Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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is io
Witnesses from Kawville Testify to
Show Prisoners Were There.
Witnesses Identify Men Who Boarded
nt Their Home Before nobbery,
as Ther Knew Them
Yesterday afternoon was Kansas City day
In the trial Of the Overland Limited mail
robbery case. The principal Import of the
evidence was to show that the five men.
Matthews, Torgenson, Woods, Grlgware
and Shelton were In Kansas City, Mo., dur
ing the early part of April; that they left
there for a short while, returned again to
Kansas City, and. left there finally about
May 15, the week preceding the robbery of
the train at Mud cut In Omaha.
The five jroen took rooms for a week at a
. time in Kansas. City, though they were not
always rooming at the same house, rather
(dividing toijisatreirage with different
'rooming nouses."
The principal witnesses of the afternoon
'were Kate Snnll, Mrs. 8. K. Whltefleld of
111 West Twelfth street. Belle House, Effle
House, Mrs. C. M. Smith and Mrs. Dora
lilies of 008 East Twelfth street, all of
Kansas City.
Rented to Two of Them.
Kae SneH was In charge of a rooming
house on Twelfth street and had rented u
room to Grlgware and Torgenson. The
latter was known as Fred Derf, one of his
aliases. She knew Orlgware quite well and
visited the theater once or twice with him.
and had also corresponded with him after
he left Kansas City finally, the letter be
ing mailed from Omaha. She had frequently
seen Shelton. Woods and Matthews, as the
men often exchanged visits.
Mrs. 8. E. Whitfield had also seen all of
the man except Shelton, and had rented
rooms to Orlgware and Torgenson, though
at the time she did not know their names,
other than as Frank and Fred. She said
they bad represented themselves as broth
ers and she understood their names to be
Gordon. Woods and Matthews had visited
the two men at her house and she saw
them several times.
Belle House was a waiter tn a restaurant
and saw all of the five accused men fre
quently tn Kansas City and waa more or
less familiar with them. She was specially
friendly with Torgenson, whom she called
Frits. Pan was the name applied to Woods
and Matthews had been given the name of
"Bully Red" by her. She, too, had received
a postal card from Torgenson after the first
time he left Kansas City In April, and on
his return he asked for the postal card and
destroyed It. ' The last time she saw him
was about May IS.
Talked to All But Shelton.
.. Effle House of 1208 Harrison avenue
kad seen and talked with all of the "boys"
of Indigestion
Is usualy the result
of improper food.
Right food will correct the
is a predigested, scientifical
ly made, , pure food, that
nourishes and strengthens
; the weakest stomach.
"There's a Reason for
Postum Cereal -Co.,
Special Display and Sale
of --
Over One Thousand New Coats
The advantage of buying at Orkins
is apparent to all who investigate.
In this great exclusive cloak house
thousands of coats are shown from
the popular priced to the finest gar
ments that the world's greatest de
signers produce.
On Wednesday morning we will
place on sale over 1,000 beautiful new
coats, made of finest broadcloth, all
wool covert and imported fancy materials.
$25 and $27.50
values, at
$30 and $32.50
values, at
except Shelton several times during, their
stay In Kansas City, but did not see any
of them In Kansas City after May 15.
Belle House was recalled and testified
to seeing an automatic pistol In Torgen-
son's possession and that no took It from
his grip and showed it to her on one occa
sion. Mrs. C. M. Smith said she had seen
Woods and Shelton early In April and that
they had rented a room of her.
Mrs. Dora Hlles of 608 East Twelfth
street had seen Matthews, Orlgware, Shel
ton and Woods on several occasions at her
rooming house, but met them only casually.
The trains yesterday brought In several
witnesses from Ogden, Spokane and Colo
rado Springs to testify In behalf of the
government. Several witnesses are also
here for the .defense, to assist In putting
up an alibi for at least two of the accused
Of fleer Hell on Stand.
The first witness of the afternoon was
Officer Joseph A. Hell, who recovered the
two grips from the Iler annex rooming
house on Friday, May 28, which are al
leged to belong to Shelton, ani. which he
left In his room on his hurried departure
from the Slnhold rooming house In the old
Iler annex, when he heard the newsboys
calling out extras relating to the arrest
of Orlgware, Woods and Torgenson.
