Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1909, Page 2, Image 2
2 sWsBBasMlBsWtJSBS- S" I ur. r Hin-Pori fbomm riaci all frrr m . I t :'H:irpLOVES. Chas. H. Harrison Reindeer Fabric Gloves . v Tlu'v look, like kid gloves wear better, look smoother nmt cost less. , . ... IJlack, Xvliite, taiie, castor, chamois ami reindeer shades per piir . t, ? . . .$1.25 Main Gibbons Holds Suffrage Would Kill Home Life Itoman Cardinal and Senator Boot Praise Work of Anti-Suf-rage Society. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. In a letter to the National league for the Civic Education of Women, an antl-suffragette organisation, n.aile public today Cardinal Gibbons nays: "1 ntfvet greatly that. I cannot attend the meeting called for November 1. "Although my many duties will not allow nit to be present at your meeting, I beg to insure you that I am most heartily In tympathy with the aim of your league, and I approve most strongly the stand It has taken In opposition to woman's suf frage, which,. If realised, would be the ueath blow of domestic life and happiness. Viry respectfully yours, "JAMK3 CARDINAL GIBBONS, "Archbishop of Baltimore." Fcnaior ISllhu Itrfot also Krote a letter of rtgr t that he was unable to bo present, in which he expressed, his sympathy with the cause and said: "I think your association Is doing very valuable and Important work." REBELS SUFFER DEFEAT Mrarniuai Government Forces "Win Battle nllh Revolutionists at Bocni Kan Carlos. NICW TOUIv, Nov. J. Senor Rio Bolanos, consul at Nicaragua, made public a cable nieHsage received todny from President Ze laya of Nlparagua, In which the executive Informs him that the government forces were succesKful In an engagement yester day with the revolutionists at Boras San Carlos.. The dltmatch -does not contain details as to casualties, but locates the scene of hos tilities near the, River San Juan, a short dUtance from the port' of Sari Juan r.el Norte, The revolutionists, according to the presidential cablegram, were under com mand of General Emlllano Chamorro and xuffered a crushing defeat. WOMAN PERISHES IN FIRE TRYING T0SAVE CHILDREN tushes Into nprnlntr Home to llescne , Four llulen and F!-e ' Die. PITTSBl'IUl. I'a., Nov.d-Mr. William Marlow and four children were burned to death today when fire, causod by the up eeUliiK , of an oil lamp, destroyed their home, in the outskirts of , he city. A f lfh ..child was saved by the mother before she met her, death. Mr. Marlow and two aonstt.nt Was 'steadily Improving. RUPTURE IS CURABLE Seeley, the Noted Truss Expert, Now at the Paxton Hotel. "Rupture Is not 1 tear Or break in the abdominal wall, aa commonly sup posed, but la the stretching or dilation, ofa natural opening," said T, II. Seeley of Chicago and, Philadelphia, the noted truss expert, now at the' Paxton hotel. Mr. Seeley says: "The Spermatic Shield Truss as fitted to the czar of RiiFsla.t now used and. approved by the United States govnment will net The True Baby Outfit SL ar . 5 Knit Vesta and Bands at - - 30c and up Long and Short Underskirts, 75c-$1.15 Knit Gowns from 30c to. each - - $1.35 Knit Bath Aprons sell, at, each - $1.25 The aba?e represents "Arnold's" Knit Goods Get That Catalogue Floor. Bo. 11-2-OS. ( wrre at work In a nearby coal mine at the time of the accident. I.ylc, an 8-year-old son, was playlnR about the kitchen when the) lamp on the table- was overturned. Mrs. Marlow car ried the boy to the yard and entered the house again to aid four other Children, who were asleep on the second floor. The five perished. Iowa Marshal Killed by Gang He Had Captured Fosse Formsat Once and Catches Two Murderers in Cornfield Talk of Lynching. DES MOINES, la., Nov. 2 "Pat" Patton, eity marshal of Carroll, Ia was shot and killed by one of a pair of robbers at 7 o'clock this morning near Qlidden, seven miles east of Carroll. Patton had followed the robbers from Carroll, whre they had entered a house rarly last night, fatten had captured his men and while covering them with a gun turned toward his Instantly one of the men shot him In the back. A posse of seventy-five men armed Lwltli shotguns and rifles formed an hour later and captured the robbers In a corn field. A mob Is reported forming at Carroll and awaiting the arrival of the robbers, declaring they will lynch them. WYOMING LAND COMES UNDER LARGE HOMESTEADS Secretary of the Interior Seta Aside Nearly Two Hundred Thousand Acres for Tbis Purpose. