Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Tile umaiia Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha postofftc a econd
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
Oeorge B. Tsschuck. treasure or The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn, says
that the actual number of full and complete
copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and
Sunday Bee printed during the month of
September, 1909, was a follows:
1 1.70 u a.oo
t 4B.3CO IT 48.T00
t 41,719 It 41AM
4 4X.960 1 40,400
t 3,900 SO 43,480
49,1(0 tl 43,650
T 41,630 ?! 42,350
1 42.000 2 S 44,e40
41,S0 21 43,030
10 43,300 ti 43,310
11 41,790 ft 40,300
11 40.000 17 ,..43,880
II ..43,140 21 43,970
14 43,270 2 42,800
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Nat total 1,356,395
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Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before me this SOtb day of September, 1909.
aeU . M. P. WALKER.
Notary Public.
v Salisrrlbers leaving the cltr tem
porarily ahoald bar The Be
nailed to them. Address will be
cheated .a oftea .a requested.
With Mr. Hearst it seems to be get
ting to be a case of former campaigns
At any rate, Nebraska still has one
eligible ex-United States senator in
the widower class.
Among the recent heroes for a time
among the best sellers, the name of
Jack Binna already Bound like a hark
from the tombs.
. A Railroad magnate complains be
cause he had to eat elk meat four days
in the Montana wilds. Lots of people
would covet the chance. "
A Boston poet has been arrested for
selling his verses without a peddler's
license. Shades of Oliver Wendell
Holmes, has'it come to this!
With Dr, Eliot at the head of the
National Conservation society's propa
ganda, we may look for a five-foot
library at every five-foot waterfall.
And now Germany is reported as
holding up that Chinese loan. By the
time the pio is finally cut its under
crust will have become pretty soggy.
Here In Omaha we do not expect the
streets to be kept clean all the time,
but we would be willing to be sur
prised by'seeing them clean once and
Blow the siren whistle! The demo
cratic World-Herald has shot one
broadside at the republican ticket
without making the editor of The Bee
the target.
If democracy and decency really
joined bands at the time Governor
Shallenberger said they did out at
Kearney, they seem to be ashamed of
it already."
Inasmuch as none of those promised
spirit messages from Lombroso have
been forthcoming, we have a right to
conclude that "central" is giving him
the "busy" signal along the line.
In drawing that cartoon the picture
of the democratic treasurer hurdling
over the campaign publicity law seernB
to have been overlooked. But then
the cartoonist doesn't even pretend to
be a nonpartisan.
New England towns, which are Buf
fering from water famine, could make
good use of the river surplus which is
overflowing' Mexican settlements. Na
ture has yet to adjust the unequal dis
tribution of Its riches.
If Yale students can afford to pay
the bursar real money for being called
in the morning, is it not time for the
women at home who have to call their
sons and husbands every morning
without price to go on strike?
The "dry" farmers have auccessfully
resisted the advice of the land agents
to adopt a name with more attractive
frlllo.-Tue term "dry" farming has
come to have a specific significance
which, i generally known, and as a
trademark it has established a good
will that should bo worth maintaining.
' The supreme court ruling that the
Marshall Field 18,000,000 public mu
seum shall not go up in Chicago's lake
front park U the outcome of one man's
persistent interference and Illustrates
the power of the Individual citizen. If
each voter In Chicago were as efficient
in boosting as thU lone man U In pur
suing hisstugular policy, what a mar
velous city If might be made.
Agriculture Opportunity. .
Just when the German imperial
government is calling for the reports
of the federated states as to the un
earned Increment land tax, we are re
ceiving consular reports showing that
the German people are turning from
the land. Figures for the last fifteen
years indicate a steady exodus frorri
agricultural pursuits in Germany, with
a total loss of nearly 2,000,000 of
Individuals thus employed. During
the same period commerce, transporta
tion and the industries have gained
14,000,000 of Individual?. In Other
words, fifteen years ago the Germans
engaged In agriculture nearly equalled
those In other callings, while today
those otherwise employed are double
the number tilling the land. Another
noteworthy change is found In the fact
that Germany Is now importing nearly
five hundred millions in excess of its
exports, largely In foodstuffs, whereas
fifteen years ago the balance of trade
was thirty-two millions in favor of its
exports. This Is a further gauge of
the extent to which German crops are
Inadequate to supply home demands.