It Is thought that these two grips will
figure prominently In tying up Grlgware
and Shelton In the case, and It may be
brought out that Shelton was the fourth
man who escaped by jumping down the
bank the night of the arrest of Grlgware
(Gordon), Torgenson and Woods.
Captain Mostyn Identified a coat that was
recovered with the mall sacks from the
attlo of the Brown Park school house, from
the pockets of which he had taken a piece
of gray cloth and a partly burned candle.
Judge T. C. Munger, who Is presiding at
the trial has given repeated warning to
spectators In the court room regarding
making any expressions of approval or
dissent . during the examination of wit
nesses, and lias announced that he will Im
pose a fine or Jail sentence for contempt
upon any one violating this order.
A reliable medicine for croup and one
that should always be kept at hand for
Immediate use la Chamberlain's Cough
The Weather.
For Nebraska Fair and warmer.
Temperatures at Omaha yesterday:
E a. m
6 a. m
.... 4"
.... 46
.... 45
7 a. m...
8 a. m 46
10 a. m..
11 a. m..
12 m
1 p. m..
2 p. m..
8 p. m..
4 p. m..
6 p. m..
8 p. m..
7 p. m..
8 p. m..
(p. m..
Docron on food
Experimented oa XI mm If.
A physician of Gallon, O., says: "For
the last few years I have been a suf
ferer from indigestion and although I
have used various remedies and pre
pared foods with some benefit It was
not until I tried Grape-Nuts that I
waa completely cured.
"As a food It is pleasant and agree
able, very nutritious and Is digested
and assimilated with very little effort
on the part of the digestive organs.
A a nerve food and restorer It has
no equal and, as such. Is especially
adapted to students and other- brain
workers. It contains the elements
necessary for the building of nerve
tissue aud by so doing maintains an
equilibrium of waste and repair.
"It also enriches the blood by giving
an Increased number of red blood
corpuscles and In this way strength
ens all the organs, providing a vital
fluid made more perfect. I take grant
pleasure In rocoinmendlng Its use to
my patients for I value It as a food
and know It will benefit all who use
Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich.
$35 and $40
values, at
Pleasures Past
octal Events of Hot at Which
Congenial Fopl. Meet and En
Joy TtaemselTes to the Utmost.
The largest affair of today was the mus
leal and tea given by the members of the
Tuesday Morning Musical club at the
home of Mrs. A. J. Poppleton. Mr. Albert
Borroff of Chicago gave the program, ac
companied by Miss Corrlne Paulson and
Mrs. Myron, Learned, president of the club,
had charge and received the guests.
Miss Edith Locke waa hostess at a box
party this afternoon at the Orpheum thea
ter for the members of the Well-Yatea
wedding party. The guests Included Miss
May Yates, Miss Ethel Baliman, Miss Amy
Gllmore, Mrs. Well and Miss Valerie Well
of Cincinnati; Mrs. Anne Yates, Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Yates, Mr. Harry Well, Mr.
Oustav Weil, Mr. Harry Irving, Mr. Her
bert Weil, all of Cincinnati; Mr. W. A
Frazlerof Dallas, Tex.; Mr. J. B. Ltndsey,
Mr. Frank Yates,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Marsh gave a Hal
lowe'en supper Sunday evening In honor
of ailss Myra Whldden, who has returned
from an extended stay In Seattle. A large
Jack o'lantern was In the center of the
table, and at each place were red app'.e
candlesticks. Covers were placed for
Misses'" Myra Whldden, Tress Robblns,
Russell McKelvey, Nell Encell, Messrs.
Charles Needham, James Allan, Eiston
Dooley, Frank W. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. W.
T. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Mars'.i.
Mrs. Mel Uhl gave a luncheon party
today at the Omaha club Hn honor of the
out-of-town guests who came to attend the , trlot court of Lancaster county. Of these
Wright-Cole wedding. American Beauty twenty were to women and eight to men.
roses formed a pretty centerpiece for the The grounds upon which they were granted
table and the guest list Included Mrs. E. were as follows: For cruelty and non-sup-Comble
Smith of Kansas City, Mrs. Itich- port, eight; for non-support, six: for
ard Forbes of Kansaa City, Mrs. Edward
George of Denver, Mrs. David Cole, Mrs.