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Nov. 2.-(Speclnl Tele gram.) The secretary of the Inferior has designated approximately 179,440 acres In townships 65 to 58 north, range 60 to G2 west, in Wyoming as subject to disposition under the enlarged homestead law. This rr.ak s a total of 12,115,280 acres in Wyoming distynated to date. President White Denies Report. BOONE, la., Nov. 2. (Special Telegram.) .John P. White, head of tho miners' or ganization In Iowa, today denied he will run forfhV national' presldoney'J '" Word re ceived In Boone In a latter today bears a flat denial. Wounded Turfman Recovering;. NEW YOHK, Nov. 2. Robert L. Thomas, the Kentucky turfman who was stabbed at the fheepshead tay tracks Sunday by his jockey, Carroll Shilling, was removed today to a private house near that of his physician. Dr. Frank Lyne, at Sheepshead tlu III l.vna iiM t.iniirht that IiIh un 6uly retain any case of rupture per fectly, affording Immediate and com plete relief, but close the opening In ten days on the average case." This Instrument received the only award in England and in Spain, producing re sults without surgery or narmful in jections. If any interested call, he will be glad to show 8a me without charge or fit them If desired. "You Cannot Get We're Exclusive Omaha Selling in the amoi!"Affi()i. Mil ymiewea for Children When we consider bow tender and sensitive a baby's skin Is, th Importance of electing the right kind of garments is emphasized. The tlneTinit fabrics of the "ABNOIJ" goods are especially made from soft, twisted yarn, chemi cally treated c aa to make them highly antiseptic, sanitary and very absor bent soft and pliable aa old and much used linen. Mothers seeking the best for their bablea will recogniie at once that the "AKXOLU" knit garments from their beauty of finish, perfect shape, softness of texture and highly ab sorbent and non-irritating qualities, are the ones they should by all means adopt. . ' The "AKNOLD KMT GOODS" comprise the largest assortment and va riety for a baby outfit. v merely a few there are scores of other items in all soL pliable, healthful, porous and ?ery absorbent 'm vouw recurs CWM STORE Ssl for new Illustrated fall catalogue. New Location 15184520 FARNAII STREET GOMPERS LOSES ON APPEAL Head of Labor Federation Again Held Guilty of Contempt. 02GANIZATI0N SUBJECT TO LAW Cfrt la Declares Disregard of Deer Bark tove Case, If Per milted, Would Tend to Anarchy. WASHINGTON, Nov. t The district court of appeals today affirmed the decree of the supreme court of the District of Columbia adjudging Pres'dent Samuel Oomprrs. Secretary Frank Morrison and Vice President John Mitchell of the Amer ican Federation of Labor guilty of con tempt of court In the Buck Stove and HanRo case. Chief Justice Sheppard disserted from the opinion of the court on constitutional grounds. The court held that the. fundamental issue was whether the constitutional agencies of povernment should be obeyed or defied. The mere fact thai tho de fendants were the officers of organized labor Iti America, said the court, lent Im portance to the cause and added to the gravity of the situation, but It should not be permitted to Interfere with the result. "If nn organisation of citlsena, howevei. large." the court held, "may disobey the mandates of the court, the same reason ing vould render them subject to Individual defiance. Both are subject to the law and neither is above it. "If a citizen, though he may honestly be lieve his rights have been Invaded, may elect when he will obey the mandates ol the court and tho requirements of the law as Interpreted by the court. Instead of pur suing the orderly course of appeal, not only the courts, but government Itself would be come powerless and society would be re duced to a slate of anarchy." The action of the supreme court of the District of Columbia in V sentencing Qompers, Mitchell and Morrison to twelve nine and six months Imprisonment In Jail, respectively, was the result of the failure of theso three defendants to obey the order of the court directing mem to desist from placing the Buck's Stove and Range com pany of St. Louis on their "unfair list" In the prosecution of their boycott against the corporation. While