It Is evident from the figures at
hand that the burden of the land has
become oppressive in Germany, and
there is grave doubt whether the Im
position of the special land tax has
helped the condition of agriculture, al
though originally aimed at the real
estate) speculators of the cities. When
agriculture lags as it does in the Ger
man states It is evident that the Eu
ropean situation in this respect .Is un
balanced. However, since agriculture
Is the fundamental of life, the greater
its backwardness abroad, the greater
Is the opportunity of the United States,
where increase of agricultural output
Is the order of the day and where we
have Just begun to exploit the full
science of farming.
Homeopathy in Detection. :
Collector Loeb's retention of con
fessed grafters who helped him catch
other grafters in the customs house
in face of the direct disapproval of the
court raises again the familiar conflict
between practice and theory. Not
withstanding the apparent righteous
ness of the judge's wrath against con
tinuing crooks In the public service,
Mr. Loeb considers himself justified in
declining to deal with such cases ac
cording to purely ethical standards.
In business, as In medicine, like is
sometimes found to be an effectual
cure for like, and Mr. Loeb, who was
given a particularly sick patient to
cure when put In charge of the New
York customs house, has thus far dem
onstrated the practicability of . this
principle of homeopathy as applied to
the detection of crime.
The location of (the crooked ring
that had so long controlled the cus
toms house is not only a matter of
gain to the, government, revenues, but
is also productive 6f direct improve
ment for other ports. For years Bos
ton, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other
cities have had their legitimate im
porting trade diverted to New York,
because their collectors there insisted
on exacting, the full revenues, while
the service In New York ''was adr
mlttedly corrupt. Mr. Loeb had first
to find the rascals, and it is to his
credit that he permitted no theoretical
scruples to interfere with the legiti
mate use of that unpleasant, but some
times vitally necessary, individual, the
culprit who turns state's evidence.
Tho democratic World-Herald's la
bored effort to conjure up a "republican-prohibition
fusion" is altogether
too far-fetched. Because two candi
dates on the prohibition ticket tried to
withdraw It does not follow that the
lepubllcan nominees are intended to
be the beneficiaries, or will ' be the
beneficiaries. If the republican cam
paign managers had anything to do
with pulling off these candidates they
would have seen to it that the applica
tions for withdrawal were filed in
plenty of time to be entirely free from
legal complications. The prohibition
ists seem to have "forgot" to file
within the specified time, which is so
similar to the forgetfulness of the dem
ocratic committee treasurer to file his
campaign publicity statement in time
as required by law, that the circum
stantial evidence points to a democratic-prohibition
fusion, particularly
when we remember the prohibition
affinity for the democratic ticket last
year. In the desperate straits to
which the democratic nonpartisan
bunco game has fallen it is no wonder
that the World-Herald reaches out for
anything that looks to it like a saving
Congestion of Commerce.
More business offered than can be
handled Is the experience of the trans
portation lines all over the country,
and in the expenditure of millions for
an extension of facilities the railroads
are giving practical testimony to the
permanency of prosperity. The New
York Central's contracts for Immedi
ate expenditure of $85,000,000 to
meet traffic demands exemplifies but
another of the tremendous efforts re
quired by all lines to catch up with
the commercial situation.
Presldeut Brown's, statement that
all of the rolling stock of his road Is
in active service and that if he bad
the equipment he could do at least 10
per cent more business may be ac
cepted as a fair reflection of the rail
road world Indeed, some lines report
an even greater congestion in the field
of general commerce, covering manu
factures and current supplies.
In the great crop movement centers
the overtaxing of the transportation
facilities is reported to be even worse,
as witness Duluth. where the lake
steamer are literally swamped with
traffic and are compelled to defer con
sideration of rich cargoes on which
bonus rates are offered. Altogether,
the congestion of commerce Is so ab
normal that the railroads feel war
ranted in enlarging their facilities In
anticipation of the most prosperous
era in their history, certain that the
millions they are compelled to plant
today, will be but so much seed for
the Immediate future. When the cur
rent congestion shall have been re
lieved the lines will still be none too
well equipped to handle what traffic
is In prospect. Such an outlook ought
to make everybody feel good except
the chronic calamity howler, whose
squeak has been effectually squelched
by the hum of the wheels.
