Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1909, Image 5

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1909 NOVEMBER 1909
Sun mo rut . wed thu ri sat
I 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 JO II 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 2324252627
28 2930 s
Her. moot Print n.
CTunHrtri' Hebofl of Dancing open.
m. r. twoboda C.rtlfi.d Acoountant.
Xln.hart, Photographer, lgth & Farnam.
Lighting- natures, Hurgei Qramlon Co.
Keya, photo, removed to It h & Howard.
Boad aalesmaa required for Iowa. Ad
dress y 748. care Bee.
Whit Waltsrs at Schllti Oaf Quip
service and courteous treatment.
Equitable Life Policies sight drafts at
maturity. H. ! 'eely, manager, Omaha.
Thar, are Several Ways of Sarin.; The
Nebraska Savings and Loan association
way, and others. Our way pays 6 per cent
per annum. 10 Board of Trade building,
1803 Farnam.
At Krall Out on Bond Al Krall, ar
rested for receiving stolen property In buy
ing car Journals from Juveniles, was re
leaned fiom tho city Jail Tuesduy on bond
of $500. He will betrled Wednesday morn
ing. and Barns Lot Bold An
other piece of downtown property changed
hands .when Elmer Redlck bought the
northwest corner of Twentieth and Harney
streets from Josephine Itawson for a con
sideration of .12.700.
Judge W. K. Hunger to Oo to Lincoln
Jrdge W. H. MuiiKr probably will go to
Lincoln next week to preside at the Lin
coln term of the federal courts, while Judge
T. t". Munger Is In Oninha hearing the
Overland Limited mall robbery case.
Sues Strsst Car Company Emma Keefer
has filed suit In district court for .10,000
against the Omnha & Council Bluffs Street
Hallway company, charging that by reason
of a violent Jerk of a car as she was de
barking, she lecelved serious Injuries. i
Bhlm.r fc Chats Win Bult Shlmer &
Chase,, real estate Kgents, are victors In a
suit heard by Judae Iledlck In district
fourt, which was brought by the American
ilectrlc company for a small amount.
Plaintiff alleged a balance due on a wiring
Job. . i . .
Zonsrgan Charges Assault A complaint
has been filed In county court charging as
sault with Intent to commit great bodily
InJurV upon the person of Charles Loner
gan of Florence. Jim Orton, "real name
unknown," and Eml". Hansen are the ac
cused. '
&OY-Blok Maldsn Also Sick of Bnlolda
Nellie Conway, ho took carbolic acid be
cause her sweetheart cast her aside. Is re
covering. .'She Is at Omaha General hos
pital, under the treatment of Dr. Philip
Kher. - She has decided that death has no
allurments for her and begs that someone
bring the unresponsive lover to her bed
side. Doubles Money on Baal Zstata E. M.
Leflang. bnnker of Lexington, who started
to invest in Omaha real estate some time
ago, has nearly doubled his money on one
piece of property which he has bought ana
sold. The 22 feet at 1112 Farnam street was
bought by Mr. Leflang for 17.000 and sold
to Sam Berkowlch for .13,000. It is a three
story building.
Called Out larly to Tls a Knot Justice
George C. Cockrell was summond to his
office Monday evening by a couple de
sirous of entering the wedded state before
.nnthur dawn set in. The groom was
Henry C. Cook of Chicago and his bride.
Miss Anna M. Owens of Oklahoma City
Okl. The parties met here and resumed
their Journey as one, ,
Work on On Mora Oarage Work was
started Tuesday morning and building ma
terial moved on tha ground for the building
of the new garage for the Sweet-Edwards
Automobile company on Farnam street Just
west of the Fredrlckson garage. The nulla
Ing will be 40x123 feet. Krnest Sweet has
sold one of his double flats at Twenty-
fourth street and Dewey avenue for a con
sideration of 111.600.
Blvr OougTsss Orators B. O. Garrett
of Fremont, candidate last year for the
offlo of lieutenant governor, and 13. w,
Caldwell of Sioux City, two men prominent
In tha campaign for systematic Improve
ment of tha Missouri river, will speak at
the noon-day meeting of business men at
tha Commercial olub Thursday. Tho third
annual meeting of the Missouri River Navi
gation congress will be held in Omaha De
cember 14. IS and 18.