the name of the corporation was removed from the unfair list of the fed eration, Messrs. Gompers and Mitchell con tinued to keep alive the. boycott by fre quent reference to It In the Federationist, official organ of the federation. Tho result of the boycott. It was said, was to cause a decline In the business of the stove and range company of fifty per cent. May Go to Supreme Court. When the decision was rendered neither the labor leaders nor their counsel were present. As forcasted by Mr. Gompers In a recent issue of the Federationist, an at tempt will be made to appeal the case to the United States supreme court. The right 'of appeal, however. Is a mat ter of controversy. Some attorneys hold that as this decision finds the contempt to have been a criminal offense the court of appeals would have the last say In the matter as it has of all criminal cases in the district. Others, however, contend that as the constitutional right of free speech a,nd liberty of the press Is involved the labor leaders may prosecute an appeal. . No action will be taken towards the ar rest of the men until the matter of the ap peal has . been determined. , Still KijfhtliiK, Says Gomuera. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. President Gompers issued the following statement in regard to today's decision of the court of appeals of the District of Columbia: "With all due respect to the majority of the court I cannot surrender constitution ally guaranteed rights because a Judge will Issue an Injunction denying these rights. "Chief Justice Sheppard's dissenting opin ion Is in defense of the constitution and Inherent rights. MlnorUy opinions of couiu In the past when human rights were in vaded have ultimately prevailed, because the law of the land and the generally ac cepted rule of life, and I have an abiding faith that the rule in this case will prove no exception. ( "If 1 must go to Jail I shall have the consciousness of the fact that other men have in the past been compelled to suffer In defense of Justice and right In the cause of humanity and for the maintenance of human liberty. "I shall leive for Washington at once. I want to be within the Jurisdiction of the court whatever disposal Is made of the" Mr. Gompers said probably an appeal would be taken to the United States su preme court, but that he v as not yet In a position to speak positively until he had conferred with counsel in the mutter. Them Elsewhere" and Infants d S s Knit Bibs at 18c. 22c upwards to - 35c Knit Wash Cloths sell at 7c and - 10c Knit Diapers sell at, per dozen - $2.25 Many other lines in "Arnold's make." V Get That Catalogue lEPOSITS made D vember 10th In the SAVINGS DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES NATIONAL DANK will draw interest from November 1st Three per cent lnteret is paid on sav ings deposits and compounded semi annually. Funds may be withdrawn at any time without notice. The combined capital and surplus is $1,200,000. The total assets are over $18, 000,000. It is the oldest bank in Nebraska, established In 1850. United States National Dank M. T. BAILOW, rrck K. MILltlft, Vloe-Pm. 6. W. WATTLE). Viee-Pret. W. E. RlUDES, Cashier. V. B, CALDWELL, Vlci-Prat. G. E. lAVEIiTlCK, Ais'l-Ciik! er R. r. M0ISMAN, Au't-Cashter. OPEN ON SATURDAYS UNTIL P. M. "But we will fight to the last ditch," Mr. Gompers added, "and then on beyond that." Berk Please at Result. James M. Beck of cousel for the com plainant. Bucks Stove and Range company uf St. Louis, after looking over the court's opinion made the following statement: "To the extent that this decision Involves punishment upon men of power and stand ing In the country, no one can feel any personal gratification, but to the extent that It vindicates a principle that is vital to Industrial liberty It Is gratifying to us who conducted the case for the plaintiff. "These contempt procedlnRS were not fought by the Ducks company primarily or principally to protect personal rights, but to vindicate the power of the courts to en force their decrees. "We felt that we owed It to the court which entered the original decree to bring to its attention the flagrant violation of its provisions by the defendants. "For If such a, decree could be defied, as In this instance, by men of great power, there would be an end to the enforcement of the law and that means anarchy." Beheads Wife and Daughter Pennsylvania!! Then Commits Suicide by Shooting- Himself After Writing Note. POTTSVILLE, Pa., Nov. 2.