J. L. Nuelson, Mrs. John Martin, Mrs. T.
A. Fry, Mrs. Edson Rich, Mrs. Paul Sis
son, Mrs. Fred Dale, Mrs. F. R. Streight,
Mrs. Paul Gerber, Mrs. George Gillespie,
Mrs. Edward Gill, Mrs. Joseph Polcar,
Mrs. Frank Welty and the hostess. After
luncheon, automobiles awaited the guests
at the club and they rode to the home of
Mrs. Uhl, where an Informal musical after
noon was spent
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ferris celebrated
their twelfth wedding anniversary by giv
ing a whist party at their home last even
ing. The house was decorated with a va
riety of cut flowers and those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hoover, Mr.
nd Mrs. John K. Bittinger, Mr and Mrs.
T. I. Devol, Mr. and Mrs. F. Osborne, Mr.
and Mrs. T. D. Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, Mr.
and Mrs. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. W. T.
Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, Mr. and
Mrs. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Ferris,
Mr. Philip Heath.
A masquerade party waa given at the
home of Miss Fay Carter Saturday even
ing. The houre was decorated In yellow
and red chrysanthemums, autumn leaves
and Jack-o'-lanterns. The evening was
spent In dancing and games. The costume
prizes were won by Miss Jeanne Lee, who
was dressed as a Navajo princess, and
Mr. Glenn Carter, who was drensed
as a tramp. Those present were
Misses Ruth Kinney, Martha Striker.
Cordelia McCulloch, Lura Brown, Jeanne
Lee, Brownna Van Zant, Anne Sorensen,
Burdette Summers. Clara Slefkin, Mazie
Clarkson, Nancy Haze, Maud Gunner, Fay
Carter, Messrs. Fred Hughes, Charles,
Rosslter, Michael Dunphy, Harry Slgwart,
Bob Turner, Paul Anthea, Stuart Webster,
Ord Von Dorn, Al Axford, Harry Haze,
Hugh Wallace, Frank Rapp, Percy Axford
and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carter.
Miss Ora Russell of Forty-third and Fort
streets was surprised by a Jolly party of
friends Monday evening. Hallowe'en stunts
and a "country stroll" afforded the chief
amusement of the evening. For refresh
ments the guests were seated at one long
table lighted only by Hallowe'en favors.
In the party were Misses Genevieve Owens.
Janet Camaby, Orle Mae De Vor, Jessie
Cushlng, Ethelyn, De Vor, Marlon Fay, Ora
Russell, Messrs. Ralph Donahay, Joe
Camaby, Harry Fay. George Noss, Robert
Dougherty, George Boyden and Homer
Miss Helen Lowry gave a week-end
Hallowe'en party at her home. Hallowe'en
uecoratlona prevailed throughout the
house. Games, music and dancing af
forded amusement. Those present were
Misses Can-id Clawson, Mabel Slaven, Mil
dred Bryant, Cecil Taylor, Agnes Slaven,
Helena Gentleman, Eunice Bryant, Geane
Taylor, Irene Delehanty, Frances Dele
hanty, Clarissa McBrade. Helen Lowry,
Messrs. Baron Butts, Frank Plombeck!
Cran worth Coleman. James Dugdale, Willis
Rushalan, Louis Vlnlqulst, Richard Dug
dale, James Coleman and George Broder
sen. QuicU Action for Your Money You get
that by uslug The Bte advertising columns.
Homes Will Supplement Hotels in
Entertaining the Delegates.
Most Elaborate Rver Made by State
Association Will Be Presented
at the Aadltorlnm la
Tkla City.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb.. Nov, j I. (Special.)
The State Teachers' association will begin
Its sessions tomorrow. The Industrial ex
hibit at the City auditorium Is about all
In place and Is the mml extensive exhibi
tion of the kind ever made at a teachers
meeting here.
Many of the teachers are expected to
arrive In the morning and to care for the
crowds, the secretary of the Commercial
club has called upon the citizens to open
their homes to the teachers.
