Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 5, Image 5

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louse. Hold and Office Furnishers
Al L
f Hi -4
I J HI m
South Sixteenth Street
Saturday Specials
Mission Waste Paper Baskets, with silkoline covers in all colors.
You should have one in every room of your house. They are
ornamental and useful; sell regularly at $1.00
Saturday special .....,
Library Table (like illustration) made of solid oak, beau
tiful brown fumed finish, substantially constructed. Top
24 Inches wide, 36 inches long, fitted with drawer and
wider shelf, good mission design; sells regularly
at $6.50 special for Saturday only, each. ... .
If J
This Genuine Black Leather Hand Bag; Russian steel frame
all hand sewed, leather lined, very stylish, with round cut
top, 14 inches deep when open, 18 inches wide! Every one
of these bags guaranteed by us; regular price
$12.50 for Saturday only
Basement Special
ANDROCZ BREAD TOASTER This is one of the most successful
toasters on the market. It is nine inches square, made of sheet steel
and woven wire, capacity four slices at one toasting, can be used on
any kind of a stove, does the work quicker and better than any other
toaster known. We have just received a large shipment of these
toasters and will place same on sale at the sneei&l -nrir
X vfor Saturday only, each 1UC
i ja
Corning Back for Clothes
We never realized until lately that any one else in town sold clothesand tho possibility
of this realization is in the number of people who are "coming back" and who say: Have
bought my clothes in this store for years, but last season was influenced to buy a suit
elsewhere, and it's been such a disappointment. After this, no more speculation
"It's a Bepg SuitiorMe
arid lVIirae All tire Time"
for your prices are lower than others, and your clothes are "decidedly better."
You cannot beat 'em for they are the best in the land. The style, fit and
tailoring of the garments are the expert examples of the splendid taste, skill and
ingenuity of such celebrated master tailors and designers as "Stein-Bloch,"
"Hirsh-Wickwire," "Kuppenheimer," "Society Brand Clothes" and "Sdiloss
Bros." Selling you these famous makes as we do at prices no more than is asked
r for the ordinary sorts, is it anv wonder that we sell more clothes than any one else
1 1 J a 1 A '
in umana ana me values ai
I $18,
are positively without an equal.
Hake Loose Campaign, 'Knowing
Their Fight ii Futile.
Car Hitchcock Will H from Them
for Hla Aatloa la Iajaorlna; tho
Onadltetca, Eapeelallir
Pat Bolaad.
elf," aald Mr. Learned. "The last elec
tion and lta moit disappointing results are
too recent In the record of democratic
foolishness and aslntna Incapacity to be
forgotten by . any fairly well Informed
citizen. Examination shows the fact to be
that In heretofore democratic precincts
there has been an encouraging gain In
republican registration. This simply means
that level-headed people are getting ready
to vote right You don't find them at the
meetings being held by the mayor and hla
friends. W have a list of men of high
efficiency on our ticket and their majorities
will be larger than ever before, to my Judgment"
In sharp contrast to the anxiety of the
democratic candidates and committee, the
republican aspirants for office In the pres
ent campaign are making their canvass so
effectively that the result Is regarded aa a
foregone conolnsion. In fact, the democrat!
themselves admit that they hope to pull
' only ona . man ' through. Coroner Heafey
; . has been singled out by th democratic
leaders the candidate behind whom they
will put all their punning power.
: ':. Fete Boland has been causing. a good
deal ot worry, by insisting on being put on
, the program at ward meetings tha Dahl
nianites are conducting. He refuses to
"lay low," and takes so much time ex
plaining his legislative record and apologls
tk Ing.for his local affiliations that he gives
the other fellows cold chills.
Tha democrats are sore at the shabby
i. wav tha World-Herald has been treating
' thenr They complain that the Hitchcock
organ Is lsnorlng them and that especially
Is It passing up Tete Boland. It Is sup
posed the puper l silent on Boland because
It can't take back what It said of him
when be was fathering the Boland bill,
which It so severely condemned. In the
legislature. They affirm that Mr. HHch-
cock will hear from them on trie subject
f a time when he won't want to
Ignore them.
Another Boarea of Worry.