-One of the most terrible tragedies that ever shocked i his country took place last night at Pine Grove, near here, when' Daniel Schocke, a butcher of that place, cut off the heads of his wife and 12-year-old daughter and then committed suicide by shooting himself. The discovery was made today when neighbors, who " became suspicious that something was wrong as there was no sign of life about the house, broke open the front door. They toifftd' Schocke lying on the first floor and the bodies of the wife and little girl In a bed on the second floor, A large butcher knife on the floor showed how the murders had been committed. Schocke had covered the bodies with bed clothing and after writing a note telling what he- had done he went downstairs and shot himself. Death in his case was in stantaneous. HAULS NEGROES OUT OF TOWN Indianapolis Teamster Arrested Elec tion Dar on Peealiar Charge. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. Nov. 2.-Pollce early today came upon Joseph Stout, a teamster, driving out Into the country, southwest of the city; with eight negroes In his gravel wagon. Stout was arrested and related, accord ing to the police, that $10 was paid to him to haul the negroes so far' out of town that they couia not get back home before the polls closed this evening. MORTGAGED. PROPERTY ALE W. Rlrknian Taken Into Custody on Charsre of Illesral Work. LOGAN, la.. Nov. 2. (Special!.) By order of Sheriff Rock, W. Rlchman was taken Into custody last night at Council Bluffss for the alleged offense of selling mortgaged property. Last spring Mr. Rlchman of Monona county borrowed a sum of money from J. B. Swain of PIsgah, Harrison county, giving a mortgage on the horses as se curity. It Is alleged that after securing the money, M. Rlchman sold the horses and then left Monona county for some point unknown to Mr. Swain or Mr. RIchman'B neighbors. A warrant was secured In Mo nona county and placed in the hands of Sheriff Rock, who traced the alleged of fender to Dakota and then back to Iowa, and when he passed through Harrison county last night Sheriff Rock secured his arrest and detention at Council Bluffs. Mr. Rlchman will be taken by Sheriff Rock to Monona county today, where the al leged offense of selling mortgaged property was committed. lown JVews Motes., OXFORD JUNCTION -Charles Furst, acred 18 years, a brakeman for the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad, was crushed to death In the yards at Duhunuf today. A misplaced switch threw the train of cars onto the rails on which Furst was standing, killing him Inxtantly. TORT DODGE Fifty-four thousand five hundred and one dollars and fiftet-n cents Is the amount raised by noon today In the Young Men's Christian association building campaign, which will close Tuesday night after twelve days' strenuous public-spirited uork on tho part of citizens. A laxt grand effort to rahie what remains of the I'lflnO liimul at, will he made during the remain ing time of the campaign. I.OUAV With JudKe O. D. Wheeler pre- I ld rp, court convened at LoKan this morn ' inc. According to the bar docket there are ixuv-four eiulty, sevtniy-one law, thlrty-Ifm-r ciimlnal and seventy-one probate cases. I o?AN KK-Lleutensnt Governor J. C. and family left here last evening ; ' r their winter s home at St. Petersburg, I Fla. I !.' T T 1.' IT itvj Twn m u u L men i n. poted to be negroes, held up at the point j or a revolver Denver Sioris. lh owner of a li:ril restaurant, early this niornlnK. and the four customers of the place, who happened to be in it at the time. One ma, i fcUHided the door, while the other forced Storrs to empty the contents of the cash drawer, amounting to .!f.. Into his hut. Smaller sums were secured from the railroad men, who were eating at the linch counter. Securing the booty, the men bucked out of the place. Although a ventral alarm was Mounded the men es caped. MARSIIALLTOWN-Dr. William M. Pat tei yun. (he physician of Egan, S. D . w ho was brought here on a ci,ie of wife rtrat rtion. which was returned In an In 1!ctnei:i In Anguot. was rel'-aoed on bonds 1 for not, which be was able W luruisn I today. on or before No COAL MINERS' TRIAL BEGINS After Long Wranele Convention Adopts President's Report. MEMBERS ARE DIVIDED OVER IT Jacob nltter, National Oraanlaer. Handling; Case for Archibald and Baker Xews from Iowa Points. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. 2. (Special Tele gram.) After a week of wrangling over the report of President John P. White of the Iowa coal miners as to the Archibald and Baker charges, the report was adopted to day by a vote of 177 to 107. The report cersures Archibald and Baker. This after noon the trial of Baker and Archibald was begun, with Jacob Rltter, a rational or ganizer, handling the case for the two men. President White has been claiming that Ritter was the real cause of the trouble in the union, Gnardsmen Fall In Examination. In the examination of guardsmen elected to commissioned officers' positions In the Iowa National Guard, two failed outright and four others were conditioned and must take part of the examination over again. This is the first time in the history of thc Iowa National Guard that this has hap pened and Is taken as an Indication that the examinations hereafter Will be some thing more than a matter of form to com ply with the law. The examinations were held Thursday and Friday. The results were made public today. The examination was a written one. Heretofore they have always been oral and it is claimed that In the oral examination the attempt of the examining board to ex plain the question often times gave away the answer. Hereafter the examinations will all be written and there will be no explanations of the questions. - Miners' Examination. A civil service examination of mine fore men and hoisting engineers will be held In the office of the state mine Inspectors In the state house November 10 by the board of examiners. Registration must be made on Tuesday, November I. Convict Returned. A requisition was issued in the office of Governor B. F. Carroll today for the return of Charles Reed to Iowa. Reed was a paroled convict, but broke the terms of the parole by leaving the state. He was found In Rock Island and will be returned to the penitentiary in Fort Madison. Wants Governor's Shirt. Governor Carroll has been requested to send one of his shirts to the Royal Laun dry of Richmond, Va., to be used as part of the exhibit when the National Associa tion of Laundrymen of America meet there in October, 1910. It is presumed the same request has been made to the other gov ernors of the United States. Board Retnrna from Trip. Scarcity of workmen Is hindering the completion of the various buildings being erected at the state Institutions. The Stale Board of Control has returned from the trip to Independence, Fort Madison, Vlnon and Oakdale. At each of the Insti tutions new buildings are being put up, but lack of workmen Is delaying the con struction. Rntwlstle Is Dead. Edward Entwlstle, who with George Ste phenson rode on the Rocket, the first loco motive engine, on its first trial trip, died at his home In this city Sunday night at 7:30. Since the death of his wife six weeks ago he has failed rapidly and the end was not unexpected. He was M years old and has made Des Moines his home for many years. He helped build the Rocket and worked as a locomotive engineer till in capacitated by age. Another street Hallway. W. W. Wltmer, a local cspltallwt, rep resenting outside Interests, Is prepared to make the city an offer as to a street car franchise In case the negotiations with McKlnley fall. Mr. Witmer has already consulted members of the city council. Members of the council admitted today that he had consulted with them, but claimed that the Information he had given them was private and would not be given out at this time. Retires from Armr. After thirty years' service in the United states army Sergeant Dixon of Troop A of the Second cavalry will soon leave the service and return to his old home in Ply mouth, Mass. Patrick Kaln. FORT DODGE, la., Nov. 2. (Special Tele gramsPatrick Kaln, aged B6, for thirty years a Fort Dodge rcsiueni, aroppea aeaa at Sioux Falls while on Business mere as traveling salesman of an Implement house, fie was postmaster here during Cleve land's first term. Quick Action lor Your Money You get that by using The Bee advertising columns. Tlwro ia Only Ono That la Laxative Bromo Qmmno USeO THE WORLD OVCtt TO CVftC A OOLO IK OHZ DAT. Always remember