The County Clerk.
The republicans of Douglas county
are presenting David M. Haverly as
their candidate for county clerk. Mr.
Haverly is now the incumbent of that
office and Is, therefore, like most of his
associates on the ticket, asking for re
election as endorsement of faithful and
efficient service.
The work devolving on the office of
county clerk, while mostly clerical. In
cludes a number of important tasks
calling for capability and reliability.
The county clerk not only keeps the
records of the county board, but also
handles the delinquent tax list as a
check between the county assessor and
county treasurer, and in addition is
charged with all the complicated de
tails of preparing for elections and
canvassing the returns. The county
clerk is also a member of the Board of
Review, "which annually revises and
hears appeals from the assessments for
No one contends that Mr. Haverly
has not been performing the duties de
volving on the county clerk in an ac
ceptable and satisfactory manner, the
only point which the opposition seeks
'to make being that he has bad the
office long enough and should there
fore be turned out. Inasmuch as his
incumbency has not been consecutive,
and the voters called him back after
an unsatisfactory trial of a democrat.
this would indicate that the argument
will fall to find popular response in a
cape such as his, involving an old sol
dier who has always done his duty In
war and in peace.
Although there is to be centered at
Buenos Ayres next year an interna
tional exposition celebrating the cen
tennial of the Argentine Republic, our
commercial interests have not awak
ened to the fact, and Europe will hold
the center of the stage. This is
characteristic of the too general indif
ference in this country to the possi
bilities of trade with South, America.
For our ignorance concerning our con
tinental neighbors the schools are
partly to blame, It has been the cus
tom for generations to . teach more
about -the eastern-than the western
hemisphere, and only of late years haB
our own country received adequate at
tention In the text books, whose con
tents concerning the Dominion of Can
ada and Central and South America
are still meager.
The Lincoln Journal calls on Judge
Sullivan, running on the fake nonpar
tisan democratic ticket, to explain or
disavow the letter sent out for him
soliciting corporations to Join in the
suit to nullify the corporation tax law
on a 10 per cent retainer and a 25 per
cent contingent. This soliciting ap
peal was sent out to hundreds of cor
porations last June, and Judge Sulli
van mad his explanation some time
ago, when, In a letter to Edgar How
ard, he declared that he was out for
all the corporation retainers that could
be made to come his way.
Secretary Balllnger's statement con
cerning those subjects of conservation
which he has been investigating dur
ing his tour of the public domain may
be taken as an outline of the policy
to be recommended in detail by his
forthcoming annual report. It is in
teresting to note that Mr. Ballinger
reiterates that he is in absolute har
mony with the views of the president,
and his particular reference to the sub
ject of waterpower sites manifests the
same attitude against trust grabbing
as that maintained by Mr. Plnchot.
It Is to be hoped that our people
will co-operate with the enumerators
who are to take the church census of
Omaha under the auspices of the par
ish visitation committee. The pro
posed census Is to ascertain what the
present field is In Omaha for church
work so that it may be intelligently
directed and prosecuted without waste
of time or duplication of effort, and
there should be no hesitation any
where to helping the workers get tfcolr
data as nearly accurate as possible.
The promised improvement! at the
Union station will be decidedly wel
come to Omaha folks who travel or
who have friends who travel. Some day
both of our twin passenger stations
that face each other, separated by
tracks and train sheds, will be merged
into a real union station where the
passenger traffic of all roads entering
Oraaba will be concentrated.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union haB concluded the sessions of its
national convention with which Omaha
was honored. Whatever else may be
said, the women will not suffer by com
parison in, numbers, or businesslike
methods, with the Eagles, whose na
tional convention was likewise held
here. '
The Illinois insurance commissioner,
in attacking the charter of a company
that pays annuities to widows as long
as they do not remarry, u but doing
his duty in restoring the widow to the
eligibility market. The founder of
the anti-marriage policy must have
been a disciple of Sam Wellr.
Medical investigation which now
sets aside the old-fashioned rules
against eating before going to bed and
drinking water copiously with meals
simply sustains what most people have
been finding, out by their own experi
ence and permits them to do what they
have been doing all the time.
