TIIE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMHEK .1. IPO!). REAL ESTATF CITY l-Hdl-HHTV FOR HALF. p (ConlUiU'd.) ' The Cheapest Yet . "Ve will offer, corrirnoncina: 'Wednesday morn ing, twelve full sized, lots, 50x132 feet lot, in pood neighborhood and close to school, at $130.00 each and terra 8 of Fifty Cents Per Week Think of purchasing full sized lots in a city of 200,000 for less than you would have to pay in a oountry village. Buy one of these lota as your start in saving something each week. Call at office for plat. W.J. Dermody Investment Co., ' Tel. D. 5108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. TOPAY YOU SHOULD BUY A LOT IN LINCOLN HEIGHTS ADDITION $5.00 mtkM the first payment on a lot In this choice addition, located between 36th and 4Jd. St... Mapl. and Wirt. tCall us by 'phona and we will have one of ir aalesmen go out with you and show you the lota. 6 each month after the first payment down la all It takes to buy one of the cholx) lots, which ar located close to eehooV and within a few blocks of car line. The prlcea range from $65 up. no Interest; no taxes charged on lots sold at the present time. A little saving of tS each month you will not miss and the lot will be Increasing In value all the time. There la no com parison with any other additions offered by anyone else where you can buy at auch low prices and such easy terms. You ahould not buy any lot until after you have aeen Lincoln Heights addition. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. 20 Acres West Dodge St Road H4 miles from Omaha's business center. Fine location for country home, fruit or dairy farm; SOU grapt-s, 40 fruit trees of various varieties, 800 maple and 20 sprues trees already set out and growing. This beautiful tiaot Is about 2V miles west of the Claus Slevers place, which recently old at 6O0 an ax re. Unimproved land in ' the immediate vicinity of this acreage Is held at $200 snd $"00 an acre. We are of fering this place (or a few days only at f $180 an acre.. . BENSON & MYERS CO., Sole Agents. Phone D. 746. 412 N, Y. Life Bldg. 40x66, $2,100 In heart of city. Harrison & Morton 8-R00M DUNDEE Home at a bargain If taken at once. lxcaled 6110 Underwood Ave. 'Phone, D. 411$ or H. 4U. KOUNTZE PLACE. My list of dirible residences In Kountze pluca comprises houses lare and small. w and nearly new; also several choice double houses, brick snd frame. Some of feiteae bargains may be had on terms of Vns-tenth cash, balance like rent. If you want a home or Investment upon a 10 per cent Income basis, see mo. C. 8. Shcpard. ' NEW BUNGALOW, tOth and Hinney Hie. $2,800. Easy Terms, nn podRi and 3oth St. car line, diagonally Aacross from new Omaha View school house. Tilgh and sightly; 6 rooms, furnace, ce mented cellar, laundry, electricity; thor oughly modern and elegant. HALL. 433 Ramge Bldg. Both 'Phones. 4201 LAFAYETTE AVE., $2,760.00. Think of buying a 8-room house with hall, modern except heat, beautiful corner lotIAxlM) with plenty of shade trees on a flnZ street and In a neighborhood of good homes for $2,750. Sou-ids rather unusual and la an unusually good proposition. See It and be convinced. We have exclusive aale of this property. BH1M&K 4k CHASE CO.. SHS Be. 17th St. Opposite Court House. $3,900 NEW HOME No. 1808 Spencer St. Has reception room, parlor, dining room and kitchen on firsi floor. All finished In oak. excepting the kitchen, S bed rooms and bath on second floor. Fine plumbing and heating, fuil cellar, cemented. Large south front lot. The location la very desirable. All home wnera In the vicinity. Hastings Heyden. 1614 Harney St. Country Cottage NEW. e-room country cottage, 4 fine lota, face south, 4 blocks north of car. Off at Clinton Ave., then 4 blocks north to Evans. See It Sunday. 'Phone Doug. $219. ' O 'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., tool N. Y. Life Bldg. . Doug, or A 21il I WANT an offer on lot t. block 20. orlgt' Etvl plat of the city ot Omaha, with two nouses, ivub ana urn teiiiornie sirtsi. M1U feet. THOMAS BRENNAN. New York Ufe Bunding. 10 A, $7,500 NEAR L. AND 42D ST. Harrison & Morton BKM1S PARK New house. ( rooms snd ' large r 4 beating. ' 4 TKKMd. large reoepiloa ball, oak finlsn, hot water nice soutn front lol; snap at in.eoii tUn. GLOVER REALTY aVNDl- Qroaod Floor. N. Y. Ufa. FOR oulck relorns. lis, your real entats for sale and exchange with me. uo aaie, I pay. W. W UiichalL iiiard ef Trade b.dg.. Omaha Neh. p 4 ROOM cottage, a bargain. If takeu Im mediately. 