'w Booklet Showing Haw Omaha Tie
The Northwestern railroad la preparing to
Issue a special booklet of Omaha and Coun
cil Bluffs, using photographs entirely new
and taken especially for this booklet under
the direction of the Omaha Commercial
club. The booklet will show all new build
ings up to November L It will have thirty
pages and la one of a series which the
Northwestern Is getting out of the leading
cities of tho west.
"f Julius r.rklna Kay Cut Bis lee Liti
gation between Julius Perkins and the City
of Omaha over condemnation of ground at
Carter lake Is averted by a stipulation en
tercrt In district court which settles the
matter for $1.4(10. The city agrees that the
right of Mr. Perkins to harvest Ice from
the lake, whloh is called "Cut-Off." de
spite the recent ordinance, shall be pre
served and that the use of piers, which the
city may build, shall be open to the whole
Ballway Mall Promotion. Harry Good
rich, Henry Spink and R. I Latta of
Council Bluffs, railway mall clerks on the
Omaha & MrFraland division of the Rock
Island, have been promoted from class
S to class 4a. James Alford of
Omaha and Milton A. Pottlnger, on the
same division, have been promoted from
class i to class 1 These promotions
are due to the reorganisation in the train
service on the Rock Island lines west of
the river and extensions of runs on trains
7 and 8 from Belleville to Phllllpsburg,
High Thought
for High Brows
Varsitydon Taket Auditors Over
Many a Mental Hurdle at
Himself when young did eagerly fre
quent doctor and sage and in much hectic
dialectic Indulged. Wishing to Involve
others In those snarls and snares of ab
stract metaphslcs In which he finds him
self entangled for life, he came here from
the University of Nebraska at Lincoln
to expound them to a class.
More simply expressed. Dr. E. L. Hlnman.
of the University of Nebraska last evening
delivered one of a series of lectures which
will be Klven every Monday night In the
lecture room of the Omaha Public library.
Tho class Is a private one to the extent
that a nominal fee Is asked of those who
come for more than one lecture. Univer
sity credit can be gained by those who
do a little outside reading as well, for
these lectures are not "extension" lextures,
but "In presence," as higher 'varsity slang
has It
The subject of last night's discourse was
Sensationalism and Rationalism," and Dr.
Hlnman took his auditors over many high
hurdles. He Jumped them over such ob
stacles to mental clarity and peace of
mind as knowledge and being, Idealism of
the Platonlo variety,. Innate Ideas, sense
perception, apriorl conditions of mind, mon
istic and pluralistic systems of meta
physics, to say nothing of such cognitive
or eplstemologlcal considerations as were
organically correlated with the ontologtcal
considerations and principles set forth.
Ah me! '
While dealing with the hardest subject
In the world to expound clearly. Dr. Hln
man has evidently sat long enough at the
feet. In a metaphorical sense at least, of
Profs. Joslah Royce and William James
clearest of modern expositors of these
themes to learn how himself to make dif
ficult subjects clear to an audience, and
his class will be a highly successful one
from the tectorial Ideal of Imparting In
Health Commissioner Connell Insists
He Needs $2,000 More.
Louise Schaaart Innocent Victim of
How Between Motorman and
Three Men In Bnggry.
She was riding In a street car and was
much Interested in the wrangle between
the motorman and three men in a buggy
who drove along even with the front of the
car and exchanged cunningly contrived vi
tuperation. '
Blit all on a sudden one of the men flung
a rock at the motorman and as a fllnger
he could not qualify for the hurling hill
of a championship ball team. Instead, the
rock flew Into the main part of the car
and Impinged on her eye.
What the thrower lacked In direction he
made up In force.
Consequently Louise Schuhart Is suing
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Rail
way company for $5,000 damages. Her pe
tition, filed In district court, avers that the
motorman kept his car slowed down for a
long time in order to exchange pleasan
tries with the three men In the buggy and
thereby negligently contributed to the accident.