The reform in county jail feeding
put into effect with the Incoming of
the present republican sheriff is saving
the taxpayers of Douglas county from
$6,000 to $8,000 a year. Does anyone
want to go back to the jall-feedlng
graft as practiced by the last demo
cratic sheriff?
Down in Nw York Tammany tried
to kidnap Mr. Hearst's Independence
league in . exactly the same way that
Mr. Bryan and his democrats kidnaped
the populists In Nebraska, but ' the
courts stepped in and eald they should
not be allowed to get away with the
stolen goods.
People hereabouts are not so forget
ful that the spectacle of Elmer Thomas
and the other anti-saloon leaders,
pounding the tocsin for Governor Shal
lenberger and the democratic ticket
last fall, has so quickly passed from
memory. i
If Mrs. Van Deman can convince
the American husband that aero
planes will cultivate In woman that
elevation of spirits that prompts the
little birds to aing, it will promptly
become a case of discard for the auto
mobile. Assurance is given that Ig Dunn's
turn to occupy the center of the stage
will come In due time. When that
moment arrives Cook and Peary,
Bryan and Bailey, Taft and Roosevelt
will all have to retire behind the
The World-Herald insists that the
populists in Nebraska have been kid
naped by the democrats with full
knowledge and consent. Consent of
whom? Consent of a few democratic
ple-biters masquerading in populist
: This Should Settle It.
' Chicago Post.
The International Pure Food congress
defines whisky by saying that "It comes
from the distillation of port prepared by
the saccharlf Ication .of cereals by means
of malt and then fermented." Whew! We
never knew It "Was so bad as that.
Can't Keep a Good Thins; Down.
Bt. Lduls Globe-Democrat.
An Increase' bf 'more than $30,000,000 in the
bank clearings f the United States during
the last' feW 'months shews that the busi
ness of the' country has not been seriously
menaced by etWer the upward or down
ward features bf-the revised tariff schedule.
"Wouldn't This Js Yost"
' BAstdrr Transcript.
It' will not da to hold the foreign-born
citizen' responsible for municipal mls-gov-ernmefit.'
' Seve'.nty-nlne per cent of Hol-
yoke's' population is foreign born, and yet
that city has one of the best administra
tions 'liT the Country and has been so for
decade. . "
Will the spirit Speak T
Baltimore American.
Lombroso promised his associates ' that
after his 'death he would communicate
with them from the spirit world, and they
are now watching for his ghost. And so
the ghost stories of the Ignorant In one
age have become the object of scientific
research In the next. If the noted crimin
ologist is able to' keep his promise, he
might throw light on many present dis
puted points. "
Great Observers Disagree.
(Philadelphia Record.)
Profefsor Felix Adler says the Oerman
Idea Is that we are incurable materialists.
We have heard a good deal of that, but
the Germans he has been talking with are
in Germany; perhaps If they would come
over here and look nround intelligently
they would know better. Professor Fer-
rero made us a visit, and has been telling
Europe since he went home that we are
idealists; that there Is no such materialism
In American thought as has been attributed
to us. The German idea brought back
by Dr. Adler, that democracy makes for
materialism, Is a little odd In view of the
fact that all over Continental Europe the
universities ae recognized hotbeds of de
mocracy, occasionally going so mr as
socialism or revolution; and the universities
exist wholly far the cultivation of Idealism,
Bays Taft, '''the president Is a sort of
figurehead for the nation." Said Bryan,
by the mouth of Hashlinura, "the presi
dency are only a bluff."
When Lady ' Cook says she will spend
11,000,000 In the suffragette cause she In
vites the respect that always attaches In
some circles of citizenship to a large cam
paign fund.
Placing the statue of Senator Matthew
Stanley Quay In "an upright position" In
the Pennsylvania state capltol causes some
pOi.'tlcal arllBts to doubt the naturalness
of tht pose.
An Irl.'h gentleman writing for an Amer
ican uiagvzlne says a great deal of leisure
Is essentia! to the higher life. But a great
deal of hustling is essentia) nowadays to
paying the higher cost of living.
Mrs. Gilbert E. Jones la one of the most
determined opponents of women's suffrage.