11U4 Bancroft bt. V. HANSCOM PARK HOMR-g rooms, rssrly ntv 1l modern, with lloT WATfcrt Hf.ATlNuI bavlrg paid Owner leavtn ecyi WIH s"e 66u0 TERMS. OLOVrl kikLIt fetKUACATK. OroMie floor. K REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR IALR (Continued) Offered For a Short Time Only 7 rooms, parlor, dining room, kitchen. two bedrooms and batn, first floor; two large bedrooms upBtalrB, furnace, modern plumbing, gas and electric light, corner lot, STxlW; cement steps and walks, walk ing distance. Price reduced to $3,000; for nulck sale, only $T00 required, balance easy payments. Located 1111 S 27th St. See It at once. It's new and can be ready for occupancy in a week. G. G. Carlberg, 8U N. Y. Life Bldg. 1,200 A. $25 An A, NEAR CRAWFORD, NEB. Harrison & Morton BUILT BY DAY LABOR NOW COMPLETED that Bungalow house at Georgia Ave. and Hickory St.. one block of Manscom parK; iuu two stories and attic finished; four nice bed rooms; oak finish first floor; large living room; bookcases built in; nice dining room with oak plate rail and panelled. Lot 50x150 east front, paving paid. Bee the house and you will appreciate the value. Would consider smaller house or good lot m exchange. OPPORTUNITY IS HERB to get a good home at actual cost. UiiT BUSY. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor. N. Y. Life. HOUSE AND I LOTS, T-room, 2-story house, on $ large lots, th shade and fruit trees, at 48th and Mason Mis., 8 blocks from West Leaven worth St. car line, $2,500. On reasonable terms. ... . -i NEW HOUSE T. EAR DI'NDEHi. ' 7 rooms, modern. Just completed on Dav enport street, a Utile east of 48th St. Owner and builder lives next door at 4701 Daven port. $3,000. Payment plan. HARRISON & MORTON, 913 N. Y. Life. Both telephones. INVESTMENT To Bt Louis flats, built 1 year, monthly rental $102; corner lot. paving paid In full both stieets, first class location; BIGGEST SNAP IN iM A HA ; V.'.wk). Could bundle with W.SO rash. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor, N. Y. Ufe. FOR FAL15 fine new S-room house, big lot. Frank Sevlch. 10th and Dominion St. NEW BRICK AND CEMENT HOUSE ON HILL NEAR JOSLYN S. A very complete and artistic house of 9 rooms, with the most up-to-date features, large living room, outside sleeping room, etc. In that newest part of West Farnam district, 41st Ave., Just north of Davenport. Price, $10,000, or would lease to the right people. HARRISON A MORTON, 013 N. Y. Life. Both telephones. A choice building lot, "Hillsdale." tVM cash, $1 a week. Prices $100 to $-00; ho in terest, no taxes. See us. Hasting hryden. mm Hars.y at REAL ESTATE FARM AMI It A.N Cli .A.U FOR SALH Nebraska. FARM BARGAIN Must be sold on ac count of owner's health; well Improved 330-acre farm, seven and a quarter miles from town; price, $.16 per acre; easy terms. J. T. Campoeii, Lichfield, Neb. Texas. LAND 12 sections, 7,r0 acres, solid bodv joining the city of Midland on the south ern plains of west Texas, (at the end of main business street) will agree to deed in tsacre tracts, 10 years' time. per cent Intel est. Wholesale deal; write us for full description and particulars. W. J. Moran at Co. towncrs), Miaiana. Texas. TEXAS. This la the story ot our Irrigated lapd In the Rio Grande valley of Texas. Following is the very lowest estimate, some of the land will more than oouble this income: COST. Planting one acre for six years, per unnum 4.50 Cultivation and labor s.on Irrigation (.00 Harvesting and hauling 30 00 Manufacturing, $1.50 per ton 0.00 Total $106. iO RETURNS. Forty tons, yielding s,000 pounda of sugar, at 4c $",20.01 Deducting cost J 106. 5 J Profit per acre '. $213.50 Will sell you land that will do this yiar In and year out for $75 to $!f0 per acre. NOWATA LAND & LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. Texas homes snd Investments. FEHC.l'SON A WRIGHT. rou. l'St. 307 N. Y. Life Bldg. REAL ESTATE LOANS LOANS to home owners and home build ers, with privilege ot making partial pay ments semi-annually. No commission. W. 11. THOMAS. (03 I'irst NHtioual Bank Bldg. $100 to HO.OuO made promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead bldg., ISth and Farnam. SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated. Apply Rooms 417-1 First National Bank Bldg. Ueil phone Douglas 221 1 FIVE PER CENT MONEY to loau on Omaha Business Property. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1. New York. Life Bldg. MONEY TO LOAN-Payra Inv atment C4 WANTE! City loans, Peters Trust Co. WANTED City loans and warrants, w. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. . PAYNE, BOSTW1CK A CO.. N. Y. Ufe. Private money, (500 to $5.0vo; low rate. (MM to r, W0 on homes In Omaha. O' Reefs It.. I Latate Co., lwl N. Y. Ufa. Dvug. er Aim. REAL ESTATE CITY PHOrERT FOR I ALR (Continued.) LOWEST RATES Efmli, Brandela Bldg. OAT1VIN BROS., lid N. Y. Life. e) to t2A).0uO on Improved property. No delay. 