Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaha Daily Dee.
t'lilerti) at Omaha postofflce a orond-
,aes matter.
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ally bet and Sunday, on yar 100
ally Bee (lncludlntf Sunday), per wekk.ISc
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KAIni l (without Hutiday). per week J
.vmlng Hee (with Sunday), per wk..l0e
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AiUrdav Hr. on yer -.. LM
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.livery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha The faee Building,
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ihlcago IM Marquette Hulldlng.
New York-Ro.,m 1101-1102 No. 31 Went
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Communications relating to newi and edl
orlal matter should be addressed: Omaha
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Stat of Nebraska. Douglae County, as.:
Oeorge B. Tssohurk, treasurer of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
says that the actual numtier of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning.
Evening and Sunday Hee printed during
the month or October. Ju, was mm iun".
1 .ao
, . .40,300
. It..
, . . .43.450
. . . .43,850
. ...41.7M
.... 48,488
4 .
4 .
o . ... .
: . .43,080
. ..40, 009 '
.. .43,450 r
.. ,44.470
,. .43,860
24 40,330
2B 41.880
54 41,888
27 48,850
21 48,810
29 48,000
30 48,070
II 40,600
11. ...... ..'.43,710
12.... 43,840
13 48,180
. .48,840
. .48,830
. .43,580
Returned copies
Net total 1,883,370
Dally average 41,781
Subscribed In my presence and aworn to
before) roe this 1st day of November, 1909,
(Seal.) .. M, P. WALKER,
Notary Public.
abierlkera leawlaar tcaa
porarlly ahoold have The Be
mailed ta them. Addreaa erlll few
changed aa oftea mm reqaeated.
It was republican weather, all right.
It got to be a case of even too much
Tom Johnson.
Let's call It square now by formally
calling the street car strike off.
It Is the same old Tammany tiger,
but hardly the same old smile.
.New York's white wings may now
clear away the campaign mud.
Pennsylvania proves still the key
stone of"poIitlcalJnte'ntmenC
. Indiana still seems to have an eye
fixed upon its favorite Beveridge.
Continental extremes of eclipsed en
thusiasm art Jerome and Heney.
It seems as If some people must have
remembered the'. 8 o'clock lid closing
Wonder which of the successful can
didates the Junior Yellow will claim it
Collector Loeb evidently does not
intend to nave the' fruit men hand him
anjr, lemons.
Loyal, Chicagoans have planned a
vindication banquet for Mr. Crane, but
ho seems to have lost his appetite.
Nearly 1,500 voters in this county
pulled the socialist lever. Put that
down for the socialist high-water mark
Please take note that as the Lincoln
Star went over to the democrats, Lin
coln and Lancaster county went back
to the republicans.
President Zelaya reports the rebels
crushed. But experience shows that
Nicaragua revolutionists crushed to
earth will rise again.
Watchers at the new seismological
stations will of course observe that
when the earthquake records are taken
they must be well shaken.
That reminds us three members of
the Douglas delegation to the lata dem
oeratic legislature have got the vindi
cation that was coming to them.
Admirera of Clyde Fitch are striving
to. mold a medal to him because he
was extremely modest. That is more
than can be said of some of his plays
Just seewhat comes from careless
ness about natural resources. Here's
Yucatan, with its neglect of the chicle
tree, and America facing a threatened
chewing gum famine.
A big fight between the Caunonltes
and the insurgents is predicted as soon
as copYa reconvenes. It is to bo
hoped our democratic congressman
from this district will not again take
to his heels.
Wonder how many women in Omaha
took advantage of their right to vote
for members of the school board. If
the small number could be known it
would make the suffragettes open their
eyes in astonishment.
It Is tolerably certain that Governor
Sballenberger neglected to get into tel
ephone communication with Falrview
before ha projected Crover Cleveland's
secretary of the interior for the demo
cratic presidential nominee in 1112.
The Result Locally.