She has arranged several lectures In dif
ferent parts of New York state and ex
perts that at one or more of them Gov
ernor Hughes will hear her argument In
favor of withholding the ballot from
Countess Sxerhenyi, formerly a Vender
bllt, must curtsey when she meets the
duchess of Vicar, who ceased recently, at
great expense, to be Anita Stewart, and
must not sit down in the presence of the
duchess without being motioned to do so.
It is to be hoped the duchess will not
withhold the necessary motion, for the
situation is certain to make the countess
very tired.
William Woodward, a Lehigh Valley rail
road conductor, with a run between
Wilkes Harts and Havre, Pa., has what
Is believed to be the most .remarkable rec
ord of any conductor In the United Htates.
He is now serving his forty-second year
uit the road. All of that time he has been
a conductor, and, what is more remarkable,
he has had the same run Wilkes Barre
to Sayre and. return continuously.
Washington Life
heart ketehsa of Incident aad pU
sodas that Mark the rrogresa of
Events at the national Capital.
Congressman Victor Murdoch of Wichita,
Kansas, editor, explorer and "insurgent,"
usually keeps his eyes peeled while In
Washington, not through fear of being run
over, but to observe and note the passing
stiow. Addressing the Knife and Fork club
of Kansas City reeently, he told the story
of Anne, a statesman's wife, who nearly
passed away with Joy when she was obliged
to ca'neel Invitations to her dinner be
cause she was Invited to the White House
on the night specified for her own functton.
the florist, the caterer, the guests all un
derstood, she explained, that an Invitation
to the White House was equivalent to a
command. This was told by way of Illus
trating the struggle Of certain Inhabitants
to envelope the White House with the at
mosphere of an oM world court. Some of
the residents actually seem to enjoy that
sort of thing. They will discuss, as If it
were a question of International Import
ance, Mrs. Blank's perplexity about giving
the chief justice precedence over the am
bassador from Mauretanla. "Do you know,"
they will say with every evidence ot awe,
"that Senator Warren had to arrange the
seating of his guests five times when he
gave that last big dinner? Tea, and his sec
retary had to make a new plat at 6 o'clock
In the afternoon because ot a lata accept
ance that simply overturned hi whole ar
rangement of precedence," ,
fienator Frank Pulnam Flint of Califor
nia, whose early retirement from the sen'
ate Is announced, achieved distinction ai
the best dressed man in the upper house.
Senator Flint was highly successful at the
law before he entered the senate. He will
doubtless now be able to step back Into his
law practice and accumulate plenty of fat
fees. Ills terra will end a year from next
March. His Intention to quit the senate
in order to make some money for himself
and family la the first avowed case of the
kind since the retirement of John ' C
Spooner. Spooner quit the senate poor, but
since then has been so busy handling big
law cases that he has already plied up a
good sum for his support In hit old age.
A Washington rental agent stirred up
trouble for a lot of statesmen the other
day. A prominent woman who owned a
fine home in sj good location came to him
and wanted to rent her house furnished
at a great bargain until the middle of next
April. It looked like a fine thing for ome
senator or representative. The agent got
out a circular, illustrated, and sent it out
more or less broadcast to members of
congress. It stirred up a commotion. Here
was a house to rent, ordinarily worth $5,004
rental a year, which could be had at about
twenty-five per cent of that. Telegrams
began to come In to the office of the agent
and at least one prominent member of con
gress got on a train and hastened to Wash
ington. About this time the owner of the
house exercised the unfailing privilege of
a woman and changed her mind. The agent
is still busy answering Inquiries.