the full name. tor this liguature on erery bet. iA7 FARNAM ST. Street Suits Goats and Capes "We lay claim to unusual abil ity in tho retailing of women's garments. It 9 not boasting- but a statement of facts, fabrics, style, lines, tailoring and pric. Beautiful Suits at $25, $35 and $45 Hundreds of Coats $15, $19.50, $25, $29.50, $35 and $45 chic stylish Dresses from $12.50 to $75 Beautiful Furs Specially priced Accuracy Waltham Watches are ac curate, but in buying a Match be sure that it is properly regulated and put in good shape before you take it. You must depend on an experienced jeweler for this. Never buj--a watch except from a jeweler. N. B.When buying a Wallbam Watch always ask your jeweler for one adjastqd to temperature and position. Wi make ill m sell Omaha Trunk Factory We also .owrry a fine line ot X.eat2r goods Doug. 10SS 1809 raraam St InO. A.-IOM Fort Dodge Busy Raising Cash All Citizens Join in Effort to Raise Money for Y. M. C. A. Building. FORT DODGE. Ia., Nov. 2. (Special Tele gram.) The Young Men's Christian associa tion twelve days' building campaign ended at midnight tonight and . financiers and Young Men's Christian association mem bers mingled In Central avenue crowds In the last effort to make subscriptions reach the IU6.000 mark. Ten thousand dollars was raised tiday, Senator Dolliver enthusiastic ally increasing his donation from $1,(100 to tt.000. There is $62,000 now on hand. Ijiaair ilrl m Suicide. MANCHESTER. Ia., Nov. 2. (?peclal.) When she learned that she was being taken to the State Hospital for the Insane et Independence, Mamie Champlen, g"d DO years, of Cedar Falls, escaped om her mother and, screaming, she threw herself In front of an Illinois Central freight train and was Instantly kllk'd. The girl and her mother were waiting here to take a train to Independence. Overwork In at tempting to excel In her studies at the State normal is taid to have oaustd the girl to have become a nervous wreck. If you have anything to sell or trade and want quick action, advertise it in The Bee Want Ad columns. MOVrMXHTS OI OCJCAK STEAMSHIPS. Port. ArrlTKj BailxL NEW YORK Mlnnhlll NEW TURK U. Wahlnto NKW YOKK Vnela NS.W YORK Kuult BOSTON alonl. PH1LA UKI.PH I A . . Frlraland OIllRALTAK rptht OlbHAUTAK Kinl Albrt DOVER Zln4 IHKKBOfRO K. Wllhela II OI.AStK'W California HprtaB. LIVERPOOL. Georgian. MKE1LLKW Korua SOUTHAMPTON Grant. LONDON Pomaranlao. SUA Look 25o. warn H ji M J Mmk fa Jisissnv Gentle Dentistry "I'd sooner have my teeth extracted. Doctor, It hurts so to have them filled." This from an Intelligent young wo man the victim of too strenu ous dentistry. I'pon my assurance that It would not hurt her Bhe per mitted me to treat and fill one. "Do tiiet.i bH, please." Gentle Dentintry pays. Dr. J. 0. Fickss 21(1-217 Hoard of Trade, lioth I'liones. Ifith iiiid Fa in am St.. S. W. OUR CABDV SPECIAL FS3 WEDNESDAY - Our regular 10o per pound Molasses Taffy Kisses, 25c per pound. "Wednesday Only. Myers-DiSlcn Qrug Co. 15th and Farnam Sts. Urn i i i AM rsKMUXT. BOVD'5 THEATRE THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Oh, You Yankee Doodle , CUKO. M. (HIMSELF OH AN GEO. M. (HIMSELF) .u WHOLE FAM DAM LEY AND ALL-STAR CAST He Knows His A. U. C'c, TUF He Pays His C. O. D.'a, I wiitrCC The U.S.A. Adores Him Bo ( The Candy Kid Gets H.R.O. ) PRINCE' ALL WKKK STARTING SUM1AY Matinees Wednesday and Saturday HENRY R. HARRIS Present Charles Klein's Greatest Triumph "The Third Degree" The Original Company Direct from New York and Chicago 1 oYo)j d! Wmmmmt ,n- S-UCALl Of UtvUIAS S)t.LT Mob. Tues. Wed. Xvgs. Wed. Mat The Mcwr Shuheit present eorauuE ""LSsr - In the Viennese Opcratta "i.UIF. MISCHIEF" Catcb Corlnne's Comely Chorus Only Musical Show In Town. Evgs. 26o to 11.50 Wed. Mat. beet, 7 Be and 1.00. Tburs. (3 days) Jack and Jill, Mnsieal Comedy, THEATER rKxcxsj ISO. a So, oo, 76o. Tonight, Matlaee Today, All Seats got BEVERLY OF GRAUSTARX : Thnrs. OH TaUL TOM HIS un ADTAJTCED YA.UDSTIXI.B Matinee Bvery Day SilS. Bvery lg-Bt im This Wseki rrunalyn Undniwood A Co Brown. Harris and liruwn, Kchrode it Mul veTTOrlff. The Heed Brothers, J. Kubens Klnodrome and the Orpheura Concert Orchestra of fifteen talented musicians Prices. Uc, 25c and 60c. AUDITORIUM Roller Skating Bvery Afternoon and venlas' ' All Tbis week Baeept Saturday. AdSAta" SeUea Skate SO.