1 FAFtM and city loans; optional pay ment: no delay. I. Sibbernsrn. Omaha. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE BUYERS FOR we can sll your property for you. Suite 624 N. Y. Life Bldg. W'ASTFI'-To buy city Income property; flats or residence that Is bringing an In come of 10 to 15 per cent on Investment. Give full particulars, location and price. E 613. Bee. I WANT to buy a farm of ! .0 or Vin seres that can be had with $1,500 to $2.il cssh, balance at 6 per cent. Must be priced right. (Jive full description, location and price. Address, K-614. SWAPS FOR SALK or exchange For clear land. stork of clofTilng. located In eastern Ne braska Will invoice about UO.Qoo. For particulars address J. R. Collins. Hi Main strFei. Fremont. Neb. HIGH grade piano for good residence lot. Will pay difference. Bee, If 17. FOR EXCHANGE Good improved land In southeast Kansas. 11. McAnulthy, 601 L St., Lincoln Neb. I i I J II grad piano for good residence lot. Will pay difference. Bee, Y 17. WANTED TO BUY BEST rrlce wild for second-hand furnt- tu.c, carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel, D ug 971. WANTED To Buy City Income properly. Flats or residence that is bringing an in come of 10 to 15 percent on investment. Give full particulars, location and price. AddreHS, F-6H. 1 WANTED to buy, all or part of furniture for four room apartment. Must be hlglt grade. Give particulars. Address Y 70, care Bee. HIGHEST"' prices for furniture, etc. BELL'S Furn. Store, 1406 Dodge. Red 3i31. BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best price 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. ii BALTIMORE 2d-hnnd store pays best pries 2d-hand furniture, clothes, etc. D. 425. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By young man, place to work for board while attending Boyles oollsga Beth phones. LADY with aeveral years' business trainv. Ing desires position sol Una either in city or will travel. Al rsfereccea. Addrsss W SO,, cars Bee. fVinl nnrl Wnnrl R- H- Morehouse Co., t,oai anu vvooa w ,,0& laa B.2m. DRY GOODS MAN and shoe man, either capable of managing department, want po sitions In western state. Nothing less than $100 per month considered. Address R. R. IV, 420 S. 26th, Omaha. Ken. MAN with family for farm. 43d and Center. GOVERNMENT NOTICES CHIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE, Omaha, Nebraska. Nov. 2, 190!). Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here and by Quartermasters at the posts named herein, until 10 a. m., central stand ard time, December 2, 1900, for furnishing r.helled Corn duringfiscal year ending 4une 30, 1810, at Omaha Q. M. Depot. Forts Crook, Omaha and Robinson, Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth and Riley, Kansas; Fort Mackenzie, Wyoming, and Fort Des Moines, Iowa. Proposals for delivery at other places will not be entertained. United States reserves rijriit to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. Information furnished on applica tion here or to Quartermasters at the sta tions named. Envelopes containing pro posals should be marked "proposals fo Forage." and addressed to Major D. E. M'CARTHY, C. Q. M. , N-3-3-4-29-30 Dl I . OFFICE OF THE CONSTRUCTING quartermaster, CHeyenne, Wyoming, Oc tober. t. 1. (sealed proposals in trio llcate, will be received at this office until so a. m., mountain time, Friday. No vember 5. 1A09, and then opened In public for furnishing all material and labor yre- Sulred for constructing an "Independent utlet Sewer, for Sewer System," at Fort D. A, Russell, Wyoming, (estimated quanti ties, D4.u lineal reel or lz-incn sewer p.p twenty-six manholes). Plans and SDeclfi- catlons lor tne inspection of bidders are on file In this office, and in the office of the Chief Quartermaster, Department or tne Missouri, umana, rsepraska; Chief Uuartermasier. uepartment or Colorado Denver, coloraao. ana in the office of the Secretary ot the Hullders' exchange. St. Paul, Minnesota. The government reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any part thereof. Envelopes con talnlng proposals should be indorsed "Pro posals for Independent Outlet Sewer to be uonstructea at t on u. a. Russell, Wyom ing, ana eaaressea to captain v. K.. Hart, lilh Infantry, Acting Quartermaster. U. S. A., Room 3, Keefe, Hall, Chevenne, Wyom ing. O. ll-U-13-14. N. t 4. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S Office. Fort Meade, s. !., November 1. 1909. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at thia office, until 10 A. M., mountain time, December 6, 19, and then opened, for constructing one double set of quarters for two company officers and four cavalry stables, and for Installing piumnmg. nesting, electrtc wiring and clec trie lighting fixtures In buildings specified and for the construction of roads, side, walks, gutters and drains. Plans and spec! flcations may be seen by intending bidders at the offices of the Chief Quartermaster. Department of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb.; Department of the Colorado, IVnver. Colo.; Department of the Lakes, Chicago, 111.; Department ot Dakota, St. Paul Minn., and this office, at which latter place an information may uv omained on ap plication. A deposit of $10.00, to Insure re- turn. Is required before plans are sent on Individual anDllcatlon. The United Kit. reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept anv part of a bid that may be advantageous to the government. En velopes containing proposals should be en dorsed "Proposals for Public Buildings and Other Improvements" and addressed to the constructing 'quartermaster Kort Meade, D. NOv3-4-5-!ecl-2. LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICE OF SALE OF ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT liy virtue of resolution of th undersigned Board of Directors, the Chsd ron Electric Light & Power Company will nell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cuhh. on TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 16. KM, AT 10 o'clock a. in.. AT THE OFFICE Or" SAID CORPORATION. CORNER SEC OND AND EGAN STREETS. l.'HADRON. NEBRASKA, all the p.operty of the said Chadron Electrlo Lignt ft Power Company, as a going concern, and consisting of Lot 9. in Block 4. City of Chadron. Nebraska, and power house thereon, Its coal houses and office and power house furniture and fixtures, and supplies on band, and per sonal property of every character; also all Its contracts for street lighting and sale of light and power to citizens or Chadron. and all Its customers. Its franchise, alt Its poles, wires, lines, dynamos, transformers, en. ginea and machinery of every description, all Its street lights, and other lights, wher ever located and on hand. This property Is in moil prosperous and perfect condition since Its opening; the service is perfect and I he demand for light and power, from Its present and prospective customers, la greater than Us present enlarged capacity an increase ot the plant and Us capacity is actually neeuea at tnis time. An entirely sufficient reason for this sale will be given to any inquiring purchaser. Dated, October 14. rsa. WILLIAM ELLIS. J. F. MOTE. BY HON L. SCOVEL. OlstoNW D.renors. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS r-AMADlAN FACiriO WggKLT talt-IMOa BrrWCBN MONTBgAK (jt-XfaKO AMD uvsaroot nrfhtag Wttar ea tee AUutt thsa ear snsiil eruslMS a all ausnwra C m. bsNJAHlM. A ajg as. bus gk. Chime Ok CURIST WROTE ON TIIE HEART Jesus Did Not Write Directions at Men Do, Sayi Dr. Kent. LECTUHES BY TALE PROFESSOR Oatllnea Proper Method for Religions TrnlalnaT, with the Bible as Hie Example and Christ mm the Teacher. Prof. Charles Foster Kent of the chair of history and old testament literature of Tale 1 university delivered tw.o Interesting and educating lectures on religious train ing at the Young Women's Christian asso cltlon yesterday afternoon and evening, spesklng in the afternoon on "Alms and Teachings of the Prophets." and in the evening on "Aims and Teachings of the Great Master." Both talks were supple mented by graphic Illustrations and pas sages from the scriptures and made pro found Impressions upon the Bible teachers and students of the great book in attend ance. The alms of the Great Master, said Prof. Kent In his evening lecture, were, briefly summarized, as follows: 1 To save men from pain and suffering. 2 To Bave men from the power of temp tation. ! To save men from false fears. 4 To save men from selfishness and pet tiness. E To save men from Ignorance regard ing God and to give them- true concepts of the moaning of life. ft To Impart In men a single and genuine love for God. "To amuse men to find their life In the service of their fellow men. $ To train citizens for the divine world wide democracy. 9 To rear teachers fitted to realize his alms In the life of the race. "Jesus apparently never urfed writing as RAILWAY TIME CARD UNION STATION 10TII St HASOif esssaasssssaesj tTalom Pacific - Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited..! a 7:20am all :69pm China and Japan Mall.. a 4.W pm a:30am Oregon and Washington Limited ai2:0l am KDtm Los Aneelea Limited al2:55pm a $ 50 pm Portland Special ...,al2:5S pm a 5:45 pm Colorado Special a 1:45 am a 3:45 am North Platte-Local. ....a 8:15 am a 4:46 pm Colorado Express a 3:50 pm a 6:00 pm Grand Island Local a 6:29 pm al0:30am Lincoln-Beatrice Local.. b!3:40 pm b 1:20 pm Valparaiso and Central City biz :4 pro Di.zopm Chicago Great Western. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm Twin City Limited a :0 pm a 8.00 am Chicago Express a 3:45 pm Twin City Express a 8:00 am a 9:00 pm Wabash fit, Louis Express a (:30 pm a 8:25 am St Louis Local (from Council Bluffs a 8:00 am all :15 pm Stanberry Local (from Council Kluirs). ......... D pm bio : 15 am Illinois Central- Chicago Express a 7:15 am a 3:46 pm Chicago Limited a :00 pm a 1:15 am Minn. -St. Paul Exp....b 7:10 am Minn. -St. Paul Ltd a (: pm a 7:15 am Omaha-Ft. Dodge Local. b 4:16 pm bll:30am Chisago A Northwestern Colorado-Chicago a 4:00 am a 1:30 am Chicago Daylight Qpl....a 7:00 am all: 25 am Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:06 pm all :36 pm Colorado-Chicago a 3:20 pm a 3:28 pm Omaha-Chicago Special. a 6:02 pm a 7:00 am Pacific Coast-Chicago... 6:06 pm a 3.28 pm Los Angeles-Portland Limited ft:lopm aiz:05pm Overland Limited al2:15 am a 7:05 am Carroll Local.., i 4'Hm a 1:56 pm Fast Local Cedar Rapids-Omaha a 1:86 pro NORTHWESTERN LINE NORTH, Twin City and Dakota - Daylight a 7:46 am alO:20pru Minnesota and Dakota.. a 7:oo pm Twin City Limited al:0pnt a 7:10 ana Sioux City Local a 2:46 urn a 3:23 pm Dskota-Sioux City- Omaha a$;I0aan Mlnnesota-Sloux City- Omaha ell:O0 am NORTHWESTERN LINE WEST. Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:50 am al0:30pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7 CO am ail :00 am Norfolk-South Platte. ,.b 2:15 pm b 6:20pm Hastlngs-Superidt b 1:16 pm b 6:20 pm Deadwood-Hot Springs. a i bi pm a 5:20 pm Casper-Lander a 3:55 pm all:O0 am Fremont-Albion.... b 6:30 pm b 1:36 pm Missouri Paclfle- K. C. and St L. Ex. ...a 9:00 am a 7:00am K. C. and St. L. Ex. lv Sat. 12 p. m all :15pm a 6:60 pm Chicago, Mllwaak.ee at. Pant Overland Limited al2 :15 am a 7:05 am Overland Special a (:66am a 1:30am Chicago-Omaha Special. a 7:20 am a :30 am Colo. -California Ex a 6:00 pm a 3:20 pm Perry-Omaha Local b6:lipm bll:0fc pin Chicago, Hsck Island raolil, EAST. Rocky Mountain L't'd..al2:40 am sl0:S0 pm Iowa -local a 40 am a 4:30 pm Chicago Day Express... a 7:42 am Des Molr.es Local a 4:00 pm al2:30 pm Iowa Local , bl0:35 am b 9:56 piu Chicago-Eastern Ex a 4.40 pin a 1:10 pm Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. .a :0s pro a (:0a am Chicago-Nebraska Ltd. for Lincoln a (:30 am a 6:47 pm Colo, end Cal. Ex a 1:20 pia a 4.30 pm Okla. and Texas Ex. ...a 4:06 pm a 1:00 pm Colorado Express a 7:30 pm a 7:30 am Rocky Mountain Ltd...al0:40 pm al2:30 am BWHLI.VGTOM NTA lOTII A MASON Burlington Leave Arrive. Denver and Callforla..a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm Nebraska points a (:20am' :10pm Black Hills a 4:10 pm a 6:10 pm Northwest Ex all:30 pm a 7:10 am Nebraska points a 8:20 am a 8:10 pm Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pm a!2:15 pm Nebraska - Ex a 9:15 am a 6:10 pm I Lincoln Local b :l an i Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm a 7:50 pin ' Nchu ier-i iai ismoutn ,o (. pin o J:'J m Plattsniouth-Iowa a 9:18 am a J 50 Bellevue-Pluttfcmouth . ...al2.30 pm a 2:40 pm Colorado Limited all :.w am a v .iuam Chicago Special a7:')am all:10pm Chicago Ex a 4:M pm a 3:56 pm Chicago Fast Ex a (:W pm a :00 am Iowa Local a v:ls am an:4o am St. Louis Ex a 4:55 pm all 46 am Kansas City A St. Joe.alU:4.i pm a 6:45 am Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 9:15 am a 610 pm Kansas City dt bl. Joe.a pm WEBSTER, sTA. 1CTH SE WEBSTER Mlssoarl Paclfl Auburn Local b 3:50 pm bll :30 am (hlcago, St. Pa el, Minneapolis Omaha- Leave. Arrive. Sioux City- Express. ...b 1:00 pm bll:45 am Omaha Local t c 6:20 pm Sioux City Paseenger b 9:20 pm Twin City passei ger....r s w am Sioux Cltv Local.'. c 8:35 am Emerson Local b 8:55 pm bll .30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday Omaha-Carroll Local... a 3:45 pm a 9:80 am OCEAN STEAMSHIPS OltBI'l ItTE AJTZTUAZ. CBVKB araj Ten. 6 U April 19 wmm TO THE ORIEIlT 1; L I. Grosser Xttrfttenrt THE ONLY ORIENT CHUUE THIS WINTER Under the Able Management of nill C. CX.ARX. ' aTmr-thrM dayi, Isclsding tutf-four dan a sgyst sn4 lbs Holy Und (wlik M trip U abrtaia wmUbs ealr e-0a sus as, tnciuSlsg liur sicurmluw, sp.uu MHiun: luiioira, uaii, S4VI11. Alclars. Mails. CnaLtallDopla. Athans. Rua. IS Riviere. l- TtckatUI to sloe O'er In Ksrops, is Incisa ptMivn piar, sta. CRUISE AROUND THE WORLD Tee. 6 A few vacancl.a yet. Similar Cruise Oct. 16. '10, and Feb. 4 '11. 