A considerable number of ' notices of
Judgment have lately been Issued by the
Board of Food and Drug Inspection of the
Agricultural department, and in a sub
stantial number of instances these have
related to Judgments obtained against pro
ducers who erroneously marked their goods
with respect to weight or eontents. ThU
hs.,beei the case As regards, canned goods
of various kinds. In such Instances the
courts, so ' far as Wown,' have uniformly
ruled against the producers, entering judg
ments bf confiscation and then releasing
In many cases the goods upon bond to the
owner to rectify the labeling so as not to
conflict with the pure food law. Thus,
where peas have been marked as con
taining a given quality of the article and
on Inspection have been found short. It hoe
been necessary to relabel, Indicating the
true contents. Some of the shipments thus
held up have been large and there are, It
is asserted, many other cases of the same
sort pending. The producers have, of
course, found the publicity given to the
method of labeling they employ decidedly
annoying, and object to the Interference
with their business methods that Is thus
experienced. It Is probable, writes a corres
pondent of the New York Journal of Com
merce, that these condemnations will In
crease In number, rather than diminish In
the future as the pure food law has been
pretty steadily developing into a labeling
law rather than a law prescribing or regu
lating composition of goods. In fact the
view is taken by many officials that the
question of labeling Is the Important factor
In the matter and that consumers can be
trusted to select their goods in the roost
desirable way, provided that they are
truthfully informed of the contents of
packages. The protests of various pro
ducers to the effect that they cannot easily
regulate the content of the packages with
exactness, and that on occasion there will
be more or less in the packages than the
specified measure, have received no atten
tion because, It Is asserted, pone of tb
cases thus far brought to the attention of
the board have shown the existence of
overweight or overmoasure.
In the case of goods put up In packages
or wrappers It Is complained that the pro
cess of drying or evaporating the moisture
of the article unavoidably leads to a
change In weight which cannot be guarded
against. This la the case with goods like
butter, hams, etc. It has been suggested
to the owners of such goods that they could
either allow for the shrinkage In weight
and include In the packages enough of the
goods to cover the difference likely to oc
cur during the average time that elapses
before the consumption of the goods, but
this has not been received with favor, al
though the department has Indicated that
It is willing to treat produoers with all pos
sible consideration in cases where such a
plan Is followed. Another suggestion that
has been made Is that producers abandon
the practice of marking the goods, as a. g.
butter In "one-pound" packages, since the
law as -now on the books makes no re
quirement that weight or contents be
stated. The reply has been that in certain
lines trade conditions and customs call for
a statement on the outside of the package
and that it cannot be easily given up. To
meet the situation, some producers have
resorted to the plan of simply marking on
the outside the number of units of weight,
as for Instance "one" leaving the consumer
to suppose If he chooses that the word
"pounds" or "ounces" as the case may be
Is to be supplied. The department, howv
ever, s not willing to accept this scheme
and proposes to treat such cases aa viola
tion of the law Just as If the full label has
been attached.
Knock for Legal Trnet.
Philadelphia Record.
The effort to create a trust In the prac
tice ot law has been checked by a decis
ion ot the appellate division of the New
York supreme court. The Associated Law
yers' company tried to exempt luelf from
a provision enacted by the last legislature
making "It unlawful for a corporation to
practice as an attorney-at-law for persons
other than Itself, but the rourt held that
It was reached by the statute,
Have you tried the
t ,-
Quaker Oat
in your family? - '
. 1
November is a good month to try it just
30 days. Eat Quaker Oats at least once a
day for thirty days, cut out greasy foods in
proportion and watch the results in the way
you feel.
You'll be astonished 1 Quaker Oats is the
greatest of all building foods. It's a food
for 365 days in the year.
Costs almost nothing.
, The Quaker Qa Qmpany
ii,,... 1 111 11 a sua, 111 a mi.-jt
Beatrice Express; If the democrats were
sale to eleot their candidates for supreme
Judges on the gausy plea of non-partisan
hip, what argument would they trump up
In behalf of their Judicial ticket two years
hence? They would still want to win.
Bloomlngton Advocate: The superintend
ent of the Hastings ti sane asylum has put
In a requisition asklnr for 1306 worth Ot
whisky -and high wines for tho use of the
management of the asylum. It Is a pretty
pass when the state Is being asked to buy
whisky for Its employes; The temperance
people who were hoodwinked into voting
for that party last fall ought to feel
mighty chagrined. ,
Pender Republic: It is said that Frank
Ransom of South Omaha advised the'
Pender Liberty club that they Were within
the limits of the law and that they could
rot be molested. Well, If Ransom's Judg
ment la no better In the Pender club case
than It was in framing law last winter
at Lincoln we guess there will not be much
doubt where they will land when the su
preme court gets a whack at IL
Bridgeport News: Why is It that the
political slate makers In the eastern part
of the state persist in dragging the back
number office seekers Into the limelight?