The Llndell hotel, which la undergoing
extensive repairs, has fitted up as many
rooms as possible for the use of the
teachers and the Indications are there will
be no need for any of the visitors being
crowded or discommoded.
Pita on Itallrond Laws,
TJ. G. Powell and L. K. Wettllng. repre
senting the State Railway commission and
the legal department of state, have re
turned from Chicago, where they went to
take evidence and do soma Investigating
preparatory to the taking of evidence In
the railroad case next week In Omaha. Mr.
Powell and Mr, Wettllng have figured how
they can turn the statistics of the railroad
companies to the advantage of the state,
and their visit to Chicago more than ever
Impressed them with the correctness of
The cases to be heard In Omaha have to
do with the constitutionality of the rail
road legislation enacted by the legislature
of 1907, including the 2-cent fare law and
the reduction In freight rates.
. M. W. A. Tnbercalosla Home.
Head Consul A. R. Talbot and other of
ficers of the Modern Woodmen of America
have gone to Colorado Springs for an In
spection of the new tuberculosis sanltorium
established by the order and to work out
plans for Its enlargement. Those accom
panying Mr. Talbot were A. N. Bort of
Belolt, Wis., chairman of the M. W. A.
hoard of directors, and E. E. Murphy of
Leavenworth, Kan., treasurer of the sanl
torium. The Institution was opened last January
and now contains 127 patients. It has a
group of central buildings, with tent col
onies grouped about the grounds. Three
of these colonies have been laid out al
ready, each with Its own utility building,
and there Is room for several others. There
Is a. larger waiting list ofpatlents, as the
sanltorium has hot been able to take all
whose applications were presented. The en
largement now In view will relieve some of
th,e pressure. Five of the patients now be
ing treated are from Nebraska.
Officials Can't Sell to City.
City Attorney , Flansberg has officially
Informed the members of the city council
that they cannot legally enter Into con
tract with the ctty and sell It goods. This
opinion came up aa a result of the action
of Alderman Hoppe In, selling hardware to
ho city. Councilman Hardy, objected to
the payment of the. , bill and the city at
torney was asked to decide the question,
and he did.
Dry Gooda Jobbing- Honae.
The city of Lincoln, through Its com
mercial club, is negotiating for' a whole
sale dry goods establishment. The pro
moters agree to put In $150,000 If the people
will give $200,000 more.
Divorces Granted In County.
During the month of October twenty-
i eight divorces were granted In the dis
cruelty, six; for abandonment, eight.
Because, as she alleges, Frank Patton
two weeks after their marriage ceased to
contribute to her support. Pearl Patton
has applied to the district court for a
divorce. She asserts that they were mar
ried In this city January 4, 1904, and dur
ing the two weeks that he supported her,
she alleges he was guilty of cruelty. It Is
further charged that he abandoned her
more than three year ago.
Henry Rnsaell Send Ballet Into Side,
bat May Recover.
FULLERTON, - Neb., Nov. 2.-(Speclal
Telegram.) Henry Russell, aged 17 years,
while hunting met with a serious accident.
The young man had shot a muskrat and
reversed his gun to fish It out of the river.
The hammer caught on something, the gun
was discharged, the load struck the ' boy
In the left side Just above the hip, tearing
a great hole In the aide. He was alone
and when he regained consciousness he
managed to crawl to his horse and buggy,
and made his way home.
His physicians hope for his recovery,
as they think the Intestines are not In
jured. I'ncle Sam Accuses Farmer.
GRAND ISLAND. ' Neb., Nov. J. (Spe
cial.) Henry Ahrena, a farmer ftf the
eastern part of Buffalo county, waa ar
raigned before United States Commissioner
Cleary on the charge of destroying a
rural mall box, and was bound over to
the federal district court under bond, to
appear at the next terra In this city. The
arrest Is said to be another chapter In a
long feud between Ahrer.s and his neigh
bor, Fred Stelnke. On a former occasion
Stelnke had Ahrens arrested on the charge
of shooting at a younger brother of
Stelnke's, but upon trial In the district
court of Buffalo county Ahrens was ac
quitted. Stemke alleges that Ahrens con
tinues the alleged molestations.
Woman Dies Suddenly.
SARGENT, Neb.. Nov. J (Special.)