9660 an. r ine series siuvfa-v Mcasusuf an j ours, 9B70 ap. bend for piograina Iplaaac specify) FRANK c. CLARK, tisms lg . Naw Tar a. W. a. hOCat, laM raj-Mas SL. OaiaJM, Dab, a means of teaching."' said TYof. Kent. "It was upon the hearts and' lives of men he wrote his eternal nwss res. He always first established a relation between himself and those whom he taught. He saw. the divine possibilities . in each man., He adapted his teaching to the Intelligence, point of view and Interest, of his hearer. He presented hi lessons In a concrete form and frequently Illustrated them by object lessons. tannic and Direct. "The teachings of Christ were always simple and direct. He never wasted him self nor hla disciples. Above all. his teach ings were positive nnd presented with au thotlty based on insight Into the heart of man and with a profound personal experi ence. He always appealed to the will through reason and the heart and aimed not merely at expression, but also Impres sion. Above aU. he taught by example as well as by word. His supreme message was not a doctrine, but a demonstration of the possibility of one tempted In all points such as we are becoming one with God." Speaking In the afternoon on "The Alms and Teachings of the Prophets," Prof. Kent said that the most efficient way re ligion could be propagated Is by simple teaching. He said we have advanced In meeting the Bible needa of this great civ ilization and then told of the ancient prophets and their divine teachings, say ing they were transformed from seers and performed great functions. They were the spokesmen of the nation and per formed great deeds. SILK TRAINS IN LONG RACE Milwaukee Special Attempting; Beat Mill Train from "rattle to Mew York. t TACOMA. Nov. 8. With right-of-way over all other trains, a Chicago, Milwau kee and Puget Sound special train left last night with $390,000 worth of silk for New York delivery and the officials hope to beat to the east a Northern Paclfio train which left Seattle twenty-one hours earlier with silk worth $360,000. This la a continuation of the race across the Pacific between the Blue Funnel liner Aanfa and the Milwaukee steamer Tacoma Maru. The Oanfa arrived here Saturday and the Tacoma Maru yesterday. Though the Northern Pacific train haa a good lead, the Milwaukee road, by sldtrack- lng everything else, hopes to win the long race. E DIDN'T WANT TO SMOKE net Took the Ptnea So He Con Id Get Little Rest, Evi dently. W. R. Campbell strolled Into O. P. Bur- nails' cigar store at 1610 Cass street and elped himself to a few pipes without pre viously making terms with the proprietor. The proprietor was much displeased and lspossessed Mr. Campbell of his spoils, calling the police. Mr. Campbell feebly answered "aye", when his name was called In police court. He only bowed his head when a fine of $2 as pronounced against him. "I didn't want to smoke anyway," he murmured to the jailer when the big iron door closed behind him. Announcements of the Theaters. Miss Viola Harris of the Blown. Harris A Brown company, an act that Is scoring big over at the Orpheum this week, is displaying a wardrobe of gowns and hats that might be the envy of any girl's heart. At every performance so far thte week Misa Harris has worn a different costume. Miss Harris wore a tip on her hat Tues- ay afternoon that is seventy Inches long nd thirty Inches wide. She Is proving a good card to draw the women to the dally matinees. Corlnne will be seen at the Bur wood this afternoon and evening In the Viennese operetta, "Mile. Mischief." The music of 'Mile. Mischief" is one of the chief fea- ures, although like the average Viennese operetta, the plot Is something more than the milk and water variety. Maernee to day. When Charles Klein, the American dram atist, remarked In an Interview some time ago that "hard work" and hard knocks are to the mental man what the hori zontal bar Is to the physical man In train ing, It was believed that he had In mind the trying setbacks In his own career be fore prosperity: and triumph were hla re ward for a never falling effort. Indeed, Klein's rise from a struggling writer to a playwright of International fame haa been most heroic, not to say meteoric. In his most recent play, "The Third Degree," which Henry B, Harris will present at the Boyd theater for one week, .Klein haa made one of his characters the embodi ment of auch teachings, In Howard Jef fries, Jr., the young bridegroom who Is striving for success In business, one sees an excellent and convincing object lesson to others. Young Jeffries Is put through series of hard knocks that would shat ter the hopes of many youths, but his stay ing qualities, aided by a sincere and loving wife, win him the success that he de serves." Jack and Jill." the musical "Peter Pan," which