Another source of grt-at trouble to the
' d.tocratle campaltsn committee Is the
voVlf being done by their candidates for
precinct assessors. The wine ones among
them realising that the general republican
ticket Is sura to win are appealing to per
....... i Mnnili for votes, and offering to
reciprocate by throwing votes te the re
imhllctn ticket. Sum of them ive done
this openly, it Is known f Chairman
Reagan and Campaign Kaiger 'Uob
7.V.fe have so fer been onable to stop It.
if republican Candidas for assessor in
. the various precincts nave confidence thai
the success of the ieral ticket will carry
tbm too. In a f t many Instances the
fight for asscsaT la engaging attention to
tha axclueion JI lne re" ol ulu
Observation ot some ot the democratic
"vnthuslas0" meetings show- conclusively
.i., h only people who attend are the
-.,1(11.ies and their particular boosters.
,,. Pahtman and Louie I'lattl as the
r,rl.ilal orators, work hard under most
(Wicouraglng circumstances to get up a
ilow of oratory. Joe Butler, who la known
among the elect as the "gastronomy" ex
pert, has been called In once or twice, but
even his pretended faith haa not moved
any mountains.
riyna sticks to Old riaa.
Tom Piynn Is still sticking to the "kitchen
confereme" plan, h!ch he ha found fairly
satisfactory In times past, but there Is
apparently a lack of the real masuma
that made these kitchen gatherings popular
of yore.
Chalrman Learned and his aswUtants on
the republican county committee take
common-ems view of the situation a it
Hands. "Tha registration speaks for It-
Baby Incubator for
Child Saving Home
Thii Will Be One of the Features of
the . Institute1! New
, Building. ...
The new Child Saving Institute building
being constructed at Forty-second and
Jackson streets, will contain a modern
scientific Incubator for th saving of the
lives of Immature and frail babies. This
incubator is only a part of the complete
equipment to be Installed In the building.
Work on the structure is being pushed
rapidly. . F.. C. Jackuon-. the grading con
tractor put twenty teams at work without
delay and the site will be ready In a short
time to turn over to John H. Harte, the
building contractor.
A call lias rone out for the first Install
ment of the subscriptions, which Is needed
to make the necessary payments th first
week In November. The building will cost
$W.0D0 and will be one of the most modern
children's Institutions In the west Th
downtown olflce of the Institute Is In room
No. 105, Eord of Trade building, with the
Nebraxka Savings and Loan association.
Carmen Plan
Fight on Street
Car Franchise
Engage Lawyers, Says Commons, to
See if Vested Eight is
Kraak Carrie, Rancher and Sane, Da.
rlares Northwest Country Dolagr
, Klne, Thank Yoa.
"You needn't worry a'ornt the boys In
the northwest country this year," mused
colonel rrank Currie, sage and rancher
from Gordon, who drove in with a train
load of cattle. "Vf you don't think' tho
northwest la all right, Just stroll down to
the packing houses somo fine morning and
see train load after train load, of fat cattle
sninpt-a irom me ranges. And if that
would not convince you that the northwest
don't need any sympathy. Just look in The
Bee and see the fine prices the boys are
getting for all this stuf, which is taxing
the railroads to fetch to market. Peoplo
ar bound to be right when everything la
coming their way."
An attack on the franchise of the Omaha
and Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany Is the next step to be taken by t ie
striking employes, according to Ben Com
mons, who Is handling the situation for -the
"We have one of the best firms of law
yer in Omaha at work looking up th
franchise and we understand something
Is likely to be found which will give us
an opportunity to start a real llvily fight
now," says Commons.
Mr. Commons declined to give the name
of th lawyers or what tack the fight was
liable to take.
The carmen are holding political meet
ings dally and have announced a parade
for Monday evening, th course to be from
tha Labor Tempi to Washington hail
where a political meeting Is to be hM. An
effort I being made to get 1,000 Chinese
lanterns for illumination purposes. Pun
day a meeting will be held at Barton's haM,
South Omaha. r
This parade of th wage earners wilt be
for the dual purpose of calling attention to
the cause of tha union street carmen and
the labor candidates who come before the
people at the fall election.
Following the parade the meeting will
be held at Washington hall. This meeting
win be addressed by th labor candidates,
Ben Commons and Rev. J. L. Fisher.
A special meeting of tha Central Labor
union la called for 6aturday night.
Mr. Commons denies point blank the
statement attributed to fdayor Dahlman at
a political meeting that C. O. Pra t said
the agreement signed by the mayors and
council committee would be. satisfactory to
the men.