Mra. William Hall, who lived three miles
west of here, died very suddenly Thursday.
She came to Sargent on that day with the
family to the barbecue, and about t o'clock,
having a headache, went to Mrs. William
Pfrehm's, an old friend of hers, to lie
down, and feeling worse a physician was
la a Constitutional Disease
It originates In impure blood and
requires constitutional treatment, act
ing through and purifying the blood,
for Its radical and permanent cure.
The greatest constitutional remedy la
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In usual liquid form or In chocolated
tablets known as tiarttatabs. 100 doses
Nasal and other local forms of catarrh
are promptly relieved by Antlseplets or
Catarrleta, 50c, druggists or mall.
C. 1.' Hood Co., Lowell, Mass.
Given Away
When In need of a piano, you owe It to yourself to call at our warerooms
before buying, because you have the greatest variety of pianos to select from.
Stelmvay, Weber, Sieger, Kniemon, llaidman, Mehlfn, Md'hall and our Hand
Made Srhnioller & Mueller and many others.
You can buy a piano here at your own terms, $1.00 per week or less, and
because our prices are materially lower than other stores located in the high
rent Uatrlnf
Another piano will be given away absolutely free between the hours of 3 and 4 p. m., batuitiajr, oemur
the only rondttion being that you present this ad to our floor manager.
The first piano was awarded to N. L. Aldrlch. 2010 Webster street.
The second piano was awarded to Mr. t)sen Styles, 1121 Georgia Avenue.
The third piano was awarded to Miss Bertha Ilrown, 2219 Seward 8t., who writes the following letter!
Oct6ber 30, 1909.
My attention was called a number of times this week to the advertisement of the Schmoller A
Mueller Piano Co.. offering to give away absolutely free on the afternoon of Saturday, between the
hours of 3 and 4 p. m., a piano. ...... . .ik
I called at their salesrooms and was fortunate enough to receive the beautiful Instrument wnmn
became mine without the payment of a penny.
I can assure all music lovers that nothing other than the fairest of dealings may be expected
from the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company. (Signed) Hertha Drown.
Address. 2 318 Seward St.
... . . . a ... . i- a n MtMA mAvtn V v narlon(H hd careful drivers, and
we rent new pianos j per momu auu up. u rmn v""" j
io ot our .inrtn facilities are not eoualled bv any house
for repairing and refinishing your old
Telephone your tuning or moving
Exclusive Representatives for Stelnway & Sons, and the Weber Pianola Tianos. . t
1311-1.113 FAItXAM. ST. ESTABLISHED 1830. We rent Pianola Pianos and Other Pianos at Lowest Rates.
called. In three hours she was dead from
neuralgia of the heart. Funeral services
were held In the Methodist church Sunday,
at 2 o'clock, and the remains were taken
to Missouri for burial. She leaves a hus
band and a large family of children, all
married but two.
D. W. White, Formerly Toll Bridge
Tender, at Camp Clark, Dead.
BRIDGEPORT, Neb., Nov. 2 (Special.)
The remains of D. W. White, a pioneer of
the North Platte valley, took place here
under the auspices of the Bridgeport Com
mercial club, of which he had always been
an active and enthusiastic member.
Mr. White was 77 years of age and had
resided at Camp Clark for twenty years,
where he conducted a general merchandise
business and had charge of the Camp Clark
toll bridge across the North Platte river,
on the overland trail between Sidney and
the Black Hills. When the Burlington
built from Alliance across to Denver in
1900 and the town of Bridgeport was es
tablished, Mr. White came here with his
stock of goods and engaged In active busi
ness until about a year ago, when he closed
out his Interests here and moved to Den
ver, where he was actively engaged In
business at the time of his death, Oc
tober 29. No pioneer of western Nebraska
was better or more widely known or took
a more active Interest In the welfare and
progress of the locality In which he lived
than D. W. White. His wife preceded him
In death about one year ago. He leaves no
children, but few relatives and a host of
Nebraska Jlfwi Notes.
BEATRICE Gerhard Carstens, a pioneer
resident of the Plckrell vicinity, died Sun
day aged SI years. He Is survived by a
widow and eight children.