Republicans of Omaha and Douglas
county have a right to feel gratlfled
over the sweeping victory scored by
their ticket In the local election.
Every man nominated by the repub
licans for county office or city office has
been successful, the democrats (taring
absolutely nothing but the police judge
In South Omaha and r -tr district as-
The only unusual feature of the re
turns is the comparatively large vote
polled by the socialist labor candidate
for sheriff, approximating 6,000,
which, while mpch less than claimed,
Is still greater than most wrl posted
people were willing to This
rote for the socialist seems to have
come more from the democratic than
from the republican side.
Not the least gratifying part of the
victory consists in the fact that it was
won by a clean campaign. Every re
publican seeking re-election, and the
ticket was made up with only three ex
ceptions of the present Incumbents,
stood on his record for faithful and
efficient service as a public officer and
appealed for an endorsement on . his
record. In striking contrast, the dem
ocrats pursued their customary raud-
sllnglng tactics to cover up the blem
ishes or incapacity of their candidates
with whom their ticket was loaded
It is said that history repeats Itself,
but this hardly holds good in political
contests. The local campaign just
crowned with republican success was
different from any that has ever gone
before, and the defeated democrats
will probably never make the same
mlstakc3 again.
The Trimming of Tammany.
Small comfort Is vouchsafed to Tam
many In the election of its nominee for
mayor, a candidate forced by the wig
wam dictator upon the unwilling dis
trict bosses to give respectability to
the ticket, and who throughout the
campaign proved wholly Intractable
and openly declared that no one should
nudge him how to vote. How much
of a Tammany man Mayor Gaynor will
be in office remains to Te disclosed, but
as a candidate he talked up as inde
pendent as he pleased.
.In the vital matter of municipal
patronage the tiger's claws have
plainly been trimmed with neatness
and precision. That billion-dollar ex
penditure, which was Tammany's
chief concern, comes within the prov
ince of the republicans and fuslonlsts.
Therein lies real sadness for the
democracy of Manhattan, and therein
Is shown the wisdom of the fathers of
greater New York, who. devised a
membership for the Board of Esti
mates and Apportionment in which
each of the boroughs should have Its
contributory control.
Mr. Hearst's share in the result is
difficult to estimate. On the face of
the returns it was his diversion 'of
Tammany votes that cost the tiger Its
rich spoils, yet there are those who
will maintain that his candidacy, was
a conspiracy with Tammany, and that
If he had not split up the fusion "vote
on the head of the ticket Tammany
would not have elected even the
mayor. v. .
The republican nominee, Mr. Ban
nard, who entered the campaign un
known to the public, made a credit
able canvass and comes out at least
with th credit of being the only nom
Inee who refused to descend to that
personal vituperation which made the
New York campaign notorious.
The Down-East Way.
To the New Englander the election
of a governor is chiefly a local affair,
and every campaign not extending be
yond state officials is governed largely
by the spirit of that ancient lnstltu
tlon, the town meeting. When a re
publican governor running for re-elec
tion in a New England state has his
previous plurality materially reduced,
it is safe to assume that local Issues
are materially responsible. In the
case of Governor Draper of Massachu
setts one .of the first causes disclosed
is the disaffection he created among
the labor Interests by his veto of the
eight-hour bill, an act which he was
kept busy explaining throughout the
campaign which he has just won by a
smaller margin than he had hoped.
While the democrats made a special
effort to inject national issues into the
Bay state canvass and flourished the
tariff as a bugaboo, much as they had
done In the days of William E. Rub
sell, they failed of their purpose.
Their candidate this year had not the
personality of Governor Russell,
whose one-time successes were largely
due to4 his individuality and who
finally was defeated as a rebuke by the
Massachusetts people to the party
leaders who insisted in trying to make
a state campaign purely on national
Issues which bad. already been deter
mined. How much of unrest the democratic
spellbinders managed to arouse in the
campaign Just terminating in the
re-election of Governor, Draper can
hardly be determined at this distance.