Why not try the experiment of going out
Into the highways and byway and select
ing new men for state offices men who
stand well In their own communities and
against whom the charge xt "chronlo
office seeker" will not Met When man
has been slaughtered at the tolls It is a
strong hint to him that he is a '"dead one"
politically, and he should have the grace
to remain dead until the people see fit to
resurrect him. Let us have a common
sense campaign next year and a tloket that
Is not dominated by political mountebanks.
Aurora Republican! Alt this .democratic
non-partisan talk that' la floating around
the state Is rank enough to five one of
average "hose" sense a severe pain at the
belt line. How many democratic news
papers, how many democratlo candidates
for supreme Judge, how many democratlo
spellbinders are supporting Messrs. Whtt
more and Allen for regents of the . uni
versity? These two men have made good
and the welfare of the university demands
their re-election. Why not talk non-partl-sanshlp
here, you fellows? '"Yes," you say,
but that's different." Sure it la. Whlt-
more and Allen are republicans and so of
course are not entitled to democratlo sup
port. It'a only democratic candidates who
are non-partisan.
Nemaha Republican: Nebraska la a re
publican state, a majority of Its voters
are beyond question supporters of repub
lican pollloles, which have made for peace,
prosperity and plenty throughout the na
tion, and yet a republican victory cannot
be won in Nebraska this year unless the
republican voters go to the polls and reg
ister their wishes and desires in the only
effective way to Impress their views on
the result by casting a vote. Many things
arise that seem to offer at least a shadow
of excuse for falling to perform the first
duty of a cltlxen. which Is to vote. Dis
tance from the polling place; the demands
of buslntss and In many country districts
the seeming pressure of work that calls
for completion before the closing in of win
ter, but all these are shadow compared
with the real substance of the faot that
In every election the government of the
people by the people is at stake. Nebraska
Is a republican state, but tn the final re
sult It will not be so unless republicans
cast their votes. Let no though that "there
will be plenty of others" satisfy a single
republican and keep him from voting. It
takes all to make that "plenty" assured
and keep Nebraska in the republican col
umn. Geneva Blgnal: It la of no consequence
to the Signal whom the democratic gov
ernor of this state has appointed chaplain
of the state penitentiary at the meagir
salary allowed that person If he Is a fit
person, a man of broad Christianity, who
can sympathize with the unfortunates who
will como under his care and be aealous
In doing all that he ran for them, but It
does seem odd that the governor should
light upon a preacher of the ohurch of
Latter Pay Saints and appoint him to this
somewhat conspicuous although not very
paying position. The particular branch to
which Rev. Mr. Huff belongs is said to
have discarded polygamy, but tht branoh
Is a very insignificant ons In else and so
little Is known of these reformed Mormons
that undesirable public comment has re
sulted from the appointment of Mr. Huff.
Nobody seems to know anything about blm
and nobody vouches for blm but Qovernoi
Shallenberger. Tbe chaplain of the state
penitentiary Is a very dlffloult place for
any man to fill, no matter how great his
qualifications. Had we been governor we
would not have selected an unknown
preacher of a curious sect, without known
qualifications, to be the spiritual adviser
and confidential friend of the state's con
victs. The governor made a risky guess
at best. . ,
Collapse ol Ke.ble liose.
Wall Street Journal.
President Ryan of the American Packers'
association says there is no prospect of
cheap meat. Thus dies the last feeble hope
of the poor man that he may taste a por
terhouse steak without putttng a Hen n
his next year's wages.
H Cwlltlee the Mae.
Kansas City Times.
Judge Lovett, the new president of sfee
Union Paoiftc, la a Texas democrat. It
is expected tbat the roal. however, Vfll
continue to be strictly bi-partisan.
thirty day test of
"I suppose you will sua the paper thai
called you a rascal."
The politician, grew thoughtful.
"It depends," he answered. "Of 'course
I must first find out if It has the proof."
Philadelphla Ledger.
"Doesn't your husband ever do an
work?" r,
"No, poor man he has a weak back."