BEATRICE Announcement has been re
vived here of the marriage of Bert Couch
and Miss Nellie Felbert, which occurred
last week at Ellendale, N. D. The young
couple until recently resided In this city.
ST. PAUL A fine rain, accompanied by
lively thunder and lightning, fell here last
night. The precipitation amounted to 1.14
Inches. The farmers are rejoicing, as this
rain will bring winter grain out In fine
ALMA A fine rain fell In this county
last evening after a day of very windy
weather. All wheat looks well and corn
on the bottoms Is yielding about forty
bushels to the acre.
BEATRICE Albert Stelnmeyer, son of
Mr. and Mrs. William Stelnmeyer, promi
nent residents of the Clntonla vicinity, died
Sunday, following an operation tor appen
dicitis, aifed 19 years. He was attending
the Wllber High school when taken 111.
BEATRICE A heavy rain, accompanied
bv a vivid display of lightning, visited this
section Sunday evening. The rainfall Is es
timated at an Inch. The moisture will be
of great help to winter wheat, which has
b"Fn needing moisture badly the last few
BEATRICE Word was received here yes
terdav announcing the death of Clifford
Morris, son of W. ,H. Morris, local repre
sentative of the Standard Oil company,
whlrh occurred at Lemon, S. D., near
which place he owned a sheep ranch. He
was 24 years of age.
BEATRICE The Mennonltes of this sec
tion are planning to build a $40,000 hospital
here. A local committee attended the an
nual conference of the church held at
Pretty Prairie, Kan., last week and was
plven permission to proceed with the build
ing as soon as possible. Delegates were
present from Oklahoma. Kansas and Ne
braka, and were very enthusiastic over the
new enterprise.
BEATRICE Superintendent Bodwell's re
port showed the enrollment of the high
school here to be 426. the largest In the
history of the school. The total enrollment
of the city schools is 1.940. Messrs. Harden
and Duncan were chosen to represent the
Hoard of Education at the state meeting-
of boards to be held at Lincoln. The city
schools will cloe Thursday and Friday In
order to give the teachers an opportunity
to. attend tne state teachers meeting.
GRAND ISLAND Bert Rankin was ar
rested yesterday on the charge of obtain
Ing money under false pretenses. It being
allpged that he has been going about
through the country lmpersonat nir a deaf
mute and obtaining alms for the purpose
of undergoing an operation. A villager who
had seen the man In one of the smaller
towns overheard him talklnar at the local
depot and Immediately Informed the pollee.
inspection or uanmn s pernnnul belongings
led to evidence tending to show that he has
been carrying the graft on In quite an ex
tensive manner.
Mrs. Mary Staseny.
Mr. Mary Staseny, 42 years old, wife of
Anton Staseny, a laborer, died at her
home, 3017 South Twenty-fourth street.
Tuesday. 'She Is survived by her husband
and an Infant three weeks old. The funeral
Is to be held from st. Wencelas church
Thursday morning. Burial will be In St.
Mary's cemetery.
Henry E. Heller.
Henry E. Heller, 49 years old, a roofer,
died at his home, 180$ Military avenue, from
heart disease. The funeral Is to be held
from Hoffman's chapel Wednesday after
noon at 2 o'clock. Burial will be In Mt.
Hope cemetery.
Mrs. Amanda Craig.
Mis. Amanda Craig, 60 years old, died of
tuberculosis at the home of. her daughter,
Mrb. A. L. Andersen, 4012 Parker street,
Tuesday. The body will be taken to Leav
enworth, Kan., for burial.
Mrs. Ilattle Washington.
Mra. Ilattle Washington, 38 years old,
colored, died at her home, 1313 Jackson
rtreet, Monday. Blood poisoning was the
cause of death. The funeral will be held
Wednesday afternoon.
- IMke'a Peak Klre Oat.
Prompt action on (he part of citizens and
volunteers from Colorado college prevented
a serious fire in the Pike's Peak forest re
serve. The fire started ymterday after
noon. The flames were started by a loco
motive, but were put out without serious
Foley's Honey and Tar cures coughs,
quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels
colds. Get the genuine In a yellow package.
Bold by all druggists.
Absolutely Free
order to Douglas 1625, or Independent
EDDINGS rver go out cf
fashion, but the fashion In
weddings changes from time
to time. There was a day
when no bride In her senses
would wear pearls on her wedding
day or get married on a Friday.
