift of two new garments each year entitles anyone to membership In the guild and Is the only obligation. These garments may be sent to the First Christian church at any time Thursday or Friday. There they will be sorted according to the needs of the organizations to receive them. Tea will be served from to S o'clock Friday afternoon and a musical program given. Mia. Edward Hosewater has served the guild as president during the Inst year. HORSE KICKPROVES r"ATAL Injary Saatataed ta Anajast Takes Life of Noah Ward, Farm Hr.nd. Complications arising from Injuries re ceived from the kick of a horse last Au gust caused the death of Noah Ward, a farm hand, Wednesday morning- at Im manuel hospital. Mr. Ward was employed on a farm near Union. He was hitching up a fractious horse when It kicked him on the shin. The apparently trivial Injury developed a disease of the bone which forced him to come to Omaha for treatment. His wife lives In Iowa and Is expected to arrive soon to make arrangements for the fu neral. Mr. Ward was 33 years old. GAS, HEARTBURN OR A little Diapepsin relieves bad Stom ach in five minutei. As there Is often some one In your family who svf'ers an attack of Indi gestion or some torm of Stomach trouble, why don't you keep some Diapepsin In the house handy? Thla harmless blessing will digest any thing you can eat without the slightest discomfort, and overcome a sour, ga-ay Stomach five minutes after. Tell your pharmacist to let you read the formula plainly printed on theae t0-cent cases of Pape'a Diapepsin. then you will readily see why it makes Indi gestion, Four Ktomach, Heartburn and other distress go In five minutes and relieves at once such miseries as Belch ing of Gas, Eructations or sour undi gested food. Nausea, Headaches. Dtssl nas, Constipation and ether liuch disorder Drawn for Nebraska Clothing Co., by B. Cory Kllvert. "Hunting" for extra value in Boys' Clothing? Then this store is the best "hunting ground" in the country. And our f 2.95 boys' suit the very best value you will find. It is made of splendid materials In all the new styles for boys' wear. In variety of pattern, comfortable fit and fine workmanship these suits are equal to any $3.50 or $4.00 boys' garment in town. They are smart, stylish and serviceable garments and are flpa enough for any boy to wear anytime and anywhere. Don't overlook their unusual value at "The House of High Merit." PHYSICAL DIRECTORS MEET T. W. C. A. Leaders of Several States Gather in Omaha. CALLED BY NATIONAL BOARD Ftrat Conference of tha Kind Rver Held tn Thla Country and Im portant Work Will Be Ion. A conference of physical directors of the Toung Women's Christian association ha been called for the Omaha association building November 18 and 19. the call betns Issued by Dr. Anna L. Brown of the na tional board, secretary for the Department of Physical Education. It Is expected phy slcal directors from several states will br In attendance. This will be the first con ference of this kind ever held In the cour. try. During their stsy In Omaha the visi tors will be the guests of the local asso ciation. The annual Nebraska state convention of the Toung Women's Christian ansoctatlot will be held at Hastings, November 12-11 Miss Edith M. Dabb, national secretary, will be present, also secretaries from the Omaha and Lincoln associations and the ?tate university. Miss Florence Parmalee of Omaha la visiting; the college associa tions assisting the state committee tn mak ing plans for the convention. The membership committee of the local Toung. Woman's Christian association lx rejoicing ever the greatest membership In Its history, there now being over 2,6flf members. As the association year ends the last day of December, the committee Ik hoping to close the year by reaohlng the 1.000 mark. This Is more difficult than It seems as there will be 600 expirations be tween now and the last day of December, so that In order to reach the 3.000 In the year. It will be necessary to get 1,000 mem bers In the next two months. This, of course, Includes renewals. The member ship committee Issues a challenge to all other committees that It will secure more members In the given period than all of the other committees put together. The association offers a banquet to the winning team, which is to be served by the losers. Special Announcement. We recently purchased, from a receive! In bankruptcy, two hundred and fifty rag.-) These are room-size rugs. This sale was made about three months ago, but only last week did the receiver succeed In get ting Instructions from the court to deliver them on his sale. This is one of the best bargains that re have bought in recent years. The lot consists of various grades of 9x12 rugs, such as seamless Wiltons, very best Ax minsters, Blgelows, Electras, etc. Rugs that In the regular way of trade sell as high as $50.00 each. They are all absolutely sound and perfect and all new patterns. We will place them on sale next Monday at $19.98 each. As the best will naturally go first, the wisdom of) an early call Is suggested. J, L. BRANDEIS A SONS. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that by using The Bee advertlalng columns. SANDY ROSE TURNED OUT D. H. Weir, After Pecnllar Experi ence, Falls to Identify Al leged Barclar. Because Judge C. -M. Barhman consid ered the Identification of Bandy Rose In sufficient, despite the declaration of I). H. Weir, that he was the negro who had attempted to rob his barn, and whom he had pursued for several blocks after sur prising him in the act, the prisoner was discharged. Rose made emphatic denial that he had ever been In Mr. Weir's barn at 4S02 Cum ing street. At least Mr. Weir had some excitement with aome negro. He captured tha thief In the barn and discovered that both were lucked In. Then he ordered his captive to open the door that he might take him out and deliver him to the officers. The door refused to yield and the captive took the window route and vanished under a fusil lade of blank cartridges.. DYSPEPSIA BANISHED Bume folks have tried so long to find relief from Indigestion and Dyspepsia or an out-of-order stomach with the com mon everyday cures -jdvertlsed that they have about made up their minds that they have something else wrong, or believe theirs Is a case of Nervouaneas Oasti-ltis. Catarrh of the Stomach or Cancer. Thla, no doubt, la a aerlous mistake. Your real trouble is, what you eat does not digest; Instead, It ferments and sours, turns to acid, (las and Stomach poison which putrefy In the dig -alive tract and Intestines, and. besides, poison the breath with nauseous odors. A healthy appetite, with thorough di gestion, and without the slightest dis comfort or misery of the Stomach, Is waiting for you as soon aa you decide to try Papa's Diapepsin. Adv. MILLKU, 8TKWAHT & BKATON Are Closing Out Their': Surplus Stork of Linoleum. It 's our desire to innl, a genera) clean-up In our linoleum department We have more than fifty full rolls and many cut rolls which we wish to dispose of and are wiling to make a great sacrifice to accomplish our purpose. The patterns wo nre closing out art dropped from nest season's line. They are Just as good as those bought for tin coming season. All are perfect and w have large quantities of many of them. To Induce rapid selling and postltlvt clearance we ofer these at apeolal prices for Monday, November 3th, the 60c qual ity of linoleum 29c per square yard, 60c quality 39c per square yard, 65c quality 49c per square yard, T5c quality, 4 yardt wide, 55c per square yard. We are also offering a large line of In laid linoleums, 90c quality 76o per square yard, 31.25 grade, very fine patterns 90 per square yard, 1.50 grade at $1.10 pel square yard, $1.65 grade $1.36 per squart yard. . If you are In need of ary llnoleumi now or In the near future it Will be U your Interest to take advantago of till sale. Breathe it in it id juaranteed. to cure ' ill Beat remedy fot C0CCHS, COLDS, CR0UF, SORE THROAT, and all duoase oi the breathing organs. The pleasant, soothing, healing, gem killing air oi Hyemei it the only remedy that can reach and kul catarrh germ. Complete outfit, including pocket inhaler, $1,00. Extra botdaa, if aiterwardt needed. 50c. DRUUQI8T3 EVERY WHfcKK. Free Sample S201l.h"y"omt.! Co., Buffalo N. Y.. today and re ceive a trial bottle by return mail. POMPEIAfl POTTERY PRESENT ART RAGE Replicas of Styles Shown in the British Museum Are Now to be Had at Very Popular Prices. . Pottery, in good stats of preserva tion, has beeri- taken out of tbe ruins of ancient . Pompeii, hundreds upon hundreds of years after that blatorlo city was submerged by lava from ad jacent volcanoes. Tbe British Museum has. for years been the only exhibit place for these relics, but here lately the Italians In the. very neighborhood of old PompeH, have been making absolutely faithful replicas of theae ancient art objects uniquely covered with the green verdi gris that comes from ages under ground. And now the A. Hospe company of 1613 Douglas street, Omaha, is Import ing these replicas direct from Italy through the Miservi Import company of New York. In Jioepe's windows at this mo ment, are small vases, small Jardi nieres, urns and similar pieces of pompelan wares and think of it! one may take choice of any of. these pieces for a limited time at only 4 5c each. Not a piece in the lot Is worth less than $1 intrinsically from that up to $2.00. If you've a heart for the real In art you'll enthuFe over these relics but please note that the lot Is limited and that the pieces may be bad here only. ' A. I'OSPEJ CO., 1313 Douglas Street. Persistent Advertising is the Road to Big Returns. The Bee Reaches All Classes. RUPTURE ill ratkia ,jt eWuntin frurn buatn Nop Will t UV-jl4i Until ihJ IMtaVUl 1b tKJim- pktmiy urxl Writ or -ll ua FRANK M. WKAY, M. D. Um ft i4. Omth. U wa.,1 Ml Ta a y K -M W