The down-east way is to make known
the definite feeling on national Issues
at congressional or presidential elec
tions. Massachusetts, In common with
her sister states, will vote for congress
men next year, by which time the full'
force of tariff and other national argu
ments may be measured. The elec
tion of Governor Russell, democrat, as
governor, for three successive terms
was in spite of the large majority
given to Harrison for president over
Cleveland in one of the years when
Russell carried the state, and it is
worthy of note that at the following
election Governor Russell was swept
out of office by a majority even larger
than that given to Harrison. The
vagaries of this New England state In
choosing its own officials are hard to
follow, but Massachusetts has regu
larly cast Its electoral ballot for a re
publican president since the days of
Commander Peary's Laurels.
The National Geographic society has
lost no time in placing upon Com
mander Peary the laurel for his dis
covery of the North pole. With this
scientific and authoritative endarae
ment of his proofs, he Is entitled to
the respectful homage of all men. It
Is unfortunate that his triumph has
been marred by such a display of Jeal
ous pride and temper, and now that he
has won his personal case before a
competent court of review b can af
ford to ignore further rivalry.
All fair-minded men will applaud
the society's announced Intention of
ascertaining the good faith of Dr.
Cook's claims to a prior discovery, and
the decision to send a commission to
Copenhagen, or to the Arctic regions
If necessary, gives promise of settling
beyond cavil, so far as unprejudiced
people are concerned, a controversy
that threatened to become intermin
able. In any event, Peary's wreath of
laurels is secure.
Our Sons and Daughters.
President Taft never got closer to
the human side of the American fam
ily than he did by his little homily on
the sons and daughters. He struck a
sympathetic chord in stating that as
a father he was glad he had no money
to leave for the boys, that their best
heritage was proper moral training
preliminary to being sent out Into the
world to cleave their own way. And
his wish of a happy marriage for his
daughter is the voicing of the common
American wish for the girl of the
Too many American girls seek
refuge in marriage through stress of
circumstances, and this fact is an im
portant contributory cause to the di
vorce record. Mr. Taft's attitude that
the girl should be trained sufficiently
so that she may make her own way if
need be, and that she should turn to
marriage only because of her heart's
desire, and not through necessity,
echoes the sound view of the thought
ful American parent.
"Scraping the ground" for his
daughter's start in life is the presi
dent's homely, but effective, phrase.
The fact that that daughter is attend
ing the very college whose head an
nounced only a few days ago that col
lege education not only fitted girls to
be independent, but also Increased
their opportunities for successful and
happy marriage, as shown by statis
tics she had gathered, is apt to inspire
more fathers to "scrape the ground"
to give to the daughters at least an
equal start in life with the sons.
An Ever Green Hope.
The American people, who accom
plished fulfillment of the cry "Fair
Cuba must be free," have never ceased
to, be, the chief contributors to the
cause of freedom for Ireland, and they
are- proving as ready as ever in gen
erously responding to the appeals of
T. P. O'Connor, now in this country on
his mission for funds for the cause.
The House of Commons has passed
the home rulers' Irish land bill, which
is suffering the mutilation to be ex
pected in the House of Lords, but that
body is beginning to feel the pressure
of popular opinion in home affairs, and
It 'may be that Mr. O'Connor's
prophecy that Ireland will have won
Its freedom by 192 4 will come to pass.
That is not so far to look ahead; it is
less than four presidential elections
removed as we reckon political events
in this country.
Many have come to look upon
autonomy for Ireland as the impossi
ble dream of a big-hearted race who
perennially have won our sympathies
by deserving them; even the skeptical,
however, would rejoice at the dream's
realization, and in the meantime it is
the part of liberty lovers to contribute
its practical encouragement to the
ever green hope that so steadfastly has
animated the sons and daughters of
the Emerald Isle.
"Grand Old Platte."