comes tot he Burwood Thursday, Fri day and Saturday, is the newest hit of the muscal comedy offerings. Nothing like It has been seen since Mother Goose. The leading roles are In capable hands, assisted by a well chosen company of fifty. Wher ever presented, the piece has been received with enthusiastic popular acclaim. For all your TKEFLOUrT 0F PERFECT! PURITY Haiwj Milling (a OMAHA NEB 4 Try Sunkist the next time you Sunkist goes farther and gives far Maney Milling J. J. Hill Accepts Invite to Bnnquet Will Attend Dinner to Be Given by I the Commercial Club in December. James J. Hill has accepted the Invitation of the Omaha Commercial club to attend a banquet which will be given in his honoi on the night he' speaks at the National Corn exposition. In a personal letter Mr. Hill ssys he will be pleased to accept the Invitation. Mr. Hill will speak at the corn show De cember , and that evening the Omaha Commercial club. Independent of the Na- tlcnal Corn exposition, will tender a ban quet to Mr. Hill. Arrangements are now under way by the entertainment commit tee of the Commercial club. POODLE DOG HELPS TO IDENTIFY ALLEGED SWINDLER Pet la Means br Which Yonng Mnn Is Tracer! from (eattle to Kansas CHy. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 2 James P. Thomas, son of a wealthy manufacturer of Bay City, Mich., who was locked up at police headquarters here today on a charge of swindling, owea hla undoing to a poodle dog and a pen flourish. The dog, carried by Mrs. Bess Chatfleld. Seattle. Wrash., enabled the clerk of a local hotel to trace Thomas and the woman to Kansas City, The flourish made by Thomas on a Kansas City hotel register, led to hla arrest. Thomas came to the Southern hotel here October 15, accompanied by the woman. He became friendly with James Osborne, a clerk, and a few days latar Osborne cashed Thomas check for $100. Before it came back protested the couple had left. Osborne traced the couple to East St. Louis, 111., and from there to Kansas City, by making inquiries about the poodle. At the latter city he found no trace of the dog, but a peculiar flourish, with which Thomaa ended his registrations on hotel registers gave the final clue at the Glad- atone hotel. Thomas asserts that he did not know that his balance at the Bay City bank, on which the check was drawn, was ex hausted. SAMSON TO DINE THE CREW He Will Show Boys that He Appre elates Paprika ftchnltxrl and Them. Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben desire to show their appreciation of the efforts of "the boys who do the work," otherwise known as the working crew at the Den, by giving them a banquet at the Rome hotel Monday night. Samson has ordered all Sir Knights to be present In this following proclama tion: The Governors of the Knights of Ak-Snr-Btn have realized during the last season that the working force at the Den hav been a great factor In making the opera "Puprlka Schnltxel." one of the most suo. cessful Initiations in our history. They are the boys who did the wok, and, as slight toktoi of the reward which Is due them, King Ak-Str-Ben XV commands you to be present at a dinner to be given at the Rome hotel i Monday evening, November (, at 6: in., al which iliuo the entire score of the opera will be given by our famous musical organisation, and we expect the various solos, single and double quartets will enliven the evening's entertainment. Kindly signify on the enclosed postal card your acceptance so 1 that we may know how many to prepare for. Assuring you that it will be a great pleasure to meet you on this occasion, am yours truly. SAMSON. OHIO BANKERS INDICTED Forme Oonarresamnn' I.anlng of Nor- walk- and Others Chargred ' with Fraud. NOR WALK. O., Nov. 2 The grand Jury today returned two Joint Indictments against James G. Glbbs, former president, and ex-Congressman J. F. Laning, former vice president, of the defunct Ohio Trust company, for writing letters with intent to defraud; one. against, F. W. Christian former secretary of the bank, for perjury one against James G. Glbbs for aiding and abetting perjury, and one against D. Kles, former treasurer of the defunct Norwalk Savings bank, for perjury. Both of these institutions failed In January, VMA. ALDRICH SPEAKS ON MONEY Addresses Omahana on "Work. Monetary Commission," Not the Tariff. Senator' Nelson J. Aldrlclf; who will speak In Omaha November 10, has sent word that he will speak on the subject of "The Work of the National Monetary Commission," not the tariff. Rural Letter Carriers. WASHINGTON. Nov. ..