Poles Likely to Re Removed from tha
Sidewalk on Roath Twentr-Fonrtn
Street and Wire. Fat fader
Consideration of city finance took the
place of the street car ordinances In the
council committee of the wnole Monday
afternoon. The lower fare ordinances went
over for another week against the protest
of Councllmen Kugel, Bridges and Schroe
der. "We are permitted by the legislature to
have only so much money," said Chair
man Funkhouser, "and If we begin to
break over for ' one department, pretty
soon we will have to do the same thing
for all."
Councilman Brucker took the same
stand, saying to Health Commissioner
Connell: "We don't think w are made of
money, do you, that we can put our hands
down In our pockets and give you all you
The health commissioner said that per
sonally It was a matter of lndlfferrence
to him whether he kept his present foroe
or let most of them go. "I do think, how
ever, that the council can declare an
emergency, and provide the funds neces
sary to run my department for the re
maining two months of the year as now
made up. I need more Inspectors instead
of laying off any."
The finance committee will try to find
a way out, which means digging up $2,000
for the health commissioner's office; and
In the meantime the men will remain at
work Inspecting meat, milk and back
alleys. " '
Poles and Wires Come Down.
After a talk by Attorney John Q. Kuhn,
representing the Southwest Improvement
club, Councllmen Bridges, Schroeder and
Kugel were named as a committee to pre
pare an ordinance to have the poles of
the telegraph, telephone and electric light
companies removed from the sidewalk
space along South Twenty-fourth and the
wires placed underground. Mr. Kuhn ex
plained that the sidewalks are very nar
row, and with- winter coming on all ob
structions should be removed.
Dundee officials will be notified that If
they deposit $3,000 In the hands of the
Omaha city treasurer by November 8, the
council will permit the western suburb to
connect a proposed sewer with an Omaha
sewer at Forty-third and Cuming streets,
A brass hand rail will be placed along
both sides of the Farnam street stairway
of the city hall, at a cost of $231.
The city attorney's department was In
structed to effect a compromise of the
suit of Forbes against the city for $1,100
ana the old houses now on a strip of
ground wanted , for street purposes on
Twenty-fourth near Fort.
If you have anything to sell or trade
and want quick action, advertise It In The
Bee Want Ad columns.
Association ' of Omaha Decides
Enlarge Scope and Beeoaaa
State dab.
Alumni of tho University of Michigan de
cided to change from Omaha Michigan
Alumni association to the University of
Michigan Alumni association of Nebraska
At a smoker which was held last evening
at tho Commercial club rooms. Plans for
future meetings of the alumni were dis
cussed among which were a dinner to be
given Saturday evening, November 20, the
data of the Minnesota-Michigan game when
the alumni hope to be able to celebrate, the
victory of Michigan over the Oophers. An
other gathering will be at the concert of
the Michigan musical clubs when they
appear in Omaha December 28.
The Cheerful
Distinguishes the package of
Post Toasties
?!l mm .
VV.1!.' 'u "'- E
and the delightful fla
vor and crispness of
the corn "toasties"
distinguishes the food.
Hade from fresh,
clean, selected, perfect
corn, handled and pro
cessed by most sani
tary methods.
Give Toasties a
chance to tell its own
comforting story from
the saucer in front of
'The Memory Lingers"
Pkgs. 10c & 15c.
Following; Parade, Addresses Are
Made at Washington Hall oa
Campaign Topics.
Labor' gavo a demonstration at Washing
ton hall Monday for the candidate the
unions have endorsed. A parade from
Labor temple to . Washington hall was
part of the program, In which about 300
men participated.
The speakers, who were labor leaders
and candidates, alleged that during the
rioting period of the street car strike and
until October 1 laboring men had been
denied the freedom of speech or right
of assembly. They said several mass
meetings held by the strikers and their
sympathizers were broken up by the of
ficers. To fall to support the labor can
didates at the polls would be equal to
giving up the rights permitted In Uie con
stitution of the United States.