Grand old Platte, with no opposition to
the democratlo county tlcke rolls up a
majority tor euiuvan or more than 1.200,
with one precinct missing, and majorities
for Good and Dean from 1,060 to 1,100.
Post-election Statement of Chairman
Byrnes of the Democratlo State Committee.
"Grand old Platte!" Prom Chair
man Byrnes' yawp people might think
a revolution had been accomplished in
Platte county, when, as a matter of
fact, it has simply rolled up Hs normal
democratic vote.
Last year "Grand old Platte" gave
Governor Fhallenberger 2,678 and
Sheldon 1,382, makirz a democratic
plurality of 1,296.
When Judge Sullivan ran last time,
six years ago, "Grand old Platte" gave
him 1,966, as against 934 for Judge
Barnes, being a plurality of 1,032.
The first time Judge Sullivan ran, in
1897, "Grand old Platte," choosing
between two of its own sons, gave
Judge Sullivan 2,053 and Judge Post
1,101, being a democratic plurality of
' Grand old Platte" Is strongly demo
cratic, and with no opposition to the
county ticket ought to have gone unan
imous, but some of the republicans
there evidently still have the habit.
If the republicans In "Grand old
Platte" would only stop fighting each
other to get the postofflces and fight
th. democrats shoulder to shoulder,
they would occasionally roll up a re
publican majority.
The fact that no one man is neces
sary to any cause is demonstrated by
Buenos Ayres'.suocess in constructing
a f 10,000,000 opera house without the
aid of Oscar Haramerstein.
Every American, regardless of par
tisanship, must behold the exchange
of greetings between the president and
the southern people with a thrill of pa
triotic pleasure. The warm and sin
cere fellowship shown on both sides
Is more than the mere chivalry of host
and politeness of guest. It is a mani
festation of mutual understanding and
broad-mindedness which cannot but
stimulate the feeling of national unity.
While rotating the official primary
ballot the late legislature forgot to ro
tate the regular election ballot, and the
omission will be duly disclosed in the
are Harvest for Dealer.
Brooklyn Eagle.
Patten's profit of 14.000,000 in one day
again proves that a narrow strip of soil
on Manhattan Island Is the best place to
raise cottonv
AVIII He rind It Oatf
fit Paul Pioneer Press.
Chairman Norman E. Mack has deposed
Colonel Bryan from the democratic leader
ship. It Is expected that Mr. Bryan will
be angry when he finds out about It.
Elders Oat of the Rare.
Ucston Transcript.
In discussing the possibilities for the
supreme court vacancy, kindly omit men
of 6 years. Presidents are more practical
than that. They like to have their In
fluence a long one.
Gettlasi Next to Banco.
Washington Herald.
The people appear to have lost all in
terest In the guaranteed bank deposits
Idea. Perhaps that is because they have
found out that It does not mean guaran
teeing a bank deposit to everybody.
raraaltee Hackle To.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The hook worm trust Is about to feel the
antagonism of Standard Oil money. Our
parasites are not without compensating
advantages when they eat each other, al
though few muckrakers may face about
to note the beauty, of this altruism.
Prophets Without Honor.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Here we are again! After the goosebone
has told us that we are to be supplied with
winter weather from the most strenuous
stock of Medicine Hat the "hog mill" of a
Connecticut reader of auspices declares for
a mild winter. So we will all have to wait
and see what kind of weather it la, as It
Making; Salami nidlcolons.
New York Sun.
It was reserved to a twentieth century
Greek to make the famous name of Sala
mls ridiculous. Lieutenant Typaldos, like
Themlstoolea, Is a discontented politician
and a traitor to his country, but Themis
tocles at any rate had won the victory at
Salamls for Athena and for Greece be
fore he turned against them. Would Lord
Byron and Prof. William Everett have
sung of Salamls If they could have fore
seen what modern Greeks could do?
Looking; for a Moaes.
Boston Herald..