"What's the matter with It?" ,
"He strained It trying to lift the mort
gage off the old homestead." Cleveland
Leader, (-;. j
"Elfleda, for six months 1 have been Jiit
aching to tell you how much I love yoti!"
"O, Guy, I've been aching longer than
tbat to hear you aay it!" Chicago Tribune
"Do you think we will gret onyg
really pur out of this movement for pure
air,, pure politics, pure food and a pure
ballot?" . , '
"Oh, yes." -
"What Is Itr
"Pure rot." Baltimore American. , ...
"She belongs to one of our best families."
"Did her ancestors . come overv In the
"Oh, no. Bhe's much more exclusive than
that, fine's a Daughter of Discoverers of
the North Pole." Life. ,
TTMaiAklalHal Yea, . . I Wkal iL.
w uur'iiitiiivicu tuuini- vt 11 nv otrr i lit
distinctive feRtureu of the jrame of brldfro?
Expert Obterver Too often pinched and
haggard, espeoJally toward morntn,j.ChS
uaU aliVUIIO.
"Just think. of It-a full table d'hote din
ner for 80 cents; oysters, soup, fish, roast
duck, salad, ice cream, fruit, demi-tasse!"
"Where? I t I"
1 don't know but Just think' of !"
Harper's Weekly.
"My eteady looks exactly like Apollo!"
slphed the sentimental one. ' -
"That ain't narthen," sniffed tbe ". lass
of the glove counter. "My beau js the
original for the Peerless Perfection dress
shirt ad." Puck. .- 1
"A man who enters the diplomatic .serv
ice must be prepared to travel In foreign
lands, -and leave home and friends behind."
"Not always. Sometimes he need ' no
farther than the nearest telegraph office
to get his recall." Washington Star. r
"1 suppose youi home ton la very proud
of you?" said the friend.
"I don't know," answered Senator Bor
ghum. "I sometimes fear I'm cot a glad
dening Influence In my bom teww. Tou ,
see, the people who knew me when I we
a boy can't understand how the govern
ment can amount to much with me so
prominent Iri it." Washington Star.
Chicago News.
In the mellow Indian summer
Lie the meadow calm and still.'
Smiling as the peaceful plumber .
When you settle up hi bill. ' f
Just about the middle distance
There' a mule devouring hsy;
Doesn't seem to want assistance.
So you'd better keep away.
Far above with wing that quickens
Floats a hawk of nlercln ev
While he scans the ground for chlckena
That the farmer want to fry..
In the thicket hide the rabbit, '
Shy as any startled fawn;.
If you have the hunting habit '
You can gamble he Is on.
In the woods are red and yellows 1
Biasing every way you turn.
Soon, I think, these farmer fellows '
Will have autumn leave to burn.
Rare and radiant Indian summer
On the blue hills far away, '
Here or there, you are a hummer,
So we wish that you would stay.
A. Hosps Co.'s 'tar's Craft
Shop" Makes This a Featu fi
Department Row.
It's rather smart to have mirrors fitted
Just as you want them,- but It hasn't
been possible In Omaha until now.
1 But this plan 1 now In order because of
the advent of h "Framer Craft Shop"
operated by the A. Hospe Co. of XMJ Doug
las stieet.
Any shape, slse, oval, circle, pier or
fancy shaped mirror design will b fur.
nlshed and ritud here rush work top. If
you must i.. . in lima for wedding gifts,
Mirror for dining room may be fitted
in golds, gilts or brasses; mirrors for bou
doirs may be fitted In oaks, walnut and
other precious hard woods; mirror for
halls may be effectively framed In mahog.
any, rosewood, etc. even the bath room
will have its special made hilrror of white
Only the most perfect and flawless Im
ported French and Belgium plate glass la
used, and every mirror designed here will
bear the trade marked "F. C. S." label.
just as do the "Framer' Craft fhop" ple-
lure irames.
- - .
Call at this store and have us submit
ketone of mirror, flttlna to harmonize
with your bom furnlshlugs. w. bring In
your own decorater plana If you wUL
Demand baud wrought "Framer' Craft
Shop" fitting to your mirror Just as
you would "Framer" craft shop work
on picture frame.
That little gold label bearing the trad
market Initials. "F. C. 8." Is potent for
prestige and you may as wail halve IL
lal! Douglas It