Today most brides are willing to clap
on all the pearls they can get, and
last year there were two or three
brides In good society who chose Fri
day for their wedding day.
"No luck at all," was the supersti
tion attached to Saturday weddings
u late as half a dozen years ago, and
then one or two brides more eouageous
or less superstitious than the average
got married on Saturday, setting an
example which has been followed with
growing frequency.
Wednesday and Thursday, however,
are to be the most popular. Judging
from the Invitations which are coming
In, with Tuesday and Monday in
third and fourth place. Monday
should not be selected for a large
wedding if It can be helped. No ma:
ter how well one plans there are al
ways many last things of a commer
cial nature to be attended to the day
before the wedding. This cannot be
avoided. Sunday none of these things
can be attended to and It makes the
morning of the wedding day one nt
hurry and worry for all. '
This year the afternoon wedding
will be more popular than the noon
wedding. In one winter not long ago
noon for some reason or other was
extremely popular for church wed
Oil Klnsr Spends Election Day
Forest Hill Home In East
CLEVELAND, O., Nov. 2.-For the first
time In several years John D. Rockefeller
spent an election day at his Forest Hill
home In East Cleveland. Mr. Rockefeller
usually votes In New York. This year
he has been detained here owing to the
illness of Mrs. Rockefeller. She Is suffer
ing from a Slight attack of pneumonia, but
o y
We know of no other medicine which has-been so suc
cessful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so '
many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound.
In almost every community you will find women who ,
have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg
etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has .
either been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. ;
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., are files con-
taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from
women seeking health, in which many openly state over ,
their own signatures that they have regained their health by
taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
Lydia- E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved
many women from surgical operations.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex
clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless.
4 The reason whv it is so successful is because it contains
ingredients which act directly upon the female organism,
restoring it to healthy and normal activity.
Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such .
as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. N
Minneapolis, Minn, t I wua erat aufferer from iVmal
troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition
of the "yBtein. i read BO mucn of what i,ydla K pinkham's
Vegetable Compound had done for other suf f ertnjr women, I felt
sure it would help me, and 1 must say it did help ute wonder
luJly. Within three months I was a perfectly well woman.
"I want this letter made public to show the benefits to be
derived froni Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound."
Mrs.JohnO.Moldan,2115 Second St.Korth, Minneapolis, Minn. '
Women who are suffering from those distressing ills
peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts
or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to restore their health.
- ,-. . ; ...
In the city. . Free estimates furnished
dings, followed by a breakfast a
seated breakfast If possible to Inti
mates at the house. This does not
mean that noon weddings are out of
date. On the contrary, several of the
most Important will take place at 13
Evening house weddings are mors
In favor now, but the evening church
wedding has not yet been restored to
fashionable favor. It Is doubtful If It
will be soon either for the reason that
with the dinner hour getting later and
later and the longer season of opera
and more operas to the week, to say
nothing of other sorts of entertain
ments. It would be Inconvenient, to
say the least, for most of us to get
to a church by 8 or 8 30.
A well known caterer said that his
list of orders Indicated that there
would be many more afternoon
than noon weddings during No
vember at least, and that a
reason for this In bis opinion
was that the collation at a noon wed
ding," If one did the thing In correct
style, must be more substantial, con
sequently more expensive, than the
collation served at an afternoon wed
ding reception. It has come to pass
that a skimpy wedding breakfast Is
one of the unforgivable Bins. The
seated breakfast Is the more elegant
of course, but unless a house Is large
It Is almost Impossible to place tables
to seat 100 persons and a smaller
breakfast places It In the class of a
family affair.
Is not In a serious Condition.' ',
Mr. Rockefeller does not retain a voting
residence here.
Prisoners Are Turned Over to Jap
anese Authorities and Will Do
Tried tn Korea.
HARBIN, Manchuria, Nov. J. Inchan
Angan, the Korean who assassinated
Prince Ito of Japan, and his alloged ac
complices, were today removed to Seoul,
Korea, for trial. . Following theli arrest,
the prisoners were turned over to the
Japanese authorities.
Piano Go.