"Blessed be j, nothing." Dr. Woodrow
Wilson thinks. ,the democratic party is
fortunate In Its condition of poverty. Hav
ing no policies,' no recognised leaders, no
powerful financial allies, it has no en
tanglements. It can start with a clean slat
and map out a program of policies for
the general good. But still It needs a
Moses to lead It and to obtain for It the
tables of stone. Will Dr. Wilson assume
the responsibility T
Dodgrlng; Corporation' Tax.
Springfield Republican.
Philadelphia notes a tendency among
small business corporations to glv up that
form and go back to partnerships In order
to escape the federal corporation income
tax. Some large Incorporated mercantile
houses are mentioned as also likely to do
this. Undoubtedly the law. If It ever
comes to be enforced, will have the effect
of greatly reducing the number of corpora
tions, since it would offer a premium for
doing business In some other form; and In
the case of the smaller corporations with
few shareholders the advantages of in
corporation are not very substantial.
American Prodncts Lor for the
Coin of the World.
Cincinnati Inquirer.
The latest returns from the crops of the
country mark up the estimates of tlwlr
value in nearly every instance. It Is now
the opinion of parties In position to make
the most correct estimates that th seven
most Important crops of the country vlll
raise the values fully 1400,000.000 over the
same crops of last year.
With the exception of cotton and barley
the tonnage of all Is far greater than that
of last year, and this increased tonnage Is
one of the items which is adding much to
the earnings of the railway companies.
The Immense orders for equipment :iow
being poured Into the various car shops
and locomotive works by tf. railways of
the country are a testimony of In late
realization of the railway managers of the
flood of freight that Is already upon them.
Whatever shortage there exists In the
tonnage of cotton is more than made up
In the southwest by the Increase In ton
nage from nearly every other nttJrrf pro
duction and by extraordinarily large ship
ments of commodities and manufactured
articles Into the south, owing to the amaz
ing development of that section In nearly
every line of industry and In all that goes
to make substantial progress.
Europe is compelled to buy our cotton
this year at a very high price, and dealers
In the staple are of the opinion that for
eigners will contribute nearly ISOO.OOO.fOO to
our wealth through their purchaea of cot
ton of this year'a growth.
The shortage in cotton occurs this year
In the states west of the Mississippi the
greatest extent, and the increase in the
price per pound pours a golden torrent
Into the states that approximate a normal
North and South Carolina particularly
are reaping great profits this year from
their cotton crops, and business In both
states Is at an unprecedented high tide
even now, with every indication of still
better times as the season advances
The seven principal crops alluded to and
estimated upon are supplemented by many
other increased productions of the farms,
fields and orchards, and with all this addi
tion In tonnage there goes also an addition
in price In the case of nearly every article
the farmer produces.
It Is a year beyond all others In the pro
duction of solid wealth In this country.
The United States never secured such a
call upon th money of th world through
Its productions of th soil as la In process
of execution this autumn aud winter.
Washington Life
bort Sketches of Incident and epi
sode that Mark-th rrogT of
Ivent at th national Capital.
Two brief "resting spells" marked Presi
dent Taft's trip across the continent and
back. Unlike the ordinary excursionist,
rest does not await him at the Whit
House. Enough business Is piled up there
to suspeml the eight-hour limit for weeks
to come. As soon as he reaches Waahnlg
ton next Wednesday, the shadow of the
approaching session of congress will be
felt If not seen. There Is is a
message to compile and deliver scores
of offices to be filled, and various
suspended problems of state to solve. Bom
of the more Important matters on the
desk, summarised by a Washington cor
respondent of the New York Tost, Include
a conference with the Interstate commerce
committee of the hpuse and the commerce
committee of the senate, for the purpose
of outlining the administration's program
in congress during the winter. The pres
ident's general ideas with respect to pro
posed amendment to the Interstate com
merce and anti-trust laws were made plain
by his speech o his western trip at Pes
Moines, la. To lay down the general prin
ciples, of a pollc Jr to be pursued, however,
is vastly different from writing that policy
Into a statute which will hold. While all
men may subscribe to the general policy.