Rev. J. L. Fisher was the first speaker
of the evening and was followed by K,
I. Morrow, who has been endorsed by the
Central Labor union. Mr. Morrow gave
a short sketch of his career while employed
by the street car company. Other speakers
were Fred Murray of the Building Trades
council, P. 3. Lenlhan, candidate for Jus
tice of the peace, who has been endorsed
by the Central Labor union; Pat Ford,
president of the Central Labor union; Ben
Commons of the Street Car Men's union,
Edward Leeder and others. The hall was
filled to Its capacity.
Guard tho health of your ramlly by keep
ing at hand a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It has no equal for
coughs, colds and croup.
Fifteen Pnplls Enrolled, with Alfred
Morris as Leader and Miss Von
Mansfelde la Charge.
Alfred Morris, a member of the senior
class, has organised the Omaha High school
orchestra for the year 11109-10 and will have
charge of the orchestra for this year. About
fifteen of the pupils have enrolled as mem
bers and prsctlce will be held every Mon
day. Miss Jo von Mansfelde, a member
of the high school faculty and a musician
of some talent, will be the teacher In
charge of the organization.
The Boosters club of the high school
held a meeting Monday to discuss means
of selling tickets for the game with Coun
cil Bluffs next Saturday. Chandler Trimble
who had charge of seeing about accomo
dations for a special train to Lincoln on
the 13th, reported that the Burlington had
offered the best accommodations and they
would go on that line. No special train
will be had, however, unless seventy-five
or more students go down to the game. A
mass meeting will be held Wednesday to
get a crowd out for the game next Satur
day and two In the week after to boost the
Lincoln game.
Alfred Kennedy, the athletic business
manager, has secured the Vinton street park
for tha use of the high scool on Thanks
giving day. He will try and secure a re
turn game with the Incoln High school
for that data, or If that la Impossible a
game with the Englewood High school of
Chicago, 111., may possibly be secured.
Local Internal R.venae Klgares Show
Sahstantlal Gala Over Last Year
for Octosxrr.
A significant Increasa In the receipts from
internal revenue for the Nebraska district
Is shown for tha month of October, 1909,
over the corresponding month of last year,
tho total Increase being $6M1L4L
For October, IMS, the receipts were
tW9.t67.49. For October. 1908. they were
SttK.K4.08. Tre larger proportion of these
receipts for the respective months were
for spirits, as shown by tha following
Spirits. V $I3K9
bplnts, 14 ItiiiiC.M
Increase, 1308
Per. w ,
titer, 1
eating comfort at
Yes, send off the old-fashioned
heating appliances to the junk
dealer. Even though you get so
little for them, it's far better to be
well rid of them. They are not
only the cause of hard and un
necessary toil; they not only cause
discomfort and unhealthful condi
tions, but they are ruinously expensive.
L Radiators Iboilers
will wipe out all your heating troubles and bring you peace of mind, and
healthful living conditions. Besides, they save coal so fast that they soon
repay their cost IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators will outwear the building will
give you greatest heating comfort and utmost fuel economy to the end of your days.
Gentlemen : Having- used an IDEAL Boiler tha past winter, will say tho heating capacity of tamo or amount of fuel wag beyond
my belief I beat an eight-room house, 26 x 34, on tlx ton of smokeless coal nearly one-half of cost of hot-air furnace for same room
one year ago. I can certainly recommend the boiler. W. O. KNOPF, Cleveland, Ohio. ; ,
Gentlemen -.-Referring to the IDEAL Boiler and AMERICAN Radiator purchased four years ago. They have pleased me beyond
expectation. Although used four yean, they are practically as good as new ; have expended no money for repairs of any kind, and as to
cost of fuel consumption my bills are about one-ban ot wnat it cosi 10 neai my nouoo w., nuvo, iU ,
house bo uniformly warm and cozy and home-like. In short, the system is and does everything that is claimed for it.
Will build another house this fall, and will have IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators installed, because I am con
vlnced they are the best beating apparatus made. F.-CHOTT, Cleveland, Ohio.