"The men gave th mayors but on agree
ment, and that was for arbitration," be
said. I
Word h.i been received in Omaha that
C. O. Pratt who headed the carmen In
th lata strike In Omaha, had been work
Ing In East St Louis for soma time and
that aa a result the carmen were expected
to strike Saturday morning. Mr. Pratt
left Omaha a couple of weeks ago.
New Bank Vault
Contract Calls for
Massive Work
Hundred and Ninety-Five Tons of
Steel Will Be Installed in New
Home of Omaha National.
Causmlttea on Arrangement for Af.
fair In irastor'i lloaor Ap
pointed by tlab.
A committee of sven his been appointed
by Chairman Allen of th executive com
mittee of the Commercial club to make
arrangements for the dinner to be given
Senator Nelson W. Aldrlch of Rhode Is
land, who will b In Omiha. November 10.
Th committee Is headed by W. H.
Buchola. The other members are Luther
Drake Johji C. Diesel. J. K. George, A. W.
J efforts. F. W. Juditon and V. II. McOord.
One hundred ani' ninety-five tons of
steel vaults will be placed on the first
floor and in the basement of th present
New York Life building by the Omaha
National bank, before the bank moves Into
th building. The contract for the work
has been let to th Mosler Safe company
of Hamilton, Ohio. It Is said the vaults
when completed will rrn.k one of the
finest and heaviest systems of vaults west
of Nw York.
Th work will be put In under th dlrec-
New Cootrlbatora and Smaoth
erds Make On Forget
No Indigestion, Gas, Heartburn or
Headache five minutes
The New Victor's records hav arrived,
"It Is another case of the last la the best"
The smooth clear tone, with no Jumps
or Jerks, th high quality of th produo
tlon, make one forget that, he Is listen'
Ing to a machine and think only ot th
artist who originally produced th aounda.
On of th star features of this new lot
of records 1 a lecture by Dr. Cook, on his
discovery of the North pole, describing the
hardships and dangers of th trip and his
sensations when his efforts ar crowned
with success. Among Mh old friends
heard again are Gadskt. Tetraxianl, Herbert
Wttherapoon, Harry McDonougb and Selsak
soloists, while the Whitney Broa and
Haydn Quartettes and Pryor's Band con
tinue to contribute to our pleasure and
entertainment. On th whole th new
records are a distinct Improvement over
all previous attempts In that Una.
; If you had om Dlapepsta handy and
t would take a little now your stomach,
i distress or Indigestion would vanish In
, five minute and you would feel line.
f This harmless preparation will digest
anything you sat and overcome a sour,
out-of-order stomach before you realise
If your mMtls don't tempt you, or what
'uu you do me to fill you, or
x .ays Ilk a lump of leal .In your stomach
-r It hav heartburn, that la a sign
i'f Indigestion. ,
Ask your Pharmacist for a o
of Pape'! Idapepsln and take a little Just
' aa avwo aa juJ can. Tutre will t no
sour risings, no belching of undigested I
food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or
heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling In
the stomach. Nausea, Debilitating Head
ache, Dlsinea or Intestinal griping. This
Will all go, and, besides, 'her will be no
undigested food left over lit the stomach
to poison yovr breath with nauseous
Pape'a plapepatn la a certain cur for
out-of-order stomachs, because It pre
vent fermentation and takes hold of
your food and digests It Just th same aa
If your stomach wasn't ther.
Relief in flv minute from all atonach
misery la at any drugstore waiting for
The large 6-oent caaea contain more
than sufficient to tharjugLly cu( almost
any case of Dyspepsia, Indigestion or any
other stomach disturbance. Adv.
superintendent Adams Bay Bevlaes
Are Itreaea ta Kat t a G
la Fsntancll.
"I wish there were a hundred more cows
In Fontanelle park," said Superintendent
ot Parks Adams. "W want them to at
up th grass, which is far preferable and
much less dangerous than to be compelled
to burn It It any person la worrying
about the possible destruction of trees, he
can set his mind at rest because w will
take car of that and of tha business. It
Is passing strange that would move a man
to send a letter to th council on th sub
Ject where by inquiring at this office, 0
could get exact Information."