It Is the details of th statute that make
It plain what Interests and what Individuals
are to be moat affected thereby. It la
upon a multitude of details that congress
likes best to differ, and the oomlng con
ference, in all probability, will make mani
fest to the president how far he can go In
his program without opposition, and just
what kind of opposition he will b called
upon to meet.
In addition. President Taft will have to
confer some length with most of his
cabinet, because practically all the cabi
net officials are directly Interested In im
portant legislation coming before the next
congress. There Is no possibility of a re
port by th Monetary commission before
a year from this fall, according to In
formation which has reached Washington,
and, in the meantime, something must be
done to maintain the parity of thes2 per
cent Panama bonds already Issued, and
the t per cent bonds authorised by the re
cent special session of congress. If the
treasury is to be amply protected. Mr.
MacVeagh, secretary of the treasury, has
already announced that h prefer to Issue
certificates of lndebedness, drawing I per
cent Interest, instead of bonds, In case of
necessity, until congress rectifies th recog
nized discrepancy between the two classes
of bonds mentioned.
Furthermore, Mr. MacVeagh la deeply In
terested with the president in a retrench
ment In government expenditures. The
president Is expected by congress to see to
it that th estimate of the various ex
ecutive departments are kept well within
the estimated revenues for the next fiscal
year, and, if they ar not ao kept, to sug
gest to' congress means by which addi
tional revenue can be raised. It 1 not ex
pected that Mr. Taft will have to suggest
any new form of taxation to congress-, but,
on the other hand. It Is no easy matter to
A la usual, just before a session of con
gress th president will b kept exoeedlngly
busy conferring with member of both
houses, not only on the work of congress,
but on appointments to be made. Mr. Taft
has made comparatively few appointments
since March 4 last, and the ordinary roll
tine of keeping federal offices filled Is no
small job In itself. In addition to th cas
ual rijn of such appointments, the presi
dent has only a short time In which to
make up his mind about th new customs
court provided for In th new tariff bllL
That law provided that this court must be
organized, within ninety days. Thus far
only an assistant attorney has been ap
pointed In connection with It. In addition,
the president has to appoint an assistant
secretary of commerce and labor and an
assistant' secretary of th treasury to ad
minister the customs law. The resignation
of Charles R. Crane a minister to China
made vacant what Is generally regarded
as the most important diplomatic post In
the gift of the president
The program for the unveiling of the
statu of General Lew Wallace In Statuary
hall of the cabltol on January 11 has been
completed and an Incident which promised
to stir up a row between Indiana politi
cians Is closed. William Allen Wood of
Indianapolis, one of the three commission
ers, will deliver the address of presenta
tion. Senator Beveridge and Oovernor
Marshall have been placed on th program
for orations, and th Hoosler poet, James
Whll comb Riley, will read a poem written
especially for the occasion.
Lew Wallace, jr., of Indianapolis, grand
son of the general, will pull the cord that
will unveil the atatue. On the night of th
11th the Indiana society of Washington will
hold what It will call a Wallace meeting,
men of prominence having been asked to
deliver short addresses. The Indiana con
gressional delegation will be Invited to al
ter'! this function. An effort Is to b
mac! to have most of the survivors of the
Eleventh Indiana regiment, which General
Wallace commanded during the early part
of the war, attend the unveiling.
An Instance of "Unearned Increment"
In Foar Years.
Pea Moines Capital.
Four years ago a Jasper county farm
of 40 acres was sold for $83 per acre. A
few days ago the purchaser disposed of the
farm for f 150 per acre making a clean
cash profit of over f 16.000 In four years on
the increase In value of the land alone,
to say nothing of the money made on the
oats and corn and hogs and cattle which
a farm of that size would naturally pro
duce In that period of time.