A No. 1-tt-W IDEAL Boiler and 422 ft. of
88-in. AMERICAN Radiators, costlns the
owner $200, were used to Hot-Water
heat this cottage, at which price the goods
can be bought of sny refutable, competent
Fitter. This did not Include cot of labor,
pipe, valves, freight, etc., which Installa
tion Is extra and varies according to cli
matic and other conditions.
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators are annually
replacing thousands of old-fashioned heating equipments that
have been found wasteful and wanting in OLD cottages,
houses, stores, churches, schools, etc. Ever hear of any one
going back to other forms of heating once they have tried our
.way? Any argument in that to you?
Write to-day for catalog , "Ideal Heating. "
-i i
wife LJi
IDEAL Boiler, mak. (very
pound of fuel do It. utmost
heating- work. They do net
rust aut .r wear out hence
are pcrmaneot,avlBs; loreet- .
Write to Dept. N-80
413-417 South Tenth Street, Omaha
Public Showrooms and Warehouse, located at New York, Boeton, Philadelphia, Washington, Buff.lo. Pittrturir, Cleveland, Cincinnati .Atlanta, Indianapolis, Milwaukee,
Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Brantford (Ontario), London, Parle, Berun, Milan
w w
It :
H. T.
Brass Keeps Vital Statistics
Eecord Without Pay.
Board of Education Grants Request
ot High School Foot Ball Team
to Play York Miss Stone
Trje city council turned down the ordi
nance relating to the preservation of vital
statistics and providing a fee for that work
on the recommendation of the city charter
contemplated that cither tho city clerk
or the city physician should do this work.
It would nppear that H. T. Brass who has
been keeping the record for several months
will have done the work for nothing unless
ha secures his pay from the present city
clerk or city physician who refused to do
the work. Mr. Itrars sought to have the
ordinance parsed In order that he should
iccelve pay.
A protest was registered against the pe
tition to pave Twentieth street from N to
S streets.
A petition was received and favorably
reported by the city engineer and city at
torney for the pavement of J. street from
Twenty-fourth to Commercial streets.
Several ordinances for grading and Im
provement were passed. The contract of
Dan Hannon for the grading of M street
was approved. The claims for the month
wero passed.
A communication was received from Au
gust Miller on the laying of the concrete
base to the pavement of West L. street. He
declared that the National Construction
company was short in the number of sacks
of cement fully 800. He said he had been
assaulted by employes of the company
when acting as city Inspector. He asked
redress at the hands of the council. The
matter was referred to a committee of the
whole and to the city engineer.
The city treasurer made Ills monthly
report, showing a balance of (295,768 In the
Soath Omaha to Play York.
The Board Of Education last night voter?
to permit the foot ball team to play th
York game Friday of this week. Sever
new teachers were employed. They were
Misses Lue Baker, Julia Kearney. Paloni.
Brant, M. Brooks and Christine Jensen.
Thd resignation of Miss Irma Uandali
was accepted.
Lecture by Ellen Stone,
An audience of several hundred occupied
every seat at the First Christian church
lat evening to hear the lecture of Miss
Ellen Btono. She told the remarkable
story of her capture by the brigands of
Macedonia and her six months" captivity
in the mountain fastnesses of the Balkan
Flnley-nandall Wedding-.
Merlin R. Flnley of McClellan, la., and
Miss Irma Randull, daughter of Mrs. V.
D. Randull, 2308 J street, were married
at t p. m. Sunday, October 31. Rev. J. M.
Bothwell of the First Methodist church
performed the ceremony. It was a quiet
wedding, the guest lint comprising the rela
tives and most Intimate friends of the
parties. The rooms of the residence were
attractively decorated with ferns and cut
flowers. A chest of sterling silverwaro
comprised the chief contribution of the
Both the groom and bride are well known
In South Omaha. Miss Randall was for
three years a teacher at the Lincoln
school. The teachers of that school gave
her a luncheon Friday and bade her fare
well on leaving the fraternity. The groom
was for a number of years emeployod In
he Union Stock yards. They will make
heir home at McClellan, la., where the
room Is engaged in farming.
Blaarle City Gossip.