-(Special Tele gram.) Rural carriers appointed: Ne braska Hooper, route 2, Edward Dau car rler, James Mach substitute; Humphrey route 3, Engelbert Classen carrier, no sub stltute. Iowa Red Oak. route 3, Henry B Wayland (reinstated) carrier, no substi tute. South Dakota Elkton, route 3, Alex ander Lynch carrier, John Culhane substi tute. Lucy Purke has been appointed postmas ter at. Webster, Keokuk county, la., vice E. Yoakum, resigned. home baking mArhen't the finest flour for creamy 2tC bread and light biscuits good cake ' J U and flaky pastry. Tell the grocer to iciiu you Si mmst The Flour of Perfect Purity Sunkist is Nebraska's greatest flour made in the big new Mancy mill from plump, sound wheat From the time the wheat enters the mill until the flour enters the kitchen no human hand touches it. The process is automatic hygienic in suring absolute purity. bake put it to every tnt You'll find better satisfaction in every way. Go., Omaha ooo Barrels ' Weekly rJews Stands WHtRai TEio Omaha Geo IS ON SALE Atlanta, Ga. World-Yoma News Co.- AUabtlc City, N. J. ' Shep A Pros . Mil w-ino Ave, Penn News Co. A ralon, Cal. Amos News Co. Billings Mont. D. K. Wolfson. IJolse, Idaho Oray-fltuhhlefield Co. C. Uonettl, Ml Main. Boston, Mass. ' Youngs Hotel. Vendoma Hotel. Buffalo, N. X. C. H. 1 -ampman. Hotel Iroquois. . Genesee Hotel. Samuel Cohn, 156 Klhurst. ' Psdler Hotel Flllcott Snuara Kill fltan.t Duties Mont. Keefe Bros. Chicago, 111. Auditorium. Auditorium Annex. Empire News Stand, Jackson Dearborn. Great Northern. . c lucarfu Ncwapeper Ag'y. 174 Madison. Grand Isrlflo Hotel. 1 aimer House. ; Queen City News Co., "6 Jackson Blvd. P. O. News P. snd. 174 Dearborn. Kalserhotf Hotel, 27 Clark. Cincinnati, Ohio L. Peterson. :i West l!i. Cleveland, Ohio Hollenden. , Colorado Hprfngs, Colo. Antlers Pharmacy Co. ' 1 Colo. Wholesale Newspaper Agency. Deadwood, 8. 1). Kislu)! A Co. Rlack Hills News Co. . -Franklin News Co. , . Denver, Colo. H. P. Hanson. Majestio News Co. Jos. O Connell. 171 Wasee. Western News Agency, loo 17th Bt. 8. VVIutmi. Kendrli k Book A Stat. Co.. 314 17th. Brown Palace Hotel. Des Moines, la. Fred dels. M Wj 16th Ave. Moses Jacobs, 300 uth St. Edmonton, Alt, Can. Dominion Cigar A News Stores Co. 33 Jasper Ave. W. Excelsior Springs, Mo. S. D. Hlgbee, 206 S. Marietta St. W. C. Slak w! C. Collins, The Royal Hotel. Helena, Mont. W. A. Moore. Hot Springs, Ark. T. Marks, 836 Central Ave. Fort Pitt News Co. Dan A. Shannon, lttt Central Ave. C. H. Weaver Co. . Hot Springs, S. D. Kmll Hargens. L. ti. Jennings. Houston, Texas White News Co International News Agency. Indianapolis, Lnd. World-Yoma News Co. Kansas City, Mo. World-Yon. a News Co., 113 Wall U Rickseeker Cigar Co., th snd Walnut Reid s News Agenoy, 400 E. th. Los Angeles, Cal. , Amos News Co., 711 So. Olive. M. B. Halllday. Way News Co. Loiithvllle, Ky. Kentucky International News t .i Memphis, Ti'im. Worlu-i'oma News Co. Milwaukee, Wis. Hotel pflster. fciunk juiihuin. Grand Ave and 3d 8b Minneapolis, Minn. Century News Co., t So. 3rd. Nicollet Hotel. W. j. Kavenaugh, 48 8. 3d St. &ew Orleans, La. Hotel Grunewaid. New iork City, N. X. Edward Dorr, World Bldg., Arcade, n. ioporotl. Times buaie euuun. imperial Hotel. , Knickerbocker Hotel. Hotiman House. Grand Union Hotel. Holland Hotel. Murray Hill. Hotel Belmont. . . Waldorf-Astoria. Hotel Manhattan. Astor House. Harry J. Schulte. Times Square Station. Oakland. Cal. -, Amos News Co. Athens Newa Co. ' Ogden, Utah ' llairop & Goddard. J. Gabe Taylor, inn Grant Ave D. L. Boyle, 110 Win It Lowe Bros., 114 2blh Bt Gray News Co. Paaadena, Cal. Amos News Co. ' Philadelphia, Pa. Penn News Co. Quaker News Co.. too Green EL Bellevue Stratford Hotel. Pittsburg. Pa. Fort put Newa Co. Portland, Ore. Oregon Newa Co. Central Cigar Store, J76 Wash,, Cor. a, Rose City Newa Co. Bowman Newa Co. bt. Joseph, Mw J. Uerger, 631 Edmond St Plonter Newa Co. Robldoux Hotel. , , kit. Ixuls. Mo. Southern Hotel. ' E. T. Jett. St. Paul, Minn. Cleveland Newa Roots, 101 W. 7th SL SdW8tUMaFrl.U,m,rlCk-ta Wrt" Sacramento, Cal. Amos Newa Co. Salt Lake City, Utah I Kenyon Hotel. Earl McKale. Rosenlsld A Ludwlg. Hotel Knutsford. San Antonio, Texas M. J. Hewitt. San Diego, CaL R. M. C'hllds. San Francisco, ' CaL North Wheailey Newa Co. Hotel Bl. Francla. United Newa Agents, l Eddy Bt San Jose, Cal. ' F. L. Crego. Seattle, Wash. Amos News Co. A. lsserlls. Chas. H. Oormau. Frank B. Wilson. 107 Puts St Sheridan, Wyo. J. C. Jackson. Warner A Canfleld. II. A. Floyd. Sioux City, la. Wast Hotel. W. F. Duncan, Iowa Bldg. Marshall Bros. Gerald Fitxgtbbon. Spokane, Wash. John W. Graham. Stockton, Cal. Tourist News Co. Tacoma, Wash. Trego Newa Co. Washington, D. C. National News Agency, , .New Raleigh Hotel. Columbia News Co. Arlington Hotel. KIsks House. Becker A Orndorff, The Fairfax,