Acquire the habit of keeping on hand
bottle of Chamberlain' Cough Remedy and
save anxiety. There is nothing better for
Every Man
wants an overcoat to fit him and there
are a good many men who do not get it.
And the main trouble is they buy the
coat at the wrong store.
No custom tailor could make you a better
coat than we can sell you. were he to ask you
two or three times our price, for no better coats
are made From $15 $18 $20 $22.50
$25 $28 830 and up We have no com"
petition And.remember, please, they fit.
mmt 'i was W
One Dollar
Invested in Our Turnishing
Department WILL BUY
A Two-piece Suit or
A I'nlon Suit of Underwear.
ElRht pairs of Plain or Fancy Hose.
The very best Shirt in town.
ElRht Corleas Coon L,lnen Collars.
A Street Glove without an equal.
Klglit fine Linen Handkerchiefs.
A Tie of surpassing beauty.
Two pairs of serviceable Suspenders.
A mighty good Sweater Coat.
White and Fancy Wash Waistcoat
$22.50, $25
Boys' Knicker
bocker Suits...
$2 75-$3.50-$5-$6-$7.50 -
and they are the "beat"
Boys' Suits the price
ever bought. The cloth
is strong and handsome,
the cut the very Jnte&t
and the tailoring per
fect. The makers knew how I
They're made strongest in the parts
usually the weakest and re-inforced where
the strain is great. Couldn't be made more
Test these clothes and see.
Overcoats $2.50 to $10.00
Sweater Coats. .$1.00 to $3.50
The llome of Kuppenheimer Clothe Manhattan Shirca Guaranteed
Clothe We Make I niforms of Every Description.
Hosiery for Men and Women John D. Stetson Hate Carhart Work
tlon of George B. Prlns, architect for the
Omaha National bank, and J. C. Ogden ot
New Tork, consulting engineer, and under
the personal supervision of K. Jackson
Cap so, contracting engineer for the com
pany. .
A safty vault containing 6,000 boxes will
ba Installed In the basement. Tha cash
vault will be on the main floor on the
north sld of the court the wall In front
of It being of glees construction so the
door of the vault wAl always be In plain
sight from the court This vault will
contain a cash reserve vault with a screw
door and a separate compartment for cur
rent cash. The interior of the reserve
cash vault will contain separate compart
ments under sealed dial and signature con
trol making It Impossible for the reserve
cash to be lnterferred with without Im
mediate attention being called.
The factory will begin work at one on
th vaults and the Installation will begin
as soon as the bank gets possession of the
building December 31. They will be In
place within six months.
Burlington to
Build New Line
Hill Will Run One Hundred Milei of
Track from Boysen Dam
, Southeast.
Ths Burlington has officially announced
a new line of 100 miles in extent The an
nouncement came as so much of a sur
prise that few realised just where the road
was to run.
When the announcement was first mado
that the Burlington was ready to build
south through Thermopolls and the Big
Horn gorge, over the Bbysen dam, the
plan was to build on south to Shoshonl.
This plan will not now be changed. In
stead the line from the dam south to
Shoshonl will be built and used ss a spur,
but a new line will be built from th dam
in a southeasterly direction for nearly 1
miles through a sheep country to Join the
Northwestern near Powder river.
Stranger la Accommodating to an I'd
sophisticate Albion Cit
Isen. John Lohoff of Albion was in town show
ing the boys a good time. In a saloon ha
offered to show them something about clog
dancing as It Is done In the moBt elite
Albion gract
"Hold my coat" he commanded a. by
stander with lofty air.
fhn dance completed and the applauaa
ended, he turned for his coat.
but the
Tbr. stranger is still holding It,
pollco cannot find the stranger.
Th tiled Hand
removes liv'er Inaction and bowel stoppage
with Dr. King's New Ltfo Pills, the pain
less regulators. 25c. Sold by Beaton Drug
j npHERE are foods for S
-U- all purposes but fei
" fop Energy
Iw v For the brainenergy m
W business men need; the ! !
f l muscle-energy workmen I j
I jl need; the nerveenergy W(
U housewives need ; the all- IyY
v&l round energy school chil- IP 11
m rxfc dren need. IS, I
W n; J - A soda cracker in ap- COMPANY lijl
V pearance more than a ffrjj
soda cracker in goodness, J Y
freshness, crispness.
- Moisture proof packages. v 'dr