Mrs. Mike Sweeney is reported seriously
Miss Mary Mann Is reported quite ser
iously HI.
Vote for J. J. Maly for police Judge and
don't forget It. Adv.
The sanitary Inspector reported ten cases
of dipththerla duiine octooer.
Miss Hattle Kobers entertained a party
: of young people last evening after the cus
toms of Hallowe'en.
I C. Ilrablk, aged 7 months, son of Cenek
Hrablk of Samy county died Sunday at
Gibson while the parents were visiting.
W. P. Monroe was arrested In South
Omaha for the alleged abandonment of his
wife In Omaha. He was turned over to tne
Omaha authorities yesterday.
Mrs. Ophelia Wright, aged 62 years died
yesterday morning. The funeral will be
held from the residence, 212 North Thirty
eighth street at S p. m. today.
The women of the Methodist church will
serve a first class dinner today at p. m.,
to which all are Invited. After the dinner
Judge Kennedy will address the Methodist
William Palyuk disappeared from Wise
Memorial hospital In Omaha Sunday morn
ing being at the time, delirious. His South
Omaha friends are seeking to locate him.
His brother, Yehll Palyuk, 2603 N street,
would be glad to hear from him.
BIO SPECULATION Lot 11, , Block 7,
South Omaha, 60x150, with 1-story building,
known as 819-21-23 No. 2Tth St., occupied
by Maglo City Barrel Co. Non-resident
owner must sell, la prepared to make a
big sacrifice. Building needs repairs, but
can easily be made a profitable Invest
ment. A live speculator awake to the fu
ture of ?5th between "N" and "O" can
make a big profit on this property. Meke
us an offer. Payne, Bostwlck A Co., Sole
.A a-nts, N. Y. Life Bldg., Phone Douglas
No Case an Heeord.
There Is no case on record of a cough or
cold resulting In pneumonia or consumption
after Foley's Honey and Tar bas been
taken, as it will stop your cough and break
up your cold quickly. Refuse any but tha
genuine Foley's Honey and Tar In a yellow
package. Contains no opiates and la saf.
and sure. Sold by all druggists.
I 3Hi.90
$ iu m a
90.1U5 U0
Increase, 190S I t,
along Goo
akes Friends
There is no way of making lasting friends like "Making Good"; and Dr. Pierce's medicines well
exemplify this, and their friends, after more than two decades of popularity are numbered by the
hundreds of thousands. They have "made good" and they have not made drunkards.
A good, honest square-deal medicine of known composition is
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
It still enjoys an immense sale, while most of the preparations that came into prominence in
the earlier period of its popularity have "gone by the board" and are never more heard of.
There must be . some reason for this long-time popularity and that is to be found in its superior
merits. When once given a tair trial tor weak stomach, or tor liver and blood affections, its
superior curative qualities are soon manifest; hence it has survived and grown in popular favor, while scores of less
meritorious articles have suddenly flashed into favor for a brief period and then been as soon forgotten.
For a torpid liver with Its attendant Indigestion, dyspepsia, headache, perhaps dixzlness, foul breath, nasty
coated tongue, with bitter taste, loss ot appetite, with distress after eating, nervousness and debility, nothing Is
as good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
It's an honest, square-deal medicine with all its ingredients printed on bottle-wranper no secret, no hocus-pocus hum
bug, therefore don't accept a substitute that the dealer may make a little bigger pront. Insist on your right to have what
you call for. Don't buy
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
Expecting it to prove a " cure-all." It is only advised for woman's special ailments.
It makes wealc women strong, sick women well. Less advertised than some preparations sold for like purposes,
Its sterling curative virtues still maintain Its position in the front ranks, where It stood over two decades ago.
As an invigorating tonic and strengthening nervine it is unequaled. It won't satisfy those who want " booze," for
there is not a drop of alcohol in it.
Dr. Pierre's Pleasant Pellets, the triginal Little Liver Pills, although the first pill of their kind in the market, still lead, and when
once tried arc ever afterwards in favor. Easy to take at candy. They regulate and invigorate Stomach, Liver and Bowels.