The value of Iowa land Is at last be
ginning to dawn upon th minds of th
investing public. For years they have been
reading the flamboyant literature aent out
by the land boomers of the northwest, west
and south. Hundreds and thousands have
overlooked the bargains right in their own
neighborhood and have chased across th
country to some Imaginative land of
promise only to discover that they would
have done far better to remain where they
y art.
This Is not saying that there are not
great opportunities for Investment In many
parts of th country, but we do say that
if Iowa had had the boosting which Cali
fornia and some other states have received,
It would be known all over the world today
as the state of golden opportunity for the
real estate Investor.
Iowa land values are something which
no hard time period or commercial pan c
can materially affect. The day is com
ing when the average of an Iowa farm
will be above fl56 per acre.
Mlsht Help Bom.
Washington Post.
Now that Gladstone's ghost ha talked,
perhaps aom dead great leader of th
bous may b Induced to glv th American
hous of lords a few spirit rapping.
stikilf 'Von fbfmt
A. W. Astln Is the oldest street ped
dler In Chicago In years, but he is youn?
In service. He Is 01 years old, and he ob
tained a license at Chicago to peddle
wooden cups,
Jonathan Wright, who came to California
with Fremont's regiment and later fought
In the Mexican war, died in Monterey, Cal.,
aged 88 years. He was a native of Vir
ginia. An American woman who thought she
was being married to a mere count found
later that her husband was a cook. Instead.
However, these marriages do not always
turn out so well.
New York Is In a whirl of self-satisfied
delight. The Oerman admiral found Hb
bustle and hustle greater than that of
London. What more could any modern
metropolis desire?
Over In Russia th good aboard an
entire train were stolen, and then the looted
cars repainted and sold to the government.
Grafters in this country are ambitious, too,
but will have to concede that there is a
high mark to which they never have at
tained. Dr. William Key, one of, the best-known
and on of the richest colored men In
the United States, died recently at Bhelby
vlli Inn. He was the original owner and
trainer of the famous horse Beautiful Jim
Key, th children's pet, who gave a re
markable exhibition of sagacity in perform
ing arithmetical problems.
Th 1st Senator Vilas of Wisconsin,
left the bulk of his estate, said to amount
to $2,000,000, to the University of Wisconsin.
Some of the property Is in the state of
Washington, and a petition filed in the
probata court at Tacoma by Mrs. Vilas,
asking that ber rights be determined, may
cause some delay In paying over the sum
that will ultimately go to the university.
Ad-rise n Lower Ate Limit for Re
tirement. New York Post.
Brigadier General Charles Morton, com
manding th Department of th Missouri,
believes that the age retirement of the
army might ba fixed with advantage to the
service at 62, the age limit In the navy.
In his annual report he says on this sub
The limit of 64 yeara was a special favor
to some distinguished generals of th civil
war at the time of the enactment of th
law. An officer is rarely physically fit for
active service after 62 years of age. That
limit would benefit th service directly
and facilitates promotions some, and work
no injustice or Injury to deserving Indi
vidual. Lack of seal, energy and thor
oughness In the discharge of duty, In
difference, carelessness and Intemperate
hablta should be causes of expulsion before
th fact of age. Possibly only elder per
sons realize the fact that some men who
attain year retain physical and mental
vigor and possess th better equipment of
longer experience."
In th opinion of General Morton, of
ficer over 62 years of age should not be
required to take the ninety-mil test ride,
H says that these officers are subject to
retirement at the option of the president,
and will be compulsorily retired for age
In two year. The present regulation, he
says, would require a test ride to be made
in cases of officers who must be retired
within a short period. General Morton
says that he has noticed a steady and con
stant improvement in the .rmy of late
yeara. Judging from th troops and af
fair that have iw r.tly come u;idor his
observation, and presuming thct con
dition prevail In other depart'-ients, he
expresses the conviction that the army was
never In better condition or In a higher
Stat of efficiency.
People who are coffee particu
lar insist on having Old Gelden
Collet It is rich in aroma
and has a flavor and body
never found in bulk coffee.
Old Golden is blended by
expert every pound is uni
formit has none of the bitter
taste found in ordinary coffees.
Al Creeers 25 Cents a Pound
TONE BROS.,Ds Moines, Iowa.
MM in ftswi IM tros. Spitf.
iM m Mr m,t nmm r
Ho. Alum
President Taft' Advice to Conntry
Boy nnd Girl.
Cleveland Plain Dealor.
President Taft ha gone far and spoken
much. He has handled a variety of sub
jects with success as varying. He has,
however, said nothing better than his .
words to th children In a country town lnA
Texas the other day:
"I sincerely hope that you are not grow
ing up with the Idea that It Is your bust
ness to go Into the towns and cities.
The tendency toward the city Is not one
we ought to encourage. 'The place
for us to accomplish things Is In th coun
try. The cities will take car of them
selves." Whether this advice will bear analysts.
It Is a good doctrine to drill into the minds
of country boys and girls, not only In
Texas, but In every state In th union. It
Is In line with the alms of the Roosevelt
country life commission.
The quicker the young blood of th rural
sections can be persuaded that It most
profitable destiny lies In the country and
that the cities are not the golden promise,
of their dreams, the hotter for country and
city alike-the better for the youna man
hood and womanhood of the nation.
"Don't you think. Mary, you are too old
to play with the boys?" '
I Ilk them." JudKe.
Club Walter- (fishlng-I flreaWied last
niKht, sir, that you save me a 5 bill.
L ' . 1 f ..n.V. 1nm.,ut Thai1, m
little hlKh for a tip; biJ er you may keep
"Tltewodd wants the earth, doesn't heT"
"Yes, and If he Rot It he'd kick about
havlnar to pay taxes on it." Cleveland,
"Your remarks don't read as well as
those of your political rival."
"No," answered Senator Sorghum, "he
ha more luck than 1 have In getting smart
fellow to interview him." Washington
"Did he tell the whole truth?"
"Fractlcally. He told the truth with a
hole Just large enough for him to crawl
out of it." Puck.
Boarder Madam, did you put anything
deleterious in this pleT
Board'ng House Mistress (with dignity)
Certainly, Mr. Fussy. I always do use It
In my pies. Baltimore American.
"I'll give you a position as clerk" to start
with," said the merchant, "and pay what
you are worth. Is that satisfactory?"
"Oh, perfectly." replied the colleg grad
uate, "hut er do you think the firm can
afford It?" Catholic Standard.
The man who had been shot by th hun
ter opened hi eyes.
"Forgive me," sld the person with thrV
"Not yet." replied the sufferer, "but If
you can prove to a Jury that I look Ilka
a squirrel 1 11 think about it." Philadel
phia ledger.
Trolley Magnate Well, sir, what can I do
for vou?
Applicant I would Ilk a Job as conduc
tor on your trolley line. I am on of the
legislators who voted you the franchise.
Trolley Maanate eiorrv. but wa want
only honest men for conductors. Judge,
i "
Answer by Amicus Htnrdiorum Bonorum.
It is good to study Latin.
That more patient we my be
For to take whatever' given us
1 true philosophy.
And the digging, digging, digging,
Into chaos to get sense.
Makes our brain cells grow and gives us
Constratlon mora Intense.
We may say that we speak English,
But our English words we know
Are everlasting borrowers,
And much to Latin owe.
And it's surely srlentlfic.
To seek knowledge at Its sourest
So we'll Mtirli by good old Latin.
And not change the college course.
Your Grocer t Does he ever
blend it twice alike? Grocerf
sell all grades of corfee. They
grind the high-grade and low
grade in the same mill. Low
grade coffee is bittei some
of it is left in the mill and ruim
the flavor of the high-grade
coffee ground next. Next time
you want a